#funny post make my brain go brr
tenno-zenith · 6 months
Tenno: "Teshin am I ugly...?"
Teshin: "What nonsense, I'm looking at you right now your the most beautiful tenno in the sol system!"
Drifter: "Teshin am I ugly?"
Hermit Teshin: "Very much."
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mcytblrsexymen · 1 year
Highlights from the Mod Chat pt 3.
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[ID: discord message from a capricious and willful god, reading: shoutout to the fact that the quackity and etho girlies still seem to be deciding to ship them now love whatever was happening over there with that alliance. godbless]
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[ID: discord message from LITTLE FRAUD JOCKEY, reading: I might do a little joe fraud but at most i'll do like. 20 votes. me: wow I wish I had the dedication to sit down and force myself to do a task also me, from 330am to 8am this morning: I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love voter fraud I love foter fraud I love voter fraud it has been reacted to nine times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual] I love everyone in the notes like "oh no I voted for them both how could they be in the same poll now!" Well, you see.]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: SAD GAYISMS for SEXYLAMPNAP: yeah but tumblr/4chan was more popular as a hateship Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: there's a sentence]
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[ID: discord message from [binarual + bisexual], reading: Twitter is so good at reading]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: hahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahhahha no you may quote me on that if you wish]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: No and the reason is big number make me happy to put on the infographic]
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[ID: Discord message from VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE, reading: Scar would approve of the fraud]
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[ID: discord message, reading: anon: like, do we have... any other plans for when the poll ends? Erotic Mushroom Indoctrination: ...nap? a capricious and willful god: yeah nap classically trained drabbler: an adult beverage (this message has been reacted to ten times with the Clap emoji) undercover weeb: pizza VOTE FOR TECHNOBLADE: Buying discount love candy after work (this message has been reacted to nine times with the elmo fire emoji)]
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[ID: discord message from gay for infographics, reading: New nickname thanks to ma sœur! Now if there's ever another mod chat post and I have said a funny thing, my name doesnt have to be censored ahahaha this message has been reacted to four times with the Laugh emoji]
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[ID: discord conversation, reading: Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: I think it either has to be defaults or "recognized sexist skin" and my brain is just too slow to pick out what that means alone, right now fake GeorgeNotFound fan: beautiful typo Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs: oh no]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: god bless ren and martyn's open homoeroticism it has been reacted to 3 times with the pushpin emoji]
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[ID: discord message from charlie slimecicile enoyer, reading: i think it'd be funny to let the blog collect dust for a few years to recover and then out of nowhere on a completely different, unrelated date, drop a series of polls where the only option for all of them is ethoslab and also one for pix. It has been reacted to 3 times with the 100 emojij]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: "get your head in the game" is a very normal sportsball phrase that did not originate in high school musical y'all are just loser ners how am i a sports expert here]
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[ID: discord message from classically trained drabbler, reading: also voter fraud makes autism brain go brr too good]
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[ID: discord message reading: literally who the fuck is joe hills but I AM seriously considering doing it for the bit this has been reacted to with the Handshake emoji three times]
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[ID: discord message from Fiendish Bots/Glorious Sideblogs, reading: Just had to explain both tumblr and Minecraft to my doctor]
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snakeeyesdraws · 9 months
Overly Analyzing Fortune Street character dialogue (Mario and Luigi)
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So I've spent a lot of time browsing Mario wiki pages (organized easy to read information about a current hyperfixation makes for great destressing material) and one of the pages I've been really into is the quotes from Fortune Street (2011)! I've been thinking about talking about and discussing some of the character dialogue from it, since some of them actually have some fun character tidbits, and after seeing this post from pianokantzart (please go check out their stuff!) I decided to go ahead and do so!
Today we'll be focusing on Mario and Luigi's dialogue, and dialogue that involves them! If you would like to view these quotes for yourself, you can do so here and on the character's quote pages. I'll mainly just be highlighting some of the fun ones under the cut!
"Brr! This ship gives me the creeps! Best to win fast so I don't have to hang out here too long!" (The Ghost Ship)
This is an area-specific dialogue line for the Ghost Ship, and I find the implication that Mario is a bit creeped out by ghosts/haunted places, seeing as Boos/ghosts are an enemy that have notably defeated him numerous times via the Luigi's Mansion series.
"Wow! What a fancy palace! But I still think Peach's Castle is the best…" (Castle Trodain) "Ha ha! I'm gonna do well here. Peach's Castle is like a second home to me!" (Peach's Castle)
Simple but cute!! He thinks of Peach's Castle as a second home and feels safe there!! This is extremely important to me
"Dooo-doo-doo-doo-doo-dooooo! Hey, I love this tune!" (Super Mario Bros.) "Doooo--doo-doo doo-doo-doo! That sure is a catchy tune I've got stuck in my head! Oh, sorry, is it my turn already?"
He also really loves the Super Mario Bros. theme! The theme that is associated most with him and Luigi ;w; I like to imagine he hums its to himself whenever he's working
To Yoshi: "I'll help you find your cookies, Yoshi - just give me a second to brush these cookie crumbs out of my mustache!" Yoshi to player: "Yoshi! Yoshi! (Nice job on that promotion, (player's name)! Here, have some cookies to celebrate!)" Mario's response: "Why no cookies for Mario? Can't I have just one?"
There's also a running theme of him wanting Yoshi's cookies which I think is so funny. The Legendary Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom cannot turn up a tasty snack. Some people seem to push back against the idea that Mario enjoys eating?? But I think it's such a cute characteristic of his (and the fact that he basically admits to Yoshi's face that he swiped his cookies jsadjkkdlsa)
"Not to look a gift Yoshi in the mouth, but I was hoping for more coins..."
Mostly highlighting this one for the substation of "horse" with "Yoshi" in this quote. Fun little world building tidbit of Yoshi's being the Mushroom Kingdom's horses.
After player warps: "Ever get a stomachache when you warp, (player's name)? That happens to me sometimes!"
Even though he presumably uses the warp pipes all the time? Interesting... (side note but because I'm movie brain pilled, you could potentially read into it more here for that verse 👀)
After landing on a Take-a-break square: "Heroes never take the day off! What am I supposed to do with myself - go to the beach?"
Bro that is not a good mindset let yourself take vacations!
"Thank you for your patronage! You're very generous, (player's name)... Just like me!"
There's a lot of playful lines like this from Mario, I like when we get to see his competitive side and how he has a teeny bit of an ego (he's still overall humble and kind, but he knows he's the hero of the Mushroom Kingdom)
After player buying his circus tent: "I can't believe you took over my circus, (player's name)! Didn't you like my fireball show?"
FIREBALL SHOW???? HE PUTS ON A FIREBALL SHOW????? I am desperate for any crumbs of reference to Firebrand (even though he likely used a Fire Flower for this but still)
To Luigi: "Hey Luigi! Stick with me, Bro, and we'll win this one together!" Luigi's response: "You got it, Mario! We'll show (player's name) some real Mario Bros. teamwork!"
To player: "Nice work, (player's name)! But Luigi and I aren't going to give up quite yet!" Luigi's response: "Right you are! The Mario Bros. are just getting warmed up!"
To player: "Psst! Hey, (player's name)! Princess Peach is watching, so I'm afraid I just can't lose to you today!" Peach's response: "Mario, I heard that! But don't you worry - I'm the one who's going to win!"
