#future predict
fullychaotichell · 2 months
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Can't believe I haven't read the new chapter of OSAS because I was focused on finishing these silly joke doodles pfff
Okay, so, the premise of this joke is that Lucifer and Alastor's relationship has grown so much without anyone else knowing anything about it, but they're also both sillies who have funny ways of showing their friendship and now romance, so I just wanted to doodle that for fun pfff
Also, even tho they promised to keep their romance a secret, I BET these fuckers would get themselves caught, like, they've been caught looking romantic a dozen other times just by Vox alone, not to even mention other characters ppfpfpfp
Anyways, @morningstarwrites I had a peek at the new chapter and saw we're back to team HARD, I'm so happy pfpfpfpf
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I like to think that pre-Oracle Rachel painted scenes from both wars, but she and Percy have no idea until they go back and reflect.
Percy notices, cause Rachel shows him her art, but he just rights it off as weird, even tho something doesn’t feel right.
Like, that’s DEFINITELY a replica Achilles mourning Patroclus. Only it’s two girls, one with flowing hair and a melted face, the other kneeling over her friend, face stricken with grief. He thinks her eyes look familiar. An immortal stands over them. Although they remind more of Ares and less of Thetis.
She has another painting that reminds Percy of a story from the Gigantomachy. Hera cowers under Porphyrion, about to be attacked. Only instead of Zeus and Heracles coming to her aid, it’s a guy with blond hair. His armor and sword is distinctively NOT Greek, but he opts to not comment on it. Rachel did a good job.
There’s more in her little studio, they both dismiss them as dreams. They make Rachel uncomfortable and Percy feels bile rise the more he looks.
He doesn’t realize until months later. It hits him while on the Argo. Him, Jason, Clarisse. THEY were the heroes in those paintings. Jason was the one coming to Hera’s aid. Clarisse was mourning Selina. He was fighting giants.
It all clicked into place, and he tried to remember what else her paintings for-told.
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reunitedinterlude · 6 months
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a compilation (1, 2, 3)
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the-tarot-witch22 · 19 days
The Next 3 Months - Pick a pile
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Pile 1/ Pile 2/ Pile 3
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Hello everyone ! This is my another pick a pile or pac reading so please be kind and leave comment or reblog, and let me know if it resonated with you!
Note : This is a general reading or collective reading. It may or may not resonate with you. Please take what resonates and leave what doesn't. And it's totally okay if our energies aren't aligned!
How to pick : Take a deep breath and choose a pile which you feel most connected to! You can choose more than one pile, it just means both pile have messages for you!
I worked really hard on this pile please show some love by leaving comments, likes and reblogs!
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Pile 1:
(The cards I got for you - the hermit, knight of cups, 3 of wands, 2 of wands, the hierophant, strength)
Okay so the very first thing i feel is your next 3 months will be about you only, your self love - self journey, you will be in your own comfort zone or cocoon, like no matter where you are but you will be the priority like your own self, i also feel your self esteem will have a massive glow up, I feel you will be reflecting on your self and on your past too, making better choices for your self, i also heard "solitude", so i feel these next three months will be full of that, you will be going on self introspection journey , figuring out who you truly making goals, preparing for important things in your life, I also feel there would be a new person coming in your life, a romantic interest or a good friend you might meet, and if not i feel there will be self - love in your life, you taking care of yourself, i also heard "workshops and courses" so you might be taking one too improve your skills, this pile might be very creative to begin with, "cancer moon/ Pisces sun/rising or any fire sign is also very prominent here", with Virgo and Capricorn energy! I also feel some of you would be putting yourself out there to meet someone going on dates (not everyone), i also feel travelling is quite prominent here, so i feel you might plan to travel somewhere or make plans to do so in next year, i also feel it might be a aboard trip, far from where you actually are, i also see you focusing more on your studies, to get better grades, if you are working i see your working getting less hectic, you might also meet someone while you are travelling, you might also be taking in charge of your own life, working hard to achieve things, i also feel you would be more spiritually and religiously aligned, for some of you , you guys could also begin to be brave, stand up for yourself, i feel there might some family problems around you, i feel that would also get better, i also feel this pile could have parents that are too strict, or just you don't get along with them so i feel you would stand up for yourself, or it would get better, at least better than before, i also feel the financial situation will be better for you, "i heard - do what you gotta do leave the rest to universe", there might be people in this group who gets anxious or just doesn't trust others easily, and scared or don't feel like asking for help, but i believe in you! TRUST ME things will get better from now on, even the blocked paths will open, just keep your intentions pure!
