#fruzsi the tidemaker
lilisouless · 1 year
Fruzsi: No puede creerlo, ya usamos todo nuestro repertorio y ni siquiera los hemos...¿que...traes...puesto?
Nisho con unas sandalias con la cara de Alina: ¿No le gustan mis sandalias? son aerodinamicas
Fruzsi: Tenemos unas horas para aniquilar a esos huerfanos, o el plan que Kirigan lleva ideando por quinientos años se esfuma. Y ...tu...estas usando...SU...¡MERCANCÍA!
Vatra bebiendo de un vaso con la cara de Mal:...jeje...¿quiere?
Fruzsi: ¡¡AAAAAHH!!
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inahandful-of-dust · 3 months
Grisha Powers
ETHEREALKI or The Order of Summoners
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simp2537 · 7 months
Can you write a Darkling x reader fic where reader (who is his wife for thousands of years and he cannot live without) is accidentally hurt by his nichevo'ya. Angsty where Aleksander is really guilty and scared he lost the only person he loves, maybe some comfort from reader as well?
a/n : I heart angst so much, it’s angst with a happy end cause I heart that ❤️❤️❤️. Reader is a Tidemaker.
Warnings: nichevo’ya attack on reader, blood, Alina hate, guilty Aleks, mentions of reader having an abusive home life
Aleksander Morozova x fem! Reader
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Aleksander stood froze staring at his wife’s blood on his hands. His darling wife, the one who’d stayed by his side through it all. Through all years, hundreds of years surviving together and he’d…. he’d hurt her. He stared at his wife’s form as she slept on there bed. He hadn’t meant to.. he thought they’d leave her alone.
Aleksander stood in his room after a coughing fit. Y/n walked in and gently grabbed his shoulder, in hopes of comforting him when the nichevo’ya appeared. They thought that his sweet wife had cause him pain. They dug its claws into her side.
“No! No! Not her!” He yelled but it was too late. They had thrown her across the room, her blood pouring into the carpets. Aleksander rushed to her, grasping her into his arms.
He cradled her as her eyes weld up with tears. He held her face as he apologized over and over. His dark irises soon flooded with tears as he called for a healer. Fruzsi ran in and gasped at all the blood surrounding the pair.
Healers rushed into the room and Aleksander brought her to there bed. He watched with worry in his eyes, he watched with fear as they healed her. His grisha had never seen such fear in his eyes, not when they were being attack by Alina, not when he was freeing other grisha, never had they seen such fear in his eyes.
The healers worked quickly to heal their Generals wife and the most powerful Tidemaker. Fruzsi watched as the healers finished with uncertain looks at each other. They whispered in her ear, words that made her shudder.
“She’s weak and has lost a lot of blood, she might not make it through the night.” The healer mumbled. Fruzsi shock her head fiercely, Y/n was strong, she’d been her mentor, her friend for years. Unfortunately for them all their General caught their curt and quiet whispers.
No, this would not take his wife- Aleksander would try to reason. His wife was stronger than she gave herself credit for. She’d survived hundreds of years by his side through endless battles. He couldn’t be the cause of his beloveds death, he couldn’t be.
“Not her, never her.” Aleksander mumbled to low for any to hear but himself. And his nichevo’ya. They were to never touch her.
Aleksander sat in his wooden chair staring down at his hands in horror. He swore to never touch her, never hurt her. It was in his vows he’d made hundreds of years ago when they were young. He swore when they married in that tiny ceremony, just them and the minster that he’d never lay a hand on her like her father, her mother.
Now she laid possible dying because he’d failed to control his own nichevo’ya. Y/n had never been fearful of his shadow monsters, they were a part of him so naturally, his sweet Y/n loves them as she loves him. A soft rustling on there bed caused Aleksander to look up, Y/n’s eyes were open, just barely.
“Darling!” He reach to grasp her hand but stopped. His hand was still covered in her blood. Weakly he watched Y/n reach for him, he wiped his hand in his kefta and gently took her hand in his. The bed dipped slightly as he sat next to her frame, Y/n hazily squeezed his hand.
With his free hand he held her face. She nuzzled in the warm he provided her, the safety. Her eyes blinked slightly as she tried to sit up.
“Sasha…?” She muttered softly as he gently pushed her down.
“Don’t, you’re still injured and still weak.” His voice cracked with pain as he spoke. Y/n grasped at his scared face and pull him down with all the might she could muster. Aleksander rest his forehead against hers as he listened to her soft breathing. “Sasha… I’m okay.” Y/n promised, Aleksander scoffed. He could practically see the lie, her lip was tight, her nose ever so scrunched. She was in pain and he knew it.
“No you’re not Y/n. You’re not okay and it’s my fault- I’m so sorry.” Y/n couldn’t remember that last time he used her name. She’d grown so accustomed to the pet names he’d use.
“It okay.. I’m okay.”
“No! No you’re not and it’s all my fault!”
“I will be okay.” Aleksander sighed softly. No matter what he did she wouldn’t care. Deep down he knew she was far too good for him. He was a monster and she… she was the ocean strong and beautiful. Still he feared one day she would realize how much better she deserved.
“Sasha? Lay down with me please.” Y/n mumbled. Aleksander shock his head.
“No absolutely not love, I’m not going to do that right now.” Y/n shot him a glare.
“I meant cuddle you dirty minded old man.” Aleksander laughed gently and kiss her forehead. He slowly laid next to her, not wanted to injure his beloved further. With an annoyed huff Y/n slowly and with a grimace moved onto his body. Aleksander instinctively wrapped his arms gently around her, bringing her closer to him.
“Sasha? Please don’t worry too much. I’ll be okay.” Y/n promised as she drifted to sleep. Aleksander laid awake for much longer as he monitored her.
“I promise, you will be.”
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x reader
Summary: Some at the Sanctuary are unaware of who you are...
A/N: This is the “protective husband fluff” that I mentioned earlier, but I don’t have an exam next week, so I’m gonna write the other one to lol
I was thinking about how much I think Aleksander would hate people saying that his wife “belongs to him” and crap, so voila
Y/G/T is your Grisha type (Heartrender, Inferni, etc.) and Y/G/C is your Grisha color (red, blue, purple)
Life at the Sanctuary was…different than you were used to.  At the Little Palace, there was order; the Grisha had their duties and were kept busy by them, they had their ranks and they stuck to them.  But here, in this abandoned noble’s country estate, with no formal training, no Second Army duties to attend to, no children to teach, the Grisha were restless.  Restless, and some angry about what had happened to your people, angry that General Kirigan had taken so long to rescue some of them.
And there were Grisha being brought in every day, some that had never resided at the Little Palace, and therefore, had no idea who you were.  It didn’t help that when you’d fled the Little Palace, you’d been in your Y/G/C kefta rather than your black, making you appear as just another Y/G/T rather than the wife of the General.  There was one such Grisha, Androv, who hadn’t lived at the Palace, and had no idea who you were, that you tried impossibly hard to avoid, but to no avail.
You were in what had become the mess hall of the Sanctuary, several sheets of parchment spread before you.  Aleksander had asked you to compile a list of the Grisha who had been known residents of the Little Palace that had yet to arrive at the Sanctuary, in the hopes that a search party could be assembled.  But you’d barely scratched the surface when the roster you were referencing was swept from the table on a gust of wind.
“Hello beautiful,” Androv greeted, and you suppressed the urge to roll your eyes.  “Androv,” you replied curtly, rising from your seat to retrieve your paper.  “Is there something I can do for you?”  The Squaller smirked, flicking his wrist and blowing the paper further away from you.  “You’ve been playing hard to get, haven’t you?  Pretending you don’t see me, acting like you don’t know what I want.”
Everyone in the mess hall had turned to watch; those who knew who you were with fear in their eyes, those who didn’t with concern and interest.  “I don’t know what you mean,” you said, stooping to reach for the roster.  Androv stepped closer to you, his body pressed to yours.  You shot upright, body going stiff, blood running cold.  “Get away from me,” you whispered, panic seeping in.
You knew you should shove him away, use your power to get him away from you, but fear had frozen you, stealing your ability to call your power.  Unseen, the nichevo’ya that followed you always slithered from the room, intent to alert its master to your distress.  Aleksander, who was in the room he’d claimed as his study, felt a knot form in his chest and abandoned his work, rushing through the corridors towards the pull he felt to you.
“And where would be the fun in that, darling?” Androv cooed, wrapping his arms around your middle.  You wanted to fight, to scream, to do anything, but you were petrified.  Tears streaked down your cheeks, and the Squaller laughed.  “So pretty when you cry,” he sneered.  A dreadful, cold, sickening feeling had filled Aleksander’s chest, and he broke into a run, needing to find you, to protect you from whatever was causing you such feelings.
“What are you doing?” Fruzsi, your husband’s new second, asked as she entered.  Androv turned to face her, but did not let you go.  “Oh relax,” he said, rolling his eyes.  “It’s just a bit of fun.”  The Tidemaker stepped closer, and while you didn’t quite like the woman, at least she was coming to your defense.  “She belongs to Kirigan!”  It was at that moment that Aleksander entered, and at the sight before him and Fruzsi’s words, his nichevo’ya writhed angrily.
“I will give you exactly ten seconds to unhand my wife and explain what gives you the right to attempt to force yourself on any woman,” your husband said, voice dangerous.  Androv shoved you to the ground, as if that would be any redemption, and you cried out.  Aleksander came to your side, offering you his hands and gently helping you to your feet.  “Aleksander, I… he…”  
“Shhh, it’s alright, my love,” you husband soothed, wrapping you in his arms.  His voice was calm and gentle, but his gaze was murderous.  The nichevo’ya skittered around you, but you knew that they were protecting you, that they could never hurt you.  “Do you care to explain yourself?” your husband asked.  “I didn’t know,” Androv stuttered.  “I didn’t know she belonged to you.”
You felt Aleksanders anger spike, as well as saw it; his shadow monsters shrieked.  “Allow me to make one thing perfectly clear,” he said.  “To all of you.  Y/N does not belong to anyone.  She belongs to herself.  Yes, she is my wife, but she does not belong to me.”  Aleksander flicked his wrist, and an inky gash opened on Fruzsi’s cheek.  “Why?” she screamed, and your husband scoffed.  “What have I done?”
“You implied that Y/N is property.  That, Fruszi, was a warning.  As for you.”  Your husband pressed a kiss to your cheek and whispered for you to look away as he unwound his arms from your body.  “Not only did I witness you forcing your attentions on one of my soldiers, I witnessed you forcing your attentions on my wife.  And I do not take such an offense lightly.”
With another flick of his wrist a nichevo’ya surged forth and attacked, tearing Androv’s head from his body, his face permanently etched into a scream.  Aleksander immediately took you back into his arms, holding you close.  “Let this be a lesson,” he said, addressing his Grisha.  “To those who would try to disrespect my wife, and to those who attempt to force themselves upon anyone else.”
Aleksander lifted you into his arms and carried you from the room, his nichevo’ya trailing obediently behind.  When you were back in your rooms, he gently sat on the bed, keeping you in his lap.  “My love, are you alright?” he asked, looking you over for any sign of injury.  “I’m so sorry, I should have known, I should have taken care of him before.”  “I’m alright,” you said, sniffling.  “Shaken, but alright.  He was really just irritating until…”
“That will never happen again,” your husband vowed.  “I’m so sorry, Y/N, I’m so sorry that you had to endure that.”  Aleksander pulled you close, and you let yourself drown in his embrace.  “You were there,” you whispered, kissing his collarbones, where your head rested.  “He didn’t hurt me, and you were there.”  Your husband squeezed his eyes shut, resting his forehead against yours.
