#fruit montain
catsinaspacesuit · 5 months
Si alguien quiere apoyar a uno de los admins de QSMP, MrPastelitoo está en stream ahorita jugando Fruit Montain, pone muy buena música y haciendo apuestas en el chat. Vayan a verlo!! (Va a estar haciendo un sorteo de la QSMP Shop pronto)
If anyone wants to support one of the QSMP admins, MrPastelitoo is live right now playing Fruit Montain! He's Spanish speaker, but plays great music and chat is super friendly
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splendentmoon · 1 year
From your bone prince au
What mk relationship with his real family
I don't know if you mean the current family or Wukong and Macaque, so I'll tell you about both:
He gets along well with his "uncles" and "cousins", being LBD's son in this au he is related to Scorpion Queen, Spider Queen, PIF and DBK.
He spends most of his time with Red Son, Mei and Bai He.
Now about Wukong and Macaque, they divorced, Wukong stayed in Flower Fruit Montain, while Macaque is missing.
MK doesn't know them personally and only heard rumors and bad things about them.
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
"You okay, Kit?" Montreal Hunter asks, setting a gentle hand on his back.
Kit Montaine looks around, drinking in the scene that surrounds them but it is not fear that makes him shiver.
It is wonder. 
They are gathered in a small clearing at the edge of the woods, beneath the spreading boughs of a solitary tree. 
With the moon in hiding, only the shimmer of summer stars softens the blackness of the sky and many lanterns and candles keep the dark at bay. 
The lanterns are little globes of colored paper and hang from the branches of the tree. 
Dane’s Mate, Julian Hart has worked some Fae magic, too and tiny firefly sparkles light the air, while the songs of crickets in the meadows and frogs in a nearby streams lend a quiet, wild music to the night. 
Beneath the tree, four long tables are arranged in a square, laden with a feast that awaits the alphas' return. 
Hot dishes rest in heated pans, while ice keeps chilled things cold and fresh. 
Everyone contributed something, even Monty and Kit had made a peach cobbler that Monty said his grand-mama taught him to make. 
Besides that, there's Sasha's crispy fried chicken ‘and tofu for Monty’ and buttermilk biscuits from Monty's mother, corn on the cob and fresh fruit salad from Martin's family, spicy gumbo from Freya and something called 'beignets' which were like square doughnuts topped with powdered sugar, from the mysterious Darius L'Amour. 
There was grilled salmon and rice from Noah and his Dragon/Mate, Ambrose Thorne and a watercress salad that Julian made.
 At least it's not waffles, he had said. Even Kit’s cousin Ophelia is here, with her baby, Kitka and her human/husband, Ed. 
They'd brought a coleslaw and kebabs with fresh garden vegetables and aromatic sausages. 
In all, the combined scents makes Kit’s stomach ache with hunger, while the peaceful gathering itself has him in awe.
"Yes, I am well," Kit says, answering Monty's question at last. 
"It is only that I have never seen an Ascendance ceremony before."
"How do the Mortaines transfer power, then?" he asks.
Ophelia, who shares a blanket with Kit on the sweet dry grass, laughs at that. 
"They don't. Obadiah challenged his own uncle as soon as he came of age. Kit and I weren't born yet but people still talk about it."
Kit nods. 
"They say the battle lasted all night and only ended when my uncle tore out his uncle's throat and drank his blood, just as the sun rose, all red in the eastern sky. He's ruled unchallenged ever since."
Monty shudders.
"Lords. I still can't believe mom and dad wanted to join the Packs. If Dane hadn't met Julian when he did..."
"We didn't know," Astrid Hunter says, making Monty jump as she appears at his back, apparently having overheard. 
She settles on the blanket, sitting cross-legged, and smiles at them. 
"The Mortaines keep their secrets well and the face they show the world isn't the face they show at home. At least, that was the case until recently. When we matched Dane with Selene, we knew the Mortaines were fierce and proud but we did not suspect that they were also vicious and cruel. If we had, we would not have agreed to the arrangement, peace or no peace."
Ophelia snorts. 
"No wonder you got trouble now. Selene's a spiteful bitch, if there's something she wants that she can't have, she makes sure nobody else can have it, either."
Astrid nods. 
"Have you thought about staying? No one would blame you if you pulled up stakes and took your family as far from here as you could. Joseph's got family in Georgia and Dane's got his territory out West. I'm sure you'd be welcomed, either way."
"That's kind of you," Ophelia says, 
"But Ed and I have talked it over and we agree that running isn't the answer, this time. We could be Outcasts all our lives, running from place to place, always lookin' over our shoulders for Mortaines. For Kitka's sake, we'd rather put our trust in your strength and take our chances on a better life, here."
She glances at her little girl, where she plays with Luna and Luca nearby. 
When she'd set the baby down with the twins, Julian had gone stiff and watched anxiously, worried that Luna and Luca might be too rough with her, or not want to share their toys, or might not accept Kitka at all. 
Instead, they had welcomed her readily and been surprisingly gentle with the little half-wolf girl. 
Luna had even given her the stuffed fox to hold, pressing it into her arms with an exclamation of ‘fuks!’
“You're right, too," Ophie continues. 
"About my former Pack, that is. They're good at hiding things. Just look at poor Kit, outside the family, no one even knew he existed. And nobody dreams of choosing their own Mate, it's all about power and the 'strength and purity of the line.' Not like here, where you actually love and care about each other."
Kit shifts uncomfortably and looks towards where Monty’s brother, Martin sits a few yards away with his four children and his mate, Elena. 
Kit knows Monty’s worried about Martin and he doesn't blame him. 
Martin’s family isn't like Monty’s but people don't see what they don't want to see and it's easy to turn a blind eye when others don't want to be seen.
"Actually, Mom, there's something I'd like to talk to you about," Monty says.
"Of course." She looks at him expectantly but he shakes his head.
"Maybe later, alone?"
She nods and the talk turns to other things. 
Some minutes later, the musical howls of two wolves rise from the darkness, signaling the alphas' return. 
