#ft. mo
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aarons first night back
w/ mo (@nurseguillermo) eagan (@endlessreruns) tw mention of death
aaron was only arriving back into town and the first place he wanted to go was home. he still had his key from when he was younger and had every intention of using it anytime he was going to visit but never actually had the chance to until recently so when he got there, he tried the key on the door and when it didn't work he scratched his head for a moment. he flipped the key and tried one more time and when that didn't work he knocked on the door. "dad? you home? it's aaron." he called out hoping for an answer.
Mo had set a plate with a sandwich cut in half in front of Eagan, it was easier to give her one handed food lately. He'd been about to sit to eat when he could hear the door jiggling, brow furrowing as he glanced at the clock. It was way too late for someone to be fucking around with their door, he debated the bat next to the door before hearing the voice on the other end. Opening it he stared blankly at the guy in front of him, "Uh...hey? Think you might have the wrong ho-...wait shit did you just get into town?"
Eagan glanced at the door at the sound of the jiggle and then the knock, and then over to Mo before the other went up to find out who was there at this hour. "Who is it?" Eagan asked, calling from the couch, before taking a bite of one of the sandwich halves "if it's Hunter tell him to fuck off" she added as she chewed
aaron looked severely confused when someone who wasn’t lincoln answered the door then even more when he heard someone else inside who was unfamiliar. “uh.. yeah i guess? just drove in a few minutes ago.” he said and pointed to the car that was currently parked in front of the house. “sorry, who are you two and why are you in my parents house?”
Mo cursed under his breath, taking a peak behind Aaron's shoulder at the sun that was setting. "I'm Mo de la Luna...might've known one of my siblings. Lui, Vero, or Celia Reyes Ortega?" he offered up, he looked like he'd maybe had gone to school with them. "Look it's a long story, but we need to lock the door for the night. Town changed a lot while you were gone. Uh...you hungry? Can make a sandwich while we fill you in?"
Eagan tried to peak around to see who it was. It didn't sound like Hunter which was already a plus in her book. Besides, Mo wouldn't need to introduce themself if it had been. After a moment he was actually able to see the guy's face. Definitely not Hunter. "If you don't come in and let him lock the door you'll die. Horribly"
"maybe? that still doesn't answer why you two are in my parents house and what do they mean by i'll die? what the fuck is going on?" aaron looked back at his car and saw as the sun started setting before finally stepping inside. he used to live there anyway so it's not like it was that weird, what was weird was literally everything else. "alright i'm inside now, someone spill."
Part of Mo had hoped the guy would introduce himself so they could narrow down who his folks were. He was really hoping they'd moved before the paradox or maybe gone to the Commune. Locking the door, he checked to make sure it was properly sealed. "Ok look, short version. Town is like in a bubble or something. People come in and can't leave, at night these things come out that rip people apart. They look human but they aren't," he was really hoping this wouldn't be another Hunter situation. "If you don't believe me town hall can fill you in, in the morning. Which is also how we got the house, empty houses are up for grabs if you talk to town hall...so like sorry, Eagan been in this one a few years now."
"I'm Eagan" she lifted a sandwich gripped hand up before taking another bite. "I think I have some of your old clothes. I guess you can have them back if you want. They're like upstairs though or whatever"
right, names, they must've not heard him through the door when he first said it. "aaron." he said back, setting his backpack by the door trying to listen to what mo was saying. "empty? that's not possible, my dad, sorry lincoln, he lived here with my mom and sister. how could it have been years?" that was all aaron could seem to focus on at the moment, the rest hadn't fully processed yet since he just wanted to know where his family was first.
Mo fully stiffened at the name Lincoln, he glanced at Eagan and then back at Aaron. Fuck did he not want to be the one to have to do this. Briefly he thought about Val and bit back a sigh. "Dude I'm sorry but...your dad passed away months ago. My friend found him in the woods, and the word around town was his family passed away at the beginning when those things first showed up. I'm....I'm really sorry man."
"no one was here when I found the place" Eagan added "he might have been living at the commune before he died though" it was also possible he'd just been living in a different house. She didn't exactly know the guy to be able to say for sure.
aaron raised his eyebrow slightly, "is this some joke that you guys like to play on people? new guy rolls back into town and you tell some fucked up story well it's not funny, seriously. if something did happened to my family my dad would've called me and told me, was this his idea to put you two up to this or something? freak me out for not coming around for a while?"
