#frozen gooseberries iceland
Infusions and decoctions of dehydrated fruits of Actinidia arguta and Actinidia deliciosa
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Actinidia deliciosa and A. dehydrated fruits (kiwifruit and kiwiberry, respectively) are an excellent source of bioactive compounds. The aim of this paper is to valorize the fruits that are not commercialized (e.g. due to inadequate size or physical damage) in infusions and decoctions. The antioxidant activity, the scavenging activity against reactive species, the phenolic profile and the intestinal effects of infusions and decoctions of dehydrated fruits were evaluated and compared. Decoctions presented the highest antioxidant activity and a good ability to capture HOCl and % NO. The phenolic composition of A. arguta present quinic acid, cis-caftaric acid and its derivatives, caffeoyl hexoside, luteolin glucuronide, quercetin derivatives and myristin, while A. deliciosa extracts were characterized by the presence of quinic acid, caffeic acid and its derivatives and caffeoyl hexoside. No adverse effects were observed on Caco-2 and HT29-MTX cells. Kiwiberry decoctions showed to be the best option to keep the fruits benefits.
According to Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), about one third of the world food production is wasted(Gustavsson, Cederberg, Sonesson, van Otterdijk, & Meybeck, 2011). In Europe, the main cause for fruit and vegetables losses is due to the criteria implemented by the Regulation (EU) N. ° 543/2011 that defines down standards for the minimum and maximum weight, colour and size (EC, 2011).
These criteria allow for fresh products that are considered available for consumption. This is the particular case of kiwifruit and kiwiberry, which belongs to the genus Actinidia and are wild fruits extremely appreciated in Europe. The genus Actinidia (Actinidiaceae) is composed of > 50 species, being A. deliciosa (commonly known as kiwifruit or kiwi) the greatest representative (Latocha, 2017). Kiwifruit is originated from Asia, but is worldwide appreciated mainly due to its flavour and nutritional benefits (Wojdyło, Nowicka, Oszmiański, & Golis, 2017).
In its turn, A. arguta, also known as baby kiwi or kiwiberry, is different from A. deliciosa due to its size (similar to a grape) and shape as well as colour, hairless skin, aroma and flavour (Wojdyło et al., 2017). Different varieties of kiwiberry are available on the market, but the most well-known are ‘Ananasnaya’, ‘Geneva’, ‘Weiki’,‘Issai’, ‘Jumbo’, ‘Ken's Red’ and ‘Maki’. Kiwifruit is a fruit with great commercial importance, due to its nutritionally rich composition that classifies it as a health and wellbeing promoter (Ferguson & Ferguson, 2003).
Kiwifruit and kiwiberry are rich in phytochemicals, such as vitamins (mainly C), organic acids, carotenoids (β-carotene and lutein), minerals, sugars and phenolic acids (Ferguson & Ferguson, 2003; Latocha, Krupa, Wołosiak, Worobiej, & Wilczak, 2010; Latocha, Łata, & Stasiak, 2015). For example, kiwifruit present about 60 mg/100 g fresh weight (fw) of ascorbic acid while in kiwiberry the vitamin C could reach 280 mg/100 g fw (D’Evoli et al.,2015; Wojdyło et al., 2017). In addition, vitamin A, E and some B vitamins were also quantified (Latocha, 2017). The main sugars in both species were glucose, fructose and sucrose (D’Evoli et al., 2015; Nishiyama, Fukuda, Shimohashi, & Oota, 2008; Wojdyło et al., 2017).succinic acids, being citric acid the predominant one (Nishiyama et al.,2008; Wojdyło et al., 2017).
The levels of fatty acids have also an impact on the fruit acidity levels (Nishiyama et al., 2008). In what concerns to carotenoid composition, kiwifruit and kiwiberry are rich inlutein and β-carotene, presenting low concentrations of zeaxanthin, violaxanthin and α-carotene (D’Evoli et al., 2015; Latocha et al., 2010;Latocha, 2017). In turn, high concentrations of chlorophyll a and b were detected (Latocha et al., 2010). The different species are similar in the fiber content (soluble and insoluble), representing about 3% (D’Evoli et al., 2015; Latocha et al., 2010).
In what concerns to minerals, kiwifruit is rich in potassium (α 272 mg/100 g fw), also presenting other macro elements such as calcium (α 21 mg/100 g fw) and phosphor (α 24.1 mg/100 g fw), while kiwiberry has high amounts of potassium and calcium (D’Evoli et al., 2015). The microelements (namely iron, zinc and manganese) have also been detected and quantified in both species(Ferguson & Ferguson, 2003).
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Effect of ascorbic acid treatment on some quality parameters of frozen strawberry and raspberry fruits
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Strawberry (Red Dream and Camarosa varieties) and raspberry (Nova and Killarney varieties) frozen fruits were harvested in the middle summer in eastern part of Georgia. After harvesting average samples were immediately dipped into 0%, 1% or 2% ascorbic acid solution at 20 ± 1 C temperature with exposure time of 2.5 min. Then, the samples were frozen at 40 C and stored in plastic containers at 20 C for 6 months.
After 3 months storage period Total soluble solids (TSS) of strawberry and raspberry fruits decreased by 10e14% in both treated and untreated samples. TSS changes in the next three months were not statistically significant. pH values of the samples also decreased by 10e13% after 3 months regardless treatment with ascorbic acid. In the next three months pH values continued decreasing approximately with the same rate for all the samples. Due to the treatment of the fruit samples by 1% and 2% ascorbic acid, content of the last one in fruits after three months storage was increased approximately by 30% and 100% respectively and was kept practically at the same level for the next six months.
