#fucking oikawa
anisespice · 22 days
“ the fuck-it list ” || hq! pt. 4
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one || two || three
synopsis: there’s a list going around consisting of hot guys on campus that are deemed “fuckable” with theories as to what they’d be like in bed. it’s all fun and games until somehow your boyfriend ends up on this list. 
pairing: seijoh4 x gn!reader [ oikawa, iwaizumi, mattsun, maki ]
warnings: mature content. MDI. cursing, suggestive language, mild objectification, the word “dick” said over a million times lol this chapter is basically bigdick!4 supremacy, corny behavior, camboy!maki, slight mentions of degradation, iwa’s is the shortest (I’M SORRY), some minor errors probably and i think that’s it :] !!
notes: I AM SO SORRY FOR THE WAIT :'))) life was kicking my ass and the last thing i could think about was getting metaphorically dicked down lol but hope you enjoy, thank y'all so much for your patience, and the last couple parts coming soon!
tagged: @daedaep69 , @ahahadumbo , @viktoryn , @mdsb , @ourgoddessathena , @ushygushybaby , @hyori2 , @lumpywolf , @fantasycantasy, @captaincyberqueen , @tsukiran
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OIKAWA would be the reason the list even exists, let’s be honest. 
But, for the sake of the plot, we’ll pretend otherwise.
Once again, without fail, after another grand win for the great king, he’s swarmed by his devoted groupies—Shoving their phones, gifts, and themselves in his face hoping to catch even a sliver of his attention.
And once again, you stood on the sidelines, impatiently waiting for him to leave the spotlight; irked your soul sometimes.
It’s not that you were against him being praised or anything, even though his head was fat enough to begin with, you loved the admiration people had for him. But there’s a fine line between being a fan and being a straight-up weirdo. 
And right now, they’re tap-dancing on that line something fierce. 
“Tooru!~ will you sign right here?” 
One pulled down the collar of her shirt, exposing more of her breasts that were pushed up damn-near to her chin whilst wearing a sultry smile. You caught a small glimpse of panic flash across his features before he covered it with a nervous laugh, eyes subtly shifting over to you as he replied. “..How 'bout a photo instead?” 
Things went on like that for the next few minutes. Someone would even take it a step further by flat out asking for his number, or if he was single. They already knew the answer to that, it was the same every time, yet they continuously tried their luck as if someday, through the power of delusion and manifestation, his answer would miraculously change despite you always attending his practices and his games, wearing his spare jersey, holding his hand, shoving your tongue down his throat, didn’t matter—Them hoes were relentless.
But, so were you. 
“Oh, Tooru!~ If you don’t wrap this up, you’ll be walking home!~” You sang, mirroring the tone of the girl from earlier. The semi-empty threat made the setter perk up like a hound, eyes wide as that same panic returned as well.
Although this time, he wasn’t so quick to play it off. 
“U-Uh,” he squeaked, then immediately covered by clearing his throat. “Yes, uh, well, it’s been great chatting with you all tonight. Thank you again for your love and support for the team, it's always appreciated. I hope you’ll continue to cheer us and myself oninthefuture—WAIT! [____]-chan! Don’t leave, y’know my poor legs won’t survive the walk back! Baby, c'mon, wait up!” 
Oikawa whined as he scrambled to catch up to your retreating form, no longer concerned with the crowd of disgruntled faces he left behind as they watched their object of affection slip away yet again. A small part of you wanted to turn back and stick your tongue out at them in petty victory, but you refrained. The sound of their great king pleading for your attention was satisfactory enough.
You barely made it outside before his long arms wrapped around your front, locking you to his chest as he leaned almost his entire weight on you. You could feel his heart thrumming against your head as he panted. Eventually, he huffed, no doubt pouting as he gently swayed you in his arms. “You’re mean.” 
Keeping your gaze forward, you frowned. “And I have the right to be. You said you’d tell some of those ‘fans’ of yours to chill out—it’s getting way out of hand, Tooru. That one girl practically flashed her damn tits at you, and you gawked like a virgin.” 
He chortled, incredulously, “I did not! She caught me off guard..!” 
“And yet, you rewarded her with a photo instead of calling out her inappropriate behavior. Make it make sense.” 
You attempted to shrug him off only for his hold to tighten, spinning you around to gaze at you with chocolate brown eyes resembling that of a puppy out in the rain—One of the unfair tactics of Tooru Oikawa to get back on your good side. You had full intent of ignoring him, standing your ground…but how could you possibly stay mad at that adorable face? 
Easy. By not looking directly at it. 
“Nuh uh. I don’t think so,” you gently pushed away the setter’s face, earning another whine in protest. “You’re not getting off the hook that easily. I’m really upset with you.” 
“Buh I dinit do anyfing,” he said through smooshed lips. 
“And that’s the problem. You need to set boundaries with them, Tooru. Things’ll only continue to get out of hand the longer you enable it. Next thing you know they’re clawing and biting at your flesh so they can take a piece of you home with them under their nails and in their teeth.”
Oikawa grimaced, leaning back. “Ew. Graphic. They’re fans, baby, not rabid animals. I think you may be exaggerating.”
You cocked a brow. “Am I now? Well. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
The team had never seen their captain move so fast in their entire season. This was the first time he’d just straight up avoided his entourage and head straight for the showers after practice, scurrying off like his ass was on fire. Questions would spark around the gym about this drastic shift in behavior.
“What’s his deal?” One player voiced. “Usually he sticks around at least another hour to entertain his cult.”
“Not sure. After our last game, he’s been skittish.” Another replied.
A third jumped in after taking a swig of his water. “Think it’s got something to do with that..thing we saw the other night?”
The small group thought back to when all of their phones went off at the same time, social medias in a frenzy about their very own star player. At first glance, they figured it was just highlights of their game, specifically highlighting Oikawa. But, upon further inspection…it was something else entirely.
'Tooru Oikawa. 6’3ft King of the Court, and also our hearts. Being notoriously known as the campus pretty boy, loved by many and envied by the rest, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to consider him the blueprint—The default setting of everyone’s wet dream. He’s a tall, talented, smooth-talker with playful eyes and a panty-dropping smile, a textbook definition of  ‘Prince Charming’. Everybody and they mama, daddy, even bald-headed granny would kill to jump this man’s bones. Many would see him as the romantic type, but there’s something more…unhinged hidden beneath the pretty-boy persona. After much debate, our beloved setter is to be dubbed a whole SWITCH, no nintendo. At first he’ll play the dominant role, but edge him long enough and you’ll bring the Great King to his knees, quivering, drooling, you name it. He’s shameless. 9.5/10 - half a point deducted for his inferiority/superiority complex. Get some therapy, babe. ♡’
They didn’t think much of it at the time, when it came to their attention whore of a captain, it wasn’t completely unexpected, especially if his groupies had anything to do with it. The players looked at one another, then back at the gaggle of hormones waiting for the brunette in question by the doors. It was unanimous.
