#ft. carson
rkivenjoy · 1 month
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buriedwithit · 13 days
starter for @ofruinations !! ( for derek )
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"hey, i'm b—" he breaks off, looking sheepish. "i'm walker. i'll be your replacement escort today. how're you doing?"
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mackmontgomery · 3 months
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ofruinations · 9 days
for @c4lamities—
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"That's my cut from last time?" He stares at the bag with bewilderment, brow furrowed. This has to be a joke. Or a test. "Are you sure about that?"
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itsnickgalitzine · 6 months
Title;;  things left unspoken and unsaid With;;  nicholas galitzine & sofia carson ( @charsofias ) Where;;  sofia's house (probably in LA, we're assuming here) — set for sometime in march, before the 31st. we didn't plan a day Summary;;   once nicholas' relationship with taylor zakhar perez was leaked, all he wanted to do was avoid it and focus on work, not ready to deal with it all right away. spending a lot of time with friends outside of work like sofia carson, one of his really good friends and former co-stars. during one hangout with her, they get talking and feelings are shared about each other due to the leak. Warnings;;  none
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Time with sofia has been a good distraction from his relationship leak and taylor, something nicholas didn't know he needed til they were together having the time of their lives. from her surprising him at the premiere of ❛ mary & george ❜ in the UK to event the vanity fair event in LA. it felt so amazing to spend with someone who's been with him since before taylor, during so many other ups and downs and they were still such a strong partnership it was like they hadn't been apart for a good year or two, give or take. something about sophia, she always made nicholas smile, laugh and forget about his troubles. she was a truly kind soul and he appreciated having her in his life. ❝ maybe i'll just have to join you on set for a few days. hope you don't mind jokes of me being your boyfriend or something though or leak asks if people saw that, ❞ the brit spoke calmly, hazel green eyes on the beautiful brunette as he smiled soft and warm in the presence of one of his greatest friends. ❝ also, thanks again for everything. i just — i needed to get away from it all for a bit. i'm not sure how to deal with this leak thing and i want to focus on me now, ❞ he added with a sigh before standing up from the bed he was sitting on, gently taking one of sofia's hands in his, the other gently resting on her chin, lifting up her head to look into his eyes. ❝ i missed us. ❞ nicholas added, voice low, sweet and sincere.
Sofia: Hearing how Nicholas was speaking, it gave her that small hope that the leak was just a fan thing going so viral and seeming so convincing, or texts and letters taken out of context. Maybe they were just so close they acted like a couple, all Sofia knew was she needed to share her feelings and see what the truth was so she could move forward, with or without Nicholas by her side as something more than a friend or still just one of her great friends. "You're always welcome to join me, Nick, you know that. I don't mind the leak is your thing to deal with if you want to now or later and, I'd never say no to a good boyfriend mention. We make a good couple, right?" she said with a smile, trying to hint things to him, finishing her hair and makeup for the day before turning to face him, sitting on her bed. "Anytime, I'm always here for you whenever you need. Put you first, always." It was eating at her to share, to ask, so she was going to, her eyes closed for a moment ready to speak when she felt that big amazing familiar hand take hers and her head be lifted, eyes opening to look at Nicholas in all his British glory. "I missed us too," Sofia said back in the moment, voice also low. "Can I ask you something?" It was now or never, the way her heart was racing now, she had to say something.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: As the mention of the leak hit his ears, almost making them ring, a shiver ran up his spine, nicholas closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breathe, swallowed the lump in his throat before opening them again. hazels looking around some before focusing back on one of his best friends, sofia. surely taylor said something by now and the english actor didn't have the heart yet. he had an idea of sofia's feelings since filming and possibly still present now, but he'd never assume and didn't want to address anything til he was sure about things. the last thing he wanted, was to hurt a close friend. however the boyfriend thing did hit him some, but he acted otherwise, smiling warmly and kissing the back of one of her hands. ❝ we'd be a beautiful couple, sofia. making the world jealous in many ways, ❞ the brit spoke carefully, picking his words, but his smile was true an genuine. ❝ thank you, darling. where would i be with you ? ❞ he had to stop himself from another kiss on her other hand or her cheek. by nature, he was just a sweetheart. looking into her eyes for a moment, he recalled his own former crush and a quick urge to kiss her passed through his being but — his heart was with taylor now. they were happily engaged after all, til she asked something and nicholas left his heart pounding in his chest, his throat growing so dry by the second. ❝ of course. ask away. ❞ speaking — his voice was much steadier than his emotions and heart was — scared of what she'd ask and almost begging it wasn't what he thought. today, he didn't want to face this.
