#frozen pawpaw
toadstoolgardens · 2 years
Low-Maintenance Gardening
There are so many reasons to choose a low-maintenance garden. Gardening should be a peaceful and fulfilling hobby, not something that adds stress or causes pain. A beautiful, bountiful, low-maintenance harvest is possible!
Annual Crops for the Low-Maintenance Garden
These set it and forget it crops have a long season, don't need a lot of babying, and usually get harvested all at once. Many of these can also be grown in raised beds, and some in containers (potatoes grow great in a 5 gallon bucket!!) if that's best for you.
Ideal Annual Crops: These can all go into cold storage for up to 8 months.
Sweet Potatoes
Winter Squash
Pretty Good Annual Crops: These need some attention after harvesting for them to last as long as possible.
Brussels Sprouts
Cabbage ^^^Refrigerate these 3
Watermelon (Go into cold storage whole and last 2-3 weeks)
Tomatoes (You can grow determinate tomato varieties for a bumper crop that's harvested all at once. Sit tomatoes at room temperature 2-3 days and then process. Freeze, can, make sauce with them, etc.)
Herbs for the Low-Maintenance Garden
Herbs are the ultimate low-maintenance crop. So many options and they don't mind being ignored and can easily be grown in containers.
Ideal Herbs: These herbs are perennials and come back every year with just a little work on your part. All you need to do is prune them down to 5 inches once in the late spring and once around August to keep them growing indefinitely!
Rosemary (If you live in hardiness zones 7-10)
Pretty Good Herbs: These are annual herbs so you'll have to plant them each year. Both of these are also favorites of pollinators and beneficial insects!
Basil (put basil sprigs in a glass of water in the kitchen, change the water every few days, and after a while they should root for easy planting)
Fruits for the Low-Maintenance Garden
If you have the space and means to grow fruit trees or shrubs, they're an excellent low-maintenance choice. They bear a crop year after year with a little pruning (prune once or twice a year) and adding some compost or organic matter (once a year).
Ideal Fruits: These have a long storage life and require little processing after harvesting.
Citrus Fruits
Pretty Good Fruits: These have much shorter storage life.
Berries (Grow a ton of fruit without much coaxing, but highly perishable so need to be eaten or frozen/processed after harvest)
Pawpaws (If you live in hardiness zones 5-9)
Some Tips for Low-Maintenance Gardening
Spend 15 minutes a day in the garden, whenever possible. This daily visit doesn't have to be spent working, especially if you're lacking energy, time, spoons, etc. It can be spent observing, enjoying, and just being in the garden, which is just as important as the doing!! Notice the changes as the days, weeks, and seasons change. Enjoy the plants, insects, birds, and other critters you've invited into your garden.
Mulch like a motherfucker. After planting, mulch that garden! A good mulching keeps weeds at bay, making less work for you.
Stagger harvest windows. Plan your planting times so you only have one or a few crops coming to harvest at the same time. This also allows for full appreciation and enjoyment of each crop, hopefully without burnout or overwhelm!
Put it on the calendar. Write down planting, harvesting, and pruning windows for each crop.
Most importantly, BE GENTLE WITH YOURSELF. Gardening, even a low-maintenance garden, is hard! You will lose plants. You will lose crops. You will make mistakes and have failures. You weren't able to get to the garden and all your sprouts died? That's totally okay and you can always start them again! You weren't able to harvest in time and the birds got all your berries? You're welcome, birds! Do your best, do what you're able, and you're doing amazing!!💖
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mrsevans90 · 7 months
Puppy Love
Captain Syverson x OFC Emma Miller Part 15
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Summary: Austin Syverson has returned to Texas after retiring from the military and starts his own contracting business. Syverson is used to being alone and thinks he prefers it that way. While at work he stumbles upon an injured and abused puppy. When he meets the new veterinarian in town, Emma Miller, he is immediately smitten with her. It turns out Emma has some baggage of her own. Will they be able to make it work? Or is it just a case of fleeting puppy love?
Pairing: Henry Cavill as Captain Austin Syverson x OFC Emma Miller 
Warnings: FLUFF, arm cast injury, Nana sassiness, crude language, innuendos, and Walt!
MINORS DNI! Must be 18+
I do not authorize any copying/pasting, stealing of my work, or using my words as your own. 
This story is not beta’d. All mistakes are my own.
A/N: I am an imperfect person who makes mistakes. All that I ask is to please be kind and if you enjoy it then please comment and REPOST! I appreciate any love, comments, and reposts more than you could know. Thank you for reading! 
Part 14
I lay in bed holding Emma for as long as she sleeps, refusing to leave her side for more than a quick restroom break. Emma is wrapped around my body as it helps her to relax and I’m more than happy to have her curled against me. Emma begins to rouse around ten am and I know she needed every bit of that additional sleep for both her exhausted body and brain to recuperate.
“Hi.” Emma whispers while sleepily rubbing her eyes with her left hand as she sees me watching her.
“Mornin’ Sugar. You sleep okay?” 
She nods but doesn’t say anything.
“How’s the arm?” I ask and she looks down sheepishly. 
“Hurts. I need some more Tylenol and maybe ice.” She admits.
“Let’s get some in ya then. After breakfast, I’m taking you to the urgent care and I don’t want to hear a word about it.” I tell her using my “captain voice” that she once told me she thinks is dominant and sexy.
“Okay.” She agrees knowing I’m not going to back down from getting her proper care.
She takes care of her needs in the bathroom before we brush our teeth and she sits on the bed. I walk over and pick her up where I wrap her legs around me before I start heading down the stairs.
“Austin. My legs aren’t hurt. I can walk.”
“I know, but I want to hold you.”
“You’re going to reinjure your leg carrying me around like this.” She says as she buries her head in my neck and goosebumps raise on my arms and neck from her mouth so close to my sweet spot.
“I’m a bit tougher than you think, darlin’.” 
“Oh, I think you’re plenty tough.” She whispers against my neck and I feel the blood rushing to my dick. Not now, Syverson.
I set her on the counter next to the coffee maker and start brewing us some coffee that I’ve been thinking about for the past 3 hours. I’m used to waking up much earlier than this and am usually finished with my second cup by this point. 
“Biscuits, sausage and eggs sound good?” I ask and she nods. I pull the frozen peas from the freezer and place them across her bandaged arm.
“Not a word about my canned biscuits.” I tease her and she holds up her wrapped arm.
“Not really in a position to tease since my homemade ones would be a lot more difficult to make today.” I was about to apologize again for her getting injured but am surprised when she kicks my rear with her foot from where she’s sitting and winks at me. I love when she’s playful like this, especially after what happened yesterday.
“When are we getting the dogs back home?” Emma asks.
“Whenever you’d like, Sugar. I can call PawPaw and arrange something after we go to the doctor.”
“Okay, I guess I need to call my parents and let them know what happened yesterday.” She says sullenly.  “I’m here for you babe. Whatever you need.” I tell her and she goes to get her phone and make the call while I make breakfast. I decide to call my grandparents while cooking and inform them that we obviously won’t be at lunch today. Nana tells me she’s still cooking everything and will package it up for us to take home when we get the dogs. I thank them both for dropping everything to help yesterday and of course they tell us that it was no problem. I ensure Nana that Emma is okay and I’ll keep them updated on what the doctor says about her arm. Nana is going all mother hen and asking to come clean her house or what she can do to help us and as sweet as it is, I just want to give Emma time to process without pressure.
Once breakfast is finished, I set the table and go in search of Emma. I find her on the back porch still on the phone with her parents who were obviously upset. 
“May I?” I gesture to the phone after Emma looks mentally exhausted and she nods.
“James? Diana? Hi, it’s Austin. I just wanted to reassure you that I’m taking care of our girl and taking all of the necessary steps to ensure he doesn’t get out of jail. My cousin, Walt, is a detective and has filed several charges against him and feels confident that between witness testimonies as well as parking lot footage from the store, he will receive significant jail time.”
“We are so grateful that you were there, Austin.” Diana says.
“So am I, I’d like to apologize for not getting there sooner. I have replayed the assault in my head time and time again and wish it had gone so differently.”
“Emma says that you almost killed him before taking care of her, so there’s no need to apologize.” James exclaims.
“I’ll be honest, if I had not been told to stop, I probably would have. I was so enraged that he ever laid a hand on her that I just couldn’t think of anything else. We will go to the doctor here in just a bit to check on her arm, and I promise to keep you guys informed.” I assure them.
After the phone call, I help Emma up and inside.
“Thank you.” Emma kisses me on the cheek.
“Not a problem, Darlin’. Eat up.” I gesture toward the food as I refill her coffee mug.
“Thanks for breakfast as well, but I meant talking to my parents. My dad almost lost his mind. I was running out of steam trying to reassure them and stop them from coming here.” 
“I can’t say I wouldn’t be the same way if it was our daughter in your position. Heaven forbid.”
Emma smiles sweetly. “Our daughter?”
I smirk at her and nod. “You like the sound of that or somethin’?”
“I do.” Those two words coming out of her mouth make me bite back a smile. God, I hope she’ll be saying them to me sooner rather than later.
“Me too, Sugar. You have no idea how much.” I reply before getting lost in the idea of a beautiful little blue-eyed baby girl that looks like her momma.