“Yep.” “Uh-huh.”
The third player snorts. “‘bout time it sucked to be him for once.”
When Oikawa eventually exited the locker room, he did everything in his power to appear small, tip-toeing across the floor with his head down and shoulders hunched in crouching tiger-like fashion. He would’ve gotten away scott-free…if not for his petty teammates.
“See ya tomorrow, captain!”
It bounced off the gym walls, the setter grimacing as his devoted followers instantly looked in his direction, predatory gazes stunning him like a deer caught in headlights. Oikawa shot the players a nasty glare over his shoulder, flipping them off and continuing for the exit. He attempted to stiff-arm his way through the hoard, ducking and dodging their grabby hands and shutting down their…bolder advances.
“Tooru-chan!~ Let me show you what I’m capable of, I’ll have you begging in no time, just say the word!~”
“Unhinged men are so my type—Step on me, spit on me, call me names until I cry, I want it all!~”
“I bet it’s bubblegum pink, right? Does it curve to the left or right?”
Oikawa blanched. “Ladies, please, this is ridiculous! You all know I’m in a relationship with-”
“They don’t have to know.”
One had tried reaching out to touch him, but was quickly thwarted when the setter grabbed her wrist. Not tight enough to hurt, but enough to get the message across—Too far. Everyone came to a hush at the sudden display, cowering slightly at the intensity that pooled in his eyes, dark and cold as he fixed the whole group with a stern expression. You were right (obviously). Things escalated the second they were given an inch, with complete disregard to his boundaries and what you meant to him.
These weren’t fans. Not real ones, at least.
Oikawa deeply exhaled through his nose, calming himself down to keep from saying something he’d regret. Releasing the girl’s wrist, the setter gently moved her out of his personal space, resadjusting his bag and sporting a rather disinterested expression.
“It appears you all have misunderstood your place. I’ll forgive that disgusting comment only once. But, if this obscene, rude, and down right shameful behavior continues, I’ll have no choice but to inform the coach of your harassment and have you banned from future practices and games. Do I make myself clear?”
When you arrived to pick up Oikawa per usual, you were surprised to see that he was already waiting for you, not a single group ie in sight.
Skeptical, you looked around as you approached him, thinking those buzzards were still in listening distance, just waiting to pounce. But, when all you’re welcomed with was a big hug and kiss, you relaxed. Oikawa pulled back and gave you a sheepish smile. He explained everything that had happened, rubbing his the back of his neck in embarrassment. When he finished, he looked down at you with those same puppy eyes he gave you the other day.
“Please don’t say I told you so?”
You cooed, reaching up to fiddle with his hair at his nape. He leaned into your touch, content. Until you said, “I told you so.”
He frowned. “You’re MEAN.”
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Once IWAIZUMI learned it involved Oikawa in any way, that’s all he needed to know to have no interest in the list. Sort of like Sakusa, if the topic gets brought up, he finds himself tuning out. The last thing he needed was to get dragged into whatever mess his dumbass best friend got himself involved with. But, unfortunately for him, one doesn’t simply choose to be on the list…the list chooses you.
And one afternoon, the former ace was the unlucky winner.
‘Hajime Iwaizumi. 5’10ft hunk made of pure Husband Material. We’re talking the man who’ll open doors for you, pull out chairs, hold your bags without fuss, give you massages, cook you hearty meals, the whole nine yards. With that information in mind, you can’t tell me he’s not an absolute DOG in the bedroom. I’m talking about a man who’ll bully your insides, manhandle you and call you his “favorite cocksleave” or his “pretty little whore”. He’s the type to say the nastiest shit in your ear and tease you for the cute reactions you’d give him before shoving his tongue down your throat, while his dick kisses your appendix. Definitely a Hard Dom who only rewards good behavior, so if you plan to be a brat to this man—Good luck. But, as soon as he’s fucked that attitude outta you he’s back to being such a sweetheart! So so so attentive, so devoted, and will do anything for you. He’s God’s favorite. 1000000/10.’
“Oh? .. Hey, babe.” You said, curiously. Iwa grunted in response. “You know that list thingy Oikawa-?”
“Nope.” He easily answered, eyes focused ahead and he continued bench pressing the heavy bar.
You slap his chest. “You didn’t even let me finish!” He responded with a playful smirk, making you lightly slap him again.
Straddling his lap while he pumped iron was routine. It consisted of him doing what he does and you keeping him company, soaking up his presence until you inevitably left for your next lecture. Sometimes you kept count for him, other times you’d happily just be a distraction; today you did both.
“Haji,” you whined, wiggling a little. He ignored you on purpose, stubbornly refusing to indulge the topic. But that didn’t deter you from pestering him. “Ha-ji-me!”
“Ba-by-doll,” he echoed, grunting shortly after when he placed the heavy weight back on the rack, finished with the set. Panting, he sat up and readjusted you in his lap, hands resting on your thighs as he finally looked at you, amused at your scowl. “I don’t get why you’re so interested in that shitty list.”
“I’m not…until now.”
Turning your phone screen to show him the updated post, Iwa’s eyes scanned it before his brows furrowed in confusion, then tightened with irritation, jaw clenched and annoyance clear on his face. He let out a heavy sigh, closing his eyes to unsee it and merely laying back down on the bench. “Block them.”
You gaped. “What? No way!”
“It’s nothing but perverts with too much time on their hands,” he grunted, lifting up the bar and beginning his set. “It’ll rot your brain. Or what’s left of it, anyways.”
With a dramatic gasp, you retorted with, “Jerk. I’ll retweet and tell them you also love sucking on toes, how ‘bout that?”
Iwa paused mid-push. He eyed you from his laying position, voice dangerously low as he said, “Try it and I’ll bench press you next.”
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Through squinted eyes, MATTSUN briefly scanned the bright screen of Maki’s phone displaying the updated post that started circulating around their group for the past few minutes. Without much reaction, one would think he was too buzzed to be able to even comprehend it.
But he understood all too well.
