#fucking sure you can find something odd but what gives you reason to openly establish it??
daylightisviolent · 1 year
Hi just a tip! Don't make fun of people for being their unapologetic selves even if it doesn't conform to your expectations of how people should behave <3
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huihuiheart · 4 years
Bad Boy Series: Hyunjin~
Warnings: Mentions of drinking, smoking, drugs, mildly suggestive themes. 
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What makes them bad? 
Honestly a lot of things. I feel like bad boy Hyunjin is rather quick tempered, but that you won’t always find him threatening. Like his jaw will tick and eyes darken, but because he doesn’t openly snap you’ll think everything is fine. It’s not....run.... But because of his quick temper he’s always getting into trouble with people. He also doesn’t have the best environment, surrounded by things that are illegal and just generally not good. Probably at least goes to street races, if not participates in them too. Surrounded by a whole group of extremely dangerous bad boys. Rumor has it someone in his group actually killed someone. Surrounded by that whole live every day like it’s your last mindset, but in like an unhealthy way. They’re all really RISKY!
What aura do they seem to have?
Okay, so this I think depends entirely on who you are. If you’re not doing anything or don’t know him then it’s probably just a general edgy/slightly intimidating aura. Basically just saying “don’t fuck with me”. If you haven’t pissed him off, you shouldn’t worry too much. Also he’s probably more patient with women, not that his aura won’t turn dark towards or around them, because they’re less likely to really be a threat to him. Not that he thinks women aren’t strong and all, he thinks they really are. However, he’s noticed that not a lot of women really invade their scene with the intention of running it. And usually that’s more of a fun, playful takedown than a real violent fight. Just cause of dynamics.
Do they drink? If so, drink of choice?
Yep! Bad Boy Hyunjin PARTIES! He also drinks a lot! For some reason I wanna say tequila would be his drink of choice. But I do think he’s be able to drink stuff like whiskey, vodka, and beer too. He’d even be fine with mixed fruity drinks, if they have tequila or vodka in them. 
Do they smoke?
I feel like he might occasionally have a smoke. He could certainly live without it, but if he’s around other people who wanna step out for a smoke he might. Or if he’s really pent up and can’t relax no matter what he tries, he might smoke to see if that helps any. Not really a necessity for him though.
Do they do drugs?
I think he occasionally does drugs too. Likely more so than just smoking. Once again I don’t really think it’d be a necessity for him. It’d help take the edge off though, if he needs that. Certainly good entertainment from time to time though. ALWAYS knows where to get drugs though, might even deal a bit.
Do they ride a motorcycle?
......................YES THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOES! Do I really need to talk about this? I feel like it’s self explanatory and like the image of bad boy Hyunjin + motorcycle is deadly enough. No?
How do they dress?
Not as dark as some of those in his group. Still rather dark and involving leather though. You’ll probably see a lot of arms....If he pulls out chains, which is a rare but powerful thing, then my only word of advice would be....run. Everything he wears looks like he spent at least two hours planning every detail of his outfit to kill with his look because he did.
Are they a leader or follower?
Typically a follower in his group, but if it comes down to it he can lead. If he’s the only one around representing his group he’ll take charge. And don’t fucking try, we’ve already established that you don’t piss him off. Just don’t do it.
Are they a player?
Honestly....yeah. Totally a player. Sex god Hyunjin. I think he could settle on someone, but it would be a very interesting situation. Lots of one night stands, booty calls, acquaintances with benefits. Honestly, if you’re hoping to have a chance your odds are better if you didn’t fuck the first time you were alone. Sorry...
Are they bad around everyone?
No, he’s not. Like I said he’s probably softer with women. Probably softer around younger ones as well. His physical family probably doesn’t know about his darkside. Any childhood friends might, but they might only see that as he’d likely be protective of them. Anyone special to him, or who doesn’t seem threatening, but instead like they don’t belong in the dark part of the world he’ll likely look to protect instead of being “bad”.
How to get on their good side?
If you seem innocent or soft you likely already are to an extent. Treat him and his friends with the same respect you’d give any other human, even though they have a reputation, the exception is if they’ve done something to you to warrant otherwise. If you’re soft spoken and cute, then yeah...
How to piss them off?
Don’t do anything to threaten the safety or position of those close to him. Don’t offer unasked for help unless you REALLY know him, or are someone he’s especially soft with. If he’s looking irritated don’t push him or his buttons. If he happens to be smoking or something alone, DO NOT interrupt him. Don’t try to trick them. Don’t try to take advantage of them or anyone else.
Do they have piercings?
I’m going to say yes to this one. He thinks a lot about his piercings before he gets them though. Make sure they’ll work for the aesthetic he wants. I feel like he has a few more “dangerous” piercings too. Def has a lip piercing, but that’s mild compared to a few things....that’s all I’m gonna say.....
Do they have tattoos?
I feel like he has a few. Once again really thinks them through before getting them done, to make sure they match the aesthetic he wants. Less obvious than some of his piercings. Might likely be smaller tattoos and probably not a ton.
Are they violent? Or do they fight their fights in a different way?
I wouldn’t put it past him to be violent. I mean I don’t see it as his go to, but he could definitely be violent if he felt he needed to be. I feel like usually though he goes about getting at people who piss him off in other ways. Can be VERY manipulative. Trick you by making you think he’s a sweet boy and striking when you’re weak. He’ll use your weaknesses against you. As soon as you crumble enough to apologize to him properly it’s over.
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“What makes you think you belong here pretty? You better watch where you walk, unless you want me to play rough.”
(Gif isn’t the most fitting, but I like it so....deal!)
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brieannakeogh · 5 years
Dog Days of Summer- Ch 8
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Dog Days of Summer- Chris Evans X plus sized reader. Dog days of summer are usually defined as the hottest of the year, some define it as lazy days. This year ‘hottest’ has nothing to do with the outside temp. You meet Chris and Dodger Evans while taking your own dog to the park.
Previous Chapter / Master List
Warnings: Little angst and drama. It’s amazing, there is an actual plot again! Also almost 4k words...
Chapter 8
“Of course this is the living room, and this is the kitchen.” You whistle at the impressiveness of the beautiful island work space, running your hand over the granite counter top as Chris walks on to finish the tour of his apartment. “Bathroom through here, my study, guest bedroom, and finally master bedroom.”
You poked your head into the rooms one by one, getting more impressed as you go. Chris was still holding onto your duffel of clothes, not having set it down in the guest room, which you found odd. “This is your house you know, you can put that down anywhere at anytime.” Pointing to the bag.
“Well I was hoping you could help me out with that.” You quirk your eyebrow to him. “I can either throw it in here.” He mimes tossing it into the spare bedroom. “Or….” He does the same but into his own room.
The smirk on his face as he watches you bite your lip in thought, makes your heart race. Can you do this? His face falls a little bit as you hesitate, which makes up your mind faster than you want to admit. “Which has the better bathroom?”
His face lights up at that. “Two words...jacuzzi tub.”
“Well it’s a no brainer than isn’t it?” He tosses your duffel on his bed as you turn back down the hallway. “I do reserve the right to change my mind, I’m a woman after all.” You shout playfully back to him as you walk back down the hall to the living room.
You barely register his fast footfalls as he rushes up behind you, wrapping his arms around your middle, pulling your back to his chest. “Of course.” He kisses the side of your head, before stepping around you to go to the kitchen, leaving you stunned in the middle of the hall. “I think we’ll have to order out. Unless you can find a magic portal to food in my kitchen.”
“Uhh, yeah I’ll take a look.”
Surprisingly he had some things you could use to make dinner but he decided he wanted sushi instead, and you agreed. He sat about placing the order for delivery while you got the dog’s food ready. Chris pointing out the mix of wet and dry that Dodger liked while he was on the phone.
The two of you settling into the couch as the dogs ate and waiting on your food. The atmosphere wasn’t as relaxed as it had been before the ‘Matt’ situation. You figured you were to blame as Chris seemed to be paying attention to the show on tv and his hand was drawing lazy patterns into your shoulder.
His phone rang a few moments later. “Hello? Sure, be right there.” He turns to you. “Foods here, I’ll go down and get it. Want to grab some plates and drinks?”
