#fuck you brighton rey
aaaaaa-musical-trash · 3 months
HEAVY spoilers ahead for infinity kings
i’m 200 pages away from the end
i flip off my kindle every time there’s a Brighton chapter
WHY COULDN’T HE JUST STAY DEAD?? noooooo, the reaper’s blood just h a d to make him immortal
i rejoiced when ness stabbed him
EMIL DIED WHAT THE FUCK AND EVERYONE’S LIKE “let’s not bring him back to life we will live in his honour” LIKE FUCK YOU I NEED HIM BACK
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eventidespirits · 2 years
Character Playlists
These won't include lyrics because then the post would be way too fucking long...
Louis DeFantome: Anesthesia - Type O Negative // Closer - Nine Inch Nails // Your Joy is My Low - IAMX // My Sweet Prince - Placebo // Before I'm Dead - Kidneythieves// Blue Monday - New Order // We Fall Like Love - Christian Death // Disintegration - The Cure // Sins of the Flesh - Sister Machine Gun // Rose of Flesh and Blood - Plastique Noir
Laci Lydia Brighton-Lee: Hungry - Ayria // The Girl Anachronism - Dresden Dolls // Control - Halsey // Cassandra - The Cruxshadows // Counting Bodies Like Sheep - A Perfect Circle // Amnesia - Mind.In.A.Box // City Noise - Scarling // Dollhouse - Switchblade Symphony // Shallow Grace - The Birthday Massacre
Adam Freemont: Pretty When You Cry - Vast // This Hurts - Mindless Self Indulgence // Love Like Lies - Aesthetic Perfection // Stalker - IAMX // Stop a Bullet - Black Light Burns // Corrupt - Depeche Mode // Pet - A Perfect Circle // Hatef--k - The Bravery // Even Deeper - Nine Inch Nails
Morgan Kendrick: Problem - Natalia Kills // Holding Out For a Hero - Bonnie Tyler // Precious Things - Tori Amos // Gods & Monsters - Lana Del Rey // Desire - Meg Meyers // Blown Away - Carrie Underwood // Glow - Katy Rose // Gasoline - Halsey // When I Am Queen - Jack Off Jill // Bedroom Hymns - Florence + The Machine
Laurent DeFantome: Protege Moi - Placebo // The Scientist - Coldplay // Castling - The Narrative // The Noose - A Perfect Circle // Turning Page - Sleeping at Last // Whisper - The Rosebuds // Ghost in the Machine - The Fire and the Sea // Flickers - Son Lux // The Curse - Agnes Obel
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narasnooze · 4 years
Neji/Tenten please!! 😘🥰🤗
Send me a character or a ship, and I’ll answer with five songs I associate with them!
   – Late Night Walk by Stillness Bliss    – Say Yes by C4C & Kokoro    – Thunder by Penny and Sparrow    – Forest Fire by Brighton    – Fuck it, I love you by Lana Del Rey
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tommyhardyx · 5 years
Mr Solomons - Part 8
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Pairing: Modern!Alfie Solomons x Reader Word Count: 2.5k Summary: You and Alfie go on your first trip together as a couple  Warnings: swearing, sex A/N: Okay so it’s been a little while, I’m so sorry for that! I’ve been pretty stressed and overwhelmed with going back to uni and everything that comes with the beginning of a new semester so thank you all for your patience and I really hope you enjoy this chapter! Please let me know what you think!
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The sun shines warm on your back, the sound of the waves washing up against the shore setting you at ease. One of your hands is engulfed by Alfie’s, your fingers threaded through his as you watch Cyril run up ahead his huge paws crashing against the pebbles.
It had been Ollie’s suggestion that you and Alfie get out of the city, take a trip away just the two of you together somewhere peaceful. Of course, when Alfie brought it up to you he insisted that Cyril come along too, no way would he leave his boy behind while you two go off on a long weekend together.
Alfie left the decision of where to go up to you, though he did ask for one thing in particular that you pick somewhere near the ocean, somewhere he could walk along the beach with you and Cyril. So, you chose Brighton, a place from your childhood you’d been wanting to revisit for a while now. And so, the prospect of going back with Alfie was exciting.
“It’s nice ‘ere isn’t it? Peaceful.”
You never would have guessed that Alfie felt at home along the water’s edge, that his usual frown would fade away and, in its place, a small smile would sit on his lips.
