#further proof I draw this boy too much
ari-the-arotistic · 10 months
So I was thinking about pirates of the Caribbean, and each characters unique moral code and way of approaching life, as one does, when I remembered a particular scene about our beloved James Norrington... the very first scene in which Jack and James meet. Now, as a long time Sparrington shipper, I adore the Sparrington fandoms adopted head canon of Jack's compass pointing directly at Jack when James is holding it as having a romantic connotation too it, but this is Disney we're talking about, and a Disney from 20 years ago at that, so it is of course just a head canon. And while it is a beloved head canon, I will always be a writer before a shipper, and what that scene says about Norrington from a writer's perspective is far too juicy not to share... So buckle up for a very long meta post about who James Norrington is as a person, and how it was set up in this scene(and later reinforced in the second and third movie). This is my first real meta post, and I'm very excited for it, so let's jump right in.
First of all, the compass scene.
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As we can clearly see in the image above, since the red line that points to the object of the holder's desires is no where to be seen, its relatively easy to conclude that it's hidden from our view by the sun dial in the middle, and thusly is pointing directly at Jack. Elizabeth is off to James's right, and no one is standing behind Jack, so unless the compass was pointing at something in the far off distance that just so happened to be in Jack's general direction(unlikely) its pretty clear what(or who) the compass is pointing at. For most potc fans, this is fairly standard knowledge. But it's what this fact says about Norrington's character that I'd like to focus on. After all, what does it say about a man that a compass that shows you what you desire most is pointing at a pirate, and the very face of piracy at that, instead of your canonical love interest, when you're a Commodore of the Navy? As stated above, Sparrington shippers often point at this scene as proof that James has a bit of a pash on the ruggedly handsome pirate, or at the very least, a thing for men. But from a writer's perspective, this just simply isn't the case, and not because the writer's in this instance are the notoriously homophobic corporation we call Disney. The reason why this is so unlikely from a writing perspective is because given the context clues, we as an audience are meant to draw the conclusion that this is the first time that they meet(I have heard rumors of them meeting as children in the books, but having never read them, and focusing only on the movies, I'm not including that in this post). And since this is the first time they've met, it's highly unlikely that the compass is pointing at Jack because James has a bit of a thing for him. Even if James has heard of Jack's many exploits, he does not truly know the man behind the legend, so having romantic feelings for the pirate at this point in time just isn't believable. And even if James was a closeted gay/bi man, it's still unlikely that the compass would be pointing at Jack of all the men around the Commodore(of which there is a lot, some of whom he is incredibly close with) seeing as Jack is the poster boy of piracy, and at this point in the movie it's made abundantly clear that James vehemently detests the notion and all who practice it. If James were to be holding the compass in Jack's vicinity in later movies and it still pointed at the pirate, an argument could definitely be made that it was because he had developed feelings for Jack, but for their first meeting, it's just not realistic. So it's much more likely that the reason the compass is pointing at Jack is because of James's desire to send every pirate he meets to "a quick drop and a sudden stop" as he so eloquently put it to a young Elizabeth. This is further reinforced in the third movie when it is revealed that Beckett's desire to have Jack dead at his feet would prevent him from using the compass to find Shipwreck Cove if the pirate was not already at the aforementioned location, or, well, dead. This is again, relatively common knowledge. But like I said before, it's what this fact says about James that is the whole point of this post... and that is that James cares more about his career than anything else, even the woman he claims to love. Now for some, that statement alone might seem like a pretty obvious conclusion, but it's how this scene subtlety sets up this core aspect of Norrington's character before we even truly get to know who he is, and how it's brought to it's full height in the second movie, and the core aspect of his redemption and subsequent death in the third that I'd really like to talk about. Which brings us to the next segment of this post...
How James lost his commission to the navy...
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And how he got it back
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So let's start off with how James lost his commission... it's a story we all know pretty well, and one he tells to Gibbs in the scene shown above, when he plans to either join Jack's crew or get revenge on the man that(he believes) ruined his life. After Jack's escape in the first movie, James grew obsessed with capturing the pirate, so much so that he foolishly followed the Black Pearl into a hurricane, resulting in the sinking of the Dauntless, and the loss of countless lives that had been aboard the vessel. It's unclear aside from James himself who had been on the ship at the time, and who did or did not survive, but the death toll was heavy, with most, if not everyone who wasn't James, having perished in the storm. While it is not the most extreme example(which we'll get too in just a bit), this is a pretty clear example of James prioritizing his career above everything else, even reason and logic. And all just to capture a singular pirate, even at the cost of his own ship and crew, and rather ironically, the very career that he had been so desperately trying to hold onto in the first place. Which brings us to the next scene I'd like to discuss... James stealing the heart of Davy Jones. This moment is the absolute peak of this part of James's character. This is the moment where James takes his obsessive need for his career to the max. This is the moment where James truly prioritizes his career above everything else, even the woman he claims to love(and for Sparrington shippers, above the man he's reluctantly come to care about). At this point in time, when James decides to take the heart for himself to regain his old station, he's been on the Black Pearl long enough to know the full situation. That Jack is in some kind of trouble with Davy Jones, and that if Jack doesn't use the heart to bargain for his freedom, then the Kraken will hunt Jack, and subsequently the Black Pearl, down until he and everyone aboard are dead. And that includes Elizabeth. And yet, despite knowing that stealing the heart would basically mean sealing Elizabeth's death, he still decided to do so. Sure, the argument could be made that he thought Elizabeth would be able to escape somehow, but the chances of her dying at sea, or some other terrible fate befalling her before she could safely make it back to civilization would have been highly likely. Of course we as an audience know that this isn't the case, but James does not. So essentially, James was so obsessed with his career, and maintaining the image of the honorable Commodore that he didn't even truly register that he was putting Elizabeth, the woman he loves and has been trying so desperately to woo for the past two movies, in danger. And he won't fully realize the consequences of his actions until the third movie, in a deleted scene no less(I swear when I find whoever decided to delete some of the most important scenes to James's character...), when Davy Jones informs Governor Swann of his daughters untimely demise on the Black Pearl. Of course, almost immediately afterwards, Beckett retcons that statement by informing the Governor that Elizabeth was recently seen in Singapore, but for a few minutes, James has to sit with the fact that Elizabeth was dead, and it was his fault. And even after learning that she was in fact still alive, James has now finally come to the realization that if she had still been on the Black Pearl when it sank with its Captain, he would've been the one to send her to her death. And for Sparrington shippers, James has to sit with the unavoidable fact that he was the reason Jack had died(even if the pirate does come back), despite the fact that it was Elizabeth's betrayal that was the final nail in Jack's coffin, since she wouldn't have had to do that if the Kraken wasn't after them in the first place. Which brings us to the final scene I'd like to discuss...
James choosing a side, and paying the price
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Now, before we fully delve into this scene, I'd like to take a moment to talk about James's own perception of himself, and his relationship with honor and integrity. From the very first scene in which we meet James Norrington, we are made aware that he has a strong moral compass. He firmly believes piracy is evil, and that all who partake in piracy deserve a swift end. He perceives his Commodore persona as being the paragon of honor and integrity, and the sole arbiter of justice. We can infer from the line "By remembering that I serve others, Sparrow, not just myself" that James does have honorable intentions when ridding the world of pirates, that being protecting the innocent citizens under his care, but as seen once again in the first time James and Jack meet, wherein James adamantly tries to arrest Jack despite the fact the fact that pirate had just saved Elizabeth's life, his actions to achieve that goal are not always quite as honorable as his intentions are. This is especially highlighted once again when James gave Beckett the heart of Davy Jones. James's intentions here were once again rooted in honor and integrity - he believes that the only way to keep people safe from pirates is too return to his old station, to the image of honor and integrity he had built around the title of Commodore, and the only way to return to his old station is to give Beckett the heart. But the action itself was far from honorable, seeing as James had to betray the woman he loved just to obtain the heart, and that he was now putting it into the hands of a dangerously unstable individual who planned on using it to commit mass genocide.
And now, we finally get to the scene above... Of course, it's made clear throughout his scenes in the third movie leading up to this one that James is already starting to regret giving Beckett the heart after seeing the damage being caused, but since Beckett is targeting pirates specifically(although we as an audience know that Beckett's definition of pirate is very loose) James figures that the ends justify the means, as he often does in situations regarding piracy. It is not until his reunion with Elizabeth, where he learns that Governor Swann is dead, and that Beckett lied to him about the Governor's whereabouts, that James truly realizes the enormity of his mistake. It is in this moment that James has a sudden realization that fundamentally shakes him to his core, and is the reason behind his change of heart later on. He realizes that the honorable Commodore persona that he had tried to cultivate and keep a hold of for so long had never been truly honorable at all, and that by giving Beckett the heart of Davy Jones, he had effectively tied the noose around the neck of his own honor and integrity, as well as the necks of hundreds, if not thousands of innocent people, with his own hands. And as that one vine goes, this was the moment James knew, he fucked up. Which leads to his decision to change sides in an attempt to redeem himself, and his subsequent death in the process. Of course, part of James's reason for helping Elizabeth escape was that he does care for her, but given everything I've detailed about him so far, I think it's safe to say the main reason that James decided to help Elizabeth and her crew was because he wanted to undo the damage he had done, and he had faith that Elizabeth, Will, and Jack would have some sort of plan to defeat Beckett, and stop any further damage to come from his mistake. And now, for his death scene itself... As much as I love the idea of James surviving and joining the pirates(whether at Elizabeth's side or Jack's is unimportant), I firmly believe that his death was a necessary end of this part of his character arc, and that if he were to survive he would still have to go through a major ego death for this part of his character arc to end properly. Because as Bill turner drives that wooden pike into James's gut, it's not just the physical death of his body, but also the metaphorical death of Admiral James Norrington, and the ideals that James had used to build the persona out of. So even if James survived, the Admiral would still have to meet his metaphorical end, thusly causing James to lose a core part of himself that had been guiding most his decisions so far, in the process, which would start the next part of his character arc, where he would have to deal with the loss of a key part of his personality, and rebuild himself from the ground up to finally, truly become the image of honor and integrity he had envisioned from the beginning.
And that concludes this very long post. I could probably wax enough poetics about this aspect of James's character to write a short novel, but I've said everything important to this post, and if I go on any longer, I'm likely to start repeating myself lol. Thank you for reading, and feel free to share your thoughts in the comments or a reblog! I will always love hearing more about our polished peacock <3
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skywheeldate · 6 months
Analyzing the Skywheel Dates
Unable to wait patiently for the Ultimania releasing next month, I wanted to provide my own analysis of the Skywheel dates between Cloud/Tifa and Cloud/Aerith.
By analyzing Cloud's behavior on these two dates, which are explicitly more romantic than the other four, I aim to understand why the dates played out the way they did and what was going through the character's heads during them.
Tifa Date:
What sticks out in most player's minds during the date is the kiss Cloud gives Tifa while riding the Skywheel, and it's easy to see why! It's the first time Cloud has kissed a woman on screen, after all. But I have seen fans state that this proves Cloud likes Tifa more, and while I hate to get myself involved in any shipping war, I feel there is a more interesting conclusion we can draw based on the timeline of events throughout both remake games.
First, I want to direct you to this caption from the Remake Ultimania:
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When Cloud gives Tifa the flower, he wants to "Show off a youthful image of what he himself wants to be like"...
I think this caption is very important to helping us understand why Cloud was able to be so bold as to kiss the girl he was always too shy to befriend as a child. And I think it's linked to his new "ex-soldier persona."
See, the ex-soldier persona Cloud crafted is modeled after a person he admired and wanted to be like: Zack. Although making this new personality for himself was an unhealthy response to his trauma, I think there are good things to it, as well. For one, it allowed him to take action again and thereby begin his first steps towards recovery. In addition, it gives him courage to do things he never could before, such as strutting his stuff on the dance floor:
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I don't think it's too far of a stretch to say that this extends to him giving the flower to Tifa.
So this, in my mind, explains how Cloud had the courage to kiss Tifa and why some fans might think it felt a little sudden or out of character--it's because it almost is, in a way. But let me reiterate, I don't think that's a bad thing. I think Zack's influence on Cloud is somewhat natural and, frankly, having the courage to do the things you want and have fun is never a bad thing. I truly believe Cloud is exemplifying being Zack's "living legacy" by becoming more confident and outgoing. It's a good thing!!
And let's not ignore Tifa in this scene. Before the kiss, Tifa brings up that she feels she and Cloud have become closer, but frets that she's rushing to conclusions again. She's giving Cloud a clear opening to prove his feelings for her--and frankly, after all this build up? Giving the flower, all the tiny touches they've shared? Cloud is more than ready to prove it to her, and he does. It's so easy, and he does it the best way he knows how: with a kiss. In that moment, the boy became the man he's always aspired to be.
Aerith Date:
Conversely, the Aerith date isn't quite as simple--at least to me. It's hard to understand what's going on in their heads, and I think they comparatively have more obstacles in the way of their romance.
The biggest obstacle is that Aerith has seen through Cloud's persona, and almost calls him out on it during the date. She tells him she's looking for the real him, and that she wants to meet him someday.
I believe this stops Cloud, subconsciously. While the persona he built around Zack gives him more confidence, it's still a persona. It's not who he really is. By giving into that persona at all, he is not giving Aerith what she wants. Being confident and bold with Tifa was important, because she needed proof he liked her, but here? What's important is being the "real" Cloud, whoever that is. It must have stumped him.
Aerith gives him an easy out though: she asks Cloud to let her snuggle up against him until the ride ends. And that much, at least, Cloud can manage. And he goes even further than that when he interlaces their fingers together. I think this is his way of showing that he'll be there for Aerith--not just till the ride ends, but after. He's showing her that he does, in fact, care about her, and that her selfish request isn't as selfish as she thinks it is.
I also want to bring up the lyrics from No Promises to Keep here since I think they're extremely relevant to the Clerith relationship and the hand-holding symbolism seen throughout the game:
Till the day that we meet again At our place, just let me believe In the chance that you'll come Take my hand and never let me go Take my hand And believe We can be Together evermore
The hand holding symbolizes their shared desire to be "together evermore" and the belief that they will be. The interlocked fingers display a powerful, mutual bond that cannot be so easily severed. I think this imagery is both simple and extremely beautiful.
In summary, although they are not at a point in their relationship where they're ready to kiss yet, I believe this scene is meant to show that there is still possibility for their relationship to grow and get to that point.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。• *₊°。 .❀
Thank you for reading till the end! I hope you enjoyed my thoughts. Feel free to use or reference this post if you found it resonated with your own interpretations of these scenes. And if you have your own interpretations to share, I would love to hear them!
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galvanizedfriend · 10 months
what are your top ten favorite klaroline fics?
Hello, nonnie! I see your asks have made the rounds. Really nice to see lots of rec lists circulating!
I had to give this a thought. It's very hard to come up with just 10. I could easily do a part II. 😂 But without further ado, and in no particular order, 10 of my favorite KC fics:
. The Parisian Deal by Borzoi
I honestly vary between The Parisian Deal and Paradise Lost as my favorite Borzoi fics. It depends. I think I'm in my Parisian Deal era, though. I've recced this a few times over the last few months, whenever someone's asked me for my favorites or humanity-less Caroline fics. For me, this is the best one that comes to mind. Borzoi's fics are all brilliant. I love their writing style to bits. It reads like a novel, it draws in and it grips you by the throat until the very end. This one features Klaus being called to the rescue by a desperate Salvatore clan when Caroline turns off her humanity and fucks off to Europe. Unlike her friends, Klaus doesn't threaten her, doesn't try to force her to feel; instead, he offers her a deal. And it's perfect. I love this story with my whole heart, I can't even tell you.
. In the Backseat by Lila2
After leaving Hayley as a wolf in the Bayou and earning the hatred of his entire family, Klaus shows up with baby Hope on Caroline's doorstop. He has no idea what to do with a baby, is too proud to apologize and is in desperate search of some validation, which invariably leads her back to her (just like in 5x11). Caroline is torn between being mad at him for having a baby with freaking Hayley, and also the fact that she loves kids and there's a part of her that resents him precisely because he gets to have them, when she never will. In her own way, Caroline puts him in his place and convinces him to make amends and go home, take Hope back to her mother - but only if she comes with him on the road trip. And boy, is it worth it. 🥰 It's a fic that has the baby as a catalyst for everything, at the center of everyone's woes in different ways, but it's not about the baby, in case you're a baby fic hater. And the writing is just chef's kiss.
. the birth and death of the day by @little-miss-sunny-daisy
For a good while there, this fic was my entire fandom personality. Whenever anyone gave me a second of their time, I'd preach about the birth and death of the day. I was obsessed. Kelly is a brilliant writer, so, so, so talented. I am not kidding when I saw I wish I could write like her. And the greatest proof of that is how this fic was everything to me, in spite of not being at all my cup of tea on the tin. I don't like Supernatural, I never watched more than two episodes, and the Klaroline bit here kind of takes on a secondary role to the end of the of the world. But it's such an intense and brilliant character study on Caroline that it had my whole heart from the start. Her relationship with her BROTHERS Dean and Sam is so heartfelt, and it exposes so much of who Caroline really is as a character. The plot is INSANE and AMAZING and HUGE and it's so incredible how it ties in so seamlessly with the Mystic Falls shenanigans. And then there is Klaus! When I saw secondary, I don't mean irrelevant. I just mean there's more to the story than just their relationship. But it is still brilliantly developed. Honestly, just writing about it brings me back memories. I love it so much.
. Quiet Light by @definedareasofuncertainty
I am biased when it comes to Luiza's fics because I'm a fangirl and I have been one since day one, before we even became friends. But in the years (years 🥲 we have been here so long, friend) we have known each other, her writing has only gotten better and better. It's atmospheric and understated and it has this mindfulness about it that I can't really explain. It really feels like being in the characters' stream of thinking, you get instantly pulled into it. It evokes emotions without it ever having to be minutely described, and I think that's such an incredible talent. I wish I could write like this! And Quite Light not only brings all of those things forward, but it also brings COMPLEXITIES and MORAL QUARRELLS and it was also WRITTEN FOR ME. 😌✨ Luiza thought she was getting revenge on me by torturing Elijah, but LITTLE DID SHE KNOW I actually loved it. I went into this thinking it would be just a rom-com style story (which I love), but it's so much more. By the end I was crying real tears. 🥲 It becomes such a beautiful story about the relationship between Klaus and Elijah. Honestly brilliant.
. light years by @definedareasofuncertainty
Honestly, this fic has a very specific target audience, and that target audience is ME. I'm not even exaggerating; this is one my favorite pieces of fic ever written in the KC fandom. The way a Klarolijah fic speaks to me can be so personal. 🥺 I love the Klarolijah dynamic. I really do. But it takes a very specific balance for me to feel it. It can very easily go from me loving it, to me wanting to throttle someone. And this! THIS!! This is absolutely it. 🥲 And it's just about my favorite thing ever. This is actually three mini drabbles combined into one. Each of them is written through a different POV - Klaus', Elijah's and Caroline's. And the combination of all three, the way they tell the same story through different eyes, is just !!!!!!!!! Honestly, I don't have words. This has ✨Yokan my beloved✨ written all over it and I feel it very much. Luiza has a ridiculous talent for writing things on the spot. She got prompted to write an Elijah piece, and then a Caroline piece, and then a Klaus one, and she wrote them all in like 30 minutes on one of her mini drabbles challenge, and OH MY FUCKING GOD. I hate her for how good she is. 😭 (I don't, I love her, but I also v much envy her talent).
