#ft martha
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Day 5 – Family Ties One-Shot: Write a one-shot revolving around your character’s family, include 3 family members minimum.
The World Keeps Spinning
(tw: familial death, cancer mentions, grief)
Five years. 
Five years of doctors saying words Sophie couldn’t begin to understand. Five years of grief for something that hadn’t happened yet. Only now, it had.
Five minutes ago, Sophie was told about her father’s last breaths. 
She was gearing up to go see him that afternoon when she got the call from her stepmother. It was going to be a beautiful afternoon. She would bring sandwiches and biscuits and they could sit outside, in the hospital garden, rather than the sterile grey room Jean Hadder spent his days in. The word terminal was rarely said by the Hadder family. But as Sophie stood on the front stoop of The Haddery, her grief felt terminal. Like the sky should crack open with a torrential downpouring and swallow her whole, Sophie swept away in her own salty tears. But it was a beautiful day. The gilded sun had just crested the line of buildings across from the shoppe, children walked along the cobbled path on their way to school. They were laughing with their friends, their world was bright and hopeful. 
Sophie’s world went dark. She collapsed in on herself and wept. The children stopped laughing and hurriedly evacuated the street with the wailing woman. And the sky did not cry with her, perhaps that was the most cruel thing. It was a beautiful day.
The plainest of three sat in the middle at the funeral. Their matching black dresses painted them all the same with bereavement. The softest of the three turned herself to stone, to be strong enough to be leaned on and not break. Lettie and Martha’s faces were sullen, streaked with tears. They both grasped onto Sophie’s hands in her lap like they were the only things keeping them upright. Sophie was elected to speak. Fanny Hadder was too beside herself to be coherent. Sophie had a gift with words they said, but she never felt that way. She was like her father in the way that her sincerity meant more than the way her lips fumbled over conversation. It was a trait she was afraid to grow out of, afraid of losing that connection to him. 
Sophie stood beside the best photo of her father, one where he was beaming to the camera with a freshly finished hat in hand. The hat was a custom piece for some fanciful sorcerer in Ingary; it was too gaudy and loud for Sophie’s tastes. Jean loved it though, his favorite hats were always the ones that were too unique to ever recreate, a challenge to his art form. 
Looking at the photo brought a smile to her face, an odd sight at a funeral. Behind the white lilies, Sophie straightened her dress and began, “My father would be ashamed of all of us right now.” 
Lettie and Martha quelled their stifled cries and looked up at their elder sister in confusion. That same look spread across the entirety of the guests. Sophie tried to ignore the amount of people whose attention she had and continued, “Be-because he lived his life with ha-happiness… happiness and laughter. And not a single one of you is smiling.
He brought so much joy into the world, so much joy to everyone here. But, but I think that he’d want to tell us that all the happiness in the world didn’t leave it with him. That’s how I feel now, at least. It feels like all of my hope and happiness has left with him. I know he’d be cross with me for mourning as long as I have. He would always tell me, ‘Sophie, the world keeps spinning.’ ‘Sophie, the world will keep spinning.’ So, instead of continuing on about how deeply and profoundly sad I am with the passing of my Dadi… after a long fight with his illness, I want to share some of my happiest memories with him… a-and, maybe if you all would like to, you could share some as well.” 
She took a breath to steady herself after her impromptu speech, looking around unsure if she was making a terrible mistake for trying to make a funeral light. Lettie’s smile and nod assured Sophie she was doing something good. She was providing a comfort that normally her father would. She returned the solemn smile, “Right. Um, after my mum passed, it was just him and me for a while. Before, Mama that is,” Sophie nodded towards a sniffling Fantine Hadder. “I can’t really remember much of that time, but I remember the picnics we would have, laying out on the hills in Brecon… and of course, I’d pretend to be the Welsh dragon,” Sophie chuckled at her own childhood hijinks, “Dadi would let me chase him until I was too tired and needed to be carried home…
Mor-more recently, he, uh, managed to be a light in a very dark time. Cancer treatments can be just as brutal as the cancer itself,” she began to tear up, breaking the prim and pulled together act. “But he stayed so silly and bright through it all… I never wanted him to see me cry, because he would tell me that the world keeps spinning. Even after he is gone, the world keeps spinning. Kids will play in front of the shoppe, people will fall in love and get married, birthdays will be had, and the sun will shine just as it did every day before!” 
