#He entertaine ALONE 100k people
curly94 · 6 months
I'm in awe of Louis Tomlinson❤️
Louis was so authentic yesterday, i mean, he could've changed the setlist, or his outfits, or his hair, and so many more things for 100k mostly(expected) mainstream people, but BUT this boy did everything the way he did on tour
Why?( I think)Because louis learnd the really really hard way that you only gain fans, so called forever fans, if you show them the most true side of yourself that you can,You sing the Songs that you like,you go on stage in your beloved outfits,you feel the emotion in the crowd and give it back, you make random things and don't try to be funny
I'm so excited to see what this year has in store for louis, his way with us is so pure and i only hope more people see him in the way he has to be seen(there is an explicit way to love louis)
My heart his so full at the moment and its not only pride,its like this right here is our history moment, the moment louis will experience and create something so much bigger than he ever dreamed of
He doesn't know me, i know that, but i will forever pay and pray for him, because that boy was so
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woahtherebuckerino · 2 years
Fic Recs: Bungou Stray Dogs
just a small list of some of my favourite fics that i’ve read in this fandom, since i finished rewatching the anime a few days ago and now lie in wait for season four
bad enough for you by Maristella
There are two reasons why Chuuya tolerates Dazai: 1.) The god inside Chuuya hates him; 2.) Chuuya definitely hates the god more than the stinking demon mackerel. Or, alternatively, that one time Dazai and Chuuya swaps abilities, and Arahabaki was never the same.
this fic has a very interesting take on both chuuya and dazai’s abilities, as well as wildly diverging from canon in such an interesting way. it also features an arahabaki that very begrudgingly cares for chuuya, so it is well worth the read!
O expectations, stale and dismal airs, leave this body of mine! by aptlydapper
Apparently, Chuuya has a signature(s). Apparently, removing that signature(s) renders Chuuya basically unrecognizable. Apparently, this works on everyone. Chuuya would have liked to know this before getting accidentally recruited.
i get the feeling that this is a crack fic turned serious, but it has such an intriguing concept and chuuya’s introspection about being unrecognisable is very artfully done. plus, the supernatural undertones definitely make it that much more intriguing
and all i loved, i loved alone by featherx
“An ability?” — on the past, present, and future of one Edgar Allan Poe.
this fic is over 100k and spans over poe’s whole life, and is definitely a must-read. the plot is carefully interwoven with events that occurred in the real edgar allan poe’s life, and flows so well. plus i love the expansion on poe’s ability, it’s basically canon in my mind. probably one of my favourite bsd fics to date!
you should know by lavenderberry
The frustration on Edgar's expression twists into confusion, and he gives the detective a perplexed look, as if asking him to elaborate. Ranpo gladly does so, not before snatching the enveloped files on the desk. "I remember all of the mysteries that I solved, and not once has a detective ever given me chills before—not until now, at least. I normally don't bother with detective novels because they're such a snoozefest. I find people boring, with the exception of a few, mainly because they're quite easy to read. You, on the other hand, are someone I find entertaining." Ranpo gives him a sly smirk accompanied with… was that a wink? (alternatively; basically everything in bsd canon is the same, except ranpo and poe never met in that competition 6 years ago.)
this one is very good at characterising poe and ranpo without the many years of a slow building rivalry between them. also, i love the interactions with karl (the best character) and lucy
Morning Light by FallenBrie
Atsushi stares for a long moment, taking that in. “That’s it? I just have to die and I’ll be let go?” “You’ll exit the loop. Sounds fairly simply but remember the time limit, your healing ability is going to be working against you here,” Ranpo corrects. “I almost die all the time -“ He laughs, a weight in his chest lifting. “I’m going to get out of here!” -- Atsushi gets stuck in a time loop and severely underestimates just how dedicated his family is to keeping him alive
this fic is brilliant in showing the journey atsushi goes through from thinking he’s expendable to realising just how much he is cared for by the ada (and others!). each new loop is very cleverly laid out, and i love it to pieces
Little Flower Boy (Of Alacrity And Salvation) by SpeedingCheetah
Atsushi could feel the tiger under his skin, and hear it in his head. He knew it was there, and he begged for it to listen to him. When he was young, somewhere along the line, it did. He was fourteen when having the tiger obey him wasn’t enough to save him from the orphanage’s hell, so he ran. Running had been the best choice he had ever made; No matter the things that were to have happened afterwards.
atsushi getting the hell out of dodge and living his best plant-filled life. it’s so interesting to see his interactions with ada members outside of the actual ada, and it has atsushi & ranpo friendship which i love
A Study in Mafia Black by eluvion
If he’s being honest, good and bad don’t matter so much to Ranpo as truth does. Good and bad are subjective, clouded with human error, and honestly, they’re quite boring. Mystery has always been more interesting than morality with the way each string weaves together, creating a tapestry of crime, blood and ash writing their own story. Dazai is still as much of a mystery as he was at first glance, and Ranpo is just as ready to pick apart the truth from whatever plays behind those eyes. Or; a friendship, of sorts, between the two smartest members of the Armed Detective Agency.
i love the friendship between dazai & ranpo, and this fic was great in portraying their dynamic. the analysis of dazai from an outside perspective was really interesting, plus ranpo’s confusion over how to deal with soukoku served to lighten the mood!
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thoughts-on-bangtan · 3 years
Hi! I hope you’ll answer this question bc it bothers me quite a lot.. https://www.quora.com/What-does-it-mean-now-that-BTS-are-partial-owners-of-Big-Hit-Entertainment do you think it is true what the second person (Christine Herman) said? After reading this, i started to wonder…what if BTS does really have only profit in mind while doing new projects these days? Maybe they don’t really care anymore about creative and meaningful lyrics and sound? With Butter and PTD…all this generic music sung in English. Of course they say “we wanted to make fans feel good”, “butter and ptd represent who we are” and all these things fans want to hear but.. do you really think it’s true? moreover, don’t get me wrong, i don’t find product placement in their reality shows as something terrible, i believe this is a normal thing, however, nowadays the members really film ads and do marketing a lot. so yeah, for some reason i began to question their integrity dhsjjss i hope you will understand from where my concerns come from and won’t find this ask stupid sjdjjdjd
After reading that persons answer I can immediately tell you that I basically don't agree with an overwhelming majority of what she said (even more so since a lot of it just makes her sound like a manti that hates the company and basically would want them to make music for free or something). Generally I don’t agree with most of the opinions this person holds, and also Quora really isn’t a good source for info or good opinions, most of it is written by mantis, haters, and toxic shippers with an agenda so most ARMY will tell you to stay as far away from that website as possible.
Anyway, her focus in that answer was on money, since BTS are shareholders (and how that’s a conflict of interest despite other artists doing the exact thing but no one really cares or ever thinks about it), but what she failed to consider and note was that Big Hit Music, so BTS' label, isn't part of HYBE in the sense that shareholding has no baring on it since BHM is private. So while BTS profit off of HYBE doing well, and have a small percentage of a voice as shareholders, that has nothing to do with BHM in the classical sense, even if BHM's earnings reflect well on HYBE numbers and the shareholder money. 
BHM was made private to ensure their artistry would remain untouched, that was the whole point of that.
Even if they weren't HYBE shareholders, take Namjoon as example. He has more than 170 KOMCA credits, is among the top 3 Korean artists with the most credits and is also the youngest of them all. It is said that his earnings from that alone can sustain his family for 3 generations over. Look at Hobi and Chicken Noodle Soup, that song was a hit and he paid the original creator of that song 2 million dollars upfront and earned a lot back due to how successful it was. Same goes for Hope World which, again, was and is still immensely successful. Look at Yoongi and his work both as prod. SUGA, featuring artist SUGA, and as Agust D, as well as the credits he holds for his work on BTS songs (giving him as well a total of over 100 KOMCA credits, just like Hobi). Bangtan have worked and continue to work extremely hard for their music, put their heart and souls into it, and it shows even if their style changed as they grew older and more mature.
Yes, money is a major motivator, but looking at the above paragraph, do you really peg the members as these corrupt money hungry sellouts with no music related integrity? Who would need to sign major deals and would throw away their passion to just release empty shells of music for the sole reason of money? Am I naive enough to believe that they don't care about money? Of course not, we live in a capitalist society and even if BTS wouldn't care about money anymore at this point, HYBE very much does, and yet still I can't find it in me to agree with any of what was said in that answer that person wrote.
More below the cut:
And that point about how Hyundai cars were sold out because of BTS, isn't that the point why literally any company ever hires celebrities to advertise and endorse their product? And sure, again, I'm certain they earned a lot on these deals, they aren't the first or last or only ones in the history of ever to do so. Besides, look at JK and what he's done for small companies, or Tae who wore a brooch made my a small creator at the airport which catapulted that creator into the eyes of millions of ARMYs enough so that they could move to a proper studio and earn money with their work. Or the modern hanboks JK wore which led to the brand being able to move into actual stores in malls because of their sudden new popularity and demand. Or him wearing a bracelet that helps whales with a percentage of the money from the sales of said bracelet. And for all of that JK and Tae didn't earn any money at all. JK himself said that he's more conscious of the brand he wears now because he wants to help smaller businesses in these trying times, not because they pay him to do so (especially since they would never be able to afford that), but because he's aware of the influence he has and how he can use it to help others. Sound very much like a capitalistic villain, right?
As for the product placement bit, have you been on YouTube recently? Have you noticed that many, if not most, YouTube videos by “bigger” creators (and by that I mean even people who are around the 100k subscriber mark) begin with them thanking whoever sponsored that particular video and give you a scripted minute to two minute long ad before getting into the actual topic of the video? And In The SOOP featuring Chilsung Cider, FILA clothes and the random mention of how good Samsung phones are isn’t much different from it, though really, if you’re not someone interested in fashion much, would you really notice or care that they wore FILA? It’s just...clothes? If it weren’t a BTS related show, would you even notice it much? And it’s not even like they mentioned those brands every five minutes or anything, just a few times, which sure sounded a bit out of place at times, but personally I thought it was easy to look past. That’s just how things work nowadays and it’s odd for people to behave like somehow BTS are the first and only ones to use product placements despite literally every movie and show doing it in subtle and less so manners.
The answer by that person you sent also mentioned the Hyundai song for their car IONIQ and, unsurprisingly, that person wrote it off as just some commercial jingle but I’d actually disagree with that. Not to sound like a Hyundai and Samsung stan, which I am neither of, but I actually think those two knew best how to utilize the artist they have spent millions on signing a deal with. Hyundai didn’t just write them off as pretty faces with a millions strong fan army behind them and that’s it, they remembered that they are musicians so they gave them a song and made a whole music video for it as well. And say what you will, it is a good song. Then, just a few days ago, Samsung stepped up their game and we were given Over The Horizon Prod by SUGA of BTS. For those who aren’t Samsung users, Over The Horizon is their signature ringtone and basically their company sound, and over the years different artists were asked to make their own version of it. And this time they reached out to Yoongi and asked if he’d like to do it as well. It’s kind of a big deal. Sure, Butter is used in one of their commercials much the way Dynamite was last year, but that’s beside the point. Would that person make the same claim about Imagine Dragons whose song Believer is also part of the ads for the new Samsung phones? I have my doubts.
Furthermore, and I don't want this to come across as mean toward you but, I think it is uncalled for to question their artistic integrity based on a total of 3 (three) English songs when last year alone we received 50+ songs, most of which were in Korean, among them the entirety of BE which was, according to the members, the album they were most involved in ever when it comes to both music and everything around it.
You can dislike their English songs, that’s more than fine, they have a very extensive discography you can listen to instead, but questioning their integrity based on them doing something that most, if not every, artist on their level does (as in sign ad deals with brands etc) is a bit much if you ask me. Does that mean indie artists whose songs get picked up for commercials (or for Netflix shows or movies) and thus it catapults them into the mainstream are also just money hungry people with no integrity and ones who don’t care about their music? Or is that, again, just a standard Bangtan is held to (as in that their integrity is questioned based on everything, even the most trivial/normal things) that only applies to them and no one else?
In the recent Weverse Magazine article about how Permission to Dance came to be there is a lot of talk about not only that song but also Butter and Dynamite, among the things being discussed and talked about they mentioned how the original lyrics for Butter were much more materialistic but that the members didn't like that so they asked for that to be changed. Likewise the original lyrics for Permission to Dance, as you'd expect from the penmanship of Ed Sheeran, were much more romantic, almost proposal like, which wasn't what the members wanted either so it was, again, adjusted in a way that would fit what they, as well as the A&R team, wanted. While you may not like these songs, they still had a say in them to a certain degree, could say yes or no and ask for adjustments. Why else would PTD take eight months?
While they might outsource their English songs, their main focus, so their Korean (as well as Japanese) discography is still centered around them, their lyrics, their songs, their sound. Of course you’ll also find outside producers and some lyricists on those as well, because that’s how music works these days, as in collaboratively, that doesn’t change anything at large. Their integrity is still very much there, their hearts are still in it, what other reason would any of them have to say that they want to continue for a long time, for Yoongi to say they want to figure out how to make their career last as long as possible, for JK to say that he wants to sing forever?
Admin 2 also wanted me to add that in their opinion, to a certain degree (though not fully of course), their English songs are like a way to laugh at and expose how shallow the English-centric music industry is. As in, while they made music in Korean with deep and meaningful lyrics, the US industry didn’t care but once they switched to easy to listen to sound with easy to understand English lyrics, they suddenly paid attention, are played on the radio, and even received a Grammy nomination which they wouldn’t have gotten for a Korean song ( A1: regardless how much Black Swan or Spring Day really would’ve deserved it...). 
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sunmoontruth-stiles · 3 years
Ok this is gonna be long. I’ve literally been slowly working on this for… too long. I’m just in a mood to have a long discussion about ships. I’ll be looking at canon and not, so bare with me. I don’t ship all of these personally. I’m mostly just picking the most popular ones. I chose to leave out a few that I just don’t want to talk about. I tried to keep this loosely chronological, but that quickly went to hell. None of this is meant to be hate towards anyone’s ship, just my personal opinions on each of them.
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Scott x Allison: True Classic
Scallison is so sweet as it is truly the epitome of young love. Romeo and Juliet, except Romeo is even more of an idiot and Juliet is a badass who dies for a cause. They’re moral and ethical codes are both highly valued by themselves, even if they don’t align with others very often. They loved with everything they had. They were beautiful. We’re they soulmates in the end, or just the first love who will always hold a special place in your heart? Who knows, but I’ll always love these immature kids who thought their love could change everything.
Stiles x Lydia: The Long Awaited
Stydia is as slow burn as you can get. Unfortunately their actual getting together was slightly rushed in my opinion. They didn’t have time to find their own as a couple because Stiles just wasn’t in the show enough at that point. I know the reasons behind it, but it did leave this couple at an awkward stage of official-but-not-shown. The idea that Stiles loved her as a kid, immature and infatuated, and he saw her for who she really was, will always be cute. Then they grew, changed, became friends, and found other people. Them finding each other later on, having real love that’s developed slowly, is a wonderful arc. Though, a part of me will always believe they should have pursued other story lines in the wake of Stiles’ absence from the plot. They’re finally together! …but we don’t get to see it.
Jackson x Lydia: The Image
Oh Jackson and Lydia. Honestly, I love them. Their connection at a time in their lives when they couldn’t open up to anyone else, just hits me right in the feels. I mean, god that HUG. You know the one. Always brings me to tears. I’m so sad their relationship was almost entirely depicted during Jackson’s kanima time when he couldn’t think nor truly act for himself. Those small moments of scared vulnerability when he wanted to protect her from himself… I’ll miss these two. They deserved to find other people and remain life-long friends. I loved their moment in the last episode. I wish they’d gotten to see each other grow. Also they had such bixbi solidarity vibes, and I’ll die on that hill.
Scott x Lydia: Leaders
Ok, I’m gonna be honest here. I ship it. The power couple they would have been?? Also them coming together after they lost Allison would have actually made sense. A part of me kinda wishes the writers had moved on from Stydia as a romantic relationship and leaned into them growing as friends and Stiles moving on from his childhood crush. Scott and Lydia actually would have had good chemistry. They were both very headstrong heroic types, but Lydia would have balanced Scott out well intellectually. They had the history, and I think it could had worked if they wrote it right. Plus, Scott and Lydia would have been a better endgame that Scalia.
Scott x Kira: New Beginnings
These two were adorable. Kira was a badass, don’t get me wrong, but she let herself be soft in a way Allison was always afraid to. This couple was truly Baby. Absolute dorks. I can definitely see the lasting quality between the two of them. They saw things very similarly, and had a ton in common. I do think Kira deserves more characterization outside of their relationship, like more of her friendship with Malia. Overall, her departure from the show will always be sad to me. It was bad writing. Scott was over her far too quickly.
Aiden x Lydia: Pretty People Herd
I honestly didn’t see much between these two other than mutual attraction. The best thing to come out of this relationship was Lydia’s line, “You’re not just a bad boy, Aiden. You’re a bad guy. And I don’t want to be with the bad guys.” Good character development moment.
