#i didnt notice if it werent for my friend to tell them off
daylightisviolent · 11 months
Hi just a tip! Don't make fun of people for being their unapologetic selves even if it doesn't conform to your expectations of how people should behave <3
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pastanest · 1 year
A/N: you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @bakedcrispss - thanks so much!! ♡
a gif of Daryl looking down at us to set the mood ⤵️
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Daryl x Short!Reader
- let’s start with how you met
- so Daryl was out on a hunt when he heard some commotion, something was moving fast towards him and just as he realised which direction the sound was coming from, you quite literally ran into him
- and when you ran into him, you bounced back and fell right on your ass, while Daryl just scowled down at you
- so there you were, staring up at him
- and then you stood up, and there you were, still staring up at him
“Sum’ followin’ you?” Daryl asked, glancing off in the direction you’d ran from.
“Only dead ones, but my knife broke so I had to run to get them off my trail. Sorry about running into you.” The apology was awkward, but Daryl just nodded.
- he considered correcting you, sarcastically saying he should be the one apologising since he was apparently in your way and knocked you over, but he thought it was too soon for a dig at your height
- Daryl waited a few seconds to see if he could hear any walkers coming after you, and when he couldnt, he skulked off
- much to his surprise, you followed him, and he found that he could barely hear you creeping up behind him because of your lack of height and therefore heavy steps
“So, what’s your name?” You asked, definitely taking Daryl by surprise, but he hid it well.
“Daryl.” He answered shortly. haha y’all see what I did there
“Well, it’s nice to meet you, Daryl! Im (Y/N). Do you have a group or a place to stay? ‘Cause if not, there’s logically a better chance of us surviving if we stick together.”
- he didnt want anyone following him, much less someone who didnt even see a man directly in front of them that they then ran into. he didnt even know if you could handle yourself. Daryl assumed that what you really meant was you were more likely to survive sticking with him because he’d save your ass
“Got a group an’ a place.” He said, hoping to throw you off, but he quickly realised his own mistake.
“Oh, that’s great! Do you, uh...maybe have room for one more?”
- have room? Daryl had to hold back a laugh, you could live comfortably in the average sized closet and you were asking if his group had room for you?? he, again, refrained from making such comments, and decided to stay professional
“How many walkers you killed?”
“Havent kept count, but some. I can usually sneak away from them, Im pretty good at getting into small hiding places.”
- Daryl looked down at you, struggling to tell whether you were insecure about your height and whether making jokes would be okay, or whether you would get insulted and sad and think your height a weakness
- in response, you rolled your eyes
“Daryl, do you really think I’ve gone my entire life blissfully unaware of being a short-ass? It’s not something I can change, so I work with what I’ve got, but sometimes I run into dudes and knock myself on my ass.”
- and much to Daryl’s absolute shock, that last part made him laugh
“That a regular hobby o’ yers?” He teased.
“Oh yeah, try to squeeze a collision in at least once a month.” You replied with a grin.
- and so your friendship was established
- when the two of you got back to the prison, you saw the people at the gate and in the guard tower and sighed because you knew from a distance they’d think Daryl had brought back a kid
- still, the small group that greeted you were welcoming enough. Maggie and Glenn were both very sweet, and as was Rick, but you’re certain you werent the only one to notice that his teenage son Carl was almost the same height as you
- you fit into the prison nicely, offering to help out wherever you could and getting to know as many people as possible. Daryl was fascinated by how easily you seemed to make friends, especially since you made friends with him in a matter of seconds
- Daryl was your favourite person to hang out with, you loved asking him questions and finding out things about him. he was far from the most open person when it came to talking about himself, but when you’d stroll over and sit on his bike, kicking your legs in the air because you couldnt reach the ground and giving him that damn smile, Daryl found it increasingly difficult to resist giving you anything and everything you wanted
- he definitely had a soft spot for you, and at first he hated that
- you’d wave at him when he was up in the guard tower and before he could even consider his own response, he would be waving back at you with a stupid smile on his face like some friendly dumbass
- one time Rick was coming up behind you and caught sight of the way Daryl waved at you, so Rick waved up at him to tease him and Daryl flipped him off
- once you’d earned the group’s trust, it was difficult for them not to notice how useful your lack of height could be in certain situations
- whenever one of the kids got a toy stuck in an inconveniently tight space, you would be the adult they summoned
- but equally, when the group found a decently large herd of walkers that they wanted to lead away from the prison, they looked to you as the first person to run by them and get to the other side of the herd, because you were the least likely to be spotted
“Naw, ‘s not happenin’.” Daryl shook his head, and Rick sighed.
“It’s the smartest play, you know it is.”
You nodded. “Yeah, and I’ve got no problem with it. At the start if this thing, all I did was run and hide, it’s what Im good at.”
- Daryl scoffed and stormed off, not even slightly onboard with you being the one in the most dangerous position of that whole thing. he knew it was the best option, but he would rather anybody else took that job and you stayed home. Daryl couldnt understand why he was so angry at the thought of you being in danger, but worst of all...when had he started referring to the prison as ‘home’?
- obviously, you ran after the big bad angry crossbowman, and soon enough you were walking at his side
“Why have you always gotta walk so fast?! Takes a lot for these little legs to keep up, y’know!”
- a small smile curled at the corner of Daryl’s mouth, and you nudged him playfully
“That’s better. Now, you wanna tell me what that was all about?”
- Daryl shrugged, having never been one to put his feelings into words without Merle calling him a pussy before he’d even opened his mouth, but you wouldnt do that to him, Daryl knew that, so he tried
“Jus’ don’...don’ want you t’ be in danger.” He managed, and your eyes softened as they stared up at him.
“Daryl, you’ll be on the other side of the street-“
He cut you off by shaking his head. “Ain’ enough. Sum’ could still happen.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can handle myself.”
Daryl was quiet for a moment, choosing his next words carefully, and he decided to test the water.
“Ain’ much t’ handle.”
- you were silent, and Daryl immediately regretted what he’d said. you stopped walking, and he turned to look at you, trying to piece together your reaction from how wide your eyes were
“Was that...a short joke?”
- Daryl could only nod, very quickly realising that this was neither the time nor the place to make a joke, the mood was completely off and he couldnt explain why he decided to do it if he tried
- but then, you burst out laughing
- once you’d calmed down, you explained to Daryl that you heard every short joke in existence throughout school, but once you became an adult the jokes died out, in the workplace it wasnt professional or whatever. but you missed the jokes even then, and when the world changed, there were even less of them. it had been years since anyone had made an actual joke about your height
- so, Daryl made it his mission to make playful jokes about it whenever he could after that
“Anyone seen (Y/N)?” He’d ask when you were standing right in front of him, he’d look over your head and pretend to look around for you until he couldnt resist glancing down at you and laughing.
“Rain’s eased up, gonna go out on a hunt, it’s hot out there now. But how’s the weather down there?” Of course, Daryl Dixon found a way to incorporate the classics.
“Best stay behin’ me, cant promise I wont think yer a mouse out there an’ shoot ya by mistake.” He teased whenever you walked next to him on a hunt.
“Daryl, I swear, I will spin your jaw if you dont shut up.” You’d say, and Daryl would smirk.
“If ya can reach.”
And you’d sigh. “Fine, I’ll just bite your ankles.”
“Sure ya can reach those?” Daryl would answer effortlessly, knowing he could continue forever.
“Daryl I SWEAR-“ You’d yell, and he’d burst out laughing.
- anytime anyone around you used the words “little”, “small”, “shorter”, Daryl found a way to spin it on you
“We should take this road, it’d be shorter-“ Rick began, and then he closed his eyes in a pained blink, waiting for what he knew was coming.
Daryl smirked, diverting his gaze from the map on the hood of the car and glancing down at you beside him.
“Shorter, huh. Remin’s me o’ someone.”
- anytime anyone asked anyone “what’s up” you could guarantee that from somewhere else in the prison, you would hear Daryl Dixon yell out “NOT (Y/N)!”
- secretly he found your lack of height to be very endearing, the way you looked up at him was adorable, the ease with which you could jump on his back at anytime for a piggyback ride without fatally wounding him, the fact that the cliché short-problem of having to ask someone else to reach stuff for you and Daryl usually being the closest person for you to ask. he loved it, and he made sure to remind you with a series of cute height-related petnames
“‘ey, mouse, c’mon, aint got all day.”
“Been lookin’ all over for you, li’l one, where ya been?”
“Listen, small person, ya better ease up on that tone with me.”
- later on when your relationship progressed, Daryl introduced the petname of “doll” cuz thinks you’re small and cute like a doll, but he only uses that petname in softer moments between you, like if you’re upset or he’s tired
- and he didnt see your height as a weakness either. once you’d joined him for a few hunts, Daryl could see that you really could handle yourself, you were a strong fighter, he had no doubts there. but he couldnt help worrying that you were just a little more fragile because of how small you were, it was a natural worry to have, all things considered, and you loved his protectiveness of you, so you definitely werent complaining
- the only problem with Daryl’s protectiveness was that it extended to him wanting to beat the shit out of anyone else who joked about your height
- Rick, Maggie, Beth, Hershel, Glenn, Carol, Michonne- the entire core group as well as Tyereese because he’s a fkin unit, they were all allowed to make fun of your height, but anyone else who tried had a death wish
- sometimes new arrivals would be stupid enough to voice their opinions on you being inferior and incapable because of your height when Daryl was nearby. they’d joke about wondering how you made it this far, assuming you’d been living safely since the start otherwise you wouldnt have made it, assuming everyone around you needed to protect you because you were a liability
- and Daryl would be there in an instant
“The hell’d you just say?!” He’d growl from your side.
“Anyone built like that cant even reach the top shelf, let alone survive in a world like this! It’s survival of the fittest, plain and simple!” The idiot would be stupid enough to say, laughing through his own explanation.
And then Daryl would knock him to the ground a lot less playfully than he knocked you to the ground on the day you met, he’d be on top of the idiot and punching him until someone (usually Rick) pulled him off.
You’d be there right away, standing on your tiptoes to hold Daryl’s face in your hands and calm him down. He’d rest his forehead against yours and ask if you were alright, if the idiot had hurt your feelings ‘cause “if he did I’ll go right back over there an-“ and you’d say no. You’d take him back to your cell and clean up his split knuckles while Daryl just watched you, utterly mesmerised.
And then you’d sit on his lap, his arms wrapping around you without him having to think about it.
“What would I do without you?” The question would pass your lips quietly, as though truly bewildered by wondering what life would be like without Daryl in it.
“Hear a lot less jokes.” He’d reply, his voice rumbling in his chest, you’d feel it through his shirt, against your palm.
You’d laugh, placing a gentle kiss on his cheek. “And be a lot leas happy.”
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jeffsfavoriteknife · 1 year
Can I req some Toby x male reader?
Where reader likes to wear collars, but they’re always covered up by long shirts and jumpers.
& Toby is just really into and it and wants to fuck reader on the spot the moment that he spots it?