. this is a harvest by @highgaarden
I spent a solid few minutes here thinking about which of Hannah's fics I wanted to list, because she has this huge catalogue and I've basically read all of them and have gushed over almost every single one over the years. But even though there are others that could easily be in my top 10, I always end of going back to This is a Harvest. I remember when I first read it, I closed the tab at the end and was just… Done. Not in a 'I can't stand this story/ship/fandom anymore', but in a 'this is the fic to end all fics' kind of way. And it's not so much about the style or the writing, which are both stunning, but the way the story is told. It's a canon divergence that spans over years and I felt it in my heart that this was where the story could've gone. The choices they could've made. The way Caroline's story could and should have ended. And I was satisfied. I started writing and reading KC fanfiction after TO was over because I was so indignant about the way the show ended, so unhappy that I needed to give it my own spin, and read other folks doing the same, and when I read this story I felt like I had achieved that. This is it, I can put this to rest.
Obviously, I was way too deep by then that I couldn't really abandon the fandom (even though, just between us here, I kind of wish I could), but for a whole week or two, I was at peace. This fic gave me peace. That's it.
. Into the Woods by @jinxedwood
"But Yokan, how would you like to see Klaus' part in Legacies play out?" Like this. Exactly like this. This story accepts the finale we were dealt in The Originals, and then makes something absolutely amazing with it. I love the premise, I love the mythology involved, I love how unique this take is, and I love how even though it's poignant and bittersweet, it still packs up everything about Kc that made me love this ship so much. Caroline has been in Europe for years trying to find a way to help her daughters with their Gemini situation, and then she ends up stumbling across something else entirely. While she thought the thing she most wanted to see on a brief stint on the Other Side would be Gemini witches, her heart betrays her by taking her to who she really misses the most.
. it takes a while to settle down by theviolonist
This story is so old school it was written before Steroline. It's about Tyler. But we all know who Caroline ends up marrying, so in my heart, this is really what happens before Caroline marries Stefan. And honestly, it works just as well. This story is a punch to your stomach, but it is PERFECTION in 8k words. It's hot, it's bittersweet, it's SO in character. Caroline's denial, telling herself that Klaus is there to see her because he still ones revenge on Tyler, when it becomes very obvious, very fast, as it always does on the show, that it's never about Tyler, it's all about her. UGH. Honestly, brilliant. (third fic on this list with a The National reference on the title, I SENSE A PATTERN).
. As One Wishes to Live by @lalainajanes
I had never in my life read a genie!AU, and simply could not wrap my mind around anything of the sort that wouldn't be extreme crack!fic. Imagine my surprise upon reading this story. It's bittersweet in the best possible way. At the same time it's endearing and adorable (and so very IC) to watch Caroline fumbling for a fair and non-insane way to handle Klaus, the genie Katherine accidentally gifted her with (and who just happens to look incredibly alluring), it's so very poignant to read Klaus' POV. He's Klaus in the way that he's suspicious and dismissive and kind of snobbish, really, but he's resigned to his fate. This is a Klaus who has been broken by years of enslavement as this prop who's there exclusively to serve others. Every time he mentions one of his past masters, you just get that stab - and so does Caroline. Laine is one of the most prolific and talented KC writers ever, and I have read and enjoyed so, so many of her fics, but this definitely has a special place in my heart.
. Psychedelic Kicks by @notalittlebutalottie
This is an ensemble story that has Klaroline at heart, but that gives every other character a moment to shine. And shine they do! Everyone gets their own side stories, and absolutely loved following every single one of them. Lottie made me care for characters I hate in canon, like Katherine and Kol. Even Stefan and Elena had my heart here. This fic is a journey, full of ups and downs, and it has such a satisfying end. It's also incredibly original in its setting and tone, which I think it's one of Lottie's greatest talents. It's very are for historical fics to be set in the 60s, and not only did Lottie choose this very particular time, but she also did such a remarkable job incorporating the decades' aspects into the story. Not just the fashion, and the music, and Woodstocky vibes, but the social and political unrest as well. This is a story with LAYERS, my friends, and it's incredible. I could totally see this being a TV show or a movie tbh. It's that good.
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Different For You
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TW: Smut. Language. Mentions of blood and a fight.
SUMMARY: Not willing to give him the time of day because you never saw him as anything more than a liability, that all changes the night he defends you and you begin to see him in a new light…
Anonymous requested: 
Hey love! Could you do one with Rafe where he’s always trying to get you to go on a date with him but you always blow him off because whatever reason I just can’t think of one until one day someone starts spreading a rumor at a party (at toppers house maybe) about you maybe that you blow them or something and they call you a whore and rafe finds out and beats the dude right then and there so then you went upstairs to toppers bedroom to help him and clean him up and you hook up on his bed 
Different For You
Cocaine addict. Hot head. Aggressor. Sadist. Masochist. Privileged. 
Take a pick and any were a reason you would never date Rafe Cameron. No matter how hard he tried, or how often. Which WAS often. Any chance he could, he would compliment your figure and follow through with some cheesy one-liner you could guarantee he overheard from some old movie or maybe even Topper. But no matter his attempts at humorous tries, you knew better to to even entertain the idea of being anything to Rafe but a distant crush. 
"He broke my fucking nose!" Someone you had arrived with earlier in the night brushed past you with unintentional ignorance, holding his injury, as you moved towards the scene of the crime after having avoided that same boy as he'd become too handsy after you rejected his advances. At least Rafe kept his distance. Even if he would return the next day. He was still somehow chivalrous. 
"What the fuck, Rafe?!" Topper scolded. 
"You heard him! Calling her a whore because she had enough common sense to not let him touch her-" You realized by these words, this fight, had been because of you. He had defended you. Without knowing you would see or hear him. And you hated how this simple act of defense had made your panties slick with arousal and your lip captive beneath a bite. 
"I don't care! You said you were done with this shit, man. We aren't in high school anymore. You said she even made you wanna be better. So maybe you should find a girl who will ACTUALLY fuck you so you can work out some od those frustrations. Because in case you haven't noticed, she isn't interested!" Topper spoke incorrectly as you may have given that illusion, but those feelings had altered completely by now. You no longer saw him as a single dimensional narcissist. You saw he actually cared about you... 
"I'm not fucking apologizing-" Rafe groaned as the door opened to reveal you to him. 
"Maybe you should..." You teased as he would clench his jaw, further proof of this change in him. The Rafe you knew prior to this would have lept at the chance to say he 'defended your honor'. But instead, he didn't want to hurt you in having to explain why he had to. That cruel word he believed you didn't deserve. Especially with how hard to get you played against him. 
"Here...I saw you slink up here nursing 'em..." You motioned to his knuckles as he would shrug it off, allowing you to see the depths of his wounds. 
"It's fine-" 
"Would you just sit still?" His eyes followed you in analysis as you brought a first aid kit from Topper’s kitchen and brought it to the bedroom, once finding him behind this room. 
"So what did he say exactly?" 
"He was drunk, it doesn't matter." 
"You're bleeding over some drunk comment? Doubt Rafe Cameron cared that much..." You pushed, wanting to get some form of a reaction from him. 
"I've bled for less. But don't worry. I’m not expecting anything, I got the message." 
"The message?" He nodded, now on his feet and halfway towards the door. 
"You're not into me. It's fine. Really. But I'm not gonna push it anymore, so you can-" 
"I want you to." His eyes narrowed. A scoff of disbelief shared in the space between you as he would draw his hands to his temples. 
"You....you want me to? After rejecting me for the better part of our shared adolescence and you-" 
"You defended me, Rafe. Nobody has ever done that. They usually just do what he did and walk away-" 
"Asshole's lucky he got to walk away...should've made sure he could say anything about you at all-" You silenced him by moving across the space and kissing him. Those full lips that were always annoyingly tempting were now no longer shrouded in mystery. But they had become something of a new addiction. Something that worsened as he kissed you back. An arm wrapped to pull you to him and the other forced beneath your thigh would lift you into a straddle. 
"Off." You ordered as he pulled the fabric of his shirt over his head revealing that perfectly toned physique to you. He led your fingers to trace where your eyes had fallen until pulling you closer to him. 
"I'm not asking for permission so you better stop me now if you-" He offered this half dominating warning as you took the hand at your hip and laid his fingers into your mouth. Sucking beneath doe eyes targeting his now blown wide with lust. 
"I don't want you to stop..." 
"You better unless you want it from behind...I want to be sweet to you, but you’re making it hard to not just-" 
"And I want you to fuck me..." He scoffed in furthering disbelief. 
"No? Maybe I'll see if HE will take me up on my offer-" You teased abandoning him as he brought you harder onto his thighs before positioning you in such a way to where he could take his fingers inside of your panties. 
"If you don't stop me, it means nobody else will get to touch you. I don't share. And-" 
"I'm yours, Rafe. Now let’s make it official and let me prove it. Take off your clothes." He obliged, with your help, until nothing remained but your lingerie and his boxers. 
"How do you want it?" 
"Everyway." He groaned. 
"You're killing me..." 
"Don't worry... I'll take care of you, Rafe...my Rafe-" You taunted as he nodded. 
"Say it again." 
"MY Rafe-" You were taken onto your back as he pulled you level with his hips. 
"You're mine now baby...gonna take me nice n deep aren't you? Show me how grateful you are?" 
"Mmmm...yes...." You moaned to the tease of his cock before the final penetration would send you into an immediate arch. 
"Don't be gentle Rafe...please...pull my hair...call me a whore-" 
"You aren't." 
"For you, I will be.' He smacked your ass, the echo drowning out your gasp as he quickened his thrusts. 
Time began to blur as you were taken in depth and compassion, his lips and hands having been well acquainted with every inch of your body had craved since he first met you. And you allowed him to overdose on jt now. 
Orgasm after orgasm and dirty words followed in suit before it became too much. Overstimulation and edging having left you both in unified tremors, you would eventually collapse after all tensions and lust had been exercised. At least for now... 
"Will you go out with me now?" 
"What?!" You straddled him.. 
" I have no interest in going out anywhere...now coming? THAT can be compromised." His brow raised. 
"Oh? Didn't get enough?" 
"I don't know if I can..." 
"Only one way to find out..."
Taglist: @hopebaker @iovdrew @penny4yourthoughts @magnificantmermaid @pickingviolets @lovedetlost @trikigirl271 @maybankslover @slut4starkey @slvtherinseeker @obxiskewl @obxxrxfes @bluesongbird @slut-era @ailee-celeste @rafesbae @belcalis9503
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dolly-macabre · 11 months
⚙️ 𝕶𝖑𝖔𝖐𝖙𝖔𝖇𝖊𝖗 𝕯𝖆𝖞 𝟕 ⚙️
𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔞𝔬𝔱𝔡 𝔰𝔠𝔢𝔫𝔢
Obviously I had to write some aotd Dickles ♡
Mare Viridates
The night air is quite still, save for the sounds of crickets chirping outside, but in Dolly's head, that couldn't be further from the truth, her mind abuzz with what-ifs and worst-case scenarios she's gone over a million times. She restlessly paces back and forth in the hallway outside her assigned quarters. Well aware she's desperately in need of sleep, she can't even bring herself to shut her eyes, much less slumber. The nightmares that she's been having all this time weren't even that; They're all messages from some deity. She hadn't believed it when Charles first told her, but when she sat and thought about it, it explained so many instances throughout her life. 
Her pacing becomes wandering as she aimlessly walks through the dark halls of wherever they are. She and Dethklok were all brought to this undisclosed location to prepare. The end is drawing nearer. The closer the Doomstar looms in the atmosphere, the louder the voices & images in her head grow. She can't even imagine what Nathan is going through, let alone the rest of the boys. 
They're supposed to be the world's saviors… That's an awful lot to dump on five filthy rich man-children. I just wish I could be there for them… 
Dahlia was told to keep her distance from them before they even left Mordhaus so she wouldn't become a "distraction" to them, but she hardly found that fair.
They're the only family she has left, after all. It was killing her having to avoid her beloved goofballs. 
 Not like I'm involved in this too…
The rigorous physical training she's been going through is proof to that end. 
With a soft sigh, she stops in her tracks, peering around. 
Okay… Where the fuck am I? 
In the darkness, a figure slinks from around the corner; Her blood pressure spikes. That’s it… She’s busted.
The person steps into the dim light of the moon, and she's immensely relieved to realize it's only Pickles.
Oh, no… Hopefully, he didn’t see me…
Dolly swiftly turns to sneak away, but she's held back by a pair of strong hands on her shoulders. 
"What, you hidin' from me or sumthin' now?"
He must not have been informed that she wasn't supposed to be near them. 
"Shh…" She turns back around, urgently shoving a finger against his lips. "I could get in a lot of trouble just being around you…"
"Uh, why?"
"I'm gonna be honest with you, man," she says in a hushed voice. "I have no clue. Dick and Charles don't want you guys distracted… I guess… Like, I get it but--"
Pickles quickly grabs her hand and pulls her into the chamber room nearby. 
"Wait! Pickles!"
The door shuts behind them with a faint thud. It turns out they were right outside his room. She can tell that’s where they are by the smell: Gross but comforting. 
"You don't get it, I--" She tries again to explain, but she's interrupted by his arms snaking around her torso. His warm, chapped lips slam into hers. 
"Shut up… I missed you…" He rests his head against her shoulder, obviously exhausted. "I need ya right now, Dolls…"
"It's only been a couple of days." She pats his head. 
How can she object to his sweet request, though? She wraps her arms around his neck, interlocking her fingers, and holds him close, closer than she ever had before.
Everything was so scary right now, and she can feel it in him, too. He's shaking in her arms. The bags under his eyes are heavy and deep, the same as hers. 
"You havin' a hard time sleepin', too, hun?" she asks as she fiddles with his unwashed dreads. 
"Yeh, that's puttin' it mildly, but I think I may have found a solution fer tonight, at least…" He gives a weak smirk. 
"What're you talking about?”
 Her tendency to get wound up is endearing to him. She's always been the more likely of them to show conviction. He releases her and plops down on his bed. "Look," he says, "we don't know for sure if we're gonna make it out of this bullshit alive… We might as well do sumthin' fun while we wait for shit ta hit the fan."
"The whole point of being here is that we're not supposed to be having fun," she replies, her voice low. She stands firm near the door, arms crossed across her chest. 
"Just c'mere already!" He gestures impatiently with a tilt of his head. "You gatta see this."
"Fine." She pinches the bridge of her nose, shaking her head before sitting down next to him on the unmade bed. "So… What's so important that you have to kidnap me like this?"
"I sniffed it out!" He reveals a ziploc bag of some sort of herbs. 
"What are ya, some kind of drug dog now? Are you so sober that your sense of smell is kicking into overdrive?"
"Do yerself a favor and smell it!" He shoves the baggie in her face and she catches a whiff through the plastic. Whatever it is, it has a very pungent herbal smell, yet somehow it was also sweet with a hint of a pineapple smell. 
"Okay… So what is it?" Dolly prods. 
"It was in a wooden stash box labeled Mary Verdates? Whoever she is, I bet she's got some good taste in dope!" He chuckled that menacing little chuckle. 
Dolly wondered what it could be. The scent was almost reminiscent of an herbal tea that Jade used to sip when she was going through it. 
"I'm gunna smoke it."
"You don't even know what it is, dumbass!" 
"I don't give a shit anymore! I gatta calm down. I mean, ya gotta admit, I'm sure I've smoked worse!" He shot back, already rolling it into a joint, "Desperate times, y'know?"
He makes a good point. They weren't allowed to bring any booze or drugs with them, and Dolly herself was getting a bit twitchy about it. 
She finds the nearest towel and shoves it under the door, hoping to keep any smell contained. 
"You didn't take all of it, did you? This kinda stuff seems like it might be kinda important…"
"What do ya take me for? An amateur? Of course I didn't take it all!" Pickles holds the fresh joint under his nose for a sniff, then sticks it between his lips, lighting it with urgency. Upon exhaling, he lets out a rough cough. Dolly scopes out the room for some water quickly, noticing a mini fridge that was subbing for a nightstand. She cracks it open to find some bottled water, setting one in his lap before swigging back on her own. 
"Woooooah-ho-ho… That sure is sumthin'!" He tips his head back to take a drink. His eyes, already dilating, met hers, offering her the joint. 
"Well… I am pretty tense." She takes it from him, pulling a hit from the mystery drug.
"Yeah, you are! Get over here." He pats the bed in front of him between his legs. After having her coughing fit, she obeys, crawling over and sitting back against him. 
"Don't it feel like weed and shrooms fucked and had a baby?"
"Uhhh, yeah, kinda…" 
Her vision is already distorting the room around her, vivid colors dancing across her sights. She begins to shake more, fearful of what might come next, in the trip and what the future holds for them. Pickles reaches out for her to bring her back down to earth. As his hands find her back, she jumps at the sudden contact. As she softens under his touch, he rubs soothing circles across her shoulders and up into her sore neck muscles. That's all it takes; She's putty in his grip.
"Yer okay, baby… I'm here. No bad trips with me around." He places a gentle kiss on the back of her neck, pulling her close against him. She decides to focus on her breathing. The last thing she needs is a panic attack. 
The night became less anxious as the hours went on. Whatever they'd just smoked made sure of that, offering them trippy imagery and at least some relief from their worries. 
"Hey, Pickles?" she speaks up, her voice indicating at least a touch of bliss.
"Yeah, Dollface?" he answers, hardly even able to stay awake. She has her head rested against her chest and the closeness is making him sleepy.
"If we don't live through this shit… Will you do drugs and party rock with me in the next life?"
“You know it, angel,” he chuckles, kissing her forehead.
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vespersposts · 2 years
Happy Valentine's Day to all! 💕
✨I wish you all the best with this story about Taiga to celebrate my friend @asunflowerana and her wonderful − 𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒔𝒉 event that brought me so much joy. ✨
Guess who my secret admirer was? Taiga himself! 💌
I send you a big hug, Vesper
-> Valentine's Masterlist 💕
-> more knb stories here 🏀
💣PPS: I apologize in advance for any grammatical and/or spelling mistakes, English is not my first language (bear with me!).
➿Genre: fluff, slice of life, one shot.
all images are from the movie 'Une femme mariée ' -> (Jean-Luc Godard, 1964)  
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Taiga had tried hard not to fall in love with you, had really tried to ignore your gentle ways, your figure soft in all the places he liked best and your eyes, so bright as they intercepted his when he lingered to look at you. He'd even made a list of all the things he found irritating about you, put off by the disappointment of not having you in his arms during those nights that seemed endless.