They enter the clearing together Dane a towering figure beside his father's more slender form. Whatever secrets passed from father to son, the exchange of power is complete and Dane radiates strength. 
His family cheer and congratulate him and he receives their praise with quiet humility. 
Kit can't quite bring himself to join in with equal enthusiasm, though. 
The Hunter family see hope in his strength and power and Kit does, too but he also know that what Ferrault will see is a worthy Challenger.
                                                       ~ ☾ ~
Kit’s misgivings are soon forgotten amid the festivities and feasting. 
He has never seen such an array of delicious foods, much less been invited to partake of it. 
Monty encourages him to try everything and before long he is too full to take another bite. 
Sleepy and contented, he leans against Monty where he sits with his siblings, on benches around a little fire and listens to them talk. 
They speak of memories from their childhoods, shared adventures, silly mishaps and innocent dreams. 
It makes Kit a little sad, not to have known any of those things but he’s happy, too, that Monty did and that now he is sharing them with him.
Monty nudges Kit and he realizes someone has asked him a question.
"I just wondered if you'd tried any of the books I brought for you," Noah says, smiling. "I hope they're not too difficult. I can help you if you have any questions."
Noah had given Kit a fresh stack when he arrived, a mix of Wolf history and legend, some charming children's tales and a big heavy one of various mythologies.
"Oh! Yes, I've read them and I enjoyed them very much," Kit says, returning Noah’s smile with gratitude.
"Which ones?" Noah asks, blinking from behind his gold spectacles. 
He is smaller than Martin and prettier, in a way.
"Well, a-all of them."
Noah narrows his eyes at Kit. 
"And you understood them?"
"I... I think so."
"He's a fast learner," Monty says.
"I couldn't have read all those books in the time since we arrived and I've been reading since I was three," Noah replies and to Kit, he says... 
"Okay, who was Aruna and why did the Wolves of the north revere her?"
Nervous sweat prickles Kit’s skin at the unexpected question but fortunately, he had just read that story the night before, so it was fresh in his memory.
“Sh-she was a huntress who f-fell in love with the Wolf-God," he recites hastily. "He t-took her as his Mate and their child was the first whose nature was both Wolf and human."
Noah nods, his eyes widening with astonishment.  
"That's correct."
"What does that prove?" Noah's mate, Ambrose asks, firelight reflecting from his dark eyes and long, red-brown hair. 
"He might've heard that story anywhere."
"No," Noah shakes his head. 
"I borrowed that book from the shop. It's probably the only copy and it's not the sort of story the Mortaines would tell. Gods mixing with humans, Wolves mixing with all kinds of things, not exactly the pure-breed narrative."
"There is even one tale where a Wolf falls in love with a rabbit," Kit says, eyes wide. "I was afraid to read it, at first because I feared it would be a tragedy but it is actually quite humorous."
Noah draws a breath and pushes his glasses up his nose.
"I believe you, Kit," he says firmly. 
"I only wanted to be sure. I've been doing some research of my own, actually and I think your fast learning is a kitsune ability. In some of the legends, foxes don't begin to absorb knowledge until they're one-hundred years old, but that's likely an exaggeration. My theory is that this is the reason you were never taught to read or allowed to go to school, I think your ability to soak up learning like that is the key to unlocking your true potential. Your family didn't want that to happen yet because if it did, they probably wouldn't have been able to control you any more."
Kit stares at Noah, ready to tell him he doesn't have any potential to unlock but Ambrose, winks one ember-bright eye at him.
"I was kept in a similar way, once," he says. 
"If I'd somehow managed to understand and embrace my inner fire... Well, my family would have been reduced to ashes long ago. But then I do not know if I'd have met my lovely little wolf and I would not trade him for the world."
Noah blushes a bright coppery-red and elbows his mate in the ribs. 
Ambrose merely grins, shows slightly long, sharp teeth and Kit wonders at the two of them, Noah is so gentle and quiet, while his mate seems as volatile and dangerous as fire. 
They make an odd pair but they seem to balance each other, just as Kit hopes that he and his Mate shall too.
"Do you have any more?" Kit asks, looking at Noah. 
"Books, I mean?"
Noah laughs. 
"No. I didn't expect you to go through them quite so fast. But I can get more, if you'd like."
Kit nods and leans against Monty's side. 
"Yes, please. I would."
If Kit does has some hidden potential, some secret power to unlock, he wants to discover it, so that he can protect my Mate and his family, as they have protected him. 
First, though, he needs to make Monty his...
                                                     ~ ☾ ~
Later, after the celebrations have ended and the feast has been cleared away and all the little lanterns and candles are extinguished, Monty and Kit retreated to their tent. 
They have a choice of two narrow beds or a single, wide one and since Monty had been busy at the time and had left the decision to Kit who chose the wide one. 
In his whole life, he had never felt so safe or so comfortable anywhere as he did in Monty’s arms and he would rather have slept with him on the bare ground than alone in the most luxurious bed. 
He knew Monty did not trust him and his feelings for him, books were not the only source of learning. 
Kit had observed him and his family and those around him and the more he observed, the more he began to understand. 
If he were more human, he would surely have been broken by his sufferings, surely, as Monty said, he would not wish to be touched or held by anyone. 
But he had been raised like an animal and treated like an animal and so, to some degree, he had thought and experienced things like an animal, too.
There was 'good' and 'bad' 'pleasant' and 'painful' hungry and not-hungry want and fulfillment. 
Simple feelings for a simple soul. 
Kit had lived in a box with blank walls, knowing only what had been told to him and not daring to seek more. 
Now, it was as if the bottom had dropped out, the sky expanded to the distance of the stars and he had only begun to realize the freedom he had. 
It was true, he had been starved of affection and love and now he thirsted for a gentle touch and a kind word but not from anyone. 
Monty was wrong to think Kit trusted him, that he loved him, only because he was the first person he had met who treated him like something worth caring for. 
Kit trusted and loved Monty because he was someone worth caring for.
