#fuck netflixvania ignorant fans
gretasworld · 1 year
Interview with Robert Belgrade, voice of original Alucard, Sotn, Castlevania, konami.
Voice of Belgrade the musician and vocalist as Konami Alucard is far superior than netflix version flop actor James Callis.
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beevean · 4 months
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the hallmark of Peak Fiction is shoehorning a very serious conversation about a very serious past conflict in an unrelated scene, in the form of snarky banter played for laughs, so that the writer can pretend they listen to audience feedback, while not needing to fully think of addressing the issue and fully sweeping it under the rug because it would be inconvenient to paint the involved characters as dumbasses/vile. Bonus points if it literally goes nowhere and it can be removed from the scene without affecting the flow of the dialogue.
And if it makes me want to eat my own bones because I feel the urge to beat the involved characters to death with a nailed bat, that's just a plus :)
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arcanemadman · 1 year
The Castlevania franchise feels like it's getting more and more divided since Netflixvania started and it's getting really bloody frustrating to the point that while watching Nocturne I've felt disquieted, and I think I've realised why that is.
It's the fucking DmC:Devil May Cry white hair fiasco all over again.
For those that don't know, when the DmC reboot was revealed people had a lot of criticism, including turning Dante from a cool but likeable hero into a foul mouthed smoker, the dumbing down of the gameplay, the antagonism towards the fanbase, and turning his iconic white hair black. Of all these criticism, only the hair colour change was given any attention, painting the fan base in a very negative light and side stepping the real issues people had by only focusing on the cherry rather than the whole sundae.
All this attention directed towards something that in the grand scheme of things is very minor but it gets all the attention while the bigger stuff is ignore.
Yes, there are people mad about the show for racist reasons and they shouldn't be listened to, but there are genuine complaints that are being swept up with that.
The character changes have a sort of domino effect on everything. Maria being a serious revolutionary is interesting, but I saw someone put it best that what made her special was the fact that she was a little girl in a world of classic horror that believed she was in a fairy tale and had the power to force that reality on everyone else. Netflix Maria is good, but lacks the charm of Maria.
The second example is Juste. When I saw him I was very excited, but that was mainly because it was acknowledgement of the original canon than anything else. His magical prowess, the thing that makes him stand out among the Belmont linage, is mentioned and then brushed aside, and the worst ending of his game is what is taken as canon. And once Richter gets his magic back, Juste is gone. He feels like a plot point rather than the character. I sympathise with people who's favourite game was Harmony of Dissonance.
Annette was a compelling character with a well developed story, but anyone that says her original characterisation would never work are being disingenuous because they literally did that, except that did so with Tera. The connections to Richter and Maria, the damsel elements, the fact she gets turned into a vampire, all from Annette. Swapping them around wouldn't work for multiple reasons and I'm not going to say I can do better than people you get paid to write when I don't, but I feel I can say that if they had wanted to they could have done something closer to the original while still touching on the themes and narratives they wanted to.
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Olrox... honestly the only criticism I can really think of is the removal of any reference to Count Orlock.
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There's an elitism with both sides of the fanbase here. On the Netflix side, there's the feeling that since theirs is more popular that any criticism is because people are just nostalgic, and game fans feel that since theirs is the original foundation that anyone that doesn't agree with them is just a new fair-weather fan. And honestly, I'm more sympathetic to the game fans.
I've seen Netflixvania fans look at people complaining that the character have changed and go "yeah well the version you like sucks so you should just grow up" As if that's going to make everything better. And all the people complaining about the race changes or posting "WOKE?!?!?!" have poisoned the well for any actual discussion about this, not helped by the social media accounts deliberately stoking the flames in the mistaken belief that all publicity is good publicity, which raised the ire of nexflixvania creators. Unfortunately marketing can often be removed from the intentions of the creators.
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Yes, Netflixvania is a great show, with beautiful animation and great storytelling, but it's not perfect and as an adaptation is leaves a lot to be desired. And that's the crux of it! The show is good, really good! But it doesn't feel like an adaptation of Castlevania. It's just a bunch of little details that pile up to make it less of what the game fans liked about the series. It's more grimdark horror than classic horror. It's more crude than it is philosophical. It's more hopeless than it is hopeful. And regardless of what you individually think, that's what people have liked about Castlevania for almost 40 years.
