#fuck off with these plastic surgery trends
The bitches getting buccal fat removal are the same bitches who made fun of my pointy, skinny face.
This has nothing to do with their own desires and everything to do with following a trend.
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offbookkeeping · 8 months
trying to convince you to listen to my favorite off book episodes pt 1
277. wine from the hospital floor: were you depressed in high school? do you have facial dysmorphia? are you a middle child or raised around primarily old people and now you know too much about hospital dramas? do you enjoy supernatural at any point in your life? are you REALLY into john cena? well then you'll love the sexy hospital musical about nurses who get a ridiculous amount of plastic surgery and fuck each other while their boss todd glass gets help from hot old wizards until they teach him that he just needs to believe in himself to be a good cardiothoracic surgeon
118. barn of darkness: do you enjoy whimsical lighthearted halloween media? what about vampires, pasta, small town government leaders, family secrets, bones or really good possibly deadly corn mazes? listen to barn of darkness, its about three kids who are very susceptible to internet trends. one of them, tomathy, learns a shocking family secret and tells everyone about it. meanwhile his parents are hypnotized by the second most iconic vampire couple since nadja and laszlo, nance and sidrew. nance and sidrew host a party and the kids plot their murders but instead capitalize off of their barn
87. whats in thrift store: do you have a complicated relationship with your mother? do you have trouble disposing of things because you give everything a personality? do you need a good wholesome ep that might make you kind of sad depending on your relationship with your childhood? whats in thrift store is the thrilling tale of a mother and her daughter and son, and also a fuck ton of sentient clothes. and an attic!
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silvyysthings · 1 year
This is a list of all the bullshit the Kardashains have:
They are known for screwing over people especially men and their female friends, racism, working with pedophilia promoting brands, single handly destroying a whole generation of young girls self worth by starting a trend of dangerous plastic surgery while Denying plastic surgery and creating the narrative that their bodies and “beauty” comes from the gym and using their ridiculous products, exploited their own brother’s mental health issues for tv and then berated him when he got married because they had no control over him anymore, Bullied and attempted to post revenge pδrn of 19year old Chloe grace moretz, tried and failed to bully Jordan woods, Let Kylie be xesually abused by Tyga at 14, Used a homeless man as a plot point on their show then returning him to the streets, kris paid off several xesual assault victims, they covered up that beuce KILLED someone because he was texting and driving,lied about the xes tape being non consensual when it was PLANNED, somehow got rob out of legal trouble when he leaked chynas nudes which is revenge pron, ripped the historic Marilyn Monroe dress for one night of press, Astroworld, the list goes on honey.
If all of this gets deleted and forgotten now because of your dear Timmy is willingly wanting to change his surname to Jenner and we have to give this trash family and him an opportunity, then please check your moral compass bc holy fuck.
🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I prev said that I don't know anything of this family, I don't follow any of them, for what I see I don't like them. I have no info on them because I don't know them and they are all what I don't appreciate in life from what I see . Calm down everyone. I don't give a shit about this family.
My 💯💯was for this
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genderisareligion · 2 years
I have a theory about why black women get called mannish looking - I don’t know if it’s super literal in that people actually think black women have more mannish features, but I suspect it could be a form of white peoples “all black people look the same,” or just as another way to call a woman ugly without being literal
Yeah it definitely comes off like "all black people look the same." With how often I see these dunces just repeat it. Some of them are like damn near excited to let it out like they jump at the chance to tell everyone about the monolith they think we look like because they have this frustrating SJW assumption that just talking about us in any way inherently gives them woke points and makes them look socially conscious and "like a good person." It's so fucking annoying and you can tell they don't actually care about the content of what they say like it's just empty buzz words
Most of them know goddamn well black women's features aren't "mannish" lol they're just in racist denial. If they were the plastic surgery industry wouldn't use our natural features as blueprints for other women, for example, if they were nonblack women would stop stealing our trends/hairstyles/looks/language(AAVE) and calling it their own like they have for decades
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halleymacleod666 · 2 years
Hello guys, it's been a while.
I just want to do a rant on beauty standards cause I'm so fucking annoyed.
(Soon I'll be back on tumblr more often and I'll update you on how I've been doing with my weight and all)
Anyway yeah I'm so tired of everyone expecting perfection from me (including myself here)
What society has come to is just sad and honestly kinda outrageous. I'm willing to argue that the 90's and early 2000's beauty ideals were less toxic than today. I'm talking about the super super skinny Era (heroin chic too). Like yes girls were starving themselves back then to be thin, but that's pretty much all they were expected to do to be "ideal". Nowadays if you wanna be what is considered "perfect" you need butt lifts and/or implants, boob jobs, lip fillers, nose jobs, face lifts, liposuction, cheek fillers, brow lifts and on top of that you need to follow a strict "healthy" diet and workout 2 hours a day. OH BUT EVEN THAT IS NOT ENOUGH, BECAUSE CELEBRITIES AND INFLUENCERS WHO SPENT ALL THAT MONEY ON PLASTIC SURGERY AND PERSONAL TRAINERS STILL AREN'T SATISFIED AND THEN GO ON AN EDIT ALL THEIR GOD DAMN PHOTOS TO THE POINT THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE THEY DO IN REAL LIFE.
