#funnny photo
pommestudio · 7 years
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mwagneto · 3 years
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pigeonlover4000 · 4 years
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Er sitzt
Nachricht an mich für eine Tauben Tatsache!!
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mdtaron · 5 years
Tell me in the comments
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thedevotionaltour · 2 years
martin gore is the only one with a hint of style, in admirably camp silver shorts.
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vanniochoa · 3 years
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Omg the last photo!!! “Excuse me sir the view is on the other side..” 🤣🤣🤣My reaction when I saw him taking a photo of me was to stare at him directly in the eye until he left 🙊😜 . . . #aliceandolivianyc @aliceandolivianyc @ragandbone #newyork #nyc #meatpackingdistrict #nycblogger #slipdress #funnny #nuevayork #sanantonioblogger #losangelesblogger #lamodel #shorthaircuts #ootdinspiration #losangelescalifornia #travelgram (at Los Angeles, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8GAnnhwHS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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torresaul · 5 years
team europe, my loves, I’m so sad its over but thank you so much for another magical laver cup weekend!! all the funnny, soft moments from fedal being in synch, having coaching/dad moments, the whole team laughing, joking with one another and the cheerleading moments, the pure passion and enthusiasm from everyone pushing each other, the pep talks, jumping up , clapping for points, all the group hugs🥺and even pumping up the crowd😍 (also me getting to see rafa look hot on the bench in his various black and white shirts for 3 days straight getting up and shouting like the biggest hype man for everyone while also being a huge meme). you could feel the love from all the footage and the photos that they were truly a family that loved playing for this team and that it meant a lot😭😭 so much drama and such great memories I will cherish forever. bjorn, thomas, rober, fabio, domi, sascha, roger and rafa thank you for such a great few days filled with so much smiling. also ty to the organisers and everyone who was involved in making it so special. till next time team europe and laver cup💙🇪🇺
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paradiselaketheblog · 2 years
Changing the ones from 2013 otherwise leaving them the same :3c
TEN ARE YOUS 1. Are you single? Yeah 2. Are you happy?   Yeah 3. Are you bored?  no 4. Are you naked? no 5. Are you a blond/e? heah 6. Are you moody? No 7. Are you a lover/hater? I’m an analyst  8. Are you hot/cold? cold rn! 9. Are you Irish? no 10. Are you Asian? no TEN FACTS 1. Name: emma 2. Middle name: rose 3. Any birth marks: some 4. Hair color: blond 5. Natural hair color: same 6. Eye color: green 7. Height: 5'7 8. Mood: Good 9. Favorite color: green 10. One place you want to visit: the grand tetons, the sierra nevada, the white mountains and most of appalachia, the PNW, oahu/honolulu, japan, alaska  TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE 1. Do you believe in love at first sight?  No of course not 2. Do you believe in soul mates? Nope 4. Have you ever been hurt emotionally? eyah 5. Have you ever broke someone’s heart? Yeah probably 6. Ever had your heart broken? Haha yeah. Unless ?  7. Have you ever liked someone but never told them? Yeah 8. Are you afraid of commitment? Kind of yeah 9. Who was the last person you hugged? Austin 10. Who was the last person you said I love you to? My mom TEN THIS OR THAT 1. Love or lust? love 3. Cats or dogs? Cats  4. A few best friends or many regular friends? Either  5. Television or internet? Internet by far 6. Chinese or Indian? chinese 7. Wild night out or romantic night in? Either. idk 8. Money or Happiness? Hmm...Both 9. Night or day? Not sure. Probably day 10. MSN or phone? phone TEN HAVE YOU EVER 1. Been caught sneaking out? I’m 25 2. Been skinny dipping? No 3. Bungee jumped? no 4. Finished an entire jaw breaker? no idea 5. Lied to someone you liked? yeah 6. Wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back? Yeha 8. Cried yourself to sleep? no 9. Cried because you lost a pet? YEAH omg bahahaha 10. Wanted to disappear? Yesss TEN PREFERENCES IN A PARTNER 1. Smile or eyes? both! 2. Light or dark hair? I’m open 3. Hugs or kisses? hugs 4. Shorter or taller? taller 5. Intelligence or attraction? intelligence 6. Romantic or spontaneous? Neither 7. Funny or serious? fu ny 8. Older or younger? older lmaooooo 9. Outgoing or quiet? outgoing!! 