“I love you so much, my Y/N,” he whispered, and you pressed your lips to his.  With your kiss, you felt some of the tension drain out of him, and you wrapped your arms around his neck.  “I will do everything within my power to protect you.”  “I know you will, Aleksander,” you replied, kissing him again.  “I love you.”  In a perfect world, Aleksander would be at your side constantly, defending you from any and every threat.
 But this was not a perfect world: he was at war, his people were fractured, his resources were spread thin.  It simply wasn’t possible to protect you from everything, especially from the people he thought he could trust, the people he thought were on his side.  But what Aleksander could do, he would.  He would ensure his soldiers knew who you were; that you were to be respected and to be protected.  He would have his nichevo’ya follow you, to alert him to any imminent threat.  And while it wouldn’t protect you, he would love you–he would love you so fiercely and completely that you might just forget about the war raging on your doorstep.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 2 months
Fruzsi and the Importance of Her Character in Season 2 of Shadow and Bone
Okay I feel like I have been continuously teasing this post for a ridiculously long time and I have finally gotten around to writing it, I also feel like the fact that I talked about it so much might have built it up to sound bigger than it is but honestly I think that Fruzsi is a FASCINATING character study; I'm very excited to talk about her and have finally found the time (yay!) so hopefully you guys will find this at least a little bit interesting too
Tagging people who registered their interest here but please don’t feel pressured to read <3 @merlinxmagic @girasoljpg @atmosphericwrites @naushtheaspiringauthor @lunarthecorvus
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Super quick recap since of her story so we're on the same page as we begin: Fruzsi first appeared in Season 2 Episode 2 of Shadow and Bone and is a Grisha Tidemaker loyal to the Darkling. Her parents sold her to the Darkling when she was a child, its unclear how old she was, and we should take into consideration in this matter that there is no indication whatsoever that she was ever at the Little Palace since none of the other Grisha seem to recognise or know her and vice versa. She is instrumental in the Darkling's army and receives one of the amplifiers made from Baghra's bones, subsequently learning to manipulate water molecules into ice shafts that she can use as a weapon. She is responsible for Dominik's death towards the end of the season and is subsequently killed by Nikolai.
So right off the bat whenever anyone talks about Fruzsi I tend to see two things: "wannabe Zoya" and “the power of her amplifier was a problem because it will be too difficult to differentiate between amplifiers and parem". I've taked before about my thoughts on amplifiers and parem and why I didn't think it was going to be a problem for the Six of Crows spinoff show (*sobs*) but the general consensus seems to be that not only was Fruzsi an unlikeable character because of her actions, but because she was seen as a only being there to provide an enemy and a hand of the Darkling, and I think that's a real shame because she is a fascinating character and she tells us SO MUCH about the Darkling and other major characters. My personal favourite details about Fruzsi are her parallels with Zoya and the point from which they run opposing, the parallels she has to Genya and Inej and the subsequent parallels that her introduction creates between the Darkling and Heleen Van Houden, and the setup of Fruzsi, Vatra, and the Darkling's other Grisha to create genuine empathy for villainous characters for the reflections of the protagonists we can see in them.
Fruzsi's introduction in episode two begins with the Darkling arriving to see her and saying that she made it in good time - now we don't know where she travelled from, so yeah it could be the Little Palace (he was travelling from the base he set up in episode 1) but personally I don't think that there's much implication she ever lived there considering she doesn't know any of the other Grisha and she doesn't wear a kefta until the Darkling has new ones created for his new army. She's wearing pretty typical clothes that we see of the Ravkan population when we first meet her; a blouse and ankle-length skirt with a long coat, and from the very start is in dark shades that visually connect her to the Darkling in the audience's eye. Although she isn't hesitant to speak to him she shows consistent discomfort around the Darkling, making small steps away from him when he raises his hand and acknowledging non-verbal orders from him with immediate effect, as well as confirming that she never broke her promise to not open the Journal of Morozova without prompting and somewhat hurriedly. The Darkling is actually pretty quiet throughout most of this scene, cutting of Fruzsi's sentences and instructing her but not following any attempts she makes to initiate real conversation. When he tells her to reveal Baghra from behind the waterfall she asks him if he's sure, one of few instances in which she questions him, and after barely a second of maintained eye contact between them she turns away, physically bunching her shoulders and seeming to shrink in on herself, before turning to the waterfall and completing the task in silence. Everything we see of Fruzsi in this scene seems to contradict Baghra's later description of her as "deranged" and I think that this is really very noteworthy, because we start to develop this idea that Fruzsi's actions are different in front of the Darkling than when he isn't present - particularly since we know in this scene that Baghra has not seen the Darkling in weeks and has been alone with Fruzsi during that time. We actually don't see Fruzsi without the Darkling until very late in the show (episode 7), when her anger at the world and her easy ability to command the other Grisha are revealed ("First Army did this [...] If they wear the uniform they are all the same. Kill them all!"). We get this brilliantly foreboding image of her marching so confidently through the carnage with soldiers of both sides running and shouting and fighting and dying all around her while she barely shows any kind of response but to calmly begin her own method of very direct attack against Nikolai after walking through the battle completely untouched. If anything, Fruzsi seems quite unbothered by the entire thing until she fails to kill Nikolai, killing Dominik and several others instead, and screams her frustration before being forced to run for cover from approaching soldiers. After this her attacks are arguably much more emotional because she feels challenged and as though she has failed (relevant as I'll cover later because of the way the Darkling manipulates her), but all of this seemingly culminates only when Vatra dies, and in that moment we get this wonderfully clever shot of them holding each other's hands so that we can see the tattoos (I'm going to rant about the tattoos in this post) and then we see Vatra smiling in her final moments (that's gonna come up again as well). This moment is the most emotional we ever get to see Fruzsi; she looks down at Vatra, sheds a silent tear, and begins to exhibit more power than we have ever seen in her before. It is bare moments after this that she loses her fingers in an attack from Jesper and mere minutes afterwards that Nikolai shoots her in the throat and she dies.
It's confirmed in s2e7 that Fruzsi's parents attempted to sell her to the Darkling and arguably this is where her parallels with Zoya begin - "You remember when your family first brought you to me? The price they demanded when they discovered you were Grisha?" "Perhaps now I can repay the debt" "I would have paid it 100 times over". Ugh this angers me so much. He bought her and she believes, she genuinely believes, that she owes him for that. I'm going to talk about the structure of this relationship really strongly echoing Heleen Van Houden later on but particularly in this moment we understand that there is something here very similar to the Kerch indenture system that I'm actually really glad to see included as part of the worldbuilding and development in the show since we didn't get the opportunity to explore it as much in Kerch (*screams frustrations into the wind*)
Although we sadly didn't get the chance to explore Zoya's story in the show (*cries in cancellation*) it's explained in the final duology of the book series that her mother attempted to sell nine-year-old Zoya as a bride to 63-year-old, very rich, and twice-widowed Valentin Grankin. When Zoya's aunt, Lilyana, attempted to stop the wedding Grankin attacked and nearly killed her; in fear for herself and her aunt Zoya experienced a massive, terrified outburst of power, which was how she discovered she was Grisha, and Lilyana was able to rescue her and take her to Os Alta. My absolute favourite take on Fruzsi is that she is Zoya's Shadow, which is an idea that my friend voiced whilst we were watching the show and we discussed together at length at the time, but that I have never seen anyone talking about online.
The idea of having a Shadow comes from Suli culture and is explained to us in Crooked Kingdom by Inej; whenever a person does wrong it gives life to their shadow, with every action making the Shadow stronger until they are stronger than the original person and the person is defeated by the wrongs they've done - or learns to overcome them and defeat the Shadow. Inej's believes that her Shadow is Dunyasha and she fights her in Crooked Kingdom. I FREAKING LOVE the theory that Fruzsi is Zoya's Shadow because their stories parallel each other very well; both are abused and sold by their families only to be taken in by the Darkling and manipulated into believing that he is their saviour. The Darkling very much works by making others feel that they owe him something for any action he completes, just as we see in his manipulation and abuse of Alina, and Fruzsi and Zoya are prime examples of this. We even have two very similar scene setups between season 1 and season 2 that show us just how similar the Darkling and Zoya are in terms of the pent up rage that they keep private - in season 1 where the Darkling leaves Zoya alone in his room whilst she is trying to initiate intimacy because he is manipulating her and Alina against each other and wants to make Zoya feel like she has been abandoned in favour of a newer, shinier toy and once he's left Zoya screams her frustration and releases a gust of Squaller power that disrupts his chamber, and in season 2 when Fruzsi, in her second appearance (now wearing the new dark kefta design) hesitantly informs the Darkling that David stole Morozova's Journal and is immediately dismissed before the Darkling screams his frustrations and uses the tether to find and haunt Alina. Although this comparison between the Darkling and Zoya is of course more obvious it also gives us an idea of similarities between Zoya and Fruzsi because it extends this implication we have that Fruzsi acts very differently out of the Darkling's presence than in - and considering that at this point we have never seen her without him we have this gathering sense of intrigue about her backstory and her character. In a similar-ish manner we also have the scene in s2e5 when we get another example of the few times Fruzsi attempts to stand up to the Darkling, in this case openly telling him that they would do better to redirect their efforts North because it would be "the more strategic move"; the Darkling's response is to threaten her with his Nichevo'ya and manipulate her in a similar way that he does Zoya by replying "Alina Starkov is worth more than any army. So at the risk of sounding repetitive... find her", actively diminishing Fruzsi when he's been purposefully making her feel important and like she matters to him so that she feels she must redouble her efforts for him to notice and appreciate her and therefore desperately hopes to do a better job of bending to his will, especially since he's basically turned her entire purpose and usefulness to him into brining Alina back to him. Ugh this man i swear. I'm going to go on to talk about parallels between Fruzsi and Genya pretty soon so in this respect as well I want to add emphasis to the fact that when she disagrees with him on a point - and mind you not that she makes any suggestion of betraying his cause but only that she thinks they should take a different tactic to be more successful in it - he uses the presence of the Nichevo'ya to scare her into submission. The next time he gives her an order (to take down the First Army encampments) she agrees immediately and barely speaks to him except to ask "And what of the Sun Summoner?" - And note this is after she has taken Genya to the other Grisha because she was told to show her off as an example.
I have to say that at this point in time I was not expecting her to be the gold mine she became, and it's looking back on it knowing more about her backstory that I notice a lot of smaller details in the way she acts around him that consistently suggest she is afraid of him and I think that is shown really well in Reford's performance, I don't see her getting enough of the praise that she deserves - she was great!