You nod and smile, your appetite was gone a while ago. The words that Matt said about yours and Chris’ relationship weighing heavily on you. Moreso being in his place, the reality of just who he is getting to you more than ever before.
He kisses the top of your head as he gets up and you watch him walk out the door, getting up yourself to do as he asked. Plates and glasses in front of you on the coffee table, you figure he’s going to want to do the same as last night and watch tv while eating.
“I’m starving.” He shouts as soon as the door opens. He sees your set up and pauses at the doorway. “Hey why don’t you move everything to the kitchen table. I think I’m done with tv for tonight.” You cock your head to the side and switch everything around while he starts pulling out trays. You’re quiet as you sit down, adding just few pieces to your plate, he’s already got his loaded up and started eating. His chewing slows down as he watches you just move the few pieces around your plate, not eating. “Is it not good? You said you liked sushi.”
“Yeah I do.” You tell him, not looking up from your plate. “I’m just not very hungry right now.”
He sets his throw-away wooden chopsticks to the side and looks at you, calling your name softly. Your eyes close as a response, and take a deep breath. The second call of your name has you looking to him, knowing you can’t avoid it. “What’s wrong, and don’t say you’re fine.”
You set your own chopsticks down, and place your hands in your lap to focus on him. “Why are you doing all this Chris? Why go to such lengths? We’ve known each other for a week and even at first you didn’t want to give me your number, for this very reason I might add. It just seems like a simple solution. I still don’t understand why I’m here.”
“It is simple, because I want you to be. I told you I want to see where this goes and if every time someone tries to stop me or bully me into not pursuing what I want, and I back down, I wouldn’t have all this.” He makes a circle with his finger, indicating the apartment. “I think you want this too, but if I’m wrong just tell me.” His eyes intense and staring straight into your own, it makes you want to look away, but you hold strong, at least until Matt’s voice drowns out everything again.
“Matt’s right though. There is no way we can work, with you being you and me just as I am. Fuck! I still have no idea what you see in me. He’s right, I’m an ugly, fat thing that would have to pay someone to fuck me.” The ending was muffled as your hands were over your face with your elbows on the table, unable to look at the man across from you.
What you didn’t see was him shooting up from the table and you let out a small screech as he pulled your chair out and pulled it around so he could get in front of you, crouching down to your eye level. His large hands on your thighs as he holds your gaze. “Listen to me, I know you hold his words a little tighter because of your past with him, but you can’t let him in your head. Where did the confidant, fiery woman that I met go? I need her to burn out his jealous words because if you’re with me, it’s going to be so much worse. The public will rip every flaw you think you have apart, and I can’t always be there with you when that happens, but you have to trust me when I say you are gorgeous inside and out. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think that. You just have to quiet what’s in here, ok?” He taps his fingertips to your forehead. “Fuck everyone else. Who’s in this relationship?”
He looks at you expectantly waiting on an answer. “Me and you.”
He nods. “And who’s opinion matters in this relationship?”
“Me and you?”
“And fuck everyone else.”
“You’re learning.” He grins at you. The small smile you return has him leaning up to sweep you up in his arms. He presses a kiss to your temple and just holds you for a bit, your arms circling tight around his waist to keep him there. “You know you’re not the only one who can be insecure.” He mumbles into your shoulder.
“You told your landlady I was a friend.” He pulls away and goes back to a squat in front of you, hands on your thighs again.
You move a piece of hair that had fallen into his face. “I didn’t know if you wanted to tell anyone. That’s the only reason. Plus other than establishing we’re dating we hadn’t officially had the ‘what are we’ discussion.”
“I know, which is why I ignored it, but it still hit me. Here.” He pulls your hand to his chest, and you can feel his heartbeat speed up a little. “New relationships make everyone nervous. You’re not the only one.”
Leaning down you place your lips on his in a sweet and warm kiss, lingering just a moment. “Thank you Chris. I’ll remember that, as long as you promise to tell me if something changes for you. You know I’ve been burnt before, being too open and trusting too soon, but I’m willing to do it again...for you. Just promise that you’ll be honest with me.”
“I think I can do that.” He gives you the lopsided grin you love so much. “Feeling better?” You nod. “Want to eat now?” You nod again and he stands up, whipping your chair around and pushing it back to the table.
Holding on tight to the sides and giggling at the manhandling you look up at him with a playful scowl. “You’re going to scuff up your floors doing that you know.” He just shrugs and goes back to his seat. “So confidant and firey?” You ask after a few bites.
“Sweetheart, the first day I met you, you openly flirted, made a waiter want to quit his job because of your antics, and asked me to go out the following day with you. Yeah, I think all of that was accurate.” He chuckled.
“I didn’t explicitly ask you out, just told you a time and place I would be the next day.” You popped a bite of tuna in your mouth, chewing the large piece with a smirk.
“Semantics.” He shakes his head at you, going back to his own meal.
The tension’s been lifted and the two of you finish up dinner with smiles and banter. Chris puts away the little bit of leftovers while you rinse off the dishes you used. You don’t see the need to put them in the dishwasher, since it was only a couple of plates and glasses, so you start to wash them by hand. Chris walking up to dry them off and put them away.
You get done and just lean on the counter as Chris adds the last plate to the cabinet, his shirt riding up just a bit, hipchecking him to get his attention. “You know, it might be prudent to have that conversation, especially if I’m going to be here a couple of nights.”
“You just got onto me about using the ‘talk’ word earlier and now you want to do just that?” He smirks at you.
“Hey now I didn’t use that word!” You smack him with the towel you were using to dry your hands off with. He laughs as he leans on the counter beside you, arms crossed.
“I’m not dating anyone obviously. You wanna limit yourself from all the Hollywood models and actresses after only 2 dates?”
He shrugs. “Eh, too much drama.”
“Says the man who does that for a living.”
“Two different styles of drama.”
You snort. “Ok, what about label thing? What do you want me to call you, if not friend.”
“Boyfriend works, unless you prefer lover?” He wiggles his eyebrows.
“Oh eww no. That’s so cringey and as of right now not true.” The two of you chuckle. “Ya know, we’ve been very blunt about all of this. Is that normal? I hadn’t been single in the tinder age yet.”
“No.” He shakes his head and laughs a little. “This hasn’t been my experience either, but I really like it. No questioning and no wondering what the other person wants. It’s refreshing.”
You hum approvingly. “So just be honest, huh?”
“Sounds like you’ve got something else brewing. Come on, bring it.”
“I’ve got a small confession to make…” You wince and bite your lip, which makes him worry. “I don’t enjoy watching sports.” It comes out in a rush. “I know, I know. I’m so ashamed at myself.” The sarcasm heavy in your voice, and he doesn’t think the dramatic press of the back of your hand to your forehead is needed.
He rolls his eyes. “Drama, everywhere is drama…” He mutters to himself and starts walking away from you.
“Aww Chris, I’m just messing with you.” You tell him but the smirking smile doesn’t leave. “I know you’ve got a bro crush on Tom Brady, I just don’t understand it.”
Chris whips around, going back to stand in front of you. “He’s the best quarterback in the league! He’s done…” And Chris is off running with a list of Tom’s accomplishments and you can’t help but love the passion, even if half the time you don’t understand the jargon. His hero speech slows down and stops. “What?”
“What, what?”
“Did you zone out on me?”
“Hmmm maybe about what you were talking about. I was just admiring your passion is all. I really like that you love things so much and aren’t afraid to show it. Life is boring without passions.”
“Oh yeah? And what’s your passion?” He hooks his arms around your hips and pulls you to him.
“You?” You chuckle as he rolls his eyes. “Movies, marvel, reading. See I wasn’t lying, you’re in that little grouping somewhere.”
“Ah, so just my acting ability is your passion?”
“Why Mr. Evans? You weren’t thinking of something uncouth were you?”
He leans down and nuzzles his nose to yours. “Uncouth huh? Hadn’t heard that in a while.”
“Yes uncouth. I’m a lady and would never say things like ‘dirty’ or ‘naughty’.” You bite your lip to keep the smirk at bay.