This time Mo did sigh, rubbing at their face, "It's not a joke dude...he didn't call cause he couldn't. Phones don't work and no Internet." Pausing he thought it over, "GPS start fucking uo when you got close right ? You got one of them smarty cells or whatever? Ain't gonna have signal either."
"we already got one asshole around here thinking this is all fake. Trust me we don't need another. It sucks, the whole thing, but like he said it ain't no joke or whatever. You can try the phone in the kitchen if you want. Try calling someone out of town. Ain't gonna work no more."
"i used to live here i didn't need the gps." aaron said trying not to be snippy about the whole thing. "alright fine, i'll humor you." he knew where the kitchen was and immediately picked up the phone, dialing the first number he could think of which was some pizza joint he'd order from fairly often. when it didn't ring he pulled out his phone and checked the signal on it to see he couldn't use that either. "what the fuck." aaron mumbled to himself and came back out. "so.. you two really aren't fucking with me then..?"
Mo had sat down next to Eagan, he didn't blame Aaron for being short. Once it him, it wasn't gonna be great for anyone. They moved to lean against Eagan suddenly feeling more tired than anything. Glancing at Aaron he grimaced, "Honestly? I wish I was, but no it's the truth. Been stuck here since 2012 with no way out. Your dad was friends with my brother in law's friend. I didn't really know him that well."
Eagan turned their head for a moment to press her forehead against the side of Mo's head. She looked back over in Aaron's direction "Weirder shit has been happening lately. There was a whole earthquake. People died. Didn't even know we got those things on this coast.
aaron came back into the living room and sat down on a chair nearby, running a hand through his hair with a sigh. "so that's just it then? i come back to see my family that i don't actually have anymore?" he didn't know how to feel, anger sure was one of them and it was strong. "earthquakes? on the east coast? what the fuck happened while i was gone none of this is making any fucking sense."
Mo had been tempted to move closer but it seemed wrong with how Aaron was doing. He'd lost people sure, though it was Luke, Minnie and Sammie he'd dealt with the fall out of. People like Evora and Lincoln were more acquaintances he'd only really heard about afterwards. "It's unfortunately not that uncommon, my brother in law came to try and find his sister...and yeah." It been a while since he thought about those early days, he'd been fairly young as well. "There was a freak storm, next thing no one can get out. You drive or walk and just pop back into town. Then at night these things came out and ripped people apart, the Sheriff found a rune that if you put on your door keeps em out. Just gotta make sure it's locked, why we tried to pull you in so quick."
"I tried to leave after I got here. More than once. Can confirm you're not getting out. None of us are. Now on top of all that you gotta worry about not falling into the big hole in the ground or whatever."
“great.” aaron leaned back in his chair and mumbled something under his breath. not directed at the two of them but at this situation in general and wishing there was any way to go back. “guess this explains why he never responded to me back.. just thought he was pissed at me for something.” not like he’d done anything wrong to warrant it anyway but at some point he’d assumed as much. “so rune.. giant hole.. and can’t go outside at night.. and people just accept this? this is fucked up.”
Mo shrugged, "Been over a decade dude, not much else we can do." They were idly drumming their fingers against their leg, "Come morning I can call my brother in law, he was friends with one of your dad's friends. If you want more info on him?" It was the best he had to offer, other than Val who he wasn't sure would even want to rehash Lincoln with him.
Eagan nodded in agreement as Mo spoke and explained that there wasn't much that could be done other than accept it. "We have a room no one uses unless they wind up over too late. If you want to stay in there tonight" the room mentioned being the one that had once belonged to Laredo Abernathy, the youngest of the two Abernathy kids.
“no it’s fine, i’ll just,” aaron paused and shrugged at mo’s offer, he wasn’t sure what to do or to really say, “no point anyway i guess.” he mumbled and looked over at eagan and grimaced slightly. “where’s that room at?”
"Could tell you where he was staying...woodcarver right?" Mo asked as he racked his brain for something. He thinks he remembers Lincoln had a stall at Ren faire, but he'd been pretty drunk most of it. "Up the stairs on in the middle, sure you don't want like a beer or something? Got weed if that's more your speed."