Am I even making sense? Anyway
Fruzsi and Zoya are consistently presented with these similarities and I really love the idea that she represents what Zoya would have become without the influence of our other main characters, particular Alina and Genya. I really like the idea that she's Zoya's Shaodw and a literal, living embodiment of the wrng that Zoya did under the Darkling's command, but the only place that I think this theory falls short is in Fruzsi's death. If Fruzsi was truly Zoya's Shadow then they would have to face each other for one of them to die, but Fruzsi was killed by Nikolai in the aftermath of Dominik's death. However, I also think that there was standing there to start developing something truly, truly poetic in Nikolai killing Zoya's Shadow and Zoya later killing Nikolai's (or maybe even metaphorically doing so in trying to help rid him of the demon??) BUT I GUESS NOW WE'LL NEVER KNOW (*screams*) (*cries*) (*curses Netflix’s name*)
Now moving on to her parallels with Genya and Inej. I think that the loss of Heleen from season 2 (which I’ve shared my thoughts about a bit in the past so won’t go on about now) left a hole that was, in a way I didn’t quite expect, filled more by the Darkling than it was Pekka Rollins. There are multiple quotes from the Darkling this season, mostly directed towards Fruzsi and Genya, that I find to have very specific reminiscence of some of Heleen’s quotes from the the Six of Crows duology and this was the most obvious one for me, and the one that originally made me think of this particular comparison:
"I have always known your worth. Now show me," - the Darkling, s2e7, in the conversation where he specifically states that he bought Fruzsi and she specifically states that she owes him a debt for that
"I know your worth, little Lynx, right down to the cent" - Heleen, Six of Crows, to Inej when torturing Inej with the implication that she intends to find a way to bring her back to the Menagerie ("You'll wear my silks again, I promise")
(Also as a quick addition I think that so much can be said about Rachel Redford's acting in this specific moment of season 2 episode 7 after the Darkling delivers that line. She looks up at him, and the proxemics + their actual heights I must admit have a brilliant added effect to this, with what starts as such genuine sorrow but so quickly turns to such fierce determination before she shows him what she's capable of now that she has the amplifier. After her demonstration she is almost in shock at the revelation of what she was able to do but the pure exultation, the relief, the triumph in her expression does not even come close to existing until the moment that the Darkling says "extraordinary". He's not even looking at her - in fact, I don't doubt it possibly that he wasn't complimenting her herself but simply the creation of the amplifiers and their strength - but the expression on her face then is absolutely unmatched and it speaks VOLUMES) (I genuinely recommend rewatching that moment with this in mind because I cannot stop thinking about it)
And then layered on top of this, we have the tattoos. THE TATTOOS.
I made a specific post about the costuming in season 2, which you can read here if you’d like to, and that covers my thoughts on the new keftas but I didn’t go into detail on the tattoos at the time and I have a lot of thoughts about them. The Grishaverse, mostly the Six of Crows duology, uses tattoos incredibly symbolically and places particular emphasis on choosing to take the mark, creating a massively important bond to something that you deeply care about and will never want to break (gangs, Kaz’s ‘R’ for Rietveld), and being forced to take one on (the pleasure houses, of course most primarily Inej’s Menagerie tattoo). Although we don’t get as much emphasis on this since the show didn’t get the opportunity to explore the gang tattoos yet thus far (and I guess now it won’t *shakes fist at Netflix*) we did have focus surrounding Inej’s Menagerie tattoo and it’s removal in this season and, as much as I wish we’d been able to see her book canon tattoo removal (cut off by a butcher), this side by side comparison of the Grisha being given no option but to take on the amplifying tattoos and Nina using her Grisha power to remove Inej’s tattoo is absolutely fascinating and really well done.
So this for me creates an ongoing comparison between Fruzsi, Genya, and Inej - and taking on what I said about Fruzsi’s apparent absence from the Little Palace despite clearly having an established relationship with the Darkling and having been with him for some time, we can consider the earliest pieces of information we have about Genya’s life. Now it’s a long time since I read the S&B trilogy so I can’t remember if this specific detail is true to book canon but in the show Genya states that the Grisha testers found her when she was seven but that she was gifted to the Queen when she was eleven. We have no information about what happened to her during these four years, and yeah maybe she was at the Little Palace training but we don’t have confirmation of that and I wouldn’t trust the Darkling as far as I could throw him (which probably wouldn’t even crack a metre let’s be real). This also adds a really interesting layer to things with Fruzsi being the one instructed to show Genya off to the other Grisha as an example of what will happen if they try to betray the Darkling because we get this moment when she kneels down to take hold of Genya's chains and they are both sitting in the cage together that I think is really powerful in everything it says about how easily either of them could be in the other's position in that moment but we're also still very aware that Fruzsi has the far more power - or at least an illusion of it. In this same scene Baghra, about Genya, states "she served you loyally since she was a child, endured years of abuse on your orders, and you reduce her to an example? Oh Aleksander, where does this stop?" and honestly that is so brilliantly written (and so brilliantly delivered in the scene) that I don't think I need to say anything on top of it but when we consider this side by side with Fruzsi's position I think that this really is a very powerful parallel and a constant reminder that no-one who places their trust in the Darkling is ever safe, and that pretty much everyone on his side is there because of manipulation and because of abuse - be that abuse from the Darkling or abuse from others that the Darkling has so well learned how to manipulate in ways that are very, very similar to the way Jarl Brum manipulated and abused Matthias (I have written a lot about that too. I have strong feelings.)
I have so much fascination and I feel so much sympathy for Fruzsi and I think that this is one of the things that the show did so fantastically well in her and in the other Grisha on the Darkling’s side who are all manipulated and controlled by him in just the same way our protagonists were, who were ultimately still all very young people who had been attacked and threatened and made unsafe in their home for who they were and who were offered what they believed was the only solution. I think one of the greatest examples of this, other than Fruzsi, is seen in Vatra, the amplified Inferni who is so proud of herself when she brings the Hummingbird down - "Yes! I did it" and btw she says this with such an expression on her face I don't even have the words I would just genuinely recommend you rewatch the scene to get what I'm saying it's s2e7 around 24:30-50 she actually looks so proud of herself she's like a little kid and it's so soul-crushingly clever and incredibly well done and it breaks my heart she's been so successfully manipulated - because she so genuinely believes that she is doing the right thing and she is making a difference for her people, and even when she dies with her hand clutched in Fruzsi's she dies smiling. That girl breaks my heart every time I rewatch, and honestly even though she is presented in a more unlikeable way Fruzsi breaks my heart as well because I can see so much of our beloved characters in her and effectively what could have happened to them and what could have become of them if they hadn’t managed their escape. This duality and constant cause to question the morality of the characters is so brilliantly done and one of the biggest successes of the adaptation considering how well it was done in the books as well but could have been something difficult to translate between medias where exposition is concerned, and I think that Fruzsi was an incredible example of this and that we really should talk about her more
Thanks for reading my nonsense ramblings if you got this far, I hope that it made sense and was at least somewhat interesting <33
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marvelmusing · 1 year
Keep Your Judgement
Chapter Eleven
Pairing: Aleksander Morozova x Fem!Reader
Summary: It’s the night before the engagement party at the Spinning Wheel, before the plan you and Aleksander have orchestrated comes into fruition. Sleep eludes you, but Aleksander is able to offer a solution for your nerves.
Warnings [18+]: smut, unprotected sex, mentions of Grisha contraception methods, fingering, Aleksander’s sweet talking is a warning in itself.
My Masterlist • Series Masterlist
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There’s a muffled thud in the hallway and your unsuccessful attempts at sleep are enough motivation for you to throw your covers back and move to investigate. It’s only once you reach your door, fingers curling around the handle, that you hear the whispered laughter.
There’s a small creak as you open your door, and the whispers lower themselves as you peer out into the darkness. Soon your eyes land on your next-door room neighbour.
She grins a little sheepishly as she turns further towards you, allowing the low level of moonlight to fall onto the person beside her.
“Hi Vatra,” you say quietly with a smile.
She smiles back widely.
People often say that inferni and tidemakers don’t get along well, but despite their opposite powers Fruzsi and Vatra have always had the same determined spark in their eyes.
“Don’t stay up too late,” you warn them teasingly. Then you add, more seriously, “We have a big day tomorrow.”
They both nod, subtly drawing themselves closer together. Their eyes meet momentarily, a conversation without words being exchanged between the two of them. Then Fruzsi looks back at you with a smirk.
“The General’s light is still on,” she remarks pointedly.
Rolling your eyes, you can’t fight the smile tugging at your lips as Vatra turns the handle of Fruzsi’s door and the two of them disappear inside.
In the sudden silence of the hallway, you consider the doorway at the end of the corridor where a thin strip of light can be seen at the bottom of the door there. Aleksander’s door.
Without much prior thought, you slip back into your room and pick up your robe. Shrugging it on over your shoulders, you re-enter the hallway, closing your door behind you before you head towards Aleksander’s room.
There’s no hesitation as you reach his door, pushing it open to reveal the man himself as he sits frowning at some papers on his desk like he usually does.
Once he sees you, Aleksander stands immediately. He says your name softly, his expression mirroring the softness in his voice as he looks at you.
“Can’t sleep?” he asks.
Shaking your head, you step closer, stopping at the edge of the rug which lies in front of his fireplace. He rounds his desk smoothly, stopping beside the fireplace.
“Not really.”
With a small sigh, he sits down in the armchair beside the crackling fire, running a hand thoroughly over his face. His dark eyes scour over your figure as his fingers trace absentmindedly over the scar on his chin.
“You look tense,” he remarks quietly.
He’s right. There’s been a tension in your body all day, your muscles aching in anticipation of tomorrow - the attack on the Spinning Wheel that you’ve been planning over the last week.
“Come sit here,” he says in a low voice, gesturing towards the spot on his lap - the same space where you have often dreamt of curling up.
As you move forwards, preparing yourself to shift into your fox form, Aleksander shakes his head.
“Not the fox, I want you.”
Halting in your step, you frown when you realise he recognises how you look when you’re about to change form - and that in this moment he just wants you.
Slowly, you tread your way over the worn-out rug beneath your feet and stand directly in front of him. As he looks up at you, he settles his hands on either side of your waist, turning you around and guiding you into sitting with your back against his chest.
As you get comfortable, he settles his chin on your shoulder and turns his face towards the crook of your neck to nuzzle his nose there. The breath halts in your chest as you attempt to process the affection he’s offering you.
Turning your head to look at him, you meet his gaze and the two of you stare at one another for a long moment. A thrill runs through you when he glances down at your lips and your stomach flips as he leans closer.
Heat prickles over your cheeks, the sensitive skin there burning at the intensity in his eyes. His forehead grazes lightly over yours and you breathe out a small sigh as your eyes flutter closed.
When the tip of his nose catches against yours unintentionally, longing claws desperately at you, prompting you into whispering,
“Aleksander?” He hums softly in acknowledgement, his eyes remaining locked steadily on yours. “Promise me this isn’t just a before-battle tumble for you.”
His brows lift slightly, and a tension enters his jaw as he traces his knuckles gently over your cheek.
“Has that happened to you before?”
The corner of your mouth twitches wryly as you look down at his lips and admit,
“Durasts stay at the Little Palace, we’re a last piece of familiarity for anyone heading out into the field.”
Aleksander leans closer, his nose brushing delicately against yours in reassurance.
“I’m far too old for meaningless tumbles,” he murmurs with a small smile.
Breathing out a soft laugh, you seize the courage to lean forwards, capturing his lips with yours. There’s a pleased little sound of surprise in the back of his throat and you smile into the kiss.
Aleksander’s hand cups the side of your face, keeping you close as he moves his mouth against yours leisurely. When he pulls away you’re breathless, gasping in air as you lean against him.
He lowers his mouth, sucking at your lower lip before he takes it lightly between his teeth. The fox buries himself down into your instincts, leaving your mind quiet while your body begs for Aleksander.
The urge to sink your teeth into his throat seizes you, making you long to worry the skin there and leave a blossoming mark, claiming him as your own.
