#ft fanny
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Day 5 – Family Ties One-Shot: Write a one-shot revolving around your character’s family, include 3 family members minimum.
The World Keeps Spinning
(tw: familial death, cancer mentions, grief)
Five years. 
Five years of doctors saying words Sophie couldn’t begin to understand. Five years of grief for something that hadn’t happened yet. Only now, it had.
Five minutes ago, Sophie was told about her father’s last breaths. 
She was gearing up to go see him that afternoon when she got the call from her stepmother. It was going to be a beautiful afternoon. She would bring sandwiches and biscuits and they could sit outside, in the hospital garden, rather than the sterile grey room Jean Hadder spent his days in. The word terminal was rarely said by the Hadder family. But as Sophie stood on the front stoop of The Haddery, her grief felt terminal. Like the sky should crack open with a torrential downpouring and swallow her whole, Sophie swept away in her own salty tears. But it was a beautiful day. The gilded sun had just crested the line of buildings across from the shoppe, children walked along the cobbled path on their way to school. They were laughing with their friends, their world was bright and hopeful. 
Sophie’s world went dark. She collapsed in on herself and wept. The children stopped laughing and hurriedly evacuated the street with the wailing woman. And the sky did not cry with her, perhaps that was the most cruel thing. It was a beautiful day.
The plainest of three sat in the middle at the funeral. Their matching black dresses painted them all the same with bereavement. The softest of the three turned herself to stone, to be strong enough to be leaned on and not break. Lettie and Martha’s faces were sullen, streaked with tears. They both grasped onto Sophie’s hands in her lap like they were the only things keeping them upright. Sophie was elected to speak. Fanny Hadder was too beside herself to be coherent. Sophie had a gift with words they said, but she never felt that way. She was like her father in the way that her sincerity meant more than the way her lips fumbled over conversation. It was a trait she was afraid to grow out of, afraid of losing that connection to him. 
Sophie stood beside the best photo of her father, one where he was beaming to the camera with a freshly finished hat in hand. The hat was a custom piece for some fanciful sorcerer in Ingary; it was too gaudy and loud for Sophie’s tastes. Jean loved it though, his favorite hats were always the ones that were too unique to ever recreate, a challenge to his art form. 
Looking at the photo brought a smile to her face, an odd sight at a funeral. Behind the white lilies, Sophie straightened her dress and began, “My father would be ashamed of all of us right now.” 
Lettie and Martha quelled their stifled cries and looked up at their elder sister in confusion. That same look spread across the entirety of the guests. Sophie tried to ignore the amount of people whose attention she had and continued, “Be-because he lived his life with ha-happiness… happiness and laughter. And not a single one of you is smiling.
He brought so much joy into the world, so much joy to everyone here. But, but I think that he’d want to tell us that all the happiness in the world didn’t leave it with him. That’s how I feel now, at least. It feels like all of my hope and happiness has left with him. I know he’d be cross with me for mourning as long as I have. He would always tell me, ‘Sophie, the world keeps spinning.’ ‘Sophie, the world will keep spinning.’ So, instead of continuing on about how deeply and profoundly sad I am with the passing of my Dadi… after a long fight with his illness, I want to share some of my happiest memories with him… a-and, maybe if you all would like to, you could share some as well.” 
She took a breath to steady herself after her impromptu speech, looking around unsure if she was making a terrible mistake for trying to make a funeral light. Lettie’s smile and nod assured Sophie she was doing something good. She was providing a comfort that normally her father would. She returned the solemn smile, “Right. Um, after my mum passed, it was just him and me for a while. Before, Mama that is,” Sophie nodded towards a sniffling Fantine Hadder. “I can’t really remember much of that time, but I remember the picnics we would have, laying out on the hills in Brecon… and of course, I’d pretend to be the Welsh dragon,” Sophie chuckled at her own childhood hijinks, “Dadi would let me chase him until I was too tired and needed to be carried home…
Mor-more recently, he, uh, managed to be a light in a very dark time. Cancer treatments can be just as brutal as the cancer itself,” she began to tear up, breaking the prim and pulled together act. “But he stayed so silly and bright through it all… I never wanted him to see me cry, because he would tell me that the world keeps spinning. Even after he is gone, the world keeps spinning. Kids will play in front of the shoppe, people will fall in love and get married, birthdays will be had, and the sun will shine just as it did every day before!” 
Sophie was crying just as her sisters were moments ago. They both approached the front of the wake to comfort their elder sister. Sophie held out a hand to them and finished with shaky breath, “I didn’t let him see me cry because I didn’t want my world to keep spinning. It felt cruel to think that the world could go on without him in it. But it’s not. Because the love he put into this world did not go with him, it stayed here.” She placed her and Martha’s interwoven hands above her heart, “The world keeps spinning, not because it's ambivalent to us and our loss, but because it spins for everyone we love and the memories we shared here.” 
