#fya does good
kcfya · 7 years
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Donating lots of awesome school supplies to our local Feed the Need supply drive!
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cifya · 7 years
CI Hometown Heroes
Fun fact about the Central Illinois chapter of FYA book club - our Champaign-Urbana contingent all know each other because they’re involved in Big Brothers Big Sisters. Some are bigs, one is a case manager too, one is a board member. So, volunteering is something that comes easily to lots of our group members. 
For the summer showdown, we have two projects. One is to donate to a local classroom requesting funds to buy books on donorschoose.org.
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The second project is that we’re going to collect books at our August meeting to donate to some Little Free Libraries in the area. Since some of us live an hour away from each other, this one will have to wait a few weeks to complete, but we’re really excited to do it!
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fyaorlandonorth · 7 years
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On July 12th, Melissa went to Orange County Animal Services to learn how to foster animals at their foster orientation class. This is only the beginning of a journey that will include taking in animals (mostly cats) that are too young and/or sick to stay at animal services, and caring for them until they are ready to be adopted.
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Jamie volunteers on the board for Girls on the Run Volusia County. They met on Friday with a strategic planner to look at how they can continue to grow the program and reach more girls in their community. Not familiar with Girls on the Run? Check out www.girlsontherun.org to learn more about how they are empowers young girls to be joyful, confident, and healthy.
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lrfya · 7 years
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Rosemary, Penelope, and Maggie
When thinking about what we’d like to do for the Hometown Heroes artifact hunt, the LRFYA gals knew we’d like to do something for one of our favorite local organizations - Lucie’s Place.
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Lucie’s Place provides homeless LGBTQ young adults in Central Arkansas with safe living environments, job training and counseling services in order to ensure lifelong stability and success, and works to promote equality and acceptance for LGBTQ young adults.
This organization has a special place in our hearts, so we called up the Executive Director Penelope Poppers and asked her what Lucie’s Place needed right now. Penelope said SNACKS. So LRFYA held our own little snack drive and gathered as many munchies as we could at our Summer Showdown cocktail party, then delivered them to the Lucie’s Place offices.
If you’d like more information about Lucie’s Place, visit their website or follow them on Facebook.
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cltfya · 7 years
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So for our hometown hero post, we in CLT decided to contribute to two different organizations by purchasing items they need for donation. The two organizations we chose were Spay Neuter Charlotte and Reading Partners. Spay Neuter Charlotte requested cleaning/health supplies for sanitation of the kennels and the important medical care they give every day to cats and dogs. In the second picture, you can see Meghan’s cat, Juliet, inspecting the items (she’s a Q-tip hoarder). Heather and Meghan also bought books for Reading Partners - they were looking for reading materials for their one on one tutoring services for students reading two or more grade levels below, improving literacy across the county to kids. We loved reading the picture books and the bilingual books, plus those with feminism and diversity. Books with Latina characters and language/number development skills were a big draw and diversity and language was requested by the organization on their wish list for donations. The last picture is from Reading Partners itself. As a book club, of course we dig any chance to help kids learn to love reading as much as we all do.
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kcmofya · 7 years
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We went on a donating spree this weekend, with more stops planned for the future. First, we gathered up boxes of books to put in the little free libraries along the local bus stops.  You can see one of the boxes of books and Carmen at one of the libraries. Next, we donated some clothing and personal items to a local battered women’s shelter.  We don’t have photos of us at the shelter, for obvious reason. We plan to do more donating over the next couple of weeks.
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aromoji · 5 years
Yea I'm not saying fya is good, I just think this current scandal is sketchy
Yeaaah now I definitely don’t trust that callout
(Also not to be that guy but if we’re pulling receipts from 2017 can we talk about how the majority of exclus in 2019 relentlessly defended Maya aka traggotry who’s followed p/does for nearly a year?)