“Aleksander,” you breathe out in a whimpering sigh. He moans lowly, bringing you back for yet another kiss.
He squeezes the top of your shoulders with both of his hands, running each of his thumbs over your collarbones.
“But why don’t we get rid of some of that awful tension, hm?” The corner of his mouth quirks and your stomach flips at the suggestive sweetness cloying his tone like honey.
“Aleksander?” you whisper, and he hums in encouragement. Embarrassment burns over your cheeks. “I haven’t… touched myself since claiming the fox. At least not properly.”
He stills slightly, tilting his head at you.
“May I ask why?”
Lowering your gaze, you look down at the creases in his dark shirt. He must have discarded his kefta somewhere before you arrived.
“The night I merged with the fox, when I returned I was just scattered pieces of a person that you managed to put back together.”
As you lift your eyes to watch his reaction to your words, his expression softens considerably under your gaze as you find the confidence to continue with your explanation.
“Every time I try to touch myself, it’s like I’ve forgotten what it’s supposed to feel like. Whenever I get close, I can’t do it, I just want you.”
Faintly, you nod.
There’s an unspoken agreement between yourself and the fox, and during your attempts at self-pleasure he has always left your thoughts alone. But even without his meddling your mind always drifts to Aleksander, something inside you protesting against finding your peak without him.
“Please Aleksander, I need you.”
He watches you intently, with far too much distance between the two of you for your liking.
“You’re sure?”
Nodding, you grasp the front of his shirt to urge him closer, and that is all the encouragement he needs to lean forwards and kiss you once again. Both of you sigh into the kiss, gripping tightly onto one another.
Aleksander’s hands push up the skirt of your nightdress, pushing it up to reveal your bare thighs. His fingers are cold as they trace over your flushed skin, and you shudder when he begins to play with the edge of your panties. Knuckles brushing delicately over your skin, Aleksander hums lightly in approval as you suppress the urge to squirm over his thigh.
Despite trapping your lower lip between your teeth, a keening whine escapes from your throat as he rubs firmly over the front of your panties. The sound makes you burn with embarrassment, pressing your palm to your mouth.
Aleksander curls his fingers around your wrist, guiding your hand away from your mouth.
“I want to hear you,” he murmurs against your ear, pressing a delicate kiss to your neck.
Hooking a finger into your panties, he pulls the fabric aside, pinning it to your thigh with his large hand whilst slipping another finger over the length of your dripping entrance. The barest hint of friction and you’re already moaning loudly.
Aleksander leans against you, pressing his forehead to your shoulder as he breathes out heavily.
His finger traces your cunt in a firm circle, collecting your slick as he increases the size of the circle with each rotation. Each time he gets closer and closer to your clit, a dizzying burst of pleasure warming your abdomen as he nears the small bundle of nerves.
A startled cry escapes you as he finally touches that sensitive spot, his slick-covered fingertip pressing firmly against the swollen nub.
“I know, darling. I know,” he coos, and a shiver runs down your spine at his words. “It’s a lot, isn’t it?”
His voice is soft and encouraging, not unlike the doting manner he uses when you're in fox form.
“But it’s alright, sweet girl. I’m here.”
Slumping against his body, you surrender yourself to his touch, allowing his other hand to wander over your body as the other rubs delightfully against your weeping cunt.
He tugs down the top of your nightdress, your robe already pooled by your waist. The air of Aleksander's room is cool and your skin prickles with shivers as his warm mouth presses a line of kisses along your shoulder.
Toes curling, you tighten your grip on Aleksander, unsure whether you want to scream or cry at the sensations. He mouths at your neck, murmuring praises and encouragements against your skin, accompanied by his own heavy breathing as he begins to lose himself amongst your pleasure.
“You’re safe. I’ll keep you safe, I promise,” he whispers and something inside you cries out in relief as you climax. His next words are faint over the roaring in your ears as pleasure floods through your body. “There we go, my sweet girl.”
Gasping for air, tears gather in your eyes and all you can do is cling to Aleksander. Bliss threads it’s way under your skin, lingering in your muscles and buzzing in your lungs as you catch your breath. He strokes your cheek gently and without thinking you nuzzle your face into his open palm.
His smile is fond when your eyes flutter open and you smile back. Slowly, he traces the tip of his finger over your lower lip, admiring the kiss-swollen flesh. He chuckles softly when you take his finger between your teeth in an affectionate nip before you tug playfully at his digit.
“Would you like to take this further?” he asks in a low voice.
Nodding with a small smile, you watch his expression intently.
“Would you like that?” you ask.  
Instead of answering, he takes your hand, lowering it to press your palm against the sizable bulge in his trousers.
“Oh,” you breathe out with widened eyes.
His smile widens and he leans towards your lips.
“Oh indeed.”
He kisses you hungrily, hands grasping at your body as if you might slip away from him at any moment. Aleksander stands and the two of you stumble backwards towards his bed without separating from each other.
Somewhere along the way you tug down Aleksander’s shirt and he tosses your nightdress aside. Fabric hits the floor and soon his trousers and underwear have been discarded too.
When you collapse against his bed, naked body jolting with the impact, Aleksander follows you with his mouth, kissing his way up towards your lips. His teeth graze lightly over your breasts, and you whine as you writhe beneath him before he settles between your thighs.
There’s little time for you to admire his body as he hooks his hands underneath your knees and spreads you open for him.
His eyes remain locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort as he eases his way into your cunt. He moans as you gasp out his name, whispering it over and over as he presses his cock deeper inside you.
He entwines your fingers with his, locking your hands together as he rocks his hips forwards experimentally, pressing your body further into the mattress.
When he hears you moan after the motion he repeats it, settling into a steady rhythm that has you digging your nails into the space between each of his knuckles.
The old rickety headboard of his bed creaks, occasionally thudding against the wall to the beat of Aleksander’s thrusts, but neither of you care enough to restrain your vigour.
With your hands pinned under his, all you can do is keep your legs spread widely, hooking one of them over his waist as he changes his angle to take you deeper.  
Dropping his forehead down against yours, Aleksander groans quietly, a tension in his jaw as he hits a spot inside you that has your toes curling with pleasure.
Aleksander grits his teeth.
“I would usually last much longer than this,” he admits, his breathing ragged and for a moment you remember that this is the man who has been taking tonics daily to maintain his health. “But with the merzost… and Saints… you feel incredible.”
Rocking your hips against his, you clench hard around his cock and begin to kiss along his throat and chest.
“It’s okay,” you whisper hoarsely. “I’m close too.”
“Where would you like me to finish?”
As your eyes flutter closed, you admit quietly,
“I know where Vladim keeps the contraceptive tonics.”
The rhythm of his hips jolts shakily and he slows as if to gain better control of himself.
“Inside?” he rasps. There’s a sharp glimmer of desire in his eyes.
He groans lowly. Releasing one of your hands, he splays his palm over your stomach, rolling his hips determinedly against yours.
“Here? You want me to spill inside your warm little cunt?”
Inhaling sharply, you nod before begging shakily,
“Please Aleksander.”
He reaches down towards your clit, rubbing the little nub as he continues to thrust inside you. Overwhelmed by sensation, you grasp onto his bicep with your free hand, digging your nails into his flesh before dragging them down his arm.
Aleksander gasps, squeezing his eyes shut as he reaches his peak and mere seconds later you climax. Through your own whimpered cries, you hear Aleksander groaning at the sensation of your cunt clenching rapidly around his leaking cock.
He slumps over you, a comforting weight against your body as your chests heave simultaneously in a desperate symphony.
Aleksander kisses you a few times, mouth moving lazily against yours as the two of you soak up your highs.
Once he slides his cock out, he rolls onto his side before collapsing at your side with his back against the mattress.
As you turn to look at him, you see his eyes fluttering closed. There’s a looseness to his limbs that you haven’t seen before, and although he still looks as tired as he always does satisfaction curls at the corner of his lips.
Gently, you thread your hand through his hair, playing with the dark strands, and he makes a small hum of pleasure as he smiles. His eyes remain closed and you’re almost totally certain that he could fall asleep like this.
But there’s a stickiness between your thighs that is becoming unpleasant, and you know he would be uncomfortable waking up with the dried remains of the mess currently on his thighs and stomach.
With that in mind, you stand on shaking legs and move towards the bathroom. Aleksander’s eyes snap open the moment you begin to step away from him. The weight of his gaze on your naked form is heavy as you fill a jug of water and retrieve a cloth from the bathroom cabinet.
When you return to his side you smile softly and begin to clean the two of you up. Aleksander’s attempts to help only earn him a gentle swat on the hand as you scoldingly insist on taking care of him.
There’s an intimate symmetry between this moment and the night you merged with the fox. That night, Aleksander had wiped the blood from your hands and face, bringing you back to yourself with patience and a gentle touch. He knows and understands you better than anyone else ever has.
Settling down at Aleksander’s side, you contemplate something as he drapes his arm over your waist and tucks the covers over you both.
“If I tell you something crazy, do you promise you won’t ask me to leave?”
Curiosity enters his eyes, and he tilts his head aside as he murmurs softly,
“I promise.”
Silence lingers for a moment. Then you speak.
“The fox thinks we’re mates. You and me.”
Aleksander brushes his knuckles gently over your cheek, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead before he tucks you against his chest. He rests his chin on the top of your head as he whispers,
“I don’t think that’s crazy.”
marvelmusing Tag List: @dreamlandcreations @blanchedelioncourt @idaofinfinity @slytherheign @ellooo0ooo @vixenofcourse @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jane-arthur @ilikefictionmen @budugu @watersquirtpewpewboomm @mysweetlittledesire @dhampiravidi
S&B Tag List: @motheroffae
Aleksander M Tag List: @nyctophiliiiiaaa @jazmin2211 @wooya1224 @seronsalk @housekeeperjjswife
BB Characters Tag List: @rachlovesactors @noortsshift @aikeia @weallhaveadestiny @two-unbeatable-beaters
KYJ Tag List: @tartiflvtte @weepingwitchofthewest @issybee0611 @poemfreak306 @nanapuddingisasimpformrballs @writerloversjm @prochnost513 @meg-the-second-greatest @allinestarr
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A Tide That Turned Everything: Chapter I - Separated, Hurting, Broken
Summary: Aleksander is alive but he paid a price for surviving. Because of his actions Grisha are hunted and executed. They find a place where they can be safe. There you meet with Alina, Mal and Prince Nikolai. They plan to bring the country back together and destroy the Fold. In the meantime Aleksander gathers his own army. The question is, on which side will you be?
A/N: Here is another fic about General Kirigan and Reader! It's the third part in series about Reader being a Tidemaker. It concentrates of the events in season two of the show. I hope you will like it! As usual, I don't own anything from "Shadow and Bone". But I've almost finished reading the books! The only one that remains is the "Rule of Wolves". But this story still only focuses on the TV show. Also, English still isn't my first language, so if you see some mistakes, let me know. Enjoy!
Chapter Summary: Kirigan is searching for you and nothing will stop him from finding you. Nikolai tries to save his country. Alina tries to gather Morozova's amplifiers. And you? You try to mend your broken heart. Which may be difficult with everyone not trusting you and news you hear from David.