After Mo mentioned the guy's dad had been a woodcarver she tried to think of if she knew any woodcarvers. "wasn't there a girl with him at the like old timey thing with the horses or whatever?" They asked, looking over at Mo. Maybe he could remember better.
aaron frowned at the mention of where the room was and shook his head, “think i’ll just sleep on the couch if that’s cool.” it still felt weird having to feel like he was asking for permission in a place he used to grow up in. “a girl?” he perked up a bit thinking maybe his sister was still here after all. “what’d she look like? how old she look?”
"Yeah, I can lug this one upstairs," Mo mumbled, he didn't need to carry Eagan but it was habit. Pausing he furrowed his brows at Eagan before slowly, "Oh uh...that's Lucy? Yeah Lucy, Knightley treats them sometimes. They're like our age? Black hair real quiet, but yeah she hung out around Lincoln, think they're a carver too."
Lucy. That was it. She was going to have to believe Mo when it came to the black hair because she didn't actually remember what she looked like. There had been a couple times back when Knightley was still at the commune that she'd heard the name, though. "Were you wanting to sleep now or - I've still got some sandwich"
hearing the name made aaron sulk back in his chair having lost that hope her had for just a split second. “oh.” he ran a hand through his hair but held onto that name in case it ever came up. “no i’m good right now, could go for that beer though or the weed. or both.”
Mo nodded towards the tin case on the coffee table, "Should be some matches in there along with a joint or two," they said as they went to the kitchen. Grabbing 3 beers and popping them open, coming back he handed one to Aaron before sitting back next to Eagan and handing her the other. Taking a sip he glanced at Aaron, "So what you go to college for?"
Eagan took the beer with a nod to say thank you and took a drink before setting it on the coffee table in order to pick up the remaining sandwich half. Chewing she looked back over at Aaron, she hadn't known too many people that had gone. Mostly because so many of the people here had never gotten that chance.
aaron nodded and opened the tin when mo went to get the beer, lighting it by the time they’d gotten back and taking a hit while grabbing the beer at the same time. he gave a nod as thanks and exhaled to answer the question. “went to get my business degree so i could conti-“ he paused to take a sip, “guess that parts not important but business degree. that’s really it.” he answered with a shrug.
Mo was idly sipping at his beer, "Oh shit so you're like smart smart. Town hall probs still have something you can do with it," pausing he took another sip before shrugging. "reminds me we don't use cash anymore. Been using ration cards and the barter system for a while now."
"they're supposed to give you like a welcome basket or something at town hall. Has some of those ration cards with it." Eagan added on through another mouthful of sandwich. "you could always make a business of your own. I have my own. Sort of. I don't have a business degree or whatever though "
aaron shrugged, “wouldn’t say smart smart, i know enough to run a business out there but better with my hands more than anything.” he took another hit from the joint and let himself sink farther into the chair. “so town hall in the morning then, guess i’ll see what they’ve got i don’t.. yeah i don’t know about starting my own thing here. it’d feel weird doing that stuff here without my dad.” maybe one day, for now he’d figure out.
"My sister's head of construction and my brother's like the main plumber in town. Could always use extra hands," Mo said shrugging. He'd been thinking over what else might be useful to someone new, "Uh mayor's probably gonna shit talk the commune. It's basically a big house where a bunch of folks live and watch out for each other. I got friends and family in there, pretty nice all around."
Eagan took another drink of the beer and moved to stand, grabbing hold of the crutch that was leaned against the arm of the couch. She'd been getting better, at least their foot had, and really only needed the use of one crutch now to be able to get around. She left the two of them to continue on as she went to grab a pillow and blanket from one of the downstairs closets.
aaron stayed where he was and continued to sip at his beer. “construction doesn’t sound to bad, i’ll think about it.” as for the commune, depending on what’s said about it he was thinking he’d end up there anyway. it seemed easier than having to stay at somewhere new, especially alone.
Mo finished off his beer, letting Eagan hand off things, "Got plenty of food if you get the munchies. Take ya to town hall in the morning," he said. He let Eagan head upstairs first before trailing after them opting to stay in the same room for the night. Locking the bedroom door he flopped down onto the bed, "Well that was something," he grumbled already not looking forward to the next morning.
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darknursexiu · 6 months
∞ mo
If I Think They Are: Ugly || Plain || Alright || Cute || Freaking Adorable || Pretty || Beautiful || Hot || Stunning 
If I Would Go On A Date With Them: Not even if we were the last two one earth || No || Maybe || Eh….Sure || Yes || WILL YOU MARRY ME
If I Trust Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || With My Life
If I Care About Them: Not At All || Not Really || Kind of || Yes || Deeply
If I Would Sleep With Them: Not Enough Alcohol in the World || No || Maybe if I were wasted || Maybe || Eh…Sure || Yes || TAKE YOUR CLOTHES OFF NOW! 
