#furina sq spoilers
inundatae · 11 months
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4.2 spoilers
Neuvillette from Furina's side quest: I am glad to learn that you have found a role to play that you enjoy, be it on the stage or not.
Wriothesley's vision: The first to comment on it was the Iudex, who was to bestow the title upon him. Neuvillette’s smile was suitably polite, but he somehow seemed more pleased than Wriothesley himself. "Congratulations," said the Iudex. "You have found something you wish to do at last, I see."
Neuvillette' vision: Neuvillette obeys no edict from the heavens, but he does acknowledge human will.  So he too set aside parts of himself, as like unto the dragon-treasure hoards of old, awaiting valiant humans to come and claim them.
It is so moving to me how much he loves to see humans find their way in this world, how much he admires human will that he would willingly give a part of his power as a gift in acknowledgement of that strength of spirit.
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c6jpg · 3 months
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Hunters fight not for fame, but to aid the people whenever they are summoned.
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baeshijima · 4 months
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electric-plants · 4 months
genshin has many things including *checks notes* a lesbian couple trying to get you to roleplay with them
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marivanilla05 · 4 months
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4.7 spoilers
Caribert's World
"Farewell Atossa. I apologize for making you know me unwillingly. Still, I don't wish you to forget me..."
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stardustdiiving · 11 months
(Genshin 4.2 spoilers)
How it feels when Furina talks about setting boundaries and being very smart self aware and proactive in trying to recover from enduring 500 years of psychological torture in her SQ or has voicelines where she’s being endearingly silly or seems anxious about being respected/valued as a person but Traveler & Paimon keep picking on her and making me reply with MEAN dialogue options I would NEVER say to my beautiful princess with a disorder
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aeroblossom · 11 months
i want to write a more proper character analysis later sometime, but,
[4.2 aq spoilers]
i love furina, i love her so much. she's so, so beautiful. i'm truly blown away by what a lovable character she is. and no, it's not because she's powerful or mary-sue in any manner, but because she's the complete opposite.
weak, cowardly, awkward, fragile, emotional, prone to running from her problems. she's no different from a similarly stumbling person trying to fit into this world. her flaws and her unlikable traits ultimately make her so very understandably, so relatably human that i cannot help but adore her. i've started a little bit of her story quest, and the depressed part of her is so clear, bold, obvious and i'm so glad. she's not putting up a front anymore. you can truly sense the immense exhaustion this poor girl has suffered. the pain, despair, agony, so plain to see and feel. and she lived this way for centuries, harboring a closely guarded truth she could tell no one else. i wonder if furina's wish to live outside the spotlight for once so she can be herself is a reflection of focalors' wish too.
and to think focalors' love for mankind was so incredibly deep she wanted to become like them even despite the pain and suffering it would throw upon her. she delegated it to furina, not without remorse and sadness. and when she finally met furina again, she was so loving and gentle towards the hurt and upset human furina.
it's an expression of self compassion and love. focalors wished to be this imperfect being, perhaps so she could lay down the problems of divinity for once, herself. and even despite the frustrations of being human, focalors treats furina with unconditional love and compassion - treats herself with such.
by the end of the aq, furina is not okay. by the beginning of her sq, furina is not okay. she's shattered, devastated, broken. but broken in the way that you can see what's inside.
she's still standing. messed up and struggling to cope. but standing.
and that, i believe, is the greatest demonstration of the indomitable resilience of the human spirit. in the end, no one is counting who won or who lost. but rather, how much you lost and continued to persevere.
she's not enjoying her life as of the point in time i'm in her sq. she's struggling. and it's beautiful. her anger, frustration, depression is clear to see. the effects of severe masking are obvious. the loss of one's self, mental fatigue, volatile emotions. i wish i could give her a hug. her mistakes, her failures, laid out in plain for us to see - seeing her humanness, i feel like it's okay to mess up too, and to be imperfect. that is what makes you what they call human.
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welcometoteyvat · 11 months
image spoilers for furina's story quest cutscene (and lyney's, if you haven't done it yet)
Fontaine's story teaser artstyle is actually so gorgeous T_T it also bears great resemblance to woodcuts and I think that's very cool—seems like that's the irl inspiration that Fontaine's artstyle is based off of (like how Mondstadt pvs resemble stained glass, Inazuma's draw from ukiyo-e, etc).