Pairing: Aleksander Kirigan/Reader, Ivan/Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov/Mal Oretsev
Characters: Aleksander Kirigan, Reader, David Kostyk, Genya Safin, Fruzsi, Fedyor Kaminsky, Alina Starkov, Nadia Zhabin, Mal Oretsev, Nikolai Lantsov, Zoya Nazyalensky, Tamar Kir-Bataar, Adrik Zhabin
Word Count: 4428
merzost – magic, abomination, unnatural creation, something from nothing moi tsarevich – my prince, son of tsar milaya – sweet girl There is a slight plot from third episode of the second season and also a bit more from the fourth episode. Inspired by prompts: https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683705/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089584620/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683695/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089684424/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559821/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089683637/ https://pl.pinterest.com/pin/207306389089559895/
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or removed):
Aleksander and his followers have set up a base in a house of an aristocrat family. Yes, he has survived. But paid a price for it. He created creatures of shadows with merzost, but because of that his health is falling. He's coughing, often with black substance, has headaches and has scars on his face that can't be healed. His condition deeply worries him. But something troubles him even more.
One day another group of recruits arrives. Aleksander immediately goes to greet them and looks at their faces. He's happy to see David and tells him that. Then, he returns to looking around. However, he doesn't see what he wants.
'Was [Y/N] with you?' he asks David, who's retreating with Genya. They stop. The Durast shakes his head with sorrow.
'I haven't seen her since the day we left the Little Palace after…' he doesn't finish. But Aleksander knows what he wanted to say. He nods. He walks to Fruzsi, another Tidemaker.
'Ask everyone who has arrived whether they have seen [Y/N] [L/N] during the last weeks,' he orders her. Fruzsi is surprised by this, but nods. She comes to his room an hour later.
'And?' he asks, expectant, hoping.
'No one has seen her,' Fruzsi answers. Aleksander's shoulders slump. He sighs, and runs a hand through his face.
'Tell the search parties to look specifically for her,' he orders. 'I want her found. As soon as possible.'
'I know she's close to you,' Fruzsi says, frowning. 'But shouldn't we focus on-'
'She's not close to me,' Aleksander interrupts her. 'She's everything to me.'
Fruzsi is surprised, guessing what he means. He turns away from her.
'With all due respect, sir…' she says slowly, '… why her?'
Aleksander turns to her. There's something in his eyes Fruzsi has never seen.
'Why anyone else when she exists?' he asks. The Tidemaker lingers only for a moment longer. But her place is quickly taken by someone else…
'Fedyor!' Aleksander says, happy and relieved. The Heartrender smiles and bows his head to his general. Kirigan walks to him and the two shake hands. The Darkling notices the tiredness and sadness in his friend's eyes.
'Ivan…' he says, his smile falling.
'Is alive,' Fedyor says. 'That's why it took me so long to get here. He's wounded and scarred. Healers are putting him back together at the moment.'
'I'm glad to hear it,' Aleksander says. 'He… he did well in the Fold.'
Fedyor nods. He bites his lip, hesitating.
'Any news of [Y/N]?' he asks. Sorrow fills Kirigan's eyes. He shakes his head.
'Not yet,' he answers and sighs heavily. He walks to his armchair and falls on it. He runs a hand through his face.
'I need her, Fedyor,' he says. 'Every time I turn my face, I expect to find her there. And I find nothing. It physically hurts. I've never known I'd meet a girl like her.'
'[Y/N] is one of a kind,' Fedyor agrees. Aleksander shakes his head.
'It's more than that,' he says and smiles softly. 'When I told her about my past, what I did, what I fear… she looked my demons in the eye and… smiled. She fell for the very thing I thought she'd fear.'
'I haven't met a kinder heart,' Fedyor says with a smile.
'Kind,' Aleksander says. 'Compassionate. Understanding. Gentle. That's who she is. That's why I fell for her. And I failed her. When she needed me the most, when they were throwing Grisha out of the Little Palace, I wasn't there. I even insisted she stayed there. She should have gone with you, like she wanted. But now she may be dead. And it's my fault.'
'She's not dead,' Fedyor says strongly. Kirigan looks at him with doubt.
'How can you be so sure?' he asks.
'Everyone knows she's important to you,' Fedyor answers. 'I think that if they had managed to kill her, they would have made every Grisha aware of it.'
He has a point, Aleksander must admit it. Hope reignites with him once more. Fedyor smiles.
'Fear not, General,' he says. 'She might look like a fragile flower, but her stem is made of steel.'
Aleksander can't help but smile. He nods. Fedyor's eyes suddenly light up.
'What about the gift you gave her for her last birthday?' he asks. Aleksander instinctively touches a ring on his finger. He sighs deeply.
'The problem is, I gave it to her so she would call on me if she needed help,' he says. 'Until she says my name while touching the necklace, I can't use my matching ring to track her. Believe me I… tried.'
'Well, we have David now,' Fedyor says. 'Maybe he could think of something.'
'He'd need something that belongs to her,' Aleksander explains, remembering how the Durast made the ring and necklace.
'And we don't have anything,' Fedyor sighs. Kirigan shakes his head.
'We will get her back, General,' the Heartrender assures him.
'I know,' Aleksander says and a look in his eyes darkens. 'I promised her. That the world can't keep us apart. And that there's nothing I wouldn't do to keep her by my side. I fully intent to keep that promise, Fedyor. No matter what.'
In the meantime, Alina and Mal have teamed up with a privateer, who's just turned out to be Prince Nikolai Lantsov. Together, they hunted the Sea Whip for Alina. She now has two amplifiers. She tried to destroy the Fold, but failed. After that, they head for the Spinning Wheel, a place where apparently Grisha have found a safe heaven – the Spinning Wheel. There, Alina reunites with Nadia… and Zoya. But the conversation with Zoya goes well, to Alina's surprise. They are now allies. After they walk their ways, Nadia joins Alina's side, uncertain.
'Someone else is in here you might be interested in,' she says.
'Who?' Alina asks, frowning. Nadia simply grabs her arm and drags her somewhere. A few corridors later the Sun Summoner sees a familiar back.
'[Y/N]!' she exclaims happily and runs forward, freeing herself of Nadia's hold. You turn around, surprised. You huff, when Alina falls into your arms. You hug her back slowly.
'Saints, I'm so glad you're okay!' she says, pulling away. You force a smile.
'Thank you,' you say. 'I'm happy you're alive as well. After I heard what had happened in the Fold…'
'I made it,' Alina says, smiling, and looks over your shoulder. 'Thanks to Mal.'
You turn your head and see a young man, looking both familiar and unfamiliar. He notices you and his frown tells you he has the same situation with you.
'Mal, look who's here!' Alina calls him, waving at him with enthusiasm. The man joins you, looking at you with interest.
'I hope you remember our dear friend from Keremzin, [Y/N] [L/N],' Alina says, looking between you two. Mal's eyes spark with recognition. He smiles broadly.
'How could I not?' he says and chuckles. 'You almost cracked my skull open once!'
'You definitely deserved it!' you laugh and go in for a hug. You hold each other tightly, then pull away. In a moment Mal's brows cease with worry.
'No offense, but you look awful,' he says. You smile wryly. You're well aware of the dark circles under your eyes, puffy eyes, pale face and so on.
'Well, I sleep with my one eye open,' you say. 'I'm not exactly welcome here.'
'Why?' Alina asks, frowning. You give her a look.
'I was one of Kirigan's most loyal Grisha,' you explain. 'No one here trusts me.'
'But you didn't know what he's planning,' Alina says vehemently. The corners of your lips lift slightly.
'How can you be so sure?' you ask.
'Yes, how can we?' a voice asks. You turn your head and see a young man in a uniform. You bow your head.
'Moi tsarevich,' you greet Nikolai. He stops by Alina and Mal's side.
'So?' he asks, eyeing you. 'How can we be sure we can trust you?'
'Nikolai!' Alina scolds him. You look tsarevich in the eyes.
'I didn't know Kirigan had planned to expand the Fold,' you declare. 'In fact, we haven't been close for a long time.'
'Why?' Nikolai asks, frowning. You smile wryly at him.
'I've been asking myself this question for months,' you answer. Nikolai eyes you again.
'I trust [Y/N],' Alina says strongly. Nikolai looks at her and they exchange a look. Finally, he nods and smiles at you.
'Alina's friends are mine friends,' he says and takes your hand in his, then kisses it. 'Pleasure to meet you, Miss [L/N]. And I'm sorry for the suspicion.'
'Charmed,' you say, smiling slightly. 'And it's perfectly alright. I understand.'
'Come, we have a lot to catch up,' Alina says, taking your arm and you start walking. Soon enough she tells you what happened to her. She tells you how Baghra warned her about Aleksander. How she escaped. How she met with Mal. How they found the Stag. But then Kirigan found them. He killed the Stag and joined Alina with its bones. He tried to harness her powers for himself. He used them to expand the Fold. But there Mal and three rouges from Ketterdam saved her. She and Mal escaped to Novyi Zem. There they met Nikolai.
'And that's about it,' Alina finishes her story a moment later.
'You've certainly been busy,' you comment. Your friend sighs. There's sadness in her eyes.
'I still can't believe I let him fooled me,' she says. 'I… I honestly thought we share some sort of connection, you know?'
'Yeah,' you answer quietly, now sad as well. But Alina quickly becomes angry.
'I still can't believe how cruel he really was,' she says with venom. 'All those people he murdered… because he wanted more power. How could someone be so cold-hearted?'
'Behind every cold-hearted person there is a kind heart which has been treated with coldness for a while,' you say quietly. Alina looks at you with surprise. But you don't say anything more.
'What about you?' your friend asks. 'How did you escape from the Little Palace?'
'I didn't,' you answer after a moment. Alina frowns at you. She looks you up and down, no doubt wondering how you can be here if you hadn't escaped from the Little Palace. You avoid her eyes.
'When the First Army raided the Little Palace, I focused on getting everyone else out,' you start. 'Especially the children. So, when I was about to evacuate myself… it was too late. I was caught.'
'[Y/N]…' Alina says, horrified. You force a smile and shake your head.
'It wasn't really for a long time,' you say. 'I escaped.'
'How?' Alina asks. You're silent for a moment. You try not to think about the time you were a captive. About what they did to you…
Darkling's whore… Filthy witch… Stupid serving girl…
'They were careless,' you answer. 'Thought they broke me. I used it against them. Then I found out about this place. Others weren't exactly thrilled to see me but they took me in. I guess my sorry state made them pity me.'
'[Y/N]… what had they done to you so they thought they broke you?' Alina asks with worry.
'Hurt me,' you answer after a moment and force a smile at her. 'You should rest. You've had a tiring journey.'
'But-' Alina starts, frowning.
'I'll see you later,' you say, hug her briefly, then walk away. Your heart is hammering in your chest. You don't look back. You don't think about what you told Alina. You don't think about it so much, you bump into someone.
'Sorry!' you apologise. The person turns out to be Zoya. She looks you over.
'How are you looking worse and worse every day?' she asks. You smile wryly.
'It's my hidden talent,' you answer and attempt to walk past her. But she grabs your arm. You look up at her. There's seriousness in her eyes.
'You're not alone,' she says, confusing you. 'Kirigan had us all fooled. I know it's hard for you, you were his personal servant and then his trusted Grisha. I know you must have certain attachment to him but… you have to let it go. He murdered innocents. And would do it again.'
'You… "Attachment"?' you repeat with disbelief. 'Zoya, I… He was the first person who saw I'm more than just a plain serving girl. Every time I struggled, he was there to help me. He saved me every time I was in danger. Do you remember Tsybeia? Even before it turned out I'm a Grisha he was always kind to me and protected me. And now… everyone tells me what he did, who he is. But I can't just forget about all the good stuff he did.'