Yes you can!!! I hope i got what you were looking for but if i didnt my excuse is its about 3 am and im exhausted. Tumblr doesnt give me inbox notifs either so im sorry i delivered late! Enjoy 🫶
(18+ male reader x toby! Fic)
You knocked on his door loudly, the door opening as a tall man let you in. This was your best friend toby, you both had known each other for a while and often had occasional gaming sessions, he didnt game much but when he did, it was amusing to see him get riled up about loosing. You had completely forgot to take your collar off that you enjoyed wearing in the comfort of your own home so you were glad you had thrown on your way too big at the sleeves Garfield shirt, it was long but big enough to hide most of the collar, hopefully toby wouldnt notice.
Toby angrily huffed as he lost for the 3rd time in a row, you giggled in victory. “Its not that bad toby, you just gotta learn how matchups work, dragon doesnt work against fairy silly” he seemed to smile and chuckle to himself a bit before freezing, you hadnt caught on that he had noticed the bright blue of your collar poking from your shirt. He grabbed your hand and yanked you forward, ignoring your yelp as he looked at it closer, his eyes werent lying to him, you had a collar on. “Did you wear this just f-for me?” Your face dropped as blush creeped into your face, entirely coating it as you hesitated to answer, did you wear it for him? You could have taken it off before you headed over to his place but the fact you didnt had you questioning yourself. “M-maybe”
What happened next was a blur to you, for some reason the collar made him loose his shit, his hands were all over you, his mouth on yours with his tongue shoved down your throat as you had give up trying to fight for dominance long ago, his hands down your pants as they feverishly gripped at your ass. He pulled away from your mouth, saliva dripping down his chin as he stared at you, huffing as he gripped your legs and spread them wide open causing you to hide your face in shame. You were rock solid, even through your jeans it was so plain to tell that toby made your body react in the most beautiful ways. He grabbed at your belt, undoing it before grabbing your wrists and tying them up with it before yanking your pants and boxers down with ease. Your eyes looked up at him as he yanked off his as well, however slight panic set in as you looked down at his cock, he was big and you had no idea if he could fit. “O-oh toby i dont know if thats gonna-“ he silenced you by turning you on your belly with your ass up to him “it w-will, ill make it fit” he spread your ass open and spit on your hole, coating it in his saliva as he also spit on his hand and pumped himself a bit. His hand pushed onto your back, making you lean down more so he could raise your ass a bit higher as he positioned himself.
He spent no time shoving himself in you, making you cry out in pleasure and pain as he immediately bottomed out in you, your legs shaking already just from the sheer size of him. He untied your hands and grabbed them, one on each side of you so he could pull you by your arms and started ramming into you, your head leaned back as his cock started railing into your prostate, if you had known tobys weakness was collars you would have worn them way sooner around him. “Your so f-fuckin pretty with it wrapped around yoir n-neck” he complimented you, his words going straight to your cock as you struggled desperately not to cum “wouldnt it be b-better if it had my name o-on it?” With this said he bit into your neck hard, no doubt leaving a mark, this had cum spurting out of your cock and you wailing his name like an absolute whore. He gripped your arms tighter, pounding into you a few more times before pumping you full of him cum. You laid down fully on his bed, the smell of his sheets slowly putting you to sleep, but the sound of jingling made you move your head to look at toby, he was taking one of his dogtags off and sat u up, putting it onto the hoop of your collar, you looked down at the tag and read it, it had his name on it, with this you smiled
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bridgyrose · 8 months
Ladybug Week Day 6: Scars
Blake opened the door of Ruby’s apartment, pausing as she saw the cut she made for Ruby to feed from had already started to scar up. Another scar added to the collection of cuts on her back from silver weapons and the bite mark on her left shoulder from the wolf that turned her. She turned away from her arm and helped Ruby into the apartment. “You’re sure you’re okay?” 
“I am,” Ruby answered as she relaxed once into the dimly lit apartment, taking her cloak off and looking at the burns on her arms. “At least it all looks like a sunburn now.” 
Blake nodded and sat down on the couch, watching Ruby as she put ointment over the sunburn. She had wanted to be upset that Ruby didnt trust her enough to tell her about being a vampire, though she knew she couldnt be all that upset with how often she had avoided Ruby and kept being a werewolf her own secret. “How long?” 
“I’m sorry?” Ruby asked. 
“How… how long have you been a vampire?” 
“Since I was born.” Ruby finished putting ointment on her skin and made her way to the kitchen to start making dinner. “Dad was a bit freaked out, but mom reassured him it was okay. Yang helped keep me safe after mom disappeared, though I did try to act as human as possible to help keep dad sane.” 
“And you were able to keep all of that hidden at Beacon?” Blake watched as Ruby grabbed a few potatoes and started to chop them up, licking her lips. “How? There was sunlight everywhere and I know I saw you come out during the day. A-and how did you feed?” 
Ruby sat the knife down and started to rinse the potatoes, carefully making sure her hands didnt get into the water. “Feeding was the hardest part. Yang helped when she could, but I always made sure to feed from her when it wasnt going to hurt her. Otherwise, I… went off in the middle of the night and fed from whatever animals I could find. Or from anyone who tried to bully my friends.” 
“What about the sunlight? I’m sure we would’ve noticed from that.” 
“You remember those gloves I used to wear all the time, right? The red ones with green trim?” 
Blake sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. “I should’ve known that. And your cloak… that would’ve kept the sunlight off you most of the time.” 
Ruby nodded and turned the water off. “That, and my umbrella. Plus, most of our classes were indoors, so that helped out a lot. Only had to worry about when we went on training missions and I… kept careful with that.” 
Blake nodded, smiling a bit as she watched Ruby continue to cook. Her smile faded as Ruby spoke to her, a hand moving to her shoulder. 
“When did you become a werewolf?”
Blake sighed and moved her shirt to show the bite mark scar on her shoulder, still tender to the touch after all these months. “I… I was bit by another werewolf while I was on a mission. It was supposed to be a quick scouting mission for Vacuo to make sure there werent any grimm in the area. Instead, I ran into a wolf during the full moon. It had bright blue eyes and a scar across it’s left eye, and it seemed angry that I was there. I tried to fight it off, but…” her voice trailed off as she pulled her shirt up to hide the scar again, looking away from Ruby. Her body shuddered as it remembered the pain from the bite, how the teeth practically burned as they pierced through her aura and into her. How it felt to shift the first time, her body feeling hotter than normal while her bones shifted, hearing each crunch as joints moved and bones seemed to reform to suit her wolfish form. “Doesnt matter anymore though.” 
“Of course it matters.” Ruby walked over to Blake and sat down next to her, gently rubbing her shoulder. “For the longest time, I wanted to be normal. To be just a regular human or faunus, but that was never a choice for me. And while that was taken from you, what you need is someone who can stay by your side.” 
Blake slowly looked over to Ruby. “And who would be dumb enough to do that?” she asked. “I might attack at any minute when I’m shifted.” 
Ruby grinned and pointed at herself. “Then call me stupid, because I’m not leaving your side for a minute. I might not know what its like to shift like you do, but that doesnt mean I cant try to help keep you safe and maybe get this under control.” 
“And if anyone comes to hunt me?” 
“Then I’ll make sure they know never to come after you again.” 
Blake relaxed a bit and nodded. “Alright, I trust you.” 
“Great. But there is one thing I’ll need as payment.” 
“And what’s that?” 
Ruby kissed her. “For us to go stargazing again. Barring nights of the full moon.” 
Blake pressed into the kiss, practically purring as she relaxed. “Sounds like a small price to pay. But, yeah, I’ve missed that too. Stargazing it is.” 
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azrielfiend · 9 months
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if i could insert myself into any world you bet your ass im going to nevada (just kidding id die in an instant but how cool would it be to see deimos in action?)
a story below about how this topic is actually all connected to my current favorite friendgroup atp
we wouldve never met if it wasnt for someone on the meme account, big_chungles on instagram (yes really!) who wanted to make a madcom themed account and were asking people to join as admins. a few days pass and i see an account named sanfordtits! i followed and had a few laughs for them for a while. and they announced their public server, so i decided to join it. and to my surprised i was dunked and candle wax that was cheese flavored and got cannibalized by kon and niko. (thanks kon for doodling the feast image.) there were a few major events in that server. i also met alfred in that server. yuck. anyways, there was a talent show and i performed osu mania there. it was soooo embarrassing since it didnt capture my audio and my osu was glitching and lagging so hard the judges werent able to even watch me play. niko won that talent show. we had some sort of rivalry-friendship thing going on and would bicker at eachother. (this is important later, i promise.) he was given the supertitter role since normal members were just named titters. i eventually got one myself, and zardy also got one too. due to being active members of the server, we would greet new members, talk alot yada yada alot of stuff. we were also thinking of doing a dating sim where i was one of the routes, and there was a lore behind it, i wont spoil it of course but i drew alot of stuff for it, and some writing which can be see on a doc here. there was also an fnf mod which you can actually see i had the sprites/concept art for it here. theres a lot! let me tell you that. and we had around 3 bgs, completed around 5 characters worth of sprites, a few music and charts done... until. i started to notice something, there was this admin where they babied and constantly praised just because they were a partner of another admin in the server. there was an art channel there right? i often post my art there along with others, and their pencil sketches would get way, way more attention than everyone else in the whole server. i bought this issue up with my friends and wanted their opinions on it, before calmly confronting the admins. and their reactions were not expected. they acted harsher towards us and called me a lying prick (?) i cant remember their exact words, but when i wanted to speak out against this behavior theyre doing and they wanted to shut me up as soon as possible. they were announcing that the servers getting shut down, and they were trying to ban me off of the server. admittedly i did something stupid and made a "kys challenge" joke to them which, well, they got mad at me for. i shouldnt have said something so vile back then. i was emotionally very immature back then. i hope theyre doing well now. i eventually got banned from their server, and they put me on blast on their instagram, which resulted in me losing a very close friend because their story captioned something like "these people harrassed my partners, theyre so gross, please block them" which.. well. youre kind of right but not really? we didnt harrass that person, only called out the admins.....childish behavior. although i did missacted and made a kys joke there too, so im not surprised on why theyre mad. i do take accountability for it. i cried for a bit. we were both wrong in this. but eventually made a new server for the people that were on my side. first it was named something like.. landfill? not exactly appealing, hehe. but it was eventually became bunkers, and its still my strongest bonds with my friends ever. and what a wild journey its been hm? if all of that never happened i wouldve never met the great friends i have today and my amazing loving boyfriend @woopdeloopei <33 (love you btw) its crazy how that spiraled but it all ended up pretty good in the end. a few of my friends got out of their depression and is happier now. i guess we matured! but seriously, so much history for such a small friend group. im so thankful for them right now. if it wasnt for that madcom admin on that meme account.... ah! i wouldve been just dead! thanks for reading all the way through the story!
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hey ari!!! hope ur doing super well <33 i dropped by to ask u a few things…….
let me know whenever u find the time to read my gojo fic… i made a few revisions over time and i’d rlly love to hear ur thoughts o valued gojo lover ;; its become very important to me , but no pressure :33
AND. need ur most brainrotting thoughts about sashishu por favor. for. research. yeah… research 🙇‍♂️
riko !!!! i hope ur doing super super well urself, im doing just fine <33 trying to finish this fic im writing so i can (hopefully) post it today pshjdh BUT its going good so far !!
i know i alr said it but !! i am so so excited to read ur gojo fic !! if i dont have time today then i will tmrw 🙏🙏 cant wait to rb it w a huge rant i took a lil peek at it n i can already tell its gonna be so good….