out of the 3 fontaine pvs (lyney's sq, oceanid cutscene from 4.1, furina's sq) they're all really consistent with the art direction and god it looks like fairy tale illustrations
notice the use of lines (eg in the clouds, in the water) to represent shadows and convey texture
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it's easier to see in environment shots (the above are from 4.1 waterborne poetry, and furina's story quest teaser, la vaguelette), but you can see it on characters too (the additional hatching on the characters' hair, hats, and clothes)
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vs these woodcuts
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it's also neat how all 3 story pvs we've seen have animated some element of water or flowing liquid—fitting for the hydro nation and also extremely pretty to watch. the style looks super nice and even possibly hand drawn
tumblr not letting me add 4 separate videos meant I had to stitch all of them together into one so here you go. a compilation of water in fontaine story teasers. the art is so gorgeous I'm in love
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ehatnow · 10 months
What i would change about Fontaine's final act
Because as much as i love it, it definitely wasn't the best
Obvious spoilers for the 4.2 AQ
I feel like it was way to short so definitely make it longer
Make Fontaine be flooded for at least 2 days, because it felt like Wrio made that whole ship for nothing. Also because I would like to explore a flooded Fontaine
Make the events leading up to the trial more thought out. It felt like we came up with a plan that the player didn't even know, and then we were at the trial
I would like to see when Furina left the Palais. I was very confused when I started playing her SQ and she said it had "been a while" since she last visited the Palais (did she say that? Someone did. Or smth along the lines of that at least)
More to add on:
Make Mona have a bigger part to play. Same with Skirk.
Not about the 4.2, just something i thought of for 4.1: Wouldn't it be cool if everyone turned against Neuvi and Furina?
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licorishh · 10 months
(Spoilers for Furina's story quest)
I'm finally doing Furina's SQ and I am literally going to jump off a bridge WHAT ARE THESE DIALOGUE OPTIONS
WHY ARE WE BEING SO INSENSITIVE?? I thought everyone was exaggerating and just senselessly hating on Paimon like they always do bUT WHAT IS GOING ON THIS IS SO OUT-OF-CHARACTER
Paimon and the Traveler completely ignoring the fact that Furina just spent FIVE HUNDRED YEARS playing a role she should never have had to fill and enduring unimaginable loneliness and anguish and you go "wHat'S wRonG wiTH mAkInG oNe ExCEpTiOn? I tHoUGHt yOu wERe jUst a BiT oF a DiVa" I am going to SCREECH
This is so out of character. The fact that it appears to be intentional because Furina keeps saying "No, I don't want to do that, stop pressuring me, stop getting on my case" and yet she's going along anyway out of obligation and feeling bad for putting her foot down for once is just awful. She needs a BREAK. The Traveler and Paimon are usually so kind and understanding in situations like this and I am so confounded as to who they let write the script for this story quest because this is awful. I never get secondhand embarrassment and I'm about ready to throw my monitor if they insult her one more time.
Every frickin option is something I would never ever ever dream of saying to someone in this situation. Every option is terrible. I want to scream.
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t00fumaple · 9 months
The State of Paimon
The Fontaine AC, Furina SQ, and Roses and Muskets event spoilers possibly, rant, so not really cohesive
Sorry for all the people who expected Paimon slander, that isn’t happening here. I am Paimon’s strongest defender, she is my daughter I would never say anything mean to her!
That said, I just want to kind of defend Paimon but also rant about how the writing team has wrote her recently, or perhaps that could be localization’s team fault. I would like whoever can understand what the original text was trying to get that out there.
If you guys have done Furina’s story quest, you would know how insensitive they wrote Paimon there for no reason.
(Screenshots courtesy of Streetwise Rhapsody on YT, thank you.)
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Like this is really insensitive to Furina, but I can literally excuse it by the fact Paimon is like 4, she doesn’t fully understand the situation. Paimon never found out what Furina had to go through, also Paimon legit lacks the critical thinking skills to realize “ oh wow I should lay off “ without being told to do so.
In my opinion, Traveler is even worse. Even though they don’t comment on it as frequently as Paimon. They know, they’ve seen it. All the times Furina had to suffer for those hellish 500 years just to play a part. In some capacity they understood what happened to her, Paimon hasn’t. And yet, they still force her to try and act in a play when she would never feel comfortable with the fact.
Paimon was insensitive throughout the whole quest but it’s kind of weird for most of the fandom to only point fingers at her when Traveler does the exact same thing lol
Hell, Paimon even comments on it
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Like I will admit, I don’t like how they portrayed her in this quest, nor the Traveler. Especially since Furina shot up to one of my favorite characters since 4.2 dropped.
I think this quest is kind of held back by the fact they had to force Furina to be put into the position of a director, which would explain why the Traveler and Paimon are so mean to her, why they wrote them like that? Who actually knows.
Though recently in the new event, Furina has bit back now and you can see that Paimon is starting to become a little kinder to her than before. Hell they even pose together. Which hopefully means that we won’t get anymore Paimon insensitive moments.
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Another character I want to mention that Paimon is especially disrespectful for, and gets mentioned a lot in how Paimon is the worst and she should be banned from this character.
Wanderer, Scaramouche, Kabukimono, bro has like 20 names and yet still goes by none of them.
To be honest, I really don’t get why people bring this guy up on how Paimon shouldn’t be as rude to him as others. Which like, it makes sense
Even after he erased himself, I’m like 99% sure Paimon is still aware that he’s tried killing the Traveler multiple times.
