#fulcrum reva
antianakin · 1 year
It has been decided that in the Darksider Ahsoka AU, to balance out and foil our newly Dark Ahsoka, there's also going to be Fulcrum Barriss.
Fulcrum Barriss who was THERE to make sure her Master survived Order 66, who refused to run even when Luminara told her to and got them both out alive until they end up bumping into Rex and his little gang of rebels and Rex could probably help lead them to Bail Organa, as well.
Fulcrum Barriss who wants to help rescue as many Jedi as she can and has maybe heard rumors of a place in the Mustafar system where Jedi have been getting taken to die and decides to run a rescue mission there. Fulcrum Barriss who manages to come out of Nur with Trilla and Reva in tow.
Fulcrum Barriss who takes on continuing Reva's training (Luminara's helping with Trilla) because there's just... no one left and Reva wasn't even a PADAWAN yet, she still needs more basic training anyway, something Barriss is qualified to handle. But once Luminara Knights her, Barriss happily takes on Reva as her first Padawan.
Fulcrum Barriss who connects with the Ghost Crew and provides support for Kanan and Ezra, who has them meet Luminara because Kanan deserves to have the support of a Master, too, even if he's committed to teaching Ezra himself.
Fulcrum Barriss who wasn't involved in the bombing of the Temple, but who HAD cared about Ahsoka and considered her a friend and was hurt by her betrayal, but still believes Ahsoka could be better and wants so badly to help her.
Fulcrum Barriss who treats Ahsoka kindly and with patience when Ahsoka makes her way to Echo Base after Malachor and starts working on making better choices, on clawing her way back from the Dark. Fulcrum Barriss who can't help but remember the crush she'd had on Ahsoka all those years ago, the feisty brave impulsive creative young Padawan who'd saved them on Geonosis.
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lothalacademy · 7 months
Lothal Academy AU Disaster Lineage
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Ben/Obi-Wan Kenobi
Master: Qui-gon Jinn
Apprentice: Anakin Skywalker, Reva Sevander, Luke Skywalker
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Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
Master: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Darth Sidious
Apprentice: Ahsoka Tano, Third Sister
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Ahsoka Larte-Tano/Fulcrum
Master: Anakin Skywalker
Apprentice: Hedala Fardi, Sabine Wren
Hedala Fardi
Master: Ahsoka Tano
Apprentice: Finn Wren
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Reva Sevander/Third Sister
Master: Darth Vader, Grand Inquisitor, Ben Kenobi
Apprentice: Dhara Leonis, Rey Orrelios
Dhara Leonis
Master: Reva Sevander
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Sabine Wren/Specter 5
Master: Ahsoka Tano
Apprentice: Jacen Syndulla/Specter 7
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Luke Skywalker
Master: Ben Kenobi, Yoda
Apprentice: Din Grogu
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Jacen Syndulla/Specter 7
Master: Sabine Wren
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Din Grogu/The Child
Master: Luke Skywalker
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Rey Orrelios
Master: Reva Sevander
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Finn Wren
Master: Hedala Fardi
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smallblueandloud · 2 years
okay, time for some reva headcanons!
she takes some time for herself after the events of kenobi, traveling the galaxy, trying to keep a low profile. she learns and learns and learns on every planet she visits -- how the people there live, how they suffer, and eventually, how they survive. as she starts to learn which planets are safer, people start to trust her with information. one day, she ends up on a transport with a family with two force-sensistive children who are on the run.
she's managed to keep a low profile so far. no one who's ever sheltered her has ever realized that she used to be an inquisitor, and she relishes the freedom that gives her. but when their ship is stopped and she locks eyes with the parent of the two kids, whose dread is so strong it feels like her own, she realizes what she has to do, and uses her knowledge of how the empire works to get the patrol to leave them alone.
after that, she realizes luke wasn't a fluke -- she can't live in a galaxy where children (jedi children) are killed. she refuses to live in a galaxy where children are killed.
she joins the path. she keeps in contact with the parent of those two children and teaches the kids a little bit of meditation while they're still in the same area. she was never really trained as a pilot, and she's frankly done with fighting, but her knowledge of the empire is good and her instincts are better, so she spends a lot of time riding transports or greeting people at spaceports to get them through the most dangerous part of an escape -- the gap between a ship and a safehouse.
