#from colombian meme page
iheartliquor · 2 years
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interact-if · 3 years
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We’re going strong on Day 7, folks! Introducing the lovely Billi :chinhands:
Billi, author of Spilt Milk
Latino Heritage Month Featured Author
You are the heir(ess) of a hotel empire enjoying your independence before you  eventually assume the role of CEO. with no shortage of money, drink, and warm bodies, you would say you have a pretty good life.
Your father, however, would beg to differ, and threatens to cut you off until you demonstrate “some semblance of common sense”—whatever that means. Like he does every week.
You didn’t think he would actually do it this time, though.
Some Scottish guy once wrote “[it’s] no use, however, crying over spilt milk.” but, damn it, you’d like to see someone try and stop you.
Spilt Milk Demo TBD | Read more [here]
Tags: comedy, romance
Q1: So, tell us a little bit about the projects you’re working on!
I’m currently working on Spilt Milk, a novel made in Twine. It’s essentially a game where you play as an heir[ess] whose father is fed up with their shenanigans™. It’s definitely inspired by that genre of television where a character is completely and utterly removed from their element. Re: Schitt’s Creek, Arrested Development. As it is Latino Heritage Month, I’d toss in Que Pobres tan Ricos [starring one of my favorite Latino actors,  Jaime Camil] and Silvana sin Lana. It’s incredibly fun to write—I make myself laugh at least—and I hope it’ll be fun to read as well!
Q2: What excites you most about using interactive fiction? What are some of the biggest challenges?
Interactive fiction as a medium is incredibly exciting! I’m an impatient reader, picking up books with the intention of finishing, of finding out what happens next. Upon rereading, I love stumbling upon little details that, in my initial haste to reach the ending, I overlooked. Purposely knitting in those details to be missed, then noticed, gives me a little sense of satisfaction each time. That may apply more to fiction authors in general, but it’s definitely prominent in interactive fiction in which those minute details can entirely alter the direction of the story. What I find challenging with interactive fiction is figuring out how to actually write it.
Do I approach this section linearly? Do I first explore all these branches and then return to the main plot? And if you’re like me and have a bunch of activities going on, when you get a chance to write, you tend to work on the fun scenes just for the sake of getting something on the page. I do realize that one of these days I’m going to have to sit down and write all the interludes and transitions I’m currently neglecting. I both dread and look forward to it because, at the very least, when it’s done, it’s done.
Q3: What has been something in your project you’ve had to do a weird amount of research for?
I’ve had to do an absurd amount of research on noughties culture: fashion, music, memes. I grew up in the aughts, but my experience was that of Club Penguin, Claire’s, and Disney Channel. So I’ve been rediscovering the era through this project.
I’ve spent more time than I’d like to admit making playlists, pinning outfits, and browsing old websites for design ideas.
[Aside: some aspects of the early internet aged like, well, milk].
Q4: Which of your characters is most like you? How?
I put a bit of myself in each character; however, I think the way I interact with the world is most similar to Bri. I’m laid-back to a fault; the boundaries I do have, I’m firm on. I also love me a good grilled cheese. Unfortunately, I don’t have a rivalry rife with sexual tension, but it’s only 10am—that’s subject to change.
Q5: Does your heritage influence your characters as you create them? (How? Why or why not?)
I’m Afro-Latina, born in the States. My mom is Colombian; she found asylum here with my brother back in 2001. Because of Colombia’s political situation, most of my extended family on my mother’s side lives everywhere but: Spain, England, and Texas [its own country by every definition of the term]. My dad is your standard issue African-American man from Georgia. You can definitely find influences of my heritage in my writing, because it is such an important part of how I view the world and the world views me. I don’t think I would know how not to let it influence my writing.
Bri is an absolute overachiever, which comes from having incredibly supportive parents that have afforded her every privilege and never let her see the color of her skin as an obstacle to overcome.
Juanes’ background is more than a little influenced by my older brother’s experiences; he grew up with a single mom. My mom did not have an Abuelita to help out around the house, but she found herself a family in the tight-knit community of Latinos in Roswell, GA. His addiction to telenovelas and general camp comes entirely from me.
Santy is mixed. The interest in theatre comes from a place of trying to find your niche, your own little place in the world wholly separate from the labels people try to place on you. Santy tries their absolute best to be unapologetically themselves, but it is tough sometimes, which can be seen in the way they fret a little too much about how they’re perceived.
Q6: What is something you love to see in interactive fiction?
“Can you say ‘Diversidad?’”
Interactive fiction is very much a medium that lends itself to representation, and I love seeing creators take advantage of it to showcase their own cultures or simply create an environment in which readers feel both safe and seen.
Q7: Any advice to give? 
In general: Make your bed before you leave the house; it’s a different kind of gratification coming home to tucked sheets.
To creators: Terrible first drafts are a thing. That’s why they’re drafts.
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Things I’ve heard high schoolers say pt 2
Person 1: But air doesn’t splash Person 2: How do we know that, Im splashing the air right now.
Person: Prove me wrong. Prove fish can’t see air.
Person: I think you underestimate just how poor I am.
Person: I just invented a new thing. No Romo. Like no homo but with romance cause I’m lonely. Get it?
Person: So yah I burned my hair cooking ramen.
Person: Well I figured he wasn’t an adopted iguana.
Person: Say it. You know god is watching.
Person 1 upon heading the news of George Bush’s death: Wait he’s still alive? Person 2: No he’s dead that’s the point.
Person: I got it. *five second pause* no I don’t got it.
Person 1: My name is (name), but you can call me yours. Person 2: Okay nice to meet you yours.
Person: Don’t drink it all fool.
Person: Bruh you could literally turn in a gay fanfic and he’d give it an A.
Person: Bruh, what is this triangular accusation?
Person 1:It’s call physics. Person 2: Yah but I don’t take Physics hence they should not apply to me.
Person 1: Discreet. Person 2: No discr-yeet *dabs*
Person 1: Be impressed with my ability to bull shit. Person 2: I mean, it’s gotten you this far.
Person: Why do I feel like finals are lowkey Russian roulette? Like okay I made it through most of them but I still have a few pulls of the trigger to go and one of them might get me.
Person 1: Murder. Just do it. Person 2: I didn’t know that nike was sponsoring murder.
Person: How do mermaids reproduce if they’re just like conjoined legs?
Person 1: Frozen Yogurt Person 2: Fro yo Person 1: Frozen YOgUrt Person 2: Fro Yo Person 1: FROZEN YOGURT
Person: All I have to do to commit suicide is jump from my parents expectations to my grades.
Person 1: I mean yah I cheated on that test. Person 2: Man your love life it DOOMED!
Person: I was seeing if I was tripophobic by repeatedly stabbing my finger with my pen.
Person: You do know that crickets exist during the day right?
Person 1: Hey (person 2), we’re friends right? Person 2: ….. What do you want. Person 1: You know, that sandwich looks real good. *person 2 hand them the sandwich* OMIGOD THANK YOU SO MUCH I LOVE YOU!
Person: Omigod (person’s name) is going through puberty!
Person: If you pulled my ear I would have ripped out your nostril.”
Person 1: She’s attacking me! Person 2: No, he’s beating a woman, that’s not polite.