Sofia: Looking at their hands together, a soft smile came to her lips before looking back towards Nick's hazel eyes that always made her heart race. Those sweet words and small gestures had her second guessing some, but Taylor wouldn't say something about them together if it wasn't true right? She just had to hear from him, she just had to. "We could, I really think so," she agreed happily. "You'd be lost without me," she added. Taking a deep breath, she sighed and looked at their hands again before looking back into Nicholas' hazel eyes. "Do you have feelings for me at all?" She asked before letting go of his hands and sitting on her bed. "I just, I know you didn't want to talk of the leak but, between that and, I saw Taylor's Instagram posts talking about you and him as a couple and I figured he'd probably be telling the truth." Sofia stopped to look up into her friend's eyes, a hint of sadness in her own. "I just have to hear from you."
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Everything she said left his mind focusing on the question now and allowing his hands to drop to his sides, and lost look crossing his hazel eyes before looking to the ground as if he was trying not to cry. Maybe he was, but for now, he was able to hold himself together before he looked towards his friend and he almost felt bad. ❝ i do have feelings for you. i don't have the crush i had before when we filmed but, i'd never ask you then because it could have just been due to working so close together and as a couple in the film. i had to wait to know what i felt was real and — i love you like a sister. after was a crush on taylor before i started seeing someone — first a couple hook ups, then i had a relationship for a bit and ended with an amazing new friend. ❞ while nicholas wasn't going to name, this was definitely about nick robinson, a relationship the two kept between them and just enjoyed the friendship they had now more than anything. Gently sitting down next to sofa, taking her hands in his again, holding them tightly. ❝ that's why i didn't. i didn't want to hurt you because you had feelings for me. ❞ he gently took one hand away, grabbing his chain where his engagement ring still dangled since after his trip to italy, before ireland. he had to say more, he had to say it was true, but in the moment ? it was like a cat got his tongue; his voice was gone, his throat was dry and not a single word — not a sound left him as he played with the ring on his necklace and looked down, trying to find his own voice.
Sofia: For a moment, Sofia had a bit of hope, despite him saying he didn't have the crush as before. Maybe if they went out things could be different, though the sisterly love he mentioned might be be the beginning of the end. "Oh." She said a bit sadly, debating if it was smart to try and ask anyway. Looking down at their hands for a moment before they parted, looking up towards her much taller best friend. "That's awfully sweet of you, Nick," she said managing a smile. She hated thinking this way, but she thought maybe there was a chance. He didn't confirm anything with Taylor and he wasn't married, so maybe there was a chance. "Maybe this is bold of me, and a horrible idea, but can we go out sometime? Like a real date, see how things go for us? There could be something really special here." A hopeful smile crossed her lips as she gently laced their hands together.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: Not saying a word, just listening to her and watching her react, til she asked him out and shock too over nicholas. his hazel eyes widened, mouth falling open some before he came to and laughing some nervously. why was he struggling to say this ? was he that convinced he'd lose her ? ❝ a-a date ? y-you don't want to do that. you don't want a date with me. ❞ he chuckled nervously again, rubbing the back of his neck. ❝ i'm not sure i can go out on a date right now. i've got a lot going on with work and — there's someone else, ❞ maybe nicholas didn't name taylor exactly, but he did mention he was seeing someone. not in the way he planned just lost in his head that he'd hurt his friend's feelings and lose her. ❝ i'd still love to maybe hang again soon though, ❞ the brit added with a soft smile crossing his lips giving her hands a gently squeeze before gently going to pull them away. maybe it was best he leave for now. revisit this with a clearer mind. ❝ i um.. i think i should get going. ❞ his voice came out a bit low, his head down as he went to leave.
