#ft. annalise
buoyantsaturn · 1 year
cj! any thoughts on castles crumbling ft Hayley?
is that the Taylor song? I have not listened to it yet 👀
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yin-shimo · 4 months
Prompt: couples out for a vacation/date with napping as an innuendo
ft: Abel's moms, Narcissa and Annalise, and Abel and Merihem
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the tism didn't skip Annalise & pretend Abel and Meri were at a stop light...
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manyfandomocs · 3 months
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OC PRIDE CHALLENGE 2024 ; day eight - tropes of a lesbian oc
Dude, She's A Lesbian ft. Annalise Ryan ; Riverdale
Tag list: @daughter-of-melpomene
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annalisevogel · 1 year
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#ANNALISEVOGEL. an independent, mutuals-only writing blog for an original character annalise vogel, a witch/vampire hybrid ft. original lore. dark and triggering content present; please read trigger warnings in rules/bio. minors & personals dni. created and written by mae (she/her) 26, est timezone.
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hcppilyneveraxter · 1 year
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[MALE HE/HIM]. Hey, is that, TYLER HOECHLIN no that is just SCOTT HOLMES around Turtle Bay. I heard they are 37 years old, and their birthday is September 11th, 1985. They rest their heads in the DOWNTOWN but they can mainly be found working as PERSONAL TRAINER AT UPTOWN GYM. Some say they are PROTECTIVE, DRIVEN, AND LOYAL and can be STOIC, CLOSED OFF, AND CRITICAL. If they had a theme song it would be, SURVIVOR BY ALL GOOD THINGS I hear they are LOCAL, either way Turtle Bay is home and welcomes you!
Full Name: Scott Holmes
Nicknames: none
Age: 37
DOB: September 11th, 1985
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Current location: Turtle Bay, South Carolina
Neighborhood: Downtown
Occupation: Personal Trainer at Uptown Gym
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationship status: Single
Positive Traits: Protective, Driven, and Loyal
Negative Traits: Stoic, Closed Off, and Critical
Theme song: Stronger by All Good Things
Face Claim: Tyler Hoechlin
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 190 lbs
Build: Athletic
Tattoos: Multiple including one honoring his mother
Piercings: None
Mother: Annalise Holmes (Deceased)
Father: Michael Holmes
Siblings: Sophia, age 35
Children: None
Pet(s): Rottweiler named Astro
BIOGRAPHY:  {TW: Death, Hurricane Katrina, Near Death Experience}
Growing up in New Orleans things had been great for Scott. He had an amazing childhood with loving parents who made sure their children never wanted for anything, a younger sister who although they often bickered Scott adored and would do absolutely anything for, he was popular, got good grades, and was captain of the baseball team. Scott had even earned a full-ride scholarship to college for baseball. He was excited to go away to Vanderbilt in the fall. While he loved the city and all the opportunities it provided and was sad to be leaving it and his family behind he knew it was for the benefit of his future. He was anxiously anticipating the endless possibilities that lie ahead. And then it happened.
Scott and their dad had been away on one last father son camping trip the week before Scott was due to leave for Vanderbilt when they got the news that Hurricane Katrina was rapidly approaching New Orleans. On their way back to pick up Sophia and their mother they thought they had plenty of time and so they stopped to make sure some family friends were prepped for the storm. Unfortunately, the storm arrived much faster than expected and by the time they arrived home it was too late for their mom. The roof had crushed her and it was a miracle that Sophia had survived. They rescued Sophia in a boat someone had picked them up in and made their way to a nearby storm shelter but the life they had once known had blown away with the storm.
Once the storm finally cleared the family suffered with the loss of their beloved mother and moved to Turtle Bay and tried to rebuild their lives. Scott put off going to college and stuck around to help his family. Without their mother around their father became despondent and Scott knew he would have to work to keep their family afloat and make sure Sophia could still go to college like she dreamed. So, he took a job as a receptionist at Midtown Gym and slowly worked his way up through the Turtle Bay fitness scene until he became a personal trainer at Uptown Gym. Scott knew that his dreams had washed away with the tide but he would be damned if Sophia didn’t get to achieve hers. He became extremely protective of her doing everything he could to ensure she got to live the life he never did. Sometimes Scott longed for that life and the promise he had to leave behind but he felt like he deserved this new life as punishment. It was his fault their mom passed after all. If he hadn’t insisted on one last camping trip everyone could have survived.
