#rickon stark 01
winterreigned · 3 months
my sister in law is watching got for the first time and since we’re all away we watched battle of the bastards w her and now I’m feeling some type of way for the rest of the day
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farewcllwanderlvst · 2 years
In a flicker of a moment, Rickon remembered a tall man who towered over all the rest. At times Rickon would sit on his shoulders. His words were law, his stare was steel, but his hands were warm. A single instant of Rickon wondering if the man before him had warm hands, before realizing this man was not THAT man. This was not Father. No. Bran. He had approached, ignoring the tenseness of the guards around them. No one stopped him as Rickon’s hands touched upon Bran’s cheeks. “You...” It was the only face he recalled clearly among his siblings. This face, Bran’s, and the one that tried to rescue him. Jon? “You’ve become old.” | @disastri​
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the-desilittle-bird · 11 months
headcanon to be the young wife of Cregan Stark
A.N:- So, yeah, I was dead for as long as I can remember but now... I am back again!!!
Thank you and Enjoy your reading!
HOTD Headcanon
Being Cregan Stark's Young Wife Include...
Tags:- @chaotic-fangirl-blog, @cherryaemond, @watercolorskyy, @literishdegree99, @sunmoon-01, @random-shit-i-like-2, @ultrav0lence, @thatgirlthatreadswattpad, @deltamoon666, @severewobblerlightdragon, @marvelescvpe, @eudximoniakr
Warnings:- None
GIF Credit Goes to @mary-ann84
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You will be the daughter to some important lord or maybe a younger sister to some lord in the council of the King.
After Cregan Stark's first wife, Arra Norrey, dies in childbirth, your father/brother is ready to propose a marriage pact to the Lord of the North.
After all, you are young and fertile and highborn. The perfect partner for a Lord with only a son.
Cregan and you might have met one another once or not, it doesn't matter to him.
When the proposal reaches him and his council, the members and his advisors encourage him to accept it
But Cregan has other plans.
You soon find a raven of your name, written by the Wolf Lord, asking whether you wish for this or not.
Even if you were against this marriage, the raven would definitely make you swoon over his chivalry. And you will understand that you won't find a better match.
The marriage would be a small occasion, officiated in the eyes of the closest to the bride and groom.
The North, as well as your husband's council, will welcome their Lady with open arms.
You will also have to play mother to the little Rickon, and you find the baby adorable.
Bearing more children to Cregan and developing your relation with him.
Small but significant gestures on both of yours and his parts.
Being an absolute power couple.
You were worried sick when he had to travel south.
But equally happy when he returned unharmed.
Having a big fat happy family.
And an awesome relation with Sara.
In short, you did be everything the North needed in their Lady.
And the apple of Cregan's eyes.
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stylender · 2 years
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The Sims 4 Lookbook featuring The Starks (from Game of Thrones):
'The Stately Manor of Winter's Past' • Premieres Sunday, October 16th 2022 • . . 01 (l-r): Bran, Ned, Sansa, Arya, Catelyn, Rickon 02 (l-r): Bran, Jon, Arya, Catelyn, Ned, Sansa, Theon, Rickon, Robb
03 (l-r): Rickon, Catelyn, Ned, Bran
04 (l-r): Ned, Sansa + Rickon, Bran + Arya, Catelyn .
full video
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ofvelaryons · 6 years
Laughter tumbled from her lips, clear as the chiming of bells and just as sweet as any music that any bard could play. It was such a rare display of joy, one that only her daughters could pull from her and for a moment she allowed herself to get lost in it all and simply watch the two of them play with the waves as she had as a child. Their giggles mingled in with her own soft laughter as careful eyes watched that neither of them slipped as they raced away from the waves that were lapping up the shore line. The bottom of her own dress was still damp from wetting her own feet in the salt water that soothed her so much, having placed herself on the sand once more to simple take in a moment that would undoubtedly be a precious one for years to come.
Focus so purely on what was unfolding in front of her and the innocence of it all, t was all too easy to forget that they were far from alone in such a place and the point was seemingly proven as a figure drew closer along the beach. Private moment disrupted, the smile fell from her features as they became something all together more unreadable. Violet eyes shifted to the boy, gaze only flickering impassively over the huge wolf by his side when she had seen dragons and not flinched. Chin tilted upwards proudly, voice easily ringing out over the distance between them. “Is there something of interest to you, my lord?”
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swcrnsword · 6 years
When eyes had seen as many battles as his there were few things in life that truly surprised him any more. Steadfast was his very being and even the sight of dragons had failed to stir more than a raise of a brow from stoic features. Perhaps it was Northern pride blinding him to their majesty but the warrior simply saw creatures made for destruction. Fire made flesh when he had always preferred the icy North. On some level it seemed impossible not to concede that they were worthy of some amount of admiration - however grudging - but when eyes landed on an unfamiliar direwolf he was reminded of how much he preferred the animals that embodied the Starks he so devoutly followed.
Towering frame crouched to lower himself more onto the beast’s level, flint-grey eyes taking in its size and undeniable power. Usually unstirred features take it in with appreciation before stony eyes glance up at the young man whose side the wolf chose to walk at. Rumours of the arrival of another son of Ned had reached his ears and with the sight before him it seemed as though for once the gossip held true. Low words rumble from his lips, careful not to stretch a hand out towards the animal when their respect had to be won not demanded. “I take it telling yours that I am an ally of Grey Wind’s will to little to make it warm to me.”
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captainelliecomb · 3 years
WIP Wishlist Round Six
Themes in this list: Jaime/Brienne and my masochism when it comes to old WIPs. I blame the J/B fandom as always. Why did you punish me like this?
