#aurora and tristan are important
ladamedemartel · 1 year
Don't kill me Aurora but I ship you with your brother Tristan. You are really sweet together. The things you write are super romantic sometimes. I'll go down with this ship.
MATCHMAKER! Go on anon and tell my muse who you ship them with!
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"We are quite charming together, aren't we?"
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lordofthestrix · 6 months
Let’s see, why do I follow Lex? Could it be the incredible replies? The way your headcanons are always so thought out? The attention to detail? All of the above? Yes. Absolutely yes. Your blog is perfection and I love reading you how you bring Tristan to life
Please tell me anonymously or not why you follow me. I could use some positive messages
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legacies-tv · 1 year
There's something so sad about how absolutely sure Lizzie is that she's broken. She's had this ingrained into her head since she was eleven that there was something wrong with her. Her parents tell her there's not, of course, but they're hardly around. Their influence is so small compared to the one family member who is a constant in her life that is always making her feel like she's less-than and a burden.
Josie's the only one around her to see what's going on, to see how much she suffers and struggles, and she takes every opportunity to remind Lizzie that being there for her isn't free. She's already convinced there's something fundamentally wrong with her and now she thinks she's accruing debt just for asking for help, just because Josie demands payment in return for empathy.
She tries so hard to help people. She makes the Sewing Club for a girl in her class who is feeling left out, she gives new kids tours of the school and offers to be their friend, she makes all of the witches come up with a new dance routine to cater to Josie's ideas, she tries to join the Honor Council so she can do things like convince her dad to let kids like Landon stay and have a home and things like making sure the school is a safe place from these new monsters. And then at every single corner, she gets these attempts thrown back in her face or her peers pretend like they never happened. She's so sure that it must be her. There must be something wrong with her that makes them hate her so much.
Even when she finds out that her sister read her diary to the class and was the one who told everyone about her bipolar diagnosis, she's so forgiving. She lets go of a ten-year-long feud with Hope the moment Hope apologizes and acknowledges her. She's always forgiving MG for crossing boundaries and hurting her. She thinks that if she's nice enough to them, maybe eventually they'll be nice back. She kills herself trying.
She sacrifices her life over and over and over again without batting and eye and this is perhaps the most concerning thing about her mental state but she thinks it's the greatest and only thing she has to offer. She's willing to die for her friends and her family and her classmates, only for them to immediately turn around and call her selfish for it, to laugh at her funeral after she's laid down her life for them again. And she just doesn't understand how that's possible. She thinks it has to be her fault. It must be, she must have done it wrong.
She tries to be the strong one, she tries to shoulder the burden her sister always talks about, and then she gets beaten down for taking up too much space, for casting too big of a shadow. She tries to be the hero, breaks her back trying to save the day, like her father always talks about in Hope, and then she gets lectured about how that's not important. She tries to live her own life, tries to not suffocate Josie, and in turn, she gets told that she was too self-centered and distant. No matter what she does, it's never enough. She's convinced that she's not enough.
Her whole life she hears that her disorder isn't an excuse, that she should just take her meds even if they make her feel awful, that she should just try harder, that her disorder isn't real, that it's her own fault, that she's just doing it for attention, that she's delusional or lying or crazy or all three.
She has no idea how deeply that's sunk into her very being until Aurora starts telling her that people will always try to tell her that she's broken and that she can't believe them. And Lizzie's so close to figuring it out. So close. She knows what Aurora went through wasn't her fault, that Tristan was the problem. She's almost figured out that what she went through isn't her fault, that Josie is the problem.
She's adamant that her family would never have done what Aurora's did to her in her day. She doesn't see that they've done worse. It's such a shame that she only finally got there in the last season and her story was cut abruptly before it really got started.
I hope wherever Lizzie Saltzman ended up, whatever Season 5 would have had in store for her, she remembered that she's not broken.
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obl1tus · 4 months
IMPORTANT CHARACTERISATION NOTES: below you'll find details of small things that have been added to Bryn's bio or I have realised that I still need to add/change. Some of these are more important than others but I recommend reading.
- Name: Bryn's name has changed to a Hebrew given name. The name given to her by Esther and Mikael is Astera Mikaelson ('tera). Bronwyn is the name her birth mother gave her and becomes a middle name until around 1114 when she begins to use it as her given name, wishing to separate herself from her past human life. Anybody who only knows her previous to this date (I.e., Aurora, Lucien and Tristan) would know her as Astera, she does not make a big noise like her siblings so while she is known, she is known by the name The Mikaelsons gave to her.
- Bryn is born a witch. Her mother is a Satanist whom, while adores her, also believes that the purer the sacrifice, the purer and stronger the magic so she tries to sacrifice her newborn daughter. It is likely that when Mikael ran the woman through with a sword, her power went to Bryn instead, given a ritual had already been started. This made Bryn's powers as a child present very strongly and the child struggled to control them. Esther binds her powers at the age of four years old because of this.
- After her powers are bound, Bryn feels an loss of identity. She would watch her brothers and eventually, pick up a sword Niklaus had dropped and beg her brothers to teach her in secret. When Mikael finds out, be makes one of her brother's sword fight her until the girl literally collapses, obviously not being skilled enough and then demands she gets up until she can't anymore. When this doesn't deter her, he caves and it's something she would eventually find herself very good at— though she never touches a sword again after her father drives his through her heart in order to force her to turn.
