#from the perspective of akaashi ofc
redrocketpanda · 1 year
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Akaashi's already outside with the others by the time Bokuto finally exits the spa.
They've been waiting here a while. The warm air has almost completely dried Akaashi's damp skin and hair.
He closes his eyes, raises his face to the bright sun and inhales deeply, filling his lungs with the fresh mountain air. Its the kind of place that people come to relax, surrounded by the tall trees and trickling water and singing birds. 
Or Akaashi imagines that's what it would be like if he were in different company. 
But he can't hear the trickling water or the singing birds over the raucous debate Hinata and Kageyama are having about which sea creatures they would pick for their marine volleyball dream team and whether either of them should be allowed to have the octopus. 
And maybe it would have been relaxing if they hadn't been with Bokuto who insisted on just a bit more time - just another 5 minutes with the masseuse, just another 10 minutes in the steam room, just another 15 minutes in the bath - until they were so hopelessly behind schedule that there was no longer a schedule. 
Kenma had long ago given up waiting and had gone to sit on a nearby rock to drink the strawberry milk that Kuroo had procured for him, whilst Kuroo muttered complaints about that damn owl from beneath his mess of floppy hair. 
They’ve been waiting for Bokuto for so long that Hinata and Kageyama have almost picked their entire team - though the disagreement about the octopus remains to be settled - and Akaashi is on the cusp of marching back in to find and drag Bokuto out himself when he hears the whoosh of the sliding door.  
His eyes snap open and he turns to face the door. 
Bokuto strides out of the spa towards them, arms raised above his head as he stretches lazily whilst in motion. Eyes closed, nose crinkled, a huge smile on his face. 
And, most distractingly of all, his hair isn't spiked into its signature look but instead rests loosely atop his head. The grey and black strands falling forwards, framing his face.  
Akaashi's heart skips a beat.
Though saying it skips makes it sound more gentle of an experience than it actually is. It's much less a skip and much more of a sharp and sudden drop. Like when you slip whilst walking down the stairs and it sends your heart plummeting into your knees and your pulse racing as you try to grab onto the hand rail in a desperate attempt to save yourself from falling. 
It's not as though Akaashi hasn't seen Bokuto with his hair down before. Of course he's seen it get wet when they've showered together, and it's briefly down before and after they go to sleep during training camps. But it's not long before Bokuto plasters it back into his signature look with unnerving amounts of gel, so the sight of him with his hair down properly like this is a rare, and special, moment. 
A moment that presents Akaashi with a Bokuto different than the one that he's become so familiar with; the one who blazes with the intensity of the midday sun in a way that leaves Bokuto imprints on Akaashi's retinas so that the image remains even when he closes his eyes.  In this moment, Bokuto looks younger and more innocent, and there's a tenderness about him... like he's made out of a kind of softness that Akaashi struggles to put a name to. 
This is a softness like the mellow rays of the rising sun that trickle in through the curtain and bathes Akaashi's body in its golden light.
Like a cool afternoon breeze that lightly caresses his skin.
Like the way a particularly good pencil gliding over smooth paper fills him with a sense of deep satisfaction, or the way sipping on honey and lemon tea soothes his aching body, or the way finishing a beloved book leaves his soul glowing.
It's the way that Bokuto Kōtarō’s name sounds in his mouth.
It’s the way that Bokuto Kōtarō feels in his heart.
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seijorhi · 2 years
i’m not sure if this is an experience you can relate to, but there was a time in the 2000’s where there was this trend for authors, especially YA authors, to write or somewhat rewrite their novels in another character’s perspective. it was usually done in the pov of the dark, broody male lead because that’s what sold and it became such a craze that even if it couldn’t be the entire novel, they’d have side stories dedicated to a few povs of critical or fan-favorite moments. i ate that shit up even though i was aware that it shattered some the mystique of the romance or the tall, dark romanctic interests.
(in hindsight this is probably my origin story to my attraction to dark content as early male YA protagonists were badly written to be so overtly toxic yet somehow painted as the best option. i do love me some unhealthy relationships!)
is this a concept you’ve ever played around with or considered whether it’s an already published piece or future fic idea? it’s not a request but a curiosity. i’ve tried this and really enjoyed the ride of writing out a dark lead’s thought process and rationalizations. it’s a lot of mental gymnastics and it’s definitely an indulgent experience. even if they’re not what i ultimately end up posting, it’s something i like to go back to. some people prefer the lack of omniscient narration, some like bouncing back and forth and others prefer the simple single reader pov. all of those are great bc everyone’s writing and style is different. just wanted to pick your brain a bit, i hope this didn’t come across as too weird or random. and thank you for being such an amazing creator of impeccable content!
i love alternate pov's, and i agree whenever writers used to do that i'd gobble it up so fast. i love getting to see the inner workings of another character – especially when it's in contrast to how the scene's been set by the original work.
and that being said, with my tendency to focus on one specific character's pov (usually the reader's) i'm always keeping a part of the story back. i've toyed with the idea before – not to do a full fic, because in the same way i don't like to write follow ups, i don't wanna necessarily get stuck essentially re-hashing the same plot again and again and again, i'd rather spend time working on new ideas and pairings and stuff – aside from answering asks ofc, which i'm usually pretty happy to do!
i'm also just a tiny bit terrified of completely ruining any of my fics by adding more to them ghfjdkjghfjkd
but i'm not against the idea entirely. if i did write any more to scion, it'd be from akaashi's pov, or lightning rod with a snippet from kazutora or baji, or any of my soulmate fics from the other perspective – but if anything they'd just be drabbles cuz re-doing the whole fic is waaaaay too much work for me haha unless someone commissioned it ;))
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dazaily · 4 years
ushijima’s s/o being harassed
i wanted to write a hc abt one of the miyagi bois, so here it is.