Ethan x Danny: Step to Redemption
Danny really was the thing that made Ethan look outside of the pack for what he really wanted out of life. They had a few cute scenes. Gotta love Danny’s final remarks, “Dude, it’s Beacon Hills.”
Allison x Isaac: Unexpected Rebound
Ok, I like these two. Isaac could match Allison’s snark in a way Scott couldn’t. They both fought the progression of the relationship slightly. They didn’t expect to fall for each other. They were less willing to let someone in close. I’d love to have seen more… but unfortunately their time was limited. On a side note, sometimes their relationship did feel like ‘we both are in love with the same guy, let’s cope with each other’, but I find that completely valid. I’ll talk about Scallisaac later though.
Stiles x Malia: Anchors
Ok but, them <3 I love what they did for each other. Stiles was able to help Malia connect to her humanity and other people. He never tried to isolate her in their relationship and encouraged her growth. Malia offered Stiles the emotional support he never asked for. She defended him, fought for him, and loved him fiercely. Stiles needed that so much after season 3. I think they were a love that wasn’t meant to last, but the impact of it was forever. I wish we’d gotten to see a real end for them where they agreed that they needed to grow as individuals but would always still care.
Liam x Hayden: Three’s a Pattern
These two’s characterization stopped whenever they had storylines together. Their relationship was built on Scallison references. Hayden’s character could have been interesting, but they never really gave her a moment to shine. Liam has the worst plots when they revolved around her. Cute couple, poor writing.
Derek x Braeden: Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girl Boss
Derek deserves to be happy so much. Kate and Jennifer were just... jeez. Him and Braeden were cute and deserved more screen time. I think her intensity allowed for Derek to let go of control a bit more comfortably. Let Derek Be Soft. Anyway, love them.
Corey x Mason: Gotta Have That Rep TM
These two could have been cute if they were shown for more than two seconds at a time. I highkey forget Corey even existed all the time. Kinda just felt like a relationship to fill TW’s gay quota.
Jackson x Ethan: The Callback
Honestly? Loved them. Loved the chemistry. Loved the dynamic. Best twist. I know it was probably written in like that because Colton came out during his time away from the show, but it absolutely fit his character. Jethan is top tier.
Melissa x Chris: BAMF Parent Duo
Ok, so like, Melissa deserved this plot. She deserved someone to care about her. However... what the hell? Chris? In canon, his wife died like 2-ish years prior? His daughter died 1 year prior?? Is Chris really in a position to pursue a new relationship?? Also, like, Scott and Allison dated and loved each other up to her death. Kinda weird to have their parents hook up. I don’t hate it, but I don’t ship it…?
Scott x Malia: Lead up? What’s lead up?
These two came out of nowhere I stg. Like, 6B really tried to tell us this was something that had been slowly developing in the background? Also, I understand that they are their own people, adults, and completely in charge of their own romantic pursuits: but did Scott seriously never call Stiles? Like, Malia wasn’t just his first girlfriend. She was his first. Like, dude that’s your best friend?? Not even a head’s up? No, ‘hey would this bother you?’ Oof. Plus Malia was way too chaotic for Scott. She existed in gray morality that always prioritized her immediate circle, and Scott was a very black/white type of heroism. I just didn’t feel like they fit.
Scott x Stiles: Childhood Best Friends
Ya, sorry, I don’t ship Sciles at all. I get it. Like, I totally understand the ship, and I mean no judgment at all. I just see them as friends. I really value good male friendships in media because I feel like we don’t get enough, and I always liked these two.
Stiles x Derek: Enemies to Lovers. 100k. Angst. Hurt/Comfort.
God these two really are what fanfiction was made for. I could write a much longer discussion about Sterek, and I probably will eventually. I’ll try to keep this brief. These two weren’t always on the same side, but their approach was the same. They were very similar at their core. Plus, wow the chemistry. This should have been canon. Jeff’s a coward.
Allison x Lydia: Powerful.
This ship is so great. They really had a great dynamic, and a romantic plot would have easily fit the established narrative. Lydia’s confidence in herself and Allison’s confidence in her own abilities crossing over to each other because that’s what the other lacked? Iconic.
Danny x Jackson: He Gets Him
Danny really saw Jackson for everything he was and still cared. I wished we’d gotten to see more of them. I  want more background with Jackson’s eventual coming out and his friendship with Danny. Like, they ended up dating the same guy. What did Ethan have to say about that??
Stiles x Jackson: Bastards
Ok these two had a super fun dynamic. The asshole-energy between them was, great. The snark was always so entertaining.
Melissa x Noah: Family
How were these two not endgame? Their sons were practically brothers already. They had amazing chemistry. The flirting? Not to mention, their timeline would have made way more sense. Missed opportunity.
Chris x Peter: The Opposite of Love is Indifference, Not Hate
Ok so like, this was definitely one of those ships that I had absolutely no knowledge of before I was pretty into the fandom. Like, this was not something I would have guessed just after watching the show. That being said; my god the chaos alone…
Scott x Isaac: The Disaster Duo
Okay ya I love these two. Two dumb asses who act like idiot puppies. Such a fun dynamic. Plus?? Chemistry??? Hellooo
Scott x Allison x Isaac: Three Heads Are Better Than One
This ship is definitely one of my personal favorites. I very rarely poly-ship. I just feel like most of them are just love triangles with an ‘easy solution’, when two of them have no real connection. That is so not the case here. I feel like all of them have such great chemistry with each other. They also have a great dynamic as a group. Season 3A was really just Scallisaac rights.
Stiles x Isaac: I Hate You, jk…Not Really
Ok I loved their banter, but I really just don’t see this ship. Idk, I don’t personally ship it. Would have loved to see their friendship develop more tho.
Erica x Allison: Duo that would stab you with a stiletto
I don’t ship it, but I do wish we’d seen them become friends. I feel like they had a very artificial ‘girls fighting over a boy’ dynamic? They could have been such a badass duo.
Stiles x Erica: Batman x Catwoman
Ok I’m not sure exactly how to express my feelings for these two so bare with me. OMG I love their dynamic so much, and they are sooo cute. Their energy? Amazing. Chemistry? Great. History? It’s there and has so much potential. 10/10. Love them. But, no, I don’t ship it lol. Just really love their friendship, but with the underlying history of crushes.
Boyd x Erica: Was This Not Canon?
How can anyone not love Berica? Ugh they are adorable. These two deserved so much better.
Boyd x Cora: Survivors
Honestly I don’t really see it? Like they definitely had a connection, but it never felt romantic. I really feel like they just had to lean on each other and bond to make it through captivity, and it just lasted.
Boyd x Erica x Cora: The Pack
I literally learned this was a ship a couple days ago. Similar feelings towards this as Bora, but with the added hesitancy of we never actually saw Erica and Cora interact.
Cora x Stiles: Slow Build Up
These two were clearing being lined up to be a thing before Cora ended up leaving. I can’t say I’m disappointed they never happened. Kinda felt like they just wanted to straight-code Sterek.
Cora x Lydia: Mean Lesbians
Not much interaction to actually go off of, but yes I 100% support. They have very different approaches to problems, which is fun. Very ‘opposites attract’.
Malia x Kira: “Maybe you could date the coyote?”
Another one of my favorites!! They really complimented each other. Also, how full circle would they have been? They were introduced in back-to-back episodes. Malia stalking her as a coyote? The line from Kira’s dad about dating it? It would have been so funny if that ended up happening.
Malia x Lydia: Beauty and the Beast, but make it wlw
These two were fun. I liked their friendship, but I don’t really ship it. Though, rip Stiles that would have been hilarious.
Parrish x Lydia: The Cop and The Minor
Must I say more? Like, Parrish’s character, so sweet and big rule follower, did not make sense for what went down with Lydia. I love Parrish, but the dynamic just felt off. It didn’t feel consistent with the rest of his characterization.
Parrish x Stiles: The Cop and The Minor, but gay?
Ok, same reasoning as above, but also they had absolutely no connection romantically.
Scott x Theo / Stiles x Theo: Sometimes The Villain is Hot
Ok I’ve put these together because I have the same opinion for both. I don’t ship it. Neither had any rebuilding of trust, and Theo really hurt both of them. I just don’t really think they work.
Mason x Liam: Sciles Puppy Pack Edition
Similar to my feeling about Sciles, I just don’t ship these two. They had a good friendship, from the little we saw of it.
Theo x Liam: Anchors 2: Electric Boogaloo
Another personal favorite! I really don’t even understand why this didn’t go canon?? The elevator scene was just, so intense. They helped each other grow in 6B, and I really loved their dynamic. They should have hooked up.
Honorable Mention?: 
Parrish x Laura: What’s canon?
I’ve seen this in fanfic a lot, and I actually really like it lol. I thought I’d add it in here because I do love the creativity of fandoms.
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A Grave Life Part Sixty Eight
Previous Part | Masterlist Notes: I hope everyone has a good week 💖
...Oof, guys. Final chapter. This has been... A Journey. I mean this fic is over 100K words now. I’m.. I have been writing this fic for two years? Like this is honestly one of the stories that got me into writing fic consistently again. So...Thank you for reading, thank you for sticking with me on this truly wild ride, like it has been...Insane. Thank you thank you thank you.
Warnings: Mentions of canon-typical violence, mention of injury, cursing, mention of PTSD, angst, fluff Summary: “We’ll just need you to sign these forms, Mrs. Graves,” I heard, and was startled when a clipboard was passed to me and not Eugenia. It was the first time that I’d heard myself referred to as such by anyone that wasn’t Percival.
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I finally understood why Percival was always at such a low ebb when I was in the Medical wing. I couldn't be drawn out of that room for a blessed thing— food, sleep, nothing. I kept wary watch, untrusting of everyone that trickled in to check on Percival. I technically had no reason to be— I’d placed the same enchantment on the door as had been on our apartment door, so anyone entering under any disguise would be revealed to be false in a matter of seconds.
I wasn’t alone in my lingering. Piquery dropped in frequently, between Congressional hearings to find out how he was doing; Eugenia also spent days there with us, fussing with the staff and pestering them to find out how soon Percival could be moved into a more comfortable environment.
“We’ll just need you to sign these forms, Mrs. Graves,” I heard, and was startled when a clipboard was passed to me and not Eugenia. It was the first time that I’d heard myself referred to as such by anyone that wasn’t Percival. I felt Eugenia’s eyes narrow at me as I took the clipboard, eyeing the forms before signing them and passing them back. The nurse hurried out of the room, seeming as wary of the frosty atmosphere as I was. I leaned back in the rickety old chair I had taken up residence in, turning my attention back to Percival.
He was healing well, at least. The swelling on his handsome face had gone down; he’d been awake for a little while the day before, and we’d spoken for just a few minutes before he’d drifted off to sleep again.
“When precisely did that happen?” Eugenia asked after a moment. I sighed softly, scrubbing my hand across my brow.
“Just before he left for the assignment.”
“...Elkton?” “Yes.” Eugenia was quiet for a moment longer, and I lifted my eyes uncertainly to her. She was gazing at me with an indecipherable expression. I pressed my lips into a thin line, turning to look back down at Percival, marking the steady rise and fall of his chest.
“And that… That man didn’t know?”
I shook my head, “There seem to have been details that Percival omitted when he was speaking with Grindelwald, like our marriage… Or the fact that he calls me dearheart and not dear. Things that he knew would raise alarm bells for me.”
Eugenia hummed thoughtfully; I could see her nodding in my periphery.
“Breadcrumbs,” She mumbled.
We fell into silence after that. -- “Perhaps he’d be best at your apartment.”
I was surprised that Eugenia was entertaining the idea at all. I shook my head a little bit.
“He needs familiarity right now— and I’ve no doubt that he’ll know Grindelwald has been to the apartment. I think he’ll be better at your home.”
Eugenia bristled at the name, but she tipped her chin up a moment later.
“If that is to be the case, then I must insist on your staying as well.”
“I don’t know, Mrs. Graves—”
“He will need you close by, and I still have my own obligations to uphold.”
I hesitated before nodding a little bit, “I can get some clothes together— I think Percival and I ought to stay in separate rooms for the time being.”
Eugenia’s head tipped to the side a little bit, eyes narrowed in confusion.
“You’ve already spent so much time apart.”
“He’s been hurt, Eugenia, he’s still healing. I don’t want him to feel like I’m crowding him. I’ll be nearby if he needs me there, but I don’t—” I stopped myself, taking in a shaking breath as my worry welled over. I couldn’t quite say what else I feared: that Percival would ultimately push me away, that what had happened was just too much for him. I would understand it if that was the choice that he made; so much had happened, and while I would be there for whatever Percival needed, I couldn’t fool myself into thinking that everything would simply fall into being the way that it was. 
-- Eugenia put me up in the room beside Percival’s.
It was a nice room— there was a large four-poster bed and a large window that overlooked the street. It was different from the room that I had been put up in the last time I had been wounded and sent to convalesce in Eugenia’s home.
The first few nights were quiet enough— Percival was still worn out; he was sleeping more often than not. When he was awake during the day, he was either trying to read the paper (focusing for too long still made his head hurt; he’d been quite heavily concussed) or asking me about cases that he’d missed.
The two of us spoke about what had happened to ourselves very little; I didn’t feel right asking Percival to ask what had happened, and Percival didn’t ask what had happened with me so much. It was clearly something that neither of us were ready to broach.
The fourth night, I woke up with a start. I felt cagey, like I was being watched. I glanced around, spotting a figure looming in my doorway.
“Perce?” I asked softly.
“...I can’t sleep,” He said after a moment; his voice was thick and hoarse with disuse. I pushed myself to sit up before I reached out, patting the bed beside myself to urge him deeper inside. He walked in slowly, looking toward the window a little bit before he climbed into bed. I saw him wince just a little bit before he settled down beside me.
I rolled onto my side to look at him. He stared up at the ceiling in silence; I could see his eyelids fluttering in the darkness.
“...What did you do today?” He asked after a few moments.
“Talked to Matilda.”
“How is she?”
“Better. Tired of desk duty.”
“...She’s as impatient as you used to be.”
I smiled a little bit.
“Thomas doesn’t want her going back to work so soon, though,” I added.
“I understand.”
I was quiet as Percival shifted to face me. I held very still as he reached out, resting his hand on my cheek.
“...What’ll you do tomorrow?” He asked. I shrugged a little before I turned my head, brushing my lips along his palm. I didn't want to move things too quickly and scare him off, but I'd missed the easy affection that he and I used to have.
“I don’t know,” I murmured, “Your mother said that Ermentine will be stopping by for a little bit.”
Percival hummed, skating his thumb along my cheekbone. I felt my eyelids flutter, my stomach flipping at the tender contact.
“She’s been asking to stop by to see you,” I added.
“She’s plenty welcome to,” Percival murmured, “So long as she doesn’t bring another damn duckhead.” -- Apparently I laughed so loudly that I woke up Eugenia. 
It started with sleeping in the same bed together. It was always Percival in my bed; I was too scared to go into his bedroom, I didn’t want to push. But waking up at Percival’s side was more than enough of a start.
He started to receive visitors in Eugenia’s parlor: Tina, Queenie, Picquery, Ermentine. Piquery rarely brought work (though Percival did pry for details); he spent his waking hours in the parlor, too. He began to read for longer hours at a stretch. We began to go for daily walks when weather would allow. We walked closely to one another, but we weren’t quite up to cuddling with one another as we had before he’d left. -- “Where did he send you?” Percival asked.
It was late; I was nearly asleep; Percival was curled up beside me under the covers.
“...A No-Maj boarding house,” I mumbled, “He hid my wand under one of the floorboards. Practically ripped the place apart when I accio’d for it.”
“How long?”
“Did he hurt you?”
“...If he did, I can’t remember,” I admitted, opening my eyes a little to look at him. He was watching me closely. Percival was quiet for a few moments, eyes wandering my face.
“We should begin looking for a new home,” He said after a few moments.
My brows furrowed.
“What about the apartment?”
“...I don’t want to go back there,” He shook his head, lowering his eyes and taking hold of my hand, “And I want somewhere that we can build our lives together the way we planned.”
I intertwined our fingers, my love for him welling over. I nodded, dipping my head and pressing a kiss to the back of his knuckles.
“I think your mother’s beginning to get sick of us, anyway,” I teased, smiling.
Percival’s lips quirked with a small smile.
“Perhaps a little,” He agreed. -- We knew that Eugenia wouldn’t stand for our being too far away— and given all that had happened, we didn’t want to be terribly far from her, either.
Percival and I found a home in the same neighborhood as Eugenia’s. It was one that I insisted was far too large for the two of us. Percival wrapped his arm around my shoulders and nodded, looking around what we had been told was a good third guest bedroom.
“It may not always be the two of us,” He said, “And in time, we may need more room. Would you rather we have to look for that now or...When it’s more difficult for you to move things around?” He arched an almost teasing brow at me, and I had to fight down a smile.
“If we move in here, your mother is going to think that we’ll have an army of children,” I argued; I couldn’t stand to beat around the bush on this any longer. Percival smiled, brushing his lips against my forehead.
“Perhaps not an army.” -- Our days weren’t always easy. We did still fight, sometimes— Percival wanted to return to work at Congress; I wasn’t ready for him to get anywhere near his old files. Percival wanted to go back to the apartment and pack things up; I was insistent that we could hire people to pack things up for us. I hadn’t been back there in some time, and I had no intention of going back.
