#frostback mountains
roguetrevelyan · 9 months
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The Temple of Sacred Ashes, Frostback Mountains.
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
DLC: Jaws of Hakkon - Frostback Basin, Miscellaneous
Professor Bram Kenric of the University of Orlais sent word to the Inquisition that he had found clues regarding the final resting place of the last Inquisitor, Ameridan, who disappeared under mysterious circumstances in the early years of the Divine Age. He believes that this discovery would be beneficial to both academic research and the Inquisition itself, and asks that the Inquisitor join him in the Frostback Basin to help him in his investigation. 
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The objective of the DLC seems to be learning a lot of lore about the last Inquisitor, a bit of the ancient Dalish of the time of the Second Blight, a lot of Avvar lore, and a strange, unique process of willingly possession of Avvar mages that changes the value of Avvar Knowledge in general.
I personally think that the most important role of this DLC is basically teaching us in a very explicit way that all the “official” History of Thedas may be a lie. It makes a parallel with any story we follow in DA series: the origin of the Qunari, the truth of the Maker, the creation of the Veil, the Truth about the Elven Gods, the Tevinter Magisters, the Golden city, etc. Every piece of History has been altered and twisted over time for political, cultural, or simply convenient reasons, and this is more than important to keep it in mind every time we appraise the value of a source.
In this post I gather some aspects that I did not know where to put in the other posts:
Kenric: The Scholar
The Icetroll
The Veil and the preservation of the Waking World
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
Kenric: The scholar
The DLC starts with a scholar looking for the last place of resting of the previous inquisitor, assuming it’s in the Frostback Basin. The gist of all this part and the whole DLC when it comes to Ameridan is that the Chantry knows little [or erased a lot] about this inquisitor because political reasons. Many of those mysteries are discovered by the end of the DLC, showing us how much the “official History” lies due to political or mass control reasons.
On the other hand, Kenric explicitly makes some comparisons with buckles and how History is told through the merging of cultures in a single place which has been inheriting the buildings of the previous ones: the resulting ruins is a combination of all the inhabitants through time. This is a nice call back to the player in basically all the series of DA; we have been seeing this since DAO, in the Ruins of Brecilian Forest where elven ruins were taken by Tevinters [or the other way around], or Kinlock Hold; a tower made by Avvar and dwarves which was taken by Tevinters first and then by Ferelden later to install the Circle of Magi of Ferelden, or Vigil’s Keep in Amaranthine which was made by Avvars and Dwarves and later taken by Ferelden. There are many examples along the series. So, basically, Kenric (and Collete) is there to teach us how to read the mess of the structures and buildings we see around.
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When we discover Telana and the bits of information about what Ameridan was meant to do in this area, and under the orders of Drakkon, we speak with Kenric again, who gives us quite an interesting detail in terms of how researchers in Thedas work: beyond his personal information [you can check wiki for that] he tells us that the University of Orlais, with its flaws, has a broader open mind to the incorporation of elves in their researchers, and, as he says, to contact spirits in order to have firsthand reports of battles. 
This two aspects mean, implicitly, that most of the information we gather in codices that belong to well established books inside this world, lack of elven point of view [nothing new under the sun] and some of them may be complete and total lies considering that any researcher can say their work has been based on an interview with spirits. It’s so unreliable. However, honest researchers such as Kenric, who will base their research on true words givien by Spirits, may have quite a unique and high-quality information of an event. 
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All over the basin we find typical Avvar statues: in particular those called The Keepers of Fear which are everywhere in these lands, used as columns with braziers to illuminate the area, as signs to guide the path to the nearby hold [Stone-bear hold], or merely as decoration in the land. We also find Eroded dragon skull and monoliths with ropes that we have seen in other parts of Ferelden.
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It’s not unusual to find fragments of ruins. Some are a combination of Avvar/Ferelden art, like these monoliths with a rope on the top, others are columns that had fallen apart from Tevinter buildings. We know it’s Tevinter because the pattern in the lower part of the columns has been seen in ancient Tevinter structures like  Coracavus or  The Still Ruins. 
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Tevinter walls that predate the First Blight can be found as well. They use the same style [angular, pointy structures plus the hexagonal designs] than the ones we found in Western Approach.
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There are several Tevinter outposts [or ruins of them] in the open of this region. Close to them we find these diapason-like devices decorated with the typical Tevinter dragon gargoyles. This diapason-like device was seen clearly in the base game during the Fade, in the quest Broken Window .  Although we could not guess its function back then, in this DLC they seem to work like transporters of “arcane” energy trough long distances.
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Close to the encampment where the Inquisition is placed in the beginning of the DLC, there is cave which has some remnants of Ameridan’s presence and his companions. Its inside displays building walls with Tevinter patterns on it.
Among other codices and notes referring to Ameridan and his companions, there is a codex in this cave which triggers Mouth of Echoes. It seems a reliable codex since it was written by a Tevinter who lived here at that time. It speaks about a Tevinter appreciation of the avvar: they consider them savages, they laughed at the avvar who screamed their questions into this cave, waiting for an answer in the last whisper [this suggests that Tevinter, for once, did not slaughter the avvar on spot in this region, but observed them and interacted with them to the point they knew how the avvar named  this cave and how it worked for them]. Now, when Tevinters felt the absence of Razikale and lost their minds, the narrator begins to implicitly wonder if the avvar were not right about this cave and tries to analyse it in terms of Tevinter arcane knowledge: they assume that, if this cave works, it’s because there is thin Veil around. It's here where this person suggests to insert foci in the walls of the shrine they will erect in the name of Razikale and cut the stone in sacred shapes [dragon like?]. This scroll seems to be around the time of the First Blight simply because the gods went silent.
We need to remember that foci are the Tevinter equivalent of elven orbs, which usually have the property of magnifying the powers of the user.
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We also find in the Basin the mysterious Ferelden Wyvern close to the astrarium.
The icetroll
In the same fashion than the saga of Tyrdda Bright-Axe Path, we find here a similar song about the Tale of Hryngnar, Ice-Troll.
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Things that Tale of Hryngnar, Ice-Troll implies:
Trolls are disconnected from the Fade like the dwarves
Avvar warriors tried to kill Hryngnar to have a legend-mark, but they ended up killed by his icy-powers.
Hryngnar, the Ice-troll had protected the Avvar’s homes against giants.
When the warriors of Tevinter came to build their fortress here, the ice-troll also attacked them, freezing their walls to easily break them. This way, the tale explains how and why the Tevinter left which is presented as a mystery all along the DLC.
There is not much to say here. I think we didn’t see trolls in DAI so far, so this creature may be a giant [which we have seen slaved by Venatori already]
Treating this tale as I do with Dalish’s, we can only say that it claims that the Tevinter presence disappeared because this creature attacked them in their fortress. I’m not sure that’s something we can confirm in the DLC with evidence. It’s more or less clear that Tevinter came here to contact Razikale when she went silent, but it’s not clear at all why they left, specially when there is evidence that they wanted to establish a new Minrathous here.
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The last stanza of Hryngnar, the Ice-troll, is triggered at a statue we saw before in the Hissing Wastes. This statue is supposed to be a variation of the Keepers of Fear.
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What’s funny is that the devs have been placing a joke to call out players in their syndrome of the conspiracy board guy. There is a codex that updates along several locations in the region, explaining about a bunch of lunatic topics. The codex is Mysteries of the Frostback Basin. It is very funny to read and see how the lack of evidence and sources makes all conclusions end up in hunches and ideas pulled from the author's ass. I laugh with his explanations "As proof, Professor Whalen Vankin maps Lines of Power Across the Basin in his book "Ode to the Ordo Templis Royalis." He does not SAY so in the book to a Casual Reader, but certain secret signs left by the Professor to befuddle his Enemies point to it very Clearly, if one reads the text eight times." lol, they speak to each theory-crafter of DA.
The author speaks of gigantic snake-kings, that we can, more or less, consider like titans, reptilian ones, that could be the ones we found in the Descent DLC called the Scaled Ones, and the moon men, which I don't know to what relate. Blighted creatures who had resistance? In any case, this codex is _too much_.
Later in game we will learn that these notes belong to the Avvar trader Helsdim, who lives in the Stone-Bear Hold and, if recruited by Inquisition, he will continue working on conspiracy theories that make no sense. 
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In any case, this small detail about the conspiracy notes is useful because we can see once more that the presence of this drawing of many eyes means that whoever was there, was in a conspiracy board guy mode. He even used a glyph of magic.
The Veil and the preservation of the Waking World
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An important lore concept we learn in this DLC is that the Veil being thin in some parts of the world is not always detrimental: we see patches of unknown flowers growing inside areas affected by the Fade. In the isle, we will be informed that the Veil delays the passage of time, which makes a lot of sense and is coherent with what we saw in the Western Approach: The Still Ruins, or Ameridan’s own magic, who kept the dragon and himself frost in time while casting something very Fade-like green.
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When we visit the isle to see the fate of Ameridan's lover, we find her remains in a shack that still holds despite having passed 800 years. Around the body, there are many flowers.
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Solas informs us that this rift is like the one we found in Still Ruins: and ancient rift that was not made by the current events in Inquisition.
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When we open this rift, the spirit that has been keeping Telana’s memories speaks:
Telana was a dreamer Dalish
Drakkon asked Ameridan to slay the avvar dragon that was putting Orlais in danger.
Here,  we find a document that triggers the codex Ancient Document Protected in a Scroll Case which shows the deep relationship between Ameridan and the emperor of Orlais Drakkon. This confirms parts of our suspicions when exploring the Exalted Plains: Elves and Humans had a deeper relationship during the times before the Second Blight. 
Close to her remains, we find a book that triggers Unfallen Shack where we are informed that apparently time around the rifts passes slowly [or spirits of Preservation try to keep things in its original state], so ancient objects may look barely old if they were exposed to these rifts for centuries. This has an odd coincidence with Ameridan's powers: he stuck Hakkon and himself in time to keep it trapped. 
As a nice detail of how lore affects even at a small scale: there is some felandaris plants [they only grow where the Veil is thin] around this isle, since the rift has been open for several centuries.
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From Telana’s skelleton we loot a bow with a description that seems reiterative again:
This bow seems to have its own pulse and is oddly warm to the touch.