My Comfort Level With Your Muse: Keep a Distance || Okay You Can Stand There, But Don’t Touch Me || Let’s Get Coffee and Talk || Let’s Cuddle || I Can Change In Front of You || Let’s Take a Bath Together
If I See You As: A Stranger || An Acquaintance || A Friend || A Close Friend || My Best Friend || A Crush || The Love of My Life
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tringstarruuu · 3 months
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School crush 💘
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doublxpresso · 8 months
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A peaceful afternoon
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jenscx · 9 months
tumblr girls — danielle marsh series
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
STATUS LOADING… in progress!
TAGS — fluff, strangers to friends to lovers, unrequited love, mutual pining, group project, shy!yn, cheerleader!dani, cursing
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O1. first and last
O2. hopeless
O3. —
O4. —
O5. —
more coming soon!
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I was re-reading the Intrusion extra recently and I remembered just how much I loved the casual intimacy between wangxian, so I decided to make a list of my top 5 favourite wangxian moments from this extra in no particular order:
1. Lan Wangji leaving Young Master Qin to wait outside their room until Wei Wuxian woke up much later in the morning, and only after being “hugged and caressed” a lot by Lan Wangji (ft. poor Sizhui who had to first drag Lil’ Apple away from bamboo shoots and then lie to Young Master Qin that his senior was ill to explain why lwj and wwx weren’t to be interrupted)
2. Wei Wuxian wearing Lan Wangji’s clothes. Both the time he is stated to roll up the sleeves many times because they’re too long for him, and this:
[Lan Sizhui] wanted to tell him, Senior Wei, you accidentally wore HanGuang-Jun’s clothes again. But after some thought, he still swallowed the sentence.
After all, Wei WuXian wore the wrong clothes every couple of days. If he reminded Wei WuXian every single time, wouldn’t he die of fatigue?
And every time Senior Wei would wear it anyways because he thought it was too much trouble to change. Feeling that there was no point in reminding him anyways, Lan SiZhui decided he’d much rather pretend he saw nothing.
3. Lan Wangji hugging Wei Wuxian to comfort him when they’re discussing how Young Master Qin talks about servants and the conversation drifts to Wei Wuxian’s past (and Wei Wuxian hugging back, of course)
4. Wei Wuxian laughing so hard at the thought of Lan Wangji being a virgin that Lan Wangji has to wrap an arm around his shoulder to steady him (followed soon after by Lan Wangji pulling Wei Wuxian into his lap and Wei Wuxian complaining about how unfair it is that people misperceive the two of them)
5. Wei Wuxian eating the apple the fierce corpse brought over, claiming he’s “trying to save Hanguang-jun some money” and Lan Wangji taking it away and saying that would never be necessary
Honourable mention to how in-sync the two of them are whenever Wei Wuxian is about to start saying absolute bullshit to get Young Master Qin to tell them the truth and Lan Wangji shows no indication that he’s lying his ass off
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itsredpaint · 10 months
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braided wei wuxians :)
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zelkams-art · 2 years
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ah, Lan Zhan, it’s almost like we’re teenagers again!
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demonicfarmer69 · 7 months
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its jin ling's birthday! happy birthday to the birthday boy~
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boarloved-art · 22 days
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finished my uni project finally and this is how i celebrated. uk-ei wuxian. british supermarket au. sure. why not.
yunmeng jiang is asda, qishan wen is wilko, gusu lan is waterstones, lanling jin is waitrose & qinghe nie is marks & spencers. baoshan sanren + her students are Tkmaxx. moling su is whsmith. hope this helps.
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nosfelixculpa · 9 months
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paulkariyas · 8 months
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↪ 10/11/2023 ― happy game day eye!
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bunjywunjy · 1 year
Bunjy, did you go to school in a prison or something?
pretty much, the yard was entirely blacktop asphalt with some halfhearted Foursquare grids spraypainted on and a single basketball hoop, and they let all the gradeschool classes out at once to fend for themselves...
also if you tried to climb on the 20-foot fence, you got yelled at :(
I kind of thought this was normal? but looking at the other replies on that post, it, uh, seems like this may very much not be the case...
