#ft: rickon stark
virtuousouls · 10 months
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catelyn had tried to warn robb of allying with balon greyjoy. was even more so against the idea of sending theon. but never had catelyn thought that would end in the death of her two youngest children. her two boys. rickon had just been a babe. she should have never have left them. yes, robb did need her. but he was old enough to be on his own with trusted banner men around him. catelyn should have returned to winterfell as soon as she could have. first her husband, then her sons. by the time of her death, there wasn’t much of catelyn left. the only reason she went on was because of her surviving children. but sydney had a way of bringing people back from the dead. a reason cat had taken rather a liking to it. the boy in front of her was much older, but a mother would never forget the face of her child. “rickon!” she called for him, reaching an arm out eagerly. she already felt tears sting in her eyes over her youngest child, desperate to embrace him.
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adveanture · 2 years
tswift tag drops:  catelyn stark,  a song of ice and fire pt. 2
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   house  stark.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   house  tully.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   ned.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   robb.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   sansa.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   arya.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   bran.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   rickon.
╰   ––––––– ✧   CATELYN  STARK!      :      ft.   petyr.
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devotionturns · 16 days
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♛ → THE RIVERLANDS present CYRENE FREY NÉE STARK, the RULING LADY of THE CROSSING / THE TWINS and PRINCESS of WINTERFELL. when the dragons danced in the sky they thought the BLACKS would still fly, but in the blink of an eye, they would all die. the THIRTY year old FEMALE who was SHREWD & RELENTLESS before they saw the first of the flames, is now CUNNING & CYNICAL after seeing the last. they’re often associated with the heavy weight of a winter cloak, heated arguments, and tightly interwoven fingers in a desperate grip. ( olivia cooke )
; physical attributes
— height; 5 ft 6 — eye colour; blue-green — hair colour; auburn — positive traits before the war; confident, daring, shrewd — negative traits before the war; relentless, hot-headed, disobedient — positive traits after the war; independent, cunning, perceptive — negative traits after the war; cynical, stubborn, withdrawn
; bio
— born 114 AC
— eldest daughter of lord rickon stark and lady lyarra blackwood
— her temperament had known no bounds as a girl. willful, stubborn and wild. bold and restless. where she was not adept in sword fighting, she had perfect the art of cutting words, witty quips and burning jests. to the very detriment of her parents, cyrene had developed quite the potty mouth. spite had been the reason, mostly. childish spite for whatever she encountered that seemed to limit her, that appeared to put her in a place she did not feel comfortable in.
— she adored her siblings. owen was the person she bickered with the most. differences of opinion or simply differences in interpretation, the two of them would be found fighting in a manner that would have councils dismissed to retain privacy. due to their closeness in age, cyrene had been closest with her brother jon and her sister dacey. each of them a year apart and a mischievous trio. jon, the aspiring and valiant knight. cyrene, the spitfire lady as a challenge to any suitor that approached her. dacey, the sickly child blooming under her siblings' care and love. cassana was the youngest and carried a soft, overly protective spot in cyrene's heart.
— war broke out in the lands when cyrene was but six and ten years of age. old enough, to be put to use. old enough to advance the war effort. first, her hand in marriage was given to brandon karstark. loud but gentle bran karstark, a walking contradiction that cyrene found joy in figuring out. in provoking and tickling him out of his tightly held shell. when the war effort progressed, the betrothal to the ruling lord of karhold was severed. instead, cyrene was wed to the ruling lord of the crossing and the twins, lord frey.
— as she went to the riverlands, she left her direwolf behind. they were fearsome creatures to those unused to them, and they belonged in the north, just like cyrene knew she did as well. she left behind tala with a heavy heart. cyrene inquired about her in a letter at one point. when she’d read that tala was sat near the gates much of the time, seemingly waiting for her to return, cyrene ceased to ask about her all together. 
— the dance of dragons raged on for two more years. during that time, cyrene played the dutiful wife. subdued in her stubbornness, reprimanded and scolded whenever she spoke out of turn. her place was on no war councils, no space for her advising anyone. in the riverlands, cyrene stark was a stranger. cyrene frey knew her place and cultivated her position. it was something detested at first. and, it was not as easy as it was supposed to be. cyrene did not come to be with child for quite a while, and not due to lack of trying. it was a non-issue at first. sometimes, it took time. as the war found its peak however, and men withered and faded away under blades and dragonfire, the issue of succession in house frey was put under question. a careful alliance had been forged between house stark and house frey, joined in marriage but not yet blood. and the blame was placed on cyrene. her womb had not yet quickened and as time passed, rumours spiralled that maybe it never would. 
