#fuck i love andi and helens relationship
Helen throughout the movie constantly puts herself down whilst talking Andi up. "She had enough guts and brains for the both of us and I was just happy watching her" "you think I could fit into that [Andi's clothes] shit?"
It's important to note that Andi found the Shitheads when they were all 'washed up losers' which implies Andi herself was also washed up around this time. I say implies because, interestingly enough, at no point does Andi actually say what her sisters job before Alpha was. Which makes sense. Her sister is Dead and she wants to remember her as this bright amazing Trailblazer not someone struggling to make do
Throughout the movie she struggles to act like Andi, to do what Andi would do but it's not acting like Andi which causes Miles Bron's Empire to collapse-its Helen being herself. She claims that Andi got all the brains but she carried the investigation to the finish line. She said Andi had the guts but she's the one who blew up the onion while she was still inside to bring down her sisters killer.
Helen spends the whole movie underestimating herself and everyone around her underestimated her too until it was far too late
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beezonia · 1 year
So I watched glass onion and holy shit I was not expecting that!!
This will include spoilers so pls don’t read if you haven’t watched it!!
Some of my thoughts
FIRST OF ALL I FUCKING LOVE PEG (give me a spin off movie with her pls)
She’s just a mood!
I will die on that hill she deserved better
I really wanted to see their relationship as sisters but Helen does show that she’d do anything to bring Cassandra happiness (by pushing her limits going undercover to bring her sisters murder to light and make sure she got justice) and that makes me so happy
Having said that Janelle Monàe pls step on me you queen
Helen smashing those sculptures gave me so much happiness she said EAT THE RICH and gave zero fucks and had zero regrets
Giving the rest the confidence to finally stand up to miles the fucking asshole
Claire and Lionel are besties holy shit I wanted to see more of them talking shit about miles and realising that he was/had fucked their lives up even if he helped get them what they wanted
Whiskey I love you, you and Duke even if you did cheat on him
Duke and his gun were scene stealers lmao that scene where he shot the gun by the poolside and I think it Lionel who calls him an asshole made me laugh
“Angie” (Andi) was and imposter in the game foreshadowing that ANDI was not exactly andi because in fact she was Helen coming to bring justice with Benoit
I loved loved loved the glass onion that design was amazing holy shit they went all out
The island in itself was amazing holy shit
Andi with her “rich bitch” voice and Helen channeling her sister with it we love to see
Benoit in that blue striped swim gear was hilarious he’s the confused grandpa of the bunch
Claire ignoring her husbands phone call and she just overall gave me the “tired mom” vibes
Duke is definitely the jock
Birdi (I didn’t really like her tbh she was annoying ngl) is the Phoebe Buffay of the group
Lionel the brains gives me the awkward guy but the one who’s just equally talented and as charismatic as the rest
Peg is tired mom no2 she’s basically birdi’s babysitter (give me her backstory people how the hell did she end up with birdi?!)
Also that explosion damnnn
She got what she wanted in the end and I was so happy for her
Let me tell you I did scream when we found out that andi had a sister and then I was like noooo they killed her off but oh nooo she fought so that justice could be served for her sister and so miles could finally be punished
The explosion was cause by the gas miles had and I was so glad that Claire pointed that out
Overall I’m in love with Peg and Helen, the movie was fucking awesome
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elizabethshaw · 3 years
Okay. Thoughts on Stranded 3! (under the cut for spoilers):
Starting off, I really enjoyed this boxset!! I'll be honest and say I did kinda miss the more domestic aspects of the previous two, but the creativity of the stories this time definitely made up for it! There were some really cool concepts in each of them, and the atmosphere of each story was also done very well.
The first episode was probably my favourite - it was very unhinged and kinda trippy but in a good way, and was very satisfying to see come together. I also loved how the characters were paired off in different ways, it made for some interesting dynamics and a fresh perspective on the team as a whole I think. (Andy and Liv's dynamic was also just. Really fucking hilarious ngl, right from the off. Loved it.)
The second episode was also really cool! There was something disorientating about being dropped in in the middle of an adventure, but it actually worked, and the tension of everyone working undercover was really well done too.
"Snow" was one I was predicting would make me cry based off what had been said about it before release, and, in a surprising turn of events, I Was Right. For some reason I've got incredibly attached to Ron and Tony while listening to Stranded, so the whole plotline around Ron's grief over Tony's death... it got to me, to say the least. Add in the scenes between Liv and Tania, and the stuff with Zakia... it was a Lot (in the best way!!)
And the last episode. I knew before it was gonna be ordered weirdly, but hearing the credits at the start proper disorientated me akskfjgjksjf Anyway, this was a very interesting one (that I think I'm definitely going to have to relisten to to really get the most out of) - it was definitely an experiment, but I think it worked, and did a great job at showing the impact the smallest events or words can have on the bigger picture. Absolutely devastated at what happened to Andy though 😭 Hope he gets out of it somehow...
However, (as there are with these things), there were a few creative choices I didn't like quite as much unfortunately. I mentioned in the tags of an earlier post that I was a bit disappointed in how sidelined Helen felt at times (mainly in the last two episodes) - I'm a massive fan of her as a character (like, I absolutely cannot understate how much I love her, idk exactly why but I have vibed with her on an unreal level), and tbh I would have liked her to feel a little more involved at times this boxset.
I also would've liked a bit more between the central trio of Eight, Liv and Helen, because I really love their weird little found family dynamic, and their friendship is the main reason I've loved their audios so much, and if I'm being honest it didn't really feel like they interacted as a trio at all in these episodes which was a bit of a shame. The same also goes for the individual dynamics between them - Eight and Helen got some good material as a duo, but Liv didn't actually have that many proper scenes with the others :/ (However, I did really love the scenes she had with Tania this series!!! I am admittedly still a Liv/Helen fan and clowning myself hoping something still might happen with those two, but I've really liked how Liv and Tania's relationship has grown so far, and I thought they had the best emotional content by far in this boxset.)