Sophie was crying just as her sisters were moments ago. They both approached the front of the wake to comfort their elder sister. Sophie held out a hand to them and finished with shaky breath, “I didn’t let him see me cry because I didn’t want my world to keep spinning. It felt cruel to think that the world could go on without him in it. But it’s not. Because the love he put into this world did not go with him, it stayed here.” She placed her and Martha’s interwoven hands above her heart, “The world keeps spinning, not because it's ambivalent to us and our loss, but because it spins for everyone we love and the memories we shared here.” 
The small gathering was filled with sniffles and heartwarmed smiles at the girl’s wise eulogy. Martha and Lettie enveloped her in an embrace and Martha piped up, “Well my favorite memory of Dadi was when he let me model all his hats…”
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Books of 2024: FUGITIVE TELEMETRY by Martha Wells.
Keeping the murder mystery/thriller train going after KILLING FLOOR! It is ALWAYS time for a Bot Reread, honestly, and I love that Bot could Annihilate Reacher.
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bluebeetle · 1 month
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Some photos of my Ada Wong cosplay I did. Easiest cosplay ever because... I already owned all of these except the harness. I wear this outfit regularly lmao.
if i wear her again i may make a lil mousley plush
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chaoticcandies1 · 7 months
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summer martha. except it's not summer
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"I could fix him"
"I could fix her"
I could fix british television series and doctor who spin off torchwood
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sprnklersplashes · 6 months
writing the veronica-focussed parts of twf takes so long because a) the subject matter is very heavy sometimes it can be a bit difficult and b) I am being so careful to give it the narrative weight that it deserves and create a good balance of drama and character pain moments where the reader can breathe and pacing everything in a way that is slow without dragging it out
meanwhile I'm working on chapter 9 and in two sessions I have cranked out 3000 words of martha having a good old gay crisis
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lghtyear · 7 months
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⁽ ᴿᴼᴳᴱᴿ ⁾       …     ‘    requested by @fyrewalks ( jemma ) :       still accepting !    ⁽ ᴼᵁᵀ ⁾
" i'm sorry , this is all a bit . . . new to me . " the woman who walked the earth , so well - travelled in the rawest of forms . yet here she stands , shipped out by u.n.i.t to america , feeling truly out of her depth . she could do this , she knows she can . martha jones could do anything . but adjusting to new social hierarchies and work dynamics was proving a little difficult . " you might need to walk me through this . "
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📝 martha for malcolm
what color reminds your muse of mine?
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what scent reminds your muse of mine? 
sweet peas and lily
what meme reminds your muse of mine? 
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 what fashion style reminds your muse of mine? 
any form of floral dress, like a summer dress sometimes poofy
what feeling does your muse associate with mine?
love and protection
what animal does your muse associate with mine?
what holiday does your muse associate with mine?
valentines day, mostly because of her attitude and how she always seems to poor love into anything she does
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at-saycred · 2 years
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“          . . .          you’ve been here less than five minutes. behave, or you can spend the day with mickey.          “          @wasme​     ,
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at-sabohteurs · 6 months
( sc. ) every nerve in her body aches. japan was only a week ago, and she's still licking her wounds. there's shrapnel still embedded in her flesh, scrapes slowly healing, broken bone half-hazardously splintered ( it'll heal wrong, but martha doesn't care - she's had enough injuries the past few months in various stages of repair to be desensitised ) . . .
the coast of south korea was a welcome sight after days on the water. there's an irritating burn on her back spanning from hip up to the blade of her shoulder and it makes the clothes she's wearing uncomfortable. she shifts awkwardly as she walks beside sang-woo. he's by far nothing like her various escorts since day zero, she's pretty sure she stumbled across him by mistake and he didn't sign up for this. but she's long since stopped caring about who she drags into this mess. they'll end up dead eventually, or enslaved.