Round one, two, three, four, five
The Queen's Godswood by the1before (13,028 words, last update 05 June 2018) Summary: "Hell is full of good meanings, but heaven is full of good works." - Unknown. Brienne holds the difficult position in navigating between the two...especially with Jaime Lannister next to her.
Things I love: Queen Brienne (first as Robert's wife and then as queen by her own right), Brienne the (at least somewhat) secret Targaryen, her love for and care of the Godswood at the Red Keep, the love and anger and desire that simmers between her and Jaime, and that cliffhanger in the last chapter. I want more of this but I also want to read so many different people's takes on that setup, the cliffhanger is that good.
The Adventures of Brienne & Myrcy by the1before (6,978 words, last updated 14 Aug 2018) Summary: No summary.
Things I love: Brienne turns into a dragon. Literally. Into a dragon. I need no other reason to love this, but she also has a delightful protective friendship with Myrcella. (There is a short, complete sequel to this in as much as it is the season seven Dragon Pit scene turned on end because Brienne was sworn to Myrcella for so long, stayed with the Lannisters after, and TURNS INTO A DRAGON. Did I mention that part? Zaldrīzes buzdari iksos daor. Summary: A dragon is not a slave.) I also want to read different takes on Brienne literally turning into a dragon. (Possibly she is a dragon that turns into a human, but either way. Brienne becomes a literal dragon.)
Heart That Matters More by dancinginthecenteroftheworld (306,320, last updated 27 Aug 2021) Summary: What if Westeros were an adorably twee small town where nobody died and all problems were resolved in a happy way? If you read my November prompts and Advent fic, this is that universe. Will included re-written/expanded prompts in chronological order plus new content.
Featuring vets Asha and Brienne, Sansa the matchmaker, dumbass Robb Stark, Rickon and Shireen's amazing chemistry, Dany the crazy lizard lady AND MORE. If you want realism and complexity, don't come here. If you want to pretend we're not all living through a dumpster fire of a timeline and see characters you love be happy with mild angst that gets resolved so everyone's happy again, read on.
Things I love: That this updates so frequently, which is a little bit cheating to include it on this list. Brienne slowly building friendships. Rickon and Shireen's actual amazing chemistry. Ridiculous festivals, lots of gossip, and warm and loving friends and families.
To Reach for Spring by Kadi219 (173,394 words, last updated 01 Jan 2020) Summary: Picks up near the end of 8x04 and then becomes decidedly AU. The army of the north heads for King's Landing to save the realm, rather than burn it.
Things I love: The writing style, the pacing and word choice, the dialogue, the characterisations of pretty much everyone, Brienne the secret Targaryen (I love that premise every single time I see it), a strong answer to why Selwyn Tarth never leaves his damn island, better battle plans and politics than we saw in S8 in particular and throughout most of the show, really, Brienne, Sansa, Arya, and Danaerys coming together to change the world, women supporting women, and the plain fun of it. Kadi219 has engaging writing and storytelling styles.
it's not much (but my money's on you) by jellyb34n @nossbean (47,399 words, last updated 09 Sep 2021, 9 chapters posted out of 18) Summary: Brienne knocked again. Then she leaned on the bell.
Inside, faintly and getting louder, “For the love of the fucking Seven.” Lannister threw the door open. He blinked, tipped his head up to meet Brienne’s eyes. He was in loose plaid pyjama bottoms, and was still tugging down a white t-shirt. His hair was mussed, his stubble a golden shadow against his tan skin, and he blinked again at her blearily under his frown. He somehow still looked good, damn him, and it only served to make her feel even more irritable.
“Mr Lannister,” she said crisply, and she waited not a beat before shoving past him, right into his home uninvited. She hadn’t ever been so pushy, with a representative or otherwise, and it made her feel twitchy on top of everything else. But from their brief meeting, she suspected pushy was the only thing Lannister might respond to, so she’d steeled herself for it. She said over her shoulder, “We have four hours to prepare you.”
“Ms — Tarth, is it?” Lannister said, snide, behind her. “Please. Do come in. Make yourself at home. In my home. It isn’t like I was sleeping. It’s just half fucking five in the morning. On a Saturday.”
Things I love: Behind the scenes for politics, the friendships, particularly Jaime, Elia, and Rhaenys, Brienne's characterisation and voice, Jaime's sharp humour and intelligence set against his soft heart (he is made for love), the incredible sexual and romantic tension between Jaime and Brienne, Lyanna Mormont in all her glory, Missandei's intelligence and wit and competence, Pia's role -- everything, pretty much everything.
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jackoshadows · 3 years
What are your thoughts on Jon-Bran-Tyrion & their relationship in TWoW & ADoS?
I have read that in GRRM original-idea [?] Jon was to rival Tyrion [because of their love over Arya] as well as Bran for the sake of Northern Power [& Arya apparently too, but not in the same sense??]
[No idea what Bran & Tyrion's relationship was suppose to/could look like, don't think GRRM has mention smth]
That being said, I can get behind Tyrion vs Jon, alright. But Jon vs Bran? How is that suppose to look like/work?
Even if we ignore that they think of each other fondly & miss each other, and that I don't see a reason why this would change all of a sudden... Or that Jon will likely gain the support of the North in TWoW, since he rather fit the "perfect image of an Lord", since he is a able-bodied, traditional [swords-] man, grown & proven as Leader/Lord Commander, has the same education as Robb did, is the eldest Son of Eddard, etc....
[Although I guess Lords like Manderly could prefer Rickon, so they can grap power as his custodian/regents? And the whole being-dead-but-not-anymore-&-what-about-the-oaths thing could be a little tricky & stuff😅] while Bran will likely remain longer behind the Wall, won't be able to rally allies & bannermen [Althouse I have read the speculation of Bran, The Blizzard and The Battle of Ice, my main concern is again the pacing:where Bran's plot seems on overdrive, while Jon's & all those around & in Winterfell are on hold in order for Bran to come back. It's the same problem for me with all those "speculations" about Dany & arriving way to early in Westeros] ...