(I am now very worried Liv's gonna leave at the end of Stranded though. I reckoned that would be what would happen for a while, but now it seems a bit more real and. I'm not ready for her to leave yet aaaaaaaaaaaaa-)
Overall though, very good boxset!! I think I'm going to have to relisten, and at a bit of a slower pace, to really appreciate everything, but I definitely enjoyed this rather crazy first listenthrough :)
Other misc thoughts, in no particular order, and not coherent in any way:
"There's an alien chair! Two alien chairs! By an alien table!" "Stop saying alien." "No, it's just... oh, what's that feeling?" "Sunstroke." 💀💀
I said earlier that Liv and Andy's dynamic was one of my favourite parts of ep1, the comedy of it all was just... so funny
Helen and Tania's dynamic was also very cool; I've always liked the little we've got of their friendship and it was nice to see it explored a bit more :)
The way I unironically thought when the psychic stuff and visions started being brought up that the writers might actually have decided to do something more with Helen's eldritch psychic powers... i am such an idiot
(I may or may not have a whole mini essay of a post about said powers currently sitting in my drafts... not sure whether to post it though)
Tania just. Lying on the floor feeling slightly dead inside... mood
"I used to think I couldn't... wouldn't find what you've found. But seeing you two... it gives me hope." Shut up shut up i am actually going to cry
They didn't really touch on it much this time around, unlike with stranded 2, but I'm glad they did still have some continuation of the subtextual arc about Helen coming to terms with her sexuality and that she can be happy as who she is; it makes me Feel Things and I hope it's still given time to breathe in stranded 4
Liked the intermittent scenes with Eight narrating a story with this ep, kinda reminded me a bit of Better Watch Out/Fairytale of Salzburg and his storytelling then
Liv being described as a "rainbow dolphin" is singlehandedly one of the funniest things to come out of this series istg
Ah yes, solitary, my favourite card game
Episode two my beloved thank you for giving me the Helen Content i owe you my life <3
Helen deciding that if Liv was gonna die she was too definitely Got Me emotionally (their devotion to each other... god), but also uh. She was very quick to decide dying was the best option there. Is she okay
Also Liv is very much Going Through It this time round - hope she gets a break at some point
The snow keeping Ron company because he missed Tony so much 😭 this is fine (it's not fine.)
The stuff between Liv and Tania in ep3 was so heartbreaking too!!! The bond between them both felt so much deeper this boxset, and in a way that was such a natural progression from the previous stories, and really helped make the emotional crux of this episode even stronger
This story was also very much Fairytale of Salzburg if Fairytale of Salzburg was just. Really really depressing
Anyway this is irrelevant but what happened to their eighty-year-old stasis field cat from 2.3?? Is she okay???
"What Just Happened?" was the most appropriate title possible for that last episode. It was easier to grasp than I thought it'd be, but still Very Mad haha
Idk I feel like the way it was structured actually made the emotional impact stronger? Like there was something really compelling about seeing where the events were unfolding from, and realising the little things that were adding up to what happens at the beginning, and it made it retrospectively hit a lot harder
If Eight, Liv and Helen don't get at least one group hug in the next boxset I'm rioting
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 4k
Warnings: mention of sexual assault, swearing, smoking, implied smut
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 18 Part 20
Part 19
It took over two hours to get ready. I don't know how celebrities did this all the time. I enjoy dressing up, but not when I know the pictures will be circulated widely, and every time someone types into google "Liam Cross's girlfriend", images of tonight will come up. It freaked me out.
I trusted Liam when he said the dress was right, and I trusted Jen. She had only just started dating Riza when Andy and I got married, so although she hadn't done my hair and makeup, I had seen her work and the brides always looked good. So when I asked her to do my makeup for the premiere, I didn't think twice. I regretted that when Jen took the pins out of my hair.
"Jen, I look like Orphan Annie," I complained.
She just laughed and said, "trust me." She started to work a brush through my hair while humming Tomorrow. I groaned.
But as she worked the brush, the curls started to join together, and beautiful waves appeared in my hair.
"You're a genius," I said to Jen when I finally worked out what she was doing.
Jen blushed and just kept brushing. "I have always wanted to do this to your hair. You have such a timeless facial structure. I knew it would be perfect for you and for tonight."
She did my makeup in a beautiful smokey eye and deep red lipstick. It was not too dissimilar to what I would do for myself, but she added fake lashes, brushed and plucked my eye-brows and did some light contouring. She even checked my legs and arms for marks and bruises, covering any she could find.
Jen helped me dress and double-checked everything, including any visible panty line. I couldn't see how it would be possible to have a panty line since I had gotten the smallest underwear I could find, which was a string attached to a triangle of lace.
When I was ready, I looked in the dressing room's full-length mirror. I almost cried in relief. I felt like I would fit in and not look like I had a face like a dropped pie. Jen had done a fantastic job with my hair, and I looked like a cross between Rita Hayworth and Jessica Rabbit. I adored the old Hollywood style. I thanked her a million times, and she went downstairs to get Liam and Riza.
I paced the bedroom waiting for them to come back. Being alone in the room had allowed my anxieties to creep back in. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, in through my nose and out through my mouth. The dress was tight, and I couldn't quite breathe deeply enough. But I was not going to ruin this night with my anxiety. I was not. My guts didn't care what my brain was telling itself. They churned and flipped in my belly until I thought I was going to be sick.
"Lana," Liam said from the doorway. He was alone. Riza and Jen must have waited downstairs. I gasped as I took him in. The was wearing a black woollen three-piece suit with a black tie and crisp white cotton shirt with onyx cuff links. He had was clean-shaven and had his hair combed down in little waves. He looked like he had stepped off the movie screen. He looked so perfect.
"You look incredible," I tell him.
He laughed, "No, Sweetheart. Not next to you, I don't." He crossed the space between us and took my hands, spreading them wide to get a good look. "You are a vision."
I blushed and said, "I feel sick."
Liam shook his head, "you're going to do great." Liam lead me to the dressing room and stood behind me in front of the mirror. "Sweetheart, look at yourself. Look at your hair," he touched it cautiously, just above my ear, as if scared his feather-light touch would ruin it.
"Do you know how much money some women would pay to have hair as spectacular as yours? And your body, the way it curves and moves with such grace. Your skin is so delicate and as smooth as silk." Liam ran his finger down my neck until I shivered and smiled. "And that smile, my Sweetheart, You don't know what lengths I will go to for that smile. It would make Helen of Troy hang her head in despair."
"Thank you," I said. "I needed that."
"It's true." Liam kissed my forehead tenderly, his lips just barely brushing my skin. "I want to kiss you. But I'm under very strict instructions from Jen not to. But be prepared for an attack after the red carpet." He kissed my neck with as much care as before and sighed. Then he seemed to shake himself off and asked, "are you ready to go?"
I nodded. "As ready as I'll ever be."
"Ok, let's go downstairs. Apparently, we have some pictures to take."
The drive to the cinema was short, but the limousines' line was long. I barely remember anything until our car was the next in line. Liam had been going through a last-minute rundown of what should happen.
"Remember, I will get out first and wave a bit.  Just wait until I turn around, and I will help you out of the car." I nod, and he continues. "Then we will both stand in front of the car. I might wave again, but you don't have to. Just smile. Once we get past the initial photographers, there will be fans, and then there may be some interviews. Do you remember what will happen there?"