It fucking bothers me that everyone looks so fucking perfect on social media and comperatively me and every other normal looking person that didn't spend 200000$ for plastic to be pumped into them looks like shit. And it's toxic af that all those influencers claim they are completely natural just to "pump" their ego up. Like okay get plastic surgery but at least fucking admit it, it's obvious, don't bullshit me that you "worked out" for 2 months and magically lost 5 inches off your waist and gained 10 inches on your butt.
My fucking boyfriend also like buys into that "I'm all natural" crap, and sends me like workout videos and progress girls made through working out. It fucking upsets me. They are not fucking real. Like don't fucking send me a video of a girl doing 30 squats and then magically a year later her butt is 10 times bigger while her legs and waist got 3 times smaller. Like how dumb are you. He won't let me get plastic surgery (like I wanted a nose job bc I hate my nose and I've been bullied for it) but he says he doesn't want me to get anything and that natural is better and that he'll leave me if I get plastic surgery and then fucking shows me a picture of a girl that's faker than Kim kardashian! Like bro make up your mind.
Anyway yeah it fucking hurts to be compared to those girls. I'm honestly so fucking glad that the heroin chic starvation is coming back. I don't think body types should be trends, I think the whole culture around beauty standards is disgusting but I hate my body so much now and I hate myself for not looking like the girls on instagram so at least with the super skinny coming back it's something that's more achievable and at least I will feel better about myself when I reach that standard.
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totalshockwaves · 2 months
the uglies getting a live action adaptation over 15 years too late and making it look like knockoff dsystopian ya slop when it practically set off the trend way back when is...something
also the casting missing the fucking point but what do u expect?
you can't do a good adaption when even the "normal pretty" people in hollywood are homogeneous looking, and have a ton of plastic surgery and alternations to them. also casting a trans woman as the villian pushing people into surgery??? like...did you even think?
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molsons112000 · 6 months
This is the problem with the science technology and engineering and math field. More men are shifting to being in the entertainment field and fashion field in many other fields. So with women entering the field, they're shifting out of their traditional fields and men are shifting into those fields. And this isn't a change the face of technology. A little is good a lot, not so good.
Also, all the men going into the growing professional sports fields, meaning more professional sports. Remove the way from the traditional baseball football hockey. As the main big sports now we added soccer. And then you had smaller because they don't require as many players, Tennis and golf. But they're growing the number in those fields as well. There are allowing more people to play on each of the tours.
So technology is suffering massively. It is harder than ever.The fine people to go into the science technology and engineering field and math.... No, in the military, a lot of people go into these fields within the military.
As you see, the need for people in the science technology engineering mathematics field is growing rapidly as we move into the space industry and other underwater industry's. And we move into more intensive intellectual properties in farming and building. You name it and we don't have enough people.... So this growing thing with shifting people into professional sports and into the entertainment field needs to stop. The downward trend in the science technology engineering and matt field is massive. Like Ken the Korean guy who became a Doctor and went into acting. I told him to go back and be a doctor to the celebrities get out of the acting......
I used to watch medical shows. He could be a medical show. I watch shows about all forms of surgery.... And i'm not talking a fake doctor i'm talking I watch real doctors doing real surgery..... I watched a live hip transplant. I watched alive plastic surgeon. Remove access tissue from a woman's vaginal area and many other forms of surgery. But they were actually doing what they do. They just brought cameras into the operating room. And the patient can sign off and get a reduced rate. They can pay their deductible or co. Pay and give them some other bonus. And the Health Insurance still pays for the surgery.