We eat our breakfast and get dressed before heading to the local urgent care. I know they have an x-ray machine and after the typical hour wait they take her back and examine her injury. It’s determined that she does have a hairline fracture but it shouldn’t need any additional care outside of a cast. She’s referred to an orthopedist next week for a more permanent cast and Emma is not pleased that she’ll have one for the next few weeks, already thinking of ways to convince the doctor that a temporary cast will be much more realistic considering her job. I call Nana on the way back from the doctor and let her know we’re going to head that way to pick up the dogs. I think some snuggles with Mills and Aika will help lift Emma’s spirits. We make our way to the farm and park and I help Emma out of the truck before the front door comes flying open and Nana comes flurrying out.
“Oh, thank God you’re okay!” Nana scuttles down the stairs and I turn thinking she’s going to give me a hug but she blows right past me and wraps Emma up in a tight hug. I can’t help but chuckle at Emma’s face who was clearly not expecting that either.
“I’m okay, Nana. Thanks to Austin of course.” She says and smirks at me.
“I’ve been so worried but Austin begged me to let you rest otherwise I would have been up at your house cooking and cleaning or whatever you needed.”
“Thank you, Nana. I appreciate it. Austin has been taking great care of me though. He’s been amazing.”
“Good. I should hope so.”
“Hi Nana. Nice to see you too.” I joke as she’s been ignoring my presence.
“Hi son.” She answered. Even though I’m their grandson, PawPaw always called me that when I was growing up and working with him on the farm and it kind of just became their nickname for me. I guess because he only had a daughter and my dad never stuck around, he considered me like a son that he could pass all of his knowledge too. Mark never really cared much for working at the farm and believe me, there were times when I hated it as well, but I found the tranquility in being able to mentally detach and build something or fix something tangible as well as working with the animals. Mark was more of the philosophical type who filled his time with school studies or high school girlfriends. I relished being outside and my PawPaw never missed a single football game growing up. Maybe that’s why I stayed so close with my grandparents even after the military sent me away for so many years.
I’m brought back to reality from my thoughts when the screen porch door creaks open with PawPaw sending the pups out to us. I immediately catch the ball of fluff running straight towards us to keep him from jumping on Emma. Mills’s tail is wagging so hard he almost falls over from his excitement. Aika is a bit slower but still just as happy to see us and receive all of the attention and scratches.
“Hi PawPaw.” I greet him as he makes his way down the stairs.
“Hi son. I held the hounds off as long as I could but they heard you and were just pitiful not being able to get to ya.” 
“How much has Nana spoiled them while they were here?” I ask.
“I didn’t!” I hear Nana interrupt her conversation with Emma to defend herself.
“The woman boiled them chicken for supper. Seasoned it and everything. Damn dogs had a feast fit for humans last night. Not to mention she gave them a treat for simply ‘looking cute’ or not barking at the chickens.” PawPaw mutters with a shake of his head and I can’t help but laugh.
“That sounds about right. I’m betting they don’t even want to come back home.” I chuckle as we all head up the stairs into the house. 
“Well she’s back on her soapbox about how she needs a dog now so maybe just let them visit overnight and I can keep holding her off. I’ve got too many animals to feed and tend to without adding more.”
“I’ll bring ‘em over for her to spoil rotten sometime in the next week or so.” I tell him and PawPaw just winks at me.
“Now, clue us in on everything that happened please. Your PawPaw never asks questions and I’ve got about a million of ‘em.”
I look at Emma and she nods giving me silent permission to tell them what happened.
“Emma has an ex who treated her badly while she was in Alabama and she got a restraining order against him. After she moved here, he tracked her down somehow and I called Walt who helped us arrest him for breaking the restraining order. We set her up with security cameras and an alarm system at her home which gave us both peace of mind when she wasn’t with me. He apparently has been following her and was able to somehow find that we were at the store where he attempted to kidnap her in the parking lot. I got to him and knocked him unconscious, and Walt was able to file several charges against him. He fractured Emma’s wrist in the scuffle and she’s supposed to go next week for a temporary cast which she’s not too thrilled about. That’s about it.”
“Oh, heavens. I can’t imagine how scared you must have been, sweetheart.” Nana coos at Emma who nods somewhat embarrassed. “I was. I’m so glad Austin was there and he’s been absolutely amazing. I just worry about him getting in trouble over it.”
“I told ya, Sugar, if he presses charges I’ve got witnesses and video footage to prove it was warranted. I wish I had done worse, honestly.”
“Ya should’ve just smashed his head in.” Nana mutters.
“Nana, what would the church think?” I playfully scoff and we all bust out laughing except PawPaw who just cracks a smile.
“I don’t answer to the church, I answer to the good Lord above and I think he might be okay with that since you were protecting your woman.” She says sassily and I can’t help but shake my head at her.
“You’re something else, Nana.” 
Before we can take the dogs home, Nana practically forces us to eat cookies that she’s made.
She packages them up along with the food that she made at lunch and sends us home with about eight different containers of food, one of which is labeled for the dogs. I load it all in the truck before putting the dogs in the backseat and going back to say goodbye to my grandparents and help Emma in.
I smile as Emma hugs PawPaw tightly and thanks him for helping us the other day.
“Y’all are family, and we’ll always be there if you need us. That goes for either one of ya.” He says and Emma looks flabbergasted to have PawPaw include her in a statement so loving. Those were rare from PawPaw.
“Thank you. We would do anything for y’all too and I’m so grateful to have y’all in my corner.” She smiles shyly at him before Nana scoops her into another hug with promises about lunch next Sunday.
I hug PawPaw tightly and then Nana telling them both that we love them before helping Emma into the truck and heading out. Emma is silent looking out of the window as we make our way down the long drive and when I finally get her attention I see a tear running down her cheek.
“Sugar, what’s wrong? You hurtin’?” I ask thinking either her period or her arm are bothering her.
“No, I’m just grateful. Your grandparents accepted me without any questions even with the drama that follows me. I’ve never had that with anyone other than my parents. Colin’s family tolerated me at best, but they didn’t like that I wasn’t wealthy like them. I wasn’t raised in prestigious private schools and country clubs. I always felt out of place or looked down upon. Your grandparents have met me a few times and seem to fully accept me as part of your family and it’s just the most loving feeling.”
“Aw, babygirl, they do love you. I have no doubt that both of those two old folks would drop everything they were doing if you needed them. You’re part of this family.” I entangle our fingers together as I hold her hand.
“It’s just overwhelming to be accepted so quickly, just as myself.” She says.
“Well, you are. I haven’t brought a woman home in years, not since I was in my early twenties. My grandparents are a great judge of character. Nana is very outspoken both good and bad and with PawPaw, I can just tell by his demeanor when he’s pleased or disappointed in me. I knew he liked you after that first lunch when he hugged you. He’s never felt necessary to conform to southern social niceties, which means he did that because he genuinely wanted too. I think they are honestly so grateful that you put up with my stubborn ass that they are hoping to convince you to stick around.” I joke and Emma smirks.
“You’re more than a handful. I’d say a mouth and two handfuls to be exact.” She crudely insinuates and I almost choke on my own saliva which causes her to giggle.
“Sugar, you surprise me at every turn. You’re this sweet innocent thing one minute and then your joking about taking my dick in your mouth the next. You’re the whole damn package.”
“I could say the same about you.” She sweetly giggles.
“I love you.”
“I love you more, baby.”
The following week has arrived and Emma has somehow convinced the orthopedist to use the hard cast for the next three weeks before moving to a temporary, removable brace. Her charm apparently knows no bounds. She isn’t thrilled about wearing the cast, claiming she feels like she’s back in high school after she broke her ankle from a cheer accident, but I can’t help but smile when she comes in with a blue cast on her forearm.
“Want me to sign it? I promise I won’t draw pornographic stick figures where anyone can see them.” I joke and she rolls her eyes with a gentle shove against me. 
“Not a chance. I’m already mortified that I have to wear it for the next three weeks. I don’t need any additional attention being put on it.”
“I think you look cute.” I kiss her forehead.
“You won’t think that when you’re having to help me put a bag on it just to shower tonight.”
“I promise, I will.”
While Emma is at work, I make an appointment in the next town over. Walt had asked if I wanted to get a beer sometime this week, but instead, I asked him to meet me for lunch. We met up at a fast food restaurant, called Milo’s, where we grabbed some food.
“What are we doing in Bouldin Creek for lunch?” Walt asks as he takes a bite out of his burger.
“There’s a jewelry shop here I need to go to and I figured you wouldn’t mind.”
“Plan on getting yourself some new earrings?” He jokes.
“Plan on picking up an engagement ring I’ve been looking at online.” 
“Atta boy.” Walt says as he pops a fry into his mouth.
“Hopefully it’s the right one.” I say as I overthink what’s about to be a very large purchase, and I’ve never talked to Emma about her jewelry preferences.
“I’m sure it will be. When are you planning to pop the question?”
“I haven’t gotten that far. Still stuck on the how to ask the question.” I mumble. I’ve always been a very confident person, but I really don’t want to fuck this up.
“Well, when I asked Angie, I took her out do dinner. I don’t think I’d do that again. If she turned me down that would have sucked in front of everyone. But, we’re divorced so don’t take my advice.” 
“Noted.” I smirk and he punches my arm across the table.
“Don’t be a dick. I was young and in love. You’re just old and in love.” 
“I’m two years younger than you, asshole.”
“Yeah, and I’m old which makes you old too. Can you even get down on one knee?”
I flip him off and he chuckles.
“Yes, I can. I was thinkin’ about maybe just taking her on a picnic or something. Watching the sunset maybe? I don’t even know what I should say but I want to make it romantic for her.”
“Let’s go get the ring and we can brainstorm.”
“Thanks man. Any new updates with Colin?” I ask as we head towards my truck.