description: in a scenario where you are waiting for ushijima alone, someone comes up to you and starts blatantly flirting with you. how will your boyfriend react?
warnings: implied female reader
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if u were expecting some kind of romantic knight in shining armour shiz, you’ve come to the wrong place.
if you know anything abt this man, you know that he is absolutely clueless.
no offence, but this man is unable to get a clue, how u gonna expect him to realise his s/o getting harassed.
social cues? never heard of her.
but, he is ushijima wakatoshi, the man, the myth, the legend himself, just his presence is enough to protect you from whatever danger.
so here’s the situation. 
you were waiting for his volleyball practice outside of the school. for plot conveniences
while waiting, at the corner of your eyes, you see a sketchy person walking around mumbling to himself about something. 
you were slightly bewildered by the person, as shiratorizawa is known to be a prestigious school, to see a person with such a disheveled appearance was quite unusual. foreshadowing
you chose to ignore the presence, but he started walking towards you. for more plot conveniences.
as the person made his way towards, you started to hear his soft mumbles.
“i finally got into this prestigious school, and not one girl, not oNE!? how is that possible, since this is a rich school, there must be a bunch of rich kids, so...”
as you heard the content of his mumbles, you began to feel scared
you took out your phone to pretending you were busy.
seeing the time, you realised ur bf’s volleyball practice has ended which immediately puts you in a giddy mood 
forgetting about the sketchy man, you put down your phone as you made eye-contact with the aforementioned man, who is now standing directly in front of you. 
the man smirks as he notices ur body tensing up from nervousness.
“what’s wrong pretty lady, why so nervous, I'm not here to hurt you,”
que awkward laughter. haha.
“now, what’s a young and pretty girl like you doing here, I'm sure someone like you has better places to be right now, like with me.”
“haha, im actually waiting for someone right now, so im not exactly free.”
“well can’t be helped, instead would you give me your phone number, i would like to be friends with a pretty girl like you” 
as a person who is unable to say no, you began to break into cold sweat.
your brain was going 100km/h, thinking of excuses, ways to avoid giving him your phone number without sounding rude. 
“should i just run... no, he would catch up in 3 steps,,,”
kjbewjbcioe your mind was overheating.
you set a reminder for yourself to get some advice from akaashi on fast decision making next time you see him, seeing how he is able to deal with bokuto’s emo mode so swiftly. 
deciding there was no possible way you could run from the situation, you decided to give in to the man’s request. there were many ways you could’ve avoided it but plot convenience.
just as you were about to give him your phone number, you heard a squeak from the man in front of you, as you felt a dark shadow looming over you. tokoyami, ure in the wrong anime.
the person behind you gets cut off by the sketchy man running away at mach speed, screeching bloody murder.
u turned around to see your saviour, only to be met w/ your bf’s confused face. 
you immediately engulfed him in the biggest bear hug, despite having a much smaller stature in comparison to the ushiwaka.
your bf just stands in confusion, returning the hug ofc.
“who was that man you were talking to a few moments ago?”
ur bf inquires, genuinely confused at the situation in his hands.
from his perspective, he just finished practiced, and on the way to the dorms he sees his gf talking to an older male. as he went up to the pair, he was only met with a screech of bloody murder. 
“hAHA!! my dear wakatoshi, still as nonchalant and ignorant as always.”
you heard your bf's self proclaimed best friend‘s voice from the background
“wdym tendou, i was just trying to be polite to the person y/n was talking to, yet i was returned with a screech.”
to most people, it would seem like ushijima is as calm and nonchalant as ever, but you were able to see the microscopic pout on his face.
giggles internally
you then came to the realisation that ur bf was genuinely upset by the rudeness he was met with. 
you continued to stay in your position hugging him, only squeezing tighter, in hopes of making him feel better.
“it doesn’t matter, all that matters is that you’re here now. ^^ let’s go get some food for dinner.”
“alright, let’s go, tendou you coming?”
*insert tendou’s shocked face*
“the wakatoshi is inviting a peasent like mE to join him and his giRLfRieND. this is a life goal i never thought i’d achieve, as much as i would like to join you guys as the third wheel like always, i need to call my parents about this achievement, so adieu.”
nice work tendou.
as tendou’s voice fades into the background, you and ur bf starts making your way towards the cafeteria. 
"y/n, what's the meaning of a third wheel?”
i mean what were you expecting from the wakatoshi.
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a/n: originally, i was writing a hc for a karasuno character, since they're the main characters and i haven’t wrote anything abt them. but that hc turned out to be a short fic, so it’s gonna take awhile for me to complete and publish it. so take this ushiwaka hc instead.
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strxnged · 3 years
im gonna be a weirdo and ask a bunch of questions for ya, but 1 and 20-25 for your questions for writers pls 😄😄💕🌸
hiii! thank you for sending these questions in awwe I love talking about myself haha you know me so well already luv <3
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1: Any advice you wish you knew when you started out?
writing quality > number of followers
i mean that like... when i started out i was like ooh my writing isn’t getting notes it must not be very good (which isn’t untrue but anyways). don’t write to satisfy others. your content won’t be as high quality if you’re just trying to get followers/notes. write what you want to write and have an interest in. yuh
20: What is your favourite trope to read?
hhhh probably hmm enemies to lovers is kinda sick but only if you write it right. like have the people questioning whether this is really hate instead of doing “ahh i genuinely despise everything about you and we have like no chemistry but anger is,,, hot” LIKE GIVE ME CONFLICT BUT INTERNAL CONFLICT SDFDs
21: What is your favourite trope to write?
