#frozen pomegranate arils
scealaiscoite · 28 days
゚。  september prompts
¹⁾ cartoon-patterned plasters 
²⁾ a switchblade shining under streetlamps
³⁾ hands stained with pen ink
⁴⁾ red-painted nails
⁵⁾ waves lapping a boat’s hull
⁶⁾ scraped knees
⁷⁾ a stack of battered paperbacks
⁸⁾ a coat draped gently over a sleeping form
⁹⁾ weathered brown boots
¹⁰⁾ a six pack of beer and an apology
¹¹⁾ daisies growing from between pavement slabs
¹²⁾ bracelet-laden wrists
¹³⁾ frozen peas pressed against a fresh bruise
¹⁴⁾ laddered tights
¹⁵⁾ sweet pomegranate arils
¹⁶⁾ a palm reader’s warning
¹⁷⁾ a flea market wedding dress
¹⁸⁾ broken rollerskates
¹⁹⁾ the light that filters in through stained-glass windows
²⁰⁾ rich vanilla perfume 
²¹⁾ steaming cups of sake 
²²⁾ an airport terminal at midnight 
²³⁾ a wall covered with yellowed newspaper clippings
²⁴⁾ acrid smoke pouring in through open windows
²⁵⁾ a cold cement floor against skin
²⁶⁾ a horseshoe half-buried in the ground
²⁷⁾ sirens at midnight 
²⁸⁾ dark lipstick smeared on a cheek
²⁹⁾ the last night before the circus leaves town
³⁰⁾ trembling hands
³¹⁾ three people sat on a two-seater sofa
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wildeschilde · 2 years
Day 3: Apricot • Peach
I know these are jellies, rather than jams, but I'm still sticking to "Jamvent", it amuses me. I'm sometimes so-so on peach, so I was glad this was nicely balanced between the two fruits.
Saturday brekkie bonus: I had the heel of the loaf and some mushy pomegranate arils (they'd been frozen), so I honoured Persephone, the reason for the season, with an extra toast and fruit combo.
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quasedegracashoppe · 1 year
Glazed salmon and avocado salad
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2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp pomegranate molasses
2 tsp maple syrup
2 x 150g skinless salmon fillets
250g green beans, halved lengthways
145g (1 cup) podded frozen edamame
100g baby spinach
1⁄4 small red cabbage, shredded
1 avocado, sliced
1⁄2 cup fresh continental parsley leaves
2 tbsp pomegranate arils
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
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Step 1: Combine 1 tbsp lemon juice, 3 tsp pomegranate molasses (1 tbsp pomegranate molasses) and 1 tsp maple syrup in a shallow dish. Add the salmon and turn to coat. Set aside for 10 minutes to marinate. Combine remaining lemon juice, molasses and maple syrup in a small bowl.
Step 2: Meanwhile, cook the green beans and edamame in a steamer basket over a saucepan of boiling water for 2-3 minutes or until bright green and tender crisp. Refresh under cold running water. Drain well.
Step 3: Heat a large chargrill pan or non-stick frying pan over medium-high heat and spray lightly with oil. Cook the salmon for 2-3 minutes each side or until golden, caramelised and cooked to your liking. Set aside to cool slightly then break into large flakes.
Step 4:Combine the spinach, cabbage, avocado, parsley, beans and edamame in a large bowl. Divide among serving plates. Top with the salmon, pomegranate arils, sunflower seeds and dressing. Serve immediately.
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mysainsburys12 · 1 year
Biologist Wants Americans To Taste A Rainbow Of Pomegranates
Pomegranates, with their vibrant red arils and tangy-sweet flavor, have long been celebrated for their health benefits and culinary versatility. 
However, many Americans have yet to explore the vast array of pomegranate varieties available. As a biologist passionate about promoting diversity in our diets, I believe it's time for Americans to taste a rainbow of pomegranates. 