In the untreated fruits of Red Dream and Camarosa of strawberry varieties during the first three months storage Total phenolic compounds (TPC) reduced by 20%. In both untreated varieties of raspberry TPC reduced by 14%. Ascorbic acid treatment increased polyphenol retaining in all frozen samples of strawberry and raspberry fruits. For Camarosa treated with 2% ascorbic acid this effect was the highest e 15%; for Red Dream the effect was the lowest e 5%. The next three months storage practically did not affect TPC in Red Dream variety of strawberry fruits neither untreated nor treated ones. In the rest varieties of berries TPC decreased maximum by 29% (Camarosa 2% treated) and minimum by 9% (Nova untreated). Antioxidant potential of the fruits was in good correlation (R2 ¼ 0.93) with TPC for all six months of storage.
Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) cultivars Red Dream and Camarosa, Raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) cultivars Nova and Killarney fruits belongs to the Rubus genus in the Rosacea family. in Georgia because of a good agro-climatic condition in Georgia for cultivation of berry fruits they are widely grown in the country . Berries play important role in human nutrition and hence are very significant from the point of view of food security problems . Berries are excellent sources of phytochemicals that are believed to have significant biological activity. Berry containing elevated levels of bioactive compounds, is attracting considerable attention due to their potential to lower the risk of chronic diseases and their associated huge healthcare costs . Phenolic compounds may contribute to this protective effect. Berries are very rich in healthpromoting phytochemicals . Many of these phytochemicals have antioxidant activity and may help protect cells against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals .
However, berries are also highly perishable fruits due to their soft texture, high softening rate and high sensitivity to fungal attack. Enzymes, namely polyphenoloxidase (PPO), peroxidese (POD) are involved in the fast deterioration of fruit during postharvest handling and processing . Freezing is one of the most important methods for the quality preservation of fruits and vegetables during long-term storage . There is mainly antibrowning additives such as ascorbic acid, which is applied by dipping the fruit in different solution before freezing . The freezing process reduces the rate of the degradation reactions and inhibits the microbiological and enzymatic activity . Freezing processes have only a slight effect on the initial vitamin C content of fruit .
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Dehydrated strawberries for probiotic delivery: Influence of dehydration and probiotic incorporation methods
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In this study, dehydrated strawberries have been proposed as probiotic carriers. Strawberries were cut into halves, incorporated with probiotic Bacillus coagulans BC4 by two alternative methods (impregnation and alginate coating) and submitted to two alternative drying methods (freeze drying - FD - and oven drying - OD). Six treatments were carried out, namely: FD and OD (no probiotic), I-FD, I-OD, C-FD, and C-OD (I- and C- meaning impregnation and coating respectively).
While the probiotic incorporation method affected a few properties of the resulting products (mainly the probiotic viability on processing), the drying methods resulted in remarkable differences. The freeze-dried strawberry halves presented higher retention of chemical (ascorbic acid and anthocyanin contents) and physical properties (shape, color, and firmness) as well as a better acceptance and higher probiotic viability, resulting in higher probiotic release into the small intestine. The I-FD treatment resulted in the highest probiotic viability after processing and through a 6-month storage (near 8 log cfu.g− 1).
The global market for probiotics is expected to reach USD 76.7 billion by 2027, motivated by the growing consumer awareness regarding their health benefits, including their expected positive effects on the immune responses to covid-19 (Meticulous Research, 2020). The global sales for probiotic foods has far outweighed that of probiotic supplements (USD 41 billion versus USD 3.8 billion, in 2015) (Feldman,Lowery, Zambetti, & Madit, 2018). Dairy foods are still the most common probiotic food products, but there has been an increasing demand for non-dairy products, which meet the needs of people with dietary restrictions to dairy foods (including vegans and vegetarians as well as people with lactose intolerance or allergy reactions to milk proteins),and a variety of non-dairy matrices has demonstrated potential as probiotic carriers, as reviewed elsewhere (Min, Bunt, Mason, & Hussain, 2019).
Most studies with probiotic food products use bacteria from the Lactobacillaceae family or Bifidobacterium genus (Betoret et al., 2019;Dias et al., 2018; Ribeiro et al., 2020; Vivek, Mishra, & Pradhan, 2020),most of which do not form spores, which makes them sensitive to harsh processing conditions. Spore-forming probiotic bacteria, on the other hand, have increased resistance to environmental stresses. Those are usually from the Bacillus genus (Salvetti et al., 2016), including Bacillus coagulans, which produces coagulin, a bacteriocin with a broad antimicrobial activity (Kapse, Engineer, Gowdaman, Wagh, & Dhakephalkar, 2019). B. coagulans BC4 has exhibited a high stability on storage and digestion of a dried date paste (Marcial-Coba, Pjaca,Andersen, Knøchel, & Nielsen, 2019). When compared to a Lactobacillus acidophilus control, B. coagulans MTCC 5856 was about five times more resistant to simulated digestion conditions (Shinde et al., 2019).
A number of fruit products has been proposed for probiotic delivery,including fruit juices (Dias et al., 2018; Olivares, Soto, Caballero, &Altamirano, 2019) and fruit powders (Alves et al., 2017; Paim, Costa,Walter, & Tonon, 2016; Vivek et al., 2020). Dehydrated fruits have also been presented as probiotic carriers, the probiotics being usually incorporated by impregnation from a probiotic suspension, including simple impregnation at atmospheric pressure (Akman, Uysal, Ozkaya,Tornuk, & Durak, 2019; S.; Rodrigues, Silva, Mulet, Carcel, & Fernandes,2018; Valerio et al., 2020), vacuum impregnation (Cui et al., 2018; Noorbakhsh, Yaghmaee, & Durance, 2013; Valerio et al., 2020), or osmotic dehydration-assisted impregnation (Emser, Barbosa, Teixeira, &Morais, 2017; Rascon ´ et al., 2018). Probiotic-carrier coatings, on the other hand, have been more commonly applied to minimally processed (Bambace, Alvarez, & Moreira, 2019; Khodaei & Hamidi-Esfahani, 2019; F. J.; Rodrigues, Cedran, & Garcia, 2018) rather than dehydrated fruits.