“Of course not! What am I thinking? You’ve just told me you sleep naked and offered to come over wearing nothing but lingerie and a doorman’s hat, of all things. Very ladylike.”
Embarrassment colors your cheeks for once and you have to look away from his too close face, courage finally giving out in the sexually explicit banter. He senses the shift in your demeanor and plants a quick kiss to your lips before pulling away, taking your hand in his as he leads you back into the living room. “So what do you want to do now? Watch a movie? Read? If you want to go out there is a nice little bar down the block?”
“I thought you were done with TV, and I think I just want to stay in tonight. Bar sounds good for maybe tomorrow, if my locks aren’t done yet.”
“Sounds good.” He squeezes your fingers together as he goes to the large bookshelf in his living room. “Pick something out. I’m gonna go get what I was reading last night.” He hussles off to the bedroom as you prouse his collection. It’s definitely eclectic. There are some fiction, but there is also a lot of biographies, self help and other nonfiction works. A few peak your interest but you doubt they could hold your attention. Deciding to just scroll on your phone, or to read one of the digital books you’ve downloaded on the small device would be best, you sit on the couch.
Chris comes out, having changed into some lighter weight clothes, that you assume are what he normally wears to bed. He notices you on your phone as he sits beside you. “Couldn’t find anything that would do it for you?”
“Sorry. I can’t read nonfiction when I’m this easily prone to being distracted, like I am tonight.”
“I’ve got some other fiction in the study if you want to take a look?”
“It’s cool. I’ve got a few things I’m reading on my phone right now anyway. While I still love the feel and smell of books, I no longer have the shelf space.”
He chuckles. “I donate a lot of what I’ve read but still have so many. It’s a real problem.”
There is more space on the couch than had been between you in the last few days, but neither of you comment about it. It’s like him changing into night clothes cemented the fact that you really weren’t going anywhere the rest of the night.
After a bit, Chris looks up at you. You still have your shoes on, where he’s left in socks, and he knows wearing jeans all day can get annoying. “You can go change too if you want.”
“You did bring pj’s right? I mean we both know your sleeping habits…” He side eyeing you and you know he’s trying to joke to get you to relax.
“Yes I brought something to wear. I’m not an exhibitionist.” You roll your eyes at him. “I may go do that if you don’t mind. Actually, you said something about a tub?”
“You were serious about that?”
“Hell yes! I only have a shower at home.”
“Alight, alright, chill. I’ll show you how to use it.” You make a happy squealing noise that has him feeling better about you staying the night. “Ok, just get it to where you want it, then you just hit this here. You might have to wiggle it a bit too.” He watches as you turn the taps and test the temperature, showing you where to close off the drain once you had it like you wanted it.
“Thank you!” You bounce a little as you watch it fill up. “Ok now shoo!” Waving him out of the room.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” You cock your head in question. “PJ’s.”
“Oh right!” Your eyes widen as you go out to scrounge through the duffel, pulling your pjs, which consist of a pair of leggings and an overly large top, and your toiletry bag. “This isn’t helping my case about not being an exhibitionist is it?” You ask as you walk back into the bathroom. He’s setting a clean towel on the side of the tub.
“Not really.” He smiles at you. “Need anything else?”
“I don’t think so. Do you mind if I use your soap? I didn’t think about bringing that.”
“That’s fine and the shampoo is here too.”
“My hair will be fine for another day or two. Takes forever to dry as well.”
He stands there a bit awkwardly as you hold your clothes. “Ok...well enjoy.” He walks out backwards, swinging his arms a bit. You can’t help but giggle at how cute he is when flustered.
Setting your clothes on the counter, you climb in the tub, letting out a groan as the hot water envelops you. Just when you think it couldn’t get better, you hit the jets and you’re transported to a whole other world. Relaxing back, you try to forget the ugly parts of the day and just be content where you were, and who you were with. It seems like a dream you could wake up from at any moment.
As you were relaxing, Chris went back into the living room to give you some privacy. He had the same realization that this was really happening and you were staying the night as you were filling up the tub. He tried to get into a comfortable position and go back to his book, but it just wasn’t working.
His eyes shoot to the phone you had left on the coffee table. He really didn’t mean to see who the text was from, but ‘Asshole’ is too easy to read. Shifting uncomfortably, his eyes glance from the phone to the hallway towards you. He doesn’t want to disturb your relaxing time, but it’s maybe something you need to see. Chewing on his cheek as he debates, three more texts come in, in rapid succession.
Again he doesn’t mean to see the previewed content, but it goes off again when he’s picked it up to take it to you. He’s at the door to the bathroom when it dings again.
Marshmallow, I’m sorry I said those things. You know I didn’t mean it right? It’s just…
Are you there?
You’re not still with him are you?
So what? Some famous, good looking guy shows you even a bit of interest...
Look, even if you have spread your legs for him, I don’t care. I love you and want…
Chris’ hand is clenching into a fist as he stands in front of the door. He can hear you singing a happy little tune as you take your bath. Making a decision, he quietly backs away and sits back on the couch in the living room.
Looking at your phone in his hand, he hesitates over the button on the side to turn it back on. When the texts came up it didn’t look like you had a password attached. Stupidly trusting, you had called yourself, he said optimistic. Maybe it was a bit of both. The phone went off again, and he couldn’t stop himself from swiping it open to read the full content.
Marshmallow, I’m sorry I said those things. You know I didn’t mean it right? It’s just I miss you so much. She wasn’t good for me, not like you are. I want to get back to where we were. We were together for 4 years, do you really just want to throw all that away for some guy you just met?
Are you there?
You’re not still with him are you?
So what? Some famous good looking guy shows you even a bit of interest and you turn into a slut?
Look, even if you have spread your legs for him, I don’t care. I love you and want you back. You need me too. You’ve obviously made some dumb decisions while I was gone, but we can fix it. Together.
Why won’t you answer? We both know that if word gets out that he’s dating someone like you, he will lose fans and they will ridicule you. He’s not going to stand up for you, he’s going to drop you. Where would you be then huh?
Another comes in.
Fine. Be that way. Just know when he’s done with you and you come crawling back to me, I’ll be here. Make you learn the lesson the hard way.
How the fuck did you, of all people, get caught up with a guy like that? Chris was disgusted. He wanted to text back, telling the fucker that he didn’t deserve you and that it didn’t matter what his fans said or did, they would just have to be disappointed. That is no reason to break up with someone.
He runs his hand through his hair. This would upset you, badly. The two of you just had this conversation, and he actually got you back from spiraling. Your ex would just exacerbate everything. The drain to the tub starts and his head lifts up to the hallway. Without even really thinking about it, he presses a few buttons and sets the phone down just in time to see you walk down the hall. The phone now has 7 text messages deleted and 1 number blocked.
Next Chapter
Hey look there is some plot in your fluff! So what does everyone think? Lots going on in the chapter. Chris comforting reader but also warning her away if she can’t handle it. Plus the big no no that Chris pulled. 
Let me know what you think! I need motivation!
@spidey-babe-parker,  @stevieang, @albinotigerpython, @paintballkid711, @katykyll, @avengersrulez1536, @ultrafreespirit, @wantingtobekorra,   @i-had-a-life-once,  @ghostssss​, @babybeluuga​, @bodhi-black​,  @kanupps06​, @hatterripper31, @grandloser, @reniescarlett, @kjidhzyx, @normanreedus5150, @ilovethings-somuch, @spiderman-2013, @bloodyvalentine93, @xx-raven, @passionghost, @prettybubblesintheair, @averyrogers83,  @ria132love, @patzammit, @whom-the-fack, @pooslie, @3dsaunt, @kristiedwyer, @janeyboo, @theonelittleone, @aslandia726, @itsmysticalmystery, @stanclub, @geminimoonbeamx​, @lookwhatyoumademequeue, @eyesfixedonthesun22, @mrsalh32611, @whatmakesmebeme-tblr,
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mangled-dreams · 6 years
Sins of the Mother: 12
Part 12: Backstabbed. 
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"Do you really think I'm that dumb Damien?" You ask staring up into Dark's eyes angrily. He says he's going to go find Savannah--just find here, but you know better. You can see the rage seething behind his make of perfect calm. He's ready to rip her throat out and feed it to his minions in hell, or wherever he's from. It's never been established where he originated and quite honestly now is not the time to think about it.
