#mr pastelito
catsinaspacesuit · 5 months
Si alguien quiere apoyar a uno de los admins de QSMP, MrPastelitoo está en stream ahorita jugando Fruit Montain, pone muy buena música y haciendo apuestas en el chat. Vayan a verlo!! (Va a estar haciendo un sorteo de la QSMP Shop pronto)
If anyone wants to support one of the QSMP admins, MrPastelitoo is live right now playing Fruit Montain! He's Spanish speaker, but plays great music and chat is super friendly
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lusi-raul · 1 year
Qsmp admins:
QNPC01(NUSSAA): Chayanne the egg, Cucurucho
QNPC02(Amapolita): Tallulah the egg, unnamed faceless chef, Tango the capybara, Fred the federation employee, sub for Chayanne, Sub for Leo, Sub for Ramon
QNPC03(Aserikai or Pastelito): Ramon the egg
QNPC04(pocket_cypher): Dapper the egg, code binary monster, Bonnie a felsteed
QNPC05(harumi): Leonarda the egg, Reyna the capybara
QNPC06: Bobby the egg(amZet/aMZ3T), code binary monster, Abuelito the capybara, sub for Chayanne
QNPC07: Richarlyson the egg, Elisangela the capybara, sub for Chayanne
QNPC08: Sofia maxo’s computer daughter
QNPC09: Pomme the egg, Snipybara the capybara, Jed the federation employee
QNPC10: code binary monster, cucurucho
QNPC 011: Walterbob, Cucurucho, code binary monster, Mr. Mustard the capybara
QNPC120: ???
RainyLou: Juanaflippa
Diannav: Tilin (though this admin was into some controversy a while back)
ItsAlexius_: used to be Leonarda’s main admin
Everyone let’s expand on this list. It’s very interesting to know every character admins have played.
Also for the other capys I don’t know who is who hahaha. I also want to include Mr. Bubbles. I feel like I’m the only one who got attached to that guard.
Edit: thank you to everyone who shared more info about the admin’s characters. Will keep updating/editing this post as long as new info is given. Also to whoever asked, yes I knew amZet is not the QNPC06 admin anymore ☹️ that’s why I only had him beside bobby’s name unlike Harumi which was beside qnpc05. He was so fun tho, I was hoping he’d come back to reprise his role as Bobby.
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paintbrushnebula · 5 months
My college professor: Mr. Paintbrushnebula, are you still with us?
No Professor, my mind is far too busy thinking about how Rapunzel and Miles Morales would be absolute BESTIES.
They'd share their art with each other and do art trades, and swap stories about their adventures. Rapunzel would go on for hours about all the kingdoms and magical creatures she's encountered while Miles would ramble about all the crazy incredible dimensions he's been to. They'd vent to each other about how restricted they felt back when everyone was trying to control their lives and keep them from choosing their own path. Ooh! And they'd totally swap favorite foods! Miles would give Rapunzel some Spanish recipes. Now here they are making pastelitos de carne together!
Oh and you better believe Eugene Fitzherbert and Gwen Stacy are an unstoppable duo who'll take over the world!
While their partners are chatting, Eugene and Gwen are sitting in the corner munching on the pastelitos their partners just made while sharing how they got together with them. Gwen goes, "we met up once and saved the multiverse together, then two years later I climb through his window and I say, 'wanna get outta here?' He says yes!" Eugene's mouth goes agape and says "NO WAY THATS (almost) EXACTLY WHAT I DID-" They then break out into a series of competitions to prove who's the better athlete, like who can scale that building faster, who's got the coolest backflip, etc. Eugene thinks Gwen's eyebrow piercing is super cool, then he goes on about how as much as he'd like one, his face is just too darn immaculate and unblemished for him to ever pierce its perfectly pristine hide, then he shares his "invaluable wisdom" about haircare with a Gwen who has long fallen fast asleep. Then they're discussing their experiences as ex-fugitives. Eugene tells Gwen about his experience with the Captain of the Guard, how he would hunt him down like a wild dog. Gwen says "oh hey I had to deal with a Captain like that too. Tried to shoot me too. Yeah. He's my dad," then goes right back to scarfing down her pastelito while Eugene nearly chokes on his.
