#ft lettie
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Day 5 – Family Ties One-Shot: Write a one-shot revolving around your character’s family, include 3 family members minimum.
The World Keeps Spinning
(tw: familial death, cancer mentions, grief)
Five years. 
Five years of doctors saying words Sophie couldn’t begin to understand. Five years of grief for something that hadn’t happened yet. Only now, it had.
Five minutes ago, Sophie was told about her father’s last breaths. 
She was gearing up to go see him that afternoon when she got the call from her stepmother. It was going to be a beautiful afternoon. She would bring sandwiches and biscuits and they could sit outside, in the hospital garden, rather than the sterile grey room Jean Hadder spent his days in. The word terminal was rarely said by the Hadder family. But as Sophie stood on the front stoop of The Haddery, her grief felt terminal. Like the sky should crack open with a torrential downpouring and swallow her whole, Sophie swept away in her own salty tears. But it was a beautiful day. The gilded sun had just crested the line of buildings across from the shoppe, children walked along the cobbled path on their way to school. They were laughing with their friends, their world was bright and hopeful. 
Sophie’s world went dark. She collapsed in on herself and wept. The children stopped laughing and hurriedly evacuated the street with the wailing woman. And the sky did not cry with her, perhaps that was the most cruel thing. It was a beautiful day.
The plainest of three sat in the middle at the funeral. Their matching black dresses painted them all the same with bereavement. The softest of the three turned herself to stone, to be strong enough to be leaned on and not break. Lettie and Martha’s faces were sullen, streaked with tears. They both grasped onto Sophie’s hands in her lap like they were the only things keeping them upright. Sophie was elected to speak. Fanny Hadder was too beside herself to be coherent. Sophie had a gift with words they said, but she never felt that way. She was like her father in the way that her sincerity meant more than the way her lips fumbled over conversation. It was a trait she was afraid to grow out of, afraid of losing that connection to him. 
Sophie stood beside the best photo of her father, one where he was beaming to the camera with a freshly finished hat in hand. The hat was a custom piece for some fanciful sorcerer in Ingary; it was too gaudy and loud for Sophie’s tastes. Jean loved it though, his favorite hats were always the ones that were too unique to ever recreate, a challenge to his art form. 
Looking at the photo brought a smile to her face, an odd sight at a funeral. Behind the white lilies, Sophie straightened her dress and began, “My father would be ashamed of all of us right now.” 
Lettie and Martha quelled their stifled cries and looked up at their elder sister in confusion. That same look spread across the entirety of the guests. Sophie tried to ignore the amount of people whose attention she had and continued, “Be-because he lived his life with ha-happiness… happiness and laughter. And not a single one of you is smiling.
He brought so much joy into the world, so much joy to everyone here. But, but I think that he’d want to tell us that all the happiness in the world didn’t leave it with him. That’s how I feel now, at least. It feels like all of my hope and happiness has left with him. I know he’d be cross with me for mourning as long as I have. He would always tell me, ‘Sophie, the world keeps spinning.’ ‘Sophie, the world will keep spinning.’ So, instead of continuing on about how deeply and profoundly sad I am with the passing of my Dadi… after a long fight with his illness, I want to share some of my happiest memories with him… a-and, maybe if you all would like to, you could share some as well.” 
She took a breath to steady herself after her impromptu speech, looking around unsure if she was making a terrible mistake for trying to make a funeral light. Lettie’s smile and nod assured Sophie she was doing something good. She was providing a comfort that normally her father would. She returned the solemn smile, “Right. Um, after my mum passed, it was just him and me for a while. Before, Mama that is,” Sophie nodded towards a sniffling Fantine Hadder. “I can’t really remember much of that time, but I remember the picnics we would have, laying out on the hills in Brecon… and of course, I’d pretend to be the Welsh dragon,” Sophie chuckled at her own childhood hijinks, “Dadi would let me chase him until I was too tired and needed to be carried home…
Mor-more recently, he, uh, managed to be a light in a very dark time. Cancer treatments can be just as brutal as the cancer itself,” she began to tear up, breaking the prim and pulled together act. “But he stayed so silly and bright through it all… I never wanted him to see me cry, because he would tell me that the world keeps spinning. Even after he is gone, the world keeps spinning. Kids will play in front of the shoppe, people will fall in love and get married, birthdays will be had, and the sun will shine just as it did every day before!” 