— it wore her down to her bones. whittled to pieces and reduced to something that did not resemble herself. quiet and watchful of her every step. it was unlike her to fear stepping out of turn and drawing attention to herself. but, her title mattered little when she could not follow through on what was expected of her. the she wolf, reduced to naught but the shadow of a mouse. 
— and then, two years after her marriage to the ruling lord of house frey, cyrene did fall pregnant. the rumours seemed to vanish into thin air then, replaced by joy for the future of house frey. a heavy burden fell from cyrene’s shoulders at the news, though the fear did not entirely leave her until her child was delivered. or, more accurately, her children. almost in a twist of fate, cyrene gave birth to twins. wylla and mako frey.
— the war ended and her duty done, cyrene could feel what was shattered and ripped apart stitch back together. she was not broken like so many people would’ve had her believe. slowly, she found back to herself. a woman grown, a fierce creature reemerged. no longer the wild and feisty girl that had left winterfell, but instead a woman reborn in the knowledge that she was more than capable of the things that were expected of her. cyrene began to leverage her position once more. she wielded her power, her wit and charm, though there was a hardness to it now. she tolerated no nonsense flung at her, no slight was overseen. 
— for a while, there was peace, the kingdoms of westeros rebuilding themselves. no longer seven, joined as one, but split apart. cyrene no longer only came from a powerful lordly family in the north. her blood was counted to the likes of royalty now. 
— peace was followed by unrest in her homelands. the umbers rose and cyrene wrote letters from her seat in the riverlands, begging her siblings to come to safety. her pleas were rejected. then, her brother jon was killed, his body desecrated alongside his wolf’s. wracked with grief, cyrene wrote more letters, begging for at least her sisters to be brought to safety within her care. more refusals followed. from afar, cyrene would have to simply endure the news of kidnappings and murder. more sadness followed with the death of queen rosalyn and the disappearance of alysanne. she’d never quite gotten along with alysanne, but the news still left cyrene a little more hollow than before. 
— after nearly six years of being away from her home, cyrene decided it was time to return. to get to know her family again, to offer support in difficult times, to receive support in turn even if she did not openly ask for it. she managed to convince her husband to let her take wylla to winterfell with her, with the compromise of leaving the heir to the twins with his lord father. 
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skaggos · 1 year
BABY'S FIRST STARTER CALL, ( still accepting ! ) expect me to be slow to publish.
skagos, sometime in the future ( grrm write the books faster pls ) ! ft. @flawsreached, and their jon !
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ㅤㅤ THERE ON THE ROCKY SHORES OF SKAGOS, DOES A WRAITH LIVE. a phantom of all those the boy has lost, of all those that came and went before him. in his hair and his eyes, 𝚒𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚖𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛. in his face, it is his brother robb. in his quiet, his father. but it is in his rage that his own ghost shines through, a thing as sharp as teeth and claws, and with a howl of it's own. that is the demon which can be found in the woods of skagos, trailed behind by the devil ; a stygian beast with jade eyes.
this small peak of land has turned rickon feral, 𝚖𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚝'𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚕𝚍 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚠𝚗; a wolfblooded child hand in hand with the sea. where once he had been a wailing babe, known for vicious cold fronts ; he was now a winter storm held barely captive beneath human skin. there had been warnings given before this particular endeavor ; rickon stark he may no longer be.
" shaggy ! " the boy's cry is human, but the responding howl is not as the child's shadow seemingly comes alive, stepping forth from the treeline to stand in front of him– a steadfast and snarling shield for the boy, as it bares it's teeth at the teenager ; no longer familiar with jon's scent, and even less so with the sight of him.
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mvndrvke · 2 months
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"Shaggy Dog only eats people when I tell him to." Rickon pauses. "I don't tell him to. That would be disgusting."
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ofvelaryons · 6 years
Laughter tumbled from her lips, clear as the chiming of bells and just as sweet as any music that any bard could play. It was such a rare display of joy, one that only her daughters could pull from her and for a moment she allowed herself to get lost in it all and simply watch the two of them play with the waves as she had as a child. Their giggles mingled in with her own soft laughter as careful eyes watched that neither of them slipped as they raced away from the waves that were lapping up the shore line. The bottom of her own dress was still damp from wetting her own feet in the salt water that soothed her so much, having placed herself on the sand once more to simple take in a moment that would undoubtedly be a precious one for years to come.