I just think they'd be neat ^_^
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comradeboyhalo · 3 months
still thinking of the quackity election stream that had 2 mods badboyhalo and mr. pastelito
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littleseasalt · 1 year
forever dming poor Mr pastelito for him to let them into the offices to they can do a peaceful protest 💀
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mrzoetuxedo · 2 months
¡¡Hola!! Actualmente estoy usando un traductor de mi lengua materna al español. Si es posible, me gustaría saber más datos sobre Rosen. Me interesan mucho y he visto tus publicaciones en Twitter sobre ellos. Me preguntaba si había más información sobre que eran un íncubo <3. ¡Además, tus diseños de personajes son increíbles! eres tan creativa!! <3
Oh gracias! Me encanta saber que te agrada el Rosas (Así lo apodo a veces)
He aquí más sobre Rosen
- Tiene un acento portugués muy marcado y de vez en cuando suelta palabras en ese idioma (Aunque no habla mucho si habla pasará eso)
- Su película favorita es Mutafukaz y su programa favorito es Malcolm el del Medio (Yes, no, maybe... I don't know...🎶🎶🎶)
- Tiene un gusto por pintar cuadros, comer unos pastelitos llamados Gansitos y de burlarse por las desgracias de otros
- Tiene una ex novia llamada Carol, la cual es una demonio abeja
- Si bien Rosen tiene poderes y habilidades de pelea nunca los usa cuando tiene que pelear junto con Mr. Zoe contra un demonio, en vez de eso se queda haciendo nada o durmiendo
- A su vez, irónicamente es uno de los demonios MAS DÉBILES que hay y por eso algunos demonios más fuertes son fastidiosos o malos con él
- Tiene hermanos que no soporta y a su padre, el demonio superior Asmodeo (No es el mismo Asmodeo de Helluva Boss) con el cual también tiene problemas
- A pesar de tener alas no puede volar
- Tiene la costumbre de desaparecer por horas, ya que se va a ver y jugar con pingüinos
- Sus animales favoritos son los gatos y los ya mencionados pingüinos
- Le da miedo los perros ya que los ve como criaturas extrañas
- Rosen tiene... Cómo decirlo... Un pene anormal ya que es literalmente una rosa de 15 pulgadas con espinas, dicho pene no le agrada realmente y desea tener uno normal, más porque esa cosa es capaz de matar a cualquiera. La razón porque le coloque un pene así fue para intentar ahuyentar a cualquiera que trate de profanarlo... Y fallé en el intento 😓
- Además de comer Gansitos porque les gusta también lo hace para calmar su hambre de sexo
- Sus poderes son la teletransportación, la cloroquinesis y saber dónde y cuando tienes sexo
- Normalmente no es agresivo pero cuando hay algo que realmente le molesta no duda en usar la violencia
- Su relación con Mr. Zoe es tormentosa ya que se la pasa discutiendo con ella a menudo (Algo chistoso ya que Rosen fue quien le dió a Mr. Zoe su omnipotencia actual)
- Si Rosen fuera un yandere sería el tipo de yandere que haría cualquier cosa para complacerte y recibir afecto de ti
- Finalmente, esta es una foto de Rosen de pequeño y antes de ser un demonio
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Espero que estos datos te hayan ayudado
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
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Laurence 📰🎙️
Akihiko// Aki, Partner, Kiko(bromance moment-),
Angel// Drew, Mr. Drew (teasingly), Seth/Jonas/vice clan leader(privately),
Kitty// Sunshine, Emergency food(cues her Nutella last name as joke between them lol), Cocoa
Rosalyn// Doll, Darling(teasingly), Rosie, Hana, clan leader/your Excellency
Eiji// Ei, Old man(teasingly), Naru, Medic
Connor// Con, Morozov,
Sonny// Son(teasingly), Light of my life (bromance moment-),
Beth// Bethy, Bethy Boo, Sugar, Sweetcheeks
Tae// bestie, homie!!!
Angeline// Angie, Sweet thing(cues the first nickname in their first meeting)
Bianca// Bia, Dear, MISS BIANCA!!!!(always yells with a lot of energy whenever saying that hahaha-)
Cleo// Ms. Cleo, Cleopatra(yes- he wants to call her that as a joke and because ✨queen✨-), Ma'am (h e h-)
Rue// Dr. Leogan, Doc.
Ellie// Ms. Ellie, Ms. Cupid
Yami// Funeral scout boi(when talking about him-/IH)
Amy// Lil' Pink
Elise// Lil' Princess, Your Majesty
V// Kid (he stopped calling her champ lol-)
Peter// Pete, Young Master, Pogchamp
Amar// My Prince, Princely, Hubby(bromance/gay moment-)
From people// Lawrence(Dyanthus), Incognito(Dyanthus-only codename), Lau, Larry, News boi, Loverboy, Pretty Boy (Cleo), Lau-Lau (Mod Katniss DHDBDBD <3)
No-no names// He would careless by any name- because is just slander, not the truth 😎/ih
Akihiko 🎥🍵
Laurence// Laurence(That's it.)
Angel// Angel-san, vice clan leader, your Grace
Rosalyn// Rosalyn-san, Hana-san, clan leader, Your Excellency, Sakura-chan
Kitty// Kitty-san, Head Officer Calico, Neko-chan,,,(friendship)
Eiji// 右目(migime)
Sonny// Latte-san
Connor// Morozov-san
Beth// Beth-san
Rue// Rue-San, Leogan-san, Dr. Leogan
Ellen// Ellen-san, Wilson-san
Yami// Kazuichi-san, Yami-san
Elise// Elise-san
V// V-san
Peter// Young Master, August-san
From people// Nikon(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Don't call him anything suggestive- it's just simoly uncomfortable for him.
Angel 🪡🧵
Laurence// Lau, Law, Señor Godfrey, Mike(teasingly)
Akihiko// Señor Akihiko,
Rosalyn// Carmelita, Hana, Sister
Kitty// Gatita, pequeña
Eiji// Eiji (just that -)
Connor// Catire. (Yes.)
Beth// Señorita Beth, Bethany, pastelito
Ellen// Señorita Ellen, Ellen
Jane// Señorita Jane
Beatriz// Señorita Beatriz, Beatriz, hermosa dama(dramatically lol-)
Angeline// Señorita Angeline, Angie(or the cooler angel *gets bonked rjfbfbf*)
Amy// Catirita tierna, pequeña, Señorita Amy
Yami// Señor Yami, Cariño (ship ship ship, bromance moment/IH), Morenonito Bello
Drosera// Señor Drosera
Liam// Señor Hubert
Shiloh// Señor Monroe
Elaine// Señorita Schreiber
From people// Darling Tailor(Yami), Sastre(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Babyboy (Lau once called him that and ended up getting stabbed by thousands of needles by a displeased, offended Angel)
Rosalyn 🌸🪆
Laurence// Larry, Law, Señor Godfrey
Akihiko// Akihiko-kun, Hiko
Kitty// Cinnamon, Calico, Sweetie
Angel// Angelito, Seth, Brother(shows their bond is stronger than just cousins),
Sonny// Catire bello, bestie (Shyly but affectionately,,,), Daisy
Connor// Connor, Señor.
