#gaara x chojuro
Idk.. But I feel like Chojuro HEAVILY pampers Garra.
Always getting him gifts, always carrying Garra's things even though Garra is perfectly capable of doing it himself...
Garra loves it but he can find it a bit too much at times.
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boybolt · 14 days
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moonlight-drawings · 2 years
Garra enjoying Chojuro's extra large shirt ✨
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Part 9
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lemony-snickers · 2 years
howdy friends!  i am writing custom fics in exchange for donations to help ukraine!
you can find out more here about @wind-becomes-lightning’s donations for stories & art campaign, which she has graciously invited me to join and which we will be closing at the end of may!
this afternoon i’m happy to share a cute little chojuro/gaara piece for @iantoyawrites​!  thank you so much for donating and being such a pleasure to work with!
cover art once again done by the stupendous @kankuroplease <3
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Title: Take Shelter Summary:  Chojuro and Gaara hide out after an ambush. Word Count:  2,916 Warnings:  mentions of injury, approximately one swear word
if you’d like to request a custom fic of your own pls read the post linked above and send me a screenshot of your donation before the end of the month! <3
The entire mission was perfectly boring right up until it wasn’t.  And then, in an instant, the monotony was replaced with chaos.
Gaara ignored the support shinobi calling for him, attempting to pull him away from the main battle.  Instead, he focused on protecting those who could not defend themselves.  The convoy had been escorting several dozen refugees from a small village in the Land of Rivers—a joint effort between Kiri and Suna with the blessings of Konoha and promised passage through the Land of Fire. There were terrified civilians—families with small children—caught in the fray, an ambush just before they reached the Fire border.
Gaara summoned his sand, swirled it into protective coverings as he surveyed the enemy swarm, tried to decide how best to reduce any loss of life.  The bandits were well organized, and obviously trained for battle, a fact which limited their defensive options.  The earth here was saturated and wet, still influenced by the waterways that gave the Land of Rivers its name; it meant the sand Gaara had with him was likely all he would have to use.
“Protect the Mizukage!”
Gaara turned his head and saw Chojuro slashing through enemies with his blade—looking not at all as though he required protecting.  Hiramekarei was a stunning weapon, and even more stunning when wielded by the leader of Kirigakure.  It seemed hardly a blade at all in appearance, but it sang with its swordsman, forcibly extracting the chakra of its enemies and storing it within.
To think the Kiri forces were under attack after graciously offering to take in the refugees being escorted in the Land of Water was almost unthinkable.
Gaara noticed an enemy closing in on a mother and her child attempting to flee the convoy.  He shouted for Chojuro, who immediately understood the cry.  Gaara broke open the ground, revealing an underground spring.  Chojuro called forth the water and it spiraled around the bandit, encasing him in a swirling, suffocating prison.  Gaara made it to the mother and child, helping the terrified woman to her feet and guiding her toward one of the sand-shelters he’d created to protect the refugee families.
As they made their way through the chaos of the fight, an enemy swooped in, swinging their scythe weapon wildly at the young child, who screamed in terror.
Without thinking, Gaara wrapped his arms around the pair and turned to put his own body between them and the assailant.  Before he could consider whether there may have been a better course of action, he felt the finely-sharpened edge of the blade slice through his back.
He cried out as pain spread over his shoulder blades.
Chojuro was there in a moment, thrusting his blade into the belly of the enemy before he had a chance to sever Gaara’s head from the rest of his body.  Gaara swore as he helped the parent and child to their destination, creating an opening in the sand shield to usher them through before closing it again.
“They’re after the Kazekage!”
Gaara whipped his head around and locked gazes with Chojuro, who stared back at him with a pained expression on his face.  They were going to be overwhelmed if they did not somehow turn the tide of this fight, or at least split the enemy combatants apart.
Gaara shouted for his shinobi guard, “Take the civilians and get them to safety!”
Chojuro gave his own guard a similar order, “Follow them and escort the Kazekage!  He’s injured.”
There was a Kiri-nin at Gaara’s side in a breath, hand under his elbow to begin ushering him away from the main fighting.  He shrugged the shinobi off with a snarl.
“If it’s me they want, I won’t endanger innocents.”  He shot a sharp look at the commander of his own guard.  “I’ll lead them away as best I can, return with reinforcements when you’re able.”
“But, Sir–”
“That’s an order,” Gaara said, and then he took off into the trees, knowing no one would be stupid enough to disobey a direct command from the Kazekage, even if it was one they did not agree with.
He could hear the shouts of his pursuers and increased his speed, doing his best to ignore the searing pain across his back where the enemy’s scythe had sliced through his uniform.
“On your left.”
Gaara looked over to find a familiar face with sharp teeth smiling at him encouragingly as he made it to his side.
“What are you doing?  You should be with your guard.”
“I could say the same of you, Kazekage,” Chojuro teased.
Gaara only scoffed.
They both felt the enemy presence at the same moment, darting away from one another as the woman sent a targeted wind jutsu slicing through the air.  Chojuro turned and engaged her in direct combat while Gaara commanded an Earth Prison to trap three or four of her comrades.  It disintegrated quickly, but delayed them just enough for him to grasp several shuriken from the pouch at his side and send them flying.
Even injured, the Kazekage was a man to be feared—that much was evident in the sheer number of rogues who had been sent to collect him—and his weapons flew with deadly precision.
“Who sent you?” Chojuro asked his opponent.
She sneered, “I don’t report to anyone.”
Gaara rolled his eyes.  The bandits were fairly well-trained, certainly, but they would not have lasted even half as long as this if Gaara and the rest of his detail had not been preoccupied with sheltering and protecting the refugees being escorted.
He had his suspicions it was the rogue leader of the village their charges had defected from, attempting to send a message so that others would make no attempt to contact Suna for help or flee on their own.
Chojuro, realizing he would garner no useful information from the woman, ended the battle with a decisive swing of Hiramekarei.
The two Kage continued on, darting and weaving through the trees until they could no longer feel an enemy presence.
“We should find a place to set camp,” Chojuro suggested.  “The longer we remain on the move, the more difficult it will be for your guard to find us once they’ve reinforced their ranks.”
Gaara nodded and followed the Mizukage’s lead while they searched for a suitable place.  He winced as the ache in his shoulders settled deeper in his bones and realized with growing dread there may have been something sinister about the weapon that injured him.  He tried not to let the panic of what it could be show on his face.
Chojuro knew him far too well—far better than anyone else yet understood—and he was reticent for the other man to see the wound was worse than Gaara let on.