Too bad he now felt like a zombie, and he probably even looked like one, given your puzzled expression when you had greeted him at the campus cafeteria. He was tired, numb and hungry, three of the worst conditions for doing what he had put off for too long: confessing his feelings to you.
To make things worse, he was afraid that all this tiredness would make his feelings for you even more obvious. When you were around, he never managed to say anything intelligent or meaningful, just grunted half-answers and quickly changed the subject, expecially when the conversation turned to romantic matters. This made him even more insecure, because he didn't even know what your type was; if you had one.
How could a guy like him, who was only good at sports, be your type?
Princess, that's what he would have called you in his private conversations with the boys on the basketball team, if he hadn't been afraid of being teased to death. Too bad you were indeed rare and precious in his eyes, and worthy to rule the law, especially in the realm of his heart. 
"How pathetic!" he huffed, drawing your attention away from the phone.
"It is" he heard you nod " But, on the bright side, if we order the Valentine's menu we get free strawberry cake! Looks delicious, doesn’t it?" you asked, showing him your phone screen, where the red and white cake stood out.
You were the one who looked delicious, according  to him. 
“Whatever, any extra large menu will be fine, go get your damn cake!" he replied, earning a smile and a pat on the head in gratitude. 
How could he ignore how much he adores you, when such a simple gesture could quicken his pulse? He sighed and leaned his face into his hand, as he watched your figure walk away towards the order totem pole. 
What an absolute loser he must have looked in the eyes of everyone watching you! 
Not even the kindness of walking you to get your food, not even a compliment, just his stubborn tough guy pose. He was afraid of being hurt, that was the truth. If things didn't go as planned, he couldn't bear to lose you as a friend, but most of all he couldn't bear to see you happy with someone else. It was not possessiveness on his part, but rather further proof of how much he needed you.
"Taiga, you're being particularly weird today! " you inform him as you sit down next to him, a waft of your good scent reaching his nostrils, making it impossible not to think about how much he'd like to take you in his arms and kiss you.
"Not enough sleep, that's all! " he replies boredly, fiddling with the electronic device, deluding himself that squeezing it might speed up the vibration that alerts you that you lunch’s ready.
"What's bothering you? The winter tournament is over, the summer one is far away, your grades are decent..." he hears you sigh, roll your eyes into his and tighten your lips, as if you had just realised something obvious. 
Too bad, the only thing he's sure of is that he didn't understand anything, not even why you suddenly offered to go to the counter and get your lunch in person. Maybe you can't even stand his presence anymore, or maybe the damn cake is more interesting than him.
Lunch passes slowly, unusually quiet.
You finally get to the cake, but even that doesn't seem to put you in a good mood. You barely nibble at it with your fork, bringing a few crumbs to your lips, before letting out an exasperated sigh.
"Isn't it good?" the redheaded boy asks you. He sees you shake your head as he takes a generous bite for himself and tastes it, approving its edibility.
"Listen Taiga" your voice catches his attention "I shouldn't tell you because I promised, but I can't see you like this, so listen well : Reiko likes you, stop worrying. Eat your cake and run to her. It's Valentine's Day, nothing can go wrong today!” you state and watch, as he puts another big forkful of cake in his mouth. 
What happens next, even Kagami doesn't remember how it happened. 
What he does remeber is that the sticky icing on the cake suddenly stops him from breathing, he can't get the cake out of his throat, he can't even cough, he can only feel his lungs beating against his chest in search of air.
Then come your hands on his back, bringing oxygen back to him with quick, rhythmic strokes, taking breath back to him and drawing him close to you. You do not care about his cough, you caress his head and do not lose sight of him until his breathing becomes normal and his cheeks lose colour. What hurts Taiga's heart is to see your shining eyes, your worried face, to feel your hands slowly pull away from his hair.
"Don't do this" his voice pleads, his hands running down your arms, squeezing you so tightly that you are the one who needs air now. You rest your forehead in the hollow of his shoulder and hear him sigh as you confess that you were so scared, that he is still the same old idiot, that you have told him a thousand times that big bites are not only disgusting but dangerous and that you would be lost without him and his ugly face.
Then, you look at him because he calls your name.
"I like you" he says simply, staring at you intensely, "That's why I'm torn, because I like you and I don't know how to tell you!" he finishes, blushing a little.
You blink when you hear these words, thinking you've been dreaming.
Perhaps the lack of oxygen has caused him to suffer a momentary hallucination, perhaps this is a clear sign that you should call for help, or perhaps not, as his large hand caresses your cheek and brings your lips close to his, in a gesture that is at once tender and sensual.
"I want to kiss you, spend my days with you, wake up with you, sleep with you. I want to call you princess, I want everyone to know that you are my princess. Mine and mine alone. Just tell me you want it too" he explains. 
“Of course I do, I've always wanted you but I always thought that you… ” you stutter, making him smile.
"Enough talk, come here princess" his deep voice urges you.
His fingers cradle your face, his eyes light up when he sees you nod, his lips welcome yours without hesitation and he gives you the first of a long series of kisses: the same ones that, from that day on, he rewards you with to put up with that cheesy nickname.
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mellonhead58 · 1 year
rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people (or don’t, do whatever you want)
tagged by @that-edgy-ahole (who had some solid picks)
gonna just post the first ten on the playlist because it's already kind of shuffled and honestly that gives a better sense of what I listen to
Tears - Boy Harsher
Sudno - Molchat Doma
Blue Monday - New Order
Goatmeal - LustSickPuppy
Motion - Boy Harsher
Billie Toppy - Men I Trust
Vagabond - Greenskeepers
The Battle of the Locusts - Aphrodite's Child
Give Me a Reason - Boy Harsher
Calling It - Automatic
Fun li'l tag game and I'm gonna go ahead and tag @honey-stick and nobody else because I don't know anyone here yet :') but if you see this feel free to pretend I tagged you.
Now for the fun part, I'm gonna go through the list and offer further info for whomsoever gives a fuck
Tears is possibly my favorite song of all time, at least for the time being. It's one of those songs I got obsessed with one day and assumed I would eventually get bored of it but it's been a year give or take and I'm still fucking crazy for it. I have a lot of Boy Harsher on my list and I adore just about all of their work, but Tears hits me in a way I'm not sure any of their other songs do. I strongly recommend the album Careful to damn near everyone, just about every track is amazing. Also if you listen carefully I'm very close to certain that a discord ping is sampled at the 2:15 mark (at the start of "body" in the sixth repetition of "hate body"). I want to bleed high proof blood to this song.
Sudno is a pretty well known song by now, and I can't say I like it for any reasons other than what the general populace has. It rocks, it bops, and I'm a slut for post-punk
Blue Monday is just a classic, and it's the song I credit with launching me into my current music taste. I specifically remember seeing the video psa: galant around the time I started college and feeling a compulsion to listen to Blue Monday on repeat, and I still love New Order immensely. I highly recommend everyone listens to the album Power, Corruption, and Lies.
This song just kind of showed up because it's been on my spotify recommended and while I don't hate it I don't love it either? Just kind of the luck of the draw. Still a solid listen if you like high-tempo high-intensity music.
Another Boy Harsher song go figure. This one I like a lot, and it actually was inspiration for the final story in a short story class in my last semester of college. I was incredibly sleep deprived and I wrote a shitty story about a guy delivering for an app, but I still like the song.
Billie Toppy has been on my radar a lot recently, it's just an awesome sounding song with great pacing and mixing. I also have a kink for electric bass played at higher keys which helps out here.
Good driving song. DrunkRock plus decent synths.
Just a fun guitar solo as its own song. Feels a little psychedelic to me but I don't listen to psychedelic stuff so who knows.
Another Boy Harsher song because Boy Harsher
Calling It is a solid kind of post punk song, but I recommend even more strongly Too Much Money by Automatic.
Thanks for reading, have a beautiful day!
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
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Sundress Season
Pairing: Yuuji x Reader (female) Genre: smut, fluff Word Count: 2.2k Warnings: 18+, smut, Yuuji in a sundress, sex on the beach (semi-public), handjob cum-eating, fingering, thigh riding, creampie, praise kink. This is just a smutty little story about fucking your pretty boyfie Yuuji at the beach while you're both wearing a sundress. All characters are of age. This story is 18+. Minors don't interact.
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It starts with a dare. It's unclear who initiated it, but you suspect it was Toge. Though some people will claim it was Nobara. Either way, there is always one person among your friend group who volunteers for these kinds of things. And that's why Yuuji is currently strutting into the common room wearing a big boyish grin and a red sundress.
He looks good. So good actually that you forget to breathe for a moment. The thin straps holding the dress up do nothing to cover Yuuji's buff arms and pecs. There is definitely too much smooth tan skin on display to make this an innocent look. And when your gaze trails further down, it just gets worse because the dress is short on a tall guy like Yuuji. It stops midthigh, barely covering enough of Yuuji to make it decent.
Many other guys would be shy or even embarrassed in a situation like this, but not Yuuji. Instead, there's a happy spring to his step, and you are sure he is trying to sway his hips seductively, clearly having the time of his life. The skirt sways softly around his sun-kissed muscular thighs, drawing everyone's eyes to his toned legs.
You gulp hard. This was just a stupid little idea born out of boredom, something everyone was in hysterics about and laughed and screamed and took pictures of to upload to their social media accounts with a caption saying, "Lmaooo Itadori is proof that sundress season 2022 is for the boys!".
But the thing is that seeing your boyfriend like this does something to you. It does a lot to you. Your pussy throbs in excitement, making you press your thighs together.
It's a bit embarrassing that you get wet just from looking at Yuuji. But you can't help it. He looks gorgeous! If anyone has the perfect body for a cute little sundress like that, it definitely is him. You bite your lip as your hungry gaze travels over his muscles and tan skin, unable to hide your enamourment.
There's a bright smile on Yuuji's handsome face when your gaze meets his, and he laughs loudly, making his honey eyes sparkle as he reaches out to take your hand in his large one.
"Are you gonna take me to the beach, baby? I dressed up so prettily for you!"
His laugh turns into a soft moan when you close the remaining distance between the two of you and press yourself against his solid body, getting on your tiptoes to breathe a tender kiss onto his neck and whisper in his ear:
"Yes, you look very pretty. My pretty, pretty boy. The things I want to do to you... you drive me crazy, Yuuji."
Before one of the others can decide that you should all go have a fun day at the beach, you quickly tug on Yuuji's hand and pull him along. You aren't willing to share him for the next hours. Not before you sated your hunger for your pretty boy in his cute sundress!
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"You don't seem to mind wearing that dress."
The park bench you and Yuuji are sitting on is a bit off the boardwalk, a scenic spot hidden from view by a small hill and a bunch of palm trees. But you can see the nearby beach and hear the soft rushing of the waves.
The afternoon sun is shining down on the two of you, making Yuuji's tan skin glisten with a thin layer of sweat. He is sitting here with the confidence of someone who is just wearing his usual everyday beach outfit and not a bright red sundress with a flowery pattern in yellow and orange hues.
He just shrugs and smiles.
"You know, I always lose my mind when you wear a sundress, so I thought, why not try it myself? And honestly, I feel pretty sexy! It's just that..."
He trails off and chuckles softly while scratching his neck sheepishly, giving you one of his extra cute puppy looks.
"What is it, Yuu?"
"It feels a bit funny to sit here with my bare ass and balls on this bench. I'm kinda worried I'll get a splinter."
You blink at him, feeling your mouth drop.
"Wh...what? Are... are you naked underneath that dress?"
There's an amused sparkle in Yuuji's honey eyes, and he laughs at the surprised look on your face.
"Yeah. Well, I thought it always says sundress and no panties season. So I thought I should go without boxers. It seemed only fair. Was that wrong?"
"Oh god, Yuuji. It was absolutely the right thing to do!"
You're feeling a bit lightheaded, and it's not because of the summer heat. It's all because of your sexy boyfriend sitting next to you in a skimpy little sundress with nothing underneath! Arousal is coursing through your body, wild and demanding. 
All this tan skin and buff muscles, combined with the sweet sunshine smile and the pretty pastel pink hair, are driving you crazy with need. You will burst if you have to keep your hands to yourself just one second longer!
And so you reach out and place a hand on Yuuji's knee, giving it a squeeze as you lean closer to kiss his cheek sweetly. You let your hand wander up his muscular thigh, your mouth watering when you feel his firm muscles flex under your palm. Hot, smooth skin and brawny muscles.
Your lips hover over Yuuji's neck, brushing softly against him when you speak:
"You're such a pretty boy. The prettiest boy I ever saw."
Yuuji's answering moan is making more cream gather between your thighs. Fuck, he's so cute! The praise always works on him, always making him blush and moan and get horny.
By now, your hand is slipping under his dress. You risk a curious glance downwards while pressing hot, open-mouthed kisses to Yuuji's neck. And what you see makes a soft gasp fall from your lips: Your sweet boy is hard.
There's a big tent in his pretty sundress, where his erection is lifting the thin fabric, big cock so horny and eager, begging to be taken care of.
It would be a shame to leave him yearning. A good boy like Yuuji deserves to get his pretty cock stroked, especially when he's all dolled up in a cute little sundress looking so gorgeous for you!
And so you caress his toned inner thighs, fingers slowly getting closer and closer to where his cock is straining against his sundress.
"Do you want me to touch you, my pretty boy?"
Yuuji's loud, needy whine would be answer enough, but he adds in a husky voice:
"F...fuck, yes, please, touch my cock, baby. Need it so bad, please!"
His whine turns into a strangled moan when you finally wrap your hand around his thick base and pump him slowly, giving him a thorough handjob under his cute little dress.
You spoil his pretty cock with your hand, making sure to take good care of him. Caressing him with slow strokes up and down his whole length, feeling him twitch and throb under your palm. 
Your sweet boy is so horny, exactly the way you love it. And another thing you love about him is how unashamed he is. Yuuji spreads his legs for you needily, giving himself to you, silently begging for more of your touch. And of course, you give it to him.
Your hand wanders down to his heavy balls, caressing them gently while you kiss him with deep and tender French kisses, moaning into his mouth when you think of all the loads of hot cum that your pretty boy has waiting for you in those full balls.
He whines into your mouth so cute and needy, and when you pump his straining cock in your hand again, a bit faster this time, his hips buck, and he pushes eagerly into your hand, fucking himself in your palm, so turned on that he just can't hold back.
"You're so cute, my pretty boy. So big and hot in my hand. Want you to make a mess. Want it all over my hand."
Yuuji makes the cutest little noise in the back of his throat, a high-pitched sob, before turning his face into your neck, trying to muffle his cute horny noises as he cums. 
You feel him pulse over your hand, sticky and hot seed running down over your fingers and wrist as you stroke him through his orgasm, listening to his cute moans and needy sobs.
You only stop touching him once he has finished nutting all over your hand, and he looks at you with dilated pupils and flushed cheeks. Such a sweet and pretty boy! And you know that he also tastes as sweet as he looks.
You bring your cum-covered hand up to your mouth, wanting to get a taste of your boyfriend's sweetness, but before you can do so, Yuuji's large hand grabs yours and brings it to his lips with a cheeky smile on his handsome face.
"Let me, cutie."
His honey eyes look deeply into yours as he slowly licks his cum off your hand, collecting it all on his tongue. You moan at the sight, pussy clenching needily, your panties absolutely soaked by now.
Yuuji leans closer with his mouth open, sticking his tongue out to show you his cum on it, waiting submissively for you to take what you want.
"You're such a good boy."
Your voice sounds breathless, your arousal evident in it as you cup Yuuji's cheek and caress it gently before you tilt your face to lick his cum off his tongue, moaning when it melts into your mouth.
And now Yuuji's large hands start to wander too. One of them slips gently between your thighs, pushing your soaked panties to the side to caress your slick clit lovingly.
"So wet...fuck! Want to make you feel good, cutie. Did you ever fuck a boy in a dress?"
"Ah, Yuuji! No, never, but I'm about to change that."
"Ok, just give me a few minutes, and I'll be ready to go again."
You can't help but smile against his lips when he meets you for another hot kiss. Sweet, sexy Yuuji. Always so eager to please you!
He helps you on his lap, where you press your pussy against his muscular thigh, panting heavily when Yuuji pulls down the straps of your own sundress, making your tits spill out right in front of his face. His soft lips pepper tender kisses over your nipples while you moan and whine and grind needily against him, your pussy so creamy with arousal that you leave a wet mess all over Yuuji's muscular thigh.
Yuuji's stamina is astounding, and to your joy, he is already hard again.
You watch hungrily as he lifts the front of his sundress to wrap a hand around his thick base. His gorgeous cock is twitching eagerly, and his pretty pink tip is already leaking big drops of pearly pre-cum.
Yuuji's horny gaze meets yours.
"That's so hot! Oh fuck! Come and get that dick, sweetie. Please fuck me in my sundress!"
You gasp and adjust your seating, mewling Yuuji's name needily when he rubs his thick cockhead over your swollen clit, massaging you with it until you are about to cum right then and there. But before you lose yourself to pleasure completely, Yuuji finally pushes himself into you, strong hands holding you in place, making both of you moan when he bottoms out inside you, filling your tight pussy up so completely with his girth. 
Yuuji is the type of guy who can go for hours, taking his time with you, and make slow sweet love to you. But today is not the day for that. Not here at the beach where people could find you. Not here where the two of you are both wearing cute sundresses.
And so your pretty boy bounces you on his gorgeous cock at a fast horny pace, snapping his hips to fuck you with deep thrusts that make you tremble and shake. And you meet him eagerly, bracing yourself on his strong shoulders, riding his fat cock like there's no tomorrow, leaning down to let your tits jiggle into his pretty face, gasping anytime you feel him rub against your sensitive nipples.
When you cum, Yuuji's face is buried between your naked tits, strong hands wrapped tightly around your waist as both of you are unable to contain your loud moans.
Your pussy clenches wildly around his fat cock, milking him with the spasms of your orgasm. And Yuuji fucks his seed eagerly into you, pumping you so full of it that you can already feel some of it leak out and make a sticky mess on his thighs and the pretty sundress.
Your pussy is still twitching from the intense orgasm, still so full of Yuuji's gorgeous cock and his cum, but you already feel a new wave of craving wash over you. You don't want to go back home. Instead, you want to stay here at the beach and keep touching your pretty boy.
"I need you, Yuuji. I need more, please."
"Don't worry, we can stay here all evening, baby. You really like fucking me in a dress, hm?"
His tone is cheeky, and his honey eyes sparkle proudly. But judging by the way his cock is already throbbing in you again, you know exactly that your sweet boyfriend is just as eager as you to get fucked again and again in his pretty sundress.
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Thank you so much for reading!! This story happened because my lovely friend @mylittlesyn showed me a Twitter post about boys getting fucked in sundresses :) And I got inspired by the song "Dress" by Charlotte Sands, which has been on my Yuuji playlist for a while already.
Anyways, I think Yuuji would absolutely look pretty in a sundress, and he has the charm and confidence to pull it off! Please let me know what you think. Would you fuck Yuuji in a sundress too? Ahahaha, please leave some nice comments, and reblogs would be very sweet too!