Dude is SMITTEN for Peach and it shows. He wants to impress her! I do like that we get to see that Peach is also competitive and playfully rolls with it
To player: "Keep going, (player's name)! It's way too early to give up!" Peach's response: "Hey, Mario-what gives? You seem like you're more concerned about (player's name) than you are about me!"
That said, Peach clearly likes having his attention on her LMAO it reminds me of the scene in Paper Jam where M&L Peach visibly got a bit jealous of Mario getting blushy and flustered over Paper Peach
Bowser to player: "You're in luck! If you beat me, you automatically get to become one of my minions! That's the law around here!" Mario's response: "Don't listen to him, (player's name)! I've beaten him a million times, and I'm no minion!"
Almost all of Bowser's quotes that invoke a response from Mario play out like this; Bowser provokes or taunts the player and Mario immediately snaps back or defends the player. It's fun to see a version of their rivalry here, albeit one in a much more relaxed and lower stakes setting. They will get extremely competitive even when it's just a game for fun
Bowser Jr. to player: "You're just being a big show-off, (player's name)! I'm NOT impressed!" Mario's response: "Don't be jealous, Bowser Jr.! Sure, (player's name) is doing great - but you're not doing bad yourself! Try to stay focused!"
While Mario will do the same if Junior taunts the player, here we can see him being encouraging towards him. It's a cute little moment! I feel like Bowser's Fury enjoyers will like this quote lol
Peach to Mario: "Hmph! Why does (player's name) have all the luck? Mario! I order you to go out and gather me some gold coins!" Mario's response: "Sure thing, Princess Peach! But, umm..how?"
I mean it when I say dude is smitten. One order from the princess and he's ready to drop his competitive streak to go fetch some coins for her LMAO
Toad to player: "I'm impressed with your business acumen, (player's name)! I wish I was more like you… Mario's response: "You can be, Toad! Just keep up the hard work!"
Friendship between Mario and Toad can be so personal, actually... and more encouraging and sweet Mario! Never forget that this man is kind and caring before anything else
To Birdo: "Ouch! Birdo, you're charging me an arm and a mustache! That's precious gold I'm never going to see again!"
AN ARM AND A MUSTACHE HE SAYS............ this man is a DORK
To Bowser Jr.: "I'm surprised you're charging folks so much to shop here, Bowser Jr. ! Just like your daddy, you are!" To Bowser Jr.: "Bowser Jr.! You're just like your daddy. Always getting in my way!"
He'll be encouraging and overall gentler with Junior, but it doesn't change that fact that Junior still gets in his way a lot JADSKK
To Donkey Kong: "Hey, Donkey Kong! Would you mind if I paid you in bananas? Ha ha ha! Oh, I bet you get that joke all the time!" To Donkey Kong: "You sure know how to roll that die, Donkey Kong! Almost as well as you roll a barrel!"
oh my god he's so obnoxious sometimes you KNOW this man is telling dad jokes even if he's not a father. And it's a small hint towards the DK and Mario rivalry that started in the old games!
To Luigi: "Oh, Luigi! Can't you give me a special discount or something? I thought we were the bestest of buddies!"
the bestest of buddies I could cry.... it's a very sweet sentiment, even though clearly it's said in a bit of teasing tone here. I now HC that Mario calls Luigi his bestest buddy whenever he wants something from him
To Peach: "Looks like I need to start picking some flowers for your victory bouquet, Princess Peach!"
To Waluigi: "I hate to fraternize with my brother's nemesis, but it looks like we're going to have to work together! Let's swap shops, Waluigi!" To Waluigi: "What!? Waluigi's about to win!? I don't think Luigi is going to be too happy about that…"
Interestingly, we get to see the Waluigi / Luigi rivalry acknowledged by someone outside of them. I do like the implication that out of principal, Mario avoids anyone who has beef with Luigi.
”Eek! No one told me there would be gh-gh-ghosts here! I wish I'd brought my Poltergust 3000 with me.” (The Ghost Ship)
LUIGI'S MANSION REFERENCE!! An obvious one, but it makes me happy whenever it's referenced regardless
"Leaping lasagna! This place is even bigger than Peach's Castle!" (Castle Trodain) "This place is wackadoodle! It's turning my brain into spaghetti!" (Good Egg Galaxy)
"Looks like my bro really cleaned this place up! I hope they gave him the key to the city!" (Delfino Plaza)
this one is just, so pure and cute???? supportive Luigi confirmed??
To player: "Hey, (player's name)! I'm Luigi! Oh, you've heard of me? I'm so flattered I think I'm blushing!"
This is also so cute and a bit sad - he thinks it's amazing that someone has heard of him enough to know his name outside of just "Mario's little brother"
"This game has got my mustache all mussed up! Where's my little comb?"
Implying he carries a comb with him specifically for brushing and cleaning up his mustache! Which makes total sense, considering these other lines of dialogue from him;
"I take a quick time-out to trim my mustache, and someone buys up almost all the shops! What gives?" "Ack! One shop left? All I did was take a minute to trim my sideburns… I need to stop doing that!" "Who bought up all the shops? Guess I was too busy grooming the 'stache to pay attention to the game…"
A lot of people interpret Luigi as very neat and tidy and almost obsessively keeps himself cleaned, and this dialogue most certainly solidifies that! People pointed out in the recent film that Luigi's hair is also a lot neater than Mario's, which lends to this idea. Apparently more than once he's been so focused on grooming his mustache and hair that he's missed something important lol
"It's not so bad being in second place. As a matter of fact, it feels just right! I wonder why that is…"
Ohhhh buddy,,,,,, the eternal player 2 mood LOL
"One day I'm gonna dominate this district. Then everyone will see who's the real brains behind The Mario Bros.!"
JDSJKASDLDASKLA this is such a sibling quote. Though it is interesting considering many people consider Luigi the more strategic of the two
After player lands on a Take-a-break square: "You've been working so hard lately, (player's name). Promise me you'll take it easy on your day off!"
A lot of characters will gleefully remark that they can advance while you're on a day off when you land on a Take-a-break square, but Luigi seems to genuinely want you to take it easy and I think that's neat
To player: "Did Mario teach you to play this game, (player's name)? 'Cause you've definitely got some sweet moves, just like him!"
CUUUUUUUUUUTE Luigi thinks the world of his brother, so of course if you impress him, he will compare you to him!
After player builds a tax office: "Built yourself a tax office, (player's name)? That was a calculated move! Ha ha ha ha!"
"You got any hobbies, (player's name)? I'm into lots of things: golf, tennis, basketball, beating you at this game…"
DORK I am going to lovingly push him into a locker. This was the blueprint for "You just got a-Luigi'd!"
After building an estate agency: "I bet Princess Daisy'd be really impressed if I owned a few more shops! Help me out, estate agency!"
One of the most favourite moments for Luigi/Daisy enjoyers. Because it really is cute! He just wants to impress her!
Going bankrupt: "Bankrupt!? I'm gonna get laughed right out of the Mushroom Kingdom!"
highlighting this one just because every time I read it all I can think of is "they're beating my ass in the QRTs"
Daisy to player: "If you win, (player's name), maybe I'll invite you on an all-expenses-paid vacation to Sarasaland!" Luigi's response: "Wow, what a prize, (player's name)! I wish I was in your shoes!" Daisy to player: "Yay! You got your salary, (player's name)! I guess that means you'll drop by my shop soon, right?" Luigi's response: "Wow, Princess Daisy! You're good…"
THIS. MAN. IS. ALSO. SMITTEN. I find it so funny that both Mario and Luigi are so head over heels for their respective princess GFs.
