#from. staring at his face for way too long though i BELIEVE this is kyung soo
ukn0ws · 11 months
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Four)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, a little bit of fluff, lots of mentions of death
Word count: 2,962
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english. also as y’all already know, kyung is half black so i included that bit in this part since the series is from her pov. i try to mostly avoid being that specific in reader inserts but oh well lmao 
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
After waking up but before the funeral, the first thing that was brought to your attention were the injuries. Jooyeon’s neck was bruised and sore – Seungcheol couldn’t help but growl whenever he really stared at it, which was often because he couldn’t stop thinking about how someone tried to strangle his mate – most of the mates and wolves had cuts and scrapes, those in town had silver bullet wounds that had to heal, and there was Hansol with silver burned into his shoulders and arms. However, Hansol never once complained about the pain when he was with you. He’d grunt and whimper softly when he moved or did things or his clothes brushed against it, but he mostly kept his discomfort to himself.
The first thing you tried was Joshua’s healing, which he was already overexerting -- and soon, he was unable to use it at all. He was trying to quickly heal everybody’s silver injuries, but Hansol’s was the biggest one, and it was deeper than the others. There were faint grey veins in his back when he took off his shirt, and you could only imagine what it must’ve felt like. But you chose to try to ignore the strong instinct to stay beside your mate. Instead, you tried to help your pack and their mates with coping.
“Where’s Rin?” you asked Jinyoung as you entered the kitchen.
“She’s been hiding ever since the night we came home,” he replied, sipping from a mug of coffee. “I saw her run outside that night, but then she went invisible. I haven’t seen her since.”
You frowned. Other than Jiung, you were closest with Rin and Chanseong. With Chanseong gone and Rin hiding – you could sniff her out, but you didn’t want to blow her cover and upset her – you felt even more alone. Your inner wolf yearned to go back to Hansol and at least watch as Joshua tried to heal him, but you ignored that feeling yet again.
“I guess I’ll…find something else to do,” you shrugged.
Jinyoung sighed, setting his mug on the counter and putting a hand on your shoulder as you turned to go, “_____, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Doing what?”
“You’re just trying to distract yourself from Hansol.”
“No,” you snapped, scowling at the younger wolf, “I’m trying to be a good alpha.”
Jinyoung’s face fell, his grip loosening, “_____, I know you must feel it, too…”
“No, it’ll go away,” you stated surely. “I’m the alpha, so I’m staying here and acting like it. I’m not letting my pack down.”
“You’re not letting anybody down, _____. You’re being too hard on yourself. And you can’t say that you’d be letting down Jiung because we both know – we all know – that he would want you to go easier on yourself, too.”
“Shut up!” you snapped, pulling away from Jinyoung and staring at the floor. You took deep breaths as you felt your temper flaring up, the skin of your knuckles starting to spark. The last thing you wanted was to set the kitchen on fire. “Just…let me do what I need to, okay? This is how I want to do things.”
You heard Rin’s voice, but you didn’t see her, “It’s how she wants to cope.”
She appeared beside Jinyoung at the counter, though she shrunk behind him like she was hiding from somebody.
Jinyoung glanced over at her before looking back at you, “What did she say?”
Rika walked into the kitchen, an empty syringe in one hand, and her hands clad in gloves, “She says it’s how _____ chooses to cope. Personally, I agree. _____ is our alpha now and she should decide what she wants to do. We can’t baby her like Jiung did.”
“You can’t seriously believe that–”
“Jinyoung,” Rika barked, tossing the syringe in the garbage. “not now.”
“How’s Hansol?” Rin wondered quietly.
Rika sighed, wiping sweat from her forehead with the back of her arm, “Nothing’s working. I recommended a doctor in the town near their new house, and he said he’ll think about it.”
“Oh, Minjee?” you asked, ignoring the fact that the two girls were speaking English to each other. “She did well with Baekhan that one time.”
“And she’s affordable for the wolves who had a harder time blending in,” Rika chuckled. “I think she’ll be able to be of the best assistance for them if even Joshua’s powers aren’t healing Hansol.”
While Rika had to repeat what she had said to Rin in English, you went to walk out of the kitchen in search of something else to keep your brain busy since now all you could think of was Hansol’s injuries. However, Jinyoung stopped you once again.
“This isn’t over, _____,” he told you. “Their pack leaves tomorrow, and you’ll have to decide. We’re having a pack meeting tonight to discuss this.”
“Whatever,” you grumbled before shrugging him off and leaving the kitchen.
Seungcheol’s pack stayed for two days. Two days of preparations for a ceremony that would serve as a funeral for the fallen alpha. Two days of Hansol whimpering in pain whenever anybody touched his shoulders or the back of his arms. Two whole days of Joshua doing his best to heal everybody until he physically couldn’t use his power anymore. Two days of Soonyoung sniffing around your house, which you thought was weird, but it at least lessened the tension seeing his weird behavior.
The funeral was exactly what they expected, but they found out it was a funeral for two. You were the only one who knew that Chanseong had left, but you were too out of it to do anything about it at the time. When did manage to break the news to the pack, they seemed upset but not surprised. Nobody was surprised that Chanseong would do something like that since Jiung was dead. Outside of the pack, Chanseong had no other family.
Since there were no bodies to bury, memorials were created in the backyard. On wooden crosses that your pack had made, their names were engraved into them before they were put side-by-side in the dirt. Bang Jiung and Lee Chanseong – an alpha and his mate.
You were at least thankful that Seungcheol’s pack attended and listened attentively to what your pack had to say about your brother. You could feel eyes on you most of the time, though you assumed they were afraid that you would lose your cool like you had before. However, you just stared at the ground, dressed in all black like the rest of your pack, and said nothing. 
Seungcheol’s pack also noticed that Rin was still missing -- well, she was there because the wolves could smell her, but she stayed invisible the whole time -- and everyone noticed that Hansol stood farthest away from the group. They figured Hansol wanted to still be here to pay his respects, but stood farther away since he was apparently the cause of all this in your eyes and in his own.
Once it was over, the three alphas ushered their own pack inside so that way Your pack could have some time alone to do whatever you needed to do. Suvi had turned to look at your pack right before entering the house and noticed Rin was suddenly there.
After the funeral, you still didn’t feel different -- you thought you might after waking up, too, but you didn’t. You weren’t sure if you’d even feel different after becoming the new alpha, but you thought maybe it would make you feel at least a little bit stronger or a little more sure of yourself. Instead, you just felt as broken as you did before. Nothing had changed.
You did feel something – an instinct that you already knew what it was – but you shoved that instinct down and tried to live up to the alpha you knew your brother would want you to be. Maybe if you really acted the part, you’d feel it – everyone would. At least, that’s all you could hope for.
Since you’d missed seeing Eunjin, you spent most of your time sitting beside her. Unlike the other mated couples, her and Seungkwan weren’t all over each other. They didn’t bother asking you about any of your problems, and you enjoyed listening to them talk about anything -- from things Eunjin was hearing, to Seungkwan just telling her old stories of the pack.
As they spoke about their different traditions from their home countries, you spoke up about one thing in particular, “That is something I never understood…”
“What?” Seungkwan asked, his hand wrapped around Eunjin’s tiny one.
“When Koreans marry, nobody takes the other’s surname,” you clarified, looking between the couple. “America’s the same way as Eunjin’s home country where if you and Eunjin got married, Eunjin would become Boo Eunjin. Then again, I guess getting married isn’t something werewolves do either, huh?”
“We are,” Yeji suddenly interjected, listening to the conversation.
“What?” Jihoon asked, being taken off guard by the suddenly remark by his mate, and making the others in the room chuckle.
You even cracked a small smile.
“We’re getting married,” she repeated, “…right?”
Quickly, Jihoon nodded, “If that’s what you want to do, then of course.”
“Good answer,” Wonwoo nodded, nudging his brother with his elbow.
“You’re such a sucker for her,” Soonyoung said teasingly, rolling his eyes.
Danbi looked to you, her soft smile growing wider when she looked at you like she was just trying to make you happy. Danbi was a cute girl.
“What about you, _____?” she asked. “Did you want to get married?”
You just shrugged, “I don’t know. I would fantasize about it a lot when I was a child but after living the life of a werewolf for so long and learning more of their customs, I don’t think I’d mind either way.”
“Where exactly are you from, _____?” Soomin inquired, leaning forward like she was genuinely interested.
“I’m from America, and I would visit once a year, but I don’t remember my birth parents,” you admitted with a shrug, your hands folding together in your lap. “My adoptive ones managed to save a picture of them, so I know what they looked like at least -- not that I care. But my mother was white and my father was black. Me and Ji– Um…I’m not as dark as my dad, but I’m darker than my mom, obviously.”
Eunjin looked at you with a hint of a smile on her pink lips as her wide blue eyes took you in, softly saying, “You’re really pretty, _____. I’ve always thought your hair was pretty, and you have a cute nose.”
“Thanks,” you could feel your cheeks heating up as you looked at your lap. You knew Eunjin was too genuine, so you knew she truly believed the comments she made about you. She was too sweet for this awful world.
“_____,” you heard Hanbin call you from the kitchen. You looked up to see him wave you over. “C’mon.”
You sighed, standing up, “I’ll talk to you guys later.”
“Okay!” Danbi chirped.
You walked out of the living room normally before dragging your feet through the kitchen. You knew why you were dreading this pack meeting but you tried to not let those reasons get to you. You were going to have to face the reality of the situation even if you didn’t want to. You could pretend as long as you wanted, but your instincts knew the truth – all of them knew the truth.
Hanbin held the back door open for you to walk out onto the wrap-around porch and down the steps to the backyard. You joined the group that had already formed around the large fire, standing around it to warm their faces and hands.
“Alright,” Jaesang spoke up once you and Hanbin had joined the group, “now that the alpha is here, we can start.”
You just stared down at your boot-clad feet.
“Have you made any decisions, _____?” Jimin wondered softly.
“I already told Jinyoung what I’m doing,” you grumbled.
Across the fire, you could hear Rika whispering translations to Rin.
“You shouldn’t–”
“Jinyoung,” Hanbin spoke up, placing a hand on your back, “let’s let _____ explain herself. What did you decide, _____?”
“I’m staying with my pack,” you stated, finally lifting your head to look at each member. “I’m going to be the alpha, and I’m going to do it well.”
“You do know that’s suicide, right?” Rin asked, her voice hard as her golden eyes glared at you. “You’re just going to kill yourself, and then you won’t be an alpha even if you–”
“Corinne,” Rika whispered harshly.
“At least I’m not playing hide-n-seek with the other pack!” you shouted, already getting worked up at Rin’s insinuation.
Rin’s cheeks flushed, and she averted her eyes to the fire.
“I vaguely got an idea of what Rin said,” Hyojun spoke up, his hands shoved into his pockets as his mate clung to one of his arms, “but I know she’s right. _____, if you deny Hansol, you’ll kill him and yourself. I’m not saying you should listen to us, but I think you should think this over a bit more. At least promise us that, yeah?”
You stared at Hyojun for a moment before instinctively looking up at Hanbin. Then your eyes flickered to the fire after realizing you were the alpha and you were to make your own decisions.
With a sigh, you nodded once, “I’ll think about it.”
“Thank you,” Hanbin nodded, sounding almost relieved and happy. “We’d rather have you out of the pack and safe, than in it and dead.”
Most of the pack brought their mates and themselves back inside, but you stayed outside by the fire. You stared deep into the flames, trying to sort through the maze of thoughts you had. You knew you’d be digging your own grave if you denied your mate since you had the same strong urges, but you hoped that pretending they didn’t exist would just make them go away. But at the same time, the wolf side of you just didn’t want to ignore those feelings.
You let out a groan, dropping your head into your hands. You had thought everyone had gone inside but you felt a strong arm tug you into their side, and you already knew who it was: Hanbin.
You weren’t sure how long you stayed outside to think in the quiet of the night, but Hanbin stood by you the entire time. All you could think as you stared into the fire that only reminded you of your own temper, was that Hanbin would make a better alpha than you ever could.
The pack was leaving around 7am, and your pack met them outside to say goodbye. Most of your pack shook hands with the others, some of the mates hugged the other mates. Soonyoung was still acting weird, but at this point, you figured that was just typical Soonyoung. You stayed toward the back, though, as you were supposed to make your official decision.
The entire time, you felt eyes on you. From your pack and theirs, but you mostly felt Hansol’s boring into you. You just kept your eyes on the ground, waiting for the inevitable.
“It’s been a pleasure meeting you and your pack,” Hanbin said, shaking hands with the three alphas, “and if you ever need anything else, just give us a shout.”
“Eunjin’s got that covered,” Seokmin joked.
Finally, Hanbin turned to you, waving you over. Your feet robotically moved one in front of the other, but the whole thing felt like a blur. You felt like you weren’t even in your own body.
“So, _____,” Hanbin put a warm hand on your shoulder, looking down at you.
But the one to ask the question wasn’t Hanbin.
“_____,” Hansol spoke up suddenly, his voice soft but capturing your attention easily. You looked at him as he walked over, though you could see the pain in his face he was trying to hide from his clothes moving against his injuries. He stopped in front of you, yellow eyes staring deeply into yours. “I know you hate me, and I know what I did is unforgivable. Despite everything that happened, I promise to work as hard as I have to to make you happy again. I don’t care if it takes me until I die, I swear I’ll make you happy someday. I’ll love you with my whole heart, and I’ll always take care of you. So…will you come with me and be my mate?”
Both packs were silent as you and Hansol looked at each other. Most of you – maybe all of you – was screaming to take his hand and let him lead you off to a new life. You knew even your own pack wanted you to go with him just so you’d be alive and be well taken care of because they knew Hansol would be able to keep you under control after what happened in the woods the other night. Nobody else in your pack could ever do what he could do. Nobody could ever keep you out of trouble like Hansol could. Nobody could even touch you when your powers were in use, but Hansol could easily.
But your lips parted to speak, and you barely whispered the word, “No.”
Then you turned away from the pack and made your way through your smaller one, going into the house and not sparing Hansol a second glance.
You were an alpha, just like Jiung, and you were going to be strong like him.
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untaemedqueen · 4 years
Room 732 (M)
Mafia!Jeongguk x Courtesan!Reader
Jeongguk brought to you by The Bird Cage
WordCount: 10k
Genre: Angst, Smut, Fluff, Strangers to Lovers!AU
Warnings: Excessive Drinking, Excessive Swearing, Guns, Jeongguk Is Haunted By His Dead Girlfriend, Character Death (Lee), Mafia!Jeongguk, Shy!Jeongguk, Possessive!Jeongguk, Dom!Jeongguk, Sub!Reader,  Jeongguk Is Riddled with Guilt, Praise, Cunnilingus, Orgasm Denial, Fellatio, Throat Fucking, Deep Throating, Begging, Jeongguk Has A Huge Dick, Daddy Kink, Did I Say Possessive? Because Jeongguk Is Possessive As Fuck, Cum Swallowing, Degradation (Cum Slut), Marking, Unprotected Sex, Squirting, Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Begging
A/N: Can Be Read As A Stand Alone But If You’ve Read TBC. There are fun easter eggs. OKAY. ENJOY.
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The mansion was silent on this Wednesday morning. Not a noise to be heard as Jeongguk pads down the right staircase of the large home. His sleep laden eyes drift to the brand new door before yawning loudly. His hand coming up to scratch at his bare tattooed chest as he makes his way through the sitting room. The perfectly white marble countertop of the island gives him a place to lean as he runs his hands through his black hair. He drank way too much yesterday with Taehyung to celebrate the birth of his new son. 
Everyone was finding love around him, starting families and here he was still a bachelor since his girlfriend Lee was murdered. He could sometimes still picture her, her black hair blowing in the breeze in the garden. Or, the way she used to wrinkle her nose at everything, a habit Guk had adopted from her. He sighs to himself before shoving off of the counter as he rounds the island to the liquor cabinet. Sometimes Lee visits him in his dreams, begging him to move on, to experience happiness like the others in his gang. But, how could he? He has this warped mind that only knows how to torture and kill. After she was gone there was no love, no yearning. He smiles, sure, at his nieces and nephews. He finds happiness in others' happiness but never his own.
Jeongguk jumps up on the counter, Johnny Walker in his right hand as Hawon runs into the kitchen. He smirks down at her before putting the bottle of alcohol behind his back. 
"Our Hawon." Her body sways as she does a little dance noticing her uncle. Jeongguk chuckles before hopping down off the island and picking her up. 
"Airplane?! Airplane, Uncle Guk!" Mirae enters not even a second later before sighing as Jeongguk throws Hawon up in the air. Her screech echoes throughout the kitchen as Jeongguk chuckles. See, this is a flint of happiness he obtains through the people around him. He can smile at the way Mirae becomes disheveled with the kids even though she has OCD and hates to be out of perfect form. He can smile at how Hawon is delighted to be with him. And yet, when he's alone the loneliness and anger gnaws at him, as if he has a constant leech on his body. Jeongguk spins around, hands grasping at Hawon's small body before putting her back on the ground. 
"Uncle Guk has to go to work. I'll see you later, hmm? We can watch that Tinkerbell movie." Hawon nods ecstatically at his promise before running out into the garden. 
"Just a ball of energy." Mirae mumbles before chasing Hawon out the kitchen door. Jeongguk smirks before grabbing the whisky and walking out of the kitchen.
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The blood tainted towel falls into Guk's lap as he sits down in the wooden chair in his warehouse. The blubbering and shaking of the man in front of him makes him sigh as he kicks the chair back on its hind two legs. His feet coming to rest on the blood stained wooden table in front of him. 
"Just tell me what I want to know." His tone was not to be taken lightly as he shakes his long hair out of his face. Assessing the pained body in front of the table, he tilts his head. 
"I didn't cut your tongue out for you to talk so you'd better do so, or I'll tell my boss you bit it off instead." This is what Jeongguk was best at. Jimin's wife on many occasions has stated that she couldn't believe the cute, tattoo riddled boy in front of her was such a fierce person. But, it's what he is best at. It's all he knows and he's damn good at it. 
"You-I...Ple-Please." The voice was hoarse as if they haven't had water in days. Jeongguk taps his fingers against his leather pants before looking up at the wooden ceiling of his warehouse. 
"Not what I want to hear. I want to hear from your mouth how you got the address." All he needs is a name, that's it. 
"I have nothing else to take from you, Kyung. I took your eyes, your dick, your fingers." The man sobs hopelessly as Jeongguk looks at the blood stained bandage over the top of Kyung's head. 
"Im Junggoo." Jeongguk sighs, his hands covering his face before nodding. 
"Yeah. I was afraid you were going to say that." Jeongguk's body moves gracefully as he jumps out of the chair. He whistles to himself as he pulls his gun out from the back of his waistband. His fingers roll the silencer onto the tip of the gun before sighing as he jumps up onto the table before sitting down crossing his legs. 
"This was fun, Kyung. Let's do it again sometime." He closes one eye, aiming at Kyung's head before pulling the trigger. The body falls, twitching slightly before stilling and Jeongguk can do nothing but set down the gun on the table and watch how the blood begins to pool into the reddened dirt around him. His blood covered hands lean back behind him as he looks up at the ceiling. He was damn good at his job.
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"You need to go get some relief of some kind." Jimin tells Jeongguk as he sits at his desk. Jeongguk looks over the rim of his whisky glass before furrowing his eyebrows. 
"Since you've stepped into this room your hands have been shaking, you have bags under your eyes and you can't stop bouncing your knee. You need to get some relief." The older man points at his knee, product of proof right in front of him that has Jeongguk rolling his eyes. 
"I'm fine." Jimin sips his coffee before leaning back in his chair, his crisp white shirt wrinkling as he does so. 
"I'm not asking you, I'm telling you." Jeongguk licks at his lips before folding his hands around the whisky glass in his lap. Jimin was the closest person to him since he was young. Jimin helped him find himself, made him who he is today and Jeongguk never takes that for granted. 
"I can't sleep. She comes to see me in my dreams." He tells his best friend as he looks down at the newly purchased Persian rug that replaced the old one after Jimin's wife killed someone in the office. 
"Lee?" Jeongguk nods to his question before downing the rest of his liquor. 
"She always tells me to move on, or be happy. Like that's such a fucking easy thing to do. Like I can't remember what her fucking body looked like when we came home." Jimin swallows thicky before looking up at the ceiling. 
"I get it. Really I do." Jeongguk's chest begins to tighten as he turns his head to look at the stained glass window. 
"It's not like I have a Kitten, like you do that magically transcends me into a different plane of existence and makes me better." Jimin takes a deep breath through his nose as he sets down his coffee. 
"Watch it. Your words are getting reckless." His eyes flicker shut, his heart beating in his ears as he sees Lee painted on the back of his eyelids. 
"I can see her. She's wearing that pink dress that I bought her for Valentine's Day. Her hair was in pretty curls. I can see her smiling at me." Jeongguk chokes on his own spit as his eyes open wide before standing up and walking over to the liquor caddy. 
"Guk." Jimin whispers as the alcohol sloshes into the crystal glass. 
"I'm fine." The lie slips right past his lips as he looks up at the portrait of all the guys behind Jimin's chair. 
"Go see one of Kitten's girls. It might help." A giggle bursts through the room as Jeongguk turns to his older brother. 
"Help? They aren't therapists. They suck cock for a living." Jimin sighs before putting his hand to his forehead. Jeongguk was stubborn, he always has been and probably always will be. 
"Then go see a therapist. You're getting out of control. I saw what you did to Kyung's body. You're lashing out." 
"I was doing my fucking job." Jimin clicks his teeth as the study door opens.
Jimin's wife stands in the doorway, one hand holding their son Minseok as the other rests comfortably on her growing belly. 
"Sorry. He wants daddy." She whispers before looking at Guk. 
"We don't cut people's eyes out." Jimin responds to Jeongguk before standing up and grabbing his son from his wife's arms. 
"I got it, Kitten." She hums before her eyes take in Jeongguk's disheveled body. 
"I was just doing my fucking job. Okay?" He looks over at Jimin's wife before raising his eyebrows as she stares at him. 
"WHAT?!" He screams to her as Jimin sighs gently.
"Jeon Jeongguk-" 
"Easy, Kitten." Jeongguk's head cocks to the side as Jimin rubs at her pregnant belly. 
"Go to a therapist, Guk. I'm not asking." The silence was palpable, eyes glancing here and there from all three people in the room before Minseok whines. How would Jeongguk even be able to process his thoughts? Let alone tell them to some quack who would just nod and ask him how he feels about it? Just give him snarky remarks before writing down a prescription for some soothing meds and telling him his hour is up. "I'd rather get my cock sucked."
Jeongguk stands in front of the Beasley Hotel. His eyes reading the same scripted letters on the facade of the expensive building for the thirteenth time before sighing. Of course, Jimin's wife immediately made an appointment with one of the girls for him. She asked Jeongguk what he liked and he didn't respond to her so she just set him up with someone new. Now, of course, all the girls that worked for her and her partner Hyunah were  incredibly capable. It takes a high standard to get into the Golden Cage. But, he couldn't bring himself to want to go through with the whole ordeal. Lee constantly springs to mind every step he takes. Could he really watch a girl get undressed, suck his dick or do anything to him without feeling guilty? He can't say he could. 
This girl would probably tell Jimin's wife he didn't go through with it and there would be hell to pay. He's getting a million dollar session for free. Jeongguk steps off the curb across the street before walking to the ritzy hotel in front of him. His hand digs into his black skinny jean pocket before producing a folded piece of paper. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath through his nose. Just have to get it over with, right? He steps through the revolving door before entering the hotel. He pockets his tattooed hands as people bustle about in the hotel lobby. He receives a few strange looks, this was not the sort of grandeur hotel that usually has leather clad, tattooed men just waltzing in. His hand reaches behind him making sure to feel the comfort of his gun in his waistband before relaxing. His combat boots make a dull thudding noise against the marble flooring, the sound reverberating in his ears as he approaches the front desk. 
Orchards litter the large stone desk as he leans over it, a girl in a pants suit looks up before raising an eyebrow. 
"Can I help you?" Everything about her was dripping with disdain as Jeongguk cleared his throat. 
"Yeah, I'm here to see a guest in room 732." The front desk agent clicks her teeth before looking over his top half incredulously. This was the usual hotel for Golden Cage clients. 732 was always the room people would go to. It was common knowledge for most people in the hotel to know that a guest for 732 was going to get their rocks off. 
"Mkay." The agent mumbles before picking up the phone and pressing the numbers languidly. Her eyes never leave Jeongguk's face as he looks around the hotel lobby. This place was nice, really nice. Lee would have loved to stay here. See, this is the problem. Everything is Lee. Every waking breath he has he could equate something to his dead girlfriend, for years now. Even when he sleeps, all he sees is her. Whether that be alive, dead, dismembered, you name it he's had a dream of her doing it or being there. He pokes an orchard petal as the agent lets the girl in the room know she has a visitor. His body sways back and forth awkwardly as he looks towards the elevators. 
"You can go up." Jeongguk looks back down at the agent before nodding. "Thanks."
The hallway smells expensive, like lavender and warm vanilla. The chandeliers that hang from the ceiling exude the persona of this place and Jeongguk cannot begin to process how he came to be here. He nods his head to the Lee man who guards the door. 
"Arms up." Jeongguk clears his throat before doing as told. 
"I have a gun and two knives on me." He's courteous at least to tell him. He respects the Lees, they work quick and fast and have never given the Lions a problem. Especially since Yoongi just recently got engaged to Hyunah. The Lee man hums as he pulls the gun out from behind him. Jeongguk reaches down before pulling his knives from his boots and handing them over. 
"Have fun." He says before shoving the door open for him. Jeongguk looks into the room before clearing his throat and stepping inside.
The lights were dim upon entry, white furniture beckons him forward as he looks around the room. 
"Hello?" His voice was timid as he stepped towards the bed. The gold headboard catches his attention before turning to a noise in the bathroom. 
"Hello." There you stood, a grey satin robe covering your almost naked body as you take the tall man into your sights. Jeongguk runs his fingers through his long black hair, his eyes looking over your body before looking away as if it was inappropriate. He shifts awkwardly on one foot to the other, there was something cute about it. The tall, muscular man was seemingly nervous in your presence. You smile warmly as you walk past him, his muscles tensing as your satin robe brushes against his leather jacket. 
You sit on the bed, legs crossing as you lean back on your hands. The robe inches up, your bare thighs coming into view for his eyes as he pockets his hands. 
"You can sit. You know." Jeongguk opens his mouth before giving a small laugh. 
"Yeah." You pat the spot next to you and he slowly makes his way over. He sits on the edge, his butt barely connecting with the mattress as his shoulders tense up. He stares straight ahead at the black television screen. You lazily take in his features, big doe eyes and a perfect nose. Nice pink lips and a killer jawline grace your sight as you sit up. 
"I'm Y/N." Jeongguk turns to you before bowing his head. 
"Jeongguk." You hum to him before watching how his knee bounces in anxiousness. Why did your boss tell you to give him the plus treatment if he seems like he doesn't want to be here? 
"Drink?" You ask pointing at the liquor cabinet. Jeongguk takes his hands out of his pockets only to place them on his knees, his fingertips digging into the fabric of his jeans before nodding. 
"Sure!" He springs up before crossing the expanse of the room. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath before opening the liquor cabinet. 
"Are you a virgin?" You ask as he pours two glasses of whisky. He chuckles, a sound that blesses your ears as you tilt your head. 
"No. I'm not a virgin." He turns back around to you, his black hair falling into his eyes as he smiles. He has a pretty smile, something about it makes you feel warm. Like nothing bad could happen when it was around. You find yourself smiling back as he hands you the glass. 
"You can take your jacket off, you know. I'm not going to immediately jump your bones, unless you're into that." He snorts, a simple exhale through his nose before shrugging off his leather jacket and throwing it onto the bed. 
"Good." You say before taking a sip of the whisky. The warm liquor soothes you, a fire producing in your belly as Jeongguk side eyes you. You were beautiful, he expected as much. Jimin's wife wasn't in the business of hiring ugly women. His gaze flickers to your bare thighs once more before looking anywhere else. You catch this within a second, and notice the discomfort he begins to feel. His body turning away from you out of instinct. 
You feel pity for him, something clearly isn't right with this situation he has been brought into. You grab at the duvet cover of the bed before throwing it over your legs. 
"Better?" You ask quietly as Jeongguk notices your movement. He looks back over at you, his doe eyes widening further. 
"I'm sorry. I must be being rude." You shake your head at his statement before giving him a smile. 
"It's okay if you don't want to do anything. I understand." He makes a noise in the back of his throat that you can't decipher before turning to you. You seemed like an understanding person. You didn't strike him as a courtesan to say the least. 
"I want to. But, I can't. My brain won't let me." He taps his index finger against his temple before taking a large gulp of the whisky. His teeth grit, neck veins fluttering as he swallows the whisky. You can sense his nervousness and it really doesn't look good on this handsome man. 
"I'll be right back." You whisper before standing up and heading for the bathroom.
"I fucked up." Jeongguk whispers before closing his eyes, he could see her. He could see Lee plain as day. She was frowning, her long black hair strewn over her shoulder as she folded her arms. Jeongguk couldn't move on, he was trapped in this miserable mindset. He wasn't even sure what it would be like to not see Lee or think of Lee at every given moment. It would probably terrify him. The bathroom door opens and you emerge in a long mocha brown sweater, black leggings shield your thighs as you smile at Guk. 
"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you embarrassed or anything, I-" You cut him off with the shake of your head. 
"It's alright, you didn't offend me. Takes a lot more than that to make me offended." Jeongguk nods, his shoulders relaxing slightly as you jump on the bed. Your back connects to the gold headboard as you grab your glass. 
"Might be nice to not get fucked for once." He laughs gently before turning his body to you, the way his eyes crinkle makes your heart skip a beat. He's way too handsome. His hand pushes his hair behind his pierced ear before taking a sip of his drink. 
"You can have a drink and just chill out. Or, I can leave if you want." You suggest pointing your manicured finger at the door. Jeongguk is quick to shake his head, 
"No, no. Don't go. It's nice to just...just be able to sit and drink." He wholeheartedly means it. You felt comfortable to him. Nothing about this experience felt weird or strange which was a blessing in and of itself. Jeongguk scratches at the back of his neck and you catch the branding iron you've seen a few times before with a few clients. 
"You're a Lion." Jeongguk puts his hand down before giving you a small smile. 
"Yeah. I am. I'm one of the original seven." You hum before sitting up and putting your hand under your cheek. "I heard that you guys defile women and torture men." Jeongguk gives a carefree laugh as he fully turns to you. 
"Clearly that isn't the case. I made you go put your clothes on." You giggle before sipping the whisky and tapping your fingers to your temple. His smile doesn't fade as his warm brown eyes gaze upon your face. 
"I'm sorry your boss made you take me on as a client. I'm sure it's a waste of time." 
"You're not a waste of time. Don't say that. You're actually nice, compared to most people that enter this room." Jeongguk tilts his head before sucking air through his teeth. 
"I'll kill them if you want me to. The people that aren't nice to you." His eyes gleam with playfulness as you kick back your body before giggling. 
"Is that your way of flirting?" He takes a sip, the corners of his mouth quirked upwards as he stares at you. 
"So why are you here anyway? You said my boss made me take you on. Why?" Jeongguk clears his throat as he kicks off his combat boots before sitting cross legged on the bed. Now, he's uncomfortable. He looks past you to the pearlescent night stand as he puffs out his cheeks. 
"Because I, uh, can't function. My boss says I'm getting reckless." You hum as if you have any idea what he's talking about. After the hour you've been talking and drinking, you've kind of just assumed he's an enigma. He only answers what he wants to, he looks away at any given chance to not feel something. He seems like he doesn't want to feel. You wouldn't push him, it isn't your place. And yet, there's something about him that just makes you want to give him a hug. He seems so sad. You want to make him smile and laugh, he seems like he deserves that. 
"So they thought that you getting your dick sucked would make you better?" He laughs before looking down at his lap. 
"I think so." You sigh before sitting up and putting your hand on his knee. He stiffens, his eyes look up at you before relaxing his muscles. 
"Don't worry. I'm here to talk to you, if you want. I know my main job is to spread my legs for people but I'm a good listener." Jeongguk is quick to defend your honor to yourself. 
"Don't say that. Your main job is irrelevant to me. I'm happy I could sit here and just bullshit with you for hours. I feel kinda better than before." Your smile brings one to his own face. 
"Good. I'm glad." A knock comes at the door and you both turn your heads to the noise. 
"Time." You hear through the door and you sigh before standing up. 
"That's my cue." Jeongguk opens his mouth before nodding. For the first time in forever, he wants more time. He mentally chides himself, he spent so much time looking away and not answering that he didn't even get a real chance to speak with you. He regrets that. 
"Jeongguk. Hopefully I'll see you around." You say as you grab your bag from the bathroom. 
"Me too! Thanks, Y/N." You give him that warm smile he's suddenly become fond of before leaving the room. The Lee man enters before handing Jeongguk his weaponry and bowing his head. Jeongguk lays down on the bed before closing his eyes. Lee was like a faded print behind his eyelids.
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"How was she?" Jimin asks as they sit down for the meeting. Jeongguk smirks before putting his gun on the table. 
"Really nice." Jimin raises an eyebrow before folding his arms. 
"How do you know she's really nice if she had her mouth on your cock?" Jeongguk scoffs before matching his best friend's actions with folding his own arms. 
"Don't talk about her like that. She didn't need to suck my cock for me to know she's nice." Jimin's expression softens at Jeongguk's murmur. 
"Did you dream of Lee last night?" His question is point blank as the others file into the room. 
"Briefly." She had come and gone, Jeongguk for the first time in a long time didn't wake up drenched in sweat. He didn't feel compelled to tell Jimin every single detail of last night but there was one sentence that had Jimin bursting at the seams to know more. "I'd like to see her again."
Jeongguk walks down the hotel hallway, his gun and knives already in hand before handing them to the Lee man standing at the door. 
"Enjoy." Jeongguk has come to know the Lee man as Junkwon, he was nice and always escorted you. Junkwon opens the door, the lights are dim yet again. 
"Hey." Jeongguk sounds breathless as you sit in the chair by the large window, your body covered in just a beige lace bra with matching panties. You look up before covering your legs with a gasp. 
"Jeongguk! They didn't tell me it was you. I'm sorry." You say quickly grabbing your robe. Jeongguk has become really fond of this, fond of how considerate you are. How comfortable you make him feel when you're around just being yourself. 
"Don't worry." He says as you stand up. His eyes drink you in, your skin looking soft as butter in the dim lighting. 
"Let me go change." Jeongguk hums to you before licking his lips. He wasn't nervous or afraid to look at you, he didn't hate himself for it. Because, it was you. You rush off to the bathroom as Jeongguk walks over to the liquor cabinet. His eyes flutter closed and for once his eyelids were just black. No Lee. No smile. No frown. Nothing. He stumbles backwards as he gasps before his eyes open wide. 
"Lee?" He calls gently before closing his eyes again. There was nothing. And, this is what he was most afraid of. His tattooed hand grasps the wooden counter of the bar before choking on his own spit. 
"Jeongguk? You okay?" You ask as his legs shake. 
"She-I...I don't-'' He shuts his eyes once more before a ball begins to form in his throat, it's form ever expanding as his knuckles turn white from clasping the table so hard. 
"She left me." He whispers before opening his eyes and looking at you. 
"Hey." You whisper calmly to him, your feet taking ginger steps towards him as he whimpers. 
"She left me!" There was a small sob before a large one. His innocent eyes glossing over with tears as he grabs at his black t-shirt above his heart. 
"Jeongguk. Sit down." You say putting your hand on his arm gently. He rips his arm away from your grasp before faltering as he knocks the whisky bottle onto the floor. 
