#fucking misogynistic freaks
oceanwithouthermoon · 4 months
all misogynists need to be banned from watching saiki k, and ESPECIALLY from talking about teruhashi..
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atopvisenyashill · 11 hours
every time someone does “valyrian culture was more egalitarian than andal culture” discourse i point to the fact that jaehaerys invented the doctrine of exceptionalism and was an evil misogynistic menace to every woman he knew, how visenya was not the ruler of their house despite being older, and how the vale which is STEEPED in andal culture & chivalry & the seven regularly has their houses ruled by women in a way that almost no other region outside of dorne has ntm having the ONLY ruling lady of a paramount house INCLUDING VALYRIAN AND FIRST MEN HOUSES and also i start shrieking
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fluffydice · 5 months
A major problem I think people run into when looking at terusai that might make them dislike the ship is that if you don't have an understanding of their development throughout the series, the relationship is going to seem overly shallow. Teruhashi and Saiki are not static characters, nor are they simple. Both of their growth comes from learning that they are just humans at the end of the day. Teruhashi genuinely starts to like Saiki (and all their friends) because she realizes she's not above it all like she originally thought. Saiki is attracted enough to gasp, but only when she shows this true self of hers! If you stick them together when they're still in their early characters, of course it's going to seem forced. Learning to let characters grow, especially in comedy animes, is hard for a lot of people, especially when it's not an 'in-your-face' kind of thing.
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gorelesbian · 9 days
i always say "morning" instead of "good morning" because if it was a good morning i'd be beating eli roth's head in with a brick
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I've never fucking experienced misogyny as bad as when it was directed at me from ciswomen. All you idiots hiding behind your 'but male socialisation!' nonsense babble to explain why you think trans people are soooo misogynistic, droves of misogynists in the fucking trans & gay community, have literally never sat down with a bunch of dolled up teen girls & been the only fucking tomboy in the group.
The call is coming from inside the fucking house, people. You all justifying your homophobia & transphobia ain't cute, it just makes you look like a fucking asshole. Seriously, when will people learn that saying 'most people in X group are bad people. No, I'm not being Xphobic, is just true' still makes you a bigot!
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bhinnninny · 3 months
pov: marauders fans when you call them out on their thinly veiled misogyny (grow the fuck up maybe) , hidden quite terribly behind the continued fetishisation of mlm relationships (which is also fucking weird seek therapy maybe)
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sailordream · 9 months
imagine thinking growth learning and self improvement are things to mock as if you are not behaving exactly the same as you were when you were 15 making women the butts of your “jokes”
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vic-the-bookdragon · 11 months
The fuck has happened and we're once again discussing Elain's ability to have children?
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maxellminidisc · 1 year
"This show lasted longer than the Korean war aka the war it's based off of looool and there's queer coding everywhere and it's funny tehehe" white gays are truly something else I tell you...
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thesmokinpossum · 1 year
Just saw a video of a short man throwing a fit in a bagel shop about how nobody wants to date short men (because it's somehow the fault of the girls working at the bagel shop I guess?), being loud, agressive and generally a pure asshole. Well, all the comments were about how this poor poor poor guy was probably bullied sooooo bad and how bad they feel for him so like...Are we ready to admit that the whole Karen thing is 99% misogyny and only marginally related to bad customer behaviors or are we still in denial about that shit?
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oatchi · 1 year
Hi anticallie can you tell me about your least favorite ace attorney character and how much you hate them
Oh I have SO much hate in my heart for “beloved” characters (don’t get me started on Franziska) but the WORST offender by far has to be Athena like I’ll admit I liked some of the stuff the trilogy was doing and I LOVED Apollo Justice (thank you for introducing me to a wonderful little thing known as KlavEma <3) but Dual Destinies killed it for me and Athena is the biggest offender…. :/ Apollo got one game and then he wasn’t the focus anymore which is so lame he was like my sweet innocent baby and then Athena comes in and we’re just expected to care about her and tbh I just don’t. Like I guess the autism coding is cool but you know who else has that…. Apollo…….. I don’t know it kinda just felt like they went ohhh we haven’t had a WOMAN in our games in a while #feminism. Not to mention they just decided to make a whole game with the Godot plot point rewritten to be given to an (albeit kinda smexy) samurai like come on are we really so pressed for ideas that we came down to teen girl assistant is suspected of killing her mom and her older family friend takes the fall for it AGAIN………. Lame. She’s totally worthless to the overarching plot imox
Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
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mintharasthrone · 2 hours
this weekend i met someone off bumble bff and she was one of the most gross homophobic bi women i've ever met. going on rants about how butch lesbians are just misogynistic men and copy-paste their whole personalities and looks from abusive men and abuse women the same way. i started leaving my body and felt so much rage. she just kept going on about how toxic lesbians and the lesbian community are in general and making homophobic comments knowing i'm a lesbian. you are insane if you think being gnc makes a woman manly or masculine. and that appearance makes a woman more abusive. my abusers were extremely feminine bisexual woman.
