#full body massage utah
milestonemassage · 10 months
Revitalize Your Body with Full Body Massage Therapy at Milestone Massage Therapy
Immerse yourself in relaxation and rejuvenation with our expert full-body massage therapy at Milestone Massage Therapy. Indulge in a blissful experience, relieving tension and promoting overall well-being. Visit:
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cksmart-world · 8 months
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
January 30, 2024
In its zeal to protect women and all of mankind, the Utah Legislature quickly passed a bill that would ban transgender people from public restrooms. But in the hubbub of the last minute scurry to push it through, along with legislation aimed at the communist inspired underpinnings of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI), an unintended consequence was discovered — a bit too late. Within the language of the proposed law that seeks to deny basic civil rights without getting sued, lawmakers used double-negatives and dangling participles resulting in Native Americans being disallowed from public restrooms. “We want to protect our Indian brothers and sisters,” said Republican Rep. Randy Brandy. “We don't want minorities to get special stuff under DEI, except for Indians, on account of they are descendants of the Lamanites.” Instead, lawmakers ended up protecting Indians from those freaky transgender people in restrooms. After a closed caucus powwow, state GOP leaders announced a plan to reverse the so-called “No Freaks or Indians” bill, to be called the “No Subhumans in the Toilets” act. Caught with their pants down, Republicans issued a statement saying they were elected to do Lord's work and that's exactly what they'll continue to do. God bless 'em.
Thank goodness it's finally here: Glamorous Camping, often called “Glamping,” is about to arrive in Utah's red rock country. Dig it — roughing it in luxury as only Americans can do. As reported in the Moab Times-Independent, a Colorado developer will construct 16 units that look like tents but really are top-end facilities with everything from saunas to bidets. Have you ever used a bidet in the desert. It's just part of the evolution of Utah's magical sandstone deserts that — as Ed Abbey warned — has always been ripe for packaging as a commodity for profit and taxes. Imagine, no more having to stay in a Moab motel for $300 a night. You'll be glamping right out in nature with gourmet food and wine pairings that'll spice up the wonders of raw nature better than ever. Well no, Wilson, they probably never dropped acid in Canyonlands, so that's really not a fair comparison. But we digress. Imagine getting a full-body massage after roughing it all day with your guide in an air-conditioned Mercedes SUV and catered finger food. You only live once. You'll sit out under the beautiful clear sky and experience the Milky Way and the quiet of the desert like never before. Of course, there'll be wifi so you don't miss any important emails or the next episode of “Ted Lasso.”
“Woke,” is the last thing any self-respecting conservative wants to be called. It's the kiss of death — better to be called an axe-murderer. But Time magazine did it to Utah Gov. Spencer “Sonny Boy” Cox when it declared he is “The Red-State Governor Who's Not Afraid to Be 'Woke.'” Cox gained national attention for suggesting that Americans should “disagree better.” And he vetoed legislation that would ban transgender girls from school soccer. (Lawmakers overrode the veto.) Then something happened. The mild-mannered governor came out against Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) programs — as did every other Red-State legislature — that he had previously championed. More recently, Sonny Boy said he favored razor wire in the Rio Grande River despite a Supreme Court Ruling. It's responsible for deaths of women and children crossing into the United States. Cox signed on with 24 other Red-State governors supporting the Texas initiative to usurp control of the southern border from the federal government in what clearly is an illegal act. So, did the big money-boys get to Cox or did his GOP colleagues make him run the red-fanny gauntlet? It's nice to be nice but sometimes they just won't let you. And on more thing — HE'S NOT WOKE, DAMNIT!
Post script — That's a wrap for another fun-filled week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce so you don't have to. Well Wilson, it's Taylor Swift's world and we're just lucky to be living in it. Not since Patriot's quarterback Tom Brady and supermodel Gisele Bundchen have we been so enthralled by Beauty and the Beast. Did you know that Kelce, the Kansas City Chief's tight end, appeared in 375 commercials during NFL games this season. No lie. It's the kind of information we just can't get enough of. Fun Fact: As of their 2023 divorce, Bundchen was worth an estimated $400 million to Brady's $300 million. No Wilson, we don't know what that means — but it must mean something. On another front, Donald Trump is just fit to be tied with Nikki Haley. After she came in second at the New Hampshire primary, Haley bounded on stage with a big winning grin to gush about what a great finish she had and to thank all her supporters for making it possible. A red-faced Donald Trump blew a gasket. How could she pretend that she won when she didn't, he seethed. Don't you just hate it when someone loses and they say they won. What's the world coming to.
Well shucks, Wilson, you think those folks who go glamping will really get the true sense of the red rock desert. Well, it'll be better than “windshield tourism” where people don't leave their cars, except for the restroom. How 'bout you and the guys in the band help them glampers get some of the real flavor of our spiritual red rock kingdom:
Well I'm ridin' along Singin' the same ol' cowboy song That's been sung a hundred times before Ain't got nothin' but my name And I'm the only man I know to blame But I'm livin', I'm happy and I'm free Just listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky I like simple things in life Like a prairie breeze A good stout horse between my knees Just bein' alone, just bein' me And when I die let me die With a dream in my mind A smile on my face and no trouble behind And no cross on my grave To show my restin' place So I can listen to the wind blow Let it blow, let it blow Sand over my trail I got my saddle on the ground And that ol' moon, he can still be found Hidin' in the desert sky Won't you bury me with my chaps on And my six-gun strapped to my side So I can watch the moon a-hidin' In the desert sky Hidin' in the desert sky
(Desert Skies — The Marshall Tucker Band)
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drbobseiler · 1 year
Holistic Chiropractic Care for Car Accident Injuries: A Whole-Body Approach to Healing
Car accidents can be a traumatic and painful experience for anyone involved. From minor fender benders to more severe collisions, car accidents can leave lasting physical and emotional scars. While many individuals seek medical attention immediately following a car accident, they often overlook the benefits of holistic chiropractic care.
A holistic chiropractor is a healthcare professional who takes a whole-body approach to treatment. Rather than just treating the symptoms of an injury or condition, a holistic chiropractor focuses on identifying and treating the underlying cause of the issue. This approach not only helps alleviate pain but also helps prevent future injuries from occurring.
Car accident injuries are commonly associated with neck and back pain, which can be debilitating and affect daily activities. Holistic chiropractic care can effectively treat these injuries by using a variety of techniques, such as spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and physical therapy. These techniques help to realign the spine, reduce inflammation, and increase range of motion.
