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PRIMA PAGINA Eco Di Bergamo di Oggi martedì, 20 agosto 2024
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onoranzetriolo · 4 months
è mancata Teresa Musolino ved. Federico
è mancata Teresa Musolino ved. Federico
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Lo studio del #folklore italiano spesso è stato condizionato da ricercatori che erano preti. Certi toni #funebri erano presentati solo in #canzoni #anticlericali , in realtà nel #repertorio #popolare troviamo anche questo tipo di canzoni. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm9aOc0rfMY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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heartnosekid · 7 months
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the dotted nudibranch (jorunna funebris) | zoegetswet on ig
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foolsfrogg · 4 months
I wanted to make a Hilda/Splatoon au back when Side Order came out buuut I saw two people make ones before me so I gave up…. however, I realized neither of them were as the trio’s eleven-year-old selves,, and there was also a tragic lack of Twig in both of them
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inspired by phopollo and blaithnne’s AWESOME aus :3 (idk if they’d want me to tag them or not)
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birdstudies · 7 days
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August 30, 2024 - Slate-colored Boubou (Laniarius funebris) These bushshrikes are found in parts of eastern Africa in savannas and shrublands. They eat mostly invertebrates and sometimes fruits, foraging on the ground and in foliage, usually in pairs. Pairs sing together throughout the day, probably for pair-bonding and territorial reasons and to stay in contact over long distances. They build open cup-shaped nests from bark fiber, fine rootlets and twigs, dry grass, and sometimes spiderwebs in trees. Females lay clutches of two or three eggs which both parents usually incubate. Both parents also feed the chicks.
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kosaciec · 4 months
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The Banded Alder Borer - Rosalia funebris This is avaliable as a Print! This was a requested painting!
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thebotanicalarcade · 11 months
n188_w1150 by Biodiversity Heritage Library Via Flickr: A description of the genus Pinus :. London :J. White,1803-1824.. biodiversitylibrary.org/page/31681321
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fieriframes · 9 months
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iphisesque · 11 months
raga ma secondo voi è cattiva forma se entro alle pompe funebri un giorno di questi e chiedo quali sono i requisiti per lavorarci
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neoninky · 1 year
TWST One-Shot: "Courtship" (Indigo Cerith)
Hello readers!
I'm back with yet another one-shot of our dear Indigo (yet again lol), however, this one connects directly into the story of 'Her Lost Voice' - so it's more like a side quest/backstory type situation.
For any new readers, I recommend reading this story before continuing the main plot with Chapter 15. It'll just make things way less confusing lol. Enjoy!
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Two weeks had passed since Indigo's final scuffle with his brother. In that time, just before the dust could truly settle, an invitation from Don Muraeni himself darkened the door of the Leech House. 
Indigo watched Proteus enter the main hall with his signature smug grin and his remaining brothers in tow, flanking him like well-trained guard dogs. The elder two kept their eyes forward and on the Leech muscle that flanked Indigo and Don Leech himself. Only the youngest of the three looked at Indigo but only for a quick guilt-ridden moment.
"What do you want, Proteus?" Don Leech didn't bother with any pleasantries, "Your boss sure took his sweet time gathering his thoughts. Or is he sending the rest of his brood to join his eldest in the ground as an apology?"
The two elder brothers hissed and snarled at the Don before Proteus chuckled and waved a hand to quiet them, "Now, now boys. Remember your manners. We are visitors in the esteemed Don Leech's house and he cannot be blamed for his gruff tone. Your brother left us all in a very awkward position..." 
The electric ray merman gave Indigo a sharp look that sized him up. It wasn't clear exactly which brother he was talking about in that context, Indigo or Ventuno. Proteus continued to speak to the Don directly, "I wouldn't dream of offending or wasting your time any further, Don Leech sir. We merely come with a message from my own, most apologetic boss."
"I'm sure..." Don Leech sneered, "Out with it then." 
"Don Muraeni wishes to meet you with and young Master Seven in person on mutual grounds to establish peace and to put all this nasty business behind us. In light of the folly our Ventuno has committed, Don Muraeni hopes to build the Muraeni household anew with Seven taking the lead."