But we're gonna run into a serious issue with these record.Breaking contracts and sports.And then who wants to fucking go into the science technology engineering math when I can make seven hundred million playing baseball. This is causing a balance of labor problems.... And causing these people to stay in minor league baseball and other things and they need to be working in other areas.. That's why I told you stop pursuing your career in front of the cameras go into the technology developing the cameras. But you keep on wanting to throw everybody in front of the screen.I don't want people just like the adult entertainment field.It's fucking ridiculous. If you don't got what it takes they need to increase the standards.... And industry's browsers. Yeah, the search industry can apply the standards to people putting their content on the search engine and they can have their own group of standard rating for every industry within the search industry. And say I'm sorry you're adult. Entertainment film doesn't meet the criteria. Too much fucking garbage.... We need the force.People out of wanting to go into those industries... By raising the standard, you have to be incredibly good.Or you can't get in... And what does the search industry do?They're protecting their ability to survive in the future.Because people aren't going into their industry. They're going into these other industries.And I always said lying on your back is the easiest thing anyone can do.... So it takes no skill to get a hard on..... So the browser industry can have their standard groups and forcing people to go somewhere else because they can't get any distribution. No one wants what they have and nor should they. It should be hard as s*** to get into that.Industry unbelievably high standards.That's why I said with Heidi's girl had AP.HD in psychology from UCL.A and she was unbelievably beautiful and incredible in the bedroom.... So there needs to The extremely high standards. So it's the few not the money almost impossible to get into the industry.And it should be that way because we need more people in other industries.So like the marine say the few the prob not the fucking many.... We're teaching people to be pigs.And they are I see them all around me filth.... The standard should be incredibly incredibly hard and the entrance need to protect this. Protecting the financial industry and many other industries.
That's why I told you the girl who was with the cubs. The cubs didn't have to do anything. Playboy made a horrible choice.She busted out just like what's your name the ice skater. She did one and it was the only 1. No one wanted to see her. I saw a brief's short segment and no good. So she busted out just like Melrose.Place and the girl from the adult entertainment tried to make an honest show. He gave her a chance she sucked she busted out .... But tory spelling had extremely high standards..... Now everybody's like let's get fat girl p***There shouldn't be any fat girl porn.... Promoting adult obesity. We need to get rid of a lot of these forms of adult entertainment. They should not exist.....
So we're destroying other industries.Get a second job coaching.Baseball or doing something with baseball..... So I was great.I saw the picture and playboy of her and I'm like.How the fuck did she even get in playboy.... She was horrible and no one wanted to issue. And the cubs didn't want her back and rightfully. So it's not that she couldn't do playboy. But if she chooses to do it, she cannot be with the cubs anymore. Do something else in baseball.... It's just like the ice girls in hockey.Go out and do fashion shows with all the hockey jerseys and all the hockey apparel.... No posing in playboy.... Let them get their own talent.... It's just like hooters. I said they could work at another place, but it would be better if they just worked at another hooters. And that's what I came up with so it's not busy enough at this hooters but it's busy over there so you go to that location instead of this location... Then they could do their own catalog and sell their own hooters.Clothing and fashion and keep the girls exclusively to themselves... This grows their product and people have to come to hooters to get it.... So my girl who wasn't to do the calendar, she worked out with a personal trainer. She had a banging body, she just was very shy. They were gonna do a thing at the hooters with the photo in front of a live audience and she said nope. So she backed out not because she wasn't beautiful enough.She was because she didn't want to do a photo Shoot with a bunch of stranger.. So when I said the meeting great has nothing to do with the photoshoot. It's when they go and they're endorsing the calendars and they show up at the different hooters. Endorsing the calendars endorsing hooter bikini hooter clothing.....
So we gotta get these people out of it, just like me and Jen.I tell you things to make things better for you not to make you an adult entertainment. I want to things in the private bedroom.If you see I wasn't endorsing any adult entertainment.I want it people to have better dating relationships.Better marriages and I wanted them to become one I wasn't trying to promote expanding the adult entertainment... So they have to have higher standards for people that go into that industry.... That's why told YouTube for the people that are social media stars.My Post are standards for everybody.Trying to get in the social media no more fucking garbage.... And all I saw on facebook is garbage. I'm nice about things but still.Why are they allowing me to share when they don't meet the standards... Go get your teeth fixed. Go work out, go improve yourself. I mean, it sucks.I spent all this time in the gym.And working hard and doing all these things and you want to give things.The people that are lazy fucking pieces of no good fucking shit that don't deserve them in any way shape or form..... Jen did all that stuff so she could get a better husband. I shared with other girls getting sex education because they wanted a better boyfriend. They wanted a better husband that was their end game.... So Jen went to etiquette school.Learned how to walk went to speed.Reading and did all these other things to improve herself.So she could get a better boyfriend like me.... She truly earned me.... And that's why God said, if I don't get what I deserve.You're fucking the market.... And you're allowing people to get access to something. They should never, ever ever f****** have access to. I'm not supposed to go sell myself out like a whore. So you misunderstand it?I'm supposed to get that cream and a crop p****The best of the best pussy..... So the standards are supposed to be incredibly high.But then you wantna throw in f****** bastardizing me by some f****** l.G.B t to fucking fag.... You're destroying the fucking world..... You're supporting unbelievable on ethical filth.... So all these sell outs that are willing to lick a p**** as a female or suck.A Dick as a male they're f****** sell out.The search engine should take them all down no l g b t q content.... That's why I want to just masturbating.... And I supported heterosexual content.... But I wasn't trying to make this industry overgrow.... I was trying to deepen the dating market and the marriage market.Producing better children with more loving relationships when they're dating and more loving relationships when they're married... So they can truly bring up love children.Not all these dysfunctional pieces of fucking no good fucking living fucking shit.... So I hope all the searches is around the world start setting high standards for their content.... And they should be doing unbelievable.Background checks preventing any scam artist.Any f****** terrorist?They should be requiring extensive background research verifying their degree from college.Verify who they are.You can't trust certain countries....
