#fry daddy deep fryer
bestpickme · 1 year
✅ 5 Best Deep Fryer on Sale in 2023 || Best Deep Fryers for the Home💥
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, 3x9, A Deep Fried Korean Thanksgiving, Part IV
I just realized the winter carnival episode is next and tbh I'm pretty stoked about that one.
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Ugh, someone left Gilmores on my front porch. Fetch me my broom. Shoo! Shoo! At Thanksgiving number one, we find out Lane is spinning yet another tangled web of lies to ensnare Soggy Rygalski (my new pet name for him, don't ask). Mrs Kim thinks Soggy is actually in a Christian band that Lane discovered through church and not a sinful rock band. Mrs Kim serves Tofurky and I feel as if our little vegetarian diner rat would have enjoyed that.
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Welcome back, Soggy.
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Dang. When Rory sees how people like her mother and Luke and Mrs Kim treat their employees, it's no wonder she doesn't want to get a job! Bad dum tssssh. Thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night.
Why did I remember that scene as being a lot longer than it was? It lasted less than three minutes. Weird!
Onward, from Soggy to Sookie.
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"According to the National Fire Protection Association: deep fryer fires cause an average of 5 deaths, 60 injuries and more than $15 million in property damage each year. Deep-frying turkeys has become increasingly popular, but the new tradition is a recipe for holiday tragedy."
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Men, eh? One minute they're lying about turkey preparation and the next they're lying about having a vasectomy.
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Rory looking gravely concerned or lost in thought as usual. Thinking deep thoughts about frying. Asked Sookie not once but twice "What do you use the oil for"?
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Granny creakily rising from her lawn chair to join the hordes of Jackson's screaming white trash relatives has to be one of my favorite bits in this episode (maybe the season?) so far.
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Gather round, white trash young and old. Your king has arrived.
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This whole scene is top notch. I tip my hat to you, Miss AmyShermanPalladino. After departing the white trash jubilee, it's time to circle back to Lukes. I know small business owners are hard working people who don't always have the luxury of shutting down and taking a break, but do you think he ever closes the diner? For anything? Christmas Day? Yeah, I'm sure ya'll can name a few times on the show where he closes up shop (would actually be interested to hear what they were). It wouldn't matter. He'd try to close on Christmas Day and the Gilmores would show up anyway and demand to be served instead of drinking eggnog in their own home. For Christmas, Lorelai should buy Luke a massage. (A LEGITIMATE MASSAGE. You filthy readers).
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Mommy Daddy please stop fighting
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*smashes Jess and Rory together like I'm 9 years old forcing two Barbie dolls to make out*
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Alarming to see Lorelai treat Jess this nicely because I worry she may be ill. Or possibly delirious from hunger (she didn't eat at Sookie's or Lane's, she threw out Mrs Kim's tofurky and just gawked at Sookie's house). It looks like Luke was nice enough to give Jess the day off, but Walmart (and its Hunger Games-style Black Friday festivities) may still be calling. Is this the first real, hot, home made, lovingly prepared holiday meal anyone had ever served him in his entire life? (I'll give partial credit to The Bracebridge Dinner). No street wieners for Jess Mariano this Thanksgiving! Jess says he's starving, but Luke told him not to eat until the Gilmores arrived first. That's some grade a bullshit.
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All he wants this Thanksgiving is for his fellow white people to Check Their Privilege. Good luck with that, Lucas.
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Serving lewks. Luke has just served the table four heaping plates of hot food and upon hearing that the Gilmores will be trotting off to the McMansion next, presumably to eat way fancier, he says they can just throw everything the fuck out and drink soda if they want. Kay... Jess: Please, Uncle Lucas, don't take away my hot meal. I'm ever so hungry.
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A screen shot of Milo eating makes a great gift or any holiday or special occasion.
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How DARE you Lucas. You are not going to make my poor tired boy serve coffee to the Gilmores on Thanksgiving Day! Lorelai's your ball and chain, you do it.
