tgirlhawkins · 2 years
i just remembered i could have included araumi in kiri dads because he adopted tenma. you can't even stop the guys who have biological kids from adopting Even More Violent Children
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pigeorcas · 3 months
a really really stupid headcanon for Idate for Funamushi Private Deep-Sea Academy Au that I like to think is that Idate doesn't actually study at all, he's much more busy bullying and picking on the weaker than listening during class but surprisingly he gets good grades since he is an orca and orcas are surprisingly intelligent. Probably the type of person who studies before a test in class and does well and that's perhaps why his bullying acts take a back seat
I like to imagine takama studies super super hard and is top of his class, and the night before Idate steals his notes and gets a 90% without doing jack shit and it drives takama insane
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figdays · 1 year
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funamushi buttons large buttons // namahamutan
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pryzme-colour · 1 year
I've been obsessed with this character for several weeks, so I wanted to put together a small collection of canon data and show some assumptions (headcanons) I have about what he'll be like when Funamuchi pays attention to him ✌️
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Basic information (canon)
- He's a demon with a fiery personality. Hot-headed and a reckless idiot. He's also a big fool motivated by his own ambitions.
- Shio's one of Reficul's subordinates so he's Lowrie ex collegue, wich relationship was stated to be awful.
- His left eye is always red and both eyes can turn red if he wants.
I was thinking why Ushio was translated as cow's tail and described as a cow demon. The truth is that I consider it to be a bad interpretation.
Despite its name refering to cows, it can also refer to cattle as an alternate translation of the kanji. And his hat looks like a regular representation of a dairy cow, but the spots are not only a physical quality of cows but of the bulls of the species, which would be the Holsteins (Although seeing the color of his hair, he would be a bull of Lidia).
This also can be confirmed by his hat, as he has a nose ring on it, which is only put on bulls to pull them without agitating the animal.
So he's no cow demon, but a bull (i think is obvious but Funamushi make weird things sometimes and it made it possible for him to maybe be a cow and not a bull).
Because he is a bull and according to the description of his personality, it is assumed that he is a violent person or that he gives in to violence easily, which makes me think that he is also dominant and has a certain ego, believing himself to be the best or seeing himself as a leader.
This is probably what led to him having a rivalry with Lowrie, as I don't see a past Lowrie buying the fact of being bossed around (which Greif is known to annoy him with) and bothered.
Additionally and in relation to the previous lecture, Ushio is mentioned as having certain ambitions, so I assume it has to do with the theme of superiority through strength. It's probably something he value a lot.
Other assumptions of the canon is that he does/has some of these things, if not most of them.
Speaks without thinking and talks a lot.
Does not learn from mistakes.
Have a great appetite.
He has not been seen smoking in his official art, but it is very possible that he drinks alcohol.
Has vulgar/rude speech.
His voice would be like those of the generic anime delinquents, raspy and always angry! Something like a in between of Bakugo katsuki and Masataka kiyomizu.
If you think I can add anything else, tell me, I'll take a look at it! 🫶
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kandyrezi · 2 years
do you have any outlandish/odd AUs involving dsp characters? id love to hear them
(ohhh, do i EVER... ( ̄︶ ̄*)) actually, they aren't that odd, but i guess i should compile them into a big list for convenience...)
☆⋆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ⋆☆
🌹verse {canon-divergence AU, where inhabitants of flame world & gray world make up after the war, and live in harmony with one another.}
🌆🥀verse {red sky at night; i reckon most are maybe more familiar with it, but it's this basically.}
💟verse {soulmate AU, where most people have a soulmate, but some have none while others have 2-3; the former is rare, but the latter is incredibly rare. soulmates bear one half of a marking on the same part of their body with the other person having the other half.}
(i'm pretty much done with this draft i'd started but i can't be assed into actually editing the whole thing... save meeee....)
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🌟verse {basically my own version of the 'funamushi private deep-sea academy' except way more dark n' messed up, with the species of the characters playing a bigger role in the universe's hierarchy.}
🔄verse {really old role-swap!AU idea i used to have [for reference], haven't drawn much for it these days.}
🔮verse {a fairy tale!AU, if you will! i have only drawn chlobco as the little red riding hood & the wolf (the image below!!), i truthfully just wanted an excuse to draw la otp before it evolved into its own thing, but another idea was yosafire/froze as hansel/gretel. all of the characters co-exist together in the same universe/homeland, a bit similar to the 2002 'Fables' comic.}
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raveneira · 2 years
Still cant get over how dirty Kagura was done in the Funato arc....no matter how many months goes by I just cannot believe they really did something SO stupid even by THEIR standards I NEVER thought they could ever do something THIS bad.
