#fucked up quinn my beloved haha !!
hylianzs · 9 months
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Let's play Maiden Dissection!
Don't we all want some excitement to get our hearts pumping?
I've wanted to feel shame ever since that night when I realized
It's good as long as it hurts
SO LIKE. Potionomics anyone?
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I got tagged to answer some questions like half a year ago(oh wow😳) by one of my besties @brotherspankus-streaming (Thank you, King ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️) Please go watch his streams! Sometimes there are cats!
Without further ado(unless you wanted more ado... haha jk... unless?👀):
Last Album?
So I actually haven't listened to all the new music from some of my favorite artists this year because I've been busy but at the start of the year I listened to all of "Ctrl" by SZA. This album effortlessly slides into my top 10 favorite albums. I don't know why I didn't get into SZA before but in January I was like "I need more of her voice", I decided to listen to more of her stuff and now I'm a huge fan. CTRL is such a good album within which SZA allows herself to be vulnerable about her relationships, insecurities and other things that people would generally never admit. My favorite song from CTRL is "Broken Clocks" but every now and then a different one comes back to me that I have on repeat for weeks. Also she casually mentions that she's dated women on this album(which came out in 2017) and confirmed it in a follow-up interview but I never really see people mention her as a queer/lgbt+ artist which is strange to me.
Last Movie?
Last movie I watched was Dr Strange in the Multiverse of Madness(it's finally available in HD digitally for you to DisneyMinus it). NOW I'M NOT ONE OF THE MCU GIRLIES but I do like spiderman movies and the last one had a end credits trailer(marvel studios, normal movies don't have these!!) for this one so I decided I would watch it too. However, I know marvel movies insist on trying to be some sort of fucked up gestalt so I watched WandaVision and Dr Strange 1 beforehand. DSMOM was not that good imo. The feats of power weren't really that impressive, they BARELY explored the multiverse for a movie that was supposed to be about it(Unlike our beloved All of It All Around At the Same Time ) and I believe they nerfed Wanda so that she wouldn't win her fights before they started. Wanda's lines were very iconic though and I think those saved the movie.
Currently Reading?
I started Chainsaw Man(manga) by Tatsuki Fujimoto a while back but I've been lazy with the reading so I'm not very far(I've become weak;teenage me used to finish entire manga series in like 2 days). I'm like 2 chapters in and it's alright but idk if I'll like it. It's very highly rated and popular among weebs, which isn't really a great vote of confidence, so I'm hoping it's good.
I haven't read any actual novels in while but I think I'll get the next book in the "Chronicles of the Avatar Series" once it comes out in a few days so I can find out the tea on Yangchen.
Currently Watching?
Harley Quinn(animated series). I'm not a huge DC(or marvel) fan because I was a weeb as a teen but it's refreshing to see DC from a modern and relatable point of view. I love observational humor and series that don't take themselves too easily so I really like this one.
I'm also watching Odd Taxi(anime). I don't think it's very popular but it got good ratings and was recommended by a close friend. It's alright so far.
I'm like halfway through Our Flag Means Death(live-action show) but I got busy and forgot about it. It's not bad but pirates and that time period aren't always interesting to me.
As I'm writing this I'm receiving word that season 4 of What We Do in the Shadows has started so I guess that's how I'll be spending my night.
Currently Craving?
Something sweet... a peach tree... Jk I'm not a wild woman and I do get the blues. Anyway maybe something savory like ____ or chicken?