Eventually, they settled into an outcropping in the side of a hill, near a quickly running stream.  The stones cut away into a decently sized opening, providing protection from the elements and any unfriendly eyes, with just enough room for them to lie down and set a fire if they wanted.
After some discussion, however, the fire was considered too much of a risk, and they sat together in the chilly dark of the cavern as the moon rose high in the sky.  It was simple enough to keep their chakra signatures suppressed, especially given how much Gaara had expended during the battle and how weak he felt now.
“You should be more careful,” Chojuro said, frowning.
Gaara returned his expression with equal distaste.  “I am not some cowardly old person too frail to defend his people.”
Chojuro smiled a little at that, shaking his head.  “I know you wanted to protect them, but that shouldn’t come at the expense of your own life.  Like it or not, you’re an important person to many.”
Gaara understood the weight of Chojuro’s words, but he was not prepared to deal with them at the current moment.  Instead, he averted his gaze from the other man’s and shrugged, which was a mistake.  Immediately, his back was lanced with agony.  The wound across his shoulder blades felt like it had been doused in accelerant and set aflame.  He attempted to mask his discomfort, but it was far too late.
Before he could wave him off, Chojuro was on his feet, across the small cavern, and then kneeling behind him.
His gasp let Gaara know the wound was indeed foul.
“I think whatever weapon hit you may have been poisoned,” he said, finger gingerly prodding around the edges of the wound.  “Do you feel lightheaded?”  Gaara shook his head, but Chojuro set a wrist upon his forehead anyway.  “You have a fever,” he said grimly, “that’s not a good sign.”
Chojuro instructed Gaara to remove his shirt and he did so, however reluctantly, revealing the broad, pale expanse of his back.  Chojuro wasted no time teasing Gaara for his obvious—and unnecessary—discomfort, intent solely on cleaning and dressing the wound.  His fingers were careful as he attended to it with a medical kit he’d had sealed away with his other supplies.  The salve he applied stung bitterly against the injury and Gaara bit his lip to keep from crying out, feeling the threat of traitorous tears in his eyes.
When Chojuro finished, Gaara shrugged his clothes back on, keeping his face turned away from his companion.  He felt too raw, too vulnerable, to face him.
They sat in silence for a long time, both on edge and constantly straining for the slightest sound of an approach.  None came, however, and eventually Gaara’s eyelids grew heavy.  He was dimly aware of careful hands guiding him into a sleeping position, something soft cradling his head, the brush of gentle lips against his cheek and a whispered, “Get some rest.”
When he woke, it was with a jolt.  Gaara shivered, cool sweat dotting his brow and sliding over his neck.
Chojuro’s voice was clouded with sleep, and it was then Gaara realized the sound came from above him—the Mizukage was sleeping sitting up, propped against the wall of the cavern with Gaara’s head in his lap.
“Shit,” Chojuro said, pressing his wrist to Gaara’s forehead again.  “Your fever’s worse.”
Gaara looked out through the crack in the rocks they’d used to access the cavern.  It was still dark and though he wanted to move now, he knew he was in no condition to do so—that it would be safer for them to wait for daylight before they retraced their path through the woods.
Chojuro seemed to understand the same as he helped Gaara sit up and pulled him close.  Gaara settled between Chojuro’s propped knees, his back settling carefully against the other man’s chest as he wrapped his arms around Gaara’s shoulders.
Gaara’s teeth chattered as he clasped his hands over Chojuro’s forearms, relaxing as well as he could in his embrace.  His back still ached and his lips were dry, but the feeling of Chojuro’s body cradling him brought some relief, if only mental instead of physical.
“I’m glad you’re here with me,” he said softly.
He felt Chojuro’s lips on the back of his head, his ear, his cheek.  “There’s no one I’d rather be almost-assassinated with,” Chojuro teased.
Gaara couldn’t help but chuckle in response and his grip on Chojuro’s forearms tightened, which made the other man compress his own grip on Gaara in response.
“I’ll wake you when it’s light and we’ll move out,” Chojuro assured him.  “Get some rest if you can.”
Gaara complied, if only because he was too exhausted to protest.
By the time they were making their way back through the trees, Gaara was a sickly yellow color, his hair greasy with sweat from his fever, broken in his sleep as Chojuro held him close.  Still, he managed to mostly keep up with Chojuro’s slightly diminished pace.
They were nearly to the spot where they’d been ambushed when he heard Chojuro curse from up ahead.
“They’ve found us.”
There was hardly time to register the words before the enemy nin made contact.  Gaara was too weak to offer proper assistance and he hated that he had to rely on the Mizukage for protection.  Pathetic, really, he thought, that the leader of Sunagakure was rendered all but useless in such a miniscule conflict.
Gaara watched in horror as Chojuro was surrounded.  Weapons flew at him from every direction, but the swordsman managed to parry all but one.  The tanto that cleaved into his thigh, however, made him howl in pain.
As Chojuro dispatched the wielder of the other blade, a second rogue approached from behind intent on landing a killing blow.  Gaara summoned all the strength he had left and just managed to create a wall of sand barely sturdy enough to spare Chojuro’s life.
But it was the last of Gaara’s energy and he and Chojuro locked eyes.  Wordlessly, they stared at one another and Gaara could see in the other man’s expression that he, too, knew they were out of time.
Gaara turned, his ears attuned to the sound of his name instead of his title and he knew who he would find approaching before he even saw the puppet master’s signature face paint.
“Kankuro,” he breathed, the relief in his voice manifested as a sigh.
His brother leapt into battle, making quick work of the shinobi whose tanto had injured Chojuro.  Following quickly behind was Baki-sensei, fingers clasped together as he created a sandstorm to distract and blind the enemy while the Suna forces captured or killed them.
It was a quick return to Sunagakure with their refreshed forces, even if Gaara would never live down the mortification of being carried home on Kankuro’s back like a child.  Chojuro, for his part, seemed in good spirits, flashing him a thumbs up from Baki’s back while he, too, was carried so as not to aggravate his leg wound.  Word was sent to Kirigakure that their Mizukage was safe and would be escorted from Suna as soon as his injury was healed.  They were both relieved to learn that the refugees had made it safely into the Land of Fire escorted by the Kirigakure shinobi and were well on their way to the Land of Water, with the addition of some of Konoha’s forces as well, to deter any further obstruction.
At the Kazekage’s request, Chojuro shared his hospital room, and they passed the time joking lightly with one another while medics attended to each of them in turn.  The poison in Gaara’s system was painstakingly removed in shifts of two medics at a time, and he felt like he was being turned inside out.  The best relief he had during the painful process was when Chojuro reached across the empty space between their beds to grasp his hand.