 Now, Kit just had to convince him of that. 
Kit had already used the shower and changed into his sleeping clothes and now Monty returns from washing and strips out of his own garments, facing away. 
A single lantern hangs from the top rafter of their wood-framed tent and shadows are sharpened by its slanting light.  
Monty's shirt lifts, revealing his muscled back and broad shoulders, fluid strength beneath earth-toned skin. 
He casts it aside and sheds his pants and Kit’s breath catches at the sight of him. 
He has seen plenty of naked men, most of them have frightened him. 
Now though, a seed of want awakens in his core, like a sprout pushing first leaves towards the warm sun's light. 
Kit looks away as Monty dons his night clothes and his pulse quickens as he comes to lie at his side, at his nearness, at his scent and Kit finds himself hungry once again, though food is not what he desires. 
Now Kit wants Monty, all of him, as his own. 
As his own heart's desire.
"Hey Kit," he says, smiling as he lies on his side, facing him. 
"You have a good time tonight?"
"Yes." Kit nods, shifting a little nearer to his heat.
"That little Kitka's something else, huh? Looks so innocent with her big blue eyes and blonde curls and before you know it, she got Luna and Luca eating out of her hand. Two little alphas and a half-wolf and—"
"Monty," Kit interrupts, moving a little closer and sliding his hands over Monty’s shoulders. 
"I love you."
Monty’s breath catches in surprise and his dark eyes go wide. 
"You love me, too, don't you?" Kit asks.
Monty shuts his eyes and takes a breath. 
"Yes. I love you, Kit."
Sitting up, Kit straddle him, lying atop his chest to kiss his mouth but Monty pushes him away.
Monty lays a muscled arm across his eyes and shakes his head and to Kit’s distress he see tears slide down the sides of his face.
"I can't, Kit."
"Why?" Kit asks again. 
"I want you and I love you, you love and want me. We're mates. Why can't we?"
"Because I'm not ready," he whispers. 
"I'm sorry, Kitty. You gotta understand. I... You'd be my first but... not the first to break my heart, if I'm wrong."
Stung, Kit moves off him and lies at Monty’s side again, facing away this time.
"Tell me," Kit whispers. 
"I've told you everything. So tell me, Monty, why are you afraid? That's what Mates do, right? We're there for each other, no matter what."
Monty is silent so long, Kit thinks he must have fallen asleep. 
Then he speaks, his voice is rough and raw with a mix of emotions Kit can't begin to understand.
"Alright," he says. 
"But this gonna take a while and I won't blame you if you change your mind, after you heard it all."
Kit rolls over to face him again and leans close to briefly press his lips to his.
"No. I'm here to stay. I'm yours and you're mine. Like your mom and dad said, all I want is more time with you."
He bites his bottom lip and takes a deep, ragged breath.
"And I won't hold you to that, Kit," he says, with a soft sadness in his eyes. 
"We only met a few weeks ago and you... You don't know me, yet. You don't know everything. Once you do, I won't blame you if you change your mind, okay? I won't blame you one bit. I'll still love you, though, no matter what. I'll love you anyways."
Kit shuts his eyes as Monty kisses his brow. 
He expect nothing less, from his heart's Mate.’
"I belong to you, Monty," Kit reminds him. 
"You can tell me anything."
And so then, Monty tells Kit everything.
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flamadoll-archives · 4 years
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tempusssfugit · 5 years
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winterpower98 · 4 years
Hey sorry... I kinda started this mess with the two small angsty letter from the future /tlt time travel artifact (ps. Thanks i love the tittle) since I saw a few people ask about it and also the master post. I thought of doing a part 3. This is more of an explanation than the other two, sorry in advance.
In the present
young mk after inadvertently waking up an extra pissed redson and and extra tired mei with his confuse screaming about portals and messages he was surprised to find out that neither mei or redson remember any of the occurrence from the future. But after a long irrationally sounding rant from mk he finally mentions the letters from the portal, and after showing them a few incomprehensible (at the time) letters and doodles mei noted that although a little rush and shanken it was indeed her hand writing.
In the future
Mei and redson are trying to close up their wounds and preparing while the artifact powers charges again. Redson is trying to check he own notes about the battles.
Mei and redson have been traveling to a few min, hours and even days before the accident were mk dissapears, but each had their own problems and they almost let themselves and their past self killed.
Redson: this doesn't make any sense we have travel 7 times to the same place and we still can't save him!!
Mei: we need to try as many times as we need!! ...we..we have to...
Redson: ok let's get over the main points one more time:
1. Mk was taken in explosion of light
That was made neither by the enemies or allies and it powerfull enough to break the staff.
2. It is almost impossible to get close enough to mk to save him because of the way how the battle and their pass self where arranged.
3. If their past self where to see their current self, their past self will faint in the middle of their battle which can certainly get them both kill.
4.we can't ask our allies for help because sandy and my father where injured and my mother had to get fly them away, the mk clones where poof and the monkey army was trying to block the path of the enemy army....and we haven't gotten news about the monkey king.
We had try contacting the monkey king but he had officially retired a few years back and dissappear from the face of the earth leaving flower fruit montain on mk's care. Even mk try to find monkey king after a few of their battles went south and they needed back up but.... he never found him, and even more devastating he realized after his return that pigsy and tang were...
Mei: DON'TSAY IT!!... we..We can still bring them back!!
No need to apologize! No one is asking you to make 100% of the content for this au. This is just something to have fun with and not stress over!
This gets more and more interesting the more you add to it!!
I’m so curious about MK’s disappearance!! How did that happen!? Who did that!?
This turned into some Doctor Who type of series and I love it!!
