#frozen coconut chunks
heartual · 7 months
had a yummy smoothie bowl now my tummy kinda hurts….. am i only here to suffer
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rachellaurengray · 4 months
Go ahead and reblog this simple list of vegan snacks. It doesn't need to be DIFFICULT if you know where to start.
Welcome to your Complete cheatsheet list of 50 Vegan snacks and their low calorie content for mindful snacking.
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1. Apple 🍎 Slices with Almond Butter (1 apple, 1 tbsp) - 160 calories
2. Carrot 🥕 Sticks with Hummus (10 baby carrots, 2 tbsp) - 90 calories
3. Mixed 🥜 Nuts (1 oz) - 160 calories
4. Trail Mix (1/4 cup) - 150 calories
5. Fresh Fruit 🍌 (Banana) (1 medium) - 105 calories
6. Berries 🍓 (1 cup) - 85 calories
7. Grapes (1 cup) - 60 calories
8. Rice Cakes with 🥑 Avocado (1 rice cake, 1/4 avocado) - 90 calories
9. Celery Sticks with Peanut Butter (3 sticks, 1 tbsp) - 100 calories
10. Air-Popped 🍿 Popcorn (3 cups) - 90 calories
11. Cucumber 🥒 Slices with Tahini (1/2 cucumber, 1 tbsp) - 80 calories
12. Dried Fruit (Apricots) (5 pieces) - 85 calories
13. Dried Mango 🥭 (1/4 cup) - 130 calories
14. Edamame (1/2 cup) - 100 calories
15. Cherry Tomatoes 🍅 (1 cup) - 25 calories
16. Whole Grain Crackers with Vegan Cheese 🧀 (5 crackers, 1 slice) - 130 calories
17. Oatmeal with Berries (1/2 cup cooked, 1/4 cup) - 140 calories
18. Smoothie (Banana, Spinach, Almond Milk) (1 cup) - 180 calories
19. Dark Chocolate 🍫 (1 oz) - 150 calories
20. Vegan Yogurt with Granola (1/2 cup, 2 tbsp) - 180 calories
21. Roasted Chickpeas (1/4 cup) - 120 calories
22. Vegetable 🥬 Chips (Kale) (1 cup) - 50 calories
23. Sweet Potato Chips (1 oz) - 150 calories
24. Fruit Salad 🍉 🍎 🍌 (1 cup) - 70 calories
25. Almonds (1 oz) - 160 calories
26. Cashews (1 oz) - 160 calories
27. Pistachios (1 oz) - 160 calories
28. Homemade Granola Bar (1 bar) - 200 calories
29. Vegan Protein Bar (1 bar) - 200 calories
30. Coconut 🥥 Yogurt (1/2 cup) - 120 calories
31. Bell Pepper 🫑 Slices with Hummus (1 bell pepper, 2 tbsp) - 70 calories
32. Apple Chips (1 oz) - 80 calories
33. Banana 🍌 Chips (1 oz) - 150 calories
34. Vegan Cheese Slice (1 slice) - 60 calories
35. Seaweed Snacks (1 pack) - 25 calories
36. Frozen Grapes 🍇 (1 cup) - 60 calories
37. Chia Pudding (1/2 cup) - 150 calories
38. Guacamole 🥑 with Veggie Sticks (2 tbsp, 1/2 cup) - 120 calories
39. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds (1 oz) - 150 calories
40. Stuffed Dates (Almond Butter) (3 dates) - 150 calories
41. Rice Paper Rolls (Vegetable) (1 roll) - 100 calories
42. Mango Slices (1 cup) - 100 calories
43. Apricot Halves (1/2 cup) - 70 calories
44. Pineapple Chunks (1 cup) - 80 calories
45. Almond Butter on Rice Cake (1 tbsp, 1 rice cake) - 130 calories
46. Sliced Oranges (1 large) - 85 calories
47. Peach Slices (1 cup) - 60 calories
48. Cantaloupe Chunks (1 cup) - 50 calories
49. Broccoli Florets with Tahini (1 cup, 2 tbsp) - 110 calories
50. Snap Peas with Hummus (1 cup, 2 tbsp) - 90 calories
These snacks provide a variety of tastes and nutrients while keeping the calorie count manageable.
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jmtorres · 5 months
juls's super easy sweet coconut curry for when you're sick
note: this is super easy because i have curry paste and an instapot and a rice cooker. if you don't have these things on hand. well like, you can still make it, but it may not be super easy sick food for you
1lb chicken (approx)
1/3 cup of sugar
1 tbsp red curry paste
2 tbsp fish sauce
1 can coconut cream (trader joe's recommended)
cashews, unsalted
separately, rice
(there's a version of this where you brown the chicken first. the super easy version is not that version.)
okay so get your instapot. you can make this in a big one or a small one. i just started a double batch in my baby instapot.
Put in the can of coconut cream. (Tj's is recommended because it is just coconut and water, no thickeners. if you don't have ibd or some shit and thickeners don't bother you, use whatever.) Note: you can also use coconut milk if you and thicken it with like a teaspoon or two of cornstarch, but due to the nature of pressure cookers you can't add the cornstarch until after you cook, or the instapot won't reach pressure.
