#further evidence for my take that since we’ve become a visual culture
f1ghtsoftly · 7 months
my boss and I were both raised catholic/went to catholic schools and her in laws have a tradcath son and I really appreciate that we bully him at every opportunity, what a freak.
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wackygoofball · 5 years
What represent Brienne's dressing robe during latest scene? We see Brienne dressed as a woman, quite and confident... but in black ... black not blue! And furs bed with Brienne remember me the old scene with Bran / direwolf / Catelyn Stark... so sad...
Well, my guess is good as anyone’s, I suppose, anon, but it is known that Wacky loves to ramble - especially about costumes. Since it is a longer post, I will put it below the cut:
Colors are always a tricky thing because depending on the culture you take from, they may signify very different things (in some cultures, white is the color of mourning, in others it’s black, etc.). However, since the costume design is done by the wonderful Michele Clapton, we can at least go from the British context here for some ideas.
To my mind, there are four interpretative planes on which I can see this operate (others may certainly find more and/or better ones, but those are the ones that come to my mind:
1) I suppose the straightforward associations of the color black in this context are mourning, death, endings, and sadness already pre-mediated in the dress before the two even say the words and Jaime rides off. She basically *is* wearing a mourning dress for the loss she is about to suffer (if not for long… I remain certain of that). It makes her standing there alone all the more heartbreaking. She merges with the background, she becomes visually more and more one with the darkness of the night. In that same vein, it creates a very stark contrast to Gwen’s naturally pale complexion, which puts even more focus on her face (whites and blacks have the greatest contrast in the color scale).
* Side note: Also note the texture of the dress. It’s roughspun and thick. It’s a tough fabric that stays very much in place and does move around a lot. Since it is very thick, it signifies protection (against the cold), too.
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2) It’s a neat way of establishing visual connections between the two right in that scene and in connection to earlier scenes. Black has been a dominating color for both lately. Jaime, upon riding North, takes up a black cloak he repeatedly wears, even in that episode. Brienne also features a dark coat edging on black.
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It’s been the predominant color of the North. I think that may also be some level hidden inside particularly for Brienne who’s gotten quite cozy up in the North even though her *identity* bears the color blue. She is *not* a Northerner and her time with Sansa is actually long since up, if only she finally found an impetus to make that step… oh wait! ;) And yet again, that perfectly mirrors her with Jaime whose ultimate landing place is not Winterfell either. Winterfell was about getting them together, but it’s not mean to be the place where they ultimately stay together. This black unity was a comfort they enjoyed while it lasted, but it was only ever there for a time because both their houses, both their colors, both their duties are calling.
In some shots during the goodbye scene, Jaime’s red leather jacket also appears almost black due to the darkness of the night.
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See how they almost look like they are one piece color-wise? They are building a visual unity not just through the physical touch, not just by her cupping his cheeks or him rubbing his (black!) glove against her wrist for comfort. They are creating a visual unity in that darkest hour. In this shot in particular, it’s even hard to tell where one part of clothing begins and another ends.
It can also be regarded as a neat callback to their lovemaking scene. The tunics they wore were either *really* dark gray or just plain black. Be it as it may, the *look* black in those shots.
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Jaime and Brienne wore different style tunics, but the shirts were still harmonizing, creating unity even before they dared to physically touch and undress in that chamber. In that way, the color black, even before the goodbye already pre-mediated visually what was about to go down. This callback to their unity may be one of the big hints here already.
3) Black is not just the color of mourning in Western culture. It is also a color that signifies status and authority. Judges wear black robes, referees have black clothes oftentimes. I have noted elsewhere that I was mesmerized by how regal and lady-like she looked in that dress. Gwen knows how to carry a dress, so that certainly added to it, but it really has something dignifying about itself, teh simple cut just fitting perfectly and all. Let’s not forget that Jaime and Brienne are basically still some of the few actual adults in the room, considering that we have a bunch of young adults calling global shots. I think that may also be a hint because this is a *mature* Brienne of Tarth we are seeing, we are seeing her carry herself with dignity and authority. If a spec of mine turns out to be true, then that posiitions her at last as a lady about to take charge *in her own right* rather than continuing to play bodyguard for a teenager who has others who can take good care of her in her stead.