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reawritesthings · 3 years
part of your world | jj maybank
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summary: chasing the blonde beauty all the way to the cut was one of the best ideas you ever came up with.
words: 3.8K
a/n: it’s been a hot minute since i have written for obx and i’m totally excited to share this little piece with you. i’ve always wanted to do a little mermaid inspired, and i’m low-key nervous with the fact that i’m posting for the fandom! feedback is much appreciated!! thank u too @bigassnocash for proof reading this!!
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Confined in an affluent lifestyle with no real experiences, you sat comfortably on your window pane overlooking the rich polychrome orange sky. Although the objects around you gave you some indifference to the other kids living on the lot, it wasn’t anything meaningful. It was an act of good behaviour, missed birthdays and business deals. 
You were most certain that every good thing that you ever learnt was on the other side of a curious wondering which drove you to meet the mucky ash blonde boy who occasionally smuggled his way into your backyard to hide from the sheriff or Rafe Cameron.  You automatically aroused his antics with letting him hide in your guest house until they were gone. You never went to check on the boy who took shelter but you were always curious to ask why they were always chasing him? He must have been associated with something dodgy or just someone who liked to make up their own rules. 
Somehow between a sleepless night, your mouth fell open as you perceived the blonde boy sprint for the trees. You didn’t even hear the guest house door open to know that JJ had taken shelter. 
Somehow between a sleepless night, your mouth fell open as you perceived the blonde boy sprint for the trees. You didn’t even hear the guest house door open to know that JJ had taken shelter. 
The wrangle you got yourself into was very much needed, as you decided to follow him. Fumbling your way inwards, you saw another glimpse of the boy minding his business but often stopped to admire the essence of the leaves. 
You were rather discreet, trying to not fall over or draw attention to yourself, as you didn’t want him to think you were a stalker. Yet you managed to let out a cry for help when you tangled yourself in a bush. 
“Y/N?” JJ knew of you, and would often sneak into your room to gain access to the kitchen, bathroom and cellar.
“JJ?” You sheepishly said, crossing your arms firmly on your chest as you tried to hide the discomfort of a twig poking into you. 
“How?” JJ asked, and you just shrugged your shoulders. 
“Why?” He formed a smile, helping you out of your tangled mess. 
“I saw you leave, and I thought something was wrong so I followed you.” You replied, “I thought Rafe was after you, again.” 
Although JJ felt kinda weird that you followed him, he also found it adorable that you cared for someone like him. He rarely made conversation with you, just a friendly wave whenever he would pass by with Pope to deliver groceries. 
“I was just about to go and see the rest of the pogues, you fancy coming?” JJ offered, “It will do you some good. You are always cooped up in your room, dancing around in your underwear. Not that ‘m complaining.” 
“Perv.” You laughed, giving his shoulder a light shove. 
“Touche.” You grazed on your lips, following him further in. 
“Watch out for the step.” JJ apprised, squinting his eyes to restrict his view from the certainty that you were going to fall. 
“I can handle this, JJ.” You uttered an agonized moan, feeling your foot getting captured in mother nature. 
“Really? Because didn’t you just get tangled in a bush?” 
However, before JJ could even come to your aid, you already slayed the monster. You bid him a smirk, clutching tightly on the strand of your rucksack and continue to walk to the trail. 
“So hot.” JJ muttered to himself and followed after. From all that bickering, it eventually led you to embrace the sight of the colour coated twilight sky that rested above the two of you. JJ was used to this atmosphere, but he never really embraced as much until his gaze was fixed on your expression and had to capture the moment. 
“Beautiful, right?” JJ drew his lower lip between his teeth. “I mean you, by the way.”
“I got that, pretty boy.” 
JJ’s arm hair ascended upwards when the nickname rolled off your tongue. The whispered word made his beating organ egnite with lust that he tried to seclude from you but the comforting giggle that fled your mouth made JJ think twice about the power he held. 
“Let’s go meet the pogues.” JJ's exponential tone made you flutter with pride, almost proving that you were far from a damsel in distress. 
“Whose under duress now?” 
“Still you, bambi.” JJ mocked in a childish manner, and guided you towards the Chateau. 
There was so much to admire, but the tranquility of the marsh and the prerogative view of the ocean was enough already to leave the white picket fence life behind. Wrapped up in the admiration of a space built and stored with memories, you didn’t acknowledge the four other teens squealing around the campfire. You were captivated by the camaraderie they all shared around the bleeding logs. The laughter they poured out felt raw, a slap to the cheek as if you were taught differently. The hysterics of their tones made JJ’s eyebrow rise almost telling you that this is what life is. 
“I’m guessing your data plan will be evoked if you laughed like John B.” JJ taunted, almost taking the mick out of the rules you were always following. 
“Worst. I would not be allowed to drink filtered water.” You snapped, turning your body to face the nature of a tree that was covered with fairy lights.
JJ was blinded. He wasn’t exactly picking up on the slight insult he made. He thought that if Kie could laugh, so could you. 
“This tree is my favourite. I tend to climb her when I need to think.” JJ carefully caressed your shoulder, biting his lip as he slightly moved an inch closer to you. 
“Maybe you should take a climb and think of a good way to redeem yourself.” You said, hearing a bunch of dayum’s from the pit. 
“That’s a good sign.” JJ’s shoulder relaxed as he heard the remarks from his friends. JJ was frightened to bring you, a kook, to a place where they would tease and pirate talk your kind. Already you pleased them with giving JJ the sass. 
“Think they will like me?” You raised your eyebrow, watching as JJ actually climbed the tree. 
“I think they already do, cupcake.” He grinned, swaying his worn out combat shoes in the air. “I’ll be down in a second, I just need to think of a good apology.”
You only laughed at his corniness and brought the camera to your eye you already knew this picture would be your favourite. It was sorely due to how composed he was when he surrounded himself by nature. The essence of mother nature brought such beauty to the other side of the island. Nothing was forgery to say the least. The captivity of the trunk that JJ laid so comfortably on made you rethink how much the earth takes care of us and how the kooks take that as a threat. 
You were taught that only money buys happiness but from the view you were seeing, it was all around you. 
“Hey, Y/N? You coming?” John B called out, waving his hands freely in the air. 
Before engaging, you found yourself getting the assurance from JJ that he would be right behind you. You turned on your heel, grabbing the loose ends of your jumper and strolled towards the campfire. 
“You drink beer right?” Kie said as she simultaneously opened a fresh can. 
“Is it bad that I haven’t?” You timidly frowned, looking directly down at the can. 
“No, of course not.” Pope said, jumbling his words getting annoyed with Kie. 
“But” Kie snapped, “It would be kinda cool to give it a try? You have nothing to lose here.”
You were lying if you said that Kie’s persuasion wasn’t  working. She was right at the last part, it almost made your brain switch to see it as a night of freedom. 
“Fuck it,” you announced, gesturing for Kie to hand you the can. 
“Atta girl.” John B praised before cheering you along with Kie whilst Pope documented the whole thing on the camera. The bitter taste of the cheap beer definitely wasn’t leaving your system, so as John B plainly put it, just keep on drinking. 
As the night kept fast forwarding, you were already befuddled to even get a word out on the deep discussion of what part of the giraffe’s neck would a vampire bite from. Pope was certain that it was nearest to the body, Kie thought she was too sober for the conversation, JJ was too trapped in admiration of how well you fitted into the group and John B was also fascinated, trying to figure it out in his head whilst Sarah tried to seduce him. 
Fundamentally, JJ was dreading to take you away from his home. He wanted you to stay longer, even persuade you to consider changing sides but JJ wasn’t as stupid as people made him out to be. He saw the disapproval of Kie’s parents when she told them she hooked up with Pope. The look of disgust that Kie’s parents had was something JJ feared for you. 
He didn’t want you to go through what Kie went through, and judging from the view of yourself and Kiara laying on the hammock, Kie didn’t want that for you either.  Every step JJ took he was dreading the look of sadness that he managed to take away, only to give it back. 
“As much as I love watching my two favourite girls talking, I gotta take you back…” JJ mumbled, brushing his thumb gently on your cheek. The glum nod you gave JJ broke him. He felt immensely guilty for taking you back somewhere you don’t belong, and Kie tried to reason with you to lie that you were staying at hers but you only shut the idea down. 
“Everyone knows that you got kicked out, Kie.” You sighed, tumbling your body forward with a harsh breath as you looked up at the twilight glow. “It’s like the universe doesn’t want me to be free. I know I had my snobby days but how can I go back to that place? I don’t even know if I’ll ever get another chance like this?” 
“Of course you will.” JJ crouched down, caressing your thigh to give you some sort of comfort. “I’ll keep coming through your window. I’ll make sure that you have the best summer.”
“What If you get in trouble? What happens then?” 
“Trouble? You only get into trouble if you get caught.” JJ grinned, rubbing small circles into your thigh. 
“JJ… I’m serious.” 
“I know.” He tried to ease his victorious solutions but it was all the reassurance he could give you. “I’ll be careful and I’ll have a plan.”
“You mean, Pope will find a way to make this work…” You already knew the brains behind JJ’s mind was thanks to Pope. You made the instant connection when you subtly saw JJ pull Pope to one side. 
“We come as a package.” Pope bamboozled his way into the conversation again, “I’ll make sure that JJ doesn’t get caught.” 
“How?” Both you and Kie said in curiosity. 
“Simple. I’ll make sure that I’ll deliver the groceries to you tomorrow, hopefully get a little tip.” Pope laughed, ”Slide in a note for you to meet JJ on the HMS Pogue at exactly 21:00 and Sarah and Kie can be on the lookout.” 
“And what can John B do?” John B asked, feeling a slight inch. 
“Well, Certainly not to be a pawn in this plan. They all fucking hate you.” Pope bluntly laid it on John B. “I mean, I think it will be best if you just make sure the HMS Pogue is running smoothly. We don’t want JJ to be stuck in the marsh, he would try to bring the gator home again..” 
“You are friends with a gator?” You quired, hitching a laugh at the bizarreness JJ gets up too. 
“He has a name.” JJ whined. 
“You shouldn’t name animals, J.” You said gently, “You get too attached…” 
“Peter is an honorable pogue.” He taunted. 
“He bit me?” John B snapped and revealed the huge scar on his right leg. 
“You provoked him.” JJ snapped and started to tug on his hair again. You were quick to look over at JJ, feeling rather guilty that you provoked a rather touchy subject. It was definitely your que to leave when you noticed that JJ began to roughly tug the back of his hair.
“As much as I would love to hear this story. I better get back home.” You said, getting up from the hammock and swirled your way into JJ’s embrace. JJ felt a slight ease as you understood what the action was and pulled him away from the conversation. 
“How did you know?” JJ asked, slightly amazed that you caught on his habit before his friends did.
“Kooks are very good at spotting things.” 
“I’m trying to stop. It’s a horrible habit.” JJ uttered to himself, paying more attention to the ground than your face. 
You nodded, understanding the struggle. “I know and I’m proud of you.” 
“I don’t want to walk you home…” JJ whispered. “I really don’t.” 
“I know but like Pope said back there…We have a plan.” You assured him. “This will work, J. It has too.” 
“Do you think the universe is on our side?”
“I’d like to think it is.” You said but there was a part of you that was pretty uncertain.
“Me too.” JJ hummed, and clamped your hands to his. “I’ll see you soon, right?” 
“You’re late.” Santana snapped, pulling her chair out to give you a hug. “Where have you been? Why are you dirty? Why -- Oh you didn’t.” 
The interrogation was brutal. You definitely thought that you would have this sort of confrontation with your family, not with your best friend. You would have thought that a best friend would always support you regardless of the deed. 
“It was harmless, Santana. I just wanted to go and see what life was like over there.” You stated, ignoring her repulsive look. Regardless of what Santana was saying, you were still going to see JJ tonight, no one was going to change your mind.
“Why?” Santana’s face fumbled into a confused glare as she smelt an unusual smell on you. “You went and saw him didn’t you?”
“Nothing happened,” you stated, sitting comfortably in your chair. 
“You know you can’t be with him. He’s a pogue. You’re a Kook.” 
“Thanks for stating the obvious.” You muttered, before calling the server over to take your order. 
“I just don’t see why you are so fascinated with that life? Why would you even go to that dump when you can sip martini’s all day?” 
Santana was different. She embraced the Kook life more than you ever did, and although she had tried many times to get you on her same wavelength it would have taken her a miracle which you were glad she hadn't found. 
“There’s more to life than martini’s, San. It’s so beautiful over there.” You feed her so many landscapes, flowers that you smelt and how you felt like an actual human. None of the stuff you were telling her made her bat an eyelid, she was too focused on the hot waiter. 
“He’s kinda cute.” She chortled, giving her hair a quick flick. You rolled your eyes at the cringeness and your mind went straight to JJ. He was by far cuter than the waiter. It took a long five minutes to get Santana’s attention, but all she did was feed you things that you wouldn’t necessarily have whilst being a pogue. 
“Y/N, listen to me.” Santana said. “Their world is a mess, life here is better than anything they have over there.” 
“I doubt that. Name me something.” You goaded as it was quite enjoyable to entertain her. 
“Back up-generators.” Santana’s first attempt made you chuckle.
“Yes.” She taunted. “We live on an island that loves a good breakout. How are you supposed to survive when there’s no light, electricity or warm water?” 
“Have I told you that JJ is good with his hands?” You tried to say using a straight face but the uncomfortable look on Santana’s face made a chuckle leave after. “Nothing like that. I mean that JJ is very handy.”
“That still doesn’t answer the question, y/n. I’m just trying to protect you from them.  I know that whatever I’m going to say you won’t even take into account.” Santana huffed, bringing her hands to hold yours. 
“I’m sorry…I know that you don’t see the beauty of the Cut but, I promise you that it’s not so bad.” You replied. “Come to a kegger, I think they’re hosting one tonight.”
“I’ll see.” Santana said which causes you to throw your head back in your hair. 
“Just please come. I promise that if you don’t like it, I'll take you to brunch for two weeks in a row.”  You were upset that you had to literally bribe your friend in order for her to agree.
“Deal.” She bluntly said, and carried on sipping on her white wine. 
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Santana wasn’t pleased. She was already dodging every gesture, look and conversation. She was hot on your trail, gripping tightly on your hand as she watched the boys chug the beer. 
“I can’t do this.” Santana whispered. “How is that attractive?” She pointed at John B, who was being held upside down and drinking from the tube. 
“That’s John B.” 
“Fuck off, that’s the boy Sarah ditched Topper for? Seriously?” Santana whispered—yelled, grabbing the attention of Kie.
“At least he can find the clit.” Kie spat, bumping her shoulder into Santana who scored her the finger. 
“And that’s Kie.” You sign, watching her whisper something to Sarah. Not only were you trying to win the hearts of the pogues, but keeping Santana from having all her extensions pulled out wasn’t looking good at all. 
“She’s a bitch—“
“Stop it, Santana. You aren’t even trying to embrace this. You are just saying all this so I can just go back home with you. I brought you here for a reason, and all you have done is just looked down on people.” You shouted. “If you seriously want to leave, then just leave. It’s not even been five minutes and you are already being rude to my friends.”
“These aren’t your friends. These are just people who want your money. You really think JJ really likes you? You really think that the kid who gets beaten by his dad, and works odd jobs would actually have an idea of what love is about? What can these pogues offer you that we can’t back home?” Santana clamoured, not even caring if people’s eyes were on her.
“Love.” You said, feeling the liquid flood your eyes. “They can offer me unconditionally love, something that your kind don’t know how to show.” 
“Our kind?” Santana laughed as she followed you towards the dirt bike. “As much as you try to run away from TannyHill, you will always be a Kook.” 
You didn’t even bother to look back at her, and just kept walking away. You didn’t even bother to stop when the pogues called you, you needed to get away. 
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The waves roll in, each of them are as strong and bold as Santana’s words. Every syllable that left her lips matched with the waves. The words come without fear of the aftermath. You walk forwards until the water soaks your feet, your shoes already dangling in your right hand. Not once does your gaze find the horizon, instead preferring to lock eyes with the beauty of the waves imaging them just taking you away with them. 
“I’m not saving you, again.” JJ emerged from the shadows, lingering his present onto you. His voice suddenly relaxed your nerves, taking your feet away from the water. 
“What if I don't want to be saved?” You sniffed, wiping the tears off your cheeks. “Can’t we just run away?”
“As much as I’d love to run away, we have to face our problems… they will only haunt us otherwise.”
“When did you become wise?” You chuckled, slumping your body onto the golden grains, hissing at the coldness. 
“Pope. He’s the one to talk to when you are feeling like this” JJ said, scratching the back of his head as he wasn’t sure what direction to take. 
“You are doing a pretty good job.” You promised, and signalled him to come sit next to you. 
“Wanna tell me what happened?”
“Nothing that hasn’t been already said…Santana is just a bitch, and there’s no way I'm going back to TannyHill. I’m done with that place.” You stated, flicking some sand towards the sea.
“It’s still your home, pretty girl. I know you aren’t exactly happy there but, before you even want to become a pogue… you need to accept that you are a kook.” JJ didn’t know where he was going with this analogy, but he had to trust the process. “I’m not saying you have to behave like one or force yourself to go to fancy events… i’m just saying that maybe use your connections to help us?” 
“That’s the thing, I don't think there’s anything wrong with living on the Cut”
“As much as I commercialised this life, there are so many things that could be used with an upgrade.” JJ said gently.  “A proper working shower, grocery shopping and weed but that’s another conversation. I just think that having the freedom to spend your money on Kook stuff, you can use that to help the environment. I know that Kie is trying to buy a turtle shelter, imagine how many turtles you could save? Be the person who uses her fortune to help others, and I think that is a great way to live. Whether you're a Kook, Pogue or Touron we are one.” 
You didn’t even need to say anything but thank JJ with a tender kiss to lips. He of course took immediate charge, securing his hand on your cheek as he pulled you closer towards him. The sound of the waves matched with the timing of your kiss, long and passionate. Neither of you wanted to break the kiss, just like the waves didn’t want to stop hugging the shore, it wasn’t forced or rushed but the quicken pace JJ took it seemed perfect for that speech he just made. 
You both slowed the pace, placing your foreheads together as JJ licked the bottom of your lip, “Wanna do it again?”
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softjakehoon · 3 years
Can We Pretend?
Pairing: Idol Jay/Reader
Warnings: Smut. For 18+ only, minors dni.
Includes: Corruption kink, friends with benefits, protected sex, squirting, mild choking, slight biting, rough sex.
Authors note: I might edit this later. I apologize for any errors, I wrote this at 5 am instead of sleeping. Lmao.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, in case you wanted to back down. 
You were watching a drama just a couple of minutes ago when he kissed you by surprise. You remember teasing him and questioning his innocence because of a scene in the drama where the main leads were hugging before having sex for the first time. 
Your brain stopped functioning for a while to remember how it all came to this. 
"Pft. Who the fuck hugs before having sex?" You almost choked on your drink out of laughter. 