And the worst part is now its pretty widely believed that Buntan is gonna be the new Mizukage which does have a high possibility of happening, which makes it all the more disrespectful to Kagura because 
1 Kagura is related to the OG Mizukage which set high expectations for him 
2 Chojuro chose Kagura to succeed him 
3 Buntan is related to an SP created swordsmen w/ minimal relevance
To have Kagura have such a huge tie to an OG character of great importance be expendable but a woman related to essentially the anime studio's OC of way lesser importance is beyond disrespectful and downright infuriating, if anything it should've been the other way around.
Yes, Buntan should’ve died instead of Kagura, it would’ve shown the change in her that Kagura worked hard to gain her trust to build, her dying to protect him and everyone else would’ve been far more meaningful and showed his efforts DID pay off would’ve been WAY more impactful than Kagura dying because what impact did that really have? they already knew how far Kagura would go for them and that he genuinely considered them friends to the point of risking his life for them, they didnt need his death to realize that
And whether or not Kagura died they still would’ve protected the civilian village because it was just the right thing to do since they couldnt defend themselves, and if your wondering about the whole revenge plot it still happens regardless because Kagura kills Seiran, Funamushi kills Buntan, Funamushi seeks out Kagura again and kills Heibichigo, and instead of Buntan avenging Kagura it’d be Kagura avenging Buntan and Hebichigo by killing Funamushi, and the EXACT same cycle of revenge plot would ensue.
This was just lazy and cheap shock value because ppl cared more about Kagura because of his ties to Yagura than they ever would somebody like Buntan who is just SPs OCs love child, of course they couldnt kill her off and bring in any sort of reaction so they sacrificed one of the very few new gen characters with some actual potential and important role in the story [literally Yagura’s, the former Mizukages grandson and the next in line to be Mizukage by Chojuro] yea lets treat him as expendable and give our OC love child this important role instead because fans are gonna love that.
Fuck SP and anyone who praises this garbage arc.
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teary-skies · 1 year
AHHHHHHHH, I know it’s like eight years late. Sometimes that’s just how it is. Enjoy! Taffy x Faceless nobodies, because I *love* putting idiots in blenders! https://www.wattpad.com/1341421542-mogeko-march-2023-funamushi-private-deep-sea https://archiveofourown.org/works/45245185/chapters/121414144
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me-like-sonic · 1 month
Denki gallery | Special Edition: Team 5! | Part 1
Episode 245 | The Funamushi's Tenacity
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Saved by team 5!
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mycurseddreams · 2 years
I am a uni student taking classes. Third period is chemistry and the next is English class, which I almost always forget to attend. (I’ve been through this before?) I struggle to locate the classroom. The interior is very much like my HS.
I am in a classroom with several people around my age. Then I’m outside with them. We fill a yard-deep drain with water and notice these pink, mouse-sized funamushi bundled up in a can (about the size of a tuna can). We drain the water out and take out the can. I guide the bugs to a distant puddle to drown them. The other people are with me. K, who was one of them, points out that there are bugs in my hair, and takes four of them out.
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soft-manga · 3 years
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qbert · 3 years
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Anatomy of Ligia exotica
Photographer: S. Nanz (CC BY 1.0)
Annotations: Tan Yen Yi
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translationbear · 7 years
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Original art by Funamushi (https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=66407936)
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d-0gma · 3 years
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chojuuro · 2 years
character/s: Karatachi Kagura, Shimizu Hiroki (oc), Chojuuro rating: T (language? mentions of almost-death) content: kagura deals with survivor's guilt, post-stabbing from boruto e246 (im still not taking it well), takes place in my canon-divergent oc canonverse a bit after this fic. oh and father/son bonding <3 words: 1456
Hiroki’s awoken to the sudden sounds of something that his sleep-hazed brain can’t quite place and a gentle illumination coming from the other side of the hospital room.  He runs through his mental checklist, making sure everything else in the room is secure, and of course it is – Kiri’s hospital is one of the more secure buildings in the village.  Even still, he’d made sure to place an extra seal on the windows for the extra security as soon as his arm felt good enough to weave chakra without putting up a fuss.  And it did still put up a fuss; he’d exacerbated his old injury for sure during the fight with the Funato’s roach, that much is certain.  Even now, a few days later, his nerves ache and burn dully under his skin and the stiffness makes even regular movement tough.