‘Issei Matsukawa. 6’2ft lazy ass with a third leg. Doesn’t matter if he looks like he uses 5-and-1 body wash, he smells DELECTABLE. And don’t get me started on the gray, low-hanging joggers he usually wears around campus—He needs to be arrested walking around with a concealed weapon in those sweats—sir, put it in me AWAY. The literal embodiment of “If it slaps his thigh when he walk, I’ll listen when he talk.” The ultimate brat-tamer tbh. You can’t get under his skin, he’s so nonchalant and laid back, your attitude would just be foreplay for him (HIS FREAKY ASS). And if you think he’s already big on soft??? Bitch. Gon head and call outta work for tomorrow. 50/10.’
“Uh..congrats?” Kindaichi gave an awkward thumbs up.
Maki snickered, tongue in cheek. “Yeah, man, how’s it feel being ‘dick of the week’? They’re even givin’ it nicknames ‘nd shit.” He scrolled further into the depths of debauchery. Peering from over his shoulder to see for himself, Kunimi‘s face scrunched in mild disgust.
“Someone called it ‘The Door-Knocker’? Fucking cringe.”
“Fucking retweet.” The strawberry blonde hummed in approval. “Oo, I like this one—‘The Punisher’. That’s badass.”
Yahaba snickered only to then start choking on his drink, snatching Kyotani by the front of his shirt for support as he hacked for air. The wing-spiker merely glared, winding his hand back to beat the shit out of his back. “Ack! Kyo—fuc-! BRO STOP.”
“I’m helping.”
“You’re killing me!”
“Same thing,” he grunted.
Mattsun snorted, taking another swig of beer. After skimming through the thread, he lowly drawled out, “Cool, I guess. No big deal.”
He didn’t know much about the list, only that if you ended up on it you were pretty much an ace in the game of dick-slanging. But, he didn’t need some thirsty randoms on the internet telling him that he fucks. He had you to attest to all that, and your opinion was the only one that truly mattered. Not that either of you would kiss and tell.
His friends, on the other hand, felt otherwise. As far as they were concerned, Mattsun was a single man. And right now, he was shitting on a blessing sent from the gods. Maki halted his sip to eye his best friend, beer can lowering suspiciously. “No big deal?”
Mattsun shrugged. “t’s what I said.”
Yahaba finally caught his breath, chiming in with a winded, “Yeah right…you’re probably itching to check your DMs. Tell me ‘m wrong.”
“Ok. You’re wrong,” he replied, chugging the remainder of his beer can before crushing it. Yahaba went to argue, but Mattsun cut him off by speaking through a burp. “Don’t got the energy…to entertain someone who just wants my dick.”
“Don’t you mean, ‘Door-knocker’?” Kunimi teased.
“I thought it was ‘The Punisher’..?” Watari asked, uncertain.
“I saw ‘Horse Cock’ on there.” Kindaichi grimaced.
Mattsun shook his head. “Whatever. Point is, ‘m not interested in racking up my body count anytime soon, so those DMs will just go unanswered. Hell, maybe even deleted.”
“Bullshit,” Maki challenged. He points an accusing finger. “There’s another reason. It’s ‘cause you’re already screwing around with someone, aren’t ya?”
A silence fell upon the group, all eyes instantly honing in on the taller male with metaphorical ears raised high in scandalized curiosity, some (read: Kindaichi and Yahaba) more obvious about it than others. Mattsun merely gave a halfhearted shrug, neither denying nor confirming the information. “Aha! See, see, look at ‘em, dodging the question! He’s so cuffed.”
“No shot,” Yahaba deadpanned, “mister ‘Noncommittal’ himself?”
Mattsun glared. “Oi. I commit to stuff.”
“He’s gettin’ defensive.” Kunimi pointed out with a wry grin.
“Must be true, then.” Kyotani nodded, mischievous glint in his eye.
The others hummed in agreement, theorizing about his type in partners and how there could be a potential special someone in their senior’s life, while the bastard behind it all watched smugly on the couch, sipping his drink like a gossiping old biddy. Mattsun squinted in annoyance at his best friend. “Et tu, dumbass?”
Maki raised his hands, “Hey, don’t get mad at me. You basically told on yourself. No guy in their right mind would ever pass up on that many opportunities unless he’s A) Stupid, B) Aro/Ace, or C) Spoken for. Now, my vote’s between A and C, but feel free to update me on your sexual orientation.”
Mattsun flipped him off, sporting a sarcastic expression.
His phone then began to vibrate on the table. As quickly as they looked at the former middle blocker, everyone’s gaze shot toward the offending device, then back on him; expectantly. Despite his calm exterior the brunette felt his heart-rate spike, brow twitching at the childish looks and jeers he started getting, borderline peer-pressuring him to pick it up.
After a few seconds of continuous ringing, Kunimi huffed in mild annoyance for him to, “Answer it, already.”
Maki added fuel to fire by saying, “Unless you want one of us to answer for you-” Mattsun snatched the phone off the table.
With the grace of a gorilla, he stood from the couch and quickly shuffled to the corner of the room. Answering it, he cleared his throat, face flushing at the chorus of snickers coming from behind him as he greeted you with a simple, but elated, “Hey.”
“Hey, ‘sei!”
“Hey,” he said again, breathing out a small chuckle. “Can’t sleep?”
You responded with your own chuckle. “Yeah, actually. I was wondering if you’d wanna maybe…ride around with me? I’m thinking McDonald’s. Oo! Or that wing place by campus, y’know, the one with the teriyaki flavor you liked? I think they don’t close until, like, 2am. Or…was it 1am?”
Mattsun snorted at your rambles, leaning against the wall as he let you continue. Unbeknownst to him, the guys were practically stacked on top of each other, stretching their ears to hear your voice. From what they could pick up, you sounded so upbeat, animated as you spoke. They watched in awe as their senior barely spoke but was engaged in whatever you were saying, nodding along and humming to let you know he was still listening. If he wasn’t faced the other way, they were certain they’d see a smitten expression on his face.
“Mhm.. mhm. Yeah, ‘m sure that squirrel really appreciated you sharing your almonds, baby.”
“BABY???” The group exclaimed.
The brunette jumped slightly, completely forgetting where he was for a moment there. He briefly looked over his shoulder before turning back towards the wall with a groan—Every single one of those bastards were either grinning or gaping in shock. Mattsun cursed under his breath. You made a noise of confusion.