Peter// Pete, Petito
Basil// Señor Basil, Corazón, cariño, darling(JDRBBGGBBF <333-)
Yami// Señor Yami, Spider Lily
Amy// Señorita Amy, Madonna Lily
Ellen// Señorita Ellen, Dahlia
Angeline// Señorita Angeline, Tulip
Beatriz// Señorita Beatriz, linda Beatriz, Litre
Louise H.// Señorita Louise, Iris
Beth// Señorita Beth, Begonia
From people// Vene(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Evil Witch (flashbacks,,,,)
Laurence// Blondie, Larry, Lala, Ahoge boi :3
Akihiko// Turtle-kun!!! Kiki :3
Angel// Guardian Angel!!! Big bro Angel, Jojo, captain Wisteria :3
Rosalyn// Pink-Senpai!!! Hana, Nana, mama(playfully), captain Carmelia :3
Eiji// Jiji!!! Mr. Healer, teacher :3
Sonny// Susu!!! Sunny boi :3
Connor// Fire boi.
Peter// Pepe!!! :3
Amy// Mimi :3
Yami// Yaya, Mr. Funeral Director :3 (sorry not sorry-)
Elaine// Ela, signorina Elaine :3
Liam// Signore Attore, Mr. Liam :3
Beth// Betty, signorina cupcake :3
Angeline// Signorina Angeline :3
Beatriz// Bea, signorina bella :3
Jane// Jany :3
Allison// Alli, Starlight, shooting star :3
From people// Calico(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Anything that has to do with cursing- get the gist,,,
Eiji ⛩️🏮
Laurence// Blue Bird, Talking Radio, Lawrence
Akihiko// 左眼 (zuo yan)
Kitty// Silly one, Head Officers Calico, Hello Kitty (playfully)
Rosalyn// Dollface, Hana, Your Excellency, my fair 小姐
Connor// Rat.
Sonny// Mr. Sun
From people// Sage(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Kami(He'll always nag you that he's not a japanese God-)
Sonny ☕☀️
Laurence// Lau
Akihiko// Aki
Angel// Seth, sir
Rosalyn// Hana, milady, bestie
Kitty// Calico, bestie, lil lady
From people// Latte(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// ???
Connor 💣💥
Laurence// Annoying Orator.
Akihiko// Tikiyh Shpion.
Angel// Noble Ispanets.
Kitty// Scary Ved'ma.
Rosalyn// Precious Matrioshka.
Eiji// Mudrets.
Sonny// Leto comrade
From people// Molotov(Dyanthus-only codename)
No-no names// Nope, slander him as you wish- he won't listen./ih
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trash-bin-ary · 1 year
Snooping at the admins names is so fun, I get to say oh rip mr pastelito it was nice knowing you but you acted too close to the sun
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takethebodymarc · 6 months
why did no one tell me mr pastelito streams......
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arcanumlegio · 1 year
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Queridas almas impías,
hemos despertado a Dios y a Mr. Shadow de su resaca de domingo para hacerlos trabajar. Lucy no trabaja, es una niña, en el infierno hacemos muchas cosas pero la explotación infantil no es una de ellas.
A partir de ya mismo podéis empezar a reservar PB en Tumblr, las reservas estarán disponibles hasta el 30/08 porque…
¡El 1 de septiembre se abren las puertas de esta casa de locos!
Abriremos a las 16 hora española (una menos en Canarias). Tendréis el enlace al foro en nuestro tumblr.
Desde hoy queda abierto también el canal de Discord, para ir hablando con otras almas perdidas para encontrar tramas, roles o simplemente preguntarnos si a Putin lo esperamos en el Inframundo. No seáis tímidos, tenemos drogas y alcohol  pastelitos para haceros la estancia muy agradable.
Para realizar la reserva mándanos un Ask con máximo 3 PB reservados, un nombre y una contraseña. Te la pediremos cuando hagas la ficha. Puedes ver las reservas actualizadas aquí.
Estas reservaras estarán vigentes hasta el 7 de septiembre.
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alien-girl-21 · 2 years
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edourado · 4 years
Together, ch. vii
How are you guys? You know, in spite of the world?
Here’s something sweet. I hope you like it. 
Much love ♥
Frank has always known that Karen was well liked. 
If her looks weren’t enough, she was just, well, nice. Nicer than he ever managed to be, that’s for sure. And her big blue eyes did make it easy for people to just fall for her, in so many different ways. 
“Hi, Miss Page!” Went the neighbor from across the hall, a pre teen with a hair that made her at least a foot taller than she actually was.
“Hi Leilani!” Karen replied, all smiles and sweetness. “Any progress on the project?”
Leilani, she later explained to him, wanted to be a scientist, and did all sort of experiments. 
“Sometimes she’ll come over and ask to borrow baking powder or spare batteries, so you be on the lookout.”
(Frank helped Leilani motorize her skateboard, from six feet away, on the second month of him living in the building. Cool kid.)
“Hello, darling”, greeted the elderly couple that were always on the window of their first floor apartment of the building next to theirs.
“Hello, Mrs. Cosio! Mr. Cosio, how are you?”
They recognized Frank from the news immediately. He was walking past their window one day, before he moved in, and Mrs. Cosio waved him over, and after disappearing from the window for a few seconds, came back and handed him a plate of something warm that he later found out were pastelitos. 