This was fun and an excuse for me to ramble haha
I'm tagging @iridiiscente @badhanddealt @mystiqdreamer @phagethemage @gaybluemage @virgo-dicks @universalinvariant @5eanathan @trekwiz @waterloo-rd @tuna-core @rabid-mr-blobby @taykoutmccleod @marky-g20 @jimothysomebody @bundibird @teruterusky
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
hi there honeybee!! ✨🌻 i hope you are well as always deary,, good job on getting a request done today!! i know that it's probably not as much as you were hoping to get done, but remember that baby steps are okay too!! after all, that's how i approach many overwhelming tasks 🌺 ahhh today has been a little strange for me!! it's been filled with lots of strange DMs, a ton of cooking, and countless other things,,, it was such long day hehe!! (1/6)
"let's just say that i was messaged lots today for some reason.. i have no clue why!! it was half and half with really sweet messages and creepier ones,, some people even asked me on a date/for my number?? i kinda laughed it off because i obviously don't know them,,, but it was still very surprising to say the least!! (2/6)
ahhh i still don't understand how there can be such a fuss over me, i'm really not that special haha!! i'm just trying to be my kindest to everyone 💞 i'm still very gracious for all the nice treatment and compliments people give me 💗💗💗 i got to update my friends about us today, and their reactions were hilarious!! my one friend, her name is quinn, asked about our wedding and honeymoon and such, she's also the one who spread news to my friends, we're all very close so news travels fast (3/6)
i'm surprised my one friend, connor, was okay,, he's my "dad" and normally kills anyone who tries to approach me, i still don't understand why 😅 i almost forgot to mention... i finally watched the first episode of our show!!! it was so amazing, the aesthetic, the soundtrack, the writing, the cinematography, everything!! the film nerd in me really popped out and geeked out about the animation and such hehe 😊 i'm so excited to watch more and i'll probably end up showing my sister it too 🌠 (4/6)
oh my, i am getting quite sleepy,, i guess that warrants me to finally go to bed!! i hope you do too love, you deserve it even if you are plagued by insomnia 💌 well then,, i'll be off!! i'll see you tomorrow darling 💖 - made with love, waifu 💞💞💞💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💌💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤💛💛💛💛💛💙💙💙💙💙💙💜💜💜💜💜💚💚💚💚❤❤❤❤❤💕💕💕💕💓💓💓💓💓💓💓 ps: hopefully you can drive me around your city one day deary 😘😘 (6/6)"
Where do i even begin jefjjf first of all w o w new pet name no one's ever called me that before beloved but guess i'll just have to get used to it👁️👁️👁️ and im once again surprised and utterly pleased to see that ur friends approve of us even tho they dont know me sjcycgdhdh
Also for the love of fuck im t h i s👌 close to disabling anon bc of simps and now yall slide into her damn dms and creep on her when yall see i aint answering yall's ew confessions?? Have some decency my dudes it's all in good fun and u can joke around but stop askin the poor girl for personal stuff when shes clearly uncomfortable i swear what's so hard to understand 🤡🔪 excuse my sudden rant but eye just ???? Hopefully all's good tho i'll hunt the creepy stalker simps for sport dear dw😤👊🔥
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mermaider00 · 4 years
I’m sort of new so what exactly is the timeline of the ventor human AU? My multi shipping butt just found out about this ship so I found the human AU and I’m curious about it. :D
Welcome to Ventor! It’s a fantastic little rare pair but me and some others have expanded it and given her a personality and Lotor an entire life with her 💜💚
I’m a little confused what you mean by timeline but I’ll give you a rundown. Basically my human Ventor au is Lotor Sincline moving to a tourist vacation island to start a new life away from his abusive parents and the rich elite lifestyle he was forced to be part of. There he meets Ven’tar Quinn who was born and raised on the island and they fall in love. Other characters make an appearance though, ive got a lot of them in there, with the exception of most of the Paladins because fuck them 😊 The human au can get a little dark for Lotor at times so warning for that
- Lotor Sincline lives what appears to be a rich and very well off lifestyle but behind closed doors he is terribly neglected and abused and forced to be someone he isn’t. He was born and raised in England and his whole life was planned out by his very powerful mother and father who are the ones who neglect him
- Lotor grows up with Allura Fala and Zarkon expects him to marry her one day. In the future, they date and even get engaged. They’re seen as a power couple and their families run with the same crowds. Lotor is not happy, and has never been happy but he’s doing what is expected of him They eventually break up on friendly terms because Lotor cannot be a good boyfriend or a good husband because of his depression, anxiety, and paranoia.