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Yeah, what a pity that not everyone can kiss like Dean.
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"You and Jess are a couple of chickens pecking each other." Yooo, it's about time you pick a lane, Lorelai. You're confusing the poor girl. The last time an adult got wind that Jess and Rory were about to peck like chickens The Incredible HulkLuke smashed down the door and put those two chickens out to pasture. Rory: Mind your own business. Lorelai:???????? I assure you she does not know the meaning of the phrase. R: I'm not good with public displays. L: You didn't have that problem with Dean Me: Trying fruitlessly to remember any scene where Dean and Rory passionately made out in public or showed any sort of affection with each other anywhere that Lorelai could see it R: I don't know how this first second boyfriend thing is supposed to go. L: Well he's your first second boyfriend so give it time. R: The whole town got used to me with Dean. L: It'll get easier, you'll have hundreds of men. Well maybe not hundreds. A couple. Three more. Dean again, Logan, then Logan again. L:They'll adjust to seeing with you Jess! R: What do I do about Dean? L: Well he'll move on too. All this sensible advice coming from Lorelai? It is truly the Thanksgiving of Miracles.
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God bless you, Babette. God bless you.
The next scene, a Friday (Thursday) Night Gilmores Showdown at the McMansion goes on for around 8 minutes which is going to feel like more than an hour in Salty Time. I'm going to wilt.
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edupunkn00b · 8 months
The Game is Afoot!
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Photo by Ashni via Unsplash. Edited by edupunkn00b.
Rated: G - WC: 1036 - CW: None
Three weeks after Christmas and Logan is still working on his puzzle from Virgil. Is it any wonder why?
"The game is afoot!"
“But I thought you said Virgil’s game is a puzzle, Logie!” 
“Patton! It’s a—” The Moral Side’s head tilted far to the left, brow knit together in deep confusion. Breathing slowly through his mouth as he pinched the bridge of his nose, he nearly missed the quiver at the corner of Patton's mouth. He groaned. “Okay, okay, you got me.”
“So can I play, too?” Patton bounced on the balls of his feet, Watson scarf already tied in a neat knot around his neck.
Logan groaned again. “No, not this time, Patton.”
“Yeah, Popstar, I get to play Watson and Moriarty for this one.”
“Don’t worry, Daddy,” Remus purred from his spot behind the television. “You can help me air fry fish fingers.”
“Um, do fish have fingers?” Patton asked, his perplexed expression genuine this time.
“Doctor Who reference?” Logan asked, eyes darting up from the frayed newspaper in his hands. Christmas had been over two weeks ago and he was still working through the mystery puzzle Virgil had created for him.
The Anxious Side chuckled. “Focus, L…”
“I dunno!” the Creative Side laughed, either not hearing the other two Sides or simply ignoring them, and grabbed Patton’s hand, his new—well, formerly new air fryer tucked under one arm. The thing reeked of a mixture of pickle brine and peat, and its once pristine white plastic casing was charred and cracked on the sides. A neon green mold had begun to grow around the control panel, nearly obscuring a flashing ERR-80085. “Let’s go find out!”
Before Patton could say another word, the two had sunk out to the Imagination.
“And then there were four—err, well,” Logan cleared his throat and returned his attention to the newspaper. 
“Yes,” Janus purred from the corner of the couch. “Don’t mind us, we don’t want to play your silly little scavenger hunt—”
“It’s not just a scavenger hunt, Jay! Ugh, why do you—” Virgil cut himself off and adjusted the ties on his hoodie. “Nope, not gonna engage. Not worth it.”
“That’s right, Tall, Dark, and Stormy,” Roman agreed from the staircase. He leapt over the side of the banister with a flourish, the new gold—was that real gold?—trim clinking gently with the impact. “I shall keep the living room safe from any of Janus’ dastardly plans.”
“Oh, no, you caught me drinking wine,” Janus slurred.