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" how do you say 'fuck everything' in korean ? " she asked petulantly, frown furrowing her brow as she trudged beside @depreciate, turning her eyes up to him before letting them drift to the overcast sky. one upside to this hell is the expansion of her education. she's already learned three new languages that are passable. with a shrug of her shoulders, rolling them and hissing as the material catches on her burns, martha stiffened as she caught an all to familiar sound, faint to begin with but slowly growing louder as they approached. she reached out blindly, grasping onto sang-woo's sleeve as she pulled with all the strength she'd attained since walking the earth.
" c'mon ! " she murmured under her breath, eyes unblinking, fixed on the horizon. martha moved off the train tracks they'd been walking, dragging the far taller man into the tree line and out of sight of a nearing toclafane. " what the hell are they doing out here ? the nearest city's miles away. " a voice in her head screams. they're here for you. they're looking for you. you are not safe . . . martha grit her teeth. no where's safe these days.
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ideeylic · 1 year
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Some various doctor who doodles from my sketchbook ft Rose, Ten, and Martha
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magiccath · 9 months
The Doctor's Coat
Tenth Doctor x GN!reader
Summary: In which you're not that cold, you just like wearing the Doctor's coat (ft. a bit of Martha) (Based on a request from @internet-stranger-says-hi)
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As always, it was supposed to be a relaxing trip. A normal weekend getaway in a fancy hotel. The Doctor felt a bit bad about all the running you had been doing, so he wanted to treat you and Martha. 
But, trouble followed the Doctor, that much you knew. So, frankly, you weren’t that surprised when you ended up running around the massive building fighting off homicidal aliens. At this point, it was just another day for you. As annoying as it could be at times, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
The Doctor gripped your hand tightly in his as you ran, his fingers firmly intertwined with yours. He was very prone to grabbing your hand at the slightest suggestion of danger, but you seemed oblivious to this. Surely he must do that with everyone, right?
“I’ll hold them off!” Martha called from behind you, going down a separate hall from you and the Doctor. You knew she could more than handle herself, but you still worried. You didn’t like it much when the three of you separated. The Doctor, on the other hand, was more worried about getting you to safety. You were always his first priority. 
He turned a corner sharply, almost ramming into the wall. His dirty old Converse thudded against the garishly patterned carpet as he rushed for the hotel’s kitchen. You struggled to keep up with him, desperately trying not to trip over yourself. 
The Doctor led you through the winding halls at a surprising speed, the walls rushing by in a blur. You weren’t sure where you were, or where you were going. The only thing you did know was the Doctor would get you to safety. He always did.
He dashed through the closest door, casting worried glances over his shoulder. In his rush, he didn’t pay much attention to where you were going. He guided the two of you into a room without really looking inside and shut the door behind him. You were too busy catching your breath to pay much attention either.
“We should be safe in here,” he said reassuringly, peering out of the small window on the door. He still seemed entirely oblivious to your surroundings. 
Your breathing started to steady and you looked around the room. A frost covered the walls and the metal racks, small crystalline structures stuck to anything they could latch onto.
“You put us in a freezer,” you pointed out, starting to feel the chill on your skin. It wasn’t unbearable, just noticeable. 
The Doctor looked around, just now realizing where the two of you had ended up. 
“Well…” he winced, peeking back out again. The kitchen appeared to be empty. 
“We should probably be safe to make a run for it,” he suggested, pacing back and forth. “We could reconvene with Martha and get out of here?” 
“Let’s,” you shivered, the cold starting to penetrate your sweater. The sooner you could get out of here the better.
The Doctor moved to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. He yanked it repeatedly and even tried kicking it. He pulled the Sonic Screwdriver out, buzzing around the door. Slowly, he turned back to look at you with a nervous smile.
You’d seen that look many times before. You’d seen it when he left you stranded on Mars on accident, when he crashed the TARDIS into the side of your Grandparent’s house, and when he neglected to tell you he replaced the ship’s toilet with a DIY chemistry lab.
“You locked us in here,” you gasped, throwing your hands up in frustration. 
“I’m sorry,” he winced. You could see on his face how much it upset him. As frustrating as the situation was, you couldn’t bring yourself to get mad at him. You never did, no matter how bad he messed things up.
“It’s ok,” you whispered, shuffling your feet. You could handle a bit of cold, it’s not like the Doctor did it on purpose anyway. 