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sneakymalou · 4 years
Avery with pregnant s/o please please 😍
Awww first ask with Avery this was so fun to write !! 😍😍 I hope you’ll like it !! 💋
Avery x reader 🌟🌺
Dead of the night. There was a time when you happened to be far away from being a light sleeper, but that wasn't true any longer. Baby’s kick woke you without warning, giving you in the mean time the world’s biggest strawberry cravings. Slowly, discreetly, you get out from bed to join the quiet kitchen. “Aaaaah fridge, my best friend ever !” you laughed to yourself, giggling while imagining your man’s face if he could have seen you this way. Avery bought almost montains of fruits the moment you asked for it, that’s how you found a lovely bowl full with this Holy Grail : strawberries. You took the bowl in one hand, and rubbed your very pregnant belly with the second. “Here my angel...” you murmured at your soon-to-be-born baby, not knowing if it was a boy or a girl. The ultrasound didn’t show much, unfortunately and you couldn't wait until this angel to be in your arms, safe and sound.
“Sweet pea ?” A soft, still half asleep voice made you jump and almost spill the whole bowl of strawberries. “Good grief love ! You scared the Hell outta me !” you grumbled, hands holding pretty tight your bowl. The very vision of it made Avery giggle a little. “Oh dear... this is downright mesmerizing !” he said jokingly, joining you with that sweet, almost moking smile you completely fell for in the past. “Hum...” you mumbled to yourself, cheeks as red as a tomato. Your man put a finger under your tchin, inviting you to look back at him. “There is nothing to be ashamed of, my sweet Lady... food cravings I suppose ?”
Oh, that man. Always so classy, even in the dead of night... you smiled fondly, incapable not to take one of Avery’s hand to put in on your very pregnant belly. The reaction he had at this particular moment... well, too bad you hadn’t your phone nearby, because you wanted to immortalize this very expression. A soft mix of joy, emotion, surprise... “This baby is quite excited with the strawberries, so it seems...” he whispered before falling to his knees, touching over and over your belly. He loved to do that when you were asleep, just to have a privileged moment between his baby and himself. “My angel...” Truth is, he was hiding his own tears. Water brimmed in his eyes as he stood on his feet only to rising you from the ground. The kiss he offered you tasted salty because of that... “Don’t cry, honey...”
As you rubbed his cheek with all love and sweetness you could’ve felt at the moment, Avery carried you - and your strawberry bowl of course - to the room. He wanted you to feel all comfort possible. “My tears are not out of sadness, Milady... I feel overjoyed, on the contrary. I’ve never felt this way before, and I have you to thank for that.” Avery offered you another fruit, along with a soft kiss. “I am going to sing for the baby to calm down. You need to rest as much as possible, my love” he proposed with that smile you couldn’t possibly resist to. “What could I do without you, my savior ?” you giggled softly, enjoying some other fruits before laying down the bed.
Avery’s voice, accompagnied by his touch on your very pregnant belly helped you fall asleep in no time. Of course you were exhausted... but as long as your man and former rival was by your side, you could only feel safe and protected.
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(Screen by me 🍓)
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Diary page #7, Weather: Cloudy
Its pretty uncomfortable sleep in the ground... but after yesterday, there where no many options... When the sun rises, i get outsite and i got this amazing view from all mewnie, i could see the mewmans royal castle, the forests and even were the ponyheads lives; i could help to feel more small than usual and when i my stomach grow, i decide to explore a little to find something to eat, fortunately there still a stairs that guides to the forest under the montain, the unfortunately the staisr  were kinda a broken and kinda long and steep, so i get tired a little before i touch ground. In the forest, were a lots of plant and trees, i started to wandering and after a few meter i found a decrepit road with a post box near... i wonder if still works? But i was lucky i buy the book of medicinal herbs that day, really help me to chose with fruits and plants were safe to eat and i even show ow to made a little scythe with the rocks, so i can harvest more easly and even get wood to cook (I guess i can use for self-defense too, but i should be careful!); climbing again and getting inside the temple, i realize how many mural of stature were inside it, i wonder of ancient its this place? If werent so broken, actually can be a nice place to live, so i decide while i was there, i can repair it a little... well, there nothing else i have to do, after all...
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So, i guess i going to start tomorrow, i should change of clothes and hair style, this its going to being a rough job and i going to try to use the post box to write a letter to Dennis and tell him that im okey. With care Astrea
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arielle0808 · 6 years
Hey darl~ can you write RFA+Saeran+Vandy+Rika going on a sudden one-day trip? maybe to the beach, the montain or the countriside or wherever you want to take them! thanks and keep up writing because everything you do is amazing! ily 💖💖
OMGG!Thank you so much for reading and liking my stuff T//////T
Thisrequest is so cute! I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it
Thankyou for your request ^^ ILY
MCand he would be two little excited messes as they go to their trip to thecountryside.
He is so scared of having forgottensomething that would re-check his suitcase more than three times to makesure. Stillwould forget something home.
Hewould bring weird stuff with him claiming them to be amulets to keep goblinsaway.
“Whotold you?” MC asks.
Hewould take MC stargazing and offer them his hoodie during the night and they would be so amazed at allhis knowledge. He would be a blushing mess when they told him so.
Lotsof fluff, cuddles and crap food, though he would make sure to prepare at leasta healthy breakfast. The best for his love
Zenand MC had been considered going on a trip for some time, but Zen was somehowscared that the mosquitoes would see him as a delicious target and feed onhim, so the beach and countryside were crossed out from the list.
Themountain, though, seemed a good option.
Goinghiking with Zen turns out to be really fun!
Heis really strong and has a lot of resistance, but is eager to wait for MC andtake as many breaks on their way up as they need.
He makessure they stay hydrated and eat nuts and dried fruits as long as they keepwalking.
Whenthey find a nice spot, they set a tent to spend the night there. If it’s chillyduring the night he would embrace MC at the light of the bonfire as he singshappy and soft tunes.
A relaxing trip to the beach is just what she needs~
The waves, the warm sand, the ocean, the sun… everything sounds just perfect
Only that there are too many people, the sand is too hot and there are not that many waves that day. Oh, well.
MC doesn’t give up, though! They’ve taken their perfect girlfriend out on a relaxing trip and she is going to relax!!!
