#fucking core memory unlocked jfc
edotfightme · 7 months
The Harder Path That Could Have Been Walked
So I'm doing a live reaction to my own 10,000 word fic that I forgot I wrote. Link here. You'll probably have to read the fic to understand my reactions because I am not keying them to each part.
A lot of this is me complaining about my own writing.
Let's go!
What the fuck are these tags? WHAT DO YOU MEAN KIND OF???
Why did I tag sad racoons?
Wtf do you mean "don't summon void dragons" why is that in the tags???
I finally got past the tags.
This is a lot of worldbuilding in the notes let me check how much. 540 words of worldbuilding in the tags alone.
Wtf where did I find that language what does it say?
I can't understand a single word that was said before it translated to English it doesn't really work for an effect like I clearly intended. Plus the paragraphing makes it hard to read.
Bruh the first part was badly written we're starting off strong.
Oh shit, I started recognizing the second part. Ish. Holy shit it's like a core memory was unlocked. I remember thinking this was super cool. Let adult (questionable) me be the judge of that.
Hang on I think I realized why the hook was so shit. I was trying to keep his identity hidden. Still sucked though but good on you younger me. Still too many paragraphing issues. This was before I sorted those out methinks.
Holy shit Technoblade was still alive when I wrote this. Just had a moment while I thought of it.
Eww more text I can't read. Gonna scroll to the bottom to see if I translated it. MF I DIDN'T TRANSLATE FOR EVERYONE???? Where is the fic on my computer I need to figure out the translation- I'll finish this first hold on.
Lmao Tommy got put in his place. Should've put some sort of descriptor on the text so people knew how the Piglin was talking and which ones were talking. It's too intuitive.
"What are they saying?" I wanna know that as well Techno.
I just looked for the document and couldn't find it. The meanings will be lost to time.
Oh shit I forgot about the racoons. I gave Tommy a ton of racoons. That must be the sad racoons I mentioned. Wtf am I going to do with a bunch of racoons???
I wish I didn't press 'enter' so much jfc. Learn to write a paragraph little me. Number 1 thing I'll tell myself if I ever time travel is to write a god damn paragraph. This is exhausting to read.
Ewww I forgot about "pog".
Lol he scared the shit outta everyone you go kiddo!
The references to the bits are actually pretty funny though. I just wish I could understand WHATEVER THE FUCK THE PIGLINS ARE SAYING!!!
Also the lack of racism in this book infuriates me. Don't get me wrong, I don't condone racism, but could they be just a tad bit more racist to properly set up that they are the bad guys. The cult stuff isn't enough. We need to really hate these guys. TREAT THEM LIKE SHIT!
Lmao Tommy just had a moment where he's just fucking experiencing a past life. Which is mood. Like when you're walking in a crowd and you lock eyes with a familiar stranger and you stop for a moment to stare, wondering who they could've been to you. But then the moment shatters and you're left standing with the broken remains of what could never be.
The pacing and plot convenience is shit though (where is the racism? The foreign and silent curiosity of who you are?) let me just continue the fic.
I WANT TO FUCKING READ THIS FIC NOT A TON OF GLYPHS! The whole fic will be like this god dammit. I didn't realize this was my era before I learnt how to write foreign languages.
Haha. The random moment where it's just gibberish and then "fuck".
For those of you who aren't reading alongside me, here's piglin dialouge for reference:
"ᛟᚺ! ᚺᛁ! ᛁᛟᚢ ᛊᛈᛖᚨᚲ ᛈᛁᚷᛚᛁᛊᚺ?! ᛏᚺᚨᛏ×ᛊ ᚷᚱᛖᚨᛏ! ᛗᛁ ᚾᚨᛗᛖ ᛁᛊ ᛉᛖᛈᚺᛁᚱᚢᛊ!"
wtf does that even say???
"... that good old pogtopia look in his eyes" what was younger me smoking???? I can picture the exact expression but jesus christ kid are you alright?
Why the fuck can Phil speak english? Are they all speaking a different language? What is happening right now?
"The door to their cell swung open and Mr "Goes missing and freaks everyone the fuck out but is fine since he joined a cult" runs in." Holy shit little me you fucking killed him.
"Don't worry mate you won't be sacrificed." What kind of reassurance is that? I know it's like that on purpose but it's terrible. The unknown is scarier than the known. That's what I was banking on with Sinners.
"Eventually, Wilbur stopped looking like he was 5 minutes away from war crimes and now looked like he was 2 seconds away from war crimes for a different reason." I'm sorry but these quotes are something else. Where is the comma? You could've made this a beautiful paragraph but it's just a sentence. DESCRIBE THE ANGUISH!
Which corner is Wilbur staring at? Shouldn't he just like... glare at Phil with murder in his eyes? Also why is Tommy the attack dog? I get that Wilbur is roleplaying a drama club goth but shouldn't Techno logically be the protective one here? Or them all trying to shuffle each other behind themselves like some weird fight. And Phil's just standing there confused and vaguely exasperated, like it's someone else's emotions.