- It's shortly after changing her name that confrontations with Niklaus begin and she gets herself daggered after repeatedly trying to undagger her brother. She is only daggered for a short period of time— Elijah undaggering her. She flees shortly after this event, refusing to stick around.
- Between 1820 and 1826, Bryn begins to set up a network of vampires, witches and humans alike that feed her information— specifically about her siblings. This is not to say that the information is always correct or she gets it at the correct time. While this network is originally created during these six years, she adds to it throughout the centuries— primarily using compulsion.
- In 1831, Mikael tracks her down for the first time since leaving her siblings. He uses the human girl whom she has befriended and saved as bait to draw her out. He has no intentions of killing her at this time, only getting into her mind to find out where siblings, particularly Niklaus are. This fails and she manages to escape with both herself and a critically injured Raven. This is when she she turns her and creates her first and only progeny.
- Before leaving Mystic Falls, torn apart by grief over the loss of her brother's, Bryn leaves Rebekah a note with her phone number enclosed. The two exchange very few messages or calls but this is how she contacts her when Elijah goes missing, driving her to New Orleans.
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kmze · 5 months
Are you planning to do a rewatch of The Originals? I'm actually watching it for the first time and season 3 is by far my favourite of the first three.Barring Cami's death,I loved it.The show can be melodramatic at times but the storytelling is much better than The vampire Diaries.I love Marcel and Vincent and feel like s3 could have been a great ending to the show.I think Paul would have enjoyed it if they had crossed Stefan over to The Originals.He did much better on that one crossover episode than an entire season s7.He used to speak highly of them back in the day and the casting is pretty strong.Do you think if, by chance, vampire diaries had not been renewed for an 8th season,julie would have crossed some characters over?
I'm thinking about it Anon, I did watch 3x14 during my rewatch since it was important and I always thought the world building on the Originals was much better than TVD. Yeah S3 was my favorite season of TO I LOVE Vincent and Marcel and I loved the trio of Lucian, Aurora and Tristan in that season. I was so happy that Lucien and Stefan shared a scene and they sassed each other because they are both Klaus' murder boyfriends it was only right. I also like TO S4 it's different but I thought the Klaus/Hope relationship was it's strongest that season and I thought the big bad that season was fantastic, like genuinely scary.
So apparently there's some rumors that Stefan was someone they wanted to move over to TO and that crossover was a test to see how he'd fit in. There's a thread on Reddit about it so of course take with a huge grain of salt because anyone can post anything there. Julie also said after S7 ended that there was a possibility that was going to be their last season because they hadn't been renewed yet when it was written and that they wrote it with the intention it could have worked as a series finale. So if the rumor on Reddit it true then that would fit because that finale would have set up Steroline together (AS VAMPIRES) and Damon probably would have died when he went in the vault. I'd kill Enzo too and have Bonnie go to TO with Stefan and Caroline so Boncel could happen if I were in charge but c'est le vie.
According to that Reddit post they offered Paul basically what Matt D got, guest spot on TO to introduce the Salvatore school, Klaus would have hit on him while sassing him about his wife. Then maybe him and Caroline guest spot on TO in S5, dare I say they'd do the Klefaroline triangle a bit and I think Klaus still would have died and Stefan and Caroline would have ran the school until they died (Julie pretty much confirmed that here). But I think Paul and Ian had an agreement after Nina left that when either of them were done the other was too, I think that's why they both wanted their characters to die they wanted finality.
I think Stefan became a tricky character for them after Klaus was introduced because he became so much bigger than the triangle of doom. Stefan as much as he complained in the early seasons about being a vampire he loved having vampire powers and he loved to "play the game" which is why Klaus wanted him around, Stefan's ability to manipulate people was one of his greatest skills. The problem was the premise of TVD was Stefan's story and the foundation of it was anchored by both Damon and Elena and that's why it was always hard to remove him from either of them. I think that's why they would have offered Paul the chance to go to TO (plus him and JoMo had AMAZING chemistry) because that show had nothing to do with the triangle of doom and in general wasn't as much about romance as it was family and supernatural politics.
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fangaminghell · 5 months
Honestly speaking of romance I might as well state the oc x canon stuff I have planned so.
Imani -> As stated before, Ren and Aelita. It's more of a background thing compared to everything else, but I think it's very sweet.
Arrow -> Them and Ryland! Sent from childhood friends to coworkers with Tension to enemies to lovers. Ryland plays a pretty important part in Arrow's story.
Leo -> Cain, Cal n Taka. Leo's journey throughout pokemon reborn is in part him accepting he's gay. These three pretty much help him through that.
Suraya -> Currently planned to be with Saphira. I want to replay reborn so I can better reexamine their dynamic though.
Nightingale -> I made the mistake of saying " oh yeah, they're gonna end up with Victoria" but bc of how I haven't really developed or played as them, that's gonna be put on hold.
Sasha -> When you plan an oc x canon ship with Blake for the tension and drama only for you to end up liking an oc x oc ( and oc x oc x oc) ship way more lmao. The oc x canon ship could still happen though. But. I like the oc x oc ones :)
Asra -> Is hilarious. Technically speaking, no one. But I'm a multi shipper at heart and I can do what I want forever. Probably had Something with Tristan +in the solo run) and Hardy. Very much enjoys Cande's company ( though that's oc x oc. Speaking of which-)
Cande -> Also hilarious bc I have a crackship of him and Hardy and they fucking hate each other. It's wonderful. Not canon, but it's worth mentioning.