"Hey!" The concern in your voice reaches his ears as he falls into the seat you were previously sat in. His eyes were like a wild animals, flitting here and there while trying to grasp onto a thought. 
"Jeongguk. Do you need me to call my boss?" Jeongguk gasps as he leans back in his seat. 
"Don't! Don't do that." You could see his hairline beginning to sweat as you crouch down in front of him. 
"I think you're having a panic attack. Just take a deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth." You've had a few panic attacks in your time. It wasn't always cushy like it is now to work in this industry. 
Jeongguk takes a deep breath, his body visibly shaking as he stares down at you. 
“Just focus on something, let your mind begin to process.” You whisper running your thumb comfortingly over his bare knee through the cuts in his jeans. Jeongguk groans as he feels dizziness encumbering his mind, but he couldn’t close his eyes for fear that she wouldn’t be there. His eyes fall to your hand on his knee, he focuses on how soothing your thumb feels. How soft and delicate the touch you’re giving him is. You give him a small smile, eyebrows still knit with concern as he looks back up at you. 
“What color is my shirt?” You ask him quietly before pulling at the fabric. 
“Purple.” He whispers before taking a deep breath into his lungs as if his body was finally allowing him to breathe again. 
“Good.” Then there was silence for a while besides Guk’s heavy breathing. That was alright with you, as long as he felt better. He has only come three times before this and each time he came things were slowly becoming more relaxing. 
You would talk for long hours, sipping on whatever alcohol you decided on at the start of the session. You would laugh with each other, listen to how Jeongguk’s day went. You told him things you enjoy too like the beach and going to the seaside to fish with your dad. He told you about his nieces and nephews last time and it warmed your heart to see him smiling so widely when he talked about them. He was always happy talking about others but never about himself, you noticed. He never mentioned women or anything of that nature and that was okay with you too. Everything was very relaxing when you were with each other, like nothing else even mattered outside of this hotel room. Jeongguk flexes his fingers realizing they were numb only seconds ago. 
“I-I’m sorry.” He mumbles before putting his hands over his face, his palms becoming drenched in sweat as he leans back into the chair. 
“Nothing to apologize for.” His fast beating heart begins to slow as he lets out an exhale. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” You ask gently before standing up. Jeongguk looks up at you as he moves his hands away before clearing his throat. 
“Sit on my lap.” He whispers and you gasp gently. 
“What?” He’s never asked something like this before. 
“Sit on me.” You look at him hesitantly before slowly sitting down on his thick thighs. His strong arms wrap around your figure, his arms interlocking with each other as he lets out a slow breath. You sit still, eyeing him wearily as he looks up at you nervously. 
“Okay.” He mumbles before slowly closing his eyes. The back of his eyelids were still black. He sighs deflated before letting you go. 
“You can get up.” You stand up off of him before tilting your head. 
“I have to go.” He whispers before standing, his eyes don’t look towards you again as he rushes to the door. “Jeongguk!” He was gone.
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He had you sit on him to see if Lee would come back, but she didn’t that night. He went to sleep without a single dream. His unconscious mind reveling in the back wasteland of dreamspace. But, she did come back when he was black out drunk. He would have conversations with her as he lay sloped up against the wall of his room. 
“Don’t fucking l-look at me like that, babe.” He slurs to Lee as she sits in the chair across from his bed. 
“Koo, you have to let me go.” Jeongguk laughs loudly, the whisky in the bottle he holds sloshes around as he shakes. 
“Let you go?! You left me!” Lee sits silently, hands on her knees as her black hair falls in rivets over her shoulder. 
“I didn’t choose to leave you.” Jeongguk scoffs before gulping down the alcohol. 
“I’m not talking about when you fucking died, baby. I’m talking about when I went to see Y/N.” Lee’s lips press into a hard line as she leans back in the armchair. 
“Because you don’t need me when Y/N is there. She can take good care of you.” 
“YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD! WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT KNOWING WHAT I NEED?!” Jeongguk’s voice is a sharp, loud cry as he widens his drunken eyes at his dead girlfriend. He scoffs before holding the liquor bottle close to his body as he folds his legs underneath him. There was a quick knock at his door before the door went flying open. 
“What’re you screaming about at three o’clock in the morning?” Hoseok asks his younger brother before noticing just how drunk Jeongguk is. The way his body is slumped over against his headboard, black hair in his eyes so he could barely see. 
“Guk.” Hoseok mutters before stepping inside and shutting the door so as to not disturb anyone. Jeongguk didn’t realize he was crying until now, tears rolled off his jawline before leaving dark wet spots on his light grey sweatpants. Hoseok takes a seat where Lee was just sitting before looking at the drunk younger man. 
“She fucking left me. Y’know? I go see Y/N, what, four fucking times and Lee just abandons me.” Hoseok gives a gentle sigh before running his hands through his hair. 
“Maybe she left you because that’s healthy and you need healthiness.” Jeongguk laughs before taking another swig of whisky. 
“That’s what she said.” He mumbles, his tone warped with pain as he slams his head into the iron bed frame. Hoseok leans forward before grabbing the bottle of liquor and putting it on the floor. 
“This isn’t healthy. You’re a mess. If it helped you so much to see Y/N, you should go back and see her.” You probably hate him after seeing him at his weakest. 
“No. I don’t want to see her again.” He was afraid, afraid to be at such peace with you. Afraid to be able to smile.
Jeongguk sits at the meeting table. His feet up on the table as Jimin’s wife slaps him upside the head. 
“Just bought the table, feet down.” She mumbles before pulling on her cigarette. He mutters an apology her way as the rest of the guys enter the metal room. Namjoon enters with a cheery smile, his dimples deep as he pulls his gun out before presenting it on the table. 
“Oh! Jaebeom went to go see Y/N, thanks for the suggestion.” Jeongguk takes a deep breath before taking his feel off the table and staring at the t.v. screen above him. 
“She’s pretty, no?” Jimin’s wife asks as Jeongguk’s knee begins to bounce. 
“That’s what he says. He also says, she has a nice mouth for sucking cock.” 
“Stop it.” Jeongguk mumbles loud enough for Namjoon to hear drawing his attention to the younger member. Was this jealousy burning through his veins at a quick pace? He wasn’t even sure what the emotion was that filled him, but anger accompanied it. If it wasn’t for the black tattoos on his neck, it would surely be beet red. 
“You went to see her too, right Guk?! Man, I’m fucking telling you, Jae says those tits she has-” Jeongguk pulls his gun out of the back of his pants before aiming it at his older brother. 
“I said stop. Don’t fucking talk about her!” 
“WHOA!” Jimin yells upon entering as Namjoon holds his hands up, backing his chair up into the corner of the room. 
“Don’t fucking go tell anyone to see her! Tell him don’t look at her! Don’t touch her! Don’t you dare!” Jeongguk yells as he cocks the gun. 
“Easy, Guk. Easy.” Jimin whispers before stepping in front of Jeongguk’s gun. 
“Just because it’s her job doesn’t mean she likes it. When she was younger, she wanted to be a painter but no one would accept her into their colleges. Do you know that? She likes to go to the beach to feel the sand between her toes because it keeps her grounded. And, you have the fucking audacity to talk about her fucking dick sucking skills?! She isn’t someone you can easily talk about like this! She’s a fucking person! With feelings! She was there for me when I had a fucking panic attack. She took care of me. Don’t fucking talk about her!” Jimin slowly waves his hands as Jeongguk begins to foam at the sides of his mouth. 
“Alright. Jaebeom or anyone else here won’t go and see her. You have my word. Put the gun down.” Jimin was being gentle with him, Jeongguk recognizes his tone of voice as his wife rubs at Guk’s upper back. Jeongguk uncocks the gun before clearing his throat and leaving the room without another word. 
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Jeongguk stares at the bloody dirt of his warehouse, for once his warehouse was empty. It was dead quiet, you could hear a pin drop. He had left the mansion for a few days, just sleeping in the back of his car while he stayed out here. His mind was fucking him over, this much was certain. He left you in that hotel room and he felt guilty about it. He also felt guilty about feeling the need to have Lee around him when she wasn’t even on this plane of existence anymore. More than anything, he can’t help but think about your smile. How warm it is, how comforting it feels to have his eyes on you smiling widely. He remembers how soft your skin looks, how he would have been okay with you staying in that little amount of clothing before his panic attack. He remembers how soothing your thumb was on his skin. Jeongguk sighs before looking up at the wooden rafters of the ceiling. 
“Koo.” His breathing stops as he closes his eyes. 
“Why don’t you go and see her?” Jeongguk’s eyes begin to burn, he sniffles before pulling up his black hood and looking at his dead girlfriend. 
“I can’t.” A broken sob rips through his chest as he hangs his head low. 
“She probably misses you, you can’t be locked up in your own head anymore. I’m gone.” Jeongguk wails loudly putting his hands over his face. 
“I know. I’m just so afraid for you to leave.” 
“I’ll always be with you, in your heart. In your memories. But, it’s time to move on. You like her, I know you do. It’s okay to like someone else that isn’t me, Koo.” He scoffs as he pulls down his sleeves to make sweater paws. His sleeves meet his eyes as he sobs. 
“She probably fucking hates me. I left her there all alone.” 
“Look at me.” Jeongguk timidly lifts his head, his hands pushing his hair out of the way as he sniffles. Lee was in front of the table looking down at him.
“You deserve to be happy, Koo. You deserve to smile. You deserve to feel no awkwardness or fear.” He whimpers at Lee’s words as his bottom lip quivers. 
“Go and be happy. She makes you feel better.” 
“What am I going to do without you?” He asks, his voice cracking as he holds his arms out to her. 
“You’re going to smile.”  In an instant, she was gone. Lee’s form fades away in a sudden breeze that chills Jeongguk to the bone. He shivers before closing his eyes and swallowing. She wasn’t there either. 
“Lee?!” No answer but the sounds of birds chirping outside the warehouse. Jeongguk buries his face in his lap before taking a deep breath. Lee left him, after all these years. She just disappeared, to prove that Jeongguk didn’t need her anymore. He didn’t need to depend on her when you were around. He smiled and laughed, he felt relief. Felt at home. He clears his throat before pulling out his almost dead cell phone from his back pocket. He scrolls through his contacts before putting his forehead to the lip of the table as the phone rings. “Jina. Is Y/N working?”
Jeongguk steps out of the elevator on the seventh floor before looking down at Junkwon. 
“She’s with someone.” He tells Jeongguk as he walks towards 732. 
“Open the door.” His voice is brisk as he stares at the three gold numbers that hang on the door. He could hear moaning inside the room before cracking his neck. 
“I can’t Jeongguk, I’m sorry.” Jeongguk sighs before pulling out his wallet and pulling out a few hundred bucks. 
“Go away.” 
“You can’t just-” Jeongguk shoves the money into Junkwon’s semi-open hand before pulling out his gun. 
“Go away.” Junkwon counts the money before sighing and walking down the hallway. 
“Don’t hurt her.” Junkwon calls to Guk as he rings for the elevator. 
“Never.” Jeongguk shoves the door open. He takes you into his sights, you were on your knees jerking off some random guy. You looked bored and unamused before looking over and gasping. Jeongguk points his gun to the guy. 
“Get out.” “Jeongguk!” Jeongguk walks over, cocking his gun before grabbing your robe and throwing it at you. 
“You heard me? Get out.” The man scoffs before standing up and pulling up his boxers. 
“Hey man! I paid a lot of money for this!” You haphazardly put the robe on before stepping away from your client. 
“Jina will pay you back. Get out. I’m asking nicely.” You look up at Jeongguk, his black hair is fixed behind his ears. His domineering persona was something you’ve never seen before and you can’t say it didn’t intrigue you as you lean against the wooden table. 
“Okay! Okay! I’m going. Shit.” Jeongguk watches as the man fumbles to get his pants up from around his ankles. His eyebrow raises as the guy looks at you before stepping in front of your small figure. 
“Don’t fucking look at her. Get out. Now.” The man grabs his dress shirt before running out the hotel room door and slamming it behind him. Jeongguk uncocks his gun before putting it in the back of his pants. 
“Hi?” You say before sitting down on the edge of the bed. 
“Hi.” Jeongguk whispers before sitting down next to you. You sigh before looking at him out of the corner of your eye, taking in the way his black hoodie was two times too big for him. It was endearing. 
“Feel better?” You ask quietly as Jeongguk closes his eyes. 
“I do now.” You hum playfully before laying back on the bed. 
“That was hot.” You tell him as he turns towards you. He snorts before laying down beside you. 
“What was hot?” 
“Defending my honor like I don’t do this for a living.” Jeongguk chuckles openly before turning on his side to look at you. His warm brown eyes bore into yours before fingering at the white duvet cover. 
“I’m sorry I left that day.” How could you hold a grudge against him when he looks like this. His big doe eyes gazing into yours only shows how guilty he actually feels about it. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Yes, I do.” His answer surprises you, he normally says no or looks away quite quickly. 
“Oh! Okay! Let me put some clothes on!” You go to sit up and Jeongguk’s arm cages you down onto the bed. 
“No, stay.” You take a deep inhale before turning on your side to face him. “Alright.”
Jeongguk gives you a small smile, the corners of his mouth quirk up as he stares at you. 
“You’re very beautiful.” Your cheeks heat up pink at his compliment, he's always looked at you like you were pretty but he's never said a thing before. 
"Thank you. You too." Jeongguk chuckles before laying his head down on the pillow. He clears his throat before taking off his sweater and throwing it elsewhere. His white tank top reveals all of his tattoos up to his chest and you can't help but look at the tasteful designs he has printed on himself. They look great on his honey colored skin. 
"I don't want to keep running away from you anymore. I like you. I just have some...undealt with issues." He takes some time before completing his sentence but you stay quiet as if to tell him to keep going if he chooses to do so. 
"Do you like me?" He asks, tilting his head into the pillow. 
"I do." You tell him honestly, making him smile. 
"Okay, good." You giggle at his beaming smile before he looks off past you. 
"Don't get...I don't know weirded out when I tell you my story." You nod to him before putting your arm under the pillow getting comfortable. He was different now, he was uncertain, sure. But, he was nervous or anxious to look at you. He wasn't fidgety and making himself uncomfortable, he was just him. And, it's really nice to see that. 
"Years ago I had a girlfriend-" Jeongguk clears his throat before sitting up suddenly, "-her name was Lee. I loved her, a lot. She was the first person I fell in love with. Um…" He looks down at his legs as he rubs his hands over his sweatpants. You put your hand on his knee before sitting up, your head tilts to the side as you watch him struggle to swallow. 
"Fuck. Fuck! Sorry." You shake your head as he takes a deep breath. 
"So, yeah, I loved her and she lived in the house I live in with my crew. One day I came home and called out for her and she wasn't answering me. Me and my boss, Jimin, he's been my best friend since we were younger. We ran upstairs and there were little drops of blood on the floor." You close your eyes as Jeongguk clears his throat again before squinting. 
"She was dead. In our room. Another gang had killed her and did stuff to her body." You put your hand over your mouth as he struggles to go on. 
"That was a long time ago, but she stayed with me. Like, a ghost. I would see her every night in my dreams and when I closed my eyes. She was always there. And, it started to get out of hand. I was drinking a lot and I was very angry. Guilty. I was so guilty. Y'know? What if I got home just ten minutes or twenty minutes before I did. What would have happened? It ate me alive, then I would see her and feel this fucking weight pushing down my goddamn chest every second of the fucking day. Everyone around me was getting married and falling in love and I was stuck in this sick little fucking sand glass that kept flipping over when the last piece of sand was about to fall." Jeongguk sighs loudly before looking at you, his hand grabs your wrist before pulling it away from your eyes. 
"But, then. I met you. And, I really liked you because you made me feel comfortable and I didn't feel like this anxious wreck anymore. But, I got scared because before you Lee was painted on the back of my eyelids every second of the day. After I met you she started to fade. Then she left me completely, that was the day I had the panic attack. I felt frightened because she wasn't with me anymore and I-I was so used to it that it made me terrified. I felt guilty that I pushed her away or something. But, I felt even more guilty that I might have pushed you away. That I fucked up my chance for you to like me when I left you that day. Lee was a big part of me that left because you made me feel safe. You make me feel comfortable. And I-I really l-like you. I want to get to know you and not have to feel guilty or worried anymore. I just want to be able to be myself and smile again. You make me smile." 
Jeongguk presses his lips together after he's done talking and he notices how glossy your eyes have become during his talk. You nod to him before giving him a small smile. You lean forward before enveloping him in a hug, he feels his body relax and he didn't even know that he was tense. His arms snake around you before hugging you back. You could feel how fast his heart is beating through his chest as he holds you tightly. 
"You make me smile, too." Warmth starts to seep through him, starting at his heart and spreading through his limbs as he holds you close. Jeongguk pulls back before brushing some stray wisps of hair behind your ear. 
"I'm going to kiss you." You nod at his chivalry before closing your eyes. He takes this moment to look over your features, how soft and angelic you look in this lighting. He thumbs his finger over your bottom lip before leaning in and kissing you slowly.
His kiss was soft and sensual. A small jolt of electricity runs through you as he places one hand to the back of your neck. You would never have assumed this drop dead handsome man could kiss like this. His tongue licks over your bottom lip and it produces a fire in your belly. 
A gasp emits from you, mouth opening as your nerve endings tingle. Jeongguk takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. His tongue, tasting and caressing every inch of you before mingling your tongue with him. His hand pulls you closer, his instinct to have you close makes you mewl as you grab onto his tattooed arms. He pulls away, only to take large breaths to fill his lungs before diving back in. His hands find your hips before flipping you onto him. 
His back hits the mattress with a thud as you lean down to smother him with more kisses. His large hands trail downward. The feel of satin wraps him in a cloud of pure pleasure as his hands come to rest on your ass cheeks. He groans into your mouth and the sound is so intoxicating that you feel your core seeping with liquid pleasure. 
"You're so fucking gorgeous." He whispers as you kiss down his neck, your teeth gently biting at his smooth skin. Jeongguk's hips buck upwards as his eyes close. Behind his eyes all he can see is you, the image of you above him is a welcome sight photographed onto the back of his lids. You tug at his shirt and it brings him back to reality as he opens his eyes. He sits up only to tug off the white article of clothing. Your eyes marvel at his tattooed chest, the way the planes of his eight pack highlight each tattoo perfectly. Jeongguk grabs at the robe belt before pulling it undone. He takes a sharp inhale of breath before looking up at your eyes. 
"Are you sure?" You ask quickly, his blown out pupils shake as he chuckles. "Kiss me, baby." 
You can do nothing but oblige as his hands begin to trail over your bare thighs. His fingertips knead at your skin as he sits up. You wrap your legs around his waist before feeling how hard he is underneath you. A gentle mewl leaves your lips as he kisses down your neck with heated fervor. 
"Feel how hard my cock is for you?" Your arms wrap around his neck as your head lolls back. Jeongguk playfully nips at your bust line before groaning as you thrust your hips to his. 
"I'm going to cum in my pants if you keep doing that." 
"You feel so hard." Jeongguk smiles against your skin before kissing at your cheek. 
"All for you, baby." This was serious whiplash. You could never have expected this. Jeongguk flips you over with ease, his thick thighs pining you underneath him as his lips lazily traipse down your chest. 
His hand snakes underneath you before taking a moment to unhook your bra. It was clumsy but he was determined to do it with one hand. 
"It's been a while." His admission makes you giggle as he finally unhooks your bra. Jeongguk groans as he throws your bra onto the floor. Your nipples become stiff at his longing stare. 
"Fuck." His warm lips envelope one, his tongue flicking at the sensitive skin as you whimper out his name. Something possessive flits across his gaze as he stares up at you. His fingers trail your thighs before swiping up your soaked panties. You could feel how they stick to you, almost embarrassing soaked. 
"Say that again, baby. Say my name again." He rubs your clit through your underwear. The silken fabric feels amazing against your sensitive nub as you moan out. 
"Jeongguk." He hums before bending down and pecking your lips. 
"That's right. That's who you belong to now. And, I don't share." Is he telling you to quit your job? You don't have much time to dwell on it, though as his fingers hook into the sides of your panties before peeling them off of you. The cool air of the room berates your sodden cunt as your skin produces goosebumps. 
"Look how wet you are, baby. Soaked." His voice is that of wonder as he spreads your legs wide. His tongue licks at his lips as if he's seen a feast in a great banquet. 
"Please." You whimper as he bows his body down. 
"What do you want?" His lips kiss at your pubic bone, teasingly slow kisses litter your skin and upper thighs as he intertwines both of your hands locking them to your sides. 
"I want you to touch me." Jeongguk looks up at you, his black hair beginning to stick to his forehead as he smirks. 
"Want me to touch you like everyone else that comes in this room? You think you deserve it, baby?" You wiggle your hips, trying to thrust them towards him. 
Your cunt was aching, a dull pounding reverberates through your lower half as you bite your bottom lip. "Your pussy is soaked and I haven't even started. What does that say about you?" You gasp as he kisses your clit. 
"Jaebeom was in this room not too long ago. You remember him? He touched your pretty little pussy I bet. You think you deserve my touch?" Jeongguk gives a flat swipe with his tongue to your pussy, your body sags into the bed as he pulls away. 
"Fuck, you taste good." 
"I'll be good! Please!" Jeongguk chuckles before suckling at your pussy lips. 
"Please, Daddy." His tongue gives two quick licks to your clit before blowing on your pussy. Your cunt quivers and throbs as the ache begins to drive you insane. 
"Please, Daddy! Please!" Your hands are squeezing his so tightly, he wonders where you get the strength from for it. "Good girl." 
His lips suckle at your clit, his teeth rake gently against the sensitive nub as you moan loudly for him. He hums in agreement as you lift your hips to buck up into him wanting to feel more. He lets your hands go only to push your hips back down into the bed. 
"You taste fucking good, baby girl." He relishes in how fucked out you look already and he hasn't even made you cum yet. He was good at this sort of thing, this sexual torture. He revels in it. 
"Fuck!" Jeongguk smirks before teasing your entrance. His finger slowly enters you as your head falls back. 
"Nuh uh. Watch me. Watch me eat your pussy so well." You whimper, fingers gripping at his black hair as he curls his finger inside of you. 
"Jeongguk!" He likes when you call his name so he takes pity on you and adds a second finger. Your walls begin to flutter, your orgasm approaching at a high speed. 
"I-I'm gonna cum!" He pulls away as you whine out. 
"Tell me what you're mine and that you won't share and I'll let you cum." 
"What?!" You pull at his head but he doesn't budge. 
"Tell Daddy that you're his and his only." He enters his two fingers into you again. Slowly pumping them in as your clit throbs. 
"Daddy, please! I w-want to cum!" Jeongguk hums before spitting on your pussy. 
"That's not what I want to hear." You keen for him as he soothes your clit with a gentle suckle. 
"I'm yours, Daddy! Yours only." Jeongguk sits up before looking at you with passive eyes.
"Yeah, you are and you better remember that, baby girl." You moan loudly as he begins to flick quickly at your clit. His fingers fucking into you so fast it almost knocks the wind out of your lungs. His fingers curl, finding that one spot inside of you that has you melting into the bed. Your orgasm comes back and full throttle as you whinge. 
"Daddy, please! I'm going to cum." Jeongguk moans as he feels your walls coax him. 
"Cum for me." As if he has given you the right to do so, you orgasm for him. Your eyes fill with spots as your thigh tremble with pleasure. 
"Good girl." He pulls away from your clit, his fingers slowing as you come down from your high. You looked gloriously fucked out before him, thighs and cunt still twitching as you lick at your swollen, kissed lips. He pulls his fingers out of you and you mewl at the loss before lifting your head. "We aren't done here. I'll fill your needy cunt, baby girl. Don't worry about that." 
Jeongguk stands up tall, his hands pulling down his sweatpants as you sit up on your elbows. His cock springs out, slapping his stomach and smearing it with precum that seems to be oozing like a never ending waterfall. His tip was an angry red as he strokes at his long length. Okay, you knew he was hard before but this, this is impressive. He had the length and the girth that has your mouth watering as you look up at him through your lashes. He chuckles at your surprise before sitting up on the bed, back resting against the headboard. His hand lazily strokes his cock before tilting his head at you. 
"Come suck on Daddy's cock." You're quick to scramble in front of him, your body falling between his open legs as he stares down at you. He nods his head simply before letting his cock go. 
"No hands." He says as you go to grasp him. You lean down, swirling your tongue around the tip earning a sigh from him as he grasps your hair into a makeshift ponytail. 
"Suck Daddy's cock better than you did Namjoon hyungs." With pleasure. You swirl your tongue around the base before bobbing your head up and down with quick movements. 
"Oh fuck." Jeongguk's teeth clench as he watches your cheeks hollow out. You gag on his cock, spittle and tears streaming down your face as you look up at him. 
"That's a good girl. Choking on my big cock like some cum slut." You whimper against him, his eyes falling between your legs as your arousal and cum drip down your thighs. 
"This is the only cock you'll be sucking so you better take good care of it." You moan against him and Jeongguk's eyes flutter shut. You gag on him once more and he taps at your throat. 
"Take it in." You whimper quietly before relaxing your throat for him. Wanting to do nothing but please him as he looks back down at you. You nestle your nose against his bare pubic bone earnings a hum from Guk. 
"Good girl, baby." He tugs at your hair gently, testing the waters only to be rewarded with a whine. 
"Mmm. Fuck. You like that? Like being pulled like a little fucking rag doll? Hmm?" He pulls harder and you moan against him, the reverberation has his cock thrusting gently into your throat. 
"You're so fucking pretty choking on my cock like this." He pulls your head up, before pushing it back down on his member. His toes curling in pleasure as he groans. 
He does this a few more times gently before beginning to thrust into your throat. "Fuck! That's it! Take this cock baby girl. No one else gets to fuck this throat but Daddy. You hear me?" You moan for him as his cock begins to throb. 
"I'm going to cum down your throat and you're going to swallow and show me that you're a good little girl that can follow instructions." You grab at his thighs as he puts his hand around your throat, squeezing gentle as he feels his cock pumping in and out of you. That's all he needs before he's groaning loudly. 
"Oh Y/N, shit! I'm cumming!" The way he moans your name has you fueled with desire, you greedily guzzle his cum as he streams ropes down your throat. 
"Fuck, baby! Fuck." Jeongguk gasps, his head lolling back as he eases up on your head. You pull off of him before showing him your empty mouth. He hums before wrinkling his nose and leaning up to kiss you. 
"Good." He lays you down before twirling his finger. "Get going." 
You flip over, face down and ass up as Jeongguk slaps your ass. "Who do you belong to?" You moan as he soothes the rub, "You, Daddy." Jeongguk kisses down your back before spanking you again.
"That's right. Good girl." You whimper as his slaps get stronger. 
"You let Namjoon hyung cum in your pussy?" His question sounds rhetorical but you answer him anyway. 
"No Daddy, everyone uses condoms." Jeongguk hums at the information before running his cock through your soaked lips. You moan gently burying your face on the mattress. 
"Does Daddy have to use a condom? Is baby girl on birth control?" 
"Yes, Daddy. I want you to fill me, show me I'm yours." Jeongguk takes a sharp breath between his teeth before smiling. 
"Aren't you just a perfect little girl, hmm?" You smile at his praise before rubbing your pussy on his cock. Jeongguk groans before stilling your hips.
“Be good, don’t make me punish you. I just became your boyfriend, don’t make me scare you off.” You laugh at his comment and he chuckles in response before bending over you and kissing you softly. He prods the weeping head of his cock to your entrance before slowly pushing in.
Your mouth opens with a groan as he stretches you, “Thank Daddy for his big cock.” You whimper as Jeongguk buries himself to the hilt. Your cunt begins to accommodate the intrusion by relaxing on him. 
“Thank you Daddy.” He moans gently, his fingers gripping at your hips so hard you know you’ll bruise by tomorrow morning. But, fuck if it doesn’t feel good. He pulls out, his eyes marveling at how sodden his cock has become with your arousal before thrusting back in slowly. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet on Daddy’s cock. Jesus Fucking Christ.” You moan loudly, your fingers gripping at the white sheets as you spread your knees wider wanting more. Jeongguk thrusts harder, his power would send you up the bed if he didn’t have such a tight grasp on you. 
“So tight on me, baby girl. Like your pussy was made for me.” Your eyes roll back as he begins to bulldoze inside of you. Your thighs quake at the pleasure as Jeongguk wraps his hand around the back of your neck pulling your body back onto his cock. 
“Fuck, you feel so good. Such a cum hungry slut.” You moan loudly, as he picks your body up to press flush against his chest. His fingers toy with your nipples, plucking and rolling the stiff peaks between his fingertips as he suckles harshly on your neck. He paints your neck with pretty red and pink patches before burying his forehead in the crook of your neck. 
“Mine. All mine.” 
“Yes, Daddy! Yours! Fuck! Your cock feels so good!” This angle is perfect for your pleasure as the bulbous head of his cock brushes against your g-spot. 
“Yeah? Shit, you feel good on Daddy’s cock, baby girl. Daddy’s gonna cum in your little pussy and claim what’s his.”  His words goad you on to your next orgasm as his fingers open your pussy lips before rubbing at your soaked clit. You sob loudly, head lolling back on his shoulder as he clasps his arm around your waist holding you in place as he fucks you to his liking. 
“Such a pretty little thing getting fucked right open. You’re going to take my cum nice and deep. Hmm? Walk around with my cum running down your legs so everyone knows who you belong to?” You grip at his hair as you feel your second orgasm approaching. 
“Yes. Fuck! Yes! I want people to see you drip down my legs.” Jeongguk lets out an almost inhuman groan as he kisses across your jawline. Your pussy begins to flutter around him, the action making his cock throb. 
“Daddy, gonna cum. Can I?” Jeongguk could fucking die right now and he’d be pleased. 
“Cum on my cock baby. You deserve it.” You moan loudly, ears ringing as you orgasm. Your cum coats the bed and Jeongguk can only choke on a moan as he looks down. 
“Fuck, you’re so hot. Christ.” Your cunt begins to milk him in the aftershock of your orgasm, Jeongguk’s grip on you tightens as he moans. 
“I’m cumming. Fuck. Take it like a good girl. Take it deep.” He gasps loudly before stilling inside of you, his warm seed filling you as he gives a few more short thrusts before gripping you tightly and falling onto the bed.
You giggle before closing your eyes as he kisses the back of your head. “Turn and smile for me.” You raise an eyebrow before turning with a genuine smile. 
“I love that. You’re so beautiful when you smile.” He wrinkles his nose once more before kissing you gently. His teeth gently nipping at your bottom lip lovingly before sighing. Jeongguk pulls out of you before looking down at the mess your pussy makes as his cum floods out. 
“Fuck, look at that.” He murmurs before smirking. You lay on your back, eyes taking in his tattoo riddled body before smiling. Who knew the nervous man you met a while ago would turn into this. Jeongguk stands with a before hearing feet outside the door. He’s quick to grab his gun from the floor and cock it at the door as you raise an eyebrow. 
“Who?!” Jeongguk yells walking over to the liquor cabinet, his eyes still trained on the door. 
“Fuck off.” Jeongguk calls back before uncocking his gun and putting it on the wooden table. 
“You’re kinda hot Jeon Jeongguk.” You tell him as you sit up against the headboard. He gives a whole hearted laugh, his back muscles tensing and releasing as he pours two glasses of whisky. 
“You’re kinda hot too, baby.” He turns back to you, eyes glued to your cum laden pussy before pointing at you. 
“I meant what I said. You’re mine. No one else's.” You sigh gently before closing your legs. 
“This is my job.” Jeongguk clicks his teeth before walking the expanse of the floor and handing you the whisky glass. 
“We’ll find you something else to do. Jimin’s wife was supposed to be a maid and look where she is now. She can teach you how to be a vixen like she is.” Jeongguk presses his lips to your temple before pulling your naked body to his. You ponder this for a second, you had told him before you never wanted to do this but it paid well. And, you trust him enough to not lead you down the wrong path. “Alright.”
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You stand with Jeongguk in his bedroom, his eyes flitting to the green dress he bought Lee that many years ago on the day she was murdered. 
"You don't have to do this, you know. I understand." You whisper to your fiance as you hug his broad back. His hand rubs comforting strokes at your arms around his waist before turning to you. 
"Yes, I do. I've moved on. I'm happy. We've been together for two years. It's time for this to go." You look over at the dress before looking up into his doe eyes. Although one is black and bruised from a fight he got into not long ago because someone looked at you too sexually they still had this innocent look to them. A look that melts your heart as he opens up your bedroom door. He holds his hand out and you take it without a second thought. He leads you down the hallway and down the staircase as you both pass Jimin's wife. 
"What're you doing?" She asks, raising an eyebrow as Jeongguk balls up the green dress. 
"Tying up loose ends." She hums in confusion before shrugging. 
"Have fun, meeting in thirty minutes. Y/N, I expect you to be there." 
"Yes ma'am!" You call back to her as Jeongguk continues to pull you. 
Jeongguk wraps his arm around your waist as you walk out into the garden. Your feet feel the green blades of grass underfoot as you walk out to the firepit behind the row of rose bushes. Jeongguk looks up at the orange sky before sighing. 
"Baby-" He throws the dress into the pit without another word before grabbing a book of matches from his pants pocket. He lights a match before throwing it into the fire pit and looking at you. 
"I love you, baby girl." 
"I love you, too." He sits down on the stone bench before patting his thighs. You sit on him sideways, your arms wrapping around his neck as he leans his cheek against your breast. He watches the green fabric blacken as it scorches to nothingness. He was finally happy, he was finally safe within the confines of someone's heart and he couldn't ask for anything more. He rocks you gently as you run your fingers through his hair. Lee never came back to visit him. Not in his dreams or anywhere else. But, he didn't need her to, he found his own happiness.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 11>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
WARNINGS: whole lot of uwu that’s what
I just...no words. I’ve been wanting to get to this point for a hot minute now, so I’m glad we’ve made it. No, this isn’t quite the end. Although we’re getting there. *cue tears* Have a happy halloween this weekend! <3
By the time we make it back to the house it’s nearly evening, seeing as Jin decided to take a detour and get lost. Kyung-soon didn’t mind, she took the opportunity to re-listen to Seventeen’s new album. And then listen to it again.
We’re nearly there when we get a call from Taehyung. Jin puts it on the car speakerphone.
“Hyung! Where are you?”
“We’ve been lost, that’s where-” Jin cuts Kyung-soon off with glare.
“We were hiking and enjoying the island. We’ll be there in ten minutes. Are you guys getting ready to eat?”
As if on cue my stomach growls. Our last meal was this morning, and the granola bars have only held up for so long.
“Yeah, we’re finishing up with the food now. Guess what we’re doing tonight, though?”
A few voices can be heard in the background. It sounds like utter chaos at the house. The sound of it brings a smile to my face.
“What? What are we doing?”
“Production team just finished editing the final episode! We’re going to project it on the side of the house and watch it!”
I nearly choke, Kyung-soon turning around and staring at me in horror. Namjoon chuckles, patting me on the back while I recover.
“That was...fast.” I mumble. The production crew must have been working overtime in order to finish up the final episode so we could watch it on our trip.
Kyung-soon is in the middle of involuntarily cringing. “Oh no, this is going to be horrible. So cringey.”
I nod in agreement, Jin reaching over to grab Kyung-soon’s hand. The houses pop up in the distance - we’re almost there.
“Just pretend that it’s somebody else,” Jin tries to reassure his soulmate. “I promise, it’s really not bad. We were thoroughly entertained.” He grins at Namjoon through the rear-view mirror.
“Yeah, and besides, you guys have seen plenty of weird content from us. Consider this an even playing field.” Namjoon adds.