“It is, feels good to get out of the city for a bit,” you agree, laughing as Cyril attempts to chase a bird along the edge of the water.
“Ollie had a good idea for once,” Alfie mutters, laughing when he spots your raised eyebrow. “Yeah alright he’s full of good ideas, just don’t fucking tell him I said that don’t need him getting a big head.”
You laugh, leaning in against his side. Cyril comes running over, jumping up on Alfie his wet paws soaking Alfie’s shirt in the process. He’s not mad though, instead, he grins, helping Cyril down onto four legs, his hand falling from yours as he leans down to give the dog a head scratch.
“You havin’ a good time mate?” he asks, his grin as wide as it usually is when he looks at Cyril.
Cyril barks at Alfie, tail wagging madly as it always does in the presence of Alfie. 
“Yeah, you’re having a good time,” he says, he turns to look over his shoulder at you. “Feel like grabbing a coffee and heading back to the hotel?”
You nod, helping Alfie up and clipping the lead back onto Cyril’s collar, handing it over to Alfie to avoid Cyril pulling it out of your hand with his strength.
The walk back to the hotel is a quick one, you’d picked it for its view of the ocean something you were sure Alfie would appreciate, and you were proven right when he woke up early by choice to cuddle with you and watch the sunrise over the ocean through the window.  
When you make it back inside, you sink into the not quite comfortable couch sipping your coffee as Alfie goes to change into a dry shirt, smiling when he joins you and slips one big arm around your shoulders and you naturally settle into his side.
Cyril, exhausted from his running along the beach, curls up on the floor at your feet, the warmth radiating off him warming up your cold feet as Alfie flicks through the channels on the TV, though you both know he won’t decide on anything to watch.
Predictably, Alfie doesn’t find anything he’s interested in watching and instead you play some music on your phone, the smooth sounds of Lana Del Rey filling the silence. Alfie rests his cheek against your head his fingers gently brushing your arm as he rubs his foot against Cyril’s back.
“Know what I’ve been thinkin’?” he mutters, not waiting for an answer. “I think I want another dog, give this one someone to play with.”
Cyril looks up when Alfie nudges him with his foot, head tilted to the side to look at his dad.
“Oh yes! What kind of dog are you thinking?” you ask, the prospect of another dog running around Alfie’s place exciting you.
“Don’t know, I’ll go to a shelter and adopt one, wanna come help me pick one out?”
“Of course, I want to, when were you thinking of doing it?”
“Once we get back to London we’ll go have a look,” he decides, kissing your head as he smiles down at Cyril.
 It’s no surprise he wants another dog if anything you’re surprised he hasn’t already adopted a dozen other dogs to keep himself and Cyril company. You’ve watched first hand how Cyril helps him, keeps him calm when he’s in pain because of his leg, the way even when it’s early and he’s in a mood Cyril is able to put a grin on his face. 
For the last night of your trip you and Alfie head out for dinner, deciding to find somewhere that gives you an excuse to dress up to go out. You choose a tight, knee-length black leather skirt, with a long sleeve, v- neck, deep red blouse, with a pair of black heels to finish it off with the real highlight of the outfit hidden from view until you’re ready for Alfie to see it.
Alfie chooses to wear a pair of slacks with a white shirt, the sleeves rolled up and the top few buttons left undone to show off his tattoos.
Watching you as you touch up your makeup, Alfie shakes his head.
“You’re making me want to skip dinner and take you straight to fucking bed love,” he says, crossing the bathroom to wrap his arms around your waist, his lips finding your neck.
Rolling your eyes, you drop your lipstick back into your makeup bag, laughing when Alfie’s beard tickles your neck.
“We’re not skipping dinner, you’ll just have to wait.”
Alfie huffs, his arms staying firmly around your waist as you pull away from the mirror, attempting to walk back into the bedroom to get your shoes.
“Alfred get off me,” you mutter, earning a groan from the man as he pulls himself away from you practically pouting as you slip into your heels. “If you can get through dinner, I’ve got a surprise for you when we get back.”
That catches his interest, his frown at the use of his full name melting into a grin as he leans in to kiss you his hands moving from your waist to your backside, his palms cupping your cheeks as he grins into the kiss.
“What kind of surprise?”