Warm things with pulse. We have been seeing those in many places by now. According to Solas in The Lost Temple of Dirthamen, it is because the object has a part of the living thing inside. Another place where we feel this is in the Western Approach,  in the cave where we find the “thing in the dark” which has a statue of the  The Strange Idol which triggers the note: “This statue is oddly warm to the touch and shivers slightly, as though it might have a pulse.”  We can assume that this is caused by some spirit being bound to the statue, as it has been shown in DA2.
Does this mean that the Dalish knew a magic similar to the Dirhtamen disciples’ even in times when their history has been half erased? Certainly this is such an odd detail.
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pawsitively-clawful · 2 years
Day 9 - Nest
Descriptive writing about the dragon in the Frostback Mountains.
Heavy puffs of warm air fell out of her nostrils. She was curled up, legs tucked beneath her and her wings serving as a blanket. Occasionally, her eye would fleetingly open. It would remain open only briefly until she again determined she was safe enough to rest.
Her purple scales had the capacity to glimmer and shine, had they been under a lovingly beating sun. Instead, she lived amongst the mountains. The sky was grey and the sun was a memory. It always took at least an hour for the cold stone to warm under her. It was a dangerous thing to rest. Too comfortable. Warmth was hard-pressed to come by. Her mother had blown fire upon their resting space, then padding it down under her feet before curling up - her wings would open to beckon for her child to join. But just that alone was too much energy now. Her mother was now as distant as the sun. Her feet twitched as she remembered the sensation of lying on hot embers. Her plated skin brushed on the cold parts of the stone that hadn't become acclimated to her warmth. She groaned - she swatted around before pulling her limbs back in, as close as possible.
Heaviness overtook her as she fell back into a brief slumber until a noise came. Her head slowly lifted, heavy both from her size and the sleep she had been so rudely pulled from. It was not an unfamiliar noise. However, it was not one gladly welcomed. Smoke drifted from her nostrils as she got her breathing back under calm control. She perked up, stretching her neck but not willing to put in the effort to even stand. The noise happened again. It was like a groaning; quieter than she was accustomed to making herself, and then this time another noise happened after. Quick, loud exhales that, quite frankly, annoyed her. It sounded like there were two of them. She hated watching them make that noise, they always bore their teeth and shook their bodies. She sighed. She wanted to lower her head, to sleep with her neck stretched out, but that would require waiting for the surface to warm up again. A yawn escaped her.
The small noise makers soon appeared around the corner. She watched them appear straight ahead of her, their little mouths turning into a straight line from their previously upturned form. It wouldn't take much for them to fall. They had to walk along a thinner strip of the flat surface before they could reach her spot. Even then, the spot was only just bigger than she was curled up. She liked it like that. She turned her head away from them, looking out. Beyond here were further points of the mountains; crevices and mounds gathered together. An ideal place to sleep would offer an expansive view to gaze upon when she would wake. She could admire the prospect of the livestock in the distance to torment and feed upon. That would offer no safety, however. She had already made enough mistakes in her emergences to garner the attention of these little freaks.
They slowly neared her, seeming to be taken aback by her nonchalance as they had paused during her distraction. She looked back at them and huffed. The one in front lifted their front appendages, cooing in their odd grumbles. Had there been more of them, like the armies she had watched with her mother, perhaps she would make the effort to kill them. But just the two of them - so small - meant there would be no benefit to eating them. It would take up more energy just to swipe her arm than she would regain in their meat. Besides, they had that shiny casing on them that sometimes got stuck on her teeth and claws. They continued to near her. She allowed it, for a time. They were funny to watch but she didn't want the company. Once their tiny steps got too close, a growl emanated deep in her chest. It rose past her snarling teeth and smoke started to roll out past her jaw. They lifted their hands again, seeming to be pleased just to see her as they left at the first sign of her displeasure. She sighed. Their presence remained even after they left - she listened to their gurgling, mumbly noises wander away. Her head remained lifted. She wasn't sure if it was because she worried about their return or hoped to make some sense of their peculiar vocalisations. Eventually, the only noise she could hear was the whistling of the wind.
She blew air out of her nose. There was nobody to blame for their presence except for herself. When she'd had her mother to follow, there were strict rules to ensure their isolation. They made sense. She was irritated by them regardless, of course. She would whine, roll onto her back, flap her wings, and cough up fire: all to argue with the safety her mother provided. These declarations of a fight never lasted long. Her mother would swat her snout or pick her up by the scruff. Even when she grew, becoming the same size as her mother - if not bigger - her arguments were meaningless. Her mother insisted little, only that they remain isolated. Safe. Her mother taught her to hunt, therefor her lessons about their safety ought to be just as meaningful. Yet not long after her mother's departure, these rules were of little importance. She ought to avoid flying past the secluded areas of the mountains but for what reason? So fly, she had begun.
And that was how she got here. With small creatures making their way into her nest. Their occasional visits were not too bad, she supposed. As of recent, they would sometimes arrive with a little object. It was dark and hollow, curved with the hole small at one end and big at the other. The little animals made no sense.
She tilted her head down before yawning, her body shivering after. Her legs then lifted herself up before she inhaled - a deep breath of fire was blown onto the ground. It was charred with spots of red sputtering off and bouncing down the side of the cliff. After a content admiration of her work, she lowered herself back down. They had made their visit and would be unlikely to return. She could now sleep with few checks of her surrounding made during her rest. She curled up and heavy puffs of warm air fell out of her nostrils.
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sinizade · 2 years
I made a little clothing guide for some Dragon Age regions
Some may not be exactly the same as the references that appear in the game or in the concepts, but I wanted to give a little of my vision to the guide.
Ferelden is close to the Frostback Mountains and Orlais and as Leliana and Zevran once said, Ferelden is cold, so I thought it would be a cool idea to put on thick clothes with a lot of fur so the Fereldans can protect themselves from the cold.
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Dragon Age 4 is approaching and it's already evident that we're going to be in the Tevinter Imperium, so I discovered that a lot of Tevinter clothing was inspired by clothing from the Byzantine Empire
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We've already seen in the game and in the concept art that Orlais is all about being flamboyant and flashy and what's more flamboyant and flashy than mid-1500s fashion?
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Home to the two loves of my life, Zevran and Josephine, Antiva fashion is something I really love… The puffy arms, the breast-enhancing corsets, the leather vests, idk, I just like Antiva
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I don't exactly have much to say about nevarra, but I did some research and found some concepts that I thought were interesting, I also saw in some places that said that the kingdom was inspired by the traditional culture of Spain
So I'll leave two references here
One for the traditional clothes and one for what I imagine might look like Nevarra dress
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Frostback Basin
In Inquisition we can see that the clothes they wear are quite furry and well protected from the cold, so I think it would be a good idea to inspire some of their clothing in Inuit clothing
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The Dalish (1/2/3/4/5)
Well, for the Dalish I had MANY ideas, among them think about adding traditional clothes from some tribes, native Brazilian/American, African, Hawaiian, Inca, Aztec and Mayan
Remembering that I made a great mix of traditional clothes from several tribes and not just one, and that I also have 0 intention of disrespecting any of them, if I have put something wrong or disrespectful you can be free to alert me
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I knew little about Turkey, but when I went to research I ended up enchanted with some of the traditional clothes when I went to research about it and I thought that this style would go well with Orzammar
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Par Vollen
For Par Vollen, I had a bit of trouble finding it, but I think clothing a little bit closer to the ancient Egyptian style would be something interesting. The light fabrics, the golden jewels adorning the body, idk, I like that idea
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I was doing some research again and found that part of Rivain's look was inspired by traditional clothing from Islamic Spain and Southeast Asia , so I looked around a bit for something to put here and add one more kingdom to the list
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I hope you people enjoyed! Soon I will add more realms as soon as I finish my research
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felassan · 5 months
Letters from Lovers
Transcriptions of the letters from the various gear store items. under cut for length.
“My dear Hawke, Do you know anyone with a flock of parrots? I'm trying to cheat on a bet with Varric and the stakes are exceedingly high. If you help me, I shall take you to that breathtaking beach you so crave. Free of ancient horrors, too. I think. I'd hate to take respite from all my adventures, but there are other ways to make the heart flutter. In fact I'm already imagining a few. Aren't you? Sailing there can be fatal, but Admiral Isabela will keep you safe. Are you interested? I would love to see you again. Yours, Isabela”
“My love, Now before that grin reaches your ears, perish the thought that this letter was my idea. 'Tis Kieran who would not give me peace until I wrote to ask how you are faring. Regale us, if you please, with another of your tales that I might read to him in bed. He is particularly fond of those wherein you spur mischief whilst you save the day. Thank you for your most delightful gifts. I shall make certain to wear them the next time you come home. Dream of me until then, my Hero of Ferelden, and have a care. Morrigan”
“My dearest Amatus, Home is ever as it was: a glittering whirl of dancing, politics, and murder. I'm used to people staring daggers at me - I quite relish it, actually - but the glares seem to possess a new intensity since my return to Tevinter. Do they disapprove of House Pavus freeing its slaves while I work in the Magisterium to end slavery across Tevinter? Perhaps they simply covet my cheekbones, and who could blame them? Real reform will take time, but we're making inroads. I miss you terribly, Amatus, perhaps almost as much as you miss me. I treasure you and your belief in my work here. Yours always, Dorian P.S. I wouldn't take it amiss if you might send me another barrel of that dreadful Fereldan beer?”
“My love, How are you? Is it true that you recently killed darkspawn with only a mean glare and a pointy stick? Ferelden is ablaze with this rumor! You do give people so much hope. Tales of your heroism never fail to astonish me and almost ease the pain of going to sleep without you by my side. Almost. I can't wait to be with you again. I'd bring you some roses, you could give me a tour of the keep, we'd drink with the new recruits and then cuddle in a tent. Without the new recruits! Tent time is just for the two of us. I want to make that clear. Now excuse me while I practice my death glare and rummage through the dog's stash of sticks. I love you. Yours forever, Alistair.”
The Iron Bull:
“Kadan, You won’t believe what I did today. I got a guy to flip! Twice! So yes, all is well. Except for all the demons. And this whole thing in which I’m far away from the love of my life. Really keeps me up at night. Anyway, you hearing these rumors of a dragon on the loose? Yeah! The boys and I are on its trail. Last I heard, it was flying toward the Frostback Mountains. Can you join us? I hope you’re not uh… all tied up. Don’t worry, I’m fairly certain it’s not a Ben-Hassrath trap. And if it is, you know I’m prepared. Ataash varin kata! I love you, Kadan. See you soon. The Iron Bull.”