Angel cards - compromise - There might be some situations that might need your attention and you would have to come to agreement to keep the peace.
romance- GUYS what did i say, i feel there might be a romantic interest coming for some of you!, if not i feel its talking about self love and worth! and if you already have someone you will get more closer than before!
ask your angels - If you are in doubt just trust your angels and guides, they will show you the way!
Ask for help from others - As i said this pile might not like to ask for help and they try to bottle up, don't do that, your loved ones are there , share your feelings with them and your emotions, you don't have to bear the burden alone!
be assertive - as i said there will be more confidence in yourself and your worth!
Pile 2:
(The card I got for you - 3 of cups, the lovers, the world, 7 of swords, the magician and the hermit)
Okay so the very first thing i feel and heard was "love" and "celebration", I also feel someone around you might get married, in the next three months i feel there could be a party or a celebration even a small one, a birthday celebration perhaps, or you score good marks in your exams, there might also a party at your workplace, these 3 months will also help you grow in your self, there might be a small gathering or reunion in your family, you might not like it but i feel you would have to be there because of your parents/ or elders in your home, this group giving me a vibe of introvert individuals, who value their personal time and space a lot! I also feel someone could invite you to hangout!, there might be some major decisions you would have to take in these next 3 months, you will be confused yes, or have choosing one right decision for you, there could also be you might meet a potential romantic partner, most probably a soulmate, they could be platonic or romantic, i also feel the angels and universe will be on your side, there might be some transformations or awakenings you would have to go through in order to become a better version for yourself, i also heard "grow through what you go through", don't just get stuck in past whatever happens, happens, the main thing is you take a valuable lesson from it, i feel you might also develop a crush on someone in the next 3 months, I also feel someone around will help you in certain things and part of your life, you will feel complete with yourself, like more spiritually connected and free, i also feel you will break the norms or rule or just get out of your comfort zone , i feel these next 3 months will help you realize many things about yourself, i also heard "change", you might be trying or try to change your life completely by making good decisions, i also feel you will uncover the facade someone close to you like you will know they were trying to gaslight you, it could be anyone, so be careful of people and their intentions, there might be some lies involved like small ones, a mischievous intention towards you, so again be careful of that someone, it could be a friend, a family member, you might also be uncovering and improving your skills! I also feel your manifestations will come true and so will your wishes!
Angel cards -
Be assertive - Be confident in yourself and your abilities.
no need to worry - This group might overthink or worry a lot, so this is a sign for you to leave everything to universe and just keep doing , what you do!
let go - Let go of past or things that hold you back break free from them!
Communicate Clearly - Don't hesitate to speak your truth! And if something doesn't sit right with you , speak up, don't people please~
Pile 3:
(The cards I got for you - the moon, 5 of swords, knight of pentacles, 8 of wands, 8 of pentacles, and king of wands, the lovers)
Okay so the very first thing i feel for you pile 3 is, "let your gut or intuition guide you towards the right path", don't second guess your path that you choose, with time it will be all revealed, you already know what to do in your life, I also feel there are things in your life that holds you back from your full potential, but you need to figure it out on your own and let it go, and do things that actually matters and makes you happy, i also feel there will be some unexpected surprises for your from universe, like you actually didn't expect it! there will be some major transformation or job change in your life, if you don't have a job i feel you would be busy in studies and work, I also feel there will be some conflicts in your workplace or family or with your siblings, but i se you winning, or standing up for yourself, from this group i am getting earth and fire sign energy with Gemini sun/rising, I also feel there might be some inner conflicts ongoing in your life, like you doubting yourself and your abilities, I also feel there will be major changes in your love life! I feel this group might be preparing for higher studies and you will get succeed in it, I also heard "successful", so these 3 months will play a important role in your career and your studies, there might be someone soon coming into your life and they are definitely very rich! I also feel there would be quick movement all the things will go smoothly , I also feel you will travel this or next year , could be a vacation or a work trip, that you will be taking, i also heard "religious place" so you might start to believe in religion or spirituality related things, you will be working very hard and finish your ongoing projects! I also feel these next 3 months you will goals driven, and determined to make your life a bit better through your career, "i also heard take it easy, don't take too much pressure! I also feel you will be reaping the rewards soon! You will be more confident and focused on your goals, you will also embrace your masculine side a lot! But i also see you overworked and overwhelmed so again, be careful not to give yourself mental pressure!
