#future Hakumyu
liliththunder · 26 days
Hakumyu in 2025
With Hakumyu currently running in the theatre and the current cast being active on twitter, there have been some clues flying around who's next with standing in the centre of attention and being recipient of Chizuru's affection.
There are categories to chances:
1. Cast members popularity
2. After a HijiHen a 〇〇Hen always followed
3. Routes that haven't been done yet
4. Spoilers/ character gets a spotlight with Chizuru in the current show
Within these categories are:
1) OkiHen, TouHen, KazaHen
3) IbaHen, SakaHen
4) (under the cut)
KazaHen appearing twice doesn't mean he has that much of an advantage over the others.
I personally think that IbaHen and SakaHen are currently the most likely. Even though OkiHen and TouHen aren't unlikely either considering how popular Kento and Yuta became.
KazaHen's possiblity is quite high, too, due to Sasaki Yoshihide's popularity and himself posting on twitter in a cryptic way he wants to do KazaHen.
4) again Heisuke Hen, maybe Yamazaki Hen as well (as he gets a harmonised song with Chizuru for the first time), maybe in the near future but not necessarily next year Nagakura Hen.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 26 days
Hakuoki Drama CD - Hijikata Biyori Track 11
Well, guess who passed out early on Sunday when she intended to translate then just couldn't afford the time to translate until now? 😅 Anyway, I'm going to work on a number of the Biyoris since they're short so I can actually put out a few things on time or schedule... because I'm going to be pretty occupied until the May 2nd (presumably), though I did rush this a bit.
Also, I'm pretty sure that the Hijikata Biyori tracks that remain untranslated are tracks: 12, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36 and whatever the Sendai [?] thing was [if memory serves, it's a dialogue with only Harada and Shinpachi]. Please let me know if I'm missing something... or if I included a number of one that was already translated.
This post is to make up for last week! Will start working on the post for this week in a bit since I actually have some time today!
Hakuoki Drama - Hijikata Biyori Track 11: Letter [according to jisho, the JP 文 can alternatively be interpreted as 'texts', 'writing' or 'literary arts'. sorta leaning towards the last one because of Hakumyu LIVE]
Translation by KumoriYami
Harada: Ahh.... so sleepy.
Toudou: You drank too much yesterday, Sano-san.
Harda: Heisuke, aren't you the same?
Toudou: I don't drink until I get hungover.
Hijkata: It's already lively this early in the morning. [added in "already" for sentence flow]
Toudou: Uwah, Hijijkata-san.
Hijikata: Did you go to Shimabara last night?
Harada: Ah.... yeah. Do you have something to say about that [the word here I have translates to "idea / opinion / suggestion / objection / complaint" so I changed that to something more in line what I thought would be appropriate for the character]
Hijikata: No comment/No objections [same explanation as last line] . At this time, the organization is always changing, which has made things chaotic. It's fine to relax once in a while, but… ahh…
Harada: But... what.
Hijkata: It's fine to loosen up, but don't overdue it. In the future, you'll be shouldering the Shinsengumi's reputation, and be making achievements in Kyoto [reword later?]. You guys, you're in the position of being role models for the rest of the troop.
Harada: U-Uh... Toudou: I get it, Hijikata-san. Don't stare at us like that so early in the morning.
Hijikata: Ah, right. Hm? What is it?
Toudou: Um, These letters are are from the Shimabara nee-sans [check audio. the word I have is 'elder sisters' so I'm pretty sure that this fine…]. One, two, three, four. Here, for you.
Hijikata: Ah, yes. What a hassle/You've worked hard.
Harada: Hijikata-san, aren't you enjoying yourself to some extent?
Hijikata: But I don't go overboard. Well then.
Toudou: Ah, he escaped.
Harada: He really has a lot of tricks up his sleeve. He lectures people then runs away. That's right, Heisuke, let's storm into Hijikata-san's room together.
Toudou: Why? Harada: I'm sure he has a smile on his face as he reads those letters right now. Let's go and check it out.
Toudou: Ah, Sano-san, wait!
Harada:...How is it it?
Toudou: He seems to be writing something.
Harada: Oh? Has he already started writing his reply? How about it?
Toudou: Hey, wait, San-san...ah!
Hijikata: What are you two doing!
Harada: Ah, no, um...
Toudou: W-We wanted to see what Hijikata-san is doing. Lo-Look, you've been busy with a lot of work lately. We were wondering if there was something we could help you with…
Harada: Yes, that's right!
Hijikata: I see, you're just in time then. What I writing just now...
Harada: Eh? It's okay to look? Then...
Hijikata: I'd love to hear your opinions.
Toudou: Eh?
Hijikata: Hurry, read it.
Harada: First/One, it's forbidden to violate Bushido.
Toudou: First/One, leaving the Shinsengumi is strictly forbidden.
Harada: What is this!
Hijikata: The number of members of the Shinsengumi will increase in the future. In order to provide better leadership, I wanted to write down some rules that the Shinsengumi members must abide by. I was just working on a draft.
Toudou: Eh? What? Will you need to commit seppuku if you violate them?
Hijikata: Ah. As a samurai, you must pay with your life. Harada: That makes sense, though isn't that too harsh?
Hijikata: Well, both of you sit down. I'll explain what I haven't written down yet. If there are things that disrupt the troop affairs, I plan on having them banned. Additionally, meaningless fights are also unproductive…
Toudou: Where is the response.*
Harada: Don't say that.*
Hijikata: I will especially not tolerate fights within the Shinsengumi. I don't have time for that sort of thing. Also…*
[*I'm not entirely sure about these last bits since one of the tls I saved has this in an order where it looks like that some of the lines might overlap/have things spoken in the background. will fix them later after I hear the audio.]
also, ive been so busy that i havent even gotten around to organizing my latest merch haul... only got around to organizing the bromides.
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Throwing my hat in the ring
I've been meaning to post this for a while, but I just wanted to say that I'm interested in volunteering to help out with editing any future Hakumyu (or Hakumyu-adjacent) translations anyone is working on, if any help is wanted. Unfortunately, I can't help with translation itself, but I can help with English editing, whether you are translating into English and it's not your first language, or you just want another set of eyes checking for typos and such. I can also advise on subtitle line division.
People in this fandom have been nice to me and it's been fun, so I want to give back if anyone wants help now or anytime in the future.
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funjoushi · 3 years
Souma-hen, niconico stream write-up/review
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So! All of a sudden without having really planned it, I ended up watching the Niconico stream for both the tokyo and kansai closing nights! It was my first time watching one of these streams and I had a ton of fun! So now, I’m gonna share all my opinions as well as some general summaries of what I remember from the show!
