#fun fact my first hxh era is when i first started getting a lot of followers
ploppymeep · 6 months
want you to know just because of how much youve been reblogging im rewatching both hunter x hunter series. thank you :pray:
yessss YESSSSSSS [evil intent]
I have also been rewatching.. the annual hxh virus has struck once more
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thelovelyghostwriter · 6 months
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Answers are below:
AO3 Handle
This is easy. Numbkid.
It has been a pen-name since I was a kid. I was an emo kid who liked Linkin Park's Numb.
2. Ships I write
Currently, mostly Kuraneon. Occassionally there are other HxH pairings like Hisomachi, Tserriednich/Theta, Chrollo/Neon and Ponzu/Pokkle.
3. Ships I read
Pretty much anything I get curious about.
4. When i started writing
11 years old. That was more than a decade ago, even before AO3 was founded.
5. First fic I wrote
I did write something when I was 11 on FF.net. I did delete it because of the poor language use and the fact that it was cringe.
I did remember the title, it was "Can I heal your broken heart" which was a CoAi fanfic.
6. Favourite fic I wrote
There are a lot that I have written over the years. Just to name a few:
I like writing angst, so this is probably the most painful one. Also the longest one-chapter fic I have ever written (13K words).
I think this is my favourite Hisomachi fic. I really enjoyed writing them in a whimsical fantasy setting. It was also pure comedy and fluff.
My very first Tserriednich/Theta central fic, with Hisomachi and Kuraneon pairings as well. I had fun writing Tserriednich in a very psychological thriller type of way.
I loved writing Kuraneon hate-sex. There was something raw and hot about this.
7. Hardest fic I wrote
There were a few fics that were written with much difficulty, for various reasons.
The longest, completed fic I have ever written. It was difficult because half-way because I lost interest in Detective Conan as a series. I have always liked the CoAi pairing, but grew frustrated with how the series was going. Add on to my depression in the 2014-2016 era (this was written from 2015-2018) + adolescent teen angst + readers pressuring me to continue, and you get a recipe for disaster. Incredibly difficult for me to write given the circumstances. I also didn't think it was good and there were people complaining on Wattpad so I thought the efforts were in vain. I was so frustrated that I vowed never to write for this series ever again. Don't know if I'm gonna hold up to that promise but it has been 6 years, so I'm not sure if I'll love this series enough to write for it again. Maybe a one-shot, who knows.
8. Most research-intensive fic I wrote
This one is very obvious. The amount of stuff I had to learn to write how the mafia works in HxH and also how Nen works. Also the HxH world building. Whew. Very heavy stuff. It is paying off though.
9. Fic that is most dear to me
I am going with the first fanfic I have ever discovered.
This fic was first written in 2005, I discovered it just a tad a few years later. I was mindblown by the fact that people could just write about established characters and make up scenarios, lmao. It fulfilled my shipper desires that Conan and Ai would get together! Somehow after like a while, it inspired me to write my own fics. So this was the start of everything.
10. Favourite trope to write
I don't know, I don't really have a trope. There are common things I liked exploring:
Mafia theme
Greed and money
Desires and Death
Sexual temptation
Psychological thriller
Occassionally I do write the happier fics and I think I can pull it off, but that's not where my interests lie.
11. Something I wouldn't write
Hmm... I don't have boundaries, I think? I love exploring different genres, themes and even the most messed up situations. I like dark fics, I do want to write thrillers.
Probably just fics about real people. Like those celebrity fics, like those "my mom sold me to One Direction" or something. It's just weird writing about real people for me.
I also don't really do requests anymore. I would hate to write a ship that I wasn't 100% on board with.
12. Favourite scene I ever wrote
Hmm, this is quite tough. Probably the part where Theta reads a letter from Tserriednich in "Like Turkeys Voting for Christmas".