“He’s still sitting in jail waiting on the court date in two weeks to determine if he receives bail. We’re obviously making a case for him being a flight risk and asking for him to remain in jail, but I can’t predict what the judge will do. He’s got some outlandish claims which of course haven’t been backed up with evidence.”
“And what are those claims?”
Walt sighs knowing I’m going to get even more pissed off. “He claimed that Emma called him asking him to meet her there and rescue her from you. It’s obvious bullshit and he has no proof that there was ever a call. He’s just trying to save his ass.”
“Rescue her from me?” 
“I told you it was bullshit, man.”
“Jesus. The guy is even more of a pussy than I had imagined. Can’t take accountability for anything it seems. I plan on being there in court, but Emma hasn’t decided what she wants to do yet. I think it’ll be too hard on her to be there but if she wants to go I’m not going to stop her.”
“Well, maybe its best if you both stay away. I’ll be there and can let you know what happens. I think you’ll both just get angry and that’s not what either of you need right now. Why don’t you take her on a trip or something?”
“I’ll think about it. A trip might be a nice distraction from things.”
“Maybe take her somewhere and propose. The mountains, beach, tropical vacation? You’ve traveled more than me so I’m sure you have a better idea.”
“If by traveling, you mean in a damn cargo plane out to the desert, then sure. I have no desire to vacation in Afghanistan.” I joke and Walt rolls his eyes.
We head into the jewelry store and with mine and Walt’s careful opinion, I select the ring that I plan to propose to Emma with. We’ve only been together for a handful of months, but when you know you know, right? I don’t want to waste any more time just on the conventional approach. I have never felt like this with anyone before and I feel like my once in a lifetime, soulmate connection actually came to true. I want her to be mine, officially, if she’ll have me. 
That evening, Emma is home when I get back and I quickly and discreetly hide the ring with my ammunition on the top shelf of the closet knowing that she would never look there and she’s not tall enough to reach it without a stool. She hasn’t stayed at her house since the kidnapping attempt, claiming she just wants to be here with me. I decide to broach the subject over dinner.
“You still serious about wanting to move in here with me?” I ask and without hesitation Emma nods.
“Not because you’re scared of being alone, though right?” “No baby, I’ll admit you’ve helped keep the nightmares away but this just feels like home. It has from the moment I first came here and you being here is the main reason. Though if you want me too, I can go back to mine.”
“Not a chance in hell, Sugar. I want you here constantly with me. That’s why I was hoping we could discuss officially moving ya in and how to make that happen?”
She smiles and I grin back at her.
“I’d love too. What about the furniture?”
“Well, the guest rooms upstairs are empty and you have the eye for interior design. You can replace anything I’ve got in here if you’d like, except for a few sentimental things of my mama’s. Just tell me what you want to do and we’ll make it happen.”
“I don’t have a lot of stuff anyway. Should we list my house?”
“Let’s get it empty first so we’re not in a rush and then we can list it if you want too.”
“I can’t believe I’m actually going to live here with you.”
“I can’t believe I talked you into it, roomie. Let’s start this weekend. I don’t want to await any longer.” I smirk at her and she giggles.
“I also wanted to talk to you about maybe taking a vacation?”
“Where’d you have in mind?” She asks as she picks up her wine glass.
“Honestly, anywhere. I haven’t been on a true honest to God vacation in almost a decade and I’d like to take you somewhere and have some time with just us if you’re up for it.”
“I’d love too!”
“Maybe the beach? We could drive down and spend a week out in the sun.”
“That sounds perfect. I haven’t been to the beach in at least two years.” She says.
“Well, buy yourself some cute little bikinis and I’ll plan the whole thing, alright Sugar?”
“Oh, I’ll buy some bikinis, don’t you worry.” She sasses and I’m already itching to book this vacation and get us away from all obligations and responsibilities. If I plan it right, maybe I can use this as my opportunity to make a romantic proposal.
Emma, the beach, and a bed is all I need. I’m about to be one happy man.
Part 16
Taglist: @shellyshellshell, @henryownsme, @caramariehurst, @beck07990, @mollymal, @kingliam2019, @syversonswife, @identity2212, @starfirewildheart, @hannah9921, @wa-ni, @kneelforloki, @cutedoxie, @enchantedbytomandhenry, @foxyjwls007, @geralts-yenn, @courtlynwriter, @corrie1013, @squeezyvalkyrie, @summersong69, @livisss, @mayloma, @uunotheangel, @warriormirkwood, @sofiebstar
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 1 year
random notes on naddpod c1 ep 46-69
another confused jumble of personal highlighs, shared here in lieu of chewing my very indifferent friends’ ears off irl. For whom it may concern.
spoiler warning! you will get no context but still
Okay they’re in the feywild and somehow the players manage to get even hornier. I guess I’m impressed?
That libertarian fairy tho. Why are little pixie jerks with trash politics always so funny
(Emily catches on to their opponent being a woman because Murph made a point of referring to the knight with they/them pronouns) “Interesting. My subtle sexism gave me away. I’m a bad guy.”
This lady spent a year with her frozen children in a chest in her living room?! Okay. Sure. Uh huh. Cool story bro 😬
Five Guys Burgers and... Flies
Ngl a little shocked at how decent Murph’s elf voice is
“I know a game! It’s called ‘don’t stab me!’ I give the gnome a knife.” “He magically produces some bread, spreads some butter on it, and casts produce flame. Look! Magical toast!” “NOBODY EAT THAT!!”
“You two haven’t seen each other in a while, and the kids are indisposed, so -“ “Okay. Jesus Christ. I was down for kind of a spicy joke there, but let’s not… the kids aren’t indisposed because they went bowling with their aunt, the kids are frozen with a curse.”
Murph, as a gnome, but barely keeping it together: “In actual recorded episodes, have you guys met any gnomes that are murderers? Really, did they murder someone? Like… what did they do and then what did you do to them…?”
"There's a war coming, and everyone needs to fight. Even old men who don't know how." First of all, this is a banger of a line
but also my degree has officially ruined me for stories because I was immediately and ominously reminded of the last months of WWII on the Axis side what with all the apocalypse rhetoric and poorly armed children and old men sent out to probably die in war. like this is 100 percent unintentional and I realise that but my reaction to this line was "holy shit" and then immediately "... has Alanis also gone fascist"
Murph usually: Oh you want something? You want something to help you out here? Okay how are you gonna pay for that? What are you gonna give up to get that? Murph with Emily: Oh you got attached to your purely decorative fictional earrings? … I would never take those away from you keep them :) have a magical gun on the house :)
“Cool it with the fucking drugs!” “Hardwon, you’re one to talk!!”
Love it when Murph sets up a high DC on something and they get it and all immediately vigorously come for his ass, there is truly nothing funnier than people pretending to take something so personally
Murph keeps saying “she shakes her head yes” which is either an established bit of world building or an odd Murphism they’ve all collectively decided to accept? Both are very endearing but also I was so confused the first five times he did it
Local catholic desperately trying to get his friends to have the biblically correct response to angels (fear)
“Twenty-three damage with an axe???!” in the squeakiest voice possible, and then in the same voice: “What lands first, his body or his head?” “His head!!!!”
Finally someone makes the “Janie’s got a gun” joke, I have no idea why but I’ve waited this entire fight for someone to do that! Thank you Caldwell!
“Can I do a dog whistle?” “You’re gonna say something racist and see if they follow it?”
“Brothers! The Goddess has blessed us! There is milk in this casket!”
Also somehow every joke gets 100 percent funnier once it has managed to break the DM
“I summon Pellor’s four Lieutenants, the Beach Boys.”
Pawpaw as the BOB's legal council is the gift that keeps on giving. I don't even remember how it started but every time Jake goes "a brilliant legal mind" in that reverent voice I lose my shit. Also I adore how at the beginning it was all 'oh it's funny because Hardwon thinks this possum is actually good at law stuff and meanwhile Pawpaw can't fucking read' and now Pawpaw is just. legitimately functioning as their lawyer.
“Balnor, what’s your favourite food?” *audible fuckfuckfuckfuck silence from Murph* “…Chicken.”
So anticlimactic. Holy shit. Murph literally rigging the game so none of the others would give it away only to have that immediately blow up in his face
“Oh, the Goblinity!”
Hardwon getting really into "Chasing Cars"
Murph's cultural knowledge is such a fucking enigma to me every time I'm like "oh that guy wouldn't know anything ab-" and then he just. knows the first song on Snow Patrol's "Eyes Open" off the top of his head. I spent a whole vacation listening exclusively to that CD as a teen and I had to look it up. He was right. He wasn’t even the one who started the Snow Patrol bit.
Anyway thank you everyone that song will be permanently stuck in my head for the next five to eight business days
“You deserve a little emo phase”
“Pawpaw is giving you a pedicure. Meanwhile the king is suffocating in the bag.” “Oh shit!”
“So one thing you know about me is that everything I love dies so, stay away, haha!”
“I have enough queens.”
There have been a bunch of uncomfortable descriptors in this campaign but “like an exotic sunkissed lover” is definitely the worst one so far. Murph. Sir. No.
Just Murph's weak "okay..." as Emily decides to sniff the two Hardwons' necks to suss out the doppelganger
The verve of Murph’s Moonshine impression compared to his barely-there attempt to do a Jake voice for Hardwon
That one incredibly dumb dude in Shadowfell. Oh my GOD. Like in so many stories there is a “dumb” character, you know, one who will be described with the one brain cell meme but this dude. This dude literally only has the one brain cell. Just enough to be standing, breathing and talking at the same time. Fucking incredible. Murph continues to be way too good at making characters so deeply pathetic
“Go drink too much cough syrup!” “I can’t!” “Why?” “‘cause it tastes bad, man!”