“Good job on all those criminal people you got rid of”, she whispered, winking at him. Mr. Cosio always offered him a beer.
“They’re nice”, Karen told him. “But they know everything about everyone on this street, so be careful.”
“Whassup Miss Page?” Went the delivery boy from the Thai place. 
“I keep telling you, Atid”, she said, taking the bags from his hands. “It’s Karen. How’s school?”
Karen was invited to the ceremony when Atid’s parents, Sanoh and Kasem, got their citizenship.
“I always tip him way too much”, she told Frank over delicious Pad Thai. “Because he’s saving to help pay for college.” 
Frank would talk to Mr. Salae - Atid’s father - about marriage and its challenges sometimes, when the man would complain about his wife.
(“You married?” He asked Frank once. And he hesitated. 
“Uh… Widower.”
Mr. Salae patted his hand.
“Me too. Before Sanoh.” And then he pointed at Karen, who was walking towards the restaurant to meet Frank.
“She fix your heart.”
That was before Frank ever got the courage to let himself feel what he already felt for her.
And he was right.)
Overall, there were so many people that would greet Karen with care and love and happiness, and she would tell him all about them, even the guys who would try to flirt, either unaware of her relationship with Frank or choosing to ignore it.
The result was that he began to feel himself a part of that small community, that two or three block radius, even before he was confined inside because of a virus. 
“But you know”, told him Victor, the highly intelligent six year old from the apartment directly above them, while Frank sat in his hammock and the boy hung out with his legs dangling from the fire escape. “They will make a vaccine. We have to help, staying home, but they will find a cure.”
“Too bad you can’t help them, kid”, Frank said, his eyes scanning to make sure that the small child was not about to fall from where he was perched, one floor above. 
“I would, too. But I still have school. But when I grow up, I’ll be able to.”
He would share Karen’s Oreos, and she would spend hours talking to him when his parents needed a break, baby sitting from a floor away.
“Bob and Don wanted him for so long, they were so happy when the adoption finally happened.”
Some of their neighbors - most of them - knew who he was. There was one that avoided him, a couple from the street over that would turn around and walk away when they saw him, but most of them were fine with it. Some of them didn’t connect the dots at all.
He saw it in his face when Ray from the bakery finally figured out who he was, his eyebrows shooting up when Leilani walked by with her mother once and went “hi, Mr. Castle!”, and Frank was afraid, for a minute, that he would not be welcome anymore, but then he got two extra croissants, and a “have a nice day, Frank”, with a vigorous nod, and that was that on the subject. 
Karen’s presence, he knew, was a big thing on his favor. She was loved by these people, and she was also not shy about her feelings for him. She served as a proxy, he imagined, and the people that were so fond of her looked at how much she liked him, and how much he liked her, and that served as proof enough that he was worth being welcomed among them.
She was lying on the couch one afternoon, with Pooka on top of her belly watching the TV with so much attention it was like he was actually enjoying the show, when Frank’s cell phone pinged with a text. 
It was a photo, from the bakery. 
“As per Miss Page’s request and suggestion”, it said. “We now have pain au chocolat! You can order it on it’s own, or a combo, which includes a small cappuccino and a blondie. We call it ‘the Karen’s special’! ;)”
“Oh, that is so sweet!” She said when Frank showed her the text, and then replied to the bakery, promising to stop by later to try it. 
“How come everybody you meet just loves you so much?” he asked, placing her legs on his lap on the couch, massaging her ankles. 
She smiled, dismissively. 
“It’s definitely them, not me. People here are amazing.”
He looked at her, lying there on the couch with her legs on his lap and Pooka on top of her, texting with the people from the bakery around the corner, forwarding the photo to people, and his heart felt so full of love for her that he answered his own question. 
Was he not, after all, one of those people that had just fallen into her orbit, and was privileged enough that she deemed him worthy of keeping close?
He definitely understood why everybody lit up at her presence. 
“You’re not gonna believe this”, she said when she walked through the door, later, Lady in tow, a big, good smelling paper bag in her other hand. “Ray didn’t let me pay!”
“How come?” Frank asked, moving to help her with the dog, the bag and her coat. 
“He said they had many people today ordering the Karen special! And, as a thank you for the suggestion, he said that my order today was on the house. It was a forty dollar order!”
“You spent forty dollars on pastries?” he asked. 
“Well, I didn’t, because I didn't pay, but yeah. They named a menu item after me, Frank.”
They ate pain au chocolat and blondies and drank cappuccino, and Frank lied with his head on her lap after, her fingers in his hair, and thought that he would probably be made president of “Karen’s fan club”, if they ever came up with something like that. 
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gabbyfluffy · 4 years
Lilo corrió las cortinas de su cama y se aproximó a la de su mejor amiga. Livvy seguía con la sudadera de su ex novio y estaba despierta, aunque con los ojos rojos y terribles ojeras. “Liv? Que tal has dormido?” la acarició la cara tiernamente “ Como si mi novio me hubiese dejado ayer” Dijo Livvy riendo con amargura. “Venga levanta, vamos a desayunar”
“No me apetece bajar Lilo, baja tu sola con Luke, yo me quedaré aquí. A lo mejor me he tirado por la ventana cuando vuelvas”
“Ayer un chico, Cedric. Me dijo que quería hablar contigo” Liv solo gruñó.
“Liv, venga, no puedes quedarte todo el día en la cama!”