Add the sugar. Other people who may have originated this recipe kept dicking with the amount because "oh it's too sweet" they ended up working in eighths of a cup who even has eighths of a cup. Fuck that, I like it sweet, I'm sick, it's comfort food, 1/3 cup measure is easy to find.
Add the red curry paste and fish sauce. Note: the original amounts on this were 2tsp red curry paste and 1.5tbsp fish sauce. This was changed because using a tablespoon measure for both is easier and also stronger flavors are better when you're congested. If you think this might be too spicy for you, go easy on the red curry paste. If for some ungodly reason you are trying to recreate this from scratch, red curry paste contains: red chilis, lemongrass, galangal, garlic, coriander, cumin, shallots, lime zest, and usually shrimp paste but mine's kosher. Fish sauce is a mixture of soy sauce and fish so you can use like a tablespoon of soy if you don't have fish sauce, and maybe like a dash of worcestershire (the closest western equivalent to fish sauce, though it is considerably more gussied up).
Give the mix a good stir. This is not strictly necessary but I'm always paranoid about chunk of curry paste won't separate. I also turn the instapot on saute mode at this point because heat gets things moving.
Cube the chicken and add it to the pot. Or if you bought pre-diced, good on you. I prefer breasts to thighs because I think they're easier to chop up. Also I've discovered that if you're pulling chicken out of the freezer, you do not have to thaw it 100% it is actually easier to cube if it's half-frozen.
Add cashews. I will be honest, I've never measured this. Somewhere between half a cup and a whole cup? You do not want there to be more cashews than chicken but otherwise go wild. If you only have salted cashews, wash them in a strainer first. They will get soft. That's fine, they'll get super soft in the curry. If you wanted a crunch instead, try peanuts, they hold their form better.
Close the instapot and set it to meat/stew.
Make some rice. Maybe like a cup and a half before cooking? Tbh I've never totally figured out how to match the rice to the curry to make them run out at the same time. The curry makes 4-5 servings if that helps.
In like an hour you will have food.
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buffetlicious · 8 months
For the Braised Fried Fish Maw Seafood Treasure Soup, the staff portioned it into ten smaller bowls before serving it to us. Not sure if it is because I am holding a camera, but my bowl came with more chunks of crab meat and fish maw. Basically, a seafood soup thickened with starch so the ingredients seem to be suspended/frozen in the soup. Black vinegar and white pepper accompanied this soup so feel free to add some to it.
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Well, the Roasted Crispy Chicken with Prawn Crackers was warm and tender to eat, it however wasn’t crispy at it. And just like everywhere else in Singapore, they referred to this deep-fried chicken as a roasted chicken. Sprinkle a bit of the salt & pepper before putting it into the mouth. A lacklustre dish but thank goodness, the prawn crackers were crispy though.
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This Steamed Hybrid Garoupa in Hong Kong Style was cut into sections just before they served it to us. This hybrid grouper is probably a cross between the giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus) and brown-marbled grouper or tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus) and given the Dragon Tiger Grouper (龙虎斑) name. The fish got to be very fresh to be steamed and cooked with just a simple condiment of soya sauce, julienned spring onions and cilantro leaves for garnish. The end result, sweet springy flesh with collagen like skin that is so good to eat.
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The Braised Whole 10-Head Abalone with Sea Cucumber and Spinach was up next but the process of waiting for the next dish to be served was a long one as in-between the hosts are showing us video stories of the newly married couple and plus the live singing by the friends and band. Ten pieces each of the abalone and sea cucumber sitting atop a bed of blanched Popeye’s favourite green vegetable. Why 10 you may ask? Because a table usually seat ten people so the food portions are divided equally so each get a piece of everything (for the expensive ingredients that is). The only complaint for this dish is that the spinach is on the bitter side.
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Like an overturned basket or nest, spilling out Deep-Fried Prawns with Black Truffle Mayonnaise Sauce. If there is anything to change for the presentation, I would move the red and green coral lettuces from under the eatable nest and placed it in the nest for a more dramatic effect. Anyway, these truffle gratings lend an aromatic and earthy fragrances to the classic mayo prawns topped with orange flying fish roe. My colleague and I detected a mild spicy hint of wasabi in it but another colleague said it is from the truffle and mayo combo. Differences aside, this is one dish I won’t mind having again.
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I always love this noodle served at the end of the dinner courses just before dessert. The Braised Ee-Fu Noodles with Yellow Chives and Straw Mushrooms is a usual staple at wedding due to the fact it is also known as longevity noodles (寿面). Normally, I would consume more than a bowl of the yi mein (伊面) but that night I was already quite stuffed from the dishes served and I was leaving room for dessert. :D
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By the time the last dish was up and the clock was ticking closer to 11pm. The warm Teochew Yam Paste with Gingko Nut and Coconut Milk with its gooey and smooth yam (taro) paste and whole gingko nuts smothered in thickened coconut milk is bursting with sweetness and a great comfort to many of us Singaporeans. I liked the fact that the chef tuned the sugar level to just sweet enough as I preferred mine not too saccharine. Anyway, I just had to ask for another bowl as it was just too good to pass up.
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Dinner is now over and after shaking hands with the groom, bride and their respective parents, it is time to head to the train station to catch the train home.