Dear Theta,  The newspapers told me about your tremendous error that led to the chaos during Sara’s winter concert - how an exhilarating event had burst into madness. Pity poor Sara though. Once was a bright star among the upper echelons, had fallen so gracefully in a blink of an eye. I fantasise that you wonder before going to bed if that error was an unfortunate anomaly, or had been stuck to you like an inherent gene. Like Sara, millions of individuals undergo their life like an inverted curve - the struggle to go up and then come rolling down the hills. Do you find it humiliating that you, once a trustworthy royal head bodyguard, had been demoted to a security for a talentless celebrity rumoured to had fucked her way up to the top in Hollywood? And more so that even in this meagre position, you had failed? Do you believe that failing your career in protecting your client, would be equivalent to having failed to save the inner child wailing deep within yourself?   I would reassure you, my dear Theta, that you are competent. A fine specimen of the female human species. Which is why I had no doubt of choosing you to watch my back. It is unfortunate however, that you chose to stab it. Why would you do that, my dear Theta? We were having so much fun - our intimate bantering had been forever etched to my memories.  I had often backtracked at which pinnacle moment my behaviour became intolerant for you: you had always turned the other cheek whenever a new collection of mine was delivered; and the personal matters of my fucked up royal family had been more or less familiar with you. The screams of women getting out of their shells never fazed you either. Somehow, you believe that me unlocking the powers of Nen would be a Pandora’s box; and that was where you drew the line. But really, who are you to deny me my potential? That is the riddle that has perplexed me. The temptation to open your mind and pick on the neurons for an answer is too high, but I digress.  Needless to say, an utter disappointment when you decided to take the role of Delilah, attempting to defeat the lion that she feared would devour the world.  Has it ever occurred to you that your role in the narrative would not be against me, but besides me? Did you fear that I would have disposed of you after learning Nen from you, dispose of you like the poor trash that you think you are? If that is so, you have greatly underestimated my generosity.  With my sibling, the self-proclaimed winner, had met the untimely death, the Kakin throne had been left vacant. I think it's time for me not only to rule, but my bloodline for eternity. Join me, Theta, this is my offer to you.  Since this time of the year is to celebrate generosity, companionship and forgiveness, I propose both of us do the same. Allow me to show my generosity by giving you something that few had done: justice. The King might be the most important piece, but the Queen is his most prized protector. Once somebody has offended you, they have done the same to me.  You spent Christmas by yourself last year. I will be sure that this year will be different. Until then, please enjoy the gift I have sent you. Some animals really need to keep their hands to themselves.   - Prince Tserriednich Hui Guo Rou 
Then she finds a severed hand inside the gift box sent to her. The hand belonged to a man that tried to molest her earlier in the fic.
13. Where I get inspiration from
Pretty much anything, depending on the topic. Sometimes I just go like "hey I got an idea!"
14. Hardest scene I ever wrote
So far the argument between Kurapika and Neon in the latest chapter Glam Gas Land in Strange Bedfellows. I wanted to write an argument where both of them had a valid point.
15. Favourite characterisation I wrote
Always Kurapika. He is SO fun to explore. I love writing him a good ol' angst scene. I think the angstiest I have him in is "The Rabbit Died".
16. Sequel I would write, if I had the time
There are two.
One was the "Neon Nostrade is a Pop Star/Idol AU". I wrote "In Star-struck Awe". The sequel was supposed to be this:
I only wrote the first chapter. But this sequel was supposed to be the story where the media finds out that Kurapika and Neon are dating. I plan to make changes to both fics and set it to the 2000s. I want to make references to the 2000s music industry scene, mixing up Neon's Pop Idol character with Britney Spears, Paris Hilton etc. The 2000s were also very brutal to famous female celebrities, so it will be a fun fic project.
Another sequel I planned to write was from "Black Veil". I have not posted the fic sequel yet, but I plan to expand from this. Since in Black Veil, Kurapika finds an alternate universe where he got married to Neon and had kids, with the Kurta clan still alive. Since he got back to his own world, he explains that Neon is actually in the ICU where nothing can wake her up. There is a plant in the Dark Continent to cure all diseases. So I want to write a sequel on that.
17. Story I wanna write, but don't think people will enjoy reading
I think just really dark fics. For Kuraneon, I kind of wanna write another dark fic with the tag "infanticide". Go figure.
I also am tempted to write a Gin/Sherry fic. I don't know, I think this ship is dark and interesting.
18. A line from a WIP
"Kurapika had enquired to one of the townsfolk for The Owl's location"
19. A recent comment that made you smile
Pretty much any comments from @anotherworldash ! She has very long comments that made me smile so much!
20. A discontinued work that I would have loved to finish
There are two.