“Are you with the guys? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt! We can totally chill another night if you-”
“Nah, was just about to leave. Think I’ve entertained these assholes long enough.” He grumbled, walking over to grab his jacket, but not before thumping Maki on the head; the latter hissed through his teeth in pain as he held the throbbing spot. “Rather be with you anyways. I’ll send the address, lemme know when you’re outside.”
“O-Oh, okay then!” You giggled, flattered. “I’ll see you soon. Love you!”
He turned back to look at the group, smug as they still watched him with disbelief painted on their faces as Mr. Non-committal was ditching them to hang with his commitment. Like he tried to tell them before, he didn’t need some thirsty randoms on the internet. He had you, and that’s more than enough.
“Love you too, [_____].” Then, he walks out. Leaving the room in even more chaos compared to when he first answered the phone, immediately on his ass as the scrambled after him for answers.
Who would’ve guessed their sweet, beloved volleyball manager from high school was the one getting visits from “The Punisher”.
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Within his inner circle, MAKI is usually overlooked. He’s not popular like Oikawa, nor jacked like Iwa, and he’s doesn’t have the whole ‘sexy aloof’ vibe like Mattsun. He’s just…tall. And funny—The ‘Pete Davidson’ of the group. At least, that’s what your friends called him. Somehow, once again during your outing with them at the mall the topic of your relationship became the focal point of the conversation, stretching their brains for why you were so enamored with a guy like him.
“He gotta be packin’. Like, I’m talking anaconda.”
“Type shit. Y’know what they say about them tall and skinny ones.”
You rolled your eyes, wry smirk spreading across your face as you busied yourself sifting through a clothes rack. The conspiratorial discussion had been going on for the past ten minutes, throwing anything and everything at the wall until something stuck—Meaning, waiting for you to confirm. “[_____]. Be honest. It’s ‘cause of his dick, right?”
A lady standing on the other side of the rack gasped in shock, face twisting up in revulsion as she clutched her purse before stomping away, scandalized. You snorted, peeking over your shoulder to raise an eyebrow at them while they struggled to suppress their childish merriment at the poor woman’s embarrassment.
“Quit it before they kick us out.” You attempted to sound stern, but there was no hiding your own amusement. One friend playfully nudged you while the other began to snicker. “And no, it’s not because of that. It’s a bonus, though.”
The first gasped, then exclaimed, “So it is big!”
“’m not finna start with you,” you replied looking back at the clothes, pretending not to know them as nearby customers gave the side-eye. Neither one paid any mind as they continued to gossip. “We have this conversation every time we go out. Give it a rest.”
“Not until you tell us what you see in him.”
“I mean, I get it, but then I look at his friends and…” she hissed through her teeth, shaking her head. “I’m just saying. You fumbled.”
“I’m not taking that from someone who slept with a door dasher just because they got the restaurant to put extra sauce in your bag.”
The guilty party gaped, “It wasn’t included in their instructions, they were a real one for that!”
“Still don’t know why you did it,” the other friend sighed. “The food was cold, and I’m certain they took some of my fries.”
“Shut up, we’re not talking about my poor life choices, we’re talking about [_____]’s.”
“Fuck you,” you laughed. “You two need to get off my man. You haven’t even properly met him yet. He’s a sweetheart, he treats me like royalty, and I don’t care what y’all say, that man is fine.”
“Please. You’re just dickmatized.”
“Enough about his dick already!”
Your outburst drew the attention of a nearby employee; the store manager. Even though she wore a professional smile, you could see death in her eyes. With a nervous smile, you gave an apologetic wave before quickly grabbing your friends by their arms and escorting yourselves out before you got banned. Your closet was getting full, anyways.
“Look…I know the guys I’ve dated in the past were…questionable. But, I really like this one. And I swear the pictures I showed you don’t do him justice, his goofy ass just never sits still.”
They looked skeptical, having heard that one before. You huffed.
“Alright. How about I invite him over tonight? That way you have a chance to get to know him better. And if you’re still iffy, then…then you’ll have to get over it because you love me dearly and want me to be happy and just because you don’t think he’s attractive doesn’t mean I don’t, he is very gorgeous to me-!”
“[_____], honey, breathe.”
You stopped to inhale, then concluded with a small, “Please?”
They exchanged another look of skepticism, until the second added one condition. “He better not show up empty-handed.”
When the doorbell rang, the mood instantly shifted in the room, your friends going silent and gazes sharp as they looked at your door. Unbeknownst to all of you, on the other side of the door, Maki shivered, confused where that sudden chill came from. You gave them an eager, though strained, smile before scampering over to greet your awaiting guest. Upon opening the door, your smile slowly dropped at the sight of Maki sipping out of a large styrofoam cup with the words 'Big Gulp' written on it, dressed casually in sweats and a beanie, appearing very empty-handed.
After he swallowed, he gave a drawled, "Yo."
Your eye twitched. "Takehiro." He hummed, taking another sip of his drink. "Remember that important thing we discussed over the phone? Literally the only thing I asked you not to be when you got here?"
He thought about it, taking note of the daggers you were shooting at his cup. Maki made a noise of realization. "Oh, right. I bought snacks too, buuut I accidentally ate ‘em all on the way. My bad. But, look," he shook the cup, "technically still not empty-handed."
A small part of you wanted to be mad, frustrated at the least...but there was no hiding the giggle you rewarded him with, of which turned into more giggles. With sigh, you stepped forward to wrap your arms around his middle in a hug. "You’re so dumb."
"Missed you, too." He playfully rolled his eyes, returning the hug and craning his neck to kiss your forehead. The two of you stood there for a moment, just basking in each other's warmth. But, the moment was short-lived when he gave a long, exaggerated exhale through his nose before murmuring, "Ready?"
"...No." You groaned.
"Damn, do they bite or something?"
"No, they’re just...unfiltered. I love them, don't get me wrong, but they can work on your nerves to an olympic degree. You'll see once we get inside...They're gonna ask about your dick, by the way. Just ignore it."
Maki snorted, bewildered. "I'll try my best."
"Also...try not to mention that...other thing."
"What other thing?"
"You know," you raised your brows, looking over your shoulder in case they were eavesdropping before softly continuing, "that post."
It took a second, but he eventually caught on to what you meant.
