#fuck you simon and sony and bbc
curly94 · 6 months
I'm in awe of Louis Tomlinson❤️
Louis was so authentic yesterday, i mean, he could've changed the setlist, or his outfits, or his hair, and so many more things for 100k mostly(expected) mainstream people, but BUT this boy did everything the way he did on tour
Why?( I think)Because louis learnd the really really hard way that you only gain fans, so called forever fans, if you show them the most true side of yourself that you can,You sing the Songs that you like,you go on stage in your beloved outfits,you feel the emotion in the crowd and give it back, you make random things and don't try to be funny
I'm so excited to see what this year has in store for louis, his way with us is so pure and i only hope more people see him in the way he has to be seen(there is an explicit way to love louis)
My heart his so full at the moment and its not only pride,its like this right here is our history moment, the moment louis will experience and create something so much bigger than he ever dreamed of
He doesn't know me, i know that, but i will forever pay and pray for him, because that boy was so
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sexatoxbridge · 6 years
The Daily Star
Any time I see The Daily Star I want to eye roll into another dimension because it's literally 49p of garbage that isn't worth the paper it's printed on, but I also find it interesting since it's one of Simon Cowell's mouthpieces. This piece had a lot of interesting things...
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I got kind of obsessed with making this post had to scroll through 32 hours worth of Daily Star tweets and could feel my brain cells shutting themselves down in protest as I was like
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I mean...
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Anyway, it took me awhile
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Going item by item, let's start with the Harry article and what it's putting out there about Harry. 
 1. Ticket sales are low 
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2. He's definitely dating a female 
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3. He is being outsold by openly gay artist Sam Smith (...ok? And?) 
4. Harry is the new face of Gucci
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Then there's a pop up about Harry's dating history which flat out says that Harry's current girlfriend is Tessperado but he's in the early stages of his relationship with what's her face. 
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They're legit saying that Tess and Harry have been together for over a year.
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Then it's a laundry list of everyone else who's still using his name for self-promotion. 
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And just in case you forgot for one fucking second that he dated Taylor Swift.... 
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This is consistent with Sony's aggressive "no homo" image of Harry. THEN the article basically stops talking about Harry all together and things get more interesting.
You get your unproblematic fave Noll who once again swerves any bullshit with the exception of being roped into Chiam's charade. You can see him immediately regretting that situation...
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THEN the article makes sure we know that Liam is 100% straight and that he impregnated someone who started grooming him when he was 14.
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They don't even mention Liam in writing or his music, they just insert this random set of 32 photos and make weirdly passive aggressive remarks about Cheryl and her "fuller face"
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The fact that they omit anything about Cheryl is also interesting since the real point of this article is to talk about The X-Factor (I'll get to that in a minute). Cheryl is apparently not returning to XF because she is going to a rival reality show, which would explain the petty digs
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So in order to dredge up an iota of interest in this show that they've been threatening to cancel for six years, guess who is rumoured to be the next judge?
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Louis looks like he'd rather put a campfire out with his face than work with Simon Cowell ever again and I would have a minor panic attack if they didn't do this every. Single. Year.
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But they're trying to push this again. As always. It's been mentioned in two articles now. 
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Low key I would actually tune in to watch Louis and Mariah Carey be sassy together though...
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Anyway. Circling back to Cheryl for a moment, given they've made the official narrative that she ditched XF for a new BBC show it would explain why they're dragging her through the mud and (HOPEFULLY) ending Chiam
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Basically this Harry article is a giant PR piece to stir up interest in the X-Factor. Which would make sense given that the owner of the Daily Star, Richard Desmond, is one of Simon Cowell's BFFs that almost became his business partner according to Desmond's autobiography
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So while I don't give one flying fuck about The Daily Star, like The Sun it can be useful in order to see what narrative Simon Cowell/Sony are trying to push through his obvious connections in the media
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(Simon with Richard Desmond)
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(Simon with Perez Hilton or whoever this is)
And that’s what I think about that. 
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