But the thing that makes it so unbelievable for me is: the fricking age gap?! Put aside their feelings for each other, who is more likely to gain poltical support & all of that, Bran will be like 11 & Jon 18-19? Like... a rivalry between a elementary school student & a high school graduate? 😂🙊
I think for certain that there will be some kind of conflict between Jon and Tyrion. Them shaking hands on the Wall and calling each other friends is foreshadowing a friends to enemies arc, IMO.
As for Jon and Bran, it's hard to see this happening, but I am not ruling out the possibility - meaning that I won't be surprised if it happens. As you mentioned, a Jon/Bran rivalry/bitter estrangement was one of the major parts of the story in the original outline.
By the end of A Game of Thrones,------------------------------------- ---------------------------------g--------------- onto the iron throne with a bit----------------premature death, Bran sits free.--Yet his seat is hardly a comfortable one. In the North, Jon Snow is his bitter enemy. Beyond the narrow sea, Daenerys Stormborn prepares her invasion and on the far side of the Wall, the others are watching with cold dead eyes and gathering their strength.
Can this still happen? I think so. I have always said that GRRM likes his themes of dysfunctional families, conflict among family members and the human heart in conflict with itself and again, I don't see why the Starks should be the exception.
But I think it is a mistake to generalize about “the Westerlings,”  just as it would be to generalize about “the Lannisters.” Members of the same family have very different characters, desires, and ways of   looking at the world… and there are secrets within families as well.
GRRM SSM, May 01, 2001
The reason Sansa even exists as a character in the first place is because he wanted family conflict among the Starks.
Arya was one of the first characters created. Sansa came about as a total opposite b/c too many of the Stark family members were getting along and families aren’t like that.
Why would Jon and Bran have a rivalry? That I cannot speculate on, yet. We still have a lot of story to cover. But in the next book, my speculation is that both Jon and Bran would have changed a lot.
Bran is the current Lord of Winterfell/Heir to the North/Robb's Heir and King in the North. Robb's decree legitimizing Jon Stark could be a possible issue between them.
GRRM has said that death and resurrection changes a person and Jon is going to be spending time in a wolf. A resurrected Jon Snow coming back more wolfish and more hungry. Remember this?
He wanted it, Jon knew then. He wanted it as much as he had ever wanted anything. I have always wanted it, he thought, guiltily. May the gods forgive me. It was a hunger inside him, sharp as a dragonglass blade. A hunger … he could feel it. It was food he needed, prey, a red deer that stank of fear or a great elk proud and defiant. He needed to kill and fill his belly with fresh meat and hot dark blood. His mouth began to water with the thought. - Jon, ASoS
GRRM ties in his desire for Winterfell to a deep hunger that then connects to Ghost - his hunger for Winterfell intermingling with Ghost's hunger...
Remember the kings in the North of yore, like Ice Eyes. I doubt Jon Stark is going to hold back much. He's going to be doing some really messed up stuff.
Meanwhile, Bran's heavily involved in the magical stuff beyond the wall. Has connections to Bloodraven, the Children of the forest, can influence timelines (Hodor), unearth past truths and will be one of the most powerful greenseers. Blood sacrifice and human sacrifice is a big part of the dark magic of the north. Maybe they fight over how to defeat the Others? I think Bran's connection to the children of the forest is how they win again this time around - and his relationship with Jon suffers because of that?
Bran ends up King on the Iron Throne and Jon Snow ends up in the lands beyond the wall - just the opposite of what we would expect for these two characters considering where they are now and what we know of them (R+L=J) etc. How does this happen?
Anyways, according to GRRM, TWoW is a very dark book and if there is a Jon-Bran rivalry, we may see the seeds of it being planted in this book.
There are a lot of dark chapters right now in the book that I’m writing,” he said during a Q&A at the Guadalajara International Book Fair, according to Entertainment Weekly. “It is called The Winds of Winter, and I’ve been telling you for 20 years that winter was coming. Winter is the time when things die, and cold and ice and darkness fill the world, so this is not going to be the happy feel-good that people may be hoping for. Some of the characters [are] in very dark places.”
This is why I find all the Dark!Dany stuff slightly hilarious. Is Dany going to do things that go against the Geneva conventions (lol) in the next book? Yeah, I think so. She is going to come back from her sojourn at Vaes Dothrak and be like I have had it with these effing slavers and go all Aegon the Conqueror on them (About time I say, she should have done it a while ago). But I am pretty damn sure most of our characters are going to become darker in the next book. Tyrion is already on a downward spiral, Jon will surely go on a rampage against the Boltons, Bran most probably eating Jojen paste over there and learning dark magic, getting taught by Bloodraven, Sansa participating in the slow poisoning of her little cousin in the Vale and have you read Arya's Mercy chapter? That stuff is dark.
As for the rest, I think we should ignore the age gap like GRRM is planning on doing ( GRRM sees his young people as adults anyway - "Arya has the experiences of a 40 year old, If a 12 year old has to conquer the world then so be it" etc.) and I do think he will include some time gaps in the next two books allowing for travel etc. I am pretty sure Arya will end the books at 14.
Bran, Dany and Arya's plots have to be in overdrive in the next book out of necessity. Bran has to advance a lot in his plot, be used to build up the Others as a big threat, give us more info about the Children, Bloodraven, what is actually happening, Hodor etc. - there's just so much stuff here that GRRM has to write. Same with Dany. Dany has to wind up in Meereen, land in Westeros and start her campaign. Same with Arya. I think that's why they will get the most chapters, and time in the next book.
