#fucking carina was a chicken shit
ladamedemartel · 1 year
Don't kill me Aurora but I ship you with your brother Tristan. You are really sweet together. The things you write are super romantic sometimes. I'll go down with this ship.
MATCHMAKER! Go on anon and tell my muse who you ship them with!
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"We are quite charming together, aren't we?"
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virtuouscandlelight · 3 years
{ OOC } because I am simply that bored, I’m just gonna list smash or passes for all the characters w Eleanor
• Barbossa : is this even a question they’ve already fucked in the quarters next
• Sparrow : Smash. I’m not even gonna lie this is low key a ship I want. Sparrowlight ? That sounds cute as fuck. Sign me up. looks right at pirate 👁👁
• Elizabeth : Undecided. Possible smash just to try it { I Kissed a Girl blasting in the bg } , but no feelings attached. Literally more curiosity than anything, Eleanor’s never been with a woman before.
• Will : Pass. He’s infatuated with another. She ain’t trying that. And quite frankly doesn’t find him attractive
• Norrington : Same as Elizabeth minus the woman part. No feelings attached smash — but he’d have to make the first move and ask, elsewise she wouldn’t have ever tried. Basically, if he asks it’s not like she’ll say no. Not a priority.
• Cutler : she’d rather drown
• Mercer : see above
• Salazar : Smash, no hesitation. Human or not. Smash. no explanation needed moving on
• Henry : Deems him too pure — just like his father. Pass.
• Carina : Pass, she is basically her daughter.
• Jackie : Same as above.
• Margaret : This is a toughy. Margaret is her best friend and married in a relationship with octopus man. She is no home wrecker. If octopus bitch man wasn’t involved — smash. Probably feelings attached. But in general context, pass. LOL
• Jones : it doesn’t even matter if he’s married in a relationship or not that’s a pass she isn’t into fish people
• Esmerelda : Ah, yes. The “childhood” best friend.
absolute smash.
• Gibbs : Experimental smash ? Same as Norrington, won’t actually instigate or flirt, but wouldn’t oppose either. Curiosity driven with this one.
• Blackbeard : Undecided. On one hand he scares the living shit out of her with that voodoo black magic shit. Would most likely incite flirting — and then chicken out the second he does some weird voodoo.
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ghostheadcanons · 6 years
Papas and Copia having dinner with their s/o and s/o's very Christian parents? (Bonus for a "Yes hello I'm fucking your child" type moment) Please and thank you. I just wanna say I really love how you write I have on notifications instant favorite❤
Thank you so much, anon! It’s an honor!
I just wanna say: This isn’t meant to offend anybody who is actually Christian and not an asshole about it (though let’s be real, if you were easily offended, you probably wouldn’t be into Ghost, am I right?). As a Christian myself, I can say this isn’t a potshot at the religion itself! 
Just some of the jerks who practice it. :P
 So for the sake of this ask, we’re just gonna say the parents are the absolute worst type of Christian, and the reader doesn’t have/want a good relationship with them. You all know what I’m talking about. Anon, if you want kind and understanding parents who also happen to be Christian, please send an ask for that and I will absolutely write that!!
That being said….let’s get into it, lads. >:)c
Your parents were surprised when you told them you’ve been doing a lot of church work lately, and even more surprised when you told them you were seeing someone working there! 
You never told them what KIND of church it was….
Mostly you told them that to get them off your back, but that backfired spectacularly. Now they want to meet him over dinner…if you don’t relent at some point, they’re going to keep bothering you forever about it and guilt-tripping you. 
Might as well get this over with.
Papa Nihil:
When your parents see what looks like the pope getting out of the car in their driveway, they’re a mix of awed and thrilled! 
…until he gets up close and they see the skull makeup. 
He is very happy to meet your parents–vigorously shaking your father’s hand, and placing a delicate kiss upon your mother’s knuckles. Your mother looks like she wants to die. 
“I can see where my cara mia gets their good looks from, now.” Wink. Subtle, Nihil. Subtle.