While the impregnation approach is simpler, coatings have the advantages of providing some barrier to water vapor, oxygen, and volatiles, being thus expected to reduce moisture absorption, loss of nutrients and flavor by dehydrated fruits. Alginate is especially interesting as a matrix for probiotic-containing coatings, due to its polyanionic character that may provide a pH-responsive protection of the bacteria in stomach and release in the small intestine (Mei et al., 2014).
The world production of strawberries was around 8.3 million tons in 2018 (FAO, 2018). Strawberries are very popular fruits, due to their peculiar flavor properties. However, they are highly perishable due to tenderness (which makes them extremely susceptible to mechanical damages), high respiration rates and susceptibility to fungal deterioration (Matar et al., 2020), and that is the main reason why strawberries have been frequently commercialized as frozen or dehydrated fruit in order to extend their shelf life.
The objective of this study was to obtain dehydrated strawberry halves containing probiotic B. coagulans by two alternative probiotic incorporation methods (i.e. impregnation and coating) and two drying methods (freeze drying and oven drying).
The performance of each method combination was comparatively evaluated in terms of physical,chemical, and structural properties of dehydrated strawberries, as well as on their sensory acceptance and capacity to deliver probiotics to the small intestine. This is the first study to compare the performance of impregnation and coating as probiotic incorporation methods, and also the first one to propose B. coagulans as a probiotic in dehydrated fruits.
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Conclusion and recommendation dehydrated vegetables
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Drying technology has a significant role for dehydrated fruit and vegetable preservation and post-harvest loss minimization in developing countries. Fruits and vegetables are important sources of digestible carbohydrates, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and vitamins, and are a good source of income for the farmers as well as their country.
However, fruitsand vegetables are highly perishable and need appropriate preservation mechanisms to extend their storage and shelf life. It has been reportedthat the post harvest losses of fruits and vegetables in developing countries are as high as 40%. One of the recommended preservation techniques is the solar drying of the produces.
To get the best out of the solar drying operation, it is essential to improve the drying conditions, dryer design, and product quality. In this study, the current progress of solar drying of fruits and vegetables, focusing on drying rate, drying time, quality attributes, and CFD modeling approach was reviewed to get a clear understanding of the design and performance of fruit and vegetable solar dryers.
Several mathematical models have been used in studying fruit and vegetable solar drying operations and due to its simplicity, lumped parameter models are the easiest way. CFD modeling technique is the best option to get the spatial and temporal details of airflow, RH, temperature, and moisture distributions of the solar dryer.
Short time drying, uniform drying air velocity, and temperature distribution in the drying chamber are the critical parameters in the solar drying process. To get this uniformity, CFD modeling played a major role and can be used to screen out the optimum drying conditions and dryer design. To screen out the optimum solar drying conditions and operation procedure, CFD modeling could integrate the product quality to the airflow, mass, and heat transfer properties of the solar drying operations.
The quality of vegetables and fruit is the most important parameter in solar drying operations and it is mostly affected by the drying technique and drying conditions. For instance, to overcome the overheated product from solar dryer, which results in quality deterioration, chemical pretreatment is also a very essential parameter to preserve quality attributes during solar drying.This review indicated that there were extensive CFD modeling and simulation studies on fruits and vegetables using conventional methods.
However, there was limited research output regarding the CFD modeling and simulation of solar dryers in terms of hydrodynamic and thermal transport phenomena that explain explicitly the solar drying performance in terms of dried food quality. Thus, CFD modeling and simulation of the solar dryer is one of the future research areas specifically on the development of a model that is capable of predicting the product quality in relation to the drying conditions such as the airflow, heat, and mass transfer characteristics of the solar dryer.
There is also a diverse recommendation on the type of solar dryer that should be utilized for the drying of fruit and vegetable products, and CFD modeling can be applied to select the optimum solar dryer for the drying of fruit and vegetable products. With a comprehensive summary of the existing numerous CFD modeling and simulation on solar drying, this review highlights the importance of CFD modeling in solar drying of fruits and vegetables to minimize postharvest loss and maximize dried product quality.
In addition, this work clearly shows types of conventional solar drying systems, recent reports on CFD modeling of solar dryers, quality attributes, and main limitation of existing CFD modeling and simulation on solar drying of food products, and future research requirements on drying performance such as drying rate, kinetics and quality of food modeling using CFD. Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
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frozen fruits Materials and methods
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Materials Produce, both fresh and private-label frozen, frozen fruits was purchasedfrom supermarkets within a 40 km radius of Athens, GA, USA (i.e.,Walmart, Sam’s Club, Kroger, Publix, Piggly-Wiggly, Ingles, andBells). The produce included six vegetables and two fruits, namelybroccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), cauliflower (Brassica oleraceavar. botrytis), sweet corn (Zea mays L. convar. saccharata Körn),green beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), green peas (Pisum sativum L.), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.), blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosumL.), and strawberries (Fragaria  ananassa). ACS-grade meta-phosphoric acid pellets, USP-grade L-ascorbicacid (purity, 99.9%), BD DifcoTM Lactobacilli broth, Lactobacilli agar,folic acid casei medium powder, and Pronase1 protease (Cat No.537002-50KU) were purchased from VWR International (Suwanee, GA, USA). ACS-grade glacial acetic acid, hydrochloric acid, sodiumhydroxide, 95% (v/v) ethanol, and toluene as well as 2,6-dichloroindophenol sodium salt hydrate (purity, 98+%), HPLCgrade methanol, HPLC-grade methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE), andpyrogallol were obtained from the Fisher Scientific Company(Suwanee, GA, USA).