The c f a had a reason why they had no exams in china. They couldn't trust the people administering the exam in china because they were too willing to take a bribe. So they wouldn't allow any exams because people fake their backgrounds.As I showed you, they buy their elementary school grades and high school grades.And then they pay people to take tests for them.... So the cfa is very strict.They do a lot of background research on the people that are qualifying the even sit for the exam.... And they don't host them in certain countries because they can't trust those countries. They can't trust those governments. They don't trust the communist party..... So they're very scared about people cheating on the exams. They check for cellphones. Do you know that? They check for all wireless communication going in and coming out of the test exam room. They block off or should block off, but they do. They monitor for wireless communication. These are big dollar jobs, just like in professional hockey.This f****** s*** about scumbags.Getting in should be impossible.I was pissed with mark pryor. He f****** did an incredible felony.He should have never gotten in... You're stealing people from other fields.And we have such labor shortages in the other field because the n.HL and pro football and baseball.They're all fucking pieces of fucking garbage.... And they've let all these f****** stunt bags in Derek.Rose should have been disqualified.Never fucking again go wash toilet you fucking stumbbag.... Where short of toilet cleaner.... This is why God has moved to 0 tolerance.F*** y** fuck you stomach.You can't earn a good life..... But you want undocumented people who knows what kind of fucking crimes they committed.... It's shown and they ended up murderers and cartel members and everything. Donald trump said was correct.... They were bringing in and out the drugs they were smugglers..... So you need to increase the standard.That's why I told the association of realtor anyone buying a house has to go through an extensive background check. To ever own property. This is what happened in California, not California.Florida, they plowed money all the bad people in the houses.But they shouldn't even been eligible to purchase a house....
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So if you do crimes you can never build wealth. That way they pay their penance for the rest of their life.... And that teaches everybody in the future not to do that.... So as the population grows we have to increase the standards... We need a lot of field hands. So no 0 tolerance.
there a shortage of people in STEM?
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And yet STEM talent is as difficult to find as ever. Consider that as many as 3.5 million STEM-related jobs will need to be filled in the US by 2025. However, the trends for US students majoring in these fields continue on their downward trajectory, especially among women and traditionally underserved populations.Apr 18, 2023
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swallowedthestars · 1 year
Least favorite kpop plastic surgery trends right now?
I'm a little hesistant to talk abt ps trends sometimes because I think a lot of of this discussion can inadvertently reduce someone to a pile of parts. People deserve to be looked at as a whole individuals. Also idols are upheld to a really specific appearance standard so they have more pressure than the avg person to look a certain way. However the shitty part of me does enjoy monitoring appearance trends so I'll put my thoughts under a cut (body image tw)
Generally I hate any ps "trend." PS ethics aside I think simply doing something because it's a trend tends to ignore how well that trend might work with your own natural features and so oftentimes the work ends up looking unbalanced/unnatural. not to mention trends are just trends and go in and out of style! A good example of this that has unfortunately been very persistent through time are nose jobs that overly reduce the alar base. Not everyone looks good with a teeny tiny button nose and any surgery that reduces a feature/makes the face more angular will make you look older (this isn't necessarily a bad thing I just don't think surgeons always take it into acct). I think an example of this is whoever is doing strvy k!ds nose jobs unfortunately. Whoever does sm male idols tends to be good at doing conservative/subtle nose jobs and doyeon (weki meki) is another good example of a conservative nose job that took into account how it would fit her face.
I hate inner epicanthoplasties, they're a trend that popped up in the last few years and I think surgeons tend to go way overboard with them. Having gigantic inner tear ducts looks really uncanny valley to me. Once you start seeing it you won't be able to unsee it, there are so many idols who get it as part of their standard eye work these days I don't even know who Id pull as examples lmao.
