#fucking fruity boi
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I cannot remember how to draw those Lil Lego dudes, here take best boy.
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heyitsspaceace · 2 months
edwin honey....i truly hate to break it to you but that closet was fucking glass.
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lokiiied · 1 month
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my totally platonic best friend and i have been watching you at this party and we dig your vibe would you maybe wanna come to our hotel room later and just see what happens lol
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shut up shut up shut up !! he’s literally the prettiest girl in the world ! like okay mr little ms sunshine
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chiosblog · 12 days
Face feeling the gay panic™
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Happy Pride Faceman!
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polaroidtelevision · 1 year
Robin and Steve live together in Indianapolis and a glass art studio opens down the street and offers lessons so of course Robin signs her and Steve for a one hour introductory course on glass blowing. Robin somehow landed their second lesson ever, so they’re still figuring out time slots and everything and also not many people have heard of it, because it’s literally just them and an old lady. So they start off with making some quick little paperweights and Steve definitely doesn’t stare at the unfairly hot instructor who’s name is Eddie the whole time. But how can he not, the guys wearing a cropped shirt and covered in a sheen of sweat from being near the kiln and he has tattoos and he’s pretty. In the end, the studios time slot was off so they didn’t actually get to do any glass blowing themselves, but Eddie decided to give them a quick demo. Only thing was, in order to do that he needed someone to kneel beside the bench he sat at to work with the glass and actually blow into the metal pipe to blow the glass out on the other end while he shaped it and well. Steve was the maybe too eager volunteer. Robin was fighting giggles at the innuendo of it all which was Steve getting on his knees to blow (into) a guys pipe. It was hilarious and Steve’s face was hilarious because he looked downright horny as he literally kneeled on a pillow beside their extremely hot instructor, blowing into the pipe whenever he was told to. And it was all fun and games and gay pining until Eddie said “good boy” When the glass was blown out as necessary, throwing Steve a knowing, flirty grin. Steve o course died right then and there and robin made sure to sign them up for more classes as soon as they got home.
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dreamii-krybaby · 1 month
The Amazing Digital Circus EP2 spoilers!
TADC fandom: *crying and balling their eyes out after gummigoo’s death*
Murder Drones fandom since day one:
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It just hit me that Mike went out of his way to show up at the airport wearing clothes that weren’t from inside his closet. Are you fucking kidding me?
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forlornkiller · 1 year
tomshiv dead. tomgreg ghost. romtom endgame? 🤨❔📈
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taycejalis · 2 years
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so jayce’s new skin huh
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martyrbat · 1 year
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batman #400
[ID: Vicki Vale having to answer her door after someone rang the bell. She's wearing a pink sweatband and a matching striped leotard because they interrupted her work out. She opens the door and reveals that no one is actually there but they left a note. It reads, ‘Riddle me this: why did the doorbell refuse to be silent?’ She looks at it bewildered for a moment before suddenly getting struck with a dumbbell! She collapses as The Riddler steps out from hiding. He's wearing his classic lime green, skintight unitard that's covered with question marks. He stands over her unconscious body as he answers, ‘Because it's not a dumbbell!’ before laughing to himself. END ID]
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thecrimsonjaguar · 9 months
its fucking time baybee
Alright. Alright. FUck. Oh my fuck. I have time now to sit down and process fionna and cake. god fuck. holy shit.whta the fuck , ive been so busy and ive finally caught up and. god what the shit
god fucking damnit i KNEW it was going to tear my HEART out we're not even FINISHED YET THE SHIT WHAT THE FUCK
uuuguhuhuhuhuhuhuh i need to be coherent. ok. ok.
I planned initially to talk about the episodes individually but fuck that,
So Simon is very suicidal. like. oh god I know we saw it in the original series but here it's on another level. He doesn't *just* want to die. He wants to put himself through an experience he considers WORSE than death for the rest of eternity. like. hell man. hes not ok
and like. i've mentioned it before but simon's just so. nice, yknow? He's kind. he's good. You can see he wants to be a good person and that part of him is like, slowly being drawn out again. He's so damaged and stuck in the past that he ends up hurting people around him. he made a little girl cry. He tried to talk about it with marcy, we know he's not okay with his behavior. and then with the candy queen, he's sees that she's nuts and he is immediately talking about helping her. He's trying to give her the kindness and help that he was denied for so long.
(and it makes me think about Ice King, right? Like, remind me, has anyone, and I mean ANYONE, ever approached IK and genuinely, earnestly asked IK for real help? If a little kid asked IK to please save them, would simon's kindness shine through? would Ice King help?)
And i'm genuinely nervous about what's to come. I imagine at some point it's going to hit F+C that the crown and Simon do NOT mix. And it's going to probably be a rude wakeup call. but what about after that?
Like. we didn't see Simon in the afterlife. We've all been theorizing about that for a bit but since we know for a FACT that simon is aging, then I imagine something is going to happen to him that keeps him from the deadworlds. and i'm putting a lot of trust into the show because it's really good so far so if something strange and cosmic DOES happen to simon, i have faith it will be good.
but like!!!! i kinda don't........ want that?? I want him to live in his OWN reality and make peace there, so he doesn't get separated from marcy. (The Simon and Marcy relationship is pretty much one of my favorite, if not the favorite, thing i love about AT. If something does happen to simon, I want him to have some way to stay connected to marceline.) And I want him to still be friends with Finn and I want him to make it up to that little girl he hurt. Im nervous he'll end up leaving and while we might get some of that, will everything get resolved in a satisfying way???
probably (hopefully) i'm being paranoid. This show is great so far. I think it can handle simon for a while longer. and i think if something weird does happen to simon, i can enjoy it.
i got more thoughts, but this post will do for now
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alsoyooraiyah · 6 months
fanmerch is nuts, just found a perfumer on shopee that has genshin-inspired scents and so many reviews say they make sense for the characters?? is this it is the the beginning of my perfume era
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fruity-hub-blog · 2 months
For Phic Phight 24:-Anything Badger Cereal (Vlad and Danny platonic father/son , mentor/apprentice )
-Sometimes you just gotta be an eldritch horror.
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maruke2003 · 2 years
"James Potter was an amazing person he gave his abused best friend a home!"
Yeah well he relentlessly bullied another abused boy so hard that he lost his only friend and then that same kid joined the death eaters. I mean great job you saved one abused kid but doomed another.
James Potter, champion of abused boys.
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Did anyone else notice the part in the 'Cave the Date' episode where Jasper slaps Ray's ass????
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