“Es sábado, puedo hacer lo que me plazca”
“Livvia Spellbody, levanta tu culo de la cama y demuéstrale a Connor que la ruptura no te ha afectado”
“No quiero verle…” su susurro tenía tanta tristeza que conmovió a Lilo. Ella suspiró y se dirigió al gran comedor. En la comida se sentó con Fred y George, y robó una manzana y un pastelito para Liv. Salía del comedor cuando se topó con Peeves, que tiraba globos de agua a los demás estudiantes. “Hola tío!” él la sonrió y la hizo un saludo militar “Que tal sobrina, quieres mojarte un poco?” Ella negó y le devolvió la sonrisa “No, pero no me importaría mojar a alguien…” El Poltergeist la pasó varios globos y Lilo se divirtió tirándoselos a los alumnos de tercer año y para arriba, que se preparaban para ir a Hogsmade y huían despavoridos, pero ella también tuvo que huir cuando uno de sus globos accidentalmente dio al profesor Snape. Llegó a la sala común mojada y con un globo de agua todavía en la mano; algunos alumnos la miraban extrañados, pero a ella le dio igual. Caminó deprisa hasta que vio a Connor besándose con una rubia. Miró el globo restante y apuntando con cuidado, se lo tiró a la cara. El globo alcanzó a el chico perfectamente, que se separó de la rubita y escaneó la habitación, furioso. Toda la sala común se rio disimuladamente mientras Lilo se escaqueaba a su habitación. El cuarto estaba oscuro, pero Lilo corrió las cortinas y abrió las ventanas, ignorando los siseos y palabrotas de Liv, que seguía tirada en la cama. “Livvy, le acabo de tirar un globo de agua en la cara a tu novio” Ella pestañeó sorprendida “Es una broma no?”
“No. Si quieres bajar a verle, esta calado, seguro que Percy le estará echando la bronca” Livvy soltó una carcajada y se cubrió la boca. Se frotó los ojos y miró a la puerta con una sonrisa en la cara. “Eh, tengo una idea genial. Por qué no vamos a Hogsmade?” Livvy la miró con sorna “Sabes perfectamente que no podemos hacer eso”
“Debo recordarte que tenemos una mapa mágico de todo Hogwarts y tu sabes hacer hechizos desilusionadores bastante buenos”
“Bastante buenos?” Livvy se llevó una mano al pecho dramáticamente y fingió indignarse. Lilo le entregó su desayuno, que ella devoró con ansia, y luego se quitó la sudadera de Connor, tirándola al suelo y remplazándola con una camiseta con el logo de un pegaso. “A que esperas Poltergeist?”
Con el hechizo desilusionador puesto sobre ellas y el mapa del merodeador, atravesaron la sala común de la mano, con mucho cuidado de no tocar a nadie. Livvy iba delante, aunque Lilo no la veía por el hechizo. Notaba el mapa debajo de su chaqueta, estaba ocultado por la chaqueta. Salieron de la sala común y recorrieron Hogwarts hasta llegar al sauce boxeador. “Wingardium leviosa” susurró Liv, y una piedra pesada levitó hasta presionar un nudo situado a la base del árbol. El sauce, que hacía poco se movía lentamente, quedo totalmente inmóvil y las chicas se escurrieron por un hueco de las ramas. Avanzaron agachadas por el estrecho túnel, y salieron a una habitación oscura. Lilo salió primero y soltó un grito. “Lilo! Lilo?! Que pasa, que pasa?!” sintió la mano de su amiga tanteando su espalda, hasta que se detuvo, y ella también gritó. Había encontrado a su gemela.
Lilo sollozó y tocó la cara petrificada de su hermana “Sigui? Sigui?! Livvy, tenemos que avisar a alguien, a McGonagall, a Dumbledore!”
“Lilo, no podemos. Nos podrían expulsar, o-“
“No he dicho que la dejemos tirada, sino… creo que Cedric vino hoy a Hogsmade, verdad?” Lilo sacó el mapa y lo examinó unos minutos. “Yo no lo veo en el castillo”
“Bien, entonces bajaremos a Hogsmade, lo buscaremos y le diremos que informe a un profesor de que Sigui. Así nadie se llevará la bronca y Sigui podrá volver al colegio.” Lilo se sorbió la nariz y asintió, aunque luego se sintió tonta, seguían con el hechizo desilusionador “Vale.”
Después de casi media hora buscando a Cedric, lo encontraron con un par de sus amigos. Lilo y Liv se estaban helando, no habían traído mucha ropa de abrigo, algo tonto por su parte, pero al menos Hogsmade estaba precioso nevado. Sin soltarle la mano Livvy tiró hacia los tres chicos; de repente Cedric se sobresaltó y miró su mano alarmado –Lilo dedujo que Liv se la había cogido-, luego un débil susurro llegó hasta ella. “Esperad chicos, creo que se me ha caído algo, seguid adelante, ahora os alcanzo” los dos chicos le miraron extrañados, pero siguieron adelante y giraron una esquina. “Liv? Que haces aquí? Estás bien? Que ha pasado?” Livvy se deshizo el hechizo a sí misma “Hola Ced. Estoy bien, pero escúchame” Cedric la quitó un poco de nieve del pelo “Hay una niña en la casa de los gritos, que tiene los mismo síntomas que Mrs Norris y Collin Creevy. Tienes que decírselo a alguien y que la saquen de ahí. No te echaran la bronca verdad?” el negó después de una larga pausa “pero por que…?”
“Te lo explico luego, vale? Gracias. Y no le digas a nadie que nos has visto” le dio un abrazo y se volvió a hacer invisible. Tocó el brazo de Lilo hasta llegar a su mano, y volvió a tirar de ella hasta volver a la casa de los gritos. Deshicieron el camino de vuelta y salieron del árbol, que ya volvía a moverse frenéticamente, pero no llegó a herirlas. Liv se aseguró de que no hubiese nadie cerca y deshizo los dos hechizos; luego se acercó a Lilo y la abrazó fuertemente, dejando que esta llorase sobre su hombro.