Sofia: Officially, this was the moment that Sofia would later come to not be happy with herself and be apologizing to the couple for a while. Not wanting Taylor and Nicholas to dislike her for her thoughts or actions. Tightening her grip, not letting him walk away, she stepped closer to him, catching a look into those lovely hazel eyes. "There's someone for now, but I might as well try before you're on the way to marriage, right?" Leaning in a bit close, gently getting on her tip toes. "I say we have a lovely date on the 31st, and see how things go." Boldly she gently kissed him, not thinking, not caring.
𝕟𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕠𝕝𝕒𝕤 𝕘𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕥𝕫𝕚𝕟𝕖: As her grip tightened, keeping their hands together, keeping him from leaving, nicholas looked at sofia with caution, and before he could say a word their lips were touching. she was kissing him and the small part that held old feelings loved it, but he wasn't there anymore. his heart was with taylor and he quickly pulled away, using some of his strength to get away. ❝ yeah, um — i need to go. right now. ❞ he quickly left her room and made his way out of her home and the other thing, the only person on his mind, was his taylor. he'd definitely have to talk to sofia, but today he had work to get to and couldn't even focus after what just happened.
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valentincflores · 6 months
starter for: @carsonbrooks location: charity masquerade ball
Val had had time to stew on who she had been paired up with. She'd spotted him in the crowd the moment her ticket number had been called. The brunette had spent enough time hate-stalking his social media over the years to have a pretty good idea of what he looked like, and even with a mask on, she'd been able to tell her best friend's absentee baby daddy was her date. The initial anger over being paired up with him, had turned to a calculated game plan that she was actually quite excited about.
Having spotted her 'date' in the crowd, Val approached, putting on her best smile as she closed the distance. "Hi, I think I won a date with you in the raffle?" Letting out a nervous chuckle, she shook her head. "Sorry, that sounds weird to say."
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heyits-asher · 7 months
♀ - for Aubrey
ASH 📲 BREEZY — yo breezy ASH 📲 BREEZY — where tf u been? havent seen u since NYE
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wheresmulder · 2 years
I wonder if Greta fucked Carson on Charlie's birthday 🤔
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rcdiostcrs · 11 months
@deluca-demigods continued from here.
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jace had been waiting for the deluca siblings so the three could have dinner. he had nibbled through the crackers he kept as a "just-in-case" snack. "hope you guys got what you needed to done," he referenced the rehearsal carson spoke of. the son of mercury was typically one to take people at their word, preferring benefit of the doubt over cynicism.
"i'm thinking either waffle house or a 'n' w. either of those sound good to you guys?" jace asked. breakfast for dinner or a classic burger joint. both were good options.
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dreamofzndaya · 2 years
✉➥ Sofia C.
Zendaya: Hey, Sof. I just wanted to check in and see how you and beautiful baby boy Crosby are doing? I hope being a mama hasn't been too hard on you so far.
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byzcntine · 2 years
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@storyofwhoiam sent: “never let anyone make you feel ordinary.”  ​greta @ carson
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a small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth, causing a lopsided grin, as she looked up to catch greta’s gaze. damn she was one hell of a woman. how the hell she had gotten lucky enough to even be within the red head’s orbit was beyond her. “oh, i don’t know...” her voice trailed off, as she finally looked away. the smile settling nicely across her features. “i am kind of ordinary.” she may not have been farmland ordinary ( despite what jo kept on going on about ), but there wasn’t really anything special about her aside from her ball playing skills. 
“and honestly, i’m okay with that. it’s kind of nice being able to swim on by without making many waves, you know?” no, the taller would would most likely have no idea. she stuck out in all of the best ways possible. even though that entire notion may have been riddled in carson’s bias. “plus, it leaves all of the limelight for those who deserve it.” she looked back in the other woman’s direction; her smile still ever present.
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rkivenjoy · 29 days
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maverick-liu · 3 months
👄 + Aubrey
“Aubrey is a wildcard friend. A curveball. The most unexpected run-in.
All it took was a wrong text, and it being between two people who apparently never listened to their parents’ ‘stranger danger’ warnings, and now we’re friends. We even live in the same apartment complex!
The only one Aurora Bay has, sure, but that’s not the point.
The point is — if your gut says to have a ‘ah, why the fuck not’’ moment, listen to it. You might find yourself meeting with a bat-shit crazy but fun as all Hell girl and forming a budding friendship. Her energy and enthusiasm is so contagious, it makes me want to hang around more, and I think she can keep up with my spontaneity.