Scott carried his guilt of what happened deep within himself, causing him to close off from most of the world. He didn’t dare let anyone new close feeling as though all it would do would be to cause the other person pain. Instead he buried himself in his work finding it the one thing he had going for him that made him feel even remotely close to the life he once had. One that had once been filled with joy, love, and a bright future.
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Just spent the day at a county fair and it inspired this ask! Can we get HTGAWM headcanons for the Keating 5 + Frank, Bonnie, & Annalise — how they would react at the county fair? Who goes on the rides? Who refuses to even stand near the rides? Who wastes the most money on games? Who wins the biggest prizes? Who gets sick after the rides? Who can’t stop eating snow cones? Etc haha! Thank you in advance!
NOW THIS IS AN IDEA! Sorry this had a slightly different format from my other headcanons but I hope you enjoy nonetheless 💕
Whose idea was it? - Asher started the fire and Connor was quick to jump on his side. It took a surprisingly short time to convince Frank as well.
Who took a bit more convincing? - Bonnie, even Annalise was easier to sway.
Who went on ALL the rides? - Connor and Asher ft. a slightly terrified Oliver who got warped into this somehow
Who refused to even stand near the rides? - Michaela, but with a little convincing from the aforementioned two (featuring Oliver), she did go on a few and screamed her lungs out. She did have a good time though.
Who wasted the most money on games? - Laurel, what's the point of having all that money if you can't spend it on something fun? She also wanted to stick it to Frank that she's better at all the games than he is.
Who won the biggest prizes? - Laurel (who semi-generously gave one to Frank and another to Michaela) an Annalise who smugly carried a GIANT teddy bear to her car like it was no big deal.
Who got sick after the rides? - Surprisingly not Michaela. Oliver and Wes surely did though.
Who got addicted to the carnival food? - She would never admit it, but Bonnie surely did have a good time indulging in all the treats.
Who was the caretaker of this entire group and had to remind (force) them to leave close to midnight? - Frank, albeit with a heavy heart. He pried away the adrenaline high Connor, Asher and Michaela as well as the sickened Wes and Oliver from the rides. He swept his totally-not-girlfriend from the games so she wouldn't go bankrupt. Reminded his boss that they have work again tomorrow which got him one hell of a dirty look. But still not as dirty as the one he received from Bonnie upon reminding her how adamant she was to miss out on this experience.
Yeah, they all had a great time.
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ofholyfire · 2 years
ft. Gabriel for @elysiumxii 
“All I’m saying is, he can stuff my stockings anytime.”
“Oh my god, Vanessa, PLEASE. This is a Christmas event. For kids.”
“I mean… she’s just saying what we’re all thinking, Thalia. He is pretty sexy dad material. Look at how much the kids like him,” Chantel gestures with a nod to Gabriel on the other side of the community center. “Hell, if I wasn’t already happily married with kids, I’d be over there sitting on his lap and telling him what I want for Christmas.”
“See! Channie gets it. Don’t act like you wouldn’t want a piece of him, too,” Vanessa laughs with a flip of her dark hair. “One way or another, I’m giving him my phone number before he leaves. Bet!”
Thalia rubs at her temples and sighs, shaking her head in defeat. “Yeah, but. Not so loud, okay? This is not the place. … … … He– ..he looks good with his hands, I guess. He could fix stuff around the house with my boys.” 
The other two women cackle and continue to chit-chat as they fawn over Gabriel from their corner of the room. 
Meanwhile, Gabriel feels that he is being watched, but not for only the reasons he’d like. He’s still not totally confident that he can handle his assignment as well as Michael could because kids, though cute, are not adults. They are weird and wired, sometimes noisy and often cry for no reason at all. That image… is based solely on infants and he knows he should adjust. These children are older and able to somewhat communicate clearly. He still lacks much experience with them though. Despite that, after an hour into sitting and reading Christmas books, he feels a bit better about it all. Michael’s silly crashing of Story Corner actually helped in a way and the children were enjoying themselves. 