Indigo's eyes narrowed as he weighed Proteus' words. None of his brothers looked surprised or moved by them whatsoever. Don Leech snorted dryly and crossed his arms, "Is that so? First of all, if your lot really wants him to return to that hellscape, I'd stop calling him 'Seven' like he's some stray you lost." Indigo glared with a challenge in his eyes directly at his father's right hand, "My name is Indigo Cerith. I won't answer to anything else. Give me one good reason why I should even consider coming back."
The smile widened on the ray's face as if Indigo's declaration was the exact thing he had been waiting for, "Glad to hear it and honestly, young master...I'm so glad you bring that up..."
He felt...sick. It was hours after Proteus issued his father's invitation, but Indigo's head wouldn't stop spinning with conflicted adrenaline. He was alone in his room, no idea what the hour was just that it was dark out, and any sounds that came from the outside hallways echoed dull and muffled in his ears. 
"Your dear stepmother will be so happy to hear you've kept the name she gave you all those years ago..."
No... "Just as happy to see how much you've grown, I'm sure. With that in mind...I do hope you accept your father's olive branch." No...was she really...? Indigo felt every emotion he had frozen away for years break loose and overwhelm him. He hid his face in his hands and tried to repress them back again but all he could do was let out a frustrated sob. Junonia...his mother...she was alive? All this time?! Had he known-  Had he known....another sob ripped from Indigo as he realized his father and Proteus' plan. The truth was that had Indigo known Junonia was alive and trapped in his father's clutches, he never would have left. Indigo would never leave her there to suffer alone. Deeper into the mansion, Madam Leech lay next to her restless mate in their room, "Darling...what are you going to do?" She ran her porcelain fingers through his dark locks to soothe him. 
The proud Don's eyes said it all: he was angry and disgusted for another myriad of reasons. His rival was an opportunist monster. He had always known this since this feud started but today was the final nail in the coffin. Luna and Cowrie were now his daughters and no one could tell him otherwise. Indigo was under his care and had the potential to be a great addition to the Leech household. Because of that, Don Leech couldn't rest while one of the Ceriths was still being targeted. He saw the worry in his mate's eyes and he frowned. 
"We're going to make a plan. Have faith in me, love." 
His wife nuzzled her face into his chest and purred, "I always do, dear husband. I'm just worried about the toll this will take on our poor Indigo..."
His bride had maternal affection for all of his boys in spades. Young or old, she never hesitated to care for each one in their time of need as if she birthed each of them herself. Under his gruff surface, he adored her for this quality. 
"He needs someone at his side."
Don Leech heaved a deep sigh, knowing exactly where this was going. He never mentioned it but ever since all of his wife's match matching efforts went to waste on their rebellious twins, Madam Leech had been silently buzzing to get to work on someone else. There wasn't a soul in his clan that hadn't had every chance at finding a mate thanks to the lady of the house. 
"Dearest..." he began in a tired voice, "I know you mean well but is now really the time?"
Madam Leech got that look in her eyes as she sat straight up, "But of course! What a better time than now when that poor boy's run himself ragged for everyone else's sake!" 
"I understand, my love, but I don't think throwing him into the ring with our sons' rejected leftovers is going to-"
His wife cut him off with a shrewd look, "Honestly husband, what do you take me for? My darling Jade and Floyd found absolute diamonds for their mates! Anything less would be an insult for dear Indigo who, need I remind you, protected your beloved wife-"
This went on for a while. Way after Don Leech had already silently admitted defeat. But just when he thought it was over, his mate dropped the final bomb on him.
"And besides, I know just the right match and already tested the water with him so to speak. The timing couldn't be better. My sweet niece is on the market. She'd be perfect!"
Don Leech gave his wife a wide eyed look, "Your brother's daughter...? Your brother, the same straightlaced guppy who nearly went belly up the minute my name left your lips when I was courting you?"
The elegant eel giggled at the memory, "Yes that brother. His daughter is an angel with her mother's backbone. And she adores you! I'm sure with her favorite uncle's blessing she'll give dear Indigo a chance."
"It's not our niece I'm worried about," he grumbled, "but...well you're usually right about these things." 