Person 1: I know many things! Person 2: like what? Person 1: ..... Person 2: my point.
Person: My shoes will be sparkly red stilettos. Fight me Dorothy.
Person: umm hello Christmas miracle even though I’m not Christian. Come at me 15 years from now!
Person 1: you’d make a really good baldie Person 2: yah you have a really rest head shape
Person: you know teletubbies? Yah that but compressed.
Person 1: I mean how will you become American? Person 2: paint me white, I’ll get a passport.
Person 1: I’m so funny. Person 3: it’s hard not to be when your life is a joke.
Person 1: So I’ve decided that my new career choice is to make school specific memes Person 2: That's Plan A? Yeash... at least Plan B lands you some cash
Person: I’m so small and bitter I’m like a human expresso
Person: You know what I’d name a baby kangaroo if I had one? David Jowie.
Person: I’m just saying that the orange red glitter crayon is you.
Person: I feel like a 1940’s schoolgirl who goes to an all girl finishing school where embroidery is a required class.
Person: I started high school with straight A’s, now I’m not even straight.
Person: Yeah, I’d swear by comic sans.
Person: (Persons name)stop being depressy and you’ll be more sucessy
Person: You can totally be insecure and self absorbed at the same time.
Person 1: Are you kids okay? Person 2: Besides crippling depression yeah.
Person: I don’t know it’s just giving me pig vibes.
Person: What drugs where the animators for “Pink Elephants on Parade” on?
Person: long story short I make like a semi hot guy.
Person: If I where pregnant id just be like 'you put this thing inside of me, you're helping me until it's out.'
Person: These girls asked me what type of  guys I like and being the simple gay I am, I completely blanked
Person 1: why do you read on your phone if you get carsick at 20 minutes? Person 2:Because it works for the first 19 minutes.
Person: Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a bar. Just kidding they aren't old enough to drink. Three Indians, a Thai, a Colombian, and an American walk into a school cafeteria...
Person: I can't do alcohol cause I'm not of age but I can do drugs because they're illegal for everyone.
Person 1: you can't have a breakdown, it's the third day of school. Person 2:... so?
*Group of kids singing Bohemian Rhapsody in twelve different keys* Person: For gods sake choose a key!
Person: For gods sake that was complicated. You didn't need to send out a survey to see which episode of which season of which show to watch.
Person: Honestly I'd chose stab over dab any day.
Person 1: She said she'd throw me out of the window. Person 2: She never did. Person 1: She never did.
Person: What language is this? *pause* Oh wait it's English.
Person 1: I mean it's pretty hit or miss. Person 2 from across the courtyard: I guess they never miss, huh?
Person: Chu-chu bitch. I’m a train.
Person after loosing game of kahoots: I’m going to ka-shoot myself.
Person: So basically I need to learn Hungarian for a song.
Person: No one screams their sneeze, its not human
Person: If I where a mosquito I would bite you and you’d get malaria and die.
Person: That tide pod aesthetic.
Person: No I loved Barney, Barney was my bo.
Person: If I where my own boyfriend I’d dump me.
Person: It's already a really good song but then it's dubstep so it's extra good.
Person: No one is EVER to old for coolmathgames.com
Person 1: Why are you using a poon? Person 2:….. Person 1: WHY ARE YOU USING A POON?!
Person 1: I’ve been blonde for 16 years. Person 2: So what? I’ve been brown for 16 years and you don’t see me coloring myself white!
Person: Yes. Scrape the sweat off my hand.
Person: No one cares about a square cube of water.
Person: We’re melanin intoxicated.
Person: Well my life may be a mess, but at least I’m not doing drugs. Yet.
Person: Negative 13 out of 10, do not recommend.
Person: Yah that’s gunna have to be a no from me.
Person: Fool me once......fool me twice.......fool me as many times as you want, my first name is dumbass.
Person 1: Ya know, I think the Americans have the order of dates right JUST BECAUSE you can do 4/20/2019. Person 2: Okay but they’re still wrong though.
Person with AirPods: And where are YOUR AirPods? Thats what I thought you broke bitches.
Person: Salem witch trials bitches.
Person: La Croix, the AirPods of the soda world.
Person: Who needs a thermometer when you have… your hands!?
Person 1: It’s time to bring back SEXY MASQUERADE BALLS Person 2: It really is. I need an excuse to wear an incredibly uncomfortable dress that's so big I can't even walk through doorways. Person 1: And to wear a swan inspired mask that doesn’t cover enough of my face to deem myself totally anonymous enough to be half as bold and daring as i plan on acting that night but everyone else is on board we’ll all just forget about it the next day. Person 2: That's to specific for you to have made up on the spot, you've thought about this.
Person: It was lady Macbeth that drugged and made the guards drunk, without her Macbeth would just be like “I guess I’ll stab him???” Person: It’s like playing where’s Waldo but the page is India and I’m Waldo.3Person: Why are there so many frowny faces everywhere?
Person: This group chat is weird. It's either homework, deep philosophical conversations, or memes, there's no in between.
Person 1: Honestly, where DID it come from Person 2: The endless abyss that is the internet.
Person: Are you really blaming our generational depression on Jake Paul?
Person 1:  Oh. My. God. Guys. Keep your carbon dioxide away from my computer. Person 2: But sharing is caring. Person 1: But my computer doesn’t need this kinda of negativity in its life right now.
Person: Sweetie, if you think I’m going to stop wearing my favorite dress just because you kissed me in it, you are dead wrong.
Person with a metal straw: I don't drink broke.
Person: My whole life has become that sock on the floor. It's just there. When did life screw us over and then just ex? I’m just gonna write a book, and the last sentence will be life screwed them over and then exed. A story of the main character who gets screwed over, so I can get that 'it be like that sometimes' reaction.
Person in group chat: Positivity- I will make you feel better about being an idiot. Self Doubt- I will highlight all of your mistakes and set low standards for you so you'll never be disappointed. Me to Self Doubt- I'm listening...
Person 1: Sadly the disappointment never goes away... Person 2: Man we're a sad lot this time of year.
Person 1:It’s almost my favorite time of the year Person 2:Ahh yes. Singles awareness day, also known as chocolate sales at Walgreens eve, also known as... Valentine's Day. Person 1:... Oh... I meant rainy season.
Person: Being antivax is like swimming in shark infested waters because you're afraid the bridge could break lmao.
Person: I learned how eat a kumquat this weekend.
Person: It’s so sticky. It’s like clear cheese.
Person: Hamburger helper? More like hamburger help me pass this class.
Person 1: So I slipped on a grape… Person 2: You got K.O.’ed by a grape (person’s name), how does it feel.
Person 1: Look at me, I’m fine. Person 2: Well how many drugs did you take. Person 1: Several.
Person 1: Did you just say it’s ALMOST FEBRUARY? Person 2: Yes, it’s January 72nd.
Person: I knew your comedic standards where low, but poop jokes? Really?
Person: What? So are you insinuating the fact that reliablest isn't a word?
Person 1: [bitter old man voice] back in my day, tik tok was a kesha song. Person 2: Back in my day we had wires attached to our AirPods.
Person: There's a reason rainbows aren't straight. Just saying.