The Health Benefits of Pomegranates
Consuming pomegranates offers numerous health benefits. These fruits are a great source of antioxidants, which help protect the body against harmful free radicals. Studies Is Pomegranate Keto suggest that pomegranate consumption may reduce the risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and inflammation-related conditions.
Furthermore, pomegranates have been associated with improved cardiovascular health. The high levels of polyphenols found in pomegranate juice can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart disease.
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The Variety of Pomegranates
While many people are familiar with the traditional red pomegranates, there is a vast range of pomegranate varieties available, each with its own unique flavor profile and appearance. From the sweet and mild-tasting Haku Botan to the tart and robust Wonderful variety, there is a pomegranate to suit every palate.
The Role of a Biologist
As a biologist, my mission is to promote biodiversity and encourage individuals to explore the diverse range of fruits and vegetables nature has to offer. By advocating for the consumption of different pomegranate varieties, I aim to expand our culinary horizons and highlight the importance of embracing variety in our diets.
The Importance of Diversifying Pomegranate Consumption
Consuming a diverse range of fruits and vegetables is essential for obtaining a wide spectrum of nutrients. Each pomegranate variety possesses its own unique combination of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering distinct health benefits. By incorporating various pomegranate varieties into our diets, we can maximize the nutritional advantages and expand our culinary experiences.
Pomegranate Arugula Salad
Create a refreshing salad by combining arugula, crumbled feta cheese, toasted walnuts, and a generous sprinkle of pomegranate arils. Drizzle with a balsamic vinaigrette for a delightful blend of flavors and textures.
Pomegranate Smoothie
Blend pomegranate juice, frozen berries, Greek yogurt, and a splash of honey for a nutritious and satisfying smoothie. The vibrant color and tangy taste of pomegranates will make this a new favorite in your smoothie repertoire.
In conclusion, as a biologist passionate about promoting diversity in our diets, I encourage Americans to embrace the vibrant array of pomegranate varieties available. From the sweet and delicate Haku Botan to the bold and tangy Kandahar, there is a pomegranate for everyone. By incorporating different pomegranate varieties into our diets, we not only reap the numerous health benefits but also expand our culinary horizons.
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milquetoad · 1 year
two percent plain greek yogurt with cinnamon granola, salty toasted pumpkin seeds, wildflower honey, and frozen pomegranate arils
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25mn · 1 year
How you freeze a whole pomegranate?
There isn't anything very like the tart pop of kind of pomegranate seeds (additionally called pomegranate arils). The pomegranate is an old and flexible organic product with an interesting and colorful flavor from the Center East. The pomegranate natural product has a lovely red variety within.
You can utilize pomegranate seeds in numerous flavorful or sweet dishes. I love pomegranate seeds on a plate of mixed greens or added to this virgin sangria mocktail; it gives the beverage an additional tang. What's more, obviously, frozen pomegranate seeds are marvelous in my Pomegranate Mocktail.
There's no natural product very like pomegranate. These small gems are loaded with flavor and squeeze that functions admirably in sweet treats and exquisite dishes. The issue is it very well may be all in all a faff eliminating the seeds. Anyway, could you at any point mass set them up?
Could You at any point Freeze Pomegranate Seeds? Indeed, you can freeze pomegranate seeds for as long as a half year. To freeze pomegranate seeds, you ought to pop the seeds out of the pomegranate, streak freeze and afterward pack them up to store in the cooler for the more drawn out term.
Will You Refreeze Pomegranate Seeds? No
Do Pomegranate Seeds Freeze Well? Indeed
The most effective method to Freeze Pomegranate Seeds Before you do anything, you really want to pop those seeds out of the pomegranate. This can get a piece untidy so watch out.
You can either pull separated a ready pomegranate and cautiously push the seeds from the primary shell or whack the rear of the pomegranate with a moving pin to pop the seeds out.