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ao3feed-theonsa · 4 years
Lessons of Needles and Blades
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W9R26t
by Deliahscrush2003
Words: 2550, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Lesson of Needles and Blades
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy, Robb Stark, Jon Snow, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Benjen Stark, Stark Household
Relationships: Theon Greyjoy/Sansa Stark, Catelyn Stark/Ned Stark, Jon Snow & Arya Stark & Bran Stark & Rickon Stark & Robb Stark & Sansa Stark, Theon Greyjoy & Starks
Additional Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Season/Series 01, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2W9R26t
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blackcur-rants · 5 years
Musical Theatre Songs that remind me of characters in “A Song of Ice and Fire”
01. Eddard Stark: Tradition (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
02. Catelyn Tully-Stark: Meadowlark (“The Baker’s Wife”)
03. Lyanna Stark: Heart of Stone (“Six”)
04. Jon Snow: Proud of your boy (“Aladdin”)
05. Robb Stark: Go the Distance (“Hercules”)
06. Sansa Stark: Home (“Beauty and the Beast”)
07. Arya Stark: Reflection (“Mulan”)
08. Bran Stark: Strangers like me (“Tarzan”)
09. Meera Reed: On my way (“Brother Bear”)
10. Jojen Reed: One Song Glory (“RENT”)
11. Rickon Stark: Good Kid (“The Lightning Thief: The Musical”)
12. Wyman Manderly: What I did for love (“A Chorus Line”)
13. Beric Dondarrion: Do you hear the People sing? (“Les Miserables”)
14. Daenerys Targaryen: Defying Gravity (“Wicked”)
15. Rhaegar Targaryen: Love is an open door (“Frozen”)
16. Viserys Targaryen: Lonely Room (“Oklahoma”)
17. Aerys II Targaryen: Hellfire (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
18. Rhaella Targaryen: Baby Mine (“Dumbo”)
19. Khal Drogo: I wanna be like you (“The Jungle Book”)
20. Tyrion Lannister: One Last Hope (“Hercules”)
21. Bronn: Money, money, money (“Mamma Mia”)
22. Tywin Lannister: Things you see in a graveyard (“Repo: The Genetic Opera”)
23. Joanna Lannister: I know him so well (“Chess”)
24. Cersei Lannister: My Lullaby (“The Lion King II: Simba’s Pride”)
25. Jaime Lannister: As long as he needs me (“Oliver”)
26. Aurane Waters: On the Amazon (“Mr. Cinders”)
27. Kevan Lannister: You’ll be back (“Hamilton”)
28. Theon Greyjoy: Prince Ali (“Aladdin”)
29. Asha Greyjoy: Just around the Riverbend (“Pocahontas”)
30. Balon Greyjoy: Why we build the wall (“Hadestown”)
31. Euron Greyjoy: Alive (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
32. Victarion Greyjoy: I’m mean (“Popeye”)
33. Aeron Greyjoy: You’re a Mean One, Mr. Grinch (“How the Grinch stole Christmas”)
34. Hoster Tully: The Private and Intimate life of the House (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
35. Walder Frey: Master of the House (“Les Miserables”)
36. Lysa Arryn: Rose’s Turn (…that one musical about Rose Lee Hovick with the very unfortunate title)
37. Myranda Royce: Dancing through life (“Wicked”)
38. Mace Tyrell: Mine, Mine, Mine (“Pocahontas”)
39. Olenna Redwyne-Tyrell: Painting the Roses Red (“Alice in Wonderland”)
40. Loras Tyrell: She used to be Mine (“Waitress”)
41. Margaery Tyrell: Living it up on top (“Hadestown”)
42. Samwell Tarly: Dust and Ashes (“Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812”)
43. Gilly: Requiem (“Dear Evan Hansen”)
44. Robert Baratheon: Joanna (“Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street”)
45. Joffrey Baratheon: The Phoney King of England (“Robin Hood”)
46. Myrcella Baratheon: Dancing Queen (“Mamma Mia”)
47. Gendry: My Petersburg (“Anastasia”)
48. Jon Connington: How it Ends (“Big Fish”)
49. Stannis Baratheon: Stars (“Les Miserables”)
50. Davos Seaworth: If I were a rich man (“Fiddler on the Roof”)
51. Selyse Florent-Baratheon: Evening Prayers (“Carrie”)
52. Alester Florent: I don’t understand the poor (“A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder”)
53. Renly Baratheon: Gaston (“Beauty and the Beast”)
54. Brienne of Tarth: The Impossible Dream (“Man of La Mancha”)
55. Septon Meribald: God Help the Outcasts (“The Hunchback of Notre Dame”)
56. The High Sparrow: Wonderful (“Wicked”)
57. Doran Martell: All the Wasted Time (“Parade”)
58. Elia Martell: Your Daddy’s son (“Ragtime”)
59. Oberyn Martell: Make them hear you (“Ragtime”)
60. Sarella Sand/Alleras: What’s this? (“The Nightmare Before Christmas”)
61. Marwyn: Higitus Figitus (“The Sword in the Stone”)
62. Qyburn: The Oogie Boogie Song (“The Nightmare before Christmas”)
63. Arianne Martell: Still Hurting (“The Last Five Years”)
64. Quentyn Martell: Hero (“Ghost Quartet”)
65. Gregor Clegane: My Name (“Oliver”)
66. Sandor Clegane: When there’s no one (“Carrie”)
67. Petyr Baelish: Easy Street (“Annie”)
68. Varys: You’ve gotta pick a pocket or two (“Oliver”)
69. Illyrio Mopatis: Molasses to Rum (“1776”)
70. Barbrey Dustin: When you’re good to Mama (“Chicago”)
71. Bloodraven: Die Faden in der Hand (“Rudolph”)
72. Egg: This is the moment (“Jekyll and Hyde”)
73. Dunk: Waiting for life (“Once on this Island”)
74. Rohanne Webber: Ich Gehor Nur Mir (“Elisabeth”)
75. Eustace Osgrey: God, I hate Shakespeare (“Something Rotten”)
76. Daemon II Blackfyre: La Donna e Mobile (“Rigoletto”)
77. Roose Bolton: What’s the use of feeling, Blue? (“Steven Universe”)
78. Ramsay Snow: Dentist (“Little Shop of Horrors”)
79. Dolorous Edd: Knight of the Woeful Countenance (“Man of La Mancha”)
80. Alliser Thorne: G Company Blues (“From Here to Eternity”)
81. Satin Flowers: Pixies of the Ether (“Soho Cinders”)
82. Shae: It’s all the same (“Man of La Mancha”)