Insists on saying grace instead of your father. You keep one eye open as Papa Nihil says his infernal version of grace to find your father staring at him like he wants to kill him. Your mother might actually faint. 
Your father would pull you aside and demand to know what the hell is going on, who have you brought into their house?! 
Papa Nihil is left alone with your mother. “You have a lovely home.”
The two of you end up having to leave early because your boyfriend said it would look even better with a picture of Lucifer on the wall instead of the cross hanging there, and your mother burst into tears. Nihil doesn’t understand why they got so upset–it was an honest suggestion! 
Papa I:
Isn’t wary at all going to see your parents. On the contrary, he sees it as an opportunity to get some new converts! It’s never too late to have a change of heart, after all. 
He dresses modestly, greets them respectfully, and isn’t phased by their faith. 
Your parents love him. 
That is, until he starts going on about what a wonderful student of the dark arts you are. 
“Truly, I have never met such a studious disciple of our lord Lucifer,” he praises as your father chokes on his mashed potatoes. “and I am honored to have them by my side.”
He takes your hand in his and smiles softly at you. You smile back, and kiss him, right there, in front of your parents. It’s pretty chaste, but you still have both parents glaring daggers at you from across the table. 
Papa I would want to debate Christianity with them, but neither your mother or father would let him get a word out, talking over him and raising their voices. His brow furrows–truth be told, he’s a little annoyed. But he never yells; he just keeps talking. 
Like Nihil, you have to leave early. Papa I sighs. He can’t say he expected any differently. But at least the two of you got dinner out of it.
Papa II (slightly +18!):
Doesn’t want to go. He’s vocal about that. “Yes, that’s how I want to spend an evening–being condescended to about my religion.” You’ve told him how awful your parents are, he knows what he’s in for if he says yes.
You beg, though, and eventually agree to do That One Thing He Likes the next time you’re alone together if he’ll come with you. That gets him to relent.
Wears a nice suit for the occasion (and he left the sunglasses at home!), and is polite enough when meeting your parents. You can tell both of them are judging him for how ‘worldly’ he looks, but it doesn’t seem to faze him.��
Rolls his eyes when grace is said. 
Does that thing where if you say “Dad, please pass the salt?” both your father and he reach for it. II always gets it first, passing it gently over to you. “There you go, caro.”
Papa II lets you do the talking and figuring out how to describe the church services. He would legit start feeling you up under the table while you’re speaking, not seeming to notice your little squeaks and reddening cheeks. 
The whole time, he does not break eye-contact with your father. It’s a power move, plain and simple. This child is not one of you anymore. They are ours. Mine.
The nail in the coffin is when you don’t stop Papa’s hands, in spite of how angry you see your father getting. You can’t deny the little thrill you feel at seeing the man who made your childhood a nightmare so furious.
The pair of you make yourselves scarce pretty quickly after that. You sit beside him in the limo, red in the face while Papa sips a glass of champagne.
“I think that went well, caro. You should invite me more often.” 
Papa III (slightly +18!):
Unlike his brother, Papa III is ecstatic to go and meet your parents! Even knowing how they are. You get the sinking feeling that he’s planning something (which he absolutely is). At the same time, though, you’re curious as to what he has in mind…
He’s dressed like a youth group pastor when the two of you go to dinner, and is a proper gentleman when greeting your parents. 
…then dinner gets started, and they start asking him questions like where you two met. 
“Oh, I saw them across the room while I was conducting a black mass, and I couldn’t take my eyes off them!”
Your mother chokes on her chicken, and your father gapes. You nudge him in the ribs, hard, but he continues. 
“Il mio tesoro is so devout…so eager to get on their knees and take communion…” he purrs, wrapping an arm around your waist. 
“Papa….!” you can’t help but giggle. The two of you kiss, and it is considerably less chaste than Papa I’s.  Both your parents are staring at you like you just stabbed the family pet. 
It all goes downhill from there. The breaking point is when everyone is washing up and Papa III passes your father, whispering something offhandedly as he goes to do his part.