“By the way, I left something for you up in your cabin. Go have a look.” - Tali’Zorah  --- “Dear Shepard,   As you may remember, I presented this picture frame to you as a gift on the Normandy. It was my way of expressing my admiration for you and our bond as comrades-in-arms. On the back of the metal frame, I've emblazoned a promise that will never fade - 'Shepard, wherever you go, I'm with you.'  I know it's not much, but...this is what I look like under the mask. I'm sorry if it's not what you were expecting. I know Quarian faces can be a bit...different. Every time you look at my picture, I hope you will be reminded of our adventures on the Normandy, from our battles against the Reapers to our intimate conversations in the privacy of our quarters.    I am not one to express my emotions openly, but thank you for being my friend, my confidante, and my inspiration. I look forward to many more adventures together.  Keelah se’lai,   Tali’Zorah”
Shepard's N7 acceptance letter, from Anderson:
“N7 Congratulations on your graduation From Captain David Anderson Shepard, When I graduated from the N7 program I had the honor of meeting Admiral Grissom, the man who inspired me to pursue a career in the service, and I never thought I’d feel prouder in my life. I was mistaken. Don’t get me wrong, it was a big day. An important day. But there’s something about welcoming driven young people like yourself into the ranks that’s also pretty damn satisfying. Your distinguished service record may have gotten you into this program - but it was your courage, integrity, and tenacity that’s enabled you to join an elite few. You represent the best of humanity, and I feel certain you’ll make the galaxy a better place. And I’m not the only one who feels this way. Becoming an N7 means the entire Systems Alliance is telling you one thing - we believe in you. Let me end by saying this. Welcome to the team Shepard. We know you won’t let us down. David Anderson Systems Alliance Interplanetary Combatives Academy N7 N7 Acceptance Letter”
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Frostback Mountains DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION 2014・dev. BioWare
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slecnaztemnot · 1 month
Interesting tidbits I noticed in the new trailer!
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This image is likely the fade version of the ritual site we disrupt. Could it be the Black city? Its certainly dark enough and one of the theories is that it was originally Arlathan (ancient elven main city).
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This could be Ghilian'nain but my mind went to Cetorax first - a horribly "sea smelling" creature mentioned in Tevinter nights, which lived under Minrathous and had tentacles. (also ate people). Location seems to fit.
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Notice the dragon flying in the down right corner. Also, the snow + wood roads remind me of beginning of Inquisition and Haven. Possibly Frostback mountains?
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This could be a random victim, but the man bun makes me think Felassan - the dreamer agent who worked for Solas in the book Masked Empire. https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Felassan
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Notice the shields in the corner - the group approaching the gods likely isn't our group but Grey Wardens, based on the griffon symbol. Also, there seems to be a figure holding Ghilain'nain's thighs. Is it part of her?
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This dragon doesn't seem blighted. It could be just an "ordinary" one, but what if its the dragon form of Morrigan or Guardian of Mythal?
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I am pretty sure this is our first look at Anderfells.
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Davrin is accompanied by a child/teen (?). I don't think the dimensions work for it to be a dwarf. Considering her skin color and the fact we don't see her ears, could this be his daughter? (or another relative?)
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Lucanis with a mage (?). I think this is from Lucanis' story quest and its the Tevinter magister planning to kill him, the one mentioned in Tevinter Nights as his next target.
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Neve's personal quest? At first I thought it was some corrupted version of Rook, but he is standing behind her. A new dude then (and his beard is different), seems corrupted by Red Lyrium.
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This is not Neve, since she has a vallasin. I am fairly sure its Irelin, member of the Veil Jumpers who appeared in Tevinter Nights. https://dragonage.fandom.com/wiki/Irelin
What do you think? Did you also catch anything interesting?
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vigilskeep · 26 days
barring committing to the roleplay and dropping the save after Redcliffe, what will change Asha's opinion on saving Ferelden?
well it’s not as simple as her being able to drop alistair and the rest of these idiots off at redcliffe like she planned, because she just got there and there’s a fucking zombie epidemic. they do that kind of thing up here, apparently. and she could have turned around. but then where’s she going to leave all these people she’s picked up? she was supposed to get alistair (and whoever was fool enough to help him) to this arl of his. that was supposed to be as far as she went, enough to pay off what she owes to duncan, enough to at least give alistair’s stupid suicide mission the best chance it’s going to get. and she was not supposed to have to tell him to his face that she’s leaving.
(and they had kids in that chantry, it got to her, okay, so she’s a sucker for kids’ little faces, so what. she’s still the toughest thing out of dust town, don’t ever let rica tell you different.)
so she’ll stick around and help this village out. fine. just so she can get into that castle and find the arl and make him do whatever it is alistair thinks he can do. and then she’s leaving.
well, there might be another kid’s life in the way of taking the castle. freak of a possessed kid, but still a kid. so she might quickly go to that mage tower and back so it gets done properly. it’s not far. while she’s there, alistair can show them his fancy treaty. two birds with one stone, and all. but then she’s leaving.
... well, then the arl’s still sick when they get back, so he still can’t do the thing alistair wanted. which means there’s that dumb quest the knights were on, and she has to go all the way to denerim to find some scholar about it. the brecilian forest is kinda on the way. might as well see if she can help alistair get those elves he has a treaty with, too, right?
and then she has to actually do that quest if she wants to save the arl, which puts her up in the frostback mountains. not far from home, is it? and she’s not homesick, but, well... she can just visit, see if rica’s really okay, check in on whatever games leske is running these days. and if they get the dwarves to make some promises, that’s... huh, that’s the last of alistair’s treaties. well, she can finish the job, right? before she leaves. she can just get him the last one before she leaves. before she sends him to do the landsmeet, by himself, with that wretched old arl pushing him at everything he doesn’t want.
okay, she’ll just go to the landsmeet with him. and then she’s leaving. slipping away in the night, before anyone can stop her.
aaaaaany minute now.
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muelor · 8 months
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:: frostback mountains - a paragon of her kind
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mabaris · 4 months
i refuse to believe that the events of inquisition happened in one year because i’m finally reading tevinter nights and it’s a WEEK’S journey through the mountains to get to skyhold. and that’s not even counting travel time for how long it takes to get from the frostbacks to anywhere else. at LEAST a fortnight’s travel, both ways, any time you want to go somewhere. and we’re making that trip dozens of times
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deimcs · 1 year
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Deep beneath the Frostback Mountains sits Orzammar, largest and proudest of the two remaining dwarven cities. Once the seat of an underground empire, Orzammar now stands alone, cut off from the world by the darkspawn, still clinging to the memory of its former glory. Below the vast statues and gilded halls where the noble families play at politics, the lower castes live in their shadows, scurrying to serve like their Ancestors before them. Below that… is you. You are casteless, the dirty secret staining Orzammar's perfect society, forced, along with your sister, to sell your services to the crime lord, Beraht. To the rest of Orzammar, you are proof that the casteless deserve their fate; but you know you do what you have to—the same as everyone—just to survive.
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lairofdragonagelore · 2 years
DLC: Jaws of Hakkon - Frostback Basin, Elvhen Tomb
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Due to the quest The Mystery of Winter, we are informed that the cold emanating from this tomb is “familiar”. The only reason why we could perceive it like that must be because it is similar to the frozen gate, since it makes little sense to connect this cold with the unnatural one in Emprise du Lion [which, by the way, we never learnt its origin but seemed to be more related to Imshael anyway].
[This is part of the series “Playing DA like an archaeologist”]  
[Index page of Dragon Age Lore ]
This familiarity may suggest that the entity related to this tomb and the massive ice conjured at the frozen gate of the citadel because the presence of Hakkon, may be connected.
Analogous to the one in Forbidden Oasis, this is an elvhenan tomb sealed with shards that can only be found when the Veil gets weakened. However, in Leather-Bound Hakkonite Journal, we learn that Hakkon allowed the ancient hakkonites to see the shards, making them able to open this tomb in the past [referred in the codex as “cave”] and learn the secrets of the winter, so they could open the Frozen Gates. This suggests that the Frozen Gates were made by Tevinter magic and not Hakkon’s presence itself [Hakkon was communicating with the hakkonites, so he was not bound to the mortal form yet]. When Hakkon was bound to a mortal form, he lost contact with the hakkonites, so they had to relay on Tevinter oculara to see these shards. This codex finishes saying that the hakkonites need to recover the “mystery of winter”
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The tomb, as I said in the post of Razikale’s Reach, is almost the same [in symbols and details] than the one in the Forbidden Oasis: Solasan Temple: it requires shards to open, has a symbol of 5 rhomboids overlapped at the top, and a swirly arabesque pattern around the door.
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Inside we see the typical ancient chamber of this elvhen design: fading circular flowers, and columns which lower and upper parts are decorated with a pile of squares. There is a sarcophagus with little more of interest in this place.
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The only detail that highlights in this tomb is the inscription on the wall. At a simple glance it depicts a rhomboid or a square at 45º, which could be related to the main symbol we see in the door. This square is also part of the set of glyphs we already saw in the game. In the inside there is a circle, that, with the subtle shadow projected outside, allows us to think of the reiterative symbol of this game: the golden circle.
I tried to see if the letters could belong to some place easy to identify, but I had no luck. They look similar to the letters of the other magical glyphs, but not completely.  See with more details General glyphs and magical symbols
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This glyph triggers a unique codex called Geldauran's Claim.  According to the name of the codex, these are the direct words of Geldauran, a forgotten one: they claim that there are not gods, only power relationships of slavery. This entity sounds like a rebel, denying the power of the Evanuris upon him, but waiting for the right time to seize it and use it on his benefit.
As a forgotten one, it is not clear if he follows ideas of freedom or dominance. 
As a curious detail, he mentions June associated with fire, which is something I would have expected from Sylaise.  And when he claims "I refuse those who would exert will upon me", he only names Andruil and June. I’m not saying they are the only tyrannic ones, but if they are the main ones in this enumeration, it could be because they are the most radical ones in doing so.  So, we can potentially consider that Andruil and June have been the ones more interested into applying dominance.
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Looking into the sarcophagus is not too relevant. There is only an Accuser's Staff, which is a cold-damage weapon, reinforcing the idea that Geldauran and Hakkon are related like different sides of the same coin. Or maybe it’s just a confirmation of the codex implying that this tomb may have been open by the ancient Hakkonites centuries ago.