The small gathering was filled with sniffles and heartwarmed smiles at the girl’s wise eulogy. Martha and Lettie enveloped her in an embrace and Martha piped up, “Well my favorite memory of Dadi was when he let me model all his hats…”
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Hello, I would just like to point out...
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ramimalek-imagines · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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busyninjaac · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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kylabayer · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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g0ldesty · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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paganmovedex · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
0 notes
speedywizardwombat · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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pokemondons · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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buckeye-belle · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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grottiegirl · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
🔴I hope you like it, subscribe to the channel, activate the bell to receive all notifications, leave a like and share this video on social media and help me reach the goal of 1k subscribers
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
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witchingmama · 7 months
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
Character description: Lunox is a character from the game Mobile Legends: Bang Bang, an extremely popular MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) for mobile devices. Lunox is a versatile mage who utilizes the duality of light and darkness to manipulate the battlefield in her favor. Her story is shrouded in mystery and intrigue, adding depth to her character.
Physical description: Lunox is portrayed as a charming and enigmatic young woman. She has long purple hair and bright eyes that reflect her dual nature, with one blue eye representing light and one purple eye representing darkness. Her attire is elegant and mysterious, with shades of purple and blue that reflect her power over duality.
Starlight Pulse - Lunox fires a sphere of energy that deals magical damage to enemies hit. This attack can pierce through multiple targets, making it effective in group combat situations.
Darkness Arrow (Chaos Assault) - Lunox conjures an arrow of dark energy that damages enemies hit. This ability also increases Lunox's movement speed, allowing her to move quickly across the battlefield.
Order Light (Order and Chaos) - This unique ability of Lunox allows her to shift between her Light and Dark forms, drastically altering her abilities and attributes. In Light form, it is more focused on dealing long-range damage and sustaining allies. In Dark form, she becomes more aggressive, dealing more damage and controlling the battlefield with crowd control abilities.
Immortal Order (Eternal Light) - Lunox's powerful final attack, where she channels energy to deal area damage to nearby enemies. This ability also heals Lunox and her nearby allies, increasing their durability during intense confrontations.
Passive Skills:
Power of Chaos - Lunox gains increased movement speed and mana regeneration whenever she uses her dark abilities. Power of Order - Lunox increases her magical resistance and health regeneration whenever she uses her light abilities. Lunox is a versatile character who can adapt to different combat situations. Her control over the duality of light and darkness makes her a strategic choice for both dealing damage and supporting allies, depending on the team's needs. If played with skill and intelligence, Lunox can dominate the battlefield and guarantee victory for his team.
0 notes
Hello everyone, this is nyfexus gaming bringing you a game (gameplay) of mobile legends for cell phones (android cell phones, xaomi) ranked (rank) with the female character maga (mage) lunox, I will show you the best moments of her being played aggressively and catching several kills.
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jiarkives · 4 months
julia’s favorites ! (vi)
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♡ - fluff ; ♤ - angst ; ☆ - series
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a court of thorns and roses
☆ never been good enough - azriel
↳ @lure-of-writing
☆ the things we do for love - platonic!helion, platonic!inner circle
↳ @really-fanny-longbottom
☆ pushed to the edge - azriel
♡♤ i’m yours - azriel
↳ @stormhearty
☆ overwritten - azriel
↳ @illyrian-dreamer
☆ cold hearts - azriel
↳ @azrielsdove
♤ these hallowed halls - cassian
♤ the girl who cheated death - azriel
♤♡ sweet creature - azriel
↳ @utterlyotterlyx
♡ apple pies and family ties - azriel
↳ @writingcroissant
♤♡ hidden away - rhysand
♡ teaching trails - azriel
♡♤ beneath the healer’s touch - azriel
↳ @thewulf
♡ umbrella - rhysand
♤ house of memories - azriel
↳ @sarawritestories
♡ you’re mine - azriel
↳ @remember-that-one-blog
♡ i want you to rest - azriel
♤ restless dreams - azriel
↳ @azrielhours
♡ the family we choose - azriel
↳ @moonlightazriel
♡ my angel - azriel
↳ @starlightandsouls
♡♤ head held high - dad!rhysand ft. brother!nyx, uncle!azriel
↳ @readychilledwine
♡♤ blood tether - azriel
↳ @acotar-writing
♤ poison - azriel
♡ awake - azriel
↳ @hattiewritesalot
♡ surprise - cassian
↳ @writingsbychlo
♤ no going back (i) - azriel
♤♡ now that we don’t talk (ii) - azriel
♡ arcane - azriel
↳ @serpentandlily
♡♤ baby, mine - azriel ft. platonic!rhysand
↳ @thisblogisaboutabook
♡ “what are you doing?” “i… was told there was an emergency...” - azriel
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criminal minds
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♤♡ a father’s daughter - spencer reid ft. dad!aaron hotchner
♤♡ epiphany - spencer reid, bau!reader
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♤ how do we carry on? (i) - aaron hotchner, bau!reader ft. emily prentiss
♤♡ reconciliation (ii) - aaron hotchner, bau!reader ft. emily prentiss, elle greenaway
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♤ listen to your gut - bucky barnes
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kuni-is-daddy · 8 months
Scara fucking you dumb until you can't walk >>>>>>>>>
Scaramouche x Female Secretary reader.