Person reading sheet music and seeing mf crescendo: I forgot that mezzo forte was a thing for a second so I thought it said mother fucker as a crescendo but mood
Person: He looks like a fine piece of toasted white bread.
Person: If life hasn't given me a fist bump by now, why should I give life one?
Person: we all died in 2012 this is hell.
Person 1: Who wants a pamphlet on condoms? Person 2: Why do you have this? Do you collect them? Person 1: Yah it’s my hobby. I have this one, one on HIV and one on teenage pregnancy.
Person: We live a society where reading about assassins and gory details is a hobby.
Person: Stop breathing so loudly on my thumb!
Person 1: I’m the comic relief. Person 2: For what? Person 1: Myself.
Person1: Who’s your valentine this year? Person 2: Me, myself and I. Person 1: Wow three valentines, you really can’t keep them away can you?
Person: Why do women gotta get their period, why not men. I wish I was born a seahorse.
Person 1: No we can’t all fit, her car is smol. Like you. Person 2:  Says you miss 5 foot nothing lmao. Person 1: Hey we’re the same hight so says you miss 5 foot nothing.
Person: No, that’s cheating no emotionally disabling people.
Person 1: Why is it that we’re talking about someone burning eggs on two different group chats. Person 2: Hey I didn’t burn them. Person 3: Cause why not?
Person 1:  That’s not how an Australian accent works. Person 2: This is why I’m not Australian, I don’t have the koala-fications.
Person 1: I’m Indian, numbers run through my blood. Person 2: That’s like saying I’m going to marry my cousin just because I’m white.
Person: So I ate veggies and hummus for lunch but then I counterbalanced it by eating a spoon full of straight Nutella.
Person: Seagulls, California Pigeons, what’s the difference?
Person 1: I humbly apologize and request your forgiveness. Person 2:  I humbly decline your request for forgiveness.
Person: I think I’m permanently stuck somewhere between “If you mess with me I’ll fight” and “If you mess with me I’ll cry.”
Person 1: It was implied! Person 2: What’s implied is your inability to accept that fact that I’m right!
Person 1: I got lazy because I was eating Pringles. Person 2: She values Pringles more than me.
Person: Yo, you be the crazy ex girls they be talking about in memes.
Person: I swear (persons name) if I hooked up with squidward in your dream your subconscious and I need to have a little talk.
Person: You get to die, and you get to die! Everybody gets to die!
Person: How do you just add a child?
Person 1: Look at this ink based pencil. Person 2: A pen?
 Person 1: This egg is all broken. Person 2: It’s like you then, you both broke under the pressure.
Lakshmi: Don’t force your opinion, voice it.
Person 1: If I where a fruit, which one would I be? Person 2: Sushi. Person 1:… Sushi isn’t a fruit.
Person: I mean it’s not straight up “Yo come here I’m gunna kill you.”
Person: Bye gays, bye (other girls name).
Person 1: No (person B) stop. Just shut up. You’re making me loose brain cells. Person 2: But… Person 1: No. Just no.
Person: Stop. That is non-consensual pizza eating.
Person 1: Cheese is not a vegetable! Person 2: Well it’s not a meat either! Person 3: Guys… It’s dairy.
Person: Idiots have priority over just regular dumb people
Person: God melted the polar ice caps just to make it rain for Noah then refroze them. I don’t know (kids name) I’m not god!
Person: You and I will go out, and leave them to their raw fish rolled in sea salad.
Person: Does anyone else get really energized when they change their room? Just me? Okay.
Person: I hope you know I will diss you guys to the end of the earth.
Person: Bruh talk to (person’s name) I don’t know sh… *notices teacher looking at her*…niahhh.
Person 1: The thing is, I don’t want to be 80 that’s rough. Person 2: Then just die at 50.
Person: You’d be scrambled eggs with hair.
Person: Seeing you two fighting, it’s like seeing a piece of light fighting a black hole.
Teacher: What can you tell me about probability? Student 1: I hate it. Student 2: Dont you mean you? Student 1: Yes both.
Person: My brain has the dumb I’m sorry
Person 1: If my first word was no, I’m assuming that’s foreshadowing for them my family disowns me after I renounce religion and systemic abuse. Person 2: Or…. You just need to make sure your last word is yes. Person 1: Yes to what though? Person 2: ‘Are you dying?’ Yes.’ Pessimism, just your style. Person 1: That’s true.
Person: My parents don’t message me, they’re the type of people who CALL. Where did I get my social anxiety from??
Person: Well guys it's been great knowing you I’m just going to drown now.
Person: I figured out a new diet regime, it’s called sleeping until noon and just not eating breakfast.
Person: The f on my birth certificate was the doctor paying their respects.
Person: Chocolates with raspberry filling are the sole reason I’m still alive.
Person 1: Isn’t Latin a dead language? Person 2: You’re a dead language!
Person: Hydrate before you diedrate.
Person 1: you have a son named Spider-Man? Person 2:  what noooo! Person 3: well don’t expose her!
Person: That awkward moment when you just really don’t care about people.
Person 1: (Person 2) and I will be over here with my virgin margarita and her water. Person 2: Hey! I want apple juice! Person 3: Why are you not drinking (Person 1)? Person 2: Because she’s to single, and also she’d strip. Person 1: Woahh! How dare you assume that I’m not drinking because I’m to single?
Person 1: Ya know, I think I’m going to have to jazz hands my way through hell. Person 2: All of us will.
Person: Brown town children, y’all find someone in India?
Person 1: Wow you have the best backup singers. Person 2: I only hire the best, at least 5 stars in yelp. Person 1: Well good because that’s  the sound they’re making.
Person: The cold kills everything, it’s like my heart.
Person 1: Remember the rolls I brought to school last year that I used to give you? The ones with paneer and the really good spices? Person 2: Yah? Person 1: This is not at all the same thing.
Person 1: What’s stevia? Person 2: It’s like sugar but no.
Person 1: Yeetus Skelettus. Person 2: Fetus Deletes? Honey, that’s called abortion.
Person: Anything for you. That’s what you said. Anything for you. But when I ask for just one bite of your pasta? No!
Person 1: I've written 1,300 words and don’t have a thesis statement or topic question Person 2: Yeah, you need to figure that out.
Person 1: you know I had a dream that you where in a romantic relationship with a toaster. Person 2:  wasn’t that your relationship with (ex’s name)? Person 1: you’d have more chemistry with a toaster.
Person: Can people read colors? Cause I am ooo.
Person: It’s like hands but medusa
Person: You look like a cardboard jellyfish that’s brown
Person 1: Two of us like boys. Person 2: We all like boys. Person 1: Two of us like ONLY boys.
Person: you’re like a reverse plant. You convert oxygen into carbon dioxide.
Person: Shhhhh. I’m not in physics, let me be dumb in peace.
Person: Why are you laying down like some greek god, get up you brown child.
Person 1: Do all of you just think you’re going to be single? Person 2: I already am why not keep the streak going to get a high score?
Person: and now cracks of light are coming out from around the sides like some sort of computer Jesus!
People 1 and 2: Rock Paper Scissors Person 3: shoot me please.
Person 1: not since 9/11 you can’t. Person 2: dang. You just tossed your whole country just to prove a point. I’ve never been so proud.