Waluigi to player: "Hope you're comfortable in last place, (player's name), 'cause that's where you belong!" Luigi's response: "Knock it off, Waluigi! I'm pretty sure you're the one who belongs in last place!" Waluigi: "Luigi, (player's name)… Is there anyone they DON'T let into this thing?" Luigi's response: "Ha ha! You're one to talk, Waluigi! How did YOU get on the guest list?"
More of the Waluigi / Luigi rivalry, and it's interesting to see someone who is usually more timid and soft spoken like Luigi be so confrontational and angry addressing someone who is clearly getting on his nerves. Waluigi seems to be one of the few people who can really push his buttons like that.
Mario to player: "Nice job, (player's name)! You're a real hero - just like Mario!" Luigi's response: "I wish Mario would call me a hero sometime…"
The post I linked before delves a bit more into this, but Luigi has a couple of dialogue lines about wishing Mario would think more highly of him. It doesn't come across as out of spite or disdain; it just reads as a younger sibling wishing he could impress his big brother who he looks up to. But as we all know, Mario clearly thinks the world of Luigi and he even shows it in this game;
Mario to Luigi: "Great job, Bro! Ha ha! You're my hero!"
They care about each other and I will hear NO arguments.
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t1meslayer · 4 months
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Trying something a little different today.
Inspired by the incomparable @alchemicallymoon, I'm going to do a postmortem commentary on my latest fanfiction. If you haven't read "Stone-Cold Lovers" Chapter 3 on AO3, now's your chance!
I've done similar things in the past, with my Pre-Preparation of Shiver post for "Splatoon B-Mix," but I'm really testing the waters to make this a more regular occurrence — possibly even going back to older works. If you enjoy, let me know!
Tons of rambling beneath the cut. You've been warned <3
Alright. I can't think of any better place to begin talking about "Stone-Cold Lovers" than to mention it's a classic piece (in the era sense, though also in the literary sense). I started publishing fanfic in 2019, right around the time I was graduating from college. A bunch of pieces I wrote are still exclusively available on FanFiction.net, but I've slowly been transitioning them with a fresh coat of paint.
"Stone-Cold Lovers" was the sixth story I published on FanFiction. As I mentioned in Chapter 1 of the AO3 version, it came back to mind after Pokemon Masters EX introduced a Halloween alt for Roxanne.
Pokemon Crystal was my first "real" video game (not counting educational content like Sesame Street games), but Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire began my infatuation with the series. This was partially due to the fact that I could read the text on my own, which meant I could keep replaying to do little challenge runs.
Fun Fact: One of the most prominent challenge runs I can recall involved catching a full team of Wingull. I named the Pelipper of my team "Sergeant," and the rest had other army designations. I would later copy this idea using shiny Ambipom and Aipom in HeartGold and SoulSilver that I obtained through entirely legal means for a rare item Pickup group.
More Fun Fact: My favorite challenge run to this day is completing Pokemon FireRed with a single Clefable. I always really liked how many TMs a single Clefable could learn.
All of that is to say I seared Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald into my brain by playing it all the time on the schoolyard and at my grandparents' house in Florida. It remains my favorite region to this day. However, I didn't fall in love with Roxanne until the Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire character designs came out.
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Important note: I have shipping charts for basically every character-heavy... Anything. Something about pairing people up always makes my brain go brr. My body of creative writing speaks to many of the headcanons I've whipped up over the years. Similarly, I have headcanons about which Pokemon protag serves as the "main character" or "rival" in each title.
Yes, you can ask about my opinions. I will undoubtedly answer.
Brendan and Roxanne came into this framework because as much as I also love Brendan and May, I quickly fell into the rabbit hole of Brendan Champion/May Contest Idol, and therefore I'm legally obligated to ship May and Lisia. My original FanFiction Author Note says I'd been thinking about the idea for "a while," but frankly I don't remember where exactly it originated. All I know is that my goal was May scolding Brendan for being an oblivious dope.
This is not autobiographical.
As far as I know.
My truest sense-memory regarding this piece is writing the Rustboro opening in a Barnes & Noble parking lot at night, on the same night that I scored a new freelance gig (it didn't last all too long in the end). However, I helpfully noted that the Brendan and May banter was inspired by a FanFiction story called "Critical Hit" by Alphinia (it's still live!) and Carly Chaikin's Darlene from Mr. Robot. That was ending in 2019. Pokemon Sword and Shield were about to come out. The timeline lines up.
It's also very funny to imagine May as a raunchy, tomboyish smartass who also happens to love the fame that comes with princess-y Pokemon Contest shenanigans. Good headcanon.
The seeds of an idea for a date follow-up existed back then. My first inkling was to do a scene where, essentially, Brendan fucks the whole thing up by using Sandstorm in the middle of a food court because he's trying to impress Roxanne. Most of the set dressing around that, such as using ORAS' Street Thug trainer class (here portrayed by Shio — after ramen to reference the naming scheme of every trainer in Mauville Food Court), came later.
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Fun Fact (again): This is the first piece I've written using a new program called StimuWrite by Eve Harms, which was suggested by my beta reader. I liked being able to put my brain somewhere other than a blank white page, though all of the extra bells and whistles aren't all that necessary for me. Plus, I wound up jumping back-and-forth between the page and my 20 tabs of research anyway, so...
We'll see where this tool lands.
A lot of my decisions regarding the style of "Stone-Cold Lovers" Chapter 3 were based on concurrent reading; I recently joined a book club, and we just finished Babel by R.F. Kuang. My experience with Zine editors such as @kiliofdurinsline (Shrapnel) on Homemade in Hyrule (still available to pre-order!!!) helped me focus on creative writing structure and clarity rather than the more "vibes" based approach I leaned on. But Babel's rich descriptions suggested that I perhaps moved too far in the direction of snippets. So, here I tried to more robust scene-setting.
The bit about Gardevoir reading Brendan's emotions is being back on my bullshit trying to capture "vibes," though. I'm often a proponent for Psychic-types having full telepathy, especially Gardevoir given its canon emotional connections, but I decided the silent implications were more fun to play. I'm also a big proponent of leaning into the medium by using all of AO3's formatting HTML for things like Gardevoir's text. Hence my abundance of italics, or even the House of Leaves-style page falling apart for Arven's nightmare in "Paradiso."
Another note from Shrapnel that I took to heart: Give each character a stable of description types to help them emphasize their personality. That's why Gardevoir's movements use ballet terms (many of which I had to look up, like "bras bas").
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One bit that I thought about a lot was Roxanne's response to weather talk. I knew that she should flirt by saying any weather would be great alongside Brendan, and the verbiage "would that it were" stuck. A bit of Googling revealed that the phrase doesn't mean what my brain thought it does — it actually refers to wanting a better reality than you currently have. But it rolls off the tongue... So, I decided to play with that disparity by having know-it-all Roxanne correct her old professor, even when recounting a heartfelt memory.
Also, I'd be lying to you if I said goofy teenager who can't speak French wasn't an integral part of my planning.