83. Donal Noye: Bare Necessities (“The Jungle Book”)
84. Mance Rayder: It’s hard to be the bard (“Something Rotten”)
85. Tormund Giantsbane: Through Heaven’s Eyes (“The Prince of Egypt”)
86. Ygritte: Soldier and Rose (“Ghost Quartet”)
87. Jeor Mormont: One Last Time (“Hamilton”)
88. Jorah Mormont: Meant to be yours (“Heathers”)
89. Barristan Selmy: They call the wind Maria (“Paint your Wagon”)
90. Ashara Dayne: Lily’s Eyes (“The Secret Garden”)
91. The Green Grace: You’re playing with the big boys now (“The Prince of Egypt”)
92. Hizdahr zo Loraq: We are Siamese (“Lady and the Tramp”)
93. Reznak mo Reznak: Was I Wazir? (“Kismet”)
94. Xaro Xhoan Daxos: Money makes the world go round (“Cabaret”)
95. Aegon VI Blackfyre: Chip on my shoulder (“Legally Blonde”)
96. Jalabhar Xho: Diva’s Lament (“Spamalot”)
97. Quaithe: A cover is not the book (“Mary Poppins Returns”)
98. Melisandre: Age of Aquarius (“Hair”)
99. R’hllor: Der Holle Rache kocht In meinem herzen (“The Magic Flute”)
100. The Others: Ewigkeit (“Tanz der Vampire”)
@musicalhell @book-sansa @daphneblakess @flightsofwonder @dumbandlazy @cynicalclassicist
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ao3feed-tywin · 6 years
The Flayed Wolf
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UZBVuf
by ZinniaRoseStark
After the death of her brother Domeric, Raya Bolton is sent to Winterfell to marry the young wolf Robb Stark. Expecting the worst she's surprised at what she finds there. But it's not all happily ever after. Dark secrets quickly come to light and Robb finds himself having to break down well fortified walls in order to help his wife overcome the darkness inside her. With the threat of war on the horizon, how will the story change now that there's a new player in the game?
Words: 2916, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Original House Bolton Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Robb Stark, Roose Bolton, Ramsay Bolton, Ned Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Rickon Stark, Jon Snow, Theon Greyjoy, Jory Cassel, Rodrik Cassel, Septa Mordane, Maester Luwin, Robert Baratheon, Cersei Lannister, Tywin Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Joffrey Baratheon, Tommen Baratheon, Myrcella Baratheon, Sandor Clegane, Brienne of Tarth, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Edmure Tully, Brynden Tully, Hoster Tully, Walder Frey, Walda Frey, Myranda (Game of Thrones), Hodor (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Robb Stark/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Canon, Pre-Season/Series 01, Arranged Marriage, House Stark, Violence, Canon-Typical Violence, Canonical Character Death, Character Death, Wedding Night, Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Fluff, Angst, Abuse, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Implied/Referenced Torture, Ramsay is his own warning, Roose Bolton is his own warning
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2UZBVuf
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hilarychuff · 3 years
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#my writing - 20 posts
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#anyway nobody reblog this or look at me i just had thoughts and didn't want to delete them after writing them out which is what i usually do
My Top Posts in 2021
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It’s not Rickon who returns to him first, it’s Bran — Bran, who rides through the gates of Winterfell in a cart pulled by his direwolf, Bran who calls himself the Three-Eyed Crow and brings with him a girl the crannogmen recognize as Meera Reed and all sorts of secrets about the past. Jon thought he would be happy to have another sibling back home, back by his side, and he is, and yet —
He is grateful to have his baby brother returned to him, had practically flown out the keep and to the gates when Podrick brought word. Without thinking, Jon had clambered into the cart too, swept the boy into his arms, pressed a kiss to his forehead, and Bran had smiled then, a small twitch of the lips, but it had only been a moment before he asked to visit the godswood, and from then — As warming as it had been to see his brother not only awake, but grown, practically a man —
Everything he knows has been turned on its head. Bran brought with him answers to questions Jon had long stopped asking, and yet those answers raise even further questions. He doesn’t know who he is anymore. He does not even know his name. He has lost the ability to finish any thoughts. They fly by him, too quick to grasp and follow to their ends.
i carry it in mine, chapter 13, jon vii
35 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 02:15:15 GMT
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That first day in the throne room, I told you of my brother’s need for allies. The north remembers, Your Grace, both the wrongs committed against it and the ancient threats we face once more, but the north lost many in my brother Robb’s war. The Lannisters conspired with the Boltons and the Freys to slay much of his army, and the forces we have left cannot stand against the Others alone. Perhaps she should not be so blunt. Perhaps it is a poor strategy to speak so plainly of their weaknesses. She imagines her honesty will make little difference, however, if they are truly to duel with three dragons, the Dothraki, and the Unsullied, and so she does not hold her tongue. The Vale does not belong to the north, Your Grace, she informs Daenerys. But the Vale fought beside the north against the Boltons, and it will continue to do so against the dead if my hand is promised to its Lord Protector.