He’d just finished Merry Christmas, Mouse and the little ones scurried away for a snack. It was his breaktime, too. Standing up to stretch his back and limbs (with the mom fan club eating up every second of it), he contemplates a bit of coffee or peppermint tea for the novelty. Before he can step away from his chair, however, he feels a little tug at his pant leg and spins around in response. 
A little girl, no more than four or five, cranes her neck to look up at him with lovely hazel eyes. A part of him bristles in alarm; she is unaccompanied and there are no other children at the rug. He fears looking like a creep by picking her up to save her from falling backward as she stares up expectantly at him, but his options are limited. After a quick look around to see if a parent is on their way, he takes a breath and sits again so that he doesn’t tower over her.
“Hello,” he smiles gently. “I’m Gabriel. What’s your name?”
“I’m Annalise. You’re so tall!” she says with a grin, happily rocking back and forth on her heels.
Gabriel chuckles and offers a little nod. “I am because I ate my vegetables. Annalise is a pretty name. Where’s your mom, Annalise? Did you get lost?”
“Yeaaaaah,” she says, all smiles as she is now focused on ruffling and primping the white fur around the rim of Gabriel’s Santa hat. He bows a bit to make it easier to reach.
“Ah, I see. Well, don’t worry. We’ll find her.” A quick glance to his watch reminds him that he doesn’t have long before the next round of Story Corner. Searching on his own would take much too long. An executive decision has to be made and he makes one. “Uh…Do you want to read a story with me until mama comes? It’s a funny one,” he offers, though he has no idea if the next book is funny or not. 
“Mmhm!” Annalise nods and immediately starts to climb into Gabriel’s lap. 
He panics because this is the first time he’s had to hold a little person. This is not his child, as far as he knows. He’d just draw more attention and garner strange looks if he doesn’t go with the flow. Certainly if his stupid brother could deal with children, so could he.
Clearing his throat, he collects the little girl onto his lap and lets her settle on his knee. She leans comfortably into the crook of his arm and playfully kicks her feet as they both get comfortable. He’s committed now. Reaching over the side of his chair, he produces another book, Santa’s Stuck, and cracks it open. This copy is brand new, not a single crease in the spine. Lowering it so that they both could look down at the pages and silly artwork, he begins to read. 
This reading is his greatest work. They are the only two present, so he doesn’t hold back. Exaggeration and drama are expressed at each rhyming word, he makes sound effects and ad libs where he can, he asks her little questions about how many cats she sees and how much she thinks Santa weighs. Before he realizes it, he’s chuckling along with her and idly rocking back and forth because he’s comfortable with the experience. 
As he’s distracted with a particularly interesting page, he hears the telltale shutter sound of a camera nearby. Michael has slithered past and taken a picture because of course he would. The older brother doesn’t stick around to see the look Gabriel gives him; he’s too busy assigning this photo to Gabriel’s contact number in his phone. 
Gabriel himself makes a mental note to delete it as soon as he is able to get his hands on it, and maybe toss that phone into a river.
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lunarosewood23 · 2 years
FFXIVWrite2022 Prompt 30: Sojourn
When it’s discovered that his lover’s wife is not dead, Edmont reflects on how his happiness is always fleeting and temporary, never really there to stay.
FT a ship I RARELY talk about, Edmont and his wholesome relationship with Rukia’s dad, Khadagh Oronir!
Note: Annalise is the name I’ve given to Haurchefant’s mother bc SE won’t give us a name gfdi... =_=
“By Azim’s mercy, Hisana is alive! Please come with me my dear stars, I worry for the truth of these claims.”
Edmont couldn’t help but take a breath as he waited outside of the room that kept Lady Hisana, Rukia’s mother and his sweet Khadagh’s wife, who was believed to be dead for almost a decade.
He sighed as he leaned on his cane, he was going to support Khadagh no matter what, because he knew he loved him, but he also knew that it was very likely he was going to lose yet another piece of happiness if Khadagh decided to return to his wife.
Is this how you felt, Annalise? When despite the fact that I loved you and wanted to raise our son equally as my other son I had to return to my wife and send you away?
Edmont felt tears start to build even as he restrained them. He would not cry here. He would accept Khadagh’s decision, regardless of what it was. He would mourn his sojourn happiness later, regardless of how he wished his happiness would be not so fleeting and temporary.