You shake your head, pressing a brief kiss to his lips before pulling away.
“You’ll have to behave through dinner to find out.” 
Stepping out of the bathroom, Alfie’s eyes reach you as you step into view his eyebrows going up at the sight of your lingerie clad body leaning against the doorframe.
“What the fuck is that?”
“Like it? I picked it out for you,” you ask, turning around to wiggle your arse at him looking over your shoulder to watch his eyes go wide at the sight of your arse covered in lace.
“Fuckin’ hell love,” he mutters, as you turn back to face him. “Get that arse of yours over here.”
Grinning, you cross the room to the bed standing at the end as you enjoy the feeling of his eyes roaming ravenously over your body.
“Get on the fucking bed,” he says, the undertone to his voice sending a shiver down your spine.
You back away from the bed, shaking your head as you move away from him enjoying the frown that forms on his face as he stands up stalking towards you.
Giggling, you back away from him and into the corner of the room where he traps you in against the wall, his arms caging you in as you grin up at him.
Alfie glares at you, leaning in to drag his lips across your cheek kissing his way up to your ear.
“You tryin’ to tease me?” he asks, his voice rough and when you glance down you can see the way his erection tents his jeans.
“Hm, well it’s clearly working,” you say with a grin, reaching to cup his erection in your hand.
Growling, Alfie pulls you away from the wall and picks you up to throw you over his shoulder.
“Fucking come ‘ere,” he mutters, slapping your arse and earning a giggle from you as he drops you on the bed.
As you move up onto your knees, hands gripping the bottom of his shirt as you pull it up over his head, hands roaming over his chest admiring his solid muscle and the tattoos inked into his skin as his hands grip your arse, fingers digging into the flesh.
“You never told me if you like what I picked for you or not,” you point out, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“What the fuck do you think?” he asks, teeth nipping at your bottom lip. “Yes, I fucking like it love.”
Alfie kisses you hard, his fingers biting into your arse so hard you jump, and he grins as he eases his grip.
“Little bit excited there Alf?”
“Turn around and give me a good look at that arse of yours” he says.
Turning, you’re unsurprised when Alfie guides you onto all fours his hands rough as they grip your arse, and a smile spreads across your face when he presses his erection into you and Alfie groans as you push back into him.
“Fucking hell love,” he mutters, his hand smacking against your arse.
Alfie moves away from you, digging through one of your bags until he finds a condom making his way back over to the bed and smacks your ass once again before getting himself ready for you.
You reach down to touch yourself, fingers finding your folds already slick to the touch. Alfie strips out of his jeans and after dropping your hand away you make eye contact with him over your shoulder as he slides into you, his cock filling you up so perfectly you let out a moan.
He doesn’t waste any time, instead, he sets a steady pace, fingers digging into your hips as he begins to thrust, his grunts mixing with your moans to fill the room.
With one hand gripping the sheets, holding you steady as Alfie thrusts into you, you reach to rub your clit with the other, the sensation combining with Alfie’s pace ripping a louder moan out of you. 
Alfie smacks your arse again, his hand gripping the cheek so tight you let out a whimper which only encourages him.
He leans in, his hips still moving against you as he breathes heavily in your ear. 
“You good love?” he asks, his lips finding your neck after he pushes your hair aside. 
“Fuck, yes please don’t stop,” you breathe, grinning as his hand smacks against your arse again.
Alfie grins, chuckling against your skin as you can feel how close you’re getting to your orgasm, your fingers speeding up against your clit as Alfie nips and sucks at the skin on your neck. 
“Come on, fucking cum for me,” Alfie grunts against your skin, and your mouth opens in a gasp as your orgasm washes through you, Alfie’s pace staying steady as your body tenses, his arm wrapping around your waist to steady you his own orgasm coursing through him and into the condom as you slump against his arm. 
Heavy breaths take over from the moaning that had filled the room seconds before, Alfie slides out of you and slips the condom off moving to drop it into the bin in the bathroom. 
“Hell of a surprise love,” Alfie breathes as he climbs onto the bed beside you, his arms pulling you in against his chest tucking your head under your chin.
Your chest heaves as he presses a kiss to your head, his hand rubbing up and down your arm, as you wrap it around his waist. Your heart pounds in the best possible way as you come down from your high.
“Well, I guess I picked the right lingerie set.”