It is Tyrion who understands first, shooting to his feet to fix her with a disbelieving stare, his mouth hanging wide. Littlefinger, he challenges her to confirm, Petyr Baelish, the man who had a part in framing them both for Joffrey’s death, who gave her to the Boltons, the man who has surely been conspiring to manipulate her into a marriage since he first asked Cersei for Sansa’s hand and was denied the honor. Tyrion speaks of even more betrayals, schemes, a dagger with a dragonbone hilt sent to open her brother Bran’s throat while he still slept, a deal with the late Lord Slynt to steal the city watch away from her father’s service.
Her mask slips. Her words fail. It is all too easy to picture it — not soldiers in gold cloaks who step forward with Ned Stark held up between them, but Petyr Baelish in his velvet brocade and mockingbird pin. She can see it, then, the man who made her call him father shoving her true father to the ground as Ilyn Payne raises Ice above his head. And she can hear it, too, the sound of a cage that clicked shut so long ago.
i carry it in mine, chapter 14, sansa vii
38 notes • Posted 2021-01-14 06:17:07 GMT
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Ever since he sat with Bran beneath the weirwood branches, ever since Bran told him the truth of who he is, he has been spending ever more time with the Stark tombs. As the King in the North, one of the plots would be his one day. His bones are meant to spend an eternity beside Robb’s, beside his lord father’s. But Eddard Stark is not his father, and Robb is not his brother, and their bones never made it north.
i carry it in mine, chapter 13, jon vii
39 notes • Posted 2021-01-08 23:02:08 GMT
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She promises to be a good queen, just — and to fight any war her people might face as soon as she has claimed her rightful position as ruler of all seven kingdoms. But the north is one of those kingdoms. Sansa has come to Dragonstone as her guest, and the queen decrees that she will stay on the island as her guest so long as Jon remains in open rebellion. As is custom, her safety will be assured, all her needs met, and she and her companions will be allowed to come and go around the keep as they please, but they will not be granted passage back to their ships.
Sansa imagines that Lady Mormont and Brienne are not pleased where they stand out of sight behind her, but both know better than to speak, instead waiting for their princess’s response. There is only one she can give. Her guards have no weapons, nothing with which to fight for their own lives, let alone hers. Sansa has never been a warrior, but she knows how to shield herself as a lady might. She will be as genteel as she has ever been in the face of a ruler holding her freedom in their hands.
I understand, Your Grace, she says evenly, curtsying once more, and she thinks of the mark on her chest, of the betrothal arranged to make amends for it and the scars and bruises she earned from the Kingsguard because of it. And then she thinks of Robb, of Jon, of the crowns of winter found deep in Winterfell’s crypts. When she looks back up at the dragon queen, she has nothing but an empty smile to offer, and her gaze catches on all the others in the room before it meets Ser Barristan Selmy’s, then finally lands on Tyrion.
My companions and I thank you for your hospitality, she tells the woman they call the Breaker of Shackles. I have played the role of a traitor’s kin before, and I have no doubt your treatment will at least be kinder than Joffrey’s. Perhaps one day your hand will tell you the stories.
i carry it in mine, chapter 12, sansa vi 
39 notes • Posted 2021-01-04 02:30:11 GMT
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asoiaf obvious child au in au graphic series
Sansa thought she’d finally figured the whole dating thing out when she started seeing Harry Hardyng. He didn’t yell at her like her last boyfriend, didn’t throw household objects or temper tantrums, always kept a cool head — so when he dumps her out of the blue after one of her poetry readings, revealing that he’s dating one of their mutual friends instead, well, it wouldn’t exactly be a stretch to say she spirals. It doesn’t help that her uncle Benjen has decided to sell the bookstore he owns, which means she’s losing her day job, too. It feels like her whole life is falling apart around her, and all she wants to do is hide under the covers and sleep for the next year and a half.
Unfortunately (or fortunately), her little sister Arya isn’t about to let her wallow in her own self-pity for long, and when her little brother Bran suggests she try and channel everything she’s feeling into her writing, she figures it’s at least worth a shot. It had helped her before, writing — but when she gets up on stage at the next open mic night Bran organizes, she bombs hard with some angry, impromptu slam poetry and then promptly bursts into tears at the first rhyme in the sonnet she actually prepared ahead of time. The night is a mess, a total loss, and the only thing left to do is to get absolutely trashed and go home with the sweet guy named Jon who wandered in an hour after the show and who offered to buy her a drink when she caught him staring.
In the morning, though, it doesn’t make her feel any better, and she sneaks away while he’s still sleeping. Lately, it feels like everything she touches turns to shit, and she’s not about to drag some innocent bystander down with her — and then she finds out she’s pregnant. Pregnant, and it’s not Harry’s, because they hadn’t had sex in months even before she found out the reason why. She spent one stupid night with Jon, and she still managed to ruin his life in that time, not to mention how ill-prepared her own life is to cater to a baby when she can’t even take care of herself. 
It’s not a question of if she’ll get an abortion. It’s a question of how she’ll afford one without having to tell her parents — and it’s also a question of when. It just figures that the only day the clinic has an open appointment slot is Valentine’s Day. But that’s fine. She knows her romantic life is shit. She just doesn’t want to destroy anyone else’s, which is why she sends Jon away when he swings by her work to ask her out, why she blows him off after he actually shows up at the poetry reading she only sort of invited him to, but when she spends the rest of the week thinking about how he warmed her butter between his palms, cupping his hands around the packet until it spread perfectly across a slice of bread, she can’t stop herself from calling him one last time, leaving a voicemail about where to find her. 