In addition to physical therapy, holistic chiropractors often incorporate nutritional counseling into their treatment plans. Proper nutrition is essential for the body to function at its best, and it can help speed up the healing process. A chiropractor can identify any nutritional deficiencies and make recommendations for a healthier diet to promote overall wellness.
Another benefit of holistic chiropractic care is that it can help with the emotional impact of a car accident. Many individuals who have been in a car accident experience anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Holistic chiropractors can offer counseling and stress-management techniques to help individuals cope with the emotional toll of their experience.
It's important to note that seeking holistic chiropractic care immediately following a car accident is crucial to achieving the best possible outcome. Even if you do not experience any immediate pain or discomfort, it's essential to get a thorough evaluation to ensure there are no underlying injuries that could worsen over time.
Car accidents can have long-lasting physical and emotional effects on individuals. Seeking holistic chiropractic care can be an effective and safe way to alleviate pain, improve overall wellness, and prevent future injuries. If you've been in a car accident, consider seeking the help of a holistic chiropractor to promote a full and speedy recovery.Car Accident Injury Chiropractor in Salt Lake City, Utah - Visit Dr. Bob Seiler for holistic chiropractic care following a car accident injury. Alleviate pain and promote overall wellness with a whole-body approach to treatment, including spinal adjustments, massage therapy, physical therapy, and nutritional counseling.
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adpiratecore · 2 years
Got sent a ton of numbers from the ask game post by the ever lovely @rovah17 via pm!
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So here we go!
4. What are you looking forward to?
My camping trip! My birthday is next week, so me and the Boys are driving all the way to Utah (22 hrs) to camp and hopefully dig for crystals!
5. Is there anyone that can always make you smile?
My lovely fiance and partner :)
6. Is it hard for you to get over someone?
Absolutely. Still not over the girl i dated freshman year of highschool, genuinely thought she was an ethereal being and had full plans to marry her.
10. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Sure! If you dont know me. Once uget to know me my shit is obvious lol
11. Are you listening to music rn?
Nah im listening to asmr lol
12. What is something you want right now?
I want a giant minecraft creeper plush. Like. Body pillow size. (Oh my god what if there was one of those overly sexual body pillow covers but with a creeper--- i would buy that ngl. As long as it wasnt super sexual lol)
13. How do you feel right now?
Honestly? Kinda depressed. Ive been in a weird funkrecently.
15. Personality description
I dont ever post about it, but I've actually got DID (dissociative identity disorder) so that one's hard to pinpoint? But i guess the "singletsona" or the mask we put on for basically everyone we're not close with is "chaotic nerdy punk"
16. Have you ever wanted to tell someone but you didnt?
Well, my partner (as mentioned above) is a fairly new relationship. Not even a month yet new. And we went to this convention together! Anime midwest! And we were sitting out by the fountain in the area where cars pull in for drop offs and deliveries. And all i could think about was "this would be a perfect area for a first kiss" but i chickened out and thoughtit was too soon and what if they get weirded out and--- they still dont know.
17. Opinion on insecurities.
So honestly? I think its good to have some insecurities. Like i think if everyone walked around thinking they were perfect all the time, there would be no growth as human beings, emotionally i mean. I have plenty of insecurities myself, BUT this reminds me of how many people ask me for fashion advice! I dress very alternatively and really adore my fashion style and ive yet to get a negative reaction from someone. Besides the point though, i once answered that question with "Wear what makes you want. If it makes you happy it looks good, and if someone's staring it means your hot." That just kinda randomly spewed out of my mouth and the person was like "wow thats kind of inspiring"
20. What is your favorite song at the moment?
Oh gosh good question!! Kind of depends on the vibe really, but the one i get most excited for and always sing along to is Flight Of The Crows by Jhariah
21. Age and birthday?
21!! 22 on july 26th :D
23. Fear(s)
That everyone secretly hates/dislikes me and is only keeping up relationships bc they want something out of me :)
25. Role model
Honestly i dont think i have a role model atm! I try not to compare myself with people, so my brain has turned that into dont try to be like anyone. If i reeeeeally had to choose though, my elementary school (?) Art teacher. He not only helped me with the first art project i was ever proud of, he also would be playing guitar as we walked into class and when he stopped and we thought he was done and started clapping, hed start playing again. He even played behind his head if i recall correctly!
27. Things i hate
I hate cringe culture. I also hate fast fashion. I also hate anything that makes fun of children for their interests.
28. I'll love you if...
My love language is touch, and i have chronic pain, THEREFORE, if you give me a massage im legally required to marry you. Before we started dating, i was making waffles for my partner and complained about my shoulders. They randomly came up and gave me a massage! They're stuck with me forever now (sorry babe i dont make the rules)
31. 3 random facts
AAAA I TELL THIS ONE TO EVERYONE! Any bees you see outside the hive (aka worker bees) are female! All the males are drones and only serve as reproduction matter. Had a (female) boss tell me "thats not true, they're called "worker" bees" n i looked at her, at her job, and was like "what are you doing right now"
Link, from legend of zelda, is canonically androgynous! He was designed to be able to connect with on a personal level, and therefore whatever gender the player wanted him to be
My initials are MEM and i have a friend who wanted me to marry someone whos last name started with E so we could hyphenate the last names and make my initials MEME
32. Are your friends mainly girls or guys?
Mainly girls and nonbinary folk!
33. Something you want to learn
34. Most embarrassing moment
Idk if this is the MOST embarrassing bc memory bad but i was on my first date with my last ex, we were bowling and it was a double date with two of their friends. They get up to bowl and as theyre trying to head to the ball dispenser, i move to touch their butt as a joke (they didnt mind we were both v touchy) and they moved away right as i did so i missed and fell off the bench. They didnt even notice lol!
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill?
I want a farm. Not any sort of big thing, just enough acres for a few animals, a nice garden, and some bees. And maybe a blacksmith workshop.
On that farm, i want a divination shop! Just a little building with a front room for supplies and such, but the main attraction are the two back rooms. Decked out with tapestries and blankets and pretty fabric decorating the walls and ceilings, super comy couches or chairs around a beautiful table where we host readings of all sorts. Tarot, rune, bone throws, ect.
As soon as the farm starts up this one will likely be done, but to fill the time between now and then (bc farm is end goal) id love to be a theatre costume designer! Head honcho would be best, but honestly I'll take any position sewing :)
40. Favorite memory
Again, memory bad, but a good one is taking pictures of the highschool ex i thought i was gonna marry. I was in a photography class, and at the time planned on being a photographer professionally, so we ran around her neighborhood (she lived in a really nice area) and took pictures! Theres one of here where the sun speckles in and makes a bunch of "orbs" and it looks like shes surrounded by faeries.