Horas después se esparcieron los rumores de que Sigui Poltergeist había sido encontrada igual que a las anteriores dos víctimas. Lilo se pasaba todo el día en la enfermería con su hermana, y le había dicho a Liv que las dejase un momento a solas.
“Venga Alpha, despega!” Liv se encontraba montada en un dragón azul. Espera, no, verde. Espera, no, azul con manchas… Bueno, da igual. Se agarró fuertemente al cuello de Alpha, que ya era más grande que su madre, y el dragón se elevó por los aires. Subió alto y luego planeó en círculos, dándole estabilidad a Livvy. Ella se puso de pie y empezó a caminar de arriba abajo, esperando ver una sombra debajo de ella. Cuando por fin la vio,  saltó del dragón, y aterrizó en otro que había debajo, desafortunadamente, se resbaló y volvió a caer. El suelo se aproximaba más y más, y ella no conseguía sacar la varita. Gritó con pánico cuando vio que el suelo se aproximaba… “Arresto momentum!” Liv se detuvo a centímetros del suelo, y luego bajó suavemente. “Estás loca? Se puede saber en qué diablos estabas pensando?” Draco la levantó furioso del suelo “Yo… solo estaba-“
“Intentando matarte?! Por que sinceramente es lo que parecía, estúpida” Liv tragó saliva y miró el cielo, que empezaba a oscurecerse. “Que pasa, la ruptura de tu novio te afectado también en la cabeza, o es que ya eras tonta cuando llegaste?” ella se zafó de su brazo y le miró con los ojos llenos de lágrimas y odio, sintió las primeras gotas caerla en la cara. “A ti que te importa, Malfoy? Si tanto te molesto, podrías haberme dejado romperme el cráneo!”
“A lo mejor es lo que debería haber hecho, si” Liv se dio la vuelta y agradeció la lluvia, que escondía sus lágrimas, últimamente lloraba mucho. “Siendo sincero, si yo hubiese sido tu novio también te hubiese dejado por otra” se dio la vuelta y vio que Draco la miraba con una sonrisa cruel. Liv abrió la boca para decir algo, pero en vez de eso se dio la vuelta y se intentó ir antes de que Draco la viera. Odiaba llorar en público. “Eh” Draco la tocó el hombro y ella se dio la vuelta, furiosa. “Que quieres Draco? Que haces aquí? Vienes a restregarme algo más en la cara, a echar aún más sal en la herida?!” el retrocedió un paso, asombrado, y ahora era Liv la que sonreía con crueldad. Malfoy sacó algo de la chaqueta, Liv le apuntó con la varita pensando que él iba a sacar la suya, pero quedó sorprendida cuando el tiró una bolsa de caramelos. “Que es esto?”
“Caramelos. Aparte de tonta eres ciega también?”
“Se que son caramelos idiota, pero por que? Que les has echado?” El sonrió levemente “Solo por que sea un Slytherin no significa que vaya a envenenar tu comida. Pruébalos.” Liv se cruzó de bracos y levantó la barbilla “Tu no me mandas, Malfoy. Y no quiero tus estúpidos caramelos.” Los recogió del suelo y se los dio “Adiós.”
“Pruébalos. Por favor” La lluvia se había intensificado y ella solo quería irse al castillo, junto al fuego, pero Draco se lo había rogado con un suave susurro. Cogió la bolsa que la tendía y se comió uno. Estaba buenísimo, el sabor parecía ir cambiando, pasando por todos sus favoritos: pastel de calabaza, algodón de azúcar y… el pastelito que Connor la había dado en su primera cita. “Te crees muy gracioso, no?!” ella se sorbió la nariz y se frotó los ojos, ignorando su cara de sorprendido. Ese era el truco, hacerla sufrir. “Te odio” pasó al lado suyo y le golpeó el hombro, corriendo de vuelta al castillo. Se aseguró de que Alpha y Cira volviesen al bosque, ya no vivían en el invernadero por qué no cabían, pero siempre salían a jugar con Liv. Se escurrió el pelo y se limpió los zapatos llenos de barro, luego se hizo un hechizo desilusionador y subió a su cuarto sin ser vista. Pero ya estaba harta, harta de tener miedo, cogió toda la ropa de su ex novio y bajó a la sala común hecha una furia, buscó a Connor, que estaba sentado en un sillón jugando con el pelo de una chica, y le tiró toda la ropa encima. El la miró sorprendida –estaba más guapo de lo que recordaba- y todo la sala se había quedado en silencio. Liv tragó saliva y volvió a su cuarto, pero sonrió levemente cuando oyó las burlas de los demás hacia Connor. Entre todas las voces distinguió a sus amigos: Percy, Ron, Fred y George Weasly, Harry y Hermione.
Lilo tocó suavemente la muñeca de su hermana “Tranquila Sigui, te pondrás mejor, ya verás. En cuanto las mandrágoras sean un poco más mayores estarás como nueva.” Enterró la cara en las manos y lloró angustiada. Y si no volvía a ser normal? Y si se quedaba así para siempre? Y si ya estaba muerta?