“Off you go,” Roman said to Virgil and Logan, pretending not to hear Janus’ mocking. Virgil and Logan exchanged a look. Selective hearing seemed to be a tool in each of the brother’s kits. “I’ve got everything under control here.”
“If you’re sure, Princey,” Virgil began, gaze trained on Janus’ oh-so-innocent expression.
“Wait, Virgil!” Logan grabbed his arm in a remarkable imitation of Remus dragging Patton to the Imagination. He held the newspaper to Virgil’s face. “Does this symbol represent the meter outside?”
Worry shifted into a wicked grin. “Only one way to find out, Detective Holmes.”
“Ha! I knew it!” Logan grinned and ran toward the door, Virgil at his heels.
They flung open the door together and stood on the sunny first step, just as Thomas’ neighbor walked by, well, more like was led by her noisy dog.
“Oh! Good morning, uh, Thomas?” she called as she jogged past, barely managing to slow the pace of her five pound monster of a chihuahua, Craig the Dragon. 
“Good morning, Betty!” Logan called quickly, stepping to obscure her view of Virgil’s face. “You’ve met my brother Jake, have you not?”
“Yes, yes, of course…” she agreed, voice fading. She was already three doors down. “Nice to see you, Jake!” Betty called one more time before Craig spotted a lizard in another yard and dashed after it.
“That was close,” Virgil muttered, peering around Logan’s shoulder to watch Betty stamp her foot and shout, Leave it!
“Indeed,” Logan agreed, scanning the newspaper. “Is this the only outdoor clue?”
Virgil nodded, eyes fixed on the race between the lizard and the chihuaha. “Yeah.” The chihuaha won.
“Well, then…” Logan adjusted his deerstalker. “Shall we?”
Another neighbor ran out to help pry the lizard from Craig’s maw and Logan and Virgil used the distraction to swing around to the other side of Thomas’ house. Logan began counting the meters. The final meter in the row showed was lettered LUC.
“Is that meant to be ‘look?’” Logan asked, eyebrow raised.
“What do you want? I was outside and in a rush,” Virgil shrugged, keeping watch around the corner. “L, hurry up, she’s on her way back and I look nothing like Jake.”
Nodding brusquely, Logan examined every inch of the glass casing. Finally, he found a series of tiny scratches. Running his fingers over the markings, he grinned. “Morse code? T-h-e—space—n-e-x-t—space—g-l—Wait—” He rubbed his fingertip over another section. “Ha! You thought you could catch me with pre-1874 Morse code!”
He fell quiet, studying the scratches. “C’mon, L, we gotta get back inside now.”
“Ha!” Logan crowed, triumphantly. He grabbed Virgil’s hand and dashed around the back of the building. “Let’s go through the patio. ‘The next clue is in the kitchen.’”
Virgil was the first to smell smoke. The pair exchanged one last quick look and raced to the door.
Before either could reach it, the patio door slid open with a crash and Patton stumbled out. “They’re moving! The chicken fingers are moving!” he screeched, smacking at his own shoulders. Embers sparked in his hair and on the sleeves of his catigan. A wall of acrid smoke soon followed and they all stepped back.
“Come back, Daddy!” Remus called, his voice and the tromp of boots growing louder. The Creative Side emerged from he smoke, arms full of wriggling—and burnt—breaded somethings. “I think I got ‘em all this time!”
“Remus!” Roman shouted from inside. “They got in my crown!”
“Oops. Almost all of ‘em,” Remus winked and ran back inside. "Keep your pants on, Ro Bro! Believe me—you don't want those little stinkers getting in there!"
The trio shared a moment of confused silence before Janus sauntered out, an uncorked bottle in one hand and a tray of four glasses in the other. “Wine, anyone?”
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“Tis the Season to bloat.”