(that is, after all, where she caught leia.)
she rediscovers gardening. she used to love the gardens in the jedi temple when she was young, and she finds that caring for plants slowly draws her force senses out of their desperately-hidden crevices. she starts to see the force as the light in other people again, instead of something that can only be used for violence lest vader would figure her out.
whenever she's set to go on a transport, she brings plants with her -- small ones, in pots, that grow either fruits or flowers. she loves, loves the look on kids' faces when they taste a fresh-picked tomato. parents look at her with gratitude, and she doesn't deserve it, but... maybe one day she will.
the path starts to merge with scattered other organizations, growing into something that will one day be called the rebellion. she still doesn't want to fight, but as a force-sensitive and a well-known strategist, she gets invited to meetings anyway. roken knows of her past, of course, but as (oftentimes!) the only other representative of the path in the room, he keeps her secret.
she runs into bail organa a few times -- "oh, a former jedi? that's-- that's nice" -- and oscillates wildly between wanting to break down crying (to beg forgiveness) and wanting to burst out laughing (because this guy so clearly wants to give her obi-wan's contact information, as if she doesn't know he's alive). generally, she tries to release her feelings into the force and opts for a joke instead.
it takes her six years to meet one of the few other force-sensitives the rebellion has, and when she realizes "the fulcrum" is actually ahoska tano, the padewan she (and every other kid her age) worshiped, she finds herself grinning. ahoska actually recognizes her, which makes her feel a little guilty but mostly just so, so happy to see someone, anyone else who understands where she's come from.
it takes them several months to discuss anakin. she knows from the way bail greets ahsoka that she at least knows of luke's existence, but they still dance around the subject of obi-wan and why he isn't with the rebellion -- reva hasn't told a soul anything that happened on tatooine in six years and she won't start now. but she at least could tell ahsoka about what she did with the inquisitors, why she did it, how she failed. ahoska doesn't even hesitate, just tells her, "i can't blame you for trying. as far as i'm concerned, as far as the force is concerned, what you've done -- you are good. you have been doing good."
when she sees the look on reva's face, she softens. "i forgive you," she says, and hugs her.
(eventually, she'll run into luke skywalker, fresh off the destruction of the death star. he looks at her without recognition, cheerfully introduces himself, and she says, "i think i met your uncle and aunt on tatooine once, when i met obi-wan there. owen and-- beru?" his face falls as he says, "they were killed by the empire." she reaches out to touch his cheek. "i'm so sorry to hear that," she says, sincere enough that even she's surprised, and then she says, "i didn't know them for long, but i knew they loved you." his small smile feels like healing, feels like forgiveness, feels like a flower blooming in the cold deep blackness of space)
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a-kyber-star · 2 years
you did what he couldnt you are stronger than him AND NOW fulcrum reva shes going to be fine and not die yep
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violetjedisylveon · 2 years
I'm caught up with Kenobi!
So, I don't think Reva is gonna die, from the way it was shownb she survived being stabbed during Order 66 because of her anger and hate towards Anakin and using the dark side, why can't she do that again? Which is good because I really like Reva.
I'm thinking she's gonna get in contact with Bail, or somehow get off the planet and meet Bail on Tatooine while investigating Luke, and either way she ends up with the begining of the rebelion and Bail decides to put her with the other Force sensitive he had on hand, mostly to watch her cause she kidnapped Leia so he obviously doesn't trust her yet.
Who is that Force sensitive you might ask?
Ahsoka Tano.
Ahsoka I-can-kill-an-Inquisitor-with-nothing-but-my-bare-hands-and-the-power-of-the-Force Tano.
Yeah, that's a good way to keep an eye on Reva.
Oh, and Kaeden is there with the kids she and Ahsoka had/adopted.
Reva becomes friends with Ahsoka and Kaeden and the kids and now she is Auntie Reva, protector of the Tano-Larte children.
Yes, this was just some Kaesoka stuff shoved where it seemingly has no place(Kaesoka will always have a place everywhere in everything), but I do want Reva to become friends with Ahsoka.
Someone give me an AU where Ahsoka and Reva are friends and they do the Fulcrum spy thing together and they both show up in rebels and kick more Inquisitor ass.
That or Reva becomes bros with Cal and Merin and the boglin stowaway is now her therapy animal.
Thank you for listening to my rambles and nonsense!