If any of the medics noticed this tender and intimate gesture, none of them mentioned it.
Once he was safely out of the woods, Baki chided him for not being more careful, though Gaara could see the surly facade was just that—his sensei was as relieved as Gaara that he was alive and mostly out of danger.
Chojuro’s injury was more straightforward and took only an afternoon of healing followed by prescribed bedrest for a day or two.
“I’m sorry for all this trouble, Chojuro.  I should have made certain my forces were better prepared for any interference during our escort.”
But Chojuro just laughed.  “Please,” he said, “I’m sure as a Kage yourself you can appreciate this is as close to a vacation as I’m likely to get.”
Gaara smiled at the words—the Mizukage was not wrong; it was hardly the sort of job where one could simply take a few days off because they wanted to.  But his answer was dry, “Must I remind you that we are in the hospital?”
Chojuro shrugged playfully.  “At least we’re together.”
Gaara smiled at that, and he couldn’t deny how much he appreciated it was the case.  He closed his eyes and allowed himself a moment of real, honest vulnerability.  “I’d be happy to take a real vacation with you sometime, Chojuro.”
He felt his cheeks heat when he realized there was still a nurse in the room with them, but Chojuro was undeterred.  “Maybe a cruise,” he suggested.
Gaara hummed.  “Maybe,” he said.
That night, once the hospital staff had left them to their own devices, Chojuro sneaked out of his bed and climbed beneath the sheets with Gaara, tangling their limbs together.
Gaara reached out and traced a hand over Chojuro’s cheek, enjoying the feel of his scruffy facial hair beneath his fingertips.  Their noses brushed against one another’s as they slowly inched closer.  When Chojuro pulled him in for a kiss, it was gentle and soft, a relief that they were both alive to hold one another now, even if it was in a hospital bed.
Chojuro pulled away, snickering a little.  “Sorry,” he said, swiping his thumb over Gaara’s lower lip where his sharp teeth had accidently drawn blood in the moment he’d let his gentle nature slip.
“It’s all right,” Gaara assured him, pulling him close again, palm balanced against his cheek, “I don’t mind the taste of blood.”
It was a good thing because that was not the only time that evening Chojuro allowed his relief to get the better of him.
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ilitiaforever · 2 years
Wip commission ♥️ Chojuro x Gaara
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41 notes · View notes
kankuroplease · 2 years
Request List (not in order); Complete
Be sure to check the rules before requesting
Kankuro 🖤🖤🖤
Sasuke and Sai
Madara x Katsura 🖤
Gai ❤️‍🔥
Mangetsu 🖤
Chojuro X Kurotsuchi
Obito and Aori 🖤
Darui/C 🖤
Jugo 🖤🖤🖤
SuiKa 🖤🖤🖤
Hashirama 🖤🖤🖤
Gaara 🖤🖤🖤
Haku 🖤
Itahana 🖤🖤
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Late Night Greetings
Commission for @iantoya for Gaara X Urashiki with an unexpected visit after one of their fights <3 Thank you so much for this commission. It was interesting to write this pairing, and to do all the research I did for Urashiki (who I have never interacted with before this fic). It was a wild ride and I enjoyed every minute of writing it <3
Words: 2784
Cool night air brushes against his face. High in the sky, the moon hovers, watching down on the earth as it always has. Playing guardian to a world full of helpless people. Just a few days ago Gaara thought that the best protection that the earth had was here. He had firmly believed that the danger his world faced was over.
How wrong he’d been. 
“You can’t let it get to you. We’ll figure out how to beat them.” Kankuro tried to offer support, but Gaara pulled away. Closed his brother out for the first time since they were children, determined to work through this issue on his own. 
The wind blew through his hair, shifting that carefully sculpted style he had worked so hard to repair and returning it to its basic form. Unkempt, free to dance against his forehead to the wind’s tune. “Is this really what it has come to?” His words fly out into the empty air. No ears to hear them. No mouth to respond to them. A private question between himself and the night. “Have we finally found an enemy that we can’t beat?”
The battle hadn’t even been fair. Although Chojuro and he had stood their ground, defending themselves from the attacker, it felt more like a one-sided dance. Every move the Otsutsuki made they would have to guard against. There was little room for them to attack, and even when they did it failed to work.
Still, they stood their ground. Both of them were ready and willing to give their lives if need be to protect their world. To guard those who were unable to guard themselves.
“I’m sure if Naruto was here…” Shaking the thought out of his head he sighs. It isn’t Naruto’s job to protect them. As the Kazekage he has promised to keep his village and the people he cared about safe. To rely on someone who has their own village and child to protect is both unreasonable and pathetic.
Naruto cannot always be there to save him. Yet, at times like this, he wishes his friend was here. Perhaps then the Otsutsuki would have retreated sooner. At the very least the fight would have felt less one-sided.
“The next time they attack, we’ll have to be prepared.” When the next attack will be they didn’t know. The Otsutsuki have already proven to be rather unpredictable, which means they have to be on high alert at all times. “I can’t allow him to escape again.”
“You can’t allow it?” A voice speaks behind him, laughing when Gaara’s sand comes up to defend him only to strike at nothing but empty air. “Who’s to say you have a choice?” Although there is no one behind him, Gaara can sense a presence nearby. A companion in his solitude who is both unexpected and unwelcome. 
“What are you doing here?” His voice is calm, but there is fear bubbling inside of him. Earlier he had faced off against the Otsutsuki with Chojuro at his side. Now, he is alone. Kankuro is in bed, Temari lives in Konoha, and although Baki is a talented shinobi he isn’t on the same level as a Kage.
A Kage who has, frankly, not done all that well in the battle, to begin with.
“Ah, do you not take visitors at this hour?” Straining his eyes, Gaara clenches his teeth when he sees the outline of the Otsutsuki’s portal in the night sky. Although it was an easy thing to see during the day, it blends into the night sky. “I’d apologize, but let’s be honest”—a frame appears suddenly. Blinding white clothes and skin shining like a beacon against the black sky. One second he is hovering in the air, looking down on Gaara, the next, he is directly in front of him. A twisted smile on his face and a white hand reaching out towards him—“there’s little you can do to stop me.”
Gaara steps back, avoiding that hand stretched out towards him. “It’s rather rude to attack during the nighttime,” he states, eyes glued on the hand now hovering between them. “If I battle you here I’ll end up waking the villagers from their slumber.”
That smile twists a bit more, a cruel expression setting into the man’s eyes. “Fight?” he asks in an innocent tone that contradicts his facial expression. “Why do you think I’m here to fight?”