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kylorengarbagedump · 4 years
I just rewatched TFA for the first time since I saw it initially (when it premiered, literally how did I make it this long) and my gOD kylo just looks so good. I swear it took all of my being to not accidentally make a FYA reference in front of my family, it was so easy to picture the story in parallel! Sending you lots of love 💕
Awww! Omg, I’m so happy. He really does look so good. I’m actually so happy that it runs parallel in your head. It does in mine, too! I was so interested in keeping the sequel canon, but after TROS, I will probably just re-write the entire thing, because... I hate TROS.
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agenderakali · 5 years
i went through the OWL course and personally it was fine and extremely helpful, but i get the feeling that our course was like. extremely different from the main one like for one our course didn't start until the first year of high school. we mostly learned about what periods are and how to deal with them, how the reproductive systems work, and how to use condoms [in their words, 'some of you will use them no matter what we say so we'd better teach you to use them correctly'] part 1/2
2/2 sorry to be all like “not all OWL courses!!” but i guess i wanna emphasize that it can be a good program when it’s not staffed by fucking predators like the woman on the fya discord. i’m also guessing [just guessing] that the ‘unrestricted by law’ thing might be for states where any kind of comprehensive sex education is illegal in schools.
I think it’s great that efforts are being made to provide inclusive sex ed in areas where it’s suppressed by conservatives. The program for older kids definitely sounds like a good idea, where my concern comes is how the program starts in kindergarden. 4 and 5 year olds. That’s just. Way too young an age to be trying to apply sexuality to. 
Being outside of the school system does help them avoid dated laws to provide proper sex ed. But it also keeps them free of the kind of oversight a school would have. So yeah, I just really hope the parents sending their kids to that program are keeping a close eye on it. 
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saltyaro · 5 years
spiralxk a réagi à votre billet “So, after the recent mess with fya, I decided to follow a lovely...”
I follow a lot of ace blogs and pages and I'm even in a whatsapp group and I rarely see any talk of respectability politics, the few posts I see are usually aroaces fighting against the whole "aces can still love". I don't know how well received this kind of talk would be since it would require (mostly) alloros to confront their amatonormativity, but I think that it would make all of us stronger, both as communities and as individuals
Of course it would only be aroaces trying to fight the good fight haha. Yeah asking of alloros to fight their amatonormativity would definitely difficult but, like you said, it would probably be a good thing in the long-term. I’m a bit sad that the ace community hasn’t matured ever since I left it, but I guess it does open the discussion. 
I’m...not sure how to go about it though, as the aro community. My guess would be to try and find a moderately popular ace blog (as really popular blogs probably wouldn’t answer or not have the desire to actually engage in this kind of difficult work) and try to discuss it with them but...I don’t really know any, and I also don’t want to shift all the heavy work on aroaces, even though aroaces’ perspectives would probably matter a lot. 
What if I created a public google docs and we tried to write a message to send to one blog or two? That way everyone could comment and modify it quickly and easily (and I wouldn’t be the center of it). Thoughts?
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tumblunni · 5 years
Underrated yokai watch translation mistake: the subtle uncutening of Dr Maddiman
First off his japanese voice is a very nasally sort of 'underdog character' thing, with a singsong intonation to how he says stuff. And his english voice just sucks, i have no goddamn clue what possessed them to give him straight up the same voice as seargeant burly. WHAT! His english voice also seems to be missing a lot of his unique sound effects, in japanese he sorta..well..said sound effects. His damage and attacking sounds were hammy yells of 'bwaah!' 'doryaaa!' 'hiehhhh?!' etc. In english its just one single 'uhn' type generic vocalization. and even his laugh was toned down into "ha ha ha" (yes exactly as awkward as that) instead of "fufufu" "fuyahahaahahahahaaa!" and miscellaneous mad giggles and voice cracking type moments. Like even when he IS just saying "ha" it sounds more like a natural laugh of a dude who's having fun, perhaps a little too much fun, lol. He doesnt do anything as halfhearted at that damn english voice that just tries to YELL LOUDLY to make up for the loss of enthusiasm...