Over all thoughts: I really enjoyed it! Production wise it very much continued in the style of the two Shitan remakes as far as lighting and staging. I actually found it to be far more consistent tone and feel wise, largely, because this show is a fully new production! Which does mean that, unfortunately, no songs from previous shows made an appearances. However! That doesn’t keep the show from still feeling like a hakumyu production!
For one thing, the opening song, while it is technically a new song, it is very much reminiscent of Yaisa! Which i found to be interesting, because the show overall seemed to be leaning more heavily towards the shitan rebrand, and yet moments like that called back to the first era of shows.
The play felt both more low-energy in some places while still having an absolutely blistering pace. The music leaned very heavily on rock and metal, but also included several more specific varairties of rock. This kept the show feeling overall more cohesive. So no, there were no sudden latin-fusion or hip-hop numbers this time...But there were still many stand out musical moments.
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Like before, Chizuru and her father have many japanese folk-inspired melodies. Same with Kazama, whose new character theme also features many japanese pentatonic scale figures. There was still heavy use of piano and light usage of synths which I think kept from being too overbearing when they were used. I do miss the usage of more japanese folk instruments that came in more heavily with Shitan, but I still enjoyed it over all.
Gosh, there is so much I want to mention. Teruma as Sannan; he nearly stole the show. Every single scene he did, he was absolutely giving his all, to the point I was worried he would hurt his voice! I am seriously impressed on how he has continued to elevate and refine his Sannan performance. Most of the people in the nico streams with me were begging for a Sannan-hen and honestly I would love that too. 
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They also had several cute moments of Sannan+Heisuke. I do love how the musicals seem to emphasise how close they were, them both having originally come from the same sword school before joining the Shinsengumi. The interpersonal conflict between Sannan and Hijikata was also even more explosive and full of tension. Teruma’s scenes with Hijikata were insanely gripping every time. Recently I learned that the speculation around the historical death of Sannan was due to a power struggle with Hijikata, and so these scenes feel very evocative of that.
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Speaking of actors~ I cannot overstate how completely and utterly thrilled I am that Suzuki Shougo has reprised his role as Kazama! I always enjoy it the most when actors are clearly completely enjoying their time in a particular role, and Suzuki relishes his every moment on stage. His performance is even more enthralling than in his orignal run of Kazama-hen in 2014 and I can only hope that he gets more opportunities to reprise the role in the future. 
Other performers notes: Once again, Higuchi Yuuta, following in the tradition of Ikeda Junya--All but stole the show at certain points. He’s not as featured in Souma hen as he is in Kazama and Hijikata, but he still stabbed me directly in the heart with his flawless mix of warmth and pain.
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I am a fan of Chizuru/Heisuke, and so I was disappointed with how Heisuke-hen seemed to get screwed over, so I am always grateful for these moments even if they hurt.
Some other notes is that, while I did like the show overall, it did feel rough at some points, and other points I really wasn’t clear on the timeline of what was happening when/why. Which is fine for people who know the story, but I likely wouldn’t try showing this musical to people unfamiliar, like I would with Kazama-hen. It did feel rushed at times and the scene transitions abrupt, but I ultimately didn’t mind, since once again this show is pushing on 3 hours and they are clearly trying to cram in as much content as physically possible. At this point though they might as well just upgrade to a three act format with two intermissions. 
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Speaking more on the stagecraft; Like with both shitan plays, the use of the staging for visual storytelling is exemplary! Compared to the pre-shitan plays, it is much easier to absorb themes and emotions through the staging alone. Like with this shot from the planning of Itou’s assassination, where Okita’s gradual uselessness from his illness is displayed visually.
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I am sure that this show has gone through development and workshop difficulties, since it got suspended during its original planned run. And as always they are trying to make the repeating plot points of act one more interesting every time, which I appreciate. Seeing how this play has continued to add more detail and emotion to the plot points makes me excited to see what they can do next!
Now, to focus on the real heart of the play, Souma himself!
When I initially watched the tokyo show, i had not finished souma’s route in the game, but upon my watch of the kansai show I completed the route, basically compelled by how compelling i found Souma to be in the play.
Their relationship is overall very adorable and touching. The staging and writing also often has them positioned on the stage delivering exposition together, showing them almost as two parts of a greater whole.
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I used to find the blood drinking scenes to be awkward at best and embarrassing at worst, but since Hijikata-shitan, they seem to have figured out how to make them upsettingly effective. The relationship and chemistry between Chizuru and Souma was also very good and very convincing. 
One thing that super stuck out to me about them in particular: I am also just a huge fan of analysing the musical structure; and so the differences in how they used musical themes this time around were extremly interesting. For one thing, the show overall is completely new music(almost, there are two BGM tracks reused from shitan). I was a little sad about it at first, but deeply appreciated how they continued to use the music in new ways.
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Overall, the music is much less focused on individual character themes and motifs; and like the original saito-hen, we have people being more associated with their relationships. I found that to be extremely affective, and the focus on the bonds between people really helped the show hit home even harder.
In previous shows, I had noticed that they don’t use song reprises as often as you might see in broadway shows. However, in this play the use of song reprises is absolutely brutal. In particular, the new vague equivalent to “ano hi no chikai”, is repeated two other times and used to send off the show at the very end.
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In regards to our main duo, one thing that absolutely took me off guard is that....Souma has no main character theme.
I was surprised too. He has no real equivalent to “Paint it Blood,” “Makoto no Hata” or any of the other main lead’s themes. There is one song that he sings and repeats several times throughout the play. however, he is not the one who originally sings it. Instead, it is Chizuru. Chizuru herself has a unique character theme and song which comes back and she shares with her father. But ultimately, she starts the play and she also ends it.
I just think that it’s so perfect. While Souma is the lead of this play, his whole story is about finding connection and meaning among friends. It’s not about him as an individual, instead it’s about what drives us to fight for what we believe in and who we love. The songs that he sings about wanting to find his meaning in life his “michishirube”, he shares with Chizuru.
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And in the end, it really made Chizuru and Souma’s love arc feel extremely cohesive to me. There was no sense of either’s identity overriding the other, instead they were a pair of people in a difficult situation who both had to make sacrifices. And that too was reflected in the music that they shared together.
I so deeply hope that they release a soundtrack for this show, because i do honestly think it is the best music produced in the franchise so far. Not only its general quality and listenability, but the way it connects to and tells the story.