51. Starsign
Leo sun, gemini moon, libra rising
52. Something you're talented at
I dont really think im talented at anything, but if i didnt say singing i think my friends would have me on a stake lol
53. 5 things that make me happy
Bees, stuffed animals, finishing costumes, my partners, and puppets!
55. Tumblr friends
Honestly i rlly dont have people i talk to consistently here, but id definitely say @rovah17 is one of em!! Thanks for being sweet bro :)
59. Why i joined tumblr
I was 14 and my friend i roleplayed with every single day told me i had to check this site out. Idr her reasoning, probably smth about fandoms, but ive been stuck ever since. I wish i could remember my first url lol!
That was long and i talked far too much but that was really fun to write!!!
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nicoolios · 3 years
Tagged by: @lifbitch
relationship status: for the first time in my life I can answer this without making a stupid single forever type joke. I’m actually dating someone!
favorite color: midnight blue
three favorite foods: maple walnut fudge, this chicken/pepper/tomato dressing pasta thing my mom makes, sweet chili flavor Popcorners (popcorn chips, kinda like a healthier potato chip that literally nobody but Weis carries anymore and it pisses me off)
a song stuck in my head: ADHD demands at least five songs playing at once, distinct enough to know it’s a song but a hodge podge so I can’t even listen to it to get it out of my head
last thing I googled: a restaurant menu for tomorrow night
dream trip: freshman year of college my dad took me to Park City and Alta ski resorts in Utah over spring break, and I’d love to take my sister there just the two of us and have a good time. We’re both skiers and that’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been
anything I really want right now: to get my life sorted out so I can stop having constant existential crises over working part time making $9 an hour and having almost a hundred grand in student loan debt with payments starting in November. In happier terms, a full body massage?
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j-elaine-hyde · 4 years
Desert Heat - J. Elaine Hyde
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Day One: Into the Wild
Diamond Fork Canyon - Fifth Water Hot Springs
The views were everything, but you knew that was almost all of Utah. It was breathtaking. You had paid for your camping spot and parked the excursion. With a 2.5 mile hike you’d be able to soak in a beautiful hot spring. It was still early enough in the season to ensure fewer people, but upon arrival, you found you were the only person there.
You excitedly packed a bag for your day hike. You only needed the essentials, plus a random assortment of emergency supplies, and water. You started off on the trail and almost immediately started taking pictures. You took in the amazing sounds of nature and felt... zen. You jammed your phone into your pack and continued on.
Before you could even see the hot springs themselves the fog rolled onto the trail signaling their direction. It was still an early March morning and more than a little chilly. You knew getting buck naked to climb into the hot springs was going to be freezing, but realized it would only make the hot spring water that much more amazing once you climbed in.
The steam/fog combination slowly crawling across the trail was purely magical. You had to attempt to get a photo. After a few shots that would have made Ansel Adams proud, you continued off the trail towards the springs.
It was freeing, you thought, to get naked in the middle of nowhere by yourself. It was also freezing. You tucked your hair into a ponytail and fought to pull it through the hole in the top of your beanie. Other than your beanie, you were as naked as the day you were born. You knew you were the only person here, but it was exhilarating.
The steam surrounded you, giving the hot spring an ethereal feeling. You sunk into the steamy water and felt around below the surface with your hand for a comfortable place to sit. You positioned yourself along the wall, in a spot that allowed you to be submerged to the tops of your shoulders. You exhaled deeply as your body relaxed. It was serene.
You had lost track of the time, but you didn’t care. This was the most relaxed you’d probably ever been in your entire life.
“Is it as amazing as you’re making it look?” The deep voice out of nowhere completely startled you as it shattered the calm.
Your hands sprung to your chest, attempting to cover yourself as you sat forward staring up at the large figure blocking out the sun.
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you. I guess I should have announced my presence a little better.”
“It’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting anyone else to be here.”
“Ranger says we’re the only two people in the park.”
Normally if a large man was telling you this while you were alone in the middle of nowhere, you would have been completely terrified, but something about this guy just made you feel safe.
“Do you mind if I join you?” He was polite... courteous. Something about him made you happy you weren’t alone anymore.
“Sure. Of course. The water is amazing.” You settled back into your spot.
“Uhhhh... weird question... you can totally say no.... but.... uhhh... do you care if I just wear my birthday suit?” He kind of laughed as he said it, realizing how awkward it was that he was asking a total stranger in the middle of nowhere if he could get naked with them.
“Go for it. I am. I won’t even peek.” You smiled as you leaned your head back closing your eyes.
You lied of course, but pretended not to watch as you saw this giant man getting undressed. He came closer to the edge of the spring, covering himself with both of his massive hands.
“Ohhhh wow.... this feels amazing.” He remarked as he sank into the water.
“It really is....” you stretched your back a little, allowing the tops of your breasts to break the surface, feeling slightly aroused at the thought of being naked in the middle of nowhere with a man you were guessing was attractive. At least from what you had been able to see of his body, he was.
Pretending not to care, you stretched your neck and exhaled deeply.
“I’m Pablo. By the way. Figured you should know my name since you’re the first female in ages that I’ve been naked with....”
“I’m y/n. Nice to meet you Pablo.” You were unfazed and kept your eyes closed. After repeating the name Pablo multiple times, you asked, “Like Neruda or Picasso.”
You guessed that his parents were into creative types.
“Neruda. No one ever gets that...” he seemed genuinely surprised.
You raised your eyebrows in response with a smirk.
“Ok... given our current situation... this is going to sound creepy. But I don’t mean for it to.”
Unmoved, you replied. “Ok. Shoot.”
“Are you really out here all by yourself? You’re gorgeous... and naked... that doesn’t seem safe to me.”
He thought you were gorgeous? Now you had to get a better look at him.
You lifted your head and opened your eyes, seeing his face for the first time.
“Oh shit.”
“What?!” He looked around behind him in a startled panic.
“You’re Pablo Schreiber.”
He laughed slightly, “Guilty.”
“Sorry. I didn’t...”
“It’s ok. I’m just flattered you even know who I am.”
You tried to play it cool. You didn’t want to come off as a fan girl, but you, and every inch of your body, was very aware of who he was, how insanely attractive he was and how naked.