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Good, too, because if I walk a fine line between legal or not in terms of where I explore, I’m not worried about her bailing out on me. Maybe I can convince her to take a random day-trip down to Mexico.”
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mackmontgomery · 5 months
🍻+ who have you loved, but they didn’t love you back ? (Aubrey)
"Probably everyone I've ever loved like that."
Mack only hears how it sounds after it's left his mouth, careful to not spill the strawberry daiquiri he was working his way through when he leaned in closer across the table to elaborate, his thoughts as syrupy as the sugary variety that was blended into their drinks.
"I don't mean like no one's ever loved me or some shit like that, I just mean I'm not sure anyone's loved me back in the way I loved them. I think I just do too fucking much when I'm in love and then it goes to hell. Or I'm overcorrecting trying to not do that but that turns into not doing enough and it slips away anyway. I feel like I try really hard and just don't get it right."
He uses his straw to stir the strawberry slush that was melting in the glass in front of him, the combination of sweet drinks and a good friend coaxing a candidness out of him that he finds hard to access without those contributing factors providing an easy space to do so.
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"That's why I been strictly on a hook up vibe only for a while now, even I can't fuck up no expectation and it's hella fucking fun. But I think I've gotten a little too good at this being a one before you meet the one game and that's cool but I don't want to be on the roster forever. I wanna be someone's the one one day."
Mack takes the lime slice that rested on the lip of the glass in hand then, squeezing it into the mixture as he asks the question out loud that tended appear in his mind like a shark's fin on an otherwise serene beach day.
"Do you think I love wrong?"
send me a 🍻+ the question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer.
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mcrcosantos · 7 months
closed starter for: @carsonxbentley location: inside the rec center
Marco hadn't wanted to come to these support group meetings at first. It felt like admitting he was guilty when he wasn't. But as time wore on and he dealt with the after effects of his stint in jail, eventually Marco came to question if the group could be useful after all. It was hard being labelled as something you weren't anywhere, but in your hometown? Where you had lived before you went to jail? People you thought knew you form opinions, make assumptions, start treating you different and the mind fuck that was trying to live his life after he was released was definitely weighing on him.
He'd gone to a few of these sessions for ex-convicts and it was helping a bit. Standing at the back of the room, Marco moved towards the coffee station and reached for a cup only to realize it was the last one and someone else had had their eye on it as well. "You can have it." he said to the other man. "I don't really need it, was more just looking for something to keep me busy." he admitted. Even though he'd come for a few sessions, he still felt wildly uncomfortable.
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joelxharvey · 2 years
Tempers and Contemplation // self para
Joel knew he told Boone that Gabriel’s apartment was his next stop, but one text message from the man forewarning him of Gabe’s privy to the mission as well as Lady’s perilous circumstance meant the sheriff thought it best to watch where the chips landed. There is a line an officer and those they helped were never supposed to cross, true, even Joel held friendships with anyone who came in asking for his assistance, but Lady and Gabe? That boy only had eyes for her. It concerned him slightly to say the least mixing business with pleasure, still, any growing feelings would need to be placed on the backburner both from Joel’s perspective and Gabe’s.
Joel sat at his desk, rifling through the copy of notes from his meeting with Maddox and jotting down a few within the margins after Nathan stopped by to inform him of what he saw coming from miles away. The kid wanted in on the action, risking his sanity and emotional state by spending more time with Robin than what could drive a person bonkers. From what he understood, Nate clearly weighed the risks in his mind and came to the conclusion what he could provide cemented his mother’s dark destiny ahead. The Sherriff barely ran through the thoughts properly before the sound of the door opened without any invitation, barreling in a determined Gabriel who looked as if he was seconds from raising hell. “Why are you putting Boone and me on protection detail?” Were the first words from Gabriel Carson’s mouth.
“Nope.” Joel immediately lifted a hand and jabbed his index finger towards the door, “If you’re going to come marching into my office and bombard me with questions, you better walk your ass back through that door and learn to knock, Carson.” A pet peeve of his, really, when someone couldn’t even find the manners to announce themselves politely. Most officers at the precinct knew what happens when no one follows that one simple rule and Gabe typically followed the rules by the book, but he may as well expect the man to rip the book to shreds if anything involving Lady rose in the topic of conversation. “Try again.”