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4) Black is the color of mystery, of the unknown. Part of the reason why a lot of people are afraid in the dark is because we don’t typically see what’s in the dark, a fear that was deeply embedded into our system because of our ancestors who had to fear to be eaten by wild animals that sneaked up on them in the middle of the night. Evidently, that’s not what’s happening in that scene, but black still has something mystifying. It leaves you in the open. And I think that is also the big giveaway with regards to the misdirection I believe they are seeding here. His leaving is a mystery *to her*, she reckons the reason but her heart cannot comprehend it (also due to a lack of information, which is the figurative equivalent of *leaving her in the dark* about certain things, including the threat on his life thanks to Bronn and Cersei posing a threat by extension therefore).
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So. Why black, you asked, anon. I think there are many reasons why. It fits the aesthetic of the overall scenes, creates visual unity and calls back to earlier moments of unity and closeness, it pre-mediates the sadness and grief we are about to witness for them both while at the same time showing that there is a connecting matter between them.
I think part of the big message for Brienne’s black dress lies on the color (see above) but also the fact that it is a dress. Beside the callback to Ned and Cat parting ways, we see here Brienne at a very vulnerable moment. She appears to him after she laid her feminity bare before him and started to embrace it. She holds herself (because of the cold), only to receive a massive blow to the femininity she finally allowed herself to be part of her life. That is what makes this moment even more heartbreaking than it is because of Gwen and Nik acting the living shit out of that scene and perfectly illustrate the vulnerability Brienne is feeling and the pain Jaime is feeling for saying those things and leaving now, even if it is with almost utmost certainty in an effor to protect her from further harm.
As to your question about the furs… interesting thought. I never really thought about Bran’s bed and the furs, because it just seemed to me that furs were simply the kind of thing to find on a bed in the Northern regions due to the cold.
Buuuut interesting thought, really.
If we compare the shot of Bran’s re-awakening after the fall…
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We see fur, we see Ned killing Lady, and then Bran opening his eyes. Also interesting how Ned’s clothes seem to fit in rather neatly here.
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While the order’s switched up a bit, we also have shot of furs, guy brooding, about to make a tough choice, and then someone awakening.
I don’t know what to make of that, I really don’t, but I find it VERY interesting. So thank you for that observation, anon. Mayhaps the visual callback to Bran we’ve been waiting for? The foreshadowing that Bran had his hands in Jaime’s leaving? So many possibilities with that little robotic guy. Ugh.
Anyway, those are my two cents, maybe three.
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cassie-babyz · 7 years
[170922 Kstyle] B.A.P, New Single「HONEYMOON」- “It feels like we’ve worn new clothes with this song”
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B.A.P have released their new single “HONEYMOON” on September 20. This song is a shared lead track, being also featured in their 7th Korean single “BLUE” that was released on September 5. We talked to them regarding their first Japanese-Korean same-month release, behind the scenes stories about the song and music video, and their goals for the future. 
―― “HONEYMOON” being released in the same month in Korea and Japan has become a hot topic. It’s a first for B.A.P, how did you prepare for it? ZL: We always try our best at every moment, but we were really excited whilst preparing for “HONEYMOON” in anticipation of what new sides we could show. Being also the conclusion to the colour series and a new beginning, we worked hard to show an even more complete performance.  DH: Our views are expressed through the songs, so I don’t think having a dual release in Korea and Japan changes anything. However, to be able to release the song at almost the same time to the Japanese and Korean fans is nice. I say this because by promoting at almost the same time, we get to meet the Korean fans, and also the Japanese fans at an earlier date.  YJ: We work hard at making the album when we’re preparing for it since we believe we need to create a good album, so we didn’t particularly focus on the fact that it was to be released simultaneously in Korea and Japan. However, we did take in account to do the recording and music video filming at the same time for both versions. 
―― What meaning is there in the title “HONEYMOON”? The lyrics have a very positive impression too. What’s the direction and concept like? DH: Firstly, the colour series started with black, then red, and finally blue, and I feel like with each step we took, the message conveyed became lighter. There’s a common idea that runs through the colour series, but there was an intense impact for “SKYDIVE”. “WAKE ME UP” further magnified that message, whilst “HONEYMOON” expresses it in a softer manner. We have discussions with the company when we’re creating a song, so there are views from both sides included. From there, various ideas are formed. YJ: I think marriage is the start of a new life. And since the honeymoon that the the 2 go on after their marriage becomes that starting point, “HONEYMOON” has the meaning of “a new start”. 
“The reactions to the new hairstyle was split 50-50 so I cut it!”