FRIENDS TO LOVERS HAHSHHSDK because i think it’s fun to pretend that this kind of thing would ever work smoothly <3 literally all of my longest fics are basically f2l
22: Link 3 of your favourite tumblr creators!
@snoozless SHE WAS THE FIRST PERSON THAT CAME TO MIND Elle is crazyyy talented and actually the sweetest person ever. I love her shorter akaashi fic “Beyond Words” it’s very calming and has a very specific vibe that i want to LIVE in. PLUS HER ART?!?!?? SHE IS?!?!
@lovesugawara PLS ISA WROTE THIS ONE TANAKA FIC THAT AHHHH (ALSO THIS WAS THE CUTEST THING EVER BYE I HAVE TO LINK EVERYTHING) she’s also actually the sweetest human and her writing is so pretty AND hhh she’s also a pianist like it does NOT get better than that (ONE MORE I HAVE TO LINK: THIS MADE ME SOB LOL)
@nadisabug this woman is soo hardworking and her writing is unmatched OTL she made me cry a lot with this songfic (x tanaka ofc) i just :( wow. it’s so special. her writing - everything she writes is just so vivid and powerful, like you knew she really meant every word. ahh but that does go for everyone i’ve listed but especially nadia oh my gosh
 23: What is your favourite book/series?
The Mysterious Benedict Society has been my favourite series since I was like 9. The writing is better every time. And the story is so thought out and there are so many well-crafted characters (like, S.Q.? and Constance? whohhh AND THE TEN MEN ARE SO SCARY BYE)
24: Any authors that inspired you?
L.M. Montgomery. more specifically her character Emily Byrd Starr, but it’s the fact that she based a lot of that character off of herself. I really want to write my name on the shining scroll at the top of the Alpine Path dang it. such captivating writing, encouraging and emotional. and Emily of New Moon and the following two books capture the wistfulness of the view out the window from such a young perspective that i’ve always vibed with, yk?
25: Any characters that inspired you?
hundreds. Haruhi Fujioka. Reynie Muldoon (+ Sticky + Kate). Rebecca Randall. Rory Gilmore. NYA FROM NINJAGO PLS SHE WAS MY ROLE MODEL OTL. Uh- literally every Haikyuu character. Kaori Miyazono. all of team boomeraang pls they’re all fantastic but esp aang he is amazing wow. SUPERGIRL!!! k so this is just me explaining my childhood (OH AND THE MAIN CHARACTER OF A LITTLE PRINCESS? WHAT WAS HER NAME? WAS IT SARA? HER!! WOW!!)
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oikawasbread · 4 years
hello!! omg :( may i get 10 + akaashi for the promptlist?? hopefully something with fluff, i don't think i can take angst at all rn HAHA
“I need you to tell me that I’m a good person.’’
I RECOMMEND THIS SONG only if u want to, ofc
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 I am sorry bb!!! i couldn’t help to add some angsty parts; but dw everything ends on a fluffy note <3 
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         You’ve been raised like this.
“ You’re not going to become anything with that attitude.” “ Your personality is going to get you nowhere.” “ Why are you even so rude, you know we are right. “
         So you started to actually believe it. You were a bad person. You were mean, rude, you “didn’t care” about anything. It looked like you were also selfish. But those things didn’t surprise you anymore; of course it hurt; but it was nothing new. You are saying your opinion? “Stop being like this.” You are not allowing someone to do something to you? “Mean.” You dare to stand up for yourself? “Quit the attitude”.
        “Your friends have noticed your anger issues, your mood swings; but apparently you didn’t need help, you needed to be told the truth : that you should not be so rude and scary”
You were waiting for some new insults, new reproaches.
 almost ready to give up.
        “What college are you going to apply after high school?”       “I don’t really know.. dad. I was thinking about a medical college. You know, since I’m pretty good at c-“       “Since you’re pretty good? Do you think ‘pretty good’ is enough?”       “Dad, I am good at chemistry and biology; of course there’s kids out there way better than me. But I still have 2 years to improve.”       “Yeah, this is what you’ve been saying since last year. And here you are, still being ‘pretty good’ and not ‘the best’.”       “Honestly, yes Y/n. You’re never doing anything. You’re never helping me around the house, you haven’t opened a book since this holiday started, and you wanna get better? How are you planning on doing that?”       “What does that even mean? I’ve been buried in papers, school work and books for the final exam all this month. I am on 2nd place in class and I’ve been helping you with everything you asked me.”       “Shut it, we’re eating right now. Stop with this discussion.”       “I’m not the one who started it.” This was enough. To shut it? They are the ones who started talking about this whole topic.       “See, y/n? Even you admitted it. You’re on 2nd place, so that means you’re not the best.”       “Can YOU do what I’m doing? Learn all this new information while having zoom classes, helping around the house and taking care of the dog. Because by the way, I’m the one who-“
your ears were burning after your dad’s hand made contact with the left half of your face.
      you couldn’t even see clearly because of the tears;the heartache started to become physical pain; you could literally feel your heart breaking. “See? This attitude of yours will stop you from doing anything and you’ll only get to lose because of it. You could’ve chose to be a good daughter and shut up instead of questioning me and your mother.”
this was clearly the drop that filled the glass
      You ran upstairs and locked yourself in your room. The worst time to cry is when you have to hide it. You were shoving your head into the pillow, trying to stop your screams of frustration. When was this going to end? Why you? You tried your best but it still wasn’t enough; you did everything everyone wanted but you still weren’t a good person. Were they considering themselves good people? Your parents, your friends, your classmates. It was all about perspective; wasn’t it?
      Or probably not. Maybe you actually were a bad person who was trying to convince herself that it isn’t true, since you were the only one who had this point of view.
       You had to see someone, you needed to. But from the endless contact list you had, there was no one who could tell you what you needed to hear.