Philomena -> I only mention her bc I remember joking about her and Aurora having toxic Yuri. They canonically don't, I don't think I would go for that tbh, but it is very funny to think about so I'm mentioning it. I could see something with Garrett, Rosetta or Reeve but ( shrugs). And I'm just realizing she can't talk to any of them bc of plot reasons. Whoops!
The rest of my ocs are either oc x oc related ( Flynn, Will, Izzy). Or do not want to be in a relationship period ( Blair, Myo) or is a child ( Lilith- though I have thought about something with her n Noel as they get older. Not inherently romantic though)
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deadcityhq · 8 months
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**CHARACTER NAME:** elijah mikaelson
**CHARACTER FACECLAIM:** daniel gillies
**CHARACTER AGE/DOB (if relevant/they’re not old af):** 1047 / april 25th 977
**CHARACTER PRONOUNS/GENDER IDENTITY/SEXUALITY ETC:** heterosexual heteromantic, cismale, he/him
**CHARACTER FANDOM (if relevant):** the originals
**OC OR CANON:** canon
**CHARACTER TYPE (for example: werewolf, shadowhunter, warlock, demon etc):** original vampire
**HOW LONG HAVE THEY BEEN IN NEW YORK/WHY ARE THEY THERE ETC:** elijah has been in new york (this time) for only a fewmonths. he is currently staying in one of the many safehouses he has around the world, this time a penthouse apartment near central park. he's here because he's following rashel jordan, his literal soulmate. if you ask him though he'll say there's new business regarding his family that needs his attention in this city. klaus can handle new orleans, surely.
**IMPORTANT CHARACTER INFORMATION TO NOTE AND SHARE (this could be important headcanons for initial plotting, mini bios etc, supporting docs):**
elijah was born in norway in 977, the second son of mikael and esther. in his youth his family relocated briefly to iceland before continuing on their trek to vinland, a settlement in modern day canada. it's there that the rest of his siblings were born. after the death of his youngest sibling henrik, his mother esther found a way to contact the very first vampire maya dragonslayer. she wanted to make sure her children could never die, but even vampires can die — unless you're an original one. so with her help esther created a new spell that would make a new kind of vampire, making them originals.
after their creation, elijah became the de facto leader of his siblings, despite his older brother finn being around for another hundred years before he was staked for 900. within north america the first place they ended up for a couple years was modern day mystic falls. shortly after they left and went to europe, where they run from their father for hundreds of years. the place they stay the longest is new orleans, though they had to leave in the early 1900s to escape their father yet again.
he returns to mystic falls after learning from his sister rebekah that elena gilbert, a girl in the neighbouring town fell's church, is connected to the spell that will break klaus' hybrid curse. elijah returns to mystic falls to put an end to it, though he fails and klaus' curse is broken. he spends some time daggered before being saved by damon salvatore of all people and returns to his goal of trying to stop his brother after he creates a hybrid army. then his mother returns and there's a lot happening there. finally, klaus learns of someone in new orleans trying to plot against him so elijah follows shortly after.
elijah didn't originally intend on sticking around in new orleans, but after learning about hayley marshall and her baby — klaus' baby — he decides to stay and try to piece his family back together. while in new orleans he meets a vampire hunter that he later learns is an agent from circle daybreak. throughout their encounters they learn, after touching, that they are soulmates and his priorities change instantly: he needs to protect his family but now he has to protect rashel. he goes out of his way to keep her safe, causing his family to ask questions.
rashel being in his life complicates things, but she manages to stay alive through all of it. after they defeat his mother (again) and his aunt dahlia, they're forced to deal with the first three vampires he and his siblings changed. once lucien, tristan, and aurora are dealt with elijah decides to leave new orleans, following rashel to new york city.
**THREE AESTHETICS THAT REMIND YOU OF YOUR CHARACTER:** perfectly tailored suits with coordinated ties and pocket squares. blood stained red door with multiple different kinds of locks on it, the planks of wood creaking as if being banged on from the other side. an aloof voice full of condescension.
**MUN NAME/ALIAS:** smam
**MUN AGE:** 28
**MUN TRIGGERS:** audible thunder, in depth discussions of eternity/infinity
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the-last-doppelganger · 9 months
"  𝐒𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐇   𝐎𝐑   𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐒  “ 
Send Smash or Pass for my muse to answer honestly about yours
Tristan is definitely Elena’s type, hopelessly devoted to the people he loves, immortal and touchable (immortality is so important to her!), loves obsessively, too old for her, and can be quite mean when he wants to be. He understands the importance of the love of family (although she has to physically keep herself from reacting whenever he’s with Aurora) and the paranoia that comes with the idea of losing that love.
He’s also very decisive authoritative and very cunty (affectionate), which she loves.