Maybe Misuno’s right.  Maybe he’s getting old after all.
Hiroki checks his phone but stops just as he’s unlocking it at the sounds, again, and he feels the hair at the back of his neck prick and raise and mentally, he makes a list of everything in the room that could be used as a weapon both by and against him as his arm flexes–
And then he realizes what he’s hearing is crying.  Ah.
“Oh, uh–”  Kagura shakes his head, wipes at his eyes with the back of his arm.  He offers Hiroki a weak smile; the same one that Hiroki’s been seeing since Kagura was little, the one that tells him that his boy just needs a little reassurance, a little care and love.  “I…thought you were asleep.  Sorry.  I’m fine.”
Slowly, Hiroki shrugs off his hospital bed and perches at the edge of Kagura’s, reaches over and ruffles the boy’s hair when he sits up.  Kagura tries to protest, he really does, but Hiroki knows half-assed when he hears it.  The smile he throws Kagura’s way is softer than normal, gentle in the wake of his eldest’s distress.  His bad arm hangs limply at his side, closer to Kagura, so he’s twisted awkwardly in a way that, really, right now, he doesn’t mind.  
“Wanna tell me what’s wrong?”
Kagura looks at him, finally, and in the weak lighting from his phone plus the puffiness from crying, the dark circles under his eyes are that much more pronounced.  He hesitates a moment and Hiroki’s ready to tell him that he doesn’t have to, that really, if Kagura isn’t feeling ready to talk about it then he’s not obligated, but Kagura beats him to the punch.  He reaches up and moves Hiroki’s hand off his head – Kagura warns him of the inevitable stiffness in his back if he stays twisted like that, and Hiroki can’t really argue.  
Kagura sighs gently through his nose, frowning down at the bed sheet over his legs; Hiroki watches quietly as Kagura finds the words, searches his mind for exactly how he wants to go at this.  
“Do you…”  Kagura’s brows furrow and his frown deepens, and Hiroki swears he can see tears collecting at the corners of his eyes again.  “Do you ever feel like, maybe, the first time they attacked…”
Hiroki waits patiently as Kagura tries so, so hard to get the words out, but he can see how desperately Kagura’s trying to force the words out and how badly it hurts.
“...Do you ever wonder if maybe you shouldn’t have made it?”
It feels like somebody reaches into Hiroki's stomach, grabs hold of his guts, twists and yanks.  He feels his heart shatter; Hiroki knows how fucking badly it hurts and now empty Kagura must feel and he wishes so, so badly he could take the hurt, take the pain, take the grief.
"Sure," Hiroki says, finally, voice quiet. "Sometimes."
Hiroki laughs once, humorlessly. There's a far away look in his eyes as if he's focusing on something in the distance that isn't quite there.  "It gets better the more time passes.  Easier.  A lot of people died during that first incident and I very nearly was one of them.  But y’know what?”
“I wasn’t.”
Kagura’s mouth drops open for a brief moment in some cocktail of surprise and uncertainty of whether this is a joke.  But Hiroki’s face is steeled, for once; the comforting little smile of a father leveling with the son that he very nearly lost.  
“And neither were you,” Hiroki continues.  “I know it hurts now, and it probably will for a long time, and you don’t have to talk about it till you’re ready to.  But your dad and I are so fucking proud of you.”
Kagura looks down at his hands, brows furrowed deeply as he mindlessly rubs a finger along his knuckles, over an old callus.  Tears prick at the corners of his eyes and he takes in a shuddery breath, and Hiroki doesn’t dare to say anything, to move; he watches Kagura carefully, trying not to let his heart break.
“It just kinda feels like, why me?  You know?”
It’s at that moment that Hiroki caves.
