#fucking up a pubsub
There’s no greater comfort than a publix
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strandedcrow · 2 years
dream sees you coming to tackle him and he thinks it's gonna be like a crazy fan but you just have a clipboard with the words "chicky tendy sub?"
“are you dream? stop walking away shut up listen i’m not gonna take a pic of stop walking away why are you jogging who the fuck jogs anymore in 2022 listen i need to know what you think of the chicken tender pubsub”
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tangerina247 · 4 years
June 24, 2020
Apparently I am not allowed to speak in my own home.
We just had a couch delivered and the apartment is a disaster. A is on the phone with his dad while I am trying to clean up the table so R can eat dinner. I asked A to take out the trash. He stayed sitting on the couch. I said “ok, well the trash is full so I’m just not going to close the lid anymore” at which point A decided it was time to take out the trash. I was stepping all over crackers that A dropped on the floor and crushed but never picked up so I made a comment about it. His dad let him off the phone and the first thing out of his mouth is blaming me by saying “this is why nobody ever wants to come visit us” which then led to a fight. During that fight R went into the fridge and took out diced onion, tomato and pepper and it dumped on the floor which A then complained I needed to help him so he could clean, yet he didn’t feel the need to help me clean? I have to stop what I’m doing when he needs help cleaning but he expects me to clean by myself with no help?
We then get into a fight about our parents. I said I don’t care if his family doesn’t want to visit and he said “fine, then your family can’t visit.” I reminded him I never said his family COULDNT visit I just said I didn’t care if they didn’t. He said “why would I want your racist mother around R?” I said “ok my moms racist but what is yours? Your parents have racists memorabilia on the walls of their home” and he said “(your moms husband) is a (klu klux) klansman” which then led to a fight that you can’t just call people that bc they’re racists. Like I’m sorry my mom and her husband are racists but how the fuck are you going to make an accusation like that. I pointed that out and reminded him again “your parents have racists memorabilia on the wall” and he tried to defend them saying it was aunt jemima (which it isnt, it’s a black woman who was a mammy, which yes that is what aunt jemima was but that’s now who the figurines are of). I told him if he couldn’t stop fighting with me I was going to leave the apartment and then he acts all surprised when I changed and left the apartment. Now I’m sitting in a parking lot crying and I’m going to order myself dinner since I won’t eat what Adam bought. I asked him to buy me coleslaw to go on my sandwich bc I didn’t want pubsubs for dinner and yet again he forgot. Since I left the house I’m just going to get Arby’s for dinner.
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