You leaned your head back against the wall closing your eyes, you thought this move to be the epitome of playing it cool and unaffected.
“Den of Thieves and 13 Hours are two of my favorite movies.”
“That really says a lot about you....Makes a little more sense why a drop dead gorgeous woman would be out here naked and alone... should I be afraid?” He laughed.
You were amused, “What do you mean?”
“Well those are badass action movies.... we’re out here in the middle of nowhere and it’s not an easy 2.5 mile hike to get here. I’m guessing you’re kind of a badass.”
“I don’t know if I’d say that. But I’m definitely not your average woman.”
He paused... “Well I already knew that... look at you.”
You lifted your head and locked eyes with him, a small mischievous smirk spread on both of your faces.
You took the opportunity to calculate the risk on what you were about to do. Compiling a quick mental checklist.
You were both naked and in the middle of nowhere.
He thinks you’re attractive, and you’re obviously attracted to him.
He mentioned it’s been a long time since he’s been naked with a woman.
Fuck it.
You stood up, the water cascaded down your body, the water level now at your naval. You took a step forward. You kept your eyes locked on him as his eyes wandered around your exposed body. As he brought his gaze back to yours, you bit your lip.
That was all the signal he needed. He launched up, and in one swift movement was towering over you, he wrapped his warm massive hands around your face, passionately kissing you.
Never stopping the kiss he pulled you down into the water, in an effort to keep the both of you warm. He released your face, sliding his hands down your body, wrapping your legs around his waist.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he clutched onto your waist. Making out with him was incredible. You’d be lying if you said you had never fantasized about it before... but this blew any fantasy you had out of the proverbial water.
You lost yourself in his kiss. His strong lips were mesmerizing, he used the perfect amount of tongue. His hand had gravitated to your ass, his massive hand palmed it, grasping it with a firm grip.
Your curiosity finally got the better of you, you loosened your legs around him, ran your hand down his chest, and found his erection below the water. He moaned into your mouth as you stroked it. His hand took advantage of the small gap between your wet bodies, immediately massaging your breast.
You threw your head back with a gasp. Taking full advantage he kissed your neck sucking and nibbling drawing out more moans from deep inside of you.
You leaned forward locking eyes with him as you positioned his erection at your opening. With the slightest shift of your hips, he entered you. Both of your eyes rolling back in your heads.
He groaned, “Ohhhh fuck you feel amazing....”
You wrapped your arms around his neck for leverage as you started working your way further down his shaft. His hands gripped your ass, lifting and pulling you faster and faster, never losing eye contact for more than a moment.
You leaned in, and kissed him, and as you did your first climax hit. He hugged your body tight against his, groaning as your body tightened around him with orgasm.
He continued, lifting and lowering you onto his thick manhood. You looped your feet inside his thighs, increasing your speed and force, as you climbed towards your second orgasm. He held onto your waist as you bounced on his dick, leaning forward so he could rub his face between your breasts.
As soon as his lips took your nipple into his mouth your second orgasm rushed through your body. You slowed your pace as he picked you up, placing you on the rock ledge of the pool. It was freezing but you didn’t care. It only added to the intensity.
He began thrusting into you, as you put your hands on the rocks behind you, propping yourself up.
“God you’re beautiful...” he said as he shook his head in disbelief.
You threw your head back, unable to suppress your screams of sheer pleasure. You had never been fucked this well by anyone, and out of all the men on the planet, Pablo Schreiber was the one plowing into you.
You felt another climax building as Pablo increased his speed, you knew he was close. Laying down against the rocks, you clutched your breasts in your hands, and that was exactly what sent him over the edge. Knowing he was getting off, buried deep inside of you, forced your orgasm, and the two of you came together.
Still inside of you he pulled you against his chest, plunging both of you back into the hot water. Your ams and legs were wrapped around him.
He kissed your shoulder, “That was the most amazing thing to ever happen to me. I’ve never.... I don’t... holy god that was incredible. You’re incredible.”
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iraqtemper0 · 4 years
Knee Brace After Surgery
Judah expanded his knowledge with concepts of structure and energy from Dr. Fritz Smith's "Core Zero Balancing," as well as Reiki, the Reconnection and Trigger Point therapy. Judah has also shared his knowledge, passion and experience with many students over the years. Judah taught as a deep tissue instructor at the Utah College of Massage Therapy (1992-1995), as an advanced massage technique instructor at the Virginia School of Technology (2003-2004) and as an anatomy and palpation instructor at the Cayce Reilly School of Massotherapy (2004-2007). Continually searching for ways to assist his clients, he brings a balanced approach to the table when practicing. Judah is an avid horseman and guitarist. A strain is an injury to a muscle. A strain can vary in severity from a mild stretch to a full rupture. In an abdominal muscle strain, any one of the four muscles can be injured causing extreme discomfort with any trunk movements as well as with coughing, laughing, deep breathing, or sneezing. An abdominal strain is fairly common in athletes and active populations because this group of muscles is constantly engaged to keep the athlete's core tight so that the athlete can perform and execute skills using his/her extremities and/or total body. Strong and healthy abdominal muscles only enhance an athlete's performance. However, injure these muscles, and the athlete will have significant difficulty trying to perform. Athletes more susceptible to an abdominal strain are those in sports that require strong rotational movements or flexion/hyperextension movements. They are usually acute (traumatic) injuries seen in athletes in the sports of baseball, softball, basketball, gymnastics, and track and field. 'The most common causes of abdominal strains are sudden twisting (i.e., swinging a bat) or sudden hyperextension of the spine (i.e., as seen during dynamic gymnastics movements)' (Anderson, M.K., Hall, S.J., & Martin, M., 2005). If ProJoint Plus formula of the movement is stronger than the fibers of the muscles can withstand, the muscle will begin to stretch. If the force continues, the fibers may begin to tear. Continued force could cause a complete rupture within the muscle or between the muscle and its fascial attachment. What can I do to prevent an abdominal strain? Athletes can prevent abdominal strains by maintaining the flexibility of their trunk and increasing the strength of their core muscles. The good thing is that many sports programs already include core strength training exercises as part of their conditioning program.
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williamnoah20 · 4 years
Fetal Photo Utah
In 1994, the board-certified obstetrician Leon Hansen, M.D., noticed that his patients relied heavily on their pregnancy ultrasound. As a result, he developed an affordable ultrasound service designed to enhance the daily ultrasound experience to better meet the needs and concerns of patients. Fetal photo Utah provides massage, ultrasound, and photography.