Korean surgeons have also gotten really generous with the juvaderm and other fillers these days. it is insane to have idols who are barely 23 who have an entire face filled with like 15 ccs, plus there are concerns about how that work will impact the skin over time. Often you'll see idols who have naturally squarer/more angular faces (eg. yunjin) or longer faces (baekhyun somewhat although they altered his face in other ways to "balance" it, skz changbin) get filler for a softer appearance. some idols (eg. sana, jinsoul) do it for reasons that ngl I can't fully tell, i guess it can give a more uniform or "soft/innocent" appearance but if you get too much it has this effect where its so pillow-y it sort of "swallows" your natural features. this is also really ironic to me now that surgeons have picked up the western trend of buccal fat removal. like which do you want! you can spot a lot of idols who get filler kind of "experimenting" with the amount and placement of it if you look for it.
i also fucking hate veneers. intentionally damaging healthy teeth for a more "aesthetic" smile is completely bonkers to me and the very full, toothy veneer smile looks really uncanny on some people too. hearing stories about idols running to the dentist real quick cuz a veneer fell off too.... hmmm. hate it.
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swingria · 2 years
hi, we used to be mutuals, but some time ago i got really tired of "trending" topics on here and signed the fuck off. i remembered your username and visit your page from time to time. recently there were some anons about "problematic" content that you follow or reblog. those people are the exact reason I left. some sad teenagers or young adults creating a bunch of niche rhetorics the mere purpose of which is to protect them from the world they can't fit in. the most crazy part - tumblr rhetoric becoming real life. everything from thrussy to neo-pronouns you can change every day. and the rage with which they ready to attack anyone who doesn't share any of their views. very liberal of them. fuck them. you do you. especially when you just wanna see a funny cat after a long workday and not to approve existence of every american citizen thinking plastic surgery is a fun pastime activity.
Cheers, anon.
My content seems to be getting more vitriolic recently. Wholesome doesn’t really do it for me anymore
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gruumpy-cat · 3 years
Talking about Fleur Delacour, why do the boys only respect girls who are nerdy and plain but treat like objects beautiful and popular girls like Fleur?
not sure whether you mean in hp canon specifically or in general so i think i might be going off base with this response, but there's this misogynistic trend of treating girls who like "girly" (fucking stupid way to call it, as if it's an insult) stuff like make-up, dressing up, wanting to look pretty and care about their looks as being shallow, stupid, vapid, [insert other insult here] that's also perpetuated in (social) media. if a girl is someone who cares about her looks then she's traditionally portrayed as the opposite of who the main heroine is, who she should be, to what we should strive for. as to the why the trend exists... it's the society we live in. think about how many times you've seen "no make-up" promoted as something inherently better than wearing make-up? by women, more often than not. or how people can get pretty fucking sanctimonious about how they don't need make-up or plastic surgery or [insert thing] and that's so much better, and others who may feel insecure about their face and/or body should just get over it and learn to live with it, or if they just fucking love make-up or whatever, they're looked down upon - and try to pass that off as feminist? no. that's not fucking feminism, it's masked misogyny. let women wear make-up if they want to (or not if they don't want to...) or have plastic surgery or shave their body hair and don't try to present it as something that they're doing *just* for the male gaze, taking away literally any agency that those women have. you can also apply this to claims some feminists make when they consider something a woman does as demeaning whereas it's not always the case. you can't police womanhood in that way, it's just plain wrong and in direct conflict with what feminism is, imo.
i’m posing a question here - why is being feminine something that’s not what heroines are allowed to be? it seems they’re worthy of respect only when they’re not acting feminine. which, let’s face it, is pretty fucking disgusting. and to circle back to harry potter - authors who do that, and jkr definitely does, are just contributing to the oppression of women. jkr has a tendency to portray beautiful girls as these dumb, vapid people who don't deserve respect (let's also not forget lavender brown and her abhorrent portrayal in hbp). hermione is not described as pretty, she's smart/nerdy, has bad hair and big teeth. ginny is sometimes (?) described as pretty but she's more often described as being capable, sporty, cool etc etc., luna is not beautiful, she's "weird" (i'm rolling my eyes hard right now) - fleur is beautiful and the female characters we've grown to love over the books hate her for literally no reason and all the boys/men objectify her. which is just very what the fuck for me. getting back to the original ask before i got sidetracked - when people are presented as objects, other people (and not just boys!) tend to treat them as such.
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box-of-chaooos · 2 years
I’m bored here’s some facts about my seven deadly sins :) (mostly Ben cause he’s my favourite)
First of, greed is the tallest he’s literally fucking 8 ft tall whilst Benjamin is the shortest… Hes 4,10
All sins of gluttony have long hair and are short this is because they can curl up in there hair and race around at high speeds and with training can go so fast they’ll burn the carpet.
The ring of greed, pride and gluttony and lust are the only sins and demons that have tails.
Pride is dating lust, he’s very open about it..
The sin of wrath doesn’t exist in the universe because I killed him off sins my controlling ex used to Rp as him with me so Benjamin killed him.