trans-b-Carotene (type I, synthetic, 93%),1,4-a-D-glucan glucanohydrolase (i.e., a-amylase) from Aspergillusoryzae (Cat. No. 10065-50G) and USP-grade folic acid (purity,99.9%) were procured from the Sigma-Aldrich Chemical Company(St. Louis, MO, USA). Unpurified, but acetone-washed, conjugasewas isolated from freshly-slaughtered chicken pancreata acquiredfrom the University of Georgia’s Department of Poultry Science(Athens, GA, USA).Certified reference materials (CRMs) from the EuropeanCommission Joint Research Center, Institute for Reference Materials and Measurements, were purchased from the ResourceTechnology Corporation (Laramie, WY, USA); these included BCR1–431 (Brussels sprouts powder with a certified value of 4.83  0.24 g/kg for vitamin C) and BCR1–485 (mixed vegetables with certified values of 23.7 1.5 mg/kg for trans-b-carotene and 3.15  0.28 mg/kg for total folate). Gold Medal, enriched, AP flour –an in-house quality control (QC) marker for the folate assay – was purchased from Kroger (Athens, GA, USA).
Sample acquisition, storage and preparation The analyses of this study were performed over the span of two years in six distinct time frames: (1) Summer to Fall Year 1, (2) Fall to Winter Year 1, (3) Winter to Spring Year 1, (4) Summer to Fall Year 2, (5) Fall to Winter Year 2, and (6) Winter to Spring Year 2. The L. Li et al. / Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59 (2017) 8–17 9 process of acquiring, storing, and preparing the produce was repeated on the first day of each analysis period. On the first day of each analysis period, a fresh fruit or vegetable of each food type was procured from six of the supermarkets listed In the “Materials” section. In most cases, Bells was the “backup” store for sourcing a fruit or vegetable (i.e., used as a source only if a produce product was unavailable at one of the other six possible sources).
For the purpose of maintaining our sampling procedureas representative of consumer shopping habits, the period of produce in-store storage time prior to purchase was not a controlled factor. Each of the samples were equally divided into two parts: One half was labeled ‘fresh-stored’ and placed in a standard kitchen refrigerator (4 C) to be stored for 5 days, and the other half was designated ‘fresh’ for exposure to nutrient analysis that same day.Also on the first day of each analysis period, frozen produce was purchased from the frozen sections of six of the above listed supermarkets. These samples were placed in frozen storage (20 C) until analysis. Prior to analysis, composite samples were prepared by combining a 200-g portion of produce from each of the six supermarkets (within their designated category of fresh, freshstored, and frozen) in a plastic tub (62  39  24 cm) and mixing well. The compositing, a common practice in food compositional studies, was for the purpose of minimizing the influence of outlier behavior from individual variations within sample types.
If required, a representative vegetable sample was removed from the composite for blanching just prior to analysis. The blanching protocol was ident (i.e., 1 min contact in boiling water, transfer to an ice water bath for 3 min for quick cooling, remove excess moisture from the sample by tapping over paper towels). For fresh corn-on-the-cob, kernels were cut from the cob post blanching to prevent enzymatic degradation. All fresh and fresh-stored vegetables were blanched for trans-b-carotene analyses. Corn-on-the-cob was the only sample blanched for Lascorbic acid and folate analyses. In all cases, composite samples were never physically ground until just prior to initiating a nutrient analysis.
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The advantage of frozen vegetables
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Frozen vegetables are the fresh vegetables after being processed, rapid freezing, packaging, refrigeration and other processing chain, and then made ​​into a small package of food. Therefore, it has the same advantages with the other frozen convenience foods, specifically in the following areas:
As the rapid freezing of vegetables are conducted in the low temperature of -18 °.
The uniform fine ice crystals generated within the organization, and the crystal cells of the vegetables without being damaged, which effectively limit the biological and chemical reactions and inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Therefore, it can achieve the long-term storage preservation purposes.
In general, the production of frozen vegetables in the summer can be stored to winter or spring time for sale. If the refrigerated warehouse temperature is below -18 ℃, the storage period can be longer.
Secondly, the quality of the frozen food is good. The advantage of frozen vegetables mainly is in:
(A) The fresh vegetables basically maintained the original color, flavor and nutrition.
(B) Less drip loss after thawing.
(C) It can maintain the shape, good taste, and without frozen food taste after cooking the vegetables.
Third, the packaging and transportation is very convenient. Since frozen vegetables are monomer loose shape, it is very convenient when weighing, sealed, and packaging. The refrigeration and transportation is very convenient as well when in the case of a packaging.
Fourth, it is very hygienic and convenient to eat. Since before processing the frozen vegetables, it has been finishing, cleaning, blanching, and these machining process is under strictly hygienic conditions. Therefore, frozen vegetables generally are consistent with food hygiene standards. In addition, it is no need any processing before cooking, and can be readily accessible, so it also has the advantage of saving time.
Of course, frozen vegetables have its limitations; mainly reflect in lower quality than fresh vegetables. After a few months freezing, the frozen vegetables will be with a slight loss of its nutrients. But it still has a high food value. The quality appraisal indicator of the frozen vegetables nutrients standards is vitamin C content! – In general, vitamin C loss rate does not exceed 40%, which is considered normal. Data show that fresh vegetables stored for 4-6 days at 10 ℃, the vitamin C in about 40% loss rate.
But how to figure out how long in the kitchen refrigerator become toxic? If you love to eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits, but also want to keep the nutrients, we should pay attention to the storage conditions.
the storage temperature In our daily lives, we often hear this sentence: Food is not hot, do not put in the refrigerator, but in fact, we should keep the food in the refrigerator, the food in the refrigerator, not only can be preserved.