“Señorita Poltergeist, entiendo que quiera estar con su hermana, pero ahora sí que tengo que cerrar. Buenas noches, y tranquila, hoy me ha dicho Sprout que le falta poco a las mandrágoras” Madame Pomfrey la miraba con una tierna sonrisa. Todo el mundo se había ido hace tiempo, pero a ella la había dejado un rato más. “Gracias por todo, Madame Pomfrey” se agachó y le dio un beso en la frente a Sigui “Buenas noches hermana. Buenas noches Madame Pomfrey”
“Buenas noches”
colaboracion con @carol-friki-06
siguiente capítulo
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starberry-cupcake · 4 years
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this, list 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in the notifications
Thank you!! ♥ ♥ ♥ I decided to make this in a different way that I was originally going to and link 5 (or more) videos that make me happy or make me laugh so that maybe people at home can enjoy them too, maybe it helps in some minuscule capacity, if you’re interested in the same things I am, at least. 
Videos in English:
1. Claire makes Girl Scout cookies in Bon Appetit’s Gourmet Makes
2. Defunctland’s entire Jim Henson miniseries
3. Mrs. Crocombe makes Gâteau de Pommes
4. Baumgartner restores an Ave Maria on wood
5. Nichola Battilana from PixieHill makes dragons in jars
Bonus 1: Jen unboxes a sealed Polly Pocket Pollyville 1994 SuperSet
Bonus 2: Vegeta from Dragon Ball Abridged plays Yandere Simulator
Videos en español:
1. Maire hace un rollcake de Christian Castro
2. Jorge de Te Lo Resumo reseña Sonic the Hedgehog
3. Damián Kuc de Historias Innecesarias habla de McDonalds y Pumper Nic
4. Gris de Mis Pastelitos hace una mini torta arcoiris en un horno de juguete
5. Lautaro de Tripo Dibujitos habla de los muñecos de la infancia
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fandammit · 7 years
We made these memories for ourselves (1/?)
[A/N: One Day at a Time, Alvareider. Another WIP? Yes, don’t hate me. I’m incapable of writing anything short for these two. But on the plus side, here is the start of the Snapchat AU.]
It starts out like this:
She’s at Schneider’s apartment trying to figure out what to get Dr. Berkowitz for his birthday when he mentions off-hand how awesome Alex’s costume was for his history project.
“I know, right? Mami really -- .”
She stops, then narrows her eyes at him.
“Wait, how did you see it? She finished it up at, like, midnight before it was due and he’d already taken it off by the time he got home.” She furrows her brows. “Do you...do you have cameras installed in our house?”
He scoffs.
“How could I possibly manage to get cameras installed in your house? Your mom is always at home and according to my electrician, the wiring alone would take at least a full day.” He shakes his head. “Anyway, I saw it on Snapchat.”
“Snap what now?”
He groans.
“Snapchat.” He takes his phone out of his pocket and leans closer to her, clicks on a yellow icon with a ghost in the middle. “C’mon, Pen, you are not that old.”
“Uh, yeah Schneider, we are.”
It takes what some might consider an embarrassing amount of time to explain what Snapchat is to her.
(You know, Schneider says at one point, it finally makes sense why you only post boring quotes on Instagram. I mean, do you actually know how to take a picture on there?)
But after seeing snapchat stories from Alex and Elena, she decides she wants one, too.
“Are you gonna at least try and be more interesting on here than you are on Instagram? Otherwise what’s the point?”
She shoves him, then grabs her phone from her pocket and hands it to him.
“I’m never gonna actually use it, I just wanna see what Alex and Elena are up to.”
“Well, you also have 250 people other than your kids from your contacts list who have one. Do you wanna follow them all?”
“Seriously? 250 people? How popular is this thing?”
He sighs and shakes his head as she leans over his shoulder to scroll through the list.
“Yeah, no. I’m not really interested in seeing what cousin Orencio is up to on a daily basis.”
“Yeah, it’s mostly just him with his metal detector on the beach.” He tilts his head and grins. “Although, he did once step on a jellyfish that was still alive and ran around trying to get someone to pee on him.”
She narrows her eyes at him.
“Yeah, I’ll pass on that one.” She keeps scrolling. “Actually, I’m gonna pass on everyone except for Alex, Elena, Syd and Carmen.”
“Aaand me,” Schneider says, tapping on his own name before swiping over to the camera. “Here, let me show you how to do one thing so I can at least feel like I tried to help you be interesting on here.”
He taps a button and it switches to her front facing camera. He holds his finger down on the screen and a bunch of animations pop up at the bottom.
“What are those?”
“These,” he says as he scrolls through them quickly, “are filters.”
She watches as hearts and dancing fireballs pop up on the screen.
“Why would anyone -- .” She stops when two flower crowns suddenly pop up on top of her and Schneider’s heads. “Oooh, I look cute in that one.”
“Yeah we do,” Schneider says. “Smile!”  
She does just in time for him to tap the screen.
“So now, I’m going to save this in your memories,” he says, tapping a button on the bottom of the screen. “And we’re also going to make it part of your first story.” He clicks on a blue icon, then taps on something that says my story. “And there you go! Welcome to where everyone else was five years ago, Pen.”
“Wait, why do I want either of those things?”
“What things?”
“That picture in my memories or my stories or whatever.”
“Uh, you said it yourself -- because we look cute in it.” He rolls his eyes. “Obviously.”
That’s pretty much her first and last snapchat story.
She mostly uses it to watch what Alex and Elena are up to, sometimes Syd and Carmen.
Alex’s are mostly him at baseball practice, on the way to a baseball game, sometimes just a snap of someone playing a video game with him narrating in the background. She loves him, but wow are teenage boy’s lives boring.
Elena mostly snaps about her at different marches or protests, selfies with Syd using some filter, occasionally a Netflix show that she’s into. She watches enough clips of Black Mirror to feel like she’s seen the entire season without ever sitting down to watch a single episode.