Eliminate Seeds from Pomegranate Right, presently you have a bowl of new and delicious pomegranate seeds sitting before you, you'll currently need to know how to approach freezing them:
Set up a Baking Plate: Take a baking plate and line it with greaseproof paper. This ought to keep the seeds from staying. Lay Seeds Onto Plate: Tip the seeds onto the plate and give them a shake to keep them in a solitary layer. Preferably, the seeds will generally not be contacting some other seeds, however this will in general be unthinkable so ensure they're in a solitary layer. Freeze: Spot the plate in the cooler for several hours to get the seeds streak frozen. Pack Up: Once frozen, you can eliminate the plate and tip the seeds into a sack for better capacity. You might get a little clustering, however this will be undeniable. Last Freeze: you should simply name the pack and spot it in the cooler.
Pomegranate Seeds Cooler Could You at any point Freeze Pomegranate Arils? Indeed, pomegranate arils is simply one more name for pomegranate seeds. Freeze the arils on a baking plate, when strong, segment them out into a cooler pack, seal and return them to the cooler.
How you freeze a whole pomegranate? So you currently realize that you can freeze pomegranate seeds. Yet, you're left staying there pondering: Might you at any point freeze pomegranate entirety?
Actually it's conceivable, yet there basically is no point. It's additionally why we strongly suggest NOT freezing avocados entirety. You're simply going to make more work independently and freezing it entire can likewise destroy the surface.
Assuming you freeze pomegranate entire, you'll need to trust that the situation will defrost prior to eliminating the seeds. Assuming that you have the seeds prepared and ready in the cooler, they'll be prepared to utilize much speedier.
Eventually, the seeds are the main piece of the pomegranate you'll at any point have to utilize. By freezing simply the pomegranate seeds, you'll let loose space and save yourself time in the more drawn out run.
Freeze Pomegranate Entirety
3 Ways to freeze Pomegranate Seeds Presently you know how to freeze them, we have our 3 top tips which we unequivocally prescribe following while freezing pomegranate seeds to have the best outcomes:
Freeze On a Plate First By freezing them spread out on a plate, when you at last freeze them in a pack there's less gamble of all bunching together. This is especially valuable in the event that you just need a little spoonful of seeds.
Sack Into Segments Assuming you anticipate utilizing pomegranate seeds in natural product plates of mixed greens or for breakfast, guarantee you freeze the pomegranate seeds into appropriately measured sacks, so you realize that one pack is one piece.
Have a go at Blending In with Other Natural product You can freeze your pomegranate seeds with other organic product pieces. Different berries freeze especially well including blueberries, blackberries and cherries.
How Long Could You at any point Freeze Pomegranate Seeds? Likewise with most natural products, assuming that you left your pomegranate seeds in the cooler for a really long time, they'd in any case be protected to eat. Notwithstanding, following a half year, their flavor will start to corrupt, and you'll lose their particular and delicious flavor.
That is the reason we would suggest consuming them in 6 months or less.
As usual, you should mark your frozen things with the date they ought to be consumed to lessen the gamble of your squandering them in a couple of months.
How Long Do Pomegranate Seeds Toward the end in the Cooler? At the point when kept in a covered dish or compartment, pomegranate seeds will keep going for somewhere in the range of 4 and 5 days in the ice chest.
How Would You Thaw out Pomegranate Seeds? Fortunately you don't have to stand by excessively lengthy for your pomegranate seeds to thaw out. You simply have to remove them from the cooler, place them in a bowl and leave them on your worktop for a couple of hours.
If you have any desire to speed this up a little, then, at that point, fill your sink with warm water, tip your pomegranate seeds into a bowl, and spot this in the water. This ought to defrost the seeds speedier.
Simply ensure you don't fill your bowl with water!
Could You Refreeze Pomegranate Seeds? Albeit safe, refreezing pomegranate seeds isn't something we would suggest. Refreezing pomegranate seeds can prompt a gigantic change in surface.
Rather than popping with harshness, you'll be left with soft seeds that never again have that trademark crunch.