It is not only for the storage of food, but also for the storage of the food nutrients. In order to better preserve the nutrients in the food, then the first step is to pay attention to the method of food storage.
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How to thaw the frozen foods?
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Many people have heard of using cold water to thaw frozen fruits, but most of them don’t know why?
You may think, if the food is frozen, it will be fine whether you put it in the refrigerator or in a container of cold water.
Sorry, that’s not the case. If you want your food to last as long as possible, you should always put it in the refrigerator. If you do that, you’re guaranteed to extend the shelf life by at least a few days, sometimes a week or two.
What you should NOT do is freeze your food. Freezing food isnt great for it, and it doesnt extend the shelf life by very much. It can actually ruin the food and make it taste worse.
On the one hand, frozen foods are "frozen through", and it will take a long time to thaw completely from outside to inside. If you use hot water, then the outer layer of the food will be in hot state for long time. If temperature of water is too high, excessive heating of the food will be on the outer layer; generally speaking, it takes a long time to thaw with high temperatures, but which is a breeding ground for bacterial growth.
In fact, it is a misconception that the food thawed when the microwave oven once. Should be noted that the microwave oven can not thaw only frozen food. The following are the basic steps when thawing frozen foods in a microwave oven.
Remove the food from the freezer and place it in the microwave oven.
Place the food in the microwave oven.
Set the microwave oven to thaw the food at the lowest power setting.
Therefore, a better way to thaw is, to take it out a day earlier, and put into the refrigerator's fresh layer, the foods almost thawed when use it. Foods in the preservation temperatures, either slowly thaw, or can significantly slow down the growth of bacteria.
To be faster, then use cold water to thaw is also an acceptable choice. The fastest way to thaw is to use microwave oven! Because microwave heating is different from the conventional heating methods, "thaw" function of the microwave oven is an effective means of rapid thaw.
In the microwave oven, thawing rate can reach 50% to 60% of the conventional method, while retaining food safety and food quality. Clear the food surface and remove the packaging. Remove excess frozen foods from the food surface.
We recommend that you use a knife to scrape off the surface to make sure that it is clean and will not damage the seal. Peel off the frozen film. Use a knife or your fingernail to peel off the frozen film. Do not touch the frozen film.
Remove the frozen film before the unit is turned on. Do not touch the frozen film. Unplug the unit before setting up the frozen film.Turn on the unit. Make sure the frozen film is completely frozen before pulling it off.
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The prospects of the quick-frozen vegetables
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As the less varieties of vegetables in the spring and winter of the northern area, while in summer and autumn, the vegies varieties become more and more. with large quantities and even oversupply, therefore, to store up a large number of processed frozen vegetables in the peak season could balance the shortage of in the dead season,and alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand in the spring and winter.
The frozen vegetables are healthy and safe. With the development of food processing technology and the strict control of quality, the frozen vegetables are more and more popular in the market.
Therefore, many people choose to buy frozen vegetables to cook with it. Frozen vegetable is really convenient to buy and store. With the advance of living standard and the increasing demand for convenience, people prefer to buy frozen vegetables.
After thawing the frozen vegetables, you will find the color, flavor and its texture is little difference with the fresh vegetables.
If you compare the frozen vegetables with the fresh vegetables, the frozen vegetables are more expensive. However, you can easily keep the frozen vegetables, so you can save your time for using fresh vegetables. When you choose the frozen vegetables, you will get the plenty of vegetables of your choice.
You can buy as many as you want, so you can get the veggies every week. The frozen vegetables are also a great alternative for the fresh vegetables, because the latter can spoil easily and it is very expensive.
To make a test with some fresh vegetables such as: cucumber, spinach, cauliflower, beans etc. To cut first and then wash, determining their nutritional content, and then three days later, to compare with the quick-frozen vegetables above, the results showed that: there is little difference on crude protein, fat, total sugars, organic acids, crude fiber and other nutrients, but only the water content changed.
If you’re looking for a good quick fix to your protein shortage, or is doing a low carb diet, or is aiming for a low-fat diet, the garden-fresh frozen food is all you need.
The Garden-Fresh Frozen Food category of food offers you a variety of foods that are cooked and frozen directly from garden fresh ingredients. Your favorite frozen delights from the Garden-Fresh category will include the best way to prepare and package these fresh treats.
Frozen fruit, vegetables, seafood, poultry and even desserts and dips can be found here. All of these products are made with the freshest ingredients, taste great and are quick to fix for a quick meal, or a delicious dessert or snack.
Culinary Creations also offers a wide variety of specialty foods. You can find everything from dried and frozen beans for soups and side dishes to pasta sauces and seasonings – all of the best quality and at affordable prices.
In fact, the nutritional value of the frozen vegetables are higher than the natural ones selling on the market, because of the high requirements on raw material of frozen vegetables with good quality, maturity, suitable length of uniform size, no pests, no pollution, storage at low temperatures, as well as a variety of biochemical reactions inside inhibited; It is easy to eat and store, and with good market prospects!
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The frozen fruit and vegetable market prospects look good
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According to (Global Industry Analysis, Inc.), published a report, said that the world's frozen fruit and vegetable market will continue to grow, it is estimated that In 2015, the sales of frozen fruits and vegetables will be more than 2015 tons.
In recent years, the world's leading frozen fruit and vegetable manufacturers constantly promote the benefits of frozen fruits and vegetables, and Continuously improve the way of processing, such as the ornaments of easy to cook fruits and vegetables, fruit and vegetable seasonings and seasonal frozen fruits and vegetables, etc., to cater to different consumer's taste.