"You will sign some autographs and take some pictures. I'm to follow you. You're going to hold my hand the whole time through that part, right?" I asked.
Liam took my hand and lifted it to his lips, pressing a kiss into my palm. "Nothing could make me let it go." He said sincerely. "If there are interviews, they are usually very short, only a few questions. They may ask you who you are, and I'll introduce you, and you smile and say hi. I doubt they will ask you anything other than how you're enjoying the night, but if they do, I'll handle it."
"Ok," I murmured. "I wish I had a ciggie."
Liam smiled, "If you still want one when we're done, I'll find you one. The last part is where the main paparazzi photos will be taken. They will want photos of both of us, but they will also want ones of just me. Usually, they will call out something like "fashion", and that means you can walk to the cinema and some publicists or assistants will take you into the foyer, and you can wait for me there. Ok?"
I nodded and felt bile rise in my throat. I swallowed hard, but it wouldn't go away. My mouth filled with saliva, and I kept trying to swallow it.
"Air." I gasped. "I need air,"
I put down my window just as Liam shouted, "no, Lana! Don't!"
The roar I heard was like being at a footie Grand Final. I was confronted with hundreds of screaming faces lining the road opposite the cinema. Their eyes were wild. Their bodies bounced and writhed in joy and excitement. They lifted posters and toys, screaming for Liam Cross.
Liam leaned over me and, waving at the crowd, quickly pressed the button to put the window up.
"What the fuck was that?" I yelled.
"You didn't tell me they would be on both sides!"
"I didn't think you would put your window down."
"Your life..." I started.
"Isn't normal." We both finished.
Liam laughed, "on the plus side Lana, you have your colour back. Do you still feel sick?"
I shook my head.  "No. Now I'm just terrified." The limo started moving.
I gripped Liam's hand as if we were nearing the top of a roller coaster. He ran his thumb over my knuckles and said, "We can still go home if you want." He cupped my cheek and looked at me. The car stopped.
I shook my head. "Just don't leave me."
He smiled and kissed my neck. His skin felt different, having shaved, but his kiss was still the same. "Never." He whispered.
The door was opened, and Liam got out.
I breathed deeply, trying to calm. The dress was bloody tight. Then Liam's hand was there, and I took it.
His eyes found mine, and I fell into them. He smiled his most beautiful smile, the one where his cheeks and eyes crinkled and his teeth flashed. I found myself unable to stop my smile. How could I not smile when he looked so happy.
As I stood up, his hand came around my waist, and he pulled me tight. He leaned into my ear and said loud enough to be heard over the roar of the crowd and the shouts from the photographers, "Thank-you for doing this, Lana." He kissed my ear so swiftly I thought I had imagined it.
The procession down the red carpet went as he said it would. The fans were electric and not as frightening as I thought they would be. Some even tried to talk to me, which was awkward because I had no idea what to say. I just tried to be polite and smiled.
Liam was amazing. He never let go of my hand. One-handed, he signed autographs, shook hands, gave hugs and took selfies. He was so charming, looked the fans in the eye, seemed genuinely happy and interested to hear what they had to say. He even blushed when some of the fans oohed after he had run his fingers through his hair. Just watching how much he seemed to love this part of his job made me forget a lot of my own anxieties.
Liam was a bit different with the interviewers, more alert and guarded. But his charm and wit were still there. A few interviewers, mostly the more gossipy outlets, asked about me. The film focussed ones largely ignored me. I hoped I gave coherent responses, and Liam was as good as his word and stepped in when he needed to and took control of the interviews. I couldn't believe how many times he had to answer the same questions, and he answered each with as much enthusiasm as he had the first time he was asked.
Quicker than I thought, we stopped for the last row of photographers. They shouted for Liam's attention and were almost as loud as the fans. When the time came for Liam to do photos on his own, he brushed his lips against my neck and said in my ear, "Lana, you were perfect. Go on. I'll be with you in a minute."
I went to the end and was greeted by the publicists who ushered me into the crowded cinema foyer. I found a quiet corner and waited for about five minutes before I saw Liam practically barge his way through the crowd, his eyes searching until he saw me.
He grabbed my hips and kissed my mouth so hard I thought they would bruise.
"Lana, that was perfect. Thank you for doing that with me."
I smiled a genuine, relaxed smile for the first time in hours and asked, "so it's over?"
"It's over," Liam confirmed.
I exhaled with relief and said, "you'd have to be the only person in the world I would ever go through that for."
Liam kissed me again, softer this time, lips playing against mine, "you don't know how much that means to me." He hugged me tightly before staring at me and smiling at his goofy grin. Then he said, "come on, Sweetheart. I have a few people I'd like to introduce you to. If you are up for it, that is. Do you need more time?" I shook my head, and he led me into the crowd.
Liam grabbed my hand and moved fast through the crowd, briefly saying hi to some people on the way.
I saw Myra come in from the red carpet, and I pointed her out to Liam. Liam waved her over, and she waved back then held her hand up in a 'give me a second' gesture. She went to the corner I had been hiding in and kissed a man I assumed was her boyfriend and brought him over.
I liked her instantly. She was bubbly and happy. It was like she was famous enough to be bored by the goings-on around her, but still new enough that she hadn't developed the jaded 'here we go again' attitude that you would expect.
"Phew! That was crazy tonight. I'd say that's your fault, Liam. No one else here is big enough to pull a crowd that big." She leaned over and kissed his cheeks in the European style. "Thanks for doing it, mate. I mean, it'll be good for Stones but still, it'll help with this movie too."
Liam smiled, "Don't mention it." Liam pulled me closer and introduced me.
Myra smiled widely and pulled me into a hug. She was a few years younger than me, and she was beautiful. She had gorgeous thick dark hair, cheekbones to die for under radiant umber skin, which appeared to be without a blemish and striking sea-green eyes. She was very tall, almost as tall as Liam, but very thin. She felt so delicate when I hugged her back, but it was evident from her speech and body language; she wasn't a shrinking violet.
"Hey babes, so good to meet you. I've heard so much. You look so good. That's from Maticevski, right? Great choice. I love him." I usually cringe when I hear the word 'babes'. I think of Married at First Sight for some reason. However, coming from Myra, it just sounded sweet.
"Thanks. Liam has spoken about you too."
"Yeah, Pop has been good to me," Myra said, throwing a look at Liam that made his eyes roll.
"It's twelve years, Myra, hardly Grandfather territory."
"It's not your age. It's your attitude." She said in a snarky but playful way. "Anyway, this is my Damo. Well, Damien, but nobody calls him that." Damo smiled awkwardly and shook our hands.