There were nights when the both of us were wracked with nightmares; we had woken one another up with our whimpers, our tossing and turning. Those nights were the longest, and the most quiet between us— we would wake up and just hold the other until the shaking would subside. More often than not, neither of us would be able to fall back asleep. -- “It’s a mansion,” Matilda said flatly.
“I warned you that it was too big,” I said, shutting the door behind her. I waited until she had hung her coat up before I hugged her tightly. Matilda wasn’t the hugging type, but she granted me this, patting my shoulder twice before letting me lead her into our sitting room.
“Percival’s idea?”
“Where is he?”
“...It’s his first day back,” I answered stiffly, pouring a cup of tea for Matilda.
“I see.”
I could feel Matilda eyeing me, and I glanced over at her, arching a brow.
“Thomas didn’t handle my first day back well, either,” She offered as she took the saucer. I sighed, sitting across from her and toying with the pendant around my neck (Eugenia had given it back the day Percival and I had moved out, with a small smile and a warning that she never wanted it handed back to her again).
“I’m handling it fine,” I grumbled, sliding the pendant back and forth on the chain. Matilda eyed the chain before her eyes lifted to mine, unconvinced.
“How’s it been for you, then?” I asked. Matilda shrugged, looking down into the cup.
“It’s been…Familiar. I thought that being back in the office would be more difficult, but— Well, perhaps the month of desk duty wasn’t such a bad thing. It let people ease into the idea of my being around them after what’s happened. I think Graves may have the same experience.”
“Well, the two of you can discuss that when you come over on Saturday. And Thomas and I will discuss how ridiculous the two of you are.”
Matilda arched a sharp brow, lips twitching as a smile threatened to break through. -- “...Are you going to ask?”
“Hm?” I tore my eyes away from where his wedding ring sat on his finger. It was odd— we’d been married for months, but it was still a new sight. Percival offered me an amused little smile.
“We don’t have to tip-toe around it,” He added, sitting down beside me on the bed.
“...Alright,” I huffed out a breath before taking hold of his hand in mind, intertwining our fingers, “How was work, then?”
Percival ran his thumb along my wedding band, looking down at our hands, and I wondered if the sight of mine was as foreign to him.
“It was… Interesting. The department seems to be walking on eggshells.”
“There’s going to be an adjustment period, Perce,” I reassured softly, turning my head and looking up at him.
“...The President wants to know if you would be open to testifying in front of Congress in regards to Grindelwald’s case.”
I was quiet for a moment, fighting the urge to snap that she could ask me herself.
“I’ll consider it,” I said after a moment. I wasn’t sure if I could bring myself to relive everything— I didn’t want to remember any more of it than I had to.
“Take your time,” Percival nodded. I glanced up at him, smiling a little when I saw him watching him.
“What is it?”
“I missed you today,” He admitted, “Is that odd?”
“No,” I chuckled, shaking my head, “I missed you, too.”
He smiled and leaned in, brushing his lips gently across mine. I sighed softly, raising my free hand to his face and cupping his cheek. I had reveled in each of Percival’s kisses since I’d gotten him back.
“We should get going,” I warned as I reluctantly leaned away from his kiss, “We’ll be late for dinner at your mother’s.” 
“She’ll understand.”
“She’ll be displeased— and she’s liable to turn up to make sure everything’s alright.”
Percival grunted as I stood. He held onto my hand, and I frowned, watching him.
“What is it?” I asked softly.
“...Thank you,” He said.
“For what?”
“Being so damn stubborn.”
I grinned, unable to help it.
“Do you ever wish I wasn’t?” I asked. Percival shook his head a little bit.
“I used to,” He admitted, tugging me a little closer by my hand, “But I would not want you any other way, dearheart.”
Tag list: @myplaceofheavenorhell​​​​​​​​​​​​  ; @britishfajita​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @terrainhead​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @thatkidofwarandpeace​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @rvgrsbrns​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @maaaaryx​​​​​​​​​​​​  ; @remmyswritings​​​​​​​​​​​​  ; @flostvs1508​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @mylittlelonelyappreciationtoo​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @paintballkid711​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ; @knightsimp​​​​​​​​​​​​​; @hypnobananaangelfish​​​ ; @tardis-23​​​​​​​​ ; @lunadegitana​​​​ ; @recklessworry​
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billiewena · 3 years
for the 100k fic celebration, here a portion of the “what if 10x05 had a sastiel agenda?” AKA lil shit sam/jealous dean destiel fic I first shared a while back! been having a lot of fun basically rewriting and expanding on the entire musical episode with new songs (and lots of cute kristen & siobhan moments because OF COURSE they’re still a couple.) it was really encouraging to see the positive response to it back then and it's been taking forever because of work/other writing but I’m so excited to have this one be the first full-length fics I ever post.
It starts with costumed teenagers locked in a tight embrace with absolutely no room for Jesus.
“What are they doing?”
Marie glances over her shoulder for only a brief second.
“Kids these days call it hugging,” she says slowly. Geez, it would’ve been less insulting for her to just outright say Wow, you’re old.
Except it’s not just any of the show’s stars hugging over there. One of them is the “Dean” who’d been mid-rehearsal when they arrived and looked more like Bieber than him with the blonde wig. And the other? Well, he would recognize that Columbo coat anywhere.
“Is that in the show?” he asks, pointing their way.
Marie quickly shakes her head at the accusation. “Oh, no. Siobhan and Kristen are a couple in a real life.”
He nods and lower his hand. Got it. That’s all it was. Everything’s fine. Nothing to worry about—
“No, my play explores the nature of Sastiel.”
“The — wait, what?” he says, confused at once.
“Sastiel?” Marie pauses, giving him a second to figure it out. He doesn’t. “You know, the relationship between Sam and Castiel?”
Dean blinks.
“Sam and…C-Cas?”
“I know, I know. Edlund’s series never finished. I’m lucky I got these drafts. Ugh, it’s Midnight Sun all over again. But the love story is all in the subtext,” she says with confidence. “Can you believe there are people who still think Destiel is endgame? After everything that happened after the angels fell? After Gadreel? Please.”
He silently sounds out the word. Des-tiel? Wait…
“Ever since Cas came back from the dead and took on Sam’s pain, I knew. I just knew. Every one of their arcs had been parallel to each other’s from their fall from grace to the trials. And now with Dean gone, all they have…is each other.”
Marie sighs. “Besides, you can’t spell subtext without S-E-X.”
He coughs and nearly chokes on an asteroid-sized lump in his throat.
“I…uh. Yeah, th-that’s not…you know, I think I’ve seen enough,” Dean says with a forced smile. “Thank you for your, ah, time. I’ll, uh, we’ll follow up if we have questions about the missing persons case. I—alright.”
And with that he purses his lips, turns on his heel and walks away — nearly tripping over one of the stage chords as he does. Why are there are so many of them anyways? This is just some all-girls school production, not the goddamn West End.
He finds Sam in his natural nerd habitat (the tech booth) sifting through all the bins of A/V supplies.
“Yeah, not to interrupt the blast from the past here but it’s time for us to go,” he says, patting the door.
His brother shoots him an annoyed look but packs up and follows him out all the same. Not that Dean bothers to wait for him; no, he makes a beeline for the car as soon as he leaves the booth.
“Hey, what’s with the rush?” Sam calls after him as he runs to catch up with him at the school entrance.
“No rush,” he says shortly. “Just wanted to see what you found out before you got too lost in the nerd sauce over there.”
He doesn’t need to look back to know he’s on the receiving end of a Classic Sam Bitchface right now and continues to stomp his way through the parking lot.
“Well, no EMF, no hex bags. None of their props are remotely hinky. Talked to Maeve and all those extras in the auditorium.” Sam finally catches up and walks side-by-side with him now. “You have any more luck?”
“Nah. Ms. Chandler's office is just a pile of empty bottles and regret. She's probably just face down in a bar somewhere. Or a ditch. I did get to hear all about the director’s, ah, creative vision though,” Dean says, teeth gritted. “Apparently we go into space, I become a woman, and there’s even ninjas and robots!”
“Robots. Huh. Well, that’d definitely be a new one.”
“There’s no robots in Supernatural—”
“I-I know that,” Sam says in exasperation. “I just mean it’s, y’know, innovative. And Dean we’ve fought weirder. Remember the teddy bear? The fairies? The ballet shoes?”
“Well, you just wait until you hear about what she in store for you, Lover Boy,” he says.
And that makes Sam do an instant double-take.
“Uh, Lover Boy?”
“Yeah, your number one fan back there —” he says, gesturing back towards the school, “— was telling me all about the play’s, uh, love story between you and Cas. You got something you’ve been meaning to tell me or what?”
“The love story? Wait, what do you mean me and Cas?”
Dean scoffs, already in utter disbelief of the words he was about to say. “Like you and Cas, together. Together together? Romance of the ages the way she made it sound. Apparently it’s all in her play!”
To his surprise though, Sam just… laughs. “Well, I mean hey, that’s an improvement from the ones who wrote about me and you.”
“You got that right,” he agrees with a shudder. Meeting one Becky the Stalker was bad enough. Knowing she wasn’t alone and that she had an audience made it even worse. “She even had a portmanteau for you, dude. Like you’re some celebrities in a grocery store tabloid. Sass-tiel.”
“Sass-tiel?” He seems to seriously consider it but shrugs. “I don’t know. What about… Samstiel? CasSam? Cam? Mmm, maybe not that…”
Dean groans. “Really? That’s your issue with this?”
“Of course it’s not my issue,” Sam says. He stays pensive for a few more seconds until chuckling again to himself this time, as if he’s the only one in on a private joke. “I mean, don’t get me wrong, Cas is great but…”
“Not your type?”
“Yeah, sure,” Sam says. No, it’s definitely more than that and he’s doing a piss-poor job of hiding his amused expression.
Dean turns and stares him down. “What?”
“I dunno,” he says, his smirk fully visible now. “I just think it’s funny they’re pairing me up with Cas when the one with the ‘profound bond’ with him is right there.”
“Oh, haha. You’re hilarious,” Dean retorts at once.
“Hey man, I’m not the one who stayed in Purgatory for a year to find him.”
His glare takes on a murderous edge.
“Okay. You know what? You’re going to do that thing where you just shut the hell up! Forever!”
Sam holds up his hands in either what’s either a show of innocence or surrender.
“Alright, alright. Well, other than the Charlie Kaufman of it all I got nothing.”
“So…what?” Dean says. “This-this all... This whole musical thing, everything, it's... it's all a coincidence? There is no case?”
“Unless you're seeing something I'm not, no, Dean. There's no case here,” he says sincerely this time.
“Come on. This has classic Trickster vibes all over it.” He almost wants to turn around and start yelling, Come on out Gabriel you bastard!
“Trickster’s dead, man. And he wasn’t just a trickster, he was an archangel. And they’re all gone too.”
“Could be a lower-rank angel?” Dean tries. “I mean, Zachariah pulled off an entire apocalypse world. And that place where we were both corporate drones. Before you know it, this’ll get all Buffy and it’ll be me and you singin’ and dancin’—“
“Dean…I think it’s just fans. Look, as long as they’re not putting another love spell on one of us I couldn’t really care less what they’re doing,” Sam says with some bitterness, clearly not looking back at that particular memory with any fondness. “Just writing some songs? I mean, it’s innocent enough.”
“Oh yeah, so innocent,” he scoffs. “They’re singing about our dead parents, your demon blood bender, the apocalypse, all of it! This is just…it’s make-believe for them! But it’s our lives!”
Sam runs a tired hand through his hair. “Look, I don’t get it either man. I wasn’t exactly thinking about the books’ entertainment value while Chuck was describing my sex life in vivid detail—“
“Don’t remind me,” he says, holding up a hand in disgust.  
“—but I dunno. There’s obviously something about it they connected to, right? Something they related to, something that moved them, inspired them? And I guess…I mean, what’s wrong with that?”
There is so, so much wrong with that.
“I don’t know what story they’re reading and what Sam and Dean they’re ‘connecting’ to here. But it sure as hell ain’t us. I mean…they even made me blonde, dude.”
“It’s a high school play, what can you expect?” Sam laughs. “It was probably the closest wig they could find at Party City.”
Dean ignores him, muttering aloud as he makes his way to the driver’s seat.
“The hair…the singing…the robots… the love story…”
“You really were bothered by that, weren’t you?” Sam gives his brother a curious look.
“SUPERNATURAL ISN’T A ROMANCE!” Dean snaps. “Look, these girls obviously don’t know what they’re talking about—“
“I dunno, Dean,” Sam said in a clearly taunting voice now. “Maybe you’re just jealous of what me and Cas have.”
He flushes. “W-what? I-I’m not—“
“We could give you two a name too, y’know? So you don’t feel left out? What about…Dee-stiel? CasDean?”
And he refuses to entertain this conversation any longer.
“Shut your face! Get in the car!”
Thankfully Sam notices the shift in tone and obliges at once.
Dean, meanwhile, takes a moment outside the car to glance around — almost as if checking to see if anyone overheard that comment. Not that it mattered. Who could overhear? No one even knew they were THE Sam and THE Dean. Who cared? He certainly didn’t care. He didn’t care at all...
(to be continued)
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goldenlie · 3 years
George has been streaming on twitch for a year this coming Saturday (April 24th) and he's had some major changes from the beginning. He truly developed himself as a standalone content creator as opposed to just a part of the dream team.
Wilbur saying how much George has come out of his shell from the first meeting really gives the biggest advancements a timeframe. Personally, after befriending Quackity is when I noticed George's personality really shine on camera. It was present before and George has always been able to provide an entertaining or relaxing stream, yet it really heightened afterwards.
This freedom he experienced without the added camera layer when joining Quackity's stream soon leaked into his own streams. Paired with Q introducing him to new games outside of his comfort zone in groups (Jackbox, GTA) and even streams with just the two of them bouncing off each other (Roblox, Hand Simulator). He embodied a newfound confidence in his ability to entertain an audience and let chat in on his energy from this point onwards.
This was a catalyst for George himself really diving into more memorable content in which you would actively look back on. It began with the implementation of new games such as Who's your daddy?, Scribble, and SpeedRunners. All genres previously not touched or expected from the creator and it took confidence to attempt such a jump from the familiar consistency that was his Minecraft streams. However, the SpeedRunners stream consisted of viewers who once joined waited, instead of clicking off. People enjoyed this side of him and his friends attempting something new.
His tiktok ban resulted in a detective dream parody stream consisting of him, Quackity, and Dream, carrying a bit for a good hour in the just chatting category. No background Minecraft, just a premade screen with new drawings and memes added as it progressed for an hour. Again, uncommon yet it didn't result in awkward silence and instead kept the viewers engaged with this casual format.
This all lead into more preplanned streams with a format to follow, giving watchers a sense of clarity in the purpose yet enough leverage for him to expand into bits with his friends that didn't deter the overall quality. His cooking stream remains one of the most top tier and well executed streams of his. Complete with the effort of renting out a B&B for this purpose alone, the double camera layout, chef costume, and complementary backing tracks. George's viewers peaked with said stream reaching 317k for the first time and well deserved at that.
Finally, George dived into lore which viewers had been hoping for, for several months even after him previously expressing discontent at such. George created his own lore stream in a method incorporating jokes yet the underlying eerie feeling that something was off. It properly conveyed the message in a format that suited him. Something none of us expected from George yet he delivered on because he knew we'd enjoy it.
George, as a creator who experienced little of the usual slow build up from a smaller audience to one of 100k, has adapted immensely well in providing consistent, quality streams and I'm excited to see what developments have yet to come.
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moved-19871997 · 3 years
I miss the solo streams :( I love seeing George and his dry humor and unlimited curiousity alone. I absolutely despise twt ppl for calling him boring bc he is anything but. George sadly usually tries appeal to the people content wise. A hardcore world is something we can only hope for
!! yeah i was watching some of his solo streams earlier and he’s the type of funny that like. u get the joke just a second later? and it’s pretty subtle which yk compared to the rest of dt would make him boring i guess?? but also like he does genuinely more than holds his own and entertains by himself, but also i think he’s just more comfortable w other people, especially now that his streams regularly hit 100k+ concurrent and he’s alluded to thinking that he’d rather not like. be boring hfjfjdkd n like. Do Something instead of just sit around and talk
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MCYT Appreciation Month Day 3: TommyInnit
Tommy just hit 3 million today so I thought it'd be the perfect day to talk about him - and boy is there a lot I can say.
I genuinely did not expect to like TommyInnit when I first started watching him. Everything I knew about him, I'd read on the Dream Team wiki - at face value it doesn't paint a terribly flattering picture.
Man is that misleading.
The first stream I saw of Tommy's was of the Festival, and it changed my mind pretty quickly. The more I watched, the more I thought to myself, "Wow, why don't I find him more annoying? I really should find him more annoying." But the thing about Tommy is, though, when it comes down to it, he's genuinely a good kid - the effort he puts into his channel is insane, he works incredibly hard on all of it. It's obvious he puts a lot of effort into being entertaining, and he's succeeding too - 100k to 3 million this year alone is absolutely nuts.