In addition, fruits and vegetables that are not grown in a farming place but are produced in a factory, such as fruits and vegetables that are grown in a factory, or that are not grown in a farming place, but are produced by processing the fruits and vegetables that are grown in a farming!
World market share of frozen fruit and vegetable are dominated mainly by United States and Europe, its amount of frozen fruits and vegetables sold accounts for about 74% of the total global consumption.The emergence of new Field of the frozen fruits and vegetables markets are mainly in Asia, Latin America and Russia.
Global Field of the frozen fruits and vegetables market should be divided by regions, with sales, revenue, market share and growth rate of Field of the frozen fruits and vegetables in these regions, from 2012 to 2022 (forecast), like: North America – United States, Canada and Mexico!
The frozen food market in EU is uneven, For example, the market of Germany, UK and candy scandinavians are relatively with slow growth, but fast with Italy, France, Spain and Portugal.
In terms of market size, Germany has the largest market part of 24%, followed by France and the UK market. The main reason for the slow growth of Germany and the UK is the market share of the domestic frozen food industry.
With the change of the way of life, life rhythm speeding up, consumers are more likely to choose eat conveniently, healthy, and free of cleaning and peeling In the process. From 2008 to 2012, the world sales of the frozen fruit increased by about 247000 tons, mainly dominated by United States and the asia-pacific region.
The market share of the key companies was as follows: Dole(United States) accounted for 27%, Del Monte(United States) accounted for 17%, Fyffes(United Kingdom) accounted for 15% and Chiquita(United States) accounted for 11%.
Homeway Foods insist that, by constantly Improvement of refrigeration technology effectively maintain the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables, extended the shelf life, reduce the loss of raw materials, promoted the frozen product sales. According to the report, product technical reform is the key of frozen product to win in the fierce market competition.
In the future, the report will continue to implement the data analysis of upstream raw materials, downstream demand, industry development trend and market environment, and other basic data.
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Frozen fruits and vegetable contain richly nutrition and vitamin like the fresh one
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China — In addition to buy enough fresh fruits, could people have the thought to purchase and eat some frozen fruit? Maybe most of people have the mind that these frozen fruit may not be as nutritious as fresh fruit. However, this is not the truth. Now, the editor from the website of Famous China frozen food supplier sinofrozenfoods.com will give people the totally description about the truth of these frozen fruits.
Before the fresh fruit arriving at the supermarket, these fresh fruits will usually go through a long time of harvesting, storage, transportation and some fruits even have to wait for two weeks after fruit picking. In this period of time, the fruit itself and its appearance could still keep its colorful appearance but it will substantial loss a lot of nutrients especially vitamin C and other vitamin elements.
st. Furthermore, the shelf life of papaya could be changed from just 2 days to 5 days. Papaya is a yellow-orange colored fruit. The color is like a pumpkin but the appearance is different. The color of papaya is bright and the surface is rough looking.
If these sorts of fruits could be timely frozen in time, the nutrition and other vitamin elements can be kept and protected at the maximize level. This method is in particular used for storing fruits which are difficult to be preserved such as strawberries, mango, peach, lychee and others.
As an alternative to this method, we can also apply the freeze-drying method. The process of freeze-drying is very simple.
The editor from sinofrozenfoods.com claim that eating their frozen mixed vegetables and vegetables 7 pieces one day can help people lives a longer life. A new study shows that eating more fruits and vegetables is much better than eating only one piece of fruits and vegetable per day. Eating more fruit and vegetables could help people reduce 42 percent risk of premature death. On the other hand, the enough fruits and vegetable eating could also help to reduce the chance of getting cancer and heart-related diseases.
Some experts from sinofrozenfoods hope that each people could quickly form the habit of eating five pieces or more fruits during per day. This study was basically based on the University College London. On the other hand, the frozen fruits will also give people fully nutrition and vitamins they need at each day¡¯s working and other activities and eating enough fruits could help each people totally reduce the risk of getting early death and other chronics.
The following is the a good example of the comparison of the early death rate between people eating fruits and those not eating fruits.
According to the above description, each people should have the basically knowing about that the frozen fruits have the same nutrition and other advantageously elements like the fresh fruits. So, people who ever have the prejudice for frozen fruits could set their mind at rest. On the other hand, eating enough fruits will indeed the good way for people to get very healthy body condition. The editor from www.sinofrozenfoods.com hopes each people could form this good habit.
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Vegetable Matters
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One man keeps a watchful eye on those valuable frozen vegies, writes Owen Thomson.
THE next time you peruse the vast range of frozen vegetables in your supermarket freezer, spare a thought for David Stirling. There's a good chance he had a lot to do with getting them there.
As agriculture manager for vegetables for food giant Simplot, it's the 61-year-old's job to ensure the supply of produce for processing at the company's Devonport freezing plant in Tasmania. "We produce peas and beans, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, carrots, onions, a whole host of those sorts of vegetables," he says.
"Basically, we're responsible for making sure that we plant our crops and get them harvested so they can be processed. That might sound a bit simple, but peas and beans and broc and these sorts of crops only have about a two-day window of time to get them harvested properly. You have to keep your wits about you to end up with them all flowing in to suit the process capacity."
Stirling, who has lived in Tasmania most of his life, has worked in his current role for 15 years. Responsible for overseeing 5000 hectares of growing area throughout Tasmania (where factors such as soil and climate are ideal for vegetable cultivation), it's a job entailing a fair degree of pressure. "It's a unique job and one of the few where your judgment is called on to interpret results, justify any fluctuations or variations from what the numbers say, and then stand up and put your point of view for both the company, who's trying to make a Birds Eye product, and for the grower," he says. "The excitement about the job, the passion, is knowing that it's your judgment that's often critical in giving both your business and your clients the best outcome."