Brennan’s and Murph’s genuine excitement to reverse their usual dynamic veering off into “we’re 69-ing now but he’s been going at me for a long time and I haven’t given him anything.” in less than thirty seconds
Seriously tho you can hear both Brennan and Murph buzzing with delight at a frequency that could shatter glass
“Brennan, you can say ‘my’. You’re playing, dude, you can say ‘my’.” “My hand, me, I’m playing, I’m a person! I’m only one person!” “You’re playing!” “You’re doing it!”
“What about Melv? Remember Melv? He’s dead.”
Brennan has so much knowledge of like historical customs and everyday items and their names and uses but rarely uses it, and meanwhile Murph is trying his damndest to sprinkle stuff in for medieval flavour but has a shaky grasp on what these things actually ARE. Case in point, Brennan immediately knowing how to explain a wimple vs. Murph claiming the peasant was wearing “suspenders over a dirty tunic”. Suspenders?? My guy. What are they holding up? The hem of the tunic? Tunics go OVER the leg garment how would this work. Are you using this as a fancy word for shirt. Also suspenders weren’t a thing until the 19th century. Not saying you can’t mix and match cowboy and medieval peasant aesthetic but it’s gotta logistically work, Murph! It's gotta make sense!
“You hear a woman screaming-“ “No, Murph, we were going shopping 😩” “You never let us do anything fun!”
Brennan’s little love language of absorbing every last bit of his friends’ worlds’ lore like a sponge so he can weave his narrative and/or character into the world like a perfect medieval tapestry!!!!
Every time Emily goes out of her way to back up her every move with rules as written not for the DM but for some idiot in the audience, my heart breaks a bit. Back the fuck off indeed.
That said, Brennan being extra meticulous about HIS finite resources is hilarious and good
“I would say he didn’t have to worry about it but then he was doing sixty points of damage per attack so he does have to worry about it I decided”
"It's a... I don't want to use the word 'wimple' again"
"Deadeye and Hardwon, you guys just hear this cacophony of idiocy..."
"So my little sister in there and slim with the gift of Pellor, they good at staying on task?" "Um...."
A Kiwi dwarf, fantastic choice. No notes.
“We can crawl through the small false wall?” English is so broken
Pawpaw as Deadeye’s literal right hand! Delightful. Murph’s D20 TA energy come to life in the coolest way
“You bloodsucking bourgeoise pig, you keep your dirty fangs off my sister!”
“You’re the best part of me” Brennan 😭 Emily 😭 brb dissolving into a puddle on the floor for a second
He’s back in the Crick UGH 💔 ah fuck Brennan and Murph tag-teaming on the heartbreak never fails to get me
It's so fascinating how much they play to each other's strengths whenever they're really going for the jugular: on D20, Brennan will hit Murph with just the most quietly awful version of "here's your character's worst (perceived) failure you can never fully make right, and you're faced with an opportunity to try but we both know you won't take it" (cf. Kug's interactions with David or "you can go to the castle where the dogs are or you can go back to your frog pond"), and in return Murph took Deadeye back to the home that was forever lost to him and that he'd missed so much and let him become everything he ever wanted to be. Forgiven despite his shortcomings. They're beating each other at their own game, Murph's stories are so much about consequences and guilt and responsibility and Brennan's are so much about hope and grace and second chances, and that is so present in the stories they tell for each other?? I am upset this is beautiful
The Wimple Warriors
So Murph knew enough about Snow Patrol to not only sing the refrain of You’re All I Have but to know where it was on the album… but not enough to remember the title of Chasing Cars?? How are you the way that you are
JV!! God that *was* a beautiful scene though, such immediate quiet kindness, what a way to go <3
“I went to the Red Fenn and all I got was unceremoniously murdered.”
“He’s saying yes too much, we’re making some kind of mistake…”
Moonshine: "The rapport spores got hacked, everyone! Don't say anything you wouldn't tell the world right now!" Emily, not five minutes before this, on a very popular podcast: "Out of character, [unlike Moonshine] I got some very recently, but..."
The fact that this moment got no audible reaction and is as easily removable as an audio clip can get (no crosstalk, a brief pause before and after it, no impact on what was said afterwards) but it's still left in is so funny knowing who does the editing
Murph introducing a skeletal kitty for thinly veiled emotional manipulation purposes
*delivers upsetting news to Moonshine* "Would it make you feel better if you borrowed my cat?" "...Moonshine bursts into tears."
"Pawpaw looks hurt and betrayed for a second, like he's gonna turn away, but then he can't help it." "Should we go, too, or do you think she needs a familiar touch tonight? Something only Pawpaw can give..." I reiterate, funniest. self-insert. character. ever. Also as ever excellent punnage from Caldwell.
“You are a freak but you’re pretending not to be, which makes you the most boring kind of person.”
“Pawpaw is the only one who has complete plot armour. I will kick him from time to time, but I won’t kill him.” It's so unlike Murph to declare plot armour on anyone, and also so like him to have it be Pawpaw.
Hardwon and Moonshine's relationship, regardless of where it's going, is just lovely. Zero judgement, no expectations, just so much affection and support. They're so corny (affectionate)
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petewentzisblack1312 · 9 months
least and most favorite fruit
least favourite fruit is hard because i cant really think of a fruit i HATE off the top of my head but i will say i always think pawpaw (yall call it papaya) is gonna be better than it actually is. it smells kind of weird and the texture is too soft for how firm it is. decent in smoothies though. i also dont like soursop that much. its too milky. soursop ice cream kind of rules in a freak way but its also basically frozen soursop because soursop is literally just that milky and it makes me so uncomfortable. and sugarapple to me is worse soursop. falls apart. rots immediately. extremely milky. annoying.
favourite fruit ever in the whole wide world is wax apple its so crunchy its the perfect fruit i love it so much my mind goes perfectly blank like a celestial harmony is resonating within it when i am confronted with a wax apple. passionfruit is runner up because its the best local juice. bananas for a sleeper hit im always like 'bananas arent that great' and then i go crazy when theres a hand of bananas in the house.
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lunefrog · 1 year
FINALLY got to start on my pawpaw pie and it's going great, lads. gutting frozen pawpaws with my bare hands made me feel something (cold goop) and they taste PERFECT. fyi if you freeze them when you bust them open they have the same consistency as icecream
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fthrdvs · 4 months
Crazy Daily Gardening
Two of my favorite flowers. Gladiolus and iris. My two pawpaws are coming along nicely, but I need to put some shade cloth over them. They are already starting to show signs of heat stress. It’s already in the 90s here. Making 5 gallons of fig wine. (These were frozen and I needed that space for this year’s corn!) With that much wine I’ll have to come up with something else for this year’s…
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crzygthumbs · 4 months
Crazy Daily Gardening
Two of my favorite flowers. Gladiolus and iris. My two pawpaws are coming along nicely, but I need to put some shade cloth over them. They are already starting to show signs of heat stress. It’s already in the 90s here. Making 5 gallons of fig wine. (These were frozen and I needed that space for this year’s corn!) With that much wine I’ll have to come up with something else for this year’s…
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raecaw · 6 months
fuck american polls,
non australians are welcome if you enjoy pavlovas too. they are a traditional christmas dessert here and my baking speciality
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sethshead · 6 months
I was recently lucky enough to acquire from cashew apple butter. The cashew apple, the fruit of the cashew tree to which the nut is attached, does not travel well. It spoils quickly and bruises easily. There's really no way to enjoy it but from the farms themselves. Not living in Brazil or thereabouts, this is a challenge for me.
Pawpaws are similar. They're grown in the state where I live, but there's little commercial cultivation and fresh fruits would be unlikely to make it even to markets near me. Thus, as with cashew apples, the frozen pulp and jam is an excellent way to exploit this neglected crop, one that would otherwise go to the birds.
That said, when I finally tried mayhaw jam, a similarly local American berry, I was very unimpressed. Hopefully I'll find more to love in pawpaw products, should I ever get my hands on some.
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teacupesque · 1 year
Good GOD pawpaw fruit is delicious.
Guess I gotta fight grandmas at the farmers market for it now.
It's like, banana mango custard in a fruit with these smooth seeds.
It's too soft for transit, at least it could be frozen maybe?
I just wish I could get more or have more things flavored like it.
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ahdenyadahling · 1 year
Final Fantasy XV - Fate & Destiny
Chapter Five, Part Two
Against Ignis’s and my better judgment, my eyes darted toward the sound of an upbeat, cheerful if not drawling feminine voice.
From the space between their shoulders, I caught a glimpse of her face. She had a pleasant smile, infectious and positive, with pink cherub cheeks. Underneath her orange trucker’s cap, thick waves of bright yellow hair reached her neck.
“Alright, fellas, let me through and let me have a good look at her!”
Gladio and Ignis stepped aside as ordered to let the young woman through. I was dumbstruck as she began to walk in my direction, her hips swaying with all their might. I took a step back, my mouth dropping in shock and a bit of disgust at her choice in clothing.
Firstly, most disturbing to me, was frankly the sheer amount of skin she had exposed. From my gathering at Gladio and Noctis’s words, she was a mechanic, and from Prompto’s observation, a competent one at that. So why was she dressed so scantily? The heat? The customer base? As horrified as I was, I couldn’t stop staring at her chest as she bounced along, and I wished I had a fraction of that confidence, or carelessness. Not once in my life had I nor my mother worn a top that showed lower than our collarbone. Never had we exposed even an ounce of cleavage, and here this girl was, in nothing but a pink bra with a yellow half-jacket over it, zipped only an inch at the bottom for a push-up effect.