Benjamin is the sweetest little goober but he’s half feral and rules over the most ruthless dangerous ring in hell where anything goes and everyone hunts everyone and caniblism is a normal thing
Benjamin’s favourite animal is a cow, he’s loves them and has shit tones of cow stuffies
I based the sins off animals,kinda.
Pride is like a lion always well dressed and the ruler of the group so he’s the mumma of the sins friend group.
Envy is a chameleon shy and able to change colours and envy is anxious and is always changing style to fit in with the trends.
Greed, greed is a rat sneaky and always taking things whilst your not looking he literally lurks in the wardrobes and scares the shit out of anyone when they’re opened
Sloth, sloths a sloth lmao
Gluttony is kinda like a puppy but make it a puppy cow??? Cause like… he’s puppy like always chewing things and racing around happily he’s very attentive to like if you call him he’ll perk up?.. idk puppy cow lmao
Lust, lust Uhhh snakessss, snakes have been told to go at it for days and honestly… I can see lust Tryna do that… gross.
They all have real names and birthdays and death days! Pride is James envy is Alex greed is Zach sloth is Steve gluttony is Benjamin and list is Elijah
Benjamin is the youngest whilst envy is the oldest 18 and 22
Sloth and gluttony are a couple :)
Pride can turn people into mirrors or statues of himself, envy can twist facial features and make you a horrible monster, greed can turn you into gold or piles of riches, sloth can put you to sleep forever, gluttony can turn into a monster like form and hunt you down and lust can make you fall helplessly Inlove till you die of broken heart.
Gluttony favourite food is rhubarb pie! He’s always baking it
Sloth does crochet
Sins don’t celebrate birthdays but they celebrate deathdays!! Death days are the day you die and went to hell.
Pride- June 8th
Envy- April 5th
Greed- September 23rd
Sloth- august 17th
Gluttony- November 11th
Lust- October 28th
They all died differently too, pride died from a mirror falling on him, envy got an infected botched plastic surgery, greed had a shelf of his most prized pieces fall on him,sloth fell asleep from his narcolepsy but fell into a coma and died, gluttony ate so much in a depressive episode that he threw it all up but choked and died, lust was choked to death whilst havin… icky time.
All the sins are gay lmao so they go to pride rallies together cause ooooh Lord pride in the centre of hell is HUGE
7 rings for 7 sins gluttony owns the ring of wrath too. The central ring where all of them overlap is where Satan himselfs like palace is, it’s also a place for all the imps and demons who are a mixture of sins to go.
Pride ring is a large city scape like new York
Envy is a bunch of towns and shopping centres with apartments and plastic surgery shops everywhere
Greed is caves and swamps, it’s dull and dark and muddy which is why greed imps and demons including the sin himself gave long legs and webbed Inner feet they spread out to better walk across the mud.
Sloth is hill lands and it’s all made of pillows and soft blankets
Gluttony is a forest area made of pure sugar everything is edible and once your out the forest there’s a vast wasteland of volcanos spewing out melted sugar and dead imps and bones lying around the ground is made of hard cookie and the mud is chocolate cake so demons and Imps tend to have claws and large paws to dig at the stuff to eat it.
Lust is a city filled with pubs and clubs
No sin has the same ring theme or colour theme, generally envy imps and demons are in a yellow colour range with yellow horns and eyes some have yellow tinted skin others have bright yellow freckles or patches whilst greed imps and demons have a general green range mostly dulled shades of green to hide in the dark better but they’re hair is always black or dark brown.
Gluttonys foot steps are completely silent, his little paw feet are padded and just make gentle little sounds like a pillow being put on the floor when he runs.
Despite having awful pasts,deaths and dealing with mental health and stuff (sloth has narcolepsy, greed has social anxiety and mutism for example) they’re all very happy!
They all have helltier forms which is theyre final form when the time is needed but it’s never needed so they stay marketable :)
Pride is a bit of a narcissist but he’s working on it
Gluttony is friends with literally everyone, if envy is upset he’ll go and sit there and watch envy try cloths in and praise him to make him feel better, if greed is feeling upset which only he or his closest friend envy can tell gluttony will go find the Cupboard he’s in and give him something shiney or they’ll look online for something for greeds collection. You best bet when your sad you’ll hear the soft patter of pillow like feet racing to your room!
Gluttony is missing a tooth cause he bites everything and one day, bit a little to hard on the table
Pride is gay he/him ,skinny build,
Envy is abrosexual he/they ,muscular build,
Greed is ace aro nonbinary it/they/he ,scrawny build,
Sloth is pansexual genderfluid he/him/they/it ,skinny but got a little bit of a tummy,
Gluttony is gay transgender he/him ,plus size,
Lust is omnisexual he/him ,slim worked out build,
Greed likes rats :)
Envy and pride are both social media celebrities technically all sins are celebrities but.. yeah
Greed and gluttony are scared of thunderstorms and you gotta take them for a walk daily they’re like dogs
Naturally Benjamin’s hair is curly
Pride is American
Envy is Spanish
Greed is korean
Sloth is Native Hawaiian
Gluttony is British
Lust is Irish
But they all lived in Britain prior to hell.