“Your child calls me ‘daddy,’ too.”
Ten minutes later he’s nursing a black eye in the back of the limo, and you’re putting ice on it as one of the ghouls drive you home. But Papa III is laughing his head off, and honestly? You’re smiling as well. 
“Did–did you see the look on his face, carina? Oh! It was priceless! Hahaha!”
“I hope you enjoyed that…this is definitely going to bruise…”
“Worth it.”
Cardinal Copia:
He’s very nervous, honestly. Copia is painfully aware of your parents’ expectations, and that Christianity and Theistic Satanism do not mix well!
But you tell him not to worry so much. You’re just going so they get off your case for awhile. He doesn’t have to impress them. 
Dresses impeccably, greets your parents awkwardly but respectfully, and even bows his head during grace (while internally apologizing to Lucifer and hoping He’ll forgive him). 
He manages to be vague enough on his job and what he does that your parents don’t catch onto him. Honestly? They don’t hate him, which is saying something. 
They don’t think he has a great personality, but he is a Cardinal…a respectful position. Copia can live with that.
It’s when they start picking at you that he has a problem.
Listening to your parents make sly jabs at you and nitpicking about everything you do infuriates him. Lucifer help them if they get started on your weight. 
You learned a long time ago to just grit your teeth and bear it, but it still hurts. And Copia can see that. 
It gets to the point where he begins to speak up when they do it. “Well, I think mio topolino looks fine the way they are.”
“I think they’re at just the right size.”
“Wasn’t there something in the Bible about not judging others?”
You gape when he pulls that one out. His voice is sharp, his eyes are narrow, and the levels of passive-aggression are off the charts. 
It startles the hell out of your parents, too. Your mother would weakly claim they’re just trying to help, only to be cut off by Copia again.
“No. No, no no. You are not helping. You are being condescending.” 
He’s trembling, but glaring at the pair of them. He doesn’t stop there.
“This person is the most kind, wonderful, loving angelo I have ever met, and they are not enough for you? You don’t even deserve to bask in their presence!”
He slams down his silverware, making everyone at the table jump.
“Come, topolino.” He gathers you in his arms and escorts you out the door. “We have better things to do.”
By the time you’re in the car, Copia is breathing heavily running a hand through his hair, and you’re staring in awe at your boyfriend. 
“…holy shit…” you murmur.
Copia nods, gulping.
“Copia…you…you didn’t have to say all of that for me…”
“Yes. Yes I did.” He looks over at you, looking you right in the eyes. “I meant every word. Tu sei il mio mondo, topolino.”
An overwhelming wave of love for this man washes over you. You pull him into a deep, passionate kiss, one that he readily reciprocates. 
He means the world to you.
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modernlcve · 6 years
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*  —  stats —   holly clark !
* — basics !
full name:   holly mae clark. nickname(s):   none. age:   twenty - three. date of birth:   september twenty-ninth. place of birth:   cookeville,   tennessee. gender:   female. pronouns:   she / her. sexual orientation:   queer.  level of education:   high school graduate. recipient of a bachelor’s degree in english literature and french,   with a minor in italian.
* — physical !
tattoos:  none. piercings:  ears pierced once. notable features:   beautiful red hair.   good lips for smiling and blowing kisses. weakness(es):   none notable. scar(s):  none notable.
* — domestic !
occupation:   freelance translator. residence:  lives in the tucana apartments. social class:   middle class. parents:   luke clark,  age 46,   her father is the moral backbone of her family and holly’s personal hero.   faye clark,  age 45,   the heavy, but in a way that always reminds you that she cares.   holly has nothing bad to say about her parents she loves them a Lot. siblings:   i won’t go into Great Detail bc idw be here forever but she’s one of give siblings that are all decently close in age ranging between 28 and 19.   she has two older siblings,   her brother,  travis,  and her sister,   whitney,   and then two younger siblings,   her brother,  colton, and her sister,   violet.  extended family:   very close with her paternal grandparents,   her dog ziggie is perhaps her son?