"I'm always right about these things, darling," she purred before giving him a kiss. -
The morning light, little of it there was, seemed to pound into Indigo's already aching head. He felt like had been buried alive under concrete as he sluggishly stirred on his bed. A knock at his door made him groan but the stoic eel quickly sat up when he heard Don Leech's gruff voice call out to him.
"You up, boy?" 
Indigo wasn't given the chance to answer before the door opened. His boss had a calm yet serious look on his face as he looked the ragged younger eel up and down, "Breakfast is on the table. My wife expects you to join us today so don't keep her waiting, hm? And fix your hair, you look a mess."
Indigo learned very quickly that Don Leech was like his own father in that he wasn't very generous with affection, verbal or otherwise. However, very much unlike his father, Don Leech did make a point to look out for Indigo in his own way. Neither eel ever said anything out loud, but Indigo silently understood and appreciated it.   "Yes sir." 
Madam Leech was far more open with her affectionate nature as if Indigo had always been one of her boys. Honestly, Indigo wasn't prepared for it at all.  It reminded him of how kind Junonia was to him and how Luna inherited it from her mother. And how much he missed it. While he knew her intentions were good, now knowing that Junonia was still alive...he couldn't help but feel guilty for not just enjoying the mistress' motherly affections but almost needing it. Again, this was something Indigo would never say out loud.  Madam Leech smiled warmly to her mate and Indigo as they entered the dining hall, "Good morning, my dears." 
Indigo had expected Don Leech to get right down to business given the circumstances. Instead, something completely unexpected came up in conversation. 
"In light of your current situation, Indigo," he began after his wife very pointedly cleared her throat in his general direction, "My wife and I have come to an agreement. We think it's time for you to focus on finding a mate for yourself now that you are free to do so." 
Indigo nearly choked on his bite of food. He blinked almost owlishly at his new boss, "I..uh...are you sure now is a good time, sir? Especially since my father's focus is back on me?"
The gruff Don sighed but didn't look up from his plate, "I understand your concern. I had them as well at first, but the fact of the matter is you're in this life whether you are here in my home or back there with your father. The difference is here, you can have a life all your own and thrive. Trust me...having the right mate by your side makes all the difference, boy." 
Madam Leech smiled sweetly at her husband even if he wasn't looking at her, she still felt his tail gently wrap around hers underneath the table as he said these words. Seeing the hint of nervousness in Indigo's tense shoulders, the kind mistress stepped in to comfort him.
"Don't worry, my dear, we're not going to just throw you into the currents blindly, "she chuckled making Indigo relax a tiny bit, "My niece that I mentioned to you recently is looking for a mate. I think you'd be a wonderful match for her and her for you as well," her expression was full of confidence and warmth, "I don't want to pressure you, of course, but...if you are interested, I've been invited for a visit this weekend and would happily take you with me to meet her, Indigo. If nothing else, I think you more than deserve a break away from it all." 
If he were being honest, Indigo felt very, very unsure about all of this. That was the first layer of the absolute whirlpool of emotions he was hiding underneath his slightly uncomfortable expression. The next was a barrage of awkward memories from his school days and all of the interactions he had with the opposite sex, and sometimes the same sex, as a teenager. Indigo inwardly cringed at the memory but honestly the final layer was that he had one more secret that he'd been holding onto for years. Remembering her brought both peace and tremendous guilt into his heart.  Especially when he recalled his history between their first meeting and now. Any sort of intimate experiences he did have over the years was purely transactional and arranged beforehand by his father to...well putting it bluntly, take care of his and his brothers' carnal needs during certain times of the year after they reached a certain age. For Ventuno, he had always been aggressive, but it came to a boiling point when he was fifteen. He took to this arrangement a lot more than Indigo did whose first experiences were right before he started high school. There was no romantic attraction or attachment involved whatsoever. It wasn't exactly a secret on the Muraeni turf that this happened. But after Indigo was dragged back into this life under the waves when he was eighteen, he began abstaining from it altogether.  His father and brothers never shamed him for it but it all just felt so meaningless to him after he met her. Indigo never spoke of this with his sisters. If anything, part of him was afraid that they would eventually become just like those girls that were offered so freely to him and his brothers only to be put back on the metaphorical shelf when they were satisfied. That thought alone turned his stomach. But now that Luna and Cowrie were secure with their own mates...the final layer that Indigo was that he was very lonely, and he missed her desperately. Now that he was in fact free to pursue something more substantial, perhaps they could try again.