Ultimately I just have to ask, why do people seem to assume that you can't make a faithful adaptation while also making it interesting? They're not mutually exclusive.
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kachimera · 2 years
So... the netflixvania nocturne alleged leaks.. (warning me negatively and incoherently yelling below) (emphasis on incoherently)
First the leaks are not confirmed and i really hope it's just a troll, so while i speak of them as if they were to happen, i cant give a proper critique and hopefully,really hopefully im just being a negative saltshaker and i'll get proven wrong when it releases.
But Jesus
What. The. Fuck.
They had to add "complexity" by including historical events (happening in the other side of the continent mind you bc apparently eastern europe isn't interesting enough for this show ?) bc "the games too simple" :) but they needed to simplify said historical revolution into "white rich men bad" through cucking Richter both in personality and literally (Nevermind that one of the social sectors in favor of the revolution was the bourgeoisie nor that many noblemen were in favour of the revolution and that Richter's fam was hated for centuries until a hundred years ago). I can't say im knowledgeable in history but i feel it's just gonna be added as edgy flavor without nuance, and what else to expect from the writers whose fav excuse for ignoring the game's themes is "oh but those were simple old games with no text".
I can't also wait to see what stale flavor of church bad we will get this time (i need to remind you all that this show got me defensive over the portrayal of christianity n virtue in the games, and this is abt japanese games were you just fucking throw crosses like boomerangs at monsters (as our Lord intended) and with criticism against it too (how many gals got branded as witches and burned again ? ))
And ofc Annette chooses to leave her priviledged guy for...Dracula. the fucking old rich white warlord Dracula, that's very revolutionary, very cool n edgy and not to mention completely in touch with her character in the games /s. It's like the complaints abt the Dracula book adaptations that ruined Jhonnatan's character and made Mina a reincarnation of Drac's wife to justify her wanting to bang her abuser :) . Even if it's used as a way to highlight Drac's manipulations or something similar i doubt it could work.
And then Richter (look at how they massacred my boy) gets corrupted not bc of him fulfilling his destiny and feeling he has no purpose anymore all due to his upbringing, bearing the weight of his family's legacy and the cycles of violence and hatred the whole series is themed after nooo he sad bc he had to kill girl who cucked him :( (It also feels like an attempt to mirror the "my wife died now im bad" Dracula shtick with a Belmont but Lament of Innocence already did this 1420952 times better)
And dont even mention Alucard n Maria fucking like jesus motherfucking christ i get some ppl ship it but it's gonna be ultra gross specially with maria being 17 during SoTN and with the sensitivity this show has treated sex before. Like the one sex scene that isn't rape is gonna be with an underage girl and an adult man with an enormous power imbalance yipee (and also completely ooc to his canon portrayal)
This l is what i mean abt the show portraying an amoral landscape for the sake of coolness and edgyness. It feels like a way to spite the game fans further at the expense of the show (which i hope im wrong at)
It saddens me a lot bc despite my beef with netflixvania it was my introduction to the series and it had many awesome moments, and i was hopeful nocturne would improve upon it's predecessors and make me love it.
And if they're fake leaks then the troll who wrote them deserves an applause for making me write this lol
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castlemyvania · 3 years
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I would love it if people stopped viewing every single thing a girl/woman character said, does, or imparts on a narrative as inherently pro/anti- feminist. It is highly reductive and reeks of empty-handed pop-feminism that ignores more articulated, systemic-based critique on real life, material matters surrounding cisheteropatriarchy and other intersecting social, cultural, and economic oppressions.
29 notes • Posted 2021-06-20 15:25:12 GMT
Netflixvania is a feast for monster fuckers, whether we're on the easy end of the spectrum with all of the vamps, to the more monstrous bunch like Abel and the various night creatures, but listen: Death. Can. Get. It.
29 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 22:49:00 GMT
Fans hating on Greta for myriad nonsense reasons is expected at this point, and usually it has to do with her race, her relation to the trio, how well she clicks with Alucard, and her only being introduced in the final season.
But seeing someone claim it's because she essentially "stole" a canon mlm rep from the show by being a woman instead of a man is peak fan bullshit.