Angel Cards -
The situation will improve - If you are not feeling good at the moment or have problems surrounded i see it gets better!
big happy changes - As i said in the reading, There will be a surprise for you in next 3 months! this is a confirmation!
Forgiveness - I also feel this group hasn't forgiven themselves for past for any reason, i wanna say take your time, and let go of those thing which are holding you back, you will be okay!
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Thank you for stopping by! Take care and remember you are loved <3
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whistledownbad · 2 months
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tarotwithavi · 3 months
How will your future spouse/future lover show their love? Pt2
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
Your future partner will love spending time with you and simply being in your presence a lot. They'll make sure to focus on you without any distractions like phones or TV, so you'll feel important and valued. They'll enjoy having deep conversations with you, really listening to what you have to say and responding with care. They'll also enjoy doing things together. Whether it's going for walks, cooking meals together, or trying out new hobbies, they'll find happiness in sharing these experiences with you. They'll plan special dates and outings to create lasting memories, like surprise dinners at your favorite restaurant, weekend trips to cozy places, or simply enjoying a quiet night at home with movies and snacks. Both of you could be foodie, so you will be cooking and eating a lot together.
Pile 2
Your future partner will show their love through various acts of service and handmade gifts. They will enjoy doing little things to make your life easier, such as cooking your favorite meals, helping with chores around the house, or running errands without you having to ask. These acts of service will show their care and support, making you feel deeply appreciated and loved. In addition to acts of service, they will also delight in giving you thoughtful gifts. They will put thought and effort into finding or creating items that hold special meaning for you. For example, they might surprise you with a book by your favorite author, a handmade piece of jewelry, or tickets to a concert you've been wanting to attend. Each gift will be a way for them to express how much they think about you and how they want to bring joy into your life.
Pile 3
Your future partner will show their love through words of affirmation in many thoughtful ways. They'll often tell you how much they appreciate you, giving heartfelt compliments that make you feel special and loved. Whether it's admiring your kindness, praising your creativity, or simply telling you how much they admire your strengths, their words will always uplift you. They'll express their love openly and often, both in person and through notes or messages. You can expect sweet texts during the day, like "You're amazing!" or "I'm so lucky to have you." They'll make sure you know how important you are to them. When you achieve something, big or small, they'll be your biggest cheerleader. Whether you finish a project at work or learn a new skill, they'll celebrate your successes and encourage you to keep going.
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tarotwithdanise · 2 months
꒰⠀from left to right ; intuitively choose the pile your mind, heart and soul desire for. if you are having trouble choosing the right pile for you, here’s some tips you can do ; (1) take a deep breath (2) close your eyes (3) ask guidance from your guides (4) finally open your eyes and you can choose the right pile for you by the guidance you ask from your guides. if you are still having trouble by choosing the right pile for you let me know because i am willing to help and guide you.
1 - 2 - 3
reader's note: this is NOT a depth reading so please bear with it.
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You are their dream, their angel. they can love you forever despite the hurt you may give to them. They love your gazes at them, those innocent eyes that if you fall deeper they are able to witness the sea of doubts and worries you have been through in life. They consider themselves lucky to meet someone like you in this lifetime. They have an intense romantic love and passion for you that may become a crime, if there's a law about it. You make them feel excited each day you are their motivation, they think they've found the one. Someone who is loaded with talent and perfection. They don't want to rush rather they want to enjoy every minute with you.
extra messages : oceans, a distant star, crush, 21, gemini, sagittarius, j and b.
(reader's pov: bruhhh! i was currently sipping a coffee while doing tarot for this reading and then the song "espresso" popped up next on my spotify playlist.)
Just like a coffee, you're gonna make this person's heart rate going with your presence. They also find it attractive how hot a human you are. They love how witty and random your humor is, you always leave a remarkable expression to them. If this person is a biker then you are their backpack perhaps there's a little bit of sensual attraction between you and them. They love your energizing and captivating smile. They may often find themselves addcticted to you as a caffeine can to a person. You are their escape from their challenging days.
extra messages: perfect strangers, coffee shop, biker, yellow, black, childhood, different personality and character, ring, aries, taurus, pisces, D, G and N.
They think you are as sweet as sugar, starting from your personality down to your appearance. They paint a perfect picture of you and them walking down the aisle, the beautiful face of yours smiling at them that never fades to their imagination. They think God sent you from above and give someone like you to them that seems to come from a well known museum and has an expensive value. This person thinks you and them have an unbreakable soul connection and they're completely enamored with you.
extra messages: angel and devil behavior, bouquet, park, guitar, 1221, online love, scorpio, libra, aries, virgo and sagittarius, K, F, R and E.