If you pay close enough attention it's pretty obvious he's really very mature for his age as well, and more self-aware than he tends to put on. If you've seen either of his "my school found my channel" videos you'll know what I mean; his concern about the way other people perceive him is incredibly apparent and very endearing. I'm glad he has some good people he can depend on for support (which is really just my way of saying I think it's cute that he feels comfortable messaging Philza and/or Wilbur when he's in an uncomfortable situation and they take it seriously enough to give good advice).
I'd be the first person to tell you TommyInnit has the biggest little brother energy of anyone I've ever met and I very much enjoy making fun of him, but he works really hard and he deserves to be where he is. Here's to 3 million subscribers and hopefully many more!
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zeta-in-de-walls · 4 years
What is it about Tommyinnit that just skyrocketed him to being so famous do you think? He's 16, that's super impressive! I'm sure there are other Youtubers his age that aren't as big, even with similar personalities! Just curious on what about him makes him stand out. Tubbo too, now that I think about it.
A few reasons In my opinion:
-Tommy is ridiculously outgoing. His networking has been insane. Even when he was tiny, he sent messages to anyone he could asking for collabs. Lots of people rejected him but sure enough he met a lot of people in his community. 
He wormed his way into SMP Earth and once on there proceeded to interact with all the biggest names he could, meeting Wilbur and Technoblade and making enough of an impact to feature in their videos. Soon enough he’d befriended them and others. Tommy has a lot of friends and just loves meeting new people. When Dream started growing, Tommy messaged him before he’d really blown up and managed to collab with him when he was on about 1million subs. Even when he started skyrocketing in views, he was bold enough to ask for collabs from people like Pokimane, James Charles and Ninja. 
-Dream SMP. Dream is a large part of why Tommy has grown so much. Dream’s insane growth and his insanely active fanbase meant his SMP server also drew a lot of attention and whenever Dream was on the server, Tommy made of point of trying to interact with him and get into conflicts. Tommy then made a series of videos about the Dream SMP - far more than anyone else has made, with Dream prominent in many of the thumbnails. (I think he gained a lot of experience from SMP earth, and really capitalised on all the Dream SMP content where he’d only made a few SMP Earth vids. No one else on the server has been nearly so bold about it.)  
-He’s very entertaining. Of course the Dream SMP was a huge break for him, but many of the other members haven’t had anywhere near the same growth. His personality is ideal for streaming, as he’s very good at interacting with his audience and making his gameplay very entertaining to watch - I don’t think there’s many personalities that like him. It’s not enough to be outgoing alone, he’s also amusing enough and a good enough source of content that people will continue interacting with him. Wilbur made is first meeting with Tommy into a video because his interactions with them proved to be entertaining. Dream invited him onto the SMP because he thought Tommy would be a great addition. When Tommy joined the Dream SMP, he didn’t instantly shoot up to 20k viewers - he still had only a few thousand and overtime won more people over. Tommy also provides a lot of content, with his almost daily streams and uploads multiple times a week. He’s simply providing more content than almost anyone else at the moment and has managed to attract a very loyal following. This is really obvious on twitter were he only has like 500k followers but his posts all get well over 100k likes - that’s really active. 
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we8comic · 4 years
i was the anon who sent the eyeroll dream thing and genuinely actually do you have any feelings about like dream and by extension sapnap trying to assert themselves into pop off trio streams
because i’m not gonna lie as much as i love dream and sapnap and yeah the going dark thing was funny, they do have this problem where they show up and get confrontational about not being invited and when they do that shit and put everyone on the spot about “being left out” it’s very weird to me you should just accept they want to have a stream alone right..? i was wondering what you thought about that and whether you think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out
like let george hang out with his other friends maybe i doubt they’d do this if it was quackity and karl with anyone else or even just them alone
also i’m too much of a coward to discuss this on my own main idk if you know who this is but i have a feeling it’s smth you agree with and it’s veryyy nice to see someone calling sapnap and dream out for their occasional annoying and stream ruining behaviour
sorry this is so long!! you also totally don’t have to answer btw lmao i just notice the same frustration sometimes through your liveblogging whenever sapnap and dream crash a stream
anonymous: wait wait to add onto my last ask it was the biggest power move for karl to announce that the sex havers only consists of george karl and quackity and i really felt like that was a hint drop from him, i think jokingly adding that anyone else is “a friend of sex havers” was to lessen the impact but i still enjoy the fact that he asserted (and has been asserting) that their group when they’re together is an exclusive trio
i felt it that time he was like yeah well. we were the original sex havers groupchat and i feel like sapnap and dream kinda wriggled themselves into being included like i hope none of this sounds mean i just really want dream and sapnap to understand it’s okay to not be included in everything
oh MAN do i have feelings 😩 dream and sapnap are almost comically emasculated by any little thing that makes them feel inferior and that includes being excluded from things. and i personally feel they have no right to get angry about being left out and to then show up onto their streams to express that theyre upset in front of an audience of thousands. i say this because the other three ALWAYS mention that they dm'd them and invited them to the activity or otherwise said they had reason to believe dream or sapnap wouldnt be available (and even outside of that, theyre not required to tell the other about every single one of their plans lol)
i think getting confrontational about it on stream in the middle of planned activities is childish. take a look at bad for example, who also isnt a part of the trio but doesnt get confrontational about having been left out. the trio is full of lighthearted people, bad came into the call and they asked him if he wanted to join in the game they were playing and he did and that was it. compare that to dream or sapnap and when they join calls. theyre consistently immediately accusatory. the trio will take it in stride (cus again. an audience of over 100k is watching. its really not the time and place to whine and get mad about feeling left out, those are convos to have in private), theyll throw some facts like "we invited you" "you said you were busy" "we already had this planned for a while" etc., then theyll offer an invitation to join. this invitation is usually met w quite frankly STUPID debate about "well why wasnt i included in the first place" like dude. read the room, youre streamers for a living, talk about these things off stream like an adult. plus they literally already said you could join if you still wanted to, whats the problem, why drag it out for longer than it needs to be. it just stalls the stream and their plans and shifts the lighthearted tone into somethin a little more careful (however briefly it might be, it didnt need to happen)
i LOVE karl for saying that theyre their own group and joking that their attitude is why theyre friends of sex havers. it felt like a lighthearted way to lift the mood again and kinda say "hey, we do our own things sometimes, chill"
i cant speak for whether i think they genuinely feel threatened about being left out cus not only do i not know them personally, theyre also not ccs i focus energy on (thats for quackity and george 😌) i DO think that with all the times theyve brought it up when crashing the trio streams, they should really by this point have talked about it off screen. it feels almost like they use the audience as a safety net to avoid the consequence of intruding/being mean cus whoever theyre talking to has to keep a certain face and therefore cant say certain things (might even hazard a guess that off screen they probably still dont REALLY talk about it)
i dont blame them for wanting to be a part of things their friends are doing but i blame them for the way they express that. it makes the atmosphere tense by making it far too personal for something thats visible to a live public audience.
i know theyre around the same age, but the way dream an sapnap handle conflict on screen IS immature vs the way quackity and karl do. quackity and karl have been entertainers for A WHILE and understand how to stay entertaining and theyre far more aware of their audience and the overall mood and how to handle problems and conflict without things getting too tense. dream and sapnap (sapnap moreso) have a habit of being confrontational and not lightening the mood and instead continuing to be mad, making everyone else in the call responsible for the energy of the stream instead of them themselves dealing with the tenseness theyve caused. it makes things awkward and im always hoping itll end fast and that theyd please for the love of god talk about it off stream
thats worded a little dramatically cus its rarely ever THAT bad, but it would be SO much better if it just didnt happen yknow. if they understood that they dont have to be a part of everything their other friends do AND if they understood that getting mad on stream and stalling their plans and souring the vibe isnt the best way to handle it.
tl;dr: theyre their own group who do their own things and arent required to share their plans w the rest of their friends (and usually they dm in advance anyway asking if they wanna be a part of their plans). dream and sapnap feeling excluded isnt something they should get overly heated about on stream (its an immature way to bring up the issue especially without ever offering a solution). these are problems they should talk about off stream where the trio dont have to be so conscious about their audience and its perception. i love karl and quackity for emphasizing that theyre their own group with their own plans and joking that the way they act is WHY theyre not part of the group. i think they deal w it as well as they can and i think dream and sapnap need to learn just a little more spacial awareness and how to handle conflict
edit: quackity/karl/george should be fully able to have their own stream together without anyone else intruding. dream and sapnap arent their bosses, they dont need to run all their plans by them first. if they want to have streams with just their own established group, they should be able to have that.
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graphicabyss · 4 years
I wrote an enormous post, or rather an essay, concerning NEWS, Tegoshi, and everything that went through my mind in the past month. Honestly, it’s mostly my way of coping, getting it out of my system and sorting out my thoughts and feelings. But I decided to also post it here for those who might want to read.
It was a long time coming. The rumours were lurking around for years and a month ago they bloomed. And yet, the full realization is yet to dawn on me. When something devastating happens, our mind tends to shake off the pain by either exonerating the beloved person who hurt us, or blaming them and distancing away from them. It's really hard to stay objective. But I'll try.
Coming into this fandom, I prepared myself for disappointment. Once I was a TVXQ fan. You know, the 5-nin TVXQ that was going to be "together forever" and all that. So I wowed never to get that invested in a pop band. When NEWS came along, I tried not to get too attached. I knew it would hurt me, sooner of later. And for awhile, it worked. But, as years went by, I knew I lost the battle. We humans need to cling to something. Thus, nearly 7 years have passed.
To me, Tegoshi has always been a key component. He was the one that led me to NEWS. Or rather, how pretty he looked in a dress. Tegoshi always kept me interested. Sometimes he excited, sometimes he annoyed, but he was never ever boring. He was made of contradictions, both in words and in actions. Nothing ever adds up with him. He made me want to understand him but I could never quite grasp it. Thinking about it now, perhaps it was because he doesn't really understand himself either.
In these years, I had several crisis points where I considered leaving the fandom, all caused by something shitty Tegoshi said or did. But every time I bounced back. Of course, I didn't do it for him. I did it for myself. However, his selfishness has always been offset by his kindness. The last time was him crying at the end of Neverland tour and how sorry he looked. Till the end, I wanted to believe that his common sense and loyalty won't let him do something reckless and stupid. Yet, here we are. The interview he gave to Bunshun led me to believe that he would do the right thing. He said he would show his gratitude to JE and would definitely make his fans happy but now it's the furthest thing from the truth. The fandom is disappointed, confused, angry.
Some people say to get over it, that Tegoshi was meant to leave or some shit. But I think those people fundamentally misunderstand the heart of the problem. It's not that he left that infuriated the fandom. It's how and when he left. Most fans would support his decision to leave if the transition was done properly. He owed us that much. A proper apology. A proper gratitude. A proper farewell. The announcement had me in disbelief. I expected him to at least finish the contract, do the Story Tour, no matter how long it takes, and show the members, staff and the fans the respect they deserve. To cut it short feels like a violation. At the very least, we need a closure. The last goodbye. The last concert. The last something. He just left JE after 17 years like it was nothing.
More than anything, what he did seems so stupid. He had it so fucking good. He was always in the spotlight, both on stage and in TV shows. The other members did most of the offscreen work allowing him to shine. He was supported by endlessly patient members and staff. He had the freedom to choose and all the work he wanted for each of his passions - ItteQ, Soccer Earth, OpenRec. And he had fans that always supported him, no matter how many scandals he had.
What was so important that he had to give up on all the amazing benefits he had? To betray all this trust? And on top of it, at a time like this? When all world is going through so much shit? When the fans need moral support more than ever? What were the "dreams" that he talked about?
The ability to rant on Twitter? Making duckface selfies? Fucking around? Assembling a shitty rock band? Performing with strippers? Some kind of unique business opportunity? He talked for years about wanting to perform overseas or hosting fan events but right now these things are offlimit anyway. Why couldn't he at the very least explain his decision properly? Just that alone will definitely hurt his further career in the long run. The press-conference lasted 2 hours but it answered none of the questions that really mattered and there was no remorse. Though at this point, I can't trust anything he says anyway. He created his Twitter account the the evening it all went down and didn't bother explaining himself. He just jumped off the ship and let other people deal with the damage.
Even now, it all seems like some kind of bad dream. Then again, all of the 2020 does.
When I first saw "手越退社" trending on Twitter back in May I felt like I was spinning into a downward spiral, like all air was sucked out of me. And it wasn't the "oh, no! what will the band do?" I never went to a NEWS concert and never brought any merch. To me, it wasn't really the feelings of a fan whose band faces a crisis but rather that of an entrepreneur who invested too much money into one asset and watched it plummet.
Fandom stuff is a currency that can devalue in a blink of an eye. Its valuable as long as its core message is intact. This is why I can't stand people being petty over scans or videos. I share when I can knowing it will make someone happy because I know that tomorrow that someone might move on. When I stumble upon old closed journals with password-protected downloads they feel like ancient abandoned temples. The treasures in them turned to dust.
4nin NEWS were based on unity, the combination of 4 unique characters. Four components, each of them essential. Now that concept failed. It's like standing in front of a collapsed building. I try to assess the damage. How much of it can I salvage? Repurpose? How much is lost and needs to be cleaned up? Should I even bother?
What do I do with hundreds of live performances and TV shows, in HD, lovingly downloaded and stored?
What to make of thousands of scans, magazines, pamphlets, almost each image edited and sorted? Thousands more stored neatly in folders, waiting to be posted. Countless screens and gifs.
What of the member ai fanvideos that gained over 100k on Youtube bringing joy to so many people? I already got the first heartbroken comment saying "we won't ever see them like that again, will we?"
What to make of my unfinished stories? Honestly, it's one of the things I'm most proud in my entire life. Now their future is uncertain.
Do I take down the poster on my wall? The CDs on my shelf? Soon I will have to looks at my enormous stash and decide for each item. Things that once brought joy now cause pain.
NEWS weren't selling music, they were selling ideas and dreams. The cute band photos now cause hurt and anger. The uplifting songs about unity won't be convincing. All the concerts lost their charm.
Am I being too dramatic? Probably. Perhaps the issue itself may seem trivial to an outsider but our grief is real.
Tegoshi keeps saying he loves NEWS and adores the members. But to me, loving is doing everything you can to avoid hurting the ones you love. Perhaps he means it, but that love will never compare to the love he has for himself. Despite what he says, I doubt we'll even see them together again and I'm not even sure I want to. I knew apart from Koyashige, the members aren't really that close personally. Tegoshi is shallow and seeks popularity more than anything. I'm sure than now he'll hang out with even shadier characters than before. The members used to provide him with the much needed tough love. Now, with nothing and noone holding him back, he'll give in to his overblown ego.
I'm not sure how I feel about NEWS continuing as 3. I mean, I support their decision and that's probably what most fans want but to me, I don't know if it'll work out that well. They were already a band with a lot of luggage and now, just like in 2011, they are a band that induces pity. They would have to rearrange so much to try and fill this huge gaping hole. Not to mention they will struggle vocally. No songs, no choreography can be unaltered. It might be better to go on within the agency doing their own things. But then that would just mean Tegoshi was indispensable and all the work they put in will be wasted. The Story must be competed.
In the past week I went through various stages of grief. The anger was strong and so was disbelief. Now it's finally subsiding, giving way to acceptance. It won't come soon but I'll let all the emotions run their course. The fact is Tegoshi remains very entertaining and the temptation to keep following him and rant about him is strong. I probably wouldn't even fight it if he were to leave with at least a shred of dignity. But with the way things are, I refuse to support him in any way. And I will at least try to phase him out as much as I can as I realize that even my anger is playing into his hands as he wants nothing more than attention, good or bad. Instead, I'll try to focus on those who do deserve support.
I'm not yet sure how to proceed with the blog and everything else but I'll take my time and figure it out. The truth is Tegoshi was one of the two major things that have kept me here for so long. And no, the second reason is not Shige. It's the people. Out of all the fandoms I've been in over the years this one really felt like home. I met so many amazing people here, even though many of them have since moved on. I felt accepted and appreciated.
This week has been an emotional roller-coaster. But today I feel fine. I have a dozen reasons to be depressed. But I'm not miserable right now because of the fandom. I've had about 10 people write to me within several days. Some of them I haven't talked to in months, some I've never talked to before, and some from other fandoms. They reached out to share their thoughts and feelings, and I appreciate it so much. I felt less alone. I felt a sense of solidarity, a sisterhood. Many agreed with me and it was touching but even more touching were the people who didn't necessarily agree with me and still wanted to hear what I had to say.
Perhaps it's patronizing but I feel like right now the best I can do is stay connected and go through this together. If I can help others, through informing, making someone smile, or supporting emotionally, it's all worth it.
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taekookficrecs · 4 years
Taekook Longfics? Preferably college or coffee shop au’s! 💗
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hey friends :) combining some longfic and sugar daddy asks !! long fics for me are around 100k and above so that’s kinda what im going for here. pls enjoy
long fics
real worlds can be manic too - drawingspaces (( 18/? | E | 234,531 ))
Sex and love are not one and the same but they tend to feed the same animal.