Not only that, but Umetsu Mizuki is absolutely luminous as Souma. He clearly takes some heavy influence from Kaji Yuki’s vocal performance in the game, but he adds to and fleshes out that vocal performance with his own physicality and mannerisms.
Matsuzaki Risa too, as Chizuru. Apparently, this is her first musical?! Her singing voice is absolutely stunning. But I could tell at times how she wasn’t quite used to the stage, but she still did amazingly. Additionally, she like Motonishi Sakiho(Kazama shitan) before her also is a hakuouki/hakumyu fan? and had been hoping to play the role of Chizuru for a long time. And so I am just very happy for her. And fortuitously so because Chizuru is handled the best and given the most focus on Souma hen in my opinion.
This show was really wonderful, and I am going to be in pain every day until the DVD is finally in my hands and I can watch/listen to it all on my own again.
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Please, if you have any questions or just want to talk about this wonderful musical, please don’t hesitate to contact me!
While i was gone from hakumyu for a long time, I am finally back and glad to be back for hakumyu at it’s most exquisite.
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Souma-hen vid + soundtrack available in the LJ Hakumyu community
It is as the title says XD I thought it was time I gave back to the community that has provided me with so many hours of Hakuoki content, so you can find my download links for the Souma-hen recording (no subs) and the soundtrack I made in the LJ Hakumyu community (https://hakumyu-fancom.livejournal.com/).
You have to be a member to see the post, but I totally recommend it since you can find other soundtracks and musicals there (and I plan to do this with future Hakumyus as well).
If you have any issues with the links, questions about Hakumyu or want to simply chat about Souma-hen (or any other Hakumyu production) send me a message or comment either here or under the LJ post.
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shenanigumi · 4 years
Hakuouki Question Meme
From this post! (I just don’t like reblogging lists of questions with all my answers attached, and I don’t wanna bother anyone by tagging for credit, but please do go check out the linked blog.)
1. Why/how did you decide to start playing Hakuōki?
I saw a post of KW/EB’s CGs (back in early 2016, long before it was localized—might even have been before Edo Blossoms was out in Japan) on @chibitorra​’s blog and liked the post, so she was all excited that I knew what Hakuōki was. When she found out I’d just liked the post because of the art style, she showed me some more art and I fell in love and later bought Memories without knowing anything at all about it, including the fact that Hakuōki is historical fiction.
2. What routes and/or games have you played so far?
All routes, extra content, and DLC in:
Memories of the Shinsengumi (3DS)
Stories of the Shinsengumi (PS3)
Hakuōki Shinsengumi Kitan (iOS)
Kyoto Winds (PS Vita)
Edo Blossoms (PS Vita)
And as a bonus:
Warriors of the Shinsengumi (PSP)
3. What is your favorite character and route? They don’t have to be the same.
Favorite character… oof. Difficult question. Still the disgrace to all demon-kind that is Kazama, though it’s worth noting that my first impulse was to say Shiranui. But my favorite route is definitely Heisuke’s.
4. Is there a song that you associate with your fave?
Panic! at the Disco’s “Emperor’s New Clothes”, on account of that one not-quite-AMV I made, feat. HakuMyu!Kazama.
5. Who was the first route you played?
Hijikata’s, because Canon First, amirite? But it’s worth noting that because I went into it blind (and initially locked myself into a bad ending since I was playing on one file…), I actually ended up with the most affection with Saito at first. Thankfully, he and Hijikata were so close that I only had to load my last save to pick Hijikata’s option instead and put him in first place.
6. Did you go with the name Chizuru or did you pick another name? What was it?
At first, I used the name “Michiko” for no particular reason other than I like the name. Then I decided keeping “Chizuru” was better since she turned out to have a personality of her own and I wasn’t seeing myself in her situation. After that, for specific routes in Stories, I used “Chihiro” because that’s the name of my self-insert in that one dumb epic I can actually write now.
7. Is there a character that you just can’t get yourself to like? If so, who?
Iba Motherfucking Hachiro.
8. What characters (besides the player character) do you enjoy seeing interact the most?
Harada and Shiranui, for damn sure. I adore their rivalry-[b]romance and I wish there was a lot more of it. Other than that, Kazama and Sen for… fairly obvious reasons.
9. Is there a character that doesn’t currently have a route that you really want to see with one?
Nomura is the first that comes to mind, but really, I have mixed feelings. Given what they did with KW/EB, I no longer have a great deal of faith that Hakuōki as a franchise could handle more new routes in a balanced way, especially since there are so many reboots already.
10. Did you cry at any point during the game?
Who do you take me for, someone who isn’t 100% emotionally driven?
11. What was your favorite moment?
Wow, that’s open-ended… um… wow. How am I supposed to even choose?? There are so many different kinds of moments and so many favorites of each kind. But… out of everything, I think Kazama and Heisuke’s sass battle may rank the highest. That or Shiranui’s geisha route.
12. What is your favorite CG?
God, that’s a tall order too. I ran through my entire copious collection of CGs in search of whichever one spoke to me most and I think this one ranks highest:
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(Coincidentally a part of the same scene as the one I chose for my favorite moment. And in my favorite route, too. Figures.)
13. Did you prefer the characters’ original outfits and hairstyles or their Western ones?
Hmm… it really depends on the character and, for that matter, the game. I’d have to say, overall, I’m a total sucker for the original/Stories Western wear, but the recolors and redesigns in KW/EB aren’t quite as good imo.
14. Thinking about your favorite character and route, do you think you could fall for and date that person in real life?
Uh… no, probably not. Kazama is a terrible person and I don’t want to be anywhere near him in any way, and Heisuke is more like a brother to me.
15. What is your opinion on Itou?
I think his presentation in the game is terrible and that he did, in fact, deserve to be assassinated.
16. If you found yourself at death’s door, would you drink the ochimizu and become a fury?
Yeah, probably. My reasoning would be the same as Heisuke’s, though—more out of fear than anything else—and my regrets would be comparable. Don’t really wanna think too far down that road…
17. Do you think the Ishida Powdered Medicine actually does anything?
Not knowing what’s in it, I can’t say for sure, but I think it’ll fix some ailments more than others. They probably exaggerate its healing capacities.
18. Do you want to see Sweet School Life or Reimeiroku localized? Would you buy them?
I’m actively interested in Reimeiroku and would buy that shit so fast you wouldn’t believe. But… as for SSL, the weird student/teacher dynamics prevent me from really wanting them to translate that one. I’d still buy it, though.
19. Did you watch the anime?
I did, all three seasons. But the Sekkaroku OVA is by far my favorite in so many ways.