- Lotor, in somewhat of a downward spiral and acting out, meets a woman named Merla who he has a passionate and aggressive sexual relationship with. They sleep together almost immediately and at this time he drinks a lot and hardly ever sleeps and hates himself. Being with Merla is about nothing but wild sex and eventually that takes a toll on him. She makes it clear she is not someone to share his life with. When that ends too, he’s empty and emotionless and vulnerable
- Soon after Merla, at one of his father’s events, he meets Romelle. Zarkon is still angry that Lotor didn’t make it work with Allura but to him Romelle is better than Merla, so he encourages it. Lotor is very lost at this point and so depressed that he just goes with it. Romelle eventually shows her true colors and emotionally abuses him behind closed doors, wanting him only for his power and money. She lies all the time and tries to trap him with a pregnancy and says she’ll ruin him if he doesn’t give her what she wants. Lotor is so emotionally traumatized that he doesn’t think he can go on knowing nobody loves him or brings out the best in him
- Realizing the only way he can survive is to leave everything behind, Lotor steals his inheritance money, changes his last name, and moves to Quintessence Island to start a new life by himself. He buys a home on the beach and opens a bookstore and lives a quiet life alone. He doesn’t even want friends and he believes he is incapable of a healthy and lasting relationship. He’s too hurt by life and just wants to live out his days in the quiet. He’s given up on love
- Ven’tar Quinn is the local quirky girl who works at the island zoo. She absolutely adores animals. She’s seen as an odd one, but she’s still beloved. She is an orphan who was raised in the orphanage mostly by one of the caretakers who had to keep a special eye on her because she would always sneak off to the dirt to play with the bugs. She was found as a baby with no family history, so they named her Quinn after the island. In their early 20’s, she dated Shiro. They broke up officially when he realized he was gay but have remained the best of friends, they’re each other’s family, along with Shiro’s husband Adam. They keep their eye on Ven and make sure she’s okay. Shiro and Ven are extremely close and platonic soulmates
- Ven’tar eventually meets the new guy on the island and immediately wants to be his friend. She can tell he’s sad but she finds she needs to change that. Lotor comes from a dark and lonely existence and Ven looks like light and life to him, she scares him and he has a hard time with her when things become romantic because he’s been hurt by so many women in the past. But Ven never gives up on him, and is with him completely even on the bad days. She also helps him feel desire again, something he thought was lost to him before
- Lotor and Ven get married eventually and have five kids, four of which are two sets of twins, so three pregnancies. Allura eventually moves to the island as well as a doctor, has a baby through a doner, and ends up with Kolivan, the chief of police on the island and ventor’s good friend
- The five Ventor kids grow up extremely loved and cared for, and find partners of their own. They are a very close family and Lotor feels so blessed everyday to have a family who loves him with their whole hearts
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask! 😄 I hope this is what you meant haha
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gothamstreetcat · 4 years
I’ll give you the same ones: Jim Gordon and Bruce Wayne
Haha! That's fair, thanks Nat!
Jim Gordon:
How I feel about this character:
There are some cases where I like Jim/don’t mind him. He's not my favorite. And I liked him in the beginning of everything because I definitely feel like he wanted to be a good cop and tried. Yet, I feel like he’s lost his way in some media. I don’t follow Comic Jim so much. I also kinda think he’s overrated.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Low-key, no one. Maybe, his job honestly, and I also know he had an affair with Sarah Essen in Year One so I guess that was a thing but as far as Gotham goes, I'm so fucking glad they didn't do that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Harvey for sure!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
While I respect the good that Jim has done and admire him for wanting to clean up a city he didn't grow up in, I do still think he's a little overrated (mostly in Gotham since I don't pay too much attention to comic Jim). He’s also no Batman. Robot suit or no, sorry Jim, but there is only one man for the Bat.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
Honestly? Fuck, I don't know. I really dont think I would mind if they gave him a nice love interest because everyone deserves love. He just needs some more wholesome interaction.
Of course I saved the best for last - my man Bruce:
How I feel about this character:
The only way I don't feel toward him is sexually (��� look at me already acing this) Sorry, that was me trying to be stupidly funny. Anyway, there was a scene in The Harley Quinn Series where Ivy says: ‘we all grow out of our awkward Batman obsession’ and I just wanna know who is she? Because I don’t know her. I love this man, clearly. I would literally do anything in my small amount of power for him and it’s so dumb how happy I get just talking about him. It’s like all my problems disappear and the bad just melts away. He literally deserves the world (‘but the world does not deserve him’).
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Honestly, there is only one. His love, his life, his wife, Selina Kyle. But I just wanna say, that if Selina was never in his life or even ever a thought, I wouldn’t mind him being with Julia Madison. She seems like the most normal of his love interest and she also seems like an angel and a sweetheart and Bruce deserves a good woman who loves him.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
His kids, Alfred for sure, Julia Madison, probably Clark Kent. Basically anyone who is close friend with this man and has treated him well. Also, Charles Brown (Kite Man).