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thewyrdwritere · 4 years
Rip-roaring Fantasy Epic
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Tower Lord by Anthony Ryan My rating: 5 of 5 stars Anthony Ryan serves up another rip-roaring fantasy epic with Tower Lord book two of the Raven’s Song trilogy. The action continues where Blood Song left off with fantasy’s own ubermensch protagonist Vaelin Al Sorna facing execution via a duel with the world’s greatest swordsman the Meldenean Shield. It is too not much of a spoiler to say that Vaelin wins, impressively easy, but Vaelin’s morality spares the Shield’s life and Vaelin is rather begrudgingly released to return to the Realm a free man. Scarred by events of the past Vaelin rejects his previous calling as a Brother of the Sixth order and his warriors life and seeks a more peaceful path, however new responsibilities and new enemies endeavour to test Vaelin’s new moral focus and when the Blood Song calls Vaelin finds it is not so easy to put the sword down… Blood Song the first book in the Raven’s Song trilogy was brilliantly executed with its single POV engaging the reader in a twisty, thrilling and action packed narrative that expertly timed its moments of revelations and tragedy. Tower Lord is a slightly different beast, the POV is expanded to four characters which infuses the world with some much needed character depth and allows character arcs to be explored as individuals. It does feel slightly that Tower Lord is slowly moving pieces into place for the third book and the narrative does rest a little too much on its Deus Ex Machina moments but when characters and narratives begin to intersect before twisting away along unexpected paths the action truly begins to heat up! The expanded characterisation may miff a bit if a reader is truly dedicated to Vaelin’s uber-machismo, Vaelin’s journey is one of more quiet contemplation than sword swinging lethality but as Vaelin leans into his exploration of the Blood Song it opens up the world's lore, its magic and its mysteries giving a better sense of what it is Vaelin values and what is real enemy is. It is no bad thing to infuse Vaelin with some more doubts and questions that show his humanity rather than focus on him as a Sixth Order killing machine. Talking about killing machines, the bulk of the bloodletting is given over to the new character Reva and established character Brother Frentis who both ably handle the sword swinging side of things. Both Reva and Frentis are given interesting character journeys challenged by both physical enemies and mental tortures along affecting redemptive arcs. Queen Lyrna is the forth new character perspective and suffers most from being a plot device as her story progresses it becomes obvious the character is a fulcrum around which the plot revolves, however her journey has some great fantasy moments and is no doubt an important set up for the third book. Tower Lord boasts a more manifested assortment of villainy, encapsulated in the manipulative and very violent ‘Woman’ and the horrific slavers of the Volarian Empire. All of Vaelin’s enemies have their own motivations, mysteries and revelations that raise them above some of Tower Lord’s cardboard villainy. Have no doubt, Vaelin’s enemies are thoroughly evil in true grimdark fashion, yet as their strings are pulled by the still tantalisingly obscured entity ‘The One Who Waits’ it makes for a fascinating dichotomy of evils. Tower Lord is an impressive second book expanding the characterisation and villainy admirably and forging narratives that twist and turn unexpectedly engaging the reader in a race to the finish. Though Tower Lord lacks the remarkable and thrilling execution of its predecessor it is still a stand-out fantasy epic in the traditional mode. View all my reviews
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antianakin · 6 months
I saw that in the tags of my post about Bariss and Ahsoka you said you think Ahsoka should've been the bomber. So, out of curiosity how would you have had the Wrong Jedi arc play out with this premise in mind?
I've actually already written it and the tag for it is darksider Ahsoka AU.
Basically, Ahsoka is pushed so far in her guidance under Anakin that she just gets fed up with the Order (same general motivations as they gave Barriss in canon, it just makes more sense when it's Ahsoka) and she tries to frame ANAKIN for it so that the Order turns on him and he has to leave. Except that Anakin is better at proving his own innocence than Ahsoka is and it doesn't go well. Anakin figures out it's her but instead of getting caught and sent to prison, he just refuses to leave with her and then basically lets her run and she spends the next 15 years or so just kinda being a loner out in the galaxy, having to hide her connections to the Jedi. I imagine she winds up having to take jobs like bounty hunting sometimes because she just needs the money and work and she's got the requisite skills.
Eventually, she meets up with the Ghost crew during the Rebels timeline and it's the first time she's interacting with a Jedi since the Temple bombing and it hits her HARD (she's been a selfish person kind-of languishing in darkness for a while, but the part of her that used to be a Jedi ACHED when Order 66 happened and has mourned that loss the entire time but she's refused to acknowledge it as such and so it's basically a steadily bleeding wound that never heals). She can't help but keep coming back to them when opportunity allows, even though she's always kind-of an asshole and pretends like she doesn't like them. Ultimately they all end up on Malachor together and Ahsoka has to see Anakin as Vader, but she's SUCH a different person that she doesn't try to stay with him. She's ANGRY when she sees this truth, caught between fury that he only left the Order AFTER she did, that she wasn't ENOUGH for him to leave the Order for, and horror at what he did to the Jedi and what he's still doing to the galaxy. She ultimately just leaves with Kanan and Ezra rather than staying on Malachor and then comes back with them to Chopper Base where she joins the Rebellion on a probationary basis.
This is also the AU where I just roleswapped Barriss and Ahsoka, so Barriss ends up becoming the Rebel spy who comes into the Rebels storyline around season 2. I believe I called her Pyrite instead of Fulcrum, though. She also is WITH Luminara when Order 66 happens and so Luminara is never captured by the Empire and used to lure other Jedi to their doom. I'm fairly certain I ended up having Luminara and Barriss discover and rescue Reva and Trilla from the Inquisitors and took them on as apprentices of sorts, so Reva and Trilla are ALSO Jedi by the time Rebels is happening.
This means that Barriss is around when Ahsoka joins the Rebellion and it ended up a Barrissoka AU eventually.