AND RIKO. tysm i appreciate u like no other, ive been waiting for a chance to rant abt my Absolute Beloveds……… this might get long im sorry but sashisu make me. genuinely insane
OK SO. just generally speaking…… to me, the biggest sashisu appeal is just. how grounded they are. to me. i feel like both jjk trios are very realistic but in different ways!!
like. the 2018 trio are just !! good friends and they care for each other and they have fun together. AND most importantly; they can be open w each other !! like all three of them are a lillll closed off and obviously traumatized but they can still be sincere with one another. yuji talks openly w both megumi and nobara, megumi’s whole arc revolves around him getting comfortable with the idea of leaning on others and being saved by others, and nobara’s whole character hinges on her just being unabashedly herself.
AND I LOVE THEM i really do but sashisu r just so….. different and also similar and they feel so real to me even though theyre all insane in the head.
because contrary to the 2018 trio, theyre all sort of. Cunts pshjdhd. LIKE. high school satoru is a brat and he thinks he can make friends by being a bully and hes kind despite that but hes also sooo infuriating, and suguru acts like hes better but hes rly not. theyre both assholes. same w shoko!! shes literally out here casually underage smoking and all three of them get in trouble n then blame it on each other n its just…. theyre just so fun. they bully each other but u can TELL theres love there.
and the greatest difference between the 2018 and 2006trio is that the former can be open with each other, but the latter cant. sashisu are doomed as a trio because theyre all so closed off and traumatized and repressed and they will never be as sincere with each other as yuji/megumi/nobara are.
and to me, thats the main reason why suguru defects !! not that its their fault, but the fact that they didnt notice — or maybe the fact that they DID notice but didnt know how to broach the subject — is the one factor that makes his defection almost unavoidable to me. because his best friends, his most loved people, were never the type to be vulnerable like that. and neither was he !!
theyre just so DOOMED riko….. suguru couldnt open his heart to satoru or shoko, satoru didnt notice suguru’s silence bc he was too busy making himself strong enough to protect them, and we dont know how shoko felt but she obviously didnt do anything even if she did notice smth was off. neither of them saw how much suguru was suffering, and suguru was extremely depressed and isolated and never once gave them the chance to help him.
the three of them just werent the type to have heartfelt conversations in the same way the other trio does, and i think sashisu just… figured they didnt need to. that they had that bond together and that it would always be enough. bc all three of them have these incredible powers that make them isolated and kind of miserable, but they were able to be kids only when they were together. during that one year, they got to feel that slice of normalcy and genuine friendship.
and then they lost it !! and shoko and satoru both regret it !!! and they were never able to hate suguru, and he was never able to hate them, even at the very end !!! and the thing that always breaks me is that its just so, so evident that they all loved each other. but it wasnt enough !! and i think thats such a …. grounded and real depiction of how it can be to love someone who’s ill, or traumatized, while you yourself are ill or traumatized. and you might love each other, and it might still not be enough. but the fact that the love was there still matters.
they were three child soldiers who only found comfort in each other, and they all crumbled under the weight of the world but even at the very end they still loved each other.
and for sashisu, that love never disappeared — both shoko and satoru became more responsible after suguru left, and together theyre able to protect so many of the students and their coworkers. and theyre still traumatized and arguably even MORE repressed but the two of them still stick together, and theres a comfort in knowing theyll always have that. (im ignoring the current manga arc its not canon to me idc)
THIS IS ALREADY SO LOONNGG i just. i ADORE them. theyre so good. but !! if we’re moving past just general analysis of them then !! i love to think abt…. sashisu x reader……. maybe one day ill finish my sss x reader series psjdjdj but !!!
i just think itd be such a fun n comfortable dynamic ?? bc they all complete each other in a way…. satoru is just kinda hyper n cuddly n sweet, n suguru is calm and teasing n warm…. and shoko is so chill but also so caring and . i Need them. all of them r so gorgeous i would fall to my knees and cry if i just saw them relaxing by the couch.
i feel like a reader dynamic w them would just be the four of u living together and spending the rest of ur lives doing the same things u did in high school….. going to karaoke n getting in trouble and eating food . etc etc. maybe getting a couple cats…. and a bunch of plants that would all die if it werent for suguru pshjdjs.
in conclusion they make me feel ill <3
(also riko…. pls read the pink lighter by nosferatui, its a sashisu fix-it time travel fic and its one of my favorites ever !! i still havent finished it but its complete and it genuinely changed my life the writing is so good it hurts)
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therealpontius · 1 year
Romeo and Juliet
Plot: mtv is hosting a huge party which your sworn enemies (to the public eye) will be attending too
Warnings: drug misuse/alcoholism/public sex (not reader)/ no smut involving reader
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Mtv. Fame. Money. Jackass. Street cats.
"Hey you ready?" Your friend sadie asked, slipping on her heels.
When jackass first started it raised all the little boys ego, dressing and acting like the idiots that flung themself around on tv every saturday night. You and your friend group got pretty sick of the whole 'boys will be boys' situation knowing if you done it you would be called 'wreckless whores'. At first no one was intrested but as soon as the female audience of jackass heard of the new show 'street cats' they went crazy, devouring every last peace they could. Tonight was a stupid mtv party they were hosting for all the popular stars to show up to, ozzy osbourne would be there so you were beyond exited.
"Totally, never been more ready" you wore low waisted blue jeans with a tight crop top and hoop earrings. "We are going to fucking kill it, the girls are waiting so we better be fast" with that you stood up, feeling more pretty that ever before, your blonde hair warm against your cheeks from recently straightening it. You and sadie left the room to see pam, dolly and oprah sitting in the hall, beers sitting in each one of their hands "hey girl!" Oprah greeted you, standing up with the rest "you all look stunning, we are going to kick those idiots asses tonight!" You said enthusiastically to lighten the mood. Jackass was much more popular but that didnt mean you guys werent better, and hotter.
As you entered the red carpet, looking around at the multiple drug addicts that posed like they were the face of america, you got yourself prepared to get shitfaced and have either the best or worst night of your life. "Hey street cats!" A interview shouted your attention. More interviewers noticed so it gave you the opportunity to get interviewed separately. "Hey y/n! Hows your night going?" "Yeah good so far, just arrived!" "Thats great, you look amazing! Who are you the most exited about meeting tonight?" "Thankyou! Definitely ozzy osbourne, big inspiration for me growing up" "same here sister! Who are you least exited to meet?" You thought for a moment and brought yourself closer to the mic as if to tell the audience a secret that no one else knows. "Dont tell anyone but the jackass boys" you laughed alittle and backed away "thats all the questions i got, have a good night!"
As you walked around you couldnt see the girls, 'they probably just gone off to mingle' you thought, looking round the crowd to see if you noticed anyone. You flinched feeling a double tap on your shoulder, turning round with a smile that quickly dropped at the smug smile of the western hunk. "Heya doll!" "Hey johnny, can i help?" He smiled down at you only making you resent him more. "Just wanting to talk! Good luck for later becuase we are totally going to kick your ass at the drinking competition steve-os holding for us" you crossed your arms, feeling cameras take pictures of you both. "Yeah? And who said you are? You are your side hoes are weak." Johnny let out a forced laugh, bam appearing next to him "bam! Bam! Did you hear what she said?" Bam shook his head and smiled at anticipation "she called you my side hoe and said we are weak!" They both fake laughed, clutching their stomachs "your fake laughs dont phase me boys" "doubt is sweetheart, your only a little girl of course they are. You only started this 'street tramps' thing to copy us! You seek our validation!" Bam said, johnny nodding along "'street cats' you bafoon. Now piss off, ill see you later when i out drink your asses" you stormed away "yeah whatever!" Bam shouted behind you.
20 minutes later the scene had got much more busy and you managed to meet up with the girls, telling them about the competition steve-o was holding. At first they shut it down but as they thought about it more you all decided to atleast try with the chance of embarrassing them all. "Oh my god! Ozzy! Hes here!" You squeal "well girl its your scene, we will wait here you go meet him!" Dolly said, shoving you towards him. "Hello mr osbourne!" You greet him with your hand "what is this? Fucking meeting the queen? Call me ozzy love" he smiled shaking your hand roughly "i see you on the screen, kellys a big fan!" "Thats great to hear man, we arent particularly a public favourite" you laugh, he laughs along too "neither am i!". "Holy shit ozzy?" A deep voice sounds behind you both, you and the older rock star turn your heads to see chris pontius standing in a thong and bunny ears. "You look like a fucking clown!" Ozzy laughs, taking in his whole look. Chris giggles and playfully jumps up and down "ozzy! Can we borrow you for a minute?" An interviewer shouted over, ozzy nodded in response leaving you and chris.
Chris had never really said anything to you before, you hadnt really said anything to him either. "Hey im chris pontius!" He greeted smiling, his smile made you smile you just couldnt help it. "Arent you supposed to hate me?" You ask, laughing alittle "i dont hate women, they make the world go around" he smiled, making you blush alittle "plus your hot!" Your cheeks glow red "likewise". You both share eyecontact that lasted a second too long "chris there you are i thought you- oh whats she doing here!" "Getting in the way is what shes doing, move lady we have some hard core drinking to do" chris brushed past you with his hand in steve-os shoulder. The girls walked up to you cocking their eyebrows "what the fuck was that? I havent seen you look at a man like that since thomas?" Pam asked, flicking your shoulder "i made him think he was worth me, plus these cameras are going to eat it up if we have a squabble. They did with johnny and bam so i just dont want anymore negative storys going around about me" you lied but your friends believed you, hooking your arms with theirs and walking into the huge party.
A couple of hundred booths sat, stars drinking their memory away or shoving powder up their nose in the most obvious way possible. "Its stinks like shit in here" sadie pointed out, yours moods sorta being killed. "Ladys over here!" Steve-o called out from behind you "hey o' " sadie winked jokingly. She had a one night stand with him awhile ago and knew he regretted it. "Hey sade... you girls ready?" Steve-o asked while you all sat down. Chris sat next to you, the booth was huge and curved giving all of you plenty of room. "WAITOR! Two rounds of your strongest shot!" Wee man demanded like he was royalty. "So what you girls been up to? Shopping?" Ryan asked, cocking his eyebrow "no ryan, we are thinking of new skits" dolly said calmly "'how much money can we spend in an hour?'" Bam laughed "very funny brandon, no we are going skating in an abandoned water park" pam rolled her eyes, probably regretting agreeing to drink with these bafoons. "Thats so badass i almost fell asleep hearing about it" ehren rolled his eyes "shut up danger! What do you do anyways? Prance around in a pink skirt? Safety first? So badass of you" he blushed alittle in embarrassment "exactly" "here you go" the waiter smiled, resting the tray down before you all.