Ways Of putting away Pomegranate Seeds On the off chance that you've purchased an assortment of pomegranates and leave them entire on the counter, they'll most recent a week or so before you notice wrinkles beginning to shape and the natural product beginning to relax.
Then again, in the fridge you can save an entire organic product for around 3 weeks, contingent upon when it was picked.
Whenever you've eliminated the seeds from the pomegranate, the main thing to safeguard them and stretch out their life is to seal them in an impenetrable compartment or Ziploc pack.
The best would be a glass compartment. The seeds are dependably a piece wet, and this can improve the probability of hurtful poisons from the plastic saturating your natural product, so it's smarter to be protected than sorry.
When appropriately fixed, the pomegranate bits will remain new in your refrigerator for around multi week.
On the off chance that you're feeling a piece German, you might make a rum container out of your pomegranate arils, which fundamentally implies you coat them in sugar and absorb them rum for a fascinating matured protect.
Instructions to be aware assuming pomegranate seeds have turned sour Ruined pomegranate parts are moderately self-evident, as they decay and radiate a recognizable scent. At the point when you cut a pomegranate, the arils ought to be stout and succulent.
Assuming that you find them delicate or too tricky and disgusting, the natural product is presumably not at its best any longer.
Within the natural product ought to likewise have a decent, rich pink tone. On the off chance that you see earthy colored recognizes, it's a terrible sign that your pomegranate has begun to decay.
While it's shocking to find that a decent pomegranate has turned sour, it's ideal to know that well before you put a spoiled or matured seed in your mouth.
Instructions to cut the pomegranate However flavorful as pomegranates may be, they can be extremely chaotic and disappointing in the event that you don't have any idea how to appropriately cut them. Nonetheless, when that's what you know, you can have your arils prepared to eat or freeze in practically no time.
To set up your explosive, you will require a couple of provisions:
A huge bowl to gather the pomegranate seeds A little bowl to dispose of the external packaging and mash A little, sharp paring blade a wooden spoon Presently, follow these basic advances:
Find the blossom end of your pomegranate (top), inverse the end that was cut from the tree (base). Utilize the blade to score a circle around the top, generally where it begins to bend down. Eliminate the top and dispose of it. You ought to see the white tissue where you partition the portions of your natural product. Utilize the blade to score along the length of the projectile (from the top to around 1 inch from the base) where you can see the objective. This ought to relate to slight knocks on your explosive and there are normally 4-6. Whenever you've checked where every one of the sections is, hold the explosive topsy turvy so the open top is over your enormous bowl. Begin to isolate the fragments from one another, however don't pull so hard that they fall off totally. You believe that the whole external shell should stay in one piece. With the wooden spoon, tap the beyond every one of the fragments to deliver the arils (seeds) into the bowl. Presently all that remains is to partake in the your rewards for so much hard work.
Assuming every one of that sounds like an excess of exertion, you could likewise think about putting resources into a projectile corer to eliminate the majority of the gouges and cuts.
Instructions to eat pomegranate seeds A great many people allude to the rich little knocks inside the pomegranate as the seeds, yet they're really called "arils," and every one has a seed inside, encompassed by the scrumptious, sweet mash that is so well known. we like.
Whenever you have removed every one of the arils from your pomegranate, you can eat the outcome anyway you like. Many individuals eat the seed inside, and it is totally protected and, surprisingly, beneficial to do as such, however others let out the hard seed as it very well may be an irritation to their teeth.
Another seed that individuals loath eating crude is the chia seed. Would you like to find out about these little ones? Look at this article we've composed .
You can simply snatch a spoon and eat them, yet here are alternate ways of adding pomegranate to your everyday feasts:
On your cereal, hot or cold Added to your juices or smoothies Blended in with your servings of mixed greens for lunch Cooked with your #1 grains, for example, a smooth risotto or hot curry rice Sprinkled over your frozen yogurt, cheesecake or other treat of your decision
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nbula-rising · 2 years
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Pineapple Glazed Pork Roast with Bacon Wild Rice Stuffing.