- Iconoclastic Archivologist
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ahamailey · 3 years
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$27.0 Only! ~ Presto Fry Daddy Electric Deep Fryer Stock#05420 NIB, Best Deep Fryers, Fryers for Sale, Electric Deep Fryers BUY HERE! #BestDeepFryers, #FryersforSale, #ElectricDeepFryers,
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hubmac12 · 3 years
2 Best Oil Fryer
Presto 05420 FryDaddy Electric Deep Fryer
That is one of the fine dealers on the deep fryer section on amazon. The presto fry daddy is a extra compact choice to cook for your family, making it clean to shop in your kitchen. It fits 4 cups of oil and is derived with a efficiency of 1200 w. You keep cash on electricity and oil due to the fact, with handiest four cups, you could fry four large servings of food. You may additionally preserve and keep that oil for later to fry increasingly. It’s perfect for lunch or film nights in case you’re spending people with your circle of relatives. Some oil fryers might be a touch more difficult to configure and regulate, however the fry daddy is as smooth as it can be as it automatically keeps the temperature. You don’t need to set something. This oil fryer additionally may be very smooth to smooth, and as we’ve stated, this is a should. It has a nonstick surface, at the interior and additionally at the outside.
Secura Electric Deep Fryer 1800W-Watt Large 4.0L/4.2Qt Professional Grade Stainless Steel with Triple Basket and Timer
The secura electric powered deep fryer is a piece unique than the remaining one we confirmed you. This oil fryer comes with  baskets so that you can fry two varieties of food on the equal time. You could also without problems touch the fryer because it has safety era and a relaxed cool-touch. It’s a chunk on the expert side, so if that’s what you’re seeking out, this is a good preference for you. It comes with three baskets, one that is larger, so you can fry your meals like fowl and donuts unexpectedly. The alternative baskets are a piece smaller, however you could area them aspect by way of aspect while you intend on frying smaller portions of food and exclusive meals at the same time. In contrast to the fry daddy, this oil fryer has an adjustable timer and temperature, and you may set each of them at the manage that it comes with. It additionally has a equipped light, so you know whilst your meals is ready and whilst the temperature is at the extent you selected. Because it’s a wider preference, it comes with an 1800 w voltage that preheats the oil and additionally recovers its temperature faster than common. It additionally fits 4 liters of oil, and that manner, you can make meals for the complete family and store the oil for later too, fending off waste. Keep in mind we pointed out a lid? Properly, right here it's miles! The secura oil fryer has a lid that avoids warm splatters but still lets in you to reveal your meals through a view window. You could unassemble this oil fryer whilst you clean it due to the fact its baskets are secure for dishwashers, the lid is detachable, and you can also take away the oil tank to wash it. It also has filters! They in reality do away with frying odors.
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cleoselene · 7 years
quentincoldwaters replied to your post: my big Christmas present was an air deep fryer! ...
I’m jealous of the fryer! My mom wants one and she keeps talking about the “Fry Daddy” and I said I’m not eating anything that comes out of something called a Fry Daddy, I’m sorry but it’s not happening
hahah the Fry Daddy is a normal deep fryer but LMFAO @ you not wanting to eat anything out of one hahaaklsjdlaksjdakj kinkshaming your deep fryiers
the air fryer is supposed to be HEALTHIER tho like if I was gonna eat something as bad for me as a deep fryer I’d just go to Arby’s like normal instead of trying to make my own lowfat Arby’s curly fries at home
I’m going to be such a paragon of health
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thebizmarketer · 5 years
Presto 05420 Fry Daddy Deep Fryer Electric Countertop Nonstick New
New Post has been published on https://newsprofixpro.com/theeyesofthe/2019/07/25/presto-05420-fry-daddy-deep-fryer-electric-countertop-nonstick-new/
Presto 05420 Fry Daddy Deep Fryer Electric Countertop Nonstick New
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 Buy Now
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   Price: $27.21
Item specifics
New: A brand-new, unused, unopened, undamaged item in its original packaging (where packaging is
Manufacturer: Presto UPC:
Does not apply
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$27.21 End Date: Saturday Aug-3-2019 10:02:42 PDT Buy It Now for only: $27.21 Buy It Now | Add to watch list
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sailorzeo · 8 years
When I go back to visit my parents, I want to "take over" the cooking both to give them a break from cooking, and to make sure it's safe for me to eat.  So I keep thinking, "Okay, pack the main ATK cookbook, the 2 ATK gluten free cookbooks...that covers 90% of what I cook anymore...hmm...can I fit my good skillets and my electric pressure cooker in my suitcase? How much GF flour should I take? Do they have a digital kitchen scale? Should I take my electric knife sharpener? Oh my gooood, I'm gonna have to buy them a Fry Daddy deep fryer so I can make the fried fish...."