―― The melody that revealed its grandeur and whistle-like refrain is memorable, but what image did you have in mind whilst creating the song? DH: This song was from a foreign composer, but Yongguk and Zelo had participated in the lyrics. From there, we were able to add our own touches to create this piece. There was the connection to the black and red from the previous colour series’, and I think we were able to express that in this song too.  ZL: I think the messages embedded in B.A.P’s music is very important. I’ve been able to form my own thoughts and values as I’ve promoted as B.A.P, but it’s great that I’m able to communicate that to the fans in this generation. The theme was already decided for this number, so I wrote the rap lyrics in accordance to that.  YG: That’s right. I think we were able to thoroughly express it well to the song’s theme.
―― The times that you receive inspiration for compositions are? YG: I’m the type to compose late at night. Then I’ll go to sleep when it’s light. 
―― The clothes, hair and makeup concept for this has changed quite a bit from B.A.P’s image till now, how did the fans react? HC: The ones with a drastic change in hairstyle was Jongup and I, and the reactions were split 50-50. And so, I cut it! It’s a different style to what’s in the music video and teaser photos. The preferences were evident so...... I believe I need to listen to the public’s views and thoughts. Whilst there are non-negotiable things we have as artists, I will keep my ears open to the responses and reflect that in my own style. 
―― Do you personally like the mullet style? HC: I don’t think it was bad. It was nice visually, but I think it was a bit too long.  JU: I personally liked it too, but it was a style that garnered a lot of reactions so I cut it. Even so, to challenge a new style and showing something eccentric is good. 
If you were to “paint the world with my own colours” as per the lyrics...?
―― There are the lyrics “dance wildly to the reality you can’t accept”, but has there been any reality that you couldn’t accept recently? ZL: These are the words I wanted to write so I wrote them and realise it myself, but it means to have fun if you can’t escape from reality. Instead of treating it as something you can’t accept, it means to rap and dance when that reality comes along. DH: Lately, there’s an issue that’s come up as I’ve learnt the new dance. We learn the dance from our choreographer and his team, and then gather together to dance it. Since I’ve been in the dance studio often lately, I asked the choreographer directly about the dance’s image, and so whilst I have a clear image of what it should be in my mind, I get various images when I’m dancing with the members. This was an exact moment of “dancing wildly to an image differing to reality”. I had that image distinctly from what the choreographer told me, so I tried to bring that forward and in the end, it matched well.  HC: I can’t accept Jongup’s common sense (laughs) JU: I’m me after all! HC: I wonder what it is. It feels like he doesn’t know what he’s saying himself (laughs).
―― There are the lyrics “paint the world with my colours”, but what is “my colour” for everyone? YJ: If I had to “paint the world with my colours” as per the lyrics, I think it’d be black. When I’m given something or doing something from my own volition, I’m the type to work with that on the limits I set rather than within the set parameters. Black is the result of various colours mixed together, so resonating with how my own parameters don’t change, I think it’ll be black.  JU: My colour is white. It’s easily coloured and will accurately display whatever colour is added to it.  HC: I think I’m gold. Since I’m a star. Worldwide star! DH: I’m rainbow. I often want to express myself musically and have many dreams. I’m in the process of creating my own colour. It’s not rainbow yet, but I want to continue adding more colours.  ZL: Sky blue. Like Jongup with white, it has that same quality of bringing out other colours. With blue being the theme colour for this album, I want to show that with sky blue.  YG: Black and white. Good and evil, I have both sides so I think it’s black and white.
Episodes from filming the “HONEYMOON” MV at Jeju-do?
―― There are various items (goldgish, flowers, pills) and numbers (16, 5, 1, 3, 5) scattered throughout the music video, and images of “violence” & “dark” from the lyrics are reflected. Is there a deeper meaning hidden? YJ: We made it so that the music video itself is a representation of the “BLUE” theme. Regarding those elements, since it’s in the figurative realm, there were ideas to put in multiple elements that couldn’t be understood with just one viewing, and so various items were included. What we want people to focus on is that whilst the music video is colourful and refreshing overall, there are items with a slightly heavier quality like pills and numbers submerged in red water. The fantastical yet deep message borne through those elements is also included. 
―― Were the numbers a sort of puzzle for the fans? YJ: Yes. The hint is the alphabet. HC: Since it’s a colour series, in it’s construction, there a some elements from “WAKE ME UP” brought on through. As such, I think it’ll be interesting if you watch it with the “WAKE ME UP” music video too.
―― How was the solo filming for each member? DH: I was filming by the seaside and although it was a little dangerous in order to get a nice picture, I also filmed on the rocks. I went to the very end and since I was barefooted, I got a few cuts. The filming was completed as I was doused by the strong waves from behind me. 