20. What would you like to see in any future games?
I… don’t know. I don’t know if I even want any future games in the first place, given the number they did on KW/EB, retconning things that originally made sense into things that don’t make sense anymore. I think Hakuōki might have hit its peak, and I’m apprehensive about additional installments.
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lady-mug · 5 years
Guess What!
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So I figured I’ve made you wait long enough to see my stream of Hakuouki Shitan: Kazama Chikage Hen, haven’t I. ^.^ But! As you all know, I’m almost never here anymore! So that would be pretty crappy of me, to tell you to come ask me for the link and then I pass them out like three times a month, that won’t work. 
So I have talked with @kirakirachiizuru, and she has agreed very kindly to put my link in the Hakumyu LJ for me. So if you haven’t, go join the LJ, and be on the lookout for a post in the near future!
To Review:
Do not. Ask me. For the Link. 
Go join this LJ to get the link in the near future: https://hakumyu-fancom.livejournal.com/
And I mean, you can come tell me thank you if you want lol :D And My Rules Still Apply!
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kirakirachiizuru · 5 years
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Being a mod (lol) — 🙇🏻‍♀️
I am making extra effort today to compile & renew Where-You-Can-Find-Hakumyu links on the first ever post (circa 2014) today so that newbies can have it easier (also to keep my sanity in check) 💗
Also making mirror links for Hakumyus that I own / have because some of them are dead — no more MF, idh the energy, only MEGA💀
((I plan to get all the myus hardcopy again in near future lol for my own collection wiihoo))
I also just got back from my Iaido (art of Japanese Sword lesson I took up since 2018, because I love being a Samurai and I whole heartedly love Shinsengumi and wanna feel what our myu-boiz feels lol). Im tired now lol. Okbye.
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— Chii / rawr2buny@LJ
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liliththunder · 1 year
Because the post got too long, for further reading
So for the upcoming production in 2024, there are following options:
The smaller possibilities:
Hijikata Shinkai
Kazama Shinkai
Not considered/surprising options:
Okita Hen: Okita is one of the three most popular characters of Hakuouki, so considering that we had two Hijikata Hens and two Saito Hens, there's definitely a possibility.
Iba & Sakamoto: according to the muster he had right now, it could be either of these two. The only down in their possibility is that they aren't very popular routes and might be hard to adapt
Harada and Heisuke: these two routes could either get a Shitan or a Shinkai.
The smaller possibilities:
Hijikata and Kazama could always get a Shinkai Adaption looking at their popularity.
As for Shinpachi and Yamazaki: they haven't had a route yet. What makes them possible: they are closer to the story of all and probably easier to adapt. What makes them less possible: they are kinda close to Sannan as an old character new route characters.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 3 years
Yuukoku no Moriarty  Op.2 -A Scandal in the British Empire- 「我こては神 第一章」piano cover w/sheet music
finished making an arrangement for the 22nd song -「我こては神 第一章」  from the 2nd yuumori musical. did this song first since it was the easiest for me to break down the notes for. 
sheet music is available through the video description and is free to use though i’ll ask that you credit me if you use/modify it... misc notes below if anyone cares to read them lol.
(im in a complaining mood)
honestly... I despise making piano sheet music (I hate everything about it aside from the finished product... though i don't really have much of a choice aside from making an arrangement myself since there’s no way the official score would ever get released  -.-]). While breaking down the notes of a piece is a normally time-consuming process that I don’t mind doing (however, it does take way less time when the notes repeat like they do in this one), I absolutely hate taking what notes I identify and putting that onto a score because of how much time that takes and how aggravating it can be to line up all the notes properly so that they play at the right beat for the entirety of the original song... which is the main reason why i never have the motivation to make sheet music... and why i usually take weeks to throw something together lol.  
Still, I’m a bit annoyed at how it took me about 35 minutes to identify the notes in this song but most of the last four days to actually make this arrangement, though I will admit that really does help that this piece is meant to be played on piano, which is in contrast to most of the other stuff ive made sheet music for (the main hakumyu song i’m working right now uses drums, an electric guitar and other Japanese traditional instruments which makes making sheet music for a piano exponentially more difficult). 
well, i do plan on making more sheet music from this particular musical in the future because of how much I love the music (also there are a few songs from the first yuumori musical that i would like to make sheet music for [and am in the process of identifying the notes from a number of said songs], but on principle, i don’t post music stuff publicly unless i have the names for the songs I make arrangements for... and i only have the names of the songs that were in the musical’s promo video so meh lol).... but since im not a professional musician (quit after rcm gr 8 because i hated piano then and just did that for the music credit) please excuse any mistakes I might have made (im not great at identifying chords unless they’re octaves or unless its from a piece that has multiple versions of it that ive heard hundreds of times), how i got lazy with pretty much all of the dynamics and articulations, and how the lyrics I put down for this piece might not be completely accurate since I wrote those out based on my interpretation of the vocals in a way that i would have no problems reading them since I am not Japanese and do not formally know Japanese. 
also, none of my stuff is meant to be profited off of. 
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sakurasakiyama · 6 years
End Of Year 2.5D Butai/Musical Ask Tag Game!
This is a little ask tag game and I was tagged by the maker of the questions @allyyyyy0619​! (Who also tagged me in the Hakumyu Tag Game a while back!) Thank you for tagging me in it (and for also tagging me first off the rank xD) and I’ll try my best to answer all of the questions you’ve given me!
A reminder to everyone that this is all MY OWN OPINION! So if you disagree with something, please keep that to yourself as I’ve had quite a few people judge me and I don’t really need the negativity! So without further ado!
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it?
I managed to find out about the 2.5D World after watching an anime called Dance with Devils. I saw that there was a musical for it as there was a little digest of it on YouTube, and I really wanted to watch it. So my first musical happened to be the first Dance with Devils Musical. And my first impressions of it were not actually that bad if I recall. I was a bit picky a year ago, but I actually happened to have loved it overall for the scenes, actors, characters, the actors singing abilities and the story line they made based on the anime that I love. And it included my now favourite in there too xD
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
Sakiyama Tsubasa! (What else is there to say xD) He has become my favourite for the way he acts and takes on his roles. He has only been in the business for 3 years and I hope to see him grow in the upcoming years! His smile, personality and his normal/singing voice are so heart warming, calming and relaxing; and he can be quite the deep person at times... As well as be immature which always brings a smile to my face after a bad day xD
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
1. Touken Ranbu -Akatsuki no Dokuganryuu- 2. Pataillro 3. Yuugeki 4. Dansui! 5. CHaCK-UP
All of the stages I have seen this year I have loved so much, but I decided to name these as my top 4 that I could think of! xD
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
I have loved them all so I can’t pick any out that I didn’t like ><
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
1. Rengoku ni Warau 2. Touken Ranbu ~Mihotose no Komori-Uta~ 3. Starmyu
Again, I have LOVED everything I have seen this year that is a musical but I would name these as my top 3!