Zoya looks at you. Suddenly, her eyes go wide. You stiffen. You know she realised your secret.
'And you love him,' she guesses and crosses her arms. 'Tell me, if he handed you a bloodied hand, would you take it, only because it was his?'
You stare at her. Tears well up in your eyes. You smile sadly, a bit brokenly.
'I honestly have no idea, Zoya,' you whisper and turn. You walk away, trying to blink away the tears. And you definitely don't think how much you miss Aleksander. Nor how much you wish he was alive.
The night falls. It is a relief to you, because you finally are away from the judging eyes, hurtful whispers. But the sleep never comes easily. Your thoughts are always a mess. Today as well.
You lay down in bed and try very hard to fall asleep. Your thoughts drift to everything that happened that day. You sigh and hesitantly grab the necklace on your neck. Pain clenches your heart.
Suddenly you find yourself in Kirigan's chambers in the Little Palace. Everything is just like you remember. You look down at yourself and see the clothes you were wearing as Aleksander's personal servant.
'I did miss the sight of that band on your arm,' you hear. Your heart stops. Oh, how you longed to hear that voice. You turn around and see Aleksander leaning on his table. He looks just like he did when you last saw him.
'Yet I still preferred to see you in your kefta,' he says, slowly walking towards you. 'It suited you. It was meant to be yours.'
'Sometimes I wish I've never discovered my powers,' you admit. 'Then I would just admire you from afar. I wouldn't feel this pain now.'
'Do you really?" Aleksander asks. You think for a moment. You smile sadly and shake your head.
'Not really, no,' you answer. 'Because it was worth it. Being with you was the happiest time of my life. Even though you insisted on hiding it from everyone.'
Aleksander stops in front of you. He hands his head.
'Will you ever find it in your heart to forgive me?' he asks. You're quiet for a moment.
'I don't know,' you answer honestly. Aleksander nods, understanding. He looks up and reaches toward your face, but hesitates. His hand hangs in the air.
'I hate seeing you sad,' he says.
'Then come back to me,' you say, tears filling your eyes. 'I just want to see you. Hold you. Hug you. Touch you. Kiss you. Cuddle with you. Love you. Then I'll stop being sad.'
Aleksander looks at you with pain. He hates to see you like this.
'I want this too, milaya,' he says. 'So much.'
'I waited for you,' you say. 'Like I promised I would. Part of me still does. Even though it's impossible for you to return to me.'
'[Y/N]…' Aleksander whispers. He slowly reaches out to you again. When you don't flinch away, he cups your cheek. The moment he does, your clothes change into your kefta from the winter fete. He smiles softly.
'I didn't even tell you that you looked magnificent that night,' he says quietly. 'Beautiful. And your performance… You were extraordinary.'
You smile. You waited so long to hear those words. You lean into his touch.
'It's hard without you,' you say.
'I know the feeling,' Aleksander says quietly. You touch his hand that is on your cheek. You turn your head and kiss it.
'Everyone is sad to be gone from the Little Palace,' you say. 'They say their lost their home. But I lost mine before the First Army attacked us.'
'Because I was your home,' Aleksander says quietly. You nod. Kirigan presses his forehead to yours. He closes his eyes.
'I wish I was kissing you instead of missing you,' he whispers, his voice shaking from pain. You close your eyes, fighting with tears. You fail, obviously. You can feel them falling down your cheeks.
'Did you think of me?' you dare to ask. 'When you were in the Fold?'
'Yes,' Aleksander answers, clenching his jaw. 'I wanted you to be by my side. And then I wanted to come back to you.'
'Why didn't you tell me?' you ask. 'About your plans about Alina and the Fold? The real ones.'
'Because you have a compassionate heart,' Aleksander answers after a moment. 'You'd disagree with my plan. Maybe leave me.'
'You don't know that,' you say, shaking your head.
'Wouldn't you?' Aleksander challenges you. You're silent.
'I don't know what would I do,' you say and look him in the eyes. 'You robbed me of that choice.'
Kirigan looks down. Maybe he's actually ashamed a bit.
'But I know I wouldn't leave you,' you add. Aleksander's head shoots up. You cup his face.
'I promised you to be with you for better and for worse,' you say. 'No matter what would happen, I would be with you.'
'And then maybe you would die in the Fold,' Aleksander says flatly. 'This one time I wouldn't have been able to save you.'
'Maybe I would have saved myself,' you suggest with a small smile. Kirigan sighs and shakes his head.
'Sometimes I really can't with you,' he says. You grin at him. But then your smile falls.
'Kiss me?' you plead. You don't have to ask twice. Aleksander cups your face and kisses you.
'We shall be together again, my darling, I promise,' he whispers.
'I want this more than anything,' you whisper back. 'So much.'
'Be patient, [Y/N],' Aleksander pleads. 'For me. Please.'
'I'm waiting,' you whisper. 'I'll be always waiting for you.'
Kirigan opens his eyes. He's met with the wall of his room in the residence. He sighs heavily and sits up. His finger caresses the ring on his finger. Then, he lifts it to his lips.
'Please, [Y/N],' he whispers. 'Call for me. Call for me and I'll come for you. I swear. I will always come for you.'
You, Tamar (a Heartrender) and Nadia watch Alina training her new abilities. She thrusts light at her target… but even though it's impressive, it doesn't even reach it.
'Absolute rubbish,' she grunts. Nadia scoffs and gives Tamar a look.
'It's the second amplifier,' the Heartrender explains. She walks to pick up a mannequin. You three follow her.
'With the Stag, summoning came like breath,' Alina says. 'This is like… reining chaos. Crossing the Fold was a disaster.'
'Hey, we'll get you there,' Nadia comforts her. 'If it helps, I could hit you with a switch and call you "stupid girl".'
'It may come to that,' Alina sighs. 'How is it I'm overwhelmed by the second amplifier and at the same time feeling the lack of a third?'
'Well, for now, let's focus on what we can fix,' Nadia says.
'Your aim, for starters,' you suggest. Alina gives you a look and scoffs. You all go back.
'As leader of the Second Army, I need more,' she says. Ah, yes. You had a dinner with the Lantsov family (you were so not happy they've arrived). During that Nikolai announced he and Alina are engaged (yeah, because you didn't see how she and Mal look at each other) and that from now on she's the leader of the Second Army. Not everyone was happy about it (ekhm, Zoya).
'I need to learn the Cut,' Alina says, turning to you. You stiffen.
'That was Kirigan's way, to lead with fear,' Nadia protests. 'You can lead with your heart. The Second Army will be better for it.'
'You make a good point,' Tamar agrees. 'But I wouldn't completely reject fear. Can't tell you how many have taken one look at my girls and… reconsidered. I don't know how the Cut works, that's a top-shelf Etherialki move, but I do know how to direct power. It's all about intention. I like to picture the face of the person I want to crush. Try it.'
Alina positions herself and exhales. She closes her eyes. Soon light surrounds her. A moment later she grunts angrily, waves her hands and light shots forward. You all look at the effect with wide eyes.
'Well, it's not the Cut, but… it's effective,' Tamar laughs. Nadia suddenly straightens up.
'Wait a moment,' she says. 'We do have here someone who's managed the Cut.'
She and Alina look at you. Tamar looks at you, impressed. You gulp.
'Once,' you say. 'I did it once. And I have no idea how. I… didn't exactly plan it.'
'Well, what did you think about then?' Tamar asks and you stiffen. 'What did you feel?'
You see in your mind Aleksander and Alina talking together, laughing. You remember the pain and hurt you felt. You were so overwhelmed you just had to let it go. And slashed the dummy.
'Anger,' you finally answer. 'I felt anger. The kind that was killing me.'
Before anyone can ask you more, you hear footsteps. You turn and see Adrik, Nadia's brother.
'I know, not to be disturbed, but they need you in the war room,' he says to Alina. She nods and looks at others. Tamar and Nadia turn and start walking. Alina grabs her jacket and follows them. But then she notices you're not following.
'[Y/N]?' she asks. You shake your head.
'My presence will not be welcomed there,' you say and smile. 'Go without me.'
Alina hesitates, but eventually nods and leaves. Adrik is behind her. You turn to look at the dummy the Sun Summoner hit. It has a hole coming from the arm to the stomach. Almost like the Cut.
You leave a few minutes later. You take a few turns, heading toward your room, when…
'David,' you say, surprised. David with his hands spread is being led by Tolya (a Heartrender and Tamar's twin) somewhere. They stop, hearing your voice. The Durast's eyes go wide.
'[Y/N],' he says and goes pale. 'Oh, Saints, you're here…'
'Why are you…?' you start but then remember. David was the one who made the collar for Alina. They don't trust him here.
'Come,' Tolya says and continues to take David away. You're left there, stunned and shocked. You can't believe your dear friend is here. And that he is a prisoner, while you walk free…
Later you come across Alina on the corridor. She smiles at you. You look at her, troubled.
'I need to ask you a favour,' you say.
'Anything,' Alina says at once. You gulp.
'I need to see David,' you say. Alina blinks.
'And you need me for…?' she asks. You sigh.
'For getting through the door,' you say. 'Alina, just because you trust me, doesn't mean others do. Please. I need to know if he's okay.'
Alina nods and walks with you to Nikolai. The prince isn't happy but he grants you your request. A moment later you enter David's cell. Alone.
'[Y/N],' he says, straightening up at the sight of you. You smile.
'How are you, David?' you ask.
'I'm… fine, thank you,' he answers. You frown. He's terribly stiff.
'And not exactly thrilled to see me,' you point out. David sighs.
'Forgive me,' he asks. 'Of course, I'm happy to see you. But if he finds out you're here…'
'Who?' you ask, blinking. David stares at you. He stares at you with disbelief, when he sees you're not fooling around.
'You… you don't know?' he asks.
'About?' you ask, confused. David shifts, uncomfortable. He doesn't know if he should say it. But you won't let it go, he just knows it.
'Kirigan is alive,' he finally says quietly. You stumble back and hit a table with your back. You stare at David, shocked.
'No,' you say, your lip trembling. 'You're lying. He can't be.'
'I would never lie to you about this,' David says softly. You stare at him. And see no deception in his eyes. He's telling the truth.
You bring hands to your mouth and let out a sob. You close your eyes and cry. You cry for the first time since the raid. These are tears of anger, sadness, pain, sorrow… and joy.
'How?' you whisper, looking at David again. 'How did he survive?'
'He created something in the Fold,' he answers, wincing. 'Creatures made of shadow. I guess they helped him. But he… he paid a big price for it.'
'What price?' you demand.
'He's troubled by coughs, headaches, pain,' David answers. 'I… I fear only merzost could cure him.'
Your heart aches. You don't know how you feel about all that.
'[Y/N]… that necklace I gave you… where is it?' David asks. Your heart speeds up.
'I don't know,' you lie. 'I lost it when the Little Palace was attacked.'
'Are you sure?' David asks. 'Because if even by accident you call him… he will come here at once for you.'
'Me?' you ask, raising your eyebrows. The Durast looks at you. He hesitates again.
'The priority for him and his Grisha is finding you,' he finally says. 'He… Every day with no news about you is making him more agitated. He insists that he needs you by his side. He more or less admitted that there was something going on between you two.'
You're quiet. You shake your head.