Myra wrapped her arms around his waist and said teasingly, "Aww, he's shy." From the look Damo gave Myra, I'd say smitten was a better way to describe him. He's tall like Liam, and though muscular, you could tell it came from physical labour, not a gym. He had a surfie look about him with his sun-bleached shoulder long hair and tanned skin.
"I'm going for a smoke before the movie starts," Damo said to Myra.
"Can Lana have one?" Liam asks. "She has quit, but she said she would like one." I looked at Liam with gratitude, and Damo and I went behind the theatre where a smoking area was set up.
We could still hear a lot of activity going on out the front, but it appeared most of the excitement was over. Damo lit our cigarettes, and I leaned against the wall, relishing the nicotine flowing through me.
Damo laughed, "you look how I feel. Over it."
"Yeah, it's full-on, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it's bullshit crazy."
"So, where do you live? How did you meet Myra and get wrapped up in this bullshit?" I asked with genuine interest. He seemed even more out of place here than I did.
Damo told me he was from the Northern Beaches and was in the year above Myra at school. He had asked her to his Year 12 formal, and she accepted, but she had cancelled to go to Melbourne for her first major acting role. "So, I don't hear from her for years, but she finds me on Instagram through old mates from school, and she tells me that I owe her a date."
"That's kinda cute."
"Yeah, surprised the fuck out of me, though. Like, why'd ya wanna go out with a sparky from the Northern Beaches."
I smiled at him, knowing the feeling. "Maybe all this bullshit gets to them, and they want someone real? Someone who doesn't want anything from them except their time and affection."
Damo smiles and nods his head. "I reckon you're onto something. So what's your story?"
I don't tell him all the details but that we met online and I didn't know who he was until I met him. "It was a complete shock when I found out who I'd been talking to."
"Fair dinkum? You met him three weeks ago?" I nodded, "It took Myra five months to convince me to go to one of these things."
I laughed, "Yeah, well, I just thought better get it over with. The sooner people can get over that Liam has a new girlfriend, the quicker I can get back to normal and not worry about it."
Damo nodded and said, "yeah, I hope so too. Myra's life can get pretty crazy."
We finished our cigarettes and went back inside. We had hardly gotten through the door when we were whisked away by our partners because the movie was about to start.
After the movie, there was a small after-party for industry people only. The people who had won tickets or were friends of friends weren't invited. Liam, of course, was invited and had planned not to go. Myra pleaded with him to stay, so when he looked at me asking the silent question, I nodded, already getting the feeling not many people could say no to Myra. Myra bounced around and hugged us both.
Liam introduced me to a few other people, including Boyd, who turned out to be an outrageous flirt and a shit-stirrer. He seemed harmless and just enjoyed taking the piss out of people. He also told me something interesting about Liam that I planned to bring up with him later.
Liam also introduced me to the showrunner Arianna, who was essentially his boss. Finally, I was introduced to Naomi, who was to play Boyd's love interest, and she was also in the movie we had just watched. The Australian film industry is pretty small.
Naomi was the opposite of Myra, friendly on the outside but was one of those people who always seemed to be looking around when you talked to them to see if there was someone more interesting or more advantageous she should be speaking to. She had icy blue eyes, bombshell blonde hair, amazing breasts and a nose that was so perfect it had to have been a nose job.
She flirted hard with Liam, touching his arm, letting it linger that little bit too long. She ignored me mostly, except when she threw me some side-eye. Liam seemed to take it in his stride, polite but not friendly, until she 'accidentally' brushed her breasts against his arm.
Liam seemed to have enough, and his eyes went dark. He put his hand to my back and practically pushed me out, saying we were leaving. His tone didn't leave much room for argument, but I wanted to know why he left so suddenly when things had been going well, and I actually enjoyed the party. I was also feeling bad that I didn't say goodbye to Myra and the others.
Liam's limo was waiting outside, and he ushered me in quickly. Liam texted Myra to say goodbye and to let the others we left. "Myra won't mind. She knows how I feel about Naomi."
I said hi to our driver before turning to Liam. "Is there a history there?" I ask. My voice was small.
Liam scoffed, "she wishes." He sighed and stretched his neck. He took his jacket off, opened his vest and loosed his tie. I looked at him expectantly. He taps the driver on the shoulder and apologises, but he's going to put the screen up.
When the screen was in place, Liam started to roll his sleeves up. It seemed like he was stalling. Eventually, he said, "I suppose I had better tell you. Naomi was cast a couple of weeks ago. The original actress playing her part fell pregnant and didn't want to commit to a series. She comes in for a table read, and I felt bad for her coming in late because the rest of the main cast had a couple of months together already. Myra knew her and said to avoid her, but I thought, well, I have to work with her should get to know her. We had a chat after the read, then she follows me back to my dressing room and long story short, she takes her shirt off and grabs my cock."
"What did you do?" My green-headed monster was in full battle mode. He better have a good and believable answer.
"I threw her out ." He shrugged. "Shit like that happens all the time. What she doesn't know is that word gets around, and soon she will be seen as toxic and won't get hired. Although I think she aims to bag a guy with money and never work again."
I believed him. I was going to have to get this jealousy thing under control. It was new to me. I don't think I had ever been jealous before, even with Andy. I looked out of the window, letting the night beauty of Sydney calm me down.
Liam put his arm around me and rested his chin on my shoulder. "So was it so terrible?" Liam asked dramatically. "The premiere, I mean."
I looked at him, his blue eyes bright again. "Not all of it," I smiled at him.
"What were the good parts?"
I ran my finger across his jaw, his skin was so smooth. I missed the three-day-growth, but he looked just as amazing without it. "I liked meeting Myra."
He smiled, "I knew you'd like her."
"And the movie was good."
"Anything else?" Liam ran a finger across my collarbone
"The free popcorn and drinks."
Liam chuckled, and his finger ran up my neck. "Anything else?"
"They have great chairs in the theatre," he was turning me on. I heard it in my voice. My heart started to beat louder.
"Is that all?" He asked with his rough, horny voice. He lifted my chin.
"The bathrooms were good too."
He traced my lips with his finger. "Is that all that was good about tonight?"
"Tonight's not over. Ask me again in the morning." He slipped his finger into my mouth, and my body was on fire. Even after all I had been through, the stress and panic, my body still responded to his touch. I sucked his finger gently, and his eyes widened.
"You're very naughty, Lana." He said as he withdrew his finger and shuffled in his seat.
"I'm not bad. I'm just drawn that way," I said in my best Jessica Rabbit imitation.
Liam's eyes widened then narrowed. "What did Boyd tell you?"