Until you saw his name : Akaashi Keiji. 
The quiet boy who was sitting behind you at school, the one who never talked to you but somehow you had his number; probably from the class gc. You weren’t sure if he had yours saved. But that was the whole point; you never spoke to each other, so he didn’t knew you. Maybe if he sees you in this situation and hears the whole thing, he will tell you what you needed to hear, he will reassure you. Even if it was because you pitied him and he wanted to get rid of you faster, it didn’t matter.
So you pressed “call”.
      “Hi.. I’m sorry to bother you. I just..”
¬ you just what? are you going to tell him : “Hi Akaashi, I have serious issues at home, can we talk about it even though all you know about me is my name?” or maybe “Hey Akaashi, can we meet ? I promise I’m not a serial killer.”
      “You just what… Y/n?” you snapped       “Oh.. you have my number?”       “Well, yeah.. From the class group chat. And I suppose you have mine.”       “Yeah, I just wanted to..”
and you get trapped again in your thoughts, but his voice brings you back
      “Can we maybe meet up? I can clearly see that you can’t tell me over the phone, whatever the issue might be. Maybe face to face you will be able to find your words.”       “Oh shoot. I mean, yeah, I’ll meet you downtown in 15!”       “Alright, goodbye Y/n.”       “See you, Akaashi.” ¬was this actually happening?
The 15 minutes had finally passed and you saw him on a bench, waiting for you. You almost forgot about the reason you called him when you noticed how pretty was Akaashi in the moonlight. Akaashi was an observant man so it hasn’t passed much time until he noticed your red and puffy eyes, a subtle mark on your face, your pink nose and your dry lips. Your eyes were shining and he felt so bad for thinking that you’re beautiful after something awful probably happened to you.
      “I’m sorry. You probably had better things to do.”
      “Well, I mean, we don’t know each other that well. Of course I had better things to do since we’ve never talked before, but my feet dragged me here. And my brain wasn’t the one who told you that I wanna meet up with you. I don’t know why I did that.” He watches your bright expression fade away and being replaced by a disappointed one. He didn’t mean it to sound like he didn’t wanna be here.
      “From all you know, I could actually be a murderer.” he lets out a subtle smile after finishing the sentence and you can’t help but to smile as well, even though your smile is not that subtle as his but it makes him proud of himself.
There’s was a chaotic silence and you weren’t making any visual contact, but instead you were stargazing. You never actually noticed how bright the sky was at night. It wasn’t that bright, like during the day, making your eyes hurt when you look at it; it was a peaceful light.
 You were analyzing the stars; but Akaashi was analyzing the most beautiful one, who was standing next to him.
He couldn’t help but let his thoughts wonder: was it a problem with your parents? maybe you had some bullies? worse; an abusive boyfriend? He comes back to reality when he notices that you’re open your mouth, wanting to say something.         “Can you help me become a better person?”
But.. what makes you think you aren’t a good person, Y/n? Who told you that you need to change? he was wondering.You look slightly over your shoulder just to see him with his mouth a bit open, with a surprised expression.
      “Well, Akaashi? Are you the one with no words right now?”       “No, Y/n. But why would you do that?”       “You mean, why do I wanna become a good person?”       “No, I mean, why would you change something about yourself? What makes you think you are a bad person?”
You were the shocked one right now. I mean, he saw you as a good person? He doesn’t think you are mean? He doesn’t have a bad impression about your sudden crying at school and your anger issues?
      “What do you mean? You don’t know me outside of the school, you only know me as a classmate. Have you not seen the way I act in class? Have you not heard everyone’s opinions? That I am-“
      “I mean yeah, I did. But do I look like the type of person who follows the herd? Am I not allowed to my own opinion, Y/n?”
      “Of course you are.” you feel bad for almost yelling at him. His eyes looked sad.       “Standing right behind you for such a long time made me know you without even realising it. I’ve noticed so many little details about you, and please don’t think of me as a pervert or something. But you were in front of me everyday so- “Calm down, Akaashi. I won’t.” you say laughing, unable to stop. He was cute getting flustered over the thought that you may get him wrong.
      “I am calm, Y/n.. but, why do you wanna change something about you, after all?” then everything comes back to you; the sound of your dad shouting at you, then the slap; the insults from your friends; so you shed a tear ¬      
      Akaashi is actually worried now; he notices again the mark on your face so he builds up the courage to ask you what happened.
“Akaashi, please. I know I can be angry and mean for no reason at all sometimes, I know I may not be the best person. But tell me that I am a good person. I need you to tell me that despite all that, I am actually a good friend, a good daughter, a good person overall. Because I need this, you have to reassure me or I might give up on being good for real, and be exactly like how they are picturing me to be.”
       He is processing every word you’re saying and his heart breaks; why did you have such a bad impression about yourself?       “Y/n.. You know I just told you that staying behind you made me realise so many things about you. Even if we haven’t talked, it feels like we are actually good friends,  because I’ve seen you crying during class, burying your head in your backpack thinking no one notices. I’ve seen you being so proud of youself after passing a test that most of the class had failed; because in the next second you would message your parents letting them know; I’ve seen how affected you are by our classmates’ harsh words. Trust me, your anger issues aren’t that big of a problem. You have  nothing on Bokuto’s emo mode.”       There’s the smile he’s been wanting to see again.       “The conclusion is that I can clearly see the fact that you’re not just a good person; but a blessing in your parents’ and friends’ lives. And if they don’t appreciate you, it’s their loss. Even if we never spoke until tonight, I felt somehow close to you.”       “So.. after all, I am a good person?” your eyes can’t meet his because you know you’ll burst out crying. But he was the first person to make you cry tears of joy. You needed this so much, you wanna feel this sensation more often ; the feeling of someone having faith in you and not wanting you to be the best out of everyone, but the best version of yourself.       “Of course you’re not. You’re actually hilarious when you’re angry. I am used to sudden mood swings, trust me. Maybe you just hadn’t met the right people.”