Prep time: 30 MINUTES cook time: 1 HOUR 15 MINUTES total time: 1 HOUR 45 MINUTES SERVES 6
1 1/2 cup uncooked wild rice 1 teaspoon salt 6 slices thick cut bacon, chopped 8 ounces button mushrooms, sliced 10 ounces fresh or frozen spinach (thawed if frozen) 1 cup roasted pistachios 8 ounces feta cheese, crumbled 1 (2 1/2 pound) pork loin roast 1/2 cup grainy mustard 1/2 cup brown sugar Pinch of cayenne pepper 1 medium pineapple (about 5 cups), peeled, cored + diced 1 medium delicata squash, halved, deseeded + sliced into half moons
Cook the wild rice according to package directions. I brought 4 cups water to a boil, added the rice and simmered, covered for 45 minutes until the rice was fluffy and the water absorbed. Meanwhile, heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the bacon and cook until the fat begins to render, about 5 minutes. Add the mushrooms and continue cooking until the bacon crisps, about 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add the spinach. Allow the spinach to wilt into the bacon mushroom mixture. Once the rice is cooked, stir in the bacon mixture + all the drippings from the pan. Stir in the pistachios and then crumble in the feta. Season the rice with salt + pepper. Place pork, fat side down, on work surface with 1 short end facing you. Using long thin sharp knife and starting 1/2 inch above underside of roast, cut 1/2 inch in along right side. Continue cutting 1/2 inch above underside, unrolling roast like carpet. I found this how-to really helpful. Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Position an oven rack in the middle of the oven. Once your pork roast is in a flat piece, use a meat mallet to pound the pork so that most of the meat is in one even layer. Spread about 1 to 1 1/2 cups of the wild rice over the pork. Roll up pork; arrange seam side down on work surface (fat side will be facing up). Using kitchen string, tie at 1- to 1 1/2-inch intervals. Transfer pork, fat side up, to roasting pan. Sprinkle with 1 teaspoon coarse salt and 1/2 teaspoon pepper. Rub the pork all over with the mustard and then sprinkle on the brown sugar + cayenne. Add the pineapple. Roast pork for 25 minutes at 425 degrees F. Add the squash rounds and reduce the oven temperature to 375. Continue to roast until an instant-read thermometer inserted into center of loin registers 140-160 degrees F. (it will be cooked medium but still slightly pink), about 35-50 minutes. Let the roast rest for at least 20 minutes before slicing. Serve the pork alongside the remaining rice + roasted squash and pomegranate arils (if desired).
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1200adayok · 4 years
New Year's Eve Christmas Fruit Plate
New Year’s Eve Christmas Fruit Plate
Hello Friends, Merry Christmas! It’s been a weird year for us all and unfortunately I haven’t eaten as well as I would have liked. I’m having dinner with my brother and sister-in-law tonight so I thought I would start the day with a healthy, but festive, Christmas Fruit Plate. On my fruit plate I have a whole persimmon, a clementine and some frozen pomegranate arils. I saw these persimmons at…
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Apple-y Berry Juicy Smoothie
Summer allergies. Anxiety. Dissertation revising. Annual physical exam. Anxiety awaiting the lab work results. Putting together a puzzle. Sipping on a smoothie.
Blend fresh apple juice with kale and frozen raspberries, apricots, pomegranate arils.
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meadowthewitch · 6 years
Blessed Imbolc💐🌼🌈🌻🌷
This morning I got up before sunrise and had coffee and frozen pomegranate arils for breakfast. I meditated while the sun rose and prayed to my deities along with Hestia and Persephone. I hung up spell jars in my room for cleansing and now I’m curled up near the window with a cup of tea🍵🌳🌼🌻💐🌷I hope you’re having a lovely day!!