"Tell me? Nothing?" I tried to look innocent, but I'm not an actress.
"Never mind." Liam blushed.
"Hang on, who is your favourite Disney Princess?"
"I'm not a child, Lana." He looked a little uncomfortable.
I pouted. "Come on. Everyone has one."
"Who is yours?"
"Moana, although I don't know if she counts as a Princess cause she's a chief's daughter. My second is Belle. Tell me yours."
"Ariel." Liam looked out the window.
"Favourite spice girl?"
"I don't like pop music. " I raised my eyebrow at Liam. He paused a long time before answering. "Geri."
"Which one of John Snow's girlfriends was hotter with Ygritte or Daenerys?" I was having fun with it. I don't think I'd ever seen him squirm so much.
"Ygritte, Lana, do you mind?"
"No, no, just one more." I was trying not to burst out laughing. I knew I must have had a huge smirk on my face, "Mary-Anne or Ginger?"
"For fucks sake, yes, ok, I have always had a thing for redheads."
I couldn't hold it any longer, and I burst out laughing. I laughed so hard, Liam eventually had to join in. "I'm sorry." I said, "What are you going to do to Boyd?"
"Unfortunately, Lana, it looks like I will be busy for the next 25 years because I will have to kill him."
Part 20
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imgoingtocrash · 3 years
Loki and Spider-Man: Far From Home please!
You’re a gem!!! I’ll ask you some back too (to make up for the fact that I haven’t caught up on the Whumptober verse since I read We Forgot To Break Up before bed and it emotionally fucked me up so bad I couldn’t sleep for an hour.) ((In a good way. The talk between Tony and Steve was so GOOD I COULDN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT.))
Loki - what’s the most outlandish (or it could just be your favorite) au you’ve ever read/wanted to write/thought of?
I don’t think it was outlandish so much as it would be a pain in the ass to actually make into a fully realized fic, but considering a “Wandavision but Irondad” prompt for the last Friendly Neighborhood Exchange, I immediately decided that the 60s sitcom Irondad would parody would be The Andy Griffith Show, because it was filled with Father-Son vibes and also lowkey modernized fathers who actually, you know, loved their kids enough to do the work of really raising them.
Tony is Andy (small town sheriff and widowed father), Aunt May is Aunt Bee (Andy’s aunt, who in this version would probably also be widowed or Ben is someone in town that she dates), Peter is Opie (Andy’s son, who teaches Andy Fatherhood Lessons as he grows up), Happy is Barney (Bumbling deputy, sorry Happy), and Pepper is Helen (the Independent Woman school teacher that Andy dates and eventually marries). 
I’d love to cast Rhodey, but trying to put him in the character profile of anyone else would be an insult to his character’s intelligence lmao. Like, Gomer Pyle? I think not. (And also, this show was so white only one black character ever had a speaking role.) Better to make him from scratch and give him the respect he deserves, I think. Probably something in the military.
My mom put on this show a lot when we were kids, and I think the Family Values at the show’s core, particularly some of the best episodes that focused on Andy and Opie’s relationship, would lend really well to a Wandavision-esque world-bending where Tony is like...”something is wrong but it’s a nice small town where nothing really goes wrong,” you know? And it seems like something maybe his mother or Jarvis would have put on for him, a fantasy world where dads aren’t shitty.
Idk...I love the idea so much but I do NOT remember a lot of specifics about the show, it would be tough to make happen.
Spider-Man: Far From Home - share something about yourself!
This isn’t really ~about me~ but uhh I’m playing Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town rn and I named my alpaca Gerald!!! Also of the chickens are named after Team Steve members (this was not an allegory of my thoughts about them, I just thought it was fun and Falcon and The Winter Soldier had just started).
This was a long af answer, but honestly that’s only one of the two “Wandavision but Irondad” ideas I had but didn’t write. AU/Dream World/Lotus Eater Machine episodes are my favorites, so I loooove thinking about that kind of stuff.
Thank you for the ask and letting me ramble! Everyone please go read Whumptoberverse and cry with me!!!
MCU Fanfiction Ask Game
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pass-the-bechdel · 5 years
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
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Does it pass the Bechdel Test?
Yes, once.
How many female characters (with names and lines) are there?
Seven (30.43% of cast).
How many male characters (with names and lines) are there?
Positive Content Rating:
General Film Quality:
Significantly flawed, and well-known in fandom for it. Unpopular opinion? I still think it’s better than the first Avengers film.
MORE INFO (and potential spoilers) UNDER THE CUT:
Passing the Bechdel:
Natasha and Laura pass in a single-line trade. It’s sooo close to not counting.
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Female characters:
Natasha Romanoff.
Wanda Maximoff.
Maria Hill.
Helen Cho.
Peggy Carter.
Laura Barton.
Male characters:
Tony Stark.
Steve Rogers.
Clint Barton.
Pietro Maximoff.
Bruce Banner.
Sam Wilson.
James Rhodes.
Ulysses Klaue.
Nick Fury.
Erik Selvig.
Everyone talking about Strucker like we already know who he is...
The “Shit!”/”Language!” gag was funnier before they hung a lantern on it. Not least because it takes almost a full minute before Tony harks back to it (fifty seconds, actually. I checked). If you’re gonna make a Thing out of it, you gotta follow up immediately, not after fifty seconds of cutting around to different character intros and action shots and a whole lot of other dialogue. 
Urrgghh, ok, I’m going to break my standing rule about not discussing source material, because we gotta acknowledge the colossal wrongness of re-writing the Maximoff twins - canonically Jewish Romani - as willing volunteers in a Nazi science experiment. It gets worse the more you think about it. There are a few things about this movie which generated significant negative outcry, and this incredibly offensive decision is one of them.
Tony and Thor fighting over who has a better girlfriend does have a certain charm to it. If you’re gonna have a testosterone-off, it might as well be about how great your partner is.
I got a zero out of ten on this out-of-nowhere forced romance crap with Natasha and Bruce. We’ll come back to this later.
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“I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta,” Tony declares, as he prepares to lift Thor’s hammer and thereby theoretically take charge of the Nine Realms. Primae noctis (believed to in fact be a myth) refers to a supposed Dark-Ages law that granted lords the ‘right’ to take the virginity of any newlywed peasant woman who lived on their land. So, this is a wonderful little rape joke from Tony (or, y’know, not so little, since primae noctis in reality would make Tony a serial rapist). Ha ha ha ha. Hilarious. Good one.
I’m really mad about the parts here that are total garbage, because mostly, the revels sequence has a nice low-key quality to it, good solid team dynamics. 