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
Again, I have loved all of them so I can’t pick any that I didn’t like! ><
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
1. Sakiyama Tsubasa 2. Sato Ryuji 3. Kuroba Mario
I have soooo many other favourites but I’m picking them as my top 3!
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
1. Sakiyama Tsubasa 2. Asato Yuya 3. Miura Hiroki
Although Tsubasa is slowly on the rise, I still have high hopes for him in the future. Asato Yuya is known but he hasn’t really been able to make a proper name for himself besides in the YowaPeda fandom & in Osomatsu-san. And Muira Hiroki has been doing really well in his career so far! I can’t wait to see where he goes to next!
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year? (Option 2)
Just be aware that I am still quite behind in the movie/drama department so some of my pickings are at least a year or two old!
1. GARO -Yami wo Terasu Mono-, Ikeda Junya & Aoki Tsunenori. (And Oota Motohiro & Matsuoka Koudai making a 1 episode appearance each!) 2. FIVE, Sato Ryuji, Kuroba Mario & Matsuoka Koudai 3. Corpse Party -Book of Shadows-, Ikeoka Ryosuke, Mizuishi Atomu & Aoki Tsunenori.
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
1. Sato Ryuji 2. Sakiyama Tsubasa 3. Suzuki Shougo 4. Ogoe Yuuki 5. Kuroba Mario 6. Miura Hiroki 7. Arisawa Shoutarou 8. Imari Yuu
There are soooo many more that I absolutely love, but I thought I should stop at 8! xD
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
And again, I have loved all of the butai’s/musical’s I have watched or seen so far this year so I can’t really pick one out! ><
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
1. Kaichou wa Maid-sama 2. Magic-Kyun Renaissance 3. Akuma no Riddle
These 3 animes are some of the main favourites I love! So it would be nice to see a stage adaption for at least one of them!
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
1. Toumyu 2. Tenimyu 3. Tousute
These are basically my 3 main fandoms but I would like to explore other fandoms over time!
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
I have only been in the fandom for 1 year as of this month! xD  
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
If I have to give my overall opinion, I really love this fandom! The word 2.5D has been expanding for so long now that it’s basically it’s own brand. And the fans that you get to meet is wonderful! Although you do tend to get the ones that are a bit rude, the good always outweighs the bad! I hope this fandom continues to grow and I can’t wait to meet more people in the fandom! ❤
I’m not going to be tagging anyone! So if anyone wants to do this, feel free to do so! xD
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sweetmaririn · 6 years
End of the year 2.5D Butai/Musical Asks!
Alright, I know this is really late since I finally got the chance to do this so let’s get it on to it~ 
Truth; I didn’t expect to be tagged along but I was. I have to say that I’m very happy that I got tagged. 
I was tagged by the lovely @allyyyyy0619
Once again, thank you for tagging me. My way of describing might be an odd way to describe a stage/musical/person and etc because in all honesty I actually don’t know what to say or how to describe it. And please, pardon my bad English!
Now let’s get to the questiosn! 
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it?
I’m not sure which was exactly my first but it’s a Musical, it could be either Kuromyu (Musical 2) or Tenimyu. It’s either this two and my impression on both are somewhat the same? As it was something new for me because everyone is acting on stage, with wigs and full makeup on which I first find it quite funny but then I got used to it since it’s also fascinating. Hmm to say when it happened, I think it’s safer for me to say it was all in 2012, I was 14 at that time and only started using the internet fully. But it was a wild, fun ride for me. I like how I started from there to here.
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
Hmm it should be Mizuta Kouki because of Tenimyu. I don’t remember how I got attracted to this guy but it was a love at a first sight. I find him very cool, especially when I saw his Kenya! It was awesome.. 
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
1. Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu -Shousha to Haisha-
Since I’m also a fan of Haikyuu itself, I just love it when it comes to Seijoh since they are my favourite school after Karasuno. As this stage is the one when Karasuno lost to Seijoh during Interhigh, I get to see the touching scenes being acted out, putting me in tears. Of all thing is the music, I really like the orchestra theme going on, it gives you the bumps every single time and everything sounds so epic that it is as if there’s a strong wind swiping you along the way.  
2. Stage play Touken Ranbu -Akatsuki no Dokuganryu-
Hmmm what do I say for this one? Maybe because there’s Kasen Kanesada and Ookurikara. Kasen is my starter so I’m happy to see him on stage, besides Wada Takuma-san did an excellent job portraying him. I could stop fangirling over how elegant Kasen is? Besides that, it’s Tsurumaru. I totally love ‘Dark Tsurumaru’ , I was so shocked and that what a huge surprise for me. I’d always wonder how would a “ Dark version of Tsurumaru looked like” never thought it would really happen. Plot wise, everything is well written and well done. As usual Tousute has good music as well. 
3.  Joker Game
Okay this is quite unusual for me because I didn’t even watch the anime or read the manga to know the story but I definitely enjoyed the stage. It was very entertaining, everyone was so cool and despite it’s dark story, I actually really like it. The whole story isn’t my cup of tea but I watched it for Yamamoto Ikkei and didn’t thought it was be amazing.  
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
I don’t think I have one that I can list? Even if there’s some that didn’t fully caught my attention. . . . . . or maybe I didn’t watch much enough to actually have a least favourite. 
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
1. Musical Touken Ranbu -Mihotose no Komoriuta- 
As usual, Touken Ranbu will win over everything. Anyways, for Mihotose’s storyline, I cried. I watched the musical and cried a lot. The acting was tip top, especially when I saw Yokota Ryugi’s real tears coming out, I couldn’t stop crying. Ishikirimaru’s suffering kills me, Nikkari’s observant kills me, Sengo’s uhhh self kills me, Tonbokiri kills me, Monoyoshi’s suffering kills me.. And the most would be because of Ookurikara, in this musical, we were shown the the softer side of him like when he said “that’s why I didn’t want to become friends” and how he actually cares. I love it.
2. Musical Star-Myu
I actually don’t have anything much to say about this musical since I can’t call myself much of a fan but I do like it and got hooked with the songs, and since I like Otori. (blame Suwabe Junichi for all of this) And since Kiyama Haruki did a good job as Otori.. 