"Why? Isn't that a normal thing for couples?" Jay asked you with innocence plastered on his face. 
"Are you being serious? You.. don't tell me you're still a virgin?" You were so shocked that you had to pause the drama you're both watching. 
"What's wrong with being a virgin? Also, you already know I haven't dated anyone in my life, why are you so shocked?" His lips pouting cutely as he argued.
"But that was 3 years ago, Jay. You're literally 21 now, you need to get laid." You teased him out of habit. A sting of pain suddenly grazing your heart at the thought of your best friend on someone else's bed.
"As if I have the time for that. Besides, I can't just hook up with anyone. I have a reputation to protect as an idol." He's right, you nodded in response. A sudden thought crossing your mind. 
"Wait a minute, how do you release tension then? Do you just get off by yourself or?" Your face inspecting his eyes closely for some hint. "Don't tell me you don't jack off either?" You were beyond shocked by his blank expression, showing no sign of guilt at all. 
"Holy shit, how do you even do that? You poor thing." You taunted him. 
"Enough, y/n. I'm fine, I have a lot of ways to release stress. Unless, you want to offer yourself to help." Jay knew he wasn't thinking straight when he said this but he maintained his cool and unbothered expression to see how you would react. 
"You want us to be fuck buddies, is that it? Fine, I'll help you." You weren't sure why you agreed without giving it a second thought. But you know deep inside you've been in love with Jay for 6 years already. For all those years, you tried so hard not to be overly affectionate and clingy to the boy you liked the most--in fear of him drifting away from you. You wanted to be someone constant in his life, someone he can go to whenever he needs someone to lean on. You wanted to be his soulmate. 
You've done a great job so far, but you're not sure anymore. How the hell are you going to manage pretending from now on? When you're overly sentimental and you tend to give meaning to every single thing he does. 
"What? How can you agree so fast?" He jokingly covered his mouth, pretending to be shocked. 
"What? Do you want me to take it back? It's not like this is my first time having sex anyway." You tried to act cool as much as possible, pretending that this setup isn't that much of a big deal at all. 
"Right. I'm not. But you're gonna be my first." You're almost sure he sounded hurt when he said that while looking deeply in your eyes. 
You couldn't resist it anymore. You wanted to be the one to erase his innocence but you were surprised when he kissed you first. 
You couldn't honestly tell if this is his first kiss or not because he's definitely good at it. 
You pulled away out of shock. You didn't expect him to be this good since you thought he's just gonna go for a quick peck. He looked confused at your reaction.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asked, in case you wanted to back down. 
"No. No, I was just shocked. I thought you were just gonna go with a quick peck, that's all." For some reason you can't look directly in his eyes. You're sure of it. If you do, you're gonna fall for him again, like you always do. 
"Well, we're not gonna go further with just a peck, right? Stop acting so shy, I thought you're gonna help me." He lifted your chin using his thumb, your eyes meeting in parallel. 
"You sure about this, Jay? I mean, I may get clingy after all of this. You know how sensitive I get. I tend to feel a lot of emotions." You warned him, followed by a fake laugh to ease the tension. You wanted to give him an idea of what could happen at least. 
"Then, don't. We're just using each other for sex, keep that in mind." You're aware he didn't mean to hurt you by this. He was just stating the obvious--drawing the line between the two of you for safety precaution. But this hurts, and you wanted him to take the pain all away, even just for a while. 
You kissed him roughly in frustration. He picked up your pace quickly, he really is a fast learner, you thought. And his lips, they're small and cute but they felt so damn good on yours. You grabbed his face, feeling every inch of his jawline, circling your fingertips on the mark on his neck. You looked deep into his eyes before gently sucking on it. He moaned at the contact, grabbing a fistful of your hair gently and pulling you back to a kiss. 
"Don't leave marks, y/n. I have a photoshoot tomorrow." He said, firmly. 
"Too bad. Wanted to fucking mark you as proof of getting your virginity taken." You chuckled. 
"Let me mark you instead, then. Proof that I let you take it." He whispered into your ear, biting into it gently, and kissing your neck while sucking on your skin up to your cleavage. 
You moaned from the sensation. You're already melting from his touch, you couldn't help but to rub your thighs together, wanting some kind of pleasure on your core as soon as possible. 
"Jay, I want your cock in me so bad." You whined, desperate to feel him inside of you. You palmed his cock inside his shorts, pulling it out. This is your first time seeing your best friend's dick and it was prettier than you imagined it would be. And you always thought he would be huge, but this doesn't even compare to the one in your dreams. The length, the girth, the tip of his cock, all red from arousal, leaking with precum already. Your mouth is watering from the sight. 
You couldn't help it. You dropped on your knees, eyes levelled to his crotch. You pumped his dick with your small hands, earning a gasp from him. You circled your tongue in his tip, gathering all the precum in it before fully deep throating him. He let out a growl this time, surprised by your sudden action. "Fuck, y/n. That's it, your mouth feels so good." You hummed in his dick, sending vibrations to his senses. You kept bobbing your head up and down, making sure to go as deep as you can, his tip hitting your throat making you slightly gag. You pulled it out for a moment to spit on it, and put it back inside your mouth, sucking him sloppily.
"Fuck, y/n. I'm close, keep going." Your jaw is starting to hurt a little, but you wanted to taste him so bad. You continued sucking him off while cupping his balls, massaging them gently. 
"Fuck, I'm cumming." He tried to get you off of him but you wrapped your arms around his thighs, pulling him closer. His cock, burying in your throat even deeper as he cummed. You looked up to him, eyes closed and mouth open from the pleasure. His head tilted back, and his hair slightly wet from sweat. The view of him from below caused a pool of wetness in your core. You milked him dry and swallowed his load without hesitation. 
"Shit, y/n. That's just.. insane. Come here, I wanna taste you too." He helped you get up, both of you smiling from ecstasy. 
You sat up on the couch, your thighs closed involuntarily trying to hide your arousal. "Can I?" He looked into your eyes, asking for permission if he could eat you out like a gentleman that he is. 
"Y-yes." You shyly answered. This is the first time someone is getting down on you after all. Your ex never liked foreplay and always went on ahead with penetration every single time that it hurts most of the time. Nervous of what's to come, you covered your face with your hands, not wanting him to see your state. 
"Let me see your pretty face, y/n. I wanna see how good I'm making you feel." He grabbed your wrist and placed your hand on his head, giving you something to hold on to while he flicks his tongue in your clit. He looked at you, your head tilted on the side, your mouth open releasing soft moans. He took the chance to put two fingers in your mouth, making you suck on them only to put them inside your cunt. He continued thrusting his fingers in and out while licking and sucking your bud, driving you insane from the pleasure, your arousal dripping down his chin generously. 
You grabbed his hair firmly as you focused on reaching your climax, clenching on his fingers. "Jay, I.. I'm gonna cum." You're almost out of breath at this point. 
He curled his fingers, hitting your g-spot several times that had you squirting around his digits. He eased you from your high, fucking your hole with his tongue and sucking on your juices. He looked up to you with lust all written in his face. His cheeks and chin, all wet and covered with your scent. 
"I always knew you'd taste good. Though I didn't know you're a squirter." He chuckled and sat on the couch. 
"Shut up. It's because it felt too good." You got up and climbed on his lap. He grabbed your ass to spread them and began kissing you again. The taste of his cum and yours both mixing in your mouth as you kiss him back. You began grinding at his erection, coating his length with your juices as he guided you by your waist. 
You're getting impatient at this point, wanting nothing more than to feel him inside you. You felt Jay searching for something in the corner of the couch, eventually bringing out a condom. 
"Why do you have that there?" You asked him, curious if he knew this would happen. 
"The boys left it here just in case. Didn't know I'd be the one to use it though." He tore the packaging and started rolling it down to the base of his cock. 
"You're such a good boy, aren't you?" You smiled at him.
"I don't think so." He whispered in your ear and bit your jaw, leaving a slight mark. You moaned a little bit louder this time. Surprised that it didn't hurt at all. "Aren't you such a pain slut? You're getting turned on by that? Huh?" His voice is so deep and velvety, making you clench your walls on nothing.
You started positioning yourself in his cock, slowly sinking down while biting your lip. He gasped from the unfamiliar sensation when he felt his tip enter you. You made sure to bottom all the way down, training your cunt to adjust to his size. 
"Shit. Move for me, baby. Be a good girl and ride my cock." He's holding you by your waist, pinning you down roughly. 
"Fuck, Jay. Your cock is so deep in me." You continued bouncing up and down, grinding back and forth on his cock from time to time whenever your legs would start to get tired.
Jay sensed that you’re starting to slow down so he started thrusting deep and sloppily into your core. You tried to meet his every thrust, biting your lips to keep yourself from screaming.
“Jay, I’m close.” He wrapped his right hand on your neck gently, while his left hand stayed at your waist. You're left at his mercy at this point. He’s in charge of the moment, giving you a smack on your ass as he growls from the intense pleasure.
“Cum for me, y/n.” With a couple of thrusts, you reached your orgasm, your walls convulsing around Jay’s cock that sent him to the edge as well.
He stayed inside you for a moment as both of you tried to catch your breath and then he pulled out after, discarding the condom in the trash bin.
He helped you get up and prepared a warm bath for you to enjoy. He knows that both of you just entered a complicated situation but he doesn’t regret it. As long as he’s with you, nothing else matters. 
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mendesblurb · 3 years
Evolution of morning kisses with our dear boy Shawn ♥️ (2018,2019,2020,2021)
Through the Years
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Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff & tiny descriptions of SMUT, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors.
Note: Happy Thanksgiving! Grateful for every single one of you ♥️!!! So in honour of that I present you my longest fic maybe? Anyway happy reading! Feedback and comments will always be appreciated :)
It was after the thanksgiving dinner, you lay awake with Shawn in the bed. Still pretty much curled in each other’s arms. His eyes flutter open slowly, and he smiles, “what are you thinking about?”
“Nothing, it’s just I asked everyone what they are thankful for. But I haven't asked you yet.”
“There are definitely many things to always be thankful for.” He nuzzles against you, kissing the lobe of your ear.
“Tell me all.”
You nestle back against his warmth, drawing his arm tighter around you.
“Definitely, thankful for the amount of chocolate chip cookies this year had offered me.”
“Be serious, please.” You swat at him over your shoulder, laughing into the pillow.
“Okay, okay.” Shawn says, burying his face into your neck. “I am grateful for the year 2018 that completely changed my life for the better.”
Your eyes flutter open, the morning sunlight filtering in through the blinds. You blink a few times before immediately feeling the pounding in your head.
Then, you froze. The wall you were looking at was most definitely not your own, and neither was the blanket clutched in your hand.
Where the fuck am I?
Cautiously, you loosened your grip on the blanket and started rolling over to explore your surroundings. When you saw who was in bed next to you, you gasped, your heart doing back flips around your chest. Shawn, oh my god you were in Shawn’s bed.
Oh no…
No, no, no, no, no…
“What the hell?”
“Go back to sleep, Y/N,” he grumbled.
His back was towards you, and you couldn’t rip your eyes away from his shirtless self. “No way, dude.” You leaned forward to hit him in the back. “What am I doing in your bed?”
“Currently, you’re making me regret not putting you on the couch,” he replied, his voice low and raspy with sleep. “Before, though, I believe you were sleeping.”
“Not appreciating the sarcasm, Mendes.”
“And I’m not appreciating the sudden loud wake-up call.” He rolled over to face you, and it took all the self-control you had to not stare at his exposed chest.
“You were too drunk to drive home last night, so I let you stay over.” He raised an eyebrow skeptically. “Please Don’t tell me you blacked out the whole damn night.”
You exhaled slowly, the memories coming back in the blurry waves. While you had definitely blacked out portions of the night, some parts stuck. You remember drinking too much of that tequila and you cringed, remembering how you almost strip on the pool table in front of your group of friends who are mostly guys.
Shawn smirked. “What memory was that face?”
“The pool table stripping,” you whispered, wanting nothing more than to pull the blanket over your face and disappear from the rest of the world.
He chuckled. “That one was bad. I was hoping it was the pole dancing show.”
Your jaw dropped. “Please tell me you’re kidding.”
“Wish I was.” He grinned, trying not to laugh. “It was probably the highlight of the night, I’m sure Connor or Brian has video proof.”
You groaned, burying your face in the pillow. At that moment, though, you were suddenly hyper-aware of the feeling of the soft sheets brushing against your bare legs and torso. All you had on was a bra and underwear, so you yanked the blanket further over yourself in an attempt to shield you from view.
“Wait, Shawn, when did I take off my clothes?”
He started laughing again, sitting up and running his hand through his messy hair. “Before you go to bed. You insisted that you couldn’t bear to sleep in your dress. It was incredibly dramatic. I offered you my shirt but you refused.”
“Nooooo,” you hide under the pillow. “I can’t believe it. How on earth are you able to look me in the eyes right now?”
“Well, I’ll have you know I’m trying to be a respectful type of guy.” He said, smirking.
You threw a lazy slap at him, barely making contact with his side. “I fucking hate you, Mendes.”
“That’s a shame because I don’t mind you at all. Hell, I even prefer your company over Brian’s or Connor’s or Scott’s.”
Finally sitting up, you rolled your eyes. You were still clutching the blankets to your chest, trying to hide your half naked self. You flashed him your sweetest smile. “Shawnie, can you find my clothes please?”
He smirked, looking down at you. Even sitting in bed, he was still noticeably taller. “I mean, I could, but we could also do something else.”
“Are you seriously flirting with me right now?”
“You are mostly naked in my bed, Y/N. If that’s not permission to flirt on someone, I don’t know what is.” He was grinning mischievously, his eyes roaming dangerously over you.
You clutched the blanket tighter, trying not to stare at his chest, the way his broad shoulders led into a toned chest, defined abs, a trail of dark hair, irresistible curls. Damn, You needed to get a grip.
Snap out of it, Shawn is clearly one of your best friends, and he had been since middle school. There was just no way you could let your long term crush on him evolve into anything more.
“C'mon, Shawn, shut up.” You could feel a blush creeping up your neck.
“Shut up about what?” He leaned in closer, his lips moving dangerously close to yours.
“Shawn, I–”
“Tell me to stop, Y/N,” he whispered. “If you want me to stop, tell me.”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. Your voice was as soft as his. “I don’t want you to.”
His lips pressed into yours as his hands moved to cup your face. Instinctively, you dropped the blanket, moving your hands to his sides, wrapping your arms around him.
Your heart felt like it might burst right out of your chest as his lips gently parted your own. His tongue dragged slowly across your lower lip before finding your own. You moaned into his mouth, and his lips curved into a brief smile.
Then, he started working his way down your jaw to your neck, brushing your hair aside to give himself more access. “Fuck, Y/N,” he murmured. “You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
You smiled, tipping your head back with a breathy moan. “I think I have an idea.”
He pulled back slightly, unable to contain his grin. “What do you mean?”
You shrugged, moving your hand to his shoulder to play with his hair. “I’ve had a crush on you forever, Mendes.”
His grin widened, giving him an innocent, almost boyish, look. “And here I’ve been thinking that I’d never stand a chance.”
“Nah, you had a better chance than anyone.” You kissed him again, your legs tangling together beneath the sheets. “Hmm, never imagine I would ever wake up to this.”
“Yeah, you should definitely get used to it.” He pulled you close and kissed you, more softly than before. He pulled away way too soon, grinning like a complete dork. ”Cause, I’m definitely a keeper.”
“Shut the fuck up, Mendes.”
He smirked. “Make me.”
“Secondly, I am grateful to be able to spend each and everyday in this lovely place I call home. “
Beep. Beep. Beep. The alarm rings.
Snoozing the alarm for about the third time, You sit back again on the bed with Shawn, his arms wrapped around you as you lean back against his chest.
You’ve been watching the morning sky and how the bright sun rays seems to hit every window on the tall looking buildings. The sun was getting brighter. But you sigh, breaking the silence. “We should probably get out of bed and get ready for the day.”
Shawn drops his chin against your shoulder and nuzzles against your neck, “you’re right, as much as I don’t wanna to admit.”
And so with every ounce of energy and determination you move to stand up, only for Shawn to hold you tighter, “Just because we have to go, doesn’t mean I want to.”
This is what you hate about mornings most of the time. You both are busy people and it seems like the world keeps bombarding you with busy schedules when all you want is just a lazy day and staying in bed all day with the man you love.
“I know exactly how you feel.” You replied.
Now it’s his turn to sigh. He presses a kiss on your bare shoulder, tightening his arms around you for just a moment before saying something, “What if we are just a little bit late?”
“I won’t say no to that.” You grin wickedly, wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing your body against his. Both of you definitely choose to ignore that part of the brain reminding you that you have a busy schedule.
“Good.” Shawn says before he captures your lips in a fierce kiss and your legs tangled in the sheets once more.
It is in moments like this that Shawn realises that even if he had thousands of responsibilities and obligations knocking at his door, there is nowhere else he would rather be. After all, he has all he needs right here.
“Thirdly, I am grateful to be able to spend the rest of my life with my person.”
You were awakened by the soft but persistent kisses against your exposed back that wasn’t covered by the sheets.
Reluctantly you opened your eyes to look at your hand resting on your pillow, the diamond on your engagement and wedding ring catching the morning sun, making you smile as Shawn gently pushed you on your back, climbing on top of you to kiss you good morning.
Your grin widened when you saw your husband’s face, hair in all sorts of places, features soft, eyes still heavy with sleep, offering a lazy smile as he leaned down to catch your lips in his and his one knee somehow already pushing your thighs to open in order for him to settle between them.
You start pulling him closer as his breath feels hot against your neck and his warm lips settle on your nape. Your moans increasingly grew louder as he caught your earlobes between his teeth. But suddenly, Shawn pulled away and fixed his gaze into your eyes.
Shawn simply smiles at the great feeling of satisfaction at the sight of waking up next to you every morning and particularly this morning where both of you have all the time in the world to be lazy in each other’s arms.
"What's wrong?” You question.
Shawn kept smiling endearingly,”nothing.” he planted a gentle kiss on your lips "I just felt a sudden urge to tell you something.”
"What is it?"
"I suppose I just feel so lucky to be able to marry you." Shawn let a hand run through your hair "I am so fucking in love with you" he caressed your cheeks.
"Awww, Shawn.” You gently cupped his face with your hands, "I feel so lucky too." You smiled gently, "So damn lucky." You lift your head a little to kiss him.
Feeling his heart filled with passion and desire to lean closer to you, he uttered "I love you, Y/N.”
"I love you too, Shawn.” You replied and with a deep tender kiss, Shawn sighed in content, never wanting this moment to end.
“The fourth thing is that I am grateful to be able to have my own little family.”
The sun shines through the glass window of the master bedroom as the morning comes and wakes you up from your deep sleep. Shawn’s arms were still wrapped tightly around you, his breathing slow and steady.
You felt him stir, “Hmmm”, he mumbled softly in your ear. He nuzzled your hair. “Good morning.”