You all equally took your two shots and rested them before you, looking round for Steve-o to call out when to start. "Ready ladys?" Steve-o asked cockily "always" sadie butted in "THREE TWO ONE" all at the same time you downed your shots, groaning at the bitter and flaming taste creeping down your throats. Sadie never reacted, drinking so much it was hardly ever enough anymore. "WAITOR. TWO MORE FOR US" she shouted out, making the boys groan "MAKE IT FOUR" steve-o joined in, enjoying the challenge. "So hows your night been?" Chris asked trying to make conversation "fucking fabulous, apart from when i met this guy earlier. TOTAL dick. You?" "Same here, but a girl" he giggled, making you roll your eyes.
The doubled shots arrived and you all got you your own four, looking at them like a kid who was being fourced to drink sour cough syrup. "THREE TW-" "TWO ONE" Sadie interupted steve-o making him look at her in discust. You all downed the four, a few coughing and gagging "fuck sake" you complained, running your hands down your face. "Too much for you? Your lady instincts are kicking in, better stick to a cheeky glass of wine" chris winked, with instinct you brought your fist down to his crotch harshy making him yelp "FOUR MORE" you scream, the boys laughing at chris who kept his head rested on the table
Once again you all sat with four infront of you, downing them when steve-o and sadie counted to one. "Fucking mingin!" Bam exaggerated, flailing his hands around "what even is in this?" Chris asked, looking at the small amount of liquid that sat at the bottom of the shot glass,  it was thick and a dark brown colour. "Whatever it is, its workin alright" wee man laughed.
There was sort of a friendship feel between street cats and jackass, like tom and jerry. Tom never really hated jerry but just pretended so that he is not replaced, much like how the street cats pretend to hate jackass so that they can stay relevant and not be replaced with another (shitty) reality show since the views were so low.
Ten shots down and the drink hit you like a brick in the face, holy shit that cough syrup was STRONG. "This will continue im just gunna, just gunna stick to the beer" johnny slurred slightly, no one judging since they were all the same. Johnny, wee man and ehren headed to the bar leaving ryan, bam, steve-o and chris. "Why did you guys start the street tramps?" Bam asked, wanting to get a rise out of you again. "Because we are sick of people acting funny only being allowed for boys, girls can be funny too" oprah argued, bringing her pointed finger down onto the table and ignoring bams very obvious attempt at making her yell. "I think its pretty hot, just not you guys stealing our material and adding dish washers to it" steve-o shrugged, laughing to himself. "Misogynistic pig!" Sadie raised her voice, throwing one of the plastic shot glasses at steve-os head "ay fucking watch it!" He warned, slamming his hands off the table. You sighed, laying your head back wanting everyone just to calm down for once
"i wish they could just fuck again and get it over with" chris said next to your ear making you jump slightly "what?" "Cant you see it?" You both turned to face steve-o and sadie who sat staring at eachother like they were going to go for eachothers throats while everyone else was in their own conversations. "Theres too much sexual tension, i say they should just fuck, again, and get it over with" you scoff and then pause alittle "yeah your right to be honest" "always am" "well not exactly", you argue back, turning to face him. "How come?" He raised his brow, a slight smirk on his face "well what was that shit earlier, 'i could never hate a woman, they make the world go around' or some bull shit like that" he just shrugged obviously not getting what you were getting at " 'move lady' ?" He smirks alittle now understanding "what? Your a lady and i was asking you to move" "yeah. Sure-" "just admit it! Your obsessed with me!" Sadie shouted to steve-o, they looked like a mirror of eachother, standing with hands rested on the desk, angry drunk faces and both craving more drink. "Obsessed!? Your crazy!" Steve-o shouted back "oh for fuck sake calm down!" Ryan shouted over steve-o pushing him down by his sholders "if you guys are so fucking angry them just fuck the anger out, it works and we would get to have conversations that are not interrupted by two drunk psychos" he spoke again, rolling his eyes. "PSYC-" you instantly stood up and covered sadies mouth, she had clearly been drinking well before the party "sadie shut up, shut the fuck up" you whispered to her a warning and her eyes met yours, a sorry look on her face. "Just sit down, we wont be with him all evening" she nodded into your hand and sat down.
"Hello ladys!" Johnny said enthusiastically, plopping down a tray full with shots infront of him "four each" "look i really dont think that sadie and steve-o should be drinking anymore" you advise him "nice excuse but if shes out then the whole competition is over, we will win doll" you glance over to the rest of the girls to silently decide "give us the shots knoxville" pam laughs, earning four of the thick black shots placed infront of her. Ehren, wee man and johnny all sat down again. "Shit this is horrific" chris muttered to you, sensing you feeling the same way towards the pathetic competition. "THREE TWO ONE" steve-o called, all you you throwing the liquid down your throats, the burning feeling that you all decided to forget about coming back. Ehren and bam dry heaved alittle and dolly put her head in her hands "fuck! Thats so discusting" johnny laughed, looking around at everyones vile reactions. "ANOTHER FOUR" steve-o called out making you all gasp alittle "hey.. o' maybe we should calm down alittle" chris advises earning a dirty look from his best friend "what? Are you weak?" He said with a tone of disgust "exactly FOUR MOR-" steve-o cut off his demanding when a waitor placed down the tray without care and rolled her eyes at steve-o.
"Man i really dont think i can.." wee man complained, holding his chest "stop being a pussy!" Oprah joked, taking her own four off already. "THREE TWO ONE" steve-o called again, heads slowly drank the shot, feeling ill with it. "Hey babes im off to go party" dolly said, grabbing her bag, as if the boys forgot that this was a party not just a bar they light up, getting up aswell. You sat behind while they all ran away to gather yourself "not your scene?" You heard chris's voice again "chris why do you keep trying to talk to me?" He held his hand to his heart "ouch? You just look like a fun person, or an uptight bitch. What one are you?" He asks, challenging you "fuck, your a persuasive guy" you say sarcastically , he holds his hand up to you and helps you to your feet, both stumbling to the crowd of people who danced.
You and chris danced like fools to the music that played loudly u till your eye caught onto sadie who slowly inched to the bathroom, hand in steve-os "chris!" You gasped, grabbing his forearm "look!" You walked alittle closer towards the two but not close enough for them to notice "holy shit they are totally going to bang, steve-o has that crazy look in his eyes" the two ran into the bathroom, chris now grabbed your forearm and ran towards the door. It felt odd to be snooping in on your friends private life but, its fun. After two minutes of pushing past stubborn drunk people you met the door, smoke came from the bottom and it stank of weed, sadie moaned louder than you ever heard. "Holy shit they are really going for it" chris giggled deeply, you noticed his growing arousal in his tiny thong but chose to ignore it. "Cmon bunny lets go do something" you smile, stealing his bunny ears and placing them on your own head "something? What do you mean?" You could tell he was hoping that you ment sex but instead you too him to the top floor.
It was quite and chill, dimly lit with a good few candles. This was the smoking area but no one really went by the rules. You got cosy on a bean bag that sat next to a window, patting the one next to you for him to sit down. "How the fuck did you know about this?" He smiled, looking around at the few rockstars who sat smoking a joint "i had a look at the venue before hand so i knew the best places" "well..." chris fished his hand into his thong making you gasp abit and look around "here" he pulled out a little plastic bag that had two joins in it "i kept them in the pocket at the bottom" he held one out to you, hesitant, you picked it up with the tip of your fingers "oh cmon its not that bad, ive been told my dick tastes quite nice" he said matter of factly, getting up and walking towards what looked like a high out his face nikki sixx. "Nikki... nikki" chris repeated untill the mans face was staring up at him, nikki had been in contact with steve-o and had talked to the boys so chris wasnt star struck.
"Dude, what the fuck are you wearing" "my uniform... can i borrow your lighter?" Nikki rolled his eyes and gave chris his lighter with a smile "there. Give it back." Chris strutted back over to you, passing you a black lighter that had 'sixx' ingraved on the side. "Thanks" you tried to hide the fact your heart was racing at the thought of nikki only a few seconds away, and lit your blunt, passing the lighter back to chris who done the same.
"The alcohol is really making its way to my brain" you laughed, trying to keep your head in place "yeah man ive got to a stage where i can just cope when im drunk, all that drinking with steve-o has REALLY taken its toll" you both laugh loosely, taking a hit of your blunts. It was dark by now and rain hit quietly off the window, the music from downstairs faded onto a blur. "Its mad thinking how thats nikki sixx" you finally said, looking over to the passed out man "yeah but hes just like us... famous" chris giggled blowing smoke into your face "its crazy thinking we have people who want to be us" you add making him think "like im an Inspiration to kelly osbourne" his eyes widened "really? Im an Inspiration to every demon spawn child" "i saw a child wearing the party boy track suit with these on the other day" you point to the ears that still sat contently on your head. "Thats cute, i wanna have children one day and raise them to be the most respectful little people i can" he said looking out the window "yeah right, your kids are going to be devils" "no no im being serious, i want them to be more respectful than i have been tonight, im sorry" he nodded to you as if to tell you 'im being serious' "well thats okay, atleast you gave me a penis blunt" you smile, taking another long draw. "Heh. Penis blunt".
Your blunts both finished and the conversation got less frequent "you think theyd be done banging now?" Chris asks, making you think of what he ment for a second "ofcourse its been like what, an hour? Lets go see" you both stood up to head for the stairs, nikki wasnt there anymore so you slipped the lighter into your pocket hoping to have your own little souvenir. As the party music became louder and the number of people became more frequent chris held your hand so that he didnt loose you. "Lets head for the bathroom" he practically shouted. As quick as possible you both made it to the bathroom and held your ear to the door "DARYL I DIDNT CHEAT IT JUST FELL IN" you heard a clearly intoxicated woman shout, chris bursting out laugh "fuck where is everyone?" You slightly panic, moving your body closer to his arm. He turned his head away blushing slightly at the close contact.
"Hey there they are" chris said into your ear, your eyes focused of johnny who was shamelessly grinding against the girl who danced infront of him. "Knox?" You questioned, tapping his shoulder. The lanky man jumped "oh hey doll, just um. Kinda in the middle of something" he said uncomfortably, rubbing his neck. The woman got bored and walked away, making his brows furrow "clearly... get the group together we need to do more shots, we will meet you at the booth" johnny rolled his eyes and nodded seeing the two of you walk back to where you were sat not long ago.
"Y/NNNNN" sadie cried, walking ahead of the group, she got into the booth and sobbed into your shoulder. "Sadie? Everything okay honey?" "Ill go get the shots" johnny said, slipping away from the uncomfortable moment. Everyone watched in amusement at sadie crying into you "I JUST THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE, I THOUGHT YOU DIED" she cried harder "sadie i was away smoking pot"her cries stopped and backed up, looking into your eyes "without me?" "Without you babe im sorry" "drinks!!" Johnny beamed, resting a bigger tray down "six each, had to up the anti" he winked, passing out everyones shots. You all stared at them in horror "no fucking way dude" ryan muttered, your livers all burning like hell.