MC is the one to set the umbrella and towels, even though Jaehee offers her help. They also apply sun lotion to a blushing Jaehee ;3
After lunch, instead of going to the beach again they decide to go for a walk in the village. As they are close to the sea, the weather is perfect and Jaehee feels happy as they explore the streets of the maritime neighbour.
Jaehee discovers that the beach is much better during the night, when there are not that many people and the sand doesn’t burn her feet, so they go for a walk.
“We can stay as long as you want to,” MC says. “You don’t need to wake up early tomorrow~”
The sound of those words from the mouth of her significant other is even better than that of the waves
He has been planning this trip to Europe for so long
He would take MC anywhere they preferred, but going to Europe sounds fascinating and exotic for him.
Lots of sightseeing! Both MC and he get to know the place they are visting really well, interested as they are in its culture and history.
Degustation of the traditional cuisine and wines of the place.
It is interesting and enlightening, but Jumin also wants to enjoy MC, so the evenings are devoted to romantic walks and dates to the most beautiful places.
He would book in the most luxurious hotel and wouldn’t be able to wait to have some sexy time during the night e.e
“MC, let’s go caaaaaaampiiiiiiiiiiiing!!!!!!!”
How can MC say no to that dorkish smile and shining eyes? Besides, going camping with Seven sounds perfect!
There’s no time for planning!! They just pack the essentials and go on the road, taking with them Seven’s tent.
He would park the car at the feet of the forest and venture into it with MC, talking excitedly about all the things they were going to do and see.
“There will be a lake, and flowers, and bugs, and birds…!!” Yes, Seven, there will probably be birds, but you are going to scare them away!
The only times he had camped outside has been in missions, so he is thrilled to do it with MC and for fun.
He would listen to MC’s anecdotes going camping with their family or friends with sparkling eyes, and would like to do all of the things they did!
He would try to toast HBC at the fire on a stick.
After a tiring day, they would sleep deeply in the tent after having some fun, but at the next day Seven would complain of back pain and mosquitoes bites. His smile of happiness would betray him, though ;)
When MC suggests going on a trip with Saeran, there are so many places he wants to visit. As a kid, he wasn’t even allowed to go outside, and when Rika took him to Mint Eye, he would take walks in the mountain if he had some time, but that didn’t count as a trip.
Besides, as they look for Saeyoung, they are basically in a constant journey. He can’t choose, but he knows MC wants him to make the final decision, so he finally asks them something he’s really interested on:
“Take me to the place where you grew up.”
He doesn’t mind if that place was Seoul itself or in another country. He wants to make a journey to MC’s memories.
He knows everything one can know about them, but he wants them to tell him themselves.
MC takes him to all the places where they used to go as a child and Saeran listens with interest and curiosity. The kid inside of him is also happy to know what a normal chilhood feels.
They stop at the restaurants and cafeterias MC used to frequent as a child and Saeran asks them what they used to have, eager to have it himself if they still serve it together with some ice cream.
At the end of the day, he rents a room in a hotel nearby to make their adventure feel more like a trip and Saeran would then give all his attention to the most adult part of MC ;)
Pretty much as Jaehee, he needs a place to relax and the first thing he thinks of is the beach. Unlike her, though, he does have the money to go to a more secluded one, far away from people and noise.
MC and he rent a small house nearby, which he insists on cleaning up just in case. After some time, MC manages to drag him out of the house. They are going to make him relax!
At first, he believes something is going to go wrong for sure, so he is not as calm as MC would want him to. Nevertheless, after sunbathing, relaxing under the umbrella while reading a book or chatting with MC, long slow walks in the shore, the quiet, lazy and, thus, perfect state of things finally sinks in, and Vanderwood feels at ease.
The relaxed atmosphere even makes him forget about watching the clock and they have lunch half an hour later than usual, and he almost agrees to do the dishes after taking a nap.
He doesn’t want to go back
She gets really excited when MC suggests to go on a trip. She enjoys planning it with them, and the process of deciding where to go and what to do is almost more exciting that the trip itself.
They decide to go to a small village far away from home, where they can engage for some weeks in the activities of the people living there.
Rika enjoys helping the villagers working in the fields and going for longs walks after lunch, taking MC’s hand in hers.
They would enjoy eating the fruits and vegetables that they collected themselves, and they would learn new recipes from the people of the village.
“Can we stay here forever, MC?”
They would seriously consider it.
Requests are still OPEN!
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fiat--lux · 7 years
I was tagged by @the-poor-disturbed-soul. Thank you!!❤❤❤
age: 20
birthplace: El Salvador
current time: 12:25 PM
drink you last had: water
favorite song: atm i can’t stop listening to Enter your montain - Bathory
grossest memory: ugggghhh. That one time I ate rotten potatoes. So, I was at lunch break at work and as usually I went to the super market to buy cooked food, I bought boiled potatoes and sausages. The thing is that I can’t really smell for some reason so I didn’t realize they weren’t good to eat so I just went ahead and eat them until I was chewing them and felt their gross taste. Sweet.baby.jesus!!!! That was the most disgusting thing i’ve eaten. I wanted to puke tbh. I couldn’t just spit it out because there were people behind me in other tables and was too nervous to do it. I ended up eating it and threw away the rest of them.
horror, yes or no: yaaaaaas
in love: Nope.
jealous of people: sometimes. I guess that’s normal though
love at first sight: nope. Love is way more complicated and it involves more than just appereances.
middle name: Estefany. I dislike it quite a bit tbh.
one wish: to get rid of my anxiety forever.
question you’re always asked: I’m always asked my age at work. Apparently i look 16/17 lol. Also if my hair is real and why I don’t wear make up.
number of siblings: one sister and one brother
reasons to smile: cute animals, my pets, nice people, music, nice food.
song that i last sang: the same Bathory song lol. I was singing it while I was typing this.
time i woke up: 11 am
underwear color: black
vacation destination: everywhere!!
worst habit: procrastination, being messy af, forgetful af and negative thoughts.
favorite food: fruits!! Cheesecake and plantain cake and all local food tbh.
zodiac sign: libra
I’ll tag @scarsoftheshatteredsky @ashesofthepaleserpent @renee13-13 @goodbye-to-gravity @adorned-in-ashes @quasarior @salemsbat @dead-piscean @winter-s-bite @gipsyspirits if you want to and whoever wants to do it!!