* — personality !
positive traits:   compassionate,   loyal,   dependable. negative traits:   smothering,   hypersensitive,   intense. myers-briggs ( x ):   enfp;   the campaigner.   temperament:   sanguine. moral alignment:   neutral good. horoscope:  libra,   the scales. hogwarts house:  hufflepuff.
* — favorites !
movie:   moulin rouge. tv show:   sex in the city. book:   the little prince. drink:   nehi peach. food:   chicken and dumplings. animal:   she was weirdly into squirrels as a kid and it stuck. color:   yellow. song:   you’re still the one by shania twain. artist:   carly rae jepsen. celebrity crush:   justin timberlake.
* — impressions !
first impression:  she’s a lot.   she’s very enthusiastic in how she speaks,  and almost annoyingly peppy some days.  she doesn’t make a great first impression on people who aren’t into that kinda thing. self impression:   she thinks she’s a good sister and friend and maybe someone who deserves to live a little more than she does but ultimately she’s pretty happy with herself and her life. lover impression:   she’s a romantic at heart.   she was a french major,   for god’s sake.   she likes the idea of things being dreamy and easy and fun and definitely tries to put that energy into her relationships.
* — et cetera !
turn ons:   instead of a list i’ll just generally say holly is typically more attracted 2 Baddies which makes austin a good change of pace for her because all the baddies have broken her heart x turn offs:   people who are condescending or holier-than-thou. drink/drugs/smoke:   yes/no/no. dominant hand:   right. clean or messy:   clean. early bird or night owl:   early bird. hobbies or special talents:   she’s got a knack for language learning. she likes to do wild shit like kayaking and rock climbing she just gets a kick out of it.   makes a mean pie.
01. where was your character born? what brought them to carina bay? what do they like most about the town?
holly was born in cookeville,   tennessee.   she moved to carina for college and then just never left.   she feels tied to the town,  in a strange way.   she likes the ocean,   and the clear mind it gives her,   and feels strangely liberated away from her family,   who’s always been a strong presence in her life.
02. who are your character’s friends and family? who do they surround themselves with? who are the people your character is closest to?
holly is smack in the middle of five siblings.   she was notably the Softie of them all,   and it wasn’t uncommon for her older siblings to pick on her and try and get a rise out of her.   they all get along decently now,  but because of their range in age,   they’re all in different phases of their lives,   and don’t get together much.   she loves her parents and has no real big complaints about them.
03. what is your character’s biggest fear? who have they told this to? who would they never tell this to? why?
holly’s afraid of letting Fear control her.   she worries that she misses out on opportunities to be living her life to its fullest because she’s afraid of what would happen if she took a risk or did something out of her comfort zone.   and i feel like she’s decently open about this:   she believes in the importance of sharing things like this,   not only for her own sake,   but that of other’s.
04. has your character ever been in love? had a broken heart?
i think holly is the kind of person that very easily confuses loving someone and being in love with someone,   and doesn’t realize maybe that they’re two different things.   which leads to her getting her hear broken quite a Bit.   biggest heart-breaker in her book goes to jonah easily though.   the line between love and in love there is just the most blurry and it really tears her up that they just can’t seem to get things right.
05. your character is doing intense spring cleaning. what is easy for them to throw out? what is difficult for them to part with? why?
homegirl can’t get rid of anything she’s too sentimental.   she just reorganizes and hopes for the fucking best.
06. it’s saturday at noon. what is your character doing? give details.
probably holed up in the coffee shop nursing whatever seasonal iced tea is Hot and working on translating a microwave manual like that’s fulfilling 2 her in the slightest.
07. what is one strong memory that has stuck with your character since childhood?
fourth of july at her family’s house was always a big deal.  her dad would host a big cookout for her neighborhood and all her family and their friends would come over and bc its tennessee where laws are fake they got the Good fire works and had a fucking Blast
09. what is something that upsets your character? where do they go when they’re upset?
holly’s upset when there isn’t a Clear solution for things.   her optimistic resolve can be easily blocked and when it is,   when there’s nothing she can be working towards to create a solution,   she gets frustrated.   she needs to step away from things and take a moment to compose herself in these moments.