Person 1: what is an angle of depression? Person 2: it’s my life. Person 1: no it’s you because it’s not straight.
Person: Boom. Lesbians.
Person 1: Well what if two rocks just washed up at the same time and humans. Person 2: Evolution.
Person: Watermelon isn’t good anymore, I swear its just water with food coloring.
Person: You being dumb makes me want to correct you, sos too being dumb cause I’m on vocal rest.
Person: well (persons name) who have you a mouth?
Person: Teachers that grade late work deserve all the love and cookies and cake in the world.
Person 1: honestly I just want to die right now. Person 2: same. Literally same.
Person: I just feel like a single molecule lost in space.
Person: who’s gunna stop me? God? Damn him to hell.
Person: the line is not actually straight it’s like (students name)
Person 1: It’s your favorite sleep deprived gay. Person 2: But I’m my favorite sleep deprived gay. Self love. Person 1: We Stan.
Person 1: Why do you have a tool? Person 2: Because my hair is moist.
Person: eating lead was an otherworldly experience
Person 1: I have everything stolen from me 2: at least you have the tiniest bit of dignity left 3: what dignity? 1: exactly
Person 1:( holding up katsup) does this go on salad?
Person:I’m turning red! Me! A brown girl!
Person: I’m not trying argue that we should date, I’m just saying.
Person 1: what’s your biggest turn on? Person2 : a light switch Person 2: or then leaving.
Person 1: what is the most attractive retire on someone Person 2: my own face
Person: you’d be that one bar do white chocolate that just sits in the feidge because no one wants it
Person: that’s like saying I’d rather see your shirt than your face.
Person: why would I shut up when I can shut (kids name) down
Person: Subtle. Gay. Vibes. I’m telling you.
Person: just watch me write my ee on all the reasons why nick caraway is gay. Just watch me.
Person: Why are you stereotyping. What if the body doesn’t want trucks, what if he wants to be a fairy.
Person: being ace is basically just eww no but like forever.
Person: Stop trying to science your way out of being wrong.
Person: even if you did ask me out I’d still say no so then you’d even be rejected by a trash can
Person 1: you can’t read cheese color. Person 2: yellow?
Person 1: Think about  it like you’re brown Person 2: She is brown Person 1: Then act like it
Person: You’re not an ugly frog, you’re a beautiful human being. Person: I am. Very very dumb. And also. Bisexual.
Person: I was thinking of something smart but then I forgot what it was.
Person: I want to skip the crush phase and just make out with someone.
Person 1: The only way to get into the Holland family is to marry in through Paddy. Person 2: (Person 1’s name) this isn’t the royal family.
Person: Omigod you looked like the human version of squid ward.
Person: I want to be smart. Where can I learn smart stuff?
Person: But plant the seed and smoke the weed and chop the cane.
Peeeson 1: that is the definition of meter? Person 2: about 3 feet. Person 1: okay thanks America
Person 1: who’s Tom Holland? Person 2: Spider-Man you uncultured swine!!
Person: I am not a children
Person: Ohh dang yeah forgot chickens existed for a while
Person: Hey! Don’t narrate my water!
Person: I don’t read water.
Person: Think of it as a relationship. If you and your ex break up they are salty but you profit because you wanted to end it but if you end it weak, then y’all will argue back and forth and get nowhere with ending it while still exchanging insults.
Person: You know those really sexual mattress adverts?
Person: Oh please, you have the sexual appeal of an easy bake oven.
Person 1: weed is a gate way drug Person 2: YOURE A GATEWAY DRUG!
Person: (first, middle, last name), I love you to the end of the earth. But you are a daft child.
Person 1: She’s like that type of girl. She’s the long paragraph white girl. Person 2: Well that’s a niche if I’ve even seen one.
Person 1: swing you two fight is like watching two ants fight. Person 2: you friking piece of bacteria!
Person: I’m just an intellectual.
Person: I will murder your face off.
Person: that’s like a kilometer tall.
Person: It’s weird when I pet you horizontally.
Person: to be honest I thought those were rocks in a jar for the longest time. Turns out they weren’t.
Person: does she have a brother or gay tendencies
Person: I’m going to slap your hand like it’s a fricking spider.
Person: I like your face better blurry.
Person: every night at about midnight someone starts googling astrology
Person: I will kick you. I will murder your soul.
Person 1: I’m just going to marry a millionaire. Person 2: Where are you gunna finds a millionaire in this economy?
Person: Welcome to my tea party, there isn’t any tea to drink, but we have a lot of it to spill.
Person: Yah, it was something about sex or something.
Person: You’re all uncultured swines.
Person: I’m about as straight as a sine curve.
Person 1: They’re not Oreo’s you dumb head Person 2: I know that dumber head. Person 3 :Shut up dumbest heads
Person: As an ex foetus i can say with authority that if my mother had aborted me i wouldn't have known nor would i have given a fuck
Person: I’ve just accepted I’m going to fail this test. I’ve gone through the 5 stages of grief already.
Person: Yes I’m blind that’s why I need glasses fool.
Person: what the fork do you want you little son of a biscuit.
Person: Anyway now I’m taking Tylenol PM and I’m going to actually sleep tonight that’ll be fun.
Person: I need all the hoodies. ALL OF THEM.
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madamedupigeonsalon · 4 years
Culture - Quels livres lire pour 2020
La liste est longue mais j’ai choisit de vous parler de cinq livres que je pense que vous devriez lire pour l’année 2020. D’abord, je dois vous avouer que cinq livres ne suffit pour votre année et je vous souhaite plus de livre que cinq... alors sans plus tarde, je vous révèle ma liste 
-Les mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée de Simone de Beauvoir.
Intellectuelle et féministe, l’auteur nous raconte sa jeunesse , ses études et sa grande histoire d’amour avec Sartre. Très bien écrit avec d’incroyable d’anecdotes ! On plonge dans sa vie, et deja, nous découvrons vite tout les livres qu’elle a lu (beaucoup !) nous sommes rapidement fascinés par sa culture general mais surtout par son envie d’envie d’apprendre et sa curiosité du monde. Elle est brillante et excelle dans ses études. Ce livre est exemple de réussite ! Une femme avec un grand pouvoir , celui des livres, qui l’a porté très loin (jusqu’à écrire un des livres les plus controversés en France “Le deuxième sexe”) elle a mit les voiles vers l’indépendance et surtout vers le monde du féminisme. A lire ! 
- Devenir de Michelle Obama
J’ai deja écris un article sur le livre de Michelle Obama. Elle nous raconte sa jeunesse à Chicago, elle était deja studieuse et avait une grande envie de réussir dans sa vie. Son parcours n’a pas toujours était facile, en effet, elle a dut  travaillé deux fois plus pour réussir a cause de couleur de peau. Une fois arrivé à Harvard, elle n’a pas cessé de travailler dur pour continuer sur le chemin d’excellence. Enfin, elle a rencontré Obama et c’était comme une évidence entre les deux, une idylle qui décolla très rapidement ! Un amour intellectuel et passionnelle, une complicité qu’on ne peut pas nier. Ce livre est le parcours d’une femme qui a dut se battre toute sa vie scolaire et sociale mais aussi à la présidence ! Sa couleur de peau a souvent était un handicap mais au fur à mesure une de ces plus grandes forces ! A lire !