And you knew he was right. It actually was just about perspective. You may look like the bad guy, but in someone else’s story, you are a good person. From someone else’s point of view, you are actually the best. You just need to meet the people who will understand you and will immediately shape a connection with you; 
¬ it is all about perspective and being in the right place, with the right people.
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omg this came out way longer than I wanted it to be but it kinda helped me getting my emotions out? I really really hope you like it bb!!:’( I still have second thoughts about it.
- Riley
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koutawoo · 4 years
No thoughts, head empty, only uncle Bokuto and Kuroo (imagine tho. Now give me your hcs I started the idea lol) . Also I suggest that u don't go through twitter cuz there is a bunch of new content _cognizant anon
bold of u to assume that i even follow any hq!! twitter accounts other than the official informative ones :^)) i rlly don’t see anything unless it’s posted by an official account LOL
not headcannons, not in character, but just bokuto scenarios <3
bokuto’s a brat who wants to be babied by his sisters, so when they have kids, he, a 25 year old dude, will fight the babies for their [his sisters’] attention
or, when they plan to have kids, he’ll ask that he becomes their child instead so he doesn’t ‘lose’ his sisters :^)))
but in the end, ofc he’ll end up loving them and will actually steal all the babies’ attention away from his sisters, rather than the reverse scenario he feared LOL
omg, when they’re of age, like in elementary, he’s gonna read books to them and explain the ‘hard’ words he learned recently or from akaashi, LIKE THE FREAKING DORK HE IS, bc he wants to show off his growing intellect
omg, bokuto throwing two kids on top of his shoulders and showing them a ‘whole new world’ from a tall person’s perspective, or giving them piggy back rides and running like sonic x so they can feel the rush of the wind
or bokuto passionately explaining to the kids that being ‘just’ an ace is super, mega, duper, freaking COOL!! but they’re actually done af bc they’ve received this lecture from their dear uncle bokuto like, a million times already
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drsunshaine · 4 years
10 + 10
Tag Game - Answer their 10 questions and then think of 10 questions to ask other friends!
Tagged by: @kiribaku-is-endgayme ( thank you so much for this! This was a good break for me after overwhelming work, pft. )
Tagging: @ninnieartsies / @mistermrbee / @bokuakasalways / @peachysweetles45 / @mari-writes / @bkakfanclub / @niwayaoi / @bokutoko / @stephen-is-strange 
1. Do you believe in soulmates?
Considering that me and my best friend believe that and even refer to each other as such-- since we feel like we were made for each other and all, then yes. I do believe that.
2. What’s your favorite genre of movies, T.V. shows, and anime?
Psychological thriller or horror. Smart comedies. Satires of tropes or commentaries to society. Anything that’s smart and relevant even years later. 
But for examples of “smart” comedies, look no further than The Cornetto Trilogy by one of my favorite directors, Edgar Wright. Also Scott Pilgrim vs. The World. 
Psychological thrillers that you make you think, I’d go either The Shining or A Clockwork Orange directed by Stanley Kubrick (these are rated-R films with unpleasant/triggering content so these are not for minors!).
Satires of tropes, I’d refer to the Cornetto Trilogy again. Also Joker. Self-aware without being too-self aware.
For anime, I’d go for xxxHolic because I love the supernatural/horror elements to it.
3. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
4 years ago, I’d consider myself an optimist. These days, I’m a balance of the two. In any spectrum, I’m almost always neutral. I like seeing things from both perspectives AND having my opinion based on both.
4. Is there a movie you can watch over, and over again and not get tired of?
I watched Joker three times in the cinema (that’s a first). And there’s also xxxHolic’s anime movie which is called A Midsummer Night’s Dream.
5. If you could live in any other country than you own, what would it be?
Somewhere in Europe, maybe? It’d be nice to discover, learn and appreciate a culture that’s from the opposite side of the world. I think values here in Asia are closely linked, so I’d rather experience something entirely new! (And also have that Euro.vision experience ajshdkasd)
6. If you could switch two fictional characters to each others’ universe, who would they be and why?
Hmm, this is a good question actually. Maybe for puns’ sake, Akashi from Kuroko no Basket and Akaashi from HQ. PFFT. 
And ohh! I just thought of this, but maybe Leonardo Watch from Kekkai Sensen and Tanjiro from KNY. They’d retain their powers in the swapped universes.
I thought of it coz they both have sisters they wish to protect. They both have experienced losses. But I’d like for Tanjiro to feel what it’d be like to have a second fam in Libra. 
And ofc see Leonardo’s growth experiencing tremendous loss since he only has his all-seeing eyes to rely on. How would he look at life in order to move forward? HEHE.
7. Do you believe in aliens or some other life form outside of Earth?
Yes! We can’t not live alone in this infinite universe. One star alone has its own solar system. So imagine all the stars across the universe... Damn. 
8. What mythical creature do you wish actually existed?
Hmmmm~~ For some creatures, there are some scary contexts behind them. Like mermaids sinking ships and such jshkads. I’d just go for something cute and maybe a unicorn?
9. What’s the most pleasant sounding accent to you?
I love the Kansai and Osakan dialects hahaha~ Lovely Complex is the best showcase of it. (Also a recommended anime to watch 1111/10 will make you laugh and cry. If you haven’t watched it, then do it!)