A ridiculous question. All the Otsutsuki have wanted to do since their arrival is fight. Their only goal is to collect the tailed beasts’ chakra, specifically the nine tails. If there is anything else that they enjoy doing, Gaara isn’t aware of it.
“If you’re not here to fight…” His eyes travel down his opponent’s body, stopping at his hand. Still stretched out towards him it hovers there. Not reaching further, but not retracting either. A constant presence in his space that’s both dangerous and non-threatening at the same time. “Then why are you here?”
“So many questions.” Closing his hand, he extends a finger toward Gaara. “Fine, I’ll answer your question if you answer mine.”
At this moment, faced against an opponent who is rather dull-witted at times but still incredibly strong compared to him, all Gaara can do is stand there and wait. If he attempts a fight his village will be in danger because of his rash judgment.
There is a time for fighting and a time for entertaining. Right now is the latter. 
“Alright then,” he agrees, keeping his eyes on the hand now pointing at him. “What is your question?”
The smile drops off his guest’s face and his eyes widen with surprise. As if he wasn’t expecting Gaara to accept his terms. “You”—he tsks, giving his head a shake—“mortals. I thought you were rather dull creatures. Incapable of keeping up with the power of the Otsutsuki clan. It appears I was only partially right.”
“Dull? That’s an interesting phrase to hear from you,” Gaara fires back. “Are you bitter that I caught you off guard in our battle?”
The jab hits its mark. With a scowl on his face, Gaara’s opponent lifts his hand and pokes his forehead, right where the word ‘Love’ is tattooed into his skin.
“Why does it say that?” he asks, delivering a question Gaara has not prepared himself for. “Why does it say ‘Love’? That’s not the name the other mortal used for you.”
Gaara raises an eyebrow. “Name? Why would it be my name?” he responds with a question of his own. 
His opponent huffs. “What else would you put on your skin?” he fires back with another question. “If you are going to put something on your skin, why not put your name so your opponents know whose hands they will meet their end to? Though, I guess that’s pointless for a mortal like you.” Retracting his hand he sneered down at Gaara. “A mortal like you could never beat someone in battle. You’re so tiny and pathetic.”
Tiny and pathetic. That was not how most people would describe Gaara. Terms he was far more used to hearing were ‘monster’ and ‘murderer’, though those words hadn’t been used against him since the Fourth Great Shinobi War. 
“For someone so tiny and pathetic, I seem to have dealt a rather painful blow to you earlier.” He keeps his voice calm, but there is a spike of pride in his own heart when his opponent grimaces at the reminder. “You escaped of course, but you also ran away rather quickly.”
“I did not run away!” his opponent snaps. “I made a tactical retreat.”
“That’s a fancy way of saying ‘running away’.” Gaara wouldn’t usually taunt his opponent. It’s something he has never found an interest in and left to others, but in moments like this, he can see the appeal. The way the man’s eyes narrow in anger. The visible clench of his teeth as he bites back a retort that might earn him another painful reminder of his failure to defeat Gaara and Chojuro as easily as he would have wished.
It’s rather exciting to see. Gaara might not be able to beat him in a battle if it comes down to it, but he has the comfort of knowing he outclasses his opponent in a match of wits.
“You—“ Stepping forward, he looms over Gaara. Staring down at him with angry white eyes. “I could crush you.”
“But you haven’t,” Gaara argues. “So, it’s my turn to ask my question. That was our deal was it not?”
Those cold, angry eyes glare at him. Burrowing into his soul as he stands there waiting. Then, as if there had been no anger at all, his opponent laughs. “Fine,” he agrees. “You can ask your question, mortal.”
Gaara doesn’t dwell on the fact that he never actually answered the man’s question. There are too many questions he has. So many holes in the information he has, and a small window of opportunity to fill them.
“Why are you here?” He scolds himself for wasting his opportunity to gather intel in favour of such a ridiculous question, but he can’t help but ask. If there’s something of gain for the enemy here he needs to know so that he can protect it. 
“Ah!” The man’s face lights up. “An interesting question. I have nothing to gain here, no tactical plans. If you’re worried that I might attack your puny village for something you may relax. I have no desire to fight tonight.”
There’s too much excitement in his voice for Gaara’s comfort. 
“If you’re not here to fight, then why are you here?” Gaara questions, frowning when the man holds up a hand.
“You get two questions but you still haven’t answered the question I posed to you?” Leaning in, he hovers just in front of Gaara’s face. Close enough that Gaara can feel his breath against his face. “How is that fair, mortal?”
“I didn’t realize we were playing by the rules this time,” Gaara admits. “I apologize. What was your question again?”
Feigning ignorance earns him a rather unimpressed glare, but it’s a look that doesn’t linger for long. Dismissing the emotion rather quickly, his visitor smirks. “This.” He points back at the tattoo on Gaara’s forehead. “Why is the word ‘Love’ written there? If you’re not going to put your name there for your enemies to see, why put love?”
It’s a question Gaara is all too familiar with. Kankuro had been the first to ask years ago when he changed the word on his forehead. Temari came next, her question demanding a clearer explanation than Kankuro’s. Naruto never asked about the change, but he had complimented Gaara on it, saying that ‘Love’ was a word that fit him a lot better than ‘hatred’.
“It’s the path I want to follow.” He sighs when his words are greeted with an unconvinced expression. “When I was young I allowed myself to fall into darkness and hatred. A friend was able to reach out and pull me from the path I was headed down, redirecting me to a better one. A path paved by love and friendship. I wear this tattoo to remind myself of that.”
The explanation is usually met with awe and wonder, but today the response that he receives is very different. Disgust. It’s the only word he can think of to describe the twisted look on the other man’s face.
“Love and friendship.” Tapping his finger against the tattoo, he growls. “What pathetic ideals. Though, I guess that’s to be expected with a mortal. Such puny creatures.” Even as he speaks down to Gaara, insulting the very ideal that has helped him push through some of his hardest struggles, he stays. Not moving away even an inch, hovering there directly in front of Gaara.
Gaara can’t help but wonder why. 
“You said you have no desire to fight today,” he whispers, staring into angry white eyes. “So, why are you here? If your purpose is not to fight, then what is it?”
Silence lingers between them as his opponent debates the question, weighing it in his mind while continuing to hover directly in front of Gaara. Close enough to attack if the Kazekage so wishes, or to kiss.