"THREE TWO ONE" steve-o called, slowly you all drank the six shots until "OH FUCK WEE MAN" johnny gasped, wee man had thrown up on his lap meaning the street cats won "YES YES YES YES" you all squealed "THATS NOT FAIR" steve-o shouted "HES SMALL HIS TOLERANCE IS LOW" "fuck you!" Wee man spat, heading for the bathroom. "Steve. calm down" chris warned, looking at him intensely "well fuck you all if your going to let some house wifes win!" He stormed off killing the mood. "Sorry girls, well done honestly" ryan smiled "yeah man i could never do that" ehren laughed. “Is it just me who wants to keep drinking?” Chris whispered into your ear, you stiffle a laugh and nod.
You both reached the bar that had multiple musicians and actors laughing drunkly. “Four beers and…” “four ciders please” you order, the drinks were free of charge for some stupid reason. “You know, tonights been a great night chris” you realise, giving him a soft smile “ive really enjoyed it, a sin your a street cat though or i totally wouldve wifed you up by now” he rolls his eyes playfully, nodding a thanks to the bartender who sat down the icy cold cans. “Yeah… shame, total romeo and juliet situation… minus the sleeping pills and suicide” this made chris giggle and take a break to drink his beer, you cracked open a cider and began drinking it too.
Life on mars by david bowie started playing from the small bar, you and chris both noticed at the same time, looking at eachother with wild smiles “i love this song!” He exclaims, mouthing the lyrics “just reminds me of growing up” you smile, feeling pretty emotional reminiscing on childhood memories. You drank your second can by the time the sing ended and chris was on his fourth now.
You shared akward eyecontact more than youd like to admit and it felt weirdly intimate, no on knew if or when to make the first move. He looked so good in the dim lighting of the bar, hair down and curly, skin smooth and lips pink. “Chris can i?…” you asked, looking at his lips, he smiled goofily, glad he wasnt the one longing for skin on skin contact.
“CHRIS! Move we are going home, knox told me to go home and that i couldnt leave without you” steve-o groaned, linking arms with the muscular man “but steve-o im kinda in the middle of something” “you get pussy every night, what so special about this one?” Chris side eyes you with a sympathetic look “fine!” He got up with the drunken fool and started leaving, without saying goodbye.
A few days later the videos, interviews and pictures were posted. You instantly searched “street cats”
•heated argument between streetcat star y/n and jackass stars johnny and bam!
•streetcats stunning mtv party outfits!
•sadie from show street cats and steve-o star of jackass sneaking off into bathroom?
•how to dress like oprah star of streetcats
And multiple more junk untill you reach the jackass section
•hear what jackass star chris pontius has to say about streetcats star y/n!
“Hey chris how have you been this evening?” This wasnt a carpet one, this was one taken by paparazzi when chris and steve-o left the party. “A bit drunk!” “Ofcourse! So how was your night?” “Perfect well, almost perfect” “almost perfect?” “Yeah i had to spend the night with a chick on my hip” WHAT? “It was y/n from streetcats!” Steve-o called out. “Is this true?” Chris went silent “is this true?” The paparazzi asked again “yes…” he mumbled, walking away.
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beidousoneandonly · 1 year
Hobie x Reader
FNAFICC TIME EHEEUHEUEHU ok so ill start out with like neutral nothing freaky yeah im willing to take on requests!!!! and sorry if its wack english isnt my first language
You were looking at the nice sun set as you sat in the roof of your house, as you admire the nice colours of the sky hobie joins you for a bit,
You liked hobie but you werent sure he'd like you back so you didnt say anything, lately youve gotten closer to him, getting to know him more, be with him, you fell harder than ever before.
As hobie made himself comfortable next to you laying down whatching you "what are we lookng at?" he asks "dude look at the clouds they are so pretty" you say not trying to sound awkward
You wanted to be closer to hobie be more than friends but hed probably pull something like "i dont belive in labels like girlfriend or boyfriend" so you decided youd never actually confess but its hurt when you saw someone flirting with him
You look back at hobie trying not to blurt out your feelings so you looked away as hobie noticed and asked "soemthing on your mind?" "well you see theres this problem with my firend you know and i dont know how to help them" you said "well then tell me whats going on maybe i can help" you comply as you speak "well this friend of mine has a crush on her friend right, and she doesnt want to tell him because shes worried that he doesnt feel the same way and will ruin things between them." as you stop speaking you turn to look at him and he has a troubled look on his face "thats just stupid theres a high chance the friend likes her back even if he didnt like her i doubt anything would change" he spoke as you look at him and roll your eyes at his response as you climb down from the roof "what'd I say?!" hobie asks as he looks at you climbing down.
A few days go by from the day when you were on the rooftop with hobie as he tried not think about it, he had several conclusions as to your reactions but he didnt tell you about them.
after that day you prayed that hobie didnt catch on but it was too obvious.
Days later your group got invited to a house party, you werent the most fan of those but you didnt have anything to do so you decided to go with your friends for a bit and then youd leave.
As you get ready with gwen shes texting the guys if theyre already there, they reply with a image of pavitr in a water fountain, you and gwen switched looks and laughed and left for the party
You arrive and there puke outside on the grass already you contemplate whether you should return but march inside with gwen and meet up with hobie,pavitr and miles in the back
"Hey guys-" you say as you look at pavitr wet he still hasnt dried up "HAHHHHHHHHHHH" gwen wheezed her ass off as pavitr was trembling his ass off "You should defenetly change" you demand
Some time goes by as you get bored since you finished gossiping with hobie and gwen you guys were cririzing everyone at the party but now you had no one to gossip about, as you sighed this girl was going around recollecting people to play games as she asked you guys if you wanted to join so you said why not?
everyone gathered at the living room since most had left the party it wasnt crowded anymore, The girl that rounded everyone together suggested we sit in a circle as we do you notice hobie is looking at someone and you start to get jealous and sit next to him and bump into him to get his attention he raises an eyebrow at your actions, as the girl announces we play truth or dare or spin the bottle, someone suggests to combine them two
the game goes some on has to spin the bottle and has to do truth or dare as everyone agress the game starts and they spin the bottle as it lands on someone and they dare them to go home, everyone starts laughing at the cruel joke but the person seems upset either way the game continues as it lands on you and say truth, you dont want to be another joke like the previous person as they ask you who is your type, i am in blank "i dont really have a type ya know?" you try to shake it off someone yells BORING but you didnt want to make a fool out of yourself, some spins later the bottle lands on hobie
i give up LMFAOO ill continue this later im tired
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rotisseries · 10 months
the pack plus theo and quinn and jiang and tierney are about to go outside. scott asks lydia if shes ready, she nods. scott turns around and malia flashes her fangs, liam flicks out his claws and then everyone turns to theo whos like 😑 and puts his claws up petty asf . but then stilinski stops them and says "nobodys going anywhere" and lydia is like "i can get through them" and he ssays "we're not gonna fire the first shot. now get back from the door. all of you." and tells parrish to get jiang and tierney back to their cell. scott asked stilinski what happened with monroe. "she gave us til midnight" she wants them, dead or alive, she wants them brought to her band of rebels. anyway everyone helps barricate the doors . monroe is also jamming cell phones and the radio . and its clear that the person who was recruits by monroe is in the station bc ... who else would ahve access to something that can jam a law enforcement transmitter. anyway then the power goes out and someone asks "how easy is it to cut off the power to a police station?" and one of the deputies says "too easy" and shoves nolan into the center of the room. and liam immediately says "Throw him out." and nolan is like "no-no you cant . okay please dont. she'll know i screwed up." and liam says "hes with them." and scott gives him a warning little "Liam.." then liam says "hes a liar and hes sick in the head." and scott is so fucking concerned he doesnt ask right awsy but he looks at liam and nolan ans hes like . what the hell is making him so angry? anyway then sheriff throws nolan in the lock up. turns out nolan and jiang knew each other. idrc ab that. i feel bad for nolan to an extent but like bro. you are highly susceptible to peer pressure and you have anxiety in your eyes. go to therapy and dont beat up your classmates i feel as if that is simple. anyway. for some reasom it cuts to theo dragging liam into the bathroom....? i never understood the point of this scene. have they been talking before this? did theo notice his mood change when nolan came around? things we'll never know. anyway convo goes like 
theo: monroe's not gonna stop. nothing we say is gonna make them get in their cars and drive away. those two losers killed hunters. 
liam: who killed their pack
theo: so what? i mean, monroe's gonna tear through anything standing between her and them. that means you, lydia, malia, and scott. You gonna watch your friends die? 
liam: are you gonna watch hunters murder them? jiang and tierney werent the only ones that were apart of satomi's pack
theo: yeah...right....the hit and run. sorry if im not losing sleep over some random roadkill!
theo: so what you think saving those two is gonna make everything feel better? (scoffs) your dead friends are dead. and theyre gonna STAY DEAD no matter WHAT you d- 
and then liam punches the fuck out of him. literallt mean i heard something break he dropppppeddd to the fllooorrr. literally caught the wall and started sliding down it until he was on the floor lying down. effectivelt shutted him the fuck up.  and then liam steps over him and says "by the way im still working on my anger." and theo raises a hand as liam walks out the bathroom and says "good to know." <-hoarse and raspy. 
hope u know during the whollleee fight they were getting closer n closer to each other so like they literally went into the bathroom for a quickie argument to release the tension ig. now that i think about it theo probably dragged him in there bc hes the only one he trusts to talk to besides the fact liam gets so worked up around him sometimes. funny how he talks about not losing sleep over brett n lori but hes for sure losing sleep . my bad
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seroquelled · 8 months
- august invited over bo leach, bodhi nadalin, and some person that didnt have a name but looked like el hanley to play some orgy game, aug was acting kind of weird the whole time and ended up going to bed. the vibes were very off and nameless chick dipped but i talked to bo and bodhi for a while, was trying to figure out if they were together or not. ended up making out with bodhi (felt v nice) and afterward he said a bunch of stuff about how he was glad we saw each other again and that he lives close and wants to hang out again soon. we were still living w/ aj somehow and they had a bunch of random ppl over i remember thinking i was glad i could prove i had other friends by having different ppl over even if they werent really. they were leaving and the other ppl were partying in the living room area and someone ended up giving me a drink so i sat down and hung out a little. it was this really tasty thick deep red cherry-cranberry vodka thing with a ball of hollow ice that had a little hole you could drink more beverage out of it from.
- dk if this was a continuation of the last one or not but walking through the city w a group of girls, being sort of dressed up everyone had on very avant garde fashion (one of them was cheyenne from water st? i dont remember the rest) and we ended up going to this art gallery that was all hallways with various forks in the road. got separated from half the group because they were basically sprinting through and not looking at anything. everything felt like it was moving very fast. came to another fork but on one side was this exhibit area w raised padded flooring and people sitting all around and a sign that said 'puppy naptime.' and. well. it was puppy naptime. there were a bunch of them and phoibe and mama kitty (not bean) were there also sleeping very sweetly and i was worried i would get in trouble for bringing my cats to puppy naptime. i saw a different very small very sleepy black and white dappled kitten and pet her a little bit. was no longer worried bc obv i was not the only one who brought cat. noticed this girl who had a necklace with a bunch of moss and a live snail on it and talked to her abt it and she said it was her pet and he just liked to sleep there too.