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© tarotwithdanise ── all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, alter, or repost my work with or without my explicit permission.
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st4rtar0t · 5 months
Details about your future partner
physical appearance, astrological details and more
In this pick a picture we will get to know some information about your future partner, this can even be your future spouse or somebody you will have a long term relationship with. I know you are really curious about them so why not read this and like and share if you feel that this reading has resonated with you?
Pick a picture from below
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DM for personal readings.
Picture one
Some of you may already know this person. I see that you know this person from a work setting. They are really hardworking and they put their best in everything they do. They are a master at their craft. I also see that they have had their heart broken in the past and they no longer want to take any risks. This person is really attractive and a lot of people have their eyes on them. They know how to have deep conversations and I also see that they hate small talk. They are always energetic and have a youthful smile. However they have a sense of mystery around them. It's like they are always Hiding a part of them from others. They are family oriented and they will always put their family before anyone else. I also see that they are just your type. They are really protective of the people they love and they will do everything in their power to help others around them. You may Meet this person through social media or through an online platform. I see that you guys will be talking a lot to each other. For some of you, this person is already stalking you and you can feel it. The only reason why this person isn't approaching you is because of their past relationship. This person is really attracted to you and they want to have long term relationship. They only date to marry.
Physical attributes: dark/tanned skin, buzz cut, brunette, ginger hair, puppy face, golden retriever energy, sharp jawline, narrow eyes, thick eye lashes, blue/brown eyes, wide nose.
Key words: childish, eyes on you, watching, spiritual union, lust, lesson, co-worker, short trip, water body, fox, R,A,T,M,O. Explorer, possessive, lots of love, overflowing love.
Astrological details: Virgo rising, Taurus moon, Mars in Aries, Venus in 2nd house, Gemini Mercury, Neptune in 12th house.
Picture two
They are definitely spiritual and if not spiritual then they are definitely interested in being a better person every day. I also see that they have deep understanding of human heart and are quite empathetic. But that doesn't mean they'll carry the burden of others. I see that they like the freedom they have. It seems as if you already know this person or you will be getting to know them soon, sooner than you think. You first conversation may start as an argument or you may not like them at first, its giving enemies to lover vibes. You or they can be an introvert or One of you may not talk much. Some of you may have a fake account that you use to stalk people and they know about it? Or they may collect information about you before talking to you. I am getting a little to no information about them its like the universe does not want you to know about them, it may be a surprise.
Physical attributes : straight nose, beautiful side profile, big or unique ears, full lips, mole under eyes, sharp teeth, dark hair, blond hair or some, fit body.
Key words : bold choice of clothing, snap chat, sunglasses, 11, hot headed, red, T, V, X, May, October, November, pet dogs, younger sibling, gardening, leaf, watermelon.
Astrological details : Scorpio sun, Uranus in Pisces, Virgo moon, Venus in earth sign, Jupiter in 1st, mars in 4th, Libra moon, Pluto dominant,
Picture Three
( Some of you may also be attracted to picture 2)
They're kind of replaying old memories in their head at this moment. They have a tendency to always think about what could've been instead of living in the moment. Sometimes they're just not feeling it, like they're out of sync with everything around them. They feel as if the world is moving but they are frozen. but they are okay with it as long as are helping out and sharing what they've got. Their sense of accomplishment may come from helping other both financially and mentally. They're all about hard work, always grinding and putting in the work to make things happen. They don't like drama and competition, if they feel like you are competing against them they will just let you win. They'd rather keep things peaceful and drama-free. When it comes to love, they're total romantics, just going with the flow and following their heart. They may be a hopeless romantic. They have immense live for their work and they do for a living. They're always honing their skills and perfecting their craft, putting in the effort to be the best at what they do. And at the end of the day, they're someone who feels pretty good about what they've achieved, just living their best life and enjoying every moment. They are grateful for everything that comes their way. No matter blessings or blessing disguised as disasters. Just soaking it all in and feeling grateful for where they're at.
Physical attributes : coloured hair, red hair, tattoos, veiny hands, curly hair, big eyes, sharp jawline, locks, big hands, may wear boots most of the time.
Key words : Horse, 9, 24, 15, pink, water body, red velvet, Venessa, butterflies, absent father figure, garland, gold, nose ring. April, August, June.
Astrological details : Libra descendent, Uranus in 5th, mercury in 10th, Venus in 4th, Taurus Venus, South node in Virgo, Jupiter in libra, cancer rising,
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 5 months
Why We Re-Watch Our Favorite films?