“Well, heya, girl!” She greeted, taking off her gloves, which seemed to be coated in some sort of motor oil or grease.
The lower half of her outfit did not cover her much better. Her white cowboy boots reached her calf; the black leggings underneath reached her thigh. Her blue jean shorts barely qualified as such, being that her pink and black tool belt covered more of her than her clothing did. I was sure I saw a pink string on her hip and wondered how that could be considered underwear.
I tried to stammer a greeting, but I was frozen. This young woman seemed a few years older than us, but still in her early to mid-twenties. She ran a hand down the length of the car lovingly before whipping out a cloth from her back pocket and shining the grill.
“I’m glad y’all’re taking care a’her!” She turned and smiled back at the young men.
I felt a fool for a moment. This woman wasn’t greeting me at all; she only had eyes for the car! Gladio was right all along!
Prompto stepped forward, placing himself in her sights. “Yep, with Specs behind the wheel, you’ve got nothing to worry about!”
Noct made a face like he had been slighted, like he took offense at being a bad driver, and shook his head.
The young woman strode over and patted Prompto’s cheek. “Now that’s what I like to hear.” She turned away just as Prompto’s cheeks and ears turned red, almost as red as my own face. It was then that she finally took notice of my presence and quickly approached. “Why hello darlin’! You ride in with these fellas? They’d better be treating you nice.”
“Some better than others,” I managed, and to my surprise, I smiled. I couldn’t help it, this girl was peppy and sweet. I felt ashamed I had judged her based on her appearance.
“Well, I’ll have my PawPaw give ‘em a good swift kick if they misbehave,” she kicked her foot out in demonstration, “Whatdya say ta that?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Name’s Cindy. Cindy Aurem.” She reached for my hand and shook it hard.
“Ardenia. Deni.”
“Well, Deni, me and PawPaw Cid are in charge around here, so just call me up if you need anything. Speaking of which, oh, Prince!” She turned, taking quick steps toward Noctis, “I’ve got another favor to ask, if you don’t mind?” She leaned forward a bit, giving him a clear view of her chest as an incentive.
He shifted uncomfortably, his eyes locked on her face, “Uh, sure.”
I thought I was muttering to myself, but apparently Prompto had walked up close enough to overhear me.
He sighed forlornly, “Yeah, Noct’s engaged. It’s arranged, but it’s something I think both he and Lady Luna were hoping for. Childhood companions becoming soulmates. He needs a happy ending like that.”
I nodded. I think I heard about it on the radio a few weeks ago, how the Prince was supposed to marry the Oracle in a neutral country while the so-called Peace Talks were happening within Insomnia. I ventured, “So, eventually, we’re going to Accordo?”
“Yeah, well, more to the capital city, Altissia.” Prompto’s spirit returned as he faced me, “It’s a water city! Like, I heard most of it’s water, like waterfalls and you have to travel by boat everywhere. Sounds exciting, right?”
I nodded. After spending only a few hours here in the heat of the desert, I was eager to see water. “So, you’ve never been there?”
“Nah, none of us have. This is actually our first venture outside of Insomnia. We’re city kids,” he laughed, “Iggy’s read about everywhere on the Star, but this is our first rodeo out on our own. Kinda like a bachelor party, without the party.”
“So this is an adventure for you guys, too.”
“Well,” he lowered his voice, “It’s up to me to keep it in ‘adventure mode.’ It gets too depressing for Noct if we mention it’s ‘mission to avenge your father and become King’ mode.”
I suddenly felt dizzy with heat, embarrassment, and information overload. Here I was, so focused on my own worries with my Scroll, I overlooked the fact that Noct had a long list of missions to undertake before he could claim his rightful place as King. That meant waging war against the Empire of Niflheim, and I was now engrossed in that. I closed my eyes, putting one hand to my forehead, and I felt two hands close in on my arms, steadying me, then began to steer me toward the diner behind us.
“Come on,” Prompto urged, “Takka’s place is air-conditioned. Small favors, am I right?”
We sat down at a booth and I laid my head in my arms atop the table as Prompto ordered us a soda. I heard Noctis enter and speak with the owner/ head chef Takka, turning in some vegetables and talking about more bounties. As Noct turned to leave, I heard Gladio’s gruff voice, “Eyo, Noct, we gotta talk.”
“Alright, what’s going on?”
I sat up, watching as Gladio, Ignis and Noctis sat a table further down from ours, their voices hushed. Prompto set a glass bottle of orange soda before me, complete with straw, much like his own. He sat across from me, but his gaze kept drifting over my shoulder toward his friends. I suspect he felt a bit slighted for not being included in their conversation.
“So,” he leaned toward me, “What’s this… bond they’re going on about?”
I took a long sip of my drink before speaking. “I’m not supposed to say. It might make things weird.”
“Keeping it from me is making Iggy and Gladio act weird.”
I set my elbows on the table and leaned toward him, keeping my voice to a whisper. “You saved my life, Prompto, and that’s not an exaggeration. If you hadn’t caught me, used those potions on me, then I would have been poisoned, bled out, and been that pack’s meal. I had forgotten about it, but when I said those words to you, that you saved me, it activated a scroll. It’s called a Debt Scroll. You ever heard of it?”
He shook his head, concentrating on my words as he drank from his straw.
“Well, I’m in your debt. You saved my life—”
“And you need to save mine? That’ll be easy. I may be the most handsome of the group, but when it comes to—”
“No, Prompto, it’s not that easy,” I interrupted, slightly annoyed that he wasn’t taking this seriously. “It’s not about saving your life. It’s a debt. A life debt.” I didn’t want to drop that big of a bomb on him this early, on our first week together, but he did deserve to know. I drew in a deep breath to explain, but movement distracted me.
He still had a puzzled expression on his face when Noctis approached us, and we looked up at him.
“Change of plans,” the prince explained, “We need to make a quick detour and find Cor and Monica. We should get to them before mid-afternoon if we leave now.”
The name sounded familiar to me, and I questioned, “Cor the Immortal?”
Noctis scoffed, partially laughing, “You recognize it?”
I stood up from the booth and grabbed my drink. “Yeah, my father spoke highly of him. From the way he spoke, they were practically best friends. Cor’s Commander of the Crownsguard? Marshal of the Kingsglaive?”
With that last word spoken, Noctis and Ignis glanced at each other, and Gladio took a step toward me, all playfulness gone. He growled, “What do you know of the Kingsglaive? What rank was your father, this Arthur Willowby?”
I tried to step back, but the booth blocked me. I hadn’t seen this angry side of Gladiolus, and I was rather intimidated. “I-I don’t know—”
“Gladio,” Ignis called him back, and together they started for the car.
Prompto stared at me, mouth slack, but Noctis appeared neutral.
“Did I,” I stammered, “Did I say something wrong?”
“No,” Prince Noctis assured me, “Gladdy’s just protective of royal protocol. Not a lot of… common folk… know about the Kingsglaive. It’s sort of a Secret Service, for the highest ranking Crownsguards. The king’s personal protectors, granted with special abilities. But don’t sweat it, I’ll handle him.” He managed to force a bit of a smirk before he turned and exited the diner.
Prompto was unusually silent as he motioned me ahead of him in a gentlemanly ‘ladies first’ gesture. I went slowly, not wishing to face them after screwing up yet again.
As Noctis filled the gas tank, Ignis warned me to finish my soda as there was no food or drink to be had inside the Regalia aside from his own Ebony Coffee cans, and his eyes darted toward Prompto.
The blond threw his hands up above his head in frustration. “It was one time, Iggy! And I helped clean it up!”
“One time too many, in my opinion. The Regalia represents the King, and must be treated as such.” Ignis suddenly turned his face away, realizing that the King who had owned this car, the Regalia, was now dead, and it now belonged to Noct. Or it would be his when he was officially crowned King by the Oracle. He reached for the keys at his hip and sat in the driver’s seat. Prompto and I finished our drinks, everyone got in with an awkward silence, and we started for our destination.