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Any who das my sin babis!
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shesay · 3 years
i feel so sorry for you. you're still young and there is plenty of time to escape this purgatory of radfem tumblr that doesn't do anything but keeping you in your miserable place because duh men are evil. who's really telling you you can't do shit at this point? men or your radfem buddies? get real.
It doesn’t really matter yk like radfem or not the world is extremely dark 4 us women i feel like it’s kinda over like your everyday normie who has nothing 2 do with liberalism laughs and jokes about chocking his gf during sex and like plastic surgeries r more popular than ever and r so encouraged I’ve seen lots of girls getting their nose done as their 18th birthday present or something also the bimbo trend which is literally run by women like this how fucked up it is no wonder trans men literal girls and women r getting their body parts chopped off I understand them in a way btw idc about trans women bc it’s just a fetish yk a sexual thing oh well so my point is radical feminism or whatever feminism doesn’t really mean anything like women libration when? Never and you’re acting naive if u think it’s gonna happen but I like reading radical feminist theory and i agree with most of it so yeah.
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topconfessions · 3 years
The American music market is indeed very strange. If women don't show their ass, sing/rap about it or enhance it, they won't come very far apparently. America in general has this severe toxic body positivity movement going on at the moment. Don't get me wrong, it should be said to everyone to accept themselves as they are, embracing their flaws and loving their favorite features but Americans are trying to push down everyones throat that you have to love every single part of your body, which is not possible or healthy. I think it's called body neutrality. If there's something you want to fix, you should get plastic surgery for that but most women who get the BBL just want some clout on IG and are chasing an unrealistic beauty standard, which will 100% change in the next 10 years or so and unpopular opinion, most women get plastic surgery to appeal to the male gaze in hopes of attracting a partner. But you can't expect husband material chasing after you while walking around with a cartoon ass. And if you critcize them, you're called fatphobic or whatnot lol.
But artists these days are so messy and post everything on social media. They can't form one cohesive sentence meanwhile artists in the 80's were able to perform 16 minutes songs and do interviews high on coke lmao. As long as the 16 years old fans see that you're flexing with your fake diamonds and leased Lambo, you made it lmao.
I think because fans want to have the delusion, that they know their fav well and are best friends or boyfriend/girlfriend with them, they expect the artist to put all of their info and secrets out there for the world to judge. And if they don't want to do that and don't show much skin, they're being called flops. People care more about authenticity and looks than talent.
It also has something to do with the bad music that artists put out. I truly think that if an artist would make a good song, people wouldn't foucs on anything else the artists could offer. I hope we can get some refreshing new stars because I don't see it for any of them, most of the music they release is now with Tik Tok trends in mind. We've seen that superstardom is possible for someone like Billie because she was so outside of the norm, although I dislike her whisper voice, and she's more like an Avril Lavigne, the anti-popstar while Olivia Rodrigo has the sound of Avril and is basically a mini-Taylor Swift.
There is enough space for a black superstar, who isn't a Beyonce clone but I wonder what happens if said superstar would be a mixed black person. I think Lsa and Twitter would start a riot lol.
this ^ my fave confession so far. I don't pay attention or listen to current much anymore. It's all lame and yes so many rockstars and artists were high off their ass, mentally ill or coked up / in abusive situations and still carried on intelligent / decent interviews. Scandal was frown upon now it's welcomed. You don't even need the merit or talent anymore like god fuck. hollywood is just a money grab now. I miss the world 1998-2010. It went to shit after that. Billie would't be shit if today was 2004 and that's a fact. She'd be somewhat cool but more indie level, she is captilizing off of the current generation and how the world is now. right persona t the right time but look at her recent blonde lingerie shoot where she looks dead in the eyes. she's a sellout herself and this rodrigo industry plant girl may replace her.