Grinning, you returned the greeting, “Good morning.” You turned in his arms so you were facing him. Starting at his forehead you placed soft kisses down to the tip of his nose, to his jaw, then lips, neck…
“Hmmm…careful there, you might start something we can’t finish.” He rolled you onto your back, causing you to giggle.
“Then, what are you waiting for?” You question and without hesitation his mouth moved to your neck, placing suckling, wet kisses. His kisses drift to the dip between your neck and arm, to your collarbone. “Hmmm…keep goi- -.”
The door suddenly swung open, Raul and Peter came barreling their way in and jumping on the bed. “Can we have pancakes?” Peter inquired. “And some waffles too?” Raul added to his brother’s request.
“Told you,” Shawn said with a chuckle. He grabbed Peter and Raul and tickled them, causing both to giggle.“Pancakes?Waffles? Okay, but only if I get… kisses.” Shawn pointed a finger to each of their cheeks.
The kids each give Shawn a kiss on the cheek, say a bunch of the magic words and give Shawn their best puppy begging face. “Now daddy?”
“Okay, go to the kitchen. I’ll be there in a couple minutes. I need to talk to mommy first.” He smirked at you. The kids excitedly run to the kitchen.
As soon as they were out of sight, Shawn turned his attention back to you. “We have about five minutes.”
Shawn jumped on the bed and tickled you, “Shawn, st-” laughing “Stop.” you could barely breathe.
“Give me a kiss.” He stopped tickling you and pouted his lips out. You obliged and gave him a quick kiss on the lips, “Breakfast time!” He grabbed your hand, kissed it and pulled you down the hall.
“And lastly I am grateful for the last four years and definitely looking forward to more years I could spend waking up and making more memories with you, Y/N.” Shawn says looking at you in the eyes before slowly pulling you close and kissing you. “I love you, Y/N.”
“I love you too, Shawn.” You say, closing your eyes, melting into the kiss and forgetting the world around you.
ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ɢᴜʏꜱ... ꜰᴇᴇʟ ꜰʀᴇᴇ ᴛᴏ ʟɪᴋᴇ, ʀᴇʙʟᴏɢ, ꜰᴏʟʟᴏᴡ ᴍʏ ᴀᴄᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ, ʟᴇᴀᴠᴇ ᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴇɴᴛ ᴀɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴄʜᴀᴛ ɪꜱ ᴀʟᴡᴀʏꜱ ᴏᴘᴇɴ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ᴄʜᴀᴛꜱ ᴏʀ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ... ᴀᴘᴘʀᴇᴄɪᴀᴛᴇ ᴇᴠᴇʀʏ ꜱɪɴɢʟᴇ ᴏɴᴇ ᴏꜰ ʏᴏᴜ... ❤️
Taglist: @monikamendes @holland-styles @bvttercupbby @lonelyreputation @badreputationlove @shawn-is-my-giant-jellybean @benito-mi-vida @swiftmendeshoran @yournameoneverypage @shawn-is-bruh @mendesbhraanth @perfectlywrongsm @imaginashawnns @smendes-forever @nervousmendes @whenyoureadyholland @shawn-youth @myboyshawn @camilalewiss @camilalewisss @theregoesmyherojd @nanijaac1 @shawnieeboyy @silverswallow @inlovewithmendes @mendeslol @mendesx123
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folklorefairyy · 4 years
of clinging and comfort-p.m
summary: in which you and peter are childhood best friends and after re-uniting after he was away with the x-men on a long mission two things become clear: he’s clingy and you both feel something much stronger than just friendship
warnings: none that i can think of! mention of not fitting in as a child and reader sits on peter’s lap but i don’t describe weight or anything! but that’s about it- this is a fluffy fluffy fic following two dorks
oh and it’s not proof read so pls let me know if you see any mistakes!
word count: 1.564k
authors note: this is a request made by my lovely friend @amourtentiaa who was inspired by this set of headcanons by @hellish-ramblings-of-an-emo for a best friends-to-lovers fic for pete
go check out the original headcanons they’re great!! and helped inform an initial background to how peter and the reader became friends but that’s about all i used them for !
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Peter Maximoff was a young man who, in his youth, found it hard to make friends. As a child he felt secluded from those around him - insecurity thwarted his mind as his anti-social nature and his mutation left him feeling apart, different, from his peers. Naturally he hated school, each day felt as though he was stepping closer into the clutches of seclusion, as children grew further from him, and all he wanted to do was play games in his basement all day.
It wasn't until you had moved next door that Peter had ever truly felt like another child could understand him, could like the quirks that combined to make up the little boy with super-speed who kept to himself despite his charismatic nature. You had moved into the house directly next to Peters and having been vacant for quite a large portion of Peter’s youth he was apprehensive about having a neighbour, especially when his mother told him said neighbour would be a child of his age.
His mother dragged him over to your front door, having him knock and stand in front of her so that they could welcome you into the neighbourhood. When he door opened Peter feared for the rest but any negative thoughts were whisked away by the dazzling smile painted on your little lips, a few teeth missing from the collection of tiny pearls that displayed such a beautiful sight.
That moment solidified the start of an inseparable connection between Peter Maximoff and you and ever since he ran across the threshold of your new home, grabbing your hand and going straight to the garden to play, you were joined at the hip. Over the years your friendship only grew stronger, drawing the quirks out of the others personality and developing a comfortable environment that left hardly any boundaries between the two of you - so in tune with one another that at times you only needed a single darting of eyes or touching of skin to understand what the other was saying or needed.
However, Peter had joined the X-Men and with such a responsibility came less time with you. You were proud of him, in fact your heart swelled with pride at the thought of him using his mutation to help others (such a thing revealed to you when he accidentally went a little too fast running up your stairs and crashed into the wall, a positively Peter-shaped hole in the drywall). Yet, a part of your heart couldn’t help but ache at the thought of Peter being away for so long - he was your other half and not had you allowed a friendship to developed but a small crush that left butterflies swarming in your stomach at the thought of his touch or one of his corny jokes.
Peter was to be returning after a fairly lengthy mission and neither of you could wait to see the other, desperate for a hug, to feel the others presence physically to know that they weren’t just a dream - yet it seemed that for the two of you a day seemed like a millennia, and not just because the world seemed to move slower for the silver-haired speedster.
You were waiting at the school for his arrival - Charles granting you special access for he knew how Peter depended on you mentally as well as physically. How after a long day all Peter needed was you - your melodic voice as you softly whispered words of affection and admiration, your soft skin as your arms wrapped themselves around his torso, the soft touch of your lips on his neck as you snuggled your head in the crook of it to take in his scent and the reminder that he truly was home - and suc ha sequence of feelings and events occurred the second he returned home, you sprinting towards him despite his enhanced abilities, a second longer was a second wasted with your best friend.
The days after a mission consisted of you staying at the school whilst Peter clung impossibly close to you. He wouldn’t let you out of his sight, always having to keep some form of physical contact with you - perhaps as a physical reminder that you’re safe and well but also stemming simply from the fact that he missed you so - in Peter’s case, it was likely a mix of both. He missed you dearly, of course he did, but there was something about these emissions, in witnessing the harm that the world is capable of, that brews a bubble of anxiety within his chest, forming a worry that can only be caused and quoted by you. For he worries something may happen to you under such cruelty yet he can’t qualm such fears until you’re there to assure him that such a thing hasn’t happened.
Thus Peter becomes something one can only describe as clingy. His hands often travelled to the small of your back, slightly calloused thumbs rubbing against the skin there. His fingertips often danced across yours at the dinner table, or his hand found solace in our lap, rubbing soothing circles into your thigh. His head would rest against yours as you shared an armchair, arms winding round your waist to hold you close. If you even tried to leave a room without him, his enhanced abilities would have him catching up in a second, eyes darting around the room searching for even the tiniest hint of danger.
You actually found the whole ordeal rather endearing ,especially since Peter was giving you affection that felt much more intimate than that shared between friends. Despite such affection coursing through your veins, however, you couldn’t help but tease Peter for his clinginess. You were snuggled up on a crimson velvet armchair together ,the fire cracklings in front of you as you sat on Peter’s lap with your head on his chest. You felt his snuggle closer, the grip of his hands around your torso increasing ever so slightly that the common person wouldn’t. Notice if they weren’t so understanding of their best friend’s actions. A smile threatened to curl the corner of your lips as you softly asked, ‘Is Maxibaby feeling clingy today?’ At the faux sincerity in our voice, Peter’s muscles tense and you could physically hear the pout on his lips as he grumbled, ‘I’m not a baby.’
Slightly giggling to yourself you shifted up from his lap and with a light-spring in your step called over your shoulder teasingly, ‘Sure you’re not Maxibaby!’ and proceeded to pick up your pace as you were out of view from the doorway. Of course, your fastest run was like a slow walk for Peter and he caught up immediately, arms swooping down to gather you into them as he swung you around and carried you swiftly to his room. Throwing you lightly on the bed and emitting a squeal from you, Peter just stood there with his arms folded and a frown curling his lips downwards to match the furrow of his brow. You knew he was joking, the pair of you often jokingly faking emotion to tease the other but you knew it was best to give into the game for anyone was determined to prove a point it was Peter Maximoff, and he wanted to prove he was not a baby.
He didn’t move and you just tilted your head to the side and cocked a brow as you asked unamused, ‘Peter, what?’ He said nothing and instead flopped right atop you, pinning you to the bed with his body, deadweight above you as he became as stiff as a board. You wriggled and writhed beneath him muffled shouts of ‘Get off me Peter’ and ‘You’re so heavy’ falling upon deaf ears as he simply wrapped his arms around you and mumbled into your chest, ‘Not until you give me some attention,’ snuggling impossibly closer to emphasise his point.
With a huff of faux indifference you basked in Peter’s touch and warmth, cuddling up against him. Smiling against his skin you joked, ‘I thought you weren’t a baby?’ And with sheer conviction he replied, ‘I’m not! Just couldn’t spend too long away from my favourite person could I?’ With dazzling grins gracing both your faces and gentle giggles faded, the pair of you were slowly being lulled into a gentle sleep of safety and comfort, as you both lay in the arms of the one person in the world that made you feel protected from any ounce of harm, be that mental or physical, that may come your way.
Peter’s hands started to draw gentle circles on your waist and from his lips he softly whispered against your hair, ‘You know I love you right?’ hands clutching you tighter against him, ‘like actually love you.’ And as he pressed a kiss against your forehead, you basked in the melody of his love, that had your heart dancing to perfectly and without needing him to elaborate further you whispered back, ‘I love you too Peter, like actually love you.’ And so you lay there, two best friends turned lovers, who didn’t need large speeches or fancy words to know exactly just what the other was meaning. All you needed was an ‘I love you’ and a forehead kiss to share the thousands of emotions swirling within the entwined hearts of both of you.
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4dtk · 3 years
a sweet bet (jaehyun)
anon: “Hey can I request innocent school boy Jaehyun with freaky bad girl y/n smut?:)” thx for requesting anon! both jae and y/n are the same age, although are around university ages. you can take it in a way that y/n takes up the dom (altho… she’s not so mean) role in this!
fem pronouns. thank u for the challenge! i don’t write fem doms that often so this was interesting to try out :)
content warnings: a bit of fem dom, sub!jaehyun, vaginal penetration, breeding (I'll never let this damn kink go), implications of pegging/strap-on, praise, like one mention of "brat"
“aw, aren’t you such a darling?” you cooed, backing jaehyun up against the door of the classroom as his head covers most of the window on the door. you peak just over his locks to look at the dwindling number of students, most of them heading to class.
“(y/n)-ssi, i-i don’t think we should be doing this-“ jaehyun gasps when you invade his space, nose an inch from the other as his eyes struggle to focus on something.
“so now you’re backing down?” you tilt your head, challenging him. “not when your friends were betting on whether you could even get within a metre of me?”
“y’know… i don’t mind being used for bets or anything, but when someone accepts it like a champ, i expect them to carry it out like one.”
jaehyun sucks in a breath when your arm snakes around his waist, pulling his hips off the comfort of the door. you can tell he’s enjoying it even if his words say otherwise, hips pushing up to get any form of friction for his growing erection.
“proximity wasn’t your bet, right? you just wanted a piece of this pussy, huh?” jaehyun reacts strongly to your use of such a lewd word, swallowing on nothing and making the mistake of dropping his eyes to your lower half.
he timidly nods, breaths coming out short that all he can focus on is your body heat and the words of his friends resonating in his mind. he was happy to take a chance with the popular chick he shared the english literature major with, already envisioning good money that one of his richer friends promised.
why’d they pick you of all people? he wondered why he even said yes when you so clearly had no problem pinning him down. at least the other chick would take her time and beg to be fucked, presenting him with no problem since he’s had a bit of… knowledge from porn.
now, all jaehyun could compare himself to was prey caught in an unfortunate position by its predator. hell, forget about fucking anyone dumb, if anything, he was the one at your mercy.
“you want this, jeong jaehyun?” you ask nonchalantly, eyes already filled with lust at how easily he obeyed to your movements. a widen of his eyes, a bite of his underlip and a curt nod.
you smiled, “good.”
the next minutes were blurry, clouded by hot breaths and wandering hands. your lips moved against jaehyun’s like a sin, tongue slipping into the others’ mouth while he deepens the kiss as much as he can. you can feel his dick on your thighs; he’s rutting against it like a bitch, hesitant hands travelling over your body as it settles over your breasts.
“you’re a good boy, aren’t you? you don’t need to ask for permission.”
with your arms, you’re flipping the two of you over so you’re concealed from the prying eyes of curious students while jaehyun adapts to the new position. he wastes no time to draw your shirt up and bra down, latching his mouth onto your nipples and swirls them around his tongue.
you hum, palming his hardening cock that has his efforts interrupted by the needy moans he lets out. you struggle to hold your own too, his tongue sucking effortlessly while bucking into your hand. it makes you wet, soaking your underwear that you have such a cute boy at your disposal.
you waste no time to push him down to his knees once he’s done, his big doe eyes staring up at you as his hands linger at the waistband of your pants.
“go on,” you mumble breathlessly, sighing in relief when your underwear separates itself from your leaking cunt in a string of arousal, not missing the surprised noise that the other makes. it’s adorable, the way he experimentally places a finger against your slit, rubbing at it like it’s his first time. you shiver when he slips a finger in, holding onto his shoulders while you lean forward at the immense pleasure.
he could call it his first time, although i’ve definitely done it before, god! i’ve practiced making love to my pillow before finding out who was in it for the bet, he thinks. the ‘done it before’ in question only involved pillows and fleshlights, however, but god, nothing compares to the real thing. nothing compares when he can feel you react to his ministrations, thighs shaking at the way your pussy sucks in his slender finger.
“such a g..good boy- ah! can you go faster for me, jaehyun?” you cover your mouth as fast as you can to muffle your moans, grinding down on a single finger that has your face scrunched up in pleasure. he obeys immediately with a flush to his cheeks, pumping his digit at a speed even you couldn’t go at yourself. you let out a gasp when he inserts a second one without warning.
“shit- fuck!” you mewl when his fingers brush up against your clit, observing that his fingers disappearing and reappearing into you makes for an extremely appealing sight. it seems that jaehyun has the same thought, using his free hand to rub his cock that’s forming a tent in his pants. it’s painful, you can tell by the furrow of his brows, but it only fuels the knot in your stomach further.
it’s so appealing that you cum on the spot in a silent scream. your hips have a mind of their own, riding out the orgasm with quickness as your mouth spews profanities and murmurs of jaehyun’s name.
your head hits the wall in a loud thunk, breath heavy from the satisfying climax.
“you did so well, baby. need my help?”
the other’s frantic nods only makes your smile widen, gesturing for him to stand up before your hands reach forward to peel off his pants and soaked briefs. you turn him around, back against your chest when your hand reaches round to wrap around his shaft.
the immediate obscene sounds fill the room, cock hard and wet with pre-cum that jaehyun quivers at the cold air on his dick and your hasty hand that’s stroking him.
jaehyun is thrashing around in your arms, tears threatening to leak from his eyes when you swipe your thumb over his tip. his cries fill your ears like music and you can feel the crystal clear sensation of his hair digging into neck as well as the juices seeping from your pussy.
“(y/n)-ssi- hah… faster please! faster, faster!” he whimpers, head thrown back onto your shoulder. he’s moving against your hand, desperate to chase his high with mouth parted open and eyes closed, he’s there, he’s there, he feels it.
and then you stop. he whines, hips moving on their own accord to feel everything, anything.
“ah, ah, no- stop that.”
you’re turning jaehyun over again, revelling in his full length that you don’t notice his crimson cheeks and messy hair. his forehead is dotted with sweat and he manages out a cute little plea that has you humming.
“are you gonna fuck me good, now, baby?” you pout, drawing a finger down his neck, to his torso and finally resting on his cock.
the shaky breath that jaehyun releases makes you smirk, twitching from the minimal pressure you’ve used. he nods a second later, licking his lips at the dryness that’s taken over them.
“hah… t-that’s it, baby. oh my god, you’re so big…” you moan when he enters you slowly, relishing in the way your soaked cunt provides some lube as the other groans into your shoulder. your bodies are pressed up together with no space in between, the heat of your pussy already causing him to move his hips needily.
“fuck me with all you got, brat,” you spit out, prompting a particularly harsh thrust that has you jerking forward with eyes shut tight.
for someone so shy, jaehyun’s thrusts hit the spot just right, reaching so deep inside of you that you’re hunched over his person. the groans he’s making out only increases your arousal, and combined with the rush of getting caught, it was almost divine how good he’s fucking you.
it’s so divine that you forget that jaehyun was freezing up under your touch earlier, that you forget you’re supposed to be edging him with your words and hands.
“am i doing good, (y/n)-ssi?” the innocence laced within his voice ignites something inside of you, nodding incoherently that you have to give a few seconds before getting your words out.
“mhm- hm- you’re fucking me so good that i can’t even talk, baby. i think that’s- f..fuck- enough proof for you- ah!”
jaehyun basically preens at the praise, burying his face into your neck with the gentleness of a feather while his hips piston in and out of you contrastingly. the squelching noises fill the room like no other, echoing in the classroom that stretches at least two stories, and you’re so tempted to let your whimpers break free, wanting to hear it in the same space that jaehyun’s fucking you in.
“(y/n)-ssi! (y/n)-ssi, oh fuck, baby-“ the pet name slips from his mouth, his movements consisted more of chasing his orgasm rather than pleasing you, but you don’t mind with the way his breaths hit your neck and your sweat mingles with his. you’re grasping onto his shoulders you hard you’re convinced you’re going to dislocate them.
“more, more, more- i want more, (y/n)-ssi,” jaehyun choked out, fisting at your nipples in between his index and thumb. you tremble at the contact, but your hands don’t show it when you brush away the hair that’s stuck to his forehead. his eyes and nose are red, drool falling from the corners of his mouth.
“you’re doing so good, angel.” he moans with the compliment, tears now fully falling as his eyes screw shut at the way you’re clenching around his cock and the way that his balls slap against your cunt lewdly.