Alfie chuckles, the sound of it rumbling within his chest bringing a wide grin to your face as you look up at him.
“You certainly did,” he mutters, lips pressing against your forehead. “Can’t believe, you hid that from me until the last fucking night of the trip.”
“I wanted to give you something nice before we have to go home tomorrow,” you explain, happily accepting the soft kiss he leans in to press to your lips.
“When we get home, I’m buying you as much lingerie as you fucking want,” he says against your lips. “Just say the words and it’s all yours.” 
You chuckle against him, hand resting on his chest as you settle your head back against him. His arms around you feel like home, his solid chest a steady presence beneath you and you let your eyes drift shut, so content there cuddled into the man’s chest. 
“I’m holding you to that,” you mutter, totally content in his arms. 
Alfie smiles down at you, his fingers finding the ends of your hair to twirl around his fingertips. 
“I love you, y/n,” Alfie whispers against your hair. 
Looking up at him, there’s only one thing you could possibly say to explain the warm feeling in your chest, one thing that feels right in this moment. 
“I love you too.”
After your trip together, finding yourself back in your flat with Nancy no Alfie or Cyril to be found, it feels odd, quiet. You’re so used to having them around, almost tripping over Cyril because he’s made himself comfortable in the worst place or Alfie grabbing you with an arm around your waist and pulling you onto the couch with him. Without it, things don’t feel right.
Nancy sits on your bed as you go through your bags, dropping the clothes that need to be washed in a pile at the end of the bed, as you fill her in on the details of your trip.
“So he liked the lingerie?” she asks, with the grin of someone who helped you pick out just the right set to drive Alfie crazy. 
“Oh, he did,” you say with a grin. 
Looking proud of herself, Nancy begins to fill you in on what happened with her while you were gone, and what you missed with the rest of your friends. Having her around again feels right, normal, and helps to distract from the odd feeling of being away from Alfie after all that time together. 
Halfway through her recounting of a night out with Ash and a few mutual friends when your phone starts vibrating against the bed, your initial urge to ignore it gone when you see who is calling. 
“Oh hold on, it’s Alfie’s sister,” you say, cutting Nancy off as you answer the call and lift the phone to your ear. “Hey, Hannah.” 
Hannah’s shaky breathing is the first thing you hear, and it draws a frown onto your face as you straighten up. 
“Hannah? Is everything okay?” 
“Y/n, you need to get to the hospital. It’s Alfie.” 
Tags: @eap1935 / @coolmaybelateruniverse / @sandyddt / @inkeducatednnerdy / @ravendor28 / @thisisjeany / @overitall2018 / @outofbluecomesgreen / @mollybegger-blog / @bilesxbilinskixlahey / @elemph / @pointlessblogger99 / @marvelfangirl-x / @madbrilliant84 / @lotusbreathe / @justanothershelby / @acciostilinski 
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Best of 2019 // Songs
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My favourite songs of 2019:
 Kano - Class of Deja ft D Double E and Ghetts
 Rosalia & J Balvin - Con Altura ft El Guincho
 Lil Nas X - Old Town Road (Remix)
 Little Simz - Venom
 Dave - Black
 Normani - Motivation
 FKA Twigs - Cellophane
 Georgia - About Work The Dancefloor
 Purple Mountains - Snow Is Falling In Manhattan
Clairo - Bags
Shygirl - BB
Jessie Ware - Adore You
Angel Olsen - Lark
Tierra Whack - Clones
Nakhane ft ANOHNI - New Brighton
Nils Frahm - Sweet Little Lie
Scalping - Ruptured
Kate Tempest - People's Faces
Fontaines D.C. - Boys In The Better Land
Capulets - Annie
Squid  - Houseplants
AJ Tracey - Ladbroke Grove
Lana Del Rey - Norman Fucking Rockwell
Pet Shop Boys - Dreamland
Metronomy - Lately
Spotify playlist of the top 25 below:
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southcoasting · 4 years
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Every year I make a compilation of some of my favourite tracks from the last 12 months, one song per artist. This year’s compilation is called ‘There Is Nothing Left To Hide’ and you can listen to it on mixcloud or download mp3s  (click the links). Here’s the run down - no particular order of significance, although there’s quite a lot of California in there, the majority of the tracks are female-led and four out of five are from albums released this year. But it’s all good. Why not listen while you read?  