-The innocent man de John Grisham
C’est un livre émouvant et triste à la fois. Je ne sais pas comment je suis arrivé jusqu’à la dernière page , c’est un livre a lire absolument et je vais vous dire pourquoi ! C’est un sujet qui traite de l’injustice carcérale américaine très forte qui émeut plusieurs millions de personnes dans le monde. C’est l’histoire d’un homme qui a été accusé a tort d’avoir tue une femme. Non seulement, il ne l’avait pas fait mais en plus il a dut séjourner dans le couloir de la mort pendant plusieurs années sans compter les remarques désobligeantes de la part des gardiens qui le poussa à bout et perdu la tete et la raison. En effet, il était devenu fou qu’il cria tout les soirs pour extérioriser sa douleur. En bref, il est devenu un zombie, son âme s’est détaché de son corps pour devenir vide de l’intérieur. J’ai pleuré après ce livre, je ne vous raconte pas la fin mais à lire ! 
-Robinson de Laurent Demoulin
Ce livre est pour moi une belle preuve d’amour de la part d’un père à son fils autiste severe. Je vous conseille sincèrement de lire parce que c’est la qu’on voit la chance d’avoir la vie qu’on mène. D’abord, c’est un chemin de vie qu’on ne peut pas négligé. Son fils, Robinson est atteint d’autisme severe donc c’est a dire que tout autour de lui est étrange et peut devenir un obstacle. Il y a toute sorte danecdotes qui nous émeut, en tout cas, pour moi...il faut le lire !
-La Tresse de Lara Colombians
Enfin, le dernier livre que je vous présente c’est un livre qui fait réfléchir à l’interconnexion qui existe entre les hommes et plus particulièrement entre les femmes. Les aléas de la vie nous fait vivre des moments difficiles mais pour autant faut il pas pour autant s’en sortir? Quand on pense que tout est foutu et que la vie nous a achevé avec le dernier coup sur la tete... une force divine, l’univers ou dieu nous aide. Je vous laisse le découvrir par vous meme.  A lire !
Voila ma petite liste que je vous donne en espérant que cela va vous aider pour l’année 2020 ! 
Culture -Which books you have to read in 2020
The list is long but I chose to tell you about five books that I think you should read for the year 2020. First, I must admit that five books is not enough for your year and I wish you more book that five ... so without further ado, I'll reveal my list
-The memories of a young rowdy girl from Simone de Beauvoir.
Intellectual and feminist, the author tells us about his youth, his studies and his great love story with Sartre. Very well written with incredible anecdotes! We dive into her life, and already, we quickly discover all the books she has read (a lot!) We are quickly fascinated by her general culture but above all by her desire to learn and her curiosity for the world. She is brilliant and excels in her studies. This book is a success story! A woman with a great power, that of books, who carried it very far (to write one of the most controversial books in France “The second sex”) she set sail for independence and especially towards world of feminism. To read !
- Becoming of Michelle Obama
I’ve already written an article about Michelle Obama’s book. She tells us about her youth in Chicago, she was already studious and had a great desire to succeed in her life. Her journey was not always easy, in fact, she had to work twice as much to succeed because of skin color. Once at Harvard, she worked hard to continue on the path to excellence. Finally, she met Obama and it was as obvious between the two, an idyll that took off very quickly! An intellectual and passionate love, a bond that cannot be denied. This book is the journey of a woman who had to fight all her school and social life but also for the presidency! His skin color was often a handicap but gradually one of these greatest forces! To read !
-The innocent man by John Grisham
It’s a moving and sad book at the same time. I don’t know how I got to the last page, this is a must read book and I’ll tell you why! This is a subject that deals with the very strong American prison injustice that moves millions of people around the world. This is the story of a man who was wrongly accused of killing a woman. Not only had he not done so, but he had to stay on death row for several years, not to mention the derogatory remarks from the guards who pushed him to the limit and lost his mind and reason. Indeed, he had gone mad that he cried out every evening to externalize his pain. In short, he became a zombie, his soul detached from his body to become empty from the inside. I cried after this book, I'm not telling you the end but to read!
-Robinson by Laurent Demoulin
This book is for me a beautiful proof of love from a father to his severe autistic son. I sincerely advise you to read because this is where we see the chance to have the life we ​​lead. First, it is a life path that cannot be overlooked. Her son Robinson has severe autism so that everything around him is strange and can become an obstacle. There are all kinds of anecdotes that move us, in any case, for me ... you have to read it!
-The Braid of Lara Colombians
Finally, the last book that I present to you is a book that makes you think about the interconnection that exists between men and more particularly between women. The vagaries of life makes us live difficult times but does it not mean we have to get out of it? When we think that everything is screwed up and that life has finished us with the last blow on the head ... a divine force, the universe or god helps us. I'll let you find out for yourself. To read !
Here is my little list that I give you in the hope that it will help you for the year 2020!
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profeminist · 6 years
“There are memes that inspire a couple of chuckles, and then there are memes that manage to capture a cultural zeitgeist and alter the course of your life. That’s the case for Maluma Feminista, a meme page started by 22-year-old Elena from Veracruz, Mexico, who chose to only be identified by her first name.
Maluma Feminista reimagines the Colombian reggaeton star’s lyrics with cutting feminist wit. Ranging from brilliant commentary on consent to the destruction of the heteropatriarchy, Elena draws on a growing community of meme makers who center feminism in their work, often with intellectual and wonderfully weird humor. “It’s subversive because we consider machismo to be ‘normal.’ Not only in music, but in every cultural sphere. I’m taking an image that represents this normalized machista world, and I’m giving it a contradictory new meaning, so that my friends and I can enjoy it more,” Elena tells Remezcla over email.
In an interview with Verne, Elena explains that she was inspired by now-famous pages like Feminist Ryan Gosling, which imposed scholarly quotes from academics like Judith Butler onto images of the actor.”  
Read the full piece and see more meme graphics here
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danielamariaguzman · 6 years
Love, in the Time of Fake News: A Colombian Story of MisInformation
The first notifications I get each morning are not from the likes of The New York Times, El Tiempo or the BBC. As I wake up and check my phone habitually, trying to make sense of the events and issues that matter each day, I am hit by the ubiquitous Whatsapp viral meme message. Today, it is a meme of Gustavo Petro, former mayor of Bogotá, who is running for Colombia’s presidency on a leftist progressivist platform. The Mona-Lisa smile headshot of the former M-19 activist and now career politician is captioned, in Spanish: “Searching for idiots: I was a guerrilla member, pyromaniac, assassin, I ruined Bogota and I promised much and didn’t follow through with anything, I contracted without necessity and I aspire to be President of Colombia.” But wait, there’s more. “I want to develop a government like Venezuela’s. Would you give me your vote?” The flagrant accusations made in this image, forwarded with nonchalance without a single phrase of explanation, are terrifying. Whether they are true or not, I cannot verify in the two seconds it takes me to digest the information. Nor do I analyze why my friend, a Colombian living in the United States, highly educated and with no affiliation to a news organization would send me this meme. This is the experience of “fake news” that Colombians are facing - along with the rest of the world as social media blurs the lines between truth, rumors, and propaganda. There are thousands of chain messages like these passed on in Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter, relating to the upcoming Presidential elections about all of the presidential candidates,ranging from the comical to the defamatory. Besides the smear campaigns flooding social networks, as is expected in any presidential election, there are serious allegations that are portrayed as public service announcements, often forwarded to “warn the population” - the latest being a series of messages that claim the government census is a plot to gather voter data and commit election fraud through the electronic vote. The thing is, the electronic vote does not exist in Colombia. The pervasiveness of these false information campaigns is troubling, to say the least, for a country that has just signed a peace deal to end the longest civil conflict in the hemisphere, is looking forward to presidential elections this year, and has a long road in transitional justice, reconciliation and post-conflict development. Political analysts in Colombia are still reeling from the results of the 2016 plebiscite which was President Juan Manuel Santos’ idea to gain buy-in on the peace process and the product of four years of negotiation in Havana with the FARC. It failed spectacularly, as the rest of the world watched in shock as Colombians rejected their own peace deal. As my father would say, “ahi estamos pintados”, or a Colombian colloquialism meaning “we screwed up”.