- again not sure if at all related but walking through these very bright almost uncanny paved suburban streets w you and coming across a house where you started telling me a story abt how you used to hang out with some boy there and the mom was wack and you would work on some sort of project that required these sharps and one day you accidentally brought some out with you and they (the parents) noticed and yelled at you and you were like little and scared of getting in trouble so you like ran back crying and put them back and were apologizing and then couldnt go back and hang out again. watching this memory play out in the driveway like a phantom in front of us. in present time next to the car in the foliage there were a bunch of varied types of blades and you said something along the lines of 'they feel awesome, btw' and there was one in particular i really wanted to take but we noticed that the people from the house were actually sitting in the car. left and walked the other way around the block to see if theyd leave, just sort of eavesdropped on them from around the corner. along the way there were various blades on the ground and in the little grass strips in front of driveways and i kept picking them up trying to see if they were sharp or new but they all were really flimsy or dull or covered in a weird waxy substances. you said something like 'my skin is thinner so you should just cut me instead' and it made me upset but i wasnt trying to show it and i said some upsetting shit i dont remember and you were like 'jesus christ, what the fuck' and got v distant didnt leave but sort of like hung back and did smth else. heard some sort of commotion from the people and saw the guy yelling at this fluffy, scrawny cat being like 'i hate that fuckin cat' and it ran over to us and i pet him and he was v malnourished and had fleas and scrapes and i felt v sad for him
- Really dont remember this one but some girl inviting us to go rock climbing and it was just this tiny room that was not even very tall and she was actively putting the rock wall together by just. nailing the holds into drywall in no particular order. no gear, no ropes. i was pissed. i remember yelling at her but i dont remember what i said
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cloud99999999999 · 12 days
today i went to the grocery store next to my school to get their cheapest chocolate ( tastes really good ) and saw that it had gone from 0.69 cents to 0.99 in like a day ? bought some not too long ago ( probably friday ) and they were at their normal price . this really sucks , 30 cents doesnt seem like a lot to most but for a broke sugar addicted teen it really is . why do they keep rising the prices of stuff ? i dont understand economy very well . but that made me really sad anyway . they have lowered the price before , i know that in this other grocery store they raised and lowered again the price of their cheapest chocolate so i hope its just at this price for a small period of time . i dont have a lot of money on me right now , i have like 3 euros left because i bought a cd yesterday . i bought a cd ! of my favorite band , fucking werewolf asso , off of this french website called handsandarms , someone probably sold or donated it to them because fwa isnt together anymore and hasnt made any merch in years . the cd isnt even listed in their bandcamp , unlike the other discontinued merch that just says its sold out . im really happy , i got it for like 12 euros ( plus 15 shipping , cost me more than the cd itself man ) which id consider really cheap for what it is . found one on amazon a while ago for like 30 or 50 bucks and i obviously coulnt afford it so im really glad i found it on handsandarms . my friend bought one too off of amazon ( not the 30 dollars one that one was sold a few months ago ) which makes me even happier because seeing people i know enjoying the same things as i brings me lots of joy , especially fwa , im really happy i could introduce fwa to them ( kind of ) , its my favorite band ever and im glad i have someone who understands to talk about it to .
its a bit stupid , but i actually kind of hate when people i dont know enjoy the same stuff as i ( again , especially fwa ) because ive seen so many people say they love this band or whatever but then proceed to say how theyve only listened to one song . but even if they are actual fans i still get a bit pissy , i dont know why , i know its stupid but in my head im like " oh theyll never get it like i do " . like only i can be their fan
is that gatekeeping ? i guess im somewhat of a gatekeeper but also im not because i absolutely love to share underground media with friends , and it even makes me a bit sad when they end up not caring or just straight up telling me no . i used to try to talk a lot to my ex partner about this band but i dont think they ever really cared . i feel upset when i think about it because i tried really hard to show interest in their interests , but sometimes i felt like those tries werent reciprocated . but its a thing of the past now , and i shouldnt worry too much about it
besides , i became closer with a classmate of mine since when we changed schools we were the only ones that ended up in the same class , and they love to hear me talk about stuff i like , and i love to hear them talk about stuff they like too , sometimes we ramble so much that we forget about our surroundings and just start saying whatever too loud . its fun
yesterday i saw a cockroach on my balcony so i closed every door i could and brought all of the food that was in my room to the kitchen . im still a bit paranoid though , i need my cat in my room always reassure me that it didnt somehow find its way inside ( if it did my cat would notice and attack it ) . its weird but every time a gross bug appears in my room my body subconsciously resist breathing in it because the bug left like somr kind of air , gross air , and everytime i inhale it i have to spit to get the gross stuff out . its something i cant control , i dont know why it happens , ive tried to make it stop but i feel gross and disgusting every time i do . and that makes me not able to sleep or even just hang out in my room which sucks because its the only place i can have some kind of privacy .
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silenceoftheman · 2 months
Just had an insane dream and have to write it down plus extra thoughts. In this dream i was living with my best friend in some sort of city. My sister and her boyfriend also lived in the same area. They lived in an outer room of this college building converted into a room. Their outer walls were just glass so anyone could look in. I told them at dinner they should probably invest in some blinds, as I tested what someone was saying and just witnessed her boyfriend laying there on the couch, half naked. E, my sister, agreed with me. That night I went for a run to get back to the hotel where I told C how much lighter I felt now that I had lost weight. (In this dream I had hit major goals). I had a copy of halo 2 for a joke. IDK that part is weird and fuzzy. C still laughed at it though as they do because they're cool like that.
Then me and my best friend, C, decided to go to the mall with my sister. We show up to hang out with her and her friends but I noticed they were kinda being mean to my sister and she was taking it on the chin and awkwardly laughing "with it". E gets up and leaves, clearly disgruntled at the remarks. I let them know what they did was bullshit and that they should feel ashamed of themselves. One of them tried to square up with me, but with C being there i decided i just wanted to get the hell outta there. It is now visibly late, im thinking 9 or 10 pm. We get to the parking garage level we parked at where there are almost no vehicles. A shady looking character in a sports car tried to drive without tires on their rear rims. Me, being a good samaritan, informed the dude. He tells me to "fuck off" and so i do. He starts driving insanely recklessly, almost intentionally trying to hit me and C. I grab C's hand and aggressively get behind a cement pillar. The sports car slams into it. We then run back into the mall since it was the safer path (getting to the car was really dangerous as we would have to go through this guy.)
There's almost no one at the mall at this point. But we go in expecting to just be able to wait this guy out. He comes in after us with additional thug-like characters, think people who look under the influence and messed up. We werent even going to call the cops i THINK because we just wanted to get outta there. He assumes we were gonna "rat". He and the thugs start saying vile, vile, insults and disgusting threats. They start approaching us rapidly and i grab the handgun out of C's hands which C has pulled out of her holster. C didnt really want to shoot them and i think in the moment i didnt want them too either. I aim the handgun dead center at the first two thugs and shoot.. They seize up on the floor. The few people at the mall panic. Then a bunch of police looking individuals barge in the door from behind the thugs. I immediately surrender the gun and raise my hands. I wake up. THOUGHTS: What a crazy ass dream. There was a lot of emotion behind it as well. I think me working out before bed has intensified my dreaming. I'm also pretty anxious about going to see C in May. Also thinking about my weight and fitness goals constantly so that is where the physical fitness part of that dream comes in i think. I've also been watching "Friday night lights" A LOT and i think this influenced the colorfulness of the dream. I remember lots of dark purples and greens in the dream. The thug bore the resemblance of a coworker i pass often who is actually very nice. In the moment of everything all i cared about was C's safety. Didn't want C to get hurt and so i kind of took charge of the situation in the dream. Idk if that's what would have happened or if C would have needed all that... but regardless in the dream they were shook. There were tons of emotional feelings and thoughts i could expand upon but seeing as those tings came from a distressful situation (which was fake but nonetheless effected my emotional reactions and thoughts) i think it wouldn't be fair to. I was worried. Love is all I'll say. The confusing kind. I wish i could operate my brain like a computer and just sort things out. I definitely woke up panicked!
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mtfstuff · 3 years
"And done!", Jake said putting his dumbbells away. He loved to stay in shape. All of his friends thought that he did it to get all the women but in reality he did it to get every man to look at him, but he could never tell his friends. He took a towel to swipe his sweat from his face before he took off his sport shirt. He left his room and walked through the hallway to the kitchen. On his way he walked past the bathroom, where he saw Adam standing in front of the mirror.
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"Week 34, still no progress.", Jake heard Adam mutter to himself.
He glanced at Adam and walked to the kitchen.
He went to the coffee machine and started it as Adam walked in.
"Could you please put on a shirt Jake?", Adam asked.
Surprised, Jake turned around and leaned against the counter.
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"What? Why?", he asked.
"Your look is demotivating.", Adam answered. "I'm trying so hard to get in shape and you just dont get fat. Its infuriating. I'll never be attractive..."
"Hey now! Dont be mean to yourself.", Jake answered. "If you want I can help you by-"
"By creating another workout routine for me? No thanks. The other two I got from you werent working either. I mean even Sarah left me. I dont know why but I bet its because of my performance and looks."
"Wow, you're down bad, arent you?", Jake murred.
"I'm sorry Jake. I shouldnt let my anger out on you.", Adam said.
"Hey bro, I can really help you."
"How could you help me?"
"Well, its hard to explain... I have this -power- since I was a teenager. I can... Well, I'll show you."
Jake's face turned red in pain as Adam watched his hunky roommate growing a belly and getting bald. Adam didnt believe what he just had witnessed.
"I can transform anyone into anything.", Jake said from his new body. "It's just somewhat painful."
And Jake transformed back into his real self. His curly hair grew back and his sixpack emerged from his belly.
Adam just stood there, mouth open, not able to say anything.
Jake chuckled.
"I knew I could get you speechless.", he said.
Adam shook his head in disbelief before grabbing Jakes hands.
"Please help me! I'd do anything.", he begged.
"Not so fast Adam. If I do this I have to warn you."
"Go on. I'm listening."
"First of all, it will be really, really painful the first time. Second of all, you wont tell anyone about my power. If you do, I'm going to turn you into a pig or something else, like a boot. And finally, you'll help me find my true love after this."
"Alright. Thats cool with me. Now get me my sixpack. Make me a jock like you!"
Jake closed his eyes and concentrated on Adam.
Adam felt a warm sensation moving up his body but this warm sensation quickly turned into pain. Adam dropped to the floor, panting heavily trying to suppress his scream.
His belly started to melt away, to turn into sweat. It revealed a nice sixpack. His arms grew muscles and his calves grew larger. About two minutes later, Adam let out a deep breath and stood up. Sweat was dripping off his body.
Jake threw him a towel.
"I think you need this.", he snickered.
Adam used the towel to wipe of his sweat. Only then he noticed his new body.
"Oh my god! These abs are so tight. And my biceps!", he shouted, lifting one arm.
"Yeah. Look deeper Adam.", Jake said.
Adams gaze followed down his abs to see that his dick had grown too. Only his second thought was that his pants must have ripped.
"Oh shit.", he said putting the towel in front of his dick.
Jake threw him some of his gym clothes and Adam put them on thankfully.