Indigo cleared his throat as he tried to keep the butterflies in his gut at bay, "I...I would like to, ma'am, but-"
Madam Leech lit up like an Anglerfish's lure before he could even finish, "Wonderful! Oh she is such a lovely girl, you will love her immediately I'm sure. My brother doesn't have the same connections as my darling but the Funebris family is still quite distinguished and well bred," she beamed. 
Indigo suddenly felt his whole world come to a halt. Almost to the point where he choked again. He knew that name...but had no idea that it was connected to the Leech family in anyway. Her shy face that he hadn't seen in years suddenly came to mind. The way she both hid behind her vibrant green-teal hair when they first met. Yet her fiery orange eyes glowed like embers when she finally opened up to him little by little. Her voice was soothing and warm, like herbal tea. Fragments of the memory kept threading together in Indigo's mind as he felt his pulse in his own throat.
"And your niece's name?" he asked tentatively, hoping to satisfy the intense curiosity burning through him. Could it really be...?
"Ivy Funebris. She's as lovely as she is smart. I'm sure you'll adore her."
Ivy Funebris...his final secret. It had to be the very same Ivy he grew to love.
"I already do..." he said almost bashfully, making both Don Leech and his wife stare at him. After a long beat, Indigo took a deep breath and cleared his throat, feeling the heavy realization of what he was about to say press in on him, "We've...met before. Several times actually...somehow her being your niece never came up in conversation, however..."
The entire ocean and universe above had to be laughing at him right now. That was the only explanation for how anxiously stupid Indigo felt as he watched the married couple process this information. Don Leech's eyes narrowed at the nervous young merman. 
"You've met my niece before...where and how exactly?"
"At school...s-sir. I was already going by Indigo Cerith so she didn't know who I was. Really...was, I mean." Somehow Indigo's voice was even keel though he felt his entire body's desire to crawl under the table, "We first met at an academic conference between our school, Royal Sword, and her school, Sacred Crown."
"Uh huh. Go on..." 
Madam Leech started to feel a bit sorry for Indigo's poker face was beginning to crack under her husband's razor-sharp stare, "Darling, please..." but her soft plea went ignored.
"We...took an interest in each other pretty quickly. But I didn't want to put her in danger, so I never told her who my father was or where I really came from. During breaks from school, I would stay on campus and communicated with Ivy mostly through messages whenever we couldn't see each other. But any face-to-face meeting we did have was very respectable, sir." 
Indigo was close to sweating even under water, but had it been anyone else, the shrewd Don would have suspected he was simply giving him lip service. For the boy's sake, Don Leech relaxed a bit as he leaned back in his seat with a more casual tone, "And after your father dragged you back home...?"
It was probably the first time he saw Indigo truly flinch. Indigo had done his best to hide his sadness deep under the surface for a long time but now it felt impossible to do so, "I sought her out in secret. Since her home is further south and in unclaimed territory by you or my father, it never occurred to me that she might be related to you. She was still in school so I could only see her whenever she returned for summer and occasionally winter break, so I waited. We continued like that for about a year until her father found out. He threw me out and threatened to have me killed on the spot if I ever returned. It didn't take long for my own father to find out that I kept sneaking off at night and he put me in lockdown. I never told my father what exactly I was doing but I haven't seen her since I was nineteen." 
Madam Leech's sad expression quickly hardened with resolve, "Well that settles it then." 
Don Leech held up a hand to stop any argument Indigo was about to give, "Save it, boy. There's no changing her mind once she gets like this." 
"Oh you hush," she playfully scolded her mate, "Indigo dear, you love Ivy still don't you? I can see and hear it when you talk about her," she smiled a bit smugly making his face flush, "All the more reason to reunite the two of you, especially now! I personally will not rest until my brother sees reason!" 
Indigo blinked wordlessly at her and Don Leech, who just gave him a look that said 'I told you so'. So it was decided whether Indigo was ready or not. -
He held onto what he could until the very end of the day where his tired mind did the rest of the work for him as he slept. As soon as Indigo's head touched his pillow, the memory came back together more clearly...