Dark sighs, his eyes close, finger tips pinching the bridge of his nose. He has to admit you've gotten much stronger in wielding your magic, far more powerful than he originally anticipated. Sure, he could bend your magic to allow him his freedom but where's the fun in that; and right now he needs a little bit of fun.
It's why he's purposefully getting you riled up. The look of frustration and passion in your eyes, in the way your lip curl into a frown at his plans, he finds it all adorable. He needs it more than he wants to admit to.
"Come now, I have to end this before you are hurt again. Y/n you are my bride; It is my duty to keep you safe from any kind of harm, even from your won family. She will not stop from trying again." Dark tells you sternly. He watches you look away from him with a pout. He knows you dislike his logic but its understood that he will do what he believes in necessary to keep you safe.
"But..." Your voice is small, a shy whisper that completely has his attention. "Who will keep you safe?" You ask seriously, helplessly. "How do you think I will feel if you die? Because of me?" You hate asking it and you immediately have the weight of your question shine through Dark's eyes. Everyone, even you, believed him to be an emotionless demon hell bent on claiming his prize for his own selfish reasons, and in part you guess he believed that too.
For all you assumptions and speculations you'd been wrong. Everyone is wrong. They still believe Dark will whisk you away never to be seen or heard from again. You take your blame for a good part of that thinking. You never corrected anyone or even spoke with anyone about the engagement with Dark.
It's not like you plan to spill the beans to everyone about your engagement, somethings are better left unsaid, but you haven't openly admitted that he's not as bad as everyone had anticipated.
"Y/n, you..." Dark stares at you, really looks at you in your bed with dull green and black bruising around your neck. He can't risk you getting hurt like this again. "You are weak like this. I won't let you fool yourself into thinking you are in anyway powerful enough to take on Savannah. If she's been alive all these years she's more powerful that you could imagine." Dark says plainly. As much as he'd like to keep the lighthearted talk going he can't, not if you're going to be stubborn about this.
"I'm stronger than you think! I can help you. Please, you can't just leave me in this bed like some broken doll in need of mending. I can't have someone else I care about die." You tell him trying to hold on to your anger but anguish manages to push through victorious. You can feel hot, salty tears sting your eyes as you fight against them.
Dark's gaze softens at the site. He knows you'd mourn his passing, should it come to that, but more over you'd have your family to help you cope. If you'd pass he'd have no one and no desire to find another. Sitting down on your bed closest to your side Dark cups your cheek with his large hand.
When you lean into his touch it genuinely is surprised. Sure voicing that you care deeply about him is one thing, showing it in such a blatant way is a completely different animal. He can't pinpoint when it actually happened, or even how it happened. He simply woke up and cared more than he anticipated about how you viewed him.
"I am sorry, Y/n. I would not risk you for my own life." Dark tells you kissing the crown of your head. He feels your hands grip his shirt as if to anchor him to you. You must know what he intends to do.
"Don't do this, Damien. Please." You whisper hoping with everything in you he'll listen to you. You know you don't deserve for him to listen to you, but.. just maybe he'll see reason. "Stay with me." You whisper.
It's a physical pain in his chest at your broken tone. He doesn't want to do this, if he could stay and pretend everything will work out in the end he would, for you he would. Gently he tugs your hands free of his shirt, standing in one swift motion; his eyes locked with yours. "I can allow her to live. She will come after you again." Dark shakes his head.
Closing your eyes your head drops at the feeling of dread sitting in your chest. You know it was unlikely Dark would listen to your plea, but you had to make it all the same. Dark could have given you all the pretty words in the world to ease his decision with you, but he didn't.
There's no goodbye, not final kiss--first kiss for that matter, Dark doesn't give any indication that he's leaving to find Savannah. You just know. The barrier you'd put up to keep Dark in your room was broken. Snapped like a over stretched rubber band. Breathing deeply and unsteadily through the waves of emotions running through you you look to your Book of Shadows and call the book to you.
It floats to your lap opening to the last spell you'd been learning. Sniffling and rubbing your eyes you stare at the book. Sometimes it shows you spells you need, sometimes it shows you spells you wouldn't have thought of, but right now you want it to show you a spell to speed your healing or to increase your power ten fold. You will not be left behind again.
Standing outside the rebuilt family cabin nearly a hundred miles to the north on an isolated lake of crystal blue water Dark admires the beauty of it all. Perhaps, if he survives he will bring you here so you can gaze up at the stars. He's never wanted to do such things with anyone else; it's odd to want something so mundane, but after being in your life through the lowest times over the past year he's seen his views on relationships--your relationship changed.
He felt her before he saw her. Savannah.
"Well, hello there tall dark and handsome. How are we today, Damien?" Savannah asks standing on the deck of the cabin resting on the small railing wrapped around the porch. It irritates her that Dark doesn't turn immediately to acknowledge her.
"Just a moment. I'm imagining how Y/n would react to a midnight stroll on the lake." Dark says purposefully trying to irk Savannah. Immediately he can tell it works. Savannah never was one to be ignored or over looked. He's doing both.
Gripping the railing with strength unknown to her previously Savannah splinters the wood clear through. Grinding her teeth when Dark still refuses to look back at her Savannah throws the pieces clenched in her hand at him.
Disappearing in the blink of an eye Dark reappears next to Savannah. Cold and heartless eyes look down into her muddy green orbs. "You attempted to murder my wife, Savannah. One could take that as an act of war." Dark's voice echoes around him, amplified by the anger he feels at almost losing you.
Savannah smirks with a slow shrug of her shoulders. "If she would have just listened to reason she wouldn't have be hurt. It's her own fault. We are family after all. It's a shame, really, to be fooled by a pretty face like that... it's comical in a wa--"
Dark doesn't let her posture any longer. His hand shoots out before even he can control himself. Wrapping around Savannah's throat his hand flexes, squeezing tightly. Her hands grab at his, nails digging in to force him into releasing her.
"Her loyalty is impeccable; her devotion to her family is without measure. To see someone as pure, as kind, as caring of her family as her come from your bloodline is beyond comprehension. You should be proud of your granddaughter, instead you wish to bad mouth every way she surpasses you." Dark growls leaning in close to Savannah.
"She's..." Gasp. "Just..." Gasp. "A..." Gasp. "Pathetic girl.." Savannah manages to say with what little air she's getting. The smile on her face fuels Dark's anger and earns her freedom from his grip.
With a flick of his wrist Savannah is sent flying through the thick glass pane panels into the cabin. She lands on a solid oak coffee table that breaks under the force of the throw. A glass lamp and various family knickknacks lay shattered on the hardwood flooring. Dark follows Savannah into the house, his hand pressing against the door. The solid door sores over Savannah's head as she struggles to get to her feet.
"No mercy, huh?" She asks sweeping blood from the corner of her mouth. Meeting Dark's eyes she smirks happily at him. Straightening out her spine she rolls her neck twice.
"That's just a small sample of what I'm about to do to you, Savannah." Dark responds smirking back. It's been so long since he let loose. Rolling his shoulders once Dark removes his jacket and drapes it over the small recliner next to him.
Savannah raises a brow at his action.
"Would want to go back to Y/n with a ruined jacket." He responds to her unasked question. He doesn't believe he will survive this fight, but he'll be damned if he'll let you continue on without a fight. "Ready?" Dark asks giving Savannah a big shark tooth grin.
"Dammit!" You scream doubled over in pain. You still aren't healed up enought to concentrate on anything written in the book, much less creating your own spells to and help Dark. Beathing heavily you turn on your blinker and pull into Alex's parking lot. Gritting your teeth you throw the car in park and exit with your keys in hand.
Alex greets you before you can even get to her door, her smile falling at the sight of you. "Oh my Goddess! Y/n what the fuck happened to you?" She asks rushing to your side to help you.
You wouldn't look so bad if you hadn't been forced to avoid a crash with some idiot speeding and weaving through traffic. You had to make a quick maneuver to avoid the dumbass in the red Camaro and jab your side into your car door. Coupled with the heavy ass book in your arms you're moving slowly and in a lot of pain.