'I'm not the one he needs,' you deny and leave. You stop a few turns later. Your hand reaches to the hidden necklace under your kefta. You stop your hand mid-air. You shake your head and resume walking. You must let go of Aleksander. For your sake. And for others'.
A/N: Thank you for reading! Let me know your thoughts! Reblog, like and comment if you could.
This can also be found on Archive of Our Own: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49965037/chapters/126151432
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just realised I forgot about Ivo's existence, sorry Ivo...
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polis-fandom · 2 years
Patrick Gibson on the set of "Shadow and Bone" season 2 from @/daeganfryklind on Instagram
"Three cameras on @/paddygibson dodging danger!"
Bonus: picture from Rachel Redford (Fruzsi, Darkling's right hand tidemaker) @/rachlredford on Instagram
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heliads · 1 year
So, Before You Go Chapter Seven: The Walls Close In
Hellas is gone; so too is your life as a cartographer. You and the Darkling must quell Alina Starkov’s attempt at an uprising in order to protect the Grisha of Ravka. However, your gods are not as dead as they seem, and that which you have taken for granted will soon prove to be quite unpredictable indeed.
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The last of the golden days ended when the Age of Heroes collapsed. After every fight, every victory, all it took was one war and all was lost. The Trojan War spanned years, cost hundreds of thousands of men, and ended the world as all survivors knew it. What do you think they did, after the final surrender? How do you think they lived without a war to hold them together? Could they even recognize themselves without a sword in their hand and blood on their face?
Keramzin. It is to Keramzin you must go, and it is Keramzin where all will end. Only an attack on her homeland will draw Alina out of hiding for good. It is surprisingly easy to march on the orphanage and fortify your command over it, perhaps because there are few soldiers guarding its gates, and perhaps also because of the amplifiers.
Aleksander, he– he had bones left over from his mother’s death, Baghra’s bones, and he fashioned them into amplifiers for himself and trusted Grisha he had selected as captains in this endless war. Alina has two amplifiers at this point, will have three if she can bear the agony of killing the one she loves, and so the two of you must do something to try and settle the score.
Aleksander gives himself an amplifier first, and then he turns to you, holds out ash from his mother’s burned body and tells you that it is your turn to accept this gift. The thought of it, robbing respect from the dead, especially a woman who had been so much to you for so long, makes you feel sick to your stomach and you decline in a heartbeat. You cannot dishonor her like this. You are not fit to bear her bones, to use her strength as your own.
Something almost like anger or disappointment flashes across Aleksander’s face, but he does not take away his outstretched hand, not yet.
He says, It will make you strong.
You say, I am strong. Strong without your kind of magic.
He says, I know. But you could be more.
There is confusion written all across his features, as if he could not possibly understand why someone would turn down power if it was given to them. There is so much about you that he could not comprehend. Things like your actual strength, how much you’ve been holding back in every fight. You could rattle this earth down to the very core if you so desired, you could find his making at the heart of the world and destroy it completely. It might kill you in the process, but you could do it. You always could.
So no, actually, you do not need his ill-gotten power, you are perfectly fine on your own. This you share with him, not the reason but the answer, and Aleksander senses that you are not willing to change your mind on this matter. Fine, then; he has other capable Grisha who will accept this token from him, and so you watch as he amplifies several more soldiers.
One of them in particular makes you uneasy. There’s a new Tidemaker who arrived here recently. Her name is Fruzsi, and she was the one in charge of watching Baghra while you and Aleksander were out nearly dying in the Shadow Fold. Her hair is dark, her stature cold, and there is something about her that unsettles you deeply.
Perhaps it’s her motives. Aleksander saved her from an unworthy family that would not protect a Grisha child, just like many of the other Grisha here. For Fruzsi, however, it turned her into a puppet, some sort of thing that would kill and maim whenever Aleksander so much as snapped a finger. She is quite powerful in her own right, but she has no heart, no sense of mercy. 
On the few times that you’ve passed through otkazat’sya villages, she has wanted to flood the entire township, destroy every crop and house, just for the crime of not being Grisha. You cannot help but wonder if this is the generation of Grisha you and Aleksander are protecting, the ones who are so furious about Grisha inequality that they would unfairly persecute everyone else. The Grisha would be safe in such a world, yes, but would that make you better than them?
Fruzsi is one of the Grisha given an amplifier, and she tests her newfound abilities by conjuring daggers of ice from just the water in the air. With a twitch of her hands, she slams the frozen shards into a nearby door, all of them inches deep in the hard wood surface. Judging by the sick grin on her face, she’s wondering what they would do in something as soft as human flesh.
The rest of the amplified Grisha are no trouble to you. They follow orders, they do as they’re told. That Tidemaker, though, you’ll keep an eye out for her.
You and Aleksander split up your forces soon enough. The Lantsov king, now Nikolai, has been spotted in a flying ship of all things headed towards Keramzin. You send a squad of Grisha, including several Inferni, to take down the ship, then order more troops to patrol the perimeter. Aleksander moves off towards the Shadow Fold so as to swallow Alina’s camp with shadow, and you remain at Keramzin to protect the stronghold in case of a trap.
You watch from the highest window you can find, and soon enough, red and yellow tendrils of fire blossom across the sky. You watch as the flying ship is hit by Inferni blasts. It tilts dangerously, then drops like a stone and skids across the ground. Small flecks of blue and red move towards it, your Grisha ready to take out any survivors.
In the meantime, you have to be ready for other attackers. You and Aleksander spent hours brainstorming every last military tactic you could think of, every switch of plans or strategy that might take place over the course of the battle. Alina could have more soldiers willing to fight and die for her cause than you expected, or she could approach at a multitude of different angles, or she could go through with killing Mal to gain the third amplifier and destroy the Fold before her soldiers even reach the doorstep of Keramzin.
All of these possibilities were thought through, carefully catalogued, and avoided. All that remains now is to implement the correct strategy, and hope to all the gods and Saints around that your tactics hold. You call out orders to the Grisha captains, setting up traps and ambushes for the oncoming soldiers. 
The only thing remaining to do, then, is to wait, and you do not have to wait long. Soon enough, Alina’s army charges towards the walls surrounding Keramzin and begins their assault. What grabs your attention the most about her forces is that they are not wholly Grisha nor completely otkazat’sya. She’s managed to convince both the First and Second Armies that they should be able to work together, and you’re not so jaded and bitter as to be unable to admit that the tactic succeeds.
In fact, the soldiers work together quite brilliantly. The Grisha draw enemy fire by launching attacks while the First Army soldiers reload their weapons, and then the First Army provide cover with bullets and daggers while Healers rush forward to aid their wounded. Alina may damn well have found a way to make both Grisha and otkazat’sya fight as one. It’s a shame, then, that she’ll die before she gets to see that theory extend throughout all of Ravka. 
You can spoil the ending for her, though:  it will never work, not for everybody. No country will be able to embrace someone they see as ‘other’ forever. She must prioritize the Grisha or they will die, just like they have been dying for centuries. You’ve had plenty of time to see it. You know how this ends unless you win and take back control for good.
You receive word from one of your soldiers that the young Lantsov king has entered the fray, alongside several of his stronger Grisha and First Army fighters. You signal for your forces to redouble their efforts, then send Fruzsi and a few other amplified Grisha to finish the job.
Alina’s troops do seem to be making more headway than you’d strictly appreciate, so you decide to multitask and fight instead of just issuing strategic commands. If you can wrap this up quickly, you can go to Aleksander in the Fold. It’s not that you don’t trust him not to kill Alina, especially not in the dense nest of shadow that he created so many years ago as the Black Heretic, it’s just that Alina has a way of having luck and coincidence go her way. You’ve come too far now for things not to proceed as you’d like them to.
Your footsteps seem to echo off of the stone walls as you walk further into the melee, and you can see the faces of Alina’s troops pale as they realize who you are. Alina must have warned them about you, but no amount of scary bedtime stories can stop them from falling from your spells. No Heartrender can slow your pulse, no Squaller can choke you out. It is you against them, and you have had centuries more practice at such things.
You round a corner and there they are at the final crux of this battle. Fruzsi stands before you with the other amplified Grisha, shouting out to a king that he cannot hide forever. This must mean that Nikolai Lantsov is one of the figures huddled behind some sort of makeshift shelter. In fact, you think you can see him now. He’s bent over a fallen figure, yet another First Army soldier dead with Fruzsi’s ice daggers embedded in his chest.
Nikolai does not have the insincere disdain of any king you’ve met, though. In fact, you think he’s crying. Yes, crying, screaming the name of the man in front of him, the man who won’t ever respond to him. He’s saying something about a brother, how even though this man wasn’t his by blood they were closer than anyone else. It is a terrible sort of grief, and it is worse still because it is true. Nikolai was born to bear the sorrow of a nation, but he cannot even handle the loss of one man. How very human of him.
Fruzsi advances towards him, arms raised. You sense the thudding of footsteps around the corner, reinforcements to protect the king, but they’ll come just a little too late. Fruzsi raises her arms, conjuring up more daggers of ice. They’ll fly straight for his throat and he will be dead in moments, just like his friend.
The young king will be lost, then, unless someone stops her. Unless someone kills her. The dark  Tidemaker is grinning, drunk on the certainty that she is about to add one more death to her tally. And then, all of a sudden, she can’t, and the ice shards coalesce back into normal air once more, no one around to sharpen it into something else.
She dies quite easily, actually, for such power, such confidence. It is nothing at all to the killer, nothing at all to you. All it takes is one word from your lips, one single spell, and the situation is handled. The battlefield is dense with screams, cries, death. No one would ever be able to tell that it was you who ended things like this. No one at all.
The young king looks up at you with wide eyes. A child’s eyes. You and Aleksander are gods fighting against children who grew up too fast. What kind of justice is that? What kind of cruelty? You lay one finger to your lips and vanish into the shadows. Aleksander will be expecting you. He will not know a moment of what happened here unless you tell him. Aleksander doesn’t know. He doesn’t have to. He doesn’t have to at all. No one needs to know except you and the boy-king still crouched there in the dust where you left him.
You think as you travel, you travel as you think. You cannot seem to stop yourself from sabotaging your own cause. On second thought, perhaps it is Aleksander who is ruining things before you can achieve your goals. He destroys himself by making a monster of himself.
You cannot help but compare your upbringings. Baghra raised Aleksander to be cold and heartless, to value Grisha and Grisha only above all else. He does that now with pride. Your mother, on the other hand, she taught you spells, but she taught you mercy, too. She told you to be kind. You’ve failed her in that, you think, but you still have time.
Time. You blink and the Shadow Fold looms before you. You can vaguely hear the sound of voices through the dense darkness. Aleksander has reached Alina and Mal, then. This is where it ends, of that you are certain.
For once, however, you cannot guess at the ending. Your crossroads stretch out before you again, a multitude of paths all calling your name. They are too varied and twisted for you to pick any one at this moment, but the time to choose is closing in. You cannot wait forever, and neither can he. The Fold awaits. It is time to enter the darkness once more.
a/n only one more chapter babes how are we feeling
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What did you think about the scene where Aleks used the tether to visit Alina while she was sleeping? I got very Gothic Romance vibes. Obviously, it wasn't ideal for Aleks to be in her bedroom without her knowledge or consent, but at the same time he didn't take any liberties. He caressed the shape of her body without directly touching her. It was almost like you saw both the Dark & Light sides of Aleks at work. He was far bolder than S1, but he still managed to not cross any major lines by keeping his hands to himself.