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
I really do think I haven’t watch much so nothing to be listed.
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
2. Mikata Ryosuke 
3. Ota Motohiro / Someya Toshiyuki
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
1. Arisawa Shoutarou 
As we all can see, Shoutarou’s popularity is rising day by day now, from just an ensemble to an actual main character, that itself is a huge achievement and it doesn’t even take him that long to achieve that. I couldn’t be more proud of him, all I know is that he deserves all the love. And since Shoutarou is quite new, I want everyone to see Shoutarou’s true talent and he’ll prove the world that he is more than just “a rookie actor”. Shoutarou still has more years ahead but I know he’ll improve in no time, he already proved that to us from K Stage to now. And as I predicted, he’ll be in the new Toumyu next spring! I’m totally looking forward to that.
2. Kohatsu Allen
Allen has been around for a while now just like Shoutarou, and slowly I can see that he’s getting more better jobs now. But I still want to see even more for him. I was so happy when it was announced that he’ll be playing as “Shu” in Diabolik Lovers stage. Allen will totally be able to catch everyone’s attention once they see how he is on stage.
3. Shiraishi Judai 
I don’t know if Judai is considered popular or not but I know everyone really likes his Mattsun. I can’t say much since I haven’t seen other than his acting in Engeki Haikyuu or which stage was it with the one him being the villain(?) He was so cool in that stage, so I can say that he’s a great actor. Sooner or later, he’ll get something bigger that everyone can agree with me. I really do have my high hopes for him.
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year?
1. Yowamushi Pedal 
well since I love the manga, anime and the stage, of course I will love the drama as well especially when most of the actors in the drama were also in the previous stages. I get to see Pedal without seeing everyone running on stage, in a fixed position cameras I meant and with actual bikes. Pedal takes lots of stamina and energy so I admire all the actors that could bring us Pedal to live.
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
I’m bad at describing how beautiful someone’s voice may be so I’ll just rank it with a weird way of describing it?
1. Mikata Ryosuke
Ever since I’ve known him, I still think he’s the best of them all. I like it whenever he sings. I don’t know, his singing is just all dreamy for me. I love it. Mikatii;s singing isn’t the strong-windy type but he’s like the boyish type too. Easy for me to describe it, his vocals are like the when you went for a jog in the morning, the sun rise as you breathe in the fresh air. Or his vocals is like as if he’s pinning you to the wall. 
2. Ota Motohiro
Mokkun’s voice is the medium kind of strong. Most of the time I’ll hear him having to wave his voice and he did it perfectly. Mokkun’s voice is the kind that will melt your voice. It’s as if whenever he sings, he is trying to lure you into his honey trap and you’ll forever be captivated by him. Woooo goose bumps.
3. Yazaki Hiroshi 
I’m not even a fan of him but I really like it when he sings. This is due to Hakumyu where I’m exposed to his acting&singing. He has a very melodic voice and a gentle kind but strong voice? It’s like when you’re walking in a garden filled with roses. 
4. Spi
Spi’s vocals are the strongest and powerful but yet he could go softer when he has or wants to, depends on which song he’s singing. So Spi’s vocals are like the strong wind that will blow you away while you’re having your cup of tea during tea time, along with the table & chairs. His voice is that strong. 
Bonus: Unpopular Opinion (I think)
The person who I personally thinks has the best voice that could put me all over the world would be Arisawa Shoutarou. Maybe because I’m such a huge fan of him and I love him so much that I think that way. When I think about it, I really love his singing voice, his voice doesn’t sound so manly or strong. But people can improve. When Shoutarou sings, he sounded really boyish like when you’re having a moist chocolate cake. It’s sweet, concentrated and chocolatey. When I first heard him, I didn’t understand why I don’t see much people complimenting him? Like when I first heard him singing Heart to Heart in the Musicals, I could actually feel the song. Shoutarou’s voice is like he’s complimenting everyone. When he sings live or recording, both sounds excellent and I could tell straight away which voice belonged to him. It’s as if his voice has a personality on its own? I don’t know if this make sense but Shoutarou’s singing can make me teary too, it’s just too beautiful to me.. and I’ll say this, I got addicted to his voice. I really want to hear more, so I hope for Toumyu, next spring, he’ll get his solo. 
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
I’m not sure about this... hmm
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
1. Free! 
I’ve been wanting to see Free! to be adapt into a butai since who knows how long. Imagine how fun would it be....It would be a nice thing to see all characters, especially my favourite ones to be portrayed by an actor. I don’t expect it to come true any time soon. Let’s just hope it can happen but somehow I feel like it won’t happen because some would prefer for it to be left as it is.
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
I’ll be honest. I don’t really like fandom/s because sometimes fandom tend to ruin my mood and fun for something. However, most of the time, fandoms are fun especially when you see everyone goes crazy when productions dropped news onto them hahahahaha.
1. Toumyu / Tousute
This is obvious since I’m in TKRB hell so it would be obvious I’m in Toumyu hell too. I honestly don’t know how I got way too attached to Toumyu? maybe because of the Shinken Ranbu Sai that made me feel like Toumyu fandom is such a solid fandom. Like fans can keep expect new things and it’ll keep coming.. The production is alive and not a dead one. Like some you might not even know if there will be more musicals/stage ? Maybe that’s why I’m so attached because somehow I know it won’t end anytime soon and I can keep talking about it. And since most of the people I follow are in this fandom, it makes it hard not to love the fandom even though I’d never really get the chance to talk to anyone.....in the fandom..or becoming mutuals...Anyways, It’s just really fun to see everyone’s reaction.
Tousute is different than Toumyu, it’s two different franchise but it’s still tkrb. Tousute gives more of the serious kind and it kills us with the amount of angst they give out, that sharp pain in the heart and I like that. So, I like how everyone has to suffer the pain too. But in truth I don’t have much to say because it’s the same for me since I like both franchises. 
※there are some fans that likes Tousute but doesn’t like Toumyu (or vice versa). So I guess there’s why there’s separated fandoms?
3. Enstars 
I’m not in this fandom as I don’t even play the game nor do I’m a fan of it but 70% of people around me do & really love the stage. And since I always see it on my timeline, somehow I became to like the fandom without actually being in it or becoming a fan. I guess I just enjoy seeing everyone goes crazy in here. Great fandom.
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
I started late, as it was in 2012 when I joined so it’s been 5 years. 