And then even his spoken dialogue is victim to less hamminess and specifically less cuteness also. A lot of it has been inexplicably turned into formal phrasing in english, i guess just because "he's a smart guy character"...? It strikes me as really similar to another favourite character of mine, Charon from pokemon. But in that case he actually is an elderly man speaking flowery formal japanese and trying to sound deliberately fancy (to the point where him dropping it for a few lines is a sign that he's really rattled) Maddiman not only has the opposite personality but even apparantly has an equivelantly opposite moment in japanese! (Switching from the ordinary/slightly feminine "watashi" to boastful "ware" only when he's doing dramatic speeches about his experiments) I dunno it just feels weird that as well as making him formal he's also got more scattered lines of I AM A BIG GENIUS boastfulness. Like did they need to fill empty space or something...?
Also maddimancs like.. Word choice? Is cute? In japanese? He continues to make sound effects of hamminess all the time in his written dialogue and almost all of them are edited out in english for reasons unknown. Examples: 'giehhhhhh?!' instead of "huh" or "oh no", lots of fuhuhu fuhaha fyaaah hyaa for no reason whenever he sees a prime chance, lol. All universally changed to the more generic 'mwahaha' in english, and always 'mwahaha' instead of the more natural sounding variations from sentence to sentence. Japanese maddiman also tends to...like..i guess i'll say singsong voice again? His word choices seem to only ever lie on the two extremes of short and cute vs long and complicated, and he flitters back and forth and sprinkles it around in a way that just makes his sentences look like something thatd be super fun to read out loud. That kind of mad scientist speak, not the formal boring kind! Every now and again he'll throw in something SUPER informal/cutesy that kinda takes you off guard and makes you go "oh you~!" Like the aforementioned "giehhhhhhhhhh" [continues on for like a whole text box], or how he interrupts his dramatic speech in Medal Wars to briefly say "oh by the way good morning" in THE most informal rural dialect old man type variant of the phrase. And instead of something more typical like "eureka" or "at last!" or whatever, in japanese his standard 'my experiment is complete' noise is YOSHAAAAA~!!
Oh and just to add, he often has multipke explanation marks, "?!" interrobang things and tildes even on lines that are very ordinary. Like he YELLS EVERYTHING at MAXIMUM ENTHUSIASM!!! This is a line! Of dialogue!! That i am saying!! Im just so happy about it!!
He also really does break his sentences up like that! And lots of other subtle "i am going a mile a minute and i cannot stop" type verbal tics, like repeating himself and sometimes stammering or streeeetching out voweeeels~ And pretty much any time there's a variant of a word containing "ya" or "fya" he's gonna pick that, even if it looks comically out of place in the sentence. I think thats the logic behind him sometimes saying stuff thats noteably more or less formal than the rest of the entire text box? And well you better believe he's gonna add some more As onto that thing!!
He just feels a lot more..like.. overemotional in japanese? Really does feel like when youre super heckin hyped over your BIG FAVOURITE and you go all motormouth nuts! And him being like that with almost everything kinda adds a lot of personality details even before you start learning about him. Plus in japanese his name is more "reckless" or "carried away" instead of "mad", and well his sad backstory is literally about him getting so "carried away" with his research that it caused his wife to leave him and his life to fall apart. So him sounding more ditzy and easily exciteable seems to fit with the kind of personality that could get that deeply sucked into things at the cost of his own health and important relationships, as well as the sort of guy who might be a bit too emotionally immature to properly escape from such a tense web of life mistakes...
Also its just.. Its just real cute, y'all.
Seeing a scary lookin doctor and then he talks like a cute bastard = instantly a point of intrigue that makes you wonder if he might get a sympathetic backstory in some future game, and you are totally already cheering for him to do this because gosh darn it even if he's killing me he's sounding like a sweet old grandpa who'd give me candy afterwards! The whole 'underdog factor' really cant be underestimated, it feeds in really well to the tragedy of his life and how he's really more of a reluctant villain/guy who doesnt even realise he's a villain/guy who's kinda not in control of his own actions sometimes. He just seems sad even before the sadness happens! THE CUTENESS IS IMPORTANT FORESHADOWING, DAMMITTTT
so yeah anyway to Do A Maddiman you just need to act like an overenthusastic undertalented actor in a school play while also sticking a peg on your nose. Imagine they promised you candy if you can scream the loudest!!