Gothic Romance vibes for sure. It actually kind of reminded me of twilight and that scene where bella finds out that edward has been coming to her room while she slept for the last couple of months and he says 'I like to watch you sleep'. You're kind of left trying to figure out if that is romantic or creepy. I think the reason it seems a bit creepy is because its that idea of someone being in your room, whilst you are in the vulnerable state of sleep, without you being aware of it, in the same way someone who may wish you harm may break in, like an intruder, stalker or killer. As you said its that kind of grey area where he is in her room without her knowledge and consent and at a time where she is vulnerable, which obviously isn't great, but I also don't think he has gone there with any intentions to harm. As you pointed out he caresses the shape of her body, showing that he longs and aches for that touch but he doesn't actually touch her, he won't cross that line.
I think the context of the scene is important as well, I mentioned this in another post, but Aleks visits Alina in her sleep twice and both times it is right after he has gotten bad news and is clearly spiralling, he goes to see Alina as a way of calming down, of grounding himself. But lets talk about this particular scene where he caresses the shape of her body, the first time he goes to see her. Right before this he had just learnt that david had stolen the morozova journal as well as any hope he has of understanding his condition, ie the nichevo'ya and how they are poisoning him and how he can't fully control them, as we learn in the finale. So when faced with this reality where he is dying and the one source of information that may help him is gone his instinct is to go to Alina, she is a source of comfort to him and what he says during that scene is important to, that one day she'll realise the truth and that when she does she'll come back to him where he'll be waiting with open arms. He is clinging to this dream and using it as a way of keeping himself going. But I also don't think it is all about the fact that the merzost is killing him, its about the fact that he can't control the nichevo'ya and I think he is scared that they'll harm Alina, so visiting her also allows him to reassure himself that she is safe.
A little detail I noticed in the scene when he visits her while she sleeps the second time, this is after he has discovered Baghra and Genya escaped, is that he reaches out to her and begins to move closer to her with his hand outstretched but then the merzost veins appear on his throat and then on his hand and he quickly pulls out of the tether and the veins fade. He then has a conversation with Fruzsi his tidemaker and he is instructing her to keep searching for Alina despite it not being the most strategic move. But he also talks about how she is with Nikolai, this is something he seems distressed about and at first I didn't think much of it, but then I remembered the scene in 2x04 where Aleks lures Alina away from the fighting because he wants to keep her safe. He says that the nichevo'ya are targeting the Lantsovs and that they can be unpredictable. Which makes Aleks now being stressed that Alina is with Nikolai make alot of sense, he is worried the nichevo'ya will attack Nikolai and that Alina will get hurt in the process as they may see her as a threat as well, it is at the mention of Nikolai and the sun summoner that the nichevo'ya begin to appear in the scene where he is talking to his tidemaker, after all, almost like their names triggered them. I think Aleks wants Alina found so that he can keep her somewhere safe and know that the nichevo'ya haven't harmed her.
As for why he may be visiting her in her asleep as opposed to when she is awake like he has when using the tether at other times, I think it comes back to that comfort thing. He's feeling unhinged and angry and betrayed and like his grip on the nichevo'ya is slipping and so he wants, needs, to see Alina so he can feel a moment of peace, by going to her when she is asleep he can see her without also having to be met by her anger, without the betrayal and hurt he'll see in her eyes if he were to visit her while she is awake. These visits are because Alina is Aleks' peace, which I do think is romantic.
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lilisouless · 1 year
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gccdstories · 10 months
-hold your tongue or lose it - for Fruzsi
It took the Tidemaker all of her self control to remain... mostly silent. She scoffed, hands curled at her side, as she shot Alina a glare that could have killed a person.
Maybe not the so-called sun saint but any other would be ash in the wind.
❝ You may hold his ear at the moment, but make no mistake-- He will soon see you for what you are. And your uses will be none. ❞
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oreo-cookies-fan · 2 years
Ok, but you can't tell me that the battle wouldn't be so much better if Ivan, who's on Alina's side with Fedya, would try to talk some sense into this murderous Tidemaker psychobitch Fruzsi, you know, like, the Darkling's former right-hand man to his current right-hand man
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mcheang · 2 years
Shadow and Bone S2 E2 recap
Spoiler alert
Alina and Mal convince Sturmhond to help them find the Sea Whip. Unlike book Sturmhond, this one clearly doesn’t care about getting on Mal’s good side. I just saw Mal’s book of lives of saints. Is it just me or does it look more like the one we can buy rather the one David read in Season 1? Kirigan is clearly more physically ill than book Darkling. He is coughing black blood, and his scars cannot be fully healed by Genya. He goes to Vladim the Alkemi for help but he can only promise a temporary painkiller. Unlike the other Grisha seeking Kirigan’s protection, Genya is not as delighted. She is unsure and terrified of him and his monsters. I’ll admit I’m surprised. I never imagined her like this in Siege and Storm’s first few chapters. What I find interesting is how the nichevo’ya would have attacked Genya, believing she is hurting their master. Their instinctive nature is to protect him even before he gives the order, although they do not attack immediately. We see the flashback of when Kaz and his brother first met Pekka. I’ll admit, seeing this on screen, I already could tell this was a bad idea of the brother’s. When it comes to easy money, be suspicious. The Crows plan to get back at Pekka. But he deduces where Kaz would go to get information on him and ambushes him there. He also sets traps for Jesper and Inej. Funny how Jesper only remembers Wylan when they are in an intimate position lol Lucky for Matthias, his cell mate is Fjerdan and is willing to give him tips to survive Hellgate. What was his crime, or is he innocent too? Alina doesn’t plan to kill the Seawhip, who is not hiding among floating ice bergs like in the books but apparently on a green island. For the record I do not believe she is having dreams about the sea whip and the Firebird because they are Morozova’s amplifiers and it is destiny. Because I already know that the Firebird is not the amplifier. Alina is only having these dreams based on what she knows and because she is obsessed!
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Well, the island is pretty….
A new character Fruzsi has joined the Darkling. Her appearance so makes me think of Ulla because she looks like a live action Vanessa from Little Mermaid! She is a Tidemaker who is guarding Morozova’s books and also the imprisoned Baghra, who can still see. She seems surprisingly reverent to Kirigan. I’m guessing he saved her life before the Fold. Rusalye attacks the searching party. The attack reminds of Scylla from Greek mythology only with one head and much smaller than I expected. It might be the reflection of water, but i thought it had multiple tails, making it look more like an octopus than a dragon. It’s size is so much less impressive than the books. The book sea whip gave one hell of a fight before it was captured. Alina kills the Seawhip when it attacks Mal. As she remembers the Rusalye’s last memories, she realizes he saw Mal different from everyone else. And as she absorbs the new amplifier, her light has changed from yellow to blue white. And Kirigan is also now made aware that there still exists a connection between them at this same time. When Alina loses control of her power, Mal stops and they kiss. Um…was that really the time?!!!
I like Matthias new cell mate. Tamar does not particularly strike me as reverent to saints if she address Alina with an “Oi” I was so relieved to hear Alina didn’t want to kill the stag. Everyone else? Why are they so keen on killing fairytale creatures?!!! Sturmhond even forgot Alina needs to be the one to kill it when Rusalye attacks. For how often the media and the cast try to paint Kirigan as a bad guy, except for one newspaper clipping I found that claimed him as an antihero, one can’t deny that Kirigan is better than book Aleksander for not blinding his mother. I still think Fruzsi could be Ulla and I hope she helps keep Aleksander alive. Saints know if she is Ulla, she definitely dislikes the mother who abandoned her. We finally see Tidemaker characters and their powers. The books only had the Council of Tides in Ketterdam.
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ragingstillness · 2 years
Shadow and Bone spoilers - random thoughts from my notes (e2)
I love that this stolen painting of the fold is now our indicator that they're in the crow club.
Why doesn't Kaz tell anyone anything?
Blowing up the crow club is a scorched earth drama queen move and I approve.
"The barrel doesn't belong to kings it belongs to bastards" - ICONIC SHOWSTOPPING WE LOVE LOVE LOVE TO SEE IT
Quoted directly from my notes here: "Give me Ben you fuckers"
Why is Alina trying to seduce the Darkling in the tether?
"You're already dead" oof the foreshadowing
So cute Genya is looking for David and the Darkling is promising he'll find him. It's yet more evidence of how much he cares for all Grisha. He's rescuing them. Now that I think of it, how did Genya end up in a cage anyway? Was she back at the Darkling's encampment in Kribirsk and not on the skiff?
More Genya/David I love this song.
"Fear in a smaller glass is instinct" I am finally actually engaged in the crows' storyline
Nina's love for waffles continues.
Ballsy of the writers to tell us that Helnik had sex off-screen and refuse to show it to us.
Quoted directly from my notes here: "why does Hellgate look like a pair of boobs"
If the Shark Tooth in the side of Tamar's head isn't considered unusual why did everyone act like the bonding of the stag collar was some horrific thing. Not related to this scene just a thought I had, do you need a Durast for every implantation of an amplifier?
Why aren't they showing us Alina dreaming of the sea whip and the firebird? Seems odd after showing her dreaming of the stag and a simple dream flashback wouldn't take much of the runtime.
"You think the three are connected" is it somehow not common knowledge that Ilya created all three? Duh they're connected.
It's sweet that the Darkling knows the names and stories of everyone he ever rescued, really shows he cared.
Genuinely quite surprised that even Inej doesn't know the history with Pekka because in season one she seemed to.
"You're not just sunshine sunshine" lol
I'm kind of in love with Fruzsi but why have we literally never seen her before and why is she filling the role of Ivan or Fedyor? Also, finally we get to see a tidemaker, we've seen almost every other iteration.
The map that Alina had seemed to show the seawhip being in the sea but suddenly it's on an island?
Killing the seawhip was ridiculously easy. Also, the stag wasn't inherently violent, even when its territory was invaded, why was the seawhip violent?
Is it just me or is Nina chubbier this season? Maybe it's just the multiple layers and cloaks and bustle. I can't help but think that they took into consideration the criticism that Nina wasn't "truly" plus-size and this is how they dealt with it.
Inej's leather pants are everything.
I've been told that in the books Jesper is deeply and unrequitedly in love with Kaz but ngl I'm glad they didn't lean in on it and just had Wylan make one suspicious comment.
"My wraith" death, death for Pekka Rollins for a thousand years.
This Morgens character came out of nowhere and the show's acting like we're supposed to know him. And why is he wearing the Daredevil suit and dressing like one of the twelve from Junni Taisen?
Jesper remembering Wylan while lying on top of him is peak disaster bisexual behavior and I approve.
When are they ever going to run out of animal metaphors for Inej and the Crows? It's just constant all season.
Jesper stopping while being strangled to give Wylan a thumbs up is yet more peak disaster bisexual behavior.
I can't help but notice that Aleksander is spending a ton of time in these first episodes perilously close to the fireplace. Is he experiencing some sort of eternal chill/wasting sickness thing like Baghra does?
Ok what was he going to do with that hot poker? Burn the hole in his hand a little deeper? Like there's just nothing given as a reason besides the plot insisting that we need to learn about the tether. (I can't help but think of this from a self-harm angle)
Jessie's got some dance moves. It gives me Benedict Cumberbatch learning to Pop-Lock for Dr. Strange vibes.
"My Alina" - cute in fic where they're in a relationship, creepy in all other contexts including this one.
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