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citybreakslowtravel · 6 years
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AUSTRALIE - Tasmanie - 42° parallèle 
Panoramic Cradle Montain, Mont Wellington, Bay of fire, Honeymoon, Freycinet, Maria island, Cygnet, Mona museum, Kettering
Un road trip inoubliable depuis la ville portuaire d’Hobart pour découvrir la richesse des paysages de l’île, des panoramas du Mont Wellington, du parc national de Cradle Montain et du lac St Clair, des plages sublimes de la côte-est, de la faune et de la flore sauvage des petites îles de Maria et Bruny.
Un peu d’histoire. Port Arthur, un ancien établissement pénitentiaire, éclaire sur la tragédie réservée aux aborigènes et les conditions de détention et de travaux forcés des convicts. Au cours du 19e siècle, la moitié de l’île est peuplée de bagnards envoyés par les colonies anglaises pour développer l’agriculture et l’industrie. Dans le même temps, la population aborigène est déportée, incarcérée et elle survit malgré les conditions de maltraitance, malnutrition et les maladies ramenées par les colons. Depuis 1995, des procédures amènent le gouvernement australien à reconnaître le préjudice causé et à restituer des terres aborigènes. 
Economie. Sur la route, la traversée d’un village fantôme laisse imaginer un passé prospère pour l’industrie minière de l’or, du zinc et du fer, en déclin depuis les années 1990. Longtemps isolée, l’île conserve en revanche des ressources naturelles encore inexploitées et provoquent un bras de fer entre les industrielles et les écologistes. Il n’est pas rare de croiser des camions transportant d’ immenses troncs puisque l’économie du bois reste une ressource économique pour l’Etat. 
C’est aux beaux jours, de novembre à février que le tourisme et les travaux saisonniers de fruits picking (raisin, pomme, nashi) amènent du dynamisme et de l’animation avec des fêtes et des festivals de musique et de gastronomie. 
Géographie. L’atout de l’île est sans aucun doute ses centaines de sentier de randonnée, prés de 3000 km à parcourir. Des forêts, des montagnes, aux eaux turquoises et de sable fin des plages, on croise wallaby, wombat et le fameux diable de Tasmanie (espèce endémique de l’île et emblème). 
Le site référence des randonnées : Great Short Walks. 
Au 42° parallèle, la Tasmanie peut offrir un spectacle lumineux pendant la nuit  lorsqu’une aurore australe éclaire le ciel. Localisation et conseils ici !
 L’automne commence en mars pour glisser vers un hiver rigoureux. Devonport est la dernière étape pour prendre le ferry en journée et rejoindre Melbourne.
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crazyfreckledginger · 7 years
Tag Game
Tagged by @lumifuer 
I were a month, I would be September.
If I were a day of the week, I would be Friday.
If I were a planet, I would be Jupiter.
If I were a sea animal, I would be a dolphin.
If I were a god/goddess, I would be Theia/ Artemis.
If I were a piece of furniture, I would be a matress (lmao).
If I were a gemstone, I would be a black fire opal/ ruby.
If I were a flower, I would be an orchid.
If I were a kind of weather, I would be rain.
If I were a colour, I would be blue.
If I were an emotion, I would be happiness/sadness/love (depends).
If I were a fruit, I would be a blackberry.
If I were a sound, I would be burning firewood.
If I were an element, I would be air.
If I were a place, I would be a cottage/chalet in (a) montain(s).
If I were a mythological creature, I would be a dragon/griffin.
If I were a taste, I would be salty.
If I were a scent, I would be the smell of rain.
If I were an object, I would be a pillow.
If I were a body part, I would be a neck?
If I were a song, I would be Something Worth Fighting For by Josh Auer (highly recommended)!
If I were a pair of shoes, I would be leather ankle boots.
Tagging: @nicetrytopredictme @lostinreveriefiction
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casspurrjoybell-17 · 2 years
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*Warning: Adult Content*   
‘One, two, three, four, five.’
Montreal Hunter counts the rickety wooden steps as they descend and he prays they'll hold their weight combined.
‘Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.’
They creak beneath their feet but hold. 
At the bottom, a floor of packed earth awaits. 
Dust swirls in the light of his cell-phone's flash and the darkness presses close beyond. 
Kit Montaine's hand grips his and Monty feels a shiver traverse his arm to his fingertips. 
He's still unclothed after his Shift. 
Shrugging out of his t-shirt, Monty pulls it over Kit’s head. 
It fits him like a short, loose dress, falling halfway to his knees. 
He hugs the fabric tight against himself, evidently grateful for the warmth and Monty smooths his hand between Kit’s shoulder blades, as much to comfort him as to soothe himself. 
Cold, foul air gusts against Monty’s face as it rushes towards the opening above and now he smells what Kit described, dank earth and blood, mildewed decay and death. 
Swallowing a swell of nausea, Monty pauses at the edge of the greater dark.
"Why don't you wait here, Kit," Monty whispers, hoping to spare him some distress. 
"Keep a lookout."
Kit shakes his head and clings closer to Monty’s side. 
"No. Together."
"Alright. Stay close though. And if I say run, you run. Got it?"
Monty nods and so, together, they proceed. 
The space is about as wide and half as long as the house above and the ceiling is just high enough Monty doesn't have to duck. 
The walls are made of closely joined stone, the floor is bare earth and thick, vertical beams support the foundation overhead. 
It looks like it was once a large root cellar, somewhere to store a winter's worth of vegetables or the season's bounty in canned fruit. 
Now, as the weak, unfocused light from Monty’s cell-phone reveals, it serves another purpose. 
It looks like a cross between a hunter's lair, a butchery and a taxidermist's shop. 