He’s surprised by that second thought, but now that it’s in his mind he can’t stop returning to it. His eyes fall to the other man’s lips, watching them as they curl upwards into another cruel smile. It should be a warning. A wordless message for Gaara to step back and prepare himself for a fight.
He doesn’t.
Even when a hand reaches out towards him he continues to stand there. When fingers begin to curl into the front of his shirt, yanking him forward so he’s not just inches away from his opponent’s face, he simply stares. Waiting to see what will happen next.
“Mortals are so bland,” his opponent grumbles. “To think that I, Otsutsuki Urashiki, would be bested even for a second by someone so puny is insulting. I have powers you cannot even imagine.”
“So kill me,” Gaara dares him, keeping his calm disposition. “If I have insulted you so much, Urashiki—”
The words are stolen from his mouth. Whisked away in an instance when Urashiki slams his lips against Gaara’s in a hot, heavy kiss. It’s sloppy and awkward; there’s a demand for dominance on Urashiki’s side that Gaara doesn’t fight against.
It’s nothing like the kisses Gaara has read about in stories. There are no tender face touches or feelings of fireworks going off in his heart. This is the kiss of an enemy. Someone who just days ago would have killed him if given the opportunity. 
A being so powerful that Gaara barely registers on his map. 
It’s not the type of kiss that he expects to be his first, yet it’s perfect. A kiss made just for him. With anger and force behind every little movement, demanding Gaara’s constant attention.
When Urashiki breaks the kiss, there’s a sense of loss in Gaara’s soul. His hand longs to reach out and pull Urashiki back, but he refrains. That’s not the game his opponent is playing.
Gaara isn’t an equal partner in a potential relationship, that much is clear. 
“You,” Urashiki finally answers his question. “Such an interesting thing. No other mortal has piqued my interest quite like you, Love.”
“Love?” Gaara frowns. 
“Well, it is the name you have etched here.” Tapping his finger against Gaara’s forehead, Urashiki gives him another cruel smile, but this time instead of fearing that expression, Gaara finds himself excited. As if he’s playing with a puzzle that has no definitive answer to it. One good move could earn him another kiss, while a wrong move could get him killed. “If you don’t want people calling you that, don’t wear it on your forehead, Love.”
Gaara has had a lot of nicknames in his life, most of them cruel words spit from angry mouths. This one is new and interesting. To be called such a soft word by someone who would gladly destroy him, his village, and his world if given permission.
He’s not sure why any of this is thrilling to him, but it is.
He wants more.
“I’ll be back.” A finger hooks under his chin, tilting his head upwards as Urashiki begins to float back towards his portal. “Keep yourself alive while I’m gone, Love.”
An order. 
The dynamic is set. Gaara is the prey and Urashiki is the predator. 
Urashiki is having fun with him. Enjoying the mortal that dared to outsmart him in battle. It’s a strange dynamic. One Gaara has read about but never thought about entertaining in his own romantic life.
Of course, before today he had always thought he would take the role of ‘predator’ because of his past. The reputation he carved out for himself as a child left little room for anyone else to chase after him.
Now he finds himself in the opposite situation. The prey being circled while the predator licks its lips and thinks of the delicious dinner it’s going to have. He can’t help but smile. A small, excited smile that Urashiki catches a glimpse of just as he enters his portal.
“I’ll be back, Love,” his voice echoes from his escape, bleeding into the air around Gaara. A promise and a threat at the same time. “Do keep yourself alive while I’m gone.”
With that, the portal and Urashiki disappear, leaving Gaara standing alone once again. Nothing to keep him company except the stars in the sky and the lingering taste of Urashiki’s kiss.
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Ok but hear me out!
Chojuro x Crybaby!Garra ❤
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spellcasterlight · 2 years
Thanks for the follow on my other blog iantoyawrites. Do you by chance indulge in any of my rare pair stuff over on the page like Urashaki x Gaara and Chojuro x Gaara? I see your bingo game is open but I'm scared to ask about my crack ships (though I loathe calling them that).
Hi there @iantoya! 😊
I won't like I straight up had to google who Urashaki was so I may not be the best person to write that ship for you in case I severely mess it up! 😂
[Chojuro x Gaara] though? Oh, yea! I would happily write them! I haven't written anything with Chojuro yet but I had to do a bit of reading on him because I have another request for them in my queue so I would be a bit more confident in my ability to write him.
Also, who cares if it's a crack ship? All my favourite ships are rare pairs, my OTP is a rare pair, some of the pairings in my queue don't even have a tag on Ao3 or there are like three stories for them so yea! The rarer the better really 😂
Thanks for the ask! ✨
Ao3 ✨ |Story Request Bingo Cards 📖 | WIP Game Always Open ✒️| Hot Chocolate ☕
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
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Chojuro wondered, how would Gaara react to his hand being kissed? And if he was going to do it, was now the best time? Or when they were done dancing? He wasn't ready to stop now, but...he was afraid he might lose his nerve if he waited for what felt like the perfect opportunity. This was it.
Chojuro lifted one of his hands from Gaara's waist and reached for one of Gaara's forearms, gently. He tugged at Gaara's sleeve and Gaara unclasped his hands behind Chojuro's neck, offering him his arm silently.
Chojuro took Gaara's hand in his own and met his ringed eyes. He lifted the hand slowly to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to his fingers just below his knuckles, never breaking eye contact.
He was rewarded with wide eyes and Gaara's flushed face. Chojuro felt dreamy. Gaara was a uniquely beautiful young man and to see him react this way was edifying. It seemed Temari was right. He did have a crush. On the Kazekage of all people. He was completely hopeless, he realized.
Gaara stared in astonishment. Besides his siblings and Yashumaru, whose name still made his stomach turn to this day with pain and regret, no one dared or cared to show him such affection.
"W-Why?" Gaara squeaked out, his voice breaking in surprise.
"Why not?" Chojuro replied vaguely with a kind smile.
"I..." He wanted to remind him of what he did to him, but knew that conversation was a dead end. "I don't know. No one has before."
Chojuro couldn't fight the impulse to do it again. He kissed his hand once more, this time closing his eyes. He released Gaara's hand and looked at him a little nervously. Gaara found himself wishing he'd still hold it close to his mouth, against his teeth.