Indigo was seventeen and a sophomore at NRC when he had met Ivy. She was a freshman at Sacred Crown. One of her dormmates had tagged along to the academic conference once she caught wind that the famous Oasis Snake of Scarabia would be there as well. Both of the eels were there to attend lectures between different magic schools in earnest. The other freshman girl in the equation just wanted a chance to catch Indigo's eye but thought having another mermaid at her side might break the ice. It definitely worked just not in the flirty human's favor, unfortunately. 
Even in his dreams the human girl that had set her sights on him had a blurred expression in place of a recognizable face. He remembered walking towards the NRC library with a few of his own classmates where the lecture of his choice would be starting in a few minutes. That's when the faceless girl approached him and tried striking up a conversation. The dream seemed to skip and glitch in parts that his mind didn't quite recall but when it became clear, Ivy was there behind her dormmate, suddenly shifting into focus. Soft, shy, sweet. A feminine little thing with her hair in floppy twin tails and bangs that hid half of her timid face. But the one visible eye of hers was a stunning warm amber orange that burned like a sunset. Though she struggled to meet his ice blue gaze at first, when Ivy spoke, her voice was clear. She had a sweet scent that seemed to both excite and tame his more primal senses.  Eventually she smiled. She laughed. She looked interested in what he had to say in return. Ivy spoke openly about her studies in magic, her eyes sparkling with passion with each word. Anyone else around fell by the wayside as this cute freshman drew Indigo in at an alarming rate. Behind her shy demeanor, she was so pretty. The present Indigo would've been humiliated had he been awake. Even in his dreams, he could feel his teenage self's hormones drawn to this little female eel like the world's strongest magnet. Sure, they were both on land and in their human forms, but their true selves couldn't be fooled.  What exactly was it that kept his eyes on her? ...everything, it was everything, wasn't it? Her alluring scent, her beauty, her laugh, her passion...
"I'm studying various forms and function of Magic Stones to help with my family's business. You're from the Coral Sea too, right? Maybe you know the Funebris family too then?"
When his younger self said something in response, it just sounded like his voice had been filtered through thick fabric coming out muffled on the other side. Still, Ivy Funebris beamed at him in return and said something that made his heart flutter even in his dreams.
"You're really cool, just like I heard you were, Cerith-senpai...." the memory cut forward a split second and she corrected herself, "Ah...Indigo then...my name? Oh I'm Ivy."
Her soft pink lips formed the sound that seemed to ring like a bell. A teacher from Sacred Crown called out to her and took her attention away from him for a moment before she turned back to him, with a bashful smile, "It was nice to meet you, Indigo...can we talk some more later?"
And that was it. Indigo stared at the ceiling after waking up, replaying the image of her entirely. After about an hour, he just groaned in frustration before rolling over and burying his face back into his pillow. Did she even think of him in the same way anymore? Whatever the answer was...Indigo had to find out for himself.
The week passed quickly and left Indigo feeling strangely anxious. His time had been split between formulating a plan under Don Leech's guidance and getting himself prepared to reunite with Ivy Funebris. Madam Leech had helped bolster his confidence in the days leading up to their visit but once they arrived, it was clear that this wasn't going to be nearly as straightforward as either one had hoped. 
When Madam Leech said her family, her brother and his own family especially, were distinguished and well bred, she wasn't exaggerating. Her brother, while not connected to the mafia his sister had married into, made a name for himself by discovering and harvesting magic stones that were native to the Coral Sea directly. More specifically, magic pearls and the development of them were his business and his business made him very wealthy. That and his very eligible daughter put the Funebris family center stage for hungry suitors looking to climb up the social food chain. Meaning that when Madam Leech and Indigo arrived, he wasn't the only suitor coming to call that day. Frankly, it made his blood boil defensively. His coloring was vastly different and his face and body littered with scars. In a flock of more clean, green and yellow eels, Indigo's rough blue-grey and vivid yellow spotted coloring stuck out like a sore thumb. Getting a few strange looks put his already heightened nerves on edge but Indigo hid it under his trained poker face. Madam Leech didn't pay the younger hopefuls any mind and swam right past them with Indigo at her side. When they were greeted at the door by one of her brother's staff, Indigo was met with another questioning look. This was going to be an entire obstacle in itself he realized once Ivy's father entered the room they were escorted to. The father greeted his sister with a bright smile, clearly relieved to see her still in one piece though she was still a mob boss' wife. When his eyes landed on Indigo, his smile quickly fell off his face.  "And...this....is?"