We give full-body Swedish massage. A combination of gentleness and soothing strokes will help your body enjoy the changes that occur during pregnancy. Our pricing for massage varies by prenatal & postpartum massage and couple massages. We offer ultrasounds in 2D and 3D/4D. 2D Ultrasound is most widely used for gender determination. 3D/4D imagery is available in every stage of your pregnancy.
Fetal photo Utah aspires to raise awareness by educating with a hand-on learning approach. Join us for one of our monthly classes to learn about topics that are planned to help you during and after pregnancy.
Prenatal massage can help alleviate the pains and anxieties that surround the pregnancy. Ultrasound services can better support their patients without a lack of time or money, and to provide patients with easy access to more options in consultation with their provider.
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livingwithloops · 6 years
Lupus: The Misunderstood Suckiness
If you have to have a terrible disease, Lupus is a particularly shitty one to have. Not only does it make you feel horrible every single day, but to make matters even worse, most people don’t understand what it is or even really believe that it’s a thing. If you have cancer, people pray for you, run 5ks in your name, and make t-shirts with motivational sayings like “save the tatas” on them. When you have Lupus, people tell you that you should really work on a more positive mental attitude and make a five-year plan that includes a job that you’ll probably be able to do in spite of your inconvenient infirmity. 
 Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t know what Lupus was either when my daughter got it. I was like, “huh?” (Dumbfounded deer in the headlights gaze and all). I didn’t think Lupus was that serious, even though my daughter was currently, at that precise moment, at imminent risk of dying from it. Imagine the shitty luck–getting a disease that might really kill you that most people around you (including yourself) don’t even understand. At all.
 So here’s my effort to explain as an effort to illuminate the confusion. Let’s start with cancer. Cancer happens when a bunch of cells that aren’t supposed to be there begin to take over a part of your body that you need. Kind of like when there’s mold in your bread–you need to get it out (or throw the bread away so maybe that’s not a very good analogy but you get the point). There’s something there in your body that shouldn’t be there and the treatment is to get it out asap. Chemo, friends run 5K, everyone shows solidarity, and with any luck and the miracle of modern medicine, one is cured. 
 Contrast that with Lupus. Here’s where it gets tricky. With Lupus, your body begins to hate itself. Your body starts to think, for some inexplicable reason, that IT is the mold in the bread, the cancer cell, or a really bad bacteria. Your body starts to fight with itself, confused into thinking that it’s very own self is an invading and dangerous entity. So the immune system, designed to love and protect our bodies, goes rogue and tries to destroy it. Holy hell!! 
 The attacking and confused immune system has an assortment of organ systems to choose from and hate on…..some common victims are the kidneys, skin, heart, central nervous system, the opportunities are many. Therefore, the symptoms of Lupus vary accordingly. If your stupid Lupus attacks your kidneys, you have kidney problems. If it’s your skin in the crosshairs, you have terrible rashes. If it’s your brain, you have headaches that make you want to poke your eyes out. It’s a real picnic. 
 In spite of those varieties, almost every Lupus sufferer pretty much feels like shit all the time. They may not be actively vomiting, but you can be pretty safe in assuming that they might want to. Likewise, they’d probably rather stay in bed most days and can function only by exerting about as much effort as it would take for you or me to run around the block at top speed. Five times. It’s not easy.
 To add insult to injury, the treatments for Lupus are pretty stupid too. Basically, science hasn’t spent a whole lot of energy on Lupus yet because they haven’t had the funding (although it’s getting better), so the best they can do is just basically try to knock the immune system into submission using a variety of horrible medicines with evil side effects. You can take chemo (which doesn’t make your hair fall out in the Lupus variety and which you can conveniently administer to yourself at home), some assorted immunosuppressant drugs, (one of which is actually an anti-malarial drug that they noticed suppresses lupus, but also that might unfortunately make your retinas detach eventually), and of course the dreaded steroids. Those make you feel much better but generally cause you to gain forty pounds or so, so there’s that uplifting aspect of the whole thing to contend with. The steroids immediately brought my daughter back from the brink of death but I then had to explain to my mother that giving her the steroids SO SHE COULD LIVE WAS, indeed, preferable to her having to gain forty pounds right before her prom.
  It would seem more fruitful to try to figure out WHY a person’s immune system has gone crazy and make it stop being confused than to just stun it senseless–but what do I know? It’s clear that the medical profession has not had the advocacy of more “visible” illnesses like cancer and AIDS, along with the resulting funding that goes along with that visibility. Funding brings research, which brings answers, and along with that, a cure.
 But until then, let’s go back to public perception. I mentioned having to explain the “death/weight gain” conundrum to my mother. I also had to explain to her that Lupus is, indeed, a real disease and not something they just made up in the South (New Englanders tend to be a bit suspicious of anything that happens south of Atlantic City).  My mother was much more convinced that Lupus was a thing after Venus Williams was diagnosed with Sjogren’s Syndrome—because, after all, she played tennis and clearly was legit. Many friends, well intended all, were convinced that Elizabeth didn’t have Lupus, but was just “tired, stressed, overweight (steroids be damned), had a tick bite, needed to stop drinking diet Coke and eating Pringles”—the list goes on and on. My beloved sister sent us a juicer that cost more than my rent so that I could make her some organic soups that a particular doctor swore had cured many Lupus sufferers. Worse, there was a lot of judgment directed my way as her mother. I heard “how can you let her eat chocolate—that makes headaches worse,” “I can’t believe you’re LETTING HER have chemo again” (because I was enjoying it so much), along with darker suggestions that I was actually causing her to be sick by indulging her pain (As an aside, I would like to challenge anyone to watch their child scream and writhe in pain and not “indulge” it by trying to make it stop. Just sayin’).
 So here’s the point. People DO NOT understand Lupus. It’s one of those weird things that has always existed but never been talked about. It’s usually moderately miserable, but if you have a case like my daughter’s, it’s epic and terrifying and life changing. It CAN NOT be fixed with soup, cured by acupuncture, or straightened out by the power of positive thinking. It is a horrible, chronic illness that can be battled into remission, lived with through good self-care and resolute bad-assery, and tolerated while a decent cure is hoped and waited for.