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galvanizedfriend · 3 years
👀 but your fav headcanon from TW3 that you are willing to share
You know how I don't like S3 at all, right? 🤣 And I shamefully admit that I did not try hard enough (or at all really) to fix the mountain of dumb shit in that season, so my headcanons are not ground breaking or anything. 🥲
Having said that, I think my favorite part is that I tried to shift Aurora's resentment from Klaus to Elijah. She still harbors a lot of resentment towards Klaus, as I think would be natural given that she lost 100 years of her life to his family as a whole and he never went looking for her, which would obviously make her feel betrayed. But I didn't want her whole personality to be jealous crazy ex who never got over her crush from 9 centuries ago. Instead, while she's still very much bitter towards Klaus, it's Elijah she truly hates. He's the one who effectively fucked with her life by compelling her to reject Klaus so he wouldn't carry her with them when they fled and then to make her, Tristan and Lucien believe they were Rebekah, Elijah and Klaus for the next 100 years and live on the run from Mikael.
The jealousy/bitterness she has towards Caroline stems not exactly from the fact she's with Klaus (obviously, someone with Aurora's superiority complex would never think that Caroline could be better than her in any way, she thinks she is and will always be Klaus' true match because she was his first vampire lover, is almost as old as him, she knew him from a different lifetime, and she also has the same kind of mentality as Lucien and Tristan that she's some kind of vampire royalty). The brunt of her hard feelings come from the fact that she realizes Elijah also cares for Caroline, that she was embraced as a part of the family, that she has become essentially a Mikaelson, which is everything Aurora had always wanted to be.
So why would Elijah accept her when he refused Aurora so violently, thus determining the spiral of chaos that ended up being her entire existence (she was manipulated by Tristan her whole life, treated like a mental patient to the point she actually did become a little cuckoo in the head)? What does this simple girl, who's a baby vampire, have that she doesn't? So that's what draws her attention to Caroline. It's not just listening to her name once and getting all jealous for no reason (Aurora is also very much not sleeping with Klaus at this point, which is important to highlight lol). She wants to know why Caroline is family, when Elijah fought her every step of the way, and eventually erased her from Klaus' mind so he would never, ever try to find her again, and maybe possibly release her from her torment. Aurora's idea of Klaus, from the time when they first meet, is that he could be the one who would free her from her controlling family, and I think part of her kept that feeling throughout the centuries, except he never questioned her rejection, never fought for her, never went back to find her, and she blames Elijah for that.
So that's why she ends up torturing Caroline in a way she didn't do with Cami, showing her pieces of the past by punching her memories into Caroline's debilitated mind (by gigantic doses of vervain) so that Caroline would realize that Elijah is not the nice guy she thinks he is, that she only exists in Klaus' life because Elijah made so, and that he is responsible for everything. She's not special, she's not the love of Klaus' life, she's just a replacement Elijah took in because he felt guilty and she gave them a baby to play with. She just wants to destroy the family from the inside.
And what that creates is a rupture between Elijah and Caroline, more so than between Caroline and Klaus. Yes, there are some wrinkles there, but they sort it out fast enough. The part I like the most is how Caroline reacts to what she saw from Elijah, and how disappointed she is in him. She trusted him with her life from the very beginning, at certain points she trusted him more than she trusted Klaus, they become incredibly close, she sees him as a best friend, almost like a brother. She loves Elijah. And now she thinks he was just using her to soothe his own guilty conscience, like if he could force Klaus to accept her and the baby, maybe he would be making up for having essentially taken away from him what could've been the real love of his life. So did Klaus ever really want her, or did Elijah just convince him to stick around until he decided to accept it?
And she's also angry on Klaus' behalf. When Elijah compelled Aurora, he started Klaus on a cycle of anger and resentment that made him hard and skeptical to the point he started thinking all love was just a weakness that should be obliterated. So she thinks Elijah, who spent his whole life criticizing Klaus and blaming him for everything that ever happened to their family, was actually at least partially responsible for what Klaus turned into, not only by indulging him the way he always did, but also by breaking his heart in such a cruel way - on purpose and because of Esther, who was a total bitch. The part where she confronts him about that is one of my favorites.
So yeah, that's my favorite headcanon from TW3. 🤣🤣 I'm sure @definedareasofuncertainty would say it's Camijah. 🥲 I was also, if i may say so myself, proud of my explanation for the whole vampire!Cami disaster. And also some bits closer to the end of the season, when Klaus and Caroline take off with baby Eve to run from the vamps flocking over to New Orleans and it ends up being them on a family roadtrip that turns out better than they imagined.
That was an interesting one, Ennie! Thank you!
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alegacyofmonsters · 3 years
I have a stupid comment that I don’t have anyone to tell but you’re my favorite legacies blog so I’m gonna leave it here. As someone who is bipolar seeing Lizzie as a protagonist on this show effected me in ways I didn’t even fully comprehend until the aftermath. The TVDU doesn’t have a great track record with the portrayal of mental illness and I try not to take characters like Aurora to heart but it’s hard sometimes. And even if I do think the writers have seen Josie as the good sister and want us to be on her side against Lizzie a lot of the time (or at least that’s how I’ve interpreted their intent) it’s so good to see. Seeing both when she describes how she’s feeling in 3x03 or her breaking down in the first season was like seeing my experiences on screen for the first time. But more than that her having storylines that weren’t tied to her disorder? It just isn’t something I’ve literally ever seen.