39 notes • Posted 2021-05-19 14:59:25 GMT
When Adrian reaches out to Sypha, imploring her to stay in the new village he is helping to build, and the way she slowly agrees; it really feels like a beautifully subtle development of both their characters, especially their relationship with one another. Adrian learning to voice his desire to see the people he cares about stay by his side, in contrast to the end of S2 when Sypha and Trevor venture off while he mourns alone in the castle; Sypha seeing that the cold persona she sensed from him back in S2 had melted away to reveal his humanity and need for others, and accepting and welcoming this tender being as a part of her new life.
Like, damn. That's the good shit.
217 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 12:03:35 GMT
Carmilla chose to have no one but herself end her own life when the tide of battle turned against her, especially given that the one to take her down was a man.
Morana and Striga chose to focus and live for one another, without compromise, abandoning conquest and strife to instead cherish each other.
Lenore chose to burn out in the sun before the very person she had originally entrapped in a dark dungeon, freeing herself from a cushy prison she had originally placed said person in herself, while he gets to finally live freely.
The vampire sisters were vastly undersold and underdeveloped, with so much season-spanning potential tidied up far too soon, but if nothing else I do appreciate the connecting narrative of agency in one's fate that binds their finales.
350 notes • Posted 2021-05-17 12:17:45 GMT
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valtharr · 6 years
I’ve been thinking about how I feel about Season 2 of Castlevania, and...I think I feel about the same way I feel about Fallout 3 & 4.  I like it as a standalone product, but as an adaptation of Castlevania, I’m pretty disappointed.
Let’s start with Trevor.
Trevor is a Belmont. The Belmonts are the heroes of Castlevania. Most games have one as a protagonist, and even the ones who don’t still have one play at least a minor role in the story and/or feature a separate playmode where you can play as one. They’re a big deal in the games.
In the show? I honestly get the feeling that, if Trevor had died after saying “let’s check out the Belmont hold!”, the rest of the story wouldn’t really have played out much different. Like, what did he even do this season? He was pretty much a supporting character! The closest he did in advancing the plot was protecting Sypha while she was actually doing something that advanced the plot. Then he chopped off Dracula’s head...which wasn’t really necessary, since he had already been staked, and even if decapitation was necessary, Sypha could have done that, as well!
Hell, the entire final confrontation was a huge letdown, looking back on it. Sure, the three “protagonists” entering the castle and wrecking all those vampires while “Bloody Tears” was playing was fucking awesome, but...they were essentially just the cleanup crew! Most of Drac’s troops had already been killed by Carmilla! Oh, and I’ll get to Carmilla and her plot, don’t worry. But yeah, they killed the last few remnants of Drac’s army, and then go to fight the big man himself. And the beginning of the fight was awesome! All three of them fighting, but Dracula giving them a run for their money....I think I actually said out loud “Finally, they’re showing how powerful Dracula is!” And then he unleashes his fireball in another cool reference to the games, the heroes deflect it and blow a large hole in the wall, Alucard zooms after his dad, and Trevor and Sypha...just go run around the castle, hoping to eventually stumble upon the fight, I guess.
So, while Sypha and Trevor take the tour, Dracula and Alucard have their little Dragonball fight, which is awesome, and then they arrive in Alucard’s old room, and Alucard kills his dad due to him turning into a little crybaby. Wow.
Which brings me to Dracula’s characterization. Again, looking at just the show, ignoring it’s based on a preexisting property, Dracula is a pretty good, nuanced, three-dimensional villain. Lashing out at humanity, but deep inside, he’s actually just depressed and wants it all to end. That’s not a bad characterization in itself...but it’s not Dracula. At least, it’s not Castlevania Dracula.
In the games, Dracula has the same backstory as he has in the show. But in the games, it results in an unending, vicious hatred and disdain for humanity, that can only be quenched once they’re all dead. He might have started out as a man driven by the loss of the love of his life (twice), but more and more, he simply became the embodiment of pure evil.
Castlevania Dracula isn’t just a vampire. He isn’t even just “king of the vampires.” He is an immensely powerful sorcerer with the power to dominate entire legions of night creatures to do his bidding. He is evil given flesh. In one game, which takes place in a time after Dracula has been killed off for good, a cult tries to resurrect him because they believe that Ultimate Good (aka God) cannot exist without Ultimate Evil, and that Ultimate Evil is the Dark Lord, aka Dracula. In another game, Dracula’s essence has been split into three glyphs that bestow the main character magical powers. Each of those glyphs is the most powerful one of its type, but also damages the character when she uses it. And when she uses all three glyphs, everything on the screen automatically dies - including herself. Dracula is so powerful and so evil, that if someone tries to channel his power - even someone specifically trained in channeling magical energies - that someone dies, and takes every living thing in the vicinity with it. Dracula isn’t an aristocrat who navigates a web of intrigue within his vampire court, he’s basically a demigod whose right-hand man is literally Death himself, and who turns into a giant gargoyle creature if he gets pissed enough.