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ricflairdrip20 · 4 years
HCs I Requested - sorry these are too fun
Gaara, Kankuro, Kakashi, Naruto, Tobi with a deaf S/O
Gaara and Kankuro taking care of their S/O who has a hangover
Gaara, Kankuro, Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi, Kiba, Itachi, Hashirama, Tobirama taking care of their S/O who has COVID-19
Shino and his S/O
Kakashi, Kiba, Asuma, Neji with an S/O who has a bad temper
Naruto x Gaara
Shikamaru x Gaara
Valentine’s Day Special
Gaara Relationship Headcannons
Matsuri, Yukata, Sari Friendship Headcannons
Baki Sensei Relationship Headcannons
Kankuro Relationship Headcannons
Sand Siblings as Grandparents
Genma in Bed nsfw
Baki Sensei with an S/O who is shy and introverted and stutters
Gaara Ted Talk
Hashirama Relationship Headcannons
Pakura Friendship Headcannons
Kazekage Rasa Daddy Kink nsfw
Yaoki and Korobi Friendship Headcannons
Baki Sensei and his S/O moving in together
Gaara and his S/O First Kiss
Training with Baki Sensei
Baki Sensei reading in bed while his S/O sleeps on his shoulder
Baki as a Strict HS Teacher AU
First Time with Kankuro nsfw
Kazekage Rasa nsfw
Inoichi Daddy Kink nsfw
Baki Revealing the Other Half of His Face
Sweet on You - Baki and his S/O
Baki x Kakashi
Rasa NSFW Alphabet nsfw
Gaara x Shikamaru
Training with Baki Sensei Headcannon
Kazekage Rasa Overstimulation Kink nsfw
Sun Too Bright - Baki and his S/O
Kakashi x Baki nsfw
Laurie Forman
Match Up - Baki Sensei
Baki Sensei Casual Bar Date
Kankuro Relationship Headcannons
Baki and his easily flustered S/O
Training with Kankuro
Kazekage Rasa with the vibrator nsfw
Baki Sensei and his shy S/O
Baki Sensei NSFW Alphabet nsfw
Baki Sensei with an adopted baby
Kankuro’s fingering game nsfw
Baki Sensei Prompt #115 nsfw
Reto kun nsfw
Telling Hashirama that reader likes Reto
Baki Angst
Kinktober - Chojuro Overstimulation Kink nsfw
Kinktober - Reto Overstimulation Kink nsfw
Baki x Hayate New Year Kiss
Baki x Hayate Accidental Kiss
Baki x Hayate nsfw
Gaara and Itachi with stripper S/O
“I’m going to ruin you” - Baki Sensei nsfw
Corruption Kink - Baki Sensei nsfw
Onsen with Nanao - nsfw
Don’t Say No to Me ft. Asuma nsfw
Survivor’s Guilt
Hotch’s S/O Nightmare
No More Pain - Gaara x Reader Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
First Time with David Wallace nsfw
Political Ruin - Baki x Reader
My Art Masterlist ->
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uzushi0 · 6 years
August Events!
Hey there, shinobi!
We will have six (6) Events for the month of August! One will be spanning the entire month, and then five separate week-long events within that timeframe.
The timeline will look like this!
The whole month of August: Event: Summer Fun (August 1-31) Week 1: Event: Obito Week 2018 (July 29-August 4) Week 2: Event: Founders Week 2018 (August 5-August 11) Week 3: Event: Missing Nin X Konoha Week 2018 (August 12-18) Week 4: Event: Time Travel Week 2018 (August 19-25) Week 5: Event: Focus on Naruto’s Generation (August 26-Sept 1) (And then we will launch directly into Event: Sapphic September, TBA)
I don’t care if you start writing before the ‘Week’ in question starts, but do not submit early. I.e. you can start writing Time Travel fills now, but don’t!!! Submit them to me!! Before the 19th of August!!!!
Month of August: Summer Fun Event
August 1- August 31
The Event: Summer Fun will be going in the background while we have the week-long events. You’ll be able to submit Mission fills for this Event for the whole month, regardless of what week it is, and be rewarded by unlocking the achievement Achievement: Invincible Summer.
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Week 1: Obito Week 2018
July 29-August 4th
For this Event, we are going to accept gen fics. No rarepair needed! It just needs to be Obito-centric. The Mission Ranks guidelines will still determine what Rank your fill will be.
From July 29-August 4th you can write Obito-centric fics/make fanart of the Bad Life Choices Boy. Fics will get the +1 Event Bonus. Pretty simple.
Achievement Unlocked: Trash Baby Babysitter
Week 2: Founders Week 2018
August 5th-August 11th
For this Event the rules are pretty simple. It is a shipping week but I’ll take genfics. (as always, non-rarepair ships will get the -1 Penalty, which the Event Bonus cancels out). 
One half of the pairing has to be one of the founders for the Villages, or the fic as a whole has to be set in that Era. Preferably before the founding of the village, or at the very beginning of it. Alternately, if it’s character specific, any time works. (I.e. Tobirama thrown into the future, would technically qualify.)
Achievement Unlocked: Dinosaur Wrangler
Week 3: Missing Nin X Konoha Week 2018
August 12-August 18th
One half of the pairing has to be a missing nin; the other half has to be a Konoha shinobi. You could take a page out of @blackkatmagic​’s book with Kisame/Genma, Kakashi/Zabuza, Hidan/Asuma, etc. Or you could make your own! Note that Missing nin X Missing nin will be it’s own Event probably in October, but for these purposes you could make the second half of the OTP/ot3? a missing nin, as long as they’re from Konoha. Doing so technically violates the spirit of the event but, eh, KakaObi and KisaObi are too much fun. Also, Konoha breeds crazy.
Rarepair rules apply.
Achievement Unlocked: Drive Sarutobi to Drink
Week 4: Time Travel Week 2018
August 19-August 25th
Use the trope: Time Travel. This is a rarepair thing or a genfic. If you use a a non-rarepair ship, it cancels out the Event Bonus. That’s actually the only rule. Late fics don’t get the Event Bonus, so try not to pull some Backslide/Reverse nonsense. Although if we inspire that, fuck yeah.
Achievement Unlocked: Loop de Loop
Week 5: Focus on Naruto’s Generation
August 26-September 1
Write some rarepair with a ship from Naruto’s generation. They’ve got to be within 3 years of the sunshine son. It doesn’t actually have to include the Boy, just focus on someone Suigetsu/Chojuro/Haku/Gaara/Konoha 11′s age group. (You can age them up, I don’t care, just: the canon generation.)
Achievement Unlocked: Fighting Dreamers
A reminder about Mission Ranks
A rank: 15 to 25k words. B rank: 10 to 15k words. C rank: 5 to 10k words. D rank: 3 to 5k words. E rank: 1 to 3k words
Event-Only Ranks
These ranks are not subject to the +1 Event Bonus
SS rank: 50K words or more. S rank: 25 to 50k words. A+ rank: An Event A-rank (15 to 25k words)
Rarepair Ranks
S+ rank: No fics on ao3. S rank: 1 fic on ao3. A+ rank: Less than 5 fics on ao3. A rank: Less than 10 B+ rank: Less than 50 B rank: Less than 75 C+ rank: Less than 100. C rank: Less than 150 D+ rank: Less than 175 D rank: Less than 200
For more questions our ASKBOX is always open!