“Here,” the Doctor said, slipping his coat off, “take this, it should help keep you warm.” 
“What about you?” 
“I don’t get cold,” the Doctor shrugged, pushing the coat into your arms. You stared at it for a moment, surprised to even be holding it. The Doctor’s coat was one of his most prized possessions, even if something just like it could be found in just about every charity shop across London. 
Slowly, you slid your arms through the coat, shrugging it on. The fabric was a well-loved cotton, softened from years of wear and wash. Strangely, it was very warm.
“Better?” The Doctor asked, worried. You wrapped the coat tightly around yourself and smiled, nodding your agreement. 
This was much better, and not because you were a little cold. The coat smelled like the Doctor - exactly like the Doctor. It felt like being hugged by him, and you relished the feeling. You burrowed further into the jacket, closing your eyes blissfully. You could stay like this forever.
“Hey,” The Doctor put his hands on your shoulders, “don’t fall asleep on me,” he urged, figuring that you were much colder than you were. 
“Martha should be around soon and she’ll get us out, I promise,” he reassured, rubbing his hands up and down on your arms to create friction. You peered out from under his coat to look him in the eye. His face was riddled with anxiety, his big brown puppy dog eyes staring at you with worry. 
You blushed a deep red, finding his concern adorable. You really were fine, especially now that you had a coat to keep you toasty. Even if you were cold, you wouldn’t really mind it considering the circumstances. You were wrapped up in the Doctor’s coat as he rubbed your arms lovingly - it was like a dream.
The Doctor misread your blush and assumed that the cold was flushing your face. He moved his hands up to your face, cradling it. He knew his hands weren’t exactly warm, but maybe the contact could keep the cold out. His thumbs rubbed soft, concentric circles into your skin. He traced the words of a language only he knew into your skin, trying anything to comfort you.
“I’ll get you out, it will be ok,” he reassured again. He moved his hands to wrap the coat tighter around your body, pulling the collar up to shield the lower part of your face. “Hang in there for me,” he urged, eyes still pained with anxiety.
You let out a soft shiver, the constant contact making you incredibly flustered. Again, the Doctor misread your responses to his affections. His mind was running a thousand miles an hour, trying to figure out a way to warm you up. If he lost you to frostbite due to his own obliviousness he would never forgive himself.
“Shh,” he hushed, even though you hadn’t said anything. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms again, desperately trying to warm you up. 
“I’m so sorry that I got you into this situation,” he sighed, still rubbing you gently. 
You shook your head quickly, “s’alright.” You would never admit it to him, but you were really enjoying this. Maybe being trapped in a freezer wasn’t the worst thing in the world. 
“No,” The Doctor shook his head, “it’s really no-”
Suddenly, the door to the freezer opened and Martha popped her head in. “What on Earth are you two doing in here?” She asked, her eyebrows knit together in confusion. The Doctor was known to do weird things, but this had to be high up on the list of strange hiding places. 
“Martha!” The Doctor cried, overjoyed to see her. “Hurry, we need to get them out of here,” he urged, already guiding you out of the freezer. He practically pushed you out, his hands never leaving your body.
“Please check on them, they’re freezing,” he urged, guiding you to a seat. You were perfectly capable of directing yourself, but the Doctor seemed adamant on it. He was babbling incoherently, waving his hands about in distress.
“How long were you in there?” Martha asked, she had split from you less than an hour ago. Surely you couldn’t have caught frostbite in that little time. She leaned down in front of you, her fingers resting against your neck to check your pulse.
“10, maybe 15 minutes?” The Doctor started wringing his hands anxiously. 
After taking your pulse she placed both hands on your face, gauging the temperature of your skin. You were chilly, but nowhere near cold enough to warrant the Doctor’s distress. 
“They’re fine,” Martha shrugged. 
“Are you sure? Check again,” the Doctor begged, his eyes still seeping with anxiety. 
Martha sighed exasperatedly, “I’m sure.” 
Behind her, you turned a deep scarlet. It was embarrassing to watch the whole interaction, but you were too flustered to admit that you really just liked wearing the Doctor’s coat. It was easier to let them argue than admit you had a crush.