It’s description is very hard to interpret:
Andrastian mages once used staves like this one to exact justice against maleficarum. None have been made since the Towers Age.
So, we are having a staff that looks like a naked Andraste in an elvhen tomb that clearly predates the Blights and Andraste herself which has been opened around the Second Blight by Hakkonites. The tower age is during the age in which the Third Blight happened and the Chantry Schism happens [The imperial Chantry and the Orlesian Chartry became different institutions]
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exhausted-archivist · 3 months
Complete Post of the Poisons of Thedas
Updated: June 2024
I have the time and the energy (as in I've had this info sitting in one of my various spreadsheets) so let's get into the poisons of Thedas. I've also split this apart from a much shorter version so if you want a TLDR, please see this post.
For the purpose of this list I'm including any weapon coatings as they can be multiuse. Additionally, Inquisition has "tonics" which include poisons, potions, and actual tonics; so things described as poison are listed there. As well as anything mentioned in Tevinter Nights short story "Eight Little Talons" that is connected to Viago as he is a poison master, he makes and keeps poisons and various toxins, or other caustic substances. I've also included bombs, grenades, and traps as they use the same poisonous ingredients and sometimes share similar effects.
The definition of a poison that I am using is: "A substance that causes injury, illness, or death, especially by chemical means. Or a substance that inhibits another substance or a reaction."
Known Coatings and Poisons
Brief note, there are some general mentioned poisons not listed here, such as "contact poison" which is far too general for me to feel like I could add it here. Things like this, and other notations of poisons I will list at the bottom under additional info/trivia.
Acidic coating
Adder's kiss
Aquae Lucidius
Arcane poison
Choke powder/Choking powder
Crow Poison (regular and concentrated)
Crow venom
Deathroot Extract (regular and concentrated)
Deathroot Toxin
Debilitating poison
Deepstalker spit and aqua regia mixture
Demonic poison (regular and concentrated)
Dispel coating
Elemental coating
Exotic dwarven poison
Fell poison
Flame coating
Freezing coating
Hale's Dust
Havard's Grief
Knockout Powder
Maferath's Embrace
Magebane (regular and concentrated)
Marrow lock
Odorless Crow Poison
Pillow Talk
Quiet Death
Shock coating
Soldier's bane (regular and concentrated)
Soulrot coating
Spider venom (regular and concentrated)
Tears if the Dead
Venom (regular and concentrated)
Wyvern venom
Known Bombs, Grenades, and Traps
Acid Flask
Acidic Trap
Acidic Grease Trap
Antivan Fire
Choking Powder Trap (Mild)
Choking Powder Trap
Choking Powder Cloud Trap
Combustion Grenade
Confusion Grenade
Fell Grenade
Fire Bomb
Fire Trap
Freeze Bomb
Freeze Trap
Jar of Bees
Misdirection Cloud Trap
Pitch Grenade
Poisoned Caltrop Trap
Shock Bomb
Shock Trap
Sleeping Gas Trap (Mild)
Sleeping Gas Trap
Sleeping Gas Cloud Trap
Soulrot Trap
Tar Bomb
Ingredients That are Poisonous or Used to Create Bombs, Grenades, and Poisons
Adder Venom
Aqua regia
Black Lichen
Blood Lotus
Bulbs of the Frostback Mountains
Concentrator Agent
Corpse Heart Ichor
Corruptor Agent
Deep Mushroom varieties
Deepstalker Spit
Demonic Ichor
Distillation Agent
Dragon Venom
Fire Crystal
Frozen Lightning
Ghoul's Beard
Lyrium Dust
Madcap Bulb
Rashvine Nettle
Snake Venom
Spider Venom
Toxin Extract
Vasanthum tree
Varghest Blood
Wyvern Venom
Descriptions of Crafting Ingredients
The only discriptions included are those provided in game or text.
Adder Venom
A snake native to Antiva, known for its quick acting and deadly poison. It has a paralyzing component and works to shut down the heart and lungs of the victim. There is an antidote, created by Viago known as "Up and Adder".
Aqua regia
Not defined, but presumably another highly caustic alcohol made of wyvern venom like aquae lucidius or lyrium like aqua magus.
Black Lichen
Mentioned in the Official Dragon Age Cookbook: Tastes of Thedas, this is a lichen used to make bread and can be toxic if not cooked before consumed.
Blood Lotus
Awakening Description: This flower is famous for surviving in almost any climate. DAI Codex: Do not try to get out of this. We were told you were the best. That is why you were contracted. Was it not you who obtained the two hundred white blooming rose bushes for the Empress's winter ball last year? The comtesse has been infinitely patient 'til now, but she doesn't understand why it is so hard to fill the garden pool. She wants no more excuses. And no, she will not compromise with the dawn lotuses. They're white! The flowers have to match the silk canopies. It is crucial! Dark purple. Dark red. Do not try to frame this as a safety issue. The guests will be perfectly safe. Why, if they experience any hallucinations from the concentration of lotus essence in the air, I'm certain it will only make the evening more thrilling. I don't care if you have to send someone to some Fereldan peat bog to get it all. Just do it! —A note from Chamberlain Laurent to Grand Gardener Umbert Vauclain, over the decorations for Comtesse d'Arnee's summer garden party According to gossip in Val Royeaux, the chamberlain did succeed in convincing Grand Gardener Vauclain to provide four hundred and twenty lotus plants. The party was considered by most to be a roaring success, even though the evening concluded with at least twelve guests asleep on the lawn, three in the pool, and one lady losing several teeth trying to take a bite out of a marble statue of the comtesse's father, which she was convinced was made of cake.
Concentrator Agent
DAO Description: Heatherum and Foxite are both common herbs in Ferelden. When distilled to be sufficient purity, they may be used as herbal agents to concentrate the effects of many potions, salves, and poisons.
Corpse Heart Ichor
Used in concentrated demonic poison, this thick, black ichor comes from the heart of corpses that have been possessed by demons. Seperated from demonic ichor as that ingredient can come from other sources aside from a corpse heart.
Corrupter Agent
DAO Description: Said to have been made from lifestone that has been corrupted by the darkspawn taint in the Deep Roads, this powdery agent is required to create some of the most powerful poisons and traps known.
DAO Description: A harmless enough plant on its own, deathroot's thick leaves contain an extract that the Chasind have used to induce hallucinations for centuries. Sufficiently concentrated, it can be made into a deadly poison. DA2 / DAI Codex: Deathroot has been used in magic and potion making for centuries. It's a fragile-looking plant with a thin stalk and purple flowers, which fruits once a year developing bright red fleshy pods that cause disorientation and dizziness if ingested. There are two varieties. The more common Arcanist Deathroot was first found by Archon Hadrianus when he discovered it growing on several dead slaves. The other, Lunatic's Deathroot, is most closely associated with the story of the courtesan Melusine, who sought revenge on a powerful magister and his family. She harvested the plant, baked it into small pies for the magister's banquet, and presented them to the magister at a banquet. All the guests were seized by terrifying hallucinations after eating the pies and tore each other to pieces. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
Deep Mushroom
DAO Description: Fungi found underground in close proximity to lyrium veins. In addition to their restorative properties, they can also be made into poisons. DA2 / DAI Codex: "Deep mushroom" refers to the entire group of fungi that grows underground in caves and many parts of the dwarven Deep Roads. Collection can be a dangerous task, as the Deep Roads are often infested with darkspawn. Because of this, dwarven merchants often recruit "casteless" hirelings for the job, and pay them a meager percentage of what they earn selling the mushrooms to surfacers. The most common varieties used in the herbalist's trade are the Blightcap, Ghoul's Mushroom, and Brimstone Mushroom, almost all of which tend to carry the darkspawn's corruption. While they cannot transmit the disease, this trait often makes them quite poisonous. Deep mushrooms should only be handled by experienced herbalists and should never be consumed without first being adequately cleaned and prepared. Careless consumption has been known to cause insanity, severe abdominal cramping, and even death. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium, by Ines Arancia, botanist
Demonic Ichor
DAO Description: Understandably difficult to find, this ichor can sometimes be found in the hearts of corpses that have been possessed by demons and is naturally both thick and black. In the right hands in can be made into a very potent poison. Note: Can only be looted from darkspawn, usually alphas and emissaries.
Distillation Agent
DAO Description: One of the three rare bulbs found in the Frostback Mountains, when dried and powdered they become an excellent distillation agent required to evoke magical properties in crafting.
Dragon Venom
Mentioned to be an ingredient in gaatlok.
Used to craft poisons. DA2 / DAI Codex: The name felandaris is elven, meaning "demon weed," which is fitting for this rare plant because it grows only in places where the Veil is thin. Felandaris is easily identified. It's a twisted, wicked-looking shrub with long, thorny shoots, and no leaves: a skeletal hand, reaching out from an unmarked grave. Many swear the plant radiates a palpable aura of malevolence, so it comes as no surprise that it unnerves many a junior herbalist. —An excerpt from The Botanical Compendium by Ines Arancia, botanist
Fire Crystal
DAO Description: These shards of lifestone are infused with magic, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil. They're white-hot and useful in many fire-related potions and traps. DA: TTRPG Description: Fire crystals are lifestones that have been infused with agitated thermal energy, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil.
DAO Description: These shards of lifestone are infused with magic, either naturally or by one of the Tranquil. Frostrocks radiate cold and can be used in many cold-related potions and traps. DA: TTRPG Description: Frostrock is lifestone that has absorbed some of the cold of the Frostbacks, either naturally or through the efforts of the Tranquil.
Frozen Lightning
DAO Description: Frozen lightning is a common name for a crystal that can naturally store electricity, which has made it a sought-after ingredient in the composition of several items and salves. DA: TTRPG Description: These are crystals that store natural chemical energy, effectively making them electrical batteries.