She doesn’t know if he’ll show. She doesn’t know how she’ll tell him. She just — she doesn’t want him to disappear. She doesn’t want to never see him again. She doesn’t know how to unfuck this up, how to explain why exactly she fucked it up in the first place. And then, somewhere on stage between her first poem and her second, she sees him slip into the back of the room, and all she can think is that if she doesn’t say something now, say something while the spotlight is shining and all the faces in the room are turned towards her, she’ll never find the courage to do it at all. 
ft. sansa stark as donna, jon snow as max, arya stark as nellie, bran stark as joey, catelyn stark as nancy, ned stark as jacob, harry hardyng as ryan, benjen stark as gene, theon greyjoy as sam
63 notes • Posted 2021-10-08 16:11:00 GMT
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lobocomicsandtoys · 4 years
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Published by ONI PRESS INC. Written by Kyle Starks and Terry Blas Art and cover art by Benjamin Dewey and Marc Ellerby
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Available at Lobo Comics & Toys this coming Wednesday, 01/20/2021
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everythingjonsa · 7 years
Not hating or trying to be rude, but may I ask why you ship Jon and Sansa together knowing they're cousins but were raised as siblings making it very morally dubious if not borderline incestuous? Lol again I'm not trying to be a dick I'm just curious
Hi Anon, 
Thank you for the ask. Curiosity is fine!! LOL. First of all I never shipped anyone with anyone on game of thrones before season 6. Not even Jon and Ygritte. Maybe lowkey shipped Sansa and Tyrion because I thought about the irony in Sansa’s character arc if she were to fall in love with the imp, after dreaming of handsome knights from her songs. But I didn’t ship ship them, if you know what I mean. Then season 6 happened. I was almost sure Sansa would miss Jon, just like she missed brienne the first time. But we got an epic stark re-union and I as I continued watching more and more of their interactions, something felt off key.  
Of course since shipping was not the main reason I was watching game of thrones, it was a small little detail easily ignored and put off right until the end of the season where the whole Jon is Lyanna and Rhaegar’s son reveal happened and I suddenly realized that Jon and Sansa are not half-sibling, they are in-fact cousins. I thought I was crazy for having felt their vibes and upon lurking on the internet I was relieved to find out that there were many others, including professional writers who’d noticed the inappropriate chemistry between Jon and Sansa. 
Catelyn Stark did not like Jon who was a constant reminder of her husband’s infidelity and Sansa took her mother’s view of Jon unlike the other Stark kids. Sansa was a ass to Jon when they were children, from what the show has told us and they never really interact in the books or the show, I think for a reason. In season 1 ep 01 again, Jon is shown saying goodbye to Bran, Robb and Arya but never to Sansa and Rickon. Rickon we can all agree has had almost zero or very little role to play in the show. But why not Sansa? Especially if they’re going to be the first two starks to re-unite in the show. So, I don’t think they were close as siblings. Even their conversation after the re-union, “Do you remember those kidney pies old nan used to make?” It was more general not drawing our attention to any specific good moment that they shared together as siblings. Just both of them remembering how happy they were at home, and never actually realized it. It just gave out a feeling that they were not close growing up. Theon grew up with the starks and had entertained the idea of marrying Sansa at some point if I’m not wrong. 
There are many wonderful meta’s about why Jon and Sansa’s arc complete each others as a couple. But this is one I read recently and it’s a very well thought out and well written meta from an unbiased view of a non-shipper if you wish to check it out. And the Jon and Sansa parallels with Ned and Cat are just getting ridiculously too many. Especially the latest LF choking scene. 
I am not expecting an epic love story between Jon and Sansa, to be honest. There’s no time for it in the current timeline of the story. But I do feel that the cousin reveal was done at the end of season 6 for a reason especially to tell us that it’s going to create troubles for Jon and his KitN status. Even the media reports about Jon and Sansa’s tension in almost every publication reffered to Jon as her cousin or her half-brother turned cousin. I think Sansa will be the first one to know about this and it will be crucial to watch out how that affects their relationship. 
Anyway, this was for your curiosity. 
Thanks for the ask!!
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vairsparrow · 7 years
Game of Thrones -- Rewatch & Summary
Season 1, Episode 01: Winter is Coming
Alright, the episode opens up with an introduction to WHITE WALKERS (fuckin’ ice zombies) and the NIGHT’S WATCH (poor bastards sworn to protect the Seven Kingdoms from ice zombies). Three Night’s Watchmen go up north of THE WALL (700 ft of ICE that’s supposed to keep zombies out (yeah, Trump totally stole this idea)) and get attacked by zombies, but only one of them lives.
Then he gets caught by some guards of WINTERFELL, and we’re introduced to a fuck ton of characters at once.
EDDARD “NED” STARK -- Lord of Winterfell and the guy in charge of most of the people in the northern region of Westeros (that’s the name of the continent). He’s kind of our main character in season one.
CATELYN STARK -- Ned’s wife and the mother of his five legitimate children. She’s a good mom and wife, sweet but firm and very level-headed.
ROBB STARK -- The eldest Stark child, and the heir.
JON SNOW -- Ned’s bastard. He’s well kept and fed like nobility, but he can’t hold titles or anything like that. Catelyn hates him.
THEON GREYJOY -- Ned’s ward.
SANSA STARK -- The eldest daughter, second eldest child. Good at needlework, very ladylike.
ARYA STARK -- The second daughter, who’s better at archery than her little brother and hates needlework.
BRAN STARK -- The second son, who is ten and bad at archery. Good at climbing castle walls, though.