It's an AU I came back to a lot to kind-of explore how a bunch of different characters are impacted by this change and what their thoughts are on Ahsoka (and Anakin) within this new universe. I haven't come back to it in a while, and things sort-of evolved as I kept thinking on it, so it may not be super coherent, but the bare bones concept is still one I like a lot.
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antianakin · 1 year
Okay, feelings about Rex in the Darksider Ahsoka AU now, because wow is Rex having a lot of feelings about this.
If Rex meets up with Fulcrum Barriss and Reva at any point, he's going to find out about Anakin. If Obi-Wan opts to start doing more rebel work himself since Yoda's on Tatooine, Rex could end up running missions with Obi-Wan and figuring out what happened from Obi-Wan. Either way, he's not sitting on Seelos waxing poetic about Anakin to Ezra and Kanan the way he is in canon.
Because this Rex is someone who's been betrayed by BOTH of his assigned Jedi. This Rex has had both Jedi that he gave all of his loyalty to decide that he and his people weren't worth protecting. Both of Rex's Jedi that he put all of his trust in ultimately ended up using and discarding the clones for their own agenda. While he's going to have relationships with Barriss and Obi-Wan that are more positive, so he's not really anti-Jedi by any means, he's also going to be INCREDIBLY slow to trust himself in the care of another Jedi any time soon, he's not going to feel super comfortable "assigning" himself to a team where his life is in their hands if he doesn't have to.
And he probably still does retire himself off somewhere at some point, not wanting to fight and choosing to try to give Wolffe and Gregor the best life he can, until Barriss sends the Ghost team to try to bring him back in.
And oh man. Rex and Kanan's relationship in canon already gives me all the feels, it's such an astoundingly nuanced, subtle, and beautiful relationship as it grows over the seasons. Kanan has to EARN Rex's trust and loyalty, especially because Kanan doesn't trust Rex due to his own trauma with Order 66 and Rex knows it. A Rex who maybe doesn't entirely trust Kanan back makes things even more raw and difficult as they both have to learn to set aside their fears in order to work together.
But Rex probably isn't going to be entirely at ease with EZRA either the way he seems to be in canon. Ezra's young, sweet, eager to learn, and Rex is eager to teach and protect Ezra. But this Rex is going to remember another young, sweet, eager to learn Jedi Padawan who was caught up in a war and what that ultimately turned her into. He might keep more of a distance from Ezra for a while, not wanting to get too invested in a relationship that he isn't sure won't just end in more betrayal down the line. Kanan at least is an adult now, so he's been through war and being on the run for 15 years and come out the other side, which makes his personality and difficulties easier for Rex to acknowledge and handle. But Ezra could change, he's younger and more impressionable and still growing into who he is as a person, and that worries Rex a little.
And of course it won't help that round about the same time Rex joins up, Ahsoka starts making appearances and occasionally spending time with Kanan and Ezra. Rex is going to advocate for not trusting Ahsoka at all because she's proven herself untrustworthy before, she's proven herself cunning and tricky and entirely capable of lying to everyone around her even as she planned to betray them (she learned from the best, after all). Even as Ezra and Kanan and even Barriss try to vouch for how she doesn't really seem interested in violence even though she does seem sort-of selfish, Rex isn't going to make the same mistake twice.
So when Ahsoka shows up on Echo Base after Malachor, Rex isn't happy to see her. Especially since she shows up with all THREE of the Jedi who went on the mission injured and traumatized while she's mostly unscathed (she's definitely traumatized, she's just better at hiding it than Ezra currently is). Rex avoids her for a while when she chooses to stick around, doesn't trust the claims that she's turning a new leaf and on their side now. He's constantly wary of whatever plan to betray them she's setting up this time, even though logically he knows that that would be a really stupid plan given that everyone is going to expect it of her and be ready for it this time.
Ahsoka gives him his space, although she does try to approach him once to apologize for what she did, for the clones who died in the Temple bombing. Rex isn't ready to forgive her for it or discuss it, though, and tells her as much, which Ahsoka respects.
And then they end up on the mission where they get captured by the leftover Separatist droids and Rex isn't handling it very well. Ahsoka is the only one who is able to really reach him, the only one who fought with him back then and knows the tactics and plans he's going to come up with practically before he comes up with them himself, and her ability to keep up with him helps steady him a little until they make it through and to the tactical droid, where it's Ahsoka who has to help him calm down, who reminds them that they ALL have a shared enemy in the Empire and fighting each other does nothing but help the Empire that discarded them.
Rex approaches Ahsoka after that and tells her that while he isn't quite ready to forgive her still, he thinks he's ready to start trying to. She starts to promise that she'll never let him down again and he tells her not to make him any promises she can't keep, promises are just words after all and can easily turn to lies. All she can do is keep being better than she was.
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