 That’s why I’m writing this. As a ridiculously optimistic cheerleader of a mother, I hereby declare war on the ignorance that surrounds Lupus and other “invisible illnesses.” I am resolutely determined that my daughter is going to live a full, beautiful, amazing life as a testament to the fact that this stupid disease can’t HAVE her. She may have IT, but not the other way around. So part of making that happen is dragging people’s head out of the sand and telling them what this thing really is. It’s a suckfest. It’s a shitty deal. It’s a super ironic dark metaphor for the fact that our minds attack themselves and our bodies can too—especially as women. Ninety percent of Lupus sufferers are women. Coincidence? I think not! We can hate our thighs as we look at them in the mirror or our immune systems can hate our kidneys on the inside. It may just be me, but I see a correlation. So as that cheerleader of a mother, I’ve done just about everything and anything I can think of to help my daughter. We’ve been to just about every major medical center that specializes in Lupus. We’ve tried every mainstream/not mainstream treatment anyone has suggested to us. I quit my job so that I could be around more and fight the good fight right by her side. That meant exercise, rehabbing our pantry, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, massage, psychotherapy, pain specialists, a trip to a facility in Utah that helped provide coping strategies when life’s pain proved just too much. For her. Not for me, although I think a trip out there might be in my future too. If you think it sucks being sick, try watching your daughter live in suffering every single day. It’s pretty much unbearable and has brought me to the point of dark depression and excessive wine consumption on many occasions.
 So don’t get me wrong….I believe in alternative treatments, holistic medicine, good nutrition, and most importantly, the power of prayer. I don’t discount those things for a minute and believe that miracles happen ever day, with OR without conventional medicine. I also think that people who are dealt the crummy hand of a chronic illness are tasked with a great burden—they must become an advocate for their own care. They should be vigilant about their treatment, their diet, their level of self-care. Unfortunately, it’s even more necessary for them than it is for the rest of us. Just one more point in the “this shit ain’t fair” column. But it is what it is. That said, however, Lupus patients (and those with other “invisible illnesses”) seem to be judged WAY more harshly for their occasional ice cream cone than the cancer sufferer would. The Lupus patient eating an ice cream cone would be looked at like a pregnant woman with a cigarette while the cancer victim would be praised for her indomitable spirit. Believe me, I’ve watched it happen. Bottom line—I’m a huge fan of self-care but also a huge proponent of NOT judging sick people for their sickness, for how they handle their sickness, or for when they occasionally come up short in the iron-will department.
 For after all, who among us can look inside our healthy bodies and honestly say that we have taken pristine care of every single cell, every single day, as long as we’ve lived…………..because by thinking that our behavior has created our health, we’re also kinda sorta saying that the sick person’s behavior has created their illness. And don’t go there. That’s REAL bad karma and just not nice.
   If you ask me, though, I can say with certainty that I will never give up fighting for my daughter. I know that about myself, I’m pretty stubborn. Now I’m ready to issue a call-to-action to the people around us. Because WE are not doing enough. Until people realize that they’re NOT.GETTING.IT—that they’re missing an opportunity to support and help and understand, then I haven’t done my job as her mother. Until people learn that they should reach out—invite your friend with Lupus to lunch or, better yet, bring lunch to her so that she can eat it in her jammies, until they understand, show compassion, and believe in what they don’t understand—things aren’t going to get better for people who suffer with these diseases.  Until we throw as much money at finding a cure for Lupus as we have for Cancer or AIDS or heart disease (worthy illnesses, all)—we will have left a lot of suffering people behind, feeling judged, alone, and responsible for their own disease. I can’t say it clearly enough—NO ONE judges the cancer victim or the person who  has a heart attack or AIDS—even though there are arguably behavioral or environmental components to all these diseases.  NO ONE criticizes them, their mothers, their doctors, or invalidates their pain by telling them to “power through it.” In fact, such insensitivity would be universally shamed and shunned by society. So why is it ok to do to the Lupus sufferer?
 Why not ask yourself that?
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dazedandlucid · 6 years
Omg YES rwcbmt-tk traveling together like yes yes yes. talk to us about it ! you can’t leave us hanging like this after bringing it up because yes yes yes THAT IS A CONCEPT OMG ! wow I’m really having a moment because of this !
well whaddaya want to know? i can’t talk too much because it’s kinda(?) spoilery, but traveling would be a thing they totally do! half baked weekend trips up and down the cali coast. up to the pacific north west and out to utah and those other waste barren land states full of mountains and cliffs for jungkook to climb and fling himself off and taehyung to sweat and get all shaky kneed about. but also chill little airbnb’s and camping trips where they laze around and swim in lakes and have half schmoopy half very acrobatic tent sex.
méxico for obvious reasons. there’s this ayurveda center in this town in mexico that’s also close to a lot of places to do outdoorsy shit and just imagine taekook in a luxury yet not luxury hut with no ac and there’s lots of head massages with all sorts of oils and mind bending yoga and herb treatments because jungkook is on this vicious health kick and convinces taehyung to go with him. at first taehyung is so not about any of this but he totally gets into the meditative aspect of it and it becomes this thing where he feels more connected to the universe, to himself, to jungkook, than ever. then of course they’d backpack around other parts of mexico and trail all the old mayan ruins and pyramids, and the markets in mexico city and medellin, and the cenotes in the yucatán peninsula. lots of aimless wandering around cities at night and discovering little hidden beaches and eating so much food taehyung finally agrees new york has no idea what it’s doing about mexican food. and jungkook takes him to guadalajara, where his dad was born and where his grandparents got married for the second time, and taehyung doesn’t think about it much, the place you get married and why that would even matter, but the cathedrals in jalisco are beautiful, like something out of time, and he thinks he kind of gets it now. and a lot of taehyung’s traveling has been alone, meeting up friends and leaving them somewhere along the way, but jungkook gets more sunkissed than ever and he looks happier than ever and he smells more like the ocean if that’s even possible, and at night they lie in bed, and taehyung curls himself around him, sleeps with his nose pressed to the salt kissing jungkook’s neck, and he thinks he’d still be able to travel alone, to love that too, but he doesn’t think he’d exchange this for anything, to lay his exhausted body next to someone else’s at the end of a long day in a strange land, to be thousands of miles away and still find home.
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cookiesfor-nialler · 2 years
Massage Therapy is Good for Your Health
This article may convince you to try massage therapy. It will ease your stress and reduce tension. People are trying to live a busy life in this fast-paced world. massage clearfield utah Our bodies need some relaxation to maintain a sense of balance. Massage therapy can be a great form of treatment to soothe your body and provide many other benefits you will enjoy.
My life is full of stress. I can't eat healthy food or exercise often. I sometimes feel like I'm going to explode, especially if there is too much. If I don't listen to my body, I will shut down within. My immune system begins to decline and I start to get sick. This is why I try to get massage therapy every once in a while. Although it may be expensive, the experience is well worth it, especially if you are lucky enough to find a great therapist.