Focus so purely on what was unfolding in front of her and the innocence of it all, t was all too easy to forget that they were far from alone in such a place and the point was seemingly proven as a figure drew closer along the beach. Private moment disrupted, the smile fell from her features as they became something all together more unreadable. Violet eyes shifted to the boy, gaze only flickering impassively over the huge wolf by his side when she had seen dragons and not flinched. Chin tilted upwards proudly, voice easily ringing out over the distance between them. “Is there something of interest to you, my lord?”
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swcrnsword · 6 years
When eyes had seen as many battles as his there were few things in life that truly surprised him any more. Steadfast was his very being and even the sight of dragons had failed to stir more than a raise of a brow from stoic features. Perhaps it was Northern pride blinding him to their majesty but the warrior simply saw creatures made for destruction. Fire made flesh when he had always preferred the icy North. On some level it seemed impossible not to concede that they were worthy of some amount of admiration - however grudging - but when eyes landed on an unfamiliar direwolf he was reminded of how much he preferred the animals that embodied the Starks he so devoutly followed.
Towering frame crouched to lower himself more onto the beast’s level, flint-grey eyes taking in its size and undeniable power. Usually unstirred features take it in with appreciation before stony eyes glance up at the young man whose side the wolf chose to walk at. Rumours of the arrival of another son of Ned had reached his ears and with the sight before him it seemed as though for once the gossip held true. Low words rumble from his lips, careful not to stretch a hand out towards the animal when their respect had to be won not demanded. “I take it telling yours that I am an ally of Grey Wind’s will to little to make it warm to me.”
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greeneyedwildthing · 4 years
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The Savage Wolf >> chapter 8: a confluence of fate (Post-ASOIAF canon divergent fix it fic) 
“Why’d you come back?”
“I’m going to kill the queen.” Anyone else might’ve laughed. But not Gendry. He sat stone still as his familiar gaze weighed her words carefully. How many nights had he fallen asleep beside her listening as she repeated her little list? Would he try to stop her now, after all this time? They were not the same children they had been the last time they had seen one another. Arya could not rely on faded loyalties. And the man sitting across from her now was a shadow of the boy she remembered swearing oaths to Beric. 
“You and what army?” He finally broke the silence. 
“Who said anything about an army?” She quipped raising her cup to finish her drink. 
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francy-sketches · 3 years
👀 more starks?
I have some!
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stark familiy pic redraw, some clothing sketches i think? ft. sansa jon and rickon annnd bran and tommen meeting again :,)
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virtuousouls · 11 months
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jon was more than settled now in sydney, having been here for years. in fact, there wasn't much he missed about westeros now. apart from his family and his friends. he was confident if any of them ended up here, they would like it as well. jon also knew that the magic of the city could bring back the dead - those who had been dead a long while unlike he had been. so there was hope for his father, his brothers. they deserved a happy life here more than he did, jon thought. but as much as he wished for them to end up in the city, he had never expected to see one. or at least, wasn't prepared to watch his younger brother cross the street. it might not have even been him, considering he was older. but jon still called out... with a hint of hope. "rickon..."
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adveanture · 2 years
tswift tag drops:  sansa stark,  a song of ice and fire pt. 2
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   house  stark.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   catelyn.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   eddard.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   robb.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   arya.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   bran.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   rickon.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   jon.
╰   ––––––– ✧   SANSA  STARK!      :      ft.   margaery.
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callalily2000 · 2 years
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“The winters are hard, but the Starks will endure. We always have.” - Ned Stark
- Lord Eddard Stark A.K.A. Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, Hand of the King, The Quiet Wolf
- King Robb Stark A.K.A. King in the North, Lord of Winterfell, The Young Wolf
- Lady Catelyn Stark née Tully A.K.A. Lady of Winterfell, Lady Stoneheart
- Rickon Stark A.K.A. Prince of Winterfell
- Jon Snow A.K.A. Prince Aegon Targaryen, The Prince Who Was Promised, Lord Commander of the Knights Watch, King in the North, The White Wolf
- Queen Sansa Stark A.K.A. Queen in the North, Lady of Winterfell, Wardeness of the North, Alayne Stone, Sansa Lannister, Lady Bolton, Little Dove, Little Bird
- Arya Stark A.K.A. Arya Underfoot, Arry, No One
- King Brandon Stark A.K.A Bran the Broken, the First of His Name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Six Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm, The Three Eyed Raven, The Winged Wolf
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Dark Jonsa Ideas
Sansa was kidnapped by Ramsey and is readjusting to her life Modern AU
Jon was wrongfully imprisoned (the Starks bust him out) AU
Ned and Cat betrayed Sanaa’s trust/didn’t believe she had a traumatic experience. The Stark Siblings try to heal their relationship AU
USA Gymnastics AU (ft. Petyr Baelish in a Larry Nassar esque role)
Harry Potter AU (maybe Sansa is a squib?)