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africaoutreach · 4 years
Top Fry Daddy Deep Fryers 2020 *BUYING GUIDE*
Best top 10 Fry Daddy Deep Fryers that are available in amazon market. Therefore, if you want to buy the Fry Daddy Deep Fryers for the same purpose, then you have everything here and the option to choose from the best variety. Buyers Guide When choosing the Fry Daddy Deep Fryers. Here is the Best […] from WordPress https://ift.tt/2LgUrLy via IFTTT
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bestroofboxguide · 4 years
Best top 10 Fry Daddy Deep Fryers that are available in amazon market. Therefore, if you want to buy the Fry Daddy Deep Fryers for the same purpose, then you have everything here and the option to choose from the best variety. Buyers Guide When choosing the Fry Daddy Deep Fryers. Here is the Best […]
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wondernwriter · 5 years
Such A Thing As Fate
By: Angelica A
Burnt coffee and frying pork fat fill the nostrils of fifteen-year-old Kimberly. Since her father Kirk insisted that they take the back roads they came upon this little dive tucked behind an old closed down plantation named Mill House that sported loose shutters, unruly grass, and chipping paint. The dive is named Wonderful World of Waffles, however, the smell inside is anything but sweet. “Believer” by Imagine Dragons plays through the ear buds of her new iPod. She crinkles her nose as something sour like ten-day old Chinese food wafts past. A fistful of food snakes its way up her esophagus. With great concentration and clenched fists, she forces it back down.
“You okay, Kim?” Kirk asks as he fans away the fly buzzing around his mouth. “You look sick.”
“I’m fine,” she says as a drop of sweat drips onto her iPod. “Just ready to get home and settled.”
Her little brother Kent makes gagging noises that cause her stomach to knot painfully. “Kim is gonna puke. Kim is gonna puke,” he sings in his squeaky prepubescent voice.
She leans over the table and slaps him hard across the forehead knocking off his new baseball cap that had been signed by some player from the Chicago Bears. The cap skitters across the floor and lands near a stool in front of the counter where a business man sits munching on waffles.
“Kim, that’s not nice,” Kirk says as Kent rushes over and retrieves the hat.
“That’s what he gets for running his mouth.”
The cook in a greasy apron manning the griddle looks over at them and shakes his head. To him her family probably resembles hoity toity highfalutin city folk in name brand clothes who like being catered to which could explain why he is taking his time coming over to get their order considering there were only four customers in there.
Smoke wafts across the counter, settling around the balding man in the suit. He’s hunched over in his seat now reading something on his phone.  
The cook finally makes his way over to their table with an impassive look. He’s bald with a septum nose ring. His finger tattoos are on display when he hands them menus and scribbles down their orders. “Nothing for me thanks,” Kim says when it’s her turn.
“You have to eat something. We’ve been on the road all day.”
“Dad, I’m not hungry.”
“Bring her some waffles please and an orange juice.”
“Give it about fifteen minutes,” the cook says.
Kimberly rolls her green eyes and places in her ear buds. Her father just doesn’t listen to her. It’s frustrating being a teenager especially in this family. Due to her father’s cause they always have to be on the move driving around hoping to meet interesting people. But Kimberly no longer believes in the cause her father has held so dear. Though raised to always hold it in her heart, there’s no way she would ever raise a child this way. And being that she’s three months pregnant, she has a decision to make. Her father will never allow her to keep the baby and would insist on abortion. Since her mother had passed, he’d gotten strict about not allowing her to make friends with anyone who could take her time away from “the family business”. If she didn’t know any better, she’d think they moved constantly to keep her from making friends.