I can’t fucking believe that they played the ‘and then Bruce falls with his face in Natasha’s cleavage!’ gag. I cannot believe it. Is this a disgusting frat-boy comedy from the nineties?
Honestly, Tony, just shut up and admit that you KNEW from the get-go that it was wrong to try and make Ultron happen (that is why you kept it secret from everyone else to begin with); don’t try to defend the decision now that you’ve got a ‘murderbot’ on your hands. Take responsibility for a bad choice instead of talking shit about how you had to and everyone else is just too short-sighted, damn it! 
Andy Serkis is delightful.
The Iron Man/Hulk fight absolutely KILLS the momentum of this film. It goes for way the fuck too long (eight minutes) and has no narrative significance at all. Pro tip for action scenes: they should always be driving the story somewhere. You can pull off eighty minutes of action so long as your plot is advancing alongside/within it.
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Also, Iron Man causes a huge amount of additional damage during this fight, in the service of the aforementioned pointless action. His efforts to minimise Hulk’s effects are extremely poor, and calling in his relief organisation to clean up after the fact does not negate that. 
Gotta love that throwing a wife and kids at Hawkeye at the same time as we suddenly start pushing this Natasha/Bruce thing. That’s not transparent at all. I also understand this to be a major deviation from Clint’s identity in the comics, and very unpopular with fans for that reason, but regardless; reinventing him as a family man to reset the romantic blather after baiting fans with the possibility of Clint/Natasha in the first Avengers movie is such a shitty move. I was not invested in the ship myself and would have loved to have them reinforce the just-friends relationship between Hawkeye and Black Widow, because there are not enough platonic friendships between compatible men and women in fiction, but 'they’re not interested in each other because they’re busy with someone else!’ is a weak reinforcement indeed. Less forced romances, and definitely less token wifey who exists for no other Goddamn reason at all. This comes out of nowhere, and not in a clever-surprise kind of way.
“You still think you’re the only monster on the team?” Natasha says, after telling Bruce about her sterilisation. This earned a HUGE backlash, and for good reason - despite all arguments about how what Natasha meant was that her being raised to be an assassin makes her a monster, the direct implication of her words as they are phrased and as the discussion is structured is that her inability to have children makes her monstrous, and that’s deeply offensive. It’s also completely in keeping with a narrative which is often played out against women, in which their value as people is attributed directly to their ability to produce offspring, so it’s not even like this outrageous implication of monstrosity - the corruption of what it means to be female! - is that unusual. It’s awful, but not unusual. Add on the fact that 1) Natasha’s nightmare-flashes specifically foregrounded her sterilisation over all other details of her training, supporting the idea that she believes that it’s what makes her irredeemable (instead of, y’know, all the murdering and stuff), and 2) this is Joss Whedon’s work and he is OBSESSED with highlighting the womanhood of his female characters and treating it like their defining trait while also variously punishing them for it, and you’ve got every reason to interpret this terrible fucking line as exactly the heinous thing it (presumably, unwittingly) seems to be. 
Steve ripping a log in half with his bare hands is the funniest thing in this whole movie.
Thor’s brief side-adventure with Erik Selvig is pretty out-of-place. He just...goes for a swim in a convenient magic pond that Selvig chances to know about. Seems normal.
Ultron is full of such boring, empty rhetoric. Reminds me of Loki in The Avengers, with all that sound-and-fury. 
I love Paul Bettany.
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Man, they sure do find Natasha instantly. It’s almost like making a damsel-in-distress of her who needs to be rescued by the team was completely meaningless...
Breaking my no-BTS rule (since I already have done for this movie at this point) because it’s well-known how Joss Whedon ordered Elizabeth Olsen not to show exertion or ‘ugly emotion’ on her face in this film, because God forbid she compromise her attractiveness by being human. Joss Whedon is not human; he’s fucking trash. 
The final fight sure does just, y’know, get to a point where it ends. They really did not ratchet up the tension over the course of the Sokovia conflict, it just goes along until it stops (also, they say Sokovia is a country, but then they never call the city anything else, it’s just Sokovia. Is the city conveniently named after the country (very confusing), or is it a city-country, like The Vatican? I kinda assume it’s option three, which is that no one bothered to care because it’s just some fake European placeholder anyway and we’re not supposed to notice such a dumb oversight).
“I was born yesterday.” This is the best quip in this whole thinks-it-is-way-wittier-than-it-is movie.
Helen Cho deserved better than to be a prop rapidly dismissed and then just trotted past at the end for an ‘oh, she survived, btw’. 
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Back when I reviewed the first Avengers movie, I said that I considered that film to be heavily overrated, so maybe it’s not such a surprise that I actually like this one better. The two primary problems I had with that first film were the overly simplistic plot, and the fact that most of the characters were OOC compared to previous films, and this movie does do better on both scores, so I feel more engaged by it, and less annoyed. That said...this movie has still got a lot of problems, and those include iffy characterisation and a plot with various holes, nonsensical complications, and conveniently ignored or smoothed-down dynamics. When I say I like this movie better than the first one, I mean just that: I like this better. That does not mean I am here to sing its praises. 
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The tacked-on romance is part of the problem - for Clint as well as Natasha (but especially for Natasha). After Hawkeye was so heavily under-used in the first film (and his slightly-ambiguous relationship with Black Widow was the only human element that made him a character instead of a prop), Age of Ultron attempts to compensate by giving Clint a personal life, in the form of a magically-appearing heavily-pregnant wife and a pair of nameless children. The function of this family appears to be 1) to give Clint a reason to not be interested in Natasha, and 2) to ‘humanise’ him by giving him something to fight for and get home to, because we all know nothing legitimises a character quite like some otherwise-irrelevant dependents. Want a man to seem lovable and important? Give him a pregnant wife. That’s what women are for, anyway, right? To enhance a man’s story? In this case, to provide a man whose purpose in the story has been contested with insta-personality, because ‘he’s secretly a family man, ooh, twist!’ is way better than having to spend time on giving him something to do in the plot that is actually meaningful in some way. Great logic. Makes Hawkeye super dynamic, right? 