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In My San Diego Garden & Kitchen
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Pomegranates, rose petals and grevillea.
It’s fall in San Diego and the pomegranates are ready to be harvested. Left on the tree, they will split and confirm their readiness. These came from a biblical garden that I tend at our church. Three mature trees yielded about eight bushels of pomegranates and the highest ones remain on the trees. The bushels of pomegranates disappeared on the Sunday they were set out.
My mother never let us eat pomegranates. “They’ll stain your clothes,” she’d say. Nonsense. Every child should have the experience of a pomegranate. If you’re not sure how to access the arils check out this video.
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The strawberry guavas were smaller this year, probably because of insufficient water during the warm weather. My husband shakes the guava tree and the ripe fruit falls onto garden trays. It’s easier than picking them individually. We probably harvested at least five pounds last week. 
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I processed the fruit to make strawberry guava puree for the freezer. That’s three quarts of puree. Most was frozen to make jam later. I also stir it into plain yogurt, mix with rhubarb compote and applesauce and put it on fresh fruit. 
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The rhubarb ends its run later this fall and is quite robust now. I tidied the four foot wide plant and harvested about a third of the largest stalks. Compost layered around the plant will ready it for next season. 
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Guava puree adds color to the dreary rhubarb compote and gives it a flavor kick.
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The limes are coming on and just in time for last night’s dinner of chicken tacos with avocado and lime.
There are other ongoing harvests but I’ll save for next week and close with a bouquet from my garden. Zinnias are in with the vegetables. Blue flowers are ceratostigma plumbaginoides which is very drought tolerant and blooms about eight months of the year in my coastal garden.
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To see what other gardeners are gathering in, head over to Harvest Monday hosted by Dave at Our Happy Acres.
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spinandshake69 · 2 years
Hire a Mixologist from the best in the business
From frozen fruit to fresh herbs, there are so many fun ways to enjoy a flavored cocktail. Delicious mixed drinks are a great way to celebrate special occasions. It seems like every bar or restaurant has new, featured cocktails that have all sorts of fun and funky ingredients in them. many of a them can be filled with sugary syrups, drink mixes, and become high (and empty) calorie concoctions. Skip the bar and make your own craft cocktails at home so you’re in control of what goes in them.
We have the best mixologists in London and UK. They are highly skilled and experienced, so they will be able to make any drink that you want. please go here mixologist hire and get best person for make for cocktail. You can choose from our list of cocktails, or we can create new ones just for you! Our mobile bars for hire come with everything needed to serve drinks, including glassware, ice buckets and cocktail ingredients. All of this is included in our prices so there won’t be any hidden fees when it comes time to pay.
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Use this drink ratio when mixing_ Use a 1:1:3 ratio with alcohol to flavoring (100% juice) to seltzer/low calorie liquid. Making sure you’re not adding more than 1 shot of alcohol to your mixed drinks will keep you from getting super dehydrated (which means no hangover!) or adding unnecessary calories. When choosing your alcohol, don’t pay attention to the hype of lighter colored liquors being better for you than darker colors. A 1.5 oz shot of any 86-proof liquor is going to have 105 calories, regardless of color. But, keep in mind the higher the proof, the higher the calories.
Know your liquors_ Each base liquor plays its own unique role in a cocktail glass. Great vodka should be flavorless; as such, it can blend with anything from vermouth (in a Martini) to orange juice (in a Screwdriver). Gin is made from juniper berries and should maintain its idiosyncratic character when mixed into a Martini or a Tom Collins. Whiskey and rye are known for their smoky character and linger on the roof of a drinker's mouth. They're great in hearty drinks like Manhattans and Old Fashioneds. Rum can be either brown or clear and is sweeter than most other liquors; it's the key ingredient in a Dark ‘N’ Stormys and Daiquiris. Tequila and mezcal are made from succulents and go well with citrus flavors in drinks like Margaritas.