“Here.” The waiter places down the messy plated food.
Kimberly recoils as the scent smacks her in the face. She covers her nostrils with a quivering palm and breathes through her mouth. She stares at her dad’s large stack of waffles and her brother’s pork fiesta featuring sausage, ham, and bacon with a side of eggs. How either of them could eat after the busy night they’d had is a mystery to her.
“Kim, you’re food is going to get cold.” Kirk points at her plate with his butter knife. “Don’t be wasteful. Lots of people wish they could sit down and eat in a place like this.”
She rolls her heavily lined eyes. “Yeah, I’m sure many homeless are dying to make their way to the Wonderful World of Waffles to sit in a stinky dive with flies buzzing around their heads.”
“Don’t whine. Eat.” He cuts into the stack that’s drizzled with syrup and stuffs it into his mouth.
Her brother Kent stuffs his face with sausage, some of it spilling back out onto his plate.
Kimberly’s stomach gurgles. Another wave of bile snakes its way up. She can’t stomach the single waffle in front of her. In fact she hasn’t been able to stomach much of anything. She forces herself to swallow the acidic gunk her gut has shot up.
“You PMSy?” Kent asks with a smirk.
“Shut up, turd.”
“Damn,” the man in the suit says to no one in particular. He looks around for anyone to share something with and decides on the sweaty cook behind the counter. “Did you hear about that massacre?”
The cook looks up and wipes his forehead. “What massacre?”
“A family of four was tied up and shot to death last night and the teenage daughter is missing.” He waits for the cook’s reaction but he returns to his cutting board whistling. The man looks around and spots Kimberly and her family. He hurries over to them. “Did y’all see the news? The one about those four people and that missing soccer player?”
Kirk wipes his hand and takes the phone the man is giving to him. He reads for several seconds then returns it. “That’s a shame. No telling what this world is coming to.”
“I know.”
“Did they mention the motive?”
“Robbery or disgruntled customer I’m guessing. Guy was stockbroker. I sure wouldn’t mind killing mine,” he says with a hard laugh. “Just kidding. But no they don’t mention motive. Probably wanna keep it hush hush.”
“Maybe it was the Railway Munchers,” Kent offers with a smirk.
“They weren’t eaten you idiot,” Kim says.
“The Railway what?” the man asks.
“Pay him no mind. He’s talking about this case involving people suspected of cannibalism,” Kirk says.
“It’s true. They’ve killed lots of people.” Kent raises his finger. “I mean, they’ve eaten lots of people. The police suspect it’s two brothers who travel around making meals out of unsuspecting folks.”
“Wow, that’s crazy.” The man looks down at the floor at Kirk’s briefcase. “I see y’all are environmentalists according to those brochures.”
“Yes, sir, we go around preaching the gospel of good clean living.”
“Oh, how nice.” He backs away toward the counter clearly fearing he will hear their spiel about saving the world one recycled cup at a time.
Kimberly doesn’t get why they still do this. This isn’t the life she wants to continue to lead and yet she has no say or control. And now she’d gone out and gotten herself pregnant. Her father will not be happy. If she were lucky he’d disown her and let her be to live her life as she pleases. But that’s highly unlikely.
“Kimmy.” Kirk picks up a piece of Kim’s waffle and tries to put it in her mouth.
“Dad, gross.”
“You need to eat. We have to get back on the road and get some more preaching done.” Her father signals for the cook to refill their drinks. “Another coffee and chocolate milk.”
“And some coffee for me too,” the man in the suit says.
“I have to go to the bathroom.” She scoots out of the booth and rushes to the back in search of the restroom. It’s 2:45 pm. Who in the hell named it morning sickness? It should be called “what you get when you trust your boyfriend to pull out sickness”. She hasn’t told them about the pregnancy. It’d changed everything if they knew. No parent wants to hear that their teenager is pregnant.