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Future ADHD
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sagstelliums · 2 months
How/when will your future spouse know youre the one (pac) *follower request
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Pile 1
I see that your future spouse is going to know you’re the one when they get sick or don’t feel well youll be super supportive and caring/affectionate, they’ll know you’re the one when you get into a conflict over them and you protect/defend them. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how you handle obstacles or when they see you take a chance and be risky after dealing with something that they thought you couldn’t recover from, they’ll know you’re the one by seeing how motivated and hard working you are. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how much peace and balance you bring to their life, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how abundant and successful you guys are when you’re together. For some of you they’ll know you’re the one when they first shake your hand or introduce themselves, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much you spark their creativity or when they get a lot of new ideas/plans. They’ll know you’re the one when they see they how much easier life is with you in it, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how you handle depression and stagnancy or how you help them get out of theirs. (There may be an age gap). Signs- Leo/aries. Initials- I, R, S
Pile 2
I see that they’ll know you’re the one by the way you motivate them and inspire them, they’ll know you’re the one when they see that you guys had a friendship first and made a deep trusting connection. For some of you they’ll know you’re the one after you guys have a reconciliation, they’ll know you’re the one when they feel comfortable enough to drop their guard. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how balanced the connection is or how you balance out their life, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much their friends/family likes you. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how good you are at consoling them and nurturing them, this may be a same sex marriage. Signs- Sagittarius, Taurus, Capricorn. Initials- P, E, A
Pile 3
I see that they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much better their life is when you’re in it, they’ll know you’re the one when they see how much their life is improving and upgrading because of you. They’ll know you’re the one when they see how far they’ve came with your help, they’ll know you’re the one when see how beneficial you are to them. Th know you’re the one when they start having new experiences and new opportunities, they’ll know you’re the one because of how good you are at helping them or solving their problems. They’ll know you’re the one because of happy and successful they’ll be because of you, they’ll know you’re the one after a certain amount of time and when they feel like the connection isn’t temporary anymore. (There may be an age gap, someone may live in Texas or is from there) Signs- cancer/aries. Initials- T, L, X
Personal readings always available!
Pngs by @janschildhooddump @daydreaming-in-daisies Divider by @nicodefresas
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obsidian-pages777 · 4 months
Pick a card: Your Future Aesthetic.Pick an Image
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Left to Right Top Row-> Pile 1, Pile 2. Left Bottom Row -> Pile 3 [Pick one of the three]
Reading 1: The Ethereal Dreamer
Card Drawn: The Star
Your future self will be deeply enchanted by an ethereal, dreamy aesthetic. Imagine a world filled with soft, flowing fabrics in pastel hues like lavender, blush pink, and sky blue. Your spaces will be adorned with fairy lights, delicate crystals, and celestial motifs such as stars and moons. This aesthetic is all about creating a serene, magical atmosphere that feels almost otherworldly.
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Your fashion choices will lean towards flowing, bohemian dresses, sheer materials, and intricate lace details.Mostly pastel themes. Being attracted to light colors.Butterfly motifs are prominent. You might carry a free flowing nature to your personality representing your aspirations towards expansion of peace.
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Home decor will feature airy, light-filled spaces with plenty of natural elements like feathers, geodes, and plants.
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Your future self will seek to create a sanctuary that feels like a serene escape from reality, full of whimsical fairie-esque and gentle beauty.
Reading 2: The Bold Visionary
Card Drawn: The Emperor
Your future self will gravitate towards a bold, visionary aesthetic that exudes confidence and sophistication. This look is defined by strong lines, rich colors like deep navy, burgundy, and emerald, and luxurious materials such as velvet, leather, and silk.
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Your fashion will include tailored suits, statement pieces with geometric patterns, and accessories that make a statement.
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Home decor will feature modern furniture with clean lines, metallic accents, and striking art pieces. Your spaces will be meticulously organized and designed to project power and elegance.
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The aesthetic you will love is one that commands attention and reflects a sense of authority and ambition, perfectly suited for a leader who is unafraid to stand out and make bold moves.
Reading 3: The Vintage Romantic
Card Drawn: The Lovers
Your future self will find joy in a vintage, romantic aesthetic that celebrates nostalgia and timeless beauty.
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Picture a world filled with delicate floral patterns, antique furniture, and soft, muted tones like rose, cream, and sage green. Your fashion will be inspired by eras past, with a love for lace, vintage dresses, pearl accessories, and retro hairstyles.