10. when your character thinks of their childhood kitchen, what smell do they associate with it? why?
her mom burned magnolia scented candles that were perfume-y enough to overpower the scent of any food that came out of the kitchen.
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we-are-the-sickness · 7 years
do all the emojis hoe,,
☝ - How tall are you?I'm actually 5'2 now! Yoga helped me grow ^.^
✔ - Sexual OrientationBi asf
🚬 - Do you Smoke?Not anymore,,
🍷 - Do you Drink?Occasionally 
♒ - Do you Take Drugs?Not anymore lol
😳 - Age you get mistaken for?Mid 20s /:
💉 - Have Tattoos?Not yet!
✏️ - Want any tattoos?Yeeees def
✂️ - Got any Piercings?Jst my ears atm
✌ - Want any piercings?Yeah I want more
👌 - Best friend?Probably the hoe who messaged me
♥ - Do you like anyone?👀🍝 always
🎤 - Top 5 favorite bands?ToolSlipknotMetallicaGenesisPuscifer(Carina round but she's jst alone)
🎶 - Top 5 favorite songs?EEEMSoad-spidersPuscifer-monsoonsCarina round- into my bloodTool-wings for Marie pt1&2Ozzy Osborne-fire in the sky
😒 - Biggest pet peeve?Ppl that eat w they mouth open
📝 - Story from your childhood.I had this fucking pink Barbie ball that u would bounce on like an exercise ball? I was jst bouncing around one day happy as could be and mama told me not to bounce on the tile did I listen? No. Bounced on the tile fell off hit the right side of my head aNd it still hurts sometimes
💬 - I wish…I WISH THAT one day I'll be able to have all the plants I ever wanted
‼️ - Something you’ll change?My negative outlook on life I have sometimes
💦 - What makes you horny?Probably touchin I MEAN I CANT JUST PIN POINT SOMETHING RN I'm Pandora's box ya never know probs touchin during making out.
🌟 - A wish you’ll wish for?Didn't I jst answe this
🔥 - Something spicy you like?Most anything like I rly like spicy food so. Ive been rly wanting the spicy chicken sandwich from chik fil a lately tho
👃 You hate the smell of ….Old house, dead mouse etc
👊 - Something you hate?Ppl talking about something they DNT know shit about
🚶 - Are you single?Not necessarily 
💬 - Can we text?If we mutuals!
💌 - Fan mail me?Sure!
💍 - Marry me?If ur samm than yes
💘 - Be my tumblr crush?!! I always wanted to be someone's fave
💭 - Favorite foods?Orange chicken, steak, Mexican food, BBQ brisket, a lot of Chicago foods.
☀ - Story about your day.I'm jst doing chores rn nothing too exciting. I'm wearing pink Winnie the Pooh eeor pj pants and a palm tree shirt and I went out to get the mail n my neighbor way down the road was staring at me from their yard
💘 - Top 5 celebrity crushes?THEO ROSSIBen mDoes yogagirl count as a celebIdk who else
🎥 - Top 5 favorite movies?The dressmakerThe hobbitHolesPaddington bearIdk what else
📺 - Top 5 favorite TV shows?GrimmAgents of shieldDaredevilLuke cageIron fist 
✏ - Random fact about yourself.I have a lot of Scottish in me blood
✈️ - Where are you from?Loves park illinois 
🚀 - Where do you wanna visit?SWEDEN
😍 - Do you have a crush?OUI
😷 - Something you hate eating?uhhh not much there some textures I don't like tho can't name anything rn tho
🙈 - What makes you shy?KINDNESS USUALLY
💃 - Can you dance?I mean I groove that's all I do 
💏 - Do you love anyone?@thinflower
👟 - Favorite shoe(s) to wear?My docs they r so comfortable 
🌴 - A island you would visit?I'd like to go back to Maui tbh
🌎 - A country you would visit?Aahhh there's so many
🌀 - Favorite type of weather?Warm spring weather w the breeze
🔮 - Do you believe in luck?I think so
📱 - What kinda phone do you have?iPhone 7
📅 - Favorite time of the year?If everything wasn't so depressing this time of yr it would probably be from April to June 
📚 - Career goal you want?To accumulate enough money to start my own business comfortably 
🍴 - Favorite food(s) to eat?Orange chicken, steak, Mexican food, BBQ brisket, a lot of Chicago foods.