Side Note on Aurora: Why is Aurora’s relationship with her brother portrayed as as like good? I don’t mean good in a healthy way but I more mean I would be so unbelievably upset if my brother was transferring me from sanitarium to monastery to some other thing for a thousand years. I can’t imagine the terrible things that no doubt happened to her in those places and the writers even implying that that is something that could be forgiven or justified is so shitty. Doing research on the past treatments for my disorder is horrific. And I wouldn’t protect or avenge someone who put me through that. Even if she is an antagonist I’ve just grown to feel bad for her in my rewatches of the show.
Anyway I love your blog! It’s always great to see when your parallels pop up on my dash! 💜💜💜
I had a much more eloquent response the first time I typed this out a week or so ago, before Tumblr decided to delete it mid-post, but I'll give it a shot again:
Firstly, your comments are never stupid and they're always welcome here! That's exactly why I run my mouth so much. This is always going to be a safe space.
Secondly, yes! That's the huge importance in representation. But where Legacies dropped the ball a bit is they forgot that other characters are a part of that representation. Yes, Lizzie is a good representation of a bipolar character and they do well addressing that while also making it not her only personality trait or storyline. But equally important is how the other characters interact with that aspect of her. In all four seasons of Josie saying ableist things about Lizzie's MI and using it to excuse her bullying behavior, it's only addressed as wrong once (once!) and even then, only in a single sentence that got brushed over and never mentioned again. She says and does these horrible things and then everyone just moves on. That's terrible representation. That's where the problem comes in.
Thirdly, I think your Aurora/Tristan thoughts are valid. I also think the same thing applies to Lizzie/Josie and their relationship. Yes, I love sibling/familial relationships being prioritized or favored to romantic onces, but it's just as important to have healthy dynamics there as it is to have healthy romances! It seems like a lot of writers (not just on Legacies) miss the significance in that. Toxic siblings are just as unhealthy as toxic partners. Being family doesn't excuse it.
Anyways, those are my thoughts on it. I'm glad you're enjoying, and I've got plenty more to come!
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ladamedemartel · 1 year
hc + Tristan
send me  ‘ hc ‘  + a word and i’ll write a headcanon about it regarding my character
Because the Gregorian calendar largely went into effect in 1582 at various points depending on the country, Aurora got confused as to when Tristan's birthday was supposed to be celebrated that year, so she simply held a festival for thirteen days (October 27 to November 9) in a row that was centered around Tristan. Each day had a different theme celebrating some important moment in Tristan's life (his birth, the first time he rode a horse, his becoming a vampire, the compulsion breaking, his take over of the Strix, the first regime he deposed, and so on). The celebrations nearly went beyond the thirteen days and into the Christmas season.
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lordofthestrix · 1 year
Lucien: Uh, just a tick. Aurora has Rebekah, hmm?
Aurora: No reason why I shouldn't be trusted with my sire's safety. Lucien: [scoffs] Of course... unless you were to have one of your episodes.
Tristan: Easy, Lucien. My sister sought leverage to protect herself. Who among us would do otherwise?
#Tristan's pov:#She stole her from me and I'm not offended.#Would you kindly put on your muzzle?#Tristan is very complicated when it comes to Aurora. There is quite a bit of inner conflict there#On one hand he is overprotective beyond the nine circles of hell.#And he hates Aurora playing where there are so many immortals stronger than them.#And yet...He also defends what he calls her “right to take charge of her fate” Not once not twice but trice. All times to different people.#And in opposition this is reason number 767 why he would never take Lucien's crush seriously.#From Tristan's interpretation Lucien is sort of similar to...Gatsby without the charisma.#He has these fantasies about impressing the girl he wants by placing the world at her feet.#But he doesn't truly want Daisy. He merely wants the idea of Daisy he fabricated inside his head forever ago.#And he lashes out to the point of offense whenever Aurora doesn't conform to the script he has for her#He refuses to admit she is the kind of Daisy who...Kidnaps Rebekah.#Tristan exists at this strange point where he is sometimes the one reassuring Aurora she is indeed that person. And that's just perfect.#He “has no doubt she can burn the entire world to dry the oceans”#She “should remember she can do anything.”#But simultaneously he is still going to be insanely worried and murderous about Aurora suffering a bruise whenever she massacres a city.#Because she is just so much more important to him that everything else that surrounds her. And he doesn't know how not to be.#Even the infinitesimal possibility of anything bad happening to her awakens his best and his worst.#Out of eternity
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zodiyack · 4 years
The Originals Masterlist
(updated per upload)
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Prompt List  / Prompt List Two / Smut Prompts | Requests &/or feedback | To Do List
★ = smut
⋆ = presmut
♡ = fluff
☁ = angst/violence
☠ = death
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Niklaus Mikaelson
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Headcannons ~
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...
Series ~
Every King Needs An Heir (Warnings Vary) (incomplete)
Each part is a memory from their time, however, to show their story, one must go to the beginning. Before the Originals existed. When Niklaus and the love of his life changed into the creatures with the rest of his family. Then end with where him and his queen are today.
Part I / Part II / Part III
Nonship / Platonic / Relative!Reader fics ~
Love On The Run ☁
(Request) In the heat of the moment, Y/n says something that pissed Klaus off. Elijah does the only thing he can and tells his wife to run for her life.
Fics And More ~
Back ♡
(Request) After a long amount of time without his queen, the big bad hyrbrid has her back in his arms once more. Boy is she glad to be back.