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parkerbombshell · 2 years
Addictions and Other Vices 917 – Colour Me Friday
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Addictions and Other Vices Fridays 3pm Repeats Saturday 3pm EST and Sunday 8am EST  bombshellradio.com #NowPlaying #indie #rock #alternative #Synthpop #indierock #community #radio #BombshellRadio #DJ #AddictionsPodcast #NewMusic #ColourMeFriday #Radio247 New Indie finds, previews of Just Another Menace Sunday artists coming up this weekend into next week ala Dennis The Menace, and Alex Green of Stereo Embers The Podcast and Bernard Frazer of The Essence of Cool and Sandy Kaye of A Breath of Fresh Air. Discoveries from our social media followers and a few more surprises. Thanks to all the artists, labels and PR companies that submitted tracks this week. Fix Mix 915 1. Weekends / Freya Ridings 2. Valentine / Snail Mail 3. The 2nd Most Beautiful Girl In The World / Snail Mail 4. Like A Woman Should / Hayley Mary 5. Young & Stupid / Hayley Mary 6. This Town / The Go-Go's 7. Our Lips Are Sealed / The Go-Go's 8. Only Wanna Be with You / Hootie & The Blowfish 9. Gotta Get Outta Town / Mark Bryan 10. boy / The Killers 11. Pleasant / SebastiAn / Charlotte Gainsbourg 12. As It Was / Harry Styles 13. Frozen Warnings / Chris Connelly 14. Gotta Get Thru This / Jessica Lee Morgan 15. You're Going to Heaven / Polyplastic 16. Part Of The Band / The 1975 17. Wait / Huffamoose 18. Music Sounds Better with You / Neil Frances 19. High / Neil Frances / PawPaw Rod 20. Anything / Sharon Van Etten 21. Cold Heart - Single Edit / The Kooks 22. All of the Time / The Rockyts 23. Moderation / Cate Le Bon 24. Race to the Sea / City of Sound 25. Chapel Song / Augustines 26. All The Good Times / Angel Olsen 27. Digging for Diamonds / Frédéric Lo / Pritchard & Lo / Bill Pritchard 28. Sundown / James Alexander Bright / Fink 29. 90 In November / Why Bonnie 30. Oceans Niagara / M83 INTERVIEWS THIS WEEK Friday January 27 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Stereo Embers The Podcast w/ Chris Connelly (Revolting Cocks, Ministry, Pigface) Rainbow Country  w / Actor Director Brian Vincent New Documentary “Make Me Famous” Spotlighting the 1980’s Art Scene The Essence of Cool  w / Blair Packham Just Another Menace Sunday w/ Snail Mail & Hayley Mary & Johnny Took (from DMA'S) A Breath of Fresh Air  w /Gina Schock (The Go Go’s) Saturday January 28 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Mark Bryan (Hootie & The Blowfish) Just Another Menace Sunday w/ SebastiAn Sunday January 29 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Huffamoose Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Stereo Embers The Podcast w/ Chris Connelly (Revolting Cocks, Ministry, Pigface) The Essence of Cool  w / Jessica Lee Morgan Just Another Menace Sunday w/  TBA Just Another Menace Sunday w/ Polyplastic Monday January 30 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / The Kooks Just Another Menace Sunday w/Neil Frances Tuesday January 31 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / City of Sound A Breath of Fresh Air  w / TBA Just Another Menace Sunday w/ The Rockyts Rainbow Country w / TBA Wednesday February 1 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Bill Pritchard Part One Just Another Menace Sunday w/  TBA Just Another Menace Sunday w/ Augustines Thursday February 2 Stereo Embers The Podcast w / Bill Pritchard Part Two Stereo Embers The Podcast w / TBA Just Another Menace Sunday w/ Fink Addictions and Other Vices  Read the full article
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welltrust · 2 years
Onion slicer machine
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1, looking in the direction of the arrows andįIG. 2 is a sectional view taken on the line 2-2 of FIG. 1 is a plan view of an onion slicing machine built according to one embodiment of this invention įIG. Other objects of the invention will be apparent hereinafter from the specification and claims, particularly when read in conjunction with the accompanying drawing.įIG. The primary object of this invention is to provide a machine which will be simple in construction and which can cut an onion into the required number of slices in one operation and in one set-up, and without waste.Īnother object of the invention is to provide a machine of this nature which is relatively compact, and which employs readily replaceable and inexpensive cutting tools. Moreover the known machines can cut only thick slices. The several portions, that are gouged-out in toto in cutting the several slices in the onions amount to a rather considerable portion of the total thickness of the onion, sometimes as much as a quarter and this is all waste. The cutting blades have to be of substantial thickness, and therefore must gouge out of the onions portions of substantial thickness as they pass through the onions. The machines heretofore provided for these purposes, and particularly those for slicing onions, are wasteful of the product.
Our onion processing products have passed with CE, ISO and SGS Certificates and have been widely sold all over the world.The present invention relates to machines for slicing vegetables, fruits, and the like, and more particularly to machines for slicing onions that are to be canned, frozen, fried, or otherwise preserved or processed. Now, Our factory can provide onion dry cleaning machine, onion size sorting grading machine, onion water washing machine, bulk type onion peeling machine, green onion peeling machine, batch type onion peeling machine, onion peeling and root cutting machine, onion root concave cutting machine, onion ring cutting machine, onion cube shape dice cutting machine, onion slice cutting machine, onion paste machine, onion crisp frying machine, onion dryer machine, onion powder production line, onion dosing packing machine, onion mesh bag packing machine, onion transplanter and onion seeds planter Romiter Machinery wins a wide reputation for high-quality machines with high efficiency, excellent reliability, easy maintenance, long lifespan and an excellent technical support team. is a market-leading designer and a manufacturer of onion processing machines. Specification of Onion Slicing Machine Model
You can choose the cutters for slicers or shreds cutting, but can’t cut dicers.
The cutters can be changed easily and the machine can be operated and cleaned easily.
One machine comes with multi-purpose and powerful uses.
The machine shell is made of stainless steel and is durable in use.
It is suitable for central kitchen industries, canned food processing industries, frozen food processing industries, food processing plants, catering industries, canteens and etc for use.
The slicer’s thickness is 1mm-8mm, the shares thickness is 3mm-8mm. One machine comes with one set of cutters and the thickness of the cutter can be customized.
It can cut slicers, shreds, and strips by changing the cutter.
It can be used to make an onion rings, which need work to put onion in the silo and press the pushing device. Automatic Onion Slicing Machine is used to cut onion to slice, it is suitable for whole onion feeding, we can get onion slice with good quality, this machine can be used for onion, carrot, potato, sweet potato, taro, bamboo shoot, onion, eggplant, apple, ginger, pawpaw, pineapple and etc cutting.
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The other week, I remarked wistfully that I’d never tasted a pawpaw fruit, even though I’m living not far from the part of the country where they grow naturally.  They’re only in season for a very short period, highly perishable and don’t ship well at all, and I’ve never bothered to travel out to one of the few pawpaw festivals to try one.
My dear sweet wife immediately tracked down the one vendor in the country that actually does preserve and ship frozen pawpaw pulp, and ordered some for me.
I now have to admit that I don’t have the foggiest idea what to do with this.  Do I eat it straight?  Spoon it over ice cream?  Bake it into a pie?  Make pawpaw fruit smoothies?  Pawpaw bread?  I don’t want to waste any, but I’m told it goes bad quickly once thawed, so I need to figure out a recipe in advance that calls for a large amount of fruit pulp.
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The better to taste you with, sweetheart
(Hayffie trick-or-treat 🧡 🔥 NSFW. Sexual content. Thanks @chocolateshipcookieblog for the prompt. This fic is a bit all over the place, but so is Halloween, so I just went with what came up. District 12 started feeling a little like Stars Hollow, so I kind of embraced that too. Now I can’t look at a lollipop without picturing it in Effie’s mouth, and I’m not complaining 🍭. Writing this was fun and touching.)
A fire burned in a wood stove in the corner of the Hob where people gathered for the town hall meeting. The large brick building held the chill of early autumn. Effie shivered, regretting her decision to wear only a sweater rather than a coat. She huddled close to Peeta. Sae’s granddaughter held Effie’s hand in a childlike way, swinging her arm periodically. Effie didn’t mind the connection with the unusual woman who was her neighbor now. That evening she appreciated the warmth of her hand.
“I told ‘em they were buildin’ this place too big,” Greasy Sae said matter-of-factly, not caring if the mayor or anyone in particular heard her or not. “A body gets cold in here no matter the size of the crowd.”
“Sure beats the heat in summer,” a man behind them said.
Effie peered over her shoulder and recognized him as one of the spice traders. “Spice” was a term used loosely in 12 to refer to dried roots, stems, bulbs, barks, and herbs, including tabacco and cannabis.
“Summer gets real hot.” He glanced at Effie from her forehead to her shoulders, then his eyes shot back up without gazing further. It was a look she knew well now. In 12, no one in his right mind stared wantonly at Haymitch’s girl, at least not openly, even when they were drunk or stoned.
The town hall had drawn a decent size crowd. More folks started showing up at those meetings once the council stopped hosting them every month and switched to quarterly. The people of each district had representatives and a governor, but those positions dealt with broad political issues, leaving local issues to be facilitated by a mayor and a town council.
It was Effie’s first autumn since letting go of her apartment in the Capitol, and Peeta was a dear to be joining her that night since she hadn’t wanted to go alone. She figured the only way she’d stop feeling like an outsider in 12 was to walk the line awhile between being present and being nonintrusive. She had a lifetime of experience walking lines much finer and more perilous than that one, so the task suited her.
The Hob filled with the fragrance of coffee brewing. People in attendance sipped mugs of it and devoured the muffins Peeta brought, baked with fruit from pawpaw trees. Katniss had encountered a grove of them in the woods. The fruit dropped in late summer and early fall, and Katniss gathered up what she found after hunts.
The mayor called the meeting to order and proceeded with the usual agenda: reconstruction updates, old business, new business, and so on. Effie was fairly bored until some new business sparked her interest.
“Since last year’s revival of All Hallows’ Eve was well received,” the mayor said, “The council invites all to attend this year’s festivities which will be held on the last night of October. We’ll have a bonfire again at the meadow’s edge to honor the departed. In the first two hours after sunset, everyone is encouraged to participate in the ancient tradition of guising.”
“Guising?” Effie murmured the question to Peeta.
He whispered back, “Dressing up in costume — mostly creatures from old stories. And going door to door after dark for treats — sweet foods, coins for children, liquor for adults.”
Costumes, sweets, money, alcohol... that sounded to Effie like regular living in the old days of the Capitol. But this tradition, one night each year under the cover of darkness, was something unique. In the Capitol they’d only celebrated national holidays.
The mayor continued, “Spread the word... anyone planning to offer treats, please remember to light a lantern or a candle on your doorstep in order to avoid the — confusion — we had last year.”
“Confusion?” Effie quietly asked Peeta again.