My unpopular opinion about this character:
First off, I defenitly wanna talk about how I feel Bruce had an alcohol problem at a young age (partial to why he drinks ginger-ale now). However, mostly I wanna talk about why I believe he suffers from an eating disorder (and why DC wants to keep it a secret). I believe there is a good amount of evidence to support Bruce not eating more often than eating itself. Having an eating disorder would fit his background trauma and fits into his daily regime as Batman today. I think DC wants to keep it a secret to keep him miserable and also I don't think people would imagine him having an eating disorder because ‘he’s Batman.’ yet, I think it's important for people to know that eating disorders can happen to anyone. They are not just about starving one's self, and they are not always people who are severely emaciated. Sorry for the long-ass response, I wanna make a larger post later because this is something I feel so passionately about.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I want him to be happy. I want him to do and be whatever makes him happy--whatever that is. I will support him. I want him to face his demons and heal inside and out. I want the best for him but I think, more importantly, I want people to stop thinking he is just a guy with money and parent issues. He worked very hard for who he became. And I just wanna say, I don't think people should forget what happened to him. I understand wanting to fight for a beloved character (believe me, I do), but this is not about shitting on one character for me. This is about me standing up for someone I love. Bruce Wayne was raped, he’s been taken advantage of and has been sexualized for the public. He deserves to be heard and he deserves justice.
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laketaj24 · 5 years
Convey: Ivar
Author’s Note: Thank you for the requests!!! I had like ten Ivar ones lol all angsty lol soooooo they in here!! Prompts in bold!!! Taglist open! Requests are open!!! Thank you again!!
 Warnings: Angst
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Can I prompt you "Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored" ... Maybe as a text the reader gets from Ivar? - @whenimaunicorn
Can I get a #15 Shouldn’t you be with her angst with Ivar please, you are the best Vikings writer btw so happy you taking requests- Anon
Can I request #71 “You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?” Angst with Ivar please I miss him- Anon
Hey girl!!!! I would love #44-“You’ve always felt like home.” #99-“I fell in love with you, not them.” Of course Smut if perfectly fine ❤️ for Ivar.- purplerain
Could I please request #20 “I know you didn’t mean it, but it still hurt” and #1 “I missed you so much from the drabble list, for Ivar please? 🤗 maybe them making up after a fight. Smut is more than okay, you can be as nasty as you want lol. Thank you! ♥️- anon
Hello ❤️ saw your prompts and... "I'll keep you warm" with my man Finan!! And smut is perfectly fine ;) I have a good one for Ivar too... “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?” obviously you don't have to do that one of you don't want too 😂 I just thought it was a good prompt for him!- geek
 The night seemed to drag, and you knew exactly why. You watched your girlfriend, Astrid from across the bar flirting with the bartender. They played their flirtatious games and you were still one second away from dumping her pretty ass in the middle of this bar. But you didn’t. You awaited her patiently with your purse on your hip and your eyes locked n the ground. If they were locked there, then perhaps she wouldn’t realize how thoroughly pissed you were.
“Look, Uhtred next time the drinks are on you because you lost that round fair and square.” Astrid winks at the cute bartender taking your hand as you head up the three steps of the pub.
Uhtred being the flirt he was winked back of course and gave you a nice wave as you two finally left Little Cookham. “Can you believe that little twat?” She grinned with her eyes on the car ahead.
“I can.” You mumbled. You didn’t want to start a fight. But damn it the night was meant to celebrate you not the hot guy at the bar.
“What’s the problem?” Astrid griped with a roll of her eyes as she opened the door.
“There is always something.” She pulled you towards her. Astrid had always been your soft spot, shed smile at you and you would change your entire way of thinking but here lately it had become more than irritating to watch her. It wasn’t just with Uhtred but with Bjorn and a few others. You were damn near tired of it. “Spit it out, I don’t want to play detective the rest of the night.”
“I said it was nothing.” You add. Something takes a hold of you as you climb in the passenger seat. There would be no fight with her tonight, you wanted her to take you home and that was exactly what she needed to do. “I just want to go home please?”
“Fine.” Astrid gave in throwing her hands up. “We can go home.”
You shake your head in agreement. Yes, you could. The ride is short and when you reach your house you don’t kiss her you climb out of the car and walk to up the brownstone steps to the door. “Goodnight Astrid.”
“Yes, I’ll see you tomorrow.” You give her a peck on the cheek and close the door in her face. You were done for tonight. She got the picture. You watch as she quickly runs down the steps o her car, frustrated and mumbling beneath her breath. You turn on no lights, just the tv and take out your phone. You’d been so busy watching her you didn’t even realize you had been text yourself.
Ivar: Break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored.
You snickered to yourself texting him back quickly.
Y/N: You’ve been drinking, tonight haven’t you?
Ivar: Maybe. Three shots. I’m decent. Are you? If so, get un-decent. I am outside your apartment.