You should also know that massage therapy does not only provide relaxation. There are many other benefits, especially for your health. Massage therapy is good for your overall wellness and health. This is why the spa industry has been growing in popularity. This massage can help you to reduce stress and anxiety. You will also feel happier and more able to function in social situations. You can also get rid of negative thoughts, massage syracuse utah which will allow you to think clearly.
Massage can also be beneficial for those with sleep problems. It stimulates the nervous systems and promotes circulation, which in turn will allow you to fall asleep easily and wake up refreshed the next morning. It also encourages lymph movement, which makes it possible to heal injuries and diseases. You can reap the many benefits of massage therapy. Try it out for yourself to see the difference.
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mautlan · 2 years
What salary does a massage therapist make?
Massage comes from the Greek verb Massa, which means “to handle, touch and work with your hands”, or “to knead dough”. A massage therapist is a person who provides massage therapy to clients to obtain medical benefits.
There are over 80 types of massage therapies. massage therapist hooper The most popular include aromatherapy massages and shiatsu, reflexology. Thai massage, Swedish, deep tissue, hot stone, and Thai massages. The best massage therapists can specialize in several techniques. Many therapists are self-employed and operate their own businesses. However, many work in other establishments like spas or health clubs, retail centers, healthcare centers, resorts, and others.
A client will often seek out a massage therapist if they are experiencing soreness, pain, or if they want to relax. Although the hands of massage therapists can be the most helpful tool, others may use other equipment such as water therapy, ultraviolet and infrared lights, steam and dry heating treatments or steam therapy. The therapist applies a lubricant to clients’ hands before performing hand massages. The massage is done while the patient lies down. It involves rubbing, rocking and compression of specific body areas. These techniques help to relieve pain due to injuries, stress and surgery by stimulating blood flow and relaxing muscles.
Training and Certification
While the requirements to become a massage therapist may differ from one state to another, in most states you will need to have a high school diploma or equivalent before enrolling. Many schools offer both part-time or full-time programs. Students must spend at least 500 hours studying the program. There they will learn anatomy, kinesiology physiology, ethics and business management. To give students an actual feel for the job, practical experience will be offered. massage hooper utah
In order to be able to practice medicine in the majority of states, students must hold a license. Before they can practice, students from these states must pass a certification exam. National Certification Examination for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork and Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination are the two accepted national exams. Some states also offer certification exams. Massage therapy professionals in non-certified states can practice after they have graduated from an accredited program.
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olgagarmash · 3 years
‘My pants didn’t fit’: Travelers checking in at fitness resorts to drop pandemic pounds – CNN
(CNN) — If the “baking elf” hadn’t spent the pandemic whipping up sweet confections, Frances Hohl might not have gained 25 pounds.
But the magical pastry chef — aka Hohl’s 19-year-old daughter, Casmere, who was doing college remotely — calmed her Covid anxiety by baking fabulous creations almost every night: Strawberry shortcakes and chocolate chip cookies and French macarons and lemon meringue pies. She once even made a wedding cake. Never mind that no marriage was taking place.
Hohl couldn’t ignore her daughter’s efforts. Nor did she want to. “Wedding cake is my favorite,” says Hohl, 56, a writer in Steamboat Springs, Colorado.
And that is how, 11 months into lockdown, Hohl found herself at Movara, a fitness resort in Ivins, Utah, trekking through rust-colored canyons with sand so thick she was practically wading in it. Her calves ached. Her shoulders throbbed. Blisters erupted between her toes. Still, in the afternoons she did strength or cardio classes, along with massages and other body treatments — all in an effort to take off the pounds she had amassed.
“I just felt so uncomfortable in my body,” says Hohl.
Many people felt similarly after a year spent ordering takeout, bingeing Netflix and working from home — often facing enormous stress, anxiety and depression. According to a March research letter published in JAMA Network Open, Americans gained more than half a pound every ten days of lockdown.
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Movara Fitness Resort in Ivins, Utah, was recently sold out 18 weeks in a row.
Courtesy Movara Fitness Resort
And the urge to drop pandemic pounds extends beyond the United States.
Slimmeria, a weight loss, detox and fitness retreat operator in the United Kingdom, has been sold out since May. “I think due to the Covid situation people are taking their health very seriously and started practicing self help,” says Slimmeria owner Galia Grainger.
Caroline Sylger Jones, the founder of retreat guide and review site Queen of Retreats, is seeing the same thing.
“Most of our UK and European retreats that have been able to run have sold out this summer, although everyone says bookings are last minute,” she says. “Definitely people are looking to lose their lockdown weight and get fitter.”
Now that the world is opening up, weight loss and fitness resorts are reaping the benefits of those goals.
Looking to lose the ‘Covid 19’
Hilton Head Health, in South Carolina, has seen a 30% increase in new inquiries since mid-February, with a six- to eight-week waiting list. Due to customer demand, The Ranch in Malibu, California, recently launched The Ranch 9.0, a nine-day experience that adds two days to its signature week-long program. And We Care, in Desert Hot Springs, California, is so busy that they’re considering opening a branch on the East Coast.
Movara in Utah was recently sold out 18 weeks in a row.
“And there’s no sign of it slowing down,” says Elaine Hartrick, Movara’s general manager. “Guests arrive each week talking about how they’ve gained the ‘Covid 19’ or the ‘Covid 25’ or ‘Covid 30’. People recognized obesity as a risk factor for complications from Covid, and they wanted to change their lifestyle so they wouldn’t become another statistic. It was a wake-up call for so many people.”
Caren Kabot, the founder of Solo Escapes, a travel company that focuses on spa and wellness, says people are also looking to rest and reset after a year of confinement.
“They’re like, where do I start? What do I need to do? I say, plan at least one week where you can focus on creating balance in your life while shedding a few extra pounds.”
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Fit Farm offers fitness and weight loss programs in Tennessee.
Courtesy Fit Farm
‘It was so calming’
Tiffany Benjamin, 41, took that further and booked a month-long stay at Fit Farm, in Castalian Springs, Tennessee.
“We e-learned three kids and stayed inside for a year and several months, and I just ate and drank and gained about 60 pounds,” says Benjamin, who runs a foundation for a company in Indianapolis. “I wasn’t feeling great, my pants didn’t fit. I hadn’t lifted anything other than a donut box. I thought, just to go someplace to not have to pick up anybody’s socks and to be given a schedule of what to do sounds great.”