"Inside, please, get me inside." You tell her accepting her help despite the added pain. You managed to heal yourself just enough to get to the store but you'll need a few more things before you can do a full on healing session.
Savannah jumps to the side narrowly avoiding a large bow hunting knife Dark had just thrown. Before she can recover Dark is on her, his hands at her throat. Using her magic Savannah avoids the attack to her throat. She's realized it much earlier in the fight Dark means to kill her.
Grunting Savannah manages to get her feet against Dark's stomach and thrusts up sending him soaring across the clearing, nearly knocking him into the water. Despite her immense magic Savannah is finding it difficult to land a crippling blow. Dark's gotten stronger than she could have anticipated in her absence.
She's tried to distract him with talking, tried to lure him into a false sense of securtiy and triumph but nothing she's tried is working. His entire being is set on killing her. Her mind runs wild with thought, trying to piece together a strategy to unnerve him, throw him off kilter enough to get the upper hand.
"We can make another deal, Damien." Savannah offers as they square off. Both stand straight waiting to see what the other will do, who will attack first. Neither move. Savannah tries to appeal to Dark. "Damien, we can both benifit from a mutual understanding. I'll leave you and Y/n alone, in return you don't interfere with my other dealings."
Remaining neutral Dark knows that's no kind of deal. There isn't anything that can benefit with Savannah alive. It's obvious that she's gained a lot of power in her years, but even as she seems to be holding her own there is something off, something Dark can't put his finger on.
"Here's a new deal: Die." Dark responds rushing Savannah. Disappearing and reappearing Dark crashes into Savannah before she can turn tail and run or even counter his attack. The nails on his hands lengthen and sharpen to points as he drives them into Savannah's abdomen. Savannah screams.
Slumping in the small armchair in the back of the shop Alex shots off a dozen questions at you, none of which you answer. Instead you open the Book of Shadows and flip to a healing spell. "Alex I need these ingredients." You say letting her look over your shoulder.
"Y/n, I have some powerful healing tonics already, I can give them to you. Just tell me what's happening.' Alex says already walking away to grab two vibrant violent colored vials with liquid sloshing inside them.
"I was... attacked." You tell her knowing it's truth enough. "I... I have to heal, I have to help him."
"Him?" Alex echos handing you one of the vials. Nodding you take the vial and toss it back. It has a strong mint taste you don't quite like. A shiver runs down your spine at the after taste.
"Dark. He's in trouble." You tell her breathing with more ease. She hands you the second one and you quickly slam it back before your body can reject it. Your bones no longer hurt, your headache is gone, and you feel a sense of calm come over you.
"Y/n, what are you talking about? The non-human from the other day?" She asks earning another nod form you. She watches you look through the book in your hands. "What's the book?"
"My family's Book of Shadows." You respond finding the banishment spell. If you banish Dark back to wherever he came from he can't be killed, at least not by Savannah.  But, Dark would never forgive you for doing it.
"Y/n, what kind of trouble? Do I need to call the cops?" Alex asks worried.
You shake your head and continue to flip through the book. "No, I have to.... I have to find something... that will banish her..." You whisper continuing to flip through the book. "When did he take this book?" You wonder trying to find dates, times, family names, anything to show you who made the spells, and when the last one was added.
When nothing jumps out at you scream in frustration and throw the book to the ground. "JUST SHOW ME WHAT CAN HELP!" You scream clenching your fists so tightly your nails cut into the palms of your skin. Small drops of blood bubble under your fingers.
"Y/n, it's a book, it can't..." Alex's voice trails off when she looks to the book. "Holy shit... that... that can't be real." She whispers.
Opening your eyes you see text begin to glow on the edge of the parchment the banishing spell is written on. Blinking quickly you sweep away the tears there and lift it up. "If you are reading this, then the worst had come to pass. Lady Scarlet must be stopped. Please, I implore you find her grimoire, her real one. Undo what she has done." Looking around the page you search for more text but see nothing.
Licking your lips you put the book down on the table and close your eyes. You have to find Savannah's true book of spells. It never did sit right that she would give all her spells up to pass alone, there had to be some she kept for herself.
Taking a few breaths you try something you haven't before. "All seeing eye of time and place,  take to that which I desire. Aid my search and fuel my fire. In your debt I pray to thee, take to the place I seek." As you speak each word of a spell of your own design you feel prickling along you skin, every hair on your body is standing on end as your words echo around you filling the space with your voice.
Beside you Alex stares in horror and wonder. Below your feet a symbol Alex doesn't recognize flashes as a phantom wind wraps the room. Herbs, flowers, and paper begin to fly around the pair of you. Out of fear for what's happening Alex attaches herself to your side. "/n, what are you doing..."
Shushing her you retain your concentration. It feels like you have millions of hands and eyes searching for the very thing you wish to find. It doesn't take long in reality but it feels longer than a lifetime, but then... in a dark hidden room in the estate.
"Take me there." You command and the spell obeys. Within a flash of light you find yourself standing in the middle of a dark chamber. "Lights." You whisper. The candles in the chamber burst to life. Looking around in the soft glow it hard to determine in which wing you're in.
"What the fuck?" Alex asks looking around in disbelief. She just can't wrap her mind around being transported from one building to another without physically doing it herself.
"Shh, I don't know what kid of traps Savannah could have around here." You whisper tiptoeing through the chamber. Keeping a weathered eye our you see a small alter set up a few yards away from you. Alex keeps close, mirroring your movements. Standing in front of the that Alter you lay your hand on the book to open it. just touching it you feel it radiate evil and hatred. You have t push through the need to remove your hand and slowly open the book.
Like the Book of Shadows it responds to your magical abilities. Swallowing the lump in your throat you whisper, "Show me what I seek."
Jerking away from Dark, Savannah looks in the directing of the estate. She could feel it the moment your hand touched her grimorie. Cursing under her breath Savannah summons spikes of rocks and hurls them at Dark. He easily doges but he's not looking much better than she.
"That little whore. She's smarter than I thought." Savannah snarls gathering her magic within her. Muttering a spell under her breath she waits for it to take hold .
Looking though with lightening speed you find the spell Savannah used to keep herself alive. Well, according to the book she's not actually alive. She's possessing her blood relative to to use as her puppet. Your only question is; Who is she possessing? Looking through the next page you see the horrifying truth of her spell.
"Oh shit..." You whisper covering your mouth with your hand. "She has no heart." You add feeling as if your heart is being ripped from your chest. Fighting against your emotions Alex screams behind you.
"YN! Y-you're disappearing!!" Alex shouts point at your less that solid figure. Gasping she reaches out to you not wanting to be left alone in the dark chamber with no way out.
Struggling to retain control over your breathing and anxiety you look around. Floundering for idea you see the candles saying, "Flame shining so bright be my guiding light. Find the path and light my way. Only extinguish once I see the light of day."
Just after you utter the finishing word the flames on the candles jump off the wicks forming a large fire ball bobbing up and down in the chamber. "Show her the way out." You command your voice fading along with your body.
Alex screams your name again in fear. You wish you could tell her you're sorry but the chamber gives way to trees and a lake. Blinking a few times to adjust to the light you her grunting and crashing behind you. Spinning around you see Savannah and Dark locked in battle. Both looking worse for wear.
Biting your first thought to cry out you look for cover and run directly for the tree line. You know it was Savannah that brought you to the war zone. For what purpose you're not quite sure. She could be trying to use you against Dark, or she could have realized you found her true book of shadows, or perhaps it's a little of both. No matter what way the coin is flipped you refuse to be apart of it.
Savannah smirks when Dark catches a glimpse  of you dashing into the trees. Her idea worked better than she could have hoped. Manifesting a long ceremonial knife she rushes Dark getting in close. "You shouldn't have taken your eyes off me." She sneers thrusting the knife tot he hilt into Dark's side.
Crying out Dark stares into Savannah's eyes. "Don't think you can win this." Dark responds with a cocky smirk. Before Savannah can pull the knife, or even just release it to get away Dark's hand wraps around her throat his nails digging into the soft flesh there. He's already decided he would choke the life from her, to watch her soul finally leave him be.