I have lots of random ideas lol I’ll keep sharing them and maybe something will click :) I love your work
Jonsa HP AU/Squib Sansa AU
Well... THIS has been sitting in my inbox for a while (not as long as that one last prompt from when I asked for them last December, though. Yikes.)
I'll be honest, I wasn't ever going to do a Harry Potter AU. It's been done a million times before and by better writers than me. But today I sat down and went, you know what? I don't think I've read a Sansa-the-squib one before. So here we are.
A disclaimer, I am no HP expert. I was when I was a kid, but I went a solid decade without ever touching it or the fandom because I got salty about the ending, and have only recently re-watched the movies. I have not read or seen any of the sequels/prequels. But also I don't think I go too deep into HP lore here, so it probably doesn't matter.
on AO3 here
Sansa is on the couch reading Pride and Prejudice for the hundredth time when she hears the distant pop of a portkey outside.
It's about time, she thinks. She's never sure why her siblings have to ride that train from Hogwarts all the way down to London, only to portkey back up to Scotland, but she has learned over the years not to question things too much. She may have grown up around magic, but she understands that there are some things that are not meant for her.
There's a bark of Robb's laughter and she feels herself smile as she slips her finger in between the pages of Jane Austen as a bookmark. She may be a squib, an outcast from wizard society, but her family has not disowned her – not like the stories she has heard of other families with squibs. No, Sansa is lucky. And Robb? Robb is her biggest supporter.
She hears Rickon start moving upstairs, also having heard the portkey, and mom comes out of the kitchen. Sansa has just stood up, book still clutched in her hand, when the door opens and dad comes through first, followed by Arya, then Bran, and finally Robb.
Except – not finally. Behind Robb is a boy she's never seen before, with dark hair curling around his chin, wire-rimmed glasses, and a fully muggle outfit just like the rest of them.
Robb freezes and his eyes go wide. “Sansa,” he starts, “I thought you'd be in France.”
Sansa herself attends a very prestigious all girls school outside of London, and one of her best friends, Margaery, is taking her to France with her family this summer. “I'm not leaving for a few weeks,” she corrects Robb. She thought she'd explained it well enough in her last letter.
Its then that she remembers mom mentioning that Robb's best friend would be visiting this summer, though Robb had written no such thing in his own letter. This must be Jon – Sansa has heard enough about him in the six years Robb has been at that school. She has never met him, though she knows Robb has gone over to Ireland to visit him the past few summers.
Robb is silent for a few moments as she waits expectantly for the proper introduction to his friend. Finally it comes, a hesitant, “Jon, this is my sister, Sansa.”
She watches Jon's brow furrow, his mouth turns down, his eyes go from Robb, to Arya, to Bran, before he says, “I didn't know you had another sister.”
Sansa feels like she can hear her blood pumping through her veins in the silence of the room; soon it's all she can hear. Jane Austen falls to the floor from her suddenly limp fingers and she barely hears her mother's scolding sigh of, “Robb.”
And then she runs.
She shoves her way past mom and through the kitchen and out the back door. She doesn't pay attention to where she's going – all she can hear is that horrible little voice in her head.
Robb doesn't talk about you. Robb is ashamed of you. They all are.
Somehow, inexplicably, she ends up at the little shed where they keep the quidditch supplies. She hates this building. It isn't meant for her.
She yanks open the door anyway and slams it shut behind her, finding a spot on the floor to sit. It's only then, when she's finally stopped moving, that the tears come, hot and fast. She pulls her knees up to her chest and buries her face in them and tries to be as quiet as she can. In the distance, she can hear her family shouting her name, but they will not be able to find her. She has no wand to trace, and tracking spells don't work on her, either.
Some things are not meant for Sansa. She has always known it.
She doesn't know how long she spends curled up in the quidditch shed. Eventually she stops crying and she wishes that she could call Mya – one of her best friends from school and the only person who knows about magic. They'd gotten drunk one night from vodka that Margaery had snuck into the dorms and she and Mya had been the last ones awake. She remembers Mya pinky-promising her that she would never tell.
But she can't call Mya, because electronics don't work at Winterfell Manor. It is too old, too infused with magic. If she wants to make a call on her mobile, she has to bike into town. She has all her friends convinced that it's just poor reception.
(And that only reminds her that the Starks are one of the old families – a long line of proud witches and wizards. She does not belong here.)
The door to the shed suddenly opens and she gasps a bit in surprise, which makes Jon's eyes move to the floor, where she is. If she'd just stayed silent, perhaps he would have never seen her.