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johannestevans · 8 months
always curious what people's like. staple meals and regular meals are
like the meals you regularly cook a few times in a month, for yourself or your family as well
bc for me it's like
bacon sandwiches. basic.
garlic bread
baked feta with peppers & tomatoes, oregano, olive oil, a bit of lemon juice
the lidl potato gratin with peppers, tomatoes, and spinach mixed in, again normally with olive oil and some cheese
roast chicken with roasted potatoes and root vegetables, normally carrots and parsnips
pork souvlakia, chunks of usually belly pork or chop on kebab sticks and oven grilled with or without chunks of pepper and tomato
dolmades, vine leaves stuffed with stewed rice
chicken risotto made with chicken stock on a base of butter with spring onions and bacon to toast the rice with
pasta with chicken pieces with a tomato-based sauce w more cheese and vegetables
a "greek salad" with some modifications - chunks of cucumber, tomato, red and yellow pepper, spinach leaves, red onion or spring onions, garlic granules, and then olive oil and feta chunks
parchment pastry scrolls, a spread of pastry smeared with tomato purée or similar chutney, cheese, bacon, vegetables, or mushrooms, and then cut into discs and baked
homemade burgers with beef or lamb mince, tiny chopped onions, egg, honey as a binding agent, and then fried hopefully to eat with slices of cheddar or leerdammer, bacon, and pickles/cornichons
i made a kouneli stifado a while back (whole rabbit cut into chunks, slow cooked with potatoes and root vegetables, onions, red wine, stock, etc) that i want to do more regularly bc a whole rabbit is a fiver and it feeds a LOT of people
then obvs like. various oven cooked things i don't modify, like prawn tempura or frozen calamari, etc
because i've moved and haven't set up my rice cooker or got my short grain rice again, and bc i don't have a new deep fat fryer yet, i'm not cooking like, my fresh cut chips, or maki rolls and onigiri, or a meal i'd regularly do of just like. fried eggs on rice and stuff
i used to make lasagnes more regularly and i'd like to go back to that, esp bc like... i love making latkes and once we have a nice wide frying pan it will be nice to do that more regularly, and my big thing atm is that i want to learn to cook with some new ingredients
i want to learn to do more and more interesting stuff with coconut and pineapple, i want to do more like. kormas and other diff curries, i want more green vegetables, esp asparagus and broccoli
i want to cook more with different fish and sea food bc i know i desperately need the oil for my fucked up joints and brain, i want to break more breads and savoury things, esp garlic and tearaway breads
esp bc like. my body's capacity for red meat is fucking terrible lmao, i want more fibre and less heavy protein from red meat at once so i don't just utterly eviscerate my guts lmao
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theslimeologist · 17 days
Opinions on dessert types (like a top ten or something?) (also sorry if u get 2 of these i tried sending one and my browser got stuck loading)
dessert types huh? hm..
(did not expect to actually construct a ranked list of 10 dessert genres but here we go)
1: ice cream - it is versatile, it is sweet, it is cold. too cold for you? thats okay! it turns into quite the delicious goop as well!! iced cream is THE penultimate tasty fucking treat. i dont care what anyone else says, ice cream is the salad of desserts. you crave chocolate you have chocolate chunkin brownie bitchin iced creams. okay? and NEVER write off frozen yogurt either, okay? … OKAY?? (it is tasty and well, yogurt is good for you too!)
2: chocolate - erm. yeah. i can just say chocolate. no it isnt just a flavour. chocolate bars, candies, snacks. portable, munchable… expensive. for the best.
3: cookies - the CRUMBLY KIND!!!!! sorry soft cookie enjoyers but when you dunk a soft cookie into milk and you get the same damn cookie but a little COLDER. those thangs dont absorb the milk. and this isnt just about milk dippers- its back to ICE CREAM. you ever crumble a tasty fucking crunchy cookie into a bowl of good vanilla? like. dont get dairy queen. go make some dry cookies right now and use ANY ICE CREAM with actual vanilla bean (extra triple creamy iced creams are kind of a scam they dont taste different and oh also watch out for anything calling itself a frozen dessert that is not truly iced cream.)
4: drinks. Here- have your dessert through a straw, or brave the frontiers with a spoon. milkshakes, iced coffees, ice cream floats, hot chocolates, milk teas.. regular coffee is a dessert to me i guess with this logic. at least with how im drinking it.
5: PASTRIES! Fluffin fuckin tasty flakey holy shit. fresh pastry. uhuh. cream raspberry filling pleaze- littol glaze please… :) croissants count here which gives pastry a very strong edge against any other foods..
6: cake, i guess. has to be good cake. can not have fucking coco nut shreds upon it. can not have pure sugar icing. favourites of mine are cheesecake, a good chocolate cake, and angel food cake with a whipped pudding icing.
7: okay, pie. it can be pretty damn good, it can be very tasty, but the harmony of pastry and filling can be tricky, at least with my autistic DISTASTE for most whole fruits.
8: jello. i had a dream recently that like. i brought back jello foods. and it was good. cause i did it good. so sure. jello. saves your fuckin LIFE while sick, too.
9: dishonourable mentions: popsicles, sour sweets, stuff with cherries, almonds / bland nuts, coconut, fruit chunks according to Slimeo’s 2024 guide to The Ick, black liquorice, “desert pizzas”and anything that is pure sugar. WHICH IS A LOT.
10: brownies. we dont talk about brownies.