He reaches over and carefully – so, so carefully – wraps his useful arm around Kagura’s shoulders, pulls him in for a hug with half the normal amount of arms but just as much love and affection as he always has.  Kagura curls into him, fists a hand into the front of his shirt; he leaves tear and snot stains in the fabric, and knows that Hiroki welcomes them the same way he’s welcomed everything else. With an open mind and an open heart, a big grin and a bigger hug.  
"You just gotta remember," Hiroki says, and Kagura thinks it may be the most gentle sound he's heard from his papa in a long time, "you survived for a reason.  You're still here for a reason.  You're a strong kid, Kagura; you've got a huge heart and a bright future ahead of you. You're gonna be okay, kiddo.  Promise."
Kagura nods slowly, but the look on his face is grim.  And, Hiroki supposes, he can understand why; Kagura is barely 16 years old.  Barely 16 and has already stared death in the face, turned his back on it and said not today.  Many lives were lost, both shinobi and civilian alike, in the war  with the Funato, and among all of them, Kagura was not one of them.  Kagura is a survivor, and that’s not easy for anybody.  
Kagura is just a boy, and it’s hard to remember that sometimes.
They’re quiet for a long time and that’s when Hiroki notices the room getting lighter; the sun’s rising slowly outside, Hiroki realizes with a sigh.  He goes to move off the edge of Kagura’s bed so they can both try and get some sleep, but he’s cut off at the pass before he can make a real move.
“I…  Thanks, for this,” Kagura tells him, gratitude written all over his face.  Hiroki gives him a big grin, the signature Hiroki grin that shows off his teeth – and he stands, reaches over to ruffle his hair and revels in the soft, half-hearted protests.
“You know you can always talk to us.  None of that Kiri pride bull here, right?”
Kagura sighs softly, but he nods, looks up at Hiroki with a tired little smile of his own.  “I know,” he says.  “Thanks, mama.”
“–What did you just say?”  
It takes Kagura a long moment before the realization sets in and he flushes to his ears, rolls over onto his side with his back to his father’s side of the shared hospital room and yanks his covers up almost over his face.  “Nothing, goodnight!”
Hiroki laughs from deep inside himself and finally climbs back into his hospital bed, and though he doesn’t fall asleep right away – though he’s a little too busy unexpectedly playing back some old childhood memories of his eldest – he finally dozes off, feeling warm and full.
He and Chojuuro really did raise a great kid.
(“You’re mama!” a young Kagura declares with all the confidence of a five year old.  His finger is inches from Hiroki’s nose as he changes the victim of his point from Chojuuro to Hiroki, and it takes everything in the new fathers to keep their laughter inside.
“Why am I mama?” Hiroki asks, and he’s not even sure if it’s genuine curiosity or if it’s just to see what he says.  Probably both.
Kagura puts his hands on his little hips and nods, so incredibly sure of himself.  “‘Cause!  He’s daddy.  And you can’t have a daddy without a mama.”
Chojuuro looks at Hiroki with a mischievous sparkle in his eye.  “You hear that, mama?”
Hiroki can’t explain the way his heart swells.)
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tgirlhawkins · 2 years
boruto 24uhhh what episode are we on
boruto great kiri battle spoilers
the first five or so minutes of this episode were bullshit so I’m going to do a wee bit of rewriting
chojuro in this ep talks about knowing about the land squad of funato soldiers going to kiri, so i think at some point several episodes ago he calls in suigetsu (who has been established to be working for kiri even in his sad orochimaru job, it’s in the first arc if you squint.) can you go help my little guys cut them off at the pass? i trust them but there are only like 10 of em against at least 50 guys
suigetsu gets there in the nick of time, helping in the battle in the ravine and at the town. i think. he could fucking jump into the water spout and try to make it calm down. alternatively he gets sucked up in the spout at the beginning but because he’s 100% water and not 60% he doesn’t die and it just takes him a second to get control of it. meanwhile funamushi slips out and grabs kagura, makes his stupid little speech and stabs him. suigetsu helps sarada and iwabe try to stabilize him while boruto handles funamushi.
kagura isn’t doing great but he’s nowhere near dying. he makes his little take care of the town speech, boruto i leave this to you, and suigetsu whisks him away back to kiri for treatment. probably after saying something sarcastic to mitsuki.
the parts are still there, they’re just less stupid.
also if they wanted to bring suigetsu back he could use hiremeikari and talk about using his brother’s sword!!! we could have it all!!!!
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