10. Sweet or bad ass? sweet TEN HAVE YOUS 1. Ever performed in front of a large crowd? once as a Child 2. Ever had sex? yes 3. Ever consumed alcohol? I have 5. Ever been on a cheerleading team? no 6. Ever been on a dance team? no 7. Ever been on a sports team? noe 8. Ever been in a drama play/production? once 9. Ever kissed the same sex? yes 10. Ever been in a rap video? nah TEN LASTS 1. Last phone call you made? to Austin 2. Last person you hung out with? Austin ? I don’t have friends so I don’t really hang out  4. Last time you worked? Friday 5. Last person you tackled? what 6. Last person you IM? This no longer exists! 8. Last person(s) you took to the movies? God I haven’t been to the movies since before Covid 9. Last thing you missed? Backpacking 10. Last thing you ate? Raisin bran and coffee lolololol LAST PERSON TO 1. Sleep beside you? Austin 2. See you cry? I don’t cry in front of other people 3. You went out to dinner with? Austin 5. You talked on the phone to? Austin 7. Made you laugh? Austin WOULD YOU RATHER 1. Pierce your nose or tongue? Neither 2. Be serious or be funny? Funny! I am funnny :)  3. Drink whole or skim milk? Skim 4. Spend time with your parents or enemies? wtf? my parents omg ARE YOU 1. Simple or complicated? Complicated 2. Retarded? offensive DO YOU PREFER 1. Flowers or candy? flowers 2. Gray or black? For clothes probably black, but gray as a color! 3. Color or Black and white photos? Color ? 4. Sunrise or sunset? sunrise 6. Staying up late or waking up early? Staying up late is unfortunately my jam UNIQUE 1. Nervous Habits? i bite my nails my cuticles and my tongue (still :( ) 2. Are you double jointed? no 3. Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? yeah 4. Can you raise one eyebrow? no S 5. Can you cross your eyes? yeah 6. Do you make your bed daily? Every morning QUESTIONS 1. Which shoe goes on first? ive never paid attention to this in my life and i always make a point to but i never do <--- STILL!!!  2. Ever thrown something at someone? yes Regret 3. On average, how much money do you carry with you? I don’t carry cash if that’s what you’re asking  4. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl 5. Have you ever eaten Spam? once 6. Favorite ice cream? choc with fudge lol 7. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? 2 (cheerios and raisin bran) 8. What’s your favorite beverage? I love lacroix! 9. Do you cook? NO lmfao I suck so bad!
LASTS 1. Last Alcoholic Drink:  A beer ? Idk I don’t drink alcohol 2. Last Car ride: Austin and I went to sprouts to get food for dinner
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There’s an episode of Lewis where Hathaway has to go to Berlin to read about Stasi informants, and he sits in a little room with a bunch of folders and isn’t allowed to photocopy anything.
So even though I haven’t watched that episode in years, somehow it clearly inspired my dream last night where I was sat inside a little room with a stack of folders.
But they were on Freddie Mercury himself. I was not allowed to take photos of anything or photocopy anything or scan anything into a computer, just take notes on a piece of paper. And I found out he had a secret career writing modern takes on bible stories for children, under the name of Freddie Starr.
Adam and Eve got kicked out of a games arcade, Noah’s ark took place on a train, and Sodom and Gamorrah were Sudsbury and Grandby, starved of funding from the local council for ruining the local land with unlicensed festivals and letting the rubbish pile up.