Adam walked towards Jake and kissed him.
"Thank you. For all of this.", he said taking Jakes hand pulling him with him.
"Where are you going?", Jake asked.
"The balcony.", he answered. "I want to show the world how sexy I am."
He pushed open the balcony door.
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"Jake... I dont know how to say this...", Adam stammered. "Since you made me like this... I... I think you're really hot. Like love of my life hot."
"I know.", Jake answered. "I feel the same. Lets get inside. Show me your new body to the fullest."
Adam took Jakes hand and followed him inside.
Story idea and commissioned by @ynew-206
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yourdailycottage · 2 years
Ok ok so, i currently really like the mcyt. and Eret. and i know they use all pronouns but it may get a little confusing so please dont hate if i stay to They/Them/He. but ummmm. might write ab it. Imma make some headcannons tho!
Nsfw headcannons of the dsmp
I feel like he would have horns. like big ram Horns. and you would use them to your advantage, pulling on them just to see a good reaction out of your president. now when it comes to Smexy time. he would be Dom. but if he was railing to you and you grabbed his horns he’s gonna melt.
Now dream is one who is constantly busy. Trying to get his attention is hard enough. but trying to get him to rail you is another challenge. “Dream please just pay a little attention to me for once!” you shook your head as you walked infront of him, he stopped in his tracks when he heard you. ”Well im sorry for trying to make peace on this stupid ass server!” he said in a snarky tone. he tried to end it there by trying to move past you but you just werent having it. ”I just want you to love me for once, and not the server! everyone is fine! but im not! you just abandoned me for this server! Ive been trying to reach out to you but all you do is push me away! I dont even know you anymore” your voice cracked near the end of your rant as you held back tears. He was blinded by his own range that he didnt notice you choking down your feelings. ”I have payed attention to you!” at this point he was yelling. and you couldnt take it. ”if thats how you feel, then ill leave. and you can deal with your fantasy of being a god” you pushed him out of your way and started to leave, but you could hear him yell ”I AM A GOD”. and with that you took off, out of the forest, and away from your lover. About an hour past of you ranting to Sapnap before Dream figured out he fucked up and went to find you. Lets just say he made up for all the lost times he forgotten about you.
Eret was a god, always looking out for others, but when someone crossed into his life. They lost it, keeping you safe was his top priority. you soon became their best friend, and lover. after a month of being friends you came out to him. telling him you were Pansexual (or something else) and he was perfectly fine with it! when you two got together it was another story, full of love, and security. one day you wanted to ask them if she wanted to go rail you, being a half bred demon meant you were just constantly horny. but when you walked into your shared room all you saw was him changing. ”im sorry love, want me to leave?” you quickly said before looking away. he just smiled and walked over to you, ”no dear, what did you want to ask?” she smiled as they kept unbuttoning their shirt. ”I... i was just going to ask if you could possibly help me with a little problem” you looked down, and he smirked. ”is my pet craving me?” she asked and lifted your chin to look at them. You melted into his touch and quickly nodded. now with the amazing help of your only love, you got rid of the problem. but you werent able to walk for a day or two.
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miraeluc · 3 years
you have an eating disorder
prompt: “you never had issues with food - that is until your boyfriend makes a remark about your weight.”
pairing: katsuki bakugo x female! reader
word count: 1.6k
warnings: MAJOR TW!! anorexia, there’s swearing
genre: fluff, angst 
NOTE: this is not proofread at all and it’s kinda short, i was struggling to finish it a lot, sorry :(
you were never one to pay special attention to your diet or anything
life is short, why spend it worrying about how your body looks?
food is food man, and you need it to live 
there was no fun in dieting either, it’s not like you were ever fat anyway - with daily training you were in shape!
sure there were thinner girls, but like i mentioned, you just liked enjoying food without having to worry about losing weight all the time 
your boyfriend, bakugo, just does not know how to express himself 
he’s not the type to really pay any mind to your figure, he finds you pretty anyway 
and its a plus anyway - whenever he feels full he can just push his plate towards you and you’ll gladly finish it for him 
that is until one day
you were sitting with the baku squad at lunch
mina was telling you about a new tiktok trend she had stumbled upon and found hilarious 
denki was currently fighting for his life against bakugo after saying his hair looked like he was just hit by an electricity quirk before he proceeded to zap him lightly 
kirishima was regretting all of his life decisions when he decided to try and help denki 
sero was just sat there,, recording it so he could show them just how stupid they looked afterwards
kirishima finally managed to pull said angry-boy away from kaminari 
you always said he’s like a little angry pomeranian when angry lol 
back to the plot omg i got carried away
after bakugo was calm enough to take his initial seat beside you, he was already too full and just overall not hungry
so he pushed his plate towards you 
“eat up, fatass.” he grumbled out
you just looked up at him with wide doe-eyes, not expecting an insult to slip off his tongue
it was bakugo, what’d you expect lmao 
you looked down at the plate, suddenly feeling very not hungry anymore, instead pushing the plate away as you grabbed your bag to stand up
“actually, i’ll head up to my room, i feel a bit sick”
you immediately left after that, not seeing the confused glances the table exchanged, mina smacking bakugo’s head
you went to your room and laid down, not knowing why bakugo’s comment had made you feel upset
you never get upset when he makes dumb remarks!!
so why now!!
you realised it when you were stood in front of the mirror, shirt lifted, staring at your own body
you did gain some weight.
you were upset at yourself because you usually didn’t mind!!
you know weight fluctuates, you know the small amount of chub you have will eventually pack it’s little bags and leave again 
but it hurt because you wanted to be pretty for your boyfriend.
how could you be when he says you’re a fatass?
eventually, you ended up scrolling through your phone, looking at thin girls all day
you also looked up a few diets that worked very fast 
by the time bakugo was aggressively knocking at your door you had closed all of the pages you were previously looking at 
as soon as you swung the door open he strutted in, seating himself on your bed
“what was with you running off at lunch today?” he looked at you 
you were still stood at your door like.... mm ok i guess make yourself at home 
“huh? i told you, i felt a little sick.” you mumbled, closing the door again, it was getting late and you were not looking to be beheaded by aizawa
he scoffed “if you say so.” he laid down, kicking your blanket to the side
“i brought you some snacks - incase you got hungry..” he said, his face looking like >:( 
he didn’t get them because he knew you liked them and wanted to make you happy! not at all!!
he just didn’t want to put up with you being whiny
that’s for sure the reason 
you giggled, throwing yourself ontop of him - sounds of protest coming from him but he did wrap his arms around you 
“since when are you so nice, katsuki?!” you teased
lol wrong move 
in 0.01 seconds you were flipped over and held down as he started tickling you 
“i’m not nice!”
the next morning you left extra early to avoid getting breakfast with bakugo
he didn’t seem to be bothered by it, he also has days where he just doesn’t feel like eating early in the morning so 
it does start to bother him when that one day of skipping breakfast turned into every day
his google search bar is like 
‘why does my gf not eat’
‘do girls not eat breakfast’
but this bitch is also too scared to approach you at first because he doesnt want you to know he truly cares 
his ego is still too high for that 
but you know better
you know he cares but sometimes you don’t feel good enough for him
you can’t help but compare yourself to other girls at your school
you distance yourself unknowingly, lost in the counting calories and exercising every day
everyone but you notices that you’re literally spiraling 
you don’t notice that you look sick, skin paling and cheekbones getting more prominent every passing day 
you don’t notice the growing eyebags under your eyes 
all you notice is other pretty girls and how you want to look like them.
at first, your friends decide to give you some space, thinking that maybe you have to fix this within yourself and need space
and you do, but someone needs to snap you out of your little bubble 
that someone is bakugo 
so it goes like this 
during training, he noticed your legs being a little more wobbly than usual 
and he noticed that you were unfocused, not being able to dodge all of the enemies attacks 
but something inside of him snaps when aizawa has to stop the fight because you were not even fighting back anymore
before aizawa even arrived in front of you, your world went black and you collapsed
bakugo was so angry at your training enemy 
didn’t they fucking see your struggle?? 
did they really have to be stopped by their teacher??
would they even have stopped if it werent for aizawa?? 
probably not
but he didnt have time to go and yell at them because he was running towards you 
aizawa let him pick you up
“bring her to recovery girl.”
of course he did 
everyone watching was so shocked 
because bakugo didn’t let out a sound the entire time 
his face was pulled into a frown, as usual, but he wasn’t speaking- no, yelling
he showed past his classmates, walking towards recovery girl’s office
“ribbit, why was he so quiet?”
recovery girl was like ?!?!?! what the fuck happened when was the last time she ate
she had to give you a total parenteral nutrition
(that means nutrition/fluids are delivered into your body via a catheter placed in a vein of your body, usually lower arm)
when you woke up bakugo was sat next to the bed, reading the back of some medicine bottle he found there
when he noticed you awake he perked up a little, shoulders visibly relaxing
“what happened?” 
he narrowed his eyes, wondering for a second if you were serious 
“you’re starving yourself to near death, that’s what happened.”
you immediately grimaced
“did i pass out in front of everyone?”
“is that seriously what you’re worried about?!”
you remained quiet, looking away
“y/n, look at me.” he gently guided your head to face him
“i don’t know what drove you to do this to yourself, but i need you to stop. you’re going to die if you don’t stop. what idiot made you think you need to do this to yourself?! i’ll kill them!”
“you told me i was a fatass”
his jaw dropped
“you know i don’t mean when i insult you! i hide the fucking fact that i WANT you to eat by using insults! i’m so sorry..”
his voice went soft at the end
he truly felt so bad :(
he was the one that was supposed to protect you from others hurting you yet here he was, being the one that caused you to hink you weren’t worthy enough
“i know, but there’s so many much more prettier girls than me, i was afraid you’d lose feelings if i wasn’t thin enough.”
“are you kidding?! you’re the only one i have eyes for! all those other extra’s can fuck off, i don’t give a single shit about them!”
you were kinda tearing up
“do you promise?”
god, he felt so bad.
he sat on the edge of the bed, reluctantly pulling you in a hug 
“i promise”
from that day on he made sure to remind you to eat meals, even if it was just something small
he ripped everyone’s heads off if they made a comment about your eating habits and/or weight
and he made sure you were the only one he loved
the day he saw you collapse something broke inside of him
it opened his eyes that hiding his emotions from you wouldn’t help you in your relationship
so while he supported you to build your feelings of self-worth and eating habits, you helped him start to open up, teaching him that showing emotions wasn’t embarassing
no one else knew how soft he could get with you and it should stay that way
you had a long way to go but it was all worth it in the end
he was your little angry pomeranian <33
requests: open
read rules before requesting.
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thithesandofferings · 3 years
“Open Wide”- Ogami Shirou x Reader
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TW: 18+ MINORS DNI!! Dom!Shirou/Sub!FemReader, Comeplay, Choking, Voice Kink, Rough Sex, Praise Kink, Degradation, lil bit Size Kink SMUT!!
This is bad .
“Look at you Alan, I thought you said Purebloods didnt get Nirvalys Syndrome? Let me put in into you, before you lose your mind”
Who says stuff like that to the enemy? Ive never seen Shiro this angry before. Especially to say words like that. He barely speaks at all most days. Only when he absolutely has to. This should surprise me or- or stress me out but-
It's so hot.