Don't make me rewrite this fic I don't want to touch it again.
Lmao them being so distracted by roleplaying drama kid goths and they forget to escape. Most realistic thing I've seen so far.
Plaininnit lol that's actually a good one. Also why are they answering? Make him fight for the info you muppets! But the mental disorders though.
What was the point of that entire prison scene? It looks like it served no purpose. It didn't move the plot forward at all! It just served to show us that Phil can also speak normal? Like- we could've had that later?
At last, a piece of dialogue I think I understand! The X must be an apostrophe then.
Why is Wilbur speaking in percentages? I should've had Techno's chat run a poll and the odds not looking too good.
Why is Phil in the cult council? Did I explain that? Idk if it was in the worldbuilding or later...
Why'd Tommy also shout in another language? What is with younger me and making reading difficult? I can tell why this one was so poorly recieved, nobody wants to translate a book to read it.
Eww I used "snapped" twice in the same sentence.
Why is Tommy suddenly mute now? I know I had a reason, I just can't remember it.
Hang on I gotta scroll up and read some world-building rq.
Wait fuck what is the techno quote??? oh right- "WELCOME HOME THESEUS!" Just got to the part where Tommy mimes his name across.
*to the music of where is the justice* "Where is the pacing?"
Why the music memory thing? I know what I'm meaning for the audience to ask themselves but why did I do that? I should've introduced that later on. It would've made a better plot.
Lmao the warped fungus bit was funny though.
Bruh I nailed the creepy elder thing on the head. I don't know why I'm just good at writing sleazeballs taking advantage of kids (not sexually, just in a way that grates uncomfortably against the reader). I don't know where that comes from.
WAIT I THINK I MIGHT'VE REMEMBERED A PLOT POINT! Are all of Wilbur's snakes lavaproof? Is that why I had the scene?
Oh that is disgusting what is wrong with you little me? I should've tagged cannibalism. It feels like cannibalism.
The pandora's vault Dream being grounded bit is funny and I live for it. Little me had ideas. Offputting ideas but ideas.
Lol Elder took the jukebox.
This is so uncomfortable to read but not in the way an Elder scene is. Just Phil thinking that Tommy's eyes being red means he's happy but it's fake. And Phil hating it when Tommy's eyes are blue is just tragic. Because it comes across as Phil hating it when Tommy is himself and then he's happy when Tommy wakes up brainwashed but Tommy came to him for comfort because he was fucked I just- Little me you are one messed up kid.
HAHA He named Cat "Dream" because it envokes bad memories.
Oh wait that's what the beneath the surface intention was. The surface reference was that the colours reminded him of the people.
Phil dropped Ancient Debris on his foot. Wouldn't it be fucked up if Mojang added a weight limit in Minecraft?
The typos in her description though... I want to cry.
OMG KRISTEN IS HIS THING! That's actually adorable though. Little me knows how to make me aww.
More Techno vs the Warped Fungus bit I am living for it.
What is with the blue and red strobe lights that are Tommy's eyes? What is wrong with him? Little me? Explain?
Wait why is everyone just vibin in the castle? What's with that? Also Phil being a moron for Kristen and she's just being a little shit. Dream joined a nether fortress as well lmao.
Oh that's what the warped fungus bit joke was for. So he could still be lava-proof.
Wait why are we singing ten duel commandments? Did I organize the ending to that song? that sucks.
OH MY GOD I WROTE A CHILD GROOMER??? Holy shit that is foul. I was a child when I wrote this. What the fuck? No wonder why I was getting the heebie jeebies. I literally wrote the Elder as a character that is grooming Theseus.
The wills part was so out of place idk.
Double use of worried kill me now.
Oh damn the Phil and Kristen scene hit. That one definetly didn't feel out of place.
OH SHIT I didn't expect Phil to pull Tommy out of his ass. The jail scene looks important now.
They found him. Chat. It's only a matter of time.
Aww trauma babies. Them all being so traumatized that they're fully on alert and watching for fireworks.
Also the fact that I'm pretty sure the Elder was placing Tommy into a drugged trance and basically hypnotising him is fucked up. Younger me you are messed up.
Kristen's entrance was pretty darn good. Like the crows being death and just everyone and everything knowing who exactly is gracing their halls is terrifying and excellent.
Philza for the save finally! Let's go!
Lmao Techno's mates at the Bastion being right bastards and telling the gossip I am living for it.
OH shit, the author notes at the end. The entire flock was there. Damn, Elder was not escaping with his life after grooming one of his kids.
And that's it! I hope you enjoyed my commentary on my 10,000-word book. I actually found it enjoyable to rediscover my own book. I can understand how other people got put off by it but after slogging through the dialogue I couldn't fucking read it was a decent story. A few issues but overall a fun experience.
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hawkinsgsa · 2 years
... was just violently forced to remember that baby noah schnapp was in the la devotee music video by spotify shuffle thanks for that bestie
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