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snoozefm · 1 year
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pinktrapped · 7 months
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jenscx · 4 months
[01] tumblr girls — first and last
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it was cliché; being in love with danielle marsh, the straightest girl on earth. you thought your feelings were hopeless, until you discover her tumblr blog.
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you squint your eyes at the excel sheet being flashed on screen. mo jihye? did your class even have someone called jihye? you sigh. the student was probably one of the kids at the back and would leave you to do all the work.
just your luck, that the project worth almost 30 percent of your final grade relied on some random person.
“i got jiwoo…” minji says.
hanni rolls her eyes, “that’s not bad. i got yeonjun. bro is gonna be so annoying.”
you turn to your two friends, confusion apparent on your face, “who the hell is mo jihye?”
minji and hanni both look at you with widened eyes, mouths agape.
“you don’t know jihye?” hanni asks, “she’s one of the most popular girls in school!”
“you saying that doesn’t help at all,” you murmur, heart racing at the thought of your high school’s most popular friend group. minji stares at you incredulously and you have the urge to slap your best friends.
“she’s australian and has a really nice voice,” hanni supplies unhelpfully. you furrow your brows, who else was australian other than danielle? maybe a new student.
sighing, you turn around to look at the screen again. the teacher now explaining the rubrics after the commotion about partners had died down. you frown, still thinking about jihye. somehow, you hadn’t heard of her and she was one of the most popular girls in school?
your eyes brighten when you realise that, one, jihye and danielle are probably in the same friend group, and two, becoming friends with jihye would basically mean becoming friends with danielle. you thought smugly to yourself.
(minji and hanni glance at you, concerned, when they hear you laugh quietly.)
“i encourage everyone to be in contact with their partners by the end of today. final assessment is due the last week of next month, please do take this project seriously as it is thirty percent of your grade,” mr lee says. your eyes dart around the class, danielle catching your onlooking gaze immediately. you feel your face flush and evert your eyes instantly.
you hear danielle’s god-gifted giggle and would have melted if not for the judging look from hanni. you try to sneak another glance at the girl, who crinkles her eyes when she smiles at you and you know it’s game over.
you were madly in love with a girl that probably didn’t even know your name. her brown gleaming eyes, angel-like smile, perfect wavy hair… you’re so screwed—
“y/n,” you snap out of your haze. “the bell just rung, class is over.” after blinking a few times, you realise that, one, minji and hanni had just ditched you, and two, danielle knows your name.
“ah… sorry,” you mumble a reply, embarrassed. danielle shakes her head and reaches out a hand to help you pack up. stunned, you glance at her and feel your cheeks heat up. wow… she has really long lashes…
“i saw you staring just now,” you freeze, “wanted to ask if you needed anything.”
she gazed at you expectantly.
“uhm…” you struggle to find a response, and was it always this hot in the classroom?
“sorry… i was just zoning out…”
danielle clicks her tongue and you feel guilty for making her impatient. she turns away, eyebrows furrowed.
“okay. i’ll see you later?”
fuck, you were so lame.
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“yeonjun keeps sending me hedgehog videos,” hanni complains, “who the hell keeps a hedgehog as a pet?” you pause momentarily, thinking, oh my god, i forgot about the project.
minji notices your stunned silence and nudges you with her elbow. “you good?”
“yup,” your voice cracks, “i don’t have jihye’s number.”
“oh, but didn’t you stay back in class—”
hanni gets interrupted when someone places a hand on your shoulder from behind. you slightly tense up and turn around slowly, eyes widening.
“hi y/n! i wanted to ask if you’re coming to the game later?” danielle smiles. you don’t have the heart to tell her that there’s a sea of homework piling up on your desk.
“uh, sure.”
“great! i’ll text you?”
with that, danielle bounces off. when you turn back to your friends, minji looks constipated and hanni’s brows are forming a judgemental look.
your two friends turn to look at each other and both release a coordinated sigh.
“for someone that gets straight As, you’re surprisingly stupid.”
“hey— what!”
“how could you not have her number if she just said that she’ll text you?” minji asks, exasperated. you gape at her, momentarily paused in time while hanni rolls her eyes at your stupidity.
“wait, what?”
“you didn’t know danielle and jihye were the same person— oh my god, are you even breathing? holy shit, hanni, do something bro!”
“what the hell?”