The problem was not the rejection of the peace deal, as I myself do not agree with all of the specifics of the 323-page agreement, which contains complex legal and political language. The issue was expecting a population, which is incredibly disparate in education and resources, to be able to make a “yes” or “no” decision on whether to end a war. It was the polarization and politicization of peace that created a schism between Colombians that continues to deepen nearly two years later. Political analysts consider the elections in Colombia this May to be a Referendum, Part II. The divide was created with the epic assistance of social media campaigns. Juan Carlos Velez,the Centro Democratico campaign manager even admitted to using social networks to spread an “indignation campaign” to get people out to vote for “No”. Alvaro Uribe, the godfather of the Centro Democratico party and a vehement opponent to the peace deal and former ally Santos, was one of the most egregious offenders, publishing false information frequently on his Twitter account like the rumor that demobilized FARC members would receive a COP $1.8 million salary. Another message that all Colombian citizens would have to contribute 7% of their pension funds to the peace fund also became viral, provoking the anger of millions of Colombians,a country where the average GDP per capita is still only $14,000.
The great ease of disseminating information nowadays through these informal channels can cause incongruent injury to the unity of a state. In these times, when a misinforming meme can hop from phone to phone, to news network, fake news becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It’s up to the institutions that once wielded truth as their power, also known as the fourth estate, to discriminate fact from falsity. The press is the only watchdog that can combat the epidemic of fake news in Colombia by fact-checking, calling out propagandists, and investigating the truth. 
It will mean nothing to the future of Colombia if weapons of war are turned in but weapons of communication are exploited and used to misinform the population. Social media users themselves must be wary of what they read and even more so of what they spread. For peace to fully be accepted, for a new leader that benefits the country, and for the well-being of Colombians, we have to stop believing everything we read. Today, in response to the Petro meme, I simply asked “En serio?” to my probably clueless friend who had himself received it from another chain. “No lo se,” he replied. At least not knowing is an acceptance of uncertainty, and not a reality.
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theseadagiodays · 4 years
April 6, 2020
Travel at home
I have always been a passionate traveler, with an insatiable curiosity for new experiences, cultures and sensations.  But what also comes with all the titillation is a fair dose of unfamiliar, unsettling, and often challenging new circumstances every traveler must agily welcome if they are to thrive.  When you are served dinner with no cutlery in Kalkata, scooping sloppy curry with your hands has to do.  When you’re penniless and lose your companion, hours from home in Bangkok’s busy streets, you must ingratitate yourself to the kindness of strangers for bus fare to your hotel.  It strikes me that this same flexibility can serve us well as we navigate the unchartered territories of this new nation we all inhabit, called COVID.
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But what moves me most as I wander the world is the way in which constant new sensory input elevates my present-minded attention so intensely.  My ears delight in a particularly evocative call to prayer in Morocco.  My mouth savors the sour sweetness of a Colombian maracuya (passionfruit).  And my nose even appreciates the cow dung furnaces on the side of the road in India. It is like meditation in motion.  After each journey, when I return home, I set the earnest intention to sustain such sensory focus at home.  But as the days pass, this consistently becomes increasingly difficult.  However now, with little opportunity to venture much more than metres from our door, we need new strategies to remain sane and stimulated.  So, I think we can all benefit from living like tourists at home. I believe there is a science to this. I’ve even coined a term for it. It came from a time when I heard education expert Ken Robinson define the word aesthetics.  Associated with beauty, most think of the definition as subjective.  But he simplified this by pointing out that the opposite of aesthetics is anaesthetics (that which numbs our senses).  So, aesthetics are those things which make us feel.  Since this revelation, I have come to call myself an aesthesiologist because I believe that all artists are in the business of making people feel.  And this is why I feel that sharing artistic resources on this blog is the best medicine I can offer as we all ride out this crisis together.
So, maybe today you can consiciously pay attention to some subtle new observation each of your senses notice in your environment.  The way the light hits your tea kettle at dawn.  The call of a returning bird at spring time.  The crunch of the potato chips that you’re binging on right now.  Lately, I’ve certainly learned to feel extra fortunate that I can taste or smell at all, because my husband completely lost his sense of smell 3 weeks ago.  Most have probably heard that this is an alarming and bizarre potential sign of COVID, particularly in people with no other symptoms.  So, having come thru full incubation period, we’re at least past the scare that it could have become worse or that he might have infected myself or others with whom he’d had contact prior to quarantine.  But he never thought he’d look so forward to the day he could smell my farts again.  (Meanwhile, I’m indulging in all the beans and garlic I want)
At any rate, if home sensations don’t tickle you enough, there is always virtual travel.  And while that certainly risks inspiring a vicarious longing that may not serve you, for others, it can elicit some of the same wonders as adventures themselves.  So, if you’re craving sensory immersion into other worlds, New York Times can help you do this with their 13 recommended travel podcasts.
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I know I have certainly spent many days in quarantine wallowing over my screensaver trip photos, longing for a time when I could journey further afield once more.  But I have also been swept away by the photographic brilliance of some of the work that the New York Times is featuring weekly, in their World Through a Lens column.  Marcus Westerberg’s shots of Zambian wildlife (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/31/travel/zambia-safari.html) were particularly emotional for me, having just had one of the most meaningful travel experiences of my life there, last year, when I served as resident visiting artist at a music school in Lusaka.  In fact, I arrived exactly one year ago, today, and can’t wait to return to those magical people.  A girl has to dream, after all...
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April 7, 2020
Creativity at Home
If any of you are variety-mongers like me, seeing only the same person or people, day in and day out, can have you dressing up your spouse in wigs or Hawaian skirts or bear costumes just to mix things up a bit.    But largely, I’ve been hearing that many parents and siblings are embracing ways to capitalize on their excessive togetherness. I think it’s why the show Survivor has been so successful all these years. Forced into small spaces and “tribes”, we tend to do whatever it takes to get along with our fellow captives.  Cooped up together for days on end, there is no limit to the clever activities some families have created to keep themselves occupied.  