“Look!” The Doctor cried, pointing at you, “They’re all flushed! Something has to be wrong.” He fiddled anxiously, bouncing slightly on his feet. Looking at him you’d think you had grown a second head or something terrifying. 
Martha looked over at you, her eyebrows furrowed. You avoided her gaze, picking at your hands absentmindedly in your lap. She quickly picked up on what was happening and rolled her eyes.
“Seriously?” She whispered to you sharply. You pursed your lips, shrugging slightly in response. 
“What’s going on? Is everything ok?” The Doctor asked, growing more worried by the minute. 
“Please tell him, this is getting ridiculous,” Martha groaned, her eyes pleading with you. There was only so much of this she could put up with.
“Tell me what?” The Doctor was hovering now, fiddling anxiously, “is everything alright, what’s wrong?” he asked you this time, moving closer to you. 
“I’m gonna give you a minute,” Martha said, her eyes darting between the two of you. You tried to open your mouth to protest but she was already slipping out the door, leaving you alone with the Doctor.
He crouched before you, his hands resting on your knees, “what’s wrong?” He asked, looking up at you. You could tell he was holding his anxiety back, trying not to let his own worries affect you.
“I’m fine,” you blushed, looking down at the floor. You really didn’t want to admit your feelings for the Doctor, especially like this. You supposed you didn’t have much else of a choice, Martha had made sure of that.
“I-I just,” you whispered, not really wanting the Doctor to hear you, “liked wearing your coat.” 
“You what?” the Doctor gasped, surprised. He wasn’t entirely sure he had heard you right.
“It smells like you,” you mumbled the justification more to yourself than him. 
“You’re not sick?” He asked, clearly more worried about your health than your confession. 
“I’m perfectly fine,” you let out a small chuckle, “nothing to worry about here.” 
“You’re not cold?” 
You shook your head, you were far from cold now. In fact, the anxiety was making you sweat.
“You just liked wearing my coat?” He clarified eyebrows furrowed as his brain struggled to keep up. Could this mean you liked him? He tried not to get his hopes too high.
Embarrassed, you nodded your head meekly. God, this was awful. You wanted nothing more than the floor to open up and swallow you whole.
“Is that so?” He laughed, a cocky smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. 
“Oh shush,” you scolded, hitting his arm lightly. Of course, he found this amusing.
He smiled softly at you, his eyes softening as he realized you were going to be ok. Better than ok. He brought his hand up to your face, cradling your cheek in his soft hand.
“Are you trying to say you have a crush on me?” He smiled inquisitively. 
Your eyes widened, your face turning the deepest red it had been since getting into the freezer. Perhaps he wasn’t as oblivious as you thought.
“Maybe,” you whispered, it’s not like you could really hide it anymore. The Doctor’s face immediately lit up, a large grin taking over his entire face.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you frowned, confused by his sudden excitement. He should be upset, kicking you out of the TARDIS, or making excuses for reasons he couldn’t love you back. Instead, he was still sitting there looking at you with that stupid grin. It was impossible to fight back the small smile tugging at your lips when he was looking at you like that. 
“What if I told you I had a crush on you too?” He whispered mischievously, his eyes twinkling with excitement. 
You stiffened, shocked by his admission. “If you’re having a joke I’m gonna throw you into an exploding star.” 
The Doctor chuckled, the sound dancing around the room. “No, I’m not.” 
“You really fancy me?” 
“How could I not?” He hummed, stroking your cheek gently. You were stunning. You were always stunning to him, no matter the conditions.
The Doctor leaned closer to you, hoving slightly over your lips. His warm breath fanned your face, sending shivers down your spine. He stayed there for a moment, giving you plenty of time to pull back. When you didn’t, he brought his lips gently into yours. 
He kissed you like you were his entire world, his hand still holding your face. He was soft and gentle, but incredibly loving. You melted against him, your arms wrapping around his shoulders to pull him closer to you.
Martha silently poked her head in the door to check on you, just in case. She sighed when she saw the two of you in a tight embrace, closing the door to go handle the alien invasion on her own. 