Ft: Just scara and you~
://F!ngering,Rough s3x at a desk, Overstim. Word Count:1.4k
Cw: filth. filthfilthfilthhhththtththth
CW: Minors do NOT interact past the cut! This is a NSFW POST!
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It's been weeks since the Balladeers successful Mission in the abyss and rather than some 'Time off' For him to relax in his chambers. He was cooped up in his office with more work From the Tsaritsa. Unprofessionally recollecting the sweet sounds and pleads in his ear from his darling secretary while taking her against the cold palace walls, her nails digging into his skin and legs wrapped around him. Scara let out a frustrated sigh, leaning back in his chair and shielding his eyes with paperwork.
With huffed breathes you Finally made it to his office. As you approached the double doors You looked at your skirt, puffing it down and making yourself look presentable under your fatui coat. The balladeer noticed a shadow under the door. "Come in." He called. You cleared your throat, slowly opening the door. "Yes my lord. I came with the newsletter." You bowed. "Proceed." then raised your head. Scara sat behind his cleared desk. The curtains we're closed slightly, presumably to hide the cold snezhnaya draft. Scara held a cloth and cleaned off his oddly stained delusion. He also, for once didn't have his kasa hat on, Making his irritated and furrowed brows clearly visible. "Im sure you've heard of the..Problem Regarding our newest recruits havent you?" Scara looked at his delusion once more. He spewed a bit at the electro symbol then put it in his pocket, Discarding the cloth in the garbage.
"Your supposed to be my secretary. But there you are Idling around with my recruits outside my office doors. Is there a reason why you act so foolish?" He leaned back in his chair, waiting for an excuse. "Well i-I received word from the director that the situations been taken care of so-" "By me." You bit your tongue. Not only was he pissed to eventually hear one of pierro's Pointless lectures, but you had further loyalty to those higher, rather than following his lead alone. As the harbinger thought about it further a pit began swirling in his empty chest. The feeling bothered him, so he stood up, Ignoring your comment. You placed the newsletter in his hand. "You understand the consequences Of such bold betrayal in my League don't you. Getting Revoked of your Alignment would be the lightest sentence. What they should expect is execution." The balladeers geta sandals clicked along the tiled floor while he swiftly graced behind you, letting out a small yelp as he trailed his hand along your neck; Rubbing his thumb along your skin.
He tossed the newsletter to the floor, shifting his gaze to your jacket which furred around his wrist. Your heart raced and legs squirmed as the balladeer tickled his fingertips along your upper body and whispered in your ear problems you quickly tuned out. It was shameful how wet you felt, Sure that her majesty was shaking her head from her throne while small moans escaped your lips. His hand suddenly stopped touching your shoulders and neck at a sudden hedge. It was one of your bandages. He hummed at the feeling. "Whats this?" You blinked out your daze. "Oh..mn Just from our mission sir, Dont worry about it please." Slowly, your body shifted on his while he held you closer. Touching against his hard on to which he noticed and did nothing but smirk. "Look at you~ I never took my secretary to be such a slut." Scara let go of his grip on your neck. Letting you lay on his desk facing the balcony. your lungs began to gasp at the cold air while he ignored you to take in your delicious form. Scara pulled up your jacket a bit, Folding the white and fur over your back so he could get a crystal view of your skirt and warm leggings. He unclipped his fanny pack and dropped it on the floor, Along with his delusion he rarely depended on.