Each morning she woke up at 6 a.m. for a pre-breakfast workout, along with eight to 10 other guests. The remainder of the day consisted of five to six hours of workouts and workshops on everything from nutrition to the 5 Love Languages, along with three healthy meals and two snacks. Think adult summer camp, but with cooking classes, interval training and unsweetened bug juice.
The camaraderie was as important as the physical fitness. At all of these resorts guests eat meals together, and work out as a group.
“Everybody was sort of on the same mission, no matter where they were in terms of health and weight,” says Benjamin. “We were there to be kind to ourselves and each other. I watched the sunrise over the horizon. I petted a horse. I went hiking. It was so calming and I didn’t have to make a lot of decisions.”
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Fit Farm retreats take place at Rock Springs Retreat Center in Castalian Springs, Tennessee.
Courtesy Fit Farm
Pandemic stress takes a toll
Stress and anxiety are two of the biggest reasons why many people gain weight in general, and specifically during lockdown, says Katie Rickel, a licensed clinical psychologist and the chief executive of Structure House, in Durham, North Carolina.
“Stress, habit and boredom, and that describes the pandemic,” says Rickel, adding that Structure House is booked solid three months out. “All the reasons people went to food was accentuated. Covid also sensitized people to just how delicate our health is and helped people reprioritize just how controllable health behaviors are.”
Jacob Norry, 25, went to Structure House for five weeks in November. A graduate student in marine biology in Fort Lauderdale, Norry has struggled with binge eating for years. Last August he broke his ankle and his weight shot up to 280 pounds. He fell into a deep depression.
“Covid didn’t help,” he says. “I live alone and not having people come over was hell.”
A family friend suggested Structure House, which offers treatment for compulsive overeating, and Norry decided to go. He lost 20 pounds, most of which he has kept off.
“They really help rebuild your relationship with food,” he says. “When I went into Structure House my goal was, ‘I want to get back to 175.’ Now my goal is, ‘I want to be healthy.'”
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Participants exercise during a Fit Farm retreat.
Courtesy Fit Farm at Rock Springs Retreat Center
‘We needed something different’
Getting healthy is what brought Laura and Danielle Prioleau to Movara. The mother-daughter duo from Twentynine Palms, California, spent nine weeks there.
“Before the pandemic I had lost nearly 60 pounds and was doing really well,” says the twenty-something Danielle, who is completing her graduate studies in marriage and family therapy.
“But during the pandemic I gained weight and wasn’t really getting out. I wanted to support my mom and make this a joint effort. We both wanted a lifestyle change and were tired of the dieting rigamarole. Nothing was sticking. We needed something different.”
She was able to work remotely; her mother, a comptroller for a non-profit organization, took time off from work to go to Movara. “Being at home, with three kids who came home from college — I was just cooking and playing board games,” says Laura Prioleau.
Laura has lost almost 35 pounds and Danielle has dropped about 30 pounds.
These vacations don’t come cheap. Rates for a new participant at Structure House start at $3,050 for a one-week visit, and about $2,500 a week in a shared one-bedroom apartment if you stay four weeks. The Ranch runs $8,600 for seven days and $10,800 for nine. At Fit Farm, a double starts at $2,399 for one week. Movara begins at $1,995 per person in a shared room ($2,569 in a single) for a week.
But many people who can afford this kind of retreat feel they’re worth the investment — though there are no guarantees they’ll keep the weight off.
Because though most resorts offer some kind of return-to-the-real world program, let’s face it: It’s easy to eat healthfully when someone is cooking for you, leading you on hikes, and removing temptation. The challenge comes when the fairy dust settles and the real world kicks in.
But some people prevail. Hohl lost nine pounds during her month at Movara, and her body fat percentage went from 43.7 to 39.6.
When she returned to Colorado she did the Movara Home program and lost another 11 pounds. (It also helped that the “baking elf” got a full-time job, which cut down on her kitchen time.)
Hohl hopes to return to Movara next February for a reset. “I’ve gotten so many comments from family who last saw me before I went away,” says Hohl. “They could tell I was just much happier and obviously smaller.”
source https://wealthch.com/my-pants-didnt-fit-travelers-checking-in-at-fitness-resorts-to-drop-pandemic-pounds-cnn/
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denebola42-blog · 4 years
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I have this issue with age. It's why I'm still single. I see no facial difference between 16 year olds and early 20s... The only single females in Utah. Lol Umm, me and coffee and beer are swingers... With Rosey Palm and porn video online. Hey, at least in not a Catholic priest or Mormon mission president doing the evil laying on of hands on youth. And that cast the first stone crap. I'm scared of Jeffrey Dahmer and Charles Manson and Hitler etc.. Doesn't mean I'm trying to hide that "I'm one of them secretly." Same for LGBTQ Anarchists and crocodiles and piranha. Btw the felon tear tattoo? I've heard signify crocodile tears. Smiling faces is right kid Frost. Prosopagnosia Information Page | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke https://www.ninds.nih.gov/Disorders/All-Disorders/Prosopagnosia-Information-Page What Is Touch Starvation? 20 Things to Watch for, What to Do, and More https://www.healthline.com/health/touch-starved Cuz of my Mormon upbringing, i thought getting a massage was a sin. It was, to me, like getting a tongue bath with a sexy chick's hands. My mom isn't the only strict Mormon. There's jokes that are too accurate..yo momma is so Mormon that she thinks getting a coffee table is against the word of wisdom. Lol yo momma is so Mormon and thinks not feeling the spirit aka having a testimony, is a mental illness. 🤔🤣 Sounds more like crazy like a fox. Thank you Sanford & Son. One of my favorite shows. Yes, they now have a cure for intelligence when religion fails. Scorpion venom in a pill.. Google what venom does to living tissue. They, per my psych 102 class, use spider, snake, poison arrow tree frog and are looking into conch shell and purple ring octopus venom. The latter has no cure. For humans anyway. It's like a witch hunt for what they think are Aliens. Or witches, interdimensional beings/demons. I laughed that some Christians think that aliens are demons. Like they thought Spock was one in old Star Trek on a primitive planet. No more loco weed. Bad for your noggin. Just cuz i joked after my memories started coming back, wow, i should have asked for a nude, full frontal body massage. 🤣 Hey, I'd return the favor. 🤭😆 (at North Ogden, Utah) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLP34QnBqQu/?igshid=zox5fbdur1m7
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