A mineral used to craft poisons and bombs
DA2 Codex: Glitterdust is the powdered form of a rock found along the Wounded Coast. When explorers brought the sparkling rock to the markets of the Free Marches, it became immediately popular among wealthy ladies who crushed it and applied the powder to their faces. The added brightness and lustre to the skin, however, soon paled in comparison to the developing rash and coughing fits. As it turned out, glitterdust is dangerous if ingested or inhaled. It's also extremely flammable, as several ladies discovered after powdering their hair while standing next to a candle. Unfortunately, this resulted in a dozen deaths by conflagration. These days, glitterdust is used sparingly, and only by experienced alchemists. The most common form of the substance is Volatile Glitterdust. If gathered from caves where darkspawn dwell, the rock produces a powder known as Tainted Glitterdust. —An excerpt from The Alchemist's Encyclopedia, by Lord Cerastes of Marnas Pell
DAO Description: These rare rocks have existed in close proximity to lyrium ore, and as such, they have absorbed some of its traits. Lifestones enhance the natural properties of other materials used in item creation. DA: TTRPG Description: Lifestones are chunks of rock that have lain in long proximity to lyrium ore and gained unusual properties from the exposure. They are invaluable for enchanting a wide variety of objects.
Lyrium Dust
DAO Description: This is lyrium found in a natural powdered state, ready to be incorporated into potions. DA: TTRPG Description: Lyrium found in a naturally powdered state, far easier to employ than lyrium ore.
Madcap Bulb
Awakening Description: Fereldan youths sometimes try eating madcap bulbs. They rarely repeat the experience.
Rashvine Nettle
Awakening Description: This plant burns the skin, but surprisingly not the tongue. It has no flavor whatsoever.
Spirit Shard
DAO Description: Spirit shards are enchanted lifestones that are used in several potions and poisons that affect the mind.
Toxin Extract
DAO Description: As one would expect, extracted venom from various creatures often makes potent poisons. Dropped by Giant Spiders Note: It is deemed a "venom" in the item id of the game
Descriptions of Poisons and Their Effects
I focused mainly on their descriptors provided in games and novels. I only include the gamified elements and effects for completeness of the entry as well as to elaborate on additional effects.
Acidic Coating
DAO Description: A small vial that contains a warm, lime-colored liquid.
Adder's Kiss
DAO, Awakening Description: An Antivan noble killed his adulterous wife by coating his lips with this poison and kissing her. He died as well. DA: TTRPG Description: Adder's kiss was the principal agent in the great Antivan tragedy Rosetta & Javier, supposedly a historical account of a nobleman who believes his wife has been having an affair. After a series of apparently innocent misunderstandings, Javier at last kisses his wife with lips coated with this poison, and neither survives.
Arcane Poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison weaken the ability to resist magical effects on any enemy they touch. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom, Glitterdust
Aquae Lucidius
DA: TTRPG Description: Its venom makes the wyvern widely sought by potion-makers, alchemists, and crafters of potent liquor called aquae lucidius. A miniscule quantity of wyvern venom remaining in the aquae after distillation results in a unique hallucinatory effect. Just how effective wyvern venom is at enhancing potions and alchemical recipes is either a closely guarded secret or a continuing mystery; opinions differ. Making a batch of aquae lucidius requires 1 dose of wyvern venom per 10 servings, plus additional brewing supplies such as water, sugars, herbs, and yeast (costing about 10 silvers for a 10-serving batch). Crafting any sized batch of aquae lucidius requires an advanced TN 15 Cunning (Brewing) test; each roll represents about an hour’s work. Those who drink a serving of the stuff must make a TN 13 Constitution (Drinking) test, the result of which determines the drinker’s general reaction to the brew. Increase the TN by 1 for each additional serving consumed after the first. Any character who fails the test passes out after 1d6 minutes of dizzying, ugly hallucinations that leave him rattled and uneasy (–1 to Cunning and Perception) for 1d6 hours. Characters who succeed react to the drink based on their Dragon Die result, compared to the table below. (No actual magic effects take place but drinkers may be difficult to convince of that.)
Choke Powder / Choking Powder
Both a type of poison and a class of poison. Fleshrot is an examole of a choke powder, other descriptors used for the traps are powdered rock, metal, or spices.
Crow Poison
DAO Description: This poison is a favorite of the Antivan Crows, whose efficient administration of death has built a nation's reputation. DA: TTRPG Description: The poison is mainly derived from the venom of a particularly deadly Antivan serpent
Concentrated Crow Poison
DAO Description: An enhanced version of the Crow original, this poison turns its victim into a veritable sitting duck for an efficient killer. DA: TTRPG Description: This wicked brew results from a long, complex distillation process. A character suffering its effects immediately moves to the end of the initiative order. Additionally, the victim must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test or cannot use any stunt costing more than 2sp from the remainder of the encounter.
Crow Venom
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison slow the movements of all whom they touch. Ingredient: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom
Deathroot Extract
DAO Description: Even a quick sniff of this sludge is enough to cause hallucinations. DA: TTRPG Description: Deathroot is a common and relatively harmless plant. The Chasind Wilders use a distillation made from its root bulbs to induce vivid hallucinations in which they seek mystic knowledge. When concentrated the substance can be used as a weapon. Those exposed to deathroot extract must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina or Drinking) test. Those who fail suffer hallucinations according to the Deathroot Hallucination table.
Concentrated Deathroot Extract
DAO Description: Although the deep blue-black color is attractive, clothing dyed with this liquid has proven unpopularly fatal to wear.
Deathroot Toxin
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison deal additional nature damage with each hit. Ingredients: Deathroot
Debilitating Poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison undermine the combat effectiveness of every enemy they hit, reducing the damage the foes inflict. Ingredient: Deep Mushroom
Deepstalker spit and aqua regia mixture
A caustic substance used by Viago to eat away at metal. It is highly potent.
Demonic Poison
DAO Description: The appearance and smell of this liquid are entirely unnatural, to say nothing of its effect.
Concentrated Demonic Poison
DAO Description: An extremely powerful poison derived from the thick, black ichor found in the hearts of corpses that have been possessed by demons.
Dispel coating
Awakening Description: This liquid in this flask reflects no light whatsoever.
Elemental coating
Awakening Description: A vial that contains a dark, viscous liquid.
Exotic Dwarven Poison
DAO Mentioned in Dwarven Regicide Antidote.
Fell poison
DA2 Description: Weapons coated in this potent poison leech life from every enemy they hit, transferring it to the poisoner instead. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushroom, Felandaris
Flame coating
DAO Description: A flask containing a white-hot liquid.
DAO Description: The nasty concoction somehow rots flesh while the victim is still alive, accompanied by the usual stench. DA: TTRPG Description: Nasty stuff, fleshrot causes a victim's skin to immediately begin to slough off, which is horribly painful and grossly noxious. Each round for 2d6 rounds, a victim must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina ) test at the beginning of their turn to overcome the pain. If they fail they can only take a minor action that turn. A –2 penalty to social tests where a disgusting appearance would be relevant persists for a number of days equal to the number of rounds the immediate effects persisted.
Freezing coating
DAO Description: A small vial with a thick, frosty liquid.
Hale's Dust
DA: TTRPG Description: Originally used by the eponymous healer to help subdue and quiet wounded or troubled soldiers who were too much for him to handle, others have since come up with more sinister uses. Its effects last for the duration of the encounter.
Havard's Grief
A poison derived from wyvern venom, an unsubtle but a reliable one that is very popular in the Grand Game.
Knockout Powder
Mentioned in Dragon Age: Inquisition, it is mentioned in the ability "Knockout Powder" that this will put enemies to sleep for a short amount of time. There is another version of this powder that will additionally make it so the enemies are slow to wake up.
Maferath's Embrace
A toxin that increases the blood pressure of the victim, causing the veins and organts to rupture. It is a particularly rare and expensive poison. It was used once in a famous assassination done by the Antivan Crows during the Towers Age; they were hired to eliminate the highest members of the Templar Order in retribution for covering up the slaughter of mages during the Right of Annulment, where the crows spiked the lemon cake. This earned the job the moniker "Just Desserts".
DAO Description: The Chantry's templars keep whole vats of this substance in Val Royeaux. DA: TTRPG Description: Developed by the Templar Order, this violet liquid is anathema to apostates, draining their arcane energy. Circle mages aren’t exactly fond of it either.
Concentrated Magebane
DAO Description: Most experienced spellcasters feel their stomachs drop whenever they see something whose color reminds them of this fierce substance. DA: TTRPG Description: A more potent version of magebane, templars supposedly keep huge vats of the stuff in Val Royeaux.
Marrow lock
DA: TTRPG This insidious poison runs ice through its victim’s limbs, all but locking them into place. Marrow lock’s victims can only take minor actions without consequence for the remainder of the encounter. To take a major action they must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test. On a success they suffer 1d6 penetrating damage and can carry out their action. On a failure they suffer 2d6 penetrating damage and can do nothing but howl in agony.
Odorless Crow Poison
This poison is a gas, heavier than air that will steal the breath of those sleeping but it leaves those seated or standing unharmed.
Pillow Talk
A creation of Viago's, it is a rose-coloured ointment with a greenish tint in the candlelight. This ointment is comprised of varghest blood and something from a gurgut. Viago implies it might not be effective on vashoth (qunari). It is administered anywhere on the skin.
The poison is an influencer substance that makes a person believe they can say or do anything, that the individual is safe.
DAO: Awakening Description: A deadly toxin smuggled from Antiva. Ingestion is inadvisable.
It is not exactly known what makes qamek, though it glows similar to lyrium. This poison is used by the Tamassrans to help reeducate, neutralize captured mages, or on those who refuse to convert to the Qun to mindless laborers. Its effects will allow the mind to be easily shaped in small doses, in larger doses it renders victims mindless and causes irreversible damage.
Quiet Death
DAO Description: A foul mixture of poisons that are each deadly even on their own. Quiet Death is so potent it unnerves even the most experienced assassins. DA: TTRPG Description: A foul mixture of poisons infamous even in assassins’ circles, quiet death kills instantaneously—or doesn’t, if (say the legends) its intended victim is destined for greater things. Victims must make a TN 19 Constitution (Stamina) test, but also add their level to their roll. Those who succeed shrug off the effects. Those who fail fall immediately to 0 Health and soon expire according to the normal rules for dying. Attempts to stabilize victims of quiet death suffer a –3 penalty.
A lethal poison that can be a gas or a substance converted into one. It is lethal to all races except the vashoth (the horned race / qunari). It drives its victims mad before they die; it can set the enemies of the Qunari into a blind rage and cause them to turn against themselves.
Shock coating
DAO Description: A small vial with a strangely glowing substance.
Soldier's Bane
DAO Description: Whenever nations find themselves at war, envoys of the opposing generals inevitably discuss a ban on this effective toxin, but the talks never result in a lasting pact.