“Hi,” he says, like he's not sure what else to say. “Your family's looking for you.”
“I'm a squib, not deaf,” she bites back, feeling a fresh wave of tears rise up in her.
Jon sighs, then looks off to the left and in the distance, she can still hear her name being called. Then he comes inside and lets the door swing shut behind him and he sits on the dusty floor beside her.
After a few moments of silence, he says, “I don't want to say that I know what it's like, but I think I can understand a little.” She gives him a glare, and he winces a bit. “I just meant, I'm muggleborn.”
“Congratulations,” she balls her hands into fists and looks away from him.
“What I mean is that my family doesn't talk about me either,” he explains, speaking slowly and carefully. She likes his accent. “It's not the same, not totally, but my mom spent so many years lying to people, I think she just found it easier to stop talking about me altogether. She can't tell anyone that I made the quidditch team, or how many O levels I'm taking.”
That makes Sansa turn her head again to look at him. He's got a rueful smile on his face, it looks a bit sad.
“She got a new job last year,” he continues. “I don't think any of her new coworkers know I exist. I know it's not totally the same, she isn't allowed to tell people about what I am, but I still... it still sucks.”
“At least you have magic,” she whispers.
“So what?” She levels another glare at him and this time it makes him smile. “Magic doesn't make anyone inherently better, no matter what those weird blood purists say.” His face twists into a scowl and she wonders if he's had run-ins with them before. She knows the type – families like the Targaryens who think magic should only be kept in the old families. No muggleborns, no half breeds, and certainly no squibs.
She used to think her own family was different – hasn't dad been championing for the rights of house elves and goblins and werewolves and other magical beings? She has never doubted it before, but suddenly she wonders if dad is the same – if dad doesn't talk about her, either. He sent her away to a boarding school in a different country - what if dad doesn't talk about her, just like Robb doesn't?
Robb, who always told her it didn't matter whether she had magic or not, she was still a part of the family. Robb, who encouraged her painting and writing and told her she could be whatever she wanted to be. Her older brother, her protector. He's ashamed of her.
“My mom doesn't have magic," Jon says, his voice fierce. "I've got friends back home that don't. They aren't any less of a person than me. And if I'm being honest, there's stuff from the muggle world I miss when I'm at school.”
“Like what?” she sniffs, trying to subtly wipe her nose on the knees of her jeans, which are still pulled tight to her chest.
“Like phones. Like movies and football and good music. Good music,” he emphasizes, “have you noticed that all wizard music is just about magic? It's like they can't sing about anything else.”
To her surprise, a bubble of laughter builds in her and it escapes from her lips. Jon looks a bit pleased with himself.
“I do like muggle music better,” she admits, something she has never even thought to say to any of her family before.
“We'll have to compare,” he says with a soft smile. “Swap playlists or something.”
“Electronics don't work here,” she tells him, and he nods.
“That's right, Robb told me I'd have to go into town to ring my mom.”
“I do that to talk to my friends.”
“Well,” he shrugs, and his eyes dart away from her, “maybe we can go into town together and go to a movie or something. Robb doesn't really get them, he says. It'll be nice to go with someone who does.”
“I'd like that,” she whispers, then presses her face into her knees because she thinks she might cry again.
“Robb might be weird about it,” Jon continues. “But honestly, I'm kinda pissed at him for never mentioning you, so he can deal with it.”
Another burst of laughter, mixed with tears – she is a swirl of emotions and she's too muddled to try and figure out what she's feeling. She's not sure how long they sit there, but eventually she notices that her name is no longer being called.
“We should probably go back,” Jon murmurs at some point, and when she looks up, she can see that the sky through the little shed window has turned orange.
He helps her stand, and they leave the shed and walk back towards the house. The kitchen door opens and mom appears on the landing, hand pressed to her heart. Robb is right behind her, looking pale and withdrawn.
“Sansa-” he starts, but she holds her hand up.
“I'm not ready to talk to you yet,” she tells him, but it comes out shakier than she wanted. She wanted to sound strong, cold even. Instead it just sounds like she's about to cry again. The stricken look on Robb's face doesn't make her feel any better, though she wishes it did. She wishes she took comfort in hurting him, but it just makes everything worse.
“You missed dinner,” mom says softly, “come inside, I have some warmed for you.”
She follows her mom in and sits at the kitchen table as mom sets a plate in front of her. She notes that mom doesn't use magic at all to do any of it, though she does suspect there was a warming spell. Mom always tries to do things the non-magic way when she can.