Sophie was crying just as her sisters were moments ago. They both approached the front of the wake to comfort their elder sister. Sophie held out a hand to them and finished with shaky breath, “I didn’t let him see me cry because I didn’t want my world to keep spinning. It felt cruel to think that the world could go on without him in it. But it’s not. Because the love he put into this world did not go with him, it stayed here.” She placed her and Martha’s interwoven hands above her heart, “The world keeps spinning, not because it's ambivalent to us and our loss, but because it spins for everyone we love and the memories we shared here.” 
The small gathering was filled with sniffles and heartwarmed smiles at the girl’s wise eulogy. Martha and Lettie enveloped her in an embrace and Martha piped up, “Well my favorite memory of Dadi was when he let me model all his hats…”
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clementinebriar · 2 days
CLEM: have i seen you around before?? CLEM: stupid question. course i haven't. you're way too cute for me to just forget lmao @lettielowenstein
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hecticlife · 23 days
all suited up with his eye makeup, leon prepares backstage for the first gig in palmview. mango bay art district. he can't seem to stop working. three weeks here and he's already put together a backup band. they've rehearsed at least five times and now they're putting on a show. after leon's band, artists from teddy, fell through and his ex dumped him, the man has been giving all of his energy to his career. well, that and whoring around. he faintly hears someone talking into their camera phone as he takes off his in-ears. chewing gum, leon looks up at the stage. the first band is getting ready to play.
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damianesco · 2 months
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ccmpletemess · 2 years
closed starter for @soldefied ft. mason sanchez & leticia sanchez
after a particularly challenging day at work, mase wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers. he knew his work would have it’s bad days, even if he knew most of the time he was helping people. still, coming home to letty every single time helped. “i’m home, love!” he called out, flinging his keys on the side before making his way over to the living room. tugging his tie and jacket off and slinging them on the side of the couch, mase wasted no time in leaning down to press his lips softly against his wife’s. “hi gorgeous,” he murmured, exhaustion clear in his tone as he flipped down next to her.
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dawniestar · 1 year
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lettie fits (ft. lumi bc i wanted to look at their matchings fits next to each other) 🌙🩷💟⭐️
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lettielowenstein · 2 days
[ outgoing sms📲 clementine (tinder) ]
LETTIE: hi! it's lettie! (which you're gonna see in about three seconds when this photo loads) LETTIE: [attached img] LETTIE: ft. my cat and my very exciting evening being his mattress LETTIE: i'm pretty sure he's having the time of his life @clementinebriar
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hoodededge · 9 months
🎶 Frost Man's Stage theme (Mega Man 8), but it's a Christmas special SNES-Mix (ft. Letty Whiterock)!!!🎄
▶️ YouTube Link ▶️ 🟡 SMWC Link 🟡
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lareinawriites · 1 year
the way ft mac miller is letty x seb vibes
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aurinn-n · 2 years
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hey since letty is getting popularity i'll share a bit abt her
or in this case, how he used to be. see, letty used to be known as lennon, or lenny. lenny was a part of the sco/selan covert ops, which was a special task force comprised of himself and several other guys who may or may not have come out of some . below-board experiments.
at some point lenny got lost at sea and presumed dead. meanwhile letty here comes to in milene, kantei without memory of who she is.