The other highlight, he says, is the people he routinely interacts with. "Farmers are real people facing real issues," he says. "There's no pretence about them. They are genuine, hard-working survivors. That's the quality of person you're dealing with."
A quick industry overview indicates why Stirling's role is so vital.
Andrew Castle from Three Points Search Solutions says the Australian frozen vegetable industry is worth $555 million annually and undergoing massive growth. "Frozen food is currently growing at 7.2 per cent versus total dry grocery of 3.7 per cent and a total supermarket sale of 5.1 per cent," he says. "Supermarkets today are planning to have their frozen vegetables as close to the fresh food area as possible, as consumers believe that frozen produce is getting closer and closer in terms of quality."
He says candidates looking to enter the industry at the consumer end of the chain tend to have definite motivations.
"People are looking for companies that invest in their brands," he says. "That is just so critical, that they innovate, renovate and have a vision. The growth areas are in marketing and sales. In today's environment companies need to deliver results to shareholders and therefore they are prepared to pay for what I would call income generators, which are basically your sales and marketing people."
Crucially, Castle says that there has been a 15 to 20 per cent increase in the demand for quality account managers within the FMCG sector during the past 12 months. "These are people that can understand the transition from sales management to business management," he says.
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Kiwi Smoothie
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Kiwis grow like grapes, on shrub like vines, which are trained to grow on trellises. Their height ranges from five to six feet. Kiwi fruit continue to grow after they are picked.
The fruit grow on the vine, not from seeds. Kiwi vines can produce for up to 30 years.
frozen Kiwi fruits have powerful antioxidant properties which means that they combat the free radicals in the body which can damage healthy cells and cause them to become cancerous. Having potent antioxidant properties also means that they can help to thin the blood and so prevent blood clots. Antioxidants have also been proven to help to reduce signs of aging.
All of the above makes camu camu one of the most powerful superfoods on the planet. Camu camu contains a number of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that can help to boost your immune system.
The content of dietary fibre in kiwi fruit ranks first among all fruits. The content of fibre in a kiwi fruit weighting 100g is 2.3 times as much as that of a banana and 2.5 times as much as that of an orange.
Kiwi fruit contains vitamin C and vitamin E, both of which play an important role in preventing free radicals from damaging cells.
The content of dietary fibre in kiwi fruit ranks first among all fruits. The content of fibre in a kiwi fruit weighting 100g is 2.3 times as much as that of a banana and 2.5 times as much as that of an orange. Another good reason to make smoothies using kiwi fruit is the fact they contain carnitine is one of the components to promote fat burning. It can enhance the effect of converting body's excess fat into calorie. One you reach 20 the levels of carnitine inside the body decrease gradually, therefore, kiwi fruit is also a pretty good for weight-loss.
Kiwi fruit is loaded with vitamin C and potassium. Vitamin C helps to enhance the body's ability to free up fat from the cell and potassium helps in flushing out the excess water from the body. Both these factors help in reducing weight.
Frozen Strawberry Kiwi smoothie
2 kiwi, peeled and chopped
2 cups strawberries
2 ripe bananas, chopped
1 cup orange juice
8 ounces of strawberry yogurt
Banana Kiwi Sooothie
2 Kiwi fruit, peeled and finely diced
1 ripe banana, sliced
1 cup milk
2 scoops vanilla ice-cream What ever recipe you select you will find that kiwi’s make an excellent fruit to put into a smoothie both because of their taste as well as because of their health benefitsHere are some of the things that you need to know about kiwis and using them to make your favorite smoothie: One of the best things about using a kiwi in your smoothie is that they add a unique taste to the smoothie.While many think the taste is very sour, that is not the case. When you blend the kiwi in your smoothie, you can barely taste the sourness. When you blend the kiwi, it also adds a nice texture to your smoothie.
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Are smoothies healthy?
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Well let’s see. Smoothies encourage you to eat a wider variety of frozen fruits and vegetables than most people would normally. The reason for this is that you can add ingredients that you do may not like the taste or texture of but because they are blended with all of the other ingredients you can no longer taste them. There is also the convenience aspect, smoothies are a drink and it is very easy to pick up the glass and just drink your way to 1 or more of your 5 a day. Smoothies can also be good healthy snacks that keep you going between meals rather than reaching for something that is just full of sugar to keep you going until lunch. If you want to be creative then there is no reason why you could not serve low calorie smoothies as tasty deserts. The most obvious healthy ingredients to put into your smoothies are the common sense items like fresh fruit. If you keep the ingredients in your smoothies healthy then they can aid in quicker weight loss if that is your aim. Healthy foods make your immune system strong and make you feel strong, give you more energy and feel great all time. If you have a healthy lifestyle then this will lead to longevity, optimum weight, abundant energy and keeping your body in balance. If you substitute a meal for a smoothie, and the smoothie is made with healthy ingredients, it can be an extremely nutritious meal, with far fewer calories than an average meal. All smoothies require some form of base liquid in them and one of the most popular is milk but you should opt for low fat skimmed milk rather than full fat or choose to use a fruit juice such as cranberry juice which is high in anti oxidants. Most people have good intentions of eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day but they find it hard to find the time or desire to eat this much fruits and vegetables. So by combining different fruits and (or) vegetables into a smoothie can help you easily achieve your goal of 5 portions per day. Spinach is a great vegetable to add to a smoothie, being high in nutrients and low in calories once blended with other fruits it becomes impossible to detect but still provides the health benefits. Many of the nutrients that the body needs are stuck in the fibre of the fruit and by blending fruits and vegetables, the fibre is broken down and this release the vital nutrients into a form your body can more easily absorb. Are smoothies healthy? Healthy fruit smoothies are easily made by blending fruits and or vegetables plus a liquid or ice into a drink. Fruit is healthy for you and so are vegetables. Often the skin of the fruit contains a lot of fibre so if your smoothie is made from whole fruit then this is healthier than just eating the fruit and discarding the skin. If the only thing you are putting into the blender is fruit, vegetables and a healthy liquid such as fruit juice, ice or skimmed milk then yes a smoothie is very healthy for you. Finally remember home made smoothies are healthier for you than shop bought because the ingredients are fresher and a small to medium smoothie from any smoothie company or popular chain has around 230 calories, because they have added extra sugar in the smoothie to make it sweeter.