0, (ascendant): cinnamon rolls. truly too good and too pure to rank. above all but too humble to hold the title. WE LOVE YOU CINNAMON ROLL
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najia-cooks · 2 years
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[ID: First image is a large, shallow dish filled with a bright yellowish orange soup filled with red cabbage and green onion and drizzled with coconut milk. A halved samosa sits in the soup and a plate of samosa is visible in the background. The second image is a close-up on the samosa resting in the soup, showing its deep brown filling. End ID.]
Samusa thouk (Burmese soup with split chickpeas, tamarind, and samosa)
Samusa thouk is a bright, savory, slightly spicy soup often eaten with leftover samusa. The samusa are broken and placed in a bowl, and the soup is then spooned over them.
My recipe makes Burnese samusa that are flavored with turmeric and black mustard seed and made richly sweet with the addition of jaggery—they play beautifully against the tartness of the tamarind in the soup. You may also use Indian samosa from frozen or from take-out.
Recipe under the cut!
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8 Burmese samusa
1 Indian bay leaf (tej patta)*
2-3 dried Indian red chilis, broken in half
2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)
1 tsp brown mustard seeds (rai)
1/3 cup neutral oil
1 red onion, diced
8 cloves garlic, minced (3 Tbsp)
1-inch chunk ginger, minced
1 tsp ground turmeric
1 tsp sweet paprika (optional)
1 tsp coriander seeds, toasted and ground
1/2 tsp black peppercorns, toasted and ground
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup besan (chickpea flour)
1/2 cup water
8 cups (2 liters) vegetable stock
1 Tbsp tamarind paste
1/2 cup chana dal (split chickpeas), soaked in cool water for an hour**
1/4 to 1/2 cup coconut milk (optional)
Salt to taste (about 1 1/2 tsp)
Shredded red cabbage, mint, green onion, cilantro, and lemon or lime to serve
*Indian bay leaves are distinct from Turkish or California laurel bay leaves and have a different taste and fragrance. They will be labelled "tej patta" in an Asian or halaal grocery store, and have three vertical lines running along them from root to tip, rather than radiating out diagonally from a central vein. Omit if you don’t have any.
**You may substitute toor dal (split pigeon peas) for chana dal, or use moong dal (yellow lentils) in a pinch. These grams would not need to be soaked. If you have not soaked the chana dal, the cooking time will increase by about 20 minutes.
1. Heat 1/3 cup of a neutral oil, such as vegetable or canola, in a large pot on medium.
2. Add bay leaf and dried chilis and fry for about 30 seconds, until fragrant. Add cumin and mustard seeds and fry until they are fragrant and popping into the air.
3. Add onion and fry, stirring occasionally, until golden brown (15-20 minutes).
4. Meanwhile, heat a dry skillet over medium-low heat. Add chickpea flour and toast, stirring often, for a few minutes until fragrant and several shades darker. In a mixing bowl, whisk chickpea flour with 1/2 cup water until smooth.
5. Add ginger and garlic to the pot with the onion and fry, stirring occasionally, about 30 seconds until no longer raw-smelling. Add ground spices (turmeric, paprika, coriander, and black pepper) and fry for about 30 seconds until fragrant.
6. Add lentils to the pot and toast for 2 minutes.
7. Add tamarind paste, vegetable stock, and chickpea flour mixture and stir to combine. Raise heat to bring to a boil, then lower heat to a simmer.
8. Cook for 20-30 minutes, until the dal is tender and cooked through. Add coconut milk, if desired, and salt. Taste and adjust spices.
9. Serve warm over broken samusa. Top with shredded red cabbage and fresh herbs.
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Ditch the Dairy, Love Your Taste Buds: 5 Vegan Gluten-Free Ice Cream Must-Tries
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Ice cream: the ultimate summer treat. But what if you're dairy-free and gluten-free? Fear not, ice cream lovers! I’m here to share the scoop on five amazing vegan, gluten-free ice cream recipes that will blow your mind. These creamy concoctions are packed with flavor and totally guilt-free. Let’s dive in!
Vegan Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
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Who doesn’t love chocolate chip cookie dough? This version is dairy-free, gluten-free, and absolutely irresistible. 
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* 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled
* 1/2 cup maple syrup
* 1/4 cup cocoa powder
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Pinch of salt
* 1/2 cup vegan chocolate chips
* Vegan cookie dough (store-bought or homemade)
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, maple syrup, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and salt until smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. In the last few minutes of churning, add the chocolate chips and cookie dough.
4. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
Creamy Peanut Butter and Jelly Ice Cream
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This classic flavor combo gets a vegan, gluten-free makeover. It’s the perfect balance of sweet and salty.
* 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled
* 1/2 cup maple syrup
* 1/4 cup creamy peanut butter
* 1 tablespoon chia seeds
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Pinch of salt
* Vegan grape jelly
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, maple syrup, peanut butter, chia seeds, vanilla extract, and salt until smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Swirl in the vegan grape jelly.
4. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
Tropical Mango Sorbet
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This refreshing sorbet is perfect for a hot summer day. It’s light, flavorful, and packed with vitamin C.