“I’m not in the mood for your sarcasm, Sir.” Gabe shut the door behind him, feeling his courage falter slightly, but still retaining the confidence to ask what he came to this office to ask. “Boone’s more than thrilled to follow orders without questioning the reasons why, I however, am not. You don’t go to him first with this and then assume I’ll react in the same manner absent of any hesitation. It isn’t my hesitation for the job, I would do it a million times over, I’m just not laying down and keeping my mouth shut.”
Joel sighed, leaned forward in his chair, “Okay, first of all, did you forget whose name is still on that door? Did you forget I outrank you, Gabriel, and can throw you and your partner any mission I want? I do it because it’s my fucking job. I did it because I knew you wouldn’t trust anyone else to protect her other than Boone and yourself. I took everything into consideration, Lady’s safety,” He began counting the reasons on his fingers, “Bellamy, your unrelenting neuroticism when it comes to this woman. I mean, you go fucking feral any time someone speaks one single bad word about her. Now, I can’t tell you who to like and not like or who you can’t spend your time with, but do you know what I can command?” The older man raised a slow brow, “To keep your mouth shut, to not ask questions. I’m asking you to please shut the fuck up about this and go keep that girl and her daughter safe.”
“If you were taking Lady’s safety into account, I need to know what I’m protecting her from.” Maybe Gabriel lost his cool around anyone even breathing with ill-intentions in Lady’s direction, the realization he was no longer alone in his feelings worsening the protective nature, “You can’t just ask me to stay silent when you know how significant Lady is in my life. How much I would do anything to prevent history repeating itself. I respect you, Sheriff,” He inhaled a gulp of air to calm himself down, finding the attempt useless. “I’ve always followed instructions to the letter and never questioned your judgement as my boss and greatest role model, but I’m not leaving here until you give me an explanation. You owe me that much.”
“I don’t owe you shit.” Joel could feel his temper rising with the anger. He forced a damper over it to little avail, reminding himself people behave idiotically in the face of their deep personal feelings like back-talking a superior officer that normally resulted in reprimanding consequences. Even with that reminder floating at the back of his mind, nothing rarely ceased the spillage when the sheriff flew into his rages. He could hold patience like a saint when the situation called for a level-headed leader, but this? Borderline insubordination despite circumstances? Joel was already under the pressure. “Don’t cross this line with me, Gabe. I mean it.”
Gabe heard the note of implication behind his boss’ words and while he tended to heed on the side of caution when the flares occurred, knowing the growing signs, he possessed no choice but to force it out of Joel. Boone would tell him not to agitate this further than he should if his partner was here speaking moral compass reason. “Does this have something to do with Brody?” He pressed, stepping forward. Boone wasn’t here to chastise him, jab him in the side, or any other method to lock away this newfound stupidity and toss the key. “Is he getting out? Is someone who knew him coming after Lady? Should I be concerned about my safety or Bell’s?” Gabriel shot off question after question in rapid fire, “Why send us her way at all if he’s an eternity away from getting out? If that’s the reason, why keep it a secret at all?”
“God damn it, Gabriel, I’m warning you.” Joel hissed between clenched teeth as his fist wrapped around the pen he was holding tightly, feeling the cheap material begin to crack under the pressure. A white hot flush crept along the back of the older man’s neck and encapsulated his already reddening face. Despite that, Gabe was going to continue jamming the buttons, even he could sense the game being played.
Gabriel blurted one more question in the form of a statement with exasperation, “Joel, just fucking tell me who’s threatening Lady.”
“THE MAYOR!” Joel bellowed as he rose from his seat, slamming his fist hard along the top of the desk and sending the wheeled chair flying backwards against the wall decorated with his awards behind him. The roar reverberated through the listening ears of the precinct, from every detective and officer, to every recruit and receptionist. The man’s chest heaved up and down while his body attempted to slow the heart rate. It took him a minute, both for him to calm himself and for the shock to cross Gabriel’s expression. “And she’s not the only one, I promise you that.” Joel’s hands pressed against the table surface before he pointed to a chair, “Sit down. Sit your ass down.”