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Natasha, unsurprisingly, is hit much, much harder. As the only female avenger and one of only two prominent female characters in a cast which has seven-to-nine male characters of equal or greater importance/screen time (YMMV on whether or not you think Fury and Vision count for that list), the pressure is already on for Natasha to be served up a quality narrative, because if she doesn’t get one, well...she doesn’t have six-to-eight alternative characters to pull the weight for her gender. The best solve for this problem would be to avoid the ‘Token Woman’ cliche in the first place, but since we missed that boat...not having the personal story of your only primary female character revolve completely around her womanhood and her catering to heteronormative expectations of a love interest would have been a good choice. This weird, forced, chemistry-free thing with Bruce Banner? Was the worst thing they could have used to define Natasha’s presence in the film. It sticks out like a sore thumb every time they have an awkward interaction, and it leads in to that atrocious ‘monstrous infertility’ element (though that particular egregious mistake could have been included with or without a romantic blunder, it...probably wouldn’t be, and we’d all be the better off). Even the Hulk-whisperer part of the relationship - while not awful on its own with all the unnecessary romance and Unresolved Sexual Not-Tension removed - serves to highlight Natasha’s female-ness by making her the soft maternal figure for the team, because God forbid one of the other male members of the team be asked to ASMR-speak to the Hulk while delicately caressing his hand. If Natasha’s presence in the first Avengers film leaned too heavily on her gender identity as a defining trait (and it did), this movie doesn’t fix that problem at all: it doubles down on it. 
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The good news for most of the excess of male characters is, they by-and-large don’t feel as OOC as they did in the first film. The boorish romantic entanglement aside, Bruce Banner is still a naturalistic character highlight (all credit to Mark Ruffalo, who probably doesn’t know how to turn in a bad performance in the first place), and Thor’s dialogue is way less ridiculous this time ‘round, so he lands a lot closer to his personality from previous films simply by virtue of sounding like the same guy (unfortunately, the plot does not have the faintest idea what it wants to do with him as a character). Steve Rogers is still being written as if being Captain America is his character, which is a fundamental misunderstanding of his identity, albeit one which conveniently allows him to behave in a stereotypical self-righteously bland manner, thus avoiding the need for any nuance in his perspective or actions. This borderline fanfic-flamer ‘Captain America is my least favourite character so I’m going to write him as a boring stick-in-the-mud and then hopefully no one else will like him either!’ approach doesn’t grate quite as badly as it did in the first Avengers, and it can’t cancel out the innate level-headed charm of Chris Evans, so as disappointing as the bias is, it’s still a better balance here than it was last time. The one character who is not so flatteringly handled, however? Also happens to be the one who was arguably handled best last time, and unfortunately, he’s the one who is essentially treated as the ‘lead’. 
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The big problem for Tony Stark is that this movie is not interested in digging in to the pathos of any character, it’s all-flash-no-substance on that front, and Tony really, really needed a less heavy-handed slathering of ‘afraid of what might come (feat. messiah complex)’ to motivate his actions and reactions in this film, because without any exploration he’s basically just a billionaire kid playing with matches. If this were an Iron Man film (either the first or third one, anyway), we’d get into some tasty deconstruction of Tony’s mental state and confront his hubris, etc, and - crucially, most crucial of all, it’s a mainstay of all his past stories in the MCU - Tony would own up to his mistakes, listen to the advice of those around him, and take contrite steps toward fixing the problem not just in the direct sense of ‘beating the bad guy’, but also in the personal and emotional sense of working on his own flaws and making amends with the people he hurt along the way. This movie offers none of that. To begin with, Tony’s ‘I know best and I will not be taking any questions’ approach to creating Ultron feels like a significant step backwards in his character development so far (Iron Man 3 was specifically about addressing his PTSD and associated tumultuous emotions surrounding the fear of imminent alien invasion, so his reactionary and secretive behaviour in this film feels particularly out-of-touch with a mental reality Tony has been explicitly working on for the past couple of years); Tony is actively aware that it’s a bad call and thus hides it from the other Avengers until it’s too late, and then he’s bizarrely unrepentant about his mistake. Worst of all, he actually attempts to repeat that mistake, only worse, late in the film (the fact that his idiotic ‘mad scientist’ pep talk actually convinces Bruce to help him again is the weakest character moment for Bruce outside of the aforementioned romance crap). The plot rewards Tony’s second, far worse mistake, in the creation of Vision, who turns out to be ‘worthy of wielding Thor’s Hammer’ and whatnot and conveniently provides every necessary skill to defeat Ultron in a deus ex machina so overt you could use it as a textbook example, so even though Tony had absolutely no way of knowing that he’d get a good result this time and almost every reason to believe he’d just compound the existing problem, his reckless disregard for the literal safety of the planet is treated like a good thing because it happens to work out this time, and they just kinda sweep under the rug the fact that Tony is playing God (and being uncharacteristically stupid and selfish about it - in other films, Tony is normally only reckless with his own safety, and it’s when his actions spill out into unintended consequences for others that he realises the error of his ways and cues up a positive learning curve; it’s what makes him palatable). At the end of the film, once Ultron is gone and Tony has thrown some dispassionate wads of cash into ‘relief efforts’, he strolls and quips and eventually drives off into the sunset in his expensive car, with nary a mention of, I dunno, maybe a little guilty conscience? Maybe a hint of having learned a valuable lesson? The closest he gets is just suggesting that it might be time he retires from Avenging, but neither he nor anyone else lets on that there’s a need for serious self-reflection. The Tony Stark in this movie is the nightmarish male-fantasy version of the character, the playboy with the cool tech and no limits who does whatever he wants and then...literally rides off into the sunset in the end, no muss, no fuss. He’s kinda like a complete reversion to his original self, pre-Iron Man, frittering money around and designing weapons of mass destruction while convincing himself he’s bringing peace to the world one explosion at a time, but that Tony has no business here, seven years of character development down the track.
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While we’re talking iffy characterisation, we should also segue into plot, and that’s something we can do easily enough by looking at our villain, Ultron. Calling Ultron an actual character feels...ambitious. He’s a CGI robot full of empty rhetoric and, you guessed it, more of those quips that this movie has in place of any meaningful dialogue. I’d call him self-fellating, but he ain’t got nothing to fellate, so instead he just blathers a lot in a manner that sounds vaguely poetically intelligent but is, upon a moment’s consideration, just vapid nonsense (much like Loki in the first Avengers, as noted above, but at least Loki had the benefit of a flesh-and-blood actor delivering his lines with conviction; James Spader does solid work as the voice of Ultron, but trying to make a CGI robot who spouts a school-kid’s attempt at edgy philosophy sound like a genuine menace is an uphill battle). Speaking of genuine menace, I assume the reason the film is called Age of Ultron is because A Couple of Days of Ultron Causing Disturbances in a Handful of Specific Locations was too much. For all the big talk (and there is..so much), Ultron doesn’t get up to all that much trouble, most notably in the sense that he apparently has his code all over the internet and yet he doesn’t bother stirring up a single ounce of chaos with that ungodly power. Why bother including this as an element of the character if it achieves zero story? Is it purely to make Ultron seem ~unstoppable~ because he keeps downloading into new robots? Because it didn’t really land, y’all. They try to play it like a big victory for the good guys when Vision burns Ultron out of the ‘net, but in context it’s meaningless because he didn’t do anything while he was there. Pretty much everything about Ultron was all talk, little to no action - even a whole bunch of the trouble he did cause happened off-screen, with Maria Hill just popping in to let us know that ‘there are reports of metal men stealing shit’. Cheers, cool. And you know, Ultron makes a song and dance about how he’s going to save the world by ‘ending the Avengers’, but then he...does not pursue that at all. He tries to make himself a pretty body, the Avengers thwart him, and then he enacts a doomsday machine to destroy all life on Earth. Like every other aspect of the character, the whole ‘end the Avengers’ schtick is just white noise, there’s no meaning in it. Ultron is just a same-old-same ‘What if Artificial Intelligence wants to WIPE US OUT?!’ cliche, and maybe that’s what he was in the comics too, I don’t know, but it’s the job of the film to tell that story in a dynamic way, and they had two and a half hours to do it. And yet.