“Jon and I are going to go to a muggle movie in town,” she tells mom, picking up her fork and pushing some peas around on her plate.
Jon gives an uncomfortable cough before he says, “I just thought it'd be nice to do something...” He trails off, running a hand through his hair awkwardly.
“You missed dinner, too,” mom says softly, gesturing at another seat at the table, and then another plate appears in her hands.
“I think a movie is a fine idea,” dad says. He and mom sit at the table with her and Jon - Robb has disappeared, like he understands she can't bear to even look at him right now.
“Dad?” She still hasn't eaten a thing, she's not sure she can. When dad looks at her, she asks, “do you talk about me? At work?”
Dad sits back in his chair and mom reaches across the table to take his hand.
“Do you know, when I was young, I never thought much about the rights of non-witches and wizards. And do you know why I've made it my mission now? I'm ashamed to say it took you to open my eyes to it. You're all I talk about, Sansa, even when I'm talking about werewolves or muggleborns or centaurs or... anyone.”
“I should go,” Jon murmurs, pushing his chair back and standing as Sansa presses her hands to her face. He leaves the room, though there's a part of her that wishes he would stay. He understands her, and he seems to understand that she needs to be alone with her parents right now.
“You aren't ashamed of me?” she asks, voice wobbly and low. She sounds so pathetic, but she needs to know.
“Never,” dad says fiercely.
“But you sent me away.”
“We thought it was best,” mom sighs, and then her chair scrapes back and suddenly Sansa is wrapped in her mother's arms. “We looked for the best school that we could send you to. We wanted you to have everything. Any opportunity you wanted. You couldn't have that here at Winterfell.”
“I think perhaps we should have explained it better,” dad says, just as soft. “I think there's a lot of things we could have done better. I think there's some things we should talk about more, with the whole family.”
Sansa thought, perhaps, that she was all out of tears, but she isn't. She turns and buries her face into her mother and cries for what feels like hours. She cries until she is too tired to cry anymore and then dad picks her up like he hasn't done since she was a child and carries her upstairs.
Maybe one day she can forgive Robb, she thinks. Maybe one day she can forgive Arya and Bran, though their betrayal hurts less. She and Arya never really got along, and Bran likely followed the example set by his older siblings. It's Robb that hurts most of all.
But maybe one day.
Maybe one day dad will succeed, maybe one day being a squib won't be the shameful thing it is now. Maybe one day the world will be different.
For now, though, things are the same. For now, she'll focus on the things she has – her trip to France with the Tyrells. The new set of oil paints she had picked up in London before she came home. A muggle movie with a boy that might understand her better than her family ever could. She thinks she's looking forward to that one most of all.
That's her last thought before she finally slips off to sleep.
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hilarychuff · 4 years
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overboard in my asoiaf au graphic series
When Sansa Tully sailed into Elk Cove with her husband Joffrey Baratheon on their yacht, she thought her stay would only last a week, maybe two tops, just enough time to have a custom closet built and installed in the main cabin. But when carpenter Jon Snow uses the wrong kind of wood, it’s just one more thing gone sideways in a world that feels like it’s crumbling around her. In one of her less graceful moments, she has a complete meltdown — and when Jon responds to her yelling and screaming with some shouted words and pointed fingers of his own, crowding her just a little too much and flinging his limbs around just a little too haphazardly, she loses it. Before she knows it, she’s shoved him away from her — and over the railing into the water below.
A fight with her husband sees her taking her own tumble overboard, but when she wakes up after washing ashore, she can’t remember her own name, let alone what happened. Technically, it’s Jon’s little half-sister Arya who has the idea to claim that Sansa is their live-in nanny, hired to cook and clean and make sure that she, Bran, and Rickon are making it to school on time without issue. She figures Sansa owes them for the work she never paid Jon for — and it wouldn’t hurt if she stuck around long enough for Jon to pick up a few extra shifts and cover the cost of the tools Sansa ruined when she threw them in the ocean. After a few days, once the hoity-toity yachter has paid off her debt, her husband will come looking for her and there will be no harm done. Right?
But it soon becomes clear that Joffrey isn’t exactly looking for his “missing” wife, and despite Jon’s protests over the initial idea, he might actually like having Sansa around. Once she settles in to the Snow-Stark household, she’s pretty good at taking care of everyone, and she seems to have taken a particular liking to him. He tries to remind himself (and Arya, Bran, and Rickon) that the arrangement isn’t permanent, but as the weeks pass it’s hard to imagine what life was like before Sansa. He almost lets himself believe that things can really go on like this forever... until her brother Robb starts making the rounds on the talk show circuit to accuse the Baratheon bastard of murdering his wife, airing out the couple’s history of domestic violence and what he believes is Sansa’s disappearance at sea.