The battle scene is pretty straightforward, it was mostly fun to incorporate the idea of Brendan being over-leveled by having him immediately wipe the floor with this tough guy, Shio. This especially goes well with the Mauville Food Court gimmick of finishing your battles within set time limits. Hopefully little descriptors like the space-warping Boomburst help make up for how short it is.
But with all of that said, there's only one place left to go:
Roxanne's outfit
That's right! Brendan wears his contest attire, but Roxanne wears an entirely unique creation. I did something very similar to my experiments with Shiver by digging around Tumblr tags for specific outfit pieces to cobble together as part of Roxanne's preppy and academic wardrobe.
I essentially wanted to put Roxanne in an "elevated" version of her typical uniform. For example, something with a nicer blouse. When I saw this post by stiefel-rock-bluse, I knew it was the one. That ruffled 'V' is perfectly suited for comparisons to a fossilized ribcage.
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Had to tuck that blouse into a nice skirt, too. I did toy with the idea of going full suit-style with slacks, but Roxanne feels like a skirt girl to me. So I settled on this pleated skirt shared by zoesrepository, at least in-part because I wanted a brown-and-white motif to reflect... Rock stuff.
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Having exposed legs also introduced the opportunity to describe a bit of Roxanne's obsession with fossils. If I get callouses on my hands from doing ceramics, she can have some scuffs on her legs from digging in the dirt.
My inspiration for her off-the-shoulder draped jacket is largely me doing silly cape shenanigans with my jackets, but for the style I went with this cover image from an article by The Girl From Panama:
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In brown, of course. That really emphasizes the idea that it looks like strata.
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Because rocks.
Unrelated to rocks, I was originally toying with a different idea for her jacket, one based on this image of Kendall Jenner uploaded by disarmluna:
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Ultimately I liked the draped idea better, but I kept on the idea of it being corduroy. Also, I took Roxanne's "loafers" from here.
For accessories, I riffed on one of my favorite pieces of lore introduced by Pokemon Masters EX: the idea that Steven Stone is in a club with all of the Rock-type experts who love collecting shiny rocks. Steven knows how to give some specialized gifts, and in this case I gave Roxanne a single earring, as shared by gemville, because 1) red; 2) flowers; and 3) stalactite. I went with one rather than a pair because I think it's a cute asymmetrical thing.
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Then, of course, I imagine her nails alternate blue and red ala Nosepass/Probopass. Finally, Roxanne's elevated school uniform look had to retain a tie. What better way to keep that tie in place than with a clip inspired by the one, the only, our boy: Anorith.
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If the Yanma inhaler from "Peaks and Caverns" is anything to go by, y'all know I love to invent kitschy merchandise that will unfortunately never be acknowledged by Game Freak/The Pokemon Company.
That's about all I've got. I'm not sure whether I'll return to this story again — the five-year pipe dream is already a big accomplishment in my book. But I'm really glad I finally closed the book on a longstanding idea in celebration of Valentine's Day! And I'm sure one day, if I can get through the rest of my insane backlog, I'd be happy to write further shenanigans between these two Hoenn lovebirds.
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iznsfw · 11 months
I was honestly surprised that you are a big fan of Taeyeon and Irene. I think you've always been interested in them since they have been on your 'idols that you write' list for a long time. Though you never mentioned them on your blog until recently.
From my perspective, it's like seeing you flipping a switch. I saw your posts which made me realize, "Oh IZ is DOWN BAD for both of them".
When did you start following/stanning Taeyeon and Irene?
What was the breaking point that pushed you to write Taeyeon and subsequently Irene? (Photos, performances, songs, fancams, etc.)
Yes, I'm a super big fan of them, I'm a bigger fan of them than using "XD" (rooted from my cringe Facebook days back in 2011), which says a lot.
You're right about me being at least interested in them back them. They're both insanely pretty and so happen to be mommy bunny leaders, too, which is probably what drew me to them. And look at them being my top two and three now! (Gaeul, I'm sorry please dont be bad to me tonight)
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I heard her song "Fine" and adored how pretty her voice and face are. She's one of the best vocalists in the industry and no, i won't fight you about it we all know it's true
I watched a few of her videos and she's so blunt and straight to the point that it made me have fantasies of her being a dom.
(So basically my whole writer deal ahhaha)
She's a switch for sure but she's on the dommy side and could be a little harsh, which is why I wrote Feels Like Heaven, Feels Like Hell. It didn't get as many notes than I expected but I loved writing it, so it doesn't sting much.
As for her character in the Dulce Periculum universe, I wrote it after seeing her in *those* glasses and seeing a random video on my timeline of a compilation of Eunbi saying "mom" and her talking about being shy to talk to Taeyeon at the salon. My thoughts ran wild and there it is lol.
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I found out about Irene after that iconic video of her having a sixth sense and saving a picture frame for dropping. I thought that was really cool.
I fell in love took a liking to Irene after watching this video:
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At one point she was the prettiest woman in the world to me. Still is. I love how she's quiet but really funny if she chooses to be, and has a caring soul.
Also, she doesn't take anybody's shit and I aspire to be like that.
I wrote her because mommy makes my brain go brr. That's it. I love Bae Joohyun, so that means everyone should love her, too.
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devilruin · 7 months
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【 Please note! 】 ⎯⎯⎯ Please remember to look at each author's do not interact criteria and blog rules before interacting with them! Also, please check each work for specific tags!
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if a link to a piece is :
⛧ ⋅  italicized ― it contains explicit content
⛧ ⋅  bold ― it contains dark content
⛧ ⋅  italicized and bold ― it contains both dark and explicit content
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✧ @abbacchiosbelt ― hayley has such great ideas that i just want to pick apart their brain to see how they come up with such splendid thoughts! they're honestly such a fun person, i want to give them all of my love and then some!
personal picks : stuck in a wall with genshin men (reader's just like "oh won't someone come save me? wait... not like that!") , glory and gore with toji (funny story, i didn't know they wrote this and posted the link in a server we share and they were like !!! i wrote that! needless to say i was super embarrassed) , yandere kaeya headcanons (i just think he's neat when he's unhinged) , arranged marriage with diluc (oh nooo what a terrible thing to have to deal with...), and someone great with gojo (gods he walks the line of infuriating/bearable every damn day)
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✧ @after-witch ― theo has perfected the art of suspense. her immaculate pacing within her stories always blows my mind, and there has been a few times where i've gone "WHAT!?" while reading some of her works!
personal picks : good as gold (the ending of this! i love the implications sm), wife or death (its always morally correct to make a deal with the devil in one's time of need), alone in the dark with gojo (he's is such a vile pos here... not that i'm complaining!) , a gift with sesshomaru (adore the chance to see sesshy being soft for once), love is the honey with chrollo (honestly reader, same.), welcome home lord scaramouche (the absolute level of bitchiness this man possesses...), glass half full with dazai (him taking advantage of another person's feelings? its more likely than you think!), character development with fyodor (how to gain his approval: read books together), suffrance with chrollo (seeing such a normally calm character snap will never not be satisfying to me), and act of contrition with chrollo (my hand twitched at the end with the physical NEED to slap this man)
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✧ @bye-bye-sunbird ― big sis sunnie!!! sunnie is literally a ray of sunshine, she's so sweet and warm-hearted, she always makes me feel so happy when i chat with her! i swear her smile can melt ice and make flowers bloom!
personal picks : necessity with scaramouche (this absolute menace, i hope a bird poops on his precious hat) , yandere diluc soulmate au (diluc refusing to lose the few things that bring him joy, no matter what the cost is, is so delicious) , waltzing with the harbingers (note to self: do not step on their toes) , blaphemous with pantalone (the gods do not exist here in these snowy lands, but don't fret, for pantalone exists in their stead) , and forced marriage with diluc (fuck there's something so sexy about diluc when he snaps...)