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lillotus17 · 6 months
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SYNOPSIS: After being dead for two minutes and then brought back to life thanks to your coworker you start to get these weird visions of future events just minutes before they happen. During a train ride you witness the murder of three teenage boys in broad daylight and then suddenly the next second they're sitting back down in their seats, alive and breathing. Despite the want you have to keep your peace and leave it alone, you can't help but get a very bad feeling and it only intensifies when you recognize the man that murdered them in your vision three train carts away and walking in your guys' direction. Shoving the three boys off of the train, saving their lives, risking your own, and being accused of kidnapping was not on your bucket list after surviving death. You don't have any clue what is going on or what in the hell you're gonna do to help these three boys but thankfully the four of you bump into some help along the way.
PAIRING: EnhaHyung!Line X Fem. Reader, Spider-men!EnhaHyungLine x Madame Webb!Reader, Superhero!EnhaHyungLine x Clairvoyant!Reader, Spider!EnhaHyungLine x Paramedic!Reader, [ft. Enha Kim Sunoo (Anya Corazon), Yang Jungwon (Julia Cornwall), and Nishimura Riki (Mattie Franklin); TXT Yeonjun (Ezekial Sims), Choi Soobin (Ben Parker), mentions of Choi Beomgyu (Richard Parker); Shin Ryujin (Mary Parker); more to be added].
GENRE: Superhero AU, Romance, Action, Comedy, Angst, Strangers to Allies to Friends to Lovers, polyamorous relationship, (let me know if I forgot anything) more to be added!
WARNINGS: profanity, sexual/suggestive content (intercourse, oral, masturbation, phone sex, sexting, etc) ONLY WRITTEN FOR HYUNG LINE, MINORS DNI (you WILL be removed/blocked), poly relationship, drinking/consuming alcohol, feminine pronouns/terms used for reader, MADAME WEBB SPOLIERS!!! If you haven't watched it already! This is based on the MADAME WEBB MOVIE with some twist added into it! Let me know if I forgot anything at all!
DISCLAIMER: This is purely a work of FICTION! This is not meant to portray any of the Enhypen Members or other mentioned idols in any way or shape or form.
P.S. if you haven't already, you should definitely check out @artysse (credited) on TIKTOK! If you already have, then you know that it's an ENHA Fan Art Account of Spider ENHA! It's really fucking awesome! Go show some love!
NOT PROOF READ: Apologies for any grammatical errors, my loves!
AUTHOR'S NOTES: This takes place in New York, with mentions of South Korea and Japan. Reader is the same age as Jay, Jake, and Sunghoon. Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are the same age, in high school, and have a slightly bigger age gap between them and hyung line. Time gaps, mentions of MCU universe events/milestones. Slight spider-verse au, hyung line are all from different universes! Also note that maknae line don't have their spider powers (yet) because they develop it in series. ENHA hyungs already have their powers when they meet Y/N and the other boys.
Y/N L/N as Cassandra (Cassie) Webb/Madame Webb
Yang Jungwon as Julia Cornwall (Carpenter in the Comics)/Arachne/Spider-(Wo)man
Kim Sunoo as Anya Corazon/Arana
Nishmura Riki (Niki) as Martha (Mattie) Franklin/Spider-(Wo)man
Lee Heeseung as Peter Parker (Tom Holland Universe)/Spider-Man
Park Jongseong (Jay) as Peter Parker (Andrew Garfield Universe)/Spider-Man
Sim Jaeyun (Jake) as Miles Morales (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Man
Park Sunghoon as Gwen Stacy (Spider-Verse)/Spider-Gwen/Ghost Spider
More to be added!
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bluebeetle · 7 months
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Dyed my hair
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pillarofsnow · 9 months
O’Hara Family incorrect Quotes ft. Gabriella O’Hara
Warning: Fem! Reader used once
Gabriella: *sleepy* How long have you been married?
Miguel’s Partner!Reader: Four years.
Gabriella: *about to go to sleep but does the math* but I’m six 😧
Reader: are you going to be part of the problem? Or part of the solution?
Toddler! Gabriella: I’m going to be the whole problem *smiles*
Miguel: hey mija, who did you learn about in school today?
Gabriella: Martha Lucr King Jr
Miguel:…….Martin Luther King Jr….and what did he do?