🍭 - Favorite Candy?HNNN I really don't kno 
🍇 - Favorite fruits?ALL
🚘 - Dream car(s)?Dodge Journey and a 1969 mustang 429 boss
🚔 - Have you ever been arrested?Not yet
🚑 - Have you ever driven in an ambulance before?I think so
🎫 - Do you have a license?Yep
🚼 - Do you have or want kids?I think I might one dayIDK MAN
🔞 - Are you under 18?Nop
🐶 - Do you own a pet?MmmHMM 
😔 - Something that makes you sad?I often think abt how sad other ppl are or were and I get sad But I also get sad abt myself
😡 - What pisses you off?A lot lmao
😏 - What turns you on?I KINDA ANSWERED THIS
😈 - Are you a freak?probably 
💪 - Do you work out? Oui!THAT TOOK WAY TOO MUCH TIME
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sableu · 8 years
thoughts on film gold below the cut!!!
- first off, i didn’t get fries, i ended up getting chicken fingers and they were delicious 
- second off, THIS MOVIE WAS SO GOOD
- i really liked the soundtrack, the setting, the atmosphere etc.  it’s definitely taken the second place spot over strong world and film z and below movie 6 in my list of fave one piece movies.  tbh it’s probably a better movie that movie 6 too but i’m biased because mamoru hosuda is like my fave director
- overall the movie did a great job with tension and tone too, like even knowing it’s filler and there are no stakes i was like “o shit how are they gonna get out of this” several times
- i’d basically seen every scene with sabo in it already but i still died each time he was on screen.  vic mignogna did fine, tho ngl when he yelled “fire fist” i was momentarily like who the fuck??? even though there’s literally no one else alive that’d be yelling that, bc he sounds......really nothing like sabo.  that moment was still freaking epic though and i might have literally screamed if i hadn’t been in the middle of a theater 
- “is that what what you call justice?” “no, it’s freedom” [insert me yelling for a million years]
- in general i wish i’d been able to see the movie subbed bc while the dub actors aren’t terrible, they really lack the nuance and character of the japanese VAs and i think it woulda been a much harder hitting experience to have seen their original performance
 - i loooved how much nami got to do narratively and emotionally, even if she hardly fought.  it was nice to see zoro as the damsel in distress instead of her too; that really mixed things up.
- nami and carina are gay and in love and i love them and i love carina 
- i can’t believe all three of my least favorite characters in the series were in this movie (spandam, absolom, and akainu) and it didn’t harm the experience at all 
- gil tesoro was a cool villain.  his dub voice was probably one of the best, too.   i like his design and he was so cute as a kid tbh.  i can’t help but like and feel empathy for anyone who’s ever had to bear the hoof of the soaring dragon.  he might be my all time fave non-canon villain.
- did.....chopper and brook.......do anything????  i guess chopper helped out with the owl surveillance cameras and brook....what did brook even do haha.  i do love both of them so it’s kind of a shame they didn’t have a stronger part.
- i went into the film knowing i’d love raise max because i love all revolutionaries, and spoiler alert, i really loved raise max and he’s my new favorite weird gambling uncle
- all their outfits were really cute/cool/funny.  it was so great when they disguised themselves as tenryuubito too.  robin in that suit was 👌👌👌
- ......there’s probably more stuff i could write about but this already got really long so i’m stopping lolll.  in general it was A++ and i highly recommend it!!!
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