‘Takehiro Hanamaki. 6’0ft shameless manslut (affectionately) who’s taken the campus by storm with his rather...interesting side hobby that pretty much has every student reaching for their wallets and switching to incognito mode on their browsers. Who would’ve guessed that lanky, low-eyed beanpole had the talent to film such erotic content and put a whole industry to shame with just his smartphone and a couple LED lights? After getting past the paywall and binging his videos (for research) it’s safe to say this man is very much a power bottom, maybe even a top depending on his mood, with a fowl mouth that’s not afraid to moan like a porn star. Best $200 I’ve ever spent (FOR RESEARCH). Highly recommend if you’re interested in having the best guided orgasm of your life—Link is in the thread! Get that bag, king. 10/10.’
A shit-eating grin stretched across his face instantly. He bounced his eyebrows, leaning down to teasingly say, "Ohh. That post. What? Don't want 'em to know how I make my living? Or, you scared they'll find out you're my number one supporter, always touching themselves just behind the camera-"
"Hiro!" You hissed, face set ablaze as you looked over your shoulder again, anxious. He found your reaction cute, using the straw in his cup to poke your cheek. You huffed at him. "I don't want them to pry. I doubt they've seen it since they go to a different uni, and I'd like to keep it that way. Okay?"
He easily shrugged. “You’re the boss.”
You exhaled, relieved. “Thank you.” You turned to head back inside, knowing your friends were just itching to bombard Maki, however you were stopped when he grabbed your arm.
“I’ll let the dick-related questions slide and keep my side hustle under wraps, but you have to do something for me in exchange for my good behavior.”
You tilted your head, nervous. “Like what?”
His grinned mischievously, eyes half-mast as he used his free hand to hold your jaw, making you gasp softly when he tilted your head back. “Instead of being behind the camera in my next video…my number one supporter has to be the star.”
You rapidly blinked, heat traveling throughout your body once you registered his words. Fumbling over your own, you didn’t have time to protest when the door behind you opens wide, revealing your impatient friends. Maki let go of your jaw and settled for wrapping his arm around your shoulder, pulling you close as he waved at them with the hand that still had the large cup in it.
“‘sup.” He flashed them a sly grin. Maki took in their shocked faces, hoping they were a good sign as he introduced himself. “[_____]’s told me a lot about you guys. Hope you didn’t mind me crashing your get together.”
They absolutely did not mind.
You weren’t lying—Those pictures you showed did him dirty. Nothing could’ve prepared them for the uno reverse that was Takehiro Hanamaki. From his lax posture and cozy demeanor, sleepers build and cute smile, it’s no wonder you were drawn to him. Plus he’s funny with a big dick (allegedly)?????
After you composed yourself, still reeling from your conversation earlier, you eventually mustered up a triumphant smile at your friends as they gaped up at Maki, speechless. “So? You guys still think I fumbled?”
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
haikyuu is cool because you go and read things like "talent is something you make bloom, instinct is something you polish" "because people don't have wings we look for others way to fly" "today you are the defeated. what will you become tomorrow?" "we are the protagonists of the world" "and if you get really really good, someone even better will come and find you". and you read about how like. kageyama was learning to love again after it was ripped away from him and hinata was learning that he could jump high enough to become the sun itself and oikawa and ushijima and atsumu and kuroo and everyone else were all learning and trying and living with the hopes of becoming something greater than they ever could have dreamed but that something greater wasn't about winning it all it was about how they were so intricately tied that they will forever be part of the same path no matter how many times it splits and it's THE reason they are able to keep moving forward no matter what they may face. and then you're just expected to continue your life afterwards like nothing HAPPENED.
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revasserium · 2 months
i’m CRAVING a sanji fic rn 🤤🤤
maybe something on showing affection with him? cause i feel like he’s kinda superficial with his affection when first trying to get with u, but then as the relationship progresses the affection becomes so much more.
well ur in luck bc i do have a sanji fic cookin currently but who knows how long it'll take me to actually finish... in the meantime... here are some sanji domestic/affectionate!headcanons bc why not
in the beginning, it would be the grand gestures -- always waking you up with a kiss and coffee (or tea, if you're sick, or just don't feel like coffee that day) and your favorite foods; a bouquet of fresh flowers (do not ask him how he obtains these in the middle of the ocean; he will not tell you and robin remarks loftily one day that you might not like the answer)
in the beginning, he'd tell you he loves you every single hour, lest you forget for even a minute, even though it's only been like... a week and you're not entirely sure what "love" means quite yet
and then, it'd taper off, not because the 'honeymoon phase' is over, but because he'd find other ways to show you -- other ways of tellin you he loves you without telling you in so many words
there's still breakfast, but sometimes instead of coffee or tea, there's a book that you mentioned you'd been wanting to read, there's an origami crane folded out of the napkin with such excruciating care it almost breaks your heart, there's a note written in his sloppy, slanted handwriting that he dreamt of you last night and couldn't figure out if he wanted to wake up to tell you or keep sleeping not to break the fragile dream
and the "i love you"s become something else too -- they become "how did you sleep, love?" and "i knew you'd be craving that" and "c'mon, drink up -- there's more where that came from" and "tell me about your dreams" and "funny, those sound an awful lot like my dreams too".
it'd solidify, this kind of love -- his kind of love -- into something much quieter than anyone might suspect. this kind of love that simmers, the kind of love that curls around you like a hot bath, that draws you in
it's the way he always saves the wishbone whenver he cooks up any kind of bird, how he always waits till everything is done and the kitchen's all cleaned up before pulling you toward the counter, to the tiny little bone with it's winged flanges, him holding one end, the other offered out like a promise (or a wish)
you've pulled so many between you that you've lost count of how many wishes you've made, until you're laughing and complaining that you're running out of things to wish for
"what do you wish for?" you ask one day, when you've tugged and sanji gets the wish, to which he only looks at you and says, "always the same thing, actually. always... just another day with you."
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dizzybizz · 10 days
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some haikyuus
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byunbqbes · 2 years
tw: some crying. nothing too sad tho
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♡ suna. laces his fingers with yours and carries you to the bed when you begin to cry a little harder. lies down beside you and runs his long, slender fingers through your hair as he lets you cry into his chest. when you begin to feel better, suna flashes you a rare, uncharacteristic smile and asks, "do you wanna talk about it?"
♡ oikawa. freezes and the smirk on his face immediately drops. did he cross a line while teasing you just now? he makes his way towards you, apologies spilling from his lips and a box of tissues on his hands as he offers them to you. when you reject the tissues and hug his waist instead, he feels something stirring in his stomach as he quickly wraps his strong arms around you, pulling you into his lap. as he coos soft little nothings in your ear, oikawa can't help but wonder what it would be like for you to finally be his, and for him to comfort you for an entire lifetime.