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✧ @cinnamonest ― lena is a dark content creater / momcon enthusiast / CEO of feral razor / raging kurapikasexual that never misses with her works (did i mention she's got a great sense of humor paired with a big brain?) i love her mei mei series and hope to use her profile template in the future!
personal picks : dad kaeya with his daughter (love all of this series tbh) , the genshin boys' reactions to being slapped in the face (her rankings are always spot on) , genshin boys' dick headcanons (all i can say is yes, this is permanently engraved in my brain) , genshin boys' choice of womb tattoos (sex magic go brr) , dad diluc with his daughter (he'd be such an insistent and possessive father for sure) , moribund with childe (i wonder how many people he'd kill in one go while coming after you. surely he can't go after too many... right? right???) , and crepus with his daughter (thank you lena for always indulging my depraved thoughts!)
honestly everything from her is just so good!
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✧ @ddarker-dreams ― lock's mastery of the english language is always a sight to behold! she seamlessly connects minute details from the original work (anime / manga / show / etc. ) or even from some of her own works into her writings, sometimes with no one noticing! scarlet bindings with diluc has a few different references (most of which are obvious) ! she's also a giant sweetheart who i absolutely adore bouncing off ideas with, and wrote cold to the touch with kaeya for me!
personal picks : tempting fate with scaramouche (lil sadistic gremlin will get what's coming for him... eventually) , "your body won't lie to me" with chrollo (he's such a bastard here, i love it) , yandere tartaglia with a fatui recruit darling headcanons (the chilling realization that reader is stuck with him as a superior...) , break a leg with gojo (his insufferableness bleeds through the words here) , the snowstorm with childe (imagining the bloodthirsty look in his eyes as he's coming after reader is just hngh...) , entanglement with kafka (she really is both the unstoppable force and the unmovable object) , smoking gun with johan (the realization johan has after speaking to reader is so good... i could feel the heaviness in the air) , loaded question with arlecchino (i always did believe that she's the type to play with her lover in more way than one...) , aftertaste with kaeya and diluc (never a good time with both of them, that's for sure) , in your eyes with izaya (gaining his attention never ends well, does it?) , exodus with chrollo (ngl, chrollo you're looking real smackable right now) , entrenched with kaeya (the audacity of this man never ceases to astound me) , comfortably numb with chrollo (what is numbness if not acceptance? what is ideation if not desire?) , quid pro quo with chrollo (going to be completely honest this piece lives in my mind rent-free) , and hell within reach (this series has such a special place in my heart, i love lady avalor sm)
not gonna lie, you could probably read any of her works and leave full and happy (or binge them all for a good time!)
(fun fact: lock was the first person i followed, and is one of my biggest inspirations for writing, which is why i like to call her the goddess of yanderes, suspense, and horror)
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✧ @dear-yandere ― vanny (or as i like to call her, the yandere queen or queen of yanderes) is another one of the great yandere writers of tumblr! she's also the owner of a big heart (honestly i think she possesses enough love to fill a few blue whale hearts) and is such a compassionate person, whose writing (and artwork) is top tier!
personal picks : diluc's crush dating kaeya (a jealous yandere diluc is always a good pick! ) , acquiescence with pierro (oh yeah, love this old man so much) , little dove with columbina (she's so hauntingly beautiful and also frighteningly eerie) , vladimir (league of legends) at a bar with his darling (can i bite him back? please???) , shuu sakamaki being slightly tsundere + mean (he says he's not looking out for a walking blood bag, he's just upholding his father's rule (like he ever cared about it in the first place)), hisoka being his usual perverted + creepy self (ugh he's so hot like that though) , mafia boss dazai osamu drugging his darling (mafia dazai just hits different) , memento mori (chillingly ironic since it's starring mori ougai) , and little lover (shared harbinger darling) , honestly another writer where you just can't go wrong with any of her works
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✧ @hypnoswrites ― their way of crafting stories is like a master painter. each line is a brushstroke and every word brings a new color to the piece. by the time i've reached the last sentence, my jaw is on the floor, my eyes are wide, and i have to take a moment to compose myself (in a good way!) after reading.
personal picks : nightly visit with astarion (fuck he's insufferable like this and im all for it) , quality time with shalnark (the only words i have is oh fuck, he's so manipulative with a soulmate) , heard through the grapevine with shalnark (all i can say is holy shit. i love reader's nen in this and the pacing is exquisite!) , spider cave with chrollo (the utter despair of knowing that everything you did was for naught is such a bitter taste and i gulp it down like the sweetest honey) , to prove oneself with hisoka (fuck yeah reader get his ass!) , and dissonance with demiurge (anti-magic runes? engraved in the walls. hidden listening device? secretly planted. hotel? nazarick.)
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if you would like to be removed from this list, please let me know!
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fuzzystudios · 2 years
sorry I'm making another trash post again, and you guys have to suffer.
so let’s see...
in the last bit of ton, apollo wakes up as a god, right? but: he wakes as himself, the god. the default, apparently. and I'm saying it’s funny that he woke up at that size, and why his room as also human size...
Why so big?
I'd never really thought about it before, but after six months away, the Olympians’ throne room struck me as ridiculously huge.
As I hesitated on the threshold, awestruck by the massiveness of it all, I realized I was answering my own question.
(tower of nero, chapter 36)
then is his “real self” the size of a human?
[...] but then we would have seemed too human (and we didn’t like being reminded of the resemblance).
But from now on, I would be more than Lester. I would be more than an observer. I would be Apollo.
(the burning maze, ending)
then now that he “is apollo”, doesn’t this mean that apollo is so very human? not physically, but close to. he’s their size by default upon his return. he has humanity as part of him.
haha brain go brr
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plaguethewaters · 2 years
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BOY have i not posted in a while!
Coming back with a small little illustration serie (with absolutely no certainty that i will finish) depicting various cbeeduos in my many aus. Which is mainly just a very plain excuse to rant about my aus and draw some pretty beeduo - but no one can blame me for that.
AU info under the cut!
So, episode one: space shots.
the actual long title of this would be, if i ever decided to actually write and publish this, "shooting at the stars will always land you something", and it was meant to be a serie of semi connected shots of human cclingy terrorizing alien sbi + cran.
It is veery clingy focused tbh - mostly about their past traumas and human shenanigans - but there is a certain "courting arc" between these two because i'm nothing but a sappy little bitch. Cue to a thousand little miscommunication as two people from literally two different worlds try and fail to cypher out what the otherr would consider "flirting" - only for tommy to forcefully lock them into a romm because his aro ass is way over all of this bullshit.
In this they are singing together because. well. Music is a central part of the story (music and songs symbolisms make brain go brr) and also i just imagine the start of the arc as cclingy playing together, and then suddenly tubbo is only really singing omance songs, and then he pulls out what he considers the Most omantic song he knows (hey there delilah btw) and tommy is an idiot but not That much. And so they start getting together a plan to impress the pretty alien guy.