Paimon has every right to be mean to this guy since the Traveler are the only constant in Paimon’s life. They are her whole world, they are practically her parent at this point.
I genuinely can see from Paimon’s POV that she has no reason to feel bad for Wanderer. Even in the scene where she tells him to hurry up on his remembering shit.
To be honest, hella based Paimon at that moment. Like it’s one of the worst things to do, really insensitive but I can forgive it because the Traveler was about to die protecting his ass, also mind you, she is a toddler. My only problem is that like, it feels really out of place.
Don’t get me wrong, Wanderer is great, I love him, he’s actually amazing. But it’s good to understand that Paimon has every right to be disrespectful to him, and to be honest, he would do the exact same thing to Paimon if that happened to her.
Now I will admit, these two instances of her being disrespectful is really terrible by her, and I really blame that mostly on the writing team.
I feel like it’s just weird that they seem to write her however they like? Her character hasn’t been that consistent, she can show a lot of empathy for some characters but absolutely shred other characters for no reason?
It’s sad to see since I adore Paimon, she’s amazing but it’s really tiring to see that they’ve kind of made her really annoying, when they could’ve kept her character consistent.
It’s really sad to see, and I really hope in the future they are able to just, write her better hopefully.
That’s really just all, Paimon is my beloved and its hard being a Paimon fan in this fandom since so many people dislike her 😔
I wanted to put my thoughts out there too, it’s okay if you hate Paimon!!! I can 100% understand but it’s really sad to see because most of that is because the writing is doing a terrible job at writing her.
Justice for Paimon
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keep-on-trying · 1 year
Oh yeh, finished AQs today and doing Neuvillette SQ later because too much gaming, I'm exhausted lol. Some thoughts under the cut:
So... Arlecchino is kinda... scaringly nice at the moment. She feels like the type who's very honest, and does truly care for her "family" in the House of the Hearth. But I can't help but feel there's something VERY twisted about her. Also so non-chalantly confessing she tried to assassinate Focalors in order to get the gnosis lol. And that Furina was scared as heck, she... she really lacks any true powers of an Archon, does she? Did she... did she ever rise to the godhood? And Neuvillette seems to know Furina's condition exceedingly well because HE very much CARES for her safety. Oh, Neu also confirmed being a Hydro Dragon reborn haha. And also confirmed Archon powers are... parts of former Dragon powers. That's a lore dumb if any lol. I think it was hinted in Enkanomiya lore?
Anyway, all of this makes me wonder if Arlecchino is right about Furina having no clue of anything at all and isn't really a fit for an Archon, or... actually, I have no idea what's up with Furina. She does seem to be the weakest of known Archons, if she is one. It could be she is an Archon by title. Come to think of it, she has glowing parts in her hair and outfit regardless of her current status? While with other archons the glowy parts are during their attacks or rise of powers. So. What does this all mean?
AS A REMINDER I hate story related leaks and I have a feeling Furina's gameplay leaks from beta might also give way too big spoilers on what her deal is so, SHUT UP about leaks and only discuss details in Archon Quests up to 4.1 patch. No beta discussions. At all. I will block.
Oh. There was also another emphasis on how tight Traveller and Paimon are so, I'm getting more and more convinced there's gonna be a separation soon.
(Also Childe is still missing but we know for certainly he is floating in the primordial sea, and there's a god damn giant whale there too. Childe. What the heck is going on with you and following strange voices while serving your sentence????? CHILDE!!!)
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ruinlost · 11 months
Im still trying to wrap my head around my thoughts around the aq & furinas sq but I need to show this lil screen shot I took during the archon quest cause it made me do a double take HEBDB
so a bit of a spoiler under cut
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furinas trial made the audience go low res for half the scene…the true prophecy…
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zhongscara · 11 months
more spoilers
people playing furinas sq: um why would traveler and paimon be so mean
me, already figured traveler could be hypocritical thanks to how they reacted to lyney and knowing that paimon didnt really see furinas trauma movie: this is in character now actually
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mirror-to-the-past · 11 months
Hustled my way through 4.2 story and Furina's SQ in between responsibilities, because I *really* didn't want to get smacked with spoilers...
I got so emotional feeling over the whole experience that I feel a bit ill. Thanks, Furina/Focalors, and like. most everything else.
Really cool turnout, some plot elements that made me go "oh my god," and just start to feel a little overwhelmed in regards to Teyvat as a whole. The overall vibe of "we're up against so much" really got to me.
As per usual, major cutscene composition and music was amazing. The new SQ ending made me cry-cry, and not just tear up. So, congrats to Genshin for claiming one of my few cries of the year.
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keep-on-trying · 11 months
Well that AQ certainly gave answers and new questions. Man. I'll probably rest today some more to avoid more migraine and then later do Furina's SQ and THEN wish on her banner. I feel that's most approriate. (Spoilers on Furina under the cut)
After all, AQ didn't explain how she gets her Vision, so I assume it's part of her Story Quest.
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