Concentrated Soldier's Bane
DAO Description: This effective anti-infantry poison is too thick to pour from the flask. Smashing the glass is the only way to get it out.
Soulrot Coating
DAO Description: A small vial that contains a dark viscous liquid.
Spider Venom
DA: TTRPG Description: Extracted from the massive arachnids the dwarves call deep crawlers, this poison can take the edge off a warrior's skill. Its effects last for the duration of the encounter.
Concentrated Spider Venom
DA: TTRPG Description: A concentrated distillate of an already-deadly natural poison. Its effects last for a day.
Tears of the Dead
DAI Effects: The next 3 hits inflict poison on the target, causing 44 damage per second for 15 seconds. The poison remains on the weapon for 10 seconds before expiring. Noted in the item id as "Crow Poison"
DAO Description: A potent poison extracted from deadly plants and the venom of several reptiles.
Concentrated Venom
DAO Description: A complicated distillation process has made this poison much thicker than any of its individual ingredients.
Known as "poison armor" in Qunlat, it is a mixture that is magical in nature and hardens the skin of vashoth to an iron-like quality without hindering flexibility. The mixture contains poison and an unknown neutralizer (thought to be their own blood). But it is only for use on their physiology, all other races would perish instantly.
The process of making vitaar activates the protective effecst in the poison in a similar manner to lyrium ruins.
It is notable that currently all vitaar names stem from either a poisonous plant or animal, or in a few cases like the dragon hunter and cretahl vitaar, dangerous predators.
Notable descriptions:
DAI Description: This strange Qunari face paint is created from deadly poison—fatal when applied to anyone other than a Qunari, whose unique physiology somehow not only neutralizes its effect but also allows the paint's magic to harden the flesh and provide other protections. Arishok's Vitaar According to stories out of Kirkwall, the military leader of the Qunari spent a number of years marooned in the Free Marches city of Kirkwall – without once receiving supplies from his people or calling for help. Why he did so, and how the Qunari got along without an arishok, is unknown. The Qunari in Kirkwall did, however, have to trade considerable supplies from their sunken ship… including the Arishok's personal face paint, created from a rare and venomous snake in Par Vollen known to kill a person in seconds.
Wyvern venom
Both a poison in itself and an ingredient to many. It is potent and has given rise to a family of poisons developed in Antiva. It can be recognized by the crimson speckling of the skin on its victims.
DA: TTRPG Description: Wyvern venom slows prey and kills gradually. Once afflicted, a target is in mortal danger. After a few moments, however, venom exposed to air becomes far less dangerous. Thus it is essential to harvest wyvern venom quickly and carefully if it is to be stored for future use by, say, poisoners. A TN 17 Cunning (Poison lore) test, requiring the remains of a freshly slain wyvern, harvests 1d6 doses of viable venom, leaving none behind for a second attempt. When using the Poison-Making Mishap rule, wyvern venom adds only a +1 to the mishap result with a maximum result of 6—it never slays outright. A character poisoned with wyvern’s venom must make a TN 15 Constitution (Stamina) test or be subject to its effects. A poisoned character drops to 0 Health after a number of hours equal to 1d6 + Constitution (minimum one hour), dying unless they receive a dose of antidote before their time runs out. During this time, victims are subject to fever, visions, and a -4 penalty to Dexterity. The antidote to wyvern venom is a potion (crafted with a TN 15 Cunning (Poison lore) test) made from a mixture of three particular herbs: Andraste’s mantle, drakevein, and winterberry. Andraste’s mantle, drakevein, and winterberry are not particularly rare, in general, but may be out of season or found mostly in distant lands if you want to increase the difficulty of such a quest.
Descriptions of Bombs, Grenades, and Traps
Acid Flask
DAO Description: A flask of corrosive acid. DA: TTRPG Description: Corrosive fog that burns skin and corrodes everything else emerges from these flasks. Armor worn by those in an acid flask’s attack radius permanently loses 1 point of Armor Rating (before the acid damage is applied) until it is repaired. Increasingly severe damage to armor can accumulate from the effects of multiple acid flasks.
Acidic Trap
DAO Description: The surface of this device has been terribly etched by small leaks of its corrosive contents.
Acidic Grease Trap
DAO Description: The acid burns nicely through leather, cloth, and skin. The grease clings to anything. It's a perfect combination for a sadist.
Antivan Fire
DAI Effects: Spreads sticky fire at the target location, causing 46 burning damage every second to enemies inside the fire. The fire remains for 30 seconds.
Choking Powder Trap
DAO Mild Choking Powder Trap Description: The packet of dust contained within is surprisingly heavy, as if it were powdered rock or metal. Choking Powder Trap Description: A debilitating kitchen accident with expensive imported spices led to the development of this trap. Choking Powder Cloud Trap Description: The inventor who devised this trap can no longer speak, so powerfully did his throat object to the mishaps along the way.
Combustion Grenade
DA2 Description: When thrown, this grenade explodes with flame, dealing fire damage to all it hits. Ingredients: Deep Mushrooms
Confusion Grenade
DAI Effects: Enemies within the area of effect will attack other enemies for 20 seconds.
Dispel Grenade
Awakening Description: This flask is meant to shatter when thrown, and not before.
Elemental Grenade
Awakening Description: A flask of corrosive acid.
Fell Grenade
DA2 Description: When thrown, this grenade explodes with flame, dealing fire damage to all it hits. Ingredients: Deathroot, Felandaris, Glitterdust
Fire Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with a flammable liquid. DA: TTRPG Description: Often made using dwarven firedust or gaatlock (Qunari black powder), this combustible liquid sets flammables in its attack radius ablaze, which is generally a minor (1d6) or moderate (2d6) hazard, but varies depending on the exact circumstances.
Fire Trap
DAO Description: In its current state, this trap is cool to the touch, but the substances contained inside are certain to react violently when mixed.
Freeze Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with an ice-cold liquid. DA: TTRPG Description: An ice-cold liquid distilled by using powdered frostrock, these grenades blast cold through the limbs of their victims, slowing their movements until the end of the encounter.
Freeze Trap
DAO Description: When packed next to each other, this trap can keep a cut of meat fresh for days longer than otherwise. But its primary use is still as a deadly weapon.
Jar of Bees
DAI Effects: Summons a swarm of bees at the target location for 30 seconds. The swarm attacks the first enemy that comes near it, for 163 damage per second for 15 seconds. A target affected by the swarm has a 10% chance every second to become panicked.
Knockout Bomb
DAI Description: You hurl a grenade containing a powerful concoction that put nearby enemies to sleep. Sleeping enemies awaken after taking damage.
Misdirection Cloud Trap
Awakening Description: Forming a coherent thought about this trap is nigh impossible.
Pitch Grenade
DAI Effects: Coats the target location with pitch, which remains for 60 seconds, slowing any enemies that enter it.
Poisoned Caltrop Trap
DAO Description: Poison on the surface of the skin is one thing. Poison deep within the veins, courtesy myriad deep punctures, is quite another.
Shock Bomb
DAO Description: A glass flask filled with a strangely glowing substance. DA: TTRPG Description: A brilliant fluid that scintillates with raw energy, these flasks contain powdered frozen lightning and explode with a burst of light and the stink of ozone. They cause penetrating damage to anyone clad in any kind of metal armor.
Shock Trap
DAO Description: Even packed safely, this trap causes hair to stand on end.
Sleeping Gas Traps
DAO Mild Trap Description: Even the tiny amount of gas leaking out of this trap causes a tingling sensation. Standard Trap Description: The original formulation of this trap induced snoring too often. The new design makes it a more a dignified weapon. Cloud Trap Description: This trap is swaddled thickly in cloth, lest the owner bump it too hard during transportation and lose half the day to an unwanted nap.
Soulrot Bomb
DAO Description: A flask filled with a murky green potion.
Soulrot Trap
DAO Description: To know this trap is to know despair.
Tar Bomb
DA2 Description: This bomb explodes in a thick tar that immobilizes nearby enemies for a short time. Ingredients: Deathroot, Deep Mushrooms
Antidotes and Antivenoms
Up and Adder
An antidote created by Viago.
Wyvern Venom Antidote
One well known antidote is comprised of three herbs: Andraste’s mantle, drakevein (a deep mushroom variety), and winterberry. It is not the most accessible cure as you can find yourself in need while either out of season or not in the range of the ingredients.
Wyvern Antivenom
One way to treat wyvern poisoning is to craft an antivenom using fresh venom from a wyvern and various herb. It will create a bone white paste that will help save the victom.
Tables and Text Provided by the TTRPG
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Aquae Licidius Effects
1 - "I can see through time!”
2 - “You’re all just made up of firelight and shadows, you know, flavored like blue and yellow. If I douse you, you might go out. Wouldn’t want that.”
3 - “I had a brief vision of my great-grandmother, though she was eating turnips with a modest dragon and Andraste was there putting salt on everything.”
4 - “It was as though my soul took wing and floated about my head.”
5 - “I feel strange but also good!”
6 - “That stuff works well enough. ‘Nother round, anyone?”
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Possible Deathroot Hallucinations
Roll 1 - "Even the birds are Mocking Me!" The character spends the next turn raving at and attacking something innocuous like a tree, barrel, wagon, shrub, or bird.
Roll 2 - "Get it Off! Get it Off! Get it Off!" The character is convinced they are covered by bugs, leeches, snakes, or the like. They spend the next turn swatting at non-existent creepy-crawlies.
Roll 3 - "You did this to Me!" The character believes one of their comrades has backstabbed them or is otherwise plotting their demise. On the next turn the character can only take the defend action and yell in outrage at their “betrayer.”
Roll 4 - "The Sky, the hideous Sky!" The character believes that some malign creature from the sky is about to carry them off (or, for dwarves, that they are going to fall into the sky). The character spends their next turn dropping their weapons and grabbing something solid.
Roll 5 - "The shadows are alive!" The character is overcome with fear of the surrounding shadows, including their own. They spend the next turn running at top speed away from the closest concentration of shadows.
Roll 6 - "Foul darkspawn!" The character is suddenly convinced that a random nearby ally (determined by the GM) is a darkspawn or other natural enemy. The character spends the next turn attacking that “enemy,” with a +1 bonus on attack rolls for their fervency.
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Poison Texts
Heart of Fire This substantial tome was written by an anonymous priest of the Imperial Chantry. In it, he discusses the most and least proper methods for raining the wrath of the Maker on His enemies. It contains recipes for shock bombs, magebane, and concentrated magebane.