* 2 cups frozen mango chunks
* 1/2 cup frozen pineapple chunks
* 1/4 cup coconut water
* 1 tablespoon lime juice
* 1 tablespoon agave nectar (optional)
1. Combine all ingredients in a food processor or blender and process until smooth.
2. Transfer the sorbet to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
Classic Vanilla Bean Ice Cream
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You can’t go wrong with a classic! This vegan vanilla ice cream is rich, creamy, and unbelievably delicious.
* 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled
* 1/2 cup maple syrup
* 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
* Pinch of salt
* 1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, maple syrup, vanilla extract, salt, and vanilla bean paste until smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
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Cool down with this refreshing mint chocolate chip ice cream. It’s the perfect treat on a hot day.
* 1 can full-fat coconut milk, chilled
* 1/2 cup maple syrup
* 1/4 cup cocoa powder
* 1 teaspoon peppermint extract
* Pinch of salt
* Vegan chocolate chips
1. In a large bowl, whisk together the coconut milk, maple syrup, cocoa powder, peppermint extract, and salt until smooth.
2. Pour the mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions.
3. In the last few minutes of churning, add the chocolate chips.
4. Transfer the ice cream to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 2 hours before serving.
There you have it, five amazing vegan, gluten-free ice cream recipes! Which one will you try first? Let me know in the comments!
Tag us and use the hashtags #CEERecipes #CEEFoodiesBFF #RemakewithCEE in order to be reposted on our feed let’s make CEE VGF Baking community the best place for VGF baking inspiration to be more engaging and entertaining for others to join let’s spread the joy together!
We have got more amazing mouthwatering recipes for you to try at home so make sure to follow CEE vegan gluten-free baking Blog and don’t miss out!
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bygoody · 1 month
Summer Chilled Drinks
A Mango Coconut Smoothie is a refreshing, dairy-free drink perfect for a hot day or a nutritious breakfast. This tropical smoothie combines the natural sweetness of ripe mangoes with the creamy texture of coconut milk, making it both delicious and satisfying. It’s quick and easy to make, ensuring you can enjoy a healthy treat without much effort.
2 cups fresh or frozen mango chunks
1 cup coconut milk (canned or carton)
1/2 cup orange juice
1 tablespoon honey or maple syrup (optional)
1/2 cup ice cubes (optional, for a thicker smoothie)
Fresh mint leaves or mango slices for garnish (optional)
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smoothiediet4 · 2 months
The Ultimate Guide to a Smoothie Diet: Benefits, Recipes, and Tips
Smoothies have taken the health and wellness world by storm, offering a convenient and delicious way to pack a nutritional punch. Whether you're looking to lose weight, boost your energy, or simply incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, a smoothie diet can be an excellent choice. In this article, we'll explore the benefits of a smoothie diet, provide some delicious recipes, and share tips for success. JOIN THE SMOOTHIE DIET21-DAY PROGRAM
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What is a Smoothie Diet?
A smoothie diet involves replacing one or more meals with nutrient-dense smoothies. These smoothies typically contain a blend of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats. The goal is to consume a balanced mix of macronutrients and micronutrients in an easily digestible form.
Benefits of a Smoothie Diet
1. Weight Loss: Smoothies can help with weight loss by reducing calorie intake while still providing essential nutrients. They are often lower in calories than traditional meals and can keep you feeling full and satisfied.
2. Improved Digestion: The fiber content in smoothies aids in digestion and promotes a healthy gut. Blending fruits and vegetables makes their nutrients more accessible, allowing for better absorption.
3. Increased Energy: Starting your day with a smoothie can give you an energy boost. The natural sugars in fruits provide quick energy, while the fiber and protein offer sustained energy throughout the day.
4. Detoxification: Smoothies made with leafy greens and detoxifying ingredients like ginger and lemon can help cleanse your body of toxins and improve overall health.
5. Convenience: Smoothies are quick and easy to prepare, making them a perfect option for busy mornings or on-the-go meals.
Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Smoothie
To ensure your smoothie is both delicious and nutritious, include the following ingredients:
- Fruits: Berries, bananas, mangoes, apples, and pineapples add natural sweetness and essential vitamins.
- Vegetables: Spinach, kale, cucumbers, and carrots are excellent for adding fiber and nutrients without altering the taste significantly.
- Protein: Greek yogurt, protein powder, tofu, or nut butter can help keep you full and support muscle growth.
- Healthy Fats: Avocado, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and coconut oil provide essential fatty acids and promote satiety.
- Liquids: Water, almond milk, coconut water, or green tea can help achieve the desired consistency without adding too many calories.
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Delicious Smoothie Recipes
1. Green Detox Smoothie
- 1 cup spinach
- 1 cup kale
- 1 banana
- 1/2 apple
- 1/2 cucumber
- 1 tablespoon chia seeds
- 1 cup water or coconut water
2. Berry Protein Smoothie
- 1 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries)
- 1 banana
- 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
- 1 scoop protein powder
- 1 cup almond milk
3. Tropical Mango Smoothie
- 1 cup frozen mango chunks
- 1/2 banana
- 1/2 cup pineapple juice
- 1/2 cup coconut milk
- 1 tablespoon flaxseeds
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Tips for Success on a Smoothie Diet
1. Plan Ahead: Prepare your ingredients the night before to save time in the morning. You can even pre-portion smoothie packs and store them in the freezer.
2. Balance Your Smoothies: Ensure your smoothies have a good balance of carbohydrates, protein, and fats to keep you full and energized.
3. Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to the smoothie diet. If you feel hungry or fatigued, adjust your recipes to include more protein or healthy fats.
4. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated and support digestion.
5. Gradual Transition: If you're new to a smoothie diet, start by replacing one meal a day with a smoothie and gradually increase the frequency.
A smoothie diet can be a delicious and effective way to improve your health, lose weight, and boost your energy levels. By incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and healthy fats, you can create satisfying and nutrient-dense meals that support your overall well-being. Remember to plan ahead, listen to your body, and enjoy the journey towards a healthier you.
By following these tips and trying out the provided recipes, you'll be well on your way to reaping the benefits of a smoothie diet. Don't forget to share your favorite smoothie recipes and experiences in the comment section and JOIN THE SMOOTHIE DIET 21-DAY PROGRAM!
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hvlthgxth · 6 months
fav icecream flavor?
Ooh, intimate.
Americone Dream
Mint Chocolate Chip (Graeter's, specifically)
Haagen Dasz Vanilla Chocolate Almond Bar
Coconut Paleta (shreds, not chunks if real coconut is included)
While, I've got your ear, what's the fuckin point of frozen yogurt?
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cookingadventures · 6 months
For easter, we're planning homemade high tea for lunch! A family member is vegan, so everything I made was vegan.
4 types of sandwiches (all on Italian sourdough made by the local bread maker in town):
Roasted eggplant, tomato, arugula, a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil
Coronation chickpea (mostly-mashed chickpeas left with a few chunks, vegan mayo, curry powder, Sri Lankan mango chutney, a bit of cayenne, and a bit of salt)
Butter, cucumber, and the following spread loosely based on this : mashed peas food processed with chopped mint, olive oil, a bit of salt, white pepper and freshly ground black pepper, vegan parmesan, a spoonful of vegan mayo (just to make it a bit creamy but not overpower the flavor, since the original recipe calls for yogurt)
Samosa filling, tamarind chutney, and mint chutney (note: I highly recommend fresh chutneys instead of bottled if you can get them, especially the mint, the bottled ones tend to be extremely vinegary)
Rose, orange scones - based on this recipe (doubled) for the base scone recipe but modified the flavorings: replaced the vanilla extract with rose water (used 3tsp instead of 2tsp), replaced the lemon zest with orange zest from 1 large orange, and cut out the blueberries. Ended up being really sticky so I had to add more flour to get the right consistency. But the result was wonderful!
Mini fruit tarts - premade mini phyllo dough cups (bought frozen from Wegmans and baked for 5 min), ginger coconut custard from this recipe, and blueberries, raspberries, garnished with a mint leaf
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just-bendy · 2 years
I plan on making some pumpkin spice ice cream for Halloween and it has solid pumpkin jam candy chunk pieces! Want some? *hands to him and his friends some pumpkin spice ice cream * it’s also made with coconut ice cream instant mix, organic milk (like those straight from the source (cows), frozen then pasteurized at home after getting boiled, and getting butterfat extracted with a sieve/filter (which the butterfat will be used to make tasty sweet cookies later)) powdered cinnamon, powdered clove and powdered ginger !
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BENDY: Wow, this is tasty! Thanks for the ice cream!
BORIS: Super yummy!
ALICE: Thank you so very much!
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Incorporating foods rich in probiotics, fiber, and enzymes into your diet can help support proper digestion and overall gut health. Here are some recipe ideas that include ingredients known for their digestive benefits:
1. Greek Yogurt Parfait with Berries and Almonds:
- Layer Greek yogurt with fresh berries (such as blueberries, strawberries, or raspberries) and toasted almonds in a glass.
- Drizzle with a bit of honey or maple syrup for sweetness.
- Enjoy this simple and nutritious parfait that provides probiotics from the yogurt, fiber from the berries, and healthy fats from the almonds.
2. Chickpea and Vegetable Stir-Fry with Quinoa:
- Sauté diced bell peppers, broccoli florets, and sliced mushrooms in a skillet with olive oil and minced garlic.
- Add cooked chickpeas and a splash of low-sodium soy sauce or tamari.
- Serve over a bed of cooked quinoa for a fiber-rich and protein-packed meal that supports digestion and gut health.
3. Green Smoothie with Spinach, Pineapple, and Chia Seeds:
- Blend fresh spinach, frozen pineapple chunks, chia seeds, a scoop of Greek yogurt, and coconut water until smooth.
- Add a squeeze of lime juice for extra flavor and a boost of vitamin C.
- Enjoy this refreshing and fiber-rich smoothie that provides probiotics from the yogurt, fiber from the chia seeds, and enzymes from the fruits and vegetables.
4. Kimchi Fried Rice with Tofu:
- Sauté diced tofu, chopped kimchi, and mixed vegetables (such as carrots, peas, and bell peppers) in a skillet with sesame oil and soy sauce.
- Add cooked brown rice and stir-fry until heated through.
- Serve topped with sliced green onions and a sprinkle of sesame seeds for a flavorful and gut-friendly dish that contains probiotics from the kimchi and fiber from the vegetables and brown rice.