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Mango Smoothie
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Frozen Mangos are sweet and delicious tropical fruits that are native to India and grown throughout the world, they have been grown in India for over 4,000 years. Mangos have a very sweet taste and are very juicy and are ideal for use in a smoothie. You should always use real fruit in a mango smoothie recipe rather than mango juice.
Mangoes and bananas are amongst the highest calorie fruits, mangoes are roughly 135 calories per medium sized mango, and bananas are roughly 100 calories for a medium sized banana. If you combine mango’s and bananas into a smoothie then they make a great drink that you can have for breakfast that will keep you full until lunch time.
Bananas are also loaded with potassium and magnesium, both of which are then great for your heart, and for your blood pressure. Banana and mango smoothies are also a great way to get more iron in your diet.
The flavor of mango is strong enough that it can be used on its own to create a great mango smoothie but many recipes for mango smoothie tend to add other fruits as well such as adding pineapple to create a mango pineapple smoothie. Mangos are hard fruits to find ripe, so mango smoothies tend to be seasonal unless you are smart enough to freeze them when they are in season in which case you can enjoy them all year round.
Mangos are one of the best fruit for you as they are packed with vitamin C and have a high fiber content.
Substitute strawberries or raspberries for the pineapple if you prefer. You can also use orange juice instead of the pina colada juice. This is a good way to use up leftover pineapple.
Frozen mango lends the smoothie its sweetness and smooth texture while adding vitamins B6, C, and E. Mango blends well with frozen strawberries, strawberry yogurt with pina colada juice and of course pineapple.
Mango Smoothie1 large ripe mango, peeled and chopped 1/2 tsp (2 1/2 ml) grated fresh ginger 1/3 cup (75 ml) frozen orange juice concentrate 1 1/2 cups (375 ml) cold milk 1 cup (250 ml) ice In a blender
Mango and Banana Smoothie
1 large mango diced and chilled
1 banana 1/2 cup of yogurt
3 rings of canned pineapple
1 cup of orange juice
6 ice cubes
Mango and Banana Smoothie 2
2 frozen, ripe bananas
1 mango, peeled and sliced
10 ounces calcium fortified orange juice
1 cup low fat or fat free vanilla or mandarin orange yogurt Mango smoothies are not only refreshing and delicious, but they also combine many health benefits. They make a healthy breakfast choice or a delicious, light dessert in the hot summer months. Packed with vitamins and minerals, a mango smoothie is great before or after a hard workout. Also as many people probably have heard of but never tasted mango before so putting mango into a smoothie either as a main ingredient or to compliment other ingredients makes them a talking point.
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Frozen Fruit Smoothie
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Frozen fruit smoothies come in many varieties using many different fruits and base liquids and children love them. Fruit smoothies are great for health because they are low in calories and packed with vitamins. If you want to know how to make a smoothie, is all about being creative and making something delicious from fruit and sometimes vegetables.
Generally fruit is the main part of frozen fruit smoothie, but there are protein smoothies as well. The goal of making a smoothie is to have fun, make a delicious drink and get healthier while cooling off on a nice summer day.
Smoothies are the perfect way to get your daily dose of fruit and a boost of protein in a delicious drink. The recipes in this cookbook are for both men and women and vary in flavors and combinations.
More and more people are making smoothies with frozen fruit because they have realised the health benefits that there are from drinking them. Fruit naturally contains sugar so you don’t want to add sugar or other sweets into your frozen fruit smoothie. If you have just completed a workout and are looking for a quick energy boost, try a great tasting and healthy frozen fruit smoothie.
One excellent way to make smoothies is to buy bags of frozen mixed tropical fruit then use these for the main ingredients in your frozen fruit smoothie. Bananas, berries of all types, peaches, apples, nectarines, pears, mangos, kiwi, and pineapple are all great fruits to use for your frozen fruit smoothie.
Frozen Yogurt: If you like yogurt in your smoothie, then you can use frozen yogurt for a frozen fruit smoothie. The cool ice in the yogurt will help to keep your smoothie cold. This can also be great for adding a creamier texture to your smoothie.
There are many recipes for using frozen fruit which can be used to make a healthy and tasty breakfast drink, a healthy snack, or even as a dessert. Frozen smoothies can be made with all sorts of different fruit and there is nothing wrong with a little experimentation to see what you can add to your frozen fruit smoothie.
Using frozen rather than fruit at room temperature means your smoothie will be ice cold and will taste great and the consistency seems to be better. It’s the frozen fruit is what gives a smoothie its texture and its pleasantly cold temperature, otherwise you need to add ice to cool the smoothie but this dilutes the smoothie which is why I prefer my fruit frozen. Frozen Fruit Smoothies are a great treat because they are so simple to prepare and kids love them but don’t realise that you are feeding them 2-3 portions of fruit.
We love frozen fruit smoothies at our house and many of my children’s friends just come round for a fruit smoothie. The ingredients are simple and easy to find at the local super market, there is little preparation time and if you are looking for even more healthy ingredients why not add yogurt to your smoothies. If you freeze fruit when it is in season then you have a plentiful supply of fruit for your frozen fruit smoothie available all year round.
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