“Ok, I’ll see you - huh? Oh, Ichika says hi. Alright, see you in a second.” Taehyung cuts the call.
The side of the boys’ house has turned into a temporary movie screen. Taehyung is in the process of popping popcorn while Jungkook and Jimin are giving a detailed overview of three years worth of episodes.
I think they’ve forgotten that we were very much a part of those three years. After all, it is a documentary about us.
Aera sits beside Minsuh, the two of them grinning like cheshire cats at their soulmates. They look like they’re thinking the same thing that I am.
“Yah, so where did the last episode leave off?” Aera questions, raising her eyebrows at Jimin.
“What, you don’t remember what happened two weeks ago?” Himari asks, chuckling.
Aera shrugs her shoulders. “It’s been a busy week for all of us, I can hardly remember what happened two days ago.”
Namjoon emerges from the house, a couple of blankets in hand. His eyes scan the small crowd before landing on me where I stand beside Seohyun. I’ve been trying to get a feel for how her and Yoongi’s conversation went earlier, but I don’t dare ask anything too direct with Yoongi right there. He holds her hand, looking content as she explains how she tried and failed at painting.
“Where did the last episode leave off, Joon-ah?” Hoseok asks when Jimin and Jungkook have a hard time remembering the finer details. Namjoon is in the process of spreading a blanket out on the ground, motioning for me to come over.
“Umm…” He chews on the inside of his cheek for a moment before snapping his fingers. “Aera had just pitched her new designs, and everybody made dinner for her when she got home. Then they were just getting Beth’s room ready for her to come back.”
Aera blinks as though just remembering that she has an actual job. A job she’s really, really good at.
“I can’t believe you forgot about that!” Aera feigns offense and Jimin freezes in his spot, eyes wide. “That’s my whole career we’re talking about, Jimin!”
Jungkook gives his friend a pat on the shoulder before walking over to plop into the seat beside Minsuh.
“I-I remember it now…” Jimin pouts, looking at his soulmate with puppy eyes. Aera glares at him, never one to give in easily. In fact, Aera is the fiercest when it comes to these kinds of things.
If I remember correctly, I’ve heard the boys state on several occasions that Jimin is absolutely terrifying when he’s mad.
“Hey,” Namjoon grabs my attention from the show up front. “Wanna sit? I got us an extra blanket for if we get cold.”
“Perfect.” I settle down on the blanket, laughing as Jimin tries his best to escape Aera’s wrath. She’s currently moving his chair to the opposite end, as far away from her as possible.
Minsuh turns around to look at me, her eyebrows wiggling mischievously. “Are you ready for this cringefest?”
Namjoon chuckles, settling down beside me. The butterflies in my stomach kick things up into high gear just from sitting beside him. He checks the time on his phone, his new background pulling my attention away for a moment.
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” I sigh. Namjoon places a comforting hand on my knee, smiling at me when he realizes that I’m looking at his lock screen.
“It really is that bad usually. I swear.” I roll my eyes, knowing a lie when I hear one. “Hey,” he nudges me. “Let’s see your new phone background.”
I excitedly fish my phone out of my pocket, already chuckling at the thought of our candid photo. Showing it to Namjoon, Minsuh and Jungkook wander over to see what we’re laughing about.
“Oh my gosh, that’s so cute!” Minsuh gushes, laughing at me. “I’m guessing you learned today that Beth is terrified of heights?”
Namjoon nods, shooting me a pitiful look. “I sure did. I’m pretty sure she bruised one of my ribs in the process.”
Jungkook proceeds to ask Namjoon about the hike, sounding like he wants to venture out there tomorrow. Jin and Kyung-soon come back out with Tae and Ichika, all of them carrying a couple of bowls each filled to the brim with popcorn.
“Movie time!” Jimin shouts from where he and Aera disappeared around the house. A moment later he appears with his chair in one hand and lugging a disgruntled Aera along with the other.
As soon as all the popcorn is distributed Yoongi flips on the projector from the back. A moment later the song “Psycho” by RedVelvet blasts through the speakers, and the episode begins.
“Oh my gosh, I can’t believe they actually made that the theme song!” Seohyun shouts, already laughing as she and Minsuh appear on screen. Little title cards appear above their heads from where they study in the library, lost in their textbooks. I grin, all of this appearing a little surreal.
“I can’t believe we actually have a theme song!” Himari says. She’s the next one in the opening credits, trying and failing to flip a pancake. “Oh, come on, that’s how they introduce me?” Hoseok laughs beside her, his eyes darting from the screen back to his soulmate.
Next is Ichika, and I notice Taehyung scooting a little closer to her and she hides behind her hands. She’s opening the door to the apartment, her lopsided smile greeting the cameraman as she invites the cameras inside.
“This is the best part!” Jimin shouts.
The cameras follow Ichika inside the apartment and catch their next victim for the opening credits: Aera.
She’s clearly in a rush, probably running late for work. Careening down the stairs she freezes once she sees the camera, quickly pushing her hair out of her face as she waves before rushing out the door.
“See, told you it was the best part,” Jimin mumbles, Aera dissolving into a fit of giggles beside him.
Namjoon scoots closer, adjusting so that his right shoulder is just behind me. “Ready for the next part?” I can hear the smile in his voice.
Kyung-soon and I appear on screen, and I can hear my friend groaning from where she sits with Jin. We share a look across the way.
We’re sitting on the couch in the living room, locked in an intense game of rock, paper, scissors. Kyung-soon wins, and she throws her hands up in triumph right as our title cards appear. I get up wordlessly, walking straight out the door.
Despite how strange it is to be watching the documentary after all this time, I find myself shaking with laughter. Maybe we are kind of entertaining to watch, after all.
“Do you remember what we were playing for?” Kyung-soon asks me.
“I think it was over who had to call the takeout place.”
She laughs, returning her attention to the screen. I find myself avidly watching as well.
Episode basically from here until just before the end, enjoy! (actions/dialogue in real time will appear in as normal text, whereas the documentary is in italics)
Himari and Aera sit in the kitchen, both of them staring down at their breakfast. Himari glances up at Aera, noticing her worried expression.
“I’m sure they’ll call you soon. Anybody who turns you down is a complete idiot.”
Aera nods, not saying anything. Jimin reaches out to hold Aera’s hand. Minsuh comes in from down the hall, stretching.
“Morning,” she says around a yawn. “Any news A?”
Himari answers for her friend. “Not yet. What do you have going on today?”
Minsuh reaches for a bowl, waving at the kitchen camera like she does every morning. “Nothing much. I think Seohyun and I are going to study for a while, she’s going to help me prep for an exam I’ve got coming up. What about you guys?”
“Ichika and I have lessons. Want to join us, Aera? Brush up on your Japanese?”
“No,” Aera shakes her head. “I’m going to start getting Beth’s room ready.”
“Oh!” Himari grabs her phone from her back pocket. “That reminds me, I have to call that little punk.”
I gasp at Himari, my friend giving me a shy smile and shrugging.
Himari places the phone on speaker while the other two girls quietly eat their food and wait for me to answer.
“Was this the day before I flew out?” I ask no one in particular.
“Yeah, I think so.” Himari responds. Suddenly my voice cuts through the audio, and I physically cringe. Namjoon chuckles, reaching a hand up to steady me as I rock back against his chest.
“I knew you were going to call me,” I say, and Himari rolls her eyes while Minsuh snickers. “What’s up?”
“Are you all packed and ready to go?” Himari asks.
“Yeah, I think so. My flight leaves in...six hours. I’ll start heading to the airport in a couple of hours so I get there on time.”
“Hey, when’s the last time you logged anything?”
It’s silent on my side of the line for a while. “Er...a while.”
“Do I even want to know?”
“No, probably not.”
“Well this is me calling you and telling you to do your log before you leave. BigHit sent us some of those questions, answer them if you don’t know what to say.” My voice starts to cut in but Himari cuts me off. “I mean it! If you don’t I’m making sure you sleep on the couch when you get here.”
My sigh is audible, Aera looks up at Minsuh with the ghost of a smile.
“Ok, will do. I’ll log it as soon as I get off this call. How is everybody?”
Minsuh pipes up. “Hey Beth! We’re good!”
“Am I on speaker? Hey Min! Who else is there?”
“Just me,” Aera says, leaning closer to the phone. “I’m about to clean up your room so there aren’t any cobwebs. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you, B. I miss you.”
“Aw, I miss you too A. You don’t have to worry about my room...but make sure nobody has stolen my Jeju Island photo. Where’s everybody else?”
The camera jumps to another location, answering my very question. Kyung-soon is walking up to a nice looking apartment, double checking some files before kindly greeting a couple. She must have had a client.
Again the camera jumps, this time to a different continent where I’m settling down before my camera as I record my first log in months. I’m sitting at my kitchen island in my apartment back in the states, a picture of all the girls and I hanging on the wall behind me.
“Hello camera, it’s me again. Sorry for not logging in a while, I’ve been busy. And now I’m about to leave in a couple of hours to catch my flight to Seoul.” I look at my phone before me, reading something off of it. “This will be pretty quick, but I’ve got some of the questions BigHit sent me, so I’ll try to answer a few before I have to leave. Sound good?”
I scroll through the list of questions, eyebrows furrowed as I try to find a good one. “Hmm, it looks like these have gotten more and more personal over the years. I guess I’ll go with this one: ‘what do you look forward to the most returning to Seoul?’”
Shuffling in my seat I bite my lip as I stare down the camera. “I think I just get excited to be back with everybody. I know I don’t usually say anything like this, but I really miss them when I’m gone. I’m kind of stranded out here in the states. It’s hard to be here and know that all six of them get to stay together while I jump around from place to place. At least I’ll get to stay for a solid six months this time around, maybe more. Just depends.”
Namjoon fidgets behind me until he’s directly behind me. Slowly he pulls me back against his chest until I’m laying with my head tucked under his chin.
“Wow, this one’s intense. Should I just answer it? I doubt anybody will actually ever watch this. I feel like my logs are pretty boring. It says, ‘if you could go back and say anything to yourself three years ago, what would you say?’”
I lean back against my chair, pushing my hair out of the way. “I’m not sure I would really say much. There was just so much going on, it was information overload. I remember when I woke up the next morning, I thought everything was a dream. My sister had no clue, so I just left her a note and left our hotel to go on a run.” I laugh a little, recalling the memory. “I probably looked so crazy! This white girl running around Seoul like a maniac. I finally got to a point where I stopped, and finally was starting to calm down. Then, ha! Oh my gosh I remember this like it was yesterday, seriously. I checked my phone and saw that I had a notification from Weverse. It said ‘RM commented on so and so’s post’ and I lost it. Right there in the middle of this random park I started bawling. I was so overwhelmed.”
Namjoon’s grip tightens on me, and I take a deep breath. I’d honestly forgotten that I’d even done this log, I really didn’t think they’d put it into the documentary.
“So if I could go back to three years ago, I think I’d go to that moment and just give myself a hug. I was so terrified and had nobody to talk to. I’d hug myself, and say, you figure out how to keep moving forward. Just enjoy the ride, because it’s a crazy one.”
The screen fades out, my voice still narrating as I talk over the others girls’ actions. Kyung-soon is helping that couple to sign some paperwork.
“It’s definitely been crazy, but I’m better because of it.” I narrate and Kyung-soon gives an award winning smile to the couple, saying her goodbyes before heading back to her car.
Now we’re watching Minsuh laugh about something with Himari in the kitchen.
“I don’t want to think about where I’d be without my soul sisters, they mean so much to me. I really never thought I’d meet people as amazing as them in my life.”
Aera is in my room, sweeping and straightening my photo of Jeju Island.
“Sometimes I still wonder if there’s been a huge mistake and I’ll get a call from BigHit saying that I don’t actually have a soulmate. Things are so good that I think they may be too good.”
Seohyun jogs in a park, making faces at the camera each time she passes in front of it.
“But I’ll just keep living this dream for as long as fate will let me.”
Ichika struggles up the stairs to the apartment, grocery bags all over the place. The camera shakes as it’s set on the ground, and the cameraman assisting her.
“And as for the last question for this log… ‘if you could say a single sentence to your soulmate, what would you say?’”
Suddenly we’re back in my apartment, where I give a side smile to the camera.
“Hey Namjoon, wanna go out sometime?” Winking at the camera I lean up and turn it off.
The screen goes black, and then words cut across the screen.
Final Installment- Episode 132 “Finally.”
Everybody comes back to life as the introduction to the final episode ends and the rest of the episode starts up. Namjoon leans down to whisper in my ear.
“I’m sorry for making you cry in the park that morning.”
I shake my head. “I can’t believe you’re apologizing for that and not for trying to kill me earlier.”
My body shakes with Namjoon’s laugh, and we settle down to continue watching the documentary before us.
Kyung-soon stands in the living room with a huge mass of balloons before her. Minsuh comes up behind her, staring in awe.
“That’s a lot of balloons.”
Kyung-soon nods, biting her bottom lip. “Do you think it’s too much?”
“No, I think it looks great. Just, how are we going to get them into the car?”
“I have no idea.”
The two of them discuss possible game plans as Himari wanders in looking at her phone.
“Ok everyone! She’s over the ocean between us and Japan. We should probably get going. Wow,” she finally notices the balloons. “Looks good, Soon-ah. Don’t fly away, though. Seokjin would be so upset.”
Footsteps sound as the other three girls come in, each one’s attention going straight to the balloons.
“Ha! That’s amazing.” Ichika says. “She’s going to die when she sees that.”
The scene cuts to the airport, the girls anxiously waiting at the bottom of the stairs. Himari once again checks her phone for my flight information.
“It says that the flight landed fifteen minutes ago, she should be here any second.”
Aera nudges her. “Yah, you’re acting like your long lost lover has finally returned.”
Himari raises her eyebrows. “And?”
“Oh, there she is!” Seohyun shouts, and sure enough I appear on camera. Hat down low and a mask on I wave at everyone. A few people pause to look at all the commotion before continuing on.
Namjoon whispers to me again. “You look like a celebrity with your hat and mask.”
I chuckle, watching my reunion with the girls that only happened earlier this week. “I felt like one, too.”
My soulmate lets out a breathy laugh when the girls start teasing me, asking me what my reaction would be if he were the one to pick me up from the airport.
“You know, I’ve noticed that you’re really good at avoiding teasing.”
“I’ve had lots of practice.”
The documentary skips to our apartment, the girls hanging out in the living room debating whether or not to wake me up or let me sleep.
“I’m going to wake her up, she’s probably starving.” Aera says, and Minsuh follows her out of the room. The other girls remain in the room, Seohyun talking about one of her classes.
I nearly fall asleep in Namjoon’s arms, it’s so comfy. What brings me out of my stupor is the distinct sound of Seohyun’s rendition of “Mic Drop” and everybody laughing along with her.
I watch as we enjoy the show, Kyung-soon announcing to everyone that we’re going on ahead. Suddenly I jolt up, Namjoon jumping at the sudden movement. I remember what comes after this.
“What’s wrong?” Namjoon asks. “Did you see a bug?”
“No…” My attention is pulled into the documentary as Kyung-soon and I quietly converse. “It’s just - that was a hard night for me. That’s all.”
I can feel Namjoon’s eyes assessing me but I refuse to look at him for fear of him seeing right through me.
“If you’re uncomfortable we can go inside,” he offers.
Finally I look over to him. He calmly returns my gaze, awaiting my answer.
“I think I’m fine for now. Just, don’t judge me, ok?”
Namjoon nods fervently. “Never.” Extending his arms out, he pulls me back into his chest. “Let me know if you want to leave, and we’ll go.”
Kyung-soon and I appear on the balcony of our apartment, where we both study the stars above us.
“I can’t-”
“You have to. Beth, please don’t lock us out and keep all of these feelings to yourself. You don’t have to tell us every little thing, but you need to talk about it. Just because you don’t say it out loud doesn’t mean that you won’t feel scared or worried anymore.”
The tension is palpable as my sobs cut through the silence. I’m pretty sure Namjoon stopped breathing.
“I look at our boys, and I feel like they’re already complete. They have each other, they have ARMY, they’re complete. They have no idea that soulmates are even a thing, let alone that they have soulmates. There’s a part of me that’s mad about that. Mad that for the last three years I’ve been waiting for a man that is already happy without me, that is already more loved that he can even fathom. Mad at freaking Mr. Bang, because he refuses to tell them until the ‘time is right’. It’s been three years! And I’ve picked myself back up and tried my hardest to continue on in my career, and it’s fulfilling. I have the most amazing friends in the world, my family is so loving and supportive, and I love my job. So why do I feel so lonely?”
Namjoon wraps his arms around me tightly, and I feel that strange ache in my chest again. This time, though, it aches and aches until it cracks. With it, come the tears.
Like a dam come undone the tears flow from my eyes as the echoes of my sobs from the documentary cut through the night. Namjoon holds me tighter, tighter until he’s all I can feel.
“You know what, come here.” Namjoon says, his voice thick. He stands, pulling me up with him. We’re near the back, so nobody really notices us as Namjoon pulls me away. He leads me around my beach house until we’re completely blocked from view. The audio from the documentary follows me, and I keep my eyes trained on the ground as the tears blur my vision.
Namjoon finally comes to a stop, his hands resting firmly on my shoulders. I can’t bring myself to look up at him, thoroughly humiliated at one of my most vulnerable moments being on full display.
“Beth, look at me.” I shake my head, angrily wiping away my tears. He reaches up to catch a tear as it rolls down my cheek. “Look at me. Please.”
Again I shake my head, completely mortified at the situation I’m in. Wasn’t this supposed to be a fun trip? Worry-free?
“Ok, that’s ok. You don’t have to.” Namjoon moves to grab my shoulders again. “I just need you to listen to me. Can you do that for me?”
I clench my teeth as I nod, trying so hard to keep in my sobs.
“Alright. I am so-” his voice cracks and he takes a moment before speaking again. “I am so sorry, Beth. For all of it. For making you feel that way. I wish - I just wish we could have avoided all that heartache and pain. You were so strong, for so long. You still are, I can see that. From the second we first met I saw that you are strong and the most incredible person to ever walk the earth. I might be a bit biased,” I croak out a laugh which seems to spur him on, “but nobody can change my mind about you. I was lonely, too. Did you know that? Even with all the love I receive every day, I’m still lonely. Do you know how infuriating that is?”
Steeling my nerves I peak up at him. My heart twists further when I see the tears running down my soulmate’s face. He continues on, paying them no mind.
“I felt like there was something so wrong with me, but I learned with time that it’s normal. Everybody feels lonely. It’s a horrible feeling, and confusing sometimes. Especially when it feels like you have every reason to be happy. But we’re human. This is part of our human experience, as much as it sucks. Beth,” Namjoon rests a hand under my chin when my eyes fall again, gently urging me to look up at him. “I don’t feel alone anymore. That’s because of you. Just seeing you, I feel like everything is going to be alright. Do you see how amazing that is? I’m not lonely anymore. Please, Beth.” He releases a shaky breath, the earnestness in his eyes bringing a fresh wave of tears to my eyes. “Let me try. I don’t want you to feel alone anymore. Let me in,” Namjoon gestures to his heart, “and I swear I’ll never leave.”
Staring up at him, I know he’s telling the truth. I can tell he means every word he’s saying. But I have to know. I have to ask.
“You’ve been promising a lot of things,” I mutter, inhaling sharply as the tears rush down my face. “Are you sure you can keep all your promises? Please, Namjoon. Please don’t promise me something you can’t keep.”
Gently brushing the tears from my face, Namjoon leans in. Slowly, and close enough that I can see the light reflected in the tears still on his face. My heart, limp and weak as it may be, jumps at the close proximity.
“Do you mind if I make another promise?” Namjoon whispers before his lips brush up against my cheek. I freeze as he licks the salty mixture from his lips before moving to the other side.
“N-no,” I mumble.
Just there, the only warning I have is the feeling of his warm breath before he sweetly kisses away the remaining tears on my other cheek.
He pulls away just enough to look into my eyes. “I promise that I will never make you a promise that I cannot keep.”
Eyes drifting down to my mouth he tilts my head up ever so slightly. My eyes drift shut of their own accord, the only thing keeping me tied to the earth being Namjoon’s hands that hold me like I may break at any moment.
The first brush of his lips takes my breath away, the feeling so light that I wonder for a brief moment if this isn’t all just in my head.
Slowly he deepens the kiss, just enough for the salty tang of my tears on his lips to seep into my senses. The bittersweet taste has me reaching out to him, hands fisting the material over his chest. I cling to my soulmate as he clings to me, and even the world slows for a moment in order to accommodate this moment. Fate has never been my friend, but in this sliver of time I feel that it has been uncommonly kind to me.
By the time we pull away, resting our foreheads together, the ache in my heart has subsided. Namjoon’s hands slide down to my waist, holding me in place. As if I’d go anywhere.
I look up at my soulmate only to find his eyes still shut, drinking in the moment. Taking the precious seconds fate has given me, I study him out. Bliss suits him.
As though feeling my gaze, his eyes slide open. A small smile crosses his features, and the word that I have come to associate with Kim Namjoon over the past couple of days reappears in my mind’s eye, hanging over us like the stars in the sky.
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Taglist is open! Happy Halloween this weekend everyone! Thoughts? They finally kissed! (lol, finally. they’ve known each other for what, two or three days?) I love these two. Stay safe and healthy! 
taglist: @mae-musicbitch @taylorroe3​ @heartblackerthancoffee @eusticenatalie @agustneeds
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kpop---scenarios · 4 years
That's Okay
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Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader / Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage! AU / Mafia! AU
Warning: Smut, Violence, Language, Angst
Word Count: 7.2k
A smile spread across your lips as your mind wanders to your boyfriend, doing whatever you could to ignore the rambles of your father.
"Who does that fucking Taehyung think he is?" He spits, throwing his fork onto his plate, crossing his arms in anger.
"Sorry, what?" You ask, forcing a smile. God you hated Sunday night dinners with your family.
"Nothing you need to worry about." Your father grunts. "Look, while I have you here, I have some news." He says, clearing his throat before looking at your uninterested mother.
"What?" You ask, your stomach doing flips as the sudden nerves eat you alive.
"In just one month, you will be married off into the Do family. Mr. Do's oldest son, Kyungsoo is taking over for him eventually and as the heir, he is to be married. With the new groups coming in and trying to take our districts we need to combine, and this is how we do it." Your father says, picking his fork back up to finish his food.
Your stare at him for a moment, your mouth hanging open in surprise and confusion. You couldn't get married, you were with someone already, someone you wanted and you knew wanted you, not a stranger.
"But.." you begin before he holds up one finger, almost in your face. That was his thing and his way of telling you he was done talking about it, and you had no say. This was your life though, he couldn't dictate who you were going to spend your life with.
"I don't want to." You say, partially confident but mostly terrified.
Your father turns to look at you, confusion now coated his eyes. You were never one to back talk to your father, or anyone.
"You don't want to?" He repeats.
"Yes. No, I don't want to." You whisper.
"I do a lot of fucking things I don't want to do, but I do them because it helps the fucking family." He snaps. "Are you a part of this family? Because if you are, then you'll get married, goddammit." He yells, standing up and storming away.
"Do as your father says." Your mother whispers. "Please." She finishes before walking away, not even saying a goodbye before she went to the opposite side of the house as your father. He and your mother had an arranged marriage and neither of them were happy. You were sure there was never a moment you saw them actually smile at each other or laugh together. That was the life they wanted you to live?
You wanted to be happy, and in this moment there was only one person you knew that would help you feel even the slightest bit better.
"Baby?" He answers his phone in a whisper as you walk out of your parents house, leaving their staff to clean up the mess of dinner.
"I need to see you." You sniffle, sliding into your drivers seat.
"Bad dinner?" He asks. You didn't answer, he already knew. "I'll be over in half an hour, love." He tells you, hanging up the phone. You could always count on Taehyung to be there for you, like a boyfriend should.
As you pull up to your apartment building, you see a spiffy Taehyung in a suit, leaning against his Mercedes with his muscular arms crossed against his chest. A bright and happy smile spread across your face as you parked in your spot quickly, and ran to him. His arms wrapped around you and you just felt like everything was going to be okay.
"So tell me what he did now." Taehyung says, settling in on your couch.
"Married!" You yell, placing your hand on your forehead. "Can you believe that? He, my father, wants me, myself, to get married to a complete stranger!" You scoff, still having a hard time believing it. "Me! A stranger!"
"Did he say who?" Taehyung asks, suddenly perking up a bit.
"Do Kyungsoo or some shit." You say, not noticing Taehyung's face contort into anger.
"Hah. Does he really think that'll work?" Taehyung laughs, shaking his head.
"Listen to me baby, okay?" Taehyung smiles, standing up. He places his hands on each arm, looking you in the eyes before talking.
"You're going to marry Kyungsoo, okay?" Taehyung says. "Before you freak out, this is a power move on his part, one that I can see possibly benefitting me in the future but I need your help."
"Benefitting you?" You ask, cocking your head to the side.
"Did I say me? I meant us, baby, always." He smiles, leaning in to place a kiss on your lips. Within seconds you already melt into the kiss, wrapping your arms around Taehyung's neck for a second before he pulls away.
"This'll have to be quick, baby." He groans, bending you over the desk in your living room. It usually was a quickie with him, that was one of the problems of dating a mafia boss, he was always busy.
Taehyung groans as he hikes your skirt up, exposing your bare ass. He raises his hand, landing a hard smack right on your cheek before you can hear the dangling of him undoing his belt buckle. He licks his fingers, before slowly pushing them inside you, making sure you were plenty wet for him.
"Always so tight." He breathes, pumping his fingers in and out of you.
He pulls his fingers out of you, pumping his cock a few times before he lines himself up with your entrance. Taehyung pushes his cock into you, stretching your pussy out as he fills you up.
"Fuck." You gasp, clinging to the edge of the desk.
Taehyung reaches up, placing his hand on your head, pushing it into the desk as he rams his clock inside you, making you cry out. You can hear him murmuring things, but not loud enough for you to make out what he said, except for a few things.
"Slut… you bitch...worthless." he mutters and you feel your heart sink. Surely he doesn't truly think of you like that, does he?
You close your eyes, trying to focus on the feeling of Taehyung thrusting his cock into you but your mind keeps wandering to what he said.
"You like that?" He grunts, gripping onto your hips tighter. "Shit." He groans.
You feel the change of pace with his thrusts, knowing he will cum soon. You tighten your pushy around his cock, attempting to keep him inside you for just a little longer.
It doesn't work. He releases himself into you, grunting loudly as he thrusts, enjoying his high.
Taehyung pulls his cock from inside you, allowing his cum to seep from your pussy, dripping down your leg. You lay there for a second while he pulls up his pants, making himself presentable once again.
"I didn't even get off." You huff, standing up.
"Next time." He half smiles, leaving you standing there with his cum falling down your legs, horny and confused.
A few days later, you're laying in your bed, staring at a text you had received from your father. You were to get yourself looking good for a dinner at your parents house, with your future husband.
Great. Couldn't wait.
While you did your make up and hair, you had Taehyung on speaker phone, describing what you were doing and what you were going to wear.
"Be sexy and amazing baby, I need this. We need this." He corrects himself quickly. "This is important for our future." You can hear the smile through the phone, whether that smile is genuine or not is what concerns you.
Part of you knew that Taehyung was up to something, no one who truly wants something for 'us' says 'me' all the time. You weren't that stupid, but there were some things you chose to ignore, and these were some of them.
"Alright, I've got to go. I'm running late already. I'll call you after. I love you." You smile.
"You too." He replies, causing your heart to sink. You thought he loved you, but the fact that he never said it, should be cause for concern but you didn't have the time right now. You had a man to woo.
Sitting at the dinner table, your plate barley picked at, you stare at the man sitting across from you, the man who is meant to become your husband in three weeks. He was handsome, you could admit that, his heart shaped lips drew you in first, and then his cat-like eyes. His face though was cold, he was intimidating and seemed extremely uninterested.
You didn't have to do much of anything to woo him, he did not object to anything either of your mothers had planned out for the wedding, just went along with it.
"Why don't you two take a walk in the garden and talk?" You father suggested, while everyone else agreed.
You stood up, along with Kyungsoo, leaving the dining to whispers and giggles about how the two of you were a beautiful couple.
Walking through the garden, your hands are intertwined in front of you, while he keeps his at his sides, neither of you talking. You wanted to break the silence, or even better have him break the silence, but neither of you were willing.
Until you gave it a shot.
You look over at him, just as he turns to you, and your eyes meet. You give him a small smile while his face remains stone like.
"I'm not going to fuck you." He spits, looking forward again. You stop in your tracks.
"What?" You ask, feeling rather offended.
"You're looking at me like you can't wait until I slide my dick into you, but it won't happen. I'm not into girls who have daddy issues, and let anyone fuck them as long as she can call them daddy while they're inside her." He snaps. "That's you. Reeking of desperation and shit.  Let's get one thing straight, this is for our fathers and the companies, that's it. You mean nothing to me and that won't change." He finishes, looking you up and down before scoffing. "I'll have my doctors check you out, God only knows what the fuck is down there. Permanently stained with random men's cum and diseases." He spits. "You're the best they could do?" He scoffs, walking away, leaving you feeling heartbroken from a man you didn't even know.
For the next few weeks leading up to the wedding, you had very minimal say in what happened, or anything in regards to what's usually supposed to be the happiest day in a woman's life. Instead you felt dread and sorrow. You hadn't told Taehyung what Kyungsoo had said to you, you were worried about his reaction. Not that you thought he would be angry with you and confront Kyungsoo, no, more like he would laugh and agree, making you feel worse.
The words your future husband spat at you, like you were nothing were burned in your brain. You thought about it constantly, especially everytime Taehyung was inside you, demanding you call him daddy. All you could see was Kyungsoo's disgusted face.
The day of the wedding, there were no smiles from you as you walked down the aisle. Tears threatened to fall from your eyes instead, the dread of having to live with just a harsh and vicious man for however long, was not at all how you imagined your life would go. At least you knew you had one good thing you could count on, Taehyung.  He had promised you, swore to you up and down that once his plan worked, he would swoop in and take you away, you and him living life together happily ever after.
That's the only thing that got you through whispering 'I do', not to mention kissing the man you were now married too.
Over the next few weeks, things were awkward. Immediately after the wedding you were moved into his house, and into his bedroom. You had offered to take a room somewhere else but you were told a man and wife share a bed and that was it. Kyungsoo wasn't one to do anything that would displease his father, so he agreed.
The first two weeks, Kyungsoo didn't come to bed at night but you saw him occasionally during the day. You would catch him staring at you a little more each day, when you came downstairs wearing your booty shorts and tight tank top, the same thing you wore to bed every night.
As time went on, he would sit in the living room when you spoke and joked with his men, never saying anything, just listening. You had caught him a few times slightly smiling at something you had said. His smile was beautiful.
As you walk down the stairs one morning you hear Kyungsoo losing it on one of his men.
"What the fuck do you mean Kai fucked up?" Kyungsoo snaps at Minseok. "What happened?"
"Well you see.. he missed the shipment pick up and they won't reschedule but will come on their assigned day next time." Minseok tells him.
"That's four fucking weeks we have to wait for the drugs." Kyungsoo snaps. "Bring him to me. He better be beaten while I figure this shit out. Dumb fuck. What the fuck was he doing?"
Before Minseok can answer you walk down the stairs, wearing your short shorts and tank top, ceasing all communication from the men. You could feel both sets of eyes burning in the back of you.
"Just bring him to me." Kyungsoo says, walking away once you're out of site. "And stop checking out my wife."
By week four, you had finally been able to sneak out to see Taehyung, resulting in you telling him everything that had happened so far, and then Taehyung harshly fucking you in the backseat of his car.
"So he hasn't told you any plans?" Taehyung asks, buttoning up his shirt.
"I told you, we don't talk." You say, rolling your eyes. You didn't tell him that you and Kyungsoo had been getting along better. You knew that Taehyung wasn't to be trusted, but you couldn't walk away, not yet. "We do have that party next week though." You tell him.
"You two are going?" Taehyung asks.
"Yeah. Happy newlyweds." You murmur.
"Well I'll see you there." He smiles, nodding towards the door, motioning for you to get out. A partial laugh and scoff slips from your mouth as you slam the car door, walking back to the house you shared with Kyungsoo.
The night before the party, you saw Taehyung one more time. He buried his cock so far in you that night, you thought he might actually feel some type of way towards you,  instead he told you to be safe. "And Goodluck tomorrow." He nodded towards the door, again.
This was exhausting.
The night of the party, Kyungsoo had sent up a makeup artist and stylist for you. You had chosen a dark blue, deep V neck dress, along with a pair of black pumps. You were given smokey eye makeup, with a red lip. You looked good.  You walked down the stairs where Kyungsoo waited for you in his tux, and he looked darn good.
"You look beautiful." He tells you, holding out his arm for you to link in with yours. You give him a small look, as if you're not sure if he's serious or not. "I'm being serious. You look great." He says, rolling his eyes.
"Thank you." You smile. "You look pretty good yourself." You say, avoiding eye contact anymore.
Arriving at the party, you're mesmerized. This is bigger than anything your parents had ever thrown, much more magnificent and way classier in your opinion. Your parents had a tendency to be quite tacky.
You and Kyungsoo walked through the house, your hand tightly placed in his. You tried to ignore the whispers and the stares, but it made you feel important that people were talking about you. You felt powerful. Until you saw Taehyung standing there in his suit, looking mesmerizing and now you felt inferior, like a fraud. He smiled in your direction, and nodded to Kyungsoo, he nodded back.
It was almost as though Kyungsoo could feel the uneasiness coursing through you, and he gave your hand a small squeeze, to let you know you were fine. If only he knew about your history with Taehyung.
As the evening went on, you were introduced to many important people, drank champagne, mingled and now rested your head on Kyungsoo's shoulder as you slowly danced with him. It was strange, you hadn't ever seen this side of him, but then again he was also probably just faking to show off that the two of you were happy.
"I'm sorry." He whispers into your ear.
"For what?" You ask, your eyes closed as your head still lays on his chest.
"For what I said the first night we met. It was uncalled for and rude and I shouldn't have said that. I had just exiled one of my men, and I wasn't in a good place with anything. I shouldn't have taken my anger out on you." He tells you.
"What changed your mind?" You ask, unsure if you wanted to know.
"These past couple months, I've been watching you. I know that sounds creepy." He chuckles. "But I've been watching you with my men, when you're alone, and I've gotten to see you in a way I hadn't thought of before, and I think I'm a lucky man." He finishes.
"Wow." You whisper.. "I don't know what to say." You pause. "Actually.. I think I need to tell you something."
"What?" He asks. You look up at him, looking him in the eyes before you start.
"I have been.."
"Excuse me." You're interrupted by Taehyung. "Mr Do, may I borrow your stunning wife for a moment?" He asks.
Kyungsoo looks at you with a raised eyebrow. You shrug your shoulders, following Taehyung as Kyungsoo watches the two of you walk away.
Taehyung closes the door behind you, rushing towards you, taking your face in his hands. "I've wanted to bury myself in you since you walked in the door." He groans, placing a kiss on your lips.
You push him off. "I'm with my husband." You hiss, backing away from him.
"So?" He chuckles. "What does it matter?"
"I'm not going to fuck you with him downstairs." You say, walking towards the door.
"Y/N. Stop." He shouts. When you don't he swiftly grabs onto your arm, yanking you into him. "I said stop." He snaps, his grip tightening around your arm.
"That hurts." You cry, trying to get him off of you. "Stop Taehyung." You whine.
"Let her go, Kim." You hear from the doorway. Turning your head you see Kyungsoo standing there, his eyes black and full of anger.
"Mind your business." Taehyung slurs.
"My wife, my business. Let's go Y/N." Kyungsoo growls. Taehyung let's go, letting you walk out of the room, leaving the two men glaring at each other.