“Pranks on people who were home but not answering their doors: knocking late into the night, tossing a few eggs at windows, minor mischief.”
Effie could guess who probably refused to answer his door. This year that was going to change if she had anything to say about it, which of course she did.
On the last evening in October, Haymitch slouched on the sofa in front of a fire with his feet propped up on the coffee table. The flames burned low, but he felt too lazy to add another log. He reached instead for his glass of whiskey.
He could already hear people gathering near the meadow. Bonfire, music, dancing... traditions to honor the dead. Folks were saying that a long time ago All Hallows’ Eve was celebrated as some “sacred” night when the “veil between worlds” is thin and the dead are close. Katniss had a few memories of her father telling *ghost* stories that his mother used to sing about. The old lady had been a strange one for sure. To Haymitch it all seemed like load of horse shit since “dead” meant decayed to bones, then nothing and gone forever.
“Traditions” for Haymitch had always meant the ones that happened under Snow’s control. Reaping Day had been the big “holiday.” Work paused and citizens dressed up. Those were government orders. Eventually people shamed their neighbors who didn’t stop working and didn’t wear nice clothes. They no longer needed government to do the punishing about not following traditions because people did it to each other. Families whose children didn’t get reaped celebrated quietly, behind closed doors, reserving special food for the occasion if they could afford to do so. *Holiday traditions* didn’t sit well with Haymitch.
“Manners!” Effie scolded as she approached from the kitchen and saw his bare feet on the coffee table.
“Loosen your corset. There’s a coaster right here.” He said it without looking at her.
Not wanting to start an argument just then, she bit her tongue as she moved toward the fireplace. “I’m not wearing a corset tonight.”
His peripheral vision caught a flash of red, and he turned to watch her. She wore a velvet cloak buttoned down the front. She pulled off a long satin glove before grabbing a log to throw on the fire.
His eyes passed over her from head to toe then back up again. “What’s this?” he asked, with a smile on his face.
She slipped her glove back on and confronted him with her hands on her hips. The hood of her cloak was pulled up, and her hair peeked from beneath, framing her face in blonde curls. Her makeup was light, apart from her lipstick which was as crimson as blood.
“My costume, for guising.”
His expression was a mix of intrigue, amusement, and irritation.
“I told you weeks ago that we’re going, and I mean it! Posy’s already on her way over here. I’m paying that girl a small fortune to hand out cookies and quarters and whiskey, so Hazelle doesn’t have to wash dried egg off YOUR window panes tomorrow like Peeta said she had to do last year.”
“Whiskey?! I didn’t agree to give out liquor to freeloaders.”
“Everyone is doing it. You’ll be receiving as much as you’re giving away.” Effie sat beside him on the couch, crossing her legs so the cloak parted near the fur-lined hem where she’d left a couple of buttons unfastened. Above knee-high boots, her thighs were covered in lace stockings.
“You’ll be wearing that?” His mouth watered for treats other than food and drink.
“All evening.”
He reached out to her thigh, but she smacked his hand before he could touch her.
“What the hell!” He sat up straight, aroused by the sting of the slap as much as by her appearance.
“You get to touch me when we’re out of the house, not before!”
“That’s extortion.”
“That’s PATIENCE... and holiday spirit!” She softened the blow by adding, “...I’ll be touching you too — if you want.”
Yeah, I want. “No corset? Hmmm. So what are you wearing under that cloak?”
“You’ll see tonight — after we visit everyone, and we’re home.”
“That’s more extortion!”
“That’s more patience.”
“And what am I supposed to wear?”
“It doesn’t matter, honey. With me dressed like this, they’re not going to be looking at you.”
Twilight was fading, and the last trace of blue drained from the sky. Effie had never seen more stars than she did when looking up from the clearings of 12. She slipped a flat round disk of hard candy from a wax paper sleeve and held it up by its wooden stick.
“Shine the lantern on it,” she directed, “I want to see the color.”
The lantern swung casually at Haymitch’s side. He didn’t lift it up. “Why’d you insist on us bringing this thing when we could each be using a flashlight? Or better yet, sitting at home where there’s electricity. Or lying in bed pretending we’re not home.”
“If we’re in bed, then people coming to the door are going to know we’re home. I wouldn’t be quiet, and you’d wind up smothering me with a pillow.”
“That sounds accurate.”
“Besides, where’s your sense of adventure?”
“Too dark to find it.”
“What’s too dark — the night or you?”
She stopped walking, and he followed suit. With him it was always easier to catch flies with honey. She slid the basket of gathered treats over her wrist. It was growing heavy with pastries, fresh and dried fruits, nuts, and confections like taffy from the sweet shop in the Hob.
She reached above the zipper of his coat and stroked the hollow between his collarbones. “I like the darkness in you.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere when I’m freezing my ass off.” Her fingertips were warm, red satin against his throat. The gloves stretched from her hands to her elbows. When she’d pulled them on earlier that evening, he wanted her to touch him right then.
“Let’s see...” She moved her hand away. When he was about to protest, she nestled her body against his and slipped her gloved fingers beneath his coat, into the back waistband of his pants. “Your ass is still here, and it’s not frozen.”
She teased his flesh without grasping, drawing him out with her, not home for sex. He felt the difference. If he wanted something now other than this “guising” nonsense, then he’d need to do some coaxing of his own.
He encircled her waist with one arm and murmured against her temple. “Why do you need a lantern when you can just taste the thing?”
With her hand in his pants, her mind started spinning things she wanted to taste. The heels of her boots brought her mouth up close to his. He smelled like the wool hat and sweater he’d dug out from the cedar chest, the ale they’d been given at the previous house, and bites of chocolate.
“What ‘thing’ would I be tasting?”
“That lollipop ...unless you have something else in mind.”
Even as she clenched the thin wooden dowel, she’d forgotten it. “A lick would be good...” She touched the tip of her tongue to the corner of his mouth. “...But maybe I’ll need to suck on it awhile.”
Reluctantly she slipped out from the warmth of him and pulled away, transferring the basket of treats back to her hand.
He lifted the lantern, otherwise it would have been too dark to watch her suck on that stick of candy, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to miss that.
She opened her mouth slowly and met the lollipop with her tongue, then lingered a moment before drawing the candy inside. She pursed her lips around the stick, and her cheeks sucked in. Her tongue moved side to side awhile, savoring the flavor. When she pulled the stick out, her lips were still puckered. The candy followed, glistening in the lantern light.
Her mouth turned up at the corners. “It’s okay to blink now,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “So how does it taste?”
“Find out for yourself.”
She held out the lollipop, but he didn’t take it. Instead he wrapped his hand, gloved in leather, around her satin-clad one. He tugged her toward him, and tasted her. She was sticky sweet, like white sugar sprinkled over warm berries.
The kiss sent the sweetness coursing through her. Her breath came out in a rush over his tongue. He felt it everywhere.
“Damn, Effie. Let’s go home. I wanna take off your cloak. I can hardly feel anything with these gloves on.”
He was tempting, but she steeled herself against temptation. “Not yet. We haven’t been to the mayor’s house or the bonfire.”
“The bonfire? Shit. You didn’t say anything about that.”
“It was implied.”
In the lantern light, she watched him scowl.
“Implied...” she leaned in again and murmured against his neck, “...Like the sex we’ll be having later. I didn’t say anything about doing that either, but you know we will.”
“Fine. ...While I’m waiting, feel free to keep sucking on that candy.”
Effie slid the basket over her wrist again, laced her fingers with his, and enticed him with the lollipop between her lips as they strolled on.
“Ah, what do you know! It’s Haymitch Abernathy, out on All Hallows’ Eve. Effie, you’ve accomplished a miracle.” The mayor poured them each a cupful of brandy.
“This is WONDERFUL, Taylor. It’s the council that’s accomplished a miracle.” Effie sipped the drink. The ability to make small talk with anyone was a long rehearsed part of her skill set.
“You are dazzling in red. Why don’t you wear that color more often?”
“I save it for special occasions.”
“Haymitch, who are you supposed to be? ...The woodcutter?”
“I’m pretending to be a nice guy.” He downed the brandy in a single gulp.
“Ah, a wolf in sheep’s clothing! Well, ‘nice guy’ looks much better on you than the *grumpy old man* costume you wore last year.”
“Very funny...”
Effie half-expected the words to be followed by a snide “sweetheart.”
The mayor dropped a brown paper package tied with blue ribbon into Effie’s basket of treats. “Fudge. From the sweet shop. After last year’s pumpkin explosion, I’ve sworn off baking.”
“When I visit Peeta or Sae’s kitchens, they make me sit on a stool and drink coffee.”
“That’s not a bad deal.”
“I agree.”
The mayor glanced around, then whispered, “Truth be told, I overcooked the pumpkin intentionally, figuring I’d be spared future requests for baked goods. But the explosion was a surprise.”
“My lips are sealed.” Effie finished her drink, and they handed the glasses back to the mayor.
“I’m heading to the bonfire. How about you two?”
“We were just about to—“ Effie started, but Haymitch interrupted with his hand on her back.
“—make another stop. Maybe we’ll see you later.”
“What other stop?” she asked when they were walking on the road again.
He slid his hand up her back and grasped the nape of her neck, caressing her through the velvet. “I didn’t get all *dressed up* tonight to spend time with the mayor. I wanna be with you.”
She wrapped her arm around him and hooked her thumb on his waistband. “I want to be with you too. It’s almost too bad there are people crawling all over town tonight.“
“Come here.” He lead her around the side of the Hob.