There is also a very funny bit in the story in which they do eventually get back to earth, and Tubbo has to explain that he was missing for two years because he got kidnapped by aliens and then decided to marry one. Sam (awesamdad and sbi can and should cohexist), who had to listen to so many conversations about "if i went to hell for some reason i would just seduce the devil and claim my legitimate spot of power" is somehow entirely uninpressed.
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lavenoon · 2 years
I realize that I'm not quite sure what your timezone is so wishing you a 'good night' might not be accurate... So hello *from* the night instead! Hi, Luce <3 Things are a little rough atm BUT I started thinking about that funky little Other Agent and thought I might share!
Since you called him a potential "Other" agent, I thought his codename could be Jack! The initial idea being, of course, "Jack-of-all-trades" or maybe even "Jackrabbit", but the more I thought of it, there's... a LOT of story tale Jacks, to say the least. It would be funny for him to change the "reason" behind his codename when asked - 'Jack' cuz he's got a broad range of skills! Cuz he's fast! Cuz he's good at taking down enemies much bigger than him - and everybody just ends up wondering if he deadass used his own name knowing nobody would REALLY know (bonus points if he's known for being shit at naming things).
I also thought it would be a funny dichotomy for Robin, the STAR of the agency, to be seen around with just. This Dude. Basic 'Jack'.
I was also thinking that the agent gives me Command Centre vibes! I can see him manning like Real-Time info acquisition and situation analysis. If a situation Arises, he could be the one recruiting the nearest agents into action, giving info about the situation or about up and coming backup! Though I'm not sure if that'd make him more like "staff" than an agent... Alternatively, of course, if there's an Immediate Crisis, Jack could be your best bet at handling it Decent even without much to go off of. The sort of guy that's never Bad to put in a mission, especially if there's a lot Unknown. Maybe he's not as Field-involved like Moon or Robin, but I could also see him acting as like long-distance backup, maybe with a rifle - eyes in the air, so to speak!
Longwinded brain go BRR but I hold up Thoughts if Any of them at all appeal to you! I gotta get back to late night work, but I feel rejuvenated now after blabbing, and hope you're doing well! <3 -🌻 Daye
Gonna be about 9AM when I post this! Had a bit of a rough awakening, but meds are starting to kick so I'm doing a li'l better by now <3 Hope work goes well for you! Hope you get to rest soon, too!
Also taking your thoughts eagerly, here goes my conviction not to do anything with him lmao
I like him as command center guy! Robin doesn't mingle much with other field agents, but it would make sense they at least sometimes talk to the guy providing mission memos and organizing urgent changes and shit Still hard to be articulate the thoughts are foggy but I do love that idea very much, just Robin's one point of more regular contact next to Dusk. Makes that reveal comic even funnier if "Jack" really just assumed like. Dude you really hang with one guy despite me and you don't even know he has a work partner? lmao
Maybe Jack is his second name - people ask him "did you really use your first name as code name??" and he truthfully goes "no (:" and he's just another guy the higher ups sigh about but let it go because he still does his job well, and not being a field agent the code name isn't as important
Still no promises he'll play a big role but I'm keeping him in my pocket as OC now lmao, personal brain blorbo that only exists because he looked polite after I decided to give him some hair fgdhjs
Gonna continue resting and chill and hope brain starts working properly at some point, but yea wishing u a good night! <3
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dizzy-on-the-internet · 7 months
hello gaymers!! i'm dizzy. 18 year old bisexy tramgender (choochoo) who likes funny hypno stuff teehee. im a switch but pretty sub leaning. THIS IS AN NSFW BLOG!! minors will be shot on sight (blocked) dni: minors (obvi), ed centric blogs, detrans blogs, bigotry blogs, cishet men, racist/transphobic people, blogs without clear ages, blank blogs, and other basic dni shit :p limits/boundaries:
masculine terms: please dont call me masculine terms!! trans brain go brr, gender neutral and fem terms only pls
no play without permission: if we engage in play i usually need a lot of pretalk and negotiations on what i like/dislike, consent is a huge thing 4 me. u can do can do casual teasing and light trancing through dms and asks but i can chose to not respond :3
misgendering, detransitioning, forced masculinization: i am a girl and if u wanna try and change me feel the wrath of my blocking hammer
disregarding boundaries: very self explanitory pls dont try to force shit onto me that i dont vibe with
no pics without consent: if ur gonna send my shit then ask
hard painplay: im not too big a fan of pain in general other than light spanking and hitting so yah
harsh degradation: u can call me dumb and other stuff like that but if it gets harsh and personal i don't get turned on it just makes me feel bad :(
r*pe cnc: cnc is something that i really needa be warned about before because scary. for me, never mention any form of r*pe play with me
feederism/weight gain: pls for the love of god i have an ed if u come near me with this it will be an instant block
tags guide: #dizzys insane ramblings: original text posts #dizzy feeling dizzy: hypno based stuff, sub based #dizzy makes u dizzy: hypno based stuff, dom based #dizzy hypno: general hypno stuff #dizzy answers: answers to asks #silly shit: usually reblogged memes #dizzys silly shit: usually original memes or silly posts #techpilled: posting about robot stuff kinks (in no particular order):
soft doms / soft domming
iq play
breath play
freeze triggers
pet play
mind melting
covert hypno
phantom touch
ill probs edit this a few times here n there, updated last: 25/04/2024
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braiinwormz · 2 years
ur post abt the teensy ancients reminded me of a silly hc i have. since you can get drunk off vanilla extract i like to think PV is very resistant to alcohol [i know i saw this hc somewhere but cant find the source post :/]. he always has to supervise whenever hollyberry and gc decide to drain a bar and fuck around HFSDLFKSDJLFKDSJ. they all trade taking shots [PV doesnt really care to drink just because its not really for him but he'll do it for social reasons] and hb and gc are almost blackout drunk and hes barely tipsey after taking the same amount of alcohol. he could actually theoretically beat hollyberry's juice record pretty easily but doesnt want to shatter her ego the whole time white lily and cacao r just hanging out drinking tea or whatever chatting meanwhile gc almost hit a civilian with a javelin 'testing hollyberry's sheild' while theyre both drunk as pv fruitlessly tries to get her to sleep it off. but yeah i think abt the ancients while theyre journeying all the time its so funny to me i mean like its an angst goldmine too but. Silly blorbos doing silly adventure go brr
WAIT this actually makes a lot of sense omg,,
everyone assuming pv is a lightweight since he doesn’t drink often and in my hc i imagine him on the shorter side but really he can probably take down the most alcohol in the group easily. ALSO PV BEING THE DESIGNATED RESPONSIBLE ONE WHEN THE OTHERS R SHITFACED IS REALLY FUNNY IM SORRY,,
no and same my brain is constantly infested with ideas about what shenanigans these guys got up to before they made their kingdoms and what not literally just a really shitty dnd party
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
just wanted to pop in to say something before I go back to writing:
you were the 1st person to ever interact with my posts and I can't thank you enough for that bc like getting likes and shit on tumblr is super hard but you reblogged my stuff and I'm not sure id have grown this fast, or like this big ever if it weren't for you :)
ik your only following me bc "haha funny bit annoy ghost" or whatever but it genuinely means the world to me and I still can't wrap my small little brain around the fact that I'm now mutals with the fist person iever followed on this godforsaken website <3/p
ik you think your not doing much by doing this but like believe me ur a big inspiration to me and make happy chemicals go all brr in my brain
Brain not comprehending /pos
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lokicat5 · 1 year
Helloooooo Tumblr!