♡ ushijima. blinks slowly and unsurely as he gazes at your slumped figure, broken sobs threatening to overtake you. he walks up to you and takes a deep breath before enveloping you in his large, warm arms. he pats your back a little awkardly as you lean closer, burying your face into his neck and wetting his collar in the process. when your tears stop, you realise he's still rubbing soothing circles on your back, and you smile to yourself because you know ushijima will always have your back and give you a shoulder to cry on.
♡ bokuto. his hair droops down and the light in his sparkly eyes quickly diminishes. he pouts and cups your face delicately, wiping away the tears that spill out of your eyes. he tells you his favourite bedtime story that his grandmother used to read to him, and his slow, soothing words somehow calm you down. when your eyes are no longer wet, bokuto finally perks up and rubs your noses together while he gives you the biggest smile you've ever seen.
♡ kenma. feels a pang in his chest when you fall into his lap in a dishelved heap. he hums very softly, playing with the ends of your hair whilst giving you tiny smiles occasionally. when your sobs become soft sniffles, he makes you your favourite hot chocolate and gently places it in the palms of your hands as he offers, "wanna play legend of zelda together?"
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natriae · 1 year
thinking about this video but with your fav haikyuu character (video is at the end)
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Thinking about your fav haikyuu character working at a restaurant with shirtless men with bow ties and tight black pants. They preform and the thing that put them on the map were their topless waiter shots.
Built. Strong. Topless. Men serving you shots through a syringe.
He leans you back on your seat, brushes some of your hair out of the way, and leans down close enough that you can feel his nose brushing against yours. He gives you a look that says ' you can do it, baby' as the shot drips into your mouth, and suddenly it felt a lot more heated then just a shot. He leaned down a little bit more allowing his bulge to brush against your cunt before getting off of you. He gives you a small wink before walking back behind the bar. Before you and your friends left he slipped a small note in your hand with his number one it.
Next to his number was written 'you felt that too? ;)'
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uc1wa · 5 months
i need post timeskip oikawa bf headcanons
his south american life has taught him the most important thing in life: sunscreen. is always making sure you’re never running out and putting some on your pretty skin before you leave the door. researched and gets you a brand that fits your skin type and doesn’t leave white streaks.
amazing dancer. cumbia and merengue pro; his body moves like liquid, and his hand on your lower back will always show dominance through leading.
his morning breath is of dark and deep coffee, another habit he's picked up living and exploring a continent known for its roasts of beans. no cream, no sugar. black coffee with a side of milk bread and tooru is a happy man.
if there's one thing about oikawa, it's his loyalty. will go to the ends of the earth to assure you comfort in your relationship with him. will vow to have long and thoughtful conversations with you when things feel iffy. following this, i don't think he could be in a long-term relationship with somebody who isn't confrontational. how can he know that you're not just following his lead if you don't speak up and speak your mind? he traveled to the other side of the world because he wasn't comfortable where he lived; comfort was important to him.
i have two hc’s about paps and him: 1.) doesn’t care about paps when they’re on you and him, will make out with you so sloppily when drunk. there’s photos posted online of you wiping the spit from your lips after kissing him. 2.) does care and it’s an unhealthy amount. cares about his public image like his life depends on it, and you’re apart of his public image now. gets upset when you wear something casual, he’s bought you all these clothes, does he now need to dress you too?
girls have always flocked to him, but his confidence falters when he sees some paps taking a photo with you and one of his teammates. a made-up cheating scandal, but he 100% gets possessive and a little manipulative; "you don’t love me enough. no, a story like this wouldn’t even be possible if you loved me enough." rough sex, fucking you like he hates you follows quickly after. he apologizes for the bruises in the morning, but it's hard to tell if it's genuine, especially when he places marks right where the openings of the new dress he's bought you lie.
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miyamizuna · 22 days
The Girls in Argentina
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oikawa x f.reader cw: angst, nickname shittykawa w.c. 2.2k summer festival, broken dreams, broken hearts.
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Do girls in Argentina love you like I loved you? Do they know you like I know you? Do they want you like I want you? These are often thoughts that pop into your head. 18,059 kelometres away from you (approximately) is a boy you once loved. Living his life out probably not thinking about you in the slightest. Doesn’t he know you watch every game he plays? Does he know you have bought every single piece of merchandise that has his god forsaken name on it? Absolutely not. God you must seem delusional. So why are you standing in front of the summer festival alone?
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“Hey Toru” 
It was the midst of the summer festival during 1st year. Merely knowing each other for a couple of months. Rushing into a relationship with no thought or consequence. He had told you his plans from the start, but you paid no mind. It's that moment when something just clicks within; a feeling of a scene that lights up a scene with a glow and a pop. Colours stream all across the sky. Eyes sparkle with curiosity as colors illuminate the sky.
“Well, aren't they pretty?” He asks you in that ever so sweet tone, leaning against the metal railing with his arms resting against them and god, that ever so god forbidding smirk across his pretty face. 
“They are pretty” Is all you could muster up as you look upon the midnight sky lit with fireworks.
Like as if you were in a sappy romance movie,  he pulls you in. He grabs you by your waist, pulling you close to him. “God how sappy can this man get” you think as a smile creeps out from your teeth.
“Let's do this every year.” He lets out into the cool midnight air.
“I would love that Toru!” you exclaim with certain joy as if this new tradition was a promise. 
God, how naive are teenagers?
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So why? Why isn’t he here with you right now? How many promises has he broken? How many will it take to finally let go? 
and out of all god-forsaken people you can go with, you go with his high school friends?
“This really takes me back to high school you know” Hanamaki exclaims as he raises his hand to the sky as if he were trying to grab the fireworks in the air.
“You look stupid” Matsukawa buds in with the same stupid look on his face.
“Hey! Can’t a guy reminisce?” Makki pouts and frowns as he lowers his hand from the sky to subconsciously put on the railing.
There is a long pause as the three of you watch the fireworks together. It feels empty as if the air has shifted or something is missing. 
“You know It’s weird, Oikawa isn’t here with us, Iwaizumi too,” Makki stated as if that’s what everybody was thinking
“I guess you’re right.” Mattsun agrees as he looks at you standing there with your eyes focused on the site ahead. “You’ve been awfully quiet,” he adds on looking at you with slight concern.
“Not much to add on.” you simply state as you don’t look back at him, rather paying attention to the night sky that faces you.