Looking was a bad idea, but knowing the truth you couldn't help yourself. The illusion falls before your eyes. Your heart bleeding pain once again at the sight before you. "Stop!!" You scream.
20 notes · View notes
lightsandlostbells · 7 years
Skam France episode 5
Wanted to say thank you to all translators of this show … it’s really generous to keep up with the clips, especially on top of how many social media updates there are. You are the best <3
Episode 5 reaction
Clip 1: coffee with Lucas
This scene felt so sterile to me? Largely because of how it is shot. The coloring is cool and blue, not bright and warm (watch the original clip and notice the stark difference), there are these big windows taking up part of the frame and this table with almost nothing on it that puts all this space between the camera and the characters. Part of this conversation is filmed at table-level, not at eye or face level, and it feels so removed. The space between them and their body language makes it look like an awkward first date and one of them is going to fake a sick grandmother in order to leave in 10 minutes. 
I don’t know what to make of Lucas’ performance here. It’s like he enters the cafe knowing something is up and he’s alert to any relationship dysfunction. Almost like he’s humoring Emma. And he’s holding back amusement at her troubled romance with Yann.
I mean, if they’re keeping Isak’s involvement in this season much the same as in the original, Lucas bothers me a lot more? Because honestly, Isak’s meddling seemed more opportunistic than anything. I don’t think he had a grand master plan to break up Jonas and Eva, I think was just stumbling onto chances to mess with them and (with telling people about Eva and Chris) acting impulsively/drunkenly. That doesn’t excuse him, but I also don’t think he was sitting down and making bullet points about how to break them up. Lucas … I’m not saying he has a grand master plan and he’s writing bullet points, but this seems like he’s putting more effort into playing her. Like his “good advice” feels more like an act. Maybe it was Tarjei’s acting but I think he did a good balance of Isak being a snake but also kind of not keeping it entirely under control. You can see him start to smirk a little when he questions Eva about why she’s with Jonas. With Lucas, the way he walks in kind of smirking about Yann and Emma’s problems and then puts on this wide-eyed, concerned tone once he’s feeding her bad advice is a little alarming. 
Might be worth asking whether people have a different read on that original scene with Isak and Eva. Because I always thought Isak met up with her not really anticipating that she was going to ask about Jonas, and only caught on due to the nature of her questions, and pounced on that. But maybe other people thought he was expecting this conversation when he walked into the cafe?
If I wasn’t aware of the storyline, I’m not sure what I’d think here. On social media, Lucas and Emma seem to be pretty close and always doing goofy stuff together with Yann, but this really doesn’t feel like a conversation between friends. 
Clip 2: Daphne’s O-tales
I did like the opening shot leading into the girls on the bench.
FOR FUCK’S SAKE, CHARLES. Wrap up your dick. You grown-ass man.
Actually, adding a scene in which they establish Daphne buying condoms, only to tell us that Charles didn’t bother, makes him seem so so much worse.
Between Emma and Manon, the hat game was strong in this clip.
I wrote a post about this but Manon does seem like a more genial, easygoing kind of person than Noora. I like her and found her sweet here; her feminist comments are more gentle than Noora’s. But she’s also less forceful and confident, and that’s perhaps why some people are finding her more forgettable.
Wow Charles comes across like a MASSIVE dong here. Way more so than William. William kind of hurriedly walked by Vilde and kept his eyes averted and muttered hello. Charles seemed like he wanted to establish eye contact with Daphne for the specific purpose of ignoring her.
I did like that Emma approaching Alex seems like a more deliberate fuck-you to Yann. 
Daphne is so cute.
Clip 3 - Emma and Yann argue, then make up
The POV. …. ARGH
Whyyyyy did the camera follow Yann. Why.
Rewinding a bit, Yann and Emma are so much more forward then Jonas and Eva. Eva was a little hesitant to bring up the issue with Ingrid and Jonas was floundering a little when coming up with a story. You could see he wasn’t totally confident in his lie. Emma just gets straight to the point and Yann fires back at her. They’re very assertive in this argument. It’s way more confrontational, as are many things about their relationship.
Though it’s worth mentioning that when Eva did bring up Ingrid to Jonas, she was pretty assertive. She was reluctant at first but she held her ground.
Yann is so much more of a giant asshole in this conversation! He keeps telling her she’s annoying. Now Jonas told Eva to stop being insecure all the time and that also stings, but Yann is really out of line. He also seems a lot more aggressive when he asks if Emma wants a break. Jonas seemed fearful that Eva really wanted a break. Yann doesn’t say it like he’s scared of her saying yes. He just throws it in her face. 
I’m glad that Emma sticks up for herself and tells Yann not to speak to her that way because it was really inappropriate. (To a degree, though, I’m like … Eva’s character arc doesn’t exactly map onto Emma, it won’t feel as earned if they try to keep it exact.)
I do like this song. I’ve liked it before the show and when I saw it in the credits I was waiting for it to show up.
So this part in the original is very distinctive, when the camera keeps Eva and Jonas at a distance, and we watch them fight and make up without hearing them. It’s especially memorable because of how Skam tends to put us up close with the characters’ emotions, and in this instance they don’t let us in on the conversation. And I can see why Skam France didn’t want to just recreate that, because even though they’re redoing much of the original series, to redo that scene exactly as the original is … sort of pushing it. So I get it, they wanted to find a different outcome for the scene, but it really annoyed me that they went with this because of the choice of POV.
Emma walks away and they keep the camera on Yann. We see him make the decision to go after her while the music plays dramatically. But this is so strange, because it puts the emotional emphasis on Yann and his thought process when this is Emma’s season. We should see her thought process, we should have seen her walk away from the table heartbroken and upset and angry, done with Yann’s bullshit. It’s her decision not to put up with it anymore, it’s her development, her emotional state as a character. It’s just really odd that all of a sudden they gave this moment to Yann.
A comparison would be toward the end of season 2, when William is leaving for the airport and we see Noora walk away and call Eva on the phone. We see her emotional reaction to William leaving, all the way up to the car pulling up in the background and William going to her. We could have had that here, where we see Emma distraught and eventually see Yann run after her in the background. I just don’t like that they shut us out of this very important emotional moment for our lead character. We didn’t even see her face as she was walking away.
I know the original show didn’t stick to the POV of the protagonist 100%  of the time, but it did for the most part, and when it diverged during the season they were typically very brief moments. Off the top of my head, I can’t think of a comparable scene where most of the camera work and the emotional emphasis went to the love interest rather than the protagonist. It would be as if William got in the car and we saw him thinking it over as Penetrator Chris drove away, and we saw him tell Chris to go back, and we followed him as he went back to Noora. Or if, for example in season 3 when Even leaves the hotel room, we follow him as he goes out in the streets naked and we leave Isak behind. IDK, it’s just bizarre and a blatant divergence from the show’s structure. 
Clip 4 - Daphne, Daphne, Daphne
The intro effect was kind of odd, as if the girls had been plunged into a nightmare from which there was no escape and it was all about Daphne nonstop telling us about Charles.
I don’t know if we’re supposed to take Charles’ texts as legitimately about his basketball game or him just giving Daphne some BS excuses, but the part with him saying “the coach is putting so much pressure on me” is a thing I hope is real. Give Charles some motivation outside of his love life.
Alex asking for the topless pic of Daphne - well hello. Can this be foreshadowing for gay/bi Alex?
I actually like how this scene was paced and how the girls were kind of humoring her until it got to be too much.
So I found some of Imane’s previous interaction with Daphne unnecessarily mean, because it felt like she was putting down Daphne even when Daphne hadn’t merited that reaction (rather than being a response to Daphne saying something ignorant) but I liked her more here even though this is the most blunt she’s been so far. Maybe because she had a real reason to be blunt.
Also I haven’t commented on the social media much but there are texts where Imane acknowledges how harsh she was and says she will apologize to Daphne, which is nice. 
I think some of why Imane can come across harsher than Sana is because Daphne doesn’t really push back as much as Vilde did. Vilde would seem pretty steamed about the way Sana talked to her (like shushing her) even if she didn’t argue to her face. She was still mad about it to the other girls. In this scene she openly asked why Sana is rude to her. Daphne doesn’t even stand up for herself here, she just leaves upset.