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ninja-scenarios · 7 years
Masterlist Naruto:
first date headcanons
One shot Deidara x reader - a day off
relationship headcanons
One shot - spicy dance lesson
getting jealous/possessive
comforting his s/o
relationship headcanons
s/o and relationship headcanons
first date headcanons
small series (in order): first encounter | second encounter
with an S/O who has social anxiety
with a very affectionate s/o
Hinata Hyuga: 
NaruHina one shot - post war AU
Iruka Umino: 
Itachi Uchiha:
for the last time - Itachi x reader
taking care of a college student s/o
sad scenario - Downpour
How he shows his love
Kakashi Hatake:
with a deaf s/o
one shot Kakashi x reader
one shot : Kakashi x reader 
boyfriend scenario: how you meet
Kakashi x injured!s/o
How he shows his love
comforting his s/o
getting jealous/possessive
with a s/o with a special habit
getting jealous 
reacting to his relationship in public
reacting to his s/o having epilepsy
snuggling with his s/o
Tea and Coffee - Kakashi office romance one shot
taking care of an s/o who returns from a long mission
dancing with an hoh s/o
taking care of an injured!reader
with a very affectionate s/o
Kiba Inuzuka:
with a deaf s/o
match up
Kisame Hoshigaki
boyfriend headcanons
with an S/O who has social anxiety
Madara Uchiha: 
Lonely Moon - smut
Minato Namikaze: 
match up
relationship headcanons
Naruto Uzumaki: 
How he reacts to his s/o being sad
moodboard + positive vibes
NaruHina one shot - post war AU
reacting to dermatilomania
small series (in order): first encounter
Neji Hyuga:
How he shows his love
babysitting with his s/o
s/o and relationship headcanons
xfiancée!reader fluff
first date headcanons
coming back from a long mission 
headcanons: NSFW and SFW
Yandere!Orochimaru  Love can blind you - Part two Yandere!Orochimaru
One shot- Autophagy
One shot - Sea
Orochimaru x sick!reader
How he shows his love
reacting to a pregnant s/o
getting jealous/possessive
reacting to an injured s/o
having a nightmare 
reacting to his s/o being a k-idol
Yandere!Orochimaru x reader
immortality headcanons + fluffy scenario
reacting to becoming a parent
Samurai/Edo-Era AU
yandere!Orochimaru x kindhearted!reader
yandere!Orochimaru hc + scenario
Orochimaru x reader - Birthday special
Orochimaru in Konoha bf headcanons + small scenario
with a very affectionate s/o
One shot - jokes on you
Rin Nohara: 
relationship headcanons
with an S/O who has social anxiety
Sasuke Uchiha: 
How he shows his love
Sasuke x reader - cat!AU
match up
Sasuke x reader smut
reacting to dermatilomania
self ship
reacting to his s/o in a car accident
getting possessive (smut)
small series (in order): first encounter
Shikamaru Nara:
Shikamaru x reader - highschoolAU
Shikamaru x period!reader
match up
getting jealous/possessive
with a s/o with a special habit
Shikamaru x L x Sherlock
Shino Aburame: 
Shino x reader - hunters and gatherers
Tobirama Senju:
taking care of an s/o who returns from a long mission
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I started "Where the sand and ocean meet" on a wimp. I have no idea what I'm doing at all and I'm just making it up as I go along...
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Where the sand and water meet
(Part 10)
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Omega!Garra x Alpha!Chojuro
Good golly gosh, we've reached 10 chapters
(I should never say good golly gosh ever again...)
Garra sat there quietly, slowly rocking back and forth in his rocking chair, just enjoying the silence. Every one in a while the baby would move a bit.
“Sayo...? Or Eimi...?” Garra asked himself, rubbing his thumb gently against his stomach.
Garra smelled the familiar scent of sea grass begin to fill the room, a calming presence behind him. A pair of gentle hands cupped his face, tilting it upwards.
“Hey baby...” Chojuro muttered, planting a soft kiss on Garra's forehead.
“Hey...” Garra reached up and rested his hands against Chojuro's larger hands.
“How are you two doing...?”
“We're fine...” Garra purred, enjoying the feeling of Chojuro referring to him and the baby as "two".
Garra grabbed Chojuro's hand and pressed it against his stomach. Chojuro felt a small kick against his hand, Chojuro's face lit up immediately after he felt it.
“Hey sweetie....” Chojuro said gleefully.
Garra smiled softly to himself, watching as Chojuro sweetly to the baby as she kicked.
“Saimi...” Garra said quietly, rubbing his stomach.
“Saimi...?” Chojuro echoed questioningly.
“Yeah, "Sa" from the name "Sayo" and "imi" from the name "Eimi"...”
“Saimi, the child of the sand and the ocean.” Chojuro said with a smile.
“A perfect name...” Chojuro muttered, planting a soft kiss on Garra's stomach.
“I got you some ice cream...” Chojuro said sweetly, resting a gallon of Neapolitan ice cream in Garra's hands.
“Aww... You know me so well...” Garra said with a purr.
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“Are you sure you're ready...” Garra asked and took a spoon full of ice cream.
“What do you mean?” Chojuro asked, gently stroking his hand against Garra's stomach. “Are you having second thoughts...?”
“...A little bit...” Garra took another bite of ice cream, he felt his anxiety rising. “I thought I could do this, but I can't...”
“We don't have to if you don't want to, we don't have to tell the public.” Chojuro pressed a soft kiss against Garra's cheek.
“But I feel like we should...” Garra pressed his nose into Chojuro's broad chest. “Wouldn't it be nice to not having something like weighing on your chest...”
“Yeah... It would...” Chojuro ran his hand along Garra's back. “It would definitely reduce your stress...”
“You should move in...” Garra muttered. “You and Kagura can move in and wel be closer together...”
“Garra, I can't do that...” Chojuro said solemnly. “I have a responsibility to protect the village, and my nation...”
“Right...” Garra's heart ached at Chojuro's response. Garra pulled away from Chojuro and closed his eyes.
There were so many things that they couldn't do just because they were the Kage of their respective nations. Garra wiped the tears from his eyes and sighed.