And That Is Why We Love Him
The End
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megusims · 7 years
Replies: Day 13
Hello there c: Thank you for the support and love as always <3 I got a chance to work on Nami for a bit this weekend ^_^ Idk when I’ll be posting, but probably not till I have a decent amount ready. My goal is to get 3 chapters done before school starts again but we’ll see. In the meantime, enjoy the random photos I have of my sort of random sims lol (ノ*゜▽゜*)
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@fyachii replied to your post “Replies: Day 12”
YEP. I like that achievement! It's like a game or something :D So, did Natsuo know about it? ;)  OMG I love that gif! especially how cute Cole is ;__; Too bad he's not a romance option. I really like him.
Ikr? Almost as they’re living in a game this whole time eheheheh >:D Naw Natsuo and Keisuke haven’t met yet. Only Yumi knows Keisuke. Ikr? ;U; the gif is so cute I had to use it. *sigh* If only they made Cole an option. He’s such a cutie ^0^ you just want to hug him all the time. 
fyachii replied to your photoset “(੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु”
I love it, T! The colors looks more vibrant! \0/ AHHH ZACH! I MISSED HIM. He does look quite different than how I remember him! I missed his hair though. You know, THAT hair, the one you used on him before. hehehehe. Still, he looks good! *__* OH RIGHT. this is his young self. Nvm. Forget I said anything. hoho. Is this your first fresh post after a year?? YAYYYY!  I love your editing, too! *_* Like always. *__*
Aww thank you Fya *hugs* ^3^ It’s been awhile since we seen Zach aah ;U; I miss him. It’s mostly been on Yumi and Natsuo now ahah. How did that happen xD Ik what your talking about. That hair suits his face so well, it was weird to put him another hair ahah. It was also strange to see him without the intense black eyeshadow. I lowered the intensity on his younger self cuz it felt weird to get rid of it all. Y YES IT IS c: I have missed my game. Hehe thank you again <3 I’m getting used to it, I have mixed feelings about it atm ahah. 
@treason-and-plot replied to your photoset “Nami Chapter 3 (Part 6/6): Achievements Prev | Next | All Chapters”
So smooth ��
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@ktarsims replied to your photoset “(੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु”
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@corianderpunch replied to your photoset “(੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु”
Why earphone dude is really cute
Y yes he is really cute O w O His name is Zach or Zachie depending on how cute he gets lol. I’m glad you like him hehe
@toys-of-dukeness replied to your photoset “(੭ ˃̣̣̥ ㅂ˂̣̣̥)੭ु”
<sub>OMG!! I love this so much!XD Aaahh why the so cute...! His smile....I'm in love! haha Thank you so much my megu♥</sub>
Awww thank you Dukie c: I’m glad you like it! *hugs* I had to use your poses on them. It suited them so well!. Thanks for making them ^3^ ♥
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newemailcreate-blog · 5 years
Business Email Habits You Need To Stop Right Now
1. Vague Or Outdated Subject Lines
'Hi' or 'Enquiry' are not good subject lines. If you're expecting your reader to open an email, give him some idea of what it will be about. Don't keep your reader guessing by using vague subject lines. Similarly, don't use old subject lines. If your lunch date with a co-worker has passed, don't keep using the same thread. Create a new email thread or simply change the subject line to something more relevant to both of you.
2. Abbreviations Or Acronyms
Not only are they unprofessional, abbreviations and acronyms could cause confusion or misunderstanding. Not everyone thinks FYA means 'for your action'! Take the time to consider your reader and spell out the words instead.
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3. Writing In One Long Paragraph
Nothing is more disheartening than opening an email only to see that it contains just one very long paragraph. It's hard to read and makes it difficult for your reader to focus and pick out the key points.