Imane’s words about guys also resonate with Yann’s dramatic speech (showering you with compliments, etc.)
Clip 5 - Horror Comics
Right off the bat, I LOVE the costumes. Love love love. I would have the time of my life going to a party like this.
Alex as Annabelle and Manon as Georgie from It <3
The opening is a fun way to set up the party vibe and establish Daphne looking wistfully at Charles. I don’t know if this was intentional, but Harley Quinn is absolutely the costume you would wear if you were trying to get a guy’s attention. I don’t mean that in a “fake geek girls” way or that Harley cosplayers do so to look good for men. There’s just a sexual connotation with the character that doesn’t exist in demonic dolls or little boys in rain slickers who get murdered by evil clowns.
Alex sitting on the couch and not moving, just smiling creepily, is so perfect and IC for her costume, I love it.
Not to sound like a creep but Ingrid looked kind of hot in her horror makeup. 
I waver between whether they’re trying to make Raptor Alex/Emma a legit ship or to make him more of a jerk. Because kissing her forehead might seem kind of sweet, but then it’s like … oh yeah, that is actually inappropriate to do to a girl you barely know who has a boyfriend. And he doesn’t seem happy that she pushed him away.
It’s kind of funny to me that Camille is giving her this very, very teenage advice. Honey, at least one of you is in her 20s.
Camille is a sweetheart and I liked that she offered her number to Emma.
But also … the look of her confusion on her face as Emma left … c’mon dudes. I don’t mind little things like this, but you know, you can establish that suspicion/confusion while Emma is in the room witnessing it, like when Camille first walks in on her and Alex. That’s enough. We’re good.
The shot of Daphne watching Charles (with some random girl, btw, not Sara) was very Dramatique~ but I thought it was well done. Daphne sold it with her heartbreaking reaction.
Oh, Charles dressed as the Joker! That is actually great. Did Daphne know that he was going to dress that way, and planned to go as Harley Quinn accordingly? Or was it a coincidence? I’m going to take it as planned; she found out and decided to have a matching outfit with him, as a sort of couples’ costume. Even though he probably didn’t know about it. Ouch, Daphne.
(Was that an Edward Cullen at the party when Emma leaves? Lmao.)
The reveal of Yann smoking weed is dumb when Emma straight up saw Not Elias smoking with Yann and Lucas at the cabin. Like did it not occur to her…
And Yann posts about smoking weed on IG, what the fuck, this shouldn’t be too much of a surprise.
It really doesn’t make sense when Yann says that he didn’t tell Emma about smoking weed because of exactly the reaction she was having that moment, when Emma is just like, okay you’re smoking weed, meh. Eva actually got upset that Jonas was smoking weed and treated it like it was a big deal, so that made sense for him to say he didn’t tell her due to her predicted freakout. Emma barely gives a shit about Yann smoking weed and openly says so. She was more upset that he hadn’t told her and had lied. Yann is then like, well I didn’t tell you because of the reaction you’re having now. What?? So you lied to her about smoking weed … because you were afraid of her reaction where she is upset that you lied to her about smoking weed. The fuck? 
Sometimes I get the sense that they go through the scripts and make superficial changes but don’t bother with follow-through. Like someone said, “I don’t think Emma would care about him smoking marijuana,” so they changed that part, but stopped there without considering whether the dialogue and character motivations still made sense. This isn’t the first moment like this but it’s probably the most important, since Yann’s behavior in the first half of the season hinges on it.
Props to them for having some silence in this conversation, and for having Yann kiss Emma on the forehead - repeating the gesture Alex did earlier, unintentionally twisting the knife. Although the dialogue went a little OTT, as did Yann’s following text message, in terms of dramatic irony. I TRUST YOU SO MUCH EMMA, I’M SO HAPPY WE PUT THE LIES BEHIND US, I WAS STUPID TO THINK WE COULDN’T TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING. We get it. You don’t have to bang us over the head.
General Comments:
Daphne is still my favorite part of the show. Between her stealing the show and Lucas being not all that great so far, give her S3. 
Maybe I should get used to the POV not being as tight, but then you have to ask … what is the point of sticking to the story from Emma’s POV, other than the original doing it? For example, I’m watching the new season of Jessica Jones. The show is about Jessica Jones. She is the main character and has an arc. But she’s not the only character with development. The supporting cast has scenes without her, with their own story arcs, where they acquire information and do things that Jessica Jones does not know about. There’s nothing wrong with this because it’s the setup of the show. In fact it’s the setup of most shows. 
On the other hand, Skam’s one-person POV is pretty rare in terms of television shows. Actually I am struggling to think of another series told exclusively from another person’s perspective for more than a special episode. If you think about it, it’s rather inconvenient for most overarching plots. So why would you consciously choose this rather limited format? What is the benefit of it? To immerse yourself in the main’s head, to walk through their struggles and triumphs. If you’re going to cut that character out of their own emotional reactions, then why not do the multi-POV? And if you’re sticking to the single POV, then yeah, it is sloppy and worth mentioning. 
I mean, if you’re writing a book, you’ll be advised to keep your POV consistent. A novel with third person limited POV will receive criticism for messy writing if it strays. Harry Potter books don’t randomly jump to Ron’s POV in the middle of scenes. I feel like the same mindset is applicable here.
Not to Start Shit but at this point I definitely think the whole song and dance about “contractual obligations” to be faithful to the original Skam were mostly said to appease fans who didn’t like that the remake was such a close copy. I was skeptical about it when it was first said, but I mean. We’re now past the halfway mark, past when we were supposedly going to have the season diverge, but uh, it’s not. They have clearly been able to change some small things and add a few scenes here and there, so what exactly were these nebulous conditions that the remake had to follow? Did Julie Andem hand them an outline and say, “Here, you gotta do all the stuff on this list but go wild with everything else?” 
I’ll happily admit to my mistakes if there are more official details on the remakes’ obligation to the original, and with four episodes left they could still throw a few curveballs. But do I think that’s likely to happen? Nah, not really. Possibly a slightly different outcome for Yann and Emma. I think maybe they’ll omit some scenes and some smaller story points for time reasons, but that’s it.