RICKON STARK -- The youngest child, who is like seven and bad at everything.
So yeah, Ned goes to kill the deserter because that’s his job and, “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.” He’s very dramatically honorable. Oh, and the guy tells Ned he saw White Walkers, but Ned says they’ve been dead for ages.
So then they’re on their way back, and then find a dead stag and a dead direwolf, with puppies. Super weird because direwolves haven’t been south of The Wall in centuries, but the Stark kids are gonna raise the puppies. Ned’s worried because the stag is the sigil of the royal family, and the direwolf is his house sigil, so if you believe in omens, this is a bad one.
We get like this brief scene of CERSEI LANNISTER (she’s the queen, and she’s married to ROBERT BARATHEON, but no one calls her Cersei Baratheon for some reason) and her twin brother JAIME LANNISTER talking about their deadly secret at the funeral of a guy who apparently found out about it. The dead guy is JON ARRYN, and he was sort of like a father to both the king and to Ned. He was the Hand of the King (the guy who basically does all the king’s chores while the king just gets fat), so Robert needs a new one.
So the king and his entire fuckin’ family go up to Winterfell so Robert can ask Ned to be his Hand. This is also when we find out that not only were Robert and Ned raised together, but they should have been brothers-in-law because Robert was engaged to Ned’s sister Lyanna before she died. Robert decides they’ll join their houses by marrying his son JOFFREY BARATHEON to Ned’s daughter, Sansa, and Ned is quiet because king but he’s like *INTERNALLY SCREAMING* because this is a lot to take in, dude, slow down!
Oh, yeah, and we meet TYRION LANNISTER in a brothel. He’s the queen’s other brother, a dwarf. He’s a lush, but he’s brilliant.
So then we get a scene in Pentos, which is across the Narrow Sea and not in King Robert’s lands. Here, we’re introduced to DANAERYS TARGARYEN, whose brother VISERYS TARGARYEN is preparing her to be wed to a savage Dothraki ruler, KHAL DROGO, like a brood mare basically so that Drogo will lend him an army to invade Westeros with. Viserys is a douchebag, and Danaerys is a quiet girl who doesn’t want to marry a savage who doesn’t even speak the same language. They’re the only survivors of House Targaryen, and their father, the Mad King Aerys, was the king before Robert usurped him and sent the Targaryens into exile.
There’s a feast in Winterfell for the king when Ned’s brother Benjen rides in. Benjen’s a Night Watchman, and he came to recruit, and Jon Snow wants to go. “Taking the black” (which is the slang term for joining the Night’s Watch) is basically the most honorable thing a bastard can do. Benjen tries to discourage him because Night’s Watchmen can’t have families, but Jon doesn’t care about that. Then Jon has an odd conversation with Tyrion about sons who aren’t wanted (since they have that in common, as Tyrion’s a dwarf). Tyrion advises Jon to “own” his status, to wear it like armor so it can’t be used to hurt him.
Sansa gets a crush on Joffrey. It’s gross because Joffrey’s an sadistic fuck, but we don’t know that yet.
Catelyn gets a secret message from her sister, Jon Arryn’s wife, claiming that he was murdered by the Lannisters. Ned was indecisive about accepting the title before, but he feels compelled to investigate the claim and protect the king from his crazy in-laws.
So then we get Danaerys’ marriage to Drogo. The newlyweds just sit on a dais and watch, but it’s a pretty savage event. “A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair.” They get some weird ass gifts (like fuckin’ SNAKES?), but one guy who brings Danaerys books is JORAH MORMONT, and he’ll become a translator and friend for her. Finally, she’s presented with three dragon eggs. They’re assumed to be petrified after hundreds of years. Oh, and it’s important to note that the wife of a Khal (Dothraki ruler) is called KHALEESI, because that’s how she’ll be known now. Drogo’s wedding present to her is a horse. Then they ride off into the sunset to consummate their marriage, and it’s sort of... well, you can definitely tell she’s doing it because she has to. Drogo’s not brutal like she expected, though.
So then the king, Ned, and a bunch of the men go on a hunting trip back in Winterfell, and Bran goes climbing on the walls of the damn castle again like a total lunatic. Buuuut he accidentally catches the queen and her twin brother having sex... And yeah, to protect their secret, Jaime throws Bran out the window.
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aethelredism · 8 years
here's a fic prompt if you're taking them; anything to do with happy starks at christmas time maybe they all get together for chritma inner or something? you decide, i just really like your modern stark writings.
Rickon was really quite offended that he was not allowed to sit with the adults. He was an adult, as he tried reminding everyone, but his mother insisted that there simply wasn’t any room at the table and he would just have to keep an eye on his nieces and nephews. He sulked the whole meal, leading Sansa to ask him if he wanted a time out. That had only made his bad mood worse.
“Oh, come on,” a heavily pregnant Arya said as she waddled past. “It’s really not that bad. You don’t have to watch Theon and Jeyne feed each other off of their plates.”
Rickon made a face. “I’ll switch places with you.”
Arya laughed. “Yeah, right. You try sitting at the kids’ table when you’ve got a human being inside you.”
“Arya, have you tried the chili?” Jeyne (Stark) asked. “It’s supposed to speed up the labor.”
“Then keep it far away from me,” Arya said flatly. “I am not giving birth on Christmas, or even the day after Christmas. I am not doing that to my child.”
“Arya,” Sansa said, “Your water just...broke.”
“No it didn’t.”
“I am not,” Arya repeated, “giving birth on Christmas.”
“I’ll get the car,” Gendry sighed.
Arya shook her head. “No.”
Arya gave birth at 12:01 am on December 26th. She did not, as she insisted, give birth on Christmas Day.
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