―― Did you catch a cold from being wet? DH: It was really hot so it was actually refreshing.  ZL: The place I filmed at night was a cultural property. There was a rice field nearby so there were many big bugs which the staff worried about. I danced whilst worrying about how to get a good picture, and when I looked at my hands after finishing filming, there were many green things stuck on them (laughs). I didn’t know if it was grass or something else, but it was a little gross. There were lots of bugs and there were many spider nests too. Not only me, but the staff went through a lot too.  HC: I was in the middle of a diet when we were in Jeju-do, so I couldn’t eat much. We could finish filming earlier since I filmed at the same place as Yongguk, and the abalone congee that we ate afterwards was memorable. It was really delicious.  YG: Back then, Himchan didn’t want to shoot in the morning and wanted to delay it, so I asked him to eat with me if we finish filming earlier.  HC: When I told him “I’m in the middle of a diet though”, he invited me with “it’s early in the day so you can eat” (laughs).  JU: When I was in Jeju-do, there was a day where I had no filming at all so I went to a seafood & galbi restaurant near the hotel. It was really delicious. I couldn’t order for 1 person, so I had to get the 2person serving but I ate well and even used the remaining sauce to make fried rice (laughs).  HC: After after eating with Yongguk and going to see Jongup, what really surprised me was that the restaurant [he ate at] seemed to be famous, and since there wasn’t much seating, there was a line outside. They were in pairs or with family, and Jongup was the only one by himself making fried rice. Seeing that, I thought he was an amazing child.  YJ: The weather was beautiful the whole time when we were filming, but when it was my turn, the weather made a turn for the worse. It got cloudy and we had to film with that weather. 
―― How was filming at Jeju-do like? Have you been to Jeju-do before? DH: We still haven’t gone to Jeju-do together for a holiday before. However, we have been to Okinawa with all the members previously. It was the only private holiday we’ve had. It was a very lavish trip.  DH: We ate lots and rested lots. [T/N: Not sure if it’s a editing miss that both answers are Daehyun]
―― What was the most memorable about Okinawa? HC: The American Village was memorable. We wanted to try the teppanyaki restaurant that was famous there, but there was a line for it. The 6 of us aren’t good with waiting, and on top of that, it was really hot, so we gave up on that restaurant and ate lobster instead.
―― The most delicious thing you ate at Okinawa was? DH: Lobster. YG: Yakiniku! HC: Yes, yakiniku! There was this casual home-like restaurant. We didn’t really know so we just ordered various things, and when we thought this was nice, it was galbi. It was really delicious.  DH: It really was a lavish trip. 
“Being together in 10, 20 years is difficult... being together forever is our goal”
―― What sort of song is the 2nd track “ALL THE WAY UP”? DH: It’s a little brighter than “HONEYMOON”, and conveys a softer message in sync with this concept. With a light and cheerful sound, I think it’s a song that completely represents freedom. There’s also a strong vocal line as well as rap. I think you’d feel refreshed after listening to it. 
―― There’re the lyrics “let’s aim higher”; please tell us what you’re aiming towards as B.A.P or personally.  DH: We’re into our 6th year as B.A.P, and I think it’d be difficult to be together in 10, 20 years. And so, my goal is to be able to be together forever. I have bigger dreams, but I want to realise them one by one at the moment. ZL: I don’t think anything lasts forever, but I want to be together with these members forever and aim even higher.  HC: Personally I want to win Jongup.  DH: Are you losing to Jongup right now? HC: Personally I think I’m losing in all fronts (suddenly starts singing “makenaide” [Please don’t lose] by ZARD) Excuse me. All the B.A.P members have unique personalities and I respect everyone, but Jongup is the only one who acts against the norm and that’s something I can’t respect. Excluding that, I think we can realise all our goals (laughs).  DH: Those actions against the norm are things that normal people won’t usually do. They aren’t wrong (laughs). They are actions that something only Jongup would consider.  HC: They’re actually really good. There are times when they’re excellent and come in handy, but there are times when they’re just poison and that’s concerning (laughs).  JU: Because I’m white. 
“Buying our own CD on LINE LIVE... it was very memorable”
―― Previously, when you released your album “UNLIMITED”, you went on live with Kstyle LIVE with birthday boy Daehyun being the King and such. How was that? DH: To be honest, it was a shame that the King didn’t have many powers, but I was happy alone that they celebrated my birthday. Also I was very disappointed in the cake that the members made for me.  JU: Gochujang cake?  DH: Yes that. HC: It was really prettily made right? DH: It tasted terrible. Was it wasabi? HC: Mustard. DH: To play with food like that.  HC: It’s a work [of art]. A creation.  JU: The theme was rose. Beautiful, but there are thorns. DH: Ok ok (laughs). But I was happy. It was a meaningful day with many fans watching on LINE.