Link to my Ao3 for this fic= https://archiveofourown.org/works/25414948
This is bad .
“Look at you Alan, I thought you said Purebloods didnt get Nirvalys Syndrome? Let me put it into you, before you lose your mind”
Who says stuff like that to the enemy? Ive never seen Shirou this angry before. Especially to say words such as that. He barely speaks at all most days. Only when he has to. This should surprise me or- or stress me out but-
It's so hot.
“Hey you! Look alive we gotta go!” Michiru yelled, startling me out of a downward spiral.
She was right. I had to get out of there before the place was destroyed to shreds. I could barely think. All I could think about was Shirou splitting that evil bastard's mouth open and putting his power inside it.
I couldnt help but feel jealous.
His wolf had such a presence on its own, how could I not be affected.
I needed to get it together, there were still people that needed to be saved. I shook my head and ran after Michiru towards Shirou. She was chattering excitedly, but I honestly couldnt understand anything she was saying. My eyes were on him.
He must’ve caught something in my gaze because he turned his attention to me.
“You okay?” His voice was gruff from exertion and I had to take a calming breath from the shiver that coursed down my spine. He caught that too.
“I should be asking you that Shirou” I looked away, but with a sideways glance I grumbled that he was, in fact, amazing. He raised his nose a notch, almost an afterthought,  and I could see him take a deep breath.
With his penetrating gaze solely on mine, I could feel my pulse jump and my temperature rack up a thousand degrees, I had to look away. He scoffed, almost smugly, and slid attention back to Michiru, who was still talking and running around. Something about having Shirou howl to the town.
We watched as he changed into his silver wolf form again to howl into the microphone. It was a beautiful site to see. Seeing all the animals completely stop what they were doing just to howl with him. Alan had no idea what he had been talking about.
Shirou had the Howl.
Michiro and I could only watch in awe. We were born human turned animals so we didnt have the innate instinct to go along with him. It was such an eye-opening experience, so much so that I felt a little empty at not being able to do it. Shirou looked so regal, the urge to fall on my knees in front of him was an encompassing feeling.
Shaking violently at the thought, I had to blow out a long soul-suffering sigh. Michiru glanced with eyebrows in an “are you okay” motion and I could only just nod.
What is going on with me? Where are my thoughts?
I had hoped that thoughts of Shirou would leave. The attention was of us and finally life was, in all intensive purposes, back to normal. Michiru was able to hang out with her fellow friends, and I- was able to start my work in the office.
Except, I could get nothing done.
Shirou was constantly in my peripheral, working on whatever case was in that week. But when he wasnt there, he was in my mind whispering in his growling voice about the things he could do to me.
I was dying.
There would be times where I would stare at a research book, never turning the page, just staring. It was becoming so hectic that Shirou asked if I needed time off.
“I know its been hard for everyone” Shirou had said. He had been in that leather jacket again. Who wears gloves inside? Why was it so hot?
Its not fair.
“What's not fair?” I looked up from his gloved hands and I could feel my heart rate sky rocket in panic.
I said that out loud.
His gaze is so piercing, it felt like he was staring into my soul. He was leaning on my door frame, completely relaxed. His usual bored expression was placed with something that was almost- teasing? Not that couldnt be right.
But it had been the same expression and mood for weeks now. His casual bumps and grins were so much that Ive had to actively avoid him before I had a heart attack. I wasnt in control of my emotions half the time, so any sort of embarrassment would make me change into my animal form. Even through his cold demeanor, it still seemed like he was laughing at me. I'm sure he could tell that I was flustered, especially when he turned into his wolf form. It always made my blood pressure go up and something slick slide down my thighs.
Which is what was happening now.
Oh no.
I prayed that he wouldnt notice anything amiss, but the world wasnt on my side. He lifted his nose up again and sniffed. It was as if he was trying to find someone miles away, but when he finally looked towards me, his pupils were wide open. Alert.
“You never answered my question.”
There was a hitch in my breath at that tone. That growl that Ive been dreaming about for weeks.
I’m so fucked.
“I-i uhm… sorry what?” I could feel myself blinking rapidly. I couldn’t get my thoughts in order. This was getting ridiculous.
“You humans are very odd,” Shirou rose up from the door, and for a moment I felt relief only to freeze when he closed my door.
With him still inside. We’re alone.
“You even more so.”
He walked slowly towards my desk. Well more like prowled. There was intent in his walk.
I’ve never felt more like prey than right now.
“I’ve seen the way you’ve been looking at me” He’s whispering now. His gloved fingers gently spread out to the edge of my desk and he leans over it.
He’s so close.
“I smell you all day. Its intoxicating.” One hand lifts up and brushes my cheek, I know he can feel the heat.
“You’re the first human that I have ever wanted”
I froze.
Hes been feeling the same? From his expression and the dropping of at least two octaves, it was definitely confirmed.
“I- uh I want you too” My voice was hoarse from emotion. He could hear it just fine it seemed because if his pupils werent blown out before, they sure were now.
Shirou visibly licked his lips and I couldn’t help but follow the motion. He watched me watch him and he grinned, showing his fangs in satisfaction.
“Good because I plan to devour you. Stand up”
I could barely hear the order due to his growling. His ravenous expression was drowning me. I was swimming in heat and desire.
“I wont ask again”
Shirous’ voice snapped me back into reality and with shaky sweaty palms I pushed my chair away and stood. He never told me to move so I just stayed there. He seemed very pleased that I didn’t move.
Not like I could, I was barely able to breathe.
He stalked slowly around my desk until he was behind me, moving the chair completely across the room. It crashed into a plant and I jumped, still not moving an inch.
I could feel his breath across my nape and goosebumps coursed down my skin. I could feel him smelling my hair, breathing in the sweat that I felt that I was pouring out. I tried to move away, embarrassed, but I could feel his grip tighten and him growl at my into my neck.
“Stay still” He whispered. “You can be a good girl and do that for me right?”
I froze at the pet name. I’ve never heard him call me anything other than my last name. I couldn’t believe how it affected at me. I could feel myself become even more drenched.
He could tell.
“Oh? You like that huh?”
I felt his leathered hands slide slowly underneath my shirt and palm my breast. I gasped, my head falling on his shoulder at the groping. This was getting intense fast. I heard something tearing and tried to glance down only to have one of his hands press lightly at my neck. Holding me still.
Shirou shushed me, keeping his hand curled around my throat. Murmuring something about not needing this or that, I felt fabric fall at my feet and my chest became covered in hot leather. I let out a choked moan, only to have his grip tightened.
“You’re gonna have to be a quiet pup, you don't want all your colleagues to know what you're doing right?” He was so mocking, I couldnt help but feel flustered with how demeaning he sounded.
I nodded knowing I couldnt say anything in this position.
“Thats right, good girl, now go on bend over the desk” He slipped his hands away and disorientation readily slid back into my head.
I laid over my desk, paper be damned, and wrapped my hands over the edge to hold on. I heard him growl in confirmation at the act and I preened at the act of pleasing him.
I’ve never felt this way. I was completely ok with him taking the reigns. I didnt have many braincells left, I could barely think. All I could do was just do.
Shirou hands caressed my ass in appreciation, his ungloved hand (when had that happened?) made a purposeful track up to my waistband, hastily taking them off. I was completely soaked and hearing him swear obscenities definitely didnt help.
“I can’t wait to knot you, pup” I felt his weight against me, his bare chest completely covering my whole body. He was so warm, degrees hotter than his normal, his breath hot on my cheek as he licked my face from chin to forehead.
“The real question is,” he says through licks down my spine. “Which form do I want to take you hm?” I shivered violently at the thought of Shirou taking me in my wolf form. Outside of Anima city it is forbidden to have any of those kind of thoughts. But you couldnt help that you constantly thought about Shirou fucking you in his wolf form.
I could hear his deep chuckle at my spine. He knew my answer.
I felt him nose my wetness and my breath hitches. It didnt last for more than 5 seconds and I could hear myself grown out against the desk.
“I would love to taste you, but unfortunately we dont have that kind of time.” There was a zipping noise and I tensed, gushing even more at the thought of what it could be.
“I would need hours to be satisfied from your taste” He is suddenly in my ear. “But I plan to fuck you like you need it.”
I could hear myself mewling at the thought. I’ve been wanting this for weeks. I cant believe someone like Shirou even wants to touch me. Shirou, cool-mannered and distant, wants to fuck me five ways to Sunday is honeslty an eye opening experience.
There is a clicking sound and I gasped. I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didnt feel the fingers. I could feel myself clenching around and my mewling became even louder. Colleagues be damned.
There was an surprised hum from behind me.
“You’ve been touching yourself?” All I could do was nod embarrassed. He cooed sweetly and added 3 fingers inside of me.
“What were you thinking about? Were you thinking of me? Tell me” I gasped in affirmations. I couldnt take it anymore. I needed inside of me now.
I felt like I was going to die.
“P-please Shiro, I need it.”
“You need what pup?” He grinned savagely and I felt something hard and hot against me.
I wiggled in frustration. Only to have him laugh and hold my hips still. Using his strength to make me stay still.
I was going to have bruises.
“Please fuck me Shirou” I whispered into my shoulder. I knew he could hear me. I felt my chest tighten at the gasp and growl.
“Good girl.” I shivered and gasped as he pushed the head in with a savage force of his hips.
“I wont hold back pup” He laid his furry chest against my back “You might be ruined for any one else.”
“I dont want you to Shirou, give me your all”
A growl was heard and then the most intense feeling of my life was radiating through my whole body.
He thrusted so hard that I could hear the desk screeching. The other colleagues, if they were still there, would definitely hear it. I prayed that they weren’t gonna check to see if I was okay. I wouldnt be able to speak anyways. I’m pretty much holding on dear life on the desk. There was no way I was able to explain anything.
Shirou didn’t seem to care either. The constant growling and heavy breathing that was coming from him was telling.
“Youre so tight, I cant believe all of me fit inside of you” He groaned and all I could do was tighten around him, which made him go even faster. There was a crack from the desk, but I ignored it. All I could concentrate on was the heat and his cock bruising my insides.
“Mine mine mine MINE” He stopped abruptly and pulled out. Only to pick me up effortlessly and turn me around, my back hitting the desk.
He entered me again and with that the world was crashing around me. I’d never come so fast in my life. Watching him in his wolf form growl over me as he pounded me into the afterlife, I wasnt gonna last long.
Seemed like he wasnt either, his thrust got more savage and I got louder. He took his right hand and placed it at my throat again to cut off the noise.
“Be quiet while I shove my knot inside you, I need to concentrate” It made me fall again, shivering while he grinded his knot inside me. He came with a roar, tightening his hands on my throat, cutting off my sound.
“Shhhh, good girl, you did so good” He whispered praises to me while he continued to grind himself inside me. He lifted his hand and I gasped dazed.
He looked up at me and caught my disheveled appearance and grinned.
“Dont move, I’m not done.”
I returned the grin.
“Good Shirou, cause neither am I”
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