"I've been fucking her." Taehyung cackles.
"Yeah? How's your wife feel about that?" Kyungsoo asks. Taehyung's face drops. No one was ever supposed to know about her. "I'll be seeing you." Kyungsoo finishes, closing the door, leaving Taehyung standing there shocked.
Instead of grabbing another drink, Kyungsoo ushered you outside and urged the valet to hurry the fuck up for his car. He was acting as if he knew something was about to happen.
"Whats going on?" You ask, worriedly.
"Look, I don't know what your relationship with that piece of shit is, but you need to end it now, whatever it is." He tells you, his eyes remaining on the road, but constantly also looking in the rear view mirror.
"I've.. just been… sleeping with him." You admit, feeling overly guilty. You had been cheating on your actually nice husband, and felt like a bag of shit for it.
"It's fine baby, shit was fucked up." He tells you, still not looking at you. "But there is something you need to know."
You turn your head and look at him regardless, your eyes wide, mouth hanging open just slightly. Did he just call you baby? Your heart fluttered at the sound of it spilling from his lips. You loved it.  
"Too much?" He asks, a smirk on his face.
"No, I liked it." You admit.
"Fuck." Kyungsoo spits, seeing a car speeding up behind the two of you.
"What do I need to know?" You ask.
"First off, that's him behind us." He says, focusing on driving. "Second, he is married. His wife is Kwon Chaeso." He finishes.
You can't breathe. You literally feel like you are dying at this moment. How could you have not known?
"Fuuuuck." You breathe, barely.
"Relax, we can deal with that after. Right now I need to try to lose him." Kyungsoo says, noticing the car behind you is coming up quickly. "Seatbelt." He growls, noticing you're not wearing it.
Just as you reach for it, the car behind you rams into the back bumper, jolting you forward, causing you to hit your head on the dash.
"Shit." Kyungsoo snaps, pressing down on the gas more.
You feel the blood dripping down your face, as you quickly put your belt on, not worrying about your cut now.
"Hold on." Kyungsoo yells as he abruptly turns the wheel all the way to the right, taking a road you hadn't even seen. The car drifts on the gravel road as he tries to straighten out the car. You both watch the rear view mirror, seeing Taehyung's car drive straight past, a sense of relief washes over you.
You still hold your breath, waiting for him to backup and come after you again, but instead you see another car drive past, Kyungsoo lets out a sigh of relief before calmly driving to his house.
"Those were some of my men. We're okay now." He tells you. "We have a doctor, let's get home and get that cut looked at." He smiles.
The next night you laid in your bed staring at the clock. It was 2am, and Kyungsoo still hadn't come to bed. You slipped out of bed, slid on your slippers before you went wandering downstairs to his office to see if he was there.
Opening the door, you're met with a moaning Kyungsoo who had his eyes closed, head thrown back and hand wrapped around his thick cock.
Your gasp startles him. You mutter an apology as he just stares at you, hand still on his cock.
"I was thinking about you." He groans.
"You were?" You ask, walking into the room, closing the door behind you.
"How tight your pussy is, how good it would feel." He groans. You can feel yourself dripping already.
"Why don't you find out?" You whisper, walking over to his desk before bending over. Your large shirt riding up over your ass, showing Kyungsoo you were wearing no panties.
"Naughty fucking slut." He groans, standing up from his chair.
He presses your head harder against the desk with one hand as he lines himself up with your entrance with his other hand.
He slowly pushed himself into you, burying himself into you.
"Shit. I was right." He groans, thrusting in and out. "Rub your clit." He tells you.
You reach between your legs, rubbing your clit as he pulps become faster and harder, needing his release.
"Fuck you feel so good." He grunts, his thrusts becoming sloppy.
"Cum in my pussy." You cry out, your orgasm rushing through your body.
"Fuck." He breathes, his orgasm flowing through his body as he shoots his load into your pussy, filling you up.
The two of you catch your breath, before he pulls himself out of you, wiping you down with a cloth.
"Let's go to bed." He sighs, grabbing your hand and bringing you upstairs.
That night you sleep with your head on his chest, and things are only going up from there.
Over the next few weeks, things between you and Kyungsoo kept getting better and better. He took some time out of his day, everyday to see you, regardless of what he needed to do, or who he needed to meet.
Today, you and he were sitting on the couch, your legs sprawled across them as you watched a drama together, keeping a few things just simple and not violent.
"Boss. You got a call." Sehun, one of Kyungsoo's men says, waking up to him with a phone in his hand.
"What?" He snaps, putting the phone to his ear. "Oh, hello. Yes. Sure. Okay. I will have an answer for you in a few days." He finishes, hanging up the phone and handing it back to Sehun.
"Who was that?"
"Later baby, I need to handle some stuff okay? Why don't you go shopping, I'll meet you at the mall in a bit." He smiles.
Things were so good between you two, you didn't want to pry, so you agreed.
"Okay." You smile, getting up to go get ready, leaving Kyungsoo whispering to a few of his men.
Walking through the mall, you can hear Yixing behind you, breathing slightly heavily as he lugs your bags around.
"You can put those in the car. I'm just going to check out a few more stores." You tell him. He nods his head, turning around to head back to the car while you continue shopping.
You walk into a lingerie store, checking out something for when you and Kyungsoo finally fuck. You had stopped seeing Taehyung since the night of the party, and found out he was married but that hasn't stopped him from texting and calling you consistently.
As you wander through the store, your stomach drops as it feels like someone is watching you. You look around the store but see no one.
Probably just your imagination.
Pulling out your phone, you call Kyungsoo to ask him a question.
"Baby. Everything okay?" He answers.
"Yes." You giggle. "Just out of curiosity, what's your favorite color?" You ask, looking around again, still feeling the eyes on you.
"Red. Why?" He asks, you can sense the smile through the phone.
"Just wondering. Thank you." You finish, hanging up before he can ask another question.
It doesn't take you long to find a skimpy red piece of lingerie, with stockings and heels, it's perfect. You wander out of the store after you've paid, constantly turning your head. You still feel like you're being watched. Your stomach sinks while a lump in your throat forms. You pick up the pace of your walking, weaving through the crowds.
You try to move around a big group, but unfortunately they stopped in the middle of the walkway to talk, leaving you stuck behind them. You jump as you feel a hand on your shoulder, letting out a yelp. You swiftly turn around, seeing a worried Kyungsoo, standing there.
"Soo?" You say, wrapping your arms around his waist.
"What's going on baby?" He asks, pulling you in close.
"It's nothing. I was being paranoid." You sigh.
"If you're sure?" He asks.
"Definitely." You say, pulling away from him.
You smile at his curious eyes, looking at the store name on the bag you were holding. "For me?" He asks. "You're wearing?"
You nod your head. A smile spreads across his face. Kyungsoo places a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you in close for a kiss. Your first kiss with him, and you melt. It's perfect, you couldn't have asked for better.
That is, unless you had seen a disheveled Taehyung watching the two of you share a kiss. "She's MINE." he yells, stomping away. He would stop at nothing to get her back.
That night you stood in front of the mirror, wearing the piece of lingerie you had gotten. You waited for Kyungsoo to be done doing whatever he was doing, but from the sound of it, it seemed as though he was yelling at his men.
You walked to the door, opening it slightly enough to hear Kyungsoo's loud voice booming from downstairs. "Do not, under any circumstances, knock on the door to my bedroom tonight. Unless it's something huge, stay the fuck away. Got it?" He yelled.
"Yes, sir." His men yelled back.
You could hear him walking up the stairs, impatiently waiting to get to you.
You close the door quietly, making your way to the edge of the bed to sit down. You lean back slightly, resting on your elbows as you wait for him.
The door opens, and your breath hitches. Kyungsoo's suit jacket and shirt are already open, revealing a toned stomach you didn't know he had.
"Damn, baby." He groans, licking his lips at the sight of you.
"You like?" You ask, caressing your thigh.
"Nah baby, I love." He growls walking over to you. You scoot back further onto the bed as he climbs on, hovering over you so you have to lay down. Kyungsoo plants a small kiss on your lips, moving down your chin to your neck and to your chest.
"So sexy." He groans, moving his way down to your perky breasts. "Sorry." He whispers, taking the small piece of fabric in his hands and tearing it in half, exposing your tits.
"I liked that." You groaned as he takes a nipple in his mouth, sucking harshly.
"I'll buy you 20 more." He murmurs, moving his mouth over to your next breast. His hand trails down your stomach, moving underneath your little pair of panties. He glides his finger in between your lips, gently rubbing your throbbed clit. You arch your hips as he gently rubs you while peppering small kisses wherever he can.
The two of you are brought out of the moment by hearing shouting downstairs. "Ignore the idiots." He grunts, not wanting anything to ruin this night. Until you hear fun shots, and not just one or two, but multiple.
"Shit." He groans, his phone starting ringing.
"Yeah?" He says, answering the phone. "Shit." He finishes, hanging up the phone.
"Baby. Hide. Somewhere smart. Just hide and do not come out until I find you. Okay?" He says, holding onto your arms tightly. "Okay!?" He yells. "Take your phone. Keep it on you."  
"Yes, okay." You whisper, terrified. "Be safe." You finish as he runs out of the room, leaving you to find somewhere to hide.
And you did, relatively quickly. You chose the armoire so you could hold it shut from the inside. You climb inside, trying to keep as quiet as you can, slowing down your breathing to listen. You hear shots on shots and so much indistinct yelling.
The door opens, you hold your breath, your eyes wide, you didn't think anyone would actually come into this room. "She's gotta be in here." You hear one man say.
"C'mere beautiful." You hear another voice.
You place your hand over your mouth, trying to not make any noise, until your cell phone begins to ring, your loud ringtone playing. You struggle to turn it off in time. The second you stopped it, the door opens, revealing two men wearing masks.
"Gotcha." The one yells. You try to scream but they shove a cloth in your mouth before you can. A needle is stuck in your neck causing you to pass out to the faces of two men you had seen before.
"Suho, go around the back! Chanyeol and Baekhyun, take the front!" Kyungsoo yells, trying to make sure all his bases are covered. He didn't recognize most of these men, but knew some that has been previously exiled from other groups.
He has an idea of who could be doing this. There realistically was only one person who hated him enough to pull something like this.
A part of him had a feeling it was because of you. What if he did this because he wanted an easy way to get to you. "I'm going to check on Y/N." Kyungsoo yells, heading for the stairs, praying you were okay.
Kyungsoo bursts through the door, seeing you nowhere to be found. His heart sinks into his chest as he searches the room for you. He sees the door to the armoire wide open, along with one of the earrings you had been wearing early before everything happened.
Eyes wide, he looks up at the window, seeing it now wide open, with you nowhere to be found.
"He fucking took her!" Kyungsoo yells, storming downstairs, not bothering to assess any of the damage done to the house.
"Is everyone okay?" He asks.
"Cuts and bruises but all good to go sir." Chanyeol says.
"Good. Now find my fucking wife." He spits, storming into his office and slamming the door.
Kyungsoo sits in his chair, placing his head into his hands, he should have known something like this was going to happen.
He takes a deep breath when his phone beeps. Pulling it out, he checks the message, and it's a picture of you, tied up with a gun to your head, with the caption reading "try and find her, and she dies.'
As you wake up you feel a cold metal against your head until you begin to move and it disappears. You're tied to a chair inside a nice office, a cloth stuck inside your mouth so you couldn't scream.
"She's up." You hear from behind you, and an answer coming through the radio. "Okay."
Your stomach sinks. You know what two men it is without question. You've met these two men time and time again, being with Taehyung.
"Mghdjsj" you mumble through the cloth. The man you thought it was chuckles, pulling it from you mouth from behind.
"Wonho. Why?" You groan.
"Sorry, Y/N. Bosses orders." He chuckles.
"Lemme guess, B.I is back there with you?" You sigh.
"You got it, Y/N." You hear.
"He's not who you think.. he's married." You say just before the doors behind you open up, revealing who you can only assume is Taehyung.
"My baby is back." Taehyung sighs, crouching down in front of you. He reaches his hand up, caressing your cheek.
"Let me go." You spit, trying to move your face away from his hand.
"I've let you go once baby, I won't do it again." He smiles.
"I'm not yours. I have a husband who I want to be with and you have a wife." You growl, still pissed off he did that.
"I was hoping he wouldn't have told you." Taehyung sighs.
"Well he did, and I want nothing to do with you. I was done with you before I even found out." You say, remaining strong. There was something about him that always drew you in and made you weak in his presence, no matter what he had done. You needed to stay strong.
"Baby don't." Taehyung pleads.
"I'm not your baby! I only want my husband!" You yell, not feeling good. You try to breathe but your stomach feels weird, you feel like you might vomit.  You can see the anger on Taehyung's face pour through. He stands up, turning his back to you. "I don't want you!" You cry, your head feeling slightly dizzy. Taehyung whips himself around, tackling the chair you're in to the ground, making you hit your head on the floor. Taehyung raises his hand, smacking you across the face as his other hand wraps around your neck.
"You are mine! And only mine! You will never leave me again." He spits, climbing off you.
"Get her cleaned up, it's almost time for bed." He says to his men, adjusting his suit before walking away.
Wonho looks at you with an apologetic look as he lifts up your chair, untying you before picking you up and taking you to the bathroom.
"Quickly shower up. He wants you in his room." B.I tells you, closing the bathroom door.
You turn on the shower, but instead of getting in, you lean over the toilet, violently throwing up as tears fall down your face.
When you finished, you hopped in the shower quickly, washing your body while the tears never stopped. You wanted so badly for Kyungsoo to be on the other side of that door and not Taehyung. You didn't even want to look at him.
"I need clothes." You yell through the door, only having a towel wrapped around you.
"Come out baby, I have your clothes." You hear Taehyung sing through the door. Fuck you wanted to puke again just hearing his voice.
"Here my love." He says, handing you a t-shirt for you to change into, his eyes never leaving you. "Get in bed." He says, patting the spot next to him.
Reluctantly you get in, not wanting to anger him anymore.
He pulls you in close, the smell of his cologne making you feel nauseous all over again.
Over the next few weeks you endured what you could only describe as your own personal hell. Taehyung moved you probably about twenty times, each time getting more and more angry, talking about how they're too close. He wouldn't tell you who and got increasingly more angry when you asked. Whenever he tried to make a move on you, you denied him sex, telling him you weren't feeling well, which really wasn't a lie but then he would get angry and hit you. He tied you to the bed whenever he left, which was often, making sure you didn't leave him because he knew if he left you lose you'd do whatever it took to get out.
As the third week came to an end and began into the fourth week, you could feel something was different with your body, not to mention you had missed your period. You were terrified. It all made sense. The exhaustion, aversion to food, vomiting, being emotional, missed period. You knew what this was. You were pregnant. And the possibility that it was Kyungsoo's was only 50%.
It had been four long weeks without you.  Four weeks of searching for you constantly, alongside Kwon Chaeso who was searching for her husband.
Kyungsoo had called her back the night you went missing, taking her up on her offer of helping her take down Taehyung. He obviously hadn't been the husband he should have been, but had also been stealing from other groups, selling secrets, betraying everyone in order to get to the top and she wasn't here for it.
Every Time they had gotten close to Taehyung, he had somehow been alerted that they were near and took off, taking you to an entirely new location, leaving them to start their search over again. Frankly Kyungsoo was over it and pissed off.
"I've got her!" Chaeso yells from behind Kyungsoo. "A warehouse just south of the old gas station in Busan." She says.
"Let's go." Kyungsoo yells, his men and hers following behind him as he walks out the door.
Crouched behind some bushes, they wait for the perfect time to enter the building. "Kangin should be patrolling the door right about…. Now." Jongdae whispers, letting Minseok get his dart gun ready.
"You sure this is okay?" Minseok asks Yixing.
"Yeah.. it should just knock him out. I don't think it'll kill him." Yixing whispers back.
Kyungsoo didn't care. They could kill them all for all he cared. He just wanted you back.
"Now." Jondage says. Minseok aims and quietly fires, hitting Kangin in the neck, immediately dropping him to the ground.
"Move." Kyungsoo says, leading them all towards the door. "You half take the right, we'll take the left." Kyungsoo says, his group separating from Chaeso's, each of them searching for a particular person.
"If you have to kill anyone, do it, find Y/N." Kyungsoo demands. Everyone nods in agreeance. You're the most important thing.
Opening every door, Kyungsoo's heart drops a little each time. He wants to just have you in his arms. Where were you?
The last door he had opened, unfortunately for him had shown a man he used to call a brother. Kris apparently had come to the dark side after being exiled, but he didn't have time to deal with this.
Then he heard it. An ear piercing scream, followed by a loud slap. The men run towards the sound, desperate to get you away from him.
"Why can't you just love me!" Taehyung screams as he straddles your almost naked body.
He raises his hand again, when you finally cave and tell him. You didn't want to, you didn't want him to know but you couldn't risk it any longer.
"Stop! I think I'm pregnant. Please" you cry out, your face bloody.
"Get away from her!" Kyungsoo yells, cooking his gun and pointing it at Taehyung.
"You heard her. She's pregnant. With my baby." Taehyung cries, turning around to face Kyungsoo. "I win! She's mine now!" He laughs, his face red as tears roll down.
"It's not yours." You say.
Taehyung turns around to face you, his eyes wide and confused. "So what? It's his?" He spits, pointing at Kyungsoo. "This piece of shit who doesn't deserve you!? You're having his baby!?" He yells. "Not on my watch." He finishes, charging towards you.
"No!" Kyungsoo yells, running towards you.
Taehyung doesn't make it to you, he falls to the ground after a woman, you can only assume was his wife snuck up behind him, bashing him over the head with her gun, knocking him out cold. Kyungsoo fumbles with the rope, doing his best to quickly but gently untie you.
"I'm so sorry baby." He whispers, pulling you up to his chest. "I love you." He cries.
"I love you too, Soo." You smile through your tears. Finally you were safe.
Through the rest of the months of your pregnancy, neither of you had heard a thing from Taehyung or his wife. You honestly had assumed she killed him, you truly would not have been surprised. There was something about him that was off, it was like a switch had flipped and it made him crazy.
You and Kyungsoo had a daughter together, naming her Do Sunhee, and she was the most beautiful thing either of you had seen. You had told Kyungsoo that there was a possibility that it could have been Taehyung's baby, with how close everything was. Kyungsoo told you he knew in his heart that Sunhee was his, and that was that.
"Come on baby. It's been so long and Sunhee is sleeping peacefully in her room." Kyungsoo whines.
"I know babe, but she should be up by now to eat anyway, she's only 3 months. Just let me check on her. I'll be right back." You giggle, wiggling out of his grip.
You walk into your daughter's room, only to let out a blood curdling scream that made Kyungsoo and his men run to Sunhee's room.
"She's gone." You cry, picking up the note that was placed where your daughter should be.
'I won't let another man raise my daughter'
You sink to your knees, hysterically crying. Your daughter was in the hands of a monster, a monster named Kim Taehyung.
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serendipityjxmn · 4 years
I Hate You, Park Jimin!
Chapter 18
Words Count: 3.3k TW: Angst
Link to Chapter 17
Link to Chapter 19
I arrived at college with Jimin’s fingers firmly laced around mine. People still stare but it doesn’t bother me as much anymore. It was pretty much the same, girls still gaping and drooling at the sight of him, guys looking at him in awe or in fear.
He left for his class about an hour ago but not before brushing his lips against the side of my head, making me blush fervently- up till now.
God- Jimin and his effects on me were so immediate.
I blushed again thinking about yesterday. Did it really happen?
“Boy- you have it hard.” A melodic voice rung in my ear.
My head snapped up instantly. Ah Young was looking at me with a smirk on her face.
“What?” I said but I knew I wasn’t deceiving myself. I could feel how heated I was just by thinking about Jimin.
“I don’t know.. you’re just glowing. Must be some good seeds, huh?” She grinned.
“Ah Young!” I smacked her arms and she giggled. Not so surprisingly, I giggled with her too.
“We should totally go on a double date someday.”
“Hmmm- that’s not such a bad idea.”
“Right?” She beamed at me, her cheeks slightly flushing at the mention of Eun Woo. Oh boy- we both caught the lovebugs hard on. Who knew I’d find love the same time my best friend does too. I chuckled.
The week went by in a blur. We had been so busy getting caught up in assignments and all sorts of submissions, quizzes, and tests in between. Jimin had been busy too. I didn’t see him much this week. He said his father’s company was planning a merger which was why it had been so hectic and his father wanted him to sit through the process. My poor boy- he’d been so exhausted, not having enough sleep. I missed him a lot.
God I was being dramatic. It’s not like you weren’t seeing him anymore! I scolded myself. I’ve turned so clingy now. Perhaps it was because Jimin had indulged me with so much attention and love. My heart swelled just by the thought of him.
Weekend arrived and as soon as I walked through the cafe for my night shift, I saw Kyung Hee unnie behind the counter. Believing that there’s no better time to bring the matter up, I told her about quitting the part time job. She was against it (as always) but I told her I’ve worked longer than I intended to because of her request and I’ve been weighed down a lot these days by assignments and all.
“I’m just gonna miss you alot.” She said as she hugged me. “You know you’re always welcomed here right? Semester break, summer break or just whenever you need some extra pocket money, just come, okay?”
I nodded.
So that’s that. I decided to work until the end of the month which was only few days to come. Quitting the cafe had been so long overdue, I chuckled to myself. Perhaps because I really enjoyed working here.
And then I suddenly remembered Jimin who had constantly asked when will I quit the job at every single opportunity saying something about more time with him. I smiled in adoration.
“Hana.” A low male voice said out loud, making me jump. I was out in the back throwing stuffs out.
“Jungkook?” I squinted my eyes in the dark before he stepped out and the light illuminated his figure looking slightly disheveled. “Oh my god Jungkook!” I exclaimed and without thinking, I stepped forward and lunged towards him, hugging him hard until he stumbled back slightly. But he was quick enough to regain balance and wrapped his arms around me too.
“Where have you been?” I asked, slowly letting him go. “I barely see you in school.”
“Sorry.” He said quietly.
“Jungkook.. are you okay?”
He was silent for a few moments before answering. “Hana there’s something I need to tell you.”
“What- Jungkook?”
He bit his lips as if having a mental fight with himself. “Are you done with your shift?”
I frowned then glanced down at my watch. “In another 10 minutes. Why?”
He then smiled softly at me. “I’ll wait for you then. Let’s walk home together.”
Still frowning, I slowly nodded. “Okay.”
So half an hour later, we were out in the cold streets, Jungkook walking silently next to me. He seemed to have a lot on his mind and I really didn’t want to be the first to ask him but the silence was almost discomforting.
“Jungkook is everything okay?”
He stiffened for a moment, his brows furrowed but he didn’t answer.
“I heard from Kyeong Hee unnie that you were taking leaves for personal reasons. I mean- I don’t want to pry- it’s just-“ I sighed. “I just wanna know if you’re okay. Cause that’s the only thing that matters.”
He turned to look at me. “You care about me?”
“You’re my friend. Of course I do.” I said quickly and for a split second, I watched his face fall. I frowned because.. there’s no way Jungkook...
He let out a sigh. “I’m okay. It’s just-“ he closed his eyes briefly. “I’ll start working again tomorrow. So you’ll see my face everyday again till you get tired.” He grinned at me.
“Really? That’s great!” I beamed at him. “Although I won’t be there anymore, though.” I pouted.
His expression turned into alarm. “What? Wh- why?”
I shrugged. “I’ve worked there for too long I guess, the customers were getting sick of me too.” I laughed but to my surprise, Jungkook didn’t join. In the meantime we had already reached my apartment area.
He looked at me in.. anger? “Is this because of Park Jimin?”
My laugh stopped short. “What?”
“I know you’re dating him now.” He said, his tone full of sneer. “You know what, Hana, I thought you were better than this. Park Jimin? That guy? You don’t know him Hana. He’s an assh-“
“And you do?”
“I’m asking if you do know him.” I asked, hands crossed against my chest.
“Better than you think you know.”
“And how is that so? Prove it to me.”
He went silent for a few moments, biting his lips.
When I had enough of waiting, I scoffed. I can’t believe I’m waiting for his bullshit like this. I turned around and started to head towards my apartment.
“Hana wait!”
“What?!” I snapped.
“Fuck it.” He muttered under his breath. “Jimin’s in for an arranged marriage.”
I froze, stood rooted to the spot. Then I slowly turned around.
He sighed and ran a hand through his hair in exasperation. “It’s true. I’m not lying.”
I felt my whole chest clenching. What is this pain? Where did it come from? “No.. you must be lying.” I said softly.
He just shook his head. “You don’t seem to remember Yoo Nara, do you?”
Hearing her name stunned me. I felt my whole world crumbled. Of course...
“Yes Hana. The girl that came from U.S all too suddenly and suddenly she seemed all too friendly with Jimin and all of his friends? Tell me don’t you find it suspicious too?”
I struggled to swallow as realization hit me. Tears threatening my eyes. God- Hana... how could you be so stupid? I scoffed at myself. I was trying so hard to be that girlfriend that respects her guy’s private space, not prying more than he choose to tell. Guess the joke’s on me now.
“H- how do you know?” I croaked and tried to blink the tears away.
Jungkook stepped forward immediately and I tensed up, my hands held upwards instinctively. I wasn’t in the mood to be touched.
He sighed again. “From the boys.”
I swallowed thickly before nodding weakly. “I think you should go now..”
“You deserve so much better than that ass-“
“Stop.” I said immediately. I didn’t need to hear this now.
He looked at me in defeat before turning.
I sank down on the floor outside my apartment. I guess I was just another notch in his belt. Joke’s on me.. joke’s on me.
I ignored Jimin for the rest of the weekend. He obviously thought nothing of it, assumed that I was busy perhaps. I wasn’t ready to face him and hear the truth. But I wasn’t gonna take another person’s words just like that too. I knew I needed to face him. But do I have the strength to?
I didn’t see Jimin at all the whole day. So here I was, at a cafe staring blankly outside because I didn’t know what else to do, let alone think. I sighed loudly. Come on, Hana you just had to pluck up the courage to call him and ask him to see you.
Yeap- that’s what I was gonna do, or so I thought.
Until I froze at the sight of Jimin outside cafe.
Except that he wasn’t alone.
Even from afar, there’s no mistaking the girl with blonde hair next to him. It was Yoo Nara. I felt bile rising in my throat.
He had led her into an exquisite restaurant. I struggled to remain composed. No, I cannot cry, yet.
And so here I was standing outside the restaurant like a complete idiot five minutes later. Why was I doing this? I only stood there blankly and well assured that several people passing must’ve thought I’m some sort of weirdo standing outside the restaurant.
Someone pushed the door open from the inside. I gasped when I saw Jimin came out. Didn’t he just enter about 5 minutes ago?
I wanted to bolt but somehow my feet stood rooted at the spot in that exact moment. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t know how to react. And my brain completely froze when his gaze landed on me.
He walked towards me, a slight frown marring his face.
“H-Hi.” I said lamely.
“Hana? What are you doing here?” I couldn’t reply because all of a sudden I felt so overwhelmed at the sight of him my eyes started to sting. It’s so unfair how he still looked so gorgeous standing there- completely oblivious to all the hurt he caused. “Hey, are you okay? Baby-“ he stepped closer.
“Don’t.” I croaked, barely audible.
“Hana, what’s wrong?” His brows furrowed deeper.
I struggled to remain composed when all the insides of me were just waiting to explode and crumble.
“Would you tell me what’s wrong?” His voice slightly raised.
“Why didn’t you tell me, Jimin..? I saw.. I saw- you came here with... Nara.” I barely whispered her name.
He paled. And for a second I’d hoped that I was wrong. That this was all a complete mistake and that I’d illusioned everything.
But then he said something that crushed my heart even further. “I can explain.” He said calmly.
Explanations are more than often welcomed. It gave us some sort of understanding. But when it came from the mouth of a guy... in this kind of situations.. it usually meant “I screwed up and unfortunately you caught me so here’s an excuse”.
“Is it true..?” I whispered.
“About your arranged marriage..”
“Who the fuck told you that?!” He snapped and I flinched at his sudden outburst, instinctively taking a step back.
“Yes it’s true.” A female voice said. We both turned to look at the owner of voice. Yoo Nara was walking towards us, towards Jimin more specifically. She stood beside him. “You never had a chance since the beginning.”
I felt my heart was ripped and thorn to pieces.
“Shut the fuck up.” Jimin growled, sending a death glare towards Nara. His face softened towards me. “Baby..” he stepped closer slowly, as if approaching some wild and unstable animal.
“Don’t.” He froze.” I’m- this, between us, it’s over.” I turned on my heels immediately and started running away.
I heard Jimin screaming behind me but I didn’t turn. At some point, it started raining, hiding my tears away as I sobbed wordlessly.
How many days had I been cooped up in my own bedroom? This felt familiar. The heartbreak.. the reason for the heartbreak.. It just seemed that heartbreak would always follow me as long as I’m in love with... him.
Jimin did come. He had my house’s passwords. He could’ve just come in. But he didn’t. It made me wonder where do I stand in his life.
And then eventually he stopped coming. He won’t call anymore and he stopped texting me to see him. I kept staring at my phone even when he stopped- and there would be huge lump in my chest when there’s nothing. How twisted was that? It was all I wanted- for him to go away. It should feel right.. right? Except it didn’t feel that way.
I tried to stay mad at him. I really did. But even so I couldn’t keep lying to myself that I wasn’t missing him so badly.
Jimin made feel the way I never felt before. And for once, I thought I could believe in love. Why? Why would you do that to me, Jimin..?
Had he known this beforehand..? He knew he was bound by an arranged marriage yet he made me fall hard.. so hard for him.
Seeing Jimin hurt me.. it hit me like a sucker punch. So I religiously avoided Jimin at school. I bolted at the first sighting of him.
And just like that, a month went by and seasons changed. At night I stared at the window as snows thickened and filled the world with whiteness.
Why did it have to hurt this much..?
Because I’m in love.
I’m in love with Park Jimin.
And love hurts you in ways you can’t imagine.
“Alright, come on. I’m getting you out of here.” Through my half opened eyes, I peeked to see Ah Young standing with both her hands on her waist, staring down madly at me.
“No.. I’m not going out..” I pulled my blanket tighter.
“You’ve been locking yourself in your room everyday after class. This is not healthy, you little shit! I’m not letting this go on anymore. You know what you need? You need to have fun. Let’s hit the club and let go of all these depressing shits!”
Wait what? I frowned, peeking my head from over the blanket. “Won’t Eunwoo be mad?” He’s a mad protective boyfriend though.
She smirked down at me. “He’s not here. He’s in Taiwan with his dad meeting some client.”
“Oh wow.” I went silent for a moment. “Still not going out though.”
But who really possessed the skills to go against Ah Young? Yeap, no one.
So here we were, an hour later, standing outside a glamorous looking club? I swore we were only 2 seconds outside and I almost felt like dying from the coldness. Who on earth goes to club during winter? Oh yes, Ah Young does.
I was trembling as I shrugged my coat off my shoulder as soon as we got inside.
“Ah Young I really don’t think this is okay..” I pointed at my outfit, constantly tugging the hem of my tight short skirt down. I didn’t wanna come here, let alone get myself ready so Ah Young conveniently did everything for me- chose my outfit, did my makeup, even blew my hair. It was a mistake, apparently. Beneath my winter coat, I was so scantily clothed, a short blouse that didn’t even cover up to my bellybutton and a tight mini skirt. I just hoped the club has a sufficient heating system.
“No.. come on! You look hot! Park Jimin doesn’t know what he’s missing.” She winked at me.
“Uhh..” Before I could think of any answer, she was already dragging me inside.
My eyes struggled to adapt with the dim lights and as she led me in, the music started to get clearer and soon the blaring bass thumped along with my heartbeat. The club was crowded but wasn’t as packed as usual. The bar was kind of filled though. More people seeking the warmth from booze in this cold weather.
We both settled at the long lit up bar. Ah Young quickly ordered some drinks from the handsome bartender and held it out to me.
“Park Jimin can fuck himself.” Ah Young said.
I grinned as I took my drink from her. She knew everything since I already told her and without a doubt she’s on my side. “Cheers to that.” We clunk our drinks and I immediately chugged down mine. I felt my throat burning slightly as I finished it in one shot. Damn- that tasted bitter but nice too.
“Okay babe- let’s go and burn the dance floor!” She tugged on my wrist.
“No.. I think I’m gonna stay here for a while. I need a little bit more alcohol before dancing.”
“Okay... don’t take too long! We haven’t hit the club together for so long and you really need to practice shaking that ass.” She giggled and started to head towards the dance area where it was filled with dancing bodies tangled together. “And not too much alcohol!”
I simply waved her off. To be honest, I was already feeling a little bit lightheaded. Damn me and my alcohol tolerance.
I placed another round of drinks, shutting my eyes closed.
“Hey there, you okay?” A male voice said.
I opened one eye. He’s a blur. I had no idea how but I could tell he was good looking. He propped one arm on the bar. Am I okay? I tried asking myself. I don’t know..
“Can I buy you a drink?”
...but I like the idea of someone buying drinks for me. It made me feel wanted. I giggled.
“You’re cute.”
“Ha.” I said. The blush wasn’t working because clearly I was already red to the toes. My brain felt weird and started to get fuzzy. I was getting drunk, I realised. But not that drunk for sure, I thought.
I opened both of my eyes. The guy was still staring at me. For some reason, my gaze landed at a figure somewhere far in the corner. I thought I saw Kim Taehyung but perhaps my mind was playing tricks. After all, I was drunk and my vision was blurring.
I tried to stand. “I think.. I need to pee.”
To my relief, the guy let me go just like that without stopping me at all. Good boy. I started to head towards where I think was the toilet and whoah- I reached my hand out for support since my legs went wobbly all of a sudden and my head’s spinning. What on earth did I drink?
And then someone came, grabbed both of my arms, swirled my body around and pinned me to the wall.
And suddenly I was well aware that I was drunk out of my mind. Shit.
The guy was all over me and with the little strength I managed to gather, I pushed him away until I no longer had to.
Someone had pulled him away. Everything seemed hazy and unfocused. I couldn’t even make out faces. Kids, this is what happened when you don’t usually drink and when you do, it hits you like a freight train.
My body staggered but before I could sink to the floor, someone wrapped their arms around my waist and pulled me into a warm hug.
Suddenly my brain could only think of one thing.
“Jimin...?” I mumbled.
I felt the guy stiffened.
And then I realized I was being stupid. It could be anyone. There’s no way in hell Jimin would knew I was here when he’d been busy with that Nara chick.
“No, I’m Kim Taehyung.” The voice replied calmly.
Kim Taehyung??? I tried to put my sight into focus but to no avail. He pulled me tighter as he led me out of the club. I panicked when I felt darkness closing in on me. I fainted then.
Link to Masterlist
200830 10:38PM
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
She Says “I Love You” First [Jay Park]
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Jasmine grew up with Jay and went to school with him all the way up until high school. He then moved to Korea and she thought that was the last she’d hear or see of him. She stayed in close to his mom who had constantly mentioned how great it’s be if Jasmine were her daughter-in-law since she already considered her a daughter. For those next few years, Jasmine stayed in close contact with him and cheered him on from the states when he joined 2PM.
Jasmine had been nothing but supportive of him and his works. She wasn’t afraid to admit to herself that she was in love with her best friend, but she would never speak those words to him and because of that, Jasmine ventured into dating.
It was her first year in university when he began dating a guy from her high school. When she conveyed the message to Jay, he didn’t seem excited and after the conversation, he began to be busier and would leave her on read. The relationship soured after a mere six months. He told her he loved her, but Jasmine couldn’t bring herself to lie and say it back.