10. Do collect anything like, figures, posters, or funko pops?
Well, I used to collect CDs from a certain genre (k.pop). I only own two nendos so far (bokuaka). But my consistent collection is my lucky items that I buy every Chinese New Year to bless me with lots of money (inspired my (1) Midorima Shintarou from KNB). And hey, it works! c:
1. Are you okay today? Did you rest well? Did you eat? Did you drink lots of water?
2. What are reoccurring dreams that you have? If not reoccurring, what is the most memorable dream you’ve had instead?
3. Which kind of weather do you prefer? Warm/hot/sunny or rainy/cold? And why?
4. Are you the type to enjoy things as they are? Or the type to analyze and appreciate things in an objective perspective? Or both?
5. What is your favorite song genre? And what is your favorite song from that said genre? And why?
6. What is your definition of success? Is it doing the work you love? Happiness? Buying anything you want? Traveling?
7. Who is a character that you relate to right now and why?
8. Who is a character that have greatly influenced your personality/life throughout the years? And why?
9. What is a sport you’d like to try out? (If you’re already playing a sport, then what other sport do you want to try out?)
10. How do you overcome stress? Or when everything feels overwhelming? (This is a reminder for you to hang in there. That you can do it! Good job for today!)
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shoushatohaisha · 6 years
report: haikyuu!! summer week day 5 part 2 (hajimari no kyojin)
(sorry for the delay! i moved home from japan to the states the day after… technically the day of posting the last report so obviously it's been. Busy. last one tho!! ♥)
previously: day 1 (shoen) day 2 (itadaki no keshiki) day 3 (karasuno, fukkatsu!!) day 4 (shousha to haisha) day 5 part 1 (shinka no natsu)
guests: kenta, keita, funaki masahide, yanagihara rin
Hoo Boy this was by the most outright emotional of all the screenings so far. like, shousha to haisha was intense, but the content was intimately familiar by now. the impact of this was fresh -- and we all knew it was the end, you know? the end of our happy little week, obviously, but also the beginning of the end for karasuno. over the week all those showings had built up this tidal wave of Feelings it then unleashed here, aha. so that the cheering was right on the edge of desperate, like there were real results on the line. self extremely included. this was our last chance, in all kinds of ways.
(i, aware that i would be leaving the country in two days, was perhaps a little more desperate! but it sure as hell wasn't just me. cheering along at the top of our lungs to the opening/closing karasuno jog i described here… it was. a lot.)
of course the reaction to certain parts were as you'd expect. there was dead silence for ennoshita's big scene(s). the cheers for his receives were like nothing else. when ennoshita tells yamaguchi "let's fight together" kenta reeled backward like he'd taken a physical hit. (my son, i love you.) and of course kenta and kt were emoting all over the place for that whole storyline – kt was wiping his eyes after daichi had to leave the court, and then they both teared up over "thank you for coming back" and "captain ni tsunagenakya!"
and of course when it came to rin and funaki they had their own moments – rin obviously got misty-eyed when all of wakutani started losing their shit, lol, and funaki surprised me by wiping his eyes after misaki's goodbye to johzenji. (my guess from daisenshuuraku was right, btw, momo was crying irl during that scene. awww.)
once again kt was tricked into dashing out before everyone else. XD kt: um this is not how rehearsal went. kenta: what are you talking about? :( funaki: this is just like we practiced. rin: (nods furiously) kenta: isn't it? kt: ………yes. fine.
so they accidentally grabbed the afternoon's MC script, whoops. which i'm sure kenta noticed as soon as he glanced at it, but didn't turn a hair until it was time for their self-introductions. "playing kageyama tobio, i'm kageyama tatsuya—" kt: playing nishinoya yuu i'm fuchino yuuto ^_^ funaki: hahahaha PLAYING KUROO TETSUROU IM KONDOU SHOURI audience: (CHEERS) rin: (squints at script) playing konoha akinori im… (mutters) ….azuma… takumi…? kenta: ….you were IN A PLAY WITH HIM rin: is that wrong kenta: what have you been calling him all this time rin: …………azuma…..kun………. kenta: and what did he say to that rin: …"yes?" funaki: well he does seem like he'd just roll with that kenta: IT'S HIGASHI HIS NAME IS HIGASHI
kenta: i was the MC for the shoen screening, but earlier this week, rather than do it twice himself, ryoutarou turned it over to yamagiwa kaito-kun-- audience: (bursts into giggles) kenta: …yeah so i thought maybe tonight i'd give someone else a cha-- funaki: ME I WANT TO kenta: --ok here you go funaki: wait what kenta: you looked like you really wanted to so funaki: I SUPER DO :D funaki: so uh (flips pages) next uh -- kenta: r u srs
i was SOOO fond of funaki omg what a friendly bro ahhh. so cheery and good-natured. :D (can u tell i like em dumb and smiley, apparently.) whereas rin-kun was… endearingly ditzy. XD (is he an ex-johnny's? he kind of had that air. it was like looking at ueda tatsuya circa 2005. in no small part because of the wakunan towel tucked into his waistband, which draped to the floor.)
funaki: don't forget to call the player's names during the starting order, like "terushima!" or "terushii!" or "yuuji!"
funaki: so next we'll practice cheers! i, the MC – yeah yeah yeah (rapper pose) -- kenta: masakki! kt: masakki! (like. funaki + masahide = masakki? apparently? i was unfamiliar with this nickname.) funaki: ok now yanagihara-kun's gonna lead the cheer practice rin: nice to meet you i'm MC rin ^_^ rin: where were we again? kenta: rin: wait right. this is. a cheer screening. so we want you to cheer! kenta: they know that. rin: kenta: rin: wait ok i remembered!! audience: GANBARE rin: :D;;
it took SEVERAL MORE FALSE STARTS before we actually got to the cheer practice. poor rin-kun. XD but he wasn't like, shy or embarrassed like takumi-kun he just. was kind of a ditz. "NO WAIT :D lemme try again :D wait where are we? :D"
kt: ARE YOU FIRED UP audience: WHOO funaki: ARE YOU READY TO GO audience: WHOOOO kenta: WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE FOOD audience: tamago kake gohan!!