The four loud knocks to your door come as a shock to you as you scramble from the couch to the door. You peek out the window and sure enough and there he is, waving with a brilliant smile on his face. “Open the door, I come bearing gifts, and tequila.” He holds up the amber liquid and knocks on the door again.
Ivar had a not so secret crush. He hid nothing. He didn’t think Astrid deserved you, he wanted you. You opened the door and he came in the apartment closing the door behind him. “Why are you in Brooklyn at three in the morning with tequila and wide grin on your face?”
“I missed you so much Y/N. And Ubbe and Hvitserk both have women in their room and they are loud as fuck. I can’t sleep. I knew you weren’t sleep.”
“Stalk much?” You laughed taking the tequila from him. You place the two glasses in the middle of the round wooden table.
“A little.” He grinned. He slid the cap off his head revealing the short brown hair. “Where is your beloved girlfriend? Should you be with her?” Ivar’s eyes narrowed as he took the bottle back from you and poured a half glass. “Or is she upstairs.”
“I don’t want to talk about her today, tell me about your new position. I heard you got to shadow Bjorn. Did you kill him or no?”
“I did shadow him.” He answered quickly. “Astrid piss you off or something. You changed that subject really quick.” Ivar had a smug look on his face. He didn’t like her because of Lagertha at first but then when she got a chance with you, things shifted majorly. He wanted her out of the fucking picture immediately because everyone knew he wanted you, including Astrid.
“She did, she was flirting with someone for the fifth time this week and I’m tired… so we can stop talking about her and we can knock back this tequila.”
“Are you sure you want to drink this with me? Tequila makes your clothes fall off.”
“It’s too late for that Lothbrok.” You take a gulp of the tequila and then another and allow him to refill your glass again. Ivar drinks some of his drink and watches you as you finish off another. “This is good,” you giggled licking your lips and feeling the warmth take over your body. “Why are you here?”
“I missed you, but I’ve told you that already.” Ivar admitted. “You were on my mind all yesterday and I just didn’t want to only text you again.”
“We shouldn’t even do that.” You say. “It’s never appropriate.”
“I can’ be appropriate with you.” He places the glass back on the table. “I don’t know how else to convey that I want a chance with you.”
“I don’t know how else to tell you that we shouldn’t even be having this conversation, Ivar.” You cleared your throat standing from the table. The room spins a little and he catches your hands in his. “Ivar” You hum drunkenly.
“I think it’s the only thing we should be taking about Y/N. I’ve told you how I feel.”
“Ivar. There are one hundred other women out there dying to have you.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.” His lips trace your knuckles and his blue eyes meet yours pleading. “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think I love you?” He whispers.
Your heart strums along with his it seems and then the song of your hearts is disrupted by the knock on the door and then Astrid fumbling through it. You push away from him to face her. “What are you doing here?”
“I couldn’t sleep alone.” Astrid wipes her face looking Ivar. “Ivar, I didn’t know you were over this way.”
“I was just leaving.” He sneers. “I’ll talk to you later Y/N. Night Astrid.”
  Taglist: @ivarsshieldmadien @equalstrashflavoredtrash@whenimaunicorn@akamaiden @siren-queen03 @titty-teetee@sparklemichele @wilddrabble@imgoldielikehawn@greennightspider @kenzieam @tomarisela @scumyeol @raindrop-dewdrop @naaladareia @vikingsmania @readsalot73@oddsnendsfanfics @amour-quinn@wheredidallthedreamersgo @unsure-but-trying @lisinfleur@ceridwenofwales @leaderradiante@microsmacrosandneedles@valynsia @captstefanbrandt @therealcalicali  @lol-haha-joke @b-j-d @cinnabearice @tephi101 @grungyblonde @ivarslittlebadgirll@igetcarriedawaywithyou @honestsycrets@sunnyfortomorrow@earthsmightiestasses @sincerelysinister@dangerousvikings@queen-see-ya-in-valhalla @tgrrose @tierneygonzalez@ivaraddict@alicedopey  @brownsugerhippy @purplerain85 @quaint-and-curious-being @doloreschanal @ilvebeenabad @strangunddurm@dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol @young-ugly-god @blackspiritshake@starrmoondaisy @trailerthoughtstexas@booyouwhore @athroatfullofglass@riottkatt  @honeyofthegods@funmadnessandbadassvikings @jennadoll19-blog @khiraeth@geekandbooknerd @innerpaperexpertcloud@rabeccablake@rabeccablake @savismith @boo-youwhoreeee-blog @chinduda @funmadnessandbadassvikings@rabeccablake@innerpaperexpertcloud @crushed-pink-petals
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