ALDOUS HARDING - Zoo Eyes Aldous Harding continued to amaze this year with an extrordinary album ‘Designer’, which scored 88% on Metacritic.  Words like ‘idiosyncratic’, ‘awkward’, ‘intimate’ and ‘alien’ might come to mind, but the Independent got it right, saying “Harding sounds delightfully free.”  A true original. M. BUTTERFLY - Diamond Mist  Diamond Mist from M Butterfly’s Sophomore album, recorded live on tape in hometown Brighton. A fine performance of a gorgeous song.  THE IDA - Banana Boxes  Blomst are the best Norwegian band at the moment, so it was great that their first UK gig was in a local cafe/bar in Brighton and they blew the audience away as I knew they would. Lead-singer Ida also records songs in English under the name ‘The Ida’ and this is from her first EP in that guise. HANYA - Trust Fund Baby  Hanya (or Post Heather as they used to be known) have been playing occasional gigs for a few years now, but Heather finished her studies this year so they’ve been able to record and play more. This is from the first of their two recent EPs ‘I used to love you but now I don’t’.   JENNY LEWIS - Hollywood Lawn  New albums from Jenny Lewis doesn’t come around often but when they do it’s like your favourite big sister coming home, and 4th solo album ‘On The Line’ was no exception.  HEATHER WOODS BRODERICK - I Try  A talented multi-instrumentalist, a player in others’ bands, like Sharon Van Etten’s, and sister to Peter, Broderick finally got to release her own record, and it was a beauty. KEVIN MORBY - OMG Rock n Roll  The Woods’ Morby has released a series of fine solo albums over the last few years but his latest ‘Oh My God’ is a step above most things he’s done before and almost everything released this year. A stunning record.
STELLA DONNELLY - Beware of the Dogs  Australian Stella Donnelly released her solo album and it provided amongst other things a soundtrack for the Me-Too gen. This is the title-track.  BILL CALLAHAN - 747  One musical highlight this year was seeing Bill play live in London. This track is from his 17th album Shepherd in a Sheepskin Vest, his first for five years, a time in which he has grown a family and become more domesticated, happenings reflected in a beautiful new collection of songs. NATIVE HARROW - How You Do Things  Third album ‘Happier Now’ is a stunner, and seeing Devin and Stephen play a cooler-than-cool self-promoted set in a tiny local Brighton venue, the Village, was another musical highlight this year.   SARA MELSON - Feel It Coming  Came across the unsigned Sara Melson on Soundcloud and this song blew me away. It somehow manages to combine intimacy with power-balladry, without at any time cracking into corn. You’ll love it.  An EP is coming soon, NANCY PRIDDY - You’ve Come This Way Before  Nancy Priddy was an actress who appeared in the Waltons and Bewitched, dated Stephen Stills and is Christina Applegate’s mum. In 1968 she released an album that is a minor psychedelic classic and this is the title track.  ANA EGGE - Teacake and Janey  After last year’s excellent White Tiger, Egge came straight back this year with a new album ‘Is It The Kiss’ that is even better. This track is from that. NICOLETTE MACLEOD - Father Father  I put on a gig featuring Nicolette Corcoran Macleod as a support act ten years ago but incredibly she only got around to releasing an album this year. It is a little bit special.  RED RIVER DIALECT - Snowdon  From Cornwall via Brighton and London, on their latest album this wonderful folk-rock band managed to create an anthem for Wales. DAMIEN JURADO - Lincoln  His 14th album ‘The Shape Of A Storm’ was a stripped-down affair, revealing the beauty of Jurado’s songwriting in its simplest starkest form.  DAVID McWILLIAMS - Livin’s Just A State Of Mind  David McWilliams (1945-2002) was one of David Bowie’s favourite songwriters, and touted as Northern Ireland’s answer to Dylan, a not unreasonable comparison given the quality of McWilliams’ songs. He is best known for ‘the Days of Pearly Spencer’ (1967) but this is the title track from a 1974 album. LANA DEL REY - Doin’ Time  I didn’t think I liked Lana Del Rey but she just gets better and better and this year’s ‘Norman Fucking Rockwell’ (6th album in 9 years) is undeniably a superb achievement, so much so that the Guardian deservedly made it its album of the year.  PORRIDGE RADIO - Lilac  Anyone who heard Brighton-London band Porridge Radio play one of their five or six gigs at the Great Escape festival this year came away singing the (at that time) unreleased new song ‘Lilac’. Now they are signed to Secretly Canadian and ‘Lilac’ has at last got a release. It’s stunning: 
“I don’t want us to be bitter I want us to get better I want us to be kinder to ourselves and to each other…”
[Bonus Track]  THE FAMILY GRAVE - The Children  (demo) The Family Grave (f.k.a. Hiawatha Telephone Company) released an album ‘Everybody is Flawed’ at the start of the year. They only wrote one new song this year, The Children, which was released on Soundcloud. We like it. A lot.  That’s it folks!  Listen to the whole compilation on mixcloud or download the mp3s  
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gayyparadox · 6 years
Songs that make me think of you:
Rescue by Witt Lowry
Talking To The Moon by Bruno Mars
Lust For Life by Lana del Rey, The Weekend
Electric Love by BØRNS
In My Dreams by Ruth B.