And I went up to the guy and I said I couldn’t believe nobody else knew about this, why was this a secret? He was clearly very clever and funnny and knew how to translate these stories into accessible pieces, and the guard just shrugged and said it didn’t look good for the church, to have someone of a different religion teach kids about social responsibility and Christian morals better than the Catholic Church. And I thought, that’s just ridiculous but yet quite typical of the Catholic Church, and then the guard said “plus the whole gay band orgy thing”.
And I woke up just as I was asking “what gay band orgy thing?!”. Thank god I didn’t say that out loud.
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generationcrossing · 4 years
So...No Gift? [March 2, 2020]
Fitz kicks back in the chair as he stretches out with an extended yawwwwwwwwn as Uncle G goes to make some covvvvvvfeee, a swirl of Curiousity moving through him as to where Mom had gotten off too..."Give it to me Straaaaaait, Glennnnnie, how Did You get those ladeeees to keep having Your bebes?" Fitz inquires, feeling like he was as good of a person to Ask as any all thingssssss Considered, as he takes on his mom's tone with his extraaaaaaness into as he calls Uncle G by his nicknameyyy.
Glenn moves to hand Fitz his cup of coffee, taking his own as he keeps one mug free and ready for Laurie when she got back, moving to blow a bit on the top before taking a sip. "The vertical farming, Definitely," he offers, before reaching to grab a cookie as he takes a bite, musing a bit at the odd line of questioning. "Why? Getting close to that big 3-0 got you Thinking?"
Fitz sets the mug down as his head draws back, a roar of laughter rumbling out of him, "Ahhhhhh....FUCK. Funnny funny funnnnnnnnnneeee...nah mostly just all the Gaaaaay running around these parts. Plus, Mom's birthday is coming up, tick tick tock." He explains, a llllllittttleee, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth as his pointer finger moves from side to side, drawing the hefty as photo album up onto the counter, flipping through seeing the picture with Uncle G, baby bratty Anja, and Sexy Sourpusssss, tapping it a few times as he draws a blunt out of his pocket, twirling it around a bit. "What's....mmmmm...Nataaaaalyeeeeaaah? What she up to? You still got her number?" He asks, as he leans forward some on his forearms.
“You don’t want to do That,” Glenn offers with a small chuckle, preemptively thinking of the end result of whatever idea was moving into Fitz’s head, taking another sip of his coffee before an idea hits him. “Though, what about...” he pauses, to try and recall her Name...”Cerise?”
Fitz pushes his lips out a bit as he releases a low hum, moving to light up, taking a deep toke as he shimmies his shoulders a bit, uppp and downnnn, uppppppp..."But, I Doooooo....yeah, yeah, yeaaaaaaaah...what you don't wanna Share Anymore?" He gasps out, clapping a hand over his chest, after his attention moves from Natalya his finger gliding along her curves...mmm, mmmmnhhh, Mmmm...a flutter twitching across his lips briefly as he hears the mention of the name, his mind moving over to August as he takes a lonnnnger hit, holding it even longer beeeeeforeeeeee. "Our wittle spicy Meatball-uhhh already..." Fitz begins, making the juicy sound of a gun cocking between his lips, as his arms move in time with the whole thing, "BOW." He thunders out, a low throaty chuckle rising out at the thought, and the fact he was preeeettty sure it was a three-of-a-kind Moment, offering the blunt out to Uncle Glenn as he airly releases another wave of sweet smoke, "Tryyy. You're not the only Green Thumb baby in thisssssss motherfucker, you know..." He lowly teases out, wiggling his right thumb as he leans somewhat forward onto the photo album.
"Then see if you can find her, Good Luck," Glenn offers, clapping his hand on Fitz's shoulder as he emphasizes the last words, feeling like he was going to Need It, but he gave his warning, so...he did His Job, he decides, before taking the blunt and a deep toke of it, releasing the sweet smoke into the air as he contemplates the quality of it, drumming his fingers on the table. "Not bad. You ought to get yourself a bigger farm, commercialize this," he offers, handing the blunt back as he closes the photo album, putting it aside.