As you pulled up with your elbow scara quickly pushed you back down with his hand on your back, making you stay put to Grind your ass against his erection. "My little secretary~ You-mn Should be grateful I never fired you for being such a whore." "Y-yes sir! m' So grateful! Im sorry! I cant-" "Cant what? Live without My attention? Is that why you started getting on my fucking nerves? Coming to my office with that look on your face?" He tugged at your belt, pulling the leather out its band then sliding down your skirt and garment. You couldnt see his reaction cleary from the back but the balladeers eyebrows rose slightly, He bit his lip while observing your beautiful body. "Fuck…" He mumbled in a already heated breath. Scara slowly rubbed a hand on your soft skin, Tracing his fingers along any of your birth marks or scars. He then tickled along the back of your folds. Parting them with two fingers before sliding them quickly into your wet slit. "Sir~! your f-fingers~! there-" Before you could protest a sharp line of pleasure pierced through your lower half, Scara's slim digits we're dimly hitting your prostate while scissoring you. He clicked his tongue at your sudden silence and prodded you further, Rushing them in and out of your wetness. "S-scara! scara!" You pleaded, but the balladeer smirked and raised his free hand. "Oh? You liked that, Didnt you slut?" Then slapped it down on your ass. Your nails dug into his wooden desk, tippling over any papers he left with contents. "Yes~..." You muttered "Hm?" He slapped again, This time cupping your cheek immediately after. "Answer me, y/n. Is this what you want? Do you like that?" "Y-yes! Yes scara! please~ more!"
He tsk'd at remark but couldn't help being amused at how desperate you already we're, Not to mention how pent up he was. Scara pulled his fingers out your pussy before you could cum, with them covered in your slit, Licking them greedily. Scara flipped you over on your back, using your jacket a smooth cover for your skin after remembering of your injury. "Your pathetic... Maybe i should have you sit here as my personal cocksleeve, so i can have you whenever i want. You'd like that?" You covered your mouth, a little flustered from his words and fast movements but scara held your wrist gently, "Admit it darling..Go ahead." His kimono was wrinkled; falling off his shoulders with his collar bones pent out through his bodysuit. "Yes Kuni..Please fuck me."
As if he got struck with electro, Kuni spared no time sliding down his hakama shorts, Just enough to stroke himself softly with you writhing under him. Buds of his pre emitted from his tip. "Spread your legs" He said, But sounded rather commanding. And you did. Kuni pushed the tip of his shaft first into your pussy, Letting it nest inside your gummy walls before ramming into your tight cunt to hear your delicious moans again. Your legs wrapped around his waist, Pushing yourself further into him with his kimono now completely off. "Nh~ F-fuck your squeezing me so tight Slut~ Wrapping your Ah- self around me like this." Kuni huffed out another moan, His hips stuttering with every thrust. "K-kuni~! m' close! please! Let me cum!" You pleaded, Moaning loudly as your orgasm softly rushed over you, Coaxing his shaft in your juices. Kuni smiled at another of your pleads, cumming undone before he could even grant you permission. The balladeer came after you with his own seed filling you inside. Your body shivered under him as he grew closer, planting a sloppy kiss against your lips. "Such a good girl...Now.. I should reward you, Yeah?" He whispered in your ear and your eyes rain wide.
His indigo hues we're ones of lust, but He did want to reward you. Kuni held you himself over his desk, Leaving the jacket vacant and losing its warmth from you resting over it. The white was now stained in gray with your liquid. Kuni Began thrusting Messily again with pitched moans spilling from his own lips, Making sure his tip hit your g-spot with each thrust. Your lips we're glossed with drool, Tongue lolling out from his Quick pace with your nails chewing into his skin so hard they nearly bled, But the balladeer didnt care, You looked beautiful like this. His Secretary, No, His Love So full of his load and seed. Continuously repeating and begging out his true name over and over again while he pleased you. "Y-your gonna~ Hah~ Cum for me again d-darling~ Go ahead~ F-fuck~!" You sobbed into his shoulder, squirting on his shaft again while he still rammed inside you hungrily, His thrust we're getting sloppier, and He couldn't bother to try maintaining his own voice while chasing his own Climax.
Kuni thrusted deep into your womb a final time until he choked out another moan, milking himself into your walls clenched around him. His seed began leaking out your hole, so much that Kuni nested himself back inside you again from it coming all out.
\\You awoke the next day to the sound of knocking, Your eyes we're a bit hazy from the sudden bright ceiling light. But you still replied, "Ngh.. Who is it?!" You said and tried getting up out the bed. Why is this room so big, And tidy? This definitely wasnt your- "Ow!" Before you could step further from his bed you fell on your ass. There was a rushing of footsteps, then knock on the door. The maid from behind the door Stuttered "O-oh! Lady y/n, Is everything alright?" "Y-yeah..Im fine!" 'Lady? Arent you just a worker like her? Why-' "Lord Sixth is waiting for you in the Dining hall. Please come at your earliest convenience!"
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