Taehyung doesn’t want much. The Universe, for one. The rest he can take or leave.
New (Newer) Rules - jvante (( 6/6 | E | 108,229 )) 
Step #1: Don't get involved with the guy your girlfriend cheats with.
Failed step 1.
(Maybe I Love You) We’re Too Young For That - kaihua (( 22/22 | M | 153,324 )) 
If there’s anything Taehyung dislikes more than writing pop songs, it’s writing songs for Jungkook: rising idol, CF magnet, and one of the biggest douchebags Taehyung’s ever met.
But hey, it pays the bills.
Chemistry - taecheeks (( 11/11 | E | 200,913 )) 
“What’s your zodiac sign?”
“Virgo,” Jungkook responds without thinking. He frowns, glaring. “Why?”
“Hm, I can work with that,” Taehyung says. “I’m a Capricorn.”
“Fascinating. Now back to Chemistry -”
“Isn’t that what I was talking about?”
[Or, Jungkook just wants to get his tutoring sessions with the President's son over with. Taehyung just wants to get his cute tutor under him.]
One Scotch, One Bourbon, One Beer - zerorequiem (( 19/19 | E | 83,324 ))
Jeongguk is 22, fresh out of college, working a bartending job that was supposed to last just the summer, and unsure about a lot.
Manhattan socialite Kim Taehyung, beautiful and confident, suddenly shows up in skirts and high heels and leaves him breathless.
Fall Asleep (Fall For You) - drannie (( 22/22 | M | 149,954 ))
“They say when you fall in love you can’t fall asleep, but now that I’ve met you I feel like I finally can.”
A University AU where Jungkook and Taehyung become roommates. But Jungkook has insomnia and can't fall asleep with other people and Taehyung can't fall asleep alone.
Lupi - kpopismydrug (( 12/12 | M | 107,209 ))
This is one summer break that Taehyung will never forget. From dealing with a moody mare that likes to think she’s a stroppy teenager rather than a horse, to dealing with childhood memories that threaten to choke him, Taehyung will soon find out that when you take a trip down memory lane, some things are more than just memories.
i don’t want you to go (but i want you so) - kthsv (( 16/16 | T | 206,525 ))
sometimes the universe makes mistakes
sugar daddy fics (some are longfics too)
i forget to breathe (when i’m with you) - locks (( 14/14 | E | 111,780 )) 
"Do we have a deal, angel," Taehyung repeats, and Jeongguk can hear that he's losing his patience, hands resting on his hips.
Jeongguk lifts his head, snapping the lid closed. "Pleasure doing business with you, daddy," he nods, sending a grin up to Taehyung who just narrows his eyes at him.
"You're lucky I like you," Taehyung mutters, sounding mildly threatening as he steps over to him and tilts Jeongguk's chin up, leaning down to press a kiss against his lips.
Lucky doesn't even come close.
Or, Jeongguk's trying to figure out how he ended up with a sugar daddy when all he wanted was a couple packets of instant noodles.
Blind me or bind me - winter_taebun (( 11/11 | E | 51,490 )) 
Taehyung is just looking for something to fill the empty void in his heart and Jungkook only has money to offer.
Taehyung offers his body for Sugar Daddy Jungkook.
"This isn't a place where people fall in love"
Sugar and Spice - kkozumes (( 1/1 | E | 23,212 )) 
Jeongguk can't deny that he's attracted to Taehyung. No, he realised he was attracted to him as soon as his car pulled up by the side of the road. Jeongguk appreciated a handsome face and Kim Taehyung was beautiful to him. What he didn't expect however was for the beautiful man with the expensive car to take him back to an equally as expensive apartment away from home, give him new clothes, allow him to stay and then ask if Jeongguk wanted a sugar daddy.
If love is nothing more than just a waste of your time, waste it on me - BTSLarryAf  (( 25/25 | E | 81,386 ))
Jeon Jeongguk is the owner of Jeon Entertainment, small but very successful recording label. He’s one of the richest Korean bachelors under thirty and he’s dedicated his whole life to his job and he doesn’t have time for relationships and feelings. However, sometimes his life gets lonely so he decides to find himself a company.
Kim Taehyung is a college student struggling with money so he signs up with an agency that is finding company for rich lonely men. And that is how Jeon Jeongguk becomes Taehyung’s sugar daddy.
Glad it’s stopped raining - kissforvante (( 1/1 | E | 20,433 )) 
Distance between Taehyung is never a good thing. But sometimes Jeongguk can work with it.
admin nj - i’ve only read locks sugar addy au and there doesn’t seem to be many others but i tried my hardest!! hope you all can enjoy these 
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thatmultifandomhoe · 4 years
The Extremely Large Tag Game
ATagged By: @dreamystuffers​ thank you sweet pea and HOLY SHIT THIS REALLY IS THE ULTIMATE TAG GAME BUT I AM READY.
SECTION ONE: First and last tag: post the first line of a wip as well as the last line you’ve written so far!
So I have several Wips at the moment and whelp, I’m gonna do them all lol.
The Size of a Heart: Wonho and Reader (Drabble)
First Line Written: The sky was burning as the sun set for the night, cloaking the city in its familiar darkness.
Last Line Written: “I tell myself that it’s better if it hurts, but I…I can’t anymore…I can’t.”
Tentatively Falling: Vampire Jongdae and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: Strobe lights flashed around the dark bar, drawing your attention every now and then when they went wild as the bass dropped.
Last Line Written: It was more than you ever thought, but it was exactly what you dreamt about hearing him say.
Heavenly Father: Boyfriend Yoongi, Priest Jimin, Alter boy Jungkook, and Reader (Smut Crack Drabble - Title May Change)
First Line Written: The stain glass windows in the Church were a sight to see during the day, the sunlight streaming through and bringing life to the images during the service, and brought a sense of comforting to those during times of trouble.
Last Line Written: Jimin groaned and your eyes watered when your nose was pressed against the base, his dick down your throat.
Knitting You a Home: Wolf Hybrid Namjoon and Reader (Series)
First Line Written: The wind howled while rain pelted your house as the storm refused to let up.
Last Line Written: For the moment, his thoughts were cleared, allowing him to fall asleep with you safely in his arms.
SECTION TWO. Enter 15 of your biases and put them in this order to discover the story of your life
Parent: Hongjoong
well I mean he is pretty daddy at times
Sibling: Jongdae
Grandparent: Sammy
Haunts you: Vernon
Significant other: Jooheon
Ex: Yuta
damn that’s...that’s a change
Best friend: Chanyeol
Proposed to you: Yoongi
Was this before Jooheon or after Jooheon? Who’s my ass with?
Your boss: Taeyong
Random person you meet a the bar: Seonghwa
Rival: Bang Chan
First kiss: Namjoon
Drunk and singing karaoke with: Wonho
Played seven minutes in heaven with: Felix
Gave you your favorite dessert: Jackson
I...I can see this one. He’s sweet to do that
SECTION THREE. Describe your bias by their vibes as if they were someone in your life. (I’m doing my Ults, 1 from each group.)
Jongdae (EXO): The guy that everyone knows because he’s the one with that distinguishable laugh. The class clown that knows the limits and only crosses them on rare occasions. You think you know him but then he’ll say something that you never knew about him. Craves his independence but is the quiet one when in a large group, smiling as he watches the more energetic ones run about. An old soul trapped in a young body.
Yoongi (BTS): The one who devotes himself to his work and rarely sees the light of day. His room is littered with empty to go cups of coffee mixed with his own assortment of coffee mugs Coffee ring stains on furniture. You think he’s not listening or paying attention but when you least expect it, he’ll quietly do something or hand you a gift that he knows you treasure. He’ll never ask for cuddles, but he’ll always give them to you and refuse to let you go when you try to get up. Wise beyond his years because he’s suffered and doesn’t wish it on anyone else.
Yuta (NCT): The popular guy that at first everyone warns you about, but once you get to know him yourself, you don’t know why they warned you in the first place because he’s a total sweetheart. The guy who flirts with everyone and anyone, but remains loyal to his girl. He’s never without his iced coffee, and he’s dyeing his hair in the bathtub with a friend to help make sure it doesn’t go too wrong. Will entertain your drunk texts. He’s the one to text at 2 am when you’re feeling alone and down and he’ll do what he can to lift you back up with nothing but the truth.
Hongjoong (Ateez): He’s the guy who doesn’t give a shit about trends or styles, he creates his own. The guy who does the piercings at the local tattoo shop knows him by name because he’s gotten so many of his piercings done there. He is the Fashion DIY King. Will roast his friends the hardest  because he loves them the most and takes it when they dish it back. Somehow manages to rock hairstyles - long live the mullet - that no one thought should have ever existed. Don’t let him cook though. If he cooks you’ll end up with food poisoning. He’s the one who will let you try makeup tricks and new products on him. Secretly amazing at painting nails.
Wonho (Monsta X): He’s the guy friend that you never expected to be friends with. Him? You? Total opposites on a physical scale. On completely different levels. Once you get to know him, he’s a total teddy bear. Doesn’t question it when you suddenly appear and hug him without saying a word, he’ll simply hug you back while maintaining the conversation he had going. Or he’ll simply surprise you with a hug because he likes them.
Bang Chan (Stray Kids): He’s the one that always has his earbuds in even during class. Like he’s the guy that has the earbud going through the sleeve of his hoodie and is pressing his palm against his ear to listen to the music. Listens to everyone, even if he doesn’t know them that well and gives really good advice if they ask for it.
Jackson (Got7): The guy that you can hear a mile away. Hyper. Can’t sit still to save his life. He was the guy that you’d see doing laps in the hallway with his friends when he should have been in class, but he was the nice one. Passionate and when you ask him about what he’s working on, he’ll talk about it for hours. Will also apologize multiple times for going on but then continue to go on.
SECTION FOUR. Search your name + “core aesthetic” on Pinterest and make yourself a moodboard
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SECTION FIVE. Make a normal and fantasy version of yourself using this !
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SECTION SIX. Writing tag game!
What is your ideal setting for focusing on your writing?
A quiet office where I can play music softly in the background and be at a desk with a comfortable chair.
 What Genre do you prefer to write?
Slice of Life, Young Adult, College Age.
Do you prefer to write on paper or digitally?
It’s the middle of the night and you suddenly wake up with an idea. What do you do?
Make a note of it in either my notebook or in the notes section on my phone.
Who is your favorite person to write about?
Jimin and Hoseok
Do you like making your own characters, or do you usually write about real people?
I like to do both. Honestly, it’s kinda like a mix of both. With some of my fics, the only thing that makes them fanfics are that I’m using the real person’s name, and I’ll pin point on certain aspects of their physical features. In Brotið Hjarta, the only thing that connects to it being Namjoon is his name, and maybe his hair style/color and ear piercings, everything else was what I imagined it to be.
Have you ever written a book/story with more than 15 chapters (100K words)?
Yes. Strawberry Cream and BBQ
How often do you get ideas?
From everyday life, sometimes I’ll be daydreaming and it kinda morphs into a story or a fanfic and so I’ll make notes so that I don’t forget it.
Do you ever get an idea that you really like, but just can’t seem to finish?
Yessss, all the time.
What is your least favorite plot?
I don’t know about least favorite plots, but I do hate it when fics dive straight into a story without any background or anything. Wait, so maybe that’s pwp fics????? I don’t want to be a hypocrite, but even with my fics that primarily focus on smut, I still add in those background details and give them a teeny tiny plot.
SECTION SEVEN. Put your music on shuffle and reveal the first ten songs that come on.
The Kids Aren’t Alright - Fall out Boy
In the Dark - Bring Me the Horizon
Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer
All In - Monsta X
To the Beat - Ateez
Shot - Lil’ Jon
Daechwita - Agust D
Treasure - Ateez
Adore You - Harry Styles
Guys My Age - Hey Violet
SECTION EIGHT. Questions tag:
Relationships: 2
Break-ups: 2
Kids: Right now? 0
Brothers and Sisters: 1 older brother.
Pets: 0
Surgeries: 0
Tattoos: 0
Countries you’ve been to: 0
Been in an airplane: yes
Been in an ambulance: yes
I sing karaoke: hell no.
Ice skating: I like it but I suck at it and have only been able to go during school events in the past.
Been on a cruise: hell no
Driven a motorcycle: nope
Ridden a horse: yes
Stayed in a hospital: nope
Favorite fruit or berry: Raspberries
Favorite color: Magenta
Last text: “Perfect! I’ll let you know when I am able to send yours out!” - I do pen palling and was letting someone know when I could send them a post card in exchange for the one I’m getting.
Cat or dog: Cat
Favorite pizza: White sauce pizza with chicken and feta cheese
Met a star: nope
Flown a helicopter: nada
Been on TV: nope
Broken my leg: nope
Seen a ghost: don’t believe in them.
Been sick in a taxi: nope
Seen someone die: no
SECTION NINE: Fifteen questions tag:
One ; it’s your birthday! what did you ask for?
Gift cards, um...(this is bad because my birthday is actually coming up) maybe some things from my Amazon list?
Two ; what was the last song / album you listened to?
WAP by Cardi B
Three ; what is your go to snack when you’re hungry?
Chocolate, cookies or cookies dipped in peanut butter
Four ; what is your morning routine?
Wake up, check messages on my phone while still in bed, get up, make coffee, maybe eat breakfast, drink coffee in bed, listen to music/watch videos or read on phone while drinking coffee, get dressed, brush teeth and skincare routine, make bed.
Five ; what mythical creature would you be?
An Elf? Or a Forest Witch. Something that has to do with the Earth and nature.
Six ; how do you interact with someone you don’t like?
I give short and straight to the point answers, if I’m working on something and they come up to me I’ll pointedly focus on that task instead of them.
Seven ; how do you define a toxic person?
Someone who lies, who makes you feel bad about the things that you do, that puts you done while lifting themselves, who is constantly bragging about their own things, who puts down others, who acts like they’re better, who acts like they’re way of life should be the only way of life.
Eight ; have you ever been to a concert or a fan-meet? if not, would you want to?
I have not, but I would like to one day because they seem fun and it would be nice to see a performance in person.
Nine ; do you believe in astrology? why or why not?
I do, mostly because it’s fun and interesting and I tend to find that I do a lot of the things and act like my zodiac sign without realizing it (aka I’m a Virgo).
Ten ; if you could have only one sense (hearing, touch, sight, etc.), which would you keep?
Eleven ; who is your favorite celebrity or idol?
At the moment, BM from Kard.
Twelve ; if you could talk to your favorite celebrity for a limited time, what would you tell them?
How do you keep going when it gets hard?
Thirteen ; I’m taking you out on a date. where are we going?
Maybe an art museum, or somewhere with flowers?
Fourteen ; do you prefer sweet or savory?
Fifteen ; do you have any Merch from any of your favorite artists?
I have several BTS albums and an EXO album.
I AM Tagging: @mygsii @myforeverforlife  @peonybane  @hobicomeholla29  @loser-dot-com @jeonsdear @namsjoon  @kpopcinnamonswirlroll @eashmo201 @1997jk @soulofatiny @cherryeoo​ @minniepetals​ @minniesmarshmallow​ @yoongi-sugaglider​  @crystaljins​ @taestfully​  @hyyunjins​ @i-am-delaney​ @worldwidebt7​ @flurrys-creativity​  @apurpledheart​ @holyfluffly​ @yunception​ @boymeetsweevil​ @chans-chair​ @brokecollegenerd​ @jinyoungsir​ @writersrealmbts​ @kpophoneybunny​ @actuallythatwaspromise​  @ladyartemesia​ @haylo4ever​ @ggukcangetit​ @kpopfanfictrash​ @wwilloww​ @jingabitch​ @kigurumu​ @jamaiskook​ @thatlongspringnight​ @ot7always-main​  @hauntedlilies​ @koophoriia​ @lorealchanelll​ @sweetheart--sannie​  @sweetae-tae​ @iniquitouspoppy​  
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yakumtsaki · 5 years
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Alright you guys, sorry for the delay, I’ve had to restart this post 20 fucking times because my changes weren’t being saved in the draft and then I kept getting the ‘upload failed’ error. In case you don’t remember wtf is going on you might wanna re-read the last update (I certainly had to) which is apparently from JUNE 2018. Jfc I suck so hard. Now this was gonna be really long but tumblr wouldn’t post it so I’m breaking it up in 3 parts, part 2 to be posted tomorrow. For those that don’t feel like reading back, general recap of the last couple updates:
Jojo cheated on Wyatt with Max Flexor and my solution to that marital crisis was to adopt our first dog ever, a puppy hilariously named Maxx.
The puppy grew up to be an asshole and is constantly beating up the cats, who have turned into giant pussies (no pun intended) and are losing every fight to him despite the fact they’re named after Mortal Kombat characters. They’re a fucking disgrace to Alegra’s/Victor’s/Ronroneo’s memory and I haven’t settled on a cat heir yet because they both suck.
Jojo is perma miserable, I don’t even remember how much money away from his 100k LTW, and still not a werewolf despite my pathologically persistent attempts to make him friends with the wolf.