Was that a challenge, Fitz wondered, kinda adding to his huh, if Uncle G still carried a torch for Her, a lazy chuckle rolling out of him as his tongue rubs along the inside of his cheeek, letting him take his passsss, taking the joint back and inhaling deeeeeeeply, mmmmmm, a slow blink, two, “Maybeeee...” He eerily trails off, as he releases the breath, or two full of smoooooooke, scooping up the album and making his way into the living room, relaxing back, and kicking his feet up as he cracks the bad boy open again, licking his two fingers as he slowly turns the pages, pouring over the little moments captured in time and his mom’s little additions to them all...one by one...taking another deep toke as he sees one, an early, one, of her, Da...Dw...asshole, and a chubby as fuck, Ebsyyyy...at some beach, “Hahhhh.”
"Let me know if you do," Glenn floats back, moving to grab his coffee for another sip ass he watches Fitz head off with the album again, wondering if Laurie was close to being back, moving to check his stocks in the meantime.
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pkstudiosindia · 4 years
Pet Food India-RO Basket || Best Seller||OnWheel FurnishMyAuto Car Interior Atmosphere Ambient USB Star Auto Roof Projector Light (Blue) || 2020-10-11 03:28:04
RO Basket || Best Seller ||OnWheel FurnishMyAuto Car Interior Atmosphere Ambient USB Star Auto Roof Projector Light (Blue) || 2020-10-11 03:28:04
Featured Post in RO Basket dot com – RO Basket
Originally posted 2020-07-03 18:15:24.
* Create a romantic ambiance for the one that you love automotive. Give you and your loved ones a contented temper * Car inside ornamental lights modified armrest field starry sky ambiance lights roof full star projection lamp automotive roof * It Can challenge tremendous shiny & cool starry sky on the roof of the automotive * USB interface with 360 diploma versatile angel physique, can change to five completely different photographs * Romantic Sky usb gentle can be utilized in room decor, automotive decor, usb night time gentle for laptop, energy Bank, wall cost with usb interface * Packing embrace: * 1piece of Car USB LED Ambient Star gentle * Main Advantages: * Play and plug * Mini measurement, simple for utilization * Universal for automobiles/cars/PC/laptop/Portable battery/Mobile Phone with USB floor * Four Modes Option: Constant Meteor Mode, Constant Starry Mode, Multi-mode Meteor, Multi-mode Starry. * LED ambiance gentle, Decorative gentle, inside ornament lights, Emergency lights, DJ lights * Main Features: * Voltage: 5V with USB socket, can be utilized for automobiles, vehicles, and another music funnny locations. * Power: 5W. * Colors: Red * Plug and play * All producer names, symbols, and descriptions, utilized in our photos and textual content are used solely for identification functions solely. * It is neither inferred or implied that any merchandise bought by OnWheel is a product licensed by or in any approach related with any automobile producers displayed on this web page.
It is simple to suit and hook up with USB socket. Lights will likely be sufficient to create the elegant and nice get together ambiance. Made of top quality materials. Easy to put in with USB socket with 8V-36V voltage, Roof Star Projector Lights Interior Atmosphere
Click Here to View or Learn More – OnWheel FurnishMyAuto Car Interior Atmosphere Ambient USB Star Auto Roof Projector Light (Blue) …………………….For extra Details,Please Visit our RO Basket dot com – Home Page Link – RO Basket
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The post Pet Food India-RO Basket || Best Seller||OnWheel FurnishMyAuto Car Interior Atmosphere Ambient USB Star Auto Roof Projector Light (Blue) || 2020-10-11 03:28:04 appeared first on Pet Food India.