A Sire And His Sired ☁
(Request) Lucien doesn’t know boundaries, especially when it comes to his sire’s beautiful lover. He’s convinced she’s a goddess, but the god that rules by her side isn’t too happy about his advances.
Bad Boys
(Request) Klaus falls for the Salvatore’s sister, which doesn’t sit well with Damon. Unfortunately for Damon, hearing her sing, Klaus falls deeper.
Childish Games ☁
(Request) The big bad hybrid is playful and fun? Since when?
In Regards of My Ex ☁
Niklaus believes deceitful gossip from Aurora De Martel about his wife and takes his anger out on her. As a result, Y/n leaves and finds comfort with Cami and Davina, who call in backup to confront the big bad hybrid about his big bad dumbassery.
In Regards Of My Apology (Part Two) ☁
Y/n misses her husband so much that it affects her visibly. Rebekah allows her to rant about it then schemes with Elijah. Before Klaus knows it, his older brother and younger sister are before him with an important message.
In Regards Of My Stupidity (Part Three) ♡ ☁
Left alone in his empty castle with guilt, memories, and Hayley and his siblings’ words of advice to keep him company, Klaus hopes to reconcile with the woman he loved and betrayed.
When The Past Follows ☁
(Request) The Winchesters and their childhood friend Y/n visit New Orleans, where Y/n had a bad heartbreak. Her ex has two cases for them, but meanwhile, can’t help but sink his hybrid teeth into mischief, trying to get a rise out of Dean because of his unspoken feelings toward Y/n.
Elijah Mikaelson
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Fics And More ~
Unsupervised (600+ Follower Special) ♡
Elijah leaves his lover in his brother, and sister’s, care. Soon enough, he learns how dumb of a mistake that was, finding her in a hospital and drunk out of her mind. Maybe next time he won’t leave her unsupervised.
Brotherly doings ☁
In need of a plan, Klaus uses Elijah’s girlfriend as bait. Elijah finds her and he doesn’t respond well to his brother’s idea. Nor does she.
Complications ☁
(Request) Ansel had a daughter a little after his affair with Esther, and his wishes for her to be protected didn’t go unnoticed by Esther. The second Hybrid to exist wishes to find her half-brother, unintentionally falling for his brother whilst doing so.
Time Can’t Heal All Wounds ☁
(Request) While Elijah believes he’s chasing after Hayley, his true feelings follow Y/n. And what hurts Hayley more than loving Elijah even after Jackson’s death, is knowing that.
(Request) Cross-over with supernatural! Y/n Winchester is dating Elijah Mikaelson and her brothers would like to meet Elijah and his family. Unfortunately, Dean just isn’t the best with words.
Love On The Run ☁
(Request) In the heat of the moment, Y/n says something that pissed Klaus off. Elijah does the only thing he can and tells his wife to run for her life.
(PART TWO) Love Reunited ☁ ♡
The only thing standing between Klaus and forgiveness from his older brother is Y/n and her freedom.
Rebekah Mikaelson
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Headcannons ~
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...  
Nonship / Platonic / Relative!Reader Fics ~
When The Past Follows ☁
(Request) The Winchesters and their childhood friend Y/n visit New Orleans, where Y/n had a bad heartbreak. Her ex has two cases for them, but meanwhile, can’t help but sink his hybrid teeth into mischief, trying to get a rise out of Dean because of his unspoken feelings toward Y/n.
Freya Mikaelson
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Headcannons ~
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...  
Finn Mikaelson
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Headcannons ~
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...  
Kol Mikaelson
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Headcannons ~
Being A Winchester And Dating A Mikaelson Would Include...  
Fics And More ~
Love Is The Greatest Power Of All ☁ ♡
Y/n and Kol have been together for centuries, she was traumatized over and lonely after his death, but vowed to avenge him. Years later, he’s in a new body, which she somehow already knows is him. Why? Because, it’s simple, love is the greatest power of all.
Snapping Is Over Rated ☁
It’s a bad time to be dating a Mikaelson when your brothers decide they want to go on a quest to kill the Original Family, who happen to be linked to each other.
Butterflies ♡
(Request) (PRE-VAMPIRE!KOL) Kol’s childhood lover has been sneaking off with him a number of times the older they got, but this time, he’s decided he’d like to tie the knot.
Trusting You To Trust Yourself ★ ♡ ☁
(Request) Kol’s first time feeding on his lover. All she wants is for him to trust himself, and all it takes for that to happen is for things to get a little spicy.
Alive ☁
(Request) Instead of Kol dying, the Gilberts and Y/n, Kol’s girlfriend, after some bickering, come to a compromise. Kol gets to live, as well as Jeremy and Elena, with Jeremy’s arm in tact as well.
Hayley Marshall
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Nonship / Platonic / Relative!Reader fics ~
Time Can’t Heal All Wounds ☁
(Request) While Elijah believes he’s chasing after Hayley, his true feelings follow Y/n. And what hurts Hayley more than loving Elijah even after Jackson’s death, is knowing that.
Jackson Kenner
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Marcellus Gerard
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Davina Claire
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Camille O’Connell
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)     
Aurora de Martel
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Tristan de Martel
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(No fics yet, but feel free to request when requests happen to be open!)