Neptune by Sleeping At Last
Forest Fire by Brighton
Infinity by Niykee Heaton
Next To Me by Imagine Dragons
1950 by King Princess
Into The Storm by BANNERS
Let Me Touch Your Fire by A R I Z O N A
Mine by Bazzi
Heart And Soul by Twin Atlantic
You Are The Reason by Calum Scott
My Type by The Chainsmoker, Emily Warren
I Love You by Alex and Sierra
fuck me up by gnash
Over And Over Again by Ariana Grande, Nathan Skyes
All I Ever Need by Austin Mahone
Please Notice by Christian Akridge
Love Won't Sleep by Lostboycrow
Couple Of Kids by Maggie Lindemann
I hope one day you see this, or I show you how much I really wanted you. Listen to these songs and I hope you think of me while listening to them as much as I think of you.
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todaysbiggesthits · 5 years
Today’s Biggest Videos of 2019
1. Purple Mountains - "Darkness and Cold"
2. Robyn - "Ever Again"
3. FKA twigs - "Cellophane"
4. Mac DeMarco - "Here Comes the Cowboy"
5. Sui Zhen - "Perfect Place"
6. Working Men's Club - "Teeth"
7. Mannequin Pussy - "Cream"
8. Lana Del Rey - "Fuck It I Love You"/"The Greatest"
9. Kanye West - "Closed on Sunday"
10. Stef Chura - "They'll Never"
11. Tyler, The Creator - "A Boy is a Gun"
12. Fontaines D.C. - "Big"
13. Aldous Harding - "Zoo Eyes"
14. Kate Le Bon - "Daylight Matters"
15. Thelma - "Stranger Love"
16. Injury Reserve ft. Rico Nasty & Pro Teens - "Jawbreaker"
17. Freddie Gibbs & Madlib - "Crime Pays"
18. Electric Youth - "The Life"
19. Kanye West - "Follow God"
20. Denzel Curry - "RICKY"
21. Barrie - "Darjeeling"
22. Weyes Blood - "Everyday"
23. Nakhane ft. ANOHNI - "New Brighton"
24. Viagra Boys - "Just Like You"
25. 21 Savage ft. J. Cole - "A Lot"
26. Just Mustard - "Frank"
27. Tennger - "High"
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visionsofalife · 7 years
tag thing
i was tagged by my wonderful pal @cyberspacedisgrace! your blog is awesome and so are you, thank you!!! (pls tag me in more stuff that goes for everyone else as well you all know how much i love  oversharing honestly) let’s go! (this is going to be a long one i’m so sorry)
rules: answer these questions, then tag some pals to do it too!
what is your idea of perfect happiness?: spending time with my friends & not having any responsibility or anxiety - just laughing until my stomach hurts at memes and having a general good time. that, or wrapped in a blanket immersing myself in any universe that isn’t this one, preferably with popcorn.
what is your greatest fear?: i’m scared of a lot, but i think the pointlessness of the universe is a big one. i believe the meaning of life is to find your own meaning, so i guess i fear that i’ll never be content with my meaningless life and i’ll always want more - nothing’s ever enough.
what is the trait you most deplore in yourself?: self-doubt and a general fuck-ton of insecurity. the fact that the majority of it is irrational doesn’t make it go away.