By 2016, Jay and Jasmine rarely talked. She moved out to Korea for a photography job, at least that was the lie she told herself to believe. In truth, when she was offered the job, she thought of her unrequited love and how she would live closer to Jay if she went.
When she arrived, Jay was the first person who greeted her at the airport and helped her stock up her new apartment with furniture and groceries. It was as if they just hit the resume button on their relationship. It was as if they never went through a rocky patch. Jay introduced her to his friends and they often hung out and drank together. Jasmine became close to everyone, but she was closest Joon Kyung, Dok2, and vented to him often about Jay.
What she didn’t know was Jay complained about being in love with Jasmine to Joon Kyung as well. He grew tired of it and he wasn’t alone. The others,  Seonghwa, Kiseok, and Hyunkwoo, were sick of watching Jasmine and Jay flirt casually with one another. Enough was enough, they decided to act. They knew how jealous Jay got when the guys would take Jasmine’s attention away from him, let alone when one of them would flirt with her when he was in the same room.
Jasmine was hired on to Joon Kyung’s team to help with the camera crew for his music video. It wasn’t out of the ordinary for her to work with one of the guys for concept art and additional photoshoots, but she never did music videos for them before.
While on set, during the breaks, Joon Kyung would approach Jasmine. He would do small things: touch of the wrist, pat on the back, and brush back her hair. However, whenever Jay appeared, he’d take it up a notch. He’d whisper in her ear, touch her cheek, and hug her. All of which turn Jay’s face a beet red color. None of it beat the moment Jay snapped, the moment Joon Kyung asked her out.
Arms wrapped around Jasmine as she sat at one of the bar stools. A smile graced her lips as she was pulled from her thoughts. “Whatcha thinking about, love?” His head buried into her neck. His breath rolled off her shoulder and she shivered at the feeling.
Jasmine smiled at him before taking a sip of coffee. Her other perfectly manicured hand ran through his hair, “Just remembering how you asked me out.”
“BABYYY! Nooo… Don’t think of that. I wasn’t myself.”
“I’ll say. ‘Back off my baby girl! Don’t put your greasy playboy hands on her!’ I believe that’s how that went. OH, and let’s not forget it was video taped and put on Youtube.” Jasmine laughed at the memory as she placed her cup down.
Jay pulled back and turned the bar stool she was in. He gave her an annoyed look, “You didn’t deny that you were my baby girl though.” His hand rested on her thigh.
She scoffed, “That’s because I love you and your craziness.”
His eyebrow rose, “Love?”
Her eyes widened as a blush crossed her cheeks, “I mean–I was shocked! You know because you–” Jay cut her off and pressed his lips to hers.
When he pulled away, Jay tried to have a serious look, but a smile crack on his lips before he let out a joyful laugh and looked away in embarrassment. His hand reached for hers and intertwined with her fingers. “If it means anything, I love you too, baby.”
Jasmine bit her lip to conceal her smile, “Then why did you take so long to say it.”
Jay placed his forehead on hers, “I wanted to wait for a good moment.”
She rolled her eyes, “Sure you did.”
“Shut up” he chuckled. She looked down at his lips before she kissed him and took him by surprise. She broke the kiss first and licked her lips. Jay stared at her with loving eyes, “I love you” he whispered as he caressed her cheek.
“I loved you first.” She smiled. He didn’t argue with her as he leaned down and captured her lips in a deeper kiss.
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
24 notes · View notes
hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Coffee was essential for Jae after a long night of filming for the new video, at the very least to make sure he got home in one piece. He was sitting as he sipped the coffee, munching on a piece of banana bread as he prepared to head home. A glance up had him doing a double take as he noticed an officer nearby. He recognized him, but he wasn’t sure if he should greet the other or not, so he waved at him instead. 
Gwangseon was trying to explain to the highly intoxicated man in front of him that the woman who had walked past was not his wife and that grabbing her rear end was sexual assault when he caught movement in the corner of his eye. He looked up and was met with the familiar face of Jae Kyung. He waved back before telling the intoxicated man he had to sleep of his stupor in the holding cell at the precinct. Gwangseon placed him in the backseat of his cop car and, telling his partner he’d be right back, jogged over to Jae. “Hello stranger.”
Jae couldn’t help but smile as the other came back over. “Hey there.” he greeted. “Busy night, I gather?” he asked, finger tilting the little cup in a circle. He knew his makeup was still in place and he was pretty sure his casual outfit of black jeans and a white t-shirt didn’t match, but he’d worked really hard on the video and he was happy to run into an acquaintance after the hectic day. “You look good, Seony.”
“Not really. Nothing serious, just drunken people doing what they do.” Gwangseon replied easily. At the comment from Jae he looked down at himself. “I hope you mean good in the ‘life has been good to you’ way because I look and feel like a mess. The car is cramped, ya know and it wrinkles the uniform.” He spoke trying to smooth out the wrinkles in his uniform.
 Jae laughed a little. “They can be fun from time to time.” he mused. “Though I imagine you handle the less fun side of the crowd.” He lifted his cup to take a sip, arching a brow. Swallowing the coffee, he licked his lips and shrugged. “And if I meant it both ways?” the singer asked, grinning playfully.
“Definitely the less fun side of things.” Gwangseon adjusted his gear belt. “If you meant it both ways I’d have to arrest you for lying to a law enforcement officer.” Gwangseon countered with an equally playful grin. “It’d be best if that didn’t happen, right?”
Jae opened his mouth in an amused but playfully offended way, eyes drifted back to where Gwanseon’s partner was waiting. “Tell you what, officer.” he mused, pulling a pen from his jacket and taking a napkin, writing his name and number on it. Folding it in half, he held it out. “When you get done with your shift protecting the innocent, hit me up and we can debate on the phrase ‘bauty is in the eye of the beholder’, hmm?”
Gwangseon took the napkin and placed it in his pocket. “Maybe some other time, I’m always protecting the innocent.” With that Gwangseon winked, turned around and walked about to the NYPD cruiser where his partner waited in the driver’s seat. He climbed into the passenger’s seat and motioned his partner to drive. As they drove passed Jae, Gwangseon waved slightly and smiled.
Despite being exhausted from work, Jae laughed at Gwangseon’s remark, waving him off. “See you around, Seony.” he called, headed to his own car to head home. He had another day of filming tomorrow, so he needed to get home and rest. Once home, he showered and slept, waking up early to head to his label, where they’d take him to the next location for filming.
Gwangseon stood outside his cruiser, blocking off the road. His partner asked what exactly they were doing and Gwangseon just shrugged. He just went where he was told to go. In intervals crowds of girls would come by and look around before leaving and it was beginning to irritate Gwangseon. “Why are we even here?” He complained, tilting his head back to look at the sky.
Jae had headphones in as the driver took them to the building where they’d be filming, but his eyes were looking out. As they pulled in, he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sight of a certain officer stuck on security duty for the day. Once the vehicle had pulled in, Jae got out and looked over, waving towards where Gwangseon stood before heading to the tent where the makeup crew was waiting. Clad in a dark blue suit, he ran a hand through his hair as he began getting instructions on where backups would be placed and the kind of angles the crew was looking for.
Gwangseon stared but didn’t wave back. His partner made a comment about drooling to which Gwangseon turned his back to Jae with a “Humph!” In all honesty, Jae looked stunning but Gwangseon was not about to tell him that. The officer in charge brought over water bottles and Gwangseon and his partner nodded in thanks. Gwangseon glanced back over his shoulder and rolled his eyes. “This is so NOT fair.”
Summer meant the suit was hot and between shots, makeup touched up everything from his hair to the neutral eyeshadow. When he was able to get a break while the cameras and dancers got a rest, he made his way over to Gwangseon, tossing a fresh bottle of cold water to the other as he leaned on the barrier. “How’d you end up on fangirl removal, handsome?” he asked, grinning as he put his sunglasses back on.
Gwangseon caught the bottle easily and rolled his eyes. “I do what I’m told and don’t ask questions.” He twisted the top off and took a drink. When he was done he twisted the cap back on and fanned himself with his hand. “How can you wear that thing?” He said using the water bottle to motion at Jae’s suit. “I’m dying in this.”
Jae couldn’t help but laugh at the answer, shrugging. “They could at least give you some shade. This isn’t Madison Square Garden.” he mused. Looking down at his suit, he laughed again and nodded. “Very carefully, trust me. The makeup does not help, though, trust me.” he answered. “You working the late shift again?”
“I believe shade is a privilege.” Gwangseon scoffed sarcastically as he took another drink of water. He readjusted his radio on his shoulder for the nth time and rolled his shoulders. “Only when I have to. Usually if I do, I’m taking someone else’s shift. They don’t like temporarily switching up partners, it can cause some issues with the job.”
“Well, then neither of us are very lucky today.” Jae half-laughed, watching Gwangseon for a long moment as he listened. “What time are you off duty?” he asked, nudging his glasses down to reveal his eyes as he looked at the other.
Gwangseon chuckled at the singer. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” He raised an eyebrow as he spoke and his partner piped up from behind him. “He gets off at nine.” Gwangseon swung around to look at his partner and gave her a look that said ‘shut your mouth right now’. He turned back to Jae with an uneasy laugh. “She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” Behind Gwangseon his partner rolled his eyes and whispered under her breath, “You really need to get laid.” Gwangseon choked on his water mid drink and gave her the same look as before.
Jae gave a smirk at Gwangseon before hearing his partner, clicking his tongue thoughtfully. “Nine, huh?” he asked, chuckling as he saw the male try to cover the information he’d been given. “Oh, that hurts, Seony.” he mused, laughing as he happened to catch the ending of the woman’s sentence. “Maybe if you quit playing hard to get, we wouldn’t have a problem with that.” He mused with a wink.
Gwangseon blinked toward Jae as he slowly turned to face his partner. “I am SO driving for the rest of the month.” He turned back to star in front of him and replied curtly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just here doing my job and having a friendly conversation with a friend.” He crossed his arms and looked off toward the building to his right.
Jae watched the two interact, smiling at the woman kindly as she shrugged at Gwangseon’s answer. He laughed again at the other male’s reaction, tilting his head. “Oh, come on, Seony. One date won’t kill you.” he sipped his water again. “Am I really that bad to be around?”
Gwangseon stood in silence, mouth hanging open but no reply coming out. He took a breath and smiled a little at Jae. “I already have plans.” He spoke quickly with a matter of fact look on his face. Gwangseon crossed his arms over his chest causing the condensation from the water bottle to end up on his uniform. “Besides, who said I liked you like that anyway?”
Jae pouted a little, sliding his sunglasses back up to cover his eyes. “Oh, so you’re gonna avoid me, huh?” he smirked, looking at the woman who was clearly Gwangseon’s partner. He really did want a date with the attractive male, but he supposed he was going to have to play hard ball too. “What about you, beautiful? Do you have plans? Since this one here’s not interested, I could treat you.” he offered, trying not to be as phased by Gwangseon’s last question as he was, his playfulness a little quieter suddenly without meaning to.
“Sorry, she doesn’t swing that way. I think she has a date for tonight anyway.” Gwangseon replied, wondering at the subtle change in Jae’s demeanor. It was a joke but what if Jae had taken him seriously? Geangseon didn’t have room for a significant other in his life right now anyway. No one would ever understand that his job would have to be first. He looked up and saw the people behind the cameras waving. In a queit voice he continued, “I think they’re calling you.”
Jae rolled his eyes. “I could still treat her to dinner, since you won’t let me spoil you.” He turned as Gwangseon spoke, frowning a little. Damn it, he really wanted to try and get just one date. Looking back, he gave a smile at the other. “You gonna stick around? I may be able to convince you yet, even with my crazy schedule.” He moved to right himself, tossing the water bottle towards Gwangseon.
Gwangseon caught the bottle and called after the retreating male. “I have to, it’s my job.” He turned to his partner and found her giving him a look that said she wanted to hit the back of his head. “Don’t look at me like that.” She rolled her eyes as Gwangseon spoke. “Why don’t you just tell him you’ve been into him since you worked that security detail at his concert?” She inquired as Gwangseon fiddled with Jae’s bottle. “I just don’t want to bring someone into my life and tell them that they have to be second to my job. I save a lot of people and I have to be able to go when and where I’m needed.” He spoke sadly and with a solemn look he turned to face the opposite direction of the singer and his crew.
Jae went about the shoot, but his eyes kept straying to the officer between takes. Turning back to the makeup team as they adjusted his makeup again, his hair being restyled as he closed his eyes and let the tent shade him just enough to take the edge off the heat. When filming was coming to an end, he asked his driver for just a moment, going over to the pair and moving around the barrier. “Hey, Seony, at least give me your number, huh?”
Gwangseon was startled by the singer and still upset from his partner’s scoldong earlier. He reached into his patrol car and grabbed his note pad while taking his pen from his belt. “Just so you know, this doesn’t mean anything, okay?” He jotted his number down and tore off the piece for Jae. “Here.”
Jae smiled as he was given the paper, giving a bright smile. “ Wrong. It means we can keep in touch this time.” he countered, tucking the paper into his pocket. “Be safe, alright? I know your job is risky.” he told him.
“Mybe not as risky as you think. Minji usual does the scary stuff.” Gwangseon joked as he reached throught the window and grabbed the star’s water bottle. “I believe this belomgs to you. Unless I’m totally wrong and you have a twin running around here.”
“Seony, regardless of who does what usually, your job is still a risk.” Jae argued, his lips twisting in a concerned smile. “Just be careful, alright? Make it home safe and all that.” He blinked as Gwangseon gave him his water back, smiling and taking it. “If only I’d been blessed with siblings.” He mused, runnign a hand through his hair. 
“Mr. Kyung, I do hate to interrupt, but we really should get back to HQ.” his driver said, giving a faint smile. 
Jae’s lips curved in a sad smile, turning back to Gwangseon. “Well, my duty calls. I’ll text you later, okay?”
“Sure thing.” Gwangseon turned back to his partner began to speak and before he knew it he was responding to a domestic abuse call and arguing about whether or not Minji’s girlfriend would like him. His phone dinged but he couldn’t hear it over the sirens that sounded from his cruiser and the ambulance in front of them.
Jae waited a while before sending a message, not wanting to bother Gwangseon if he could avoid it. The last thing he wanted was for something to happen to the officer because of him. Once he figured it would be a little more reasonable, he sent a message as he was cooking his food. 
[To; Seony-kun]: Well, I made it home safe, Seony. Your turn.
Gwangseon’s phone sat in the NYPD cruiser as a gunshot rang out in the night. The ambulance was given it’s occupant and took off as the cruiser followed suit quickly. 
Jae received a message from a number that wasn’t Gwangseon, and it took a minute to realize it was the woman partnered with the male. A brief conversation about which room Gwangseon was in ensued, and Jae readied himself to leave. Grabbing a hooded jacket, he drove to the hospital, drawing the hood up as he walked through, going to the appropriate floor before he asked where he could find the room. The nurse was happy to help, leading him to the room and reminding him to be quiet. Opening the door, he caught sight of Minji first, who was sitting in one of the chairs in the corner by the window. “Hey beautiful. How is he?”
“He’s gonna hurt like hell for a bit. Nothing life threatening, but they still had to dig a bullet out.” She answered, eyes watching her oartner as she spoke before they fell on Jae. “I know you’re busy and all, but I figured you should know, and see, before you got any closer to Gwanny. This is our job, and that risk is always going to be present. It could definitely have been worse tonight, but we all got lucky.”
Jae listened to her, could see how serious she was. “I know the job has risks. And I know it’s something he chose, I wouldn’t ask him to change that. He loves his job, despite those risks, that’s who he is. Just like my music means the world to me, being a cop means the same to him.” He answered. “I knew the risk when I started flirting with him, I’m not gonna pretend I didn’t.” He motioned to the other chair. “May I?” He asked, giving a smile as she nodded, walking to sit next to her.
Gwangseon let out a groan as he came to. “I didn’t even get a sentence out.” HE looked to the side where he knew his partner would be and was surprised to find Jae as well. “Min, did they get the family out of there?” He gave a little wave to Jae with his good arm and smiled sheepishly. “It’s not my fault. The guy didn’t even let me talk to him.” He raised his good arm to grab for his phone which sat on the bed table. He stopped mid way through and leaned back with a sigh.
Jae perked up despite being half asleep when Gwangseon spoke. He leaned forward as he watched the male, resting his head on his hand. 
“They’re all going to be fine. The kids are with their mom, she lost a lot of blood, but she’ll be fine. Her sister is gonna watch the kids during her hospital stay.” Minji answered. “Now that’ you’re awake, I’d like to go change, I have blood all over my uniform.” she teased, moving to stand up and walking over to kiss his forehead. “Get better. And don’t you dare go against doctor’s orders.”
Jae waited until she was gone before getting up and moving to sit on the edge of the bed. “I told you to be careful, Seony.” he mused with a smile. “At least you’re gonna be okay, though.”
Gwangseon called after his partner to stay but she exited the room anyway. “It’s not my fault. The guys was crazy, usually I can talk people like that down but this time it was like a whole different atmosphere. Minji was even worried, I should’ve just let her do it.” He moved away from Jae just the slightest bit and prayed the other didn’t notice. Gwangseon just didn’t want anyone to jostle him and hurt his shoulder more. “Well good news for you, I’ll be on paid leave while this heals. So I’m free everyday for the foreseeable future.” He laughed a bit but stopped as his shoulder moved again.
“That’s just a part of the job, though, right?” Jae asked as he reached to hand Gwangseon his phone. “The main part is that you’re okay, Seony. When Minji messaged me and told me you  were hurt, of course I was going to come. We may not have dated or anything, but I was serious about wanting a date. I didn’t mean to go and get shot, though.” he answered, giving a smile. He noticed the other moving. “Is your shoulder bothering you?” he asked.
“I’m fine really. And I didn’t plan to get shot, it just happened.” Gwangseon huffed at Jae. “I’m so hungry though, do you think she’ll actually bring me sushi?” Gwangseon whined, looking at Jae with a pout. “I reaaaaaaallllly want sushi. Like really really.” Gwangseon felt high. He blamed it on the morphine and slowly blinked his eyes while looking at Jae, trying to determine what exactly he wasn’t supposed to tell him. “I don’t know. I want sushi.” He closed his eyes and leaned his head back.
“Hey, as long as you‘re gonna be okay, that’s what I’m worried about, silly.” Jae laughed at the inquiry, shrugging a shoulder. “Maybe? I could message her if you’d like. Keep your shoulder from jostling too much.” He offered, opening his phone in time to recieve a message from the woman. He chuckle and answered, adding that Gwangseon wanted sushi. “I’ll have her bring some.” he promised, finishing the message and moving to set his phone on the bed next to him. “Besides wanting sushi, how do you feel? Still a little high?”
At this point Gwangseon began to doze in and out of sleep. “Yeah maybe a little. I feel like there’s something I’m not supposed to tell you.” He continued pouting as he moved his head to face Jae again. “But I don’t remember what it was, so I guess it’s a win for me.” He smiled a little and waved his hand up and down. “Come here.” Jae leaned down and Gwangseon put his finger on the other’s nose. “Boop.”
“I mean, I know we aren’t super close, but what would you not be okay telling me?” Jae teased, reachign up to pet Gwangseon’s hair. He blinked as he leaned over and was booped. A quiet laugh escaped him and returned the motion with his own hand. “You are very high, Seony.” he mused. “Minji is on her way to get food, though.” He smiled as he watched Gwangseon, glad Minji had thought to tell him. “I did receive a lecture when I got here, though.”
Gwangseon perked up at the sound of food. “That’s just Minnie.” He said with a small smile. “You’re pretty.” He spoke softly, completely serious no joking lilt to his voice whatsoever. “It’s not fair. I wish I was pretty too.” Gwangseon looked away and his vision blurred as tears began to fill his eyes. He didn’t like crying and he really didn’t like people knowing how he felt about himself so he tried to stop everything but he was too high control himself.
JAe stopped when Gwangseon spoke, tilting his head. “What makes you think you aren’t pretty, huh?” he asked. “Hey, look at me.” he urged, reaching over to try and turn Gwangseon’s face back to look at him. “You are beautiful. Not just how you look, either. Your voice, you kindness. Gwangseon, there is no one I can think of more beautiful than you.”
Gwangseon reluctantly turned his head to face Jae, a tear slipping free of his jaw. “No one sees me like that, please don’t lie to me.” He pushed Jae’s hand away and turned back the other way. “I really don’t stand a chance.” He mumbled as he thought of how pretty the girls who had been to the music video shoot had been. He sighed and attempted to curl into a ball and watch the clouds pass over the blue sky.
Jae frowned and adjusted to reach and run his fingers through Gwangseon’s hair. “I see you like that.” he countered. “Other people are idiots if they don’t see how amazing you are. Of course you stand a chance, when you’re the only one I care about seeing.” he moved to lay his hand on Gwangseon’s hand that wasn’t attached to the injured shoulder. “Did you think I wanted a date as a fling? No. I want to know you. I want to see you smile and be happy. You’ve been on my mind for months now.” he said, tilting his head to try and catch the other’s eyes. “Do you know how happy I was the other night when I saw you again after so long?” 
Gwangseon leaned into Jae’s hand as it messed up his hair. He listened as JAe spoke but didn’t get his hopes up, he knew it wouldn’t be long until he was alone again. He moved to pull his hand from Jae’s but the other male tightened his grip. “I don’t date people he responded sadly, it doesn’t end well.” He actively avoided Jae’s eyes as Jae spoke. He couldn’t bring himself to look at the singer, too afraid that in this state he’d do something stupid. At Jae’s final question Gwangseon slowly turned his head to look at the other. “What?”
The action made Jae smile, though it fell a little as he listened to the response. “Gwangseon, I am not most people. Trust me. My schedule makes it really hard to make any kind of real connection, too. Just for a slightly different reason.” He explained, leaning in to rest his head on Gwangseon’s. “Don’t shut me out now, okay? I was so happy to see you again. It made my heart go haywire.” He went quiet. “I was really scared on the way here, you know. I didn’t know what to expect, but I knew I was going to do everything I could to help.” He pulled back to look at Gwangseon, reaching up to lay a hand on the other’s cheek. “I’m not going anywhere just cuz you had a bad day saving lives, y’know. But in the non-stalker way.” he chuckled.
Gwangseon blinked sleepily. “Yeah?” His blinking grew slower as he drifted off, only to be woken a moment later as Jae pulled his hand away. Gwangseon was about to get angry when his partner walked into the room. As they ate the food she had brought they talked about various things including Jae’s previous comeback, to which Gwangseon made some comments he knew he wouldn’t remember the next day. He did remember drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
Jae was still processing everything he’d taken in as Minji left, remaining at the edge of Gwangseon’s bed as the other slept. Eventually he got tired and got up to lay next to the other on Gwangseon’s good side, one arm draped over Gwangseon’s waist as the other tucked beneath his own head. He drifted off, though he woke up on and off as nurses came in every few hours. When Minji came in the next morning, he woke with Gwangseon’s head tucked beneath his. He coudln’t help but smile, letting Minji take over watch duty while he went home to shower and change. He tidied up the apartment, hoping the other would accept the offer to stay over while he healed, before heading back to the hospital.
Gwangseon conversed with his partner, groaning and trying to remember what happened the previous night. No matter how hard he tried all he managed to piece together were fuzzing images but h had no idea what exactly had happened or who was in the images he was able to bring back from the abyss of his morphine high.
Jae stopped to get some food, making sure to get a few options for Gwangseon and Minji before he headed back to the hospital. He kept his hood up despite the heat to hide his face, going inside and making his way to the room. Knocking before he opened the door, he smiled at Minji as he walked in, eyes moving to Gwangseon and lighting up when he realized the other male was awake. “Hello there, Sleeping Beauty.” he teased, holding up the two bags of food. “I brought lunch.”
“Well, lookit there. Songbird is a gentleman, too.” Minji grinned, holding out her hand. “Some for me?”
“Naturally. I can’t have you angry for feeding him and not you.” Jae answered, setting the bags down and pulling out the food for her, handing it over before turnign to Gwangseon. “How do you feel?”
Gwangseon avoided making eye contact with Jae. “I’m fine.” He answered shortly, hoping to skate around anything that happened while he was doped up. He threw a glance at Minji as she began to go to town on her food. He was hungry but he knew he couldn’t feed himself, his dominate arm was ruined at the moment and he refused to be fed again. How he had convinced himself that he was okay with that was beyond him. His focus drifted away to his thoughts as he tried yet again to remember just how much of a fool he made of himself.
Jae didn’t know what, if anything, Gwangseon remembered of the night before, so he fought the urge to run his hand through the other male’s hair. “I brought some stuff that should be easier for you to eat with you good arm.” he offered, moving to sit on the edge of the bed where he’d been most of the night before. “I didn’t know if you’d be okay with being fed again once you weren’t out of it.”
Gwangseon didn’t even turn his head. “I’m not really hungry.” He stomach said otherwise and his face turned bright. “I’m really not.” He looked at Minji for help, pleading with his eyes for her to help him. He knew she would be no help and just closed his eyes to try and exit from this embarrassing moment. “I’m sorry about anything I said last. I don’t really remember what I did or said but I’m sorry.”
“At least eat a snack?” Jae offered before his head tilted as he watched the other. “Why would you be sorry?” He asked, giving Gwanhseon a smile. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Seony.” He promised.
Gwangseon felt uncomfortable and Minji wasn’t helping as she munched on her food. Gwangseon turned a glare in her direction and Jae set food on the table for Gwangseon to eat. “I just know I did something that I shouldn’t have. So that was more an apology for myself.” He bit his lip as he looked at the food. “I really can’t remember anything that happened.” He let his eyes drift up Jae’s body as the male turned to talk with Minji. Jae looked amazing, like always, and Gwangseon found himself feeling insecure in his hospital gown. He shifted the blanket to cover himself more and winced when his shoulder moved.
“I promise you didn’t do anything wrong,” Jae repeated, being distracted by Minji until he heard Gwangseon wince. He immediately turned back, looking the male over. When Gwangseon asked Minji to step out of the room, he waited until the door was closed before he turned his eyes back to the other male, sitting back down and moving to rest a hand on Gwangseon’s knee. “What’s wrong, handsome?” he asked, concern on his face. “Talk to me, Gwangseon, please?”
Gwangseon was scared to even ask but he did anyway. “What happened last night after I woke up? I don’t remember anything and I hate that, please tell me.” He couldn’t even look at Jae when he asked. He knew his face was red and he didn’t care about that, it was the fact the he was vulnerable that made him avoid the singer’s eyes. “I want to know what happened but Minji doesn’t know what went on while she was gone but she said you were here.” Now Gwangseon looked up at Jae. “What happened?”
Jae watched the other, opening and closing as he struggled with what to do. “You were pretty out of it.” he began. “You wanted to know about the family, and she said they would all be okay. She went to get a shower an change because she still had blood on her.” He reached out to lay a hand on Gwangseon’s knee. “You wanted sushi, and I messaged Minji to bring you some.” he answered. He hesitated for a long moment. “You called me pretty, and said you wished were pretty too. But you are pretty. You’re beautiful, Gwangseon, but when I told you that, you started crying.” He went quiet for a moment, his thumb brushing over the blanket where Gwangseon’s knee was. “Minji brought us food and you couldn’t eat, so I fed you. I offered to let you stay with me, and you fell asleep. I stayed here overnight so you weren’t alone. Minji came this morning so I could go shower and change.”
After another long moment, he looked up to watch Gwangseon’s face. “Look, I know our schedules are rough to work around, and I’m sure that’s caused problems for you before. But I’m serious about wanting to try. Seeing you the other night after months made me really happy, and I promise no one will know about anything we talk about when it’s just us.” He licked his lips, taking a chance and lifting his hand to try and rest it on Gwangseon’s cheek. “You’re beautiful, Gwangseon. Not just how you look. The way you care about people, your voice.” He smiled at the other. “And I promise I’ll take care of you while you’re hurt.”
Gwangseon startled at the contact with his cheek. He didn’t want to look at Jae. He didn’t want to be vulnerable in front of anyone, especially Jae, and he had done the one thing made him the most vulnerable. In front of Jae. He couldn’t bring himself to turn his head but leaned into Jae’s hand slightly. “That feels nice.” He whispered, not meaning for Jae to hear him. Gwangseon closed his eyes and turned to hide his face in the hand on his cheek. “You are pretty though.” He pressed his lips against the inside of Jae’s hand. “Really. I know I don’t stand a chance, please don’t get my hopes up.”
Jae smiled at the nice comment, moving his thumb to brush over Gwangseon’s skin. “We had this disagreement last night, Seony.” He mused. “If you’re the only one I care about seeing, the real question is who stands a chance against you.” He leaned forward to kiss Gwangseon’s head before gently nuzzling him. “I don’t know why you don’t see it, but I’m gonna make it my goal to help you realize how amazing you are.” He said confidently.
Gwangseon smiled at the movements despite himself. He really did like Jae and if Jae said he had a chance he decided he should take it. “You go and do that, Jae. I’ll be waiting for you to show me.” His smile was glued on his face as he rested his head against the pillow. “I’ll give you until the end of my recovery period to make me fall in love with myself then.” He winced when his shoulder gave a sudden throb and took a deep breath in an attempt to relieve some of the pain.
Jae chuckled a little. “I guess I should start early, then.” he mused, leaning to place a kiss at Gwangseon’s temple. “And what happens if I fall in love with you, too?” he asked in the other’s ear, voice quiet as he stayed close. He was pretty sure it was going to happen; he’d been thinking about Gwangseon for a while. He’d thought about Gwangseon as he’d recorded the vocals for the new song, had pretended the cameras were the other male watching. He frowned a little as Gwangseon winced. “Is it bad?” he asked, pulling back to look at Gwangseon worriedly.
Gwangseon shook his head at Jae. “It’s really not that bad. I just keep forgetting I’m hurt because it doesn’t bother me all that much when I’m still.” He fiddled with the blanket with his good arm. “You don’t have to take care of me, you know. I can do it myself.” He brought his bottom lip in between, embarrassed from getting himself into this situation after Jae had said to be careful. “I’m sorry for worrying you.”
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baenxietydad · 4 years
blood by the middle east || the songs
Date: August 12th, 2020
tl;dr: Nemo meets his mother’s family.
 Kang Kyung-ok did not cry. 
When she came into the world in 1938, she was silent and the nursing talents feared her mother had delivered a stillborn. She didn’t even weep when her oldest daughter, her beautiful So-yeon, had been slain because the healing talent she Promised to couldn’t just die instead. When that same coward took her only grandchild and whisked him away to who knows where her eyes didn’t even mist. 
Instead, white hot rage lived where grief and tears should have. Tears made a woman weak but anger made her strong and Kyung-ok would take strength over looking sympathetic anyday. When she heard the voice, the heavily accented Korean-speaking voice of her only grandchild for the first time in fourteen years, Kyung-ok burst into tears. It only took a couple hours to arrange flights to England from Daegu for the following week. 
She was not an emotional woman. While her husband and youngest daughter had expressed having the flitters over meeting Nam-min, she would admit to nothing of the sort. Margaret Thatcher had nothing on Kang Kyung-ok, for the fairy was harder and colder than the prime minister could have ever been. 
She blamed her luck for making her that way. 
Kyung-ok loved her husband, her daughters, and her Hollow, but the rest of the world could burn and she would light a cigarette on the flames. She did suppose it wasn’t very fairylike of her, but neither was being a lawyer. 
And neither was absconding to England with your fledgling. It was a marvel So-yeon’s dimwit partner made it this far. Did he manage to learn English? She was willing to bet not. 
Kyung-ok has never hesitated once in her life but standing outside of the apartment Nam-min told Soon-ja to come to, her fist couldn’t ball up to knock on the door. 
What if he’s too much like my daughter? What if he rejects us? Thoughts she never allowed until now, when they were too loud to drown out. 
“You speak more English.” Kyung-ok said to her only living daughter. “Knock.”
Nemo was gonna meet his grandparents. 
The news still hadn’t sunk in. This was all a dream-- finding the address, writing a letter, getting the call from Aunt Soon-ja just a week and a half later. Nemo had clung to the phone so tightly he feared he’d break it. He clung to the words of his aunt and grandparents, though, even tighter. It’d been a bit of a strange conversation-- mostly in Korean, but a couple of English words and phrases sprinkled in by a flustered Nemo. Sometimes his aunt had to translate for his grandparents. But Nemo was never more grateful for Appa’s insistence on Korean, because he knew enough to hold the best bits of the conversation close to his chest. The most important bit of all? 
When his grandparents asked if they could come see him. 
“Yes,” Nemo said without hesitation, his heart clenched, his hope rendering him nearly breathless. And then: “I--you should come for my dance recital at the end of August.” 
And they were. 
They were arriving today, though because it was tourist season, Nemo knew they booked a hotel in the Next Town Over. Nemo was all flitters while he waited. Every hour he checked the clock and tracked their journey to himself. Now, they’re in England. Now, they’re taking the train from London. They must be in the Next Town Over by now. Now, they’re on the train again-- 
In between each burst of nerves and excitement, a thought of Appa struck. Guilt followed in the aftershocks of it, Nemo grinding his teeth and pulling up his texts with him. He probably should tell Appa all about this...and you know, he meant to. He meant to tell Appa when Aunt Soon-ja called. And he meant to tell him when the trip was made. But he kept putting it off. 
He just couldn’t get Appa’s face out of his mind when Nemo mentioned his grandparents the first time. He’d been so upset. Nemo couldn’t risk…
He would tell Appa, just after. This meeting wasn’t about him anyway. It was about Nemo.
When the knock on the door came, he strangled an anxious, excited scream, spinning around in place like he was about to take off and hit his head on the ceiling. Stay breezy, jingles! He thought to himself, sucking in a breath and then darting to the door.
He could feel his heartbeat in his ears.
Before he could, like, pass out from excitement, he flung open the door and stared up at the strange faces of his long-lost relatives. His eyes widened. For a flit, he froze. 
“O-oh, um-- 안녕하세요! (ahnyeonghaseyo)!” Nemo quickly bowed to his grandparents and aunt. 
 Kyung-ok would later wince at her grandson’s accent; the child of her beloved daughter, her Korean daughter, speaking Korean like a tourist who at least did his homework. She couldn’t help it. It was in her nature as a lawyer, as a fast-flying fairy, as a marginalized woman in her society, to demand the best. It was her duty to identify weaknesses and rip them out. 
The one weakness she’d yet to tackle in herself, however, was her hurt over what pathetic Bae Mu-yeol did. She effectively lost her daughter twice when he took away all she had left of her. Part of her wasn’t even sure her grandson would’ve been alive. 
After all, his father had tried to die. Who’s to say he wouldn’t have tried taking his son with him a second time? 
Seeing him in the flesh was more than a reunion. It was witnessing a resurrection. 
“Nam-min!” Kyung-ok rushed forward to hug him, not caring if he stiffened in her arms, she’d only hug him tighter.
 Her English was lacking so she just spoke to him in Korean. Hopefully the parasite that latched onto her So-yeon at least taught him Korean. 
“Do you remember us? Oh, probably not. Sweet boy, you’ve grown so tall! You look so much like your mother.” Who, also, looked a lot like Kyung-ok herself. Yes, this was So-yeon’s son. “You have her facial features.”
 NEMO: He didn’t know what to expect. The little he read in Eomma’s journals did not paint his grandparents in the friendliest light. He knew that they had been disapproving of Appa as Eomma’s partner, partially because they wanted her to find a fast-flying talent. Eomma argued with them, was frustrated with them, but she still talked to them--at least in what Nemo was able to translate. So maybe they’d be strict and overly formal. He braced himself for that.
Instead, his halmoni rushed forward and drew Nemo into a hug.