Jon knows if he reveals the truth, Sansa will hate him, but he also can’t live with lying to her — or letting Robb Tully, who seems like a nice enough guy, think his sister is dead. Arya, Bran, and Rickon, who’ve come to see Sansa as family, are desperate to stop Jon from ruining the relationships they’ve built, but the decision may be out of all of their hands when Joffrey finally sails back to Elk Cove to retrieve his wife and prove that she never really died.
ft. sansa as joanna/annie, jon as dean, arya/bran/rickon as his ramshackle family, joffrey as grant, and robb as edith
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ao3feed-tywin · 5 years
you cant carry it if you want to survive
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F9bmwX
by galaxial_aesthetic
kairos καιρός (n.) - the perfect, delicate, crucial moment; the fleeting rightness of time and place that creates the opportune atmosphere for action, words or movement.
An unshakable Mountain falls at the feet of a triumphant Red Viper, No One reunites with an Unchained Wolf and rebuilds her pack with a Storm King, and the past catches up with a Crow.
All the while, the winds of winter approach and men and women alike realise this enemy casts a far larger shadow than whoever is on top in their game of thrones.
 The Dorne and Northern Revolution (ft. The War For Spring, a second Dance with the Dragons, gratuitous amounts of self-indulgence, and a big old AU.)
Words: 3569, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Multi
Characters: Oberyn Martell, Elia Martell, Doran Martell, Ellaria Sand, Arianne Martell, Quentyn Martell, Trystane Martell, Obara Sand, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Sarella Sand, Elia Sand, Obella Sand, Dorea Sand, Loreza Sand, Arya Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Rickon Stark, Bran Stark, Tyrion Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Loras Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Willas Tyrell, Stannis Baratheon, Selyse Baratheon, Shireen Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon VI Targaryen, Daenerys Targaryen, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Walder Frey, Roslin Frey, Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn, Mya Stone, Gendry Waters, Petyr Baelish, Alayne Stone, Sandor Clegane, Gregor Clegane, Qyburn, Melisandre of Asshai, Davos Seaworth, Jon Connington, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, Asha Greyjoy, Euron Greyjoy, Theon Greyjoy, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Meera Reed, Jojen Reed
Relationships: Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters, Jaime Lannister/Brienne of Tarth, Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Other Relationship Tags to Be Added, Sandor Clegane/Sansa Stark, Robert "Sweetrobin" Arryn/Alayne Stone, Harrold Hardyng/Alayne Stone, Beric Dondarrion/Thoros of Myr, Melisandre of Asshai/Stannis Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon/Davos Seaworth
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, What-If, northern independence, Dorne Independence, Spongebob Voice: The Gang's All Here, Slow Build, Slow Burn, The Legacy of Elia Martell, POV Multiple, Women Being Awesome, Canon-Typical Violence, Period Typical Attitudes, Flashbacks, The Faceless Men, The House of Black and White, Politics, Wildling Culture & Customs, Dornish Culture & Customs, Northern Culture & Customs, Eventual Romance, Eventual Relationships, Polyamory, Self-Indulgent, Surprise Pairings, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Oberyn Martell is here to annoy the Lannisters and drink Dornish wine, and he's all out of wine, D&D made me Boo Boo The Fool so I'm redeeming my ass, Mix of book and show elements
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F9bmwX
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vairsparrow · 7 years
Game of Thrones -- Rewatch & Summary
Season 1, Episode 01: Winter is Coming
Alright, the episode opens up with an introduction to WHITE WALKERS (fuckin’ ice zombies) and the NIGHT’S WATCH (poor bastards sworn to protect the Seven Kingdoms from ice zombies). Three Night’s Watchmen go up north of THE WALL (700 ft of ICE that’s supposed to keep zombies out (yeah, Trump totally stole this idea)) and get attacked by zombies, but only one of them lives.
Then he gets caught by some guards of WINTERFELL, and we’re introduced to a fuck ton of characters at once.
EDDARD “NED” STARK -- Lord of Winterfell and the guy in charge of most of the people in the northern region of Westeros (that’s the name of the continent). He’s kind of our main character in season one.
CATELYN STARK -- Ned’s wife and the mother of his five legitimate children. She’s a good mom and wife, sweet but firm and very level-headed.
ROBB STARK -- The eldest Stark child, and the heir.
JON SNOW -- Ned’s bastard. He’s well kept and fed like nobility, but he can’t hold titles or anything like that. Catelyn hates him.