―― Do you usually play pranks between the members? DH: We don’t usually play pranks using food, though we do fool around with jokes. We pick up food and eat it even if it’s dropped [on the floor], so we definitely don’t play with food.  HC: Do you eat food that’s dropped on the floor? DH: You always give me food that’s been dropped right? 
―― Who pulls the most pranks? HC: Daehyun. YJ: It seems like Daehyun knows no limits. DH: That’s right. I often blow a fuse so I play pranks and throw water on them (laughs). 
―― Himchan and Jongup went to Tower Records, how was it like to buy your own CD for the first time? JU: It was very memorable. HC: When we went into Tower Records, I was really happy that our album was there. It was our first time buying our own CD. Though we have gone to see our own album in the shops before. It felt very interesting. There were panels displayed too.
―― The CD from that time was delivered to a fan and they were very happy. HC: Ohh that’s great! It was a huge limited edition wasn’t it. It was expensive (laughs).
―― You also reached 10,000,000 hearts for the free live broadcast. There were many comments from the fans who worked hard for the hearts saying “my fingers hurt”. DH: It was such a difficult task, I’m really grateful. HC: At the end of the show, there’s a ranking that shows how many hearts they gave, and our manager was in the top 100. He gave around 90,000 hearts. ZL: 90,000? I pressed around 10,000 times. I pressed subconsciously. I couldn’t control myself. After pressing it, it was more difficult than I thought. HC: I’m very thankful to everyone’s hard efforts. We’ll work hard in response to that. DH: Please invite us to LINE LIVE again!
Dramas, movies, games... What’s B.A.P into lately?
―― In our previous interview, Zelo said that he was obsessed with watching “Fight for My Way”, but is there any drama, music, manhwa or movie that you’ve been into lately? HC: Afterwards, I got into it too! DH: I’m been into the drama “Game of Thrones”. I’ve finished watching season 7! It was very interesting. But since there are members who still haven’t watched it yet so I won’t talk or it’ll be a spoiler. I really want to talk about it but... The dragons! I’ll stop there (laughs).  ZL: I stopped at season 2 or 3. I feel like I watched something I wasn’t supposed to... DH: You’re already an adult! ZL: No, I watched it on the plane and I was conscious of the people around me. HC: Youngjae and I are into the drama “Stranger” [Secret Forest]. We/I watched all 20 episodes in one go, nonstop. It was really good. JU: I like “Kimi no Na wa.” [Your Name]. It was interesting. I watched 2, 3 times. I’d actually wanted to watch it in the cinemas, but I couldn’t make the time and wasn’t able to. I like emotional Japanese animes such as “Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo” [The Girl Who Leapt Through Time] and “Kimi no Na wa.”. The movie “The Talented Mr. Ripley” was also memorable. I’m also playing the mobile game “kyou mo yomigaeri” [resurrected today as well].  ZL: I’ve watched “Fight for My Way” from episode 1, but I haven’t watched the last 2 episodes. I know what happens already, so I didn’t watch the remaining 2 episodes and watched movies at the cinemas. YG: I bought a scooter lately so I’ve been obsessed with that. HC: Yongguk bought the Italian scooter (Vespa) that was in Jude Law’s movie “Alfie”. 
It feels like we’ve worn new clothes with “HONEYMOON” 
―― Since debuting in Japan in 2013 with “WARRIOR”, 4 years have passed and this single will be your 8th one, how does it feel? DH: I think we’ve been steadily releasing CDs after our debut. Compared to our promotion periods, we’ve really released a lot of CDs. And so, with each new release, you can see more and more of our past, and the areas that we need to improve on and develop are clearly visible. That way, there are more challenges open to us and more things that we want to try. 
―― Now, a message please to the fans waiting in Japan.  DH: Let’s go on a “HONEYMOON” together. HC: With this song, it feels like we’ve worn new clothes. I hope you have many fun and happy memories from this song. I wish this to be a album full of love and happiness.  JU: As usual, I want to meet with the fans and create good memories, and treasure those memories for life. YJ: We worked hard this time too, so I want to show a good stage to everyone. Please give us lots of love and support. Thank you very much.  ZL: I’m happy that “HONEYMOON” gives us the chance to see everyone again. I hope this will be a good memory when you look back on it.  YG: I’m hoping this promotion will allow us more chances to meet with fans. Please give us your support. Always, thank you very much. 
Source: Kstyle Translation: cassie_babyz
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