Fucking useless Wyatt didn’t get promoted while Komei was alive providing us with his 100 townie friends, we spent 20 updates befriending every rando that crossed our lot to secure his promotion, and then finally on the day he was supposed to become Captain Hero, Wyatt got, of course, fired and is now on track to take longer to complete his literal career based LTW than Komei took to get 6 pets on the top of their careers.
Absolutely everyone hates noogie addict Shajar, she got a Kylo Ren makeover, and we still don’t know what her sexual orientation is thanks to her ridiculous fitness/fatness turn ons and cleanliness turn off.
Golden child/10 nice points freakshow Cyneswith grew up, rolled romance with the most disturbing turn-ons/offs possible (grey hair/mechanical & charisma turn off) and the 20 simultaneous lovers LTW.
Wulf grew up into a kid, got an Amadeus makeover, is officially a Wyatt clone and the only member of this family I don’t completely hate yet.
Now I’d like to begin the first Union post in more than a year by requesting you do me a solid and lower your expectations for this thing as far down as humanly possible. Like really try to recreate the Jules Verne classic “Journey to the Center of the Earth” with your expectations here, because my brain is so fucking fried that there’s a 20% chance I randomly start citing sources at some point during this post. This grad school crap has seriously been the worst trade deal in the history of trade deals, maybe ever. And speaking of bad trade deals, let’s get this update rolling with the man, the myth, the legend, the husband who managed to make Komei look like a dreamboat in comparison..
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..Wyatt fucking Union, née Monif. It’s been a long time, but I’m not gonna lie to you Wyatt, not nearly long enough. Looking good man, just one small question, where the fuck are your eyebrows?
-You àccidéntally deléted thém, imbécilé, et I cannôt exprèss my irritatiόn prόperly becausé I hàve non eyebrôws!
Did your selective French accent get thicker this past year or is it just me?
-It géts thickér whén je suis distrésséd, givé moi mon eyebrôws bàcc!!!
No can do, brother. Actually can do, but I think the Mona Lisa look is working for you, and more importantly I still hate you, so I’m just gonna hardcore ignore you for the rest of this post if that’s ok. Talk to me when you finally get promoted, aka never the way this shit is going.
It’s been lovely catching up.
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Jojό I mean Jojo, goddammit Wyatt, is spending most of his time building robots in the mausoleum (sweet hipster band name alert)..
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..giving financial advice in Shajar’s room (inb4 what’s the difference between the mausoleum and Shajar’s room)..
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..building evil snowmen alone in the middle of the night, like all mentally healthy middle aged men with 3 kids are wont to do..
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..and getting the piss harassed out of him by the cat ghosts in the bathroom (sweet hipster band name alert #2). How is this like the fourth time this happens in the exact same spot, will you just stop autonomously cleaning the bathroom after midnight? It’s obviously where the cats hang out, give it the fuck up already.
-I’m actively TRYING TO DIE you absolute moron, what does a guy have to do to get killed around here?
Yea can’t say that I blame you but not happening, you can commit suicide by Ghost Alegra after the kids fuck off to college, ok? I promise.
-Oh like you promised me being heir was a route worth pursuing??
Um obviously you too need to go back and re-read your own life story, because I spent the entirety of our “““cherished””” time together telling you heirship is a shitty gig at generation 2. And then to top it off you went and married Wyatt to ensure maximum shittiness, so there you go, fucking enjoy. God I am so sick of both of you losers and we’re only 5 pics in. Let’s check in with your spawn, I’m sure they can’t possibly be more annoying than their parents-
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-oh right, I forgot, this is the generation with 10/10/9 active points where the party never stops. Cyneswith are you somehow twerking to classical music?
-How else am I gonna attract all those hot senior citizens per my grey hair turn on and 20 lovers LTW?
Ok great yea I see how this is gonna go, you’re trying to entice people into voting you for heir based on how torturous playing this fucked up LTW is gonna be for me, well forget it, my readers are intellectuals and completely above such petty entertainment. (istg mofos, don’t even think about it, i already did Komei’s 5 pets career shit, i will burn this place to the ground if you saddle me with Cyneswith banging the elderly for 30 years)
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-No need to worry your stupid little head, I will beat Cyneswith for HEIR just like I beat her HAIR up daily! HAHA!
Shajar no offense but you’re a fucking war crime of a sim, nearly everyone who’s ever met you hates you including your parents, and the fact that you’re the alternative here is really not helping my situation in any way. Also how the fuck are you gonna be heir when the only thing you seem to be attracted to is giving noogies, you’re like one week away from college and I still don’t even know if you’re str8 or gay or bi or w/e the fuck you are. You have Jojo’s personality combined with..
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..yes exactly, DANIEL’S SOCIAL ABILITIES. I mean I was joking with the whole ‘Shajar’s the spawn of Satan’ thing, but this combo of traits was clearly drawn up in Hell’s boardroom.
ANYWAY. It’s a snowy Sunday morning, and anyone who has been a teen knows what that means:
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Time to go clubbing! Man I remember being like 15, waking up on a freezing Sunday morning and my mom making me a cup of hot chocolate before I drove off to the club. Those were the days.
-Uh, Shaj, when did you learn how to drive?
-Don’t be stupid, Cyneswith, people don’t need to ‘learn’ how to drive.
-They absolutely do, actually.
-Well what can I tell you, the dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.
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-Here we are, safe and sound! Celebratory noogie!
-How many times to I have to explain this to you, Apartment Life townies are not people.
Can’t argue with that logic. Let’s just go in and find out what Shajar’s sexual orientation is once and for all so I can spend the rest of this update aggressively promoting Wulf’s candidacy.
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Now I consider ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’ one of the dumbest sayings there is, but even I have to concede that this particular picture truly is worth a thousand words. Quick poll, what is more horrifying, Shajar’s literal Joker face or Cyneswith, whom I’ve never seen read a book ever, autonomously pulling one out in the middle of the dance floor, in what I can only assume is an attempt to attract old perverts with the schoolgirl routine?
And I know what some of you are thinking, you’re like ‘bro, you’re just reaching to make a bad joke bro, Cyneswith is just a sweet nice introvert and not like other girls, she doesn’t feel comfortable in the club’, well to that let me reply with another picture that is worth a thousand words:
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Yea that’s right, on the first minute of our first time out WE RUN INTO THAT ONE ELDER TOWNIE THAT HAS WRINKLE MAKE UP ON. GODDAMMIT CYNESWITH
Do you guys remember how Jojo was obsessed with Stephen Tinker as a teen? Are you seeing the connection here?? Those kids have literally inherited the worst possible traits from both their parents turned up to 11, it’s fucking unreal.  
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Right after I get over Wrinkle’s presence I turn around and what do I see, those 2, who have never had a non-noogie physical interaction, autonomously doing the family kiss thing. I didn’t even catch it on time because I was loling irl, we came out here so these assholes can find age-appropriate partners, and instead they’re kissing each other. Seems about right with this family, and clearly Striped Scarf’s dumb ass ships it.
-They look so much alike, it’s meant to be!
Yes, and they even share the same last name! Talk about written in the stars.
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Thankfully Abhijeet is here to save us from incest by perving on Cyneswith. GTFO ABHIJEET. Anyone like ‘bro townies just autonomously come to greet your sims on community lots regardless of age, stop calling them perverts’, see you in about 5 pics down.  
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I try to have Shajar chat up Striped Scarf and suffice it to say Shaj ~stole her heart~ and presumably put it on this stick to wave around.
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NO. CYNESWITH NO. I’m seriously having déjà vu of all the times I was like ‘NO. JOJO NO’, jfc.
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Shajar is unsurprisingly exhibiting no interest in socializing with anyone around her, instead she’s trying every activity this terribly lit place has to offer, and she looks demented while doing it:
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I’m feeling a primal urge to photoshop Darth Vader’s melted helmet on the bowling ball here, someone please remind me to do it for the heir vote photoshoot.
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That’s Denise Jacquet?! I can’t tell who anyone is for shit anymore. The default replacements are a scourge upon premade brands, I’m getting rid of them pronto. Speaking of scourges, where the hell is your sister?
-Who cares?
I wanna say ‘me’ but we both know that’s a lie.
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-So you see Cyneswith, just because something is technically ‘illegal’, doesn’t mean it’s morally wrong-
Yea yea fascinating stuff, now get out of the hot tub or I will fucking neuter you, I don’t know if a eunuch mod already exists for medieval games but I will make one if it doesn’t.
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Here, Cyneswith, drink some water, have a nice G-rated convo with your sister about violins and stop pissing me off. 
-First of all this is straight vodka.
-Secondly Shajar is talking about Mozart’s coprophilia.
-I sure am.
Amazing. Well, I guess it’s at times like these when you need to look inside your heart and truly ask yourself, what did you expect from Jojo’s children.
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-Ha, I went home and put on my most elderly-looking formal wear!
-I hate to see you go but I love to watch you leave Ab <3
CYNESWITH SHUT UP. I can’t believe you people are actually making me miss Gunther’s teenage whoring, at least he kept it age appropriate.
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-Is some random lady pressing her breasts against my head?
She most certainly is, Shajar, because it is now crystal clear that this bowling alley doubles as the site of annual perv townie convention and we walked right into it-
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-and it’s also clear we have serious issues and are enjoying ourselves. Shaj I legit don’t know what to tell you, this is the first time you get along with someone right away and it just had to be the adult with the bad haircut and the flasher’s trench coat???
-You’re damn right it did.
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Alright then, I’m officially going to nope out of this situation, safe in the knowledge you’re a noogiesexual and nothing will actually happen with this freak, so I’ll focus on Cyneswith instead who is much more of a loose canon. 
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Here Cyn, talk to this guy, who I’m 90% sure is the same guy your father rejected in favor of stalking Stephen Tinker when he was your age.
-Ohhhh, he’s dreamy!
Omg really?? Halleluj-
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-oh never mind, you were of course referring to adult ass Brandon Lillard. I do like that our townies have recurring roles each generation, we should make rejecting Blondie a rite of passage in this family. We should also officially gtfo because this is happening:
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-Um, now that I’m looking at you in harsher lighting, it’s gonna be a no from me dawg. 
Oh, thank the fucking lord.
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-Let’s celebrate the fact we didn’t get hopelessly obsessed with any adults here by doing the traditional Dance of Normality!
-We beat Dad’s genes, we beat Dad’s genes!
-We’re normal!
Yes, and we’re definitely showing it. Can we please leave now so I can make sure I’ve uninstalled Inteenminator and turn off free will? 
-Nop! Venue change!
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-Got-out-of-the-car celebratory noogie!
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-Made-it-to-the-door celebratory noogie!
Shajar you unironically have a noogie addiction, I’m not kidding in the slightest, you need to see a doctor.
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Great, great, not another teen in sight and to top it off Denise followed us here to ensure maximum elder presence. I feel comfortable officially declaring this day a complete waste of time.
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God, the vintage pink dress and the pink alcohol combo is some straight up current era Taylor Swift nonsense. That’s it, we’re outta here, back home where no one is lurking, waiting to strike at us-
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-The Lord is my shepherd.
-Nop, I’m over it. Goodbye heathens, it’s been nice, hope you don’t find your paradise. 
UGH SOPHIE, my beloved Westboro lunatic, the last gangsta generation 1 cat we had.. I can’t believe you’re gone and all I’m left with is stupid Goro and D’vorah who can’t even beat up the fucking dog. This is truly painful.
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Yes, pets, I agree, Kaylynn is completely to blame for Sophie dying of old age. The time has now come to decide on a cat heir-
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-and since Goro ran away like a little bitch after Sophie’s death despite the fact he didn’t even like her, he’s automatically disqualified and will be going off to live on Melody and Daniel’s farm once returned to us. Congratulations to D’vorah I guess, on being the least terrible of two terrible options. 
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On the topic of terrible heir options, Cyn has non-stop wants to go on dates and have her first kiss and all that crap, and since our Sunday morning clubbing was a bust we invite over the matchmaker.
-Hello there young Union, I see your house has been upgraded since I was last here.
Oh right we haven’t required your services since Daniel was a teen and we lived in a trailer, well we are flush with cash now!
-Hopefully your payment reflects that.
It will!! Just please give us someone good, I can’t deal with single teen Cyn for one more second.
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-Oh my, what a beautiful BLANK PIECE OF PAPER.
-What do I look like to you, a money thawing service?
Does such a service.. exist??
-It does not, so I have to go home and use a hairdryer on this!
Just come inside and we’ll give you non-frozen money!
-No, no, you’ll get what you paid for..
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-Have a magical time!
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Lakshmi this was so fucking evil that I almost want to age you down and see if you and Shajar hit it off. 
-As if, the whole neighborhood knows what you did to Komei.
Helped him achieve his insane 6-pets-career LTW?
-Turned him into a servant while your sim was lounging around all day!
Oh yea I did do that. But Wyatt was also a townie and he does literally nothing, Jojo is the servant now!
-Only because Wyatt is too fucking stupid to do things! Word has gotten out, no townie will ever marry in this family again unless they’re brain dead, so it’s Wyatts only for you from now on, sister!
Well this has been a complete fucking disaster. It was great seeing you again, Lakshmi, thanks for the dream date with the adult farting machine, 5k well-spent.
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Pretty sure it was you bro, and yes, how about we don’t do that again.
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Wyatt has brought over Amanda from work! (Aka Victoria’s only friend and subsequent lesbian lover, who is really pretty and is definitely getting married in at some point, preferably after the brown hair genes have been weakened so we can go back to being gingers.)  
-Wow Shajar, your grandmother, God rest her soul, mentioned you were her favorite and now I can see why! Loving the Kylo Ren look!
-Is someone being genuinely nice to me?! What is happening?
-Yes, please stop being nice to her, Amanda, we don’t want her getting used to it.
Jojo istg.
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-Cyneswith dear, tell Amanda all about how much money your grandmother left you so she can stop being nice to Shajar. 
-Soooo much money, Miss Amanda!
-Ah, what a polite child I’ve single-handedly raised.
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-Now, Cyneswith, you really need to get back on the dating scene so you have ample time to find the perfect spouse and continue our line, since you’re clearly the only one of my children that is remotely heir material. 
-Dad, Shajar and Wulf are right next to you.
-Oh they are? I’m wearing my special contact lenses that make those disappointments invisible to me, but even better, they need to hear this. Shajar is a noogiesexual and thus incapable of reproduction, and Wulf is not even a Union, I mean have you seen that kid? Wyatt reproduced by himself like the amoeba he is. Now, your grandmother-
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OH FUCK VICTORIA, deleting the default replacements gave you base game hair!!!!
-That’s the part you’re scared by, not my Beetlejuicesque entrance?
There’s literally nothing scarier than your ghost sporting this haircut for all eternity, I’m re-downloading that default immediately. 
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-Oh mom, so good to see you! Let me just hug my beloved child, Shijer-
-Shajar, dad.
-SHAJAR, let me hug Shajar, like I do all the time. 
-I’m glad to see you’re not picking favorites among your children like I did, the way I treated David-
-Daniel, mom.
-DANIEL, is the one thing I’ve truly been regretting in the afterlife. That and not skinning Marisa Bendett alive when I had the chance. 
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-Well, as you can see by Shajar’s totally normal and not at all shocked reaction to my hug, I am a wonderful, fair, and emotionally available father. 
(Bruh this freaked me out so much when it happened, I mean I KNOW it’s an animation glitch but I was convinced my sims had become sentient for a good while after)
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-Is your grandmother’s ghost still on the premises?
-When will this nightmare end, paying attention to you is the worst. 
-Ok she’s gone.
-FINALLY. Now it’s back to the crypt for you, and don’t you dare go complain to her urn!
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-Ah, Stephen, Stephen, my life is crap and I can’t even🎵
And with the knowledge you have composed a theme song for Stephen Tinker, part 1 of the Union comeback update is concluded. Will Shajar’s sexual orientation reveal itself? Will Cyneswith find true love? Will Jojo become a werewolf? Will Wulf continue to be the only dignified member of this family? Will D’vorah have kittens? Will Wyatt do literally anything worth mentioning? Tune in for parts 2 & 3 to find out, unfollow button on the upper right corner for those who need it. 
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pengychan · 5 years
[Coco] Nuestra Iglesia, Pt. 15
Title: Nuestra Iglesia Summary: Fake Priest AU. In the midst of the Mexican Revolution, Santa Cecilia is still a relatively safe place; all a young orphan named Miguel has to worry about is how to get novices Héctor and Imelda to switch their religious vows for wedding vows before it’s too late. He’s not having much success until he finds an unlikely ally in their new parish priest, who just arrived from out of town. Fine, so Padre Ernesto is a really odd priest. He’s probably not even a real priest, and the army-issued pistol he carries is more than slightly worrying. But he agrees that Héctor and Imelda would be wasted on religious life, and Miguel will take all the help he can get. It’s either the best idea he’s ever had, or the worst. Characters: Miguel Rivera, Ernesto de la Cruz, Héctor Rivera, Imelda Rivera, Chicharrón, Óscar and Felipe Rivera, OCs. Imector. Rating: T
[All chapters up are tagged as ‘fake priest au’ on my blog.]
A/N: Well, the deed is done. Now it's Héctor's turn to get something done. (Also, this fic is now past 100k words and still not done. Damn.) Art by Dara and @senoraluna​.