Make your message reader-friendly by leaving a blank line between paragraphs, and start a new paragraph every three to four lines.
4. Sending Vague Messages
Before you even begin typing, it helps if you plan your message first - consider the flow from opening to details to action and then to close. Check through it again when you're done and ask yourself these four quick questions:
Have you included all the essential information? Can you remove any redundancies? Does the information flow smoothly? Is the action clearly stated? 5. Sending Messages That Are Just Plain Sloppy If there are no clear goals in your email, some misspelled words, long-winded sentences, and if you never bothered to double-check it before you hit send, you can bet your email might just end up in the bin.
I hope you will resolve to work on ensuring that you and your company make a great impression on email. Structure your messages logically with an introduction or some back story (Thanks for your call, etc), add the details, tell the reader what action you want, and end with an appropriate close.
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pghfya · 7 years
Cassi's Most Recommended Audiobooks
So, I love audiobooks. I listen to a few a month. Sometimes one a week. I listen at work, on the bus to work, while doing chores around the house, out for long walks on the beach. It doesn’t matter when or where I am, I will probably be listening to an audiobook.
And because I love audiobooks so much that every time someone is like “I need an audiobook I’m all…”
So what I’m saying is that I’m super excited to be sharing some of my favorite audiobooks with you all. I talk about audiobooks a lot of my blog so if you want more recommendations, check it out (My Thoughts Literally) But in the mean time, here are some of my favorite audiobooks and the ones I have recommended the most.
1.) The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater
All of Maggie’s books are amazing and their audiobooks are fantastic. You seriously can’t go wrong with a Maggie book on audio. Her writing is so atmospheric that it works really well with the audio format. Scorpio Races is the best though. The island of Thisby comes alive in this audio. You will love it. Trust me. Plus it is narrated by Steve West and Fiona Hardingham. They are among my favorite narrators. Anything they narrate is great. Steve West, in particular, makes me feel things I shouldn’t feel in public. But seriously, these narrators are so good. This spring I listened to almost exclusively books narrated by them and I had to force myself to stop because it was ruining other narrators for me. 
2.) The Reckoners Trilogy by Brandon Sanderson
I love Brandon Sanderson and this series is the one that started it for me. It’s a seriously amazing and action-packed read that is great on audio. The narrator, MacLeod Andrews is another one of my favorite narrators. He really gets the characters. And in this series, there is a huge and diverse cast of characters. There are all kinds of different accents and personalities in the series but they are all so perfect in MacLeod’s expert hands (mouth?). But the best part is that this series is so funny. It’s really hilarious. You will laugh out loud. It’s amazing.
3.) Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
This is technically not YA, but it has so much crossover appeal that I have to list it. Plus it really is among my most recommended audiobooks. Plus the movie is coming out soon and if you want to read the book before the movie comes out you need to know that the audio is so good. Because it really is amazing. It’s a really thrilling and descriptive read that comes alive in the audio format. Plus it’s narrated by Wil Wheaton which is such perfect casting. It’s nerdy 80’s and computer references are perfect with Wil as the narrator.
4.) The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer
I love this series. I read the first three books in like two weeks and immediately became obsessed. They’re so fun and the characters are amazing. This is another audio with a great world and tons of action that work so well in the audio format. Plus it is narrated by Elizabeth Soler who again is one of my favorite narrators. I listened to the first three books as a reread before Winter came out that I couldn’t actually read Winter. I had to listen to the audiobook because her voice became the characters’ voice. (P.S. This also happened with Throne of Glass because Elizabeth Evans does the most perfect Celaena Sardothian. Throne of Glass isn’t in this series it could be).
5.) Beauty Queens by Libba Bray
I’m a huge fan of Libba Bray’s books. I’ve read basically all of them and I’ve loved every single one of them. I listened to the audio for Beauty Queens and I am really glad that I did because it was amazing. The author narrates it herself which is one of my favorite things in audiobooks. I feel like when the author narrates you get the tone of them. And the tone of this book is hilarity. Seriously I thought this was so fun and silly in the best possible way. I even asked Libba Bray on twitter after I listened to this if she would narrate my life because she did such a great job. She agreed and I am still waiting for that.