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Home decor will feature shabby chic elements, ornate picture frames, and cozy, intimate settings with lots of personal touches like family heirlooms and handmade crafts.
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This aesthetic is all about creating a warm, inviting atmosphere that feels both elegant and charmingly old-fashioned. Your future self will delight in the romance and history embedded in this timeless style.
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reunitedinterlude · 5 months
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cheeky horrible banter
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nyaiiaii · 2 years
nosy neighbors (play frog ambiance 1 hour loop)
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tarotwithavi · 4 months
How will your future partner make you feel?
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How to choose a pile?
Close your eyes and take a deep breath and ask the angels to show you the right pile for you and open your eyes. The first pile that catches your attention is the right pile for you.
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Pile 1
They will make you feel as if all those lonely days were worth it, all the time you spent looking for love was worth it. They'll make you feel like you never have before. You'll be more confident in their presence, feeling as if you are the only woman/man in the entire universe. They'll make you feel so special that you may start wondering if your life is a dream. I see that you might get too attached to them, or they might get too attached to you, but either way, there is a sense of obsession. Being so infatuated with each other that you can't see anybody else. They'll make you realize that the time you spent alone was all for a better reason. The time you spent working on yourself was worth it. They'll make your stagnant life more enjoyable. I see that you may feel like you live a really boring life, but they'll make your life more interesting. You'll wake up every morning thinking about what will happen today, how your day will be, and what you will do together. They'll bring stability in your life and they'll make you feel heard and understood. They'll respect your boundaries and treat you the way you want to be treated. You'll feel as if you have won a lottery.
Pile 2
They'll make you feel understood. You might have been misunderstood your whole life, or people seem to outcast you for no reason. But with them, you'll feel at home. They'll know everything about you and understand you without you having to say anything, almost as if they can read your mind. They'll know exactly what you want or need. They'll always be there to support you and protect you no matter what happens. You'll feel like yourself in their presence, and you'll feel like you don't have to change yourself or be somebody you're not. You'll pay no attention to whatever somebody says anymore. You'll feel no pressure to hide parts of yourself. You'll have a lot of deep conversations with them, finally having somebody to talk about your interests with. You may have a lot of knowledge about stars, dinosaurs, or something unusual. And they'll listen to you. They'll also provide emotional stability by always being there for you. I see that you guys will work together on something.
Pile 3
Your future partner will make you feel incredibly passionate and alive, bringing a spark into your life that you might not have known was missing. They will make you feel beautiful, not just by complimenting your looks, but by making you feel valued and cherished for who you truly are. I see that they are really rich/financially stable so With them, you'll feel financially secure, as they support you in achieving your goals and creating a stable future together. They'll teach you so many new things, whether it's about the world, different cultures, or even about yourself, transforming your perspective in ways you never imagined. Most importantly, they'll change your perspective about life, helping you see things from different angles and inspiring you to grow and evolve into the best version of yourself. Their presence will transform your everyday experiences, making life richer and more meaningful. They'll make you feel more creative and passionate about your hobbies. I see that they may become your muse or vice versa.
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unluckywisher · 5 months
Some silly™ predictions of how Sylus is gonna be in-game:
You think it's hard to make Zayne blush and his heartbeat rise? Wait for this guy.
If he doesn't get a plushie he threatens to destroy Twinkle Toys.
Dark humor (related to MC's heart LMAO).
Kitty Cards: No mercy run.
Possessive Xavier who? He's lowkey about it, Sylus is not.
When you slap his ass he doesn't flinch. He stares at you in silence.
In one of the audio cards he goes shopping with you and keeps buying you things even if you so much as look at them.
Laughs a lot, but not in a cute way. Deep dark laugh villain-like way.
He acts harsh with you but immediately kills shuts down anyone else who is rude to you.
Idk why but this specifically won't leave my mind: When you do the motion for him to rest his head on your hand, he gets closer, makes a biting motion which makes you retreat your hand, laughs and then actually rests his head correctly.
One of his idle animations is him sliding his hand back through his hair.
And to all of my Caleb = Sylus truthers... The only thing I can really say is... Uh... Toma from Amnesia: Memories.
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kugisakiss · 9 months
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watched m26 hehe, sorry for the word vomit
if anyone was wondering how i was counting how many movies they appeared in, i made a little timeline when i was trying to figure it out for myself ↓
all dcmk movies are released on golden week which is in april. shout out to the detectiveconanworld wiki i couldn't have done it without you x
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the real enemy is conan because he's got a perfect 100% movie spotlight
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