The skins of animals lay heaped upon the floor, tacked to the walls and stretched on racks. 
One side of the room is full of hunting gear, rifles, bows, knives, snares and cruel-looking traps. 
A worktable, stained with gore, occupies the other side and an array of knives, saws and other unpleasant implements hangs above it on display. 
In one corner, a heap of bones, some still with bits of flesh on, accounts for the smell. 
Monty covers his nose and mouth and tries not to gag.  
At his side, Kit shivers with horror. 
Wolves are predators and most of them hunt and kill things now and then. 
Most of them, though, do so with restraint and with respect for the lives they take. 
Monty has never taken part in a hunt, himself but he knows when his parents and siblings do, they view it as something sacred, a celebration of nature and of the cycle of life and death. 
None of Monty’s family hunt in human form. 
Jake appears to be of a different breed. 
There are far too many skins and of far too many kinds, for him to have taken them legally. 
Monty sees the usual elk and deer, rabbit and hare, raccoon and skunk but there are also bobcat and mountain lion, wolverine and badger, otter and beaver, coyotes and little foxes and even, he notes with mounting fear, a few wolves. 
The wild kind, not the 'were' variety but still. 
It's a line they don't cross and if Jake Nash has gone that far... 
Feeling sick, Monty turns to Kit and grasps his shoulders. 
"I gotta take a closer look," he tell him. 
"At the skins and... at the bones. Wait here, okay?"
Kit shakes his head, his black eyes wide and luminous in the near dark and clings to Monty’s arms.
"No, Monty," he whispers, 
"I've seen worse. My uncle had a place like this. I won't leave you alone. I'm here, with you."
Surprised, Monty stares down at him. 
He thought Kit was sticking close because he was afraid. 
He is, obviously but that's not why. 
Monty: ‘This frail, frightened little fox, is offering me his strength and support and I hadn't even realized how much I needed it. Few people do. They look at me and see such a big, strong guy, they don't imagine I might not always be strong inside. I've learned not to expect that kind of help, so receiving it now, when I need it most and from such an unexpected source takes me by surprise.’
Monty gives Kit's shoulders a gentle squeeze and lets him go, then turn towards the grisly pile of remains. 
He’s hardly taken a step when a noise freezes him, a soft, low whine, coming from the corner just beyond the bones. 
Heart in his throat, Monty approaches, his cell-phone held high and his muscles tensed. 
As the light washes over the darkened space, what he sees fills him at once with horror and relief. 
In a small iron cage, with heavy studded collars chained about their necks, lie a pair of wolves. 
One is large and snowy white, or would be, if her fur wasn't matted and caked with dirt. 
The other is smaller, with short brown fur and the tall ears of his Ethiopian ancestors. 
Only the white wolf is semi-conscious, curled protectively around her smaller mate. 
A cry escapes Monty as he recognizes them, his strong, courageous mother and my sweet, gentle father, trapped like animals in this awful place. 
The cage they're in is too small for them to Shift, they can't even turn around with the collars they wear bolted to the floor. 
Stricken, Monty goes to them, falling to his knees beside the cage. 
His mother lifts her head a little and whines again, her long white tail swishing the floor in a weak wag of recognition. 
The fur around her neck is red with blood, where the spiked collar has bitten into her skin. 
With Monty’s natural strength enhanced by rage and adrenaline, he grasps the front of the iron cage and twists it free, casting it aside, then breaks the chains with his bare hands. 
Finally and more carefully, he takes a hold of the collar at his mother's throat and snaps the hasp where it's fastened with a lock. 
Gently, he tries to pull her free but she snaps and growls at him, unwilling to leave her mate. 
She's been forced to stay a wolf so long and in her current state, she hardly recognizes her son.
"It's me, Mom," Monty says, stroking the side of her face. 
"It's Monty. I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? And Dad, too."
She blinks blue eyes at him, the edges all crusted with dirt and tears but Monty sees something more human behind her gaze now and when he reaches for her again, she lets him pull her from the cage. 
A touch at his side startles me and Monty turns to see Kit holding out a large fur, a bear's pelt, thankfully clean and fully tanned. 
Monty takes it and drapes it over the white wolf and then, slowly and with a low whine of pain, she Shifts to human form.
Monty touches her shoulder as she lifts herself, her long gray hair as matted and tangled as her Wolf's fur.
"Monty." She takes his hand, her voice a rough, sandpapery rasp. 
"Your father..."
"Is he all right?" 
She shakes her head. 
"His heart. He's not well. That bastard..." 
She coughs and Monty is alarmed to see flecks of red on her lips.
"I know. Don't worry, though, I'm gonna get you both out of here. Then..."
At Kit's warning, Monty turns and sees a figure on the stairs, silhouetted against the light pouring down from above. 
Jake Nash holds a long rifle and he's aiming it at him. 
Monty can't move fast enough and he doesn't even hear the shot as he pulls the trigger. 
At the same time, a smaller, faster form blocks Monty’s view and then Kit falls in my arms, a feathered dart in his chest. 
Jake's got a tranquilizer gun, not a rifle, thank the Gods, which explains the silent shot. 
Monty: ‘It's probably the same thing he used on my parents.’ 
He struggles to reload it but by then Monty is on his feet. 
He swears as he fumbles the second dart and drops it, then turns and retreats up the steps, no doubt intending to trap them down here with the heavy block of cement. 
Monty tosses his cell-phone to his mom.
"Get out of here and call Dane," he says. 
"I'll handle Jake Nash."
Dashing up the steps, Monty narrowly avoids getting kicked in the face by a booted foot as Jake struggles to move the cement block into place. 
Monty pushes against it and shoves it aside but the wooden steps crack under the extra pressure and collapse beneath his feet. 
Catching hold of the ledge, Monty pulls himself up, then bites back a scream as Jake stomps hard on his hand, crushing the bones beneath his heel. 
Ignoring the fire-like pain shooting up his arm, Monty grabs for Jake’s leg and trips him, satisfied as he lands hard on his back with a grunt. 