unrelated bonus ft @ratgingi's exie and cringe fail loser:
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offinalities · 1 year
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; basics --
full name ! leticia ariel santos nickname ! letty , le age&dob ! thirty ( 12/18/1992 ) occupation ! receptionist at glen ellen elementary place of birth ! glen ellen , california current residence ! glen ellen , california fc ! priscilla quintana eye color ! green hair color ! brunette height ! 5 ft 6 in sexuality ! heterosexual/romantic gender&pronouns ! cisfemale ( she/her ) traits ! loyal , resourceful , compassionate , friendly , and outgoing . paranoid , blunt , stubborn , a pinch of emotional . titles&tropes ! the perfectionist , the girl next door . aesthetics ! flowers pressed between pages , writing with gel pens , the smell of vanilla and coffee , not a hair out of place , and giving the appearance of control . family&pets ! carlos&erin santos(parents both alive) , gibson a male orange tabby . secret ! 👀 to be exposed ! 👀
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; biography --
PAST ! ; born to high school sweethearts she was both planned and a surprise baby . she grew up with both her parents dotting on her and though they weren't rich she never went without . she's an only child and going through school was a breeze where she coasted on the line between popularity and just another face in the crowd . when she graduated she thought that was it for glen ellen when she went off to college . PRESENT ! ; it wasn't long after she graduated with her bachelors she found herself back in glen ellen to help her parents move to florida , there was something about her hometown that re-stuck it's claws in her and had her staying . she picked up the job at the elementary school and carved a new home for herself .
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; connections --
coming soon !
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fan-kingdoms · 2 years
oh lettie... lettie lettie... you should have known better than to lay your weaknesses out to me so openly 💔
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though then again, maybe that was your plan and i stumbled right into it. in which case you're welcome ❤️
(ft. some more dark + long hair bc i found the pics when i was looking for the red hair ones and they were too good NOT to torment you with share)
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prcttyvxnom · 3 years
closed starter for @soldefied​ ( ximena and letty ) 
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xi wasn’t minding living here in huntsville with their cousins. sure they wished they had somewhere to stay that was their own place, but for now the spare room at mateo (and jian’s) place was nice. “lettyyyyyy.” xi called out, heading over to meet up with their cousin. “mateo kicked me out of the his office space and i don’t have a key to his place. so i’m coming to hang out with you.” they said. 
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hecticlife · 3 days
leon stands in line to get his burrito when someone he recognizes approaches the counter too. of course he remembers her. "hey, letty?" he'd been thinking about their first encounter a lot the past week. and he would hate to know if he'd made her feel uncomfortable in any way. "hi, how are you?" the blond smiles softly at the other. "you know, i'm sorry about the other night. i'm sorry if i was messy. i need to work on that, clearly," he emphasizes. but what if celeste didn't find him so horrible as he thinks he could've been? his words are out before the thought rushes into his head. leon's always been bad at thinking things through before opening his mouth. or so he thinks.
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damianesco · 20 days
[ 📱 text ] charliezard 🦎🥰
DAMIAN: would u help me hide a body @lettielowenstein
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ccmpletemess · 2 years
first kiss - mason and letty
Mason's heart was hammering in his chest. He couldn't believe Letty had actually agreed to out with him, and here they were, on their third date. Despite the fact he'd been hesitant at first to let anyone in, used to constantly moving around, never having somewhere to settle and to afraid to make any solid connections -- Letty had snuck her way into his heart without him releasing. She was his best friend, and his crush on her ran deep.
His hand was intertwined with hers as they walked past the park, the date having reluctantly coming to and end with Mason making sure he walked her right up to her doorstep. He knew he wanted to kiss her. He'd wanted to kiss her since the first date, perhaps even before then, but he'd waited. He didn't want to rush things, the relationship that was developing between the two was worth the wait. Worth every single moment.
As the two stopped by her front door, Mason reluctantly slipped his hand from hers, wringing it nervously against his own. "I-" He began, swallowing nervously as he looked at his feet. However, when he glanced up, his eyes meeting that wide, perfect smile of hers, his confidence grew. "Is it okay if I kiss you?" He asked quietly, shyness creeping into his tone.
At her confirmation, a wide smile graced his lips and he leaned forwards, softly pressing his lips to hers. After a moment, he pulled away, cheeks flushed. "I, um, have to get back, but I'll text you the minute I get back to the house." He reassured her, chewing on his lower lip before reluctantly stepping back. "Miss you already," He mumbled, half under his breath as he waved goodbye, turning on his heels and walking the familiar route back to the home he was currently staying at -- the giddy smile never leaving his lips.
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