Gabriella: he died for our sins
Reader: *starts laughing*
Miguel: *tries to hold back a smile and laugh* no, that was- *ends up failing*
Miguel trying to scold Gabriella: you really need to adjust your attitude
Gabriella: for questions or complaints, please contact the manufacturer *points at Miguel*
Reader: *chokes on their coffee and laughs* that’s definitely your daughter
Miguel’s Ex! Dana: *looks at Gabriella* Sorry you couldn’t come to the wedding. It was no kids.
Toddler!Gabriella: *playing and putting on fake make up* it’s okay. I’ll go to your next one.
Miguel’s Ex! Dana: *surprised pikachu face* wowwwww
Miguel: she just means when she’s not a kid anymore
Toddler!Gabriella: *looks unbothered* she knows what I mean
Miguel’s Ex! Dana: *Whispers to Gabriella* I don’t like you
Toddler!Gabriella: *whispers back* get over it
Reader: *proud smile*
Miguel: Gabi, what is on your face?
Young!Sassy!Gabriella: *walks in the room with child’s make up messily on her face* beauty! 🙄
Toddler! Gabriella: Mom! Mommmmm
Miguel: what is it mija?
Toddler! Gabriella: *frustrated* I didn’t say dad, I said mom
Miguel: *sighs before using fake high pitch voice to sound like reader since they aren’t home*
Toddler! Gabriella: *stomps* I said. I. want. MOM!
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Christmas Eve Ft Tetta Kisaki x GN!Reader WC: 1400+ Resident: @enchantedforest-network Secret Santa gift for @shujistars ! Happy Holidays my love!! I was so excited to see you enjoy Kisaki as much as I do! He needs much more love and I was glad to write this piece for you! The holiday season is full of fluff and I'm a total sucker for fluff!! I hope you enjoy this, my love! Synopsis: Dating Kisaki for a few years now the Christmas holidays were massive for you and Kisaki enjoys them just as much as you do. This one would be extraordinary for you both. The cozy atmosphere sets the mood for Kisaki to go outside his box and do something he wanted to do for some time! TW: pure fluff that will melt your heart!
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The holidays usually were pretty busy for the vice president of TK&KO Group. His hands were full of running projects along with preparing this to be a special time of the year for him and you. For the past 6 years, he made it a point to spend Christmas with you, matter of fact every big holiday he had never missed at all. Looking at the time on the clock he was already behind. He needed to get to the mall before it was time to close and during this time of the year, everyone doing their last minute shopping would make the mall look like a jungle. He dreaded it a bit but there was something he was waiting for and it was finally finished right before Christmas.
You on the other hand when it hit December 1st a Christmas bomb hit your home from head to toe. The large Christmas tree is decorated with gold and pearly white ornaments. It displays beautifully outside the bay window. The outside was decorated as well. Kisaki never complained about your decorating because it made you happy and you really got into the holiday spirit. It was a little overboard, yeah but he would never say it.  Martha May Whoever wouldn't be able to top your decorations.
December 24th you were already in your holiday pajamas, the smell of freshly made cookies filling your nostrils, the cozy atmosphere making you feel just like you did as a kid. It was 7:46pm when you looked at the clock in the kitchen. He was going to be home anytime soon. The gift you had for him was on the island counter neatly wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper that was silver with a white snowflake design along with a pretty gold bow making it look like it was a cover page for a holiday magazine. As much as you told him not to get you anything expensive, the man did the opposite and got you something over the top every year. You reach for your phone, scrolling through your favorites to find Kisaki's contact. When pressing the call button it rang a few times. “Hello?” Kisaki answered in the background it was a little bit hard for him to hear due to everyone doing their shopping and talking. “Hey babe, are you close to home?” you asked him. ���I will be soon. I just needed to stop by somewhere first before heading home.” His eyes wandered the store waiting for the salesman he spoke to throughout the weeks. “Is it a gift for me?” asked him in a playful tone. “I told you not to go overboard this year.” “I know I know. I promise it's a little something, nothing too big.” Kisaki saw the salesman coming back with the item in his hand “Listen babe I got to let you go I will be heading home soon. I love you.” “I love you too.” the soft smiling tugging on your lips. You couldn’t help but be curious about what it was or which store he was at. But you didn’t want to ruin the surprise; you just let it be and finished preparing the rest of the items before he arrived home. Hanging up the phone Kisaki spoke with the man to make sure the item he requested was EXACTLY what he wanted. The cool brisk wind hit him as he stepped outside the mall and got into his car. 20 minutes would pass when you would hear the front door unlock. From the cool wind hitting him to the feeling of the house feeling just that perfect warm cozy atmosphere you perfect each time during this year.