Monty hauls himself from the opening as Jake scrambles to his feat, his blond hair in disarray and his features twisted with desperate hate.
"You son of bitch," 
Monty growls, advancing and already hearing the Wolf in his voice as his body begins to Shift. 
"You hurt my mom and my dad and my little Kit and now I'm gonna make you pay."
Jake Nash laughs. 
"You gonna kill your sister's Mate? You don't have the teeth for it."
"You're not Sasha's Mate."
Monty’s tongue barely obeys him to form speech as it flattens against lengthening teeth. 
His spine cracks as he arches his back, his ribcage deepening and his skull elongating into that of a wolf as he drops to all fours and shakes out his long brown fur, transformation complete. 
Jake's eyes widen at the sight of him but he isn't deterred.
"That's not what Sasha thinks," he sneers. 
"But go ahead. Kill me and break her heart. I don't care and it won't save you or your filthy pack of mix-blood mutts. You don't know the half of it and when the Dire comes, you'll all die anyway."
Jake Nash throws his head back, utters a wild howl and Shifts nearly as seamlessly as Kit. 
Except instead of a cute little fox, a lanky white wolf takes his place, its form bursting through the seams of his clothes. 
And there's something wrong with him. 
His teeth are too long and too shar, and his eyes are blood red. 
Jake launches himself at Monty with a vicious snarl and he barely avoid his teeth closing on his throat. 
He attacks with a ferocity Monty has never encountered before in Wolf or man and he finds his size a disadvantage as Jake snaps and snarls and circles him. 
Violence isn't Monty’s thing but with his life and the lives of those he love in danger, his instincts kick in. 
He snarls and snaps back at Jake and they meet in a furious clash of teeth and fur. 
They're almost evenly matched, Jake has the advantage in speed, Monty has it in strength but the crazed park ranger has clearly the more practiced combatant. 
Jake Nash races around Monty, launches himself onto his back and sinks long fangs into his shoulder from behind. 
His teeth tear through muscle but with a twist of his head, Monty grasps him in his jaws. 
Monty could crush him like that but instead he merely shakes him and throw him off. 
Jake Nash tumbles in the dirt with a yelp of pain but he's on his feet again in an instant, a froth of bloody foam about his mouth. 
Monty stumbles as his right front limb refuses to take his weight and Jake's lip curls with cruel triumph. 
The loud roar of an engine and the screech of tires breaks in on their fight and a moment later a different kind of beast comes flying around the corner of the house in a cloud of dust. 
Freya's Indian Dark Horse is a badass bike but it never looks so badass as when she's riding it. 
She revs its engine, her face hidden behind the visor of her helmet and accelerates at full speed. 
Now outnumbered, Jake gives a final, vicious foam-flecked bark and turns tail and runs. 
Monty makes a choice and lets him go. 
Freya raises a cloud of dust as she skids to a halt at her brother’s side, dismounting and removing her helmet in what seems like one smooth motion, like an action hero. 
Monty turns away and Shifts, regaining his human form in an awkward seated position, with my legs stretched out in front of him. 
His jeans catch me round the head as Freya tosses them at him, and Monty snatches them and pull them on as he gets to my feet, groaning at the pain in his shoulder and his crushed hand. 
Blood trickles down his chest in a steady stream and he presses my good hand to the wound.
"You okay?" Freya asks.
"Do I look okay?"
"You dyin'?"
"Okay then." 
Freya turns and marches back towards the house and Monty follows. 
"Fuckin' shit," Freya swears, holding her nose and gazing down at the entrance to the awful cellar. 
"The fuck he got down there?"
"Mom and Dad, that's what," Monty says and prepares to lower himself back into the hole. 
Without the steps, he’ll have to lift everyone out.
Freya hits Monty’s good shoulder with her hand, knocking him back, her voice high and shrill. 
"What you mean 'Mom and Dad?' What you mean, Monty?"
"Alive," Monty clarifies, realizing she doesn't know that yet. 
"They're alive."
Her eyes go wide and then she's once more in 'action mode' and drops into the hole like a 6-foot Lara Croft. 
In short order she comes back with mom leaning on her and Kit in her arms and together they get them out. 
Then she goes back and returns with their Dad, still in wolf-form, in a fireman's carry and reaches her free hand up to Monty. 
Monty grasps it with his good one and hauls them both up, biting his lip against the pain in his shoulder as fresh blood seeps from Jake's deep bite. 
As Freya tends to their parents, Monty pulls Kit into his arms, plucking the dart from his shoulder and tossing it aside. 
Kit lies limp and unmoving and Monty can barely detect the whisper of breath past his lips.
"Kit?" Monty shakes him lightly. 
"Kit, c'mon... wake up."
"The little guy took a big hit," Monty’s mother rasps, her arms still around her husband. 
"That dose was meant for you, Montreal. He won't be wakin' up for a while, if he wakes up at all."
"Fuck," Monty swears and hugs Kit close to his chest, stroking the blond curls away from his face, even as his own blood drips and stains his shirt, which Kit still wears like a strange smock.
"Language, Monty," his mother chides in a voice raw with pain. 
"Though I agree. One of my children has already lost a mate today. I'd hate for you to lose yours before I even met him properly."
Monty looks up at her, taken by surprise and then the truth goes off like a little bomb in his heart.
Monty: ‘Leave it to my mom to know before I do.’
"My Mate," Monty whispers, turning my eyes back to Kit's unconscious, beautiful form. 
"Yes, he is."
Monty: ‘If he lives and if he'll have me, that is.’
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chaimgoldberg · 5 years
What can calm my soal?
What can calm my soal? What is a true Redemption?
“And you, the montains of Israel, will produce your branches, and you will bear your fruit for My people Israel because they are about to come. For behold, I am for you, and I shall turn to you, and you will be tilled and sown. And I shall multiplying men upon you, the whole house of Israel in its entirety, and the cities will be settled, and the ruins will be built up. And I…
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