Of Marigolds and Dragonflies.
This fic was a Hiei/Botan fic that I have abandoned. I made the mistake of having to post more chapters, when it could be a standalone one-shot fic. It begins after 1 year of death anniversary of Hiei and Botan's unborn child, and they have broken up over it.
I actually had a good vision for this fic, but I kinda moved onto another fandom. Perhaps I can just post the first chapter of the fic, I think this is a good standalone.
The Outsiders.
The other fic is this one. It's a crossover fic between Detective Conan and Tokyo Ghoul.
I had this idea of Conan being a detective and going around to solve ghoul-related cases. But alas, I kind of got tired of Detective Conan; so I dropped it. Once in a while I see CoAi content for my own amusement, but I'm sort of done writing for it. Don't know if I'll pick up this idea again.
21. Fic writers I admire
I think I admired a few of them back when FFnet was still the norm, but they stopped working on fanfics.
22. A story I recommend
After Hours by Cb_w.
A story by @anotherworldash
A Vampire AU where Neon is a vampire and Kurapika is a vampire hunter.
The Sleeping Beauty in the Bathtub by Cb_w.
Definitely one of my fave darker Kuraneon stories.
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celiabowens · 4 years
hiii do you have anime recs for someone who's never watched them before? like ive only read the death note's first volume and seen a couple of episodes of bnha
dskvbdf i have anime recs for sure, I’ll try to put trigger warnings just in case, since I don’t know what you might be comfortable with! I tried to include some favorites of mine but I also divided these recs into two categories. some of these are (imho) a pretty good place to start when it comes to watching anime, some are faves that I would recommend checking out, maybe once you’ve decided what you may like or not like :)
also if some mutual wants to add titles of their own please feel free to. and if you have some things you think you may like already please do tell me anon, I might be able to give you some more specific recs.
the easy recs: anime that i think are pretty good to start with
Fullmetal alchemist brotherhood: adventure/fantasy shonen following two brothers trying to get their original bodies back after they broke one of alchemy’s taboos. It’s PG13, but TW for some gore, death and war. None of it is extremely graphic. This isn’t how I got into anime but I wish it was. It’s definitely the first thing I recommend :)
Ghibli movies: of course this is a pretty easy recommendation. they are classics, extremely well known and loved by many. My favorites are Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke and The Tale of Princess Kaguya. There are also more feel good movies like Kiki’s delivery service or Whisper of the Heart which could be a good place to start.
Mob Psycho 100: pretty atypical in its genre imo, it follows a boy with psychic powers. It has some slice of life qualities to it if you might prefer that and the anime is gorgeous. Bones did one hell of a job with it and the animation is incredible.
HxH: one of THE classics? it’s like super well known and loved (and yet....unfinished). so you may have to make your peace with it never ending...honestly hate myself for recommending this but it’s still one of the most iconic fantasy/adventures out there.
if you want to try out some of the current most popular titles I’d say that BNHA is very popular. Kimetsu no yaiba could be a place to start too (TW for death), it’s a pretty classic fantasy/adventure shonen. If you want to watch sports anime I think Haikyuu is the most popular right now and it’s very easy to binge. I think Bungo Stray Dogs and Noragami could also be fun to start with, they have good animation, some pretty cool characters and they aren’t difficult to follow at all.
The less easy recs I guess: anime that i love but that may take you a little more time to get through or that are less typical in a way.
Cowboy Bebop: follows a crew of bounty hunters! set in an alternate futuristic space with western elements. Super cool ost, great character development. Honestly one of my favorites. TW death.
Samurai Champloo: this one is a more “typical” adventure plot wise, but set in an alternate Edo era with anachronistic hip hop elements. It’s more episodic that Cowboy bebop and probably less cohesive, but I highly recommend it. TW for death, there’s mentions of rape. From what I remember some episodes mention homophobic comments as well.
Mononoke: this is a series of shorter tales focused on Japanese folklore. It’s subtle psychological horror, very atmospheric and unique in its direction and art style. It’s a quite unique experience when it comes to anime imo :)
Ping Pong: this is a sports anime based on the manga written by Taiyo Matsumoto. The title is pretty self explanatory xD it’s a pretty unique anime for its art style so it may not be your thing but I’d give it a try. 