Oh, but speaking about navigating a web of intrigue, let’s talk about that subplot, shall we?
Again, taken on its own, it wasn’t that bad, but looking at it as part of a Castlevania adaptation, it really ticks me off. First of all, it really seemed to take up most of the screentime, taking even more focus away from our supposed “protagonists”, Trevor, Sypha, and Alucard. Secondly, it took up a lot of plot relevance, too. Again, by the time the golden trio arrives at Dracula’s castle, most of his troops are gone as a result of the silly intrigues and backstabbing. What the hell? Yeah, it wasn’t badly played out, and people compared it to Game of Thrones, but you know, the thing is...
Castlevania isn’t some super serious gothic dark fantasy epic that’s littered with political intrigue. Castlevania is goofy, campy, ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek, action.
It’s the series that literally started out as a deliberate homage/parody of campy Hammer Horror movies. The series that features enemies such as chainsaw-wielding cannibal butchers in the early 1800s, or demonic maids who know kung-fu and whose souls you can absorb to gain the ability of summoning a magical vacuum cleaner that restores your health. The series in which one game gives you literal cream pies as a weapon, and where those cream pies are one of the most potent weapons against that game’s super hard optional boss.
Why were the writers so afraid to embrace the camp? Why take away the corniness? Why shift the focus from fun action and creative monster designs to political intrigue and rehashing of typical vampire tropes? Why, when adapting a show based on a series that is 90% running through Dracula’s castle, and that is fucking named after said castle, did they decide that the heroes should only spend about twenty minutes of screentime INSIDE THE FUCKING CASTLE?
Why not, I don’t know, have them arrive in the castle in the first or second episode, and then being all “oh, Dracula is cooped up in his throne room, and we need five McGuffins to open the magical seal!” and then have the rest of the show be the heroes fighting cool monsters in epic boss battles to get those McGuffins? You could still have character- and worldbuilding. You could still have flashbacks, or have Alucard talk about his time in the castle, or whatever!
The Fallout comparison I made earlier wasn’t just chosen willy-nilly. Because when looking at Fallout 3, one gets the impression that Bethesda just wanted to make a post-apocalyptic game, and thought that including stuff like Super Mutants, Power Armor, and Deathclaws was enough to make it a Fallout game. And just like that, I kinda get the impression that the creators of Netflixvania wanted to create a dark fantasy show, and thought that including stuff like Slogra & Gaibon (literally the only iconic CV monsters they used), Bloody Tears (literally the only iconic CV music they used) or the Morning Star whip would make it a Castlevania show.
Again, it’s a good show. I enjoyed watching it, and I’m curious what they’ll do in future seasons, if there are any. But...well, let’s just say it like this:
As a fan of dark, fantastical horror media, I really like it. As a fan of Castlevania, I’m severely disappointed.
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gretasworld · 1 year
The original Trevor Belmont is charismatic one. He is high energy and high spirited, sassy, sharp spoken,confident, connected to faith, clean in hygiene and eloquent. He is a tad bit wild too. Better looking too. And he knows his craft, knows what he is talking about. He doesn't disrespect Sypha either. And that red cut mark on Alucard that netflox shit show distastefully used actually is of Trevor.
After the fight with Hector, Trevor realises Original Hector can fight and he fights well. Sadly Trevor Belmont got murdered by original Isaac. People saying Trevor Belmont was not changed in the shit show are wrong. See the changes in all aspects of Trevor and you will notice it all.
Original Trevor is no drunk, thickheaded dirty and stinky excommunicated wanderer with pencil marks all over his face.
And Trevor wasn't Sypha's partner that checks in hotel in a time like 15th century when free mingling and pre marital sex was publicly taboo. He is her husband. But marriage is outdated right so why show that in shows or movies ? Fuck Ellis.
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gretasworld · 1 year
Alucard was never hit by Dracula in the chest in the games, be it classic vania or lords of shadows.