what is the trait you most deplore in others?: malicious bigotry, discrimination, selfishness, hatred. which living person do you most admire?: i truly believe lin-manuel miranda might actually be the shakespeare of the modern age. i also love emma watson for using her voice to battle gender inequality, and hazel hayes / dodie clark for being constant creative inspirations and all around lovely, smart, kind and amazingly talented women on youtube. what is your greatest extravagance?: i save a lot and tend to spend little, but concert/theatre tickets are pretty damn expensive what is your current state of mind?: i just finished an essay and have been scrolling tumblr non-stop for an hour, so this is about as content as i get, not counting the ever-present feeling that i’ve never done enough hahahhahhahah
what do you consider the most overrated virtue?: being perfect in order to be considered desirable. on what occasion do you lie?: i used to lie a lot about liking stuff so other people would like me, but luckily i haven’t needed to do that in a while. i’ll lie if someone close to me has asked me to and i think there’s a good reason for it. otherwise, i prefer to just tell the truth.
what do you most dislike about your appearance: my height and body shape make me look like a hobbit.
which living person do you most despise?: anyone who fuels hate, anger and fear. what is the quality you most like in a man?: a good sense of humour, great taste in memes and a general kindness/empathy for other human beings i guess.
what is the quality you most like in a woman?: same as above, really which words or phrases do you most overuse?: is this the section to bring up i started whipping ironically a lot and now it’s a serious issue i can’t stop also “what to heck”, “literally”, “honestly”, “i’m going to shit” and “crippling depression™
what or who is the greatest love of your life?: you underestimate how much i adore garlic bread.
when and where were you happiest?: tatinof manchester, october 11th 2015. it’s the first place that comes to mind and still my happy place to this day.
which talent would you most like to have?: i wish i could sing better but unfortunately i tend to sound like an asthmatic walrus being sat on. and that’s on a good day. 
if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: if i charged a penny to anyone who has either told me i’m short like i somehow haven’t already noticed or made a height joke at me, i could afford an nintendo switch. so i’d either be taller or i’d have more chill. what do you consider your greatest achievement?: tom(ska) put my art in one of his videos and said lovely things about it, which was amazing. overcoming social anxiety to talk to some of my favourite creators at sitc last year was pretty cool too. if you were to die and come back as a person or a thing, what would it be?: i’d be a tortoise honestly, they seem pretty chill. or a sloth cause i’d actually have an excuse to be lazy. where would you most like to live?: i have no idea. not where i am now, but most likely still in the uk. it would be nice to live in brighton since i was born there and it’s a really great place but it’s so far away from everything and everyone i know.
what is your most treasured possession?: my signed mine turtle, blimp, or my laptop/phone. every story i’ve ever written and many stories i’m planning to write are on my laptop, so i wouldn’t part with it in a hurry. what do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?: days where i do fuck all. i’m at my worst when i’m not productive. what is your favourite occupation?: i just want to tell stories please what is your most marked characteristic?: creativity and kindness, i hope.
what do you most value in your friends?: the same sense of humour and taste in memes. kindess, empathy, and a laugh even on bad days.
who are your favourite writers (musicians, artists, poets etc)?: i adore everything rainbow rowell has ever written. bo burnham, rebecca sugar, alex hirsch, dodie clark, hazel hayes, jack & dean, pj ligouri, tom ridgewell are all amazing creative people and massive inspirations of mine. i also love p!atd, top, bastille, paramore, muse, glass animals, fob, atl - bands that i’ve fallen in and fallen out of love with over the past two years but still adore anyway. finally, the holy trinity: dan, phil, and lin-manuel miranda. d&p have been a massive part of my life for three and a half years, and hamilton is one of the best pieces of art i’ve have ever experienced. 
who is your hero of fiction?: i have many many fictional heroes, but this post is already too long so i’ll keep it down to three - peggy carter, princess leia, and rey. all wonderful, amazing, strong ass-kicking women who i aspire to be more like every day.
i’m sorry this was so long! i’m tagging @starlitfandoms, @@trash-can-so-do-i, @higayimmom, @houseofglitter & @tinyplanetxplorer because they’re the first five blogs i saw in my notes lmao, none of you have to do it if you don’t want to but yeah <3
i hope you have a wonderful day/evening/whatever the fuck timezone you may be in and that things are good wherever you are ^-^ - sian 
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