“Oh!” Nemo squeaked. His eyes widened. His halmoni only squeezed him tighter. It took one extra flit for Nemo to fully melt into the hug, but then he did-- wrapping his arms back around her and squeezing just as tight.
And Nemo let go of the few things he read in Eomma’s journal.
He wasn’t Eomma, nor Appa. That stuff was sixteen years ago. This was Nemo’s chance, and that chance was a beautiful, fresh spring morning, full of nothing but potential. Nemo would do whatever he could to make sure these relationships bloomed.
When Halmoni pulled away, Nemo’s cheeks flushed and he had tiny tears sparkling in his eyes. He giggled shyly, ducking his head briefly.
Appa always said he did look like Eomma.
“Really?” he spoke in Korean. At least he knew that word--though he felt bad, knowing he’d have to use mostly informal Korean because that’s how he spoke to Appa. “Thank you. I--o-oh, I should--do you want anything to drink or eat?” Nemo’s blush deepened. “You’re probably so tired from traveling too, please, come sit down!” 
 Here, she couldn’t contain her surprise. Clearly he spoke Korean regularly but Bae Mu-yeol did not teach him how to speak to his elders. No matter. There would be time for that. Kyung-ok, soon enough, would teach him right. 
“We’re okay, Nam-min,” she assured him, patting her husband’s hand for him to agree. 
“Yes, the trip went smoothly.” Young-chul said, awkwardly, like he was speaking to a stranger and not their late daughter’s child. 
Kyung-ok quickly cut in and gestured to the third guest in Nam-min’s home as they sat down. “And this — this is our other daughter, Soon-ja, your eomma’s sister. She speaks English very well so if you run out of Korean that’s okay.”
Of course, Nam-min knew all of this. He’d written to Soon-ja, by some miracle found her address in one of his late mother’s belongings. Hard to believe his father left such things lying around. 
“Oh, Nam-min, you must have been so scared of your terrible father and what other secrets he had when you found out about us.” Kyung-ok cooed, petting Nam-min’s hair like he was a prize show cat. To her, he may as well be. Nothing was more precious than her only grandchild— her hopes for Soon-ja giving her any were about as dead as her respect for anybody in the Bae family. 
Nam-min, of course, was a Song. 
Nemo expected the insult.
He couldn’t blame his halmoni either. How could he blame them when Appa’s lies chased Nemo out of his own house? Even though he still planned to have dinner with Appa and fix things, he couldn’t expect his grandparents to do the same. But Appa was not a part of this. So Nemo could take the mention of him and put it to the side. At least, for now.
(Course, there was a squirming urge in him to try to fix things between Appa and his grandparents anyway. If nothing was healed, would he be able to have a true relationship with the Songs if he forgave Appa…? He didn’t want to choose. He shouldn’t have to.
But that problem could wait.) 
“It was pretty awful,” he admitted now. His hands curled into fists on his lap. He was sitting quite straight, perfect ballet posture. His sentences had to be just as careful and poised, if only because he had to think about them twice-over in order to make sure he got his Korean correct. “But I’m...I’m hoping that I can make up for all the time we lost. I want to look forward, not back. That’s what...fast-flying talents do, right?” 
“Aiya, you sound like a little adult!” chuckled his aunt and she flashed him a teasing smile. 
Nemo blushed, but he grinned back. 
 “My little flower, you have grown.” She marveled at his words. “You are too grown. You are talking like a true fast-flying adult.”
Now that wasn’t a good or a bad thing, it simply was an observation. Nam-min was grown beyond his sixteen years and only reminded her of her daughter, and how this was truly her son. It was like having So-yeon back. 
“I brought some modest gifts. You deserve more but we weren’t sure what you like.” Kyung-ok said, reaching into her purse and pulling out a plastic bag full of photographs. “These are pictures of your Eomma growing up. And some of you as a baby.”
A beat. 
Young-chul spoke. “I don’t know what to ask you first. You are...not the fledgling I last held.”
The pictures were not modest gifts to Nemo. His eyes widened and he held out his hands at once, taking the plastic bag. He opened it and fished inside--
The first picture he pulled up was a black and white picture of toddler Eomma. Nemo sucked in a breath. She looked so young. She did look like him--not so much now, of course, but when Nemo was about her age, maybe 4 or something. Tears pricked at his eyes. 
Had Appa ever seen these? I could show him, thought Nemo. At dinner, when we...maybe after everyone meets everyone but-- he would really like these. 
“Thank you so much,” Nemo said as he flipped to another picture. He sucked in another breath through his nose so he could keep his tears back. It’d be such a bad impression to start blubbering like a fish. 
He met the soft eyes of his hal-abeoji next. Young-chul. He hadn’t read as much about him as he did about his halmoni and his aunt (Eomma complained a lot about her eomma, but loved her sister dearly). Of the three, Nemo thought he was the most nervous for his hal-abeoji simply because of the mystery. He didn’t seem cold, though. Maybe a bit out of place. But there was a lot here that was new and strange-- Nemo among them.
He didn’t want his hal-abeoji to be a stranger to him though. 
He smiled again. “I--I know, I feel the same,” he said and chuckled as his face turned red because it was awkward (!!) but that was okay! Nemo could handle awkwardness, he flew straight into it and burst through the other side. “I can just start talking though. I actually talk a lot, that’s--that’s something about me. Um, you know that I dance. I’m also-- still involved in the Pixie Hollow here.” He knew the Songs lived a mostly human life, but maybe they’d find this interesting? “I had to put off my testing for a year because of...well, my--wing, but I’m training hard now, still. And going to school here. I won prom king.” He flushed bright red as this popped out. Yah, would they even know what that was?!
“Prom king?” echoed his aunt in English--because Nemo said it in English. “You mean like the, like in the American TV shows?” 
Nemo nodded a little frantically and laughed again. He rubbed his neck. “Um, it’s kind of stupid…”
“No, that’s good! It means--” she looked at her parents and translated into Korean, something like: “Nemo is very popular in his human school, his peers elected him to a title called Prom King at the end of the year.” 
“I don’t think I’m very popular,” Nemo said in English, still flustered. But pride was blossoming, petal by petal, in his chest. He did want his relatives to think he was popular-- well-liked and respected. No need to mention the whole vampire thing or, er, the Burn Book, haha. 
 Now that was some good news!
“Of course you’re popular and well-respected. You’re from the Daegu Song and Kang fast-flying families.” Kyung-ok said quickly. “It’s genetic.”
As fraught as her relationship with her youngest daughter has always been, she was proud and thankful that she spoke English so well. This would be a disaster without her. 
“Do you have any video of your dancing?” Young-chul asked. 
Nemo glowed at the praise. He glowed at the mention of the other family names, Song and Kang. They were unfamiliar to him, but didn’t they seem almost like medals that he’d like to win? Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow--and maybe not ever once his grandparents found out he couldn’t even test for fast-flying, but for now, they seemed attainable, like Nemo could deserve them. He could be this polished version of himself: Prom King Nemo (who didn’t ruin prom), popular, well-respected. 
What better way to keep all that praise comin’ then with dance? 
Nemo beamed and nodded fast at his hal-abeoji. “Yes! I--is it okay if I pull it up on my phone? I don’t have a laptop and my hyung is studying at the library here,” he said sheepishly, as he got out his phone to pull up the Youtube app. 
“I, ehm, have a couple of solos, but also there are a few pas de deux with my friend, Ashlee.” 
“Show us, please. We would love to see your dancing.” Kyung-ok said, a part of her thankful her grandson had something to show her how wonderful he was that didn’t involve having to visit the Hollow to see. 
As a fairy, she knew she’d be welcome. As Kang Kyung-ok...ah, well. If Bae Mu-yeol saw her, it wouldn’t end well. For him.
“We will have to take you to the ballet in Seoul.” Young-chul said.
Kyung-ok’s eyes darted to him, as if to tell him to shut his mouth, before Soon-ja caught onto what they were planning behind her back. It wasn’t like it would hurt her, she just, was too much like So-yeon. She didn’t see their late daughter’s partner for the monster he was and would not agree with what she and Young-chul had decided.
“When you visit.” Kyung-ok added smoothly, smiling at Nam-min as he went to find the videos on his phone. “Aigoo, I can’t get over how much you look like your mother, Nam-minnie. Doesn’t he look just like your sister, Soon-ja-yah?”
“You can tell whose genes were stronger.” Young-chul added with a chuckle, loosening up little by little.
The ballet in Seoul. 
 Nemo held back his squeak of excitement, though he looked up at his grandparents with a huge smile. His insides felt radiant as sunshine. Could such a thing really happen? Before, dreams of Korea, of Seoul, of his birth Hollow in Daegu had to remain dreams. It was simply too expensive for Nemo and Appa to fly there and then to fly back. He figured...maybe after he began his apprenticeship and cut back on his dancing...maybe he could keep working and gather together savings with Appa for some kind of trip. But that would have been years and years away.
 His grandparents though had human money. His halmoni was a lawyer--they earned lots. And so going to the ballet in Seoul might not be a distant star anymore. He could reach it and turn his wish into reality.
 “I’d love that. I want to see everything in Seoul,” enthused Nemo, and then he handed his phone over to Soon-ja, who made the video on Youtube bigger for them. He kept talking as the video started. “I want to go to all the places Eomma talked about in her journals. Like her school. I’d love to walk on the campus and-- go down to the river, or see the old marketplace where she’d buy food. Everywhere!” 
 “You lived in Seoul. Your parents went home to Daegu to have you and then after you were two weeks old traveled back to Seoul.” Kyung-ok said. “So-yeon was going to enroll you in human preschool shortly before she…”
 Now, she talked about her daughter’s death often. It wasn’t new, it wasn’t usually too difficult. But she’d never talked about her with her grandson before. 
 “I’m sorry, this is all so emotional.” She said, nervous-laughing and wiping her watering eyes. “My daughter loved you so much; and I loved her so much, even if we didn’t agree on...anything.”
Nemo’s eyes filled with tears too.
 It didn’t take much to make him cry. He’d already nearly wept all over his relatives when they appeared. But without fail, seeing others tear up tapped into Nemo’s own emotional well. His tears surged forth and he scooted on the couch so he was closer to his halmoni, reaching out to grasp her other hand in one of his. This was all instinct too and honestly, for a second, Nemo forgot exactly what was happening here-- that this was his magic-line-- that despite the distance between them, he and the Songs were connected by the twisting winds and the seasons. Right now, that didn’t matter. Nemo just saw someone who needed a hand to hold. And so he gave his halmoni one. 
 “Me too,” Nemo said, smiling as his eyes shined with tears. He sniffled a little. “I understand and I know my eomma loved you very much, no matter what. I also know she’d be really happy we’re getting to finally talk.” He grinned brighter, looking at his hal-abeoji and Aunt Soon-ja too. “I really can’t wait to spend so much more time with you.
 Soon-ja scrunched her face and then-- “Oooooh, I can’t help it! C’mere!” She moved swiftly over to Nemo’s other side and pulled him into a tight hug, making Nemo laugh. 
Little Nam-min was holding her hand and comforting her and Kyung-ok couldn’t contain her tears any longer. One trickled down her face and Young-chul wiped it away with his thumb. 
She chuckled, embarrassed, and sniffed. “It’s so unfair, what happened to my daughter. She had so much to offer the world - the human world! - those humans screwed themselves almost as badly as they did us.”
“I’ll never forgive Bae Mu-yeol for not saving her and her unborn fledgling.” Kyung-ok wiped her eyes one last time and refused to cry any further. 
“Yeobo, I’m sure he tried.” Young-chul said gently. Now, he hated the sparrowman too but perhaps expressing their full contempt for Nam-min’s abeoji wasn’t the right move. 
“Not hard enough!” Kyung-ok snapped. “What kind of healing talent can’t, eo? Or make their son’s malformed wing better?”
She kissed Nemo’s cheek. “You must have had to work five times as hard to succeed.”
Young-chul cleared his throat. “I’m surprised you know Korean so well.”
His halmoni said a lot of things, a lot, and she said them very quickly. Maybe if Nemo hadn’t already been emotional, he would have more clearly realized what she meant by unborn fledgling. Maybe if she spoke more calmly and more slowly, then he would not think she really just meant baby, that she meant him. 
 Or maybe if she didn’t say that one word, which immediately consumed any other thought. 
 That one word sunk into Nemo like razor-sharp talons. 
 Don’t overreact, Nemo thought almost instantly after that initial shock. Still, he sat almost unmoving as Halmoni kissed him on the cheek. He barely felt the affection in it. His whole chest was tight, and he swallowed, blinked, took a short breath into his nostrils. 
 It’s not like he hadn’t expected something like this.
 Why would he be upset anyway? He didn’t like it when pixies condescended about his wing. He didn’t need his grandparents to call his wing beautiful or special the way that Appa did, so maybe this was better. But then-- he didn’t like pixies talking about it at all. It wasn’t their place to decide how Nemo should feel about it, so shut up, y’know? If you needed to make a comment (and why would you?), call it his right wing, or his small wing. But only Nemo got to call it lucky, if he felt like it. And only Nemo got to call it ugly, if he felt like it. Otherwise, keep his wing out of your big, stupid mouth. 
 Malformed felt especially cruel. 
 Maybe it was a translation error? 
 Don’t overreact, Nemo thought again. His grandparents were still kind-- just upset. They loved him, even if his wing was...his wing. 
 (Still, Nemo yearned more than ever for Appa. Appa, they said it was malformed, he wanted to cry, like he was a fledgling again tattling on all the mean comments the rest of the fledglings in his class said. They’re right. I’m malformed.)
 Nemo swallowed. His smile returned, though it was tiny now. “Appa didn’t want me to lose touch with my culture,” he said dutifully. His eyes darted from Young-chul to Kyung-ok. “I...know why you’re mad at him and you deserve to be. But he wasn’t a bad appa to me-- for the most part. I want all of you to…” agh, what was the word? What did he want to say? His hands twitched on his lap. “It would be nice if we could all talk and...have a brand new start.” He finally said. 
 “That’s a good idea,” jumped in Soon-ja, and she sent a look at her parents. Nemo knew that look. He looked at Appa like that when he needed Appa to not totally freak out about something. And okay, maybe a fresh start would be difficult, but not impossible-- at least his aunt was on his side. 
 Kyung-ok frowned at Nam-min’s suggestion, barely biting back a scoff or a bitter laugh. 
 “I’m sorry Nam-min, but there is no fresh start for your father. We want to be in your life, not his.” Young-chul said. 
 “That’s right. Flower, your father— you have to understand. Not only did he take you from us, but he let our daughter down that day.” Kyung-ok said. “I can’t forgive the sparrowman that couldn’t save her and her child.”
 “That was even more cruel than hiding you away. We love you, Nam-min. But we hate him.”
Nemo had grown up defending Appa. The instinct kicked in his gut, sharp and insistent. He meant what he’d said to his grandparents; he understood their anger. He understood if they could not forgive Appa for many things. Grief made people do many thorny and dark things to cope. Like Appa, trying to die in the river. 
 For his grandparents, they blamed Appa for their daughter's death. They shouldn’t. It wasn’t fair, it wasn’t right--
 Nemo looked down, clenching his jaw as these protests swelled inside him. 
 “He did everything he could to save her,” Nemo said after a breath-- his voice solid, though he remained perfectly calm. “I know you can’t forgive him-- I won’t make you either. But he’s still my appa and he’s gonna be in my life,” he finally settled on. If they hated Nemo for that-- well… 
 He thought of Sindri and their conversation before all this. I think it’s better to try even if there is a small chance things could turn out not great, because the chance that something good will happen is there too. If you don’t try, you’ll always wonder and you’ll always be sad.
 His hyung was right. Nemo just had to be himself, and it was up to his grandparents to accept him or not.  
 “Oh, Nam-min.” Kyung-ok sighed, petting his hair again. “There’s so much you don’t understand.”
 Like how, like the selfish coward he was, Bae Mu-yeol tried to drown himself in the river rather than live with his failure. How he was a trashy bartender while their daughter was a scientist, and he clearly coasted on her coattails and took advantage of the comforts such a brilliant wife gave him. 
 (It was his hard work that provided So-yeon her education but Kyung-ok would never admit that.)
 “We love you. But your father is not a good man. He tried to...he tried to commit suicide, Nam-min. He would have abandoned you. What fairy does— I’m sorry.” She stopped herself. “I realize I am letting my hatred for your father hijack this reunion. I just.”
 She clapped a hand over Nemo’s. “You are a Song. You are your mother’s son. And we love you and miss you and want to give you the world. You deserve better, flower. Better than him. We want to be your family and I will tolerate your leech of a father’s existence but...do not ask me to make nice with him.”
Well, this explained why Appa took him away and told Nemo his grandparents were dead.
 They’re as good as dead to me, he’d said when Nemo confronted him. How could Nemo ever forget? Those words had an echo that came back to him over and over. 
 His fingernails dug into his palms as he clenched them tighter. This war between Appa and the Songs had made Nemo so lonely, didn’t they see that? Appa should have never have kept Nemo from Eomma’s parents; and Eomma’s parents should not have driven away his appa, even if they had disapproved of their daughter’s choice. 
 Instead, they’d rather hate each other. 
 Nemo wanted to keep arguing-- but Halmoni clasped his hand and the urge grew much smaller and softer, easily blown away. You are your mother’s son, she said, and he wanted to cling to those words and to every memory of his eomma that his grandparents could give. We love you and miss you and want to give you the world. He clung to that too as if it were a safe place he could go, instead of the worry and pain and loneliness he endured for these last few weeks. He even forgave Halmoni for the insult to his wing. That wasn’t the Halmoni he wanted; he wanted this one, who was warm and who would protect him.
 And even if this honesty was painful, at least that’s what it was: honesty. No lies or half-truths or flimsy excuses.
 Maybe over time, too, Nemo could be a bridge that brought Appa and the Songs back together. He wouldn’t give up on that-- just...needed patience. 
 “Okay. Tolerance is good. I can work with tolerance,” Nemo said-- kind of meant it as a joke, didn’t know if his grandparents would laugh. “I just don’t want to lose any more family.” 
 “You have us, Nemo. You have your fast-flying family— well, and Soon-ja.” She cast a playful smile over at her daughter. 
 Kyung-ok kissed Nemo’s cheek again and looked at him with love just beaming at him from her eyes. She loved him. She did.  Even if he wasn’t a perfect fast-flying child of her daughter to cling to, he was still So-yeon’s child. 
 “You have us.”
Yes, he had them-- a halmoni, a hal-abeoji, and an aunt, after sixteen years. Nemo beamed again and then wrapped his arms around his halmoni in another hug, squeezing her even tighter. His heart raced in the best of ways. It didn’t matter if they weren’t perfect-- Nemo wasn’t perfect. All that mattered was that they were his. 
 “Thank you, Halmoni!” he said. As he pulled away, he was blushing. “You’ll...you will come to my dance recital, right? My appa will be there but I want you there too.” 
 Without her permission, Kyung-ok’s smile grew wicked. A dance recital he said? Attended by Bae Mu-yeol? Oh, wasn’t that just glorious. She could show up in a fine but sensible dress purchased in England, make the parasite keenly aware of her presence and her permanence in his son’s life. 
 It would, in hindsight, be an occasion that would serve as a warning of what will have come next, but was yet to happen. 
 She cleared her throat before her daughter could latch onto the wheels turning in her head, and once again smiled sweetly at Nam-min. 
 “We wouldn’t miss it for the world. We don’t have to be back in Korea for two weeks, I made sure of that.”
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kirigaya-art · 6 years
Supernatural- Klance AU Month
I know I’m a day late, but I really wanted to finish this one! There are plenty of good ideas that could work for this prompt, but I’m hoping my approach will be both unique and fun to read. @monthlyklance
Lance stared out at the forest, feeling a little blown away. He hadn't been very excited when Pidge had suggested it as a must-see attraction on their trip to Korea, but now he could see why she'd chosen it. In comparison to Arizona, Bukhansan National Park was overflowing with greenery, and Lance felt like he'd gone back in time to a place before technology. Beside him, Hunk was squealing happily at the sight of a small animal darting through the trees, and Pidge had her phone out, taking pictures like many of the other tourists.
“Okay!” A voice called, and Lance looked up to see a young Korean woman standing at the front of the group. “My name is Eun-kyung, and I'll be your tour guide today! Feel free to ask me about anything you'd like to hear more about as we walk through the park!”
She led them down a quaint path, across a small but intricate bridge, and up a tiny flight of stone stairs. Altogether, it made the forest seem even bigger, like it sprawled outwards forever.
Eun-kyung began explaining the history of the forest, and how it had become a national park. Lance carefully moved to the front of the group to hear better, and something in the forest caught his eye, a small fox. He turned to look, and saw a glimpse of silver fur and dark eyes before the animal disappeared.
“A fox!” Eun-kyung remarked, startling Lance. “They're rather shy, you're lucky.” She winked at Lance, like they were sharing a secret. “You'd better be careful, though. It could be a kumiho.”
“Kumiho?” Lance asked, unable to stop himself.
“Spirits,” she laughed. “The people in this area tell stories about them. They're nine-tailed foxes who trick you into giving away your life force.”
Pidge snorted just behind them, but Lance ignored her. “It wouldn't trick me,” he insisted.
Eun-kyung shook her head, laughing. “If she offers you a pearl, don't let her take it back. That's all you can do.”
She returned to her explanations, but Pidge elbowed Lance, distracting him. “Oh come on,” she grinned. “You don’t really believe in ghosts, do you?”
“They’re not ghosts,” Lance protested.
“Either way, it’s impossible. Everything can be explained with science.”
“Whether or not it's science,” Hunk griped, “We'll be dead.”
Pidge just rolled her eyes and kept walking.
Lance couldn't help but look out at the forest again, searching for the fox. Every time he thought he'd seen her, it turned out to be a duck or boar. It was only when Lance raised a hand to brush a branch out of the way that he realized he'd gone off the path and between the trees. He spun to try and pot his tour group, but he was so far into the forest that the path was completely out of sight. He tried to go back the way he came but only became more confused, until he no longer had any idea where his friends were.
Groaning, Lance turned around one more time-- and met the eyes of another man, looking to be about his age, poking his head out from behind a tree. The man's eyes widened, as if he hadn't expected Lance to see him.
“Um,” Lance managed. “Hi?” He took a tentative step forward. “Are you lost too?”
He blinked at Lance, frowning. After a moment, he shifted his weight and stepped out from behind the tree. He was wearing some kind of ornate robe, with long, airy sleeves underneath that pulled tight at the wrists, and his dark hair was pulled into a thick braid, tied with a simple piece of rope. His clothing was far from the most surprising part, though.
At his waist, the robe opened to reveal where pale skin changed to silvery fur. His body stretched out behind him, and Lance remembered a picture he'd seen of a centaur-- human on top, horse on the bottom. Rather than a horse, this man had the legs of a fox, tipped with paws instead of hooves. Streaming through the air were nine long tails, silver like the rest of his coat except for the very end of each tail, which looked like they'd been dipped in purple paint.
Lance took a moment to stare, processing the image. Eun-kyung's voice echoed in his head: nine-tailed foxes who trick you into giving away your life force. Lance took a step back.
Because that was just Lance's luck, he tripped. With a yelp, Lance's world twisted, and he stared up at the sliver of sky visible through the trees.
Soft footsteps sounded against the forest floor, and the kumiho's face entered the sky. Lance swallowed hard. It couldn't be true, right? Such a beautiful man wouldn't kill him… right?
“Are you okay?”
Lance couldn't come up with the words to answer. The kumiho's voice was deeper than his own, but still pleasantly smooth. He didn't sound like an evil spirit at all.
The kumiho's pale hand stretched itself out, and Lance took it. The earth turned right side up again.
“Thanks,�� he sighed. “I'm Lance.”
It seemed to Lance that the kumiho smiled, but it was fast and small. “I'm Keith.”
Lance realized he was still holding Keith's hand and pulled away, wincing. “You're… a kumiho. Right?” Keith nodded. “My tour guide didn't talk about you very positively,” Lance admitted.
Keith's expression soured, tails flicking. “We don't see many humans. The ones who do see us tend to say awful things.”
“Us?” Lance asked.
“My family,” Keith agreed. “There may be some kumihos who hurt humans, but my pack is peaceful.” He crossed his arms, looking away. “You're the first human I've spoken to in a hundred years. All I've wanted is to fulfill my purpose.” He glanced up again. “You're my first real chance.”
Lance hesitated. “What purpose?”
Keith's eyes sparkled. He reached into the pocket of his robe and pulled out a small white sphere. “It gives wisdom of the sky, land and people,” he explained.
Lance swallowed. There was no way that everything he'd said had been part of the trick. No way this would be how Keith would suck out his soul or whatever.
“Trust me,” Keith murmured, and he looked so sincere.
Lance bit his lip. “Well…”
Keith looked down at him with big purple eyes, one fluffy leg lifted in a way that reminded Lance of Pidge's dog, and his heart melted.
“Wisdom does sound pretty good.”
Keith smiled. Really smiled. “Open wide.”
Lance parted his lips, and Keith gently placed the pearl on his tongue. Lance started to close his mouth, and Keith leaned forward.
Keith's lips were warm, and his hands were soft on Lance's shoulders. Lance sighed, closing his eyes, and felt a prodding tongue. He blushed a little but accepted it, running a hand down Keith's braid. He'd never enjoyed a kiss this much.
Keith's tongue slipped further, and suddenly he was pulling away. Lance opened his eyes and saw Keith blushing, carefully clutching the pearl again.
In that moment, Keith looked like he held the entire sky in his eyes.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 8>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
WARNINGS: slight anxiety
Ok ya’ll here we go! I’m excited for all that’s coming. Who’s your fav couple so far? 
The conference room has transformed into a restaurant, the tension from earlier having dissipated as everyone goes about giving hilarious accounts of their bonding.
“Of course I was angry!” Kyung-soon is red in the face but laughing.
“Why on earth would you be angry about that? I fought tooth and nail to be able to go first! I couldn’t wait a second longer to meet my beautiful soulmate!” Jin defends himself, viciously taking another bite of his food. It’s enough to send us all back into a fit of laughter.
Kyung-soon looks at Namjoon with a doubtful look in her eyes. “Be honest, Namjoon.” Over the space of the past few minutes we’ve decided to abandon all honorifics, which I greatly appreciate. I was bound to mess them up at some point. “Did he really want to go first?”
Jin shoots Namjoon a death-glare, and Namjoon hesitates a moment before plucking up enough courage to go against his brother. “No, he was nearly in tears because he was so scared.”
If it wasn’t chaotic before it definitely is now. Jin nearly launches himself at Namjoon, but he’s caught between that and defending himself from Kyung-soon’s wrath. The rest of us simply drink in the moment, finally not so nervous as before.
Namjoon looks at me pleadingly from across the table as he evades Jin’s verbal attacks. “Are you not going to help me?”
I shake my head no, my cheeks starting to hurt from laughing so hard over the past few minutes. “It isn’t my problem that you just threw Jin under the bus!”
Jin is in the process of fiercely agreeing with me when Namjoon stands up from his seat and drags it over to my side of the table. I’m suddenly not laughing anymore when he settles down beside me.
“Oh Namjoon-ah, so bold today!” Hoseok says, his heart-smile on full display. Neither one of us says anything, instead choosing to attack our food.
“Yah, who’s next?” Himari comes to our rescue. “Oh, Seohyun. What happened with you two?”
Yoongi looks up to Seohyun with wide eyes. No doubt he doesn’t want the finer details to be discussed, but I can also tell that he won’t stop her if she wants to talk about it.
“Nothing much,” Seohyun shrugs. “We just bonded. That’s all.” She shuts down any further questions, and I hope that she catches the small smile of gratitude on Yoongi’s face.
“You two are a nice match,” Jimin points out. “It’s cool to see it, from this perspective.”
Yoongi coughs. “Alright, Hobi. Take it away.”
“I see what you did there,” Himari jokes. She looks to Hoseok expectantly, the two of them already chuckling at the memory of their bonding.
I glance at Namjoon to find him already looking at me again. This is turning out to be a habit of his.
“This should be good,” I whisper to him as Hoseok starts. Namjoon nods vigorously.
“Well, as you all know,” Hoseok gestures to the boys, “I was so excited that I nearly bumped Jin out of his spot as first to go.” This merits a pointed cough from Kyung-soon which Jin blatantly ignores. “Apparently Himari was too, because we couldn’t even make it through the entire bonding process without having to take a seat!”
“Wait,” Taehyung interrupts, “You couldn’t stand through it?”
Hoseok laughs, shaking his head. “No, how could the rest of you?!”
“Only you, Hobi. That’s amazing.” Taehyung giggles, looking over to Ichika. “I wish I could do it again.”
Ichika raises her eyebrows at the boy. “Speak for yourself, I thought I was about the throw up. I can’t believe you weren’t nervous.”
Taehyung shrugs. “I’ve seen the docufilm, haven’t I? That helped a lot.” The other boys nod in agreement.
“Did it actually help?” Minsuh speaks up for the first time since we entered the room. “We didn’t even take it that seriously, we weren’t sure you guys were even going to find out about us.” From the look on Jungkook’s face I’m guessing that she hasn’t spoken a lot today, and he’s taking in every single word. Minsuh is definitely one of those people that takes a while to open up. When she does though, she goes a million miles an hour.
“I think that it was better that you didn’t take it seriously,” Hoseok says. “That way you seemed more natural. It definitely helped to not just be walking into this blind. Although I can’t say the same for Namjoon.”
I turn to look at him, but he keeps his attention on his food. His brow is furrowed, making it look as though he’s angry at his meal.
“It wasn’t that bad,” Namjoon says. No doubt he can feel my gaze, his ears are slowly turning red. “We still have to watch the last episode!” His head shoots up to look at me. “Do you know when it will be edited and ready to go?”
It’s my turn to furrow my eyebrows. “What are you talking about? I don’t know anything about it.”
“It’s the last episode, it covers the last week. So when you come back to Seoul and find out about meeting us.”
“Namjoon is an avid fan,” Jin teases. “I think he’s watched it three times over.”
“Not true! Just twice.”
“Twice by yourself maybe, but then there was the time we all watched it together! So yes, three times.” Jimin jumps in on the teasing, and I laugh at the accusations. “Leave it to Namjoon to have to study it like a textbook.”
“No way, you watched it three times?” I stare at him dumbfounded before folding my arms on the table and burying my head in them. “That’s so embarrassing. I really didn’t think you’d watch it all.”
The room bursts into yet another fit of laughter at my behavior, but all I can think of is the horrible first impression I must have left on Namjoon. I rarely played along like the other girls, made it a point to avoid the cameras, and didn’t try to really keep up on my logs like I was supposed to when I was back in the states. He probably hated me when he watched them.
I feel a gentle pressure on my arm from Himari, which is followed on the other side by Namjoon. Instead of the comforting words I was looking for, I can practically hear the grin in Himari’s voice.
“I told you to show your face on camera more often! May this serve as a lesson for you. Always listen to me.”
I glare but realize she can’t even see me. Slowly I raise my head, Namjoon assessing my face with a worried look that only subsides when he realizes that I’m not that upset. Just embarrassed.
“You’re never going to let me live this down, are you?”
“Not a chance.”
Jimin has moved on to a different topic now down the table, explaining how awkward he used to be in front of the camera. I almost don’t notice Namjoon leaning in closer to whisper something to me.
“You know, I really didn’t think it was that bad. They were just making fun of me because I watched it almost constantly over the last few weeks.”
I turn to him, trying and failing to glare. “How long have you known?”
He looks down at his hands. “3 weeks.”
My eyebrows raise on their own accord. “Only 3 weeks? And you guys were ok with meeting us already? That’s hardly enough time to...wrap your mind around having a soulmate.”
Namjoon shoots me an incredulous look. “Well, yeah, I guess it’s hard to get. But we all knew that it was a possibility when they ran the tests a few years ago. Why wouldn’t I want to meet you as soon as possible? If I’d had it my way I would’ve had you flown out 3 weeks ago.”
I don’t even know what to say in response to that. Especially not when Namjoon still hasn’t dropped his gaze. I wait for a moment longer to see if he’ll go back to his typical embarrassed state but he doesn’t. I can’t read what’s behind those eyes of his.
“Namjoon-ah, let the girl breathe!”
We both jump at the comment from Jin and turn to find everybody’s eyes on us. Himari gives me an amused smirk which I can’t return since I’m still reeling from a second ago.
“We’ve been waiting for you guys to tell us about your bonding, but if you’re busy…” Himari starts, and I’m quick to jump up.
“Nope! Nope, not at all.”
“Korean, please,” Seohyun hums and I realize with a start that in my flustered state of mind I couldn’t even come up with the right response.
“Right,” I mumble, sinking back into my seat.
“May I just say, I’m not surprised that Beth took the longest.” Seohyun continues, eyes glimmering as she looks at me. “Your maknae is the fastest? Ours has a losing streak.” The other girls chuckle, and I don’t miss the wink Seohyun sends my way.
“Alright alright,” Namjoon cuts in. “What do you want to know? I feel like there’s not a whole lot to say.”
“What did you do? Who initiated? What were your first thoughts of each other?” Yoongi says, clearly not at all opposed to hearing every little detail even after being so clearly closed off about his own experience.
Namjoon sits quietly for a moment, and is just about to speak when a soft knock sounds at the door. Mr. Bang pokes his head in, eyes scanning the room until they land on me.
“Beth, I’ve got Webtoon calling me demanding to put you on the phone. Sorry to interrupt, but could you take the call?”
I frown but stand up. “Sure, that’s fine. Where’s the phone?”
“Your phone is still in the recovery room from earlier.”
“Gotcha,” I turn back to everybody. “I’ll be back in a second.”
Namjoon is halfway out of his seat, looking unsure of his role here. “Do you want me to come with you?”
The thought of him coming with me and it suddenly being just the two of us seems like too much. Especially at the train wreck speed everything is going already. I shake my head, giving him a smile that I hope masks my thoughts.
“No, you stay here. Tell them about what happened. Make us sound cool!” I yell over my shoulder as I head out the door. I can hear the echoes of everybody’s laughter as I make my way down the hall and eventually follow a little sign taped up on the wall that points me in the right direction.
The call doesn’t last long, I just had to confirm a few last minute decisions before next week’s webtoon episode is released. Normally I wouldn’t mind one bit, happy to chat with my editor Ji-hoon Gwan. He’s the same that was there the day I found out about Namjoon being my soulmate, but as far as he’s concerned I’m part of BigHit’s translating team.
I can’t help but notice the feeling that comes as a result of putting distance between my soulmate and I so shortly after our bonding. It’s not painful, but I can literally feel the pull of the bond working to shorten the distance.
It’s easy to find my way back to the conference room, this time with my phone. I’ve grabbed Namjoon’s as well from where he left it in the recovery room. Following the tug from the bond, I’m just outside the door when Namjoon’s phone lights up with a notification drawing my attention.
“Oh my gosh,” I breathe out, nearly dropping his phone in the process of trying to adjust my hold on it to be able to see the screen better.
There I am. Right there, on his lock screen. It’s a screenshot from the documentary, taken just over a year ago at the airport. I’ve got my suitcase trailing behind me, a cheery smile on my face as I wave goodbye. I remember the moment clearly, Himari had just told me to wave goodbye to Namjoon, meaning the camera. I did so a bit sarcastically, completely aware of the fact that I was decked out in sweats and a baseball cap. I look happy though, the camera crew did a good job of finding a good angle.
I let out a shaky breath, trying my best to get a hold of my emotions before I go back into the conference room. I lean up against the wall, resting my head against it as I take a moment to calm my racing heart.
The flurry of emotions subside after a moment, but I can’t set aside the fear that Namjoon may have created a version of me in his head that doesn’t match up with who I actually am. I want to be everything for him, but I’m not foolish enough to entertain that thought for long. I gave up a long time ago hoping that Namjoon would be open and happy about the idea of a soulmate, but now that it’s looking like he might be...I don’t even know how to begin with any of this.