“So, all right, hear this out. I take her to the stream, I get down on one knee, take the guitar off my back- no, wait, that’d be hard. First I get the guitar off my back, then I get on one knee…”
Watching Héctor pace back and forth across his shack, Juanita sleeping soundly on the table next to him, Chicharrón raised an eyebrow. “The hell is the guitar even for?”
“To play, Cheech! I play her a song asking for her hand--”
“That’s a stupid idea.”
“Well-- Padre Ernesto said it always works!”
“What would he know? He’s a priest.”
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“Oh, er… right. Heh. Good point. What would he know?” Héctor laughed nervously, plucking the strings, and took a step back. “You know what, it is a dumb idea. Because he’s a priest. So he wouldn’t know, would he?”
Chicharrón gave him a deeply unimpressed look. “You sure you’re not running a fever or something? You’re acting even odder than usual. And turning red.”
“No!” Héctor almost cried out, stepping backwards to the door. “Not at all! I’ve never been healthier! You know, it’s… a bit stuffy in here. I think I’ll go out have a walk.”
“A walk, in the cemetery, at night?” Cheech scoffed, and leaned back in his chair. “If that’s what gets you in the mood for a marriage proposal, muchacho, fine with me.”
“It is! I mean-- not really-- but I’ll just, uh… I’ll go now,” Héctor muttered, face aflame, and was out of the door the next moment.
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All right. Maybe he needed to be more careful when he opened his mouth; he hadn’t quite blurted out Ernesto’s secret, but that had come… entirely too close for his tastes. However much eccentricity he could get away with thanks to his charisma - and good looks, Ernesto would probably add - giving advice to a novice on how to woo another novice was probably slightly over the line of what people would accept without questioning. 
Good thing that Chicharrón generally cared little about anybody else’s business and that he never failed to mention he had Seen Some Shit in his forty-something years at the parish, or else he might have begun asking questions that were better left unanswered. 
Héctor could make a convincing liar if the situation called for it, but Cheech knew him too well to fall for anything he said. And really, why had he thought the old gravedigger would be able to give him any kind of romantic advice? He’d wake up Ernesto, and ask him again if he was really sure a song was the right way to go, and then just trust him and, as he said, ‘seize his moment’. 
Surely, Ernesto would definitely know more about seduction that Héctor ever did.
When John awakened, it was still dark. 
It wasn’t unusual for him to awaken long before dawn; he couldn’t remember the last time he had a full, uninterrupted night’s sleep. What was unusual was for him to awaken with the weight of an arm across his side, the solid warmth of a body against his own on the small mattress, and quiet breathing against his hair. 
He was aware, distantly, that he ought to be horrified by what he’d done and most of all, but what he’d felt. Maybe he would be the next morning, once fully awake. Now… now he was still mostly asleep, and he found he didn’t want to think. He only wanted to lie down, bask in that warmth, and think of nothing for another while.
John shut his eyes, shifted closer to Father Ernest, and let sleep claim him again.
Knock, knock.
“Ern--er, Padre? I know it’s… really late, but I could use some more advice. Mostly encouragement that I’m not about to do something very dumb. But also advice.”
No answer. Héctor frowned a little. 
“Ernesto? I really need some help here. Por favor?”
Knock, knock.
“... Is anyone there?” Héctor frowned, slightly concerned by the lack of reply, and slowly tried the handle; the door opened easily, and creaked a little as he pushed it. He peered in, holding the candle in front of him. The small flame cast flickering shadows over the walls, and on a cot that was, most decidedly, empty and not even unmade yet. No one had laid down to sleep there that night, and Ernesto was nowhere to be seen in the room. 
Why isn’t he here? Where could he be so late at night? Oh God, maybe Imelda was right, maybe we underestimated him and he’s actually a spy, what do we do what do we--
“What are you doing here?”
Héctor leaped a couple of feet in the air with a rather undignified screech, causing the small flame on his candle to die out. Luckily, Sofía’s candle stayed on, allowing him to keep seeing their surroundings… and her deeply unimpressed expression. Between her and Cheech, he’d really had his fill of Unimpressed Faces for the week; he could only hope Imelda would be the third time lucky, or else he may as well curl up and die. 
“... Héctor? I’m talking to you.”
Ah. Yes. Right. “I-- I’m here to, uh… I have a few quest-- never mind. Ernesto is not in there!”
“I can see that. Now lower your voice,” Sofía muttered, rolling her eyes, and gestured for him to follow. It was only then that Héctor noticed that there was no wimple covering her head, and that she wasn’t wearing her robe either: she was clad in a long, white nightgown. 
Well, of course she would be, he’d woken her up and nuns didn’t sleep in their robes. Still, he felt an awful lot like he was seeing more than he ought to, despite the fact every inch of her was covered except for her head. “I, uh… should probably leave you--”
“I’m not sleepy anymore. Come in the kitchen and tell me what’s gotten into you to be up this time at night.”
“Ah-- all right. Sorry I woke you up,” he mumbled, following her. Embarrassed as he was, Héctor didn’t even think that it was very unlikely he had been the one to wake her up, given that her room was in another hallway entirely. “But… Ernesto is not--”
“I know where he is,” she cut him off. As they got in the kitchen, she used the candle to light up an oil lamp. “Don’t worry, he’s just… having a good time. I think.”
Come to think of it, Héctor didn’t really want to know any more details. He looked back at the door. “You sure this is a good idea? If Padre Ju-- John wakes up and finds us alone here at night, he’ll have a fit.”
“Oh, I don’t think he will get out of that room anytime soon,” Sofía said lightly, reaching for a bottle of wine. “He’s being kept entertained enough. Or at least, he was. Now there isn’t a sound coming from inside, so I think he’s going to sleep like a log until morning.”
Héctor nodded. “Ah, good,” he said. He paused. His brain stilled a moment, then restarted with  a jolt and, for the second time that night, he screeched.
“Wait-- what--?”
“Shhh! Don’t make so much noise!”
“Ah, I-- lo siento, I just-- are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
She looked at him innocently, sliding a glass across the table and sitting down. “I didn’t say anything.”
“You said--”
Well, that was valid advice: Héctor was desperate enough to scrub the mental image out of his mind that he emptied the glass in one go. He had no idea how he’d be able to look at either man in the eye the next morning, and he found he’d rather not think about it. 
“So, what was it you had to talk about so urgently?” Sofía asked. While he normally might have balked at the idea of telling her - she had just proved, after all, that she was far from a discreet person - Héctor absolutely welcomed the chance to change the subject with open arms. 
“I want to propose,” he blurted out. Sofía blinked at him for a moment, then she smiled… no, grinned widely. 
“To Imelda?”
“No, to Cheech,” Héctor muttered, throwing up his arms. “Of course it’s to Imelda! I just--”
“Well, about time!” More wine was poured, and the glass pushed back towards Héctor. “When?”
“Uh… I was thinking tomorrow, but…” he hesitated, and drank some more. “What if she says no?”
“Seriously?” she rolled her eyes. “Then she says no, but she won’t. Everyone and their abuela could tell the two of you are crazy about each other.”
Héctor’s face flushed. “Well, it's… complicated. Anyway, I wanted some advice on how to go about it."
"... From Ernesto."
"Er… sí?"
She sighed. "Héctor. Look at me in the eye and tell me you sincerely think Imelda would be impressed by… whatever kind of proposal Ernesto would come up with."
Héctor opened his mouth. Sofía raised an eyebrow. Héctor hesitated. “Well, it’s… not that bad an idea,” he finally mumbled, looking down.
“And what is the brilliant idea?”
“I, uh, I wrote a song,” Héctor confessed to the floor. His face felt so hot, he half-feared it would catch fire. “I said I should sing it. For her. Once we’re alone.”
“Oh.” Sofíá said. She sounded mildly surprised. “That’s… not that bad an idea.”
“Yes, I-- I think I can do that. Everything else he suggested, though--”
“I’ll stop you right there. Forget anything else he suggested.”
“... All right,” he conceded, still looking down. To be honest, he’d had his doubts to begin with, which was why he’d wanted to ask him if he was sure what he’d told him would work. He was fairly sure he wouldn’t be able to get her to dance with him, let alone move his hips the way Ernesto had described. And that was one of the tamest suggestions that had come out of his mouth. “So, uh… I just--”
“You just do you,” Sofía finished, leaning back and pouring herself another glass. “So, what’s the song? Let me listen to it. I’ll give you my honest opinion.”
Héctor blinked. “What-- I can’t play it now!”
“Why not? You have a guitar right there.”
“But it’s night, what if someone hears?”
“Gustavo is all the way at the back of the church. And the door is shut. Don’t worry, no one is going to walk in to think you’re serenading me.”
“Ernesto and Padre Ju--”
“Even if they hear, do you seriously think they’re going to come out and check who’s playing?”
Ah. Right. Héctor blushed a deeper shade or red - or at least he could guess he had, with how hot his ears felt - and reached down to pick up the guitar. He tuned it nervously, noting how old it was, how ruined the wood. Come to think of it, Miguel had a really nice one. Maybe he could borrow it, he thought, and finally cleared his throat. 
“Well, uh, it… it goes like this,” he mumbled, and strummed the guitar. 
A feeling so close, you can reach out and touch it I never knew I could want something so much but it's true…
Any sort of stage fright he may have had usually disappeared once he began playing, and that time was no exception; he could only hope the following evening would be the same. He sang softly, played even more softly, and when he opened his eyes Sofía was staring at him from across the table, grinning widely. 
Embarrassment hit him all at once. “Er-- it still needs a bit of work, maybe, but--”
“It’s perfect,” Sofía cut him off. Her grin widened. “If she can resist that, I’ll eat my wimple.”
Oh. That was… nice to hear. He smiled a little. “You think so?”
“Absolutely. So, how do you plan on meeting her somewhere private?”
Ah. That. “I’m still not sure. Ernesto said he’ll think up something.”
A sigh. “Of course. Well, I guess I’m going to have to help him come up with that something.”
“Oh, you don’t have to--” Héctor began, but trailed off when Sofíá reached over to put a hand on his arm. 
“Trust me,” she said. “I’ll have to.”
The first thing Ernesto realized when he woke up was that it was much too early for him to be awake. The second thing he realized was that the reason why he’d awakened in the first place was the fact that someone was trying to slide out from beneath his arm and off the bed without him waking up, clearly with very little success. 
The third, as soon as his mind kicked into gear and he remembered what had happened the previous night, was that said someone had to be Padre Juan and oh, he wasn’t so sure he wanted to deal with him and his crisis of faith now. Actually, he was sure he didn’t want to deal with it. 
Turns out he didn’t hate it. He didn’t hate it all.
Well, of course he didn’t; Ernesto was good in bed, regardless what Sofía said, surely in jest. And maybe he should have tried to make it unpleasant as the gringo expected it to - rough, painful, chafing the way it did in the barracks - but he… hadn’t.
After all any man with some pride wants to do well under the bedsheets, no? And maybe he hadn’t wanted to feel like he was back in the barracks again. He was miles away and he didn’t want to think of it at all. 
Not that he could have fooled himself, because Padre Juan felt absolutely nothing like a soldier of the Federal Army - soft and fine-haired, skin smooth, smelling of incense and old wood. Not at all unpleasant to have beneath, but right now he didn’t find the elbow in his ribs especially enjoyable. He clearly had never had to sneak out of someone’s bed at dawn and it showed.
“Ow!” Ernesto yelped, and Padre Juan stilled.
All right, so maybe they were even. Failure to sneak out, failure to feign sleep. Holding back a sigh, Ernesto resigned himself to face Juan’s inevitable breakdown and opened his eyes to see something that looked a lot like a giant tomato, but was actually the gringo’s face. 
“I-I… I, er… apologies,” Juan mumbled, and scampered quickly off the bed, taking the blanket to wrap it around himself, to cover stuff that Ernesto had already seen anyway. Well, felt more than seen with only a candle he’d had to fight to keep lit as the gringo protested. 
Now without blanket and quite obviously naked, Ernesto sat up and yawned as Juan went to his desk and pulled out a cigarette, taking it to his mouth with somehow shaky fingers before glancing around, obviously looking for something. 
“Need the matches?” Ernesto asked, picking up the box from the nightstand, where it had been left next to the candle. Padre Juan winced as though he’d yelled in his ear, and turned. 
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“Oh. Yes, I--” he trailed off, eyes going huge at the realization that, by taking the blanket, he had left Ernesto absolutely nothing to cover himself - not that he would rush to do so, no reason to cover perfection. Juan’s mouth hung open, the cigarette falling on the ground. Ernesto smiled. Juan shrieked and threw the blanket at him, hitting him full on the face.  “C-cover yourself!”
… Seriously now? Ernesto sighed and pulled the blanket off his head, raising an eyebrow. “Likewise,” he muttered, glancing at the very naked, very pink body that had been left uncovered when he’d thrown the blanket at him. It took a few moments for realization to hit him, but when it did the gringo shrieked and almost dove to grab his shift, flushing crimson again.
“Oh, God,” he groaned. 
Sí, you said that a lot last night too. 
Well. If anything, he wasn’t sobbing and begging for God’s forgiveness, and Ernesto supposed he could count that as a success. He wrapped the blanket around his waist as Juan put on the shift, and glanced back at him. He cleared his throat. “You, uh, dropped your cigarette,” he muttered. He had no idea saintly Padre Juan had a common vice such as smoke, but ah well. It wouldn’t be the first nor the biggest surprise in the past few hours. 
“I… yes. I did.” The gringo swallowed and went to pick it up, but he didn’t put it in his mouth again. He just set it down, heaved a long sigh, and looked back at him with an odd sort of blankness to his face. In a way it was more unnerving than a breakdown would be. It made any though Ernesto may have had to try making light of the situation, or to ask him if he felt cured, die in his throat. 
“I-- the absolution. We have to…” Padre Juan cleared his throat, and looked away. “You said we’d absolve each other, Father Ernest.”
Oh, come on, was he really expected to start mumbling in Latin while just awake? “Can this absolutely not wait until we have breakfast?”
“Take this seriously! It absolutely cannot!” he protested, his voice slightly higher than usual, control slipping; Ernesto found himself thinking he would probably have a stroke if he knew that his absolutions were worth slightly less than nothing. He cleared his throat. 
“Right, right. Of course,” he muttered, and stood, lifting his hand. “Ego te absolvo--”
“Not like this! You-- can you get dressed? Please?” Juan’s voice shook a little. He was still looking away, gaze distant and tense. Ernesto chased away a rather inappropriate thought - ‘was it really that bad?’ - and nodded. “All right,” he said, and went to pick up his cassock without a further word.
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They got dressed giving each other the back, and when Ernesto turned again Juan’s gaze was fixed on the floor, arms tightly crossed. He was tense, but seemed to relax just a little when Ernesto lifted his hand over his head and spoke the formula for absolution. He absolved him back, his voice somewhat firm but distant. His mind seemed to be miles away. 
“It’s best if you return to your room,” he finally murmured, once again staring at the opposite wall like he could see something on it that Ernesto could not. 
“... Are you all right?” he dared ask at the door, and for a long moment the only response he got was an empty gaze. Ernesto hesitated. “... John?”
Padre Juan recoiled a little, then he looked away and spoke softly. “Thank you. For trying to help,” he murmured, and closed the door without another word, leaving Ernesto to blink. He lingered a few moments, hesitating, and went to press his ear against the wooden door. 
He rather feared to hear the noises of self-flagellation again, in case the gringo had somehow managed to get his hands on another whip, but for a while there was only silence - then, the sound of splashing water in the basin. Well. At least he wasn’t intent on trying to rip the skin off his back again, and that was something, Ernesto supposed. 
It was damaged enough; the back was the only place where his skin was hardened, covered in raised scars and rough to the touch, so unlike… everything else. Now that he’d stopped opening up new wounds, Ernesto would rather he didn’t start again on his account. He wasn’t doing that now, so maybe he didn’t need to worry; that vacant gaze he’d had on his face would pass. No damage done, he hoped. 
More splashing inside - he was probably washing rather vigorously, which Ernesto definitely should do as well come to think of it - and in the end, Ernesto turned to make his way to his own room, finally thinking over the previous night with a cool mind. 
It had been… pleasant, he supposed. Different from any of his experiences with the soldier and more like sleeping with a woman, although he suspected Padre Juan might kill him and then himself if Ernesto tried to voice that thought. So it would be best to just. Not do that, in case they ever talked about it again. Which probably wouldn't happen, he told himself, opening the door of his room. Maybe that would be it, and with the absolutions over with they would never have any reason to talk about--
"Oh, you're finally back!"
"Gah! What-- what are you doing in my room?"
Sofía tilted her head and frowned in mock hurt. She… didn’t look like she had gone to sleep at all, but still seemed in high spirits, grin barely in check. "That wasn't how you reacted to me being here before you went and replaced me with the gringo. What an insult, that. Were you so desperate to find someone with so little experience he would be easy even for you to impress?"
Ernesto rolled his eyes, but his lips curled upwards. The previous night had been pleasant, but now there was an uncomfortable weight in his stomach he couldn't quite name, and some banter was… just what he needed to take his mind off it. "Says the one who ran back to Sister Antonia as soon as Lent was over. Why didn't you see her tonight, anyway?"