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you blink, hands pulling at the varsity jacket minji had lent you. danielle got your number from haerin, who got it from jiwon, who got it from hanni. she texted you after school, making sure that you were attending the game and asking you to wait for her after so that you could work on your project. this was not how you wanted to spend the rest of the day. the stands were filled with students who cheered the cheerleaders on. they were performing some sort of routine before the game started.
despite the impressive flips and stunts they did, you could only focus on the brunette who was beaming brightly while performing. you stare in awe as they lift her up to do an aerial move. right as she is lifted, danielle (or jihye?) raises her head, making eye contact with you. hesitantly, you wave.
“—holy shit, did danielle just fall?” gasps erupt from the crowd as the cheerleader basically crashes down, arms flailing as she falls. the whole team rushes to her aid, and your eyes widen at the stink look one of them gives you.
the stands are filled with murmurs, mostly of worry and confusion. you feel guilt wreck you, did you distract danielle from performing? if she was injured, you would never forgive yourself. resisting the urge to get up from your seat to go see her, you sit back down, leg bouncing nervously. minji and hanni are seated beside you, muttering and whispering.
“it’s our first time attending a game and something goes wrong. this is why we don’t hang out with the popular kids,” hanni groans. minji nods in agreement while all you can do is shift in your seat in anxiety.
after danielle is escorted from the field to a bench, the game begins. you’re not focused on the game at all, more worried about danielle and whether she was okay. at the halfway point, minji and hanni leave to go get snacks, and you’re alone at the bench once more. feeling an urge to check in danielle, you groan, following your heart instead of your mind, and rushing down to the field. no one really notices you, more focused on the players and the game itself.
despite her injury, the girl still looks bright. her eyes gleaming and a cheerful smile on her face. she occasionally shouts out words of encouragement to the players and her fellow cheerleaders.
she doesn’t even notice you lingering around until one of your steps causes the grass to crinkle.
“oh, y/n!” danielle smiles awkwardly. you return the same. “wanna sit down here?”
“uh, i thought only cheerleaders were allowed to sit here?” you ask nervously, shifting your weight from one foot to another. danielle shrugs, “i don’t actually know. it’s okay if you sit though, i can just say you came to check up on me.”
you nod, hovering over the seat, unsure if you could actually take a seat. either fate, or danielle, decides you were taking too long, since she reaches out to your wrist, pulling you abruptly down.
with a yelp, you fall onto the bench ungracefully, cheeks heating up at the grip on your wrist and the shriek you let out. danielle, unable to resist, lets out the loudest laugh you’ve ever heard. your face flushing even more, you feel somewhat accomplished at the fact you managed to make her laugh.
now that you are sitting side by side with danielle, your throat constricts. wanting to start a conversation, you open your mouth, only to be interrupted by danielle who chirps happily, “let’s discuss our project!”
your posture deflates, an awkward smile put back onto your face. “sure.” you had wanted to avoid this topic the most; between your blunder of oh my god, jihye and danielle are the same person, and oh my god, my partner is danielle, it wasn’t a favourable position to be in.
“which topic do you want to do? i think we could do either cultural and prejudice or psychological affairs,” danielle says, “discrimination, inferiority of women— oh! maybe human attraction?”
you stiffen noticeably at the topic. human. attraction. of course danielle wanted to do a topic about human attraction. who wouldn’t be attracted to her? the brown, naturally-curled hair, hazelnut eyes, full lips—
“yeah, sure,” you croak out.
“great!” danielle smiles, “i think the game is ending soon, so i’ll text you about the project later? i gotta go hang out with my team.”
another nod. with her expectant gaze, you stand up, almost robotically, arms swinging by the side.
“uhm, that jacket…” danielle trails off. you tilt your head, what about your jacket?
“it’s minji’s?” she asks.
“uh, yeah.” you suddenly feel self-conscious, how’d she know it was minji’s? danielle seems to notice your confusion, since she points at the back, “says kim in big, bold lettering.”
you furrow your eyebrows. was there something wrong with your (minji’s) varsity jacket?
“you okay?”
danielle smiles, albeit dimmer than before, “yup. i gotta go.”
and with a wave, danielle leaves, limping towards her teammates, who welcome her with open arms. haerin sends you a stink eye and you gulp.
sighing, you head back up to the stands, minji and hanni celebrating the triumph of your school.
“where’d you go?” hanni asks.
you groan, “hell.”
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