Wow, does it feel nice to be back! I missed this hellsite a lot more than I thought I did. 😅💖
Apologies for being away for so long, school’s been ✨fun✨ and with my first round of exams, trying to get a 13th year, friend-group drama, and all the other stuff that you deal with at the end of high school, it’s been harder to find the time to spend here. BUT I’ve also been working on a lil something, or, well, a couple lil somethings, that I think you’ll all enjoy 😄
Also, I still have no idea how to do the “long post” page break, so please bear with me 😅 it’s been a while, but I’ll remember my way around in a day or two.
I know that way back when, I promised you guys some of my writing. I really did mean to share it, but I kept getting distracted and honestly, * laughs nervously * /it’s so bad/ 😅 and besides, I’ve got better things for you now anyways!
1. While I was gone, I started doing art (which I have to thank my best friend’s D&D campaign for, for inspiring me to try lol). And surprisingly, it doesn’t look half bad. It’s not the calibre of my friends’ art, it’s not even close, BUT I think it looks neat, and I’ll share some of it with you in a little bit. :D
2. I started writing a ✨novel series✨ that I’m pretty sure you’ll like. Do I have the whole plot in my head (or at least “had” before my latest project moved in)? Absolutely! Could I explain it all to you? 100%! Do I have it written down? Well… I do have basic plot written in one of my friend’s discord servers (because let’s be honest, ranting about it long-distance gets more written out than actually sitting down and /writing/), but I ALSO have a nice 12 page excerpt that I’d be happy to share once I figure out this long post thing 😅
And last but CERTAINLY not least I’ve got my latest brain-hog:
3. My campaign. Now, the friend’s D&D campaign from before is one of several being run in our little D&D group, and we all (will) take turns making and DMing a campaign (whether we’ve finished a campaign (or any campaigns) yet or not). I decided I’d start coming up with mine early on because I’d just get stuck and panic when (not if) I left it to the last minute (because procrastination go brr). Anyways, I used my friend’s campaign (the one I did art for) and my cousin’s crazy awesome campaign as inspiration, because if there’s one thing they’ve both got down, it’s lore. Lots, and LOTS, of lore. Like, almost-200-pages-worth, across-2-documents-and-they’re-going-to-make-it-a-novel kind of lore. The gods from their campaigns gave me the inspiration to be able to write mine, and so far, well, I think it’s going pretty amazingly.
Seriously though I’ve got so much brain rot it’s not even funny. I’m always happy to take questions if you’re interested, but I’ll be making a side blog (my first!!) to go into all the details about Tanavellar (my world :D) and the lore of the place.
I know it’s a lot for my “welcome back, me!” post, but I just want to share it all with you guys, and hope it can be as exciting and cool for you as it is for me! I also know that everyone here gives amazing feedback, so considering I grew a huge amount here (and that this is where I really started to come into my writing abilities), I feel like being able to work on things here with the guidance of much more experienced writers, artists, and DMs will really help me up my game. 😄💖
I want to say thanks to everyone who didn’t wander off while I was on hiatus, whether you meant it or not the loyalty’s appreciated 😅 I really am so excited to be back in this wonderful community though, and I can’t wait to see everything that I’ve missed!
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I’ve got my side blog up and running! If you’re interested and want to come check it out (which you totally should, but don’t worry if you don’t), you can find it all at @godsoftanavellar (please excuse the background stuff, it’ll get better as I finish more art 😅). I’m super excited for this, and I hope you enjoy it! :DDDDDDD
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hi hi dreamy!!
specifically this ask (https://dreamygeorgenap.tumblr.com/post/648763426294906880/as-someone-whos-been-in-this-fandom-for-a-while) made remember a twitter post i saw this morning (https://twitter.com/snoweapl/status/1382886160196849666?s=19)
[here is the text from the thread cuz i know u dont look at twitter besides content creators' posts.
× Rip Ivan Pavlov you would have loved dreamnotfound ×
Im referring about pavlovs theory of classical conditioning,where Dream & George these days now laugh about dnf jokes which results to positive stimuli and laughter since they keep doing it. It makes their brain go brr haha ily #
* Ppl are saying that they’re noticing that Dream and George are more affectionate with each other compared to last year, that because they’ve been joking and being more open about dnf jokes more recently. They’re playing themselves right into pavlovs hands. *
here you go, this is the important part i found interesting :) hope ull find it interesting too, *muah* ]
That is very interesting, thanks! I’m glad people on twitter are becoming more aware of this because there has been some changes in their relationship. 
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brown-little-robin · 2 years
Hi Laurelin! @laurelin-of-valinor​ tagged me to give my ten favorite books, movies, albums, and shows, and said “bonus points if you explain why you love them”, which is a Trap for Me, Specifically. So here, have a long long post! You were right that it was therapeutic. Feel free to join in! I’m curious what @bluesidedown and @lady-stormbraver would put, but no pressure.
Chatting under the cut :)
Okay okay okay, so, I have a Bookshelf of Honor with my very favorite books. They’re almost all fantasy. Nowadays with living in two locations and still unpacking from moving (twice), it’s more a theoretical bookshelf than a physical one, but here you go:
Chrestomanci (Charmed Life and The Lives of Christopher Chant in one volume) — found family fantasy make brain go brr
Howl’s Moving Castle — SO funny. absolute laugh riot to read, and with a theme of love despite human foibles??? perfection. One of two literary romances I really like rather than tolerate. The other is Valancy and Barney in The Blue Castle, bless ‘em.
Going Postal — another funny one! It grabs you by the the throat and shakes you like a dog. A devil-may-care con man is forced to become a postmaster and through his sparklingly amazing exploits slowly learns morality, has several mental breakdowns, and gets religion like no one has got it before. Terry Pratchett at his absolute finest. You can’t help but read it fast.
Watership Down — I read this one out loud with Dad and we had a lot of good talks about leadership and followership, so it’s dear to my heart because of Dad as well as its own story. Deeply researched rabbits that behave like real rabbits on an epic quest to find a new burrow. Its lovingly described scenery really immerses me in the storyworld.
Inkheart — I love its purring, sensuous tone and the morally grey characters and the fight for survival and truth. Translated from German. I love translated books. The prose is by necessity so poetic and unusual. Having read hundreds upon hundreds of books in English, translations make me slow down and enjoy the words in a way I’m unused to.
The Tale of Despereaux — tender, soft, heart-breaking, heart-mending. A tiny and bookish mouse making his way around a castle, unafraid of the humans, breaking the mouse rule of secrecy. A rat from the dungeon who breaks the rat laws and longs, longs, longs for light and beauty. A princess who takes the time to understand them. Poetic prose to the max. UGH it’s so GOOD
EDIT: I can’t believe I forgot The Goblin Emperor! It’s complexly plotted political intrigue, and I love the main character so much—he’s radically kind in a world of backstabbers.