Lucien Castle
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Nonship / Platonic / Relative!Reader Fics ~
A Sire And His Sired ☁
(Request) Lucien doesn’t know boundaries, especially when it comes to his sire’s beautiful lover. He’s convinced she’s a goddess, but the god that rules by her side isn’t too happy about his advances.
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njeancastro316 · 4 years
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The Devil is my guardian Angel
Hola peeps!! Finally I gave this a title and tweeked it a little,my muse juices are flowing lol , I have so many things I want to write and almist no time 🤦‍♀️, any whoo please remember these are small or long snippets about my favorite Originals character Elijah and a female reader . The snippets are not in order but I invite you to read them and make the connections.
Like, reblog, comment if you like, I love to hear from you 🤗🤗🤗
Tristan had been played , bested by his own Sire and his wretched family and for the first time in his existence he was terrified . The woman before him from the very moment he saw her, he knew something was not right, he could feel it . He chose not to trust his instincts and little did he know the moment she danced for him at club , the moment he procured her, the moment she sat on his lap he had bargained his life away. His army ,The Strix had been defeated, his sister ,he’d be damn if he knew where she was being kept or worse was she alive ...dead ,he was uncertain and for him there was nothing worse that not knowing Aurora’s whereabouts.
“Who are you? Or Better yet ... What are you?”
“What I am is of no importance to you Tristan De Martel” she smiled wickedly while bitting her perfectly red painted lips. “What you must understand , What you must always be clear of is that NO ONE absolutely ... No one hurts my family and lives”.
“Who are you?!” He asked again sensing his impending doom. She came close to him her scent as intoxicating as the first time he laid eyes on her.
“Mmmm” she smirked . “Well if you must know”... she whispered in his ear . “I’m”.... her hands touched his face and Tristan screamed as billions of images came flashing upon his mind. The pain was unbearable. How was this possible?! How could this be real? He thought in disbelieve if The Mikealsons knew who and what she was . They were truly inmortal ,she was their protector.
“Forgive me ... Please I did not know, They wronged Me!!” Me and Aurora !He screamed “You wont be able to hide this from them forever Y/N” . “You protect them but let me ask you this ... Who protects you?”
Y/N closed her eyes and smiled as she felt him coming . Her words resonated on Tristan as his eyes fell behind her to his Sire , blood covered him from head to toe .
“El diablo es mi angel de la guarda” she said softy as her hand pierce his chest snatching his heart out.
@satedbond , @elijahtrash @elejah-wonderland @lokis-favorite-follower @eternityunicorn @hellotvshowtrash @dumble-daddy @elijahmikaelsontrash
I feel like , gave birth to this one ... gentle gentle my dears . 😂🤣 Im having too many ideas. 🤗 hugs please enjoy .
Credits to the giff owner
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How Can A Sensitive Pre-School Environment Boost Your Child’s Self Esteem?
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Your child’s emotional development and growth are directly related to the experiences they undergo during their early childhood years. 
Children are extremely sensitive and observant to the behaviour and verbal and non-verbal cues of the adults and their peers around them. Simple gestures like a calming voice and a light smile, instil a sense of reassurance in them.
Children who have been exposed to high-stress environments, may develop anxiety and find it extremely difficult to pick up and react to social cues. In more extreme cases, the inability to be able to mingle within social groups, may cause children to develop violent tendencies or actively isolate themselves from social situations. Exposure to extreme stress may even cause children to develop aversions towards certain sounds and smells. 
At Aurora, we make it a point to create a safe and welcoming learning environment for your little ones, where they can express themselves freely and feel inspired.  Addressing and slowly inculcating resilience to stress, can not only help them with behavioural issues and social skills but actively boost a child’s self-esteem. 
Before moving further it is important to start with the most basic question.
In What Ways are Children Affected by Highly Stressful Environments?
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Tristan Milot, in his research for, “Trauma-related symptoms in neglected preschoolers and affective quality of mother-child communication”, points out that, neglect is a major life stressor, that may severely damage a child’s development and functioning. 
Unlike physical or sexual abuse, the scars of neglect can be very difficult to identify. Subtle parts of a child’s life might inculcate the feeling of neglect, like a parent who refuses to spend time with their children and allows them to watch television all day long. Neglected children do not develop the required amount of attachment with their caregivers.
Constructing trusting, caring, and honest relationships with children help them respond and react better to social situations. Teachers need to create a safe environment for them, where they can communicate with their teachers and are assured about the fact that their issues will be heard and tended to.
Bruce D. Perry, who is the founder and senior fellow of The ChildTrauma Academy in Houston and an adjunct professor of psychiatry at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, points out that, 
“Each year, nearly one-third of all children attending U.S. public schools will have significantly impaired cortical functioning due to abuse, neglect, domestic violence, poverty, and other adversities. Understanding the effects of trauma on a child’s brain and how these effects alter the ability to learn is essential to improving our public education system.” Source: 
Why Should Your Child’s Early Education Focus on Sensitizing Stressful Environments?
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Creating a sensitive pre-school environment is essential. The introduction of stress-informed care as a part of early education programs will help children inflicted with stress to find adequate support and access to educational resources. 
The need to focus on educational resources for stress inflicted children is because their dropout rates are quite high. Stress has the potential of drastically affecting the behaviour and educational performance of children. 