the screening: abovementioned emotions aside, plenty of dancing and choreo as you would espect, especially from funaki. rin apparently was young terushima in the flashbacks! so he and funaki did all the double terushima scenes together. and rin did all of his white coat dance choreo as well.
during the opening, kenta joined rin so he wouldn’t have to do the wakunan choreo alone. XD and funaki and rin played kiyoko-san and yachi ahahaha. then when hinata and ushiwaka begin to turn on the revolving stage, kenta started scuttling around stage trying to "revolve" himself with limited success.
yamaguchi: (snubs shimada's high five) kenta: don't mind!!
despite kenta's gleeful delight in audience comebacks, there were understandably few of them from either him or us because it was everyone's first time watching the show since daisenshuuraku! the demon elementary school children did get this massive cheer that made kenta almost fall out of his chair laughing. ditto akaashi's "michi wo tsukurimasu no de" – that was one of the most full-throated mass "KYAA"s i've ever heard (again… self… included…) and kenta thought it was HILARIOUS.
i myself was reminded all over again what a great show this was, ugh. blah blah I Love Kawahara Kazuma digression aside, please take it as read, IN ADDITION i know i briefly talked about the, like, emotional sensitivity kouhei brought to playing tanaka but fjkdlajfd the close ups on his face made it so much worse, ffffffff. GOD. dude's emotions were A Lot. just. please. gimme the dvd already.
i was also so caught up in nekoma vs fukurodani the first time i watched that i didn't notice how well kuroo and kenma's final scenes onstage functioned as a goodbye for takato and shouri. when you've been in four consecutive shows, you deserve to go out on a meaningful note. (yes ofc we don't know what the future holds etc etc but.) shouri's delivery of "you're our brain, and our spine, and our heartbeat." fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff murder me.
ahem ok. the aftertalk:
funaki said that he was used to watching videos of himself on stage to review and practice with, but it was the first time watching from a normal spectator's perspective. "oh, THAT'S how that came across." and that the effect made him cry.
rin had a really nice thing to say about how watching really impressed on him how haikyuu stage in particular is a work that is dependent on everyone's contributions combined – i.e. it's not just the lead characters, it's the combined effect of the characters in the spotlight and the characters in the background and the white coat ensemble and the technical staff that make haikyuu stage the unique production it is. (this was hard for rin to express in japanese, tbh, so idk how well i'm getting it across in english but his point was that when he says "it's a show we all create together" he's not referring to ideas or feelings but quite literally saying that everyone's contributions on stage are necessary to make haikyuu stage what it is.)
and kenta talked about how (attending every single screening as he did, lol) it was great preparation for saikyou no team to have had the chance to look back on each different production -- especially to look back on the schools and characters that appeared in just one show and carry their feelings forward to the next play.
…then they discussed how quickly rin's hair had grown back since daisenshuuraku. XD rin: tbh… i was emotionally moved when i first looked in the mirror and saw myself with hair.
then as soon as keita prompted them for backstage stories kenta was like GOKU. DEFINITELY GOKU. apparently at daisenshuuraku he started crying before wakunan even huddled up for their pre-show cheer. "I CAN'T HANDLE IT, IT'S TOO MUCH." kenta: i was watching this like R U KIDDING ME WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED YET rin: ahaha during the show as well, idk if this is good or bad, but he was always crying, like – there's a bit where hanayama calls "takeru!" as he makes a toss rin: and goku was always like "(sobs) TAKERU!!" kenta: ONE TIME HE CRIED SO MUCH HE SHORTED OUT HIS MIC audience: EHHHHH? kenta: how did that many tears even GET there funaki: probably the sweat plus the crying rin: incredible. kenta: that's haikyuu stage. so much sweat and tears we destroy our mics.
rin also told us about the wakunan red bull rule. they did a lot of team practice on their own, and people were chronically "just barely" late – i.e., never more than a few minutes, but it was enough to throw off practice. so they instituted a rule that whoever was "just barely" late had to buy the rest of the team red bulls. to this day, as they're preparing for their august 25 event… whoever's late has to buy everyone else red bulls. rin: we also took a lot of purikura together kenta: yeah they had such a reputation that whenever they were late karasuno would be like YOU WERE TAKING PURIKURA AGAIN WEREN'T YOU
then for johzenji funaki told the story of "The Take Two Incident", in which during johzenji's ad libs he fucked up his lines two shows in a row – and the second time was so bad he thought "what would terushima do???", straight up yelled "TAKE TWO" and started over. after which kenta collared him backstage like "did you seriously fuckin do that???" funaki: i reflected deeply on my actions.
johzenji also had iizaka, who's a pretty reticent and quiet character. but he had to do something on stage when johzenji was… being johzenji. so karasuno came up with a quirk for him: every time johzenji successfully scored or blocked he would pump his fists and happily yell "MAAA." (5 foot nothing suga kenta reenacting this was delightful, fyi.) kenta: he played the nakashima household's father too. nakashima masayoshi. nakashima… MAA… sayoshi…
THEN, UGH, keita talked about how he gave the post-curtain call greeting for maeraku (i.e. the second-to-last show, the one before senshuuraku). and of course in the greeting he talked about leaving and coming back – and as he did, suga kenta appeared on stage behind him with exactly the same staging/lighting/sound that daichi does during the play, and said daichi's line, "tanaka keita, thank you for coming back." at which point (in the greeting) keita broke down in tears. he somehow managed to relate this story to us without more than a suspiciously husky voice, haha.