6.) Illuminae Files by Jay Kristoff and Aime Kaufman
So, I know what you are thinking. This series is written in an epistolary format and there are pictures and cool stuff, why would I listen to the audio. But trust me, the audio is amazing. For one thing, it has a full cast, something I always love, but it also has sound effects. The book really does come alive in the audio. It’s a truly immersive experience if you scroll through the book and look at the images while you listen to the audio. Plus they have some great narrators. Olivia Taylor Dudley and Lincoln Hoppe in Illumnae are great. Gemina has MacLeod Andrews, Steve West, and Carla Corvo all of whom I love. Plus whoever does Ella is perfection. These audio are perfection.
7.) Jackaby series by William Ritter
This is maybe one of the most underrated series out there. I am obsessed with it. It’s like Sherlock Holmes meets Doctor Who. A historical fantasy set in a small New England town with all kinds supernatural happenings. But luckily for us, there is Detective R.F Jackaby there to investigate things with his trusty assistant Abigail Rook, his ghost landlady Jenny Cavanaugh, Douglas a duck who used to be his assistant, and a frog you should not stare at. It’s hilarious and mysterious. Plus Nicola Barber is a great narrator.
8.) His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman
I’m a huge fan of this series. I read it years ago and then reread it recently on audio. The audio was seriously amazing. I did not expect it to be as good as it was. But this is another series that has a full cast and it worked so well. The narrator for Lyra was so perfect and so was the narrator for Iorek Byrnison, who is my favorite character in the series. It’s told like a radio play and I loved it.
9.) Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams
Another one that isn’t young adult but has a ton of crossover appeal. If you see a trend here then you are very perspective. Yes, I like audiobooks that have a lot of action and a lot of humor. That is absolutely what this book has. There are two versions, one that has one narrator (Stephen Fry for the first book and then Martin Freeman), and a radio play with a full cast. Both are great.
10.) Honorable Mentions 
Simon Vs. The Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before by Jenny Han
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
These are all honorable mentions and therefore the tenth on this list because I couldn’t decide which one to decide because they are all so amazing. Also, I listened to recently so I’m not sure I have every really recommended them to anyone. But I’m recommending them to you because they are amazing.
Okay, that’s all I will list here. I can seriously go on forever with recommendations. Seriously, check out my blog for more. I’ve done plenty of posts with my favorites and even a ton of reviews of audiobooks. I listen to like 40 audiobooks a year so I have a lot of feelings. Anyway, I have to go. Probably find new audiobooks to listen to. Maybe I’ll see if any other clubs have recommendations.
#fya audiobooks #submission #yasummershowdown 2017 #2017 yasummershowdown #pghfya #2017 artifact hunt #artifact hunt 2017
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kylorengarbagedump · 5 years
as someone who’s studying engineering right now ... THANK u for having reader be one in fix your attitude because it’s so refreshing to see female engineers in fics bc i usually see them as just nurses or not even having jobs at all and UGH i love ur characters
Haha, I'm so glad that was refreshing to you. I wanted her occupation to be something more scientific/analysis based because I wanted the audience to believe she was smart and good at her job (despite her bad behavior).
Also, it's horrifically embarrassing when someone who actually studies any sort of engineering or science/math-based field tells me they've read FYA, because I literally made up everything she does and I feel the need to be like, "please don't read too closely ahhh..."
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dailyrapfacts · 4 years
What does "Fire" or "Fya" mean?
What does “Fire” or “Fya” mean?
The term and slang “Fire” or “Fya” is an adjective and it was popularized in Atlanta, Georgia.
“Fire” or “Fya” means something is really good or cool.
The term “Fire” or “Fya” has been used by 21 Savage, Playboi Carti, and many more rappers.
Read: What does “Slime” mean?
Read: What does “Simp” and “Simping” mean?
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