I’m absolutely clueless and still terrified. My heart is trying to leap out of my chest, because all it sees is the fact that I want him. All of him. Anything he’ll give me, I want it. I’ve wanted him for years now. And judging from the evidence I hold in my hands, judging from his comment earlier about how badly he wanted to meet me, he wants me too. But it’s that wanting that terrifies me, because really, deep down, I know that I don’t know him at all. And he doesn’t know me.
It takes a long time for me to reach the surface again, my thoughts are heavy and weigh me down as I swim through them. Slowly I can start to pick out snippets of the hushed conversation inside, and I realize with a start that it’s Namjoon who’s speaking.
“...I’m telling you guys, I haven’t slept in days. I kept thinking that I would wake up and it would all be a dream. But suddenly today happened, and I saw her, and she was real. Can you believe it? I have a soulmate, and I can already tell that she’s incredible.”
I choke back the tears that threaten to spill over as I hear Namjoon’s reverent tone. Clutching his phone to my chest, I breathe in deeply. Oh boy.
“That’s so sweet,” Kyung-soon’s voice drifts through the door. “Trust me, Namjoon. Beth is happy too. She hasn’t allowed herself to really be happy with this whole soulmate thing, always keeping herself in check. I don’t know why, but that’s just the way she is. So don’t be discouraged if it takes her a while to open up. I mean, she finally opened up to me just this week, the day before we found out about meeting you all. It was hard for her-”
I roll my shoulders, trying to make it look like my whole world isn’t spinning too fast for me, and barge inside before Kyung-soon can start going off about how lonely I’ve been feeling. The last thing I need is my soulmate looking at me like I’m a pity case.
Gliding through the door I notice the solemn looks over everyone’s faces. “Please tell me that you made us seem cool,” I say, everybody turning to look at me. Namjoon gazes up at me innocently, his cheeks a little red. No doubt from his heart-to-heart.
I mean, I leave these people alone for 10 minutes and they’re already starting a group therapy session.
He smiles a little, and I force back the sense of fear that rises up in me again. I just want to love you, I think, but I’m so afraid.
“Our spot as the cool ones is secure,” Namjoon reassures me. His smile falters a little as I take my seat. “Now it’s Jiminie’s turn.”
As soon as everybody’s attention is turned to the opposite end of the table, Namjoon places a light hand on my shoulder.
“Are you alright?” He whispers. I sigh. Of course he would have picked up on my change in stress levels. That change going from being chill to contemplating how far away I could run away before anybody noticed my absence.
All I can do is nod, the close proximity finally soothing the pull of the bond but doing nothing for the strange ache in my chest.
Namjoon doesn’t settle for a meager nod. “You sure? Is everything ok with work?”
Right, I’d nearly forgotten the point of my absence in the first place. Which reminds me of what I hold in my hands.
“Oh! I-I brought our phones back from the recovery room.” Inwardly cursing myself for my stutter, I pass Namjoon his phone. “And yeah, everything is fine with work. Did you feel something when I left? The bond?” I quickly try to change the topic as Namjoon’s eyes land on his phone which lights up with the movement.
“Huh? Oh, yeah. Yeah, I could feel it. It was...strange.” He keeps looking at his phone, or more specifically, me. He clenches his jaw in thought.
“Beth, you didn’t happen to notice…” he trails off for a moment, looking guilty. I remain silent, trying to talk myself into telling him the truth instead of feigning ignorance. “Um, my lock screen? Is that what this is about?”
I put my guard up a little too late, and Namjoon scrambles to explain himself upon seeing my expression. Which I’m sure reflects the uncertainty swirling inside me.
“I’m so sorry Beth, that was probably so weird for you. I just-I don’t know…” I can tell that he wants to say so much but he quickly realizes that we’re not alone in this room. “I swear, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable. I guess I don’t have a valid excuse. I’ll change it-”
“No, don’t change it.”
Namjoon looks puzzled as he had already opened his phone to change the lock screen. It makes me feel a little better to see that his home screen is a photo of a concert, the sea of army bombs looking beautiful.
“You don’t want me to change it?” He cocks his head, trying to look into my eyes which I keep firmly pointed to his phone.
“You don’t have to. It’s cute.” Biting my lip I sigh out my nose, still avoiding his eyes. “I just wasn’t expecting it, I guess. I’m so sorry to make you feel bad. Everything is just happening so quickly today. It’s my bad, I’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”
I turn back to the rest of the table before Namjoon can launch himself into another string of apologies. He huffs out a sigh at my side, locking his phone again, thus keeping me as his lock screen.
Jimin and Aera are in the middle of explaining how Aera got the hiccups during their bonding. He reenacts how his body shook with each hiccup, bringing about a round of laughter.
Namjoon doesn’t speak again, instead choosing to scoot closer. I feel a little tug on my sweater sleeve, then Namjoon is grabbing my hand and slipping it under the table where nobody can see.
He doesn’t say a single word, just holds my hand as he runs his thumb over my knuckles. Slowly but surely, I begin to relax. Somehow without communicating a single word, he’s managed to soothe my worries. At least for now.
When I finally pull my focus away from Namjoon’s hand in mine I realize that we’ve moved on to Taehyung and Ichika.
“So cute,” Taehyung gushes. Ichika gives him a lopsided grin which he returns with a boxy one. “Sorry I cried on you.”
Ichika chuckles, shaking her head. “I’m just glad that we made it. Nobody appears to be too scarred from the experience.” From the look they’re giving each other I can tell that they must have already had a good conversation earlier. It’s clearly being continued silently, and Taehyung gets up to stand behind Ichika’s chair, resuming his position from earlier and wrapping his arms around her.
“Your turn Jungkookie,” Taehyung states before leaning down to hum a melody that Ichika closes her eyes to enjoy.
Jungkook fidgets about in his chair, Minsuh looking no less awkward. Jin gives the younger boy a nudge.
“You two were the fastest,” he says, trying to give Jungkook somewhere to start. “Did it feel fast?”
Jungkook shakes his head at the same time Minsuh nods. They look at each other a little startled.
“Did it go fast for you?” Jungkook asks, and I can’t help but swoon a little at the kindness in his gaze.
Minsuh nods. “It felt like I barely had enough time to blink before everything hit.”
“Huh. It felt like a really long time for me. It was pretty intense though, wasn’t it?”
“Yeah, it was.” The two of them are looking at each other like they’re the only two in the room. It would appear that the intensity of their bond has yet to fade.
I’m desperately racking my brain to come up with something to say to break the growing silence, but the door swings open before I get a chance to come up with something.
Bang PD slips through the door, laptop in hand. A couple of managers trail in behind him, greeting us as they head to the front of the room.
“Everybody doing alright?”
“Oh, we’re great. Did you come for food?” Jin asks, resting his chin on his hand. Mr. Bang smiles at the eldest member of the group.
“No, I already ate. I’m actually here to discuss everybody’s plans for the next few weeks. And yes, I know what you’re thinking, Beth.” I straighten up when he mentions me. Mr. Bang observes Namjoon and I, his eyes drifting to where both our hands disappear beneath the table. “Don’t worry, I’ve been in the process of figuring everything out with Webtoon. You’re on official BigHit business for the next few weeks.”
“Are you trying to rid me of my job?” I raise my eyebrows at him. Bang PD only smiles at me, already used to my personality.
“Absolutely. Really, Mr. Gwan didn’t seem too sad to lose a few weeks with you, maybe you should look into that.”
The boys audibly gasp, Namjoon’s grip on my hand tightening as he looks at his boss with something akin to horror. If only he knew that we’re just getting started.
“He probably knows better than to go against you. After all, we all know just how much you’ve missed me. Wasn’t it just a few months ago that you were lost in the states and I had to come pick you-”
“Alright everybody, let’s get down to it!” Mr. Bang turns away from me and I smile in victory. A few months ago Mr. Bang came to the states on vacation, but his car wasn’t available at the airport. I had to come pick him up, which led to an eventful afternoon involving lunch and an angry pigeon.
One of the managers heads over to the white board, mapping out a rough itinerary. It takes me a second to translate the writing in my head, but I get the general gist. If anything, I understand the wide-eyed expressions of my soul-sisters and the boys as they wait for our reactions.
“Wait, what?” Himari whispers, but everybody hears it.
Hoseok smiles sheepishly at her from across the table. “Is this ok?”
I turn to look back at the itinerary, looking past Namjoon as he turns to assess my reaction.
Okinawa Island, Japan
4 days
4 episodes
“We’re going to Japan?” Ichika asks. She looks hopeful, it’s been a while since she’s gone back.
“Only if everybody is ok with it,” Taehyung says, squeezing her shoulders.
“I’ve been discussing this with the boys ever since they found out,” Mr. Bang shoots a glare to Jungkook and the boy smiles innocently back at him. There must be a story there. Come to think of it, I still don’t know how the boys found out in the first place. “And I really feel like we’ve always done things a certain way and we shouldn’t stop that just because there’s suddenly seven new faces around here.”
“What are you getting at?” I ask. I’m pretty sure Namjoon can feel my rapid heart rate through our joined hands.
Mr. Bang takes a deep breath. “You shouldn’t be a secret. You already have been for 3 years, and I’m sorry that you had to hide for so long. However, you will no longer be kept in hiding. Of course, when you decide to share your...relationships with the public is completely up to you. For the time being however, we’ve decided to go about this in a certain way.”
He pauses, allowing us a moment to let everything sink in. I look over at Kyung-soon, who’s viciously chewing her lip. Jin has his eyes trained on her, clearly terrified she’ll veto any idea that comes up.
Ichika once again speaks up. “It says 4 episodes...are you meaning to film us in Japan? Like some sort of Bon Voyage?”
Bang snaps his fingers. “Exactly. BTS has always been content oriented, geared toward the fans. We’ve been over this many times before, but you will have to share the burden- and joys- that come with being in the spotlight. In order for your relationships to have a smoother transition for when you decide to go public, we’ve decided to provide some content for the fans. This is our proposal. 4 days in Japan on Okinawa Island. There will be separate quarters for the boys and girls, and we will have a variety of activities for you all to do. Not only for the content, but also to allow you all some time to further bond before you’re thrown back into real life.”
It’s silent in the room. Namjoon takes up running his thumb along the back of my hand again, an action I didn’t even realize he’d stopped.
4 days. All the soulmates, on a beautiful island in Japan. Sure, there will be cameras, but isn’t that something I’ve anticipated? I’ve known for a while now that where Namjoon is, cameras will be sure to follow.
Once again, the girls slowly look to me. I’ve never understood our dynamic that we have, but somehow I manage to pull my thoughts together and answer Bang PD’s unspoken question.
“When do we leave?”
It’s like the breath of life has been breathed back into the room, all the boys letting out a sigh of relief. Namjoon gives me another squeeze, grinning slightly at me. I give him a look that says, Remember how I said this was all moving so quickly? Yeah, still feeling that. You’re going to be the death of me.
Bang PD grins at me, and I can already feel my stomach drop before the words even leave his mouth. “How does tomorrow sound?”
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Taglist is open! Any predictions for what’s going to happen next?
taglist: @mae-musicbitch @taylorroe3 @heartblackerthancoffee​
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Family Ties One-Shot: Finn meets some important people
It was a regular Tuesday afternoon when Finn headed away from campus to go get some new paints. He’d nearly run out of his preferred blues, so he had to stock up as much as he could. He drove his little car to the Next Town Over, finding his favorite supply store.
But the thing was...just as he was heading toward the entrance, an unfamiliar voice called out to him. Only...they didn’t call him by the name his parents had given him. In fact, the name was that of his birth father, at least according to his aunt. “Myung-soo? No..no it can’t be. You...why it’s little Kyung-joon all grown up!” 
Finn turned toward the voice, eyes widening at the sight of an elderly man making his way over to him, a big smile lighting up his face. He noticed the smile first, though the next thing he recognized was the ring around the man’s eyes. Oh. He was like Finn. He was a mer.
Finn gaped, glancing between the old man and his art store before he stepped away from the entrance, tilting his head for the man to follow him. He made his way around a corner and away from the crowded space of the NTO mall before he stopped, turning to face the elderly gentleman.
“How...How d-d-do you know that na-na-name?” Finn asked bewilderedly, staring at the man who had spoken to him with such excitement. The old man blinked for a minute and then nodded. “Ah yes. You might not have heard much about me considering... I’m your harabeoji. I’ve been wanting to come see you for.... so many years. But the crossing was always too dangerous.”
His harabeoji. Finn had a grandfather. He had a grandfather who was alive and who wasn’t the parents of his adoptive parents. He was...this was someone who had known his birth parents? Finn’s breathing quickened, and he had to take a minute, leaning against the wall as he tried to process this information. 
Of course he’d known, sort of, that there was a family of merfolk out there somewhere that he was part of. His aunt was still part of that family after all. There were relatives out there. He had just...been sheltered from all of it. He’d never been allowed to grow with them. 
And now...here was this man. This merman. Who had a wealth of knowledge in there that he...well he wasn’t sure where he should begin. If he should. He loved his adoptive parents. Well...he loved his eomma especially at least. His father? Well...he cared about him a lot, even if he felt deeply misunderstood by him.
“I....I di-di-didn’t think I’d ever get to me-me-meet you,” Finn admitted softly, tentative as the older man stepped a little closer to him. He looked sad, the age appearing even more sharp on his face as Finn spoke. “Yes...I’m afraid your aunt was fiercely protective of you. After losing her sister...it’s no small wonder...I lost my son-in-law, my daughter and a grandchild in so short a time.” He reached out cautiously, and it took everything in Finn not to flinch away.
But the man did nothing to hurt him. He stroked his thumb over the boy’s cheek as if he couldn’t quite believe he was real. Standing there before him just like that. “Um...harabeoji....” Finn started hesitantly... “why are you here n-n-now? I me-me-mean it’s b-b-been so long! Not that I...I’m not un-un-ungrateful to me-me-me-meet you,” he sucked in a shaky breath as his stutter worsened the more nervous he got trying to explain himself. 
But the elderly gentleman waited him out, a soft smile still on his face. “Your aunt said she would not be able to return for some time...there is urgent business near Japan. She wanted you to still have some family around for you. To support you if you need it. You’re coming to that age where...well you could come back to us if you wished it.”
Finn’s eyes went even wider. Come back? To where his family was supposed to live? To the ocean? The thought was so tempting in that moment. It taunted him right there. He could be where he belonged. He could learn from his family...but then. He had a lot here. He had his friends. Nemo. Tae. Louie. They might not have been his family by blood, but they took care of each other like one.
 “I d-d-d-d-don’t know-” he started to say, worrying at his lip. “That’s not something you need to decide now my boy. We’ve just met after all...but maybe a visit at some point would be fine. I actually brought someone else along...a few closer to your age that you might find to be better company than this old man.” 
Finn didn’t even have much of a chance to argue that nothing about the conversation in the last ten minutes could have possibly been boring, as the old man was already leading them away from the store and toward a hotel in the town. They kept walking until his harabeoji unlocked a door and opened it, a smile lighting up his face again. “Kwan, Kyung-sook...look who I finally found!” Two dark haired heads lifted from where they’d been carefully studying a map. 
The boy jumped up first, rushing forward with a confident grin. “Hey. I’m Kwan...obviously. This is my twin Kyung-sook. It’s good to finally meet you cousin Kyung-joon.” Finn’s head was spinning. Or maybe the room was spinning. Honestly it was just overwhelming to go from knowing none of his family to being introduced to three almost at once. 
“Um...I-I-I-I...I go b-b-by F-Finn,” he said after an awkward pause, a shy smile spreading across his face as he held out his hand in offering. “B-B-But it’s nice to finally me-me-meet you too.”
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kpopnlockit · 7 years
Sunshine (Part 3)
Part 1: https://kpopnlockit.tumblr.com/post/167326502172/sunshine-part-1
Part 2: https://kpopnlockit.tumblr.com/post/167670693512/sunshine-part-2
Part 4: https://kpopnlockit.tumblr.com/post/168662357057/sunshine-part-4-end
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Taeil stayed by your side the rest of the time you were at the bar and ensured that you had plenty of water. The guys seemed pretty keen to continue the party regardless of the venue and cheered when they heard you would be joining them. The good-natured expressions on everyone’s faces made it hard to rethink your decision. You figured that you would probably be okay to drive in two or three hours after you got to the hotel.
It took quite some time to get everyone ready to go and you drank a few more bottles of water. By the time they did decide to leave for the hotel you must have gone to the restroom five more times from the amount of liquid you had consumed.
Taeil walked with you behind the rest on the way to the van arranged to shuttle everyone to the hotel. Since he first walked you to the restroom his hand had remained at your waist and you could feel every brush of his colorfully decorated skin brush against yours. As you waited for everyone to pile in the van he absent-mindedly drummed his fingers against your side and you felt a shudder of what was probably alcohol-fueled desire run through your body. However, he must have thought you were shivering from the cold, because in short order his hoodie was wrapped around you.  
You welcomed the warmth and the rush of adrenaline and excitement you felt as his scent envelope you. You surreptitiously turned your face to the side to inhale deep into the fabric. His scent was comforting and reminded you that he was most definitely a man. The scent rang with undertones of sandalwood and musk.
The lobby you walked into was beautiful with spacious marble floors and high white ceilings. You could tell that the hotel was large and had glitzy amenities. This proved to be true when everyone tumbled into the suite’s lounge and you headed straight to the restroom again. It was well decorated and sleek with raw cut mirrors, chrome accenting and even more white marble. You couldn’t believe how much fluid you’d taken in and were almost embarrassed, but not as embarrassed as how much you’d managed to share with the group of men you barely knew. You almost wished that you hadn’t started to sober up so you could forget the information you regurgitated. You owed Taeil for taking care of you tonight.
You relieved yourself again and hurriedly got back to the group before they could notice you were gone. They seemed to be gearing up for an after-party of sorts in the lobby of the suite they reserved. Zico was on the phone and you could overhear him inviting others over and giving the room number. Kyung was sitting on the couch ordering food and Jaehyo was laying out bottles of beer on the small coffee table. Taeil was over by the entertainment system fiddling around with the stereo. As you approached him, music started to play and it was immediately clear that the room had been equipped with surround sound. Rather than high energy hip hop or dubstep that had been playing at the club, his choice of music was more laid back but still fast enough to keep the mood up. But your mood was on a fairly fast decline and weren’t in much of a partying state of mind anymore. The dull ache of your head signalled you hadn’t drank your water quite soon enough and you needed to recoup.
“Are there any rooms to rest in?” you asked Taeil as he adjusted the bass and treble.
He obviously couldn’t hear you over the song as he didn’t even react.
You leaned in closer to him and whispered in his ear, “Are there any rooms to rest in?”
He flinched more than you expected at the question and stared at you wide-eyed. It took a second to register why he would respond like that, but you realized that the inquiry came off very forward, especially when whispered into his ear.
You made a stop motion with both of your hands and hastily amended, “That wasn’t an invitation!”
It took a moment, but Taeil broke into a wide grin and chuckled at your antics. He then set his phone down on the sound system and put a hand on your shoulder. He led you to one of the rooms that branched off of the living area. He flicked on the lights and closed the door behind him, muffling the noise of the group getting more intoxicated. The room was just as wide and luxurious as the rest of the hotel with a king sized bed stacked high with pillows and a flat screen TV mounted on the wall.
You sighed happily, enthralled at the idea of laying down and relaxing after a long night. Without prompting, you kicked off your shoes and moved a majority of the pillows to one side so you could flop on the mattress comfortably. Taeil sat down next to you as you lay on your side and patted your arm soothingly.
“Had fun?” he asked.
You nodded, the tiredness seeping into your consciousness and stiffening your muscles.
He lightheartedly laughed. “Good. Ready for bed?”
You nodded again and let your eyes close.
You weren’t sure when you had fallen asleep. It was probably shortly after laying down. The room was now dark. Taeil had likely turned off the light on his way out and you vaguely remembered him placing a glass of water on the nightstand.
The need to get home came over you suddenly. You never stayed out like this and never ever slept over with a bunch of guys. You fished your phone out from your back pocket and the numbers 5:38 flashed white into your retinas. You could feel the increasing anxiety as your heart lept into your throat that the thought of being in a hotel room full of men at such an hour.
You sprang up, even though your body rejected the fast motion. From the other side of the bed came a deep groan, one belonging to a male. You never thought your heart could race faster than it was at that moment. You rushed to find your shoes in the blackness. You stumbled over a boot and landed hard enough on your knees to hurt.
Following the crash, you heard movement and within seconds the bedside lamp clicked on. “What’s going on?” Taeil mumbled, his voice heavy with sleep and confusion.
Panic hit you like a bolt of lightning. Had you slept with Taeil? No, you had been sober enough when you had gone to sleep to know what you were doing. But then again, you were out cold. Too anxious to speak, you could only watch in horror as he groggily sat up to see you with only one boot halfway on and your hair in a frizzy knotted mess.
“I have to go,” you finally rasped, eyes wide with shock and confusion.
Taeil could see that you were unsettled and was instantly concerned.
“Are you okay?” he questioned.
“I have to go,” you repeated, turning towards the door after picking up the shoe you had tripped over. As if in a trance, you limped over to the exit.
“Hey, why are you limping?” his voice was suddenly awake and solid with concern. He got up and walked around his side of the bed.
You glanced over your shoulder at him, pupils blown wide with mixed emotions.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” he moved towards you and reached out to caress your cheek. You wanted to cringe, but your body didn’t agree and instead almost leaned into the comforting warmth. He wasn’t wearing a shirt but remained in his low slung jeans.
His chest tattoo was on full display as well as the tattoos that were working their way up to sleeves. They were all so different but had a similar vibe to make a semi-cohesive look. The remnants of alcohol mixed with sleep made the colorfulness of his skin art hypnotizing. Taeil’s body was more sculpted than expected. In your time with him, he tended to wear loose or baggy shirts, that draped over his frame rather than accentuating it. He appeared to work out, with defined musculature on his arms and pecs.
Still not thinking quite right and entranced by the colors, you reached out to trace the lines on his chest as he stared at you in confusion. He withdrew at first, but stilled quickly as you traced further along. The blankets had cloaked him in a gentle heat, but the sweat that had dried on your skin chilled you, making your fingertips like ice. Goosebumps began to rise on his forearms and his nipples went erect.
“Careful…” he warned, but you could hear that he didn’t want you to stop as his voice grew gruff. Your hand had a mind of its own as it followed the intricate interplay of the lines of lean muscle and veins. Your fingers kept following the channels until you reached his collarbone where you lingered, trailing along the prominence. You had no idea what was happening with your mind, but it seemed to have gone the same route as your fingers, because your mouth that was dry from anxiety was now salivating as desire began to trickle through your blood vessels.
“Ah,” he expelled a breath of air as your other hand moved forward of its own accord to feel the taut muscle you hadn't been expecting. His eyes were no longer drowsy or hesitant as he studied your face. Without speaking, he stepped forward into your touch, watching you carefully the entire time. With him closer, your hands could trail to his back and arms, tracing colorful lines of ink and striations of muscle. As your hand moved, you could feel each muscle tense briefly and feel his breathing become more shallow.
Tension couldn’t even begin to describe the palpable building of lust in the air. Raw passion was being exchanged through every rapid breath between the two of you. Your body had overpowered your brain. Leaving was the last thing you wanted to do at the moment. You had no idea where the need to get yourself home had gone. In fact, you couldn’t locate the reason you had wanted to leave in the first place. You were too busy falling into the deep reflective puddles that were Taeil’s dark irises. Want had glazed them over and you could see the pulse in his neck pick up speed.
You were plummeting now, head first. It oddly didn’t scare you like it should have. That was probably because you weren’t in the driver’s seat. You were merely a passenger, being rocketed from zero to sixty. You sat back and enjoyed the ride, leaving whatever would happen up to fate. You had a cute half-dressed man standing in front of you ready for when you called. He was barely an acquaintance. You had no clue where the others were. They could have still been in the lounge just ten meters beyond the closed door. You didn’t care though. You wanted Taeil.
He presented like an adorable young boy when you first saw him. His thickly framed glasses did nothing to age him. Now he was very clearly a man older than you, with a firm gaze that did not waver from your form. He nudged his cheek into your hand, once your wandering fingers made their way up his throat to cup his face. Briefly, he let his eyes close. After a long moment, he sharply opened them and there was an unfamiliar edge and determination in them when he looked at you again. You stared into his face, wondering what was going on behind his intense expression.
Your curiosity was quickly cut short. Taeil pushed you against the wall and kissed you deeply. Not taking long to react, you wound your arms around his neck, your fingers threading into the short hairs at the nape of his neck. You felt your tongues entwine and you moaned as his hands brushed against your form.
He was rough. He pressed his body against you in a dominating way and you could feel yourself respond to his insistent touch. You mewled into his mouth as his hands found the waist of your pants and tugged at them.
“I thought nothing was going to happen to me while I was with you,” you gasped as he relentlessly went after your neck with his lips and teeth. His hands were still grasping at the skintight line of your leggings. He pressed against you hard enough that the pressure caused an ache in your breasts.
“I only said you’d be okay, not that nothing would happen,” he growled in a low voice as you raked your nails down the planes of his back.  
“Fair enough,” you panted. You were feeling bolder than you ever had before. You wedged your hands between the two of you and pushed him away by the shoulders.
He stumbled backwards. For a moment he looked hurt, as if he had been rejected, but this instantaneously dissipated as you pulled your top over your head and closed the distance again. His hands encircled your waist as he pulled you so there was no space between your bodies. He gripped you firmly so that even if you wanted to push him away again, it would be a lot harder to. You could feel his burgeoning erection against his jeans. You moved so your leg slid between his and gradually lifted your thigh to brush against his length. He trembled against you and groaned into your neck.
You only had a moment to revel in the power you held as he reclaimed his dominance. Taeil had backed you against the wall again. The wall was cold as your bare back hit against it and sent goosebumps down your arms. He held you there with his hips as his hands explored. He cupped your breast in one hand, stimulating the nipple through the silky fabric of your brassiere and dipped his head to place his mouth to your breast.
His warm breath on your chilled skin made you shudder as he moved from the top of your chest down to mouth at your clothed bosom. The goosebumps on your forearms traveled up to your shoulders, making the fine hairs stand at attention. You muffled a yip of excitement as the tip of his tongue travelled along the line where your bra met your flesh. Your hands had found their way to his shoulders and your long nails dug in slightly as he gently nibbled on your tender points.
He looked up at you with a smirk, pleased with your reaction and snaked a hand behind you to snap open your brassiere. The straps suddenly came loose and he pulled them down your arms to expose you. You glanced at him with surprise. He hadn’t even struggled. The air had cooled with the long night ticking away, which was reflected in the way your nipples tightened. Taeil seemed thoroughly pleased with the sight and you could see the lust cloud over his eyes, making them glossy and reflective in the low lighting.
He stood up straight and peered down at you. You met his gaze evenly, with your cheeks flushed and your lips apart to release heated breaths. There was a smugly satisfied tint to Taeil’s trademark smirk and you wondered what tricks he had brewing in that devious little mind of his. He bowed his head, coming closer to you.
A mildly sharp pain erupted when Taeil teasingly sunk his teeth into the side of your neck. Without invitation, you grasped his shoulders for support as your knees buckled slightly. How he had already managed to find your weak spot was beyond you. You inhaled keenly. As your breathing grew more uneven, you grew more lightheaded. It was an intoxicating mix, the remnants of alcohol in your blood swirling with want. Reason was a long forgotten thought. You had probably left it at that picnic table earlier.
Having found a nice soft spot, Taeil sought out more. He lightly slid his lips over your skin, biting down every so often on places that he thought would lead to more restrained gasps. His nips didn’t hurt at all. Every single one of them managed to send a tingle down your spine straight to your core. Though your nerves weren’t complaining, your skin was being set on fire. You body was warming to his touch and you were quite certain that there would be a few visible signs of Taeil’s presence once you woke from your stupor.
Your nails bit ever so slightly into Taeil’s flesh as your grip on him tightened. There was a throbbing need blooming between your legs that you couldn’t ignore any more. Your patience was wavering and all hesitations and thoughts of stopping vanished.
You didn’t want to stop. You wanted to bruise Taeil’s skin with love bites and add to his collection of skin art. You wanted to dig your nails into him even deeper. You wanted to feel what his pants encased. You wanted him to breathe as hard as you were. You wanted to continue at a stunted pace so you could indulge yourself in your hunger for Taeil and savor his unique flavor.
As if he could hear your thoughts, his thumbs slipped ever so sneakily into the waistband of your leggings and snapped them gently. The sharp rebound against your skin alerted you to just how thin the garment was, and how badly you wanted it gone. As you wriggled against him, you could feel that his erection had grown in the time that you had lost yourself to your own want. Your hand slid down his shoulders from where your nails had been grasping in during his onslaught to rest where his jeans sat on his hips.
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fairyscribbles · 7 years
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[ Yifan | Thieving Hearts ]
\ First Touch
You nodded, smiling when he threaded your fingers together and led you back towards the house, your bag slung over his shoulder.
You were quite expecting the shocked gazes when you got inside, yet it didn't mean you welcomed them.
It wasn't very nice, being stared at by a tall wolf with weird ears and his mate, along with Jongdae and Haerin, who decided to join Chanyeol and Jimin downstairs. Kris noticed their staring and he sighed.
"Take a picture, guys. It lasts longer." He rolled his eyes and the youngest girl was the only one to react with a blush, hiding her face away, but as she turned her head to the side, she revealed her neck..and the bruise on it.
Oh. oh. Jongdae finally decided to taint his little mate?
She caught you looking at it, and her blush spread down her neck. All you did was smile at her, glad that Jongdae seemed to be able to control himself enough to mark his mate. As Jongdae reached to wrap an arm around Haerin, you couldn't help but glance at Kris's back.
How long would it take before you no longer felt the tinge of doubt with him? Until you were finally able to believe that he wasn't going to disappear? Until you could carry around a mark like Haerin's...?
You shook the thoughts out of your head, because you heard you mate tell Jongdae something about protection and the way he was holding up your bag full of weapons indicating that he must've started to talk about the mate's need to protect themselves.
You moved in closer, standing in between the curious Chanyeol and Kris, looking at the suspicious Jongdae.
"And how do you expect the mates are to protect themselves?" Jongdae asked and you could clearly see his fingers wanting to reach for his mate.
"Well...last night, during the raid, I took some guns and-"
"No." Jongdae's eyes turned hard and you could hear Chanyeol's snicker from next to you.
"Jongdae..." Haerin said softly and as she was slowly inching to you. She looked genuinely curious of the weapons, but the second she got too close, Jongdae was wrapping his arm around her waist and twirling her behind him.
"Out of the question, baby."
"Jongdae, don't be like this," she scolded. "It's for our own protection."
"I'll protect you," Jongdae insisted, to which Haerin just pursed her lips.
You were glad for that, considering that the topic was still a sore subject for all of you. "But... this gives her an option, Jongdae. It doesn't leave her completely helpless in the event that... she is left alone..."
Haerin touched her mate gently, communicating warmth and reassurance even from where you stood. "I know you want to be there for me at all times, but we have to be realistic..." she whispered calmly.
Jongdae scowled. "But a gun? They're so unpredictable, and you wanna learn that?"
"I can't really learn martial arts, Jongdae." Haerin told him and you nodded.
"I agree. Even if she would be able to pack a punch, it would take only one to take her down." Jongdae's head turned over slowly to look at you and you panicked, speaking some more.
"I'm pretty sure only one good aimed hit from a tougher guy could knock her out, even worse..."
"___." Kris's voice stopped your mindless babbling after Jongdae's eyes turned red and he snarled, pulling his mate even closer.
"I'm shutting up now..." you murmured, taking refuge in Kris's arms when he reached out for you.
"What ___ was trying to say is that I'm tiny." Haerin cupped Jongdae's cheek, letting herself be pulled against her mate tightly.
"I can't really rely on my hits and kicks to defend me."
"Yes, but guns?" Jongdae whined, holding the hand against his cheek.
"Jongdae, the day I'll be able to overpower Kris oppa or Chanyeol oppa I won't need guns."
"Yeah, but..." Jongdae scowled. Because he knew it was a losing battle. "...guns, really?"
You almost wanted to look away when Haerin gave you a pleading look. She wanted to learn, and after what you guys went through together, you didn't blame her in the least.
"Jongdae, you can be there..." you whispered, instinctively moving further into your mate's hold to escape any possible backlash.
"Yeah. You watch and help me," Haerin added, to which Jongdae just groaned.
"I'm just gonna panic at everything."
"You sound like a mom, Jongdae-yah," Chanyeol teased, earning himself an elbow to the ribs from a smiling Jimin.
"Yah, I'm an injured man." Chanyeol mumbled with a small pout as he rubbed the poked spot. The cute giant was ignored though, you and Kris watched the silent exchange Jongdae and Haerin had with eye contact.
In the end, Jongdae sighed and shook his head.
"But if you ever get even this close to hurting yourself," Jongdae demonstrated to Haerin with his index and middle finger, which were tightly smushed together.
"I'm stopping this and forever chaining you together to me, so I can protect you. You got it?"
"Y-you're insane..." Haerin said breathlessly.
A little unreasonable, if you could say so yourself. But you chose not to.
"I'm your mate. When it comes to anything concerning you, I kinda am." Jongdae's tone was matter-of-fact.
But at least he agreed. And that was all you really needed.
"So... we're good to go?"
"Eh?!" Jongdae's head whipped around to look at you with a shocked expression, and you instinctively buried yourself in Kris's arms. Luckily, he understood and while one of his arms were wrapped around you, he tried to nudge you back behind him.
"Can we?!" Haerin's exclamation was quite the opposite, very hyper, as she tried to bounce to you, but Jongdae's strict hold on her preventing it.
"B-but we can't shoot just yet, because of yesterday...so we can go practice aiming."
Haerin's pout might as well have been a tantrum, but Jongdae was good at appeasing his mate. He kissed her gently, ignoring everyone else in the room and effectively wiping her pouting away.
You turned away from the displays of affection, smiling uneasily up at Kris. "It's okay, right..?"
He sighed, shrugging as he tucked your hair behind your ear. "I guess... It's not like you two are gonna let us stop you, right?"
You smiled, leaning up on tiptoes to reach his chin and planting a grateful peck there. "Okay, come supervise, alpha."
Kris groaned, swatting at your ass playfully. "Don't sweet talk me. Just go."
And with a slight blush, you went. Jimin and Chanyeol left somewhere in the middle of the grand persuasion of Jongdae and so it was only the four of you.
If you could say honestly, Haerin was a much better student than Jimin. The young girl effortlessly mastered the pistol within a few moments and she was eager to learn more, much to her mate's distaste. Even though the shotgun seemed to be a bit too heavy for her, she handled it like a champ, practicing until she couldn't anymore and the morning sun slowly moved up high above.
You didn't even realize how fast time went by, you only knew once Kris wrapped his arm around your waist and brought you in closer so he could whisper in your ear.
"Aren't you hungry? You've been teaching her for three hours now." He murmured and you turned to look at him with shock in your eyes. Three hours? Kris nodded, kissing your forehead.
"Let's call it a day, and put Jongdae's mind at ease."
"Yes, please!" Jongdae practically wailed.
The rest of you just laughed as Jongdae snatched the weapon from his mate's hands and tossed it towards Kris, who caught it with ease in one hand. Then Jongdae was herding his mate into his arms, nuzzling her as he cooed things you couldn't hear. You glanced up at Kris, who was touching your hair absentmindedly.
"Should we go inside then?"
"That would probably be best," he said with a smile, not even bothering to alert Jongdae and Haerin.