Impulse (the 1995 comic series) would be on this shelf, but I don’t own a physical copy yet. Impulse has nearly everything I want in a superhero comic. It’s light-hearted and fast-paced, yet touches on deep themes of maturity and growth; the overall plot is based on relationships, yet not heavy-handed with them; the mentor is actually good, fallible yet trying his best to help; the female characters are treated as actual HUMAN BEINGS... it all feels so real in a way that no other superhero comic I’ve found (aside from a few individual Superman and Flash issues) does. And, of course, the Mercury Falling arc was so incredible that I’m currently writing a fanfiction based on it that looks likely to become 60+ installments long.
My three favorite nonfiction books are—
The Imperfect Disciple — LIFE CHANGING. I cannot say this with enough emphasis. God used this book to show me his grace. It was the last nail in the coffin of the guilt I’d been carrying for years. Finally I can serve him with gladness and shouts of praise instead of cringing and constantly measuring myself. The joy I share here on tumblr? That joy was let loose by this book.
Mere Christianity — C. S. Lewis on Christianity with all of his gentle yet soul-searing insight.
and the tao te ching, translated by Stephen Mitchell! It’s a book of short philosophical poetry. It does miss the point of everything (Jesus), but it so cleverly states the worldview it does hold, acknowledging the gaping hole in it, that I like to read it and annotate it with the answers it asks the questions to. It’s a thought-provoking little book.
hnnnng. this is a hard one.
How To Train Your Dragon and Ratatouille: childhood and present favorites. animated movies don’t get better than these. those juicy juicy themes and gorgeous visuals and music...
The Martian and Castaway: oooh. love me a good stranded-alone movie. Dad loves ‘em. The Martian is more fun, with the wonderful humor-used-to-lift-spirits theme, and Castaway is more thought-provoking, going into the psychological results of being stranded. Both invoke the struggle to maintain hope and to find solutions.
The Hunt for Red October — a mental work-out, a nail-biter, and a wonderful reminder that although it takes a lot of work and hope to achieve peace and trust, it is possible and worth that risk. A film full of grace. And wonderful acting, too. Plus, Russian music is awesome.
Star Wars: Return of the Jedi — Space adventure drama! yub yub teddies! luke skywalker being a good boi! what more could I ask? also we always eat mint chocolate cake while watching!
Knives Out — I was hooked by the visuals, compelled by the dysfunctional family, and utterly fell in love with the thematic power of the ending. Because she was kind—
Megamind — A Right Now favorite. A fun ride, surprisingly depthful— and what can I say? Megamind captures my heart for lonely and hurting people.
Edward Scissorhands — a Right Now favorite. The tragedy of American suburban culture rejecting people who are different. it really resonates with me for Some Reason >:) Also I’ve been thinking about it lately since I watched it with my cousins.
I’m sure you’ll have noted with disappointment that Lord of the Rings isn’t on my books or movies lists. Neither is any Chesterton, although I do claim a Lewis. They never grabbed my heart like these ones did, but I do love them and enjoy discussing them! :)
Usually I’d just pick some albums, but since this is a Get To Know You, I’ll tell you about my broad musical taste and then tell you some favorite albums!
I don’t often listen to entire albums. Instead, I arrange single songs into very specific playlists. I sort them by various categories—genre of music (classical, rock-ish music, celtic...), season (spring, fall, Christmas, etc.), color / visual look (according to my synesthesia), and mood (Running Flying Chase Parkour music... Otherworldly Musical Ambience... Triumphant Battle Is Won...). I also make playlists for fictional characters and writing projects, like my Strange Redemption of Thaddeus Thawne playlist.
Here’s my YouTube channel. I didn’t learn about Spotify until it was too late—I had dozens of playlists on YouTube and liked YouTube’s interface better, so sorry if you’re a Spotify person.
AND NOW FOR TEN ALBUMS! In no particular order:
Cosmo Sheldrake: The Much Much How And I
Fernando Ortega: The Shadow Of Your Wings
Fernando Ortega: Fernando Ortega
James Darren: This One’s From the Heart
Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas: Abundance
The Easy Club: Skirlie Beat
Kung Fu Panda 2 soundtrack
Knives Out soundtrack
Yo Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble: Sing Me Home
Onuka: Onuka
TV shows
Hmmmm. I’ve not watched many shows in my life, but here are my favorites:
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (watched it with Mom and drank chamomile mint tea. happy times. It’s my favorite of the Star Treks due to its nice treatment of the darker themes (recovering from an occupation), and also I like ALL the main characters.)
Teen Wolf (so dumb, yet so earnest. A bit uncomfortably gory and full of inappropriate behavior, but I skip it and have fun. It’s been my comfort show to turn off my brain and get me distracted from college for the last year.)
The Mandalorian (the comfort show from two semesters ago. SO CUTE and I love the whole theme of honor and especially honor coexisting with love and love changing everything and even showing the honorable person something beyond their code...)
Due South (so pure. so good. another good honorable and loving main character who is also super clever.)
Perfect Strangers (funny little sitcom that has spawned much of my family’s vocabulary. Balki Bartokomus my darling)
Star Trek: The Next Generation (✨Lieutenant Commander Data✨ my beloved!!!!! also Picard & friends.)
Granada Holmes (an accurate adaptation. The oysters episode is perfection.)
BBC Sherlock (I never finished it, but it’s fun! Captures the sheer manic energy of Holmes nicely.)
Hogan’s Heroes (another just good clean show full of honorable men.)
WandaVision (interesting and heart-wrenching. I am weak for androids)
and I... I think... if you add Star Trek: Voyager... that’s... all the shows I have ever watched more than a single episode of!
BONUS: Video Game and Fanfiction!
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is my one and only beloved video game. The exploration!! The beauty!!
And I’m always always down to talk about fanfiction in general and DC fanfics in specific, so I couldn’t not mention at least one in case you’re interested in Batman.
in the shadows, a fanfic where Batman is... not human... is one of my favorites, a tender little piece. Also I’m going to mention no shirt, no shoes, no service, a hysterical piece where Batman and Robin switch costumes, with a fuller cast of Robins (did you know there’s more than one Robin?). And finally, because it’s tradition for a GOOD REASON: Cor et Cerebrum, by Audreycritter, the fanfiction that got me into Bat-fandom, an absolutely gut-wrenching journey, one of the fanfictions I’ve found the most Jesus in. If you want to get into Batfam fanfiction, I’ll be happy to assist. If not, no worries, it’s kind of a flaming mess and definitely not for everyone!
Thank you for the tag! :) it’s also been really fun seeing everyone else’s responses.
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alleycat-arcade · 3 years
I think you took the order idea for obey me from another page lol- yours started not long after hers- 😅
Funny coincidence……?
(Aaaa I'm sorry! I didn't know that there was any sort of other cafe themed blogs in this fandom. The original concept for this blog was because I cook and bake a lot in my free time, and pretty much act like a butler at my normal job. I also had not intended to get into Obey Me as much as I did, originally I was going to write solely for Genshin and Tears, but my little hyperfocus brain went brr. If I wasn't so deep into this blog and everything I would take it down and start over. I didn't mean to steal any ideas or anything like that. If you can send me their blog I can apologize in their dm's if they'd like, and I'll make sure to post it here as well. I still probably can take everything down and restart the blog anyway, but I tend to get worked up easy and make rash decisions so I don't wanna jump the gun and do something drastic. I can go ahead and start looking for rebranding ideas now.)
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