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cezulian · 7 years
I'm still trying to figure out how to handle slavery and racism in this John Laurens book I'm doing. Because the thing is, I'm writing this book to represent a man in history who was a homosexual with internalized homophobia living in an age where people were regularly subjected to harsh and terrible punishment for such a thing, ranging from abuse and humiliation at the hands of the public in the pillory to a long prison sentence to execution (Thomas Jefferson, local asshole, was even trying to institute castration as a punishment for homosexuality when it was possible at least. No one cared about women or what they did in private at the time because of course). The point of it is to examine the search for identity in the age of enlightenment that many soldiers of the revolution dealt with, the nature of the Revolutionary War as not an act of revolution itself but an unfortunate product of it, the dangers of stunted under-evolved attitudes towards things such as homosexuality despite the enlightenments willingness to acknowledge it openly as an aspect of classical mythology/history that is portrayed in a positive or otherwise neutral light in the works they so admired, the idea of heroism vs. the dark reality of trying to achieve it, and that absolute heroism, IE being able to save absolutely every poor soul one comes across, is an unrealistic concept in most circumstances because there will always be an institution that is bigger than us in every respect who are actively working against us. John Laurens was very, very, very against slavery and racism and its a factor of his personality that is extremely important because he was a white man from South Carolina whose father was one of the biggest slave traders in the 13 colonies, and in a time where your father's approval of you as a person was based on your ability to imitate him as closely as possible, and for a person whose entire sense of self-worth hinged on his father's approval for most of his life, this distinction of belief was and is a very big deal. The problem is that I cannot, in good conscience, portray Laurens's anti-slavery/anti-racism sentiments in any way I can think of because I do not want black people to be once again pushed to the background of a historical narrative about the white man trying to save them. Its a disgusting and horrible trope that needs to disappear in all fiction, and the fact that this is not fiction but rather an in-between form of storytelling does not change a thing. Laurens himself did not have a white savior complex, although I believe its apparent in a lot of his correspondence that he did experience some serious white guilt, but his reasoning seemed to ultimately boil down to his strong sense of justice and equality. I do not want to erase this part of his life, because the point of it is to portray historical events that are already erased from history and to erase part of history while preaching about not erasing parts of history is just hypocritical storytelling (take notes, "Hamilton"). But at the same time, any and all mention of slavery in the narrative would be by a more privileged third party who actually benefits from the institution and as a black woman, a writer, a history nerd, and what I consider a generally decent-minded person, I refuse to do that to these very real people in history who suffered very real atrocities every single day for YEARS while I continue to prattle on about this rich southern white man who looked out his window at the black men and women tilling away at the fields from the comfort of his plantation estate bedroom and said "That troubles me". But then again, I have no idea what else to do because it WAS such a big deal in his life and a large contributing factor to his establishing an identity. He went to congress several times during his life to try and rally support from higher-ups to give slaves the chance to fight in the war and in exchange they will receive a country worth fighting for, AKA, their freedom and the freedom of their families (which, trust me, I know didn't assure any slave of being able to find work as a free person especially in the south and absolutely did not guarantee them smooth sailing and stability from then on were it to happen. I mean, 200+ years later and we're still fuckin workin on that). In the end, nothing he proposed went through and his final thoughts on the matter before dying (killing himself) were basically "I am beyond pissed that I can't do anything but I'm not suffering nearly as much as the slaves are and that is bullshit because everyone should do their own work like back in the fuckin day and no one should benefit off of the suffering of others but here I am fetishizing how my own helplessness pales in comparison to that of others who I promise you are not saying 'poor white people who feel bad because our lives are harder than theirs'. Unfortunately I think the only thing I can do at this point is make sure that any slave my dad hands over to me is treated kindly and respectfully because others would most definitely treat them horribly and being not horrible is apparently the most I can do. Guilt consumes me, I hate myself, fuck the government, I'm a puppet in someone else's show no matter how hard I try." The common excuse given by those who create "white savior" type characters or storylines is often something like "well oppressed groups can never be heard on their own and sometimes it takes a privileged person in a position of power who believes in them to get their message on the right track" and frankly, that's just bullshit and its lazy writing and all it does is make the message of the piece come off as "#NotAllWhitePeople" instead of the much more desired "look at the accomplishments of these POC against all odds". I don't want a #NotAllWhitePeople narrative, especially when most of the damn thing is about LGBT issues and erasure as well as the deeply flawed societal construct of masculinity! And classism! And mental illness! And when is mental illness an excuse for shitty behavior and when is it not! And emotional abuse! And the horrors of war! And idealism of self! And the interesting, complex philosophies of those subjects in the 18th century all over the world during a time where the world was changing and changing fast and in such a way where every single person was affected by it! I don't want to write about the racism of that time because I cannot for the life of me think of a way to portray it with the immense weight with which it no doubt existed and continues to exist on the shoulders of a nation built by those it oppresses, but I don't want to not write about it out of respect for the very people affected by it and out of respect for myself as a WOC who would not even be able to write about ANYTHING if it weren't for all that my ancestors suffered, and out of respect for historical accuracy as a whole! And honestly, I usually try and keep race and LGBT issues separate from one another when I go on about one or the other unless I'm talking about the white LGBT community thinking it can adopt certain colloquialisms of ebonics because they perceive themselves as being oppressed in the exact same way or if I'm talking about how same-sex relationships between black men or black women get omitted from fiction or media representation because the black community often has some kind of issue with not equating especially the former type of LGBT relationship/identity with weakness, whiteness, or a general rejection of one's blackness. But this is a point where the two are forced to overlap one way or another and in such a way where I cannot edit it till it represents both with absolute equality because its all based on very real events. In fact, if John Laurens hadn't been a real person in history at all and I could write this book as 100% historical fiction, I'd probably write it with the same themes an ideas but with a black male main character dealing with his homosexuality or bisexuality at a time when the aforesaid perception of such a thing was viewed as weakness, heightened by the fact that he and people like him were made to feel weak every day of their lives. But the reason I'm writing about John Laurens is that I am drawn to his story and the fact that it was all real, and I am profoundly disappointed in how he has been portrayed in what little works we have about him, whether it be in biographies where even the idea that he was gay is fervently denied and all those who think otherwise of him condescended to with the exigency of establishing a law, a frenetically romantic and saccharine sweet fiction of his life written with obvious passion but a lack of substance and accuracy, or in a broadway musical where his identity as an LGBT person and desperate denial of that identity all while being in a same-sex relationship with the main character who was a very positive and consistently validating force in his life who despite being essentially the only significant relationship of that nature present in his life was a constant source of self-doubt for him and a major player in his eventual suicide (which would have only served to further enforce the theme of the musical being that the main character had experienced so much death in his life and all of people who were extremely important to him as well as the theme of telling the story of history we so often gloss over had the storyline actually been explored) is under-utilized and instead chooses to examine a totally unnecessary apocryphal hyperbolic fiction of a heterosexual romantic subplot that didn't even happen the way its portrayed, means nothing to anyone, adds nothing to the theme of the show except that which could have easily been represented by a distinct lack of such a subplot, and ultimately disappears by act 2 without reaching any semblance of a, pardon the pun, "satisfying" resolution which it could be argued was the point but again a point that could have been easily characterized by a character who was dead before the closing number of act 1. I desperately, DESPERATELY want his story to be told, and I feel that a great many people could benefit from it, especially since internalized homophobia is a frequently ignored or barely touched upon aspect of LGBT literature and LGBT people, especially LGBT youth, need to be told that hey you are not the only people like them who have ever felt this way because here is a super real person from before your great grandparents were even born who is widely considered a war hero and was a major player in the forming of an entire nation but was just as afraid of himself as you are and was unfortunately brought down by a society with negative ideas not so unlike the society with the same or similar kinds of ideas that challenge you on a lifestyle that is none of their business, but if he managed to achieve greatness to the point of still being talked about 200+ years later despite the limitations placed on him by the commonplace regression of human thought experienced by his contemporaries who favored preserving certain outdated conservative ideas of absolute compliance in spite of one's natural inclinations over compassion in an age where compassion, free discussion of ideas, and as much philosophical variance one could possibly live in accordance to without becoming wishy-washy were considered the level of excellence which all human beings could aspire to embody, imagine what greatness and level of excellence you can acquire and personify, all the things you can achieve today in an imperfect but highly evolved age where your generation is only becoming more and more eager to offset intolerance and bigotry with the pursuit of better understanding, where now more than ever do people like you have a voice and now more than ever are others willing to fight for you if that voice is attempted to be silenced by the adamantly hateful, the world is just as hungry for justice and change as it was at the dawn of the Revolution its extraordinary and so are you and so, so many people believe in you. But the same amount of black youth need to be told that their greatness is not inevitably hinged on someone born into greater privilege than them in the eyes of society stepping in and denying them individual agency over their own advancement out of what may or may not be good intentions on their part, and that with great ambition comes an even greater struggle when you are viewed as less-than, but you do not need to wait on someone with a better standing in the eyes of your oppressors to clear the road ahead because if you truly aim to reach the peak of your achievements then you already possess the strength it takes to overcome the initial and unfortunately ever-constant obstacle of the real less-thans considering your self-aware knowledge of what you know you are capable of attaining in your life not worth their effort. Black youth need to be assured that they are enough for themselves. Anyways, all ADD ravings aside, this is honestly the only thing holding me back from not sitting tge fuck down and just WRITING the damn thing. I've for real got rough drafts of like 60% of the non-racial narrative and 0% of the racial narrative because all I can think of are wrong ways to go about this. If you somehow managed to read this whole thing and think you can help, PLEASE do. I'm clearly going to have to do more research on how to write about a white person fighting against racism without making it seem like a big huge self-righteous "UMMM YOU'RE WELCOME" from white folks to black folks, and especially learn how to do so without feeling like I'm betraying my roots to the point of my great great great great great granddaddy's ghost waiting for me in my dreams to ream me the fuck out. And I'm literally losing sleep over this dilemma too so I'd better get my shit together.
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