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akshaymehndiratta · 5 months
Akshay Mehndiratta: 6 Must-Try Mango Recipes for Summer Delights
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When the summer sun shines brightly, it’s good to know that the most popular fruit at the moment is the mango! As bursting with flavor and versatility as mangoes certainly are, they make for a perfect culinary adventure. You can get not only refreshing drinks but also to indulge yourself in decadent desserts. In this blog post, Akshay Mehndiratta, the food enthusiast, unveils 6 mango recipes that are beyond resisting and will definitely allow you to enjoy your summer feasting.
6 Best Mango recipes for summer delights by Akshay Mehndiratta:
Mango Sticky Rice:
1 cup glutinous rice (that is, sucked rice or sticky rice).
1 can (13.5 oz) coconut milk is as well.
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 mangoes, fully ripped, peeled and chopped.
If you use toasted sesame seeds or toasted mung beans, this dish will have a better look (optional, for garnish).
Rinse the rice in cold water until it is clear. Allow the rice to soak in water for at least 30 minutes, or up to 4 hours.
Once soaked, drain the rice. Place it in a steamer covered with cheesecloth or a clean kitchen towel. Steam the rice for 25–30 minutes above boiling water, until it is tender. Alternatively, if you have a rice cooker, use it according to the directions.
While the rice is cooking, start making the coconut sauce. In a saucepan, combine coconut milk, sugar, and salt. Heat this mixture over medium heat, stirring regularly, until the sugar has dissolved and everything is well warmed. Be careful not to let it come to a boil.
After the rice is cooked, take it out in a bowl. Pour most of the coconut sauce over the rice. Mix it gently until all the rice is covered evenly. Leave for 10 minutes for the rice to absorb all the flavours. When ready to serve, transfer the rice to a serving plate or bowl.
Arrange the sliced mangoes alongside or on top of the rice. Drizzle the remaining coconut sauce over the mangoes and rice.
Optionally, garnish with toasted sesame seeds or mung beans for added texture and flavor.
Serve the mango sticky rice warm or at room temperature, and enjoy!
Akshay Mehndiratta’s recipe ensures a perfect balance of flavors, making it an ideal dessert to cool down on hot summer days.
Mango Lassi:
Quench your thirst with a glass of mango lassi, an Indian yogurt-based drink made with delicious mango puree. Akshay’s proprietary formula contains a dash of cardamom, elevating this drink to new heights of flavor and elegance.
1 mango, peeled and diced (or 1 cup mango pulp).
1 cup plain yogurt.
1/2 cup of milk.
Adjust sugar to taste (2–3 teaspoons).
A sprinkle of ground cardamom (if preferred)
Ice cubes (if you prefer)
Optional garnish. Chopped pistachios or almonds
In a blender, blend together the chopped mango (or the mango pulp), the plain yogurt, milk, sugar, and cardamom,
Mix until the smoothness and the homogeneity are achieved. If you want, you can pour more milk and the texture will be thinner.
Feel the lassi’s freshness and fix the sweetness by adding more sugar.
If you like something cold, you can also add a few ice cubes in the blender and then mix until the lassi is well cooled with ice chunks blended finely.
Now that the lassi is prepared, add them to the glasses.
Finally sprinkle with finely chopped pistachios or almonds if you desire.
Have right away and taste the best Mango Lassi.
Mango Coconut Popsicles:
Mitigate the heat with Akshay Mehndiratta’s superbly crafted DIY mango coconut pops. The secret ingredients in these frozen treats are fresh mango puree and creamy coconut milk, making them a healthier option for both children and adults to enjoy.
2 mangoes, peeled and chopped.
1 cup coconut milk
2–3 teaspoons honey or sugar (per taste)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional).
Popsicle molds
Popsicle sticks
In a blender, blend the cut mangoes, coconut milk, honey or sugar, and vanilla extract (if using) together.
Process until the mixture is well mixed and smooth. Taste the mixture and adjust if too sweet.
When the mixture is smooth, pour it into the popsicle mold, leaving a small gap at the top for expansion.
Insert popsicle sticks into molds.
Place the popsicle molds in the freezer for at least 4–6 hours until completely frozen.
When the popsicles are ready and set, pour hot water over the molds for a few seconds and take them out. Remove the popsicles delicately.
Serve Mango Coconut Popsicles immediately, have a good time!
Mango Avocado Salad:
For a light and refreshing meal, try Akshay’s Mango Avocado Salad. Ripe mango, creamy avocado, mixed greens, and tangy lemon come together to create a colorful and nutritious dish that celebrates the best flavors of summer.
2 ripe mangoes, peeled and chopped.
2 ripe avocados, peeled, pitted and cut into pieces.
1/4 cup red onion, finely chopped.
1/4 cup fresh coriander, chopped.
1 jalapeno, seeded and finely chopped (optional, for spicy kick).
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large bowl, combine diced mangoes, avocados, red onion, cilantro, and jalapeño (optional).
Pour the cool lime juice over the salad mixture. Lime juice is used not just for flavor, but also to keep avocados from browning.
Toss the salad slowly and carefully until all of the items are coated with lime juice.
Season your salad with salt and pepper to your liking. Adjust the seasoning to your liking.
After seasoning, gently toss the salad to ensure that the salt and pepper are evenly distributed.
Transfer the mango and avocado salad to a serving dish or individual plates.
Serve the salad immediately as a side dish or a light meal.
Mango Cheesecake:
Satisfy your craving with Akshay Mehndiratta Mango Cheesecake. Featuring a graham cracker base, a mango-flavored center, and a delightful mango glaze on top, this dish is sure to impress guests at any summer event.