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
Back then, everything was free, whatever was uploaded will be shared by everyone just like that but it wasn’t really that easy to look for something and the community was much smaller so everyone sticks together however nowadays, there’s stricter & stricter rules and such so it makes it harder but it’s easier to look for something now. I guess all these happens when the fandom started having toxic fans, as usual toxic fans ruins everything so I can’t really blame anyone. But I do miss those days when I first joined, all the fans seems more mature and everyone was more understanding. It’s like everyone looks after one another. Now? it seems like it’s lacking of those. I’ll stop it right here as I don’t want to say too much. 
But I will say that I am glad that more and more people know about the existence of 2.5D, so there’s more people to talk about it. The fandom itself is fun, especially when everyone is having fun & fangirl/boy-ing together.
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Hakumyu fans, I’m so very happy to share that Souma-hen is a thing again!!!!
It was cancelled earlier this year due to corona and there were plans to distribute the DVD even if live performances didn’t happen, but that idea was discarded later on so now one knew what the future had in store for Hakumyu.
But the Shinsengumi is on our side and the official Hakumyu Twitter posted this announcing the performance dates for April 2021!
They also updated the cast page with some changes, which I’ll cover at some point I guess, but I’ll spoil the best part rn because I can’t shut up about it.
100% true and confirmed by both the cast page AND the man himself through Twitter, Instagram and ameblo!!!
I’M SO HAPPYYYYYYYY I live for this man’s smiles on stage. You can tell he enjoys every second of it and that it means so much to him, he totally deserves getting his role back.
Pic taken from his Twitter @Shogo_Suzuki_
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rachelgalsan · 6 years
Butai asks!
Nobody tagged me but I wanted to do it so :3
1. Firstly, how did you manage to find out about 2.5D butai/musical? Which butai/musical was your first and your impression of it? 
Thanks to a friend of mine who is in the sword hell. She introduced me Touken Ranbu and then she said there were musicals and a stage too so I decided to check it. Tbh I first watched the stage because I wasn’t interested in musicals at all (lol and now musicals are my favourite thing to watch) and I inmediately fell in love with it. I didn’t expect to like it so much… But when I saw toumyu, that feeling increased. I was speechless and well, now I’m into this hell. 
2. Who was your first favourite 2.5D actor/actress? Why?
Kuroba Mario!! I must say Mikazuki Munechika is my favourite character of Touken Ranbu so it influenced me too… But when Mario started singing that’s what made me love him. His voice. It’s so… soft and tender. Plus the way he portrays Mikazuki is amazing! 
3. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai of the year?
Joker Game
Touken Ranbu Akatsuki no Dokuganryuu
Judge of Knights (does it count as a musical?)
4. Top 3 (or more) least favourite butai of the year?
Uh… I don’t know???
5. Top 3 (or more) favourite musical of the year?
Shinken Ranbu Sai 2017
Mihotose No Komoriuta 
B-project: Over the wave  
6. Top 3 (or more) least favourite musical of the year?
7. Top 3 (or more) favourite actors/actress of the year?
My three stans(?
Matsuda Ryo
Suzuki Shougo
Kuroba Mario
8. Top 3 (or more) rookie actors/rising actors whom you’ve high hopes for in the future?
Matsuoka Koudai
Miura Hiroki
9. Top 3 (or more) favourite butai/musical related drama/movie of the year?
going with Option 2: The drama/movie currently does not have a stage adaptation for the time being but has at least one 2.5D actor/actress in it. If you chose this option, please state the name of the actor that made you watch the drama/movie
Megadan!!! (Kuroba Mario, Wada Masanari, Arisawa Shoutarou and Tamaki Yuki)
10. Top 3 (or more) actors/actress that you think have the best singing voice?
Suzuki Shougo
Sasaki Yoshihide
11. A (or more) butai/musical that you didn’t initially love, but has/have grown on you?
Joker Game. Like… I watched it without subs the first time and I dropped it because I couldn’t understand anything (I hadn’t watched the anime neither so I was so lost) but when I tried to rewatched again subbed I FELL IN LOVE AND NOW IT’S ONE OF MY FAVOURITE BUTAI ;___________; 
12. Top 3 (or more) anime/manga/game that you would love to see being adapted into a butai/musical in the future?
Mmmm… What about… JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE? Or Magi. AAAAAAAAAAAAAA It’d be very interesting!! 
13. Top 3 (or more) favourite fandom on the year?
Hakumyu fandom
Toumyu fandom
Enstute fandom 
14. How long have you been in the 2.5D fandom?
Only this year!!
15. Lastly, what is your overall opinion of the 2.5D fandom so far?
Like every fandom, there are good and bad things about it. But… The community is very warm and helpful, and very generous too. If it wasn’t for those who share their copies, I wouldn’t be in this fandom. I don’t have enough money to buy a DVD, so I’m so greatful ;; 
One thing I am sad about it is that in my country there aren’t many people interested in 2.5D plays/actors. As you see, my English is not great so my vocabulary is limited. I would love to know more people who speaks Spanish and fangirl with them^^ 
That’s it :D I’m tagging @mashigiwho ~
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shenanigumi · 6 years
Tagged on this blog (by @yuutolovesturtles) ages ago!! I wrote out the following responses ages ago, too, so this is kind of a window into the past as of several months ago…
Rules: Answer eight questions and tag eight people.
Last movie I watched: Start to finish? uhhhhhhhh… my attention span is shot but I think it was “Hero”, you know, the one starring Jet Li with music by Tan Dun.
Last song I listened to: “LOVE Medley”, from HakuMyu LIVE, because of the video I just posted.
Last book I read: I can’t even remember, to be honest.
Last thing I ate: A bagel. At like 1:30am last night. Maybe I should get some food in my system today…?
What time period would you want to travel to: Technically speaking, I’m good where I am, thanks; the past sucks and the future is scary. Authorially speaking, 19th-century Japan seems as good a place as any based on the fic I’m writing.
Fictional character I would hang out with for a day: Only a day? I’d hate to pick someone I like if it’s that short a time. Maybe I’d hang out with Kazama so my life seems super awesome once he leaves again. Also, so I can interview him with the Utmost Respect.
If I could be anywhere right now, where would I be?: I… uh, don’t know. Home in my PJs doesn’t feel awesome enough to say here, but I can’t exactly think of anywhere else, either.
Current fandom obsession?: [looks around at blog] You tell me.
I think the reason I didn’t post all that till now was because I didn’t have it in me to tag anyone and didn’t want to break any rules. And I still don’t, but I’m clearing out my drafts in preparation for getting back into the swing of things, so I’m just gonna have to live with it. That said, if you do want to do this, please do it, especially if we don’t interact very often! I’m genuinely interested.