Beyonce is the john cena of music she made it hard and impossible for other black women to share the spotlight with her cause she's trying to michael jackson it out and not have competition at all. idgaf what her stans say as someone who watched her every destiny child video up until now as a grown ass woman, she is partially to blame for this. Just like how wwe is dependent on roman reigns cause Cena buried a lot of people behind him he felt was a threat. Oh LSA and twitter would get heated and they already drag Doja to filth. Rihanna is the last one who came close and there will never be another Rhi we need to accept it
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xxlelaxx · 3 years
Every time I watch videos etc about plastic surgery and stuff I get so angry and so confused. Angry cause I can't believe we're steadily going towards a society that is erasing individuality by doing unnecessary operations,that could kill you, while putting a feminist filter on it and confused cause everyone I know is aware (or at least communicates with me) that that "ideal" is supposed to be something we see on the internet/TV/whatever but not in real life. Also what are all those people gonna do when the trend changes??? Like some people shave their bone off. You can't just replace shaved of bone or can you? Does it grow back? Also what will you do if that stuff moves in your body and fucks it up in a way that you can't follow the next trend? You will just get depressed again???
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emerald-studies · 4 years
Plastic Surgery/Body Image
[ Ok, I have a migraine and insomnia so if this comes off as bitchy, I’m sorry. Also, this is just my current opinion, my opinions can change. ]
Why are Black women buying into the Kardashian-Jenner standard of beauty? 
It breaks my heart seeing my sisters change their bodies to fit the current trend of having an ass so big that it’s almost down to your knees and breasts so large that they don’t fit under a shirt. 
I want to say before anyone presumes I’m saying anything body-shame-y I want to say that I’m a feminist and that means that I believe a woman has a right to do what ever she wants. Really, I’m just concerned and worried. Often times when we talk about unrealistic body standards, I feel that we don’t also recognize that these unattainable images are also present in the Black community. I think because people automatically presume that Black women already have curves, the excessive plastic surgery goes unnoticed. To a point that it’s treated like the norm. I find myself coming across Black women with super large breasts that don’t move, with a 23 inch waist, and a Kim K ass...but it’s treated like....that’s normal. Which in turn, makes me feel insecure because I start thinking.....
“Is this how Black women should look? Am I the odd one out?”
Those are dangerous thoughts and often times I can move past them, but there’s a lingering sadness for all those women. The women who change their bodies, not for them, but for someone or something else. I’m not talking about getting plastic surgery to help an insecurity, I’m talking about the excessive use of plastic surgery.
Like the women that change their bodies because their boyfriend likes a bigger booty. Or notice her friend gets more likes because she has larger breasts. The societal message that our bodies, as women, are for others’ consumption. 
At all times. 
It just makes me so upset when I see men dehumanizing some of these women and only looking at features that are sexual to them. And, don’t get me wrong, if you’re getting a bigger breast size to up your sex work, ok, I get that. What I don’t get is the women who go to such extremes seemingly for others who don’t use it for work, just their daily lives. I see these women who have those huge butts and think about how they will feel when they’re older about their body. Will they always see their body as a commodity? 
This is coming from a place of understanding, btw. I used to present myself to my ex like I needed to be everything he desired. I’d think,
“It’s ok if I feel uncomfortable with ____, it makes him happy. I don’t want to be alone.”
“I should lose some weight, I can’t compete with the other girls around him on the daily. I don’t want to be alone.”
“I’m going to allow him to use my insecurities for sexual pleasure, because at least someone can rejoice in this thing that gives me body dysmorphia. I don’t want to be alone.”
We are taught that our bodies are to be in service of men. Providing for men what ever they please, because.... “What...you don’t want to die alone, do you?”.
I just hope and pray that those women are doing those things for themselves. At the end of the day, we live in our bodies. If you are changing your body to please someone else, they will never ever be completely satisfied. There will always be “something wrong” with you. So, I’m not trying to shame anyone, I’m just genuinely concerned about my community and how this isn’t even acknowledged. I feel like we’re approaching such a dangerous time where little Black girls are now growing up seeing the Kardashian-Jenners who are white women and seeing Black women who look like them, exactly, creating a pretty fucked up place where those girls are thinking about how their breasts should be bigger or their butt is way too small, without realizing that a majority of the influencers alter their bodies to such extremes...
in order to be seen as sexual. 
So the TLDR is:
I’ve been seeing a lot of Black women getting excessive plastic surgery, like the Kardashian-Jenners we troll, but no one is saying a peep about it...therefore I feel like my body is weird or ugly because all I see are ultra perky sphere breasts, 23 inch waists, and butts the size of 2 basketballs. 
Am I the only one seeing this?
Let me know here
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(Reference pic of my body. But I’m not going to post the bodies that worry me because tbh they’re kinda triggering for me)
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zesbian · 4 years
i hate all the kardashians i really do including kylie and kendall etc. they are so insanely rich and it pisses me off to hear every time they flaunt it like when kim and kanye hired private firefighters to protect their mansion during cali wildfires. i think they're all essentially performing blackface through their "tans" and plastic surgery, esp kylie. and they steal from black creators for their own profit and this whole time it's like you're raising black babies!! rly gross to me
honestly couldn’t agree more. I also fully blame them for the “instagram face” trend. fuck em all!
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