Millennium Actress: my favorite movie directed by Satoshi Kon, very meta exploration of Japanese cinema through the life of an actress. I generally recommend checking out everything Kon has directed but be aware of the fact that Paprika and Perfect Blue are generally rated as R.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: this is probably not where i’d start watching anime but it’s one of my favorites so let me rec it lol. it’s a very character driven anime focused on rakugo (a form of storytelling). It’s not action packed, but rather relies on the portrayal of the characters’ relationship with rakugo and themselves. TW for death.
Mushishi: this is a more episodic tale. Sort of a more quiet and introspective anime. TW for gore and death.
Death Parade: set in a mysterious bar where people play odd games with their life at stake (or so it would seem at first glance i guess lol). Sort of a psychological thriller, in which every episode has its own arc that fits the bigger picture well. TW for death, suicide. 
Neon Genesis Evangelion: listen this....may emotionally and mentally destroy you so don’t start with this please XD. NGE is definitely heavier than anything else on this list, as it deals with a lot of complex and emotionally draining topics. TW for suicidal thoughts, death, loss of a limb, gore, profanity, nudity, depression...among others. Please be aware of this if you ever decide to watch NGE.
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fantroll-purgatory · 5 years
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I know! Where’s her symbol? Where’s her horns????
I’m hoping for some help on classpect and lunar sway so I can settle on a symbol before designing her horns.
World: Alternia - Hiveswap Era? Maybe???  Name: Whimam Natron -  Whimam based on “whim-wham” the origin for the word “whimsy”. Natron, as in the mineral used during mummification in ancient Egypt.
I love this name, it’s a Good One. Combining mummification and a clown character together is fun to me since jesters were pretty popular in ancient Egypt. Worldwide clownery. Age: 9 Sweeps
Theme/Story: Whimam is a Subjug going through a bit of a crisis of faith. After an especially intense rage led her to maim her lusus she’s begun actively suppressing her highblood rage and trying to a live a quieter, more peaceful life. This is of course at direct odds with worship of the Mirthful Messiahs, that pretty much mandates regular culling and attendance to a (literally) bloody church. 
She’s also found that not culling most every troll you run into and embracing the less murdery side of clown-hood nets you more friends and she’s quite happy about this development. As a result she’s torn between being devout in her faith and the bits of a new life she can now see. Goals: A general overview would be nice! Strife Specibus: Chain&hookkind - or just “Chainhookkind”. Not to be confused with the tool. It’s literally two large meat hooks connected by a length of chain. It has various uses in combat, but she prefers to hook someone and pull them in before finishing the job up close.
I do think that’s very great for the intimidating aesthetic, a good time all around. If you wanted something more Clown-y/circus-y, you could consider Devil Sticks or a Cyr wheel, but I think this fits the slaughtering tendencies of clown church. Fetch Modus: I don’t know
You could probably work out a juggling modus where she has to catch the ball she’s looking for without dropping any of the others in order to extract the item! Or if you wanna focus in on the hook concept, maybe slide in an interest in fishing and give her a fishing modus, haha.  Blood Color: Purple  Symbol and Meaning: Hoping to get classpect help that will decide that.
We’ll discuss that when we get down to that section! Handle: merryMausoleum [MM] Quirk: This is something I was also waiting for my symbol for deciding. If you have non-symbol related ideas (or even ideas for the symbols you recommend) I’d love to hear them though!
Okay not to bring up HxH, but could theoretically take inspo from Hisoka to add card suits to the end of sentences depending on the mood she’s feeling. It has a double function since card suits are associated with relationship statuses on Alternia! 
This is also a bit of a niche reference, but Saggi the Dark Clown is the 34th Yugioh Card introduced, so you could replace E and A with 3 and 4 respectively, in traditional homestuck fashion. 
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Special Abilities: Chucklevoodoo - Can send psychic images of her violent intent to others, letting them see in vivid detail just how awful their death is about to be. Lusus/Guardian: Crocodilehound - Giant crocodile with scaled wolf limbs and paws. Their relationship has been testy ever since Whimam blinded her in one eye during a fit of rage. Think cold companionship – Whimam feeds her and she helps keep Whimam safe, but they don’t stay around one another often (not that Purple Lusus tend to be the most attentive, anyway.)