“Missing Oikawa again?” Makki questions with a raised eyebrow as he now begins to stare at you too.
“Now why would I be missing him? It’s been years since I’ve last seen him.” You explain with a scoff as you finally turn to face the two boys; their faces with a look of pity causing your face to soften. “Besides, he’s definitely moved on. Probably with some pretty lady in Argentina, I’d think.” 
Just like that, you managed to avoid a bullet of talking about your feelings, pushing everything aside and making everything awkward again. Great.
In your second year of high school, things just about added up the same. The same summer festival, the same person you spent it with,  that being the salty as ever Oikawa.
“Ushiwaka is such an annoyance! I would have gone to nationals if he wasn’t so lame” Oikawa pouts in his oh-so-dramatic tone as he crosses his arms as he sits on the grass along the hill.  
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“You’ll get him next time, Oikawa.” You console him as you rub his back in comfort. 
“I better! Tobio-chan will be a 1st year starting next spring as well, making everything more difficult." His expression was one disgusted look when he mentioned his former kohai.
“You’re cute when you’re angry you know…” You blurt out unintentionally, smiling at the thought. Everything about him was beautiful, his glowing brown eyes, his fluffy brown hair, his attractive smirk, and his disgustingly addicting personality. He looked just like a prince that would appear in dreams.
“Oh? You think so?” He teased in that stupid flirty tone of his. As he grabs your face, planting a quick kiss on your lips. Short but sweet, just how he liked to kiss you.
He was a drug, and you were addicted.
“Oi Shittykawa! There you are.” A voice calls out from behind. You both turn your head towards the owner of the voice. It was Iwaizumi.
“Iwa! You really know how to ruin the moment, don’t you?” Oikawa exclaimed as he angrily glared at his best friend. He knew that his best friend wasn’t at all intimidated by his presence. You couldn’t help but laugh as the situation unfolded in front of you, causing Oikawa to shoot you a glare too.
“Well, you’re the one who decided to run off to make out with y/n” Iwaizumi counters as he grabs Oikawa by his collar, now dragging him along the grass. “C'mon you two, let's go back to Hanamaki and Matsukawa.” 
“Hey, Hey! Let me go Iwa! I can walk on my own!” Oikawa insists with no avail as Iwaizumi continues to drag him across the grass. “Y/n! Give your boyfriend a bit of help here!” 
“Coming! Coming!”  You reply chasing after the two of them in your yukata and geta.
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You begin to wander the festival alone, splitting off from Mattsun and Makki. In a sea of people, how does one get so lonely? The food stalls, kids laughing and smiling whilst enjoying the various carnival games, and local shops lined the pathway along the shrine; none of current interest to you.  Why did you even come to this festival anyway? Don’t you have better things to do?
“Y/n?” That voice… Iwaizumi?
“Y/n it’s me-“
“Iwaizumi? What are you doing here?!?” Shocked, you turn around to meet Iwaizumi with a mouth agape. “Not that you can’t be here! I just would think you would be in Tokyo and not Miyagi right now!” 
Iwaizumi just lets out a smile and pats your head as you let out a yelp. “Well, I had time off, so I took it.” He explains with a joyful look on his face, most likely due to that he’s happy he got time off from his job. “I’d assume Makki and Mattsun are here right now as well?”
You nod your head in agreement. “Makki and Mattsun are by our normal spot near the railings.”
“I’ll go and meet them then. You coming with me?” He asks you as he starts walking in the direction where the two others are.
“No, I think I'm going to wander around a bit. I’m sure you and the two of them have a lot of catching up to do.” You inform him as he begins to walk away.
“See you later then, Y/n” He waves
“You too Iwaizumi.” 
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Time flows fast no matter how you think about it. 3 years you’ve known Oikawa, and now it’s a ticking time bomb until the expiration date.
The same summer festival, the same scene, the same everything, though this time It feels like the world is ending.
“Will you still be here to watch the fireworks after high school Toru?” you question as you hug your knees to your chest as you rest your head on his shoulder.
“Maybe, the future is unknown.” He answers whilst he sits on the grass arms resting in his kneecaps.
“I see” is a simple but expressive answer, but it describes exactly how you were feeling.
Suddenly an awkward silence fills the air, as if the air in your lungs feels tight and you couldn’t breathe even if you tried.
“So it’s official, you’re going away?” 
“It’s official.” He says while looking to the ground with a saddened soft expression. It’s rare he’d ever make an expression like this, he’s always playing a part around others after all. “Don’t be sad though, let's enjoy all the time we have left together,” he suggests as he takes the arm closest to you and wraps it around your side pulling you in closer. 
“I guess we should.” You say in agreement. though, it doesn’t reflect how you truly feel. You feel as if you want to stop him from leaving, change his mind, and fight for the two of you, but who are you to tell Oikawa Toru what to do? He is his own person. He is capable of making decisions for himself. You knew what you were getting yourself into. He told you his dream. He told you from the start that he wanted to play for Argentina. So what gives you the right to be selfish and convince him to stay?
“I love you, Y/n. Remember that.” 
And with that, a kiss on the forehead, the fireworks show ends with a blank canvas of the midnight sky.
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You find yourself at the place where the two of you had spent the 3 years of summer festivals together, looking out onto the grassy hill you decide to walk over and take a seat on the grass. You stare into the night sky as if it was like an empty void. Once the show of lights ends, the sky becomes empty. It's like how fireworks can’t be noticed without the midnight sky behind them. 
“You look awfully lonely.”
Wait… no it can’t be.
“Mind if I sit with you? Such a pretty lady shouldn’t be sitting by herself at a summer festival.” 
Oikawa Toru..?
You look away from the sky and to the person now sitting beside you. It was him. It was Oikawa Toru. The man who you had been longing for all these years. He looked older, a bigger build than he did in high school, but it sure was him. 
“But Toru, aren’t you supposed to be-“
“Shh, I wouldn’t break a promise would I?” *He interrupts as he wraps a hand around your waist just like when you guys were teenagers. 
“You’ve broken the promise for five years straight.” You rebuttal with a smile on your face as he really did fulfil his promise this time.
“That… Shouldn’t matter! I’m here now!”  He sweats knowing that he actually did break his promise he made in the 1st year of high school.
A long moment of silence fills the air as the two of you sit under the moonlight. Just enjoying each other's presence.  Neither daring to break the silence.
“I couldn’t get you out of my head you know…” Oikawa admits as he exhales deeply, taking the leap and breaking the former silence that hung over the two of you, whilst hugging you tighter. “Every girl I’d date just never felt the same. It wasn’t you.”