THEON GREYJOY -- Ned’s ward.
SANSA STARK -- The eldest daughter, second eldest child. Good at needlework, very ladylike.
ARYA STARK -- The second daughter, who’s better at archery than her little brother and hates needlework.
BRAN STARK -- The second son, who is ten and bad at archery. Good at climbing castle walls, though.
RICKON STARK -- The youngest child, who is like seven and bad at everything.
So yeah, Ned goes to kill the deserter because that’s his job and, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” He’s very dramatically honorable. Oh, and the guy tells Ned he saw White Walkers, but Ned says they’ve been dead for ages.
So then they’re on their way back, and then find a dead stag and a dead direwolf, with puppies. Super weird because direwolves haven’t been south of The Wall in centuries, but the Stark kids are gonna raise the puppies. Ned’s worried because the stag is the sigil of the royal family, and the direwolf is his house sigil, so if you believe in omens, this is a bad one.
We get like this brief scene of CERSEI LANNISTER (she’s the queen, and she’s married to ROBERT BARATHEON, but no one calls her Cersei Baratheon for some reason) and her twin brother JAIME LANNISTER talking about their deadly secret at the funeral of a guy who apparently found out about it. The dead guy is JON ARRYN, and he was sort of like a father to both the king and to Ned. He was the Hand of the King (the guy who basically does all the king’s chores while the king just gets fat), so Robert needs a new one.
So the king and his entire fuckin’ family go up to Winterfell so Robert can ask Ned to be his Hand. This is also when we find out that not only were Robert and Ned raised together, but they should have been brothers-in-law because Robert was engaged to Ned’s sister Lyanna before she died. Robert decides they’ll join their houses by marrying his son JOFFREY BARATHEON to Ned’s daughter, Sansa, and Ned is quiet because king but he’s like *INTERNALLY SCREAMING* because this is a lot to take in, dude, slow down!
Oh, yeah, and we meet TYRION LANNISTER in a brothel. He’s the queen’s other brother, a dwarf. He’s a lush, but he’s brilliant.
So then we get a scene in Pentos, which is across the Narrow Sea and not in King Robert’s lands. Here, we’re introduced to DANAERYS TARGARYEN, whose brother VISERYS TARGARYEN is preparing her to be wed to a savage Dothraki ruler, KHAL DROGO, like a brood mare basically so that Drogo will lend him an army to invade Westeros with. Viserys is a douchebag, and Danaerys is a quiet girl who doesn’t want to marry a savage who doesn’t even speak the same language. They’re the only survivors of House Targaryen, and their father, the Mad King Aerys, was the king before Robert usurped him and sent the Targaryens into exile.
There’s a feast in Winterfell for the king when Ned’s brother Benjen rides in. Benjen’s a Night Watchman, and he came to recruit, and Jon Snow wants to go. “Taking the black” (which is the slang term for joining the Night’s Watch) is basically the most honorable thing a bastard can do. Benjen tries to discourage him because Night’s Watchmen can’t have families, but Jon doesn’t care about that. Then Jon has an odd conversation with Tyrion about sons who aren’t wanted (since they have that in common, as Tyrion’s a dwarf). Tyrion advises Jon to “own” his status, to wear it like armor so it can’t be used to hurt him.
Sansa gets a crush on Joffrey. It’s gross because Joffrey’s an sadistic fuck, but we don’t know that yet.
Catelyn gets a secret message from her sister, Jon Arryn’s wife, claiming that he was murdered by the Lannisters. Ned was indecisive about accepting the title before, but he feels compelled to investigate the claim and protect the king from his crazy in-laws.
So then we get Danaerys’ marriage to Drogo. The newlyweds just sit on a dais and watch, but it’s a pretty savage event. “A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.” They get some weird ass gifts (like fuckin’ SNAKES?), but one guy who brings Danaerys books is JORAH MORMONT, and he’ll become a translator and friend for her. Finally, she’s presented with three dragon eggs. They’re assumed to be petrified after hundreds of years. Oh, and it’s important to note that the wife of a Khal (Dothraki ruler) is called KHALEESI, because that’s how she’ll be known now. Drogo’s wedding present to her is a horse. Then they ride off into the sunset to consummate their marriage, and it’s sort of... well, you can definitely tell she’s doing it because she has to. Drogo’s not brutal like she expected, though.
So then the king, Ned, and a bunch of the men go on a hunting trip back in Winterfell, and Bran goes climbing on the walls of the damn castle again like a total lunatic. Buuuut he accidentally catches the queen and her twin brother having sex... And yeah, to protect their secret, Jaime throws Bran out the window.
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