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jerseydeanne · 7 years
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Over the years meghan has owned several of her own fan pages on Facebook and Instagram. https://www.instagram.com/meghanmarklefans
This is one of her Instagrams easy to spot since she has posted comments from the account on her friend Lindsay Roth’s IG as from Meghan herself. There is only 3 friends  The Tig, Meghan and Cory. It’s funnny to read the comments and see how Meghan thinks, the birthday photo sent in Aughust she said I love you to herself.
Also wanted to bring this up because of two things she was posting up until her birthday some has been promotional for suits, perhaps this is how she got around her obligations in her contract to do promotions.
The other is Cory still being on the friends list, it’s strange there doesn’t seem to be much anger for her cheating or he surely would have deleted all her accounts by now. Maybe he is still in her life.
They share 2 dogs, it’s very strange and will be looked into further. Thank you for finding this information
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creatiwetinker · 7 years
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Halloween....we are ready! #halloween#trickortreat#laughs#instafashion#international#kids#funnny#photo#philosopy#forever#ideas#happydays#backhome#love#share#shot#enjoy#fantasy#goodtimes#hardwork#cosy#splash#picoftheday#quoteoftheday#amazing#statigramhub#behappynow#goodnight#SoloCoseBelle#goodvibes#colors#great#whisper#witchcraft#handmade#scary#tangerinedream#
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destrachan · 7 years
4, 7, 17, 20, 25, 33 and 41 for Kevin Bishop!
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Kevin lovs his parents a lot!! his mum died when he was kinda young but they were very close!! She used to tell him bedtime stories n do silly voices when he was a child. his father was. A Good Dad they still keep in touch!! he used to take him to football games (kevin doesnt even rly like football but he likes spending time w his dad)
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
KEVIN WAS AND IS A LONER he!! moved around a lot when he was younger and was a very awkward child so he never really had a Lot of friends n hes Kinda quiet but he gets on alright w ppl mostly!!!
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
He likes photos!! H A T E S photos of him, but loves group selfies ( a master of covering 3/4 of his face w/ his hands in photos) he sets good photos as phone backgrounds n stuff!!
20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
he... SECRETLY LOVES MUSICALS. + LOVES MUSIC IN GENERAL but a lot of the stuff he listens to is RLY DEPRESSING LOL. he also likes kesha. shhh
25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
he likes memes. bad memes. he has No sense of humour. he laughs at Everything lol sdfg He’s not... really funnny he’s got a rly fatalistic sense of humour his default reaction is just. Guess I’ll Die
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Hannah. Hannah. (he wears fkin. lame pokemon boxers. they have holes in probably. someone buy him some new pants he’ll wear whatever lmao)
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
 He’s bi n polyam i think? w/ a pref for dudes!! i dnt think he’s dated much tho he’s workin thru that Low Self Esteem sadfg ,, he likes. people he can be snarky with and also people that. r Positive and?? Giv Good Hugs n r down for lyin on him while he plays videogames. Goals.
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yelloskello · 7 years
someone who came across my dash was messaged by a blog made to harass them with personal information and photos of their family. they posted screenshots (info censored) with a caption that had some typos in it (”oksy ttihs isnt funnny anymore”), because holy shit that’s fucking terrifying
and someone responds ‘stop crytyping it makes you hard to take seriously’
if anyone dares ever to tell me that crytyping isn’t a fucking hideous meme that is dangerous to actual victims and the mentally ill, go fucking fuck yourself
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mattsunflower · 7 years
corvidyouths replied to your photo “if u need me i’ll be over here;; dying”       Hahhahaha
it’s not funnny :(((( 
fxvixen replied to your photo “if u need me i’ll be over here;; dying”       i aspire to be this cool  
don’t bully me it was An Accident!!! </3
matsinko replied to your photo “if u need me i’ll be over here;; dying”       you're such a dork. don't worry, i took the posts down :D they were iwaoi-         related at least haha
what did u say about me u little binch???? i’ll fight me also pls. i live to fail and disappoint 
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