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There should be more to this than a nondescript placeholder villain concept and a series of action set pieces that just kinda happen until they stop. At least the first Avengers had some variety in each of its action sequences, using the location and the different skills and weapons of its antagonists, whereas this one is just ‘there are robots and the good guys punched and shot them until they were all broken, the end’. Even making the city fly in the end doesn’t actually make it interesting, not least because the characters spend most of their time running around the (weirdly, perfectly stable) streets not having to deal with any consequences of being up in the air anyway, and the doomsday device is too nebulous to ratchet up any real tension about figuring out how to deal with it. The conflicts with the Maximoff twins have at least some spark of life in them, but the characters themselves are treated to an over-simplified and very contrived narrative arc that uses what they do and what they know more as plot devices than as details of actual people’s lives, leading to a cheap death for Pietro so that Wanda will be distracted enough to abandon the big ol’ doomsday button, and it’s just all so convenient. There’s no heart in any of it, and it makes the moments that try to have heart all the more embarrassing and out-of-place (don’t even get me started on what a prescribed attempt at tugging the heart-strings it is to have Hawkeye name his magnificently well-timed newborn after Pietro, because DAMN). When I said I liked this movie better than the first Avengers, I meant just that: I like this better. That’s not to suggest that it is significantly better in any sense, because it isn’t, and I can’t even argue that this one has a better story, because honestly, it doesn’t. The first film made more sense, it was just less interesting to watch, and the things about it that were contrived were contrived in different ways. The first film was weaker and more irritating on character, and character is always the most important part of a story for me, so as annoyed as I am by the major character blunders in Age of Ultron, I’m still not as annoyed as I was after The Avengers. That is damning with the faintest of praise; this is just not a particularly good movie, it makes a poor use of its cast at the best of times, delivers a sub-par action extravaganza, and the script is not half as witty as it gleefully convinces itself that it is. It comes as no surprise, I’m sure, that I am very glad a certain writer/director departed the franchise after disappointing everyone with this outing. I say I like this better than the first Avengers, but gee, it’s a close call.
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helenblackthrn · 7 years
tagged by @fckingsirius let’s gooo
NAME: Molly
ZODIAC: aries
HEIGHT: like 5′4/5′5
FAVOURITE BOOK: the great gatsby
FAVOURITE FLOWERS: peonies, wildflowers, sweetpeas, daffodils
FAVOURITE SCENT: defo lavender, uh also mint & garlic and onion cooking 
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: i love all furry friends prob cats tho, also love foxes and wolves
FAVOURITE BEVERAGES:tea, coffee, gin & tonic, fizzy white wine
LAST THING I GOOGLED: tomato salsa recipe
FAVOURITE MUSIC ARTIST: marina & the diamonds, the internet, courtney barnett, the courteeners, the wombats
SONG STUCK IN MY HEAD : speak now by taylor swift (also the unbreakable kimmy schmidt theme tune will that ever leave me!!!)
LAST MOVIE I SAW: ask me anything 
WHAT AM I WEARING RIGHT NOW: leggings and a george ezra t-shirt
WHY DID I CHOOSE MY URL: because i love bisexual faeries what more can i say
DO I HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS : yes @saillorjupiter and @small-feline
WHAT DID YOUR LAST RELATIONSHIP TEACH YOU: never had a relationship per se but my last romantic liason taught me that it’s never going to work if they treat you like their therapist, you start to get sad when you see their name pop up on ur phone
RELIGIOUS OR SPIRITUAL: i am a stone cold existentialist
FAVOURITE COLOUR: black, lilac
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: oh boy ohhhh boyyyy um between 4 and 14 honesty
FAVOURITE CHARACTERS: jem carstairs, will herondale, helen blackthorn, livvy blackthorn (DON’t talk to me), inej ghaffa, ronan lynch, adam parrish, annabeth chase, piper mclean, hermione granger, sirius black, remus lupin, rory gilmore, blair waldorf, andy dwyer, ben wyatt, nick miller, rebekah mikaelson, charlie kelly, amy santiago, probably loads more i am tres forgetful
NUMBER OF BLANKETS YOU SLEEP WITH : 1 in summer, 2 in winter
DREAM TRIP: realllllyyyy want to go to tokyo, and defo new orleans
BLOG CREATED: ummmm last year mayb?
DREAM JOB: lol i do not know!!! wine taster? poet? international resort reviewer????? also would quite like to be a detective
fuck okay I’ll tag new mutuals @dracxlucius @elessiaa @firsttheflame @angejolras @prsephene
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cutiepiemelix · 7 years
Tagged by @rottenlikebluecheese​ thanks mate!
The rules are you have to tag up to ten followers who you want to get to know better
Birthday: March 14th
Gender: Female
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: Lilac <3
Pets: I always say none because I keep forgetting my family has fish and I don’t care about them lmao
Wake up time: Used to be like 1pm but nowadays it’s like 11
Love or lust: Basically someone who can make me laugh so definitely love
Favourite Food: Ice cream and chicken nuggets (on their own or together)
Met a celebrity: I was on Blue Peter once so I got to meet Andy, Helen and Joel (I also got a Blue Peter badge, which is a big fucking deal for us British kids)
Last song I listened to: Told You So by Paramore
First kiss: I’ll get back to you on that when I actually have it
Tall or short: I’m like 5′3 so short ^_^
I don’t know most of you so I’m going to tag some random people I follow
@idubzz​ @shrimpsontrash​ @maxmoefoemoe​ @blai-ney​ @idubbbzpngs​ @lancartr @edupesboi @filthyjoji @edgy-cunty @maxmoefuckme
0 notes