Gabe scrambled to a cushioned seat as his thoughts fired at a mile a minute in the same vein his questions had, unable to retain the very idea mayor Robin Finley, the holier than thou woman in charge of each department and every person in Little Oak Harbor. He heard rumors, of course, Robin wasn’t too fond of her son and Lady’s friendship, although he couldn’t understand the reasons why. Yet, a threat serious enough to involve the sheriff and warrant protection? Something wasn’t right. “None of this makes any sense. You’re telling me the mayor, our mayor, who I already know doesn’t hide her dislike for Lady, is somehow threatening other people? Why haven’t we heard a rumbling of this until now?”
Joel nudged his chair back into his proper position, slowly lowering himself now that the wrath has passed. Though, it left a terrible vile in the back of his throat. “She went after someone who wouldn’t keep quiet, plain and fucking simple.” He shook his head with closed eyes briefly before opening them, “Robin planned on releasing Brody if she didn’t stay away from Nate.” He immediately held up a hand the minute the rage touched the younger man’s features, “I was taking a precautionary measure with you and Boone in case Robin chose to set him free anyway. That’s one of the reasons why I didn’t tell you.”
“Oh my god.” Gabriel leaned forward as he placed his face in his hands, brushing the digits through his locks incredulously. Robin targeting Lady, Robin owning the connections to release a monster, and sending a man capable of murder after his ex wife and their child. This didn’t sound like their mayor, couldn’t be what their town has come to. Blackmailing and cold-hearted leadership. He leaned back again and looked his sheriff straight in the eye, “What was the other reason?”
A pause, a remembrance back on what Maddox suggested. Careful who you tell. Joel eyed the other warily, wondering if Gabe was someone Robin could secretly have in her back pocket, but he wasn’t that good of an actor, not when his emotions controlled him. “There’s a case being built, I didn’t want to compromise it. We have a plan in motion that’s going to send Mayor Finley to prison for a very long time. Already have the chess pieces at the ready, I’m just waiting for certain people to play their part.” Joel clasped his hands together. Considering Nathan’s sacrifice and the role he handed over for Peyton, the puzzle fit nicely. “This is going to change everything about this town, Gabe. Anything you knew, anything you grew up with, that shift will effect everyone. Robin made her bed and she’ll fucking sleep in it if I don’t smother her with that pillow first.” Tempting. Truly tempting.
“Okay.” Gabriel nodded, repeating to himself and towards the man in charge, “Okay. Okay.” He could truthfully share in Joel’s sentiment, nothing on earth compared to how much he wanted to kill Robin than in this scenario. She comes after the residents living their lives in this town, guns for a kind baker who didn’t do anything wrong but be the friend to her son, and he wanted her to burn for it. He did not actually believe he was apt of murder, but threatening Lady in particular was threatening him. It reminded Gabriel of the poison that was his parents, taking and taking until he had nothing to give. Bellamy deserved a better world than this one. So did Isa. “How can I help?”
“Already are, kid.” Joel gestured with his hand between them, “You guard Lady with your life and you keep your head down. I don’t need you catching Robin’s attention and giving her any funny ideas with the knowledge you’re friendly with her sworn enemy.” He shot him a serious look no one ever dared mess with, “Don’t breathe a word of this case with a single person. You can tell Boone now that the cat’s out of the bag with you, fucking thanks for that, but no one else. Not even your brother. And keep your shit locked up tight too, I don’t want to hear back from anyone that you went off on that woman. You got that, Carson?”
Gabe’s head bobbed up and down again in understanding with a long sigh, “Yes. I get it. Do what I have to do and let you handle it.”
“Good.” Joel grunted and waved in the direction of the door dismissively, “Now, get the fuck out of my office. I obviously have work to do without you hounding my ass all day.” He heard Gabriel rise from his chair and move toward the door while he pretended to pay more attention to his paperwork, “Gabriel,” He called out, gaze lifting to rest on the man as he stopped just at the doorframe, “Don’t lose her.”
The words struck a chord in Gabe’s heart like a flame arrow, setting his resolve on fire and repeating it with the fervor of a silent mantra. Don’t lose her, don’t lose her, don’t lose her, the prayer bounced in his skull while he gave a nod of conformation and left the office behind with the weighted knowledge he was now carrying.
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