“‘m close, (y/n)! mmhhn-!” he doesn’t get the chance to finish his sentence before he’s cumming deep in you, filling you up with his seed. you don’t miss the way his cock throbs inside of you as his cum continues to leak from his cock. in a second, jaehyun fucks the cum back into you, knowing you haven’t came for the second time.
“make me cum like a good boy, jaehyun,” you pant out, playing with your clit as his thrusts become sloppy yet again. he’s cumming again?
you get your answer when you feel another rush of white hot cum stuffed deep into your pussy, filling you to the brim while you reach your own orgasm. your lips let out little pants, while your eyes are fixated on the way jaehyun’s pupils dilate. it’s not long before he pulls out, your juices mixing with his seed which spills out like a bottle without a lid.
it flows down your thighs uncomfortably, but you swipe it up with a finger lingering at the edge of his lips. the other takes your digit with compliance, making a mess and slurping and slobbering all over. it sparks endless ideas in your mind.
“mhm… maybe next time i’ll let you suck on my cock, huh? then i’d fuck you dumb like what you just did to me. whatd’ya say?” the sheepish smile jaehyun gives is all the confirmation you need, even more determined to ruin him silly when he takes two more fingers into his mouth.
he would just have to collect that bet money a hundred times over, because you’d definitely fuck him that many times.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
𝓠𝓾𝓲𝓭𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓬𝓱 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓒𝓱𝓸𝓬𝓸𝓵𝓪𝓽𝓮
Group : NCT
Pairing : Griffyndor! Mark Lee x gn! Reader 
Genre : hp au, rivals to lovers, light angst to absolute fluff
Word count : 4.4K words   |    M.list
Warnings : injury, swearing
Summary :  ‘He had nightmares of you slipping right past his fingers and him failing to catch you. He relives that moment.’
a/n: thank you for 1000 followers you absolute cuties!! sending lots of smooches and snuggles your way!!
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“Aren’t you going to ask how the coolest champion is feeling about tomorrow’s match?”
You watched Donghyuck, your fellow housemate and best friend since you first stepped onto the Hogwarts train, expectantly. He spared you a quick glance as he plopped down beside you on the couch in your shared common room, too busy to munch on his chocolate frog to give you any further attention. 
“I’ve already asked Mark.”
You would like to be able to say you were surprised at his answer, but his teasing character has become an usual by now
It still baffled you how you managed to even tolerate each other, much less get to share a bond as deep as the one you developed along the years. You two had next to nothing in common other than your cunning wit. While Donghyuck delved deep into his love for astronomy, which you despised with a burning fervor, you dedicated your time to Quidditch entirely. 
You loved the sport dearly, it offered you that adrenaline rush you were born to chase, that quickened heartbeat as you rushed to catch the Golden Snitch. You spent every spare moment you could find in your hectic schedule on the pitch with the wind threading through strands of your hair and your hands clenched so tightly onto your broomstick your knuckles turn white. And you adored every second of that. But what you definitely didn’t adore was Mark Lee.
“And worst best friend award goes to surprise surprise Lee Donghyuck!”
He shrugged unimpressed by your weak attack and focuses back on his damned frog.
Mark Lee. Unfortunately for your sanity, you had to see him almost as often as you decided to practice on your own. If there was one thing you shared with him and you respected him for was his own commitment to Quidditch. More often that not, you’d have to share the pitch with him in your spare time, taunting each other for the entire period of time you spent practicing. He was the beloved Seeker of Gryffindor, their pride and joy and your rival ever since you were both accepted in your respective teams.
“So what’s your score against him?”
“It’s a draw.”
Yes, you were that petty. You and Mark kept the score on how many times you defeated each other in matches. It didn’t actually matter which team actually won, the only thing that mattered for your childish competition was who managed to catch the Golden Snitch.
“That’s why you’re so tense?”
“Bingo, smartpants.”
“What even is the big deal about your little game? It’s not like either of you actually gets something out of this.”
“I gain the right to stick my win in his face and vice versa.”
Teasing between you and Mark often stretched your patience to its maximum and ended up in one of you snapping like a chord under pressure. Donghyuck shivered as he remembered the final match of your fourth year when your house lost against Gryffindor due to Mark catching the Snitch before you. He could vividly remember the blood rushing through his veins in fear at the sight of you battling Mark shoulder to shoulder at a dangerous speed, arm stretched out so far he believed you’d topple over at any moment.
He doesn’t want a repeat of the miserable image of you he saw at the time, a defeated you, slumped on the bench in your changing room, head lowered in ultimate shame and disappointment as bitter tears rolled off your face, splashing against the floor as Donghyuck watched worriedly through the half opened door. Mark had really done a number on you that day.
“You have to win, Y/N.”
“Why the sudden change of heart, wasn’t our competition meaningless for your highness?”
“I don’t give a frog’s toe about your competition, but I want to spend time time with you this summer. And not just to watch you practice until you drop.”
You scoffed. You knew that he was referring to the summer after your horrifying defeat against Mark. Donghyuck could barely get a hold of you since you spent all day on your broom, tiring yourself out to your limit.
“Don’t worry, I don’t plan on losing.”
“Already wetting your pants, Y/L/N?”
You didn’t have to turn around to put a face to the taunting voice behind you.
“I don’t know, Lee, should I? You must know since you have more experience than me.”
Mark’s face scrunched up at the reminder of his first year when he lost control of his broom and he quite literally saw his life flash before his eyes. Not very Gryffindor from his part.
“Whatever, we both know how this is about to end. Save your cheap defense until after this final. My team will win this year’s tournament and I’ll beat you individually too.”
The reminder of the stakes of this match weren’t soothing your nerves at all, especially mere hours before you were facing Mark on the pitch. You curled your fists and kept a straight face, not daring to show him any weakness from your side.
“Shove that pointless confidence up your ass until you prove you’re worthy of it, Lee.”
“Oh so fourth year isn’t enough proof?”
The corner of your lips twitched and your eyes narrowed. zeroing on his tense featured in a chilling glare.
“You said matches don’t count, didn’t you? You were the one insisting that you didn’t consider anything a victory other than catching the Snitch before me. And in that aspect, last I verified, we’re equals.”
His lips moved soundlessly, trying to come up with a retort, but you didn’t spare him enough time to come up with anything, turning on your heels and marching away to meet Donghyuck.
“You’ll see, Y/L/N, you’ll never be my equal.”
His voice followed you tauntingly through the busy corridors, your rushed footsteps taking you anywhere but close to the only person who could make your blood boil.
It took three pep talks and four ‘friendly’ attacks of your personal space from Donghyuck to make you gather your spirits and stop the tremors shaking up your entire body. He walked you to the changing room’s door, patting you roughly on the back one last time
“Give your best, I’ll be watching from the stands. I trust that you won’t let me get bored. Also, remember that if you lose you’re sleeping on the mat in front of the entrance in our common room.”
And with that he skipped away, hurried to find a good spot in the stands that were already starting to fill up with students. You sigh, used to his weird way of encouraging you and stepped inside the room, greeting Jungwoo, your captain and your fellow teammates, starting to change into your Quidditch uniform.
As soon as you set foot on the familiar pitch, your eyes met Mark’s who stood straight and proud side by side with his own captain sporting his Gryffindor red cape and holding his broom, the newest Nimbus model.
You Keeper was talking your ear off about the ‘amazingly efficient’ polish he found, but you couldn’t seem to rip your gaze away from Mark who in turn seemed to burn through you with his gaze. He threw you a smirk as if provoking you to lose your cool. But you decided you wouldn’t allow him the satisfaction.
The stands were already roaring to life. Any match between you and Mark was very sought after by everyone in your school due to the intensity it held each time. Despite the already loudness surrounding the pitch, one high pitched screech couldn’t help but catch your attention.
“KICK SOME ASS, Y/N! Or the mat is waiting for you!”
Count on Donghyuck to be the embarrassing mom rooting for you at her child’s every sport event. You shoot him a warning look to which he only responded with an over dramatic wink and an even louder ’whoop’. You could only sigh, appreciating his support despite your lack of reaction to it.
“I’ll kick your ass, Lee Donghyuck.”
You muttered, trying to stop the smile forming on your lips. A snort came from the side, making your head snap in its direction.
“Try your best, Y/LN, too bad you’ll still disappoint lover boy over there.”
“Jealous, Lee?”
“You wish.”
Madam Hooch interrupted your banter with a shrill whistle, stepping in between the two teams while holding the Quaffle.
“Alright, boys and girls, mount your brooms.”
Within seconds all players were high in the air, adrenaline pumping through your veins, your heated gaze locked with Mark’s. It became kind of a tradition between the two of you, intense stare downs before the official start of the game. Madam Hooch’s voice which carried the same words every time sounded far away as she bent down, ready to throw the Quaffle.
“Alright, I want a clean and fair game, hear me? Good luck and may the best win.”
The long deafening whistle signified the start of the match and Chasers whizzed past you, speeding towards the Quaffle. You and Mark broke eye contact, each of you getting immersed in the game, your sole focus being on catching sight of the Golden Snitch.
The weather worsened as the game progressed, the unpredictable May weather acting up. The clouds darkened, completely shutting out any ray of sunshine trying to sneak past them, a thickening fog suffocating the school grounds. Slowly but surely, what started as a few scattered rain drops soon turned into a full blown storm, a cold shower falling atop of you, the harsh wind whipping your capes back and forth. The stands were barely visible, the cheers from below inaudible over the wind and the players’ yells.
If it wasn’t hard enough already to spot the small, golden ball, now it seemed close to impossible. You could make out Mark’s silhouette flying around, but you didn’t linger any longer on him, focused on catching sight of the Snitch. Bludgers were flying everywhere, the Beaters’ efficiency decreasing because of the lack of visibility, another worry to add to the list.
Gryffindor was in the lead with 20 points, the score remaining tight as the match dragged on and on. You had already been playing for a while, your uniforms were already soaked and your skin paling from the biting cold of the unforgiving rain, but the conditions only spurred you further. You had to catch the Snitch.
Just as your patience was running thin, you caught sight of a fast-moving golden spot, hovering on the sidelines. Without a second thought, you sped towards it, your surroundings blurring as your eyes focused solely on the already moving Snitch. Mark noticed your forceful actions immediately, whizzing past the others players and nearing you.
“And Y/L/N seems to have finally spotted the Golden Snitch! Both Seekers are bolting after it, I can barely keep track of them!”
The crowd exploded, cheering louder than ever, but you couldn’t hear anything, pushing yourself to the limit as Mark caught up to you and you battled side by side once again. The Snitch seemed to be angrier than ever, jerking furiously at every corner, but you didn’t let yourself be caught by surprise, keeping up with it.
Until it started speeding in a straight line, stopping its irregular twists and turns and you knew that was your chance. You flew at top speed, stretching your hand in front of you so much that your muscles almost protested and Mark followed suit. You were shoulder to shoulder with him, subtly knocking into each other in an attempt to make the other lose their balance.
“Move! It’s mine!”
His hoarse voice yelled right by your year, only making you grit your teeth harder.
“Fuck off, Lee!”
Your fingertips were a breath away from the Snitch, Mark’s arm pressing into yours, the cold wind biting at your cheeks. Desperately, you shifted your weight from your bottom to the hand clutching your broomstick, leaning forward on your arm and before Mark could react, you lurched forward slightly, encasing the running object in the palm of your hand, clutching it so tightly it left marks into the skin, but you didn’t care. 
You did it. You caught the Golden Snitch.
Before you could regain your stance, a Bludger knocked into your broom forcefully. With your already unsteady grip on the broomstick, you toppled over in an instant, the broom slipping from under you, but you didn’t dare unclench the fingers trapping the Snitch in your hand.
Mark’s desperate yell seemed to be the only sound echoing in your ears as you plummeted. The last thing you saw before you knocked loudly into the ground with a sickening crack were Mark’s distressed features, a hand stretched to its full extent in front of him as he rushed to get a hold of you, your own outstretched fingers slipping right past his.
Surprisingly, as soon as you managed to crack your eyes open you weren’t hit with a blinding light. It still seemed to take a great effort to keep them open for longer than a second, your hand twitching in an attempt to bring it to cover your sensitive eyes, but being stopped by a weight forcing it down. 
You groaned, scrunching up your face as soreness hit your body full force at your attempt to move.
“Merlin, Y/N, can you open your eyes?”
You could recognize Donghyuck’s voice anywhere, but the almost desperate tone he used was quite foreign to you.
“Come on, babe, open your eyes. Madam Pomfrey! ”
You realized the weight on your hand were actually his fingers which now squeezed yours encouragingly as his other hand came up to smooth strands of your hair away from your face. You clenched your teeth, forcing an eye open.
“Stop fucking yelling, punk.”
At your annoyed retort, he let out a relieved sigh, wrapping his arms gently around you while trying not to jostle you too much.
“Thank Merlin, you’re back.”
After Madam Pomfrey checked on you and updated you on your injuries which were a bit more serious than you expected, she left you with Donghyuck once again. He leaned back in his chair, a lot more relaxed than in the past days he’s had to spend by your bedside. You furrowed your eyebrows.
“The match. We won the match right?”
Donghyuck snorted as your first question was about Quidditch instead of your own health, but it didn’t even surprise him anymore.
“Yes, you crazy hag, you won.”
“Yes! We did it! We won!”
You’ve never felt more relieved in your entire life. You finally proved to yourself that all the time and work you’ve put into Quidditch wasn’t for nothing. And if this was the elevation you’d feel after winning cups, you were ready to spend the rest of your youth chasing the Snitch.
“You should eat some chocolate, gain your energy back.”
Now that he mentioned it, you finally focused on your nightstand that overflowed with sweets. You grabbed the closest one, a chocolate frog, not hesitating to stuff it all in your mouth and collect the card inside. Another Nicolas Flamel, you already had two of those. 
“Those are a lot.”
“Tell me about it. Don’t worry, I’ll help you finish them.”
“I don’t doubt that.”
“Hyuck, tell me, did Jungwoo cry?”
“Should’ve seen him, like a baby. I’m pretty sure he filled half of that cup with snot-”
“Ewww, I didn’t need all the gross details. Ah, I’m sorry for missing that. And Lee’s face, I bet I’d sleep like a baby for the next 10 years if I had the chance to see that.“
Donghyuck’s lips were suddenly pulled into a smirk, eyes glinting with a dangerous mischief.
“You should see one of your beaters, damn nice nose Mark delivered.”
Your munching slowed down, gulping down the sweetness loudly.
“What do you mean? Did that petty git start a fight?”
“Wouldn’t say it was out of pettiness actually.”
Mark was the first to land beside your crumpled figure, dismounting his broom faster than ever and crouching hurriedly before you. His hand ghosted over your cold cheek, too scared to touch you in case he did more harm than good. His shaking pupils fixated on you, running a hundred miles per hour over your face, hoping, praying that you’d open your eyes and celebrate in his face.
“Hey, wake up, don’t play games on the pitch, you already won! Y/L/N!”
Mark knew deep inside that you had no games left to play after a fall like that, but it was his first time seeing you so small, so hurt, so defeated despite the shining Golden Snitch still clutched loosely in your limp hand. It scared him.
“Bloody hell, wake up! Madam Hooch! Help! Anyone, help!”
His head snapped around trying to catch sight of anyone coming to your aid, eyes scanning through the fog crazily. The rain seemed to fall faster and faster, the chill settling deep into your bones. Exhausted, Mark lowered his head in defeat, his forehead gently leaning on yours, his nose nudging against yours. One of his hands still touched your cheek, lightly caressing it, thumb running over the apple of your cheek as his other hand curled into a fist against the ground.
Jungwoo landed next, almost tripping over his broom as he rushed over to you and knelt next to you, opting to ignore the position Mark was in and focus on your well being. Mark’s head didn’t even turn as he spoke lowly.
“Do something for Merlin’s sake. Get Madam Hooch, or Pomfrey! Anyone dammit, just to something!”
Mark raised himself at the lack of response from Jungwoo who seemed rotten to his spot, freezing at the sight of you.
“Are you deaf?! Fucking help!”
That seemed to snap Jungwoo out of his frozen state as he jumped to his feet, sprinting towards the stand where teachers usually stayed during matches. One by one, your teams landed and gathered near you as Mark’s yells of help guided them to you.
“Merlin, that doesn’t look good.”
Mark’s burning gaze settled on your beater who stood a few meters away, leaning on his broom.
“It would have looked better if you did your part right.”
The beater rolled his eyes at Mark’s harsh remark.
“Relax, man, I just wasn’t playing attention for a moment.”
“And you think that’s a proper excuse?!”
Mark was fired up by now, lifting himself to his feet as one of your Chasers, a year younger than you crouched by your side, gripping your hand. He sauntered over, coming face to face with the beater who didn’t seem that interested.
“I’m just saying it’s not my fault their own incompetence landed themselves in the hospital wing, I’m not pulling anyone’s wight al-”
He didn’t get to finish his mocking words as Mark’s fist met his nose with a loud crunch, Mark’s powerful swing sending him to the ground as blood started dripping from his nose steadily.
“Don’t you ever talk about Y/N like that. Not ever again. If I hear one bad word about them coming out of your worthless mouth, I’ll hex you into next year. You’ll never be half of the player Y/N already is, remember your place, asshole.”
Madam Hooch was already tending to you by the time Mark turned back to you, deeming it safe enough for you to be moved to the hospital wing. Donghyuck, who sprinted out of the stand as soon as he heard your name coming out of Jungwoo’s mouth, held your head in his lap, smoothed down your hair, pushing away wet strands that covered your eyes.
Mark strode over to you, taking off his cap and laying it over your body as he slotted an arm under your legs, his other coming around your back. He lifted your body, cradling you against his chest as Donghyuck also stood up to fix your position in Mark’s arms into a more comfortable one.
“Off to the hospital wing,now. Quick, quick, quick!”
Mark didn’t waste another moment before he hurried inside the castle with you in his hold and Donghyuck quick on his heels.
“Mark Lee stood up for me? The same Mark Lee who hates my guts since we first got in our Quidditch teams?”
“Do you know another Mark Lee? Maybe he didn’t hate you that much after all, or…not at all. After all, all these chocolate frogs are from him, said something about seeing you exchange some cards with his Griffyndor friend in class or something.”
“He visited?”
“We wouldn’t be able to get rid of him sometimes. He opened up to me once when we met outside the door trying to sneak in one night.”
“Why were you even sneaking in?”
“I was bored, okay? I had no one to tire me out during the day.”
“Anyway, he said he had nightmares of you slipping right past his fingers and him failing to catch you. He relives that moment.”
“Did it really affect him that much? Accidents happen all the time.”
“Not to you, Y/N.”
“Maybe, but I’m just another player from the opposite team., right? …Do you think he…?”
Donghyuck brought a hand up to his head, massaging his temples as he sighed with annoyance.
“You’re too dense.”
“How could I have known? ”
“Look, just talk to him as soon as you can. That boy needs to finally sleep properly, even my grandma’s bag has a lighter color than his eye bags.”
You just nodded, a bit skeptic.