I’m almost tempted to say, like, Crocodilion instead. Lion legs instead of wolf. Since lions get used in circus performances a fair bit! Or crocodelephant? But crocodilion sounds fun.  Interests: Whimam really loves taxidermy and, through intimate contact with plenty of troll and animal guts, has developed extensive knowledge on troll and animal anatomy. A desire to entertain has led her to become well-versed in various party tricks including: juggling, sleight of hand, and balancing acts. She hopes to eventually become a subjugglator.
Does she have any interest in the more medicinal aspects of biology, or just the guts and blood? If she isn’t interested in health, it could be something she starts to look into more as she leans into her nice side. Another fun little idea is that you could have her interested in drawing? Purely for anatomical drawing. Catch her with this on her walls.
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And taxidermy isn’t the only form of animal preservation, you could get her into mummification and wet preservation, too. And does she do other preservative forms? Like tanning, maybe? Skull mounts? Insect-collecting? 
Appearance: Since I’m attaching a talksprite (I can’t for the life of me make one of the classic sprites for her, even after extensive time fiddling with parts and bases) a few things aren’t shown. Her pants are in fact poofy waist-high shorts. She also wears a ton of jingling bracelets and some comically large shoes. 
CUTE. All of this is great and I really wouldn’t change a thing. Personality: Whimam is a recovering murderclown. The life she led up until recently was defined by violence and a close relationship with death (which made her feel close with her faith). She grew up culling trolls for her gods and beasts for her Lusus. Eventually she started culling both for her own interest – taxidermy. Her massive hive has multiple rooms dedicated to the stuffed remains of her victims. 
After she let her rage get the best of her and tore out one of her Lusus’s eyes she began repressing that side of herself. She culls only as is required for her Lusus to eat and has even withdrawn from her church life. Despite this she’s still faithful to the Mirthful Messiahs – a fact that as mentioned earlier has left her in serious conflict with herself.
Keeping her rage in check is harder than she expected and so she’s more or less just started bottling it all up. She puts on a chill, affable affect and pretends she’s always calm even when she’s absolutely bristling, and avoids extraneous conflict as much as she can. This can and does lead to moments where she experiences serious outbursts when she hits her limit.
On the upside she’s now making friends for the first time in a while and is learning to channel a fun side of herself that doesn’t rely on brutal murder. In conversation she’s a fairly mellow woman who focuses on listening over talking. She’s vulgar with a dark sense of humor, but deceptively sensitive to insults. Usually she’d just kill someone for hurting her feelings, but lately she’s taken to awkward attempts at deescalation. She’s, naturally, more patient with highbloods than lowbloods.
I love this writeup, this is a great and very strong personality and a wonderful arc setup for a character. I don’t really have a lot of commentary to give besides saying you should think of more specific calming techniques she uses! Highblood rage can be so potent that we’ve seen that, like, Gamzee goes off sopor and is immediately in murderclown party zone. How does she chill out? Calming music? Woodburning? Really, really aggressive juggling? 
Lunar Sway: I don’t know. I was thinking Prospit, but the more I’ve written the less certain I’ve been. She’s been comfortable in the church and the hemospectrum, feeling no need to rebel against either, but she’s now in a more conflicted head space than ever before.
I think she’s definitely prospit. One of the things that is noted about prospitans is that they’re adaptive- they try to change themselves rather than change others. She is honest about herself even if she tries to hide her blowups and she is dedicated to altering herself and her behavior rather than trying to tear down the clown church’s socially ingrained patterns of violence. She is also emotionally reactive and somewhat impulsive, which is a prospit trait more than a derse one.  Title: This is the big point I’ve been stuck on. I’ve been waffling between several aspects and I can’t for the life of me settle on even just a handful of classes.
Too Obvious as it may seem given her story’s focus is on Rage, Too Obvious is sometimes right- I think she’s a Sylph of Hope. She spent a long time inverted as a Prince of Rage, acting out violence, but she has come upon a new set of convictions that she is dedicating herself to. She is opening up and broadening her own choices and paths and using her behavior to passively create new hope that wasn’t there before! 
Which would make her symbol CAPRINIUS, SIGN OF THE CREDULOUS. 
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I hope this review was helpful! I didn’t have a WHOLE lot to say, she was already pretty solid. Thank you for sharing!
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