On Combustibles and Corrosives This book by a dwarven miner named Grundrak discusses the use of combustibles and corrosives for best effect. It contains the formulae for both acid flasks and fire bombs. Grundrak wrote it in the Trade Tongue, certain that humans needed its advice most of all.
Riaan's Hammer A noted work by the templar Riaan, this book mostly concerns subjects other than poison making, most notably the effective torture of maleficarum to save their souls. Even so, the chapter on magebane contains its recipe. The Chantry supposedly has copies that also contain the formula for concentrated magebane, but none are known to exist outside its cathedrals and it would be heresy to possess one.
Thoughts on Fragrance Supposedly written by the Antivan poetess Evelina, this book is a masterwork of cunning prose. Those who know the correct Crow ciphers are aware that, along with its fancy turns of phrase, it contains recipes for crow poison, concentrated crow poison, and adder’s kiss.
Unusual Diseases This large physician’s reference tome was written by the Tevinter physician-mage Telregard. Not only an invaluable study of the many strange ailments that afflict Thedans, it also contains detailed notes on substances that can cause the semblance of such diseases. These notes include the recipes for fleshrot and marrow lock. The book also gives a +2 bonus to Cunning (healing) tests for those treating the more outré diseases of the world.
The Web of Decieving This folio by the Shaper and naturalist Orgaard contains extensive notes—in the Dwarven tongue—on deep crawlers, which he studied extensively. It contains the recipes for both regular and concentrated spider venom.
Additional Notes/Trivia:
While aquae licidius is a liquor it is mentioned and shared in the poison section and so it is included here. As alcohol is technically poison, but if you want a complete list of alcoholic beverages please reference the drink post I have.
According to the Dragon Age Tabletop, some creatures may be immune to the effects of certain poisons, or of all poisons. The guide says the ruling should be based on logic over biology. Using the example of the incorporeal nature of shades and ash wraiths would logically render them immune to the effects of toxins. Where in contrast nothing in the nature of blight-tainted beings would suggest they're immune to the effects of poisons.
According to the Dragon Age Tabletop, most noble houses of Orzammar employ one or several poisoners at all times. As well as herbalists who develop complex antidotes to counteract the poisons.
Poison Text mentioned in Dragon Age Tabletop Core Rulebook; "Heart of Fire", "On Combustibles and Corrosives", "Riaan's Hammer", "Thoughts on Fragrance", "Unusual Diseases", "The Web Decieving".
"Poisoned weapons" in Dragon Age: Inquisition uses a "deadly toxin".
"Toxic Cloud" is an ability in Dragon Age: Inquisition that states you "unleash a cloud of toxic dust" that damages all enemies
"Explosive Toxin" is an ability in Dragon Age: Inquisition that states your "poisons curdle the blood of your targets."
Dragon Age: Origins + Awakening
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daitranscripts · 24 days
Solas Conversation: Investigate
Tell Me About Your Journeys
Solas Masterpost
Positive approval, Skyhold only
PC: I’d like to hear more about what you saw in your exploration of the Fade.
Solas: I would be happy to share it with you.
1 - Dialogue options:
General: Tell me about spirits. [2] +Solas slightly approves
General: Tell me about old ruins. [3] +Solas slightly approves
General: Tell me about old memories. [4] +Solas slightly approves
General: Goodbye.
2 - General: Tell me about spirits. PC: Tell me about a spirit you encountered.
Solas: I met a friendly spirit who observed the dreams of village girls as love first blossomed in their adolescence. With subtlety, she steered them all to village boys with gentle hearts who would return their love with gentle kindness. The Matchmaker, so I called her. That small village never knew its luck. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: The Alamarri crossed the Frostback Mountains to escape a beast they called the shadow goddess in their stories. I met the spirit that they fled. She walks the Fade along the southern tundra, weeping, lonely, and forgotten. Great Ferelden formed because a lonely spirit drove her prey away. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: I found an ancient spirit who had once been undisputed king of almost every land I had discovered. Like pride or rage, it was the Fade’s reflection of a feeling. When I asked which one it was, the spirit faltered. “They’ve forgotten,” said the spirit. “There remains no word for what I was.” [back to 1]
3 - General: Tell me about old ruins. PC: Tell me about the old ruins you explored.
Solas: I found the ruin of Barindur, a lost Tevinter city buried deep beneath a dead and barren wasteland. Volcanic ash had sealed it tight. In one dark moment, every living creature in the city seared and smothered. They were statues in the ashes, like a mold made to recall the lost. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: I found an ancient dwarven thaig no longer sheltered by the stone. An earthquake had exposed it all to daylight. A thousand dwarven corpses lay, the victims of a darkspawn horde, their last stand marked by one great ring of armor. In the middle, one small body, clutching tightly to a small stuffed toy. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: I found in the Korcari Wilds a humble cottage far removed from any of the simple Chasind tribesmen. The trees and weeds had not reclaimed the home nor did the Chasind dare to come and steal the trinkets still remaining. It was empty, long abandoned, but the world feared that she might return. [back to 1]
4 - General: Tell me about old memories. PC: Tell me about the old memories you found in the Fade.
Solas: I saw a savage human horde go marching toward the battlefront. They sang a soldier’s hymn to keep formation. The primal music shook the ground. These savage unwashed warriors carried harmonies no Chantry choir has mastered. Though their cause was all but hopeless, they sang songs that made the spirits weep. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: I saw a dwarf emerge into the light of day and shield his eyes against the sun, the first time he had seen it. The tears were streaming from his eyes. I thought them from the blazing light until I saw the rock he held so tightly. Then he laid the rock down gently, and he left it as he walked away. [back to 1] ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Solas: I saw a young Qunari working in a simple kitchen, baking bread as she was ordered every morning. In every loaf she broke the rules. She’d take a pinch of sugar and would fold it to the center, like a secret. And this act of small rebellion brought a shining smile across her face. [back to 1]
General: Goodbye. PC: We’ll talk later. Solas: Goodbye.
After exhausting all of Solas’s stories Solas: I think I have shared everything of note. I should spend some time encountering more stories.
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quitefair · 2 months
Chapter 1 of my Dragon Age Rewrite is finally, finally here. I've been vibrating in the seat of my pants for days over this. Here you go.
Rating: Teen and up
Category: F/F
Ship: Josephine Montilyet/Female Adaar
Tags: Canon Rewrite, Slow Burn, Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Grief/Mourning (Other Additional Tags to Be Added)
AO3 summary:
An explosion. A plan gone awry. War on either side of the Frostback Mountains, and a mystery to uncover underneath even that. All this chaos, and it falls to the last person you'd expect. Vashoth. Mercenary. 'Oxman.' Adaar is all they have, and by the skin of the Maker's teeth, Adaar will be what they need.
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felassan · 1 month
Rook's Coffer.
The rest of this post is under a cut due to length.
There is a lot of interesting stuff in here. 👁️
A coffer is a strongbox or small chest for holding valuables. The contents of the box is described as being Rook's "personal effects", the "tools of [their] resistance" (against the Evil Gods).
The Light-Up Lyrium Dagger
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This is the dagger replica that BioWare had on display at their SDCC booth in a case. at the time we wondered if it glows (yes!) and whether it would be a merch item in the Gear Store or part of a collector's edition or something, and here we are. :D the name of the item confirms the idea that it's blue because blue lyrium (I wondered this here). the description on the Gear Store of the item reads:
"Its blade has torn the very fabric of the Veil."
and ~8 months ago I wrote,
"since we saw this image from the 2022 in-game cinematic and speculated that 1. this image shows Solas doing something to the Veil, and 2. the item he’s holding is the red lyrium idol in its ritual-blade form, what it’s reminded me of is the Subtle Knife from HDM (Pullman). Æsahættr cuts windows in the fabric between worlds; I wonder if the idol’s power as a magical ritual-blade is the ability to ‘cut’ through the 'fabric’ of the Veil (of reality), thereby tearing open the barrier that has been separating the two realms."
Cloth Map and Quiver
"Look to this illustrated map to learn about the world you defend."
First let's do the quiver. :>
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A quiver to keep a map in is such a cute idea. going by the triangles, it's a replica of the quiver rogue Rooks store their arrows in in the game. ^^
Now the map.
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Starting at the bottom right, where it all began~. Ferelden is depicted as a mabari (a symbol of Fereldan royalty), complete with kaddis. You can see the Brecilian Forest and the Imperial Highway snaking round Lake Calenhad. In the Frostback Mountains is the Inquisition’s hairy eyeball symbol, fittingly as that’s where Skyhold is located. North of the Arbor Wilds are the Dales, containing Dalish aravels. Orlais is portrayed as a reclining lion (the symbol of House Valmont is a lion). West and south of the lion are the Nahashin Marshes, the Abyssal Reach and the Tirashan. Across the sea from Ferelden is the landmark of Kirkwall, the Twins of Kirkwall (statues).
The north of the map is the most 👁️ tho, as DA:TV seems to be predominantly set in locales across northern Thedas. That part of the map has a lot of elements from the misted-out northern Thedas map from the Thedas Calls teaser trailer, only.. unmisted. :D we can see the Antivan city of Treviso with its spires and the Antivan Crows flying around Antiva. We can see the giant squid curling over Rivain, this time on a bed of treasure like gold and silver. West of the White Spire mountain is Arlathan Forest, with another aravel, ruins of the city of Arlathan, and floating rocks and floating ruins. in the sea south of Par Vollen is a Qunari dreadnought.
Tevinter is separated from Antiva by the Hundred Pillars. the way they look in this map, they remind me of Drumheller Alberta, where Mark Darrah once mentioned that DA:TV devs went to capture reference material for the game. in this post I wrote of the Tevinter coast that "much of the center is entangled in tentacle-like or snake-like tendrils". in this new map we can clearly see that they are snakes. makes sense, Tevinter is a nest of vipers metaphorically and snakes are part of Tevinter iconography. We can see the city of Minrathous and my all-time favorite guy, Floating Building. Weisshaupt is represented by a griffon and for the Anderfels we have  Our Lady of the Anderfels (the statue of Andraste). to the north, Tallo's Eye and the Donarks.