You were discharged on that same day. Jungwoo almost cried again when you met in the common room, hugging you tightly, praising and scolding you at the same time with a brotherly smile.
You first saw Mark Lee in the halfway, after your Potions class. He was sitting on the ledge of a large window, staring seemingly into space. Donghyuck’s words echo in your mind as you decide to approach him and hop onto the space beside him, settling comfortable against the window behind you.
“Woah, Lee, Donghyuck was right, you could really use some concealer.”
Mark jostled as if he only noticed you now. His wide doe eyes racked over your smiling face and he seemed to panic internally.
“Whe-When did you get here? Why are you out of bed?”
“Because I was discharged?”
“What? Since when?”
“Earlier today.”
He cleared his throat awkwardly, eyes running wild everywhere but in your direction. You chuckled.
“It’s okay, I already know how much the almighty Mark Lee worried over poor little me.”
Mark scoffed, his embarrassed behavior vanishing. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. I see that hit to your head didn’t help with your sharp tongue, disappointingly.”
He swiftly moved away, starting to walk away from you until your hand clasped around his wrist, stopping him mid step.
“Wait, I just… I wanted to thank you.”
Mark seemed confused now, turning back to you with furrowed eyebrows.
“Thank me? What for?”
“Standing up for me and uh, you know, taking care of me.”
Mark’s face darkened at the memory of your beater.
“That git was just asking for it and I barely did anything.”
“Then at least let me repay you for the chocolate frogs you brought me.”
Now he seemed to choke on a confused ‘huh?’ with a bewildered expression that just melted your otherwise cocky demeanor.
“W-what? How-”
Mark’s words died in his throat as you slotted your lips against his in a teasing kiss, your hand holding the nape of his next affectionately and pulling him closer you. Mark took a few moments to realize it was actually happening in reality, not just an illusion from the lack of sleep. His hands came up to your waist, wrapping you in his embrace and pulling you against him impossibly closer. Years of pushed down passion and longing were exchanged in that moment, dizzying both of you.
As you pulled away from each other for air, Mark could taste the faint sweetness of chocolate on his lips. He smiled and his whole rival image turned into a lovesick teenage boy with a smile brighter than the sun. He laughed quietly, thumbs caressing your sides gently.
“I see you enjoyed your chocolate.”
You leaned more into him, pulling his face so close to yours that your noses brushed against each other’s, your ravished breath fanning across his lips as you whispered.
“I did. I’m glad I’m so interesting to you that you observe me in class enough to know that I collect chocolate frogs cards.”
You expected a blush to paint his cheeks red, an elbow in your side or at least an annoyed huff but you got none of that. Instead, one of Mark’s hands came up to cradle your cheek as he stared deep into your eyes with an unreadable look.
“Excuse me but it’s hard not to look when I have the prettiest person I’ve ever seen who also happens to be my crush since 3rd year.”
Your eyes widened, searching his for any hint that he may be just lying or teasing you. But all you could find was pure, unadulterated fondness, a withheld fire burning low in his eyes. He leaned down, lips brushing against the shell of your ear and sending goosebumps across the expanse of your skin.
“It’s been so hard not to just pull you aside and snog you senseless, especially in your Quidditch uniform.”
You decided to play along. You brought your fingers to his heated neck, running them faintly over his skin and you smirked seeing him shiver at your touch.
“Having a kink for uniforms, Lee?”
Mark screeched lowly, pulling away from you as if burned. He smoothed down his robes, fixating you with a glare that made you laugh.
“Y/N, I’m serious, though. I like you, I really really lo-….like you.”
You noticed his stutter, but it only made your smile widen as you stretched out a hand to intertwine his fingers with yours and pull him along down the corridor.
“Hm, I’ll need some more proof of that.”
Mark squeezed your hand in response, chuckling at you sweetly. He leaned over, pressing a feather like kiss to your temple.
“Don’t worry, you’re nowhere done with your payment back to me. And I only accept it in the form of kisses and cuddles.”
You smiled at each other, your hearts finally settling satisfied in your chests after years of internal turmoil that finally burned out.
“That can be arranged easily.”
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labarch · 4 years
The boy who came from Slistas: in which I theorise that Qifrey is a tree
So I have read Witch Hat Atelier, I have connected way too many dots, and I have concluded that Qifrey is a silver tree who was turned human and experimented upon to allow the Brimhats to perform blood magic. And he is a little freaked out about the whole situation.
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Please come dive down that rabbit hole with me (detailed spoilers up to Chapter 40 under the cut):
There are indications early on that silver trees have ties to blood magic. Silver trees are described as very human-like, and possibly sentient: the magical ink taken from their sap is described as the tree’s “very blood”, a legend claims that a silver tree fell in love with a witch, and Beldarut claims that these trees, like humans, choose where they live and are capable of some form of self-determination. According to the shopkeeper Nornoa, it’s a mystery why these trees are so different from others, and integral to drawing magic. A side theory here could be that silver trees started out as humans, and that the act of drawing the sap of silver trees to get magic ink began as some manner of blood sacrifice. Which brings me to my next point:
Iguin the Brimhat is a blood magic user, and this plays a role in his overarching scheme. We know that he wants Coco to embrace forbidden magic to disrupt the statu quo established by witch society, but it seems to be only one facet of his plan. Early in the story, he is shown pouring his own blood into Coco’s inkwell, giving her the enhanced magic that leads her to alter a whole landscape. What’s a bit puzzling here is that the ink is described as “blue-tinged” by Nornoa when he examines it, and he says it is mixed with a lot of different components. So, presumably, blood alone isn’t enough to make magic happen, but it can be used as a magical enhancer. Or, at least, Iguin’s blood can: whether he achieved this by experimenting on himself, or whether any blood can work as enhancer when mixed with the right ingredients, hasn’t yet been explored. In any case, this resonates well with the mythos of the near-sentient silver tree and its magic-giving blood. Iguin has this troubling line while drawing out his blood “How long can you hide the fact that magic is just a lie?”, which points to the idea that there’s a secret about the origin of magic that witch society either forgot, or chose to cover up.
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Which brings me to our favourite overzealous secret-bearer, Qifrey, and his possible links with Iguin’s plot. Iguin is our primary suspect for stealing Qifrey’s eye: he seems familiar with him from the beginning of the story (“I’ll teach you everything that Qifrey won’t”), and they are natural foils in the narrative, being rival teachers to Coco. There is also the theme of the eye, which Iguin uses both as his mask and as his namesake “Lidless Eye, Sight of the world”. Until the story gives us further elements, it is natural to assume that Iguin’s plan, the experimentations done on Qifrey, and the plot Qifrey feels duty-bound to stop, are all parts of the same whole. Qifrey’s urgency to stop this plan “before anyone finds out” mirrors Iguin’s earlier line “how long can you hide that magic is a lie”.
Qifrey was experimented on with “a new type of magic”. The forbidden magic we have seen so far had a lot to do with human transformation, and particularly with turning humans into animals or objects (the petrification of Coco’s mother, Sasaran’s accidental hybridization with his own cat, Eunie’s transformation into a scaled wolf, the gilded people of Romonon…). The natural opposite of that magic would be one that gives human shape to an animal, an object - or a silver tree, so that a new type of magic ink can be harvested from it. Having his eye plucked out would then work as a grim parallel to the way witches gain magic by cutting out branches from silver trees. It may even be because of that stolen eye that Iguin is able to perform blood magic. Also note that Slistas, the forest of shadows in which Qifrey was found, started out as a forest of silver trees until a necromancer used it as experimental ground to bring the dead back to life. You could imagine that a few silver trees would have survived the corruption of the forest, and could have been used for the Brimhats’ experiments.
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There’s some more shared symbolism between Qifrey and silver trees, starting with their color schemes. The role of silver trees as givers of magic matches Qifrey’s role in the narrative as the one who introduces Coco to the magical world. There’s the comparison drawn by Beldarut between Qifrey seeking a home and a silver tree choosing a place to take root (Qifrey is clearly most comfortable when surrounded in nature and loves nothing more than frolicking in the countryside, if that counts as a proof).
I also found it interesting that in chapter 40, when Qifrey reveals that he has been a test subject for a new type of forbidden magic, the panels then alternate between Olruggio’s shocked reaction and shots of what looks like an unfurling silver tree.
From a wider story perspective, Qifrey’s backstory would be an interesting twist in Coco’s journeys and struggles, which center on the ethics of magic. If Qifrey owes his current human life to forbidden magic, is he de facto illegal according to the rules of witch society? Plus that sort of reveal would be a shocking enough revelation to explain Qifrey’s desperation and rashness, while still retaining the whimsical atmosphere of the manga (Coco! Your professor is actually a magic tree person! Please make sure he gets good soil and plenty of natural light).
Aaaaand that’s my deep-dive pet theory! Thank you so much for reading, and I’d love to see some of your speculations on the manga as well!
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jaeminscoffee · 3 years
Colours | X. Dj
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Pairing» Xiaojun x f!Reader
Genre» Angst, Fluff, Smut (suggestive)
Warning(s)» Friends to lovers trope, Xiaojun kinda loses his temper but that subdues, heavy makeout session, groping, public sex, fingering, implied sex towards the ending (open imagination since the request was kinda vague), steamy, our boi dejun get's flustered by Y/n's bubbly personality. I think that's about it. Lmao not proof read, so it will contain a hell lot of mistakes.
Wc; type» 2.06k ; oneshot
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All Xiaojun could see is Red. 
To have the person who dragged him all the way to some stupid reunion party against his will to abandon him in the first five minutes with the pathetic excuse of "I'll go grab us some drinks" only to never return back to his aid had Xiaojun boil with anger. 
To have you smiling and laughing, clinging and grasping at a man he's never seen before is Infuriating. 
To see you so smitten by a guy other than Xiaojun had him seeing crimson with comically visible smoke coming out of his ears, arms shaking, jaw set rigid with palms growing moist from all the clenching and unclenching. 
Xiaojun felt yellow. 
He felt insecure at how the man before you just seemed to be much to your taste. 
He felt unsure of whether or not he should risk walking up to you and talk the talk he'd wanted to let out since the day you stood up for the lad. And inevitably, and much to his pleasure, stood by him in the process till date. 
He felt that maybe, just maybe, he's not worthy of having a girl as astounding as you. And all that sliver of hope he'd held onto only seemed to be slipping away from his grasp. 
Xiaojun felt blue. 
The dreading feeling that he'd lose all that the two of you built until where your relationship stands today with a single mistake bubbles inside of him. 
Watching you from afar with a man potentially your dream guy just made him feel blue. Numb, and as though a part of him was slowly chipping away. 
The immense feeling of sheer sadness had him want to turn on his heels and back out to what he thinks "get out of your way" and to prevent further breakage of his heart. 
Until he saw red again. 
Watching you throw yourself at this stranger, arms tightly wrapped around the bastard's waist, hips joint, with his hands running through the soft curls of your tresses, "who does he think he is?" 
How entitled must this man think he is to expand the white between the two of you? You and Xiaojun were meant to be and he'd only flick your head and call you stupid if you ever said otherwise. 
Eyebrows furrowing as Xiaojun followed each of your actions. How your chin tucks and you hide your face in this 'dream bastard's' chest, arms idly resting on his torso, your hair covering your face from all the moving around. He kept watching you;
Until your gaze met. 
Time seemed to stand still, in a much cliché fashion. Seeing the expressionless look on his face seemed to have clicked the power on button somewhere in your head.
You'd unintentionally abandoned the man you promised you wouldn't. 
Almost as though Xiaojun could see the wheels turning inside your head, he sneers at you, immediately turning around to walk into a corner the moment he saw you approaching him through the crowd filled with hookers, stoners, and people too bored for their own good. 
"Jun, wait up!" 
He could hear your shrill voice call out to him the moment he rounded a turn. He didn't turn, however, mind clouded red, crimson and ebony with jealousy, envy and all mixed emotions, he felt dizzy. 
You catching up to him only seemed to worsen his dizziness, "Jun! I-i'm so sorry i forgot about you, it's just my b-" 
"Forgot about me, huh?" Xiaojun's voice comes gruff, hoarse from the inadequate usage. He doesn't bother turning around to look at you, wouldn't have done much anyways, the lighting of the area so dim, he can barely make out your silhouette. 
Besides, his vision is clouded with black, wouldn't have done much anyways. 
"No no, not forget forget about you! I just got caught up with my b-" 
"boyfriend? Y/n, are you oblivious to not know how  I feel? Am I vague? Oh I'm sorry, am I not obvious enough?" Through the darkness, you could see Xiaojun's shoulder shake, his tone strained, his head hung low, avoiding your gaze the closer you got. "Jun, what are you talking about?" 
You seemed to be feeling grey, confused. 
"Your boyfriend, Y/n." 
"Jun, boyfriend-!" "I like you damn it!" you flinch as he abruptly turns around, the red building inside him so rapidly that it inevitably ends up exploding.
"You know I like you, no, I love you. Why else would you have been waltzing around acting like a pliant, docile girlfriend?" The grey intensifies within you the faster Xiaojun talks quick strides towards you. 
Your silence and the unconscious stepping back seemed to plant a seed of yellow within him again. "You led me on. You seemingly ignored my feelings. Because you obviously know I like you, don't you?" The red appears again, mixing with the intense yellow, blending into a terrific orange as Xiaojun closes the space between the two of you with newfound confidence. 
"You like me.." you whisper, your palms pressing onto the greasy wall behind you where Xiaojun had you cornered, your eyes shaking in ecstasy. He likes you, no. He loves you.
"You need to a whole 'nother level of airhead if you think i view you merely as a friend-" Somewhere in your head, you know he's talking to you, but his voice seems to numb out in the beautiful crimson that's taking over your heart, with a slight mix of elegant yellow and purple so faint it could come off as violet. "You like me!" you look up at him. 
"-Yes, Y/n, keep up god damn! But do you care? Of course not! You go get yourself a boyfriend while i wallow in self pity-" 
"Oh god you like me!" you bounce with all the vibrant colors swirling inside you, your arms lifting up to wrap around the lads neck, who jumps at the unexpected action, looking down at you with a mixture of confusion and slight fury.
"Does it matter, Y/n? Your boyfriend's probably looking for you now-" 
"Jun, what are you talking about? I don't have a boyfriend!" you pull him down to be leveled with you, looking him intensely in the eye as you watch the familiar grey dominate his irises. 
"Th-Then, that man you were all over..? You cannot possibly tell me he's not your boyfriend" he seems to be fighting to hold onto the red fury as it slowly turns into a rosy flush. "The man I was all over..?" you question seemingly to yourself, as the wheels turn  in your head once again until the entire process comes to an abrupt halt at the realization hitting you. 
"Jun, that's my brother! My cousin!" 
The look on the lad's face is so incredulous that you break out into a cheshire grin, "you were jealous of my brother?" you giggle, as you playfully punch at his chest which deflates as he radiates bright crimson, skin heated. 
"o-okay brother. brother, alright. Though, I still don't stand a chance, do i?" Xiaojun questions, stammering with embarrassment while being overcome with a sudden sense of blue. Sure you didn't have a boyfriend, doesn't change the fact that you're way out of his league. 
You stare into his eyes, hoping that would somehow convey the answer to his question, but the more you just look at him, the more the light in his eyes seems to dim out. 
Offering him a soft smile, which he doesn't seem to notice, you catch him off guard when you lift his head up, tilting it while pressing your lips onto his ever so gently. Providing a soft peck as you sigh in ecstasy. 
You let your lips linger a little longer, silently pouring out your heart into the soft action of affection before hesitantly pulling away. 
"Does that answer your question?" your gentle voice pulls Xiaojun out of his haze. 
You kissed him. You like him. He stands a chance with you. 
That seems to snap the last bit of self restraint in him as he captures your lips once again with much fervor. Molding his lips with yours, all signs of softness thrown out of the window as his hands circle your hips, pulling you flush against him. 
The feeling of your heat encircling him makes him groan into the kiss, making a wave of shock run through your spine. The hairs on your hand standing proud as you play with the hair at the back of his neck, pulling at it. 
Biting down on your lips, Xiaojun positively earns a moan from you. He takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into yours, easily dominating your tongue as you slowly, subconsciously start grinding against him, making him squeeze tight at your hips. 
"I.. Love you.. Jun" you say in between the kiss as his hands travel further south, groping at your ass, pulling you in, supporting your grinds on his crotch.
"Fuck.." he sighs at the words, slithering wet kisses from your lips to the edge of your lips, moving onto the jaw before choosing to nip at the skin, "say it again, doll" he rasps onto your neck, while his hands sneakily makes its way under the flimsy material of your skirt, thumbing at your growing wetness while staring intently at you, silently asking for the green flag to proceed.
"I.. I love you. I love you, Xiaojun!" you nod at him while pouring all your adoration onto the lad, you'd waited too long for the two of you to take it slow from now on forth. 
Xiaojun moves your panties to the side, immediately finding the bundle of nerves, pressing nimbly onto your clit, basking in your little whimpers and shakes. 
He wastes no time to draw figure eights onto the sensitive bud, cooing at you while marking his territory on your neck, your jaw, the naked skin of your shoulders and collarbone, exposed by the off shoulder top you'd chosen for the evening. 
"I love you, too, princess. You've no idea how long I've waited for this moment." he moans onto your neck while sliding in a slender digit into your wet cavern. 
You grow frantic, soaking in all the emotions Xiaojun is pouring onto you with his actions and words, being pulled close to your high, embarrassing faster than you'd appreciate.
"You've no idea how many times I'm imagined taking you until all you can remember is my name, not even yours" he starts moving his digits after fitting in another one of his long fingers, the slick pouring out of your cunt pooling onto his palms as your moans come out as squeals. Your brain is hazing with a pleasant pink, blue and red. All of the emotions overwhelming you.
"You look gorgeous, doll face" he kisses softly at the side of your lips when you start clenching around his fingers, the knot in your stomach threatening to snap.
"J-Jun.." you sigh, face flush with content, legs shaking, your form only being held up by his strong grip, his intense gaze making you feel so small, so vulnerable, all the tell-tale signs of your orgasm nearing you present as he accelerates his fingers, clearly catching onto the fact that you'd come undone any second. 
"You gonna come for me, pretty? Am I making you feel good?" he grunts while nibbling at the lobe of your ears, digits moving so fast inside your calls that you can hear the squelching obscene voices of your walls over the loud music playing in the background, his palm constantly rubbing against your clit. 
"Feel's so g-good, Jun.." You grip onto his forearm to keep you grounded as your orgasm washes over you. Your jaw slacks as you convulse around his fingers. Xiaojun cooing praises into your ears as he helps you ride out your orgasm, pulling you into a kiss as you push his fingers away when he slowly drives you into overstimulation. 
"Fuck, you're perfect." he stares at you with adoration while you catch your breath. Forcing yourself to step out of your daze. You smile shyly until it turns into a sly smirk as you move your hands to grab at his painfully evident dent, slowly rasping out as you move closer to him,
"Your place or mine?" 
The red never felt so satisfying to Xiaojun until now. 
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