"Indigo Cerith, sir," he politely bowed his head and reintroduced himself.
"My husband's new and very promising protege," Madam Leech didn't bother trying to hide how proud she was,  "I brought him along to see sweet Ivy."
The brother's eyes narrowed sharply as he looked Indigo over, "You brought him to meet my daughter? Isn't he one of those unsavory Muraenis? In fact...oh yes, I remember you," his tone turned venomous as he snarled out the last few words, "I invited you, sister, but you brought this trash here with you?!" He could change his name but he couldn't change his appearance, not without some serious magic anyway. Don Muraeni was so infamous that even Roman Moray merfolk that weren't related or connected to him in anyway were hated by those not affliated with him simply because they had the similar color and patterns on their skin. Being Don Muraeni's actual offspring was always going to be a hurdle but... "I'm not associating with Don Muraeni anymore if that's what is troubling you, sir."
Indigo still had to try. Thankfully Madam Leech was in his corner and ready to defend if not hype him up any time necessary. Mr. Funebris saw the look in his sister's eyes and hissed, "You cannot seriously expect me to let Ivy know that he is here! I'm already having a hard time getting her to meet any of the other suitors I've chosen for her!"
"Indigo, dear. Why don't you wait out in the gardens? They are quite lovely," She would know for she designed them herself, "I need to catch my baby brother up on some things..."
Madam Leech blocked her brother with a deadly serious gaze before he could even think about stopping the young man from leaving. Indigo said nothing and left the room, knowing that his mistress had everything well in hand. - The grounds were pretty easy to navigate after being in the Leech Mansion for a while. Even so, Indigo was frustrated. It felt like any corner he turned he was met with another pedigree suitor giving him the stink eye. He was about to find peace when he reached the garden gate only to see two eel boys trying to peek inside a closed off corner towards the back. They were whispering to themselves.
"This is the only locked up place, why wouldn't she be in here?"
"You're probably right but doesn't this seem a bit much...? Wouldn't it be better to just wait like the others?"
"If you want to get left in the cold with all her other rejects, be my guest," the first boy scoffed, "besides...there's no harm in getting a sneak peek before anyone else."
Hearing the shady eel laugh creepily to himself enflamed Indigo's protective instinct faster than he could blink. 
"The hell do you think you're doing?!" 
The two intruders jumped back at Indigo's snarl and nearly wet themselves when they faced him. The first bolted out of the garden without argument before the second clumsily followed after him. Indigo just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms as he watched them flee. The plant covered lattice-like barrier they had been peeking into had a hand sized opening in it. It felt weird to look into it himself, but Indigo also didn't feel right just leaving it unguarded. Instead he turned his back to it as he leaned against the fencing, his gaze locked onto the front gate. He never understood the desire to spy on girls even in his teen years. Sure he was curious but there were limits...
He sighed as time passed slowly but at least it was quiet and he was alone finally. Indigo felt himself start to relax for the first time all week when a soft brush of movement sounded from the other side of the fence. There was a sweet scent and then a familiar voice...
Indigo felt his muscles tense as that tone hit his ears and made his head turn towards the opening, "H-Hello....I'm sorry to hover here it's just there was some other guys lurking about."
The voice gave a soft chuckle, "Ah, again. It happens whenever my father invites suitors to come. Thank you for chasing them off.... what's your name, sir?"
He felt like he was losing his mind. Indigo felt hot embarrassment wash over him as his body tensed up with instinctual excitement. His pulse quickened, his tail started to flick back and forth, hell, was his mouth watering?! Great merciful Sea Witch, his hormones were probably pumping out pheromones like it was the damn end times! Indigo felt like an absolute fool! All this just from a sniff of her sweet scent and the sound of her warm voice? He mentally growled at his own body for acting like he was still a teenager. The scent, the sound of her voice, both were more refined now, but it had to be...it was too familiar. 
"I-Indigo Cerith..."
When he heard a soft gasp and the sound of his name, he knew.