“I thought I was the only one who felt that way…” you reply to his problem as you relate to it deeply.
“Though, Is it true that you own everything that has my face on it?” He teased with that signature smirk on his face. 
“Way to ruin a moment.” You roll your eyes and play-punch his chest as you still keep the same close distance as before. You were going to kill Makki and Mattsun later.
“Sorry, sorry.” He laughs as he tries to deflect your playful punches. 
Five years later, the two of you still click like it was high school, it’s like no time has passed. Both, are entangled and in love. It all plays out like it has previously. He cups your cheek, leans in, and kisses you. Though this time, it felt like a kiss of longing. One of hunger, of passion.  It wasn’t the quick kiss Toru used to give you. Maybe… This is realization.
As the kiss ends, you're left staring into each other's eyes. “It won’t ever work out, will it Toru?” you ask in a quiet manner, as if speaking loudly will shatter the moment.
He stares into your eyes a bit longer before hugging you tightly. “You’re right, It won’t.” he sighs and he starts playing with your done-up hair. “But… being with you will always feel like home,” he says reassuringly as he continues to hug you close. 
Maybe, life will never bring you two close again, but It’s damn certain no girl in Argentina had his heart like you did.
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fuck i love oikawa- ©miyamizuna 2024
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heich0e · 3 months
need to know who u voted for and what ur thoughts are on who among the seijoh 4 are the best in bed (i voted mattsun i am a issei pussy pounder back breaker truther)
here is my definitive thought process re: ranking (no one is allowed to boo me)
#4 oikawa: PROBABLY A VERY UNPOPULAR OPINION but i think he rests on his pretty boy laurels a bit! not saying that he's in ANY way a bad fuck but i simply do not think he outranks his competitors here. so hot it's almost kind of annoying when he takes his clothes off.
#3 makki: he's got the spirit!! into weird stuff but is also very eager to please. very average guy energy but in an endearing way. still a very good fuck and especially as a hookup because he makes u feel very comfortable.
#2 mattsun: listen. i wanted to put him first. i really did. this is where i quite literally agonized in my internal debate. in fact, i would argue that he IS the most sexually charismatic of the four—however i live and die on the hill that his dick is HUGE. to the point that. it is arguably too big. u cannot have a quickie with issei because u either need like an hour of foreplay or enough lube that u basically need to take a hazmat shower after you're done. this is the only reason i marked him down. champagne problems.
#1 iwa: i don't think this needs a lot of explaining. iwaizumi hajime loverboy and pussy pleaser extraordinaire u will ALWAYS be famous to me.
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anisespice · 23 days
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maybe-a-dinosaur · 8 months
iwaizumi hajime can skateboard. matsukawa issei cannot.
this is a point of contention between them bc issei thinks it fits his aesthetic and hajime is a “fuckin loser”. iwaizumi raises one slit eyebrow wearing torn double knee pants tattered nike dunks one elbow and one hand bleeding drops his godzilla board (with one yellow wheel) skates away. issei groans he has tried and failed spectacularly and is too lazy to really put energy into it but he’s still mad. tooru rides by on his bike no hands double-flips off matsukawa where is he going he doesn’t look back . issei can ride a scooter and that’s it unfuckingbelieveable he’ll have to make it a bit or something his ankles hurt already just thinking about it. hanamaki can roller skate it makes him taller and is faster than walking w minimal energy he skates backwards talking to issei while he’s walking looks down condescendingly. matsukawa doesn’t even wanna be the next tony hawk just wants to be able to ride his board to school or the store or whatever but noooo he so much as looks at a skateboard and trips. he settles for sitting at the skatepark with his mismatched socks watching hajime hoping he hits a rock and eats shit and wishing death upon tooru bc they are a package deal.
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runayachi · 1 year
also its crazy to me that when kageyama (karasuno) finally beats oikawa (aoba johsai), suga is on the court. suga, who has never been someone that oikawa really considered a rival in the way he considered kageyama one. suga, who is clearly not on the level that oikawa and kageyama are. suga, who’s only the second setter.
and yet he’s on the court when oikawa loses.
suga isn’t someone that oikawa would normally pay attention to. but he steps on the court and he forces oikawa to pay attention to him anyways. “your fight is with tobio,” he says, “but i’m here too. i might not be as strong as you; or as talented, but i can fight just as hard.”
and oikawa looks. and he recognizes suga for the challenge that he is.
and so suga’s on the court when oikawa loses.
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kings-highway · 2 months
someone write a 'top ten anime villains of all time" fic that focuses on the anime protagonist of your choice (im thinking something classic or well known like Luffy or Naruto or Midoriya) that has to climb the tower and defeat all the villains to save the world or something dumb and dramatic but when they finally get to the top all exhausted and bloodied they just find Oikawa lounging in an empty throne room bouncing a goddamn volleyball off the wall and they're like "wait who tf are you," and after a short conversation the hero realizes that Oikawa is 1) not magical or containing any kind of power; and 2) 18 years old. But the hero KNOWS that the task was "defeat all the villains to save the world" but... if they use their super special power theyve been saving for who they thought was going to be the scariest and most intense fight of their life theyre just going to one hit kill this fucking teen. Like they're not concerned about losing the fight but theyre heroes they have a moral code of some kind right like... this guy is just a guy??? do i have to kill him??? does that make me a bad person??? why is he here??? surely it would be wrong for me to just straight murder this guy??? and they keep trying to argue with him and be like "you MUST have some kind of super power, right? like something to make this a fair fight, come on, lets battle properly" and Oikawa shrugs it off "nah I didn't even make it to nationals, I'm far from superpowered" and the hero is just tearing their hair out like "WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???"
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petricorah · 2 months
what if i got really into haikyuu again
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monstersanonymous · 3 days
god can you believe that a volleyball anime comes included w sets of soulmates
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 year
i'm actually not sure if oikawa would ever apologize to kageyama for almost taking his head off That One Time™️ because i feel like it could go either way (he has moved on, leave it in the past, no need to bring up the shame and anger and guilt and the frustration of not being first, take it as a lesson learned and continue step-by-step forward OR he wants to confront what almost was, wants kageyama to know that he truly wholeheartedly respects him now, sees him as a proper equal and someone he cares for) but i DO think it'd be funny as fuck if oikawa for some reason brings it up like "hey remember that time i almost punched the hell out of you" and kageyama just pauses, squints at him, and goes "you what"
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