“I am NOT making out with you behind the dumpster!”
“Keep going. I know what you like and what you don’t.”
The back of the building was steeped in shadow. There were a couple of pallets stacked high with wood for the stoves. He lead her along the narrow passage between them to a spot sheltered under the eaves.
He took the basket from her hands and set it on the ground along with the flickering lantern. She smiled as she backed up against the brick wall. “Do you bring all the girls here?”
“Just you... Red.” He pulled off his gloves and dropped them beside the basket. “I’m done waiting to touch you.”
He held her hips and pulled her lightly against him. One hand shifted to the small of her back. The other brushed her bottom lip with his thumb. The crimson color lingered elsewhere now, on the rims of unwashed liquor glasses and a discarded lollipop stick. Her lips parted, naked and soft.
“I want this mouth on me.”
“Where, honey?” She was already inching down the zipper of his coat.
“You choose.”
She snuggled against his sweater. His body was warm and hard, and she immediately wanted more than what she felt was accessible in the shadow of the Hob.
Her hands touched him first before her mouth. Satin fingertips traced around his coat collar, pushing it low. She sucked the tendons on the side of his neck, up to his jaw and back. Then she bit down.
He flinched, groaning in a mix of pain and pleasure. He gripped her wrists, holding her against him rather than pushing her away. “Is that how you want to play this?”
“Uh huh,” she mumbled against his neck, kissing gently now. “I’m making some marks. Everybody in this town is treating me like I’m *yours*. If that’s how it’s going to be, they should know you’re mine too.”
“I haven’t been telling ‘em anything.”
“They know it just the same.” She plucked kisses like a rope around his throat, then bit him on the other side.
He let it all happen, anticipating the sensations, and flinching again. He nudged her against the wall, letting her feel what she was doing to his body. “You know, I can get you off right here,” he said.
The same force that spent a decade pulling her to 12 was tugging at her now. Everything inside her melted like that lollipop in a mouthful of hot brandy. The temptation was too much. “We have to be quick. Anyone might find us.”
“So what? If they see you fucking me, that’ll offer ‘em more clarity about us than you biting up my neck.”
“Haymitch, there are children!”
“So we’ll keep our clothes on and stay quiet... mostly. No kids are gonna be scarred — not even you, sweetheart.” He toyed with the top button of her cloak.
“How do YOU want to play this?” she asked.
“I wanna see you.” He unhooked the buttons, keeping his eyes fixed on hers, waiting to take in the sight of her all at once, whatever it might be.
After the last button was unfastened, she didn’t wait for him to open her cloak. She did it herself.
Damn... She’d been walking all over town wearing nothing under that thing except a white neglige and a thong. Both were made of some sheer fabric that hid little to nothing of her. The thin silk straps around her hips matched the ones over her shoulders.
“Effie...” He wanted her. Every bit of her. And he knew the thing that people had been thinking was true. She had him. Nothing was changing that, unless he drank himself to death, or she left him — whichever came first. Later, when more blood was flowing to his brain, he might be afraid of that awareness. But for now he was hers.
“Surprise.” She beamed. “You better come closer, or I’m going to be the one freezing my ass off.”
His arms went around her within the cloak, and he crushed her against him, taking in the sensations of her with his hands and mouth.
Her palms skimmed up his back under his shirt. “Closer...” she urged.
“You first.”
She’d spent a long portion of her life in gloves. Her fingers were nearly as dexterous within fabric as they were bare. She opened his pants and pulled his dick into her hands, working him between her palm and fingers. He thought about letting her make him come like that. But he wanted to be inside her.
His hands were warm when they slipped into her thong, bracketing her with fingers in her folds and spiraling just above. When he touched her, everything quickened. She stroked him with insistence and moved against his hands with rapid cadence.
Far too much noise was coming from her throat. “Where’s that pillow so I can smother you?” he teased.
“Just fuck me,” she pleaded, “Now before we’re arrested.”
He untangled his hands from her thong. She lifted one of her legs, and he hiked it up in the crook of his elbow, flattening his palm against the wall. The heels of her boots brought her up to a perfect height to fuck like this. She slid her thong to the side, and he dipped within her — plunging, stirring. She met his thrusts with her own.
He clutched her waist and pressed her against the bricks, commanding stillness. “Don’t move your hips.”
“What!” she huffed, “Fuck you, Haymitch! I’m so close.”
“PATIENCE,” he teased with her inflection in his voice, “Wait for it, and it’ll be better. You know I’m right.”
She knew.
He was close too. She was all satin and velvet inside and out. Her breasts brushed against his sweater. It was so much.
She was crying out, and “Shhh” was accomplishing nothing. He covered her mouth with his palm. His pinky pressed against her nostrils. She could breathe, but barely. They’d played this game before. Adrenaline surged through her body as she came undone. She clung to his neck as her thighs shook. Her whimpers passed through the closed slits between his fingers. Her eyes were wild in shadow, never leaving his.
“I know, honey. I’m right here... Oh, fuck. I know... Goddamn it... Effie...” He heard her name several times as he climaxed. He must have been the one saying it, since his hand was still covering her mouth.
When he let go of her, she sucked in the night air, still clutching his neck. She was high. So high like this.
“Are you okay?” He panted.
She caught her breath. “The mayor, Greasy Sae, the damn spice trader, they’re all right... I’m yours. I just am. It’s like breathing. Even when it’s hard to do, I’m still yours.” — It was the closest she would come to a declaration of love.
Her words moved through him like the music he heard in the distance. He was chuckling, not knowing exactly why. Release mostly. The lantern flickered near their feet. The hood of her cloak had slipped back, and her curls were stretching into wisps, fatigued like his body. She was so beautiful.
“I’m pretty sure my neck is bleeding now, so apparently that makes me yours too.”
“Oh...” Oxytocin was working its magic, and she filled with empathy. She pushed the coat off his shoulders so she could see. Her teeth marks were there, but no blood was dripping. She slapped his chest. “You’ll live.”
They pulled apart far enough to put themselves back into a semblance of order: readjusting, covering, zipping, and buttoning up. Then he held her until she was warm enough to move out again into the night.
They returned to the road, rather than cutting through the meadow. Yeah, “dead” meant decayed to bones, then nothing and gone forever, but Haymitch still didn’t want to be walking across a mass grave, no matter how thick the grasses were growing, no matter that flowers would pop up in spring.
Effie felt the energy of the evening diffusing. Sparks from the bonfire floated away on the breeze with red maple leaves. Haymitch carried her basket in the crook of his elbow where her leg had been settled a short while before. In that same hand he held the lantern. Both of her arms wrapped around his free one, the way he held her sometimes in sleep.
That night, children who had never known the Games wore their blankets around their shoulders to be heroes or over their heads to be ghosts. They cuddled their blankets in their arms as they grew tired and snuggled against their parents, or whoever they had left to love them. Effie’s Nana had held her like that, once upon a time. Many years passed before she experienced again that quality of feeling.
She squeezed Haymitch’s arm tighter, and her eyes filled with tears. If someone had asked her all the reasons why, she couldn’t have told them. Some emotions are too layered to translate into words on cards. They’re unexplainable to an audience of even one.
She paused. “Let’s go home.”
“No bonfire?”
“Not tonight.”
“Okay. Ain’t nothing there that you and I don’t already have right here.” — It was the closest he would come to a declaration of love.
Whether they were taking the path of pins or the path of needles was irrelevant. The thing they had — the one that drew him out and filled her up —was always leading them the same place.
“Let’s stop first at the kids’ porch.” Effie added, “Peeta told me he was dressing up in Katniss’s hunting jacket, and he was going to try to wrangle her into wearing one of his aprons.”
“That I’d like to see... But don’t go getting any ideas.”
“Don’t worry. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that hat of yours, and there’s no way I’m letting you borrow this cloak.”
“The mayor did say I look dazzling in red,” he joked.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to disappoint the mayor. ...I’ll let you wear my lipstick.”
“Only if you kiss it onto me then kiss it right off again.”
Some *traditions* might not be so bad after all.
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rjalker · 3 years
I mixed leaves, grass clippings, some frozen banana peels, some of those rotted (and also frozen) pears we foune, and dirt from one of the attempted pawpaw cuttings that didn't survive the trip to Georgia in a five gallon bucket and planted four of the eleven premature small-flower pawpaw seeds, plus one coral bean seed. The pawpaw seeds probably won't do anything at all until next year but maybe the coral bean will come up this year? Idk. I put it in there because I assume since it's a bean it'll help the soil. Maybe. We'll find out.
Anyways, when planting pawpaw seeds, that is from the genus a Samina, not papaya, plant them pointy side up. They are the opposite from most seeds. Plant them pointy side up, with the little opening on the flat end pointed down
Make sure that they are planted at least 2 inches deep, and if they start pushing up through the soil, cover them with more soil. You do not want the seed above ground. If you're already at the top of your pot, cut the hole out of a bottom of a plastic cup or something or get the empty toilet paper roll, put it over top of the seed so it won't get knocked around, and then filled that with soil to fully cover it. Like a raised bed in your container.
But mainly, make sure it's covered with dirt or send it doesn't matter how you accomplished it, just make sure that the seed is covered, because if the seed dries out, it will get harder for the seedling to escape it, and it might just snap itself in half trying and died and nobody wants that to happen.
Papa's need shade, so either put them somewhere that is in full shade, or if you don't have any. Jade, he can use burlap, shade cloth, or whatever the fuck kind of fabric you have on hand. You could probably use an umbrella if you're willing to go out there and water it every day since obviously it will not be getting rain that way.
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