“Are you ok..?” Chojuro muttered, gently resting his hand on Garra's shoulder.
“It's just pregnancy hormones...” Garra muttered, pulling away and leaving the room.
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“Garra...?” Chojuro walked up to Garra were he sat on the boarder of Suna and Konoha.
“What is it...” Garra muttered.
“Im sorry, I didn't mean to upset you...” Chojuro muttered, hugging Garra tightly.
“Stop it... I'm fine...” Garra pushed Chojuro away.
Chojuro sighed, Chojuro stood up and got ready to leave.
“Can we make this work...?” Garra muttered, rubbing his stomach. “How are we going to make this work...?”
“We'll find a way... Like our little flower...”
The pink flower that grew where in the space where Suna and Konoha merged together. A little seed growing against the odds, growing in the space of two nations at the same time.
“Just like that little flower, just like Saimi, we can make this work....” Chojuro wrapped his arms around Garra's waist.
“You're right...” Garra's muttered, leaning back against his lover. “We can make this work...”
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Where the sand and water meet
(Part 5)
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Omega!Garra x Alpha!Chojuro
Dedicated to and inspired by @iantoya
Together we shall spread Chojuro x Garra >:]
Warning: mpreg, Garra being stubborn af, a long ass chapter ✨
Chojuro was the first to wake up, forcing his eyes open and looking around the room a bit before sitting up. He pulled his thumb out of his mouth and looked at it, he must have been sucking on it all night during his sleep.
Thankful Garra either didn't care or was already asleep, he'd probably die if anyone found out about it. He dried his thumb off on his shirt and wiped the drool from the side of his mouth and sighed.
Garra shifted on the other side of the bed but didn't wake up. Chojuro smiled to himself, swiping back some loose strands of Garra's messy hair with his opposite hand. Though it didn't do much to fix Garra's hair, just touching Garra made him feel happy.
Chojuro's eyes went over to the clock on the table, it read 6:00 am. Garra shifted a bit and sat up in bed.
“Hey baby...” Garra muttered quietly, rubbing his eyes with closed fists. Chojuro wrapped his arms around Garra and kissed him on the lips. Garra buried his face into Chojuro's chest and purred.
“Well... I suppose I should go now...” Chojuro muttered, getting up from the bed. Garra whined and held Chojuro's hand.
“No... Stay for a bit...” Garra begged, “Stay for breakfast and then we can hang out for the rest of the day in our secret forest...”
“But will your siblings be ok with it...?” Chojuro muttered, giving Garra a weary look. Garra sighed and looked away.
“Well... Kankuro won't like it but it'll be a good chance for you to build trust with him!” Garra said, squeezing Chojuro a bit.
“Kankuro will get used to you being around and eventually start hanging out with you, and soon, he'll accept you!” Garra said with a smile. Chojuro gave him a skeptical look but shrugged.
“I mean... That is a good idea...” Chojuro said, Garra chirped and kissed Chojuro's chin. Garra hopped off the bed and grabbed Chojuro's hand, pulling him over to the door.
“Come on, let's go into the living room...” Garra smiled, pulling Chojuro behind him.
“Are you sure...?” Chojuro whimpered.
“Yes, it'll be ok. Temari is probably awake already but she seems to like you.” Garra smiled softly, Chojuro sighed and nodded.
“Ok...” Chojuro sighed again, following Garra out the room.
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Garra sauntered into the room with fixed hair, twirling a hair brush in his hands. Chojuro stared fearfully out the window as Garra sat down beside him and brushed his hair.
“Garraaaaa... I'm scared... I don't want to get into a fight...” Chojuro whimpered, Garra giggled and took the brush away from Chojuro's hair and rubbed Chojuro's back.
“It's gonna be fine, there will be no fighting.” Garra muttered, pressing his cheek against Chojuro and giving a gentle purr to calm him down.
“I sure hope not...” Temari said as he walked into the living room, Chojuro jumped and hugged Garra.
“Stop being such a nervous wreck... You're always jumping...” Garra huffed, Chojuro whimpered and looked away. “It's just my siblings...”
“Sorry...” Chojuro muttered, rubbing his arm slightly. Garra hugged Chojuro tightly and kissed him on the cheek.
“Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.” Temari giggled, Chojuro sighed and leaved back against the couch.
“It's fine...” Chojuro huffed, Temari smiled and sat beside them Chojuro on the couch.
“Maybe, when Kankuro finally gets up, we should go out for breakfast!” Garra suggested, Temari nodded while Chojuro silently panicked.
“That would be a good idea!” Temari said, “it's probably a good chance for Chojuro and Kankuro to bond!”
“So you're planing on trying to get me to like him, huh...?” Kankuro muttered, strutting into the living room. Chojuro shivered slightly and looked down at his feet.
“Look, I just want you to see that Chojuro is a good person!” Garra said, raising his voice a bit. Kankuro rolled his eyes.
“It's not that I think he's a bad person, I just don't like the fact that he's Mizukage!” Kankuro yelled.
“I don't know what exactly will happen if anyone finds out but there's a 64% chance that it will definitely cause some kind of problems!” Kankuro muttered. He was right about that, they didn't know what would happen but that's what made Garra so stubborn.
“But what if everyone accepts us?!” Garra retorted, unfortunately, Garra wasn't gonna give up his argument.
“We still shouldn't take such a big risk like that!” Kankuro yelled, getting up in Garra's face. Chojuro whimpered and stood up.
“I think I should go...” Chojuro muttered, rubbing his arm a bit.
“Yes, it's best you leave...” Kankuro growled, Garra hissed defiantly and held Chojuro's hand, pulling him close.
“No he isn't...” Garra growled, scaring Chojuro a bit. He'd never seen Garra so upset, so passionate about anything before. Garra always seemed so calm but here he was, watching Garra have a whole screaming match with his older brother.
“No.. I should, I'm just causing problems...” Chojuro whimpered, Garra didn't budge and just kept Chojuro close to him.
“Well I said you should stay!” Garra yelled, making Chojuro flinch.
“Garra, let him leave...” Kankuro muttered, Garra growled quietly and shifted closer to Chojuro.
“If he has to leave, then I'm gonna leave...” Garra said quietly. Kankuro blinked a bit and frowned.
“Garra, just think about what you're saying!” Kankuro huffed, Garra shook his head and stared at Kankuro, his scent sour with anger.
“I think we are leaving...” Garra huffed, pulling Chojuro by the hand behind him as he headed for the door.
“Garra... Should you really leave....?” Chojuro whimpered, hoping Garra would second guess himself. But Garra didn't even pay attention to him and just left.
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