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sambart93 · 6 years
Top Things I Did This Year
More like things I'm thankful that happened xD This year has been absolutely incredible and as far as stages and actors are concerned, I've been pretty damn lucky and got to experience so many amazing things! So here's some of the massive highlights of this year!
1. Went on a Bus Tour!
I've always wanted to go on a bus tour and what's even more amazing is that I managed to get onto MakiChan's Bus Tour! It was such a great two days! MakiChan is just so sweet and so much fun to be around! Also we got cheki's with him, he went around talking to people on the bus stops and lunch times, he came around to everyone's room and did pretty much whatever we requested of him, he must've been absolutely shattered by the end but he was still full of energy and smiling and having fun! I legit cried when he waved us off at the end.... I do hope if he ever does another that I can go again!
2. See TouStage Live
While I only ever appear to complain about TouStage; I absolutely love the series and Touken Ranbu in general and I do think of myself as bloody damn lucky that I've managed to see the LV three times this year (Saien, Akatsuki and Jyoden) as well as go IN PERSON twice (Akatsugi and Jyoden) ALSO I feel pride for the fact they performed at Odawara castle which is literally ONE stop away from where I live! I do feel blessed, I've always felt blessed for how many times I've been able to see this stage series.
3. Went to ALL my Oshi’s BDay Events
Well at least to all the Oshis who DID Birthday Events (HirokiKun and Tomo didn't do one this year but has said he will next year and I only knew about YuuKun AFTER his birthday!). I've been to Domoto's, JP's and MakiChan's! I was also able to go to ShoSans! To be honest, I wanted to get to all the major TokiEnta's boys' birthdays (including Shouta and KishiTaku) but just didn't have time, so hopefully next year I can reach that goal of going to all TokiEnta's Boys' Birthday Events! xD But I'm super happy I managed to get to all my oshis'! Hopefully next year too!
4. Safely completed MakiChan goods collections every time
This one is really silly but MakiChan's characters are super popular; Kuro (K), Ritsu (Ensemble), Manba (Touken), Okita (Hakuouki) so trading and being able to get one full set of his trading goods is super, super difficult! But by a miracle I managed to do it every time! And I'm super thankful that I could! Hopefully next year too!
5. Able to see almost all of KAT-TUN in some form.
KAT-TUN were unforutnately forced to stay on their Hiatus this year for the entire year, but thankfully all three boys got solo events and things that allowed fans to go and see them! So in the end, I saw SOME form of them. I went to Ueda’s play for my birthday ON my birthday and it was a lot of fun and very funny and Ueda did amazing! I watched Kame’s movies and doramas and they were great, also I managed to go and get his concert goods even though I couldn't go to the actual concerts. AND I watched Nakamaru’s show which was absolutely ridiculous and hilarious and one of the best entertainments-ness things of this year. It still cracks me up thinking about it! xD
6. Multiple Showings
Again, I am super duper thankful that I got to see HakuMyu 4 times, Hatsukoi Monster twice, and K Stage 3 times -- while I may not hit for things like TouMyu, EnStage etc. I’m super thankful that for the slightly less popular shows that I’m able to go a ridiculous amount of times! And they were all ones MakiChan was in too! So I felt I could properly support him in quite a lot of things this year even when other things it was more difficult to do! These kinds of chances keeps my motivation, love and support for him going strong!
7. Finally Meeting UeChan!
I was so freaking nervous and I've liked him for a long time (well not really technically) and he was everything I expected him to be like and he was so professional and lovely! It's like a dream meeting him...
8. Unexpected Chances
A few things happened this year that I never thought or imagined possible; for a start:
- The TokiEnta events and seeing the Shachou between events or even seeing him at MakiChan events and him remembering and acknowledging me ^_^ 
Other unexpected things like:
- A Haisute actor helping out at JP's event and just being able to talk to him and have a proper conversaiton with him! And lets not forget THAT Domoto Birthday event and what happened there!! 
- Things like YuuKun yelling 'you're not going back to England are you Alex?!?!?' are just amazing chances and experiences! 
- And Domoto thanking me for 'always sending letter' to him *dead*
- And HirokiKun always taking time to properly talk to me after his events and stages too and remembering what I've told him in letters etc. And doing things like taking my hands and going 'oh they're so cold! Are you okay?!’ and then the next time I see him, he’s like ‘are they cold again this time?! No? You sure? Oh, I'm glad' *dead*
- ANNNND freaking MakiChan on the bus tour patting my head and saying 'I like you' literally inches from my face during his 'going around the rooms' and EVERYONE fucking knowing the next day xD while it definitely wasn't true, I still feel super special and happy that only I got that from him! 
- ALSO lets not forget Shosan sitting on my chair during TokiEnta Events! 
I literally could go on with the amount of unexpect but amazing chances I've had this year! I hope everyone else can have just as many amazing experiences as I do, if not more!
And just to bring it all back to reality:
9. Friends Not Abandoning Me
I can be a super shitty person and I can be super snappy and negative towards the, but they're still by my side, still wanting to spend time with me, still wanting to hang out whenever we get chance and I am always and will always be thankful that they still accept me and don't mind me being in their lives *now I start crying* I'M LOOKING AT YOU ALKOI AND TONBO!
10. Seeing My Grandparents
I may not say it much but I absolutely love my grandparents and I miss them much much more than I do my parents (I can skype my parents whenever and more often than I do my grandparents, and they’re still young and healthy enough to come and see me). They can't travel anymore so I'm super thankful how much I'm able to see them whenever I go back home, even though I'm usually in a pissy-jet-lagged mood. But I love them with all my heart! I think about them every day and I always count down the days to when I can next see them! I always want to see them!
11. See My Friend Getting Married
The first person in my group of friends got married this year and I'm going to be honest, I cried inside the ENTIRE fucking day. This is a friend who I've been friends with since we were 8/9 years old. We've been through some stuff together, we've also had bad times and times we weren't talking but we’ve also had a lot hilarious and fun times. And seeing her in that dress on her wedding day; I died inside. And she deserves all the happiness and all the success! And her partner is just the sweetest person ever! I'm seriously like a proud father giving a daughter away, that's how I feel about this situation. And I wish her nothing but laughs, safety and happiness in the future. Seeing her get married also made me realise, few friendships last, but the ones that do; they REALLY last and me and her are definitely one of those friendships <3
What were some highlights of your year?
I'm gunna go and get rid of these tears of joy from everything xD
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