she said that bisexual men have it worse than lesbians because lesbians are "encouraged" to experiment and bi men are not. what kind of weird ass braindead comment is that?? she would imply lesbians are privileged and act like we are so big in numbers. she said lots of lesbians get into relationships with men and use them for material things and disrespect male partners. i of course knew that was a batshit insane and stupid thing to say and doesnt happen. so i said id never met lesbian who'd been with men and she said in a hostile tone "so you only know goldstars?" ofc she is a hardcore troon supporter and thinks terfs are a real thing and got offended when i said i don't like dick, i told her i was banned on tinder before because of trans women harassing me and reporting me for not wanting them, so she started checking me with questions like "okay so then would you date a trans man?" they think gotcha because self-loathing women. then she would complain about how lesbians would refuse to speak to her because she was bi....i wonder fucking why. you prove us right every time. you hate homosexuals and refuse to acknowledge you're homophobic oppressors pro conversion therapy and align with homophobic men who want to rape us.
like i cant even process how much homophobic misogynistic shit she said but thinks bi women have it the hardest and that lesbians are worse and bad to bi women, that the "hate" is the same...and whenever i tried to make a point she'd say it goes both ways???? it absolutely does not??? like when i said bi women don't think lesbians are real. and funny she would never call a trans "woman" a man lmao but has no issues calling us men. anyways i fucking hate bisexuals you homophobic conversion therapy rape supporting pieces of shit. if i had known she's bi i would have straight up not even bothered to talk to her. thank fuck i have wonderful normie straight friends who support me and agree with me on trans bullshit and these homophobic maidens
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diamondnokouzai · 1 month
they called the new baby spiderman x avengers cartoon "ultimate comics" and it literally pissed me off so bad when i saw it was tv y7. that shit is not motherfucking ultimate comics. ultimate comics has a weird judgey incest scene in it. that scene isnt tv y7.
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knives-blue · 7 months
potentially unpopular opinion but the way some of yall talk abt women with body modifications is fucking disgusting and it needs to be talked about more
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
i think the amount of times asoiaf has been brought up on this season of big brother, and then all my faves getting evicted back to back bc their alliances turned on them, and then THIS TWEET being put on my for you page:
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is a sign from some higher power that i should get back to reading aksjsj
until bb26 airs in which case i am gonna lose my mind again. the parasociality is real folks don’t let it trap you!!
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fairymosh · 1 year
#i personally cant stand when people ship logan & louise in bob's burgers#like first of all he's in HIGH SCHOOL & she's in ELEMENTARY#like idgaf that 'after a few years the age gap wont matter!' its creepy and weird#he's 7 years older than her AND he's a bully???! hello??!#logan is a DICK to her and her siblings jfc chasing them and shit just to torment them hell no#it also feels very strongly like some misogynistic bs#that ship is giving 'boys are mean to the girls they like' like supposedly these die hard bob's fans that ship them together want her to be#in an awful relationship where she 'fixes' him somehow and thats gross#i read a fanfic once about them in a bob's comment section (so against my own will and i wanted to throw up) this lady made this whole#ass elaborate story about louise meeting logan again 'in college'#like ew bitch louise would be like 19. he should be interested in dating women his own age group. & that aside like#he's a horrible bully to her. he stole her bunny ears and lied to her about it and she didnt even do anything wrong. those boys wouldnt let#kids cross that area to get home and louise was like nah fuck that im gonna say something. her interactions with logan are used as a device#to tell stories of her bravery. and gene's bravery that time he stood in for her when logan wanted to give her a reverse norwegian#stinkhold (she's a child. fuck logan for wanting to do that to a 9 year old girl just bc she pissed him off) and gene didnt deserve that#that said. her interactions w him are a device to express bravery and courage against an ANTAGONIST character. not some gross 'romance'#and hello??! are we ignoring the fact that louise was freaked that rudy liked her then was disappointed that he liked chloe?!#she literally kisses rudy & ppl are still being dumb as fuck out here shipping her w logan. hell no. find another set of characters to ship#ask yourselves why the fuck you like louise and logan together so much. you're projecting and what you're projecting is very distorted#im not sorry for my opinion. i feel its morally balanced and its very Immoral for people to ship those two characters
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