Dracula loved his son and encouraged him to join him in the dark side even when he revolted against his father. The son's chest is free of ugly cut marks unlike how the Netflix 🗑 shows him.
Also, if we use vampire logic, then no vampire carries cut marks permanently because they heal fast. Fuckflix fails in the vampire logic too.
In short,
Original Alucard > Fuckflix Tranny
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gretasworld · 1 year
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Hector peeking
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beevean · 1 year
TFW you’re trying to criticize NFCV but you’re stuck between the fans who defend it by claiming that it’s great for representation and you’re a bigot for hating it and those that really DO act like bigots about it thus giving the former even more ground to stand on:
Reply: yep. big mood.
“Netflixvania is a horrible show that disrespects the games!”
“Preach it man! I can’t believe every game character is OOC, and Alucard and Hector get tormented for no reason only for their trauma to be ignored, and Trevor doesn’t even end up doing anything significant--”
“Alucard took it up the ass, I can’t believe they made my childhood hero a fag! Ewww why is Isaac black??”
“... those are not problems. those are not even remotely problems. How about the fact that Alucard was said to be bi to diminish the trauma of his rape? Or the fact that the Isaac of the show was written in clear contempt of the original--”
“See? See! If you hate the show you’re a racist and a homophobe! NFCV is great and it treats its characters better than the games!! If you disagree kys bigot!”
“brb i need to split my head on a corner”
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beevean · 2 years
Hey so....even though you don't have the full context of the series would you share some thoughts about Hector and Lenore? .P Especially a certain scene? :P
What can I say? Fetish fuel for all the people out there who like to be called "good boy" by pretty ladies.
My poor boy Hector. He did not deserve a thing that they did to him in the show. They changed his elegant, somewhat overdramatic language pattern for yet another pseudo-witty Fuckity McFuck person, they completely ignored the fact that he was rumored to be as strong as Death (!!!), he doesn't even get to slap Trevor around the room like you can do in the best boss battle of CoD, he gets put through the most blatant torture porn I've seen in recent times (again, I'll always reiterate: we did not need to see his dick flap around when Lenore beat him up, that's just humiliating for the sake of humiliating), he basically traps himself in a life of slavery through his boner, and the most popular ship with him is with his pretty enslaver.
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"oh but he gets better in S4!" yeah, in the season where he's all buddy buddy with his rapist/enslaver, whose death is presented as tragic. Sure.
(I can't get past the part where Hector is trying to explain that he needs a hammer to forge and Lenore insists on turning it into a prolonged dick joke. writing.jpg)
Apparently Hector's motivations for aiding Dracula here are far more childish: he believes humans as a whole are inherently evil and vampires, who oppose humans, are inherently good. The series proceeds to beat the naiveté out of his body. Canon Hector had more of an aversion against God due to his terrible childhood (although he probably didn't care much about killing a lot of people), but he eventually realized that he sought power for himself, not for Dracula's sake, and even while knowing that there was no place for him among humans, he still was one; then, thanks to Rosaly's compassion, he finally makes peace with himself. I loved his guilt and self-loathing in the manga, it gave him an extra dimension to "stone faced heart broken badass with a weird love for chairs". Is all of this kept in Netflixvania? I doubt it. Dude gets shuffled from abuser to abuser.
Speaking of ships, I am in no position to judge fucked up ships, I have some myself :P but I like them because they are fucked up, and the idea of turning them wholesome leaves me with a bitter taste in his mouth. I'm sure not all Lector (?) shippers are all in there for the "good boy" fetish, but after the way it was treated in the show (and the fans who are there to simp for Mommy)... let's just say it makes me just as uncomfortable as Guts/Griffith. Some people just go too far.
I honestly don't know if I'm more bitter about him and Isaac. Netflix!Isaac feels almost like an insult towards OG!Isaac because it's like the writers saw nothing salvageable in the latter (and there was, there so was, do your damn research and put some effort into fixing the flaws), but at least, I know he's a well written character, he just needed to have a different name. This Hector is meant to be OG!Hector, maybe a little earlier in the timeline, but good god. Even is design pisses me off, I don't know why he looks so soft compared to OG!Hector (maybe it's the hair?) but the small differences irritate me!
I'll leave this here, mostly for the first part:
Yes, Hector is hot AF, thank you for noticing :P
To say something positive about this Hector here, I like that they kept his Disney Princess-like affinity for animals :P
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