The two of you slipped back towards the house, leaving the mated couple behind to do what they were doing. When you got inside, the call of the couch was too tempting. You plopped back into it before Kris could even finish setting the weapons down, groaning with relief. "Ohh, I didn't realize how tiring that could be..."
He chuckled, walking towards you and you automatically lifted your torso and head up so Kris could settle on the couch and you could rest your head in his lap. You sighed in bliss when you felt Kris dips his fingers into your hair, carding through them in a caring manner.
"You're a good teacher." He murmured in appreciation and he almost absentmindedly traced your lips with his fingers before they fluttered downwards. You shivered at the contact, looking up at him with a small smile.
"Are you sure you're not hungry?"
You glanced up at him. "Are you?"
He shook his head. "Not really, but I'll go grab you something."
"How sweet of you," you smiled, reaching up and playing with the collar of his shirt.
He took that as his cue, curving down to close the distance. You looped your arm around his neck, leaning up as well to meet him halfway. You kissed softly - once, twice - before Kris let you ease back down.
His smile was gentle, as he looked down at you with adoring eyes. The look made you feel something come alive inside you. Made you feel...oh so safe, oh so loved.
Something you haven't felt for a very long time in your life, if ever.
You reciprocated his smile, reaching up to cup his cheek.
"Is there anything you'd specifically like?" He asked as he nuzzled into your hand, making you chuckle.
"Not really. I don't care."
"Yixing hyung wanted to make some lunch, so if you'll wait, you can have something warm." Kyungsoo added from the stairs, hair ruffled as he looked like he just woke up.
"Hey, Kyung-ah," Kris greeted with a smile, surveying the younger wolf. "You feeling okay?"
"Hi, hyung. I'm fine... It'll heal... Noona," said wolf ducked his head towards you before shuffling to the kitchen. Where he seemed to be a lot, you noted.
"Kyungsoo's not mated?" you asked curiously.
"Not yet," Kris sighed. "I almost wish he was. So someone can take care of him now. He's just like Minseok. He never complains about pain. He just... keeps it to himself."
You frowned. "You think he's in a lot of pain..?"
Kris shrugged. "That's the problem. I have no idea. I'll be back. I'll go get you food and talk to him."
You sat up. "You mind if I come and sit at the table?"
Kris raised an eyebrow. "I thought you were tired?"
It was your turn to shrug. "I wanna know if he's okay too."
He smiled before shrugging.
"Alright, come on." He helped you get off the couch and you followed your mate to the kitchen, where the younger wolf was already making food for himself. He looked up, eyes wide in surprise.
"How are you feeling, Kyung-ah?" Kris sat down at the table, watching as the wolf looked away from his alpha, a clear sign he couldn't quite lie to his leader.
"It's managable, hyung." You tsked, shaking your head. It was now at you where Kyungsoo's surprise stare was aimed.
"You were shot with wolfsbane. Did you make the medicine to take it out?" Both of the wolves now looked at you.
"There is medicine to deal with it?" Kyungsoo asked and you nodded, already moving to the closet to search for the right ingredients.
"We never thought something like that existed. We would just wash it out with water..." Kris mumbled, watching you in awe.
"Well, that was the way it's supposed to be. This is something every citizen knows just in case they get caught in a fight between the wolfsguard and the wolves." You pushed a tray, knife and some roots over to your mate, clearly wanting him to cut it up.
"It makes the wolfsbane disappear faster in your body, and it could quicken the healing process."
Kyungsoo gaped, leaning over your side as you went about putting a pot on the stove. "Hm... I bet Jimin knows..."
"She's a little preoccupied with Chanyeol... and Kyungsoo doesn't know how to say anything," Kris quipped.
Said wolf threw a glare towards his alpha, who just glared right back, daring him to say otherwise. When the younger wolf just remained quiet and pouted, Kris chuckled. You had to smother your own giggle, focusing instead on the boiling water in front of you.
"Kris, give me that stuff, please."
Carefully, knowing that the ingredients would make the water sizzle, you dropped in the tiny squares and slices of roots and other things, stirring it in the water.
"It should be ready in a few moments..." you murmured, mostly to yourself but you knew the two wolves heard you.
"Kyungsoo, could you take off your shirt, please?" You did expect your mate's growl. What you didn't expect was Kyungsoo's small blush that spread over his cheeks.
"Really, Kris? What, are you afraid he's more buff than you?" You teased, turning around to grin at the alpha.
Kris scowled. "Well, he's stronger than me."
You turned to Kyungsoo's now more intense blush with a grin. "Please don't worry about him." You waved off your mate's growl. "What I'm concerned about is you getting better."
Kyungsoo bowed his head, but he flashed his alpha an apologetic look anyway before tugging his shirt off.
You tried not to look too hard - at the very least - to appease your mate, and you gestured to the table for Kyungsoo to sit as you went to stir one last time. With a sigh, you followed the injured wolf to the table, making a point of kissing Kris gently before setting the pot on the table.
"Can I have a towel, please?"
Kris nodded silently, kissing you again before going to fetch it. He came back within seconds, handing you the towel and plopping back into his seat.
You chuckled at his petulant behavior before dipping the towel into the still steaming liquid. "Don't burn yourself."
You laughed. "Thank you, Kris."
You waited for a moment, moving to inspect the three arrow holes on his chest. They were red and slightly swollen, making you frown.
"Kyungsoo, this must hurt like hell..." you murmured, but Kyungsoo shook his head.
"It isn't that b-!" His words were interrupted by a painful snarl when you jabbed into the wound with your finger.
"And I didn't even do this with much force." You looked at him with a small glare before moving to retrieve the towel that now cooled down a bit.
"You know it isn't shameful to say it hurts, right?" Kyungsoo scoffed, looking at you with still-red eyes.
"Yeah, and who should I go to?"
"Us. Joonmyun." Kris was the one to speak up now.
"Just because you don't have a mate doesn't mean you're something less than your brothers."
Kyungsoo sighed, watching as you wrung the towel a bit and held it up. "I just didn't think it was worth worrying about. Chanyeol and Sehun got it worse."
"And yet Chanyeol was out and about with his mate today, watching her shoot."
Kyungsoo didn't even attempt another excuse. He just stiffened as you approached with the towel, frowning. "It might sting..."
You saw his jaw clench as he gritted his teeth for the oncoming pain.
Kris was already rising from his chair.
"Should I do it? Just in case." He inched closer to you, at which you clicked your tongue.
"It's fine, alpha. Don't worry about it."
"No, noona." Kyungsoo's voice had you snapping in surprise his way.
"I...it's not the best area for me, and I don't know how I might react. Could hyung do it?" You stared at him for a while, the wide eyes looking as honest as ever.
"I would hate to hurt you when all you are trying to do is help."
You smiled appreciatively at him, nodding. But when you went to hand the towel to Kris, you were surprised to see the flash of red in his eyes. "Kris..?"
He growled, taking the warm cloth from your hand. "I just don't like the idea of you getting hurt."
You raised an eyebrow, and Kyungsoo gave an uncertain chuckle. Maybe go try and ease some tension, including his own nervousness. "And I don't much like the idea of hurting her, hyung."
You patted Kris's back in comfort, stepping away from Kyungsoo just to appease the alpha.
"You see? Far away now. Kyungsoo won't reach me now." Kris shook his head with a chuckle, making his way to the injured packmate.
"You first need to press the cloth in, so the oitment gets into his skin and washes out the wolfsbane."  You instructed and your mate did just that, looking at you when Kyungsoo snarled in pain.
"It will hurt but he will heal much faster now." You said with a guilty frown, making Kyungsoo chuckle shakily.
"Don't worry, noona. I can handle a little pain."
You smiled reassuringly back at him and returned to instructing your mate. Kris did just as you told, circular motions as he cleaned out the wound, occasional wringing out of the towel and one change, after the cloth got too bloody. Unconsciously, you started moving to the suffering werewolf as well, and you didn't ever realize it until you were leaning over him, running your fingers through his hair in comfort.
"You're almost done, Kyungsoo..."
It didn't take much more. Kris managed another bloody towel, but he washed that out and used a bit more of the medicine to wash away what you hoped were the last remnants of the wolfsbane.
Kyungsoo was left leaned back uncomfortably on the chair, panting, body slack with relief from the pain.
"Is it... all out?" he grumbled.
"I think so," Kris answered, patting Kyungsoo's shoulder gently. "We should've known of this sooner."
"It would've been nice," Kyungsoo groaned.
You smiled, pushing his hair back from his forehead and feeling his temperature. "Are you feverish or is that just a stressed werewolf thing?"
"We run hot," Kris answered. "We don't really get sick, even after such injuries, because of it. His system is trying to recover."
"I'll be fine soon. Thank you, noona."
You smiled at Kyungsoo. "Of course. Get some
rest, okay?"
Kris helped him to his feet, but Kyungsoo seemed stable enough to grab his shirt again and wobble to the stairs. "I'm gonna sleep a bit. See you guys."
You waved at him, listening as Kris tossed the rest of the medicine and washed his hands.
"Well that was relatively quick..."
Kris sighed. "I told you. Kyungsoo is good at no-nonsense."
"I see that," you mumbled.
But you found yourself squealing when you were swung up. "Now you. I have a bone to pick with you."
You kicked futilely the entire way as Kris climed the stairs with you in his arms, and he kicked the door to his room shut before tossing you on the bed. You blinked, and he was above you, hovering almost menacingly. Your heart kicked rapidly, and your first instinct was to reach and beat at his chest.
But he caught your wrists before you could do even that. "I told you to stay back. You're lucky Kyungsoo's control is good."
"He was in pain!" you countered easily.
For some reason, you adopted a motherly approach when you saw the younger wolf in pain. There was no way you weren't going to comfort him.
Kris groaned. "You're so good at getting yourself in trouble, ___..."
You scowled, but he was burying his face into your neck the next minute, and your angry retort died on your lips.
"But thank you..."
"You've gone out of your way all day to help the pack."
Oh... You blinked, unsure how to answer. But he raised his head and looked down at you, kissing your nose gently.
"I really appreciate this, ___."
You smiled, not quite sure what to say, so you just didn't say anything. You wriggled your wrist a bit and Kris let your hand free, so you could reach up and cup his cheek. Kris nuzzled into it, his eyes closing in bliss at the contact.
"It's to repay what you've done for me..." you murmured, when you realized you were currently stroking his cheek with your right hand. Kris's eyes watched you in confusion.
"For the hand..." Kris's chest rumbled as he shook his head. He then turned to kiss at your palm.
"No, baobei. You can't expect me to watch my mate be in pain, can you?" You chuckled.
"Have you known it by then?" You asked him and Kris nodded, dropping down onto his elbows. He nuzzled his nose against yours.
"Since the first time I saw you, I knew..." he murmured softly and you moved your other hand to card them through his hair lovingly. Almost unconsciously, his chest vibrated against yours as he rumbled in content.
"How did you know, though?"
"I just knew. It's something primal."
You hummed in thought.
"I guess I have that primal sense, too. You know why?" Kris smiled, shaking his head.
"Because I also knew you were my mate at some point." Kris's eyes sparkled in interest.
"Really? How?"
"Like this." You pulled him in closer, planting your lips over his.
Kris growled, but he sank into your body naturally anyway. Who was he to argue when his mate decided to kiss him so passionately?
"Yet you fought me so hard."
"I'm still fighting you," you muttered, palms slipping up his back over his shirt. "You have a lot to prove to me..."
Kris eased up just to stare down at you. "And by that you mean?"
You shrugged as best as you could from the position. "You can figure that out, can't you, alpha?"
Kris grinned, shaking his head before leaning down to kiss you again. This time he led the kiss, soft lips moving against yours, stealing your breath away little by little, until you were left breathless under him, panting lightly with a small blush over your cheeks.
"Do you enjoy seeing me struggle?" Kris asked you, his voice slightly deeper than usually, making all beautiful things happen in your tummy.
"Maybe a little. Just because how handsome you look when you frown." You confessed, making him chuckle. His hand came up to stroke your cheek with an affectionate look in his eyes.
"I enjoy seeing you blush...especially when you blush so prettily just for me..."
You glared at him, but it probably didn't look half as threatening as you wanted it to considering you were still blushing just as he said.
Kris sighed, kissing your cheek gently. "Now you're just asking for it."
"F-for what?" you grumbled, punching his shoulder lightly.
"To be teased," he rumbled.
Your face went even hotter. Because he didn't elaborate... and you weren't sure how you were supposed to take that at all.
Kris leaned in again but lower this time, slowly and carefully kissing your neck, taking his sweet time to explore the area. Chaste kisses turned into openmouthed ones when you leaned your head back, offering him more with a sigh and closed eyes. Kris growled as your hands tightened in his shirt, pulling him lower on you. He complied, pressing himself into you a little more and he grinned wolfishly at your gasp when his tongue licked a trail all the way up to your ear.
"My sweet little mate..." he rasped into your ear, nibbling on your lobe.
"I'm n-not sweet..." you opposed a bit breathlessly and Kris chuckled.
"I beg to differ. Your scent is the sweetest thing I ever smelled...all drenched in arousal, just for me."
Your tone kicked up an octave when you squealed lightly and swatted at his shoulder. But that turned into an even higher-pitched surprised sound when his large hand swatted right back - at what he could reach of your ass.
And damn if that didn't make you arch against him with a gasp. You couldn't exactly deny your arousal at that point.
Kris chuckled, his hand settling back on the bed as he spoke against the curve of your ear again. "Mm~ So sweet..."
Instinctively, your legs parted, letting your mate settle deeper against you with a growl on his lips. Your hands balled into the back of his shirt when you felt him press into you, hardened arousal into your core.
Kris growled your name, one of his hands gliding down the side of your body, all the way down to your leg, where he hoisted it over his waist, kissing you once again. His palm then cupped your ass and you gasped, bucking up into him at his squeeze.
"K-Kris..." you basically whimpered. It has been such a long time since you've done this with someone and this feeling was so perfectly exquisite, you never wanted it to end.
"Yes, baby?" Without another word, you tugged on his shirt, whining almost pathetically. That stupid shirt needed to be off. Right. Now.
Kris chuckled roughly, slipping your fingers away before tugging the shirt off. It slid over his head, and you followed the entire trail up, biting your lip to keep in the moan that wanted to come out.
You were so lucky.
Your palms landed on his abs before he could even toss the shirt aside, and Kris's hissed from between his teeth.
"Your hands are cold..."
You laughed. "You're so romantic."
He leaned down, his hands sliding under your shirt and making you hiss right back.
"I know," he whispered, kissing up your arched neck as his fingers ghosted over your ribs. "You like it?"
You merely hummed, eyes closed in bliss as you enjoyed the way you felt his soft lips explore your neck before they sucked on a certain spot. Immediately, nails dug into his skin and Kris growled, sucking well enough until he was content with the blooming bruise over your virgin skin.
"That will be the spot." He rumbled proudly, looking down at you with a glint in his amber eyes. Your mate had control, you noted. You wondered what you would have to do to break it.
"T-the spot?" You asked and Kris only nodded, swooping down again after he discarded your shirt as well.
"Yes." He rasped in your ear.
"The spot where I will mark you as mine."
Your belly clenched at the idea. To be marked. To belong to him? To someone at all...
Kris's hand palmed your breast through your bra, and you pushed up against him with a breathy sigh.
"I don't know what I'm doing here..."
You blinked before your eyes narrowed at him. This silly wolf and his impulsive declaration. "Wh-what do you mean?"
"I shouldn't be touching you, but I can't stop."
Which you could see judging by the way he slipped his hands to your back to unclasp your bra.
The offending garment was thrown aside, away from you and Kris leaned up to look at you with an undescribable expression in his eyes. You weren't the shyest of people but when you saw him look at you like that, your arms inched to cover yourself up.
"Don't." He grabbed your arms, stilling you. You shivered when he licked his lips and your nipples puckered up, almost as if they were prepared for him.
"Beautiful..." he snarled just a second before he swooped down to bury his face in your chest.
You gasped in surprise, but it didn't stop you from arching up towards him. Your hands wound straight into his hair, and Kris growled as he nuzzled his cheek against one breast before taking the nipple into his mouth.
Your breath rushed out in the form of his name, and Kris was encouraged to roll his tongue around it, making your eyes screw shut.
"Hnnngg. K-Kris..."
He hummed as he trailed kisses to the other breast, laving the other, already budded nipple the same way.
Your core burned with desire. It felt unbearable, mainly because Kris just barely started doing something to you and it already made you feel this way. You moaned out his name again and your legs naturally parted as wide as they go, unconsciously offering yourself to him. Kris snarled.
"Baobei, do you know what you're doing to me?" He ground out in a gruff voice but even so, his hand trailed down and ripped the pants off you, making you squeak in surprise. That squeak soon changed into a mewl when you felt his fingers press into you through your panties, into your already engorged clit, making your head fall back against the pillows.
"The way you say my name..." he grated, his finger moving just barely. The press already made your eyes flutter, and you fought to keep your hips from moving against him too much.
You twisted underneath him, hand grabbing at his side to bring him closer. "Kris..."
"Please..." you whimpered against his lips, your hips grinding up to meet his now moving finger. You could barely keep eye contact with the blood red eyes, as they stared down at you with great intensity.
"Are you sure, baby?" He asked, his voice deliciously deep, deliciously husky, just the way you loved it. You nodded shakily and Kris growled before covering your lips with his and slipping off your panties. You gladly spread your legs wider, welcoming the touch of his fingers up your now bare core when-
"Duizhang, Sehun woke up."
"Fucking hell."
The grating curse echoed through your lips as Kris's mouth hovered over them, his teeth baring in an indignant snarl.
You closed your eyes, willing the moment not to break. You swung your legs around Kris's hips, locking at his back to keep him in place.
"No..." you whined.
From not feeling like this for so long, from not having anything like this ever, to having your mate here ready to pleasure you? You didn't want to be interrupted, as selfish as it felt.
"Is he okay?" Kris grumbled.
"Yeah. Disoriented..."
Kris growled, grabbing the nape of your neck and planting a hard kiss against your lips.
"Five minutes." He growled against you.
"Give me five minutes, babe." And then he was sliding off, covering your naked form with a sheet. He didn't bother putting on a shirt. Just like that, he swung the door open and with one heated glance sent your way, he was off, leaving you naked and alone in his bed.
Five minutes. Such little time yet it was long enough for all the tiny voices to appear in your head. The ones that sneered, laughing how gullible you were. All it took was for a guy to bring you water when you were hungover and tell you you're his mate, and you spread your legs. It was ridiculous. You thought that after your history, you'd grow more cautious but no, here you were again, naive and naked for someone you don't even know.
You didn't even realize what you were doing, only when you were slipping on Kris's boxers and your shirt. Stupid, you were so stupud...it rang in your head, Echoing in the silence. You slipped out of the room and snuck down the stairs before running out the back door.
You were so stupid...and you needed to be alone for a while.
Kris grumbled under his breath, and Yixing glanced over at him. "Sorry, duizhang."
"Don't be."
They walked into Sehun's room together, where Jongin was perched at his brother's side. "Sehun-ah."
"Hey, hyung."
"How you feelin'?"
Sehun muttered nonsensically, and Kris had to sigh. He promised his mate five minutes. And as much as he was worried about his packmate, he could already sense the turmoil in you all the way from the other room. He didn't want to lose what progress he may have made. He couldn't afford it.
Yet even when he was listening to his packmate mumble on without making sense and the pack's healer explained to him what was happening, Kris couldn't concentrate on what he was saying because he heard his mate run down the hallway. Seconds later, the back door closed and Kris closed his eyes, breathing heavily.
You will come back. He knew you will, he just hated that you felt the need to run away from him. He also tried to tamp down his urge to run after you, because feeling his mate run from him made his beast whine.
You will return. And Kris knew so and he was right, when in the middle of the dark night, he felt you slip wordlessly under the covers with him.
He said nothing. He didn't turn, didn't move his arms from behind his head where they propped up his head as he stared at the ceiling. He knew that you knew he was awake. His eyes were hard to hide in the dark, especially when flashing in relief to see his mate coming back.
You didn't say anything, but you did draw little patterns into his bicep, trying to curl into yourself and keep away from him.
"Are you mad?" you whispered, voice surprisingly frail.
"I was worried..."
"I came back." Your stubborn streak flashed with that statement. "I wasn't sure at first if I could, but I did..." And then it was back to softness just like that.
"No matter what you do, you can always come back to me." Kris told you honestly, his arm carefully and slowly curling around you in a fragile hold, just in case you didn't want to touch him yet. But you did, and you scooted deeper into his embrace, searching for the security Kris provided.
"I know this is hard to swallow at first..." he murmured, rubbing his thumb into your skin comfortingly.
"And although I hate not knowing where you are, if you need distance every now and then, I have no problem giving it to you."
You sighed, closing your eyes. This is why you came back. The appeal of this feeling, the warmth and acceptance, the safety in his arms.
"I'm mad at myself."
"Because I want to trust you. And then... sometimes, I really don't want to..."
Kris sighed. "It makes sense... As much as I don't like it, it does."
You groaned softly. "Is it... supposed to feel so... quick?"
"What is..?"
"Being a mate," you explained. "I don't know you, Kris. But... I actually... do trust you. And... you don't understand how strange this feels for me."
Kris sighed, pulling you closer. When you burrowed even deeper, he rumbled his content. "You trust me?"
It took a moment. "I can't explain it... and I'm not sure I like it... but yeah... I do."
"I won't do anything to betray that trust, ___."
"Yeah, I've heard that one before."
"From some mongrel who didn't know what he had." Kris growled, his grip growing tighter on you.
"He was lucky, too. If I had met you and you'd still be with him, he wouldn't have a chance."
"And what did that mongrel have?" You asked, looking up at him from where your chin was propped on his chest. Kris smiled down at you, running his fingers through your hair fondly.
"A mate of an alpha. My mate."
You smiled. "That... has a nice ring to it..."
Kris chuckled. "Good. I'm glad you think so."
You nuzzled into his shoulder with a sigh, unsure how to feel about the issue. You already spent hours going over it again and again in your head, so you were too drained to draw any more conclusions now anyway.
"Go to sleep..." he whispered, hand still weaving through your hair.
He didn't have to tell you twice- sleep was already creeping up on you, gently lulling you to sleep a little faster now that you were in Kris's arms. And his voice that seemed to hum some unknown tune to you just carried you off to dreamland and once again, you slept with ease, knowing that your mate is there to protect you.
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wulfies-corner · 7 years
Little One
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Fandom: Block B
Member/Reader: P.O/Pyo Jihoon, Female Reader
Genre/Warnings: FLUFF! Premature birth 
Summary:  (Y/N) and Pyo Jihoon are finally parents, but earlier than expected.
Intense hours of labour were finally over. You were drenched in sheets of sweat, barely relaxing even though the pain was over. Little baby Haru, a name that your husband chose, was born early, 33 weeks into your pregnancy.
After your cries had died out, the room was completely silent. There were no cries of a newborn, something you had dreamed of hearing since you found out you were pregnant. Tears were already springing from your eyes as Jihoon gently rubbed the back of your hand, another holding a towel to wipe at your forehead. “We’ll see her soon, don’t worry,” he reassured, but you couldn’t help feeling guilty. Perhaps you hadn’t done enough. Exercised enough, taken enough vitamins, eaten too little, or… or… anything. If Haru died, you wouldn’t know what you would do with yourself.
“Jihoon…” “(Y/N), Haru will be fine. Remember, she’s a part of us and we’re not so easy to give up now, are we?”
“No, you’re right,” you concede. “See? Nothing to worry about.” Jihoon smiles as he leans in for a small kiss, which in turn helps you smile too. “Want some ice chips?” “Yes, please.”
Hours later you were finally allowed into the NICU, Jihoon sitting you down in a cushioned rocking chair by the tiny bed where your daughter was currently sleeping. He sat down in another chair in front of the crib, and you could feel his optimistic smile. “She’s so cute,” he whispers. “Look, she’s grabbing my finger… Hi, Haru…”
You scooted yourself to sit next to Jihoon and peered past the plastic case to see the tiny thing grasping half of Jihoon’s finger, barely opening her eyes to look up at him. She had a little oxygen tube resting against her nose, sealed against her cheeks with medical tape. It would be another few days at least before you could hold her, and maybe up to a month before you could go home.
“Daddy loves you so much,” he cooed. You nearly broke out into tears as you watched Jihoon gently talking to Haru. Even in a scary moment like this, he was still sweet and full of love. “You look just like Mommy already.”
“Jihoon, I…”
He turned to you. “Everything’s going to be fine,” he says, voice still kept soft and quiet. “She’s already looking so much better and Doctor Marten says that she might be able to breastfeed within the next couple of days.”
You smiled. “You were always so much better than me at this, even when I told you I was pregnant,” you comment, leaning against Jihoon's shoulder. “I’m lucky I have you.”
“And I’m lucky I have you two,” his smile is wide as Haru lets go of his finger, giving him enough time to pull his hand away. He wraps an arm around you, placing a kiss on the top of your head. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
~~ Within the next couple of weeks, things got better. You were still recovering, Haru on a much faster track than you were, to your delight. She was finally able to leave her bed, take out the oxygen tubes and make her way into your arms. You had finally finished breastfeeding and brought down your shirt just in time for Jihoon to return, the rest of his group of friends trailing in behind him. Jihoon stopped in the doorway, turning around and blocking the entrance with his arms, all six of the boys either trying to push past or tiptoe to look at you over your husband’s shoulder.
“You’ll have to be quiet from here on in, the doctors will have a fit if you scare Haru, then I’ll kill you and dump your bodies into a river, got it?” Jihoon’s stern voice made you smile. He was already threatening his friends and was acting so much more ‘maturely’, even if he was the youngest male in the group.
“Jeez, we get it already. We just want to see her,” Jiho argued, his voice lowering as Jihoon made the ‘I’m watching you’ motion toward him threateningly. Once Jihoon assessed everyone with a stern look-over, he stepped to the side and everyone made their way into the room, smiling warmly at you and Haru.
“Hey guys,” you whisper, watching them all bite back their awws of happiness as Haru yawned against you.
“Oh my God,” Taeil whispered, holding a small gift bag. “I love her already,”
“She’s so cute,” Yookwon added, walking up to you and sitting cross-legged in front of you, looking up at you like a 1st grader waiting for a teacher to read a book. “When can we hold her?”
“Not for another 18 years,” Jihoon countered firmly, sitting down in his own chair next to you. “You are all very untrustworthy. Especially you, Jiho.”
“What did I do?” The leader questioned, raising his eyebrows at you. You only shrugged faintly with a smile, tracing a finger over Haru’s head.
“We have presents for her,” Jaehyo added overtop of Jiho's complaints, motioning to Taeil who had taken a seat on the floor next to Yookwon. Taeil nodded in agreement and reached into his gift bag, revealing the smallest Block B ‘lightstick’ you’ve ever seen. It looked as if it was made of felt, soft and plush, unlike the giant bludgeoning tools fans waved around at concerts. Not that you were guilty of owning three of them, of course.
“She’ll love it,” you say, taking it from Taeil and placing it in your lap for later. “She’s so small,” Minhyuk commented, sighing happily as he too took a seat on the floor next to Taeil. Everyone else joined, sitting in a half circle around you.
“I can’t believe she came out of you,” Kyung whispered.
“I can’t believe Jihoon helped make her,” Jiho jabbed at Jihoon with a mischievous grin. You rolled your eyes with a smile.
“Shut up.”
“I can’t believe he was the first of us to have a kid,” Taeil commented dejectedly.
“Aw, Taeil,” you coo softly. “Rhiannon will come around sometime.”
Taeil smiles up at you, nodding. “I hope so too. She keeps saying that she wants 10 kids and then the next moment she doesn’t want them at all because of the ‘Gremlin stage’, whatever that means.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle softly. You looked down at Haru, watching her blink and squirm gently in your arms, looking straight at Jihoon, who was also staring down at her, making little funny faces.
“Want to hold her, baby?” You ask, the members making soft noises of protest, ‘that’s not fair!’ ‘how come he gets to and we don’t?’ as Jihoon nods, stands up and gently brings Haru into his arms. Watching Jihoon coo softly at your daughter, ever so gently sliding a thumb across her tiny cheek made your love for him swell even more. He was so tall, holding such a tiny thing, being so gentle in a world full of sharp edges. Jihoon really was meant to be a dad.
“You guys… I can’t wait till we all have kids,” Yookwon sighs with a soft smile. “I… yeah, I don’t think I’m ready for that yet,” Jiho responds with a shake of his head. “All of you are going to make some pretty crazy kids and I don’t really want to be a part of that until at least 10 years from now.”
“Party pooper,” Kyung shoots back.
“And proud of it.”
While Jihoon completely ignored the group’s banter in favour of holding his daughter and pressing tiny kisses to the top of her head, you smiled and shook your head at them. They were all like little kids, you barely believing they were adults also capable of having children, let alone adults that were older than you and your husband both. Still, they were all already in love with Haru, still pestering you both to hold her despite Jihoon’s firm answers of ‘hell no’, and ‘get out of my face, Minhyuk’. Haru was going to go home within the next few weeks, finally able to start her life as a healthy baby, surrounded by love; most likely to be completely and utterly spoiled by her father and six uncles.
It was going to be a long and nag-filled eighteen years if Jihoon kept up his promise.
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chogisad · 8 years
Murphy’s Law | Kyungsoo Hogwarts AU
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Summary: Murphy’s Law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. Especially when Kyungsoo’s best friend is part veela and everyone keeps trying to slip him a love potion. (Or: the one where Kyungsoo gets knocked out by an angel after trying to save Sehun from himself.)
"Every year- I swear to god, without fail- every fucking year." Kyungsoo mutters, tucking his head into his arms, already annoyed. He's only partly comforted by the darkness as the din of the Great Hall reverberates around him, only background noise to the high pitched giggles of first year girls.
"They're gone." Sehun taps his shoulder a few minutes later. Kyungsoo lifts his head to meet his best friend's blushing face. Sehun's smile is apologetic, but he can see the elated glint in the younger boy's eyes-- the rose tint on his fair skin is proof that although embarrassed, Sehun appreciates the cyclical praise.
"I think that's a new record." Kyungsoo notes, grabbing a drumstick. "Sorting was a week ago and no one's tried to slip you a love potion yet."
Sehun laughs and as per, people's eyes are drawn to his glee. Kyungsoo wants to roll his eyes at the boy who drops his spoon as he stares openmouthed, but even he can't help a small smile.
At times, Kyungsoo wonders how it is he got to be best friends with the Slytherin boy who just so happened to be one ninth Veela. His Ravenclaw housemates had scoffed at their friendship, but he'd read enough history books to know that unfounded rivalries and alienation never benefitted anyone.
Thankfully, the rest of their dinner is as undisturbed as can be, even after Baekhyun and Chanyeol make their way over from the Gryffindor table. They tease Sehun about his marriage proposals for the day, and Kyungsoo can't help but join in, reveling in these moments where everything is at ease and Hogwarts feels like home.
And maybe that night, Kyungsoo accidentally evokes the mischief of the universe upon them.
The Ravenclaw lounge is quiet for a Friday night. Kyungsoo sits in front of the fireplace with a book on his lap, studying for his Defense Against the Dark Arts exam next week. The tranquility is broken by a loud knock on the door that startles more than one person. He shakes his head, assuming a poor first year wasn't able to answer the Eagle's riddle.
The knocking persists, thunderous and panicked, and Kyungsoo looks around, meeting the hesitant faces of his housemates. With a deep sigh, he goes to open the door.
A body stumbles into his and Kyungsoo quickly pushes them away.
"Is Kyung- Oh god. Thank god it's you." The tall Slytherin boy says: breathless, panicked. Kyungsoo doesn't get the opportunity to protest because in an instant, he's being dragged out of the Ravenclaw common room by Zitao.
"Kyungsoo!" a voice exclaims and as Sehun tackles him into a hug, the Ravenclaw understands.
"Are you coming with us to meet Junmyeon?" Sehun asks, his eyes glassy and dazed.
"Of course I am," Kyungsoo says, tousling the Slytherin's hair. Kyungsoo has been through this before. The first time someone slipped Sehun a love potion, he spent a week in the hospital wing recovering from three broken bones. In his hurry to find the target of his affection, he'd stepped off the moving staircase too soon and Kyungsoo learned that Sehun's affliction was dangerous. On some occasions, blushing first years apologize profusely for trying to pull something like that. On most occasions though, petrified people fall victim to someone else's prank as Sehun's love is unleashed on them. Kyungsoo is inclined to believe that Junmyeon, the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain, falls into the latter this time around.
"You know he has vials full of antidotes in his trunk right?" Kyungsoo turns to Zitao, trying to remain patient despite the melodramatics of the situation.
Zitao's eyes are wide and tearful and Kyungsoo gets why he's not in Gryffindor. 
"How would I know that?!" Zitao's voice is too high pitched and he bats away Sehun's wandering hands. The infatuated boy needs attention, his pout is enough proof of that, and Kyungsoo wishes these moments were still humorous.
"Let's go see Junmyeon, Sehun." Kyungsoo beckons and Sehun's smile is so wide that Kyungsoo's heart warms-- partly because Sehun's so innocent and partly because he's a ninth veela. Kyungsoo takes a gentle hold of his arm, keeps reminding himself of how hard this is for Sehun after its over. When they're early and careful, they can avoid uncomfortable situations. When they're not, Sehun spends entire days apologizing and avoiding.
They almost make it to the dungeons before Sehun breaks away. Kyungsoo wishes he could be surprised but deep down he knew the universe wouldn't bet in their favor. Sehun's long legs give him the advantage and their frustrated calls fall on deaf ears.
"STUP-" Kyungsoo doesn't finish the curse as Zitao shoves against him.
"You'll hurt him!" He shrieks and they both watch Sehun disappear around a corner. Kyungsoo curses under his breath before they're both running, following the faint calls of Junmyeon's name from their love-struck best friend.
Sehun runs directly onto the Quidditch pitch under the impression he'll find the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain.
Kyungsoo yells at the Hufflepuff team to stop practicing. They're too focused on drills and Kyungsoo's heart beats with legitimate fear. He maps the trajectory of the Bludger before any of them.
"SEHUN MOVE!" He yells, but Sehun is too far gone, oblivious to the world as the love potion continues to flow through his system. As he runs, Kyungsoo determines that when this is all over, Sehun owes him a lifetime supply of chocolate frogs.
Kyungsoo's body slams into Sehun just in time. The younger boy collapses on the ground and Kyungsoo gets the full brunt of the Bludger. It strikes his side, sends him crashing into the air and Kyungsoo blacks out briefly from the impact.
As he lies on the ground, feeling every muscle in his body burn, he thinks that maybe he should find a new best friend. White dots dance behind his closed eye lids and Kyungsoo worries he might be bleeding internally, worries he might die, worries that Sehun will be a love-sick menace for days, worries that he hadn't prayed enough to be accepted into heaven. Unconsciousness tugs at the edges of his mind but Kyungsoo lets his eyes flutter open; he wants to tell Sehun he owes him new organs.
"Give him space! Give him space!" A voice urges and Kyungsoo feels a cold hand touch his forehead.
"A-are y-you an angel?" Kyungsoo wheezes, trying to fight off the black haze already lining his vision. His blinking is languid and his body is tired but he wants to keep his eyes open, wants to keep staring at the pretty boy with bronze skin welcoming him into salvation.
The angel frowns.
"N-no." He says, and Kyungsoo learns for the first time that angels can blush too. "I-I'm Kim Jongin…. and I think I just hit you with my bludger."
Kyungsoo doesn't understand what the angel is saying, and the last thing he hears before passing out is Sehun's voice asking if anyone's seen Junmyeon.
© Chogisad
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