A sensitive pre-school system helps create a supportive environment for all children. Students are taught skills to deal with stress which have a lasting positive effect on their personalities.  
Benefits Of a Sensitive Preschool Environment
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 Devin Atallah, Jessica Koslouski, Kesha N. Perkins, Christine Marsico, and Michelle Porche created a report, “ An Evaluation of the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) Inquiry-Based Process” based on the impact of the Trauma and Learning Policy Initiative’s (TLPI) Inquiry-Based Process on three participating public schools over a period of 2 years.
The primary objectives of the research were to observe and document cultural and organizational change at the institutions and teacher levels from Year 3 of schools’ implementation of TLPI’s Process. These results were used as a comparative study to the Year 1 and Year 2  outcomes which were set forth in an earlier report by the American Institutes for Research.
Outcomes of the Research included, 
Decreased disciplinary actions and office referrals.
Increased teacher and staff unity.
Improved teacher and student relationships.
Safer classroom environments.
Positive changes in the school environment.
Increased parent involvement and communication.
How to Create a Sensitive Preschool Environment?
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 Sensitive preschool environments are bound to create a safer environment where educators and students work together creating a supportive structure. They stimulate social and emotional development and help control behaviour that stems from the effects of stress.
 A sensitive preschool environment also has a positive impact on educators. Teachers trained on stress-informed situations are more aware of their own behaviour around children and also feel like they are better teachers.
 Stress informed approaches are not new, they have been implemented in medical and judicial systems. The inferences from these situations can be directly equated to a school setting. The core belief at the heart of all these approaches is that the actions of students are directly related to their experiences. So, in case a child acts out or behaves in a violent manner the right question should always be, “what happened to you” rather than “ What is wrong with you”
 This is where we begin at Aurora. Addressing issues and figuring the cause of a child’s behaviour is more important than fixing the behaviour itself. Children are impressionable and what they see around them has an impact on their behaviour. If a child is constantly seeing violence or living in a disturbing setting, aspects of it are going to rub off on their behaviour.
 It is important to inculcate self-regulation within children through simple methods, like, asking to hold a child’s hand when they talk, teaching breathing techniques and encourage a child to use words rather than crying and yelling can create major differences in their behaviour and create a safer and more compassionate environment.
 Lastly, it is essential to have properly trained educators who are aware of the effects of stress on preschool children and know how to effectively implement stress informed care.
 The holistic development of your children is our prime focus at Aurora. Our early education program ensures a sensitive learning environment for your children. Visit our Doncaster and Rowville centres to find out more about our curriculum.
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starstaiined · 4 years
13 ;), 16, 33, and 34 for the obscure asks hehe
talk about an au or story you came up with
okay so, along with madi, we’ve built an entire world known as a t a r a x i a. well that’s the kingdom name but it’s what we usually use to refer to the world.
essentially ataraxia is the kingdom of nature. it is protected by the fey, who choose the royal family centuries ago and keeps them in line. (they’re always out of sight, but they do pull at strings and arrange many of the important moments.) the kingdom is rife with all kinds of cool creatures not found anywhere else, along with minerals and natural resources by the dozen. no cars are allowed, people get around by carriage. given the protection under the fey, it’s a very green kingdom. pollution is kept to a minimum, and royalty who have tried to change this often met unfortunate ends.��
our story stars with princess teresa aurora floramond, the only daughter of king tristan and queen desdemona. princess teresa, more affectionately called tessa, has a very....strained....relationship with both of her parents. but with time, tessa begins to mend that relationship. but just as things begin to look up, a war breaks out in the kingdom of peace. a war against ancient spirits which negate the fey’s power, meaning the kingdom was on it’s own. the amechania. dark spirits which spread misery and sap away the will and energy of whatever they’re near. a war against them has never been won, but none the less he king and queen wage a war in hopes of protecting their daughter. in the final battle, they are able to banish the spirits for a decade and a half. but in that battle, both king and queen lose their life. 
both orphaned and crowned on the same day, queen tessa must learn how to run the entire kingdom. she cuts herself off from everyone, including her best friend and girl friend ophelia. when effie leaves, things seem too bleak to continue forward. even without the amechania, tessa feels drained. but everything changes when she decides to accompany the guards with reports of a toddler showing up randomly in a village. a toddler who exhibits signs of magic, a very rare talent. tessa goes to investigate, and there she meets a nameless toddler who immediately gets very attached to her. 
after months of searching for the kid’s family to no avail, and months of growing more and more fond of this kid, tessa asks if she’d like to stay at the castle. they choose a name for her; princess cordelia diana floramond of ataraxia. cordelia, more affectionately reffered to as lia, flips tessa’s world view and brings back the old, affectionate version of the young queen. 
the stories basically follow lia’s growth and the antics of both through the years hehe, along with story building and such. 
if you could pick any planet besides earth, where would you live?
mmmm i’m tempted to say pluto. i love pluto, its my favorite planet. but also Mars.
do you have any strange fears?
birds. i don’t like birds at all, they Unnerve me. and ostriches or ducks or geese or swans in particular make me Very Anxious and i do not appreciate it
what food do you binge on when you’re lazy?
usually when i’m being particularly lazy, food is Too Far, but i keep snacks and stuff to like actually eat. granola bars are a good option, and chocolates. chips are also nice. 
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