Abort the pregnancy or raise the child?
The latter was impossible. Not with her family and their history of staying on the move. That’s no life for a baby.
She flushes and watches everything swirl around the toilet and into the dark depths. Kim opens the bathroom door and spots another door that’s slightly ajar. On the table partially hidden in the shadows is an open purse. No one is watching. A few bucks for the road won’t hurt and maybe she can use it to put toward an abortion. She eases down the tight hallway and pushes the door open. It hits something with a thud. Kim almost scurries away but after hearing nothing, she eases her torso inside hoping to snatch the wallet out of the white boxed purse. As she reaches in she looks down and spots three bloodied bodies sprawled out on the floor. A muffled scream escapes from her lips as she falls to her bottom.
In the room are the bodies of an old woman in a World of Waffles uniform and two chubby men in tank tops and boxer shorts.
“Oh god,” she cries inside of her palm and mistakenly stumbles backwards into a swing door. She ducks down when whistling is heard headed her way. Kim peeks through the crack and finds a man in a blood covered tee cutting into the gut of a World of Waffles employee. His intestines are pulled out, cut, battered, and then thrown into the deep fryer. Kim crawls to the front of the store as fast as her wobbly knees will allow. But as she reaches the edge of the counter, she spots her father face down on the ground holding his cup. The cook makes his way over with a meat cleaver. Before Kim can call out “daddy” one last time, he brings it down on his neck.
There must have been something in the food or the coffee, she thinks. The man in the suit is hacked several times on the back of the neck. Poor Kent. Though he’s barely conscious he tries to crawl away, but the cleaver comes down on him severing all life force.
Kim shakes. Her hand instinctively curls around her stomach. She pushes herself onto all fours and makes a break for the door. The cleaver carrying cook sees her and yells, “One’s getting away, Bruce!”
Kim runs toward her family van parked 200 yards away near the edge of the road. The cannibals are behind her. Just as she throws open the side door and dives inside, one of them catches her foot and snatches her back out. She struggles trying to get away before turning onto her back.
“Holy hell,” the one with the cleaver says as he stares down the barrel of the pump action shotgun.
Kim pulls the trigger.
The second cook turns around and runs.
Kim steadies her aim and fires a shot.
The bullet lands in the middle of his back.
The wind howls past her ears that are ringing due to the blast.
She looks down at the men who have murdered her family and reportedly eaten many others. It’s as if they were fated to cross paths, fated to meet their match. As she ponders on the chances, a thud is heard coming from the back of the van. Kim opens the doors and points the gun at the frightened brunette teen in a bloody soccer uniform.
The girl is terrified. She’d witnessed Kim and her family enter their home under the guise of spreading the word about living a pollution free lifestyle. They then pulled out weapons and demanded money, clothes, food, and tech gadgets. After they got what they wanted they shot her parents and her two older brothers and abducted her.
“You can go.”
The girl is skeptical seeing that her captor is still holding a shotgun.
“Go! Get!”
She stumbles out and waits for her restraints to be cut.
“You’re free now,” Kim says as the girl runs toward the road. “And so am I.”
The End
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corriecooks · 6 years
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✅ Presto Fry Daddy Elite Electric Deep Fryer - NEW but No Box 💲 Check Price http://bit.ly/2S53aBX
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healthnewsdate · 6 years
8 meals you didn't know you could cook in an air fryer
Get the Better newsletter.
We are a kitchen gadget nation. Fads have come and gone, enjoying their moment before being relegated to gathering dust in the basement or bringing a few bucks at a garage sale. (Fondue pot, I'm looking at you.) Some stand the test of time; my Kitchen Aid stand mixer will always have a place in our kitchen, and more recently, the Instant Pot looks like it may stick around. But with the flurry of one-task-wonders competing for our attention it took a while for the air fryer to really bubble up in my consciousness.