This crew took a simple tube and board of wood to create some exercise apparatus that has kept them busy for hours:  https://www.google.ca/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5518064
Others are taking vicarious travel to the next level with some Photoshop fun - https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/07/travel/coronavirus-fake-travel.html
And the most impressive might be this 5-person brood, each with operatic quality voices, who belt out their rendition of One More Day, from Les Miserable.
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But, if you happen to be stumped for ideas yourselves, here are a few ways you can kickstart your family’s creativity.  A bunch of resourceful theatre company’s have been commissioning playwrights to create short Plays at Home, designed for actors and amateurs alike to perform in their own living rooms.  Most are staged for 1-7 humans, with joyful themes, and participants are welcome to share video recordings of their readings.
And right here in Vancouver, my friend Vanessa Richards is finding thoughtful ways to engage community in collaborative singing, by sustaining her weekly free choir sessions, now in Livestream, every Wednesday, from 6-7:30.  You can check out Van Van Song Society here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/togethersinging/
April 8, 2020
Quarantine Living - Al Yankovic style Some of you may be too young to recognize this reference to our favorite weasly moustached 80’s bard, who humorously bastardized everything from Queen’s Another One Rides the Bus to Michael Jakcson’s Eat It, with his own comic lyrics.  But lately, like our Les Miserable family, Weird Al Yancovic’s “wordsquatting” trend is spreading more virally than corona.
This original take on the Beatles, I gotta wash my hands is a classic.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OxOJ7hh3H-I
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For more potty humor, I adore this Philipino artists’ no-toilet paper campaign, I love tabo- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vzb98tQp53I
And certainly, the most high tech example has come from Vancouver’s own Phoenix Chamber Choir, in their rendition of the hugely popular Queen song, Coronavirus Rhapsody- https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1720158275935?fbclid=IwAR3gEdqv95oX4KT_W4F4_naJyASRhUaGpr-T56Aux9k4tCStGvow9xgHIQw
April 9, 2020
Reading Respite Endless screentime has probably left many of us fatigued and squinting, with a need for stronger reading glass prescriptions that we can’t fill, because all the optometry shops have shut down.  So, these next suggestions are offered with that caveat. However, for me, the tactile experience of a book in my hand can still be a nourishing antidote to digital overload. Often just a page is capable of transporting my body, mind and soul away from news feeds, virus counts, and press conferences.  
Never a fan of e-readers, I have always passionately supported my local bookshops.  And thankfully, there is a current intiative intended to do the same, at a time when the threat of a certain Capital A behometh taking over global commerce is greater than ever.  So, you can actually feed your spirit and your neighborhood bookseller by purchasing any literary craving here. Thanks to the new site, bookshop.org, you can order what you’d like from the local bookstore of your choice, while this company acts as liason.  And the fair split allows your local vendor to keep 30% of total profit, when direct sales that are no longer possible for them may have only been slightly more (40-45%).  
As far as what to stories to consume at a time like this, it has amazed me how much films like Contagion and Outbreak have had huge resurgences. This tells me that relevance and resonance are key factors in people’s entertainment choices.  However, if you’re looking for something that relates to your current circumstances, but leaves you not with more fear, but with actual hope, inspiration, or tools for survival, here are a few better options:
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Emily St. Mandel’s Station Eleven is, in fact, a post-apocalyptic tale.  But her narrative’s most clever survivors form a travelling Shakespeare troupe, demonstrating the power of art to heal in dire times.  
For some existential musing reaped in self-isolation, Thoreau’s Life in the Woods always still provides.
And if the new stressors arising from this crisis find you busier than ever, but you long to slow down, travel journalist, Pico Iyer, in his prophetic 2014 book, The Art of Stillness, makes a strong case for the fact that “in our madly accelerating world, our lives are crowded, chaotic and noisy. So, there’s never been a greater need to slow down, tune out and give ourselves permission to be still.”
April 10, 2020
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How Might We Fill This Space?
Never before have Memes, Tik tok or Cat Videos provided such many needed lifelines for people all over the world.  But the video that most stirred me to action was this stunning dance collaboration that popped up in my Facebook feed, during the early days of self-isolation, before my first Zoom conference, before I’d seen my first collaborative musical Quarantine Song spoof. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B3pFxsYPLgU
This global initiative to weave together dance gestures, while performers were entirely physically separate, seeded the idea for a community art and writing project that I have recently started with a few friends.
In an effort to connect artists during this physically distant time, we have launched Spool of Thought.  And all artistic contributions are welcome to the thread.  
On this page, we invite people to respond to the question, “How might we fill this space?”as we adjust to different rhythms of being. The idea is to weave together our thoughts, through the fluid form of cursive writing, in a non-linear narrative documenting this unique time on our planet.
The full instructions are below, for those interested and eager to participate:
1.Using Notes (iPhone) or Evernote (Android) and the digital pen, draw a continuous cursive line from the left to right side of the note (arranged horizontally) and write a word, phrase or sentence that responds to the prompt: How Might We Fill This Space?
2. Save it to your photos.
3. Then,send it by email to: [email protected], and we will add your text to the Spool of Thought Instagram page.
4. Please include your name, your location, your occupation, and your Instagram@ for the caption of your photo.
5. And feel free to share this invite with your community, along with these instructions.
6. Finally, enjoy watching the spool unravel on @spoolofthought2020, as the thread grows, and tag us wherever you choose to share: #spoolofthought2020.
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universeinform-blog · 7 years
Watch: American Soccer In Uproar After LA Galaxy Roast Opposition
New Post has been published on https://universeinform.com/2017/03/30/watch-american-soccer-in-uproar-after-la-galaxy-roast-opposition/
Watch: American Soccer In Uproar After LA Galaxy Roast Opposition
In stark comparison to their excruciatingly naff English counterparts, American sports franchises will be inclined to hiring the village cool children to control their social media money owed.
L. A. Galaxy, for example, is widely recognized to exchange jibe with fanatics, competition lovers, and even rival golf equipment, but they took their engaging antics to new extremes following their 1-0 defeat to the Portland Timbers ultimate night.
Galaxy fans had been aggrieved whilst Timbers shielding midfielder Diego Chará pulled a wobbler of a dive over an attempted undertaking from Jelle van Damme, with the latter receiving a 2d yellow card – no longer for the foul, but for dissent after conceding a foul despite now not making touch with his Colombian foe.
So too became the individual behind their social bills, whose reaction has taken the united states soccer global by means of storm.
You might be acquainted with the ‘taking pictures stars meme’ which has taken the net via typhoon nowadays (admittedly, this author maximum really is not). In line with Balls Sources, they have been all of the rates when you consider that January. For context, here’s an entire compilation of them from ‘the Youtube’:
Nah, us neither. but that is really now not critical.
La Galaxy’s resident cool child spent what turned into presumably a considerable amount of time turning Chará’s dive into one of these very memes, and unleashed it upon the world a complete day after their defeat to wonderful acclaim.
American Novel By Sinclair Lewis Is More Relevant Today Than Both 1984 and Brave New World
The current political activities the world over have introduced a resurgence of several novels written in the first 1/2 of the final century. In truth, George Orwell’s 1984 has risen to the pinnacle of the Amazon nice seller list.