“Indigo?!” He hid his face in his hand, trying to ignore the shiver running up his spine at hearing his name on her lips, “Y-Yes...”
After collecting himself for a moment, Indigo moved to the opening and saw one surprised burning orange eye with a bit of bright teal-green hair. It was her. There was an expectant hush to her voice as she looked in his icy blue gaze, "Y..You remember me?"
He deadpanned probably for the first time ever. Did he remember her?! Indigo couldn't stop himself. He felt the same rush come flooding back just like when they were still school kids as his voice came out in a shaky chuckle.
"Ivy, why do you think I'm here? Of course, I remember you..."
Her gaze seemed to freeze in shock before widening in distress, "Indigo..." and suddenly she was gone. It happened so quickly that Indigo almost believed he imagined her being there completely. 
"Ivy...?" he called out quietly. He started to feel panic creep up on him under he heard a gate further down unlatch. He caught a quick glimpse of her beautifully green tail whip back inside before following after it. Indigo felt his heart pound as he entered the garden and looked about for Ivy. He heard a soft sob coming from inside a small forest of seaweed and stone structures and saw her silhouette. He quietly approached, feeling more guilt stab into him the closer he got to her crying voice. Indigo nearly dropped dead on the spot when he saw her curled up on herself under a stone arch.
Ivy Funebris had grown beautifully. It was almost unfair. In place of the shy, petite girl was now a blossomed young woman, carved in smooth spring green and teal skin, bright fins that held a light shimmer to them, with the same soft, now short hair framing her sad face. Ivy looked up at him with her gorgeous heartbroken eyes. Indigo felt himself almost shatter in her presence.
"Ivy...please let me explain-" 
"You're a BEAST, Indigo Cerith!" she sobbed, "wh-where did you go? I...I thought you were gone forever! I waited...I waited for so long. I've refused every other man my father brought here in hopes that you were still out there somewhere..."
Remorse wasn't a strong enough word for what he feeling. He carefully lowered himself to the ground in front of her, "Ivy, I'm so sorry. I didn't stay away because I wanted to. It's...it's a long complicated story." 
Ivy sniffled and wiped away her near invisible tears in frustration, "Oh is it? Try me, Indigo Cerith. Or should I call you Indigo Muraeni instead?" 
When he hesitated, she turned away from him with crossed arms and an angry pout, "Yes I know who you are...I've known since my father chased you off that night."
"I didn't know who you were, Ivy," his voice was soft as he leaned in closer to her, his eyes sad and pleading, "It wouldn't have mattered even if I did. My feelings have never changed. Does my heritage make you hate me...?"
She scoffed but still refused to face him, "I don't care about that! I never did...I just wanted you to come back to me. You're cruel for making me wait so long!" 
"Ivy..." his earnest voice made her heart leap. She stubbornly held onto her anger as she felt his arms gently embrace her from behind...but even so, she couldn't bring herself to push him away. He repeated her name like it was a prayer as he pressed his lips into the back of her shoulder like he used to. She felt her resolve melt the gentler his kisses became. If anyone had stumbled across this scene, they would have thought the usually stoic Indigo had a doppelganger. 
"Ivy. Please forgive me. Please hear me out," he whispered into her skin, "Please. After that, if you want...I'll never trouble you again." 
His whole body jolted as she suddenly turned around in his arms and pressed her lips eagerly to his. When Ivy broke away, she still had that fiery look in her eyes, "Don't you dare leave me again. I'll never forgive you if you do....now tell me everything."
Her expression softened into one ready to listen. So he did. Every single thing that had happened to him, to his sisters, and what was brewing on the horizon outside the garden walls as they spoke. Bit by bit, Ivy turned back into the sweetest girl he had ever known again. By the end, he could barely look her in the eyes and he held her delicate hands in his. Indigo felt a heavy lump form in his throat as he tried to continue.
"I had to see you again, Ivy. At least one more time. And now that I'm here...I...I uh hardly know how to even begin to ask you...to..." 