Ingredients for Crust:
Mix in 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1/4 cup granulated sugar
6 tablespoons melted butter.
Ingredients for Stuffing:
3 mangoes, diced and softened, mixed with 24 ounces cream cheese
Consider adding 1 cup granulated sugar and
1/4 cup mango juice or puree for mango kick.
Add 4 eggs, a teaspoon of vanilla extract and optionally the zest of a lemon for a tangy flavor
Ingredients for the topping:
Garnish with sliced mango and serve with whipped cream or whipped coconut cream if desired.
Prep your oven for baking at 325F (160C). Apply some butter/non-stick spray in a 9 inch springform pan. Provide your baking pans with parchment paper lining.
In a mixing bowl throw in the graham cracker crumbs together with the sugar and the melted butter for the crust till the ingredients are well intertwined. Fill the base of the pan with that mixture.
Make the crust in a preheated oven, baking for 10 minutes. It is now ready. Take it out from the stove. Let it is cool and things to make the filling.
In a blender or food processor, blend the cube cut mangoes until they become smooth. Keep it aside.
Directly in a mixing bowl, using a hand mixer, blend the cream cheese together with the sugar until the creamy mixture becomes smooth.
Mix together the egg, mango and mango puree ( if preferred) ,vanilla extract and lime zest, if preferred, and blend into the cream cheese mixture. Stir until the ingredients are good and smooth.
Pour the mixture onto the crust in the springform pan. Use a spatula to out the surface.
Put the cheesecake into the oven. Bake for 45–50 minutes or until the edges are firm but the center has a slight wobble.
Turn off the oven and let the cheesecake sit inside with the oven door cracked open for around 1 hour to cool gradually.
Once it’s cool, move the cheesecake to the fridge. Let it chill for at least 4 hours or better yet overnight to fully set.
Before serving, decorate your Mango Cheesecake, with sliced mangoes on top.
If you like you can accompany slices of Mango Cheesecake, with whipped cream or whipped coconut cream on the side.
Cut a slice, serve it up and savor every bite of your Mango Cheesecake!
Mango Chia Pudding:
Akshay’s recipe for mango chia pudding can be the perfect way to break the fast and to start your anywhere day. A healthy breakfast replacement that combines mango puree with chia seeds and coconut milk for the fiber, omega-three fatty acids, and antioxidants. it is a mix of fruit and dairy.
1 ripe mango, peeled and diced
1 cup — coconut milk (or whatever milk you choose).
1/4 cup chia seeds
1–2 tbsp of honey or maple syrup (depending on taste, quantity can be altered)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla (typically optional)
Sliced mangoes, berries, or shredded coconut for topping (optional)
In a blender, pulverize the diced mango till it is smooth. Optionally, you can blend the mango with water or milk to give it a smooth consistency.
Whisk together the mango puree, coconut milk, chia seeds, and honey or maple syrup (if using) in a bowl or jar with vanilla extract (if apply). Stir well so that all ingredients form a homogeneous mixture.
Place the bowl or the jar in the fridge and let the mixture sit for 4 hours or best overnight to let the chia seeds do their magic and thicken the pudding.
By this time the pudding should have set, ensure you give the pudding another good stir to mix the chia seeds.
Take a bite of the pudding and finish up by adding more honey or maple syrup if desired.
Pour the Mango Chia Pudding into serving dishes or cups.
Finally, consider adding sliced mangoes, berries, or shredded coconut to the top of each serving for extra taste and texture.
Serve the Mango Chia Pudding chill and enjoy!
Akshay Mehndiratta has curated a list of 10 amazing mango dishes for you to try out this summer. This will enable you to fully enjoy the summer season. Whether you want a thirst-quenching drink, a light salad, or a mouthwatering dessert, these recipes will definitely satisfy your thirst and enjoy the rich taste of ripe mangos. Gather up your resources, get in your apron, and be ready to discover the wonderful flavors of summer that can make you happy.
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chefcarrie · 6 months
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Dole Pineapple Whip
½ cup pineapple juice
2 cups frozen pineapple chunks, 10 ounces
1 cup vanilla ice cream, dairy or dairy-free
How To Make Dole Pineapple Whip
Add the Ingredients – In a high-speed blender, add the pineapple juice, frozen pineapple, and ice cream.
Blend – Cover and process on medium speed for about 1 ½ to 2 ½ minutes, until thick and smooth. If needed, add more pineapple juice, 1 tablespoon at a time.
To Serve – Immediately scoop and add to a cup or bowl. Alternatively, transfer the mixture to a piping bag fitted with a large star tip. Close the end of the bag and freeze for about 30 minutes to firm up but not harden. Trim off the end of the bag and pipe it into the desired serving dish.
Recipe Yield: About 2 cups
Serving Size: About ½ cup
Using Coconut Milk: Substitute ice cream with ¼ to ⅓ cup unsweetened canned coconut milk or coconut cream. Adjust the consistency with pineapple juice.
Freezing: Store in an airtight container or piping bag for up to 2 weeks. Defrost 20 to 30 minutes before serving, making it easier to scoop or pipe. Individual portions can be added to a disposable cup and frozen until ready to serve. Cover if not enjoying within 1 day.
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