Then I talked with professional meal planner Jess Dang, founder of Cook Smarts, about her kitchen renovation. Having an air fryer was a game changer for her family during the several month period that she was cooking out of a makeshift kitchen in their garage. By the time her beautiful new kitchen was complete the gadget had become indispensable, she tells NBC News BETTER. “It's the most used appliance in our house now.”
And you won't believe the things you can make with one. Dang shares several of her favorites with NBC News BETTER, but first, what the heck even is an air fryer?
This is not your Fry Daddy 2.0. There's no bucket of grease. In fact, Dang says, it's more like a glorified oven, albeit a miniature one, that doesn't have to pre-heat. (In my mind it's like the best of the toaster oven and home fryer worlds, minus the gallon of oil.)
You get that crispy/crunchy outside and chewy inside perfect, sweet spot.
You get that crispy/crunchy outside and chewy inside perfect, sweet spot.
Air fryers come in various shapes and forms, but basically, Dang explains, "it's an appliance with a small space so you can circulate hot air. With deep frying you're able to get oil around the surface area and this is the same thinking, just with air.” And thanks to the air circulation, “there's much more evenness in cooking,” she says. “I compare it to a really good oven versus deep frying ... you get that crispy/crunchy on the outside and chewy inside perfect sweet spot.” Throw something – practically anything – in and you can heat it up really fast and evenly, she says.
If it sounds too good to be true, there is a drawback. Air fryers are small. You won't be doing batch cooking, or making eight servings of anything for a dinner party. But cooking for two or one? You're golden.
Before you dive right in, here are a few tips.
Plan on about 20 minutes for all vegetables, Dang says. The first 10 minutes she doesn't use oil; at that point she tosses the veggies in oil and that helps them crisp without burning.
Thicker items do better. My shoestring butternut squash spirals burned, whereas baby carrots, Dang says, are ideal.
No recipe? No problem. “I think people get hung up on temperature but I keep everything at 375,” Dang says.
And “especially the first couple times you use it, it's worth checking a few times toward the end.”
Ready to start air frying? Here are some of Dang's suggestions – most of which require no oil at all.
Pizza for 1!
Roll out mini pizzas that can fit into your air fryer. Place into basket and then top with sauce, cheese, and toppings, and air-fry for 10 to 12 minutes. (You can also heat up frozen individual pizzas much more quickly than waiting for an oven to pre-heat, and they're much crispier than if you microwave them!)
Any dessert that's baked in the oven – think brownies, crumbles, cupcakes – can also be done in the air fryer. You don't have to preheat the same way as an oven so just shrink it to a container that can fit in the air fryer and follow the same timing as the oven (but start checking the last two to three minutes.
Mini frittatas
Whisk egg with cheese and veggies in a container like a ramekin or small baking dish that will fit in the compartment. Air fry for 20 to 25 minutes. Bonus: these come out juicier than oven baking them.
Choose any type of meat (leftover pulled pork is a great bet). Spread cheese out onto a flour or corn tortilla, then layer with meat. Roll tightly and brush lightly with some oil. Place into air fryer basket and cook for 12 to 15 minutes, or until they're golden.
Baked potatoes
Poke some holes with a fork in Russet or sweet potatoes and and air fry for 30 to 40 minutes. They end up so much lighter and moister than baked potatoes in the oven.
Yes, you can do fries and chicken tenders, but air fryers are also great for healthy veggies like Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, baby carrots, butternut squash and peppers. And yes, you can even start with frozen vegetables.
Forget tofu sticking to the pan and not crisping up. You don't even need breading – just cube extra-firm tofu and toss with some oil, salt and pepper. Air fry for 15 to 20 minutes, shaking once. Toss with your favorite sauce right after air frying.
And my favorite idea, shared by NBC BETTER editor Margaret O'Malley: Chickpeas
Just toss canned chickpeas with a little oil and air fry, then season with herbs de Provence, curry or Japanese spice blend.
Want more tips like these? NBC News BETTER is obsessed with finding easier, healthier and smarter ways to live. Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
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