It’s just desserts isn’t it? Edmont wondered. After what I did to my wife and the woman I loved, and to my family...I deserve to be second before another love...
“Edmont? My darling look at me!”
Edmont blinked, how long was he lamenting over his woes that he didn’t notice Khadagh in front of him?
“Oh, forgive me, I was simply lost in thought.” Edmont explained slowly as he coughed.
“It’s alright dearest.” Khadagh soothed as he cupped his face. “Please come in and sit with us, Hisana wants to meet you.”
Edmont blinked. “She...wishes to meet me? What for?”
“My lost moon wants to meet the man that has made me happy in her absence. Please?” Khadagh pleaded, and Edmont couldn’t resist his warm brown eyes.
“Alright...” He agreed as he stood with his cane as support and held Khadagh’s hand. He smiled and pressed a kiss to his knuckles as he led him inside...
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cyclebarb · 1 month
For Women's History Month we asked our Community of Women, Why they Cycle? Our first feature is from Annalise Sinclair, an incredible rider from CycleBar Greenville.
CB: What about the rides @ CycleBar help empower you as a woman? AS: About 6 months into my CycleBar journey, I experienced a heartbreaking miscarriage. CycleBar helped me heal, physically and emotionally. Being surrounded by strong women who lift one another up and challenge each other to constantly give their all helped me feel more like myself again. Having a miscarriage can be isolating and can make you feel like less of a woman. Being a member of the CycleBar community helped me feel less alone and regain my confidence.
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liroyalty · 6 months
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Ft. Suzanne, Dragonrider!Suzana, FFX!Sue, Ann, Mermaid!Annalise & FFX!Ann
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chaneajoyyy · 4 years
I was waiting for Viola to tweet about the video😂😂
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naivetm · 4 years
tags 2.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   AUDREY.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   UMA.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   BEN.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   MAL.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   EVIE.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   CARLOS.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   CHAD.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   JANE.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   LONNIE.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   JAY.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   HARRY.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   GIL.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   MAGGIE.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   BEVERLY.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   DRACO.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   ANNALISE.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   RAVENNA.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   ALEXANDER.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   TONI.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   ORLA.
♡ ›  *  DYN  :  FT.   ALBUS.
*  arc  :  pre - films.
*  arc  :  d1 - d3.
*  arc  :  post films.
*  alt  :  modern.
*  alt  :  fantasy.
*  alt  :  hp.
*  alt  :  and   they   were   roommates.
*  alt  :  pink   &   snoopy.
*  alt  :  lost   in   the   memory.
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stcriesuntcld · 4 years
@fashionfangs​ asked:  ‘ i got your back, always. ’ (to annalise)
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    “thanks, ali,” anna sighs, a morose smile curving her lips. “us lesser known salvatore relations have to stick together, huh?” 
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frcscrs · 5 years
> @rutiilcnt​  /  the ball
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it’s been exhausting, trying to make her case at the ball. shaking hands and being the upstanding future queen of argentina was what she was meant to do. but seeing everyone else around her have their drinks and have a good time only made the experience more miserable. after a while, she had to get away and step out of the party. a nice little space with some seats where it wasn’t too loud, and relatively cozy. she sits down, sipping on the glass of cider. even that was disappointing. “this is where the rejects of social interaction are hanging out, right?” she addresses the young lady in one of the neighboring seats, trying to be funny. but with her luck, she’ll probably offend someone and start a war.
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annalisevogel · 1 year
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more coming soon.
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nimrats · 2 years
ㅤ ❥ㅤ SEARCHING FOR: elsie finn
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annalise finn, commonly known as elsie finn was born to an english family on the 12 august 1999. she is an accredited model and actress, signing with haven management after leaving school early at the age of 14. finn won model of the year at the british fashion awards in 2016, and has been nominated for multiple awards involving her acting career. ‧₊ ✿ °.*
height ; 5 ft 4 inches
hair color ; dark brown
eye color ; brown
faceclaim ; princesselsiii
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◂◂ㅤㅤBACK TO MLIST ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ ㅤ PROLOGUE ㅤ ▸▸ㅤ
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