Strain drinks properly_ You'll need to strain drinks when you want to prevent ice cubes, ice shards, or bits of fresh ingredients from getting into the cocktail glass. Most professional bartenders own multiple strainers. The double-strain technique involves using a Hawthorn strainer to remove coarser solids and then a fine strainer to remove tiny flecks of fruit or ice. Cosmopolitans are a common double-strained drink. Meanwhile, Mint Juleps have a strainer specifically named for them: the Julep strainer.
Choose unsweetened flavored seltzers instead of sodas. These unsweetened seltzers still give you fizz, but less sugars and artificial flavorings than soda. Just be sure to check the label to make sure your seltzer is truly unsweetened.Add frozen berries, pomegranate arils, and other fun fruits to cool down your cocktails and have a nice snack to eat once you finish your drink. The fiber from the fruits will also help fill you up, so you’ll be less likely to drink more than you should.
Memorize cocktail recipes_ You don't need to know everything, but part of bartending 101 is knowing some classic cocktails by heart. At a minimum, you should know how to make a Bloody Mary, a Martini (with dry vermouth), a Margarita (don't skimp on the lime juice), a Vodka Cranberry, a Gin & Tonic (try it with grapefruit juice), and a Negroni. Beyond that, you can start to learn the main cocktail categories, like highballs, fizzes, sours, punches, etc. Once you learn the attributes of each category, you can better understand how to make each cocktail within that category.
Learn to shake a cocktail_ In many bars, shaking is the preferred mixing technique for non-carbonated drinks like Mojitos, Whiskey Sours, and the French 75. Investing in your own cocktail shaker is essential. Some shakers have lids; others, like the Boston shaker, look like two tin cups put together. You'll also need to learn the dry shake, which is used to produce a thick foam with ingredients like cream and egg whites.
Study the art of layering_ In addition to shaking and stirring, a great bartender can layer certain drinks so that you can see layers of different liquids within the glassware. This requires a bar spoon and an understanding of how to layer your liqueurs, fruit juices, egg whites, foam, and other drink ingredients as needed.
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lexapenndari · 2 years
Pondering the pomme 🍎
A is for Apple (English)
P is for Pomme (French)
P is for Pome/Pomum (Latin)
A: These apple varieties grow locally 🍎 🌳
P: These potatoe wedges started out as potatoes 🥔 (pomme de terre = apples of the earth).
P: These frozen pomegranate arils were once nestled inside a pomegranate (pomum granatum = apple with many seeds).
#Food #Fruit #Red #Root #Roots #Etymology #RedDelicious #Ambrosia
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afireyearth · 2 years
I decided to try an antioxidant smoothie mix (frozen fruit mix) and it has pomegranate arils in it. It is super delicious but now every time i dry it up with my straw the little arils get stuck in my straw :(
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socialmenet-com · 3 years
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Cherry Pomegranate Detox Smoothie 1/2 a frozen banana 1/2 cup sour cherries 1/2 cup pomegranate seeds (arils) 1/2 cup ice 1 cup unsweetened milk (nut, soy, animal) INSTRUCTIONS Add all of the ingredients for one of the smoothies above to the jar of your blender. Place the lid on the blender and blend until smooth, about 1 minutes on medium to medium-high speed. Enjoy #smoothie #recipe #smoothierecipe #Cherrysmoothie #Pomegranatesmoothie https://www.instagram.com/p/CUxGhO8q-Tk/?utm_medium=tumblr
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bookofruth · 3 years
Vegan Spinach, Cilantro, and Tahini soup garnished with more cilantro and added scallions. We borrowed this recipe from the NYT. Perisan (though the basmati saffron cranberry rice was ad libbed) Kufteh Pesteh: fresh tarragon, mint, and herb veggie meatball with ground pistachio and pomegranate glaze. Then, Palestinian Bamieh Bi El Zeit: Okra Stew with fresh Pommegranite Arils and Pistachios.
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