Shuffling into the hallway to greet him “Welcome home babe!” you smiled “Thank you.” nothing seemed to melt his heart more than to see the welcoming smile on your face each time. In his hand, you saw a pretty little blue box with a white ribbon. Taking a step towards you, he leaned in for a kiss. “I see you're already comfortable.” “Mhmm!” softly chuckling, your eyes look down towards the box that was in his hands. “Soooo what's in the box?” “You will find out soon enough.” He walked towards the tree admiring the display as the lights on the tree reflected on the wall. He happened to see the kitchen island when he passed by and saw the gift still on the counter that you left there. “So what's in the box?” Letting out a light chuckle you responded to him the same way he responded to you at first. “You will find out soon enough.” Both of you snuggled up on the couch. The batch of cookies you made was on the coffee table along with the eggnog you just made. The large plush chaise lounge you both were cuddling was right next to the Christmas tree. Your back was against Kisaki's chest and one of his hands was around your waist. “This is one of my favorite things to do with you.” a mellow soft tone coming from your lips. “Mines too.” He buried his nose in the crown of your head inhaling your intoxicating scent. 
“I’m looking forward to spending  more Christmases with you till we are old and senile.”  
Letting out a throaty chuckle “Me too… I think you would be the senile one.” “Yeah you're probably right” laughing at his comment “but I would want to spend my older ages with you.” For a brief moment, Kisaki changed the subject. “_______ what exactly did you want for Christmas this year?” he asked. The question caught you off guard for a moment. “Ohh ummm I'm not sure, I mean if I had to choose something. It's nothing materialistic or anything like that… it would be to spend the rest of my life with you…you were one of the best gifts I ever received in my life. You loved every part of me and I mean EVERY part of me from the good to the bad. You made me feel safe and loved and never judged me. That's all I ever wanted. As I see it love is just another word until something comes into your life and gives it meaning. You gave the word love a meaning to me.”  your head turned to face him.
“I love you  ______” Kisaki softly his hands caressing your cheeks before you felt his lips press against your forehead lightly. The mood in the room was just right. Kisaki spoke once more “Let’s exchange gifts.” Your eyes lit up quickly getting up from the chaise lounge and the warmth of your body disappeared from Kisaki. Both of you reached for your gifts. “I want you to open yours first.” Kisaki smiled.
He handed you the pretty blue box. Undoing the white ribbon and ripping the blue wrapping paper. The velvet small box in your hand opening it your heart was racing wondering if it was the specific thing you were thinking of. Opening the velvet taking a breath it was a beautiful pendant with your birthstone. “ It's a beautiful Kisaki.” you smiled. You were giving yourself a heart attack for no reason but you couldn’t help but admire the shining gem in front of you.
“Here let me put it on you.” He carefully took the pendant out of the box. Picking your hair up he placed the pendant on you. “You make the piece, it was meant for you babe… but still.”
“But still what?”  you turn around to face him.
“I’m not sure... Something is missing….” He raised his brow “hmm”  he crossed his arms.
As soon as he unfolded his arms, his hands went into his sweatpants pocket. “Yeah, I forgot this is one part of your gift. I have the second part right here.” he pulled out another small box.
You looked down at the small box “Kisaki..”
“I think you know what it is… _________…” he starts off  “I love you with every inch of my living being. We have known each other for a very long time and when we decided to date I had never been so happy in my life.” He opens the box to see the beautiful ring. “I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I want you by my side till my very last breath. Will you marry me?”
Your heart was racing fast at his proposal. Your eyes are swelling up with tears at his sweet words. Nothing was coming out of your mouth because you were so choked up all you could do was nod over and over. Kisaki reached for your left hand placing the sparkling diamond on your ring finger. Both of you embraced on another Kisaki kissing your temple “ I love you ______.”
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