final messages:
rin started off by talking about what a warm atmosphere haikyuu stage has – not only is the production itself good, the people involved in the production are good. this is particularly notable because of the number of people involved. productions with this many people are usually difficult in all kinds of ways – and in his opinion this production is as welcoming and smoothly run as it is thanks to suga kenta. rin: i mean, we're the same age, so as a goal -- well he's not my goal but— kenta: excuse u?? rin: WAIT NO kenta: U COMPLIMENTED ME AND THEN rin: no that's not what i meant!! kenta: WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME HUH (mock flounces off stage) rin: PLEASE LET ME DO IT ONE MORE TIME
(takeru's line, "mou ikkai yarasete kure yo" XD)
he then nicely cleaned it up into what he meant to say about how much he respects kenta and how grateful he was to be part of haikyuu stage.
funaki: WELP JOHZENJI LOST so. that's. my first and last appearance in haikyuu stage. but. tbh. watching this. i really. want to be in it again. i want. to go back. BUT I CAN'T. but all of us in johzenji will do our best in our different venues so maybe we'll meet again. thanks for loving our play so much.
keita: (deep breath) lone audience member: okaeri <3 keita: tadaima :) keita managed to get through his without tearing up… i think. (i love him!!!!) he talked about how of course during a normal show one gets energized and encouraged by the audience's applause, but the energy from these screenings were different and even more direct. "it was like we were all a team." ;___;
and kenta talked about how enjoyable it was to share the emotions of a match directly with everyone, and that looking back on all the productions so far, he was reminded of all the friends and companions that got them this far, including of course the audience. :)
and that's a wrap for the summer week screenings! as i said before, i'll write up a little report about the haikyuu day event – they did an aftertalk after the livestream ended just for the theater – but it should be relatively short compared to these monsters. thanks for tuning in, everyone! ♥♥♥
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silkylious · 3 years
i wanna play too, either the guy with orange hair or the one with a number 5 on his shirt (you gotta work with the description)
LMAO HI ofc you can play too 💞 those are hinata and akaashi
From an irl perspective I can definitely see the duality of my personality 😃
Tell me what hq vibe I give off!
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
WIP Tag Game
rules: make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPs, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner got
tagged by: @axreliono ayyyyyy
tagging: this is a *super* low pressure tag but I'm also gonna be mean and tag @parad0xymoron eheheheh (and consider yourself tagged if ya want in!)
I have two in progress big bang fics which I can't share anything from but you do have this lovely array to choose from still:
little summaries:
What I Was Made For (skts) There are 3 things in life that Miya Atsumu knows for damn sure: 1. That he is hilarious, charming, drop-dead gorgeous and adored by all. 2. That he is outstandingly exceptional in (almost) every sense. 3. That if he is ever anything less than outstanding, no one will love him anymore. Or: how Sakusa & co. help Atsumu realise that he is good enough and worthy of love all the time, every day, exactly as he is
Fire On the Horizon (krbk) 15 years. It's been 15 years since Kirishima has seen Bakugou. Red Riot is now one of the most beloved top heroes, he helped to rebuild Japan in the wake of the post-war arc, he (mostly) moved on with his life. But all of that is thrown into disarray when "Dynamight: missing, presumed dead" suddenly reappears on the scene
Astarion Punishment Smut Fic (Domme! Vico/Bttm Astarion) Does what it says on the tin. 3 chapters of unadulterated Astarion punishment smut feat. my Tav, BDSM dynamics, and clowning Astarion over and over again
The Miya Atsumu Humiliation Show (Atsumu/Terushima) Similarly to above but a house party one-shot where smug Atsumu gets clowned multiple times in front of/by Terushima, until it all culminates in raunchy sex (where the clowning ofc continues)
The Hardest of Hearts (skts Dark Academia AU) Told from Sakusa's perspective as he navigates a rather complicated relationship with his roommate, Atsumu, and life studying abroad at a prestigious creative arts university in England. Features descriptions of Sakusa playing the piano, the discovery of Atsumu's secret art, and trying to figure out wtf it all means
Untitled Itadori/Inumaki/Sukuna trash smut Again, does what it says on the tin. I apologise to the internet for my horrendous brain but there was something about Inumaki/Itadori "experimenting" with Inumaki's cursed speech and Sukuna deciding that he needs to intervene that absolutely rotted my brain
HQ BokuAka Prom Fic (bkak) Bokuto desperately wants to ask Akaashi to prom but is scared that the Fukurodani students will treat Akaashi differently once Bokuto graduates. Enter: Kuroo, Hero of the Hour - who gets together his fellow volleyball captains to plot a HQ takeover of Fukurodani's prom. Birds (and cats, and plants, etc) of a feather flock together. Features super cute dancing scenes (bc ofc) and Bokuto's sisters
Kunichi Smut (Kunigami/Raichi) Raichi just cannot stop thinking about Kunigami and it doesn't help that Kunigami is fucking everywhere he goes - on the pitch, in the gym, in the mess hall, in the showers. But it doesn't make sense bc Kunigami's like... a guy? The fuck is up with that. Or: (almost wildcard) Kunigami notices Raichi has the hots for him and proceeds to wind him up until Raichi can't stand it anymore, and then Kunigami rails Raichi in the showers
Apotheosis (bkak greek mythology AU) Minor god Akaashi + Beloved mortal Bokuto fall in love with each other. It's a story that can only end in tragedy. Except, Bokuto doesn't accept that. He figures all he has to do is turn into a god and then they can be together forever. Sounds easy, right? Features a beautiful bkak love story, HQ characters as greek gods, and Bokuto just being wonderful
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