This part of the map is potentially super exciting:
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This is a dwarven statue underground in the Deep. the location suggests this is representing Kal-Sharok south of the Anderfels (this is not anywhere near Orzammar, and Orzammar isn't represented on the map by a drawing either). omggg. I really hope we visit Kal-Sharok in this game oh shttt
In the center of the map is Nevarra and the Silent Plains. this map depicts the Silent Plains and surrounds as being full of the ancient bones of giant creatures and giant skeletons. that's 👀 since we saw giant skeletons in Nevarra in the new trailer. we can also see the Grand Necropolis with its eerie green glow as its reaches go down into the ground. it's attended by two [giant?] necromanced skeletons. the gold doodads on their heads remind me of the skeletons we've seen Emmrich necromancing.
There don't appear to be any depictions or landmarks shown in Seheron or Par Vollen. :< and in this last bit of the map it's a bit hard to tell due to poorer image quality that this section of the map is shown in, but east of Rivain is the map compass and south of Rivain, south of Llomerynn, in the whirlpool.. is that an island with an eluvian on it? maybe this represents the Lighthouse and the pocket dimension it exists in? watery Fade imagery and all that.
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(Thedas Calls trailer map images below for reference. you can see that 'landmarks' from in that trailer are on this new map)
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(^ ignore the yellow lines in the Rivain squid cap ^^;)
Rook's Card Deck
"A set of cards depicting people and places from Rook's adventures."
Like the map, there's a lot in these too. first of all the art looks so beautiful and I'm psyched that cards/card-style art is returning in DA:TV, the tarot card art in DA:I was so cool and gave so much inspiration to the DA art community! some of the art is familiar to us, some is totally new.
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in this last image we can see that among the cards is the art for the Solas print that came with the BioWare Gear Store exclusive variant of the artbook. the design for the back of the cards is similar to the box for Rook's coffer. for the others I think I'm going to identify them with letters so it makes talking about them easier. ^^ (image without key is above). 26 x 2 = looks like there are 52 cards total, if this image contains the whole set. (if I've mixed up any of my numbers or letters in the below, pls lmk so I can correct it!)
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please keep in mind that these are just guesses for fun. [thanku to mime who helped me guess what each card could be :D]
A - Venatori? red like red lyrium and they're always messing with it, diamond shape like their new symbol (two), cult-like vibe, mage robe-vibe. the pointy hoods remind me of the figure in the background of Neve's card. (given the shape in the background, is Elgar'nan messing with them or are they working for him? they could be without knowing he's an elf) B - dragons, dragon fights? (looks like a giant toothy dragon maw bearing down on a party) C - F qunari Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. F qunari Inky for comparison) D - Harding companion card art from the Dragon Age website E - Veil Jumpers? gold, triangles, antler/halla-horn type pattern, looks like the person has a glowing gadget F - Grey Wardens? silver plate armor, Joining Chalice, shield with griffon wings on it G - Rogue Rook/rogue class (like there was a class card for each class for Inky in DA:I. Rogue inky) H - one gender of elf Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. elf Inky cards for comparison) I - Arlathan Forest? it looks like it has ruins and floating rocks J - 'Fen'Harel' Solas from the in-game cinematic that we saw in this trailer K - Neve companion card art from the Dragon Age website L - Weisshaupt in the Anderfels (see this concept) M - Warrior Rook/warrior class (like there was a class card for each class for Inky in DA:I. Warrior inky) N - M qunari Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. M qunari Inky for comparison) O - undead, giant green glow skeletons? P - ? Q - Minrathous R - Lords of Fortune? they have Taash vibes. blue sea in the background, gold trinkets at their waist, swashbuckling vibe S - ? T - Emmrich companion card art from the Dragon Age website U - another gender of elf Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. elf Inky cards for comparison) V - red lyrium darkspawn W - M dwarf Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. M dwarf Inky for comparison) X - Bellara companion card art from the Dragon Age website Y - Elgar'nan from back in the day before being Blighted? bald like ancient elves sometimes are shown, maybe the orb is his foci. Z - ? not sure, but something bad and maybe red lyrium-related. also blood and maybe an eluvian in the background
[block character limit text break!]
1 - Ghilan'nain from back in the day before being Blighted? creepy tentacle-vibe hair. 2 - Mortalitasi / Mournwatch 3 - ? not sure, but something bad and maybe red lyrium-related 4 - 'Humble apostate Solas' from the in-game cinematic that we saw in this trailer 5 - Blue lyrium dagger 6 - Red lyrium dagger 7 - Davrin companion card art from the Dragon Age website 8 - Taash companion card art from the Dragon Age website 9 - Grand Necropolis. undead city vibes, the eerie green glow 10 - part of this concept art posted on Halloween in 2021. (I think this may be somewhere in the Anderfels/Weisshaupt surrounds after something bad has happened. those creatures are red lyrium-afflicted darkspawn. the location has the same dark/night-time corrupted/Blighted vibe as here, complete with Blightsacs and red lyrium darkspawn. the bad dark Blighted ruined vibe is also like here from the Thedas Calls teaser, where if you zoom in there's some red in the image. when this image was shown in Thedas Calls, it was the segment about Weisshaupt and the Wardens. in the release date reveal teaser, we see a shot of the Anderfels in the day-time without Blight/before anything bad has happened. it looks nice and is a beautiful view. you can tell that is the same place as here because of the presence of the posts with the basketball hoops on top of them. lastly, in the companions reveal trailer, Davrin is shown fighting red lyrium darkspawn in the dark/night-time corrupted looking area, and in the background is a statue of a griffon. 11 - ? not sure, but something bad and maybe red lyrium-related 12 - this Solas art from the Gear Store artbook exclusive variant pack 13 - Treviso in Antiva (see images here) 14 - Elgar'nan? curving horn shape, eclipse 15 - demons? or Elgar'nan and Ghil in their prison together? 16 - Qunari, as in from the group that have been invading/occupying? 17 - mage Rook/mage class (like there was a class card for each class for Inky in DA:I. mage inky) 18 - The Dread Wolf? or the Dread.. wolves. there are 2 wolves in this. Two Wolf Moon 19 - Lucanis companion card art from the Dragon Age website 20 - F dwarf Rook? (like how there was a card for M and F of each lineage Inquisitor in DA:I. F dwarf Inky for comparison) 21 - the Deep Roads (concept art for comparison) 22 - ? but they are this figure from the full cover art of the regular edition of the artbook 23 - Ghilan'nain? horrible centipede creature, suggestion of Ghil's head-shape, suggestion of hands and faces 24 - feather. griffon feather? to represent Assan? 25 - Rivain. boats, sea 26 - Antivan Crows
I feel like I've made mistakes or missed something though because if there's a card for each faction, where is the Shadow Dragons? and if there's an M and an F card for each lineage Rook, where are the human Rooks? I'll revisit the cards and my list again sometime with fresh eyes. :D
One thing I wanted to highlight at the end of the section on the cards is the blue lyrium and red lyrium dagger[s].
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Above we talked about how the item name Lyrium Dagger confirms the idea that the dagger is blue because blue lyrium (I wondered that here). in the same post I wondered about the other dagger that we first saw on the deluxe artbook cover:
"This artbook cover one is more gnarled in appearance and the 'ring’ of the handle isn’t complete. It has extra spiky bits protruding off it too and it looks like something is growing on it. Maybe this is what happens if/when the blue [lyrium?] dagger becomes red (Blighted)? because this gnarled kinda vibe reminds me a bit of Meredith’s sword Certainty in DA2, and of that body horror way in which red lyrium growth looks on people. It also reminds me of the tendrils of Blight corruption on walls and the ground and stuff in DA:TV screenshots, and the gnarled red lyrium darkspawn we’ve seen (look at this darkspawn’s back for example). Or maybe there’s simply more than one dagger?"
and here we are. 👀 the blue lyrium dagger Blighted to red lyrium, or else there's a red lyrium dagger out there too somewhere.
Enchanted Die
"This beautiful die will help guide you through the perils of conversation."
The Gear Store description for this item makes perfect sense as the symbols on the dice are the dialogue wheel icons. :D here we can see Romance, Anxious, Sad, Warrior, Investigate, Mad, Stoic and others. also I love the iconic purple-theme color of the dice. :)
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Glass Potion Flask
"A decorative vessel that would be essential for storing healing potions."
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I have no comments on this really other than it's pretty and that I think it resembles the design of healing potion bottles in the game. :)
Dragon Age™: The Veilguard Companion Lithograph
"This art depicts the faces of your closest allies, the ones who'll stand beside you against impossible odds."
This features the companion art pieces from here.
Thank-You Letter
"A note of gratitude from the creatives at the helm of Dragon Age™: The Veilguard. (From game director Corinne Busche and creative director John Epler)"
and this is a lovely and thoughtful idea 🥺 .. maybe it's the inscription inside the box with the Veilguard symbol?
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Lastly there's the box!
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It's pretty and is in the same style as the UI on e.g. the skill trees. it looks like there's a square with each companion round the outside, plus a square for Manfred, Assan, and Varric. the gang's all here. :D for the 7 companions, their image is from their 'tarot style' art, but for Manfred, Assan and Varric it's art we haven't seen before. around the outside is also each of their weapons, like an arrow for archer Harding and Lucanis' fancy rapier-sword. I guess in the middle the helmet represents Rook. (it gives me Warden vibes. maybe it's a version of the helmet Rook wears here?).
As a last thought, with the items being Rook's "personal effects", the "tools of [their] resistance", I really love the idea that they have a deck of playing cards and a dice/enchanted dice. I know these are common fantasy world items but idk it's giving a lil, Remy LeBeau. I dunno, Rook somehow has a rogueish kinda vibe to me (as in the trait, not the class). Varric describes them as clever and adaptable, words you might apply to a trickster. "You don't know when to quit" implies a certain incorrigibility. rooks are corvids which have trickster lore irl, and characters that play games with cards and roll dice often have that smart, rogueish, trickster kind of edge in tropes and stuff. it works in my brain in different scenarios too, like if Rook is a foil to Solas, or someone advised by Solas (trickster-mini trickster mentee), or someone opposed to Solas (takes a trickster to outwit a trickster), and/or someone who is in some kind of a way a sorta successor[?] to Solas in terms of story role or repeating history or foils again etc (if you remember the line "They call me the Dread Wolf. What will they call you when this is over?"). you know, like think about what is said about Fen'Harel today and was said about him immediately after the fall (elven voices in Vir Dirthara in Trespasser). what will they say about Rook when this is over? hope that paragraph made sense :D
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