Some other traditional, Courageous New International by using Aldus Huxley, is presently a number of the pleasant sellers. Like Orwell, Huxley is British, so the units his futuristic novel in London.
A 3rd novel that has seen a rise in readership is one by using an American writer, Sinclair Lewis. The Minnesota native becomes the first American author to win the Nobel Prize for Literature, mainly on the success of satiric novels which include Babbitt, Fundamental Street, and Dodsworth.
It Cannot Take place Here, which have been out of print given that 1935, is probably scarier for Americans than the other. Lewis units the novel in a rural, middle-magnificence metropolis in Vermont, whose residents are much like folks that lengthy to go back to the way The USA used to be.
by using exploiting their longing for the beyond, Buzz Windrip manages to get elected as President of America inside the novel. A lot of his appeal got here from speeches supposed to arouse the passions of the commonplace man, who has been for too long omitted via the modern political establishment.
“I might alternatively observe a wild-eyed anarchist, in the event that they’d bring extra johnnycake and beans and spuds into the common-or-garden cabin of the common man, then a twenty-four karat, college graduate, ex-cabinet member statesman,” Windrip said all through his campaign.
As soon as in the Government workplace Windrip at once starts to remove all dissent, using a militaristic police pressure the labels because of the Minute Guys. He has arrested or killed all of his political enemies and many individuals of the press.
the various latter is the unconventional’s relevant man or woman, Doremus Jessup. At the beginning Jessup, the editor the city’s daily newspaper fails to take significantly the chance of Windrip’s powers as President.
Best after witnessing firsthand the arrests and torture of many if his fellow reporters do Jessup finally speak out against the brand new Leader Government. He starts to work on a brand new paper known as The Vermont Vigilant, a role that subsequently ends in his arrest and brutal torture.
To escape from the realm of the new administration, Jessup, and plenty of others like him searching for asylum in Canada. This aspect of the ebook, after Canadian High Minister Trudeau’s invitation to transport throughout the Northern border, resonates with a few Americans these days.
the unconventional lacks A whole lot of the lovely satire feature within the extra 9aaf3f374c58e8c9dcdd1ebf10256fa5 of the novels by means of Sinclair Lewis, so it is some distance from a satisfying study. The pages gift an eerie photograph of how without problems the yank human beings can be exploited by a charismatic chief who guarantees ago back to better days.
Release Review for Samsung Galaxy Note 7
  Samsung is a globally renowned multinational corporation with its headquarters in Seoul, South Korea. The company has a number of distinct product verticals sharing the identical logo call globally.
Samsung was based in 1938 and it entered the electronics industry in the overdue 1960’s. For the reason that 1990’s, the corporation’s most important supply of revenue has been from its electronics vertical, comprising of cellular phones and semiconductors.
Samsung Electronics is the determine company’s largest subsidiary and changed into the world’s largest I
T. agency inside the calendar yr 2012 retaining role variety 4 in phrases of market capitalization.
The determine enterprise, Samsung, has continually been a strong local powerhouse influencing a lot of South Korea’s economic system, political dynamics and social way of life. Samsung’s overall sales figures account for close to 17% of us of an’s overall GDP.
Samsung Telecommunications is a primarily commercial enterprise unit inside Samsung Electronics and services product lines protecting mobiles, MP3 players, laptop computers etc.
The timeframe post-2007 has proved exceptional for Samsung
Telecommunication’s cellular phones vertical spurring a growth price of 40%. Quickly, it has become the sector’s 2nd biggest mobile tool producer after Apple Inc.
Currently, Samsung is the leading manufacturer of smart telephones going for walks the mobile working machine Google Android with a global market proportion of 46%.
The contemporary offering from Samsung Telecommunication is the clever telephone version, Samsung Galaxy Observe 7. In India, the Samsung Be aware 7 changed into released amidst tons fanfare in August 2016.
In phrases of the show, the Samsung Galaxy Observe 7 ships with a five.7 inch capacitive contact display screen turning in a crisp and clean resolution of 1440×2560 pixels at a PPI measuring of 518.
Processing power for the Galaxy Notice 7 is added thru an Exynos 8890 octa-core processor clocking 1.6 GHz.
The Note 7 ships out with a RAM of 4GB even as the internal storage is pegged at 64GB which can be improved (up to 256GB) through a microSD card.
For clients who aren’t digital camera shy, the Samsung Galaxy Be aware 7 is ready with a 12-megapixel rear camera (with flash) coupled with a 5 megapixel the front digicam for selfie enthusiasts.
From the software viewpoint, the Galaxy Word 7 runs on Android Marshmallow having version 6.0.1.
Battery lifestyles are pretty top considering the unit has a power mobile equating to 3500mAh which is non-removal in nature.
The Notice 7 has dimensions measuring 153.50 x 73.90 x 7.ninety (height x width x thickness) and the weight is a comfortable 169 grams.
The Samsung Galaxy Word 7 has help for a single Nano SIM card and consists of a plethora of modern-day connectivity tools like 4G LTE, NFC, Bluetooth and GPS and so on.
Onboard sensors inside the Galaxy Observe 7 cowl proximity, ambient mild, accelerometer, and gyroscope. Audio headphones are supported by using the Galaxy Word 7 through a three.5mm jack.
The Opposition of Emotionally Colored and Emotionally Neutral Vocabulary
An inclination to decide that speech is only a tool for making statements is alternatively primitive. Some human beings forget that there are plenty of specific possibilities. The way we speak additionally expresses our emotions, attitude to humans interrelations between the audience and the speaker.
From time to time it is vital to guide humans, to warn them or to reveal somebody’s disapproval or approval or to make your speech sound greater enthusiastic or encouraging. We must take this kind of into consideration at the same time as investigating the lexical that means of words
The usage of such terms as “emotive” or “expressive”; “effective” or “evaluative”, A few human beings suppose they’re synonyms, for example, that an emotive phrase is of necessity also a stylistically colored phrase, or thinking about all stylistically colored words as emotional. But that isn’t the case.
So, allow us to agree that so-called emotive speech is any utterance expressing special human emotions. It is simple to discover in the speech an extraordinary number of syntactical, lexical and intonational peculiarities. Thus, by means of lexical peculiarities, I mean special, emotionally colored words. The emotional coloring of the word may be occasional or permanent. allow us to focus on the second one. Lexical devices gather their emotional coloring, in other words, their affective connotation, in emotional contexts of precise conditions.
The maximum common form of emotional phrases, as it appears to me, are interjections. The reality is that they specific a whole lot of emotions without naming them: Ouch! My! Boy! Heaven! Wow! Ah! and so on. The interjections can be derived from other elements of speech or be primary interjections. as an instance, if you describe something as a “drag”, what do you suggest? it’s far boring, too tough or physically laborious?
Genuinely, something this is stressful or uninteresting. We are able to find loads of emotional phrases in regular small talks or inside the literature: ” I like Sibyl Vane. I need to location her on a pedestal of gold, and to peer the sector worship the female who is mine. What is marriage? An irrevocable vow. You mock at it for that. Ah! do not mock.” ( Oscar Wild “The Picture of Dorian Grey” Moscow Development-Publishers 1979 Volume One, page a hundred and seventy)
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iheartliquor · 4 years
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