"Womanly issues," she said lightly, and leaned forward. "And good thing for you, because I spared you, the gringo and Héctor a few very, very embarrassing moments. Of all nights to come looking for you for questionable advice, huh? But no worries, I sorted that out. He might look at you and Padre Juan funny, by the way. Don't mind him."
Ernesto groaned. "Por Dios, one time he has to come-- ugh. Whatever," he muttered, rubbing his face. All things considered, it wasn't even the worst of his secrets that Héctor was aware of. "What did he want?"
“We'll discuss that later. One thing at the time,” Sofía said, leaning forward with a wide grin. “Now it's your turn to tell me everything.”
For a time after Father Ernest left, John kept himself busy - or at least tried to. Washing himself and saying the morning prayers could only take him so far. Soon enough, he had to turn to his bed, to the rustled sheets and the blanket on the floor, and face the reality of what had happened on it. What he had done, how he’d soiled himself. 
And how his vile, treacherous body had betrayed him.
He’d accepted Father Ernest’s help, put his soul in danger as well - oh he could have never gone through with it if not for the knowledge absolution would swiftly follow - but it had not worked. The longing was not gone; stronger, he feared, now that he knew what a garden of earthly delights could be found in the act.
He had committed the sin hoping it would, at least, extinguish the unnatural desire in him once and for all; expecting it to be painful as all acts against God ought to be, a reminder of how undesirable the act truly was to any normal man. It should have been-- God, he had let another man in him. Not only he’d lain with him, but he’d lain with him as a woman would and God help him, there had been barely any discomfort and then such relief, like the scratching of an itch that had always been there and he could never reach. Such pleasure, he hadn’t believed believe it was possible to ever feel anything like it.
If only the act kept him sated for good, then he would have been content. But it had not: he had looked upon his body earlier and the lust was still there, the unholy temptation to reach out for him, join him in the bed, let him press him down and do what he would. He would take it, and he would enjoy it. Now he knew he would. 
I am a sodomite.
The thought was like a cold, cold dagger through his chest. Slowly, John sank on the floor, back against the wall, and burrowed his face in his hands. His father had been right - he was an abomination, and he would always be. It would never go away, all hope he’d had to cure it, had been vain. Even Father Joseph, his mentor, had said the same thing - if very, very differently.
Perhaps it is in God’s plan that it remains your cross to bear.
John had been so horrified, so furious to hear that he'd stormed out, accusing the old man of hindering him with his kindness... and he had never seen him again, never spoken to him if not by letter, until the say he'd died. And yet, Father Joseph - the man who'd called him son after his own father had cast him out - had been right. What a foolish child he'd been. What an ungrateful child, turning his back to a man who only wished him well and spoke the truth. 
With a choked-back sob, he reached to grasp the golden crucifix at his neck with shaky fingers, and held it tight. His eyes burned, tears slid down his cheeks, and he did nothing to stop them. He couldn’t stop them, as he couldn’t will himself to cease lusting for men. It was beyond his control.
It had always been beyond his control.
Father John Johnson bowed his head, and wept - barley trying to muffle the sobs wracking his chest, the broken gasps as he tried to draw in breath and let it escape him in whimpers moments later. He had to be such a pathetic sight, but he found that he did not care.
And yet, amidst the despair, there was something else. As the sobs slowly stopped, and he wiped his face and sniffled, the vise-like grip around his heart seemed to loosen a fraction. For all his horror at the realization he could never be free of his cross, a thought kept running through his mind, both horrifying and oddly comforting. 
It was always beyond my control. There can be no healing. I was never meant to win.
And it was true. There was nothing he could have done differently, no solution he could have thought of to somehow change what he was. He’d fought so hard for so long, and he’d lost - he’d lost he’d lost because he wasn’t meant to win. It had been all for nothing. He could never win, the odds and his very nature against him. Was that what Father Joseph had tried to tell him, all those years ago?
Perhaps it is in God’s plan that it remains your cross to bear.
I did everything I could. I never stood a chance. And I am too tired to keep fighting. 
It hurt, it truly did, but at the same time the notion he could finally surrender, finally rest, lifted a weight from his shoulders. There was nothing more he could do, nowhere else he could turn to escape the truth of what he was, and he could fight no longer. It was over, nothing left to try. 
Only surrender.
It was such a bitter sort of relief, but relief it was, and John was so tired. So he closed his eyes, murmured a prayer, and allowed himself to find solace where he could. 
“All right. Time make sure everyone has the battle plan clear. Any questions before I start?”
“Yes. Do you have to call it a battle plan, and… was drawing a map of the church grounds absolutely necessary?” Ernesto asked, glancing down at the… admittedly shoddily-drawns map Miguel had put together. 
He frowned, a little offended. “Just so that we’re all on the same page and hold out positions!” he exclaimed, yanking the map a little to get the lower left corner out of Dante’s mouth. As he did, Óscar and Felipe leaned in to take a look.
“You could have asked us. We’d have made you a better map,” Felipe said.
“A much better one,” Óscar agreed. 
“This map will be just fine,” Miguel protested, looking over at Ernesto and Sofía for support. He was still trying to figure out if the doodle on the left was meant to be the cemetery or the orchard, but Sofía nodded in support. 
“Yes, it works just fine. Now, you were talking about a battle plan?”
Miguel grinned. “Sí! It’s called… huh. How do we call this operation?”
“We don’t need to name it,” Ernesto muttered, but clearly no one else really shared his opinion. 
Sofía shrugged. “I don’t think my idea should be shared with children. Over to you.”
“Marry the priest!” Felipe exclaimed.
“Kiss the girl!” Óscar yelled, and Miguel grinned. 
“I like that one! All right, so - Operación Besa a la Chica!” he exclaimed. Dante began barking, and he decided to take that as a sign they had chosen the right name. Confidence boosted, Miguel looked down at the map. “All right. So, tomorrow after the evening prayer…”
“I go tell Imelda that Padre Ernesto wants to speak with her.”
“Concerning what?”
“I wouldn’t know.” She shrugged. “And Madre Gregoria wouldn’t question the parish priest.”
“Perfect. She gets here, and…?”
“Héctor and I will be there,” Ernesto supplied. “By the way, where is he now?”
“Getting my guitar from Cheech. I told him he could have it for the proposal. Is he really going to sing a song?”
“If he follows my advice, he will.”
“Then he’ll need to hide the guitar there beforehand. I mean, Imelda will wonder what’s going on if he’s just there with a guitar.”
“I’ll tell him to do that. Anyway, we get her to the orchard with an excuse…”
“What excuse?” Miguel pressed on. Ernesto rolled his eyes.
“We’ll come up with something.”
“You’re supposed to have a plan beforehand. That’s how planning works,” Miguel pointed out, gaining himself a raised eyebrow. 
“I’ll improvise, don’t worry. Sofía and I will get her and Héctor to the orchard.”
Miguel nodded solemnly, and tapped a finger on the spot on the map. “Right here.”
“... Yes. We are aware where the orchard is.”
Ay, since when was he such a spoilsport? He’d been adding a bit oddly, lately, and he wondered if he was angry at him. Did he know… no, it couldn’t be. Héctor had promised him to never tell Ernesto or anybody else that he’d told him the truth, and he’d never broken a promise to him before. It was just his imagination, or maybe he just had other thoughts on his mind. 
That was fine. Everything was fine. “All right, so-- you take her to the orchard. And then…?”
“Then we come along!” Óscar exclaimed. 
“And we tell them that Dante got stuck in a tree and you’re trying to get him down…”
“... And that you’re going to be in so much trouble if you don’t get back by curfew.”
“Someone will have to help!”
Miguel grinned. “Perfecto! And that someone will be…?”
“Me and Padre Ernesto,” Sofía finished. “We tell them not to worry and run off to help you, leaving the two of them alone in the orchard.”
So far, Miguel thought, so good. Of course, there were factors they could only do so much to control. “What if she decides to go back with you?”
Ernesto shrugged. “Then it’s up to Héctor to keep her there. If he can’t do that, then he won’t be able to keep a wife and there is no point in trying.”
“That’s… fair, I guess,” Miguel conceded. “So, uh.... That’s the plan. Then it depends on Héctor.”
“God help him,” Ernesto said dryly, gaining himself a slap on the arm from Sofía. “I mean-- God bless him and the union, I guess, if there is one.”
“There will be,” Miguel said, trying to sound as certain as he possibly could. “She likes him. And he wrote a song for her!”
“And he’ll play it with the best guitar!” Óscar added. 
Felipe immediately nodded. “We know it’s the best because we made it.”
“We make a lot of things.”
“Sometimes they catch fire.”
“Or explode. But not that guitar!”
“Oh no, it’s good as new!”
Miguel, who had witnessed several of their creations meeting a sad and occasionally fiery end, mentally thanked whoever there was to thank for the fact even they had yet to figure out how to make a guitar burst in flames at random, and nodded. 
“All right. So… we’re ready,” he said, trying to convince himself that they really were, that everything would play out exactly as it was supposed to. And that Héctor, too, would be ready.
“Oh my God, I’m not ready.”
"You're ready as you'll ever be."
"That's not ready at all!"
"Then you'll never be ready anyway. No point in waiting, no?"
"Is that supposed to come across as encouraging?"
"It isn't."
“Listen, I’m not giving your another pep talk. You make it or break it. By which I mean you better make it, or I’ll break you.”
“... That sounds like a threat.”
“Might be because it is.”
“Ah.” Héctor muttered, and managed a small, nervous laugh. Sure he was joking, right? Héctor would have been certain of it, normally, but that day his mood had been… odd. He seemed distracted, didn’t talk as much as usual, and when he did he was somewhat snippier. And Padre Juan had stayed in his room the entire day, claiming he had a cold and didn’t want it to spread; Ernesto had nodded at the news, pretending to believe it, and had said nothing of it.
… He didn’t know that Héctor knew, did he? Sofía wouldn’t have-- oh God, she would.
“You know I won’t, er. I won’t tell.”
Ernesto turned to glance at him, saying nothing. Héctor’s face turned hot the next moment and ah, God, he was blushing again, wasn’t he? Even before Imelda showed up, his face would look like he’d turned into a tomato and his chances would be ruined, if he really had any chances.
“I mean… with… you know…”
A sigh. “That would be best. Juan might just have a heart attack if anybody knows. Plus, it would cause more than a few issues with the parish, even if we were not clergy. I’d rather leave you the satisfaction of giving them their biggest church scandal in a good while.”
Héctor sputtered. “W-what-- it won’t be a scandal, I-- we haven’t even taken our vows yet, so… so if I propose… we’re going about it the honest way! I mean, if she says yes--” he blurted out, only to be cut off by a sudden laugh and a powerful pat on his shoulder. It was embarrassing, but Ernesto seemed to be back to normal for a moment and Héctor found it was a relief. 
“Hah! All right, forget what I said. I’m sure no one will mind.”
“Her parents will.”
“Her parents can either suck it up or watch her as she becomes a nun. Which despite being good Catholics they’re not all that thrilled about, according to her brothers.” A shrug. “Plus, I’m sure a talk with me will be all that they need.”
“I’ll give them some bullshit about God’s will, love and whatnot, I bless the union, blah blah. You know I can talk anybody into anything, given enough time.”
Héctor laughed a little. “I noticed,” he said. Ernesto seemed to stiffen, the smile fading on his face, and Hécotor mentally kicked himself. “I mean-- not necessarily, uh…” he shifted his weight from one foot to the other, glancing back towards the part of the parish where the sleeping quarters were. “... Is he all right?”
“He’ll be fine,” Ernesto reply, his voice curt, and Héctor decided not to press further. Even if he’d wanted to, anyway, there would be no time: led by Sofía, Imelda was coming.
That entire situation was stupid.
First Sofía coming over to tell her ‘Padre’ Ernesto wanted to talk to her, all while pretty much vibrating with excitement, was stupid. Héctor also being there, his face beet red, was stupid. Ernesto’s decision to walk through the orchard while talking about the weather was stupid. Her brothers and Miguel running over claiming Dante was stuck on a tree was stupid. Ernesto and Sofía running off with them to save that dumb dog like they had to get him out of the jaws of a jaguar was stupid. The fact they all had pretended to leave but eventually had very obviously just hidden behind some trees and shrubs was stupid.
And now, she turned to see that Héctor suddenly had a guitar in his hands, she had to wonder how much more stupid could the entire situation get. “... Héctor. What is this?”
He smiled, or tried to. It came across as the most idiotic grimace she had ever seen in her life; rolling her eyes at it would have been easy, if not for the fact it was oddly cute on Héctor’s face, with the empty window where a front tooth was missing reminding her that he was the kind of person who’ll try to fight a much bigger man to protect a woman and her kids. The memory softened her frown - only for it to come back when Héctor spoke.
“It’s, uh, a guitar. Miguel’s,” he added, lifting it up. The last rays of the setting sun shone on the white, polished wood and the decorations. “But he let me borrow it.”
“I see that. I mean, what is this, ” she pointed out, gesturing at the orchard around them - including the trees where five idiotas were hiding, honestly convinced she couldn’t tell their were there. “I was told Padre Ernesto had to speak to me.”
“Well, that was… a lie.”
“... Clearly.”
“And I, uh, apologize for that. I would like to… speak to you. Alone?” he croaked. 
Oh. Oh, God. Imelda suspected she was beginning to get an inkling of where this was going, and it was… a lot of take in. She blinked, taken aback, and oh did her face suddenly feel warm.
“Talk to me?” she repeated, her voice a couple of octaves higher than usual. And cracking. It hadn’t cracked like that since she was sixteen, Jesus Christ why now. She cleared her throat, and folded her arms tightly over her chest. “Well, I’m-- listening,” she managed. 
The smile Héctor had managed to put up froze. “Ah. Right. I mean, good? I… er…” his gaze shifted above her left shoulder; it took Imelda all her willpower not to turn. As much as part of her wanted to put a stop to all that foolishness right now, she… wanted to hear what Héctor had to say. It had been hanging between them, unspoken and unacknowledged, for long enough. So she kept looking at Héctor as his expression brightened.
He suddenly looked back at her, grinning, lifting the guitar. “I have written a song!” he declared. 
Imelda… blinked. “Ah. Good for you?”
He flushed a dark red again. “I mean, I… wrote it for… for you,” he managed, somewhat tentatively. He looked at her with such vulnerability, something in her chest ached even through the astonishment. He cleared his throat. 
“I… wait, I’ll play it, I--” he began, lifting the guitar, but he never got to. Imelda stepped forward and put her hand on it; their closeness caused Héctor to draw in a sharp breath, eyes huge. 
“Don’t,” she said, quietly enough not to be heard by anyone else. “I’d rather hear it when I’m the only public.”
Héctor’s, whose expression had turned pained for a moment, brightened up suddenly and nodded. “Oh! Of course,” he whispered as well, like a conspirator. “They, uh… they were not supposed to hang around here. Lo siento.” He smiled awkwardly, and Imelda fought back a sudden urge to cup his face. “We were meant to be alone, and… and I wanted to ask… neither of us has taken the vows yet, so it’s… it’s not too late… if you want… I know I want, I’m sorry it took so long--”
Imelda’s hand went to cover his mouth, and he trailed off, staring at her questioningly. She shook her head, and his features twisted in a sorrowful expression. He looked absolutely gutted and Imelda pulled back her hand and spoke. 
“Héctor, our position in the clergy allows us to aid the Revolution, and better help Santa Cecilia. Outside the parish, we could do next to nothing of use,” she said, her voice still low, so that she would not be heard. What she said would come to no surprise to Ernesto and Sofía, but Miguel and her brothers were best left out of it. “They need us where we are.”
A long breath, and he looked down with a nod. “... I understand,” he murmured. “I apologize. I just-- I won’t bother you again. I only need you to know that I--”
Imelda grasped the front of his cassock, and pulled him down into a kiss. It was soft, chaste - only lips on lips - but it made her feel light-headed, a shiver running down her spine. She had never kissed a man before and ah, she suddenly had to fight the urge to do it again, many more times. Héctor went very still, too, and when she pulled back his eyes were big as saucers.  There was a sound somewhere on their left like that of a grito immediately muffled by several pairs of hands, but neither of them paid it any mind.
Imelda smiled. “Ask me after the war is over,” she whispered, and Héctor’s stunned expression melted in a wide, ecstatic smile. Missing tooth or not, it was the most beautiful smile Imelda had ever seen. It was radiant. 
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“I will ask again,” he promised, not bothering to keep his voice down. “And again and again an-”
“Oh, don’t be foolish now,” Imelda replied, brushing down her robe. The corners of her lips were still curled upwards. “You’ll only need to ask once.”
“So, she said yes?”
“He says that she said ‘later’.”
“But later, yes, right?”
“Would have helped if Héctor didn’t just skip away like that, we needed the details…”
The discussion went on for a while, but Ernesto barely listened. He nodded occasionally, but his attention was mostly taken by the window to the left of the courtyard - that of Padre Juan’s room.
Now that it was dark he could barely see, through the glass, the faint and tremulous light of a lone candle.
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