He couldn't finish. The words were stuck in his throat, plugged there by the immense responsibility he felt about everything. Indigo was a mess but immensely grateful that Ivy was the only witness. He held it together for so long out of necessity but somehow, Ivy had become his sanctuary and always held him close whenever he was in a vulnerable state...this moment was no different.  He felt Ivy's gentle hands glide over his skin as if she was seeing all of his scars for the first time. She lifted his chin to guide his gaze to hers with a soft smile, silently asking him to finish. He gulped and tried again.
"Ivy. I've been stuck in a very dangerous life since I was born. If I could leave it behind completely, I would...but I can't. Even so, no matter what happens, I want you there next to me. I promise you'll never be in danger. I'll do everything in my power to make sure you want for nothing and to ensure you'll always be safe with me." 
The smile on her face rivaled the sun. She cupped his face and kissed his jaw, his lips, and finally his closed eyelids before pressing her forehead to his with a sigh, "Took you long enough, Oasis Snake." 
She giggled playfully at the groan that came from him. His half-lidded eyes dripped with exasperation, "Of course, you remember that stupid nickname..."
"How could I forget? You were so cool back then. No wonder my classmates swooned over you," her eyes were now full of girlish mirth. His face was grumpy, but his tail shyly wagged making Ivy giggle even more.
"Ugh stop it..." 
After a long argument, Madam Leech headed to the gardens to fetch Indigo, ignoring her brother's last attempts to change her mind. 
"I won't have it!" he groaned, "You say he's loyal to your family now but even so, he'll invite nothing but trouble-" 
He stopped in his tracks with a wide-eyed look once they reached the garden entrance and he saw that the gate to his daughter's private sanctuary was open. He shot an accusatory glare towards his sister and snarled, "I told you he was up to no good!"
Madam Leech rolled her eyes and followed after her brother at a much more relaxed pace. When he hovered frozen just beyond the entrance, she smiled at the sight that greeted them. Ivy, radiant as sunshine, looked lovingly down at the sleeping Indigo and gently played with his stormy locks as his head rested on her lap. If she heard her father's fuss as he entered, she paid him absolutely no mind. 
"Oh yes...what a ferocious delinquent this boy of mine is," Madam Leech drawled sarcastically with a smug grin, "My question is this, brother: when was the last time you saw Ivy look so happy?"
Her brother was dumbfounded, and boy did it hang on his face like a neon sign. His first instinct was to stubbornly object to this entirely and have Indigo thrown out like he did before but....he just sighed in defeat instead.
It was barely another week before Ivy Funebris became Mrs. Ivy Cerith. There wasn't a big celebration or official ceremony by request of the young couple. It simply happened and it was done before any naysayers could get a word in. 
A plan was set and meeting date decided. The morning of, Indigo spent time in the Leech garden with his bride. They sat alone in solitary nook that quickly became their spot, tails intwined together, his kisses on her skin as she rested in his strong arms. 
"Do you like it?" he asked before kissing into the bare skin of her neck after he finished clasping the jewelry on her. 
His wife hummed sweetly as she admired the mating chandelier style necklace made of pearls and shell nacre that he meticulously designed for her, "It's absolutely beautiful. No one would ever believe me if I told them what a romantic my husband is under his rough exterior...then again, I enjoy having this side of you all to myself." 
"You give him too much credit," he snorted dryly before giving her shoulder a kiss, "he was too clumsy to make it himself so he had a professional do it for him. That's why it took so long."
"I love him just the same so hush," she laughed before turning to face him directly, "More importantly...are you going to be alright?"
He couldn't hide the worry in his icy blues from his mate. When he didn't respond, Ivy nuzzled her face into his neck and took her time leaving a trail of affectionate nips leading to his collar bone, "Indigo, my love...?" she purred, trying to coax him out of his brooding.
Her husband knew he was beaten and just chuckled wryly, "I am... a bit anxious to see my mother again, if it is true that is. But I will be just fine, Ivy. I'll come back to you in one piece, Mrs. Cerith. I promise."  
Indigo took her hand in his and pressed a kiss into her palm to seal the promise. His wife felt warmth spread on her face in time with her smile, "I'll be waiting, Mr. Cerith."
Tagging: @nuitthegoddess @iscarlettappel @foxwitchaine @1ndigowitch @wysteriadelights @evieyouknow @ladyrosemoon @victoria1676 @aiimee9 @honey-milk-depresso @espada188 @feldya
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