Eventually, she does add a few other people -- Lori, who she sometimes is honestly surprised is still alive; her cousin Claudia, whose life seems like a real-life telenovela; Jill, who apparently spends half her time at the dealership imitating customers who come in.
Over time, she learns two surprising things.
The first is that watching random ten second clips of people’s lives is strangely addicting. She increasingly finds herself checking Snapchat on her breaks, while she’s walking back from dropping off a client, when she’s waiting in the checkout line.
The second, infinitely more surprising thing is that Schneider is by far her favorite person to follow.
See, the thing about Schneider’s Snapchat stories is that she’s never quite sure what to expect.
Which -- honestly? Is the exact opposite of what she thought she’d get when she started following him.
“You know, your Snapchat is different than what I thought it'd be,” she says to him one night when she takes a break from studying.
He looks up from the Spanish picture book he's reading on the couch.
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs.
“I don’t know, I just kind of thought it’d just be videos of you making different kinds of quinoa or working out.”
He smirks at her.
“Well, now you know that I am a lot more sophisticated than you thought I was.”
“Uh huh,” she says wryly, drawing out the sound. “So how’re la lagartija y el sol doing?” She points at the book in his hands.
“Pretty good! I think I’m getting it.” He squints at the page. “Although I’m not really sure why a lizard would be in an arena.”
She purses her lips.
“It probably wouldn’t -- but it might be in the sand?”
He looks at her, the book, then rifles through a set of flashcards next to him.
Schneider does actually have more than a few snaps that involve him making different types of quinoa, and he does have a lot of him with his adult kickball league, his adult softball league, his adult dodgeball league.
“Seriously,” she says one night after work, “I didn’t even know they had dodgeball leagues. I thought that was just, like, in the movies.”
He sighs heavily.
“It’s a real stigma against the sport. We’re really trying to have people take us seriously.”
“Hm.” She points to his shirt. “And a t-shirt that says Who Let the Dodge Out? is your plan to do that?”
She never really answers his question about what makes his snapchat so surprising. Partly because he wanted to read La Lagartija y el Sol out loud to her so she could help him with his pronunciation, but also partly because she meant what she said at the time -- she didn’t really know what to expect.
Because yes, he does have what she’d describe as Schneider at his most Schneider: endless snaps of his seahorses, hikes at sunrise while he narrates, trips to overpriced restaurants, shopping excursions to buy another half dozen graphic tees that are probably absurdly expensive.
(He’s also really into snapping pictures of clouds that he thinks look like people. They almost never do.)  
But what she also finds out is this: Schneider spends a lot of time hanging out with other people in their building.
“Did you know that Schneider hangs out with a bunch of people in our building, not just us?” She asks one night at dinner when Schneider is out at a dodgeball tournament.
Elena nods.
“Yeah, he watches Wheel of Fortune with the Ryders in 407, does macrame with Mrs. Watson in 306, plays ping pong with Mr. Jackson in 204 -- and that’s just on Thursdays.”
“He does basketball drills every Wednesday afternoon with the Lewis twins from 104 until their mom comes home,” Alex says, his mouth half full of rice. “He used to play with them, but then he dislocated his arm one time trying to dunk, so now he just helps run drills.”
“Ah, si,” her mother adds, “and he makes lunch with that vieja in 503 every Sunday.”
“Mami, Mrs. Verver is only a year older than you.”
“But she looks twenty years older than me.” She pats her cheek on other side. “That is why it is better to be Cuban.”
“So apparently everyone but me knew that you hang out with a bunch of the tenants here,” she says one afternoon after lunch.
Her mami is taking a nap, Alex is with friends and Elena is skyping Carmen in her room, so it’s just her and Schneider polishing off a tray of pastelitos.
“What, did you think I just spent time all my time with your family?”
She takes a bite of a pastelito and shrugs.
“Yeah, kinda.”
“Well, I can’t deprive the rest of the building of my charms, you know.” She rolls her eyes at him. “I do a lot of work everyday, Penelope.”
She nods.
“You know, surprisingly I don’t even want to argue with you about that.” She raises an eyebrow at him. “Although I wouldn’t call getting your ass kicked in chess by Mr. Roth every Tuesday and Thursday work.”
He huffs and shakes his head.
“That man is ruthless.”
“That man is seventy years old.”
He scoffs.
“If I’ve learned anything from father, it’s that seventy year olds are the most ruthless.” He picks up the empty dish from the table and walks over to the kitchen sink. “Anyway, I’ve always been more of a checkers guy myself.”
She follows him over to the kitchen, leans against the counter as he starts washing off the dish.
“I think it’s really cool, Schneider -- you spending time with people who are mostly alone.”
He adjusts his glasses, then glances over at her.
“Yeah, well, you know. I don’t want anyone to feel like I did growing up.”
She furrows her brows at him.
“What do you mean?”
He shrugs.
“All alone even when you’re surrounded by a building full of people.” He clears his throat. “Plus, I read this article that said that loneliness can be deadly for old people, so basically every time I’m spending time with Mrs. Watson or Mrs. Verver or Mr. Roth, I’m pretty much saving their lives.”
She nods slowly.
“So basically every time Mr. Roth kicks your ass in chess, you’re actually doing him a favor by saving his life?
“Yeah, exactly!”
She looks at him and tilts her head.
“So, is that how you make yourself feel better every time he beats you?”
“Does it work?”
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pearl-princess · 7 years
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Pastelito de guayaba y cafe con leche. Soon on the plane to my